1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)
Dictums of Quran and Hadiths which may dictate/incite honor killing:
Quran- 4:15 “If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, take the evidence of four (reliable) witness from amongst you against them; if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them. Or God ordain for them some (other) way.”
Quran-24:2 “The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication—flog each of them with hundred stripes: Let no compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by God, if ye believe in God and the last day.”
Quran-17:32 “ Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).
Quran-33:33 “stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display.”
Now some sahih hadiths:
Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 63, Number 196:
Narrated Abu Huraira: A man from Bani Aslam came to Allah's Apostle while he was in the mosque and called (the Prophet ) saying, "O Allah's Apostle! I have committed illegal sexual intercourse." On that the Prophet turned his face from him to the other side, whereupon the man moved to the side towards which the Prophet had turned his face, and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have committed illegal sexual intercourse." The Prophet turned his face (from him) to the other side whereupon the man moved to the side towards which the Prophet had turned his face, and repeated his statement. The Prophet turned his face (from him) to the other side again. The man moved again (and repeated his statement) for the fourth time. So when the man had given witness four times against himself, the Prophet called him and said, "Are you insane?" He replied, "No." The Prophet then said (to his companions), "Go and stone him to death." The man was a married one. Jabir bin 'Abdullah Al-Ansari said: I was one of those who stoned him. We stoned him at the Musalla ('Id praying place) in Medina. When the stones hit him with their sharp edges, he fled, but we caught him at Al-Harra and stoned him till he died.
(See also Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 63, Number 195.)
Sahi Bukhari: 8:6814:
Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah al-Ansari: “A man from the tribe of Bani Aslam came to Allah’s Messenger [Muhammad] and informed him that he had committed illegal sexual intercourse; and he bore witness four times against himself. Allah’s Messenger ordered him to be stoned to death as he was a married person.”
Sahi Muslim No. 4206:
“A woman came to the prophet and asked for purification by seeking punishment. He told her to go away and seek God’s forgiveness. She persisted four times and admitted she was pregnant. He told her to wait until she had given birth. Then he said that the Muslim community should wait until she had weaned her child. When the day arrived for the child to take solid food, Muhammad handed the child over to the community. And when he had given command over her and she was put in a hole up to her breast, he ordered the people to stone her. Khalid b. al-Walid came forward with a stone which he threw at her head, and when the blood spurted on her face he cursed her.”
Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol 2. pg 1009; and Sahih Muslim Vol 2. pg 65:
Hadhrat Abdullah ibne Abbaas (Radiallahu Anhu) narrates the lecture that Hadhrat Umar (Radiallaahu Anhu) delivered whilst sitting on the pulpit of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). Hadhrat Umar (Radiallahu Anhu) said, "Verily, Allah sent Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) with the truth, and revealed the Quran upon him. The verse regarding the stoning of the adulterer/ess was from amongst the verse revealed (in the Quraan). We read it, secured it and understood it. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) stoned and we stoned after him. I fear that with the passage of time a person might say, ‘We do not find mention of stoning in the Book of Allah and thereby go astray by leaving out an obligation revealed by Allah. Verily, the stoning of a adulterer/ress is found in the Quraan and is the truth, if the witnesses are met or there is a pregnancy or confession."
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whoever guarantees me that he will guard his chastity, I will guarantee him Paradise”.
Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, An-Nisa’i and others:
Abu Hurayrah reports that the Messenger of Allah said, “No one commits adultery while still remaining a believer, for faith is more precious unto Allah than such an evil act!” In another version, it is stated, “When a person commits adultery he casts away from his neck the bond that ties him to Islam; if, however, he repents, Allah will accept his repentance”.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “O mankind! Beware of fornication/adultery for it entails six dire consequences: three of them relating to this world and three to the next world. As for the three that are related to this world, they are the following: it removes the glow of one’s face, brings poverty, and reduces the life-span. As for its dire consequences in the next world they are: it brings down the wrath of Allah upon the person, subjects him to terrible reckoning, and finally casts him in hell-fire.”
The above Quranic verses and authentic sahih hadiths clearly demonstrate beyond doubt that Prophet Muhammad, under Allah’s direction, stoned adulterers to death and flogged fornicators. Allah’s decree/choice of death for fornicators (Quran: 4:15) and flogging adulteress 100 times with no mercy (Quran: 24:2, which also could lead to certain death) has clearly sanctioned/dictated dreadful punishment for sexual intercourse outside marriage. It is from these scriptural divine spirits Iranian fundamentalist Islamic government practices stoning and flogging adulterers even today. The Iranian Supreme Court sanctioned that an adulteress should be buried up to her chest and stoned to death. Mullahs of Iran know the hadiths quite well. This august body is closely following Allah’s prophet. It is also quite prudent to consider that Muslim parents those who are practicing honor killing are directly motivated, or influenced by the above scriptural and historical (Hadiths) support; hence they are able to commit heinous crime called ‘honor killing’ with (almost) impunity, exultantly and with ample satisfaction that they are following the strict Islamic ethical code to guard chastity, as the holy Prophet repeatedly cautioned Muslims so seriously to guard their women’s chastity.
Muslim schoolgirl, who famously converted to Christianity on Facebook and ran away from her Ohio home, reveals how ten years on she's still estranged and living in fear of honor killing by family or fanatics.Fatima Rifqa Bary fled her parents' home at age 16 and traveled 1,000 miles by bus to seek refuge in Florida.-She claimed her father threatened to kill her for secretly converting from Islam to Christianity.Bary was eventually returned to Ohio, where soon after she was diagnosed with rare uterine cancer, but survived -Bary, now a 22-year-old college student, penned new memoir titled Hiding in the Light: Why I risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus-Six years on, Bary still lives in undisclosed location and fears for her life -By Snejana Farberov For 12:42 GMT, 20 May 2015-DAILYMAIL.CO.UK
Rifqa Bary, the Ohio teen who made national headlines in 2009 when she ran away from her Muslim family after secretly converting to Christianity, writes in her new book that nearly six years after her escape she still lives in fear but does not regret her decision.Born Fatima Rifqa Bary, the Sri Lankan native moved with her family to the US in 2000, when she was 8 years old, ostensibly to seek medical treatment after an accident involving a toy airplane left her blind in her right eye.At age 12, Rifqa secretly became a Christian. When her devout Muslim parents discovered her conversion four years later, the teen fled her family's home in New Albany, Ohio, and sought refuge in Central Florida.Unbroken: Six years after Rifqa Bary fled her parents' home in Ohio for fear of retribution for her conversion from Islam to Christianity, the yong woman, now 22, says she still lives in fear .Bary, now 22, is a college student majoring in philosophy. She still lives in an undisclosed location for fear of retribution.In her new book, Hiding in the Light: Why I risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus, released Tuesday by the WaterBrook Press division of Penguin Random House, Bary details her transformation from a girl growing up in a strict Muslim household to an apostate who, according to some people, shamed her family.Author: Bary wrote a new memoir tracing her transformation from a girl growing up in a strict Muslim household to an apostate.Author: Bary wrote a new memoir tracing her transformation from a girl growing up in a strict Muslim household to an apostate.‘Those who do understand it, and understand it very well, are those who have wanted me dead. That’s why I have taken, and continue to take, precautions to protect my life and safety,’ she writes, according to Columbus Dispatch.The book also sheds light on Rifqa’s strict upbringing, her first religious experiences as a Christian convert and a battle with cancer that nearly cost Bary her life at age 18.In her memoir, the 22-year-old aspiring lawyer reveals that she had been molested as a child by a member of her extended family - an incident that ultimately prompted her parents to leave Sri Lanka and move to the US.‘In some Muslim cultures, like mine, this kind of violation is a great source of dishonor,’ Bary explains. ‘Yet the shame is not attached to the abuser; it is cast on the victim.‘So not only was I viewed now in my parents' eyes as a half-blind picture of imperfection, but I was also a shameful disgrace to the Bary name. My mere presence and appearance were a stain against the most important thing of all — our family honor.’ On July 19, 2009, Rifqa Bary boarded a Greyhound bus in Ohio and traveled nearly 1,000 miles southeast to Central Florida.Police used phone and computer records to track her to the Reverend Blake Lorenz, pastor of Orlando, Florida-based Global Revolution Church, whom she had met through a Facebook prayer group.
When local authorities threatened the pastor and his wife with criminal charges for harboring the teenage fugitive, Rifqa turned herself in to police and spent two days behind bars at a juvenile detention facility.
Thrust into the limelight: Bary made headlines when at age 16 she boarded a Greyhound bus in Ohio and traveled 1,000 miles to seek refuge from her parents in Central Florida. Here she is pictured August 21, 2009, entering a Florida courtroom clutching her Bible.Thrust into the limelight: Bary made headlines when at age 16 she boarded a Greyhound bus in Ohio and traveled 1,000 miles to seek refuge from her parents in Central Florida. Here she is pictured August 21, 2009, entering a Florida courtroom clutching her Bible
Conflicting accounts: Bary writes in her book that her father, Mohamed Bary (pictured in court in 2009), threatened to kill her for turning her back on Islam. But Mr Bary's attorney insists that Rifqa was 'the apple of his eye'-Conflicting accounts: Bary writes in her book that her father, Mohamed Bary (pictured in court in 2009), threatened to kill her for turning her back on Islam. But Mr Bary's attorney insists that Rifqa was 'the apple of his eye'-Rifqa claimed her father threatened to kill her for converting to Christianity and her mother threatened to ship her off to a mental institution in Sri Lanka.The teenage runaway told a Florida judge at one point she feared she would become the victim of an ‘honor killing,’ but investigations carried out by the Columbus Police Department and Florida Department of Law Enforcement failed to corroborate this threat, according to Orlando Sentinel.After several rounds of court hearings, Bary was returned to Ohio where she bounced between foster homes until she turned 18.In her book, Rifqa Bary writes critically of her family and their local mosque, suggesting that they were the deciding factors in her decision to turn her back on Islam and flee.According to Bary, her parents and older brother routinely abused her and prevented her from spending time with friends because in Islam, she write, 'the place for women was at home close to their families, close to Allah.'-She also describes in the book how strict religious rules imposed by the leaders at the mosque attended by her family created a 'whiplash of abuse' at her home.Fearing her family's wrath, Bary said she would hide her Bible and lie to her parents so she could sneak off to church services.Living in fear: The teenage runaway told a Florida judge at one point she feared she would become the victim of an ‘honor killing’-Living in fear: The teenage runaway told a Florida judge at one point she feared she would become the victim of an ‘honor killing’-'Exploited': Her father's attorney claimed that as a teenager, Rifqa came to be exploited and manipulated by ‘Islamophobes’-'Exploited': Her father's attorney claimed that as a teenager, Rifqa came to be exploited and manipulated by ‘Islamophobes’-Rifqa was eventually sent back to Ohio, where she bounced between foster homes until she turned 18. Bary's parents have repeatedly denied the allegations of abuse and claimed that they allowed her to freely practice Christianity.Describing Bary as the 'apple of the eye of her father,' attorney Shayan Elahi said the family is heartbroken over her estrangement and wish Rifqa would reconcile with them.Elahi, who represented Mohamed Bary, Rifqa’s father, in Florida during the custody battle, claimed that as a teenager she came to be exploited and manipulated by ‘Islamophobes’ pursuing their own political and religious agendas.Rifqa Bary details in her autobiography how she was drawn to Christianity as a young girl because it offered her a chance to worship God in a more personal way, not by compulsion, and in a language she could understand.‘To think that someone could pray in English about whatever they wanted to was both scandalous and fascinating to me,’ she writes.Describing her first Christian chruch service, the 22-year-old college sophomore writes how she broke down in tears looking at a cross, which to her symbolized ‘freedom,’ ‘hope’ and ‘unyielding love.’-In her memoir, Bary writes that her mother, Aysha Bary, threatened to ship her off to a mental hospital in Sri Lanka. Her parents have denied these allegations-Aysha Bary, mother of Fathima Rifqa Bary, 17, cries as her daughter is back in court before Circuit Judge Daniel Dawson, on Friday, August 21, 2009, in Orlando, Florida.In her memoir, Bary writes that her mother, Aysha Bary (right), threatened to ship her off to a mental hospital in Sri Lanka. Her parents have denied these allegations.Upon her return to Ohio, Rifqa Bary was diagnosed with a rare form of uterine cancer and given a year to live.After undergoing eight weeks of chemotherapy and several surgeries to remove the malignant tumor, Bary stopped treatment and refused to undergo a hysterectomy citing her religious beliefs.Against overwhelming odds, today the 22-year-old is in remission.But as she tries to lead a normal life, Rifqa says the fear of retaliation is always lurking in the background.‘I still feel like my life is in danger,’ she says. ‘I don't live in fear all the time but I still have to be wise and cautious.’
Dictums of Quran and Hadiths which may dictate/incite honor killing:
Quran- 4:15 “If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, take the evidence of four (reliable) witness from amongst you against them; if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them. Or God ordain for them some (other) way.”
Quran-24:2 “The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication—flog each of them with hundred stripes: Let no compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by God, if ye believe in God and the last day.”
Quran-17:32 “ Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).
Quran-33:33 “stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display.”
Now some sahih hadiths:
Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 63, Number 196:
Narrated Abu Huraira: A man from Bani Aslam came to Allah's Apostle while he was in the mosque and called (the Prophet ) saying, "O Allah's Apostle! I have committed illegal sexual intercourse." On that the Prophet turned his face from him to the other side, whereupon the man moved to the side towards which the Prophet had turned his face, and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have committed illegal sexual intercourse." The Prophet turned his face (from him) to the other side whereupon the man moved to the side towards which the Prophet had turned his face, and repeated his statement. The Prophet turned his face (from him) to the other side again. The man moved again (and repeated his statement) for the fourth time. So when the man had given witness four times against himself, the Prophet called him and said, "Are you insane?" He replied, "No." The Prophet then said (to his companions), "Go and stone him to death." The man was a married one. Jabir bin 'Abdullah Al-Ansari said: I was one of those who stoned him. We stoned him at the Musalla ('Id praying place) in Medina. When the stones hit him with their sharp edges, he fled, but we caught him at Al-Harra and stoned him till he died.
(See also Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 63, Number 195.)
Sahi Bukhari: 8:6814:
Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah al-Ansari: “A man from the tribe of Bani Aslam came to Allah’s Messenger [Muhammad] and informed him that he had committed illegal sexual intercourse; and he bore witness four times against himself. Allah’s Messenger ordered him to be stoned to death as he was a married person.”
Sahi Muslim No. 4206:
“A woman came to the prophet and asked for purification by seeking punishment. He told her to go away and seek God’s forgiveness. She persisted four times and admitted she was pregnant. He told her to wait until she had given birth. Then he said that the Muslim community should wait until she had weaned her child. When the day arrived for the child to take solid food, Muhammad handed the child over to the community. And when he had given command over her and she was put in a hole up to her breast, he ordered the people to stone her. Khalid b. al-Walid came forward with a stone which he threw at her head, and when the blood spurted on her face he cursed her.”
Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol 2. pg 1009; and Sahih Muslim Vol 2. pg 65:
Hadhrat Abdullah ibne Abbaas (Radiallahu Anhu) narrates the lecture that Hadhrat Umar (Radiallaahu Anhu) delivered whilst sitting on the pulpit of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). Hadhrat Umar (Radiallahu Anhu) said, "Verily, Allah sent Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) with the truth, and revealed the Quran upon him. The verse regarding the stoning of the adulterer/ess was from amongst the verse revealed (in the Quraan). We read it, secured it and understood it. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) stoned and we stoned after him. I fear that with the passage of time a person might say, ‘We do not find mention of stoning in the Book of Allah and thereby go astray by leaving out an obligation revealed by Allah. Verily, the stoning of a adulterer/ress is found in the Quraan and is the truth, if the witnesses are met or there is a pregnancy or confession."
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whoever guarantees me that he will guard his chastity, I will guarantee him Paradise”.
Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, An-Nisa’i and others:
Abu Hurayrah reports that the Messenger of Allah said, “No one commits adultery while still remaining a believer, for faith is more precious unto Allah than such an evil act!” In another version, it is stated, “When a person commits adultery he casts away from his neck the bond that ties him to Islam; if, however, he repents, Allah will accept his repentance”.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “O mankind! Beware of fornication/adultery for it entails six dire consequences: three of them relating to this world and three to the next world. As for the three that are related to this world, they are the following: it removes the glow of one’s face, brings poverty, and reduces the life-span. As for its dire consequences in the next world they are: it brings down the wrath of Allah upon the person, subjects him to terrible reckoning, and finally casts him in hell-fire.”
The above Quranic verses and authentic sahih hadiths clearly demonstrate beyond doubt that Prophet Muhammad, under Allah’s direction, stoned adulterers to death and flogged fornicators. Allah’s decree/choice of death for fornicators (Quran: 4:15) and flogging adulteress 100 times with no mercy (Quran: 24:2, which also could lead to certain death) has clearly sanctioned/dictated dreadful punishment for sexual intercourse outside marriage. It is from these scriptural divine spirits Iranian fundamentalist Islamic government practices stoning and flogging adulterers even today. The Iranian Supreme Court sanctioned that an adulteress should be buried up to her chest and stoned to death. Mullahs of Iran know the hadiths quite well. This august body is closely following Allah’s prophet. It is also quite prudent to consider that Muslim parents those who are practicing honor killing are directly motivated, or influenced by the above scriptural and historical (Hadiths) support; hence they are able to commit heinous crime called ‘honor killing’ with (almost) impunity, exultantly and with ample satisfaction that they are following the strict Islamic ethical code to guard chastity, as the holy Prophet repeatedly cautioned Muslims so seriously to guard their women’s chastity.
Muslim schoolgirl, who famously converted to Christianity on Facebook and ran away from her Ohio home, reveals how ten years on she's still estranged and living in fear of honor killing by family or fanatics.Fatima Rifqa Bary fled her parents' home at age 16 and traveled 1,000 miles by bus to seek refuge in Florida.-She claimed her father threatened to kill her for secretly converting from Islam to Christianity.Bary was eventually returned to Ohio, where soon after she was diagnosed with rare uterine cancer, but survived -Bary, now a 22-year-old college student, penned new memoir titled Hiding in the Light: Why I risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus-Six years on, Bary still lives in undisclosed location and fears for her life -By Snejana Farberov For 12:42 GMT, 20 May 2015-DAILYMAIL.CO.UK
Rifqa Bary, the Ohio teen who made national headlines in 2009 when she ran away from her Muslim family after secretly converting to Christianity, writes in her new book that nearly six years after her escape she still lives in fear but does not regret her decision.Born Fatima Rifqa Bary, the Sri Lankan native moved with her family to the US in 2000, when she was 8 years old, ostensibly to seek medical treatment after an accident involving a toy airplane left her blind in her right eye.At age 12, Rifqa secretly became a Christian. When her devout Muslim parents discovered her conversion four years later, the teen fled her family's home in New Albany, Ohio, and sought refuge in Central Florida.Unbroken: Six years after Rifqa Bary fled her parents' home in Ohio for fear of retribution for her conversion from Islam to Christianity, the yong woman, now 22, says she still lives in fear .Bary, now 22, is a college student majoring in philosophy. She still lives in an undisclosed location for fear of retribution.In her new book, Hiding in the Light: Why I risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus, released Tuesday by the WaterBrook Press division of Penguin Random House, Bary details her transformation from a girl growing up in a strict Muslim household to an apostate who, according to some people, shamed her family.Author: Bary wrote a new memoir tracing her transformation from a girl growing up in a strict Muslim household to an apostate.Author: Bary wrote a new memoir tracing her transformation from a girl growing up in a strict Muslim household to an apostate.‘Those who do understand it, and understand it very well, are those who have wanted me dead. That’s why I have taken, and continue to take, precautions to protect my life and safety,’ she writes, according to Columbus Dispatch.The book also sheds light on Rifqa’s strict upbringing, her first religious experiences as a Christian convert and a battle with cancer that nearly cost Bary her life at age 18.In her memoir, the 22-year-old aspiring lawyer reveals that she had been molested as a child by a member of her extended family - an incident that ultimately prompted her parents to leave Sri Lanka and move to the US.‘In some Muslim cultures, like mine, this kind of violation is a great source of dishonor,’ Bary explains. ‘Yet the shame is not attached to the abuser; it is cast on the victim.‘So not only was I viewed now in my parents' eyes as a half-blind picture of imperfection, but I was also a shameful disgrace to the Bary name. My mere presence and appearance were a stain against the most important thing of all — our family honor.’ On July 19, 2009, Rifqa Bary boarded a Greyhound bus in Ohio and traveled nearly 1,000 miles southeast to Central Florida.Police used phone and computer records to track her to the Reverend Blake Lorenz, pastor of Orlando, Florida-based Global Revolution Church, whom she had met through a Facebook prayer group.
When local authorities threatened the pastor and his wife with criminal charges for harboring the teenage fugitive, Rifqa turned herself in to police and spent two days behind bars at a juvenile detention facility.
Thrust into the limelight: Bary made headlines when at age 16 she boarded a Greyhound bus in Ohio and traveled 1,000 miles to seek refuge from her parents in Central Florida. Here she is pictured August 21, 2009, entering a Florida courtroom clutching her Bible.Thrust into the limelight: Bary made headlines when at age 16 she boarded a Greyhound bus in Ohio and traveled 1,000 miles to seek refuge from her parents in Central Florida. Here she is pictured August 21, 2009, entering a Florida courtroom clutching her Bible
Conflicting accounts: Bary writes in her book that her father, Mohamed Bary (pictured in court in 2009), threatened to kill her for turning her back on Islam. But Mr Bary's attorney insists that Rifqa was 'the apple of his eye'-Conflicting accounts: Bary writes in her book that her father, Mohamed Bary (pictured in court in 2009), threatened to kill her for turning her back on Islam. But Mr Bary's attorney insists that Rifqa was 'the apple of his eye'-Rifqa claimed her father threatened to kill her for converting to Christianity and her mother threatened to ship her off to a mental institution in Sri Lanka.The teenage runaway told a Florida judge at one point she feared she would become the victim of an ‘honor killing,’ but investigations carried out by the Columbus Police Department and Florida Department of Law Enforcement failed to corroborate this threat, according to Orlando Sentinel.After several rounds of court hearings, Bary was returned to Ohio where she bounced between foster homes until she turned 18.In her book, Rifqa Bary writes critically of her family and their local mosque, suggesting that they were the deciding factors in her decision to turn her back on Islam and flee.According to Bary, her parents and older brother routinely abused her and prevented her from spending time with friends because in Islam, she write, 'the place for women was at home close to their families, close to Allah.'-She also describes in the book how strict religious rules imposed by the leaders at the mosque attended by her family created a 'whiplash of abuse' at her home.Fearing her family's wrath, Bary said she would hide her Bible and lie to her parents so she could sneak off to church services.Living in fear: The teenage runaway told a Florida judge at one point she feared she would become the victim of an ‘honor killing’-Living in fear: The teenage runaway told a Florida judge at one point she feared she would become the victim of an ‘honor killing’-'Exploited': Her father's attorney claimed that as a teenager, Rifqa came to be exploited and manipulated by ‘Islamophobes’-'Exploited': Her father's attorney claimed that as a teenager, Rifqa came to be exploited and manipulated by ‘Islamophobes’-Rifqa was eventually sent back to Ohio, where she bounced between foster homes until she turned 18. Bary's parents have repeatedly denied the allegations of abuse and claimed that they allowed her to freely practice Christianity.Describing Bary as the 'apple of the eye of her father,' attorney Shayan Elahi said the family is heartbroken over her estrangement and wish Rifqa would reconcile with them.Elahi, who represented Mohamed Bary, Rifqa’s father, in Florida during the custody battle, claimed that as a teenager she came to be exploited and manipulated by ‘Islamophobes’ pursuing their own political and religious agendas.Rifqa Bary details in her autobiography how she was drawn to Christianity as a young girl because it offered her a chance to worship God in a more personal way, not by compulsion, and in a language she could understand.‘To think that someone could pray in English about whatever they wanted to was both scandalous and fascinating to me,’ she writes.Describing her first Christian chruch service, the 22-year-old college sophomore writes how she broke down in tears looking at a cross, which to her symbolized ‘freedom,’ ‘hope’ and ‘unyielding love.’-In her memoir, Bary writes that her mother, Aysha Bary, threatened to ship her off to a mental hospital in Sri Lanka. Her parents have denied these allegations-Aysha Bary, mother of Fathima Rifqa Bary, 17, cries as her daughter is back in court before Circuit Judge Daniel Dawson, on Friday, August 21, 2009, in Orlando, Florida.In her memoir, Bary writes that her mother, Aysha Bary (right), threatened to ship her off to a mental hospital in Sri Lanka. Her parents have denied these allegations.Upon her return to Ohio, Rifqa Bary was diagnosed with a rare form of uterine cancer and given a year to live.After undergoing eight weeks of chemotherapy and several surgeries to remove the malignant tumor, Bary stopped treatment and refused to undergo a hysterectomy citing her religious beliefs.Against overwhelming odds, today the 22-year-old is in remission.But as she tries to lead a normal life, Rifqa says the fear of retaliation is always lurking in the background.‘I still feel like my life is in danger,’ she says. ‘I don't live in fear all the time but I still have to be wise and cautious.’