JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)
WORLD OVER ALL CASES 99,533,334 DEAD 2,134,336 AS OF SUN JAN 24,21
Costco Announces Company will Continue to Carry My Pillow Products and Honor Contract-By Jim Hoft-Published January 24, 2021 at 9:12am
Earlier this week Kohl’s and Bed Bath and Beyond announced they will stop selling “My Pillow” products after CEO Mike Lindell challenged the 2020 election results.On Saturday dozens of patriotic Americans protested at the local Bed, Bath and Beyond after the company announced earlier this week they would discontinue carrying the “My Pillow” products.This weekend Costco announced they will continue to honor their contract with My Pillow.MSN reported:Tucked alongside promotional events on Costco’s website for men’s suits, mattresses and Vitamix blenders is MyPillow, the embattled pillow company.Costco, in contrast to Bed, Bath and Beyond, Wayfair and other retailers that announced an eventual stoppage of MyPillow sales, shows no signs of ending its “special events” despite MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s seeming support of President Donald Trump invoking martial law during the final days of his presidency.The beloved wholesale retailer features “special events” showcasing MyPillow’s Giza cotton sheets, pillows and mattress toppers scheduled nationwide through the end of February.A Costco representative told SFGATE: “We have contractual commitments to MyPillow that we intend to honor, as we seek to do with all of our suppliers.”
BREAKING: GOP Lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment on President Joe Biden-By Jim Hoft-Published January 21, 2021 at 4:45pm
Freshman Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene filed articles of impeachment on President Joe Biden on Thursday.She made the announcement on Twitter this afternoon.Rep. Greene promised to file charges against the corrupt Democrat last week.Today she fulfilled that commitment.I just filed Articles of Impeachment on President @JoeBiden. — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) January 21, 2021-TRENDING: IT’S TIME TO REMOVE JOE BIDEN AS PRESIDENT! Here are Rep. Greene’s detailed charges against corrupt President Joe Biden.Rep. Greene focused on Joe Biden’s pay-for-play scheme that was caught on video where he threatened Ukrainian leaders in order to protect his son Hunter Biden.My statement on introducing Articles of Impeachment against President @JoeBiden: — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) January 21, 2021-Submit a Correction
In Text Messages, Biden Voters Already Regret Their Vote-By ProTrumpNews Staff-Published January 23, 2021 at 9:15am
Biden voters are realizing they have been conned.Text message conversations shared on Twitter show their feelings of betrayal.From Mike Cernovich:In a group text with some Biden voters. I bet a form of this convo is playing out all over the country tonight. 😆 — Cerno (@Cernovich) January 23, 2021-Twitter user Kristin:So it begins…— Kristin (@Sodangfancy100) January 21, 2021-Here are the texts from the Biden voters:“Wtf is happening?”'Like ruin the economy on purpose”“What the f*ck”“Where the f*ck is Trump when you need him!?”“But…But…character matters”“Jeremy just called and yelled at me. He said everyone on the job site are freaking out thinking they are going to lose their jobs. He’s blaming me for voting for Biden. You know I hated the way Trump acted. Is it true that Jeremy could lose his job?”Stunning and sad.These voters were promised a “moderate” President.They were promised a President who would be “nice”.They are now realizing it was all one big lie.In less than 72 hours, Joe Biden: —Killed 70,000+ jobs —Eliminated women’s sports —Invaded Syria —Left the National Guard to freeze in a garage -—Admitted he doesn’t have a plan to fight COVID -—Broke his own mask mandate EO —Ended US energy independence - Do you miss Trump yet? — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 23, 2021-Joe Biden promised to govern as a moderate. On day one he signed EO’s: —Letting biological men take over women’s sports & locker rooms —Calling for amnesty for millions of illegals -—Ending deportations -—Killing thousands of good paying jobs-Is anyone surprised?— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 22, 2021
A Coast priest called Biden ‘an embarrassment to Catholicism.’ Did he break IRS rules? By Isabelle Taft-October 21, 2020 05:50 AM
Sister Mary Kealy joined the convent with the presentation sisters as a teenager and left her home in Ireland at the age of 22 to come to Gulfport, Mississippi. For more than 55 years she's touch the lives of members of the church and the Coast. By Alyssa Newton-On Sunday, a Bay St. Louis priest took the pulpit at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church to deliver a homily entitled “Joe Biden is an embarrassment to Catholicism.”The Rev. Michael O’Connor argued that Biden “masquerades as Catholic” and that his stances on abortion and gay marriage are incompatible with the teachings of the church. The homily was posted to the church’s YouTube page.By taking such an explicit stance on one of the two major-party candidates running for president, the priest toed a legal line: the Internal Revenue Service prohibits churches, as tax-exempt organizations, from endorsing or opposing candidates for office.The agency’s rules say that if churches intervene in political campaigns, they risk losing tax-exempt status. A religious leader’s political activities are attributed to their organization if they are undertaken during worship services, as O’Connor’s remarks were.In an interview with the Sun Herald, O’Connor said he knew his remarks might be controversial, but he wasn’t concerned. He invoked the example of Jesus Christ, who was “crucified for speaking the truth.”He said he did not believe he had violated tax laws because he had not explicitly endorsed a candidate.“I was highlighting the Catholic moral teachings,” he said.Politics or morality? The homily offered a response to one of the day’s readings, Matthew 22:15-21. The passage describes how in an effort to force Jesus to take an unpopular stance on a divisive issue, the Pharisees and Herodians, united only in their disdain for him, ask whether it is lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar. Jesus sees through the trap and gives a seemingly straightforward answer.“Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God,” he replies.-Transfer of Power-A special newsletter from our D.C. Bureau focused on transition to the Biden administration.But religious scholars are divided about what exactly Jesus meant. And 2,000 years later, the distinction between Caesar and God— between politics and morality — is rarely clear, scholars say, given that in a democracy, our laws are intended to reflect communal understandings of right and wrong.Though O’Connor says he was speaking only about Catholic moral principles, coming just two weeks before Election Day, the homily sounded distinctly political to many who commented on Facebook.“Joe Biden embraces teachings that are absolutely and fundamentally opposed to the priorities of our church to protect life, to protect the sanctity and the holiness of marriage,” O’Connor said. “He is in some respects an embarrassment to Catholicism.”O’Connor criticized Biden’s stance on gay marriage, saying that marriage is “a union of one man and one woman.”He also suggested that the Democratic candidate had taken his cues on morality from former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was removed from the priesthood after numerous accusations of sexual abuse of minors and adults.“I fear that Joe Biden has had bad shepherds, bad teachers,” he said. “Maybe Cardinal McCarrick was his cardinal or priest.”What does the law say? Though O’Connor’s criticism of Biden was sharp, Philip Hackney, associate professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh and an expert on tax-exempt organiztions, said it’s not clear that it crossed the line into activity prohibited by the Internal Revenue Service.“Some might conclude that he has, others might conclude that he has not,” Hackney said.There aren’t many high-profile cases of the IRS revoking a church’s tax-exempt status based on its political activities, and the precedents that do exist differ from O’Connor’s homily in some significant ways.Just before the 1992 election, a church in Binghamton, New York, placed a full-page advertisement in USA Today and the Washington Times. The ad claimed Bill Clinton supported abortion on demand and distributing condoms in schools. “How then can we vote for Bill Clinton?” it concluded.The IRS revoked the church’s tax-exempt status, and a federal appeals court upheld that move.In 2004, a religious nonprofit called Catholic Answers distributed voter guides and a series of newsletters claiming John Kerry should not receive communion. The IRS found the nonprofit had broken the rules.Starting in 2008, a conservative Christian organization called Alliance Defending Freedom organized an annual event called Pulpit Freedom Sunday. Participating pastors preached on explicitly political topics, recorded their sermons, and sent the tapes to the IRS in the hopes of triggering an investigation. Then, the investigated church could launch a lawsuit to challenge the constitutionality of restricting churches’ political speech.The IRS never took the bait. In 2009, the agency essentially stopped auditing churches after a court sided with a Minnesota church that challenged the legitimacy of its audit. The court said the IRS needed to clarify which officials have the authority to initiate investigations into churches. But the IRS hasn’t done that.In 2014, a Mississippi church paid for an ad supporting then-U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran. The IRS didn’t get involved.Hackney said the IRS doesn’t have much appetite for picking fights with politicking pastors.“Going after churches is not popular generally,” he said.A divided Catholic community-On Facebook, the clip of O’Connor’s drew nearly 300 shares and almost 400 comments. Most of them were supportive.“Thank you so much father Mike for being so brave and saying what should be said in all Catholic Churches,” wrote the top commenter.A few were critical.“Fr Mike — you need to leave politics out of your sermon. Make your opinion (and that’s exactly what that is) at the voting booth,” one man commented.One woman wrote that she planned to write the Biloxi diocese to share her frustrations with the homily.“Jesus should be our judge, not the Priest,” she wrote.The debate mirrored a national conversation in the Catholic community over Biden’s candidacy and his faith. From La Crosse, Wisconsin to Providence, Rhode Island, bishops and priests have criticized Biden, who could become the country’s second Catholic president, and Catholics who are considering supporting him.But other Catholic leaders have pushed back. San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy argued that attacks on Biden’s faith place undue weight on abortion and “reduce Catholic social teaching to a single issue.” La Crosse Bishop William Patrick Callahan chastised Father James Altman for saying, “You cannot be Catholic and be a Democrat. Period.”In a statement to the Washington Times, Callahan said Altman’s words came across “as angry and judgmental, lacking any charity and in a way that causes scandal both in the Church and in society.”By Tuesday morning, the Biloxi Diocese had not returned a request for comment.Read more here:
REMINDER: For Years Democrats and the Far Left Media Called for Violence and Murder of Donald Trump — They Need to Shut Up Already About Violent Trump Supporters-By Jim Hoft-Published January 24, 2021 at 9:55am
For YEARS Democrats and far left thought leaders called for violence and murder against President Trump, his family, and his supporters.They weren’t shy about it. And their supporters loved and cheered the calls to violence.Since protesters stormed the US Capitol on January 6th the mainstream fake news media continues to report on the incident as a “terrorist attack” and “insurrection” acting as if this horrible event was the worst act of violence in Washington DC history.Democrats forget that they were cheering violence against President Trump and his supporters for 4 straight years.Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a video collection of prominent leftists and Democrats calling for violence these past four years.This is quite a collection.Remember this the next time Pelosi or CNN starts to lecture.They are all on record in their own words promoting and approving violence against President Trump and his supporters.We will never forget.Have they condemned any of it? Nope.Have they called in the NG for riots ongoing even now in Portland and Seattle? Nope.— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) January 24, 2021.
Insurrection! Portland Leftists Target Federal ICE Facility in Late Night ‘Protest’ (VIDEOS)-By Cassandra Fairbanks-Published January 24, 2021 at 1:13am
Leftists in Portland are once again facing off with federal agents as they have staged a late night “protest” at their Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility.By 11 p.m. local time, arrests were already being made and an unlawful assembly had been declared.On Wednesday, the leftists vandalized the federal ICE building and the state’s Democratic Party headquarters. During the incident that night, the rioters were seen carrying pepper ball guns, fireworks, shields, rocks and “electronic control weapons similar to Tasers.”The scene on Saturday night seemed to be similarly planned.“This has been declared an unlawful assembly” An announcement plays as federal agents make an arrest at the I.C.E. facility in Portland #Portland #PortlandProtests— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 24, 2021-Approximately 100 leftists were chanting “no borders, no nations, abolish deportation!”“No borders. No nations. Abolish deportation!“The crowd is marching on ICE in Portland again tonight.— Alix 🚬 {Tobacco Fairie} (@thatpowellgirl) January 24, 2021-Another arrest made here in Portland as federal agents handcuff a man outside the I.C.E. facility #Portland #PortlandProtests— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 24, 2021-Face off between protesters and federal agents in Portland, as the agents cordoned off the vehicle entrance to the facility while the ambulance loaded up #Portland #PortlandProtests — Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 24, 2021.It should go without saying that the media treaded lightly with their coverage, despite the fact that the hooligans were attacking a federal building.The situation at the facility is currently ongoing. The Gateway Pundit will provide updates if the situation escalates.
Insurrection! Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter Goons Storm Bellingham, WA City Hall – Mayor Forced to Be Evacuated-By Jim Hoft-Published January 23, 2021 at 7:39pm
Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter goons stormed the city hall in Bellingham, Washington on Saturday.Officials were forced to evacuate the mayor during the violent assault.Via Weasel Zippers:#BREAKING: Protestors broke into a locked city hall in Bellingham today. Mayor had to be escorted out for safety.They also tore down the American flag outside. Stole a KGMI journalist’s mic and threw a hot drink on him.They’re supposed to be here advocating for the homeless.— Deedee Sun (@DeedeeKIRO7) January 23, 2021-Reporter Deedee Sun drove by city hall later.The area looks like a homeless slum.#UPDATE: just drove by City Hall. Protestors appear to have mostly cleared. Maybe a few hanging around.Mayor says violence today does not help those who are experiencing homelessness in any way.City will still work to get folks to voluntarily leave the encampment.#KIRO7— Deedee Sun (@DeedeeKIRO7) January 23, 2021
IED Explosion Reported at Los Angeles Church That Was Recently Criticized for ‘Anti-LGBT’ Language by Southern Poverty Law Center-By Cassandra Fairbanks-Published January 24, 2021 at 9:21am
The El Monte Police Department and FBI officials are investigating an explosion and vandalism at a Los Angeles church that was recently criticized for “anti-LGBT language.”The First Works Baptist Church is part of a network of churches that have been criticized by the far-left extremists at the Southern Poverty Law Center.Police Chief David Reynoso said the incident took place overnight on Saturday and that they believe the explosion was from an “improvised explosive device.”Obscenities and the words “get out” were also found spray-painted on the front of the church.Bruce Mejia, the pastor of First Works, said that they had reported an arson threat they received on social media two weeks ago to police. A protest was also planned for the morning after the explosion, but was cancelled due to the bombing.“The church has been the subject of criticism in the community, and a petition calling on El Monte’s mayor to recognize the church as a hate group and ‘take them out of our city,’ has received more than 15,000 signatures,” the Hill reports.Laura Eimiller, a spokeswoman for the FBI’s Los Angeles field office, said that they do not currently have a suspect in custody or a motive for the attack, according to a report from the New York Times.“We have not ruled anything out,” Eimiller said.The Los Angeles branch of the FBI put out a public call for information about the attack on social media.“The FBI responded overnight with @elmontepolice & @LASDHQ to an #IED attack at the First Works Baptist Church in El Monte, CA. Bomb Techs & the FBI’s Evidence Team continue to process the scene. If you have a tip about the responsible party,” the FBI posted on Twitter along with a phone number for a tip line.The FBI responded overnight with @elmontepolice & @LASDHQ to an #IED attack at the First Works Baptist Church in El Monte, CA. Bomb Techs & the FBI’s Evidence Team continue to process the scene. If you have a tip about the responsible party, please call 3104776565. #SeekingInfo— FBI Los Angeles (@FBILosAngeles) January 23, 2021.
Domestic terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins, who stormed the Family Research Council’s (FRC) headquarters and shot an employee who later disarmed him, admitted that he chose his target from the SPLC’s hate map list.
Republican lawmaker with gun sets off House chamber metal detector-Representative Andy Harris of Maryland triggers alarm with concealed firearm, tries to pass it off to another GOP Congress member-By Matthew Daly-JAN 23,21-Today, 3:30 am
WASHINGTON (AP) — Capitol Police are investigating an incident in which a Republican lawmaker was blocked from entering the House chamber after setting off a metal detector while apparently carrying a concealed gun.Representative Andy Harris, a Maryland Republican, set off the metal detector while trying to enter the chamber Thursday afternoon. The metal detectors were installed after the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, which left five people dead, including a Capitol police officer. The incident was witnessed by a reporter from the HuffPost website.After setting off the machine, Harris was asked to step aside for further screening. At that time, an officer discovered Harris was carrying a concealed gun on his side, according to the reporter.The officer sent Harris away, at which point Harris tried to get Representative John Katko, a New York Republican, to take the gun from him. Katko refused, telling Harris he didn’t have a license to carry a gun. Harris eventually left and returned less than 10 minutes later. He once again went through security and did not set off the magnetometer. He was then allowed to enter the House floor.Harris, in his sixth term representing Maryland’s Eastern Shore, issued a statement through his chief of staff, Bryan Shuy.Because his and his family’s lives have been threatened by someone who has been released awaiting trial, for security reasons, the congressman never confirms whether he nor anyone else he’s with are carrying a firearm for self-defense,” the statement said. “As a matter of public record, he has a Maryland Handgun Permit. And the congressman always complies with the House metal detectors and wanding. The Congressman has never carried a firearm on the House floor.”Eva Malecki, a spokeswoman for Capitol Police, said the incident is being investigated.The public is not allowed to carry guns on Capitol grounds, but members of Congress may keep firearms in their offices or transport them on the Capitol grounds if they are unloaded and securely wrapped. Lawmakers are not allowed to bring guns into either the House or Senate chambers.Freshman Representative Lauren Boebert, a Colorado Republican, has said she’ll carry a gun in Washington, DC, which does not allow the open carrying of a firearm. Fellow freshman Representative Madison Cawthorn, a North Carolina Republican, told a North Carolina newspaper that he was armed when a mob that supported former president Donald Trump stormed the Capitol.Since the metal detectors were installed last week, most House members have followed police orders and gone through the devices to enter the House chamber, but some Republicans — including Boebert and Harris — initially sidestepped the machines or refused to be checked with wands after they set it off. Capitol Police have now placed desks and velvet ropes near the metal detectors to block anyone from walking around the machines.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, has proposed a rule that would fine members who bypass the metal detector $5,000 for their first offense and $10,000 for their second. The fines are not yet in effect, because the House has not adopted the rule.A spokesman for Cawthorn declined Friday to say where, exactly, the congressman was while armed on January 6.Cawthorn “practices his 2nd Amendment rights, as well as privileges accorded to him as a member of Congress. Representative Cawthorn also respects and adheres to instructions from the Capitol Police,” said spokesman Micah Bock.
Rabbi starts praying for president again after Trump departs-In 2017, Shmuly Yanklowitz drew attention for new prayer beseeching God to guide ‘leader of this country away from his basest instincts, thwart his plans to target certain groups’By Shira Hanau-JAN 23,21-Today, 7:33 aM
JTA — When Donald Trump became president of the United States in 2017, Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz felt he could no longer say the standard prayer for the United States government that is recited in most Modern Orthodox congregations.Yanklowitz, who is president and dean of the Valley Beit Midrash in Phoenix, was far from the only person to feel distraught over Trump’s election or to feel discomfort with praying for the Trump administration. But few took it as far as he did, writing a new prayer for the nation to recite each week in place of the traditional prayer for the government.“Guide the incoming leader of this country away from his basest instincts, thwart his plans to target certain groups and strengthen white supremacy; for You know, God, that all were created in Your image,” his prayer read.Now, with Trump out of the White House and Joe Biden installed in the Oval Office, Yanklowitz says he will resume reciting the standard prayer.Thank G-d, this Shabbat, I’m excited to return to praying for the success of our President!” he wrote in a Facebook post Friday afternoon.Yanklowitz also wrote that he had stuck to his previous decision despite a negative response from some. “I got beaten up really, really badly for it, but I just believed too deeply in the power of prayer and could not open my soul to Divine requests that I fundamentally disagreed with,” he wrote.Jews have long prayed for the well-being of the governments under which they live. The idea goes back as far as the prophet Jeremiah, who told the Jews who were exiled to Babylon to “seek the welfare of the city to which I have exiled you and pray to the Lord in its behalf; for in its prosperity you shall prosper.” The first official Jewish prayer for the welfare of the state and its governing officials was introduced in prayer books in the 14th century.The standard prayer for government recited in Modern Orthodox synagogues asks God to “bless the president, the vice president, and all the constituted officers of government of this land” and to “protect them from every trouble, woe, and injury, may he rescue them and put into their hearts and into the hearts of all their councilors compassion to do good with us and with all Israel, our brethren.”
Analysis-‘Erratic’ or ‘Strategic Clarity’: What to make of Trump’s Middle East legacy? Experts from Israel and abroad weigh in on how the unconventional tenure of the 45th president changed the region — for good and for bad-By Lazar Berman Today, 4:07 am 3
Donald Trump broke with bipartisan convention in his Middle East policy.Some say he overturned stagnant conventional wisdom that rewarded foes while punishing allies.Others argue that the former president damaged American interests and abandoned its long-standing commitments in the region.The Times of Israel asked experts in Israel and abroad for their take on Trump’s lasting impact on the Middle East.The Trump presidency represented a watershed for the Middle East, a completely unexpected transformation. Pre-Trump, the region remained largely static, with accepted wisdom guiding both Democratic and Republic presidents to a series of similar policies. In retrospect, that willingness to accept the conventional, academic platitudes about how to best manage Middle East policy was foolish. Doing the same thing time and again and expecting different results may not be the definition of insanity in policy, but it is surely the definition of incompetence and laziness. Most observers can repeat the mantras of those failed policies: The road to peace in the Middle East runs through Ramallah (Jerusalem); Sunnis and Shiites (and Jews) can never work together; the Arab world will never accept a Jewish state; Iran and Saudi Arabia must “share” the region and more.Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner was greeted with contempt by the peace processors and policy experts of Washington and the Middle East, and we were wrong. It took someone who was uninterested in the failed policies of the past to envision a new region. Four peace agreements with Israel later, the Middle East has realigned dramatically. Some credit belongs to the maligned Obama administration’s pro-Iran tilt; suddenly the Arab world awoke to realize that it could not count on Washington. But much credit goes to Team Trump.Donald Trump’s legacy at home is in tatters, and deservedly so. But in the Middle East, he should rightly be remembered as a transformational peacemaker.Some will suggest the US bribed its way to those peace agreements, misremembering that the US has bribed its way to every peace agreement over the last half-century. Some will argue that war will become inevitable because Iran no longer has a glide path to denuclearization. But the great lie of the Iran Deal was that it would somehow change Iran; that did not, and would not ever have happened. Donald Trump’s legacy at home is in tatters, and deservedly so. But in the Middle East, he should rightly be remembered as a transformational peacemaker.“Trump’s presidency was erratic and indicated a skepticism toward, and even hostility of, much of the world, including much of the Middle East as well as a lack of concern for many traditional US regional interests. President Trump, with many Americans behind him, openly derided longstanding US commitments, such as the security of Saudi Arabia when Iran attacked it with missiles. His Israel policy was focused on US domestic audiences, not on Israel’s role in the region. Many regional leaders appreciated Trump’s hostility to Iran, and many Israelis welcomed his uncritical support. In the future, however, all states will have to reckon with the possibility that the United States is less engaged in the Middle East and may elect leaders whose policies vary widely.”Trump and Kushner contributed to strategic clarity on several issues:Iran is the main barrier to stability in the Middle East and states have to put aside many non-relevant issues to unite against the Ayatollahs. The faulty JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] was dropped and diplomacy was used to bring the Gulf states, Sudan and Morocco closer to Israel.The Trump administration also proved that the Palestinian issue is NOT the central conflict and a real barrier to better relations with Israel.The Trump administration also proved, by moving the embassy to Jerusalem, that a large part of the Arab world can live with Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.The Trump administration continued signaling that the US is diminishing its commitment to be the policeman of the Middle East, allowing greater freedom of action to the regional actors and increasing their need for “self-help” postures.Sometimes when things are stuck you need someone completely unconventional to rattle the cage. Trump was certainly an unconventional leader. Not stuck in the paradigms of decades of accepted American policy in the Middle East. Not burdened by the Messiah complex that his predecessor had. He saw things simply: you strengthen your allies to weaken your enemies. That’s exactly what he did: Israel did not need to solve the Palestinian problem to bring about normalization in the region. Maybe even the opposite was true. Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the Golan Heights as under our sovereignty was recognizing a reality that will never change, and economic development as the first step to a long lasting peace is simply improving people’s lives. He simplified, didn’t over-complicate, and as a result changed the course of history in the region for the better.Trump leaned heavily in the direction of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates: he did not complain about their human rights records, triggered their renewed conflict with Qatar, continued the Obama administration policy of supporting the war in Yemen, helped when they needed it to raise oil prices, and protected the Saudi Crown Prince from accusations of murder.Trump also leaned heavily in the direction of Greater Israel advocates, especially Prime Minister Netanyahu, by not complaining about settlements in the West Bank, moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and putting forward a so-called peace proposal that was inimical to Palestinian political interests. Both the Gulf Arab states and Israel advocated withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and relished the re-imposition of sanctions and “maximum pressure.” Netanyahu might have also liked military action against Iran, but the Gulf Arab states were hesitant about that. In the end, the so-called Abraham accords (especially with UAE and Bahrain) served the interests of the Gulf Arabs and Israel while damaging prospects for the Palestinians.The normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain is perhaps the only permanent change in the Middle East. Biden will seek to reverse withdrawal from the JCPOA, reduce protection for Mohammed bin Salman and other autocrats, end support for the war in Yemen, and revive the two-state solution (without withdrawing the US embassy from Jerusalem).-When it comes to Arab-Israeli relations, the Trump Administration left a mixed legacy. The Abraham Accords were a historic breakthrough, changing the decades-old regional landscape. These accords not only benefit the countries directly involved, but impact the whole regional security architecture in ways that will help advance regional security and US interests. The recent shift of Israel from European Command to Central Command is an example of how these developments can help create a better integrated region.On the negative side, the Trump Administration’s policy towards the Palestinian-Israeli conflict severely undermined the prospects of a two-state solution. The Trump peace plan itself presented a vision that was globally and regionally rejected as incompatible with a viable solution. Other policies, such as changing the designation of settlements or cutting all aid to Palestinians, further added to the erosion of the prospects of such a solution. These policies, along with developments within Israel and the Palestinians, are creating a potential crisis that is generating concern not only among the two sides but also other stakeholders like Jordan.The challenge facing the Biden administration is to expand and build upon the positive developments while reversing the impact of the negative ones.Trump took full advantage of the changes that transpired during the Obama years. Israel and the Gulf states found themselves on the same page regarding the Arab Spring and the Iran nuclear deal, and increasingly engaged in quiet cooperation. Trump, or perhaps more precisely Jared Kushner, realized that there was an opportunity to formalize those relationships, and then to expand upon them, given the overall disinterest in keeping alive the destructive and unproductive Arab League boycott of Israel.In other words, with the Abraham Accords, Trump did not exactly change the Middle East as much as he brought new realities out of the shadows. Still, he deserves credit.Where Trump changed the Middle East most was with Iran. He literally upended the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in one stroke. The assassination of Qassem Soleimani was probably the most significant act of his presidency. The green light that he gave Israel to target Iranian assets in Syria and beyond was also immensely important. Iran appeared feckless and unable to respond in most cases. One gets a sense that Iran is still on its back foot.Trump did not exactly change the Middle East as much as he brought new realities out of the shadows.We now watch to see whether the Biden administration takes advantage of the leverage that Trump has gifted him.Finally, Trump changed Israel. Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, recognized sovereignty in the Golan Heights, and rolled out a peace plan. The embassy will not move back. The Golan Heights decision will almost certainly not be overturned. And the peace plan will forever be used as leverage by Israeli negotiators to counter peace proposals that attempt to grant the Palestinians more leverage than the Israelis wish to yield. These are lasting changes.On the negative side of the ledger, one can argue that Trump has set the stage for timeline-based withdrawals from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. It’s unclear whether the Biden administration will continue down this path. But it certainly appears that Trump has prepared the Middle East for a future without significant American involvement. This does not have to be a permanent change. But it could be one without careful American leadership.
Trump shuns ‘ex-presidents club’ — and the feeling is mutual-Former US leaders often join together in common cause. Like so many other traditions, however, this is one the most recent man to depart the White House is likely to flout-By Will Weissert and Deb Riechmann-JAN 23,21-Today, 9:24 am
WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s a club Donald Trump was never really interested in joining and certainly not so soon: the cadre of former commanders in chief who revere the presidency enough to put aside often bitter political differences and even join together in common cause.Members of the ex-presidents club pose together for pictures. They smile and pat each other on the back while milling around historic events, or sit somberly side by side at VIP funerals. They take on special projects together. They rarely criticize one another and tend to offer even fewer harsh words about their White House successors.Like so many other presidential traditions, however, this is one Trump seems likely to flout. Now that he’s left office, it’s hard to see him embracing the stately, exclusive club of living former presidents.“He kind of laughed at the very notion that he would be accepted in the presidents club,” said Kate Andersen Brower, who interviewed Trump in 2019 for her book “Team of Five: The Presidents’ Club in the Age of Trump.” “He was like, ‘I don’t think I’ll be accepted.’”t’s equally clear that the club’s other members don’t much want him — at least for now.Former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton recorded a three-minute video from Arlington National Cemetery after President Joe Biden’s inauguration this week, praising peaceful presidential succession as a core of American democracy. The segment included no mention of Trump by name, but stood as a stark rebuke of his behavior since losing November’s election.“I think the fact that the three of us are standing here, talking about a peaceful transfer of power, speaks to the institutional integrity of our country,” Bush said. Obama called inaugurations “a reminder that we can have fierce disagreements and yet recognize each other’s common humanity, and that, as Americans, we have more in common than what separates us.”Trump spent months making baseless claims that the election had been stolen from him through fraud and eventually helped incite a deadly insurrection at the US Capitol. He left the White House without attending Biden’s swearing-in, the first president to skip his successor’s inauguration in 152 years.Obama, Bush and Clinton recorded their video after accompanying Biden to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider following the inauguration. They also taped a video urging Americans to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. Only 96-year-old Jimmy Carter, who has limited his public events because of the pandemic, and Trump, who had already flown to post-presidential life in Florida, weren’t there.Jeffrey Engel, founding director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, said Trump isn’t a good fit for the ex-presidents club “because he’s temperamentally different.”“People within the club historically have been respected by ensuing presidents. Even Richard Nixon was respected by Bill Clinton and by Ronald Reagan and so on, for his foreign policy,” Engel said. “I’m not sure I see a whole lot of people calling up Trump for his strategic advice.”ormer presidents are occasionally called upon for big tasks.George H.W. Bush and Clinton teamed up in 2005 to launch a campaign urging Americans to help the victims of the devastating Southeast Asia tsunami. When Hurricane Katrina blasted the Gulf Coast, Bush, father of the then-current president George W. Bush, called on Clinton to boost Katrina fundraising relief efforts.When the elder Bush died in 2018, Clinton wrote, “His friendship has been one of the great gifts of my life,” high praise considering this was the man he ousted from the White House after a bruising 1992 campaign — making Bush the only one-term president of the last three decades except for Trump.Obama tapped Clinton and the younger President Bush to boost fundraising efforts for Haiti after its devastating 2010 earthquake. George W. Bush also became good friends with former first lady Michelle Obama, and cameras caught him slipping a cough drop to her as they sat together at Arizona Sen. John McCain’s funeral.Usually presidents extend the same respect to their predecessors while still in office, regardless of party. In 1971, three years before he resigned in disgrace, Richard Nixon went to Texas to participate in the dedication of Lyndon Baines Johnson’s presidential library. When Nixon’s library was completed in 1990, then-President George H.W. Bush attended with former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford.Trump’s break with tradition began even before his presidency did. After his election win in November 2016, Obama hosted Trump at the White House promising to “do everything we can to help you succeed.” Trump responded, “I look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future” — but that never happened.Instead, Trump falsely accused Obama of having wiretapped him and spent four years savaging his predecessor’s record.Current and former presidents sometimes loathed each other, and criticizing their successors isn’t unheard of. Carter criticized the policies of the Republican administrations that followed his, Obama chided Trump while campaigning for Biden and also criticized George W. Bush’s policies — though Obama was usually careful not to name his predecessor. Theodore Roosevelt tried to unseat his successor, fellow Republican William Howard Taft, by founding his own “Bull Moose” party and running for president again against him.Still, presidential reverence for former presidents dates back even further. The nation’s second president, John Adams, was concerned enough about tarnishing the legacy of his predecessor that he retained George Washington’s Cabinet appointments.Trump may have time to build his relationship with his predecessors. He told Brower that he “could see himself becoming friendly with Bill Clinton again,” noting that the pair used to golf together.But the odds of becoming the traditional president in retirement that he never was while in office remain long.“I think Trump has taken it too far,” Brower said. “I don’t think that these former presidents will welcome him at any point.”
HELP ENSURE A LEGITIMATE AUDIT: Contact These Arizona Officials to Demand a Deep Dive Audit of Arizona’s Maricopa County Election Results!-By Joe Hoft-Published January 23, 2021 at 9:22pm
The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the situation in Maricopa County Arizona. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors finally agreed to a forensic analysis of the county’s 2020 election results on Inauguration Day. The Maricopa officials want to choose the auditors for a forensic analysis of the county’s 2020 election results. That way they can control the audit results by choosing a company that will give them the result they desire. Steve Bannon had Arizona activist Liz Harris on Saturday morning to discuss the latest developments.Liz Harris is concerned that the audit in Maricopa County requested by the Arizona legislature will be performed by a firm complicit with the election issues and likely fraud in Maricopa County. We reported this on Friday:At the 30:00 minute marker in the video below, Steve Bannon discusses the Maricopa County situation with Liz Harris, a concerned voter in the state:A legitimate forensic audit of Maricopa County should be performed.No more games from gangsters trying to cover up election fraud should be allowed. Maricopa County of Arizona is about to do a superficial audit where the auditors are connected to Dominion Voting Systems. Liz Harris asked everyone to pressure three specific legislatures (information for contacting at around the 35 minute marker). The three names and phone numbers to pressure for a DEEP AUDIT performed using the JOVAN POLITZER Method.These politicians need to be contacted below:Senator Karen Fann – 602-926-5874 Senator Warren Peterson – 602-926-4136 Senator Michelle Ugenti-Rita – 602-926-4480 We believe data specialist Jovan Pulitzer is an expert who should perform an independent audit of the county’s results:Let’s make sure Arizona’s election results are properly audited and counted. We can do this by encouraging the state authorities to used Jovan Pulitzer to perform the forensic audit in the state.
Trump mulled replacing AG to try and overturn election results — US media-According to NY Times, 45th president backed off plan when warned all remaining top officials at Justice Department would resign en masse-By AFP-JAN23,21-Today, 11:14 am
WASHINGTON — Donald Trump considered replacing then-acting US attorney general Jeffrey A. Rosen with a Justice Department lawyer who would help him force Georgia officials to overturn the state’s election result, US media reported late Friday.The New York Times said former US president Trump only decided against the move when told that all remaining top officials at the Justice Department would resign en masse if the plan went ahead.The news, also reported in the Washington Post, comes as Trump is set to face a Senate trial for “incitement of insurrection” over his role in whipping up supporters with unfounded claims of election fraud before they stormed the US Capitol in early January.Trump narrowly lost Georgia to Joe Biden in the November presidential election, in a vote he baselessly claimed was rigged.The reports describe Trump’s increasing frustration with Rosen’s refusal to wield the power of the Justice Department to interfere in the count.He and Jeffrey Clark, a Justice Department lawyer who supported Trump’s assertions that the election was stolen, allegedly came up with a plan to replace Rosen with Clark.But at a three-hour showdown involving the three men, which officials cited in the New York Times compared to an episode of Trump’s reality show “The Apprentice,” the then-president backed down after being told the move would prompt mass resignations.Clark categorically denied that he devised any plan to oust Rosen and said there were inaccuracies in the reporting.Trump, Rosen and the US Justice Department have not publicly responded to the allegations.In early January, a leaked audio tape in which Trump pressured Georgia’s secretary of state to “find” enough votes to overturn the defeat sent shockwaves across Washington.
DARPA opens door to producing "unimaginable" designs for DoD-by Staff Writers-Washington DC (SPX) Jan 18, 2021
DARPA's TRAnsformative DESign (TRADES) program, which began in 2017, set out to develop foundational design tools needed to explore the vast space opened by new materials and additive manufacturing processes commonly called 3D printing.The program recently concluded having successfully developed new mathematics and computational techniques, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, that will allow future designers to create previously unimaginable shapes and structures of interest to defense and commercial manufacturing.Manufacturing technology breakthroughs in recent years, such as 3D printing, have allowed precise material placement, new material behaviors, and complex shaping of parts and structures. Design tools, however, have not kept up with complexity of the design space resulting from these advances."In the past four years, TRADES has explored new ideas from mathematics and computer science that have allowed us to now represent things - like parts and components - that are a million times more complex than current state-of-the-art systems can represent," said Jan Vandenbrande, program manager in DARPA's Defense Sciences Office."We can now describe both shape and material in a coordinated way across multiple physics to allow intricate designs and to understand properties at every point on the produced part. The aim is to be able to mimic integrated hierarchical structures found in nature, where different sized structures respond to different types of physics."TRADES tools are helping overcome what's known as the "analysis interoperability problem." Current processes involve describing a design and then analyzing it subject to multiple physics to answer questions such as: Is it strong enough? What's its drag? What's its thermal response? This process requires manual handling and transfer of data across incompatible systems."That manual handling, moving data from design systems to analysis, absorbs 50% of the entire design cycle because the formats are not compatible and current systems can't directly interoperate," Vandenbrande said."TRADES has developed new concepts that would eliminate that bottleneck and accelerate the design process to include automated synthesis, where a computer explores design alternatives across multiple physics such as thermal, mechanical, electro-optic and the like, without human intervention. This would turn computers into true collaborative partners to help create new designs that are not intuitive to even the best human designers."TRADES is also enabling design for dynamic problems where structures change as time evolves, such as a solid-rocket engine, which changes its internal shape as the propellant burns."The TRADES design tools have made significant headway in addressing the time and cost burdens associated with current design cycles for DoD platforms and should enable rapid and effective response to new and evolving threats and requirements," Vandenbrande said. "This includes generating in-field spares where shaping accommodates some of the discrepancies caused by material substitutions."The advanced design tools, processes, and algorithms developed in the TRADES program are poised to help increase the performance of DoD platforms; reduce the cost and time associated with materials and geometry selection, optimization, and numerical analysis; and enable exploration of new design concepts that are currently out of reach.By enforcing generality in the underlying theories, TRADES is positioned to handle future 3D printing capabilities to include biological components such as a femur, including the "spongy" interior structures. Other challenge problems related to TRADES are available here to serve as future benchmarks.The TRADES program comprised seven university and industry performers who created new design technologies focused on modeling, analysis, and synthesis: University of Colorado Boulder, Columbia University, Etaphase, International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Siemens, and University of Utah.Two additional performers provided high-performance software and hardware testbeds on which the design technology teams developed and refined their tools: Sandia National Laboratory and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC).Although the program has formally wrapped up, a few performers are continuing work on their TRADES tools through 2021.
Buyer’s Remorse: Ute Indian Tribe Lashes Out at Biden Admin For Restricting Federal Energy Development, “Direct Attack on Our Economy and Sovereignty”By Cristina Laila-Published January 23, 2021 at 9:04pm
Remember when the tribal leaders were “optimistic” about Joe Biden and overwhelmingly voted for him? The honeymoon is already over for the Ute Indian Tribe in Utah.Joe Biden wasted no time destroying tens of thousands of jobs his first day in office by canceling the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.Biden also put a 60-day moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits on federal lands and states in the west and southwest are furious.The Ute Indian Tribe in Fort Duchesne, Utah blasted the Biden Administration’s restrictions on federal energy development.“Your order is a direct attack on our economy, sovereignty, and our right to self-determination. Indian lands are not federal public lands. Any action on our lands and interest can only be taken after effective tribal consultation,” Luke Duncan, Chairman of the Ute Indian Tribe Business Committee wrote in a letter to Acting Secretary of the Interior.Mr. Duncan accused the Biden Administration of violating the US Treaty and trust responsibilities to the Ute Indian Tribe and violating the “important principles of tribal sovereignty and self-determination.”OUCH.“The Order must be withdrawn or amended to comply with Federal law and policies,” Duncan wrote.The Ute Indian Tribe does not mince words in their response to Interior’s order restricting federal energy development:“Your order is a direct attack on our economy, sovereignty, and our right to self-determination.”— Megan Barnett Bloomgren (@MeganBloomgren) January 22, 2021-Biden’s moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases also angered New Mexico’s leaders.New Mexico’s leaders are worried that Biden’s war on the energy business will devastate the state’s economy, where education, jobs and public.
Release Them All, Immediately” – Joe Biden Orders ICE Agents to Release All Illegal Aliens in Custody-By Cristina Laila-Published January 23, 2021 at 4:10pm
Fox News host Tucker Carlson exclusively obtained a ‘shocking’ internal memo sent to ICE agents ordering them to release all illegal aliens in custody.In Joe Biden’s first day in office, the Department of Homeland Security issued a sweeping directive to ‘halt all deportations’ for 100 days.However, Joe Biden took further action to release illegal aliens in custody; it was not mentioned in his order to halt deportations.An internal email to ICE officers reveals Joe Biden ordered more than 14,000 illegal aliens in custody to be released.According to Breitbart News, 71.45% of the illegals currently in custody are convicted criminals and a danger to society.“Release them all, immediately,” the ICE agent wrote. “No sponsor available is not acceptable any longer.”Tucker Carlson said the internal memo shows the Biden Administration is in complete chaos when it changed a policy this big without explaining what it means.