Unmitigated failure behind a vain mirage of gold-foil triumph-Obama Believed He’d Reign Like Julius Caesar, But Will He End as Nero? By Kelly O'Connell Sunday, February 28, 2010
Like a troop of soap opera actors convinced they are perennially on the verge of real stardom, modern leftists seem persuaded liberalism lacks only an unblocked opportunity to show the world it is an unrivaled theory of sheer genius. Yet conservatives argue it has been the very lack of a chance to fully implement pure liberalism – until now – that gave liberals their cover, helping obscure certain, unmitigated failure behind a vain mirage of gold-foil triumph. Obama’s critics claim no politician has ever summed up better than Barack this gulf between the empty reality of full-blown, late-term liberalism and the promised fool’s-gold socialist mirage. His campaign promises were so large when he ran for office, but his follow through so paltry, that if he’d come from Texas, he’d simply be known as Barack Big Hat, No Cattle Obama.Bisecting Roman history as a colossus, Julius Caesar inspired men to achieve great deeds during war and peacetime, during the height of the Republic. Yet, ironically, Julius employed all his leadership genius to actually subvert the government in order to create an empire ideally run by one man – himself. While he died before achieving a kingdom, he left plans behind that laid the foundation to create the Roman Empire, used by his adopted nephew Octavian, aka Augustus. President Obama seems he might have fancied himself a new Julius Caesar when starting his first term, but his current trajectory comports better with the addled Nero, who also began auspiciously. Yet, the latter’s infamous reign was terminated by a perverse comedy of errors befitting a powerfully misguided clown.
Julius Caesar
Born in 100 BC, in Rome’s Subura district, Gaius Julius Caesar came from a moderately successful family. His stunning array of unparalleled political powers was directed by his towering ambitions, all which he nearly achieved. According to Michael Grant, in Julius Caesar,He was an astute politician, a masterly propagandist and showman, a clever and affective administrator, and exceptionally gifted writer, a man of great and wide learning and taste, and a military genius who moved with terrifying speed and exercised magnetic authority over his troops.Grant adds,He possessed extraordinary personal charm, and was so successful with women his ancient biographers often attributed to him the morals of the farmyard. Many historians rate Julius the greatest and most gifted leader in history.Beyond raw talent, Julius had the discipline to guide himself unerringly towards goals, and the great good fortune of living when such a man could flower into his prime. He matured during the brutal reign of Sulla, whose pro-senatorial leadership produced more terror than any in memory. Caesar, along with famous fellow general Pompey and the millionaire Crassus assembled an informal First Triumvirate to resist Sulla, according to Michael Grant’s The Twelve Caesar’s. Meanwhile, Julius also often led troops in his far-flung military campaigns. His famous war against the barbarian Gauls, lasting a decade, resulted in the conquering of large territories, the enslavement of a million souls, and deaths of a million more. Caesar brought huge troves of booty back to Rome, as well, adding great wealth to his increasing fame.
In evaluating Julius Caesar, one is confronted with an extraordinary level of experience and success. These include ascending to the top Roman civil post of Consul, in 59 BC. He was also elected Chief Priest, ie Pontifex Maximus, in 63 BC, the position in charge of the priestly college. Between 58-51 BC, he conquered central and northern Gaul to the Rhine, breaking the Gauls forever. He also he penned his lively history of the Gallic War, immortalizing the conflict. After this, Caesar battled and badly outmaneuvered the previously untarnished Pompey in the Civil War of 49 BC. During the same period, Julius also fought King Pharnaces in Asia Minor, claiming later to the Senate, Veni, Vidi, Vici,—I came, I saw, I conquered.He then set sail to Spain where he defeated the last vestiges of Pompey’s army, returning to Rome for a hero’s welcome.But Caesar did make a crucial mistake, allowing himself to be appointed dictator in 49 BC, after being elected to consul five terms. According to Chester G. Starr, in Civilization and the Caesars, Julius inherited a Republic stressed and falling apart for various reasons, including its giant size, lack of political power of the poor, a vacuum of enlightened leadership, and an increasingly foreign populace. The upper classes were afraid total chaos would erupt, and welcomed Caesar’s mastery of the leadership arts. He took perverse advantage of this to push for a short-lived tyranny. Previously, the head of Rome was always a co-consul, lasting only a year, to avoid despotism. So when Caesar grabbed total power, shock waves rippled through the Republic, and many fine patriots died in the struggle against tyranny—such as Cicero, who was murdered in the resistance, and Cato the Younger, who simply committed suicide rather than accept the loss of freedom. Caesar refused to believe the Roman people were not ready to return to a kingdom.So, in fighting Sulla’s brutal tyranny, Caesar ended up creating a bigger despotism in order to cure the first. In war, Julius used propaganda and rumormongering to help terrify his foes, being a master of the art. Naturally, in his home rule, he also used psychological props and tricks to win over the people. Starr writes,To the masses he made practical promises of money, peace and security; to the nobles he proceeded on a different plane, as a craftsman of both the spoken and written word.So Caesar bribed the commoners, and seduced the upper classes with speeches and pamphlets, appealing to their values. But, Julius had taken a Republic and turned it into a dictatorship. This fact caused him to be struck down by Brutus and friends, in 44 BC.
Nero was born Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus at Antium on December 15, 37 AD, the last male descendant of Emperor Octavian Caesar Augustus, and he reigned from 54 to 68 AD. He was the stepson of Emperor Claudius. Nero is identified more than any other emperor with crazy antics and bad leadership, but was actually a beloved young ruler nearly as popular as modern Elvis, and even referred to as the Babe. Nero began his reign at 17, too young to legally sit on the throne so his mother Agrippina guided his first few years of rule. But she was so aggressive and ambitious that the court, the upper class, and Nero himself, came to despise her. He eventually decided to kill his mom by sending her out in a collapseable boat, but when the vessel fell to pieces, she simply swam to shore. Nero then sent two naval officers to cut stab her in her own bed, according to Grant’s Twelve Caesars.Nero was advised by famed Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca, and started off as a fairly attentive and typical Emperor. But as time passed he became increasingly bored by the hard work of running an empire. His real love was theater, chariot racing, acting, and singing. He also took to wearing Greek clothing, and was the greatest grecophile in Rome’s history. He affected a charioteer’s hairdo, and wore increasingly outlandish outfits, often donning a very short toga with a floral print. After his mother’s death, he devoted himself to learning how to sing and act. He was a fop and a ham. Nero decided that composing and performing the Arts were what he was born to do, and he spent much of the second half of his reign in the conquered territory of Greece on stage – where he performed, when he wasn’t racing chariots. Nero was famed for being a persistent ravager of both sexes and all ages, and devoted much time to debauchery, and regular feasts of wine and much gluttony, states Grant in Twelve Caesars.
Nero is most famous for the great fire which burned much of Rome during his tenure. There seems to be no proof he set the fire himself, but the fact he cleared the land to build his massive home, the Golden House, caused the people great anger and suspicion. It’s indisputable he did blame the Christians for starting the blaze, badly persecuting them. Nero’s policies were increasingly impulsive and sentimental. For example, he once tried to cancel indirect taxes for the entire Empire, which would have left direct taxation or war booty as the only means of raising funds. He later became so attached to Greece that he ostentatiously announced he was canceling taxation for the entire province, according to Grant’s Twelve Caesars.Nero’s reign became increasingly dilatory, as he spent greater amounts of time in Greece, performing his shows. During his last run he garnered over 1,800 trophies. His naturally suspicious and fearful nature was soothed by the constant encomiums delivered by the Greeks. But back in Rome were launched relentless purges against Nero’s political enemies, which badly weakened the Empire, but which only seemed to egg on future conspirators. The army stayed largely loyal to him, despite his finally sending orders for some of his best generals to commit suicide. But his other generals finally turned against him. An order was issued that the Emperor himself was an enemy of the state and must be hunted down and flogged to death by rods, as was the ancient punishment for this crime. Nero committed suicide before soldiers came to strike him down, writes Grant in Twelve Caesars.
Comparisons to Barack Obama
One can see elements of both Caesar and Nero in Obama’s actions and character. To begin, Obama had all the ambition of Caesar to remake the US Republic, but only the love of performing of a Nero at his disposal to achieve the feat. Like Nero, Obama loves the stage, but conversely, he appears to have few of Caesar’s wide array of gifts – or more importantly, his great vision or common sense. Yet it does appear Barack badly misread his times, just as Caesar did, which badly affected both men’s popularity.
Obama Compared to Caesar
Caesar, like Obama, had an impressive list of goals he planned to work on. According to Grant’s Julius Caesar,these included trying to allow the poor to relocate to foreign colonies where they might find land. He limited the free corn dole to the truly needy, which he was able to do by cutting the rolls from 320,00 to 150,00. He was planning to codify all Roman civil law, which was first done 600 years later. He also planned to reform the bankruptcy laws, and was also trying to cut down on the percentage of slave laborers allowed on farms. He wanted to drain the Fucine lake to increase arable land, and form a new waterway for Rome. He was also working on breaking down barriers between provincials and Italians by offering citizenship to scholars and doctors.Obama’s list of programs and proposals tends to be much more doctrinaire and theoretical than Caesar’s, who specialized in practical answers to current problems. But it helped that Caesar did not have to genuflect towards any theory, such as any leftist ideas, in building his policies. Obama focuses upon the classic goals of socialism such that any politician of the appropriate leftward slant could fill in the same blanks with carbon copies of the same programs. For example, a Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson, or Ted Kennedy would have offered the same exact ideas as Barack, without skipping a beat. Such proposals as giant deficit spending bills, government Obamacare health reform, state investment in private business, increased federal employment, jobs bills, reductions in foreign military investments, increases in taxing the wealthy, Global Warming fighting measures, and cap’n trade, etc. Certainly, these programs represent the old battle-cries of the benighted leftist ringing down from the past decades and centuries.Yet, it’s inconceivable a highly successful leader like Julius Caesar would take seriously such an embarrassing bunch of already tested and failed programs. Given Caesar’s logical powers and genius, it’s certain he would quickly see through the flaws of socialism and utterly oppose Obama’s entire theory of legislation, despite not having lived long enough to read Karl Marx. He would quickly intuit Marxism refuses to accept human nature, etc.In fact, Caesar fought against the socialism of his day, by cutting back on welfare, and by offering to send the poor to colonies where they’d be more productive. He also wanted to reserve Roman citizenship to offer to truly valuable non-Romans. He too believed in gaining peace through armed strength and war, not a truce achieved through a show of belly-barring capitulation. Further, Julius did not portray himself as above and beyond Rome itself, and nor did he excoriate the Roman way of life, war, or its economy to other countries. Yet he did think for himself, outside of the box, beholden to none in trying to solve Rome’s problems.
Personality and Character
In terms of character, Caesar was known for his extraordinary charm which he could apparently turn on at will. Obama has this, but often appears aloof, whereas as Julius was known for being down-to-earth. Julius was also famed for great rapidity and speed in everything he did, whether mental or physical. But Obama took almost half a year to decide on how many troops Afghanistan needed. Caesar was a great horseman and swordsman and he led his army from the front, often on foot. He was absolutely fearless. Obama has never been in the military, and is not known for bravery.Both men gained fame as speakers, but Obama seems terrible without a speech written by others, delivered by a teleprompter, whereas Caesar penned his own speeches and recited these from memory. Caesar was a great leader of men, both by example and by word. Obama doesn’t seem to have the gift of leadership, despite being a riveting speaker. Further, there is credible evidence Obama had a ghostwriter for his autobiographies, whereas historians don’t dispute Caesar wrote his own masterpiece – the Gallic Campaigns. And, by the way—can one imagine Julius Caesar bowing to a barbarian king, for example?!!Most of all, Caesar exemplified success at every level, except when his ambitions finally outstripped his opportunity. Obama represents an unending roll call of failed legislation, and non-performing programs. He seems not even to understand how to help create legislation, or how one presents ideas in such a way that others find them compelling. This undoubtedly has much to do with the fact he appears to have spent much of his life in opposition as a critic. His never having headed any organization appears a colossal hurdle that Obama cannot overcome. Contra, Caesar led both military and civilian groups, and was a master at persuading others to support his plans. Yet, both men have encountered the same response from their people – that too much statism is unacceptable.
Obama Compared to Nero
Nero’s policies were initially influenced by a naïve desire to help others, such as by canceling all taxes. Later, he virtually gave up ruling Rome to go and play in Greece. Certainly, Obama seems more grounded than Nero, but his policies may turn out to be just as damaging. For example, massive deficit spending bills will achieve the same effect as canceling all taxes, when one considers the impact of the reckless printing of fiat money, which has nothing backing it up. Both will make insolvent the government. Further, Nero’s decision to rule Greece a tax free zone makes about as much fiscal sense as Obamacare, with both being launched as a personal crusade, and to cost their governments huge amounts, but the results being a general debasing of the economy. Further, Obama’s habit of allowing others to craft his legislation is similar to Nero relocating to Athens instead of staying home to run the country.
Personality and Character
Nero goes down as one of the truly horrendous emperors. But does Obama also rate as one of the worst presidents? Both men share a fixation on superficial oral presentations while leaving the heavy lifting of leadership to others. Both were initially regarded highly until their ruling style became well-known as haphazard, reckless and irresponsible. Each man seems to lack any native ability to lead, or inspire the confidence of those who initially oppose them. Further, both blame their mistakes on others. And each seems committed to a cause beyond the borders of their land – Nero to stage productions in Greece, and Obama to a totally foreign concept of economics, values and leadership.
Obama did seem to start his presidency with the same goal as Julius Caesar – to take a functioning democratic republic and move it closer towards statist, one-man rule. In both cases, the people arose to criticize the attempt. Now, it remains to be seen if Obama’s first try will be his last. Since Barack keeps pushing Obamacare, it seems he will continue to try to force the issue over the next three years. Will America become the next Roman Empire run by selfish demagogues?
Nero ruled as an increasingly infantile figure, completely fixated on being on stage. In fact, when he discovered he was named an enemy of the state, he gasped, qualis artifex pereo, or—What a loss I shall be to the arts! One wonders if Barack Obama will ever see fit to rise above his own slogans and simplistic, boastful rhetoric to truly embrace the whole job of being Commander in Chief? This position includes not just reading speeches, but researching important topics at length, and thinking deeply about these, as well. Barack must come to his own positions, based upon genuine knowledge, deduction and common sense – not just political ideology.If he can’t do this bare minimum, then certainly Barack is destined to follow in the steps of Nero – a failed and even laughable caricature of a leader, content to spend his days reciting others’ words, without understanding them, but reading them like a soap opera star from a cold teleprompter to people he will never know, nor apparently ever care to.
Obama advancing Islamic Sharia law, prohibiting criticism of Islam
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
22 February 2010: Barack Hussein Obama, catering to both Muslim and globalist agendas, is exposing his preference to Islamic and globalist agendas and placing yet another nail in America’s coffin by appointing Rashad HUSSAIN as special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. To understand the extreme significance of this appointment, it is vital for Americans to understand the composition and objectives of the OIC, its global influence and potential impact on the U.S., and also be fully aware of the background of Rashad HUSSAIN.The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is the world’s largest Islamic entity with a membership of 57 Muslim nations and a permanent delegation to the United Nations. Aside from the United Nations, it is the largest international entity of any type. It was formed on September 25, 1969 by the Islamic heads of state in Rabat, Morocco as an affront to Israel, with its primary objective to regain complete Muslim control and Islamic religious dominance over Jerusalem. It is now based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Top PLO terrorist leader and Muslim Brotherhood descendent Yasser Arafat was given the honorary position of permanent deputy chairman of the OIC in the years following its establishment. Unsurprisingly, the symbol of the OIC is a flag with a green background and an upward facing red crescent within a white circle. Above the crescent are the words Allahu Akbar written in Arabic script.
Since its establishment, the OIC has been THE primary organization pushing for the global criminalization of any criticism of Islam, Muslims, Islamic Sharia law, and all cultural and religious aspects of Islam. An early adherent to the use of the term Islamophobia, the OIC urged the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) in 2005 to pass a resolution titled Combating Defamation of Religions,a relatively benign sounding objective until closer inspection of the resolution found that it applied only to criticism of Islam. The Combating Defamation of Religions resolution was formally passed on March 30, 2007 by a vote of 24 to 14.The OIC is engaged in an aggressive campaign to intimidate Western governments, including the U.S., into adopting hate speech laws that will effectively prohibit any form of criticism of Islam, including violent acts of Islamic jihad. Its march toward criminalizing any negative speech against Islam is rapidly progressing. In 2008, the OIC issued a 58-page report citing numerous allegations of Islamophobia, even identifying the state of Florida’s Attorney General’s decision to show the movie Obsession to his staff, a documentary that warned about the actions and objectives of radical Islam,as an example of hate speech and Islamophobia. This comes from the same entity that, in early May 2002, during at a meeting of religious affairs ministers of the OIC in Kuala Lampur, a Saudi representative continud to justify suicide bombings. Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Islamic Affairs, Sheikh Saleh Al al-Sheikh reportedly stated that suicide bombing are permitted and the (Islamic) victims are considered to have dies a martyr’s death. Their global influence is growing rapidly.For almost 30 years, the U.S. never appointed any envoy to the OIC. That all changed just a mere seven years after the Islamic terrorist attack on 9/11, however, former President George Bush appointed Pakistani native and Austin, Texas businessman Sada Cumber as the first US envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference on March 3, 2008. Bush stated that the core of his mission is to explain to the Islamic world that America is a friend, is a friend of freedom, is a friend of peace, that we value religion.Now, Obama is appointing a new envoy – Rashad HUSSAIN, his associate deputy counsel to that position. Who is Rashad HUSSAIN? HUSSAIN was a Yale Law School student and from 2003-2005, an editor of the Yale Law Journal. He eventually served as a Department of Justice trial attorney and in January 2009 was appointed White House deputy associate counsel.
At a MSA conference in Chicago on September 5, 2004 HUSSAIN was quoted as saying that the case against Sami al Arian, a University of South Florida professor, North American head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, former chairman of the Islamic Academy of Florida, and the recipient of a 50-count indictment by a federal grand jury in February 2003, was politically motivated. Al Arian was also involved in the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (AADC), the American Muslim Council (AMC), the American Muslim Alliance, and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).According to investigative documents, al Arian had connections to the blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, mastermind of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and to Hamas official Mohammed Sakr and other high ranking terrorists, including Sudanese terrorist Hassan Turbai and Islamic Jihad co-founder Abdel Aziz-Odeh.HUSSAIN reportedly stated that the prosecution of al Arian was being used to squash dissent. HUSSAIN was also quoted telling a Muslim students’ event in Chicago that if U.S. Muslims did not speak out against the injustices taking place in America, then everyone’s rights would be in jeopardy.In 2006, al Arian entered into a plea agreement to plead guilty to conspiracy to help a specially designated terrorist organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and was sentenced to serve 57 months in prison with credit to time served and face deportation. In March 2008, the U.S. Department of Justice subpoenaed Al-Arian to testify before another grand jury. He refused to do so and was cited for contempt in June of that year. He is presently under house arrest and awaits trial on contempt charges.After being selected as special envoy to the OIC, HUSSSAIN initially denied making any such statements, then stated that his statements were taken out of context, and as of last week, admits to making statements that were ill-conceived or not well-formulated.According to recent reports, HUSSAIN’s statements were part of a much broader defense of suspected Islamic terrorists.
White House cover-up & globalist ties
The events that happened next involving Rashad HUSSAIN are nothing less than a cover-up that can be traced back to the highest levels at the White House. According to published reports, The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs deleted two paragraphs from a 2004 article that quoted HUSSAIN, and then tried to further cover up the cover up by claiming that the web site Archive.org was lying and implied that anyone who wonders what happened to the article is a bigot.[i]The White House stood behind HUSSAIN, who unsurprisingly, was named a Fellow to the Paul and Daisy SOROS Foundation in 2003. Paul SOROS is the older brother of George SOROS, a financial supporter of Barack Hussein OBAMA and a virulent anti-capitalist and globalist.
Earlier today, Fox News reported to have “unearthed tapes” telling an audience that he favors the imposition of Islamic Sharia law on a global scale. What better position to hold than envoy to an organization with the very same objectives. Despite the controversy involving HUSSAIN, Barack Hussein Obama is standing firm on his appointment.
[i] http://www.newsrealblog.com/2010/02/22/obamas-oic-envoy-didnt-just-defend-al-arian/
Obama’s informational pipline to terrorists
By Douglas J.Hagmann, Director
20 February 2010: Barack Hussein Obama is wielding his power as President to surreptitiously advance his pro-Marxist, pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel agenda within the United States while concurrently hobbling the efforts of our intelligence community, our military and our law enforcement agencies to fight Islamic terrorism. He is doing so under the guise of a counter terrorism initiative that is nothing less than pandering to Muslim influence and demands in the U.S. by sharing law enforcement sensitive information with groups tied to Islamic terrorism.Barack Hussein Obama is using the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with Janet Napolitano at the helm, to provide law enforcement sensitive information directly to representatives of Islamic groups with ties to terrorism under the guise of counter-radicalization.As noted in my multi-part investigative series, our national security is being deliberately and systematically compromised from within. This compromise has reached new levels under Barack Hussein Obama, who is showing his allegiance to Islam and the Islamic agenda for America in this latest and most egregious madness that provides the very groups we are fighting with information about our security measures, procedures and tactics.
The first meeting of this new initiative took place in Washington, DC on 27 and 28 January 2010 when Napolitano met with the representatives of several Islamic organizations, including Ingrid MATTSON, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Salam al-Marayati, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and representatives of the Muslim American Society.The ISNA was identified as one of 25 U.S. based Islamic organizations That finance terrorism and perpetuate violence by the Senate Committee on Finance in December 2003. They were also closely aligned with the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, a U.S. based charity disbanded by authorities for its funding of the terrorist organization Hamas.The Muslim Public Affairs Council is a virulent anti-Semitic organization that characterizes Israel as a racist, chauvinistic and militaristic state that is prosecuting a war to steal land from Palestinians, to decimate their leadership, to humiliate the Palestinian people. In 2005, MPAC joined the organization Code Pink, another anti-Semitic, anti-military group founded by pro-Castro radical Media Benjamin.The Muslim American Society, an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood, is an organization whose objective is to subjugate Constitutional law with Islamic Sharia law, and implement Islam and Islamic law on a global scale. They are also related by association to International ANSWER, an anti-war front group for the Communist World Workers Party.
These are the groups and individuals, under the direct authority of Barack Hussein Obama, with whom Napolitano is courting and sharing sensitive security information. This is a clear example of Barack Hussein Obama’s pro-Marxist, pro-Islamic, and anti-American agenda at work. It is a perfect recipe for disaster by inviting terrorism, then asserting complete control and dominance over the American population.
Dumbing down of an entire nation-Obama Bets the Farm on American Stupidity
By Joy Tiz Friday, March 5, 2010
Decades of entrusting the federal government with our children’s education has led, inevitably, to the dumbing down of an entire nation. Our public school system has failed to provide the most basic and elementary skills, while at the same time functioning as a ministry of propaganda for left wing causes. The hijacking of our schools has been going on for decades; we are now experiencing the repercussions.
Only in a thoroughly dumbed down America would Barack Obama’s astonishing ignorance of American history have gone unnoticed. Only in a thoroughly dumbed down America could Barack Obama have been elected to the presidency in the first place. A man with no executive experience, deeply disturbing associations, and gaping holes in his history was elevated to the highest office in the land.Fourteen months into his presidency, with nothing but an ignominious accumulation of failures to show for it, Obama is taking his last stand. The only way he can overcome this mountain of fiascos is if Americans are every bit as dumb as he thinks they are.The hill he is willing to die on is the health crimes depredation. A wildly unpopular proposal-as opposed to an actual bill-that the citizenry has emphatically rejected.If Obama can’t sell this heap of garbage, he relegates himself to lame duck status for the next three years If Obama can’t sell this heap of garbage, he relegates himself to lame duck status for the next three years, and can forget about getting anything else on his boss’s agenda accomplished.
Our dumbness test is upon us. Obama’s BFF, Valerie Jarrett, broke down the Obama game plan for insulting the collective American intelligence:Could the Obama administration…write some much simpler booklets on housing foreclosure, on the health care bill…where as a typical person including those in the Tea Party could understand the basics of it? Cause I feel many of them simply don’t. Do you think that is an analogy? (Link)
Yes! Start speaking more slowly and issue pop-up books and you’ll finally get those ignorant Constitutionalists converted to the cult of Obamanutz to receive the blessings of tyranny.Obama himself thinks the real reason Americans are seething with white hot rage over his health care malapropism is because he just hasn’t spent enough time talking to us about it. Adding insult to insult, Team O is now deploying the craziest of the liberal Left in yet another effort to confound the mindless rubes. The scheme is to send out such Lefty luminaries as Michael Moore and Doctor Demento Dean to rail against the shortcomings in the health crimes bill(s). Although his conclusion is correct: Democrats are disgusting, documentary film maker Moore wants us to believe that Obama’s ideas are just too darned mainstream to appease the hysterical Left.Former presidential candidate, and DNC chairman, the always restrained Howard Dean has been publicly kvetching:The plan, as it comes from the Senate, hangs out every Democrat who’s running for office to dry - including the president, in 2012, because it makes him defend a plan that isn’t in effect essentially yet,’ the former physician told The Bill Press Radio Show.Of course this makes no sense, it’s not meant to. The idea is to convince sane Americans that Howard Dean is opposed to the Obama health care plan as it is written because it will be bad for Democrats; which in our simple minds means the health care plan must be really, really good.
But it’s when the big kahuna himself starts publicly scolding his little jackal that we know something is up. Unrepentant Nazi collaborator, the normally stealthy George Soros has suddenly taken to spanking Obama in public: his failure to raise the nation’s deficits and his failure to seize and take over all of the nation’s banks.We’re supposed to believe that Obama isn’t taking orders from Soros after all.
Andy McCarthy at NRO is on to the ruse. Quit celebrating Obama’s sudden decision to allow military commissions to try the 9/11 terrorists; it is yet another head fake aimed at cashing in on our perceived stupidity:The Washington Post article that Dan posted about last night is a head fake. President Obama is not caving on military commissions. He has already caved on them: He failed (thankfully) to abolish them, Congress enacted legislation endorsing them again in 2009, and the administration has already directed a commission trial for the Cole bombers.McCarthy warns that Obama will use his make- believe compromise on the civilian trials as a bargaining chip in exchange for closing Gitmo:The real agenda here is to close Gitmo. That’s the ball to keep your eye on. The Post is trying to soften the opposition to shuttering the detention camp by portraying beleaguered, reasonable Obama as making a great compromise that will exasperate the Left. The idea is to strengthen Sen. Lindsey Graham’s hand in seeking reciprocal compromise from our side.And what an ideal moment to make this seemingly momentous proclamation about the terrorist trials! Have they got anymore shiny objects to roll in front of us? Lacking the capacity for original thinking, Obama typically falls back on those old-fashioned Cloward and Piven strategies for keeping us dazed and confused.Half of America’s voting population really was stupid enough to elect Obama in the first place. Fourteen months of him have driven plenty of them to become educated. The Tea Partiers have gained ascendancy by laying bare this administration’s hidden agenda. Once we were dumb, but we’re getting smarter by the minute.
What is the real danger of Obama? MAR 1,10
The Internet is a mind field of attacks and assaults on who Obama is, what his influences are, where was he born, and his push for Chicago style politics. In my national radio show and articles, www.therothshow.com I have covered and probed all of these before and after his election.
Who is Obama for real and what are his goals for this countryLet’s talk facts
We know that Obama’s real Dad was Nyangoma-Kogel of Kenya who divorced his Mom, Stanley Ann Dunham when Obama was 2. Kogel was not known as a radical Muslim. However, Lolo Soetoro, her second husband was. He gladly introduced Barack into the Wahabi school of Islam in Jakarta Indonesia. In case you forgot, Wahabism is the radical teaching that Muslim terrorists actually follow. Granted, Barack was a child but his influenced skeletal structure was building. First with an atheist, new age Mom, two Muslim Dads from different countries who then abandoned him. Obama was brought to Hawaii and the glowing influences continued. He writes about Frank’s close involvement in his life in his book Dreams of my Father.Obama was talking about black poet Frank Marshall Davis, a known Communist and pervert. Frank loved to write about sex with everyone, young and old, while teaching and espousing the wonders of communism. One of his big favorites, in which he described writing from his own experiences, but changing the names, was his piece of porno trash, Sex Rebel. He wrote in one section that a 13-year-old girl called Anne….wanted sex and tried to seduce him, so naturally he had to comply or maybe cripple her sexually for life as he said.Who was that Anne???
So far, from birth to age 10 Obama was influenced by a heavy drinking, atheist, party Mom, who exposed him to Islam from two different Men and countries, then whisked him into the arms of a noted communist, pervert in Hawaii named Frank. Given Frank’s prolific writing and acting out sexually and how close he was to Anne Dunham and Barack…….what were they both exposed to sexually, in between communist lessons and planning? Let’s be fair. Who has Obama become in spite of his communist, atheist, Muslim and pervert influences? My Ph.D. and research was in alcohol and drugs. I am most aware that just because people have a bad and painful childhood, void of the right kind of values and teaching, they still can make choices and choose a higher playing field. We all make choices regardless of our influences and childhood……..so, maybe Obama has reached higher.
What have been Obama’s choices during his adult life? What do his repeated choices say about who he has become in real life? Obama’s actions, associations and voting record reveal the following:He is not stupid. He attended many schools.This is a man who attended Occidental College for two years and got his B.A. from Columbia University. He went on to get his law degree from Harvard Law School and became the Harvard Law Review’s first African American president. He was a lecturer of constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School.So, regardless of how horrified or shocked we might be because of his actions and executive orders, you can’t say he is stupid or naive. He knows exactly what he wants and what he is doing.
He has continuously surrounded himself with radical people.Obama joined Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church to draw away any attention to his Islamic past and to manipulate support from the African American community in Chicago and across the country as his political career grew. Rev. Wright preached anti Americanism and racism the entire 20 years he attended. Magically, when running for President, he didn’t recall this bold and damming emphasis.Obama aligned closely and worked along side William Ayers, formerly of the terrorist, Anti American group, Weather Underground, that attacked people and blew up federal buildings. When the spot light got hotter on William Ayers, his terrorist background and close relationship with Obama, Obama, magically again, barely remembered his working relationship with Ayers, though he was on various boards with him and Ayers raised millions for him out of his own home. They were close friends and colleagues. I know, because I broke the story in March 2008 on my radio show about William Ayers and his connections with Obama.
Look at Obama’s list of czars…nothing but socialist/communists, perverts and radicals. Just to name a few: Science czar John Holdren co authored a book in 1977 that he advocated mass sterilization and forced abortions. Great science to look forward to with this guy.Cass Sunstein, the Regulatory Czar wants to outlaw hunting and for animals to be able to sue us.Safe Schools Czar is run by Keven Jennings, a former school teacher who opening promotes gay behavior and experimentation. He founded the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which now has over 40 chapters in schools across the country. He is supposed to against drugs and drug risks for students in schools, but his background is boldly gay and reactionary and pushy gay at that. His dream child, GLSEN held a conference in 2000 that held an education seminar for kids that graphically described some special sex techniques like Fisting.To kids they were promoting sticking your fist up someone’s anis or vagina. This is what our Safe Schools Czar supports and is about??? I would rather have my 6 and 13 year old exposed to Witch Doctors in Zimbabwe! Obama has continuously apologized for our nation around the world and said we were not a Christian nation. He has responded in a tepid way to Islamic terror such as urging the nation not to rush to judgment regarding the Ft. Hood murders of 14 soldiers by an obvious Islamic radical and his 72 hour delay to even speak to the nation regarding the near fatal Islamic bomber on the flight over Detroit on Christmas.
We have seen the same radical and UN American positions, giving Hamas 900 million, backing Zelaya, properly ousted dictator in Honduras and backing Amidinajad’s right to go nuclear.At the end of the day, even trying to look for rays of hope and light with this President, you have to conclude: Obama is a communist, Internationalist, secularist who plays the Muslim and Christian card when expedient and is against freedom and Judeo Christian values….period! We truthfully have no idea where he was born since he has spent over 1.6 million to hide all his birth certificate, passport and college records. Why spend millions to hide all your records if you have nothing to hide? We must organize and get Obama and his UN American staff kicked right out of office. After he is out of the White House……let’s bring in a sea of staff, fumigate the place and start again. Everyone walking into the white house after Obama leaves are advised to where masks.
The curious disappearance of Lachlan Cranswick
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
26 February 2010: Lachlan CRANSWICK, a 41 year-old nuclear scientist working in Ontario vanished last month without a trace. The circumstances surrounding his disappearance are indeed curious and the case merits more than a casual mention, especially in light of numerous other instances of nuclear scientists and microbiologists turning up missing or dead within the last few years, many under mysterious circumstances.On Monday, January 18, CRANSWICK, who works at the Chalk River Laboratories nuclear facility in Ottawa where he runs experiments for the National Research Council, just completed work for an overseas researcher. He reportedly left his report of findings on his desk to be mailed later, and boarded a bus from the nuclear facility to his home in Deep River, Ontario at 4:30 pm on that day.At some point after arriving at his home where he lived alone, he reportedly carried his trash to the curb. Then… nothing. He was gone without a trace. His house was found unlocked, and his car was parked in the garage. His wallet, keys and passport were all inside of his home, untouched.
CRANSWICK, a curling enthusiast, was scheduled to take the next few days off work. When he failed to show up for a game with the local curling club and did not return to work, his friends notified authorities of his disappearance on January 24. Multiple searches using helicopters, tracking dogs and civilian volunteers failed to turn up any clues or insight into his disappearance. Now, authorities are at a loss with no leads and no answers.It is open and there is nothing else we can do with it, said Constable Darin Faris, the Deep River police officer conducting the investigation. Every bit of information, every lead that came in, everything … has led us nowhere.We don’t believe he got lost,Faris said.He’s meticulous in all points of detail.CRANSWICK, a native of Australia, moved to the UK as a young man where he worked as an experimental physicist. He moved to Canada in 2003, and began working at the Neutron Beam Center in Chalk River, which is used as a laboratory for scientists from around the world to conduct various experiments and academic research. It was CRANSWICKS’s job was to assist the various scientists by running tests, primarily conducting tests of samples to identify their molecular structure, according to his colleagues.Described as meticulous, disciplined and well organized, CRANSWICK never left his house unprepared. If he walked the nearby nature trails, for example, he would always carry a fanny pack, a flashlight, a whistle to ward off wildlife and a GPS system. All of those items were found by police in his house.
Lachlan Cranswick’s Homepage: http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/index.html
Interesting pages of links: http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/other-links.html
Related/of Interest: Compilation of dead scientists
Communism and genocide hide behind The Greens and Environmentalism MAR 5,10
The environmentalists (with their various pet names) pretend to have the last supply of empathy, caring and best intentions. The ever evolving Green and environmental shape shifter rushes in to save the planet from ruin. We can’t forget the endless and desperate speeches by Al Gore about the horror of Global warming and its destruction of the planet.We even saw how he was honored with the Nobel peace prize…..right along with other notable brilliant ones,Yasser Arafat, the thief and anti Semitic terror in Chief of Palestine and Barack Obama, the messiah of hope and change.
Global warming fraud
We have all seen this last year the unraveling of data and real science regarding global warming. The real scientific community and now media world has hailed it a complete failure and fraud. I would even ad criminal since the self appointed and honored messiahs of global warming and environmentalism were most happy to ignore the truth, real science and reality, taxing us and the world (stealing) to solve this mythological problem. They were all most happy to control our money, what we eat, buy, grow, develop and herd just to solve the mythological crises. Gee, it kind of makes you wonder if just controlling our lives, money and choices was what they wanted all along.
Close relative, The Greens
The Green movement, a close relative of control and horror boldly asserts to save the planet they must have sustainability (get used to less water, less food, less everything, defined as the Greens define it…) They hide behind the usual, invented enemies such as urbanization, industrialization and our development because, evil achievers that we are ruin our air, contaminate our water and food. We just hate people and have no regard for anyone. I have interviewed a courageous expert in this area on my national radio show many times, Holly Swanson who wrote the leading book on this fraudulent and dangerous push, Set up and Sold Out. In her in depth tracking of the Greens real agenda, she points out classic communism peppered through our schools, culture and politics. The Greens even try to rewrite our Religions and faith to reflect the real worship priorities…..that is, worshiping nature, not the living God. The Green movement and view of a green revolution is total control over people, what we eat, drink, where we go, what we grow, what we spend and what we speak and believe. People are in the way…..we are numbers and widgets to be discarded or worse if we don’t…..submit and obey.
So far as we probe and dig through the global warming, environmental and Greens sewage we see nothing but a Saul Alinsky type vehicle on an international scale, to control every thing in people’s lives, all in the name of saving animals, the dying environment and poor people in developing countries. In truth, this well funded and controlled push is nothing but faced lifted communism and the same old Nazi party…wanting genocide.It isn’t just Al Gore, Obama and other environmental gurus….It was used by Adolph Hitler with the Nazi party.Hitler used to talk and write about the Jews and their alleged cruelty to animals. He also built a case that the Jews felt they were above the law and nature and were addicted to capitalism and trying to pacify and control nature.In Nazi thinking, the Jew was simply a threatening species totally messing up nature, their surroundings and animals. They were the enemy of Social Darwinian evolutionary laws, thus the developing, national emergency to stop the unnatural and dreaded Jews.Hitler was a poster child for Rules for Radicals 101.We all know the rest of the story, except Amedinajad. You know, that silly guy who says the Holocaust never happened and that Obama thinks as the right to go nuclear.The Nazi party was green.They were green and preaching all its tentacles of control and blame before they murdered massive millions of men, women and children. Nazi leaders and many masses in Germany pretended they were doing the will of God even.Could such abuse, controls and even murder happen again under the guise of environmental control?
Let’s look at how tyrants take control. They develop a big crises to solve so they can reach into our lives and control from. Along with the crises, they develop and point out enemies to demonize and destroy. These classic vehicles of control include the environment, (trees, parks, animals, food and water). Castro in Cuba, Hitler in Germany and many more tyrants act like them want to only save the dying food and water supply while saving animals. Always, certain groups, people, events and property ownership are in the way.If you recall, Castro ran on change helping the desperate poor and fixing his battered country. Once in, he fixed it all right. He sent out his henchmen and collected all the guns from people, then started stealing property and businesses from the people. People so enjoy the change they rush to barely put together boats and drown in the ocean on the way to America.If we are to survive the push of environmentalism and its evil this time, we must not allow any theft of cap and trade and other environmental, property controlling and seizing bills to take control.It is not too late to stop the genocide of the masses in our country by stopping the environmentalist and greens, dead in their tracks. Already, we have seen with the Obama administration, Nepolitano and his czars, that people are considered all but numbers. Cass Sunstein, Obama’s regulatory czar wants hunting outlawed and animals to be able to sue people. The enemy of our country is being renamed, from Islamic radicals and terrorists, to us domestic terrorists…..returning vets, pro lifers, pro sovereignty folks, gun owners and Christians. We are the new and growing danger to America as was revealed in the last, leaked Homeland security report. Now, with Obama pushing a Cyber Security bill (to control the Internet if there is a mystery crises declared), Council on Governors bill (now he will talk directly with leaders of the states, thus controlling even deeper…..assuming there is a crises of course) Interpol has the right to zoom around our country and be above our laws…..why?
I pray that the world will never again allow something as unbelievably evil as the Holocaust to ever happen again. In order to stop that danger, we must stop the organized and endless effort to turn people into ‘sustainable’ numbers that can be discarded at will and the worship of animals and nature.
The Master Hypocrite, Gore is also confused about global warming-Carbon Market Collapse Brings Gore Out Of Hiding By Dr. Tim Ball Thursday, March 4, 2010
Only The New York Times
We should ignore Al Gore’s bizarre Op-Ed in, where else, the New York Times, but it needs analysis because it includes all the standard errors that entrap and confuse most people. It also exposes him as a real hypocrite in his own words. The title We can’t wish away Climate change illustrates how little Gore knows or understands. No, we can’t wish it away because it has and will always exist.
Climate Change Is Normal
Just 20,000 years ago massive glaciers covered much of North America, Europe and Asia. Figure 1 shows most of the ice covering the land of the Northern Hemisphere.
Figure 1: White areas are land-based ice. North Pole is at the Centre.Most of the ice melted in about 8,000 years, a melt that does not correlate with CO2 levels at all. Sea level was some 500 feet lower at peak of ice extent. Current climate change is well within normal patterns.Gore is also confused about global warming, which has generally occurred for 18,000 years as the Earth emerged from the last Ice Age into the current Interglacial. In the 18,000 years the overall trend was up but there were prolonged periods of cooling. The world cooled from the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) around 1000 AD to a low in 1680 AD during the Little Ice Age. The world has generally warmed since 1680, which few have denied. The issue is the cause and nothing supports the claim it is CO2.
Exploitation of Fear
In case you accept that climate change and global warming are normal, Gore has another fear – national security: we need to deal with the national security risks of our growing dependence on a global oil market dominated by dwindling reserves in the most unstable region of the world. But US dependence on foreign sources is a self inflicted wound that began with the military oil reserve set asides made after WWII, and aggravated by anti-nuclear campaigns and unnecessary excessive regulations in the name of environmentalism. And if that fear doesn’t persuade you, he has a third.In fact, the crisis is still growing because we are continuing to dump 90 million tons of global warming pollution every 24 hours into the atmosphere – as if it were an open sewer. He cleverly doesn’t mention CO2 but the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says it caused all warming since 1950. CO2 is not a pollutant and is essential to life; its designation as such is part of the entire strategy of undermining industrialized nations. This paragraph starts with Gore’s wish that the climate crisis were an illusion. It is an illusion, as anyone who understands the science realizes, an illusion outlined and colored by the corrupt scientists of the CRU/IPCC. Now that you are truly fearful, he must deflect you from facts that lessen your fears. In a remarkable diversion he dismisses the leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU). He implies they’re useless by describing them as stolen, then says all they show is how the scientists were unable to fulfill Freedom of Information (FOI) request because of an onslaught of hostile, make-work demands from climate skeptics.He should listen to the British inquiry on the issue or the interview with former CRU Director Jones, who concedes there was no warming for the last 15 years and the MWP was warmer than today. This contradicts Gore’s claim that, even though climate deniers have speciously argued for several years that there has been no warming in the last decade.
There’s no space to contradict all the evidence he presents. Just two will suffice. He says that claims the US snowfall this winter is proof that global warming is a myth, are wrong. He says the events were predicted because warming would put more moisture in the atmosphere and create more storms. The problem is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says global precipitation for 2009 was near the 1961-1990 normals, with no pattern of increasing snow or rain from 1976 on. This is not surprising because the IPCC has essentially ignored water vapor and is not able to cope with clouds effectively in their models. In addition, cold air holds less moisture than warm air. For the first time on record all southern 48 States had snowfall and it is due to advancing cold air, a condition seen around the Northern Hemisphere. Gore shared a Nobel Prize with the IPCC but they disagreed significantly on sea level rise. Well guess what, Gore claims he is right and the IPCC wrong.It is worth noting that the panel’s scientists – acting in good faith on the best information then available to them – probably underestimated the range of sea-level rise in this century. Sea level is essential to Gore’s misdirection and fear factor. When people are asked what is wrong with global warming they almost always say sea-level rise. This is why it was such a major part of his propaganda movie, An Inconvenient Truth, with dramatic computer reconstructions of water flooding over Florida and other regions.
The Master Hypocrite
The last part of the article gets to the real issue, the need to introduce Cap and Trade in the US and worldwide. This will put value back into the carbon market from which he has made so much money. He condemns inaction and blames market triumphalism, the notion that industry was dominant after the fall of communism and promoted the idea that earlier fears of global warming had been grossly overestimated.This is an oblique way of saying the skeptics were paid by the oil and energy industry. He also says media organizations now present showmen masquerading as political thinkers.He forgets the Internet that democratized information and allowed a billion eyes and minds to see and expose the climate corruption. Gore’s article is frightening because a successful impeachment of Bill Clinton would have put him in the Presidency. Errors and false statements confirm once again he doesn’t understand the science. But that is not enough because he adds that ignorance to almost complete denial of the exposed fraud of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Gore personifies hypocrisy from his massive carbon footprint while telling others to live green, to the amount of money made from the carbon credit market. He completes the hypocrisy by hoping proposed cap and trade legislation supported by Senators John Kerry, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman will succeed to, place a true cap on carbon emissions and stimulate the rapid development of low-carbon sources of energy.The credits at the end of the piece identify him,As a businessman, he is an investor in alternative energy companies all of which benefit from cap and trade.
- DAN 1:1 - DAN 3:30 VBV - 1 JVI
- DAN 4:1 - DAN 6:28 VBV - 2 JVI
- DAN 7:1 - DAN 9:27 VBV - 3 JVI
- DAN 10:1 - 12:13 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 1 - REV 4:6 VBV - 1 JVI
- REV 4:9 - REV 9:21 VBV - 2 JVI
- REV 10:1 - REV 14:1 VBV - 3 JVI
- REV 14:2 - REV 18:24 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 19:1 - REV 22:21 VBV - 5 JVI
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Friday, March 05, 2010
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM +5.22
10:00 AM +67.49
10:30 AM +93.34
11:00 AM +83.36
11:30 AM +95.46
12:00 PM +82.68
12:30 PM +84.12
01:00 PM +83.82
01:30 PM +86.61
02:00 PM +83.74
02:30 PM +82.91
03:00 PM +117.60
03:30 PM +105.36
04:00 PM +122.06 10,566.20
S&P 500 1138.70 +15.73
NASDAQ 2326.35 +34.04
GOLD 1,133.20 +0.10
OIL 81.73 +1.52
TSE 300 11,975.10 +150.20
CDNX 1557.93 +16.09
S&P/TSX/60 702.72 +9.35
Dow +58 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -0.08 points at low today.
Dow +126 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,132.50.OIL opens at $81.27 today.
Dow -0.08 points at low today so far.
Dow +126 points at high today so far.
Dow -0.08 points at low today.
Dow +126 points at high today.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Flood potential remains high for Red River
Fri Mar 5, 1:25 pm ET
WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) – The high probability of major spring flooding along the Red River in North Dakota and Minnesota is little changed from last month, the United States National Weather Service said on Friday.Potential for major flooding along the Red in key cities and towns ranges from likely to nearly certain, the weather service said.Fargo, North Dakota, the valley's largest city, has a 96 percent chance of major flooding above 30 feet, unchanged from the weather service's last outlook on February 19. There is a 20 percent chance of the river reaching 40.6 feet at Fargo, just under last year's record of 40.84 feet.Major flooding is still likely at Grand Forks, North Dakota, and five key towns along the Red, although the weather service has reduced the probability for some of them.The valley is waterlogged from excessive rain last autumn and a heavy snowpack and will likely receive more precipitation through the spring melting period.The magnitude of flooding will likely be similar to last year, the weather service said. The flood of 2009 damaged hundreds of homes in North Dakota and forced hundreds more to be evacuated.Flooding also left many farmers unable to plant crops, making it one of the worst in the state's history.The valley is an important farming region for spring wheat and sugar beets.The Red River runs north into the Canadian province of Manitoba. The provincial government's flood forecaster, Alf Warkentin, said on Wednesday that recent mild weather that has begun melting snow is decreasing the threat of a serious flood there, according to the Canadian Press.Warkentin was not immediately available for comment Friday.(Reporting by Rod Nickel)
The smearing of dissent as violence
Have Glenn Beck and Chris Matthews linked peaceful activists with violent acts to spring the trap for an era of thought crime laws and politically-correct repression?
Aaron Dykes Infowars.com Commentary March 5, 2010
Why are so many random acts of violence being blamed on dissenting free speech groups? We are repeatedly told that lone individuals who carry out violence may be 9/11 truthers or may be Tea Party members or may be Constitutionalists. This pattern accusation is particularly perturbing because, most of these groups are really broad movements made up of many small groups, many of whom disagree profoundly, and of many individuals, some of whom associate, some of whom are isolated. The only unifying element, if any, is in sharing a belief. How these individuals act is a different matter altogether.But for media pundits like Glenn Beck, Chris Matthews and etc., it is fuel to link individual acts of violence with broad political beliefs. What is the agenda? It is clearly manifest an effort to neutralize dissent via a paralyzing guilt-by-association holding pattern. The media smear campaign is clearly coordinated to stop the spread of popular outrage against Washington. But how could widespread popular support for formal hate speech legislation or a de facto atmosphere of thought crime ever be generated under the bitter and divided party lines that have emerged under Obama’s presidency? You’d have to unite the right AND the left to back thought crime.It has already been played out in the mainstream media’s script over the past year:What have the FOX-fueled ‘right’ pundits like O’Reilly, Hannity and Glenn Beck railed against more than 9/11 truthers and Bush haters? Outrage is triggered in the left and Democrat wing by racism and now by Obama haters.
Under the Obama-era, the phony left-leaning talking heads have declared open-season on branding political opponents as racists, often desperately playing the race card at every sign of opposition to anything in the President’s agenda. Chris Matthews has wielded the racist tea party mantra in combination with smearing the violent Tea Parties and groups like theOath Keepers. Now, via Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), groups such as We Are Change, who are essentially citizen journalists, and groups including the Constitution Party have also been smeared. Astonishingly they have alleged violence where there is none. Yet the connection is established with a scattered pattern of lone individuals who have been painted in the colors of various targeted groups. I suspect a false flag of a different kind all together– primarily media driven, and disconnected in terms of the flagrant or violent acts in question. Perhaps a dirty tricks campaign.All of these groups are, at any organizational level (if any) and in its body politic, completely within the bounds of free speech and non-violent political action.But these smear campaigns have preemptively labeled broad groups as potential violators of some foggy, abstract category like terrorist or racist or even hurtful. Sadly, it’s nothing new for developing countries who were mired by cheap dictators and brutally repressive regimes. Political dissent has been criminalized and purged in too many banana republics. For it to now take root in the United States is deplorable.
Yet it has cropped up at law enforcement fusion centers (there’s no law against belief or political speech) in the leaked MIAC report and in the Federal government’s mother organization Homeland Security. Both hold veterans and peaceful political groups as potential domestic terrorists. Things have become so bad in this country that The People have become indistinguishable from the enemy to our civil servants and watchdog authorities. Many of these same groups were named in their report.White House Czar Cass Sunstein has even written policy papers which propose censoring and even penalizing conspiracy theories (outlawing a belief, i.e. thought crime) and even belief in the basic goodness of sunshine.The loudest voice in the room in all of this has been Glenn Beck, who has mapped out the battlefield of supposedly violent, subversive thought crime. His mental map and belief system seems mired in a middle-ages Inquisition mindset.For Beck, it is a sinister plot held in the mind that centers over 9/11 truth beliefs. It has been the poison of the White House via Czar Van Jones’ alleged thought crime, it has been the poison of the Tea Parties, and it was the poison latent belief of candidate Debra Medina who was mired in doublethink and 9/11 controversy fallout. He has brazenly predicted coming violence from the wings of the Tea Party, from the midst of 9/11 truth and from the other violent wings of the mind. Beck has even claimed that a 9/11 Truther will try to assassinate the President.If this random campaign is carried out by violent minded 9/11 truthers and Tea Party racists, as the media smear would have us believe, how does Glenn Beck know so much about what’s going to happen? It’s all been on his chalkboard for months.
Consider a few incidents from the Bush era:
- A student asked John Kerry an uncomfortable question about his connection with Bush and Skull and Bones. He was unnecessarily tasered and arrested by police. The media chorus celebrated the use of force against an accused 9/11 truther engaging in free speech. A sensation was made out of his outburst Don’t taze me bro!
- A random bombing at Times Square was arbitrarily linked to 9/11 truthers and anti-war activists. The mainstream media smear agents cried out and demonized the wide and varied groups as violent.
- We Are Change member German Gary Talis was set up and charged with attacking a girl in a wheelchair after loudly questioning two Bush women outside an event. Witness accounts confirm Talis’ story and he defeated the trumped up charges in court, but was smeared in the media and demonized as a senseless brute.
During the 2008 Election season, pundits called for tazing 9/11 truthers who asked questions to candidates and Constitutional candidate Ron Paul, whose grassroots supporters worried the establishment, was demonized and smeared under the same tactics.Now consider under the Obama-era, we have unconnected events that the establishment media has connected with terrorism, racism and truther-ism. The true nature of many of these events, at a minimum, is under question, but they amount to a hazy campaign of fear and possibly dirty tricks.The Holocaust museum shooting, Ft. Hood shooting, Underwear Bomber, Texas Capital gun firing, Joe Stack’s crash into the Austin IRS building, Pentagon shooting…Yet the political damage for these isolated events is painted against the typical targets, i.e. Van Jones, Debra Medina, anti-Federal Reserve activists, the Texas Gun Show, Tea Party, 9/11 Truthers, Veterans, Birthers, We Are Change, Oath Keepers, Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Constitution Party, and et al.But these are faces of a decentralized political movement challenging the status quo. There’s no connection to the acts of a few isolated individuals, and it’s unfair for Glenn Beck and others to insist on making that connection.
News Reports Portraying Pentagon Shooter as Truther Appeared Hours After Event Infowars.com March 5, 2010
John Patrick Bedell, the suspected Pentagon shooter, was pegged as a 9/11 truther hours after the shooting in Washington.An article entitled September 11 conspiracy theorist opens fire at Pentagon by Sophie Tedmanson was posted on the Times Online website at approximately at 4 AM Eastern time this morning, several hours after the shooting occurred.Associated Press finds audio of Bedell’s political ranting.A 9/11 conspiracy theorist walked up to two policemen at the Pentagon yesterday, pulled out a handgun and opened fire at point-blank range, Tedmanson wrote hours after the event.Tedmanson’s choice of words leaves the reader believing Bedell was inspired to assault the police due to his belief that 9/11 was an inside job.KCRA, a news station affiliated with Hearst Television, reported the alleged 9/11 angle at 8:24 PST, several hours after the event. An earlier report posted on the KCRA website mentioned the shooting at the Army’s Fort Hood base in Texas but did not mention 9/11.The later post was edited at 11:18 PST, so it is not clear if the 9/11 mention appeared in the original post.Regardless, the corporate media has exploited Bedell’s comments and has shifted into overdrive and is now portraying the 9/11 truth movement as a violent threat.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
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04:00 PM +122.06 10,566.20
S&P 500 1138.70 +15.73
NASDAQ 2326.35 +34.04
GOLD 1,133.20 +0.10
OIL 81.73 +1.52
TSE 300 11,975.10 +150.20
CDNX 1557.93 +16.09
S&P/TSX/60 702.72 +9.35
Dow +58 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -0.08 points at low today.
Dow +126 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,132.50.OIL opens at $81.27 today.
Dow -0.08 points at low today so far.
Dow +126 points at high today so far.
Dow -0.08 points at low today.
Dow +126 points at high today.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Flood potential remains high for Red River
Fri Mar 5, 1:25 pm ET
WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) – The high probability of major spring flooding along the Red River in North Dakota and Minnesota is little changed from last month, the United States National Weather Service said on Friday.Potential for major flooding along the Red in key cities and towns ranges from likely to nearly certain, the weather service said.Fargo, North Dakota, the valley's largest city, has a 96 percent chance of major flooding above 30 feet, unchanged from the weather service's last outlook on February 19. There is a 20 percent chance of the river reaching 40.6 feet at Fargo, just under last year's record of 40.84 feet.Major flooding is still likely at Grand Forks, North Dakota, and five key towns along the Red, although the weather service has reduced the probability for some of them.The valley is waterlogged from excessive rain last autumn and a heavy snowpack and will likely receive more precipitation through the spring melting period.The magnitude of flooding will likely be similar to last year, the weather service said. The flood of 2009 damaged hundreds of homes in North Dakota and forced hundreds more to be evacuated.Flooding also left many farmers unable to plant crops, making it one of the worst in the state's history.The valley is an important farming region for spring wheat and sugar beets.The Red River runs north into the Canadian province of Manitoba. The provincial government's flood forecaster, Alf Warkentin, said on Wednesday that recent mild weather that has begun melting snow is decreasing the threat of a serious flood there, according to the Canadian Press.Warkentin was not immediately available for comment Friday.(Reporting by Rod Nickel)
The smearing of dissent as violence
Have Glenn Beck and Chris Matthews linked peaceful activists with violent acts to spring the trap for an era of thought crime laws and politically-correct repression?
Aaron Dykes Infowars.com Commentary March 5, 2010
Why are so many random acts of violence being blamed on dissenting free speech groups? We are repeatedly told that lone individuals who carry out violence may be 9/11 truthers or may be Tea Party members or may be Constitutionalists. This pattern accusation is particularly perturbing because, most of these groups are really broad movements made up of many small groups, many of whom disagree profoundly, and of many individuals, some of whom associate, some of whom are isolated. The only unifying element, if any, is in sharing a belief. How these individuals act is a different matter altogether.But for media pundits like Glenn Beck, Chris Matthews and etc., it is fuel to link individual acts of violence with broad political beliefs. What is the agenda? It is clearly manifest an effort to neutralize dissent via a paralyzing guilt-by-association holding pattern. The media smear campaign is clearly coordinated to stop the spread of popular outrage against Washington. But how could widespread popular support for formal hate speech legislation or a de facto atmosphere of thought crime ever be generated under the bitter and divided party lines that have emerged under Obama’s presidency? You’d have to unite the right AND the left to back thought crime.It has already been played out in the mainstream media’s script over the past year:What have the FOX-fueled ‘right’ pundits like O’Reilly, Hannity and Glenn Beck railed against more than 9/11 truthers and Bush haters? Outrage is triggered in the left and Democrat wing by racism and now by Obama haters.
Under the Obama-era, the phony left-leaning talking heads have declared open-season on branding political opponents as racists, often desperately playing the race card at every sign of opposition to anything in the President’s agenda. Chris Matthews has wielded the racist tea party mantra in combination with smearing the violent Tea Parties and groups like theOath Keepers. Now, via Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), groups such as We Are Change, who are essentially citizen journalists, and groups including the Constitution Party have also been smeared. Astonishingly they have alleged violence where there is none. Yet the connection is established with a scattered pattern of lone individuals who have been painted in the colors of various targeted groups. I suspect a false flag of a different kind all together– primarily media driven, and disconnected in terms of the flagrant or violent acts in question. Perhaps a dirty tricks campaign.All of these groups are, at any organizational level (if any) and in its body politic, completely within the bounds of free speech and non-violent political action.But these smear campaigns have preemptively labeled broad groups as potential violators of some foggy, abstract category like terrorist or racist or even hurtful. Sadly, it’s nothing new for developing countries who were mired by cheap dictators and brutally repressive regimes. Political dissent has been criminalized and purged in too many banana republics. For it to now take root in the United States is deplorable.
Yet it has cropped up at law enforcement fusion centers (there’s no law against belief or political speech) in the leaked MIAC report and in the Federal government’s mother organization Homeland Security. Both hold veterans and peaceful political groups as potential domestic terrorists. Things have become so bad in this country that The People have become indistinguishable from the enemy to our civil servants and watchdog authorities. Many of these same groups were named in their report.White House Czar Cass Sunstein has even written policy papers which propose censoring and even penalizing conspiracy theories (outlawing a belief, i.e. thought crime) and even belief in the basic goodness of sunshine.The loudest voice in the room in all of this has been Glenn Beck, who has mapped out the battlefield of supposedly violent, subversive thought crime. His mental map and belief system seems mired in a middle-ages Inquisition mindset.For Beck, it is a sinister plot held in the mind that centers over 9/11 truth beliefs. It has been the poison of the White House via Czar Van Jones’ alleged thought crime, it has been the poison of the Tea Parties, and it was the poison latent belief of candidate Debra Medina who was mired in doublethink and 9/11 controversy fallout. He has brazenly predicted coming violence from the wings of the Tea Party, from the midst of 9/11 truth and from the other violent wings of the mind. Beck has even claimed that a 9/11 Truther will try to assassinate the President.If this random campaign is carried out by violent minded 9/11 truthers and Tea Party racists, as the media smear would have us believe, how does Glenn Beck know so much about what’s going to happen? It’s all been on his chalkboard for months.
Consider a few incidents from the Bush era:
- A student asked John Kerry an uncomfortable question about his connection with Bush and Skull and Bones. He was unnecessarily tasered and arrested by police. The media chorus celebrated the use of force against an accused 9/11 truther engaging in free speech. A sensation was made out of his outburst Don’t taze me bro!
- A random bombing at Times Square was arbitrarily linked to 9/11 truthers and anti-war activists. The mainstream media smear agents cried out and demonized the wide and varied groups as violent.
- We Are Change member German Gary Talis was set up and charged with attacking a girl in a wheelchair after loudly questioning two Bush women outside an event. Witness accounts confirm Talis’ story and he defeated the trumped up charges in court, but was smeared in the media and demonized as a senseless brute.
During the 2008 Election season, pundits called for tazing 9/11 truthers who asked questions to candidates and Constitutional candidate Ron Paul, whose grassroots supporters worried the establishment, was demonized and smeared under the same tactics.Now consider under the Obama-era, we have unconnected events that the establishment media has connected with terrorism, racism and truther-ism. The true nature of many of these events, at a minimum, is under question, but they amount to a hazy campaign of fear and possibly dirty tricks.The Holocaust museum shooting, Ft. Hood shooting, Underwear Bomber, Texas Capital gun firing, Joe Stack’s crash into the Austin IRS building, Pentagon shooting…Yet the political damage for these isolated events is painted against the typical targets, i.e. Van Jones, Debra Medina, anti-Federal Reserve activists, the Texas Gun Show, Tea Party, 9/11 Truthers, Veterans, Birthers, We Are Change, Oath Keepers, Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Constitution Party, and et al.But these are faces of a decentralized political movement challenging the status quo. There’s no connection to the acts of a few isolated individuals, and it’s unfair for Glenn Beck and others to insist on making that connection.
News Reports Portraying Pentagon Shooter as Truther Appeared Hours After Event Infowars.com March 5, 2010
John Patrick Bedell, the suspected Pentagon shooter, was pegged as a 9/11 truther hours after the shooting in Washington.An article entitled September 11 conspiracy theorist opens fire at Pentagon by Sophie Tedmanson was posted on the Times Online website at approximately at 4 AM Eastern time this morning, several hours after the shooting occurred.Associated Press finds audio of Bedell’s political ranting.A 9/11 conspiracy theorist walked up to two policemen at the Pentagon yesterday, pulled out a handgun and opened fire at point-blank range, Tedmanson wrote hours after the event.Tedmanson’s choice of words leaves the reader believing Bedell was inspired to assault the police due to his belief that 9/11 was an inside job.KCRA, a news station affiliated with Hearst Television, reported the alleged 9/11 angle at 8:24 PST, several hours after the event. An earlier report posted on the KCRA website mentioned the shooting at the Army’s Fort Hood base in Texas but did not mention 9/11.The later post was edited at 11:18 PST, so it is not clear if the 9/11 mention appeared in the original post.Regardless, the corporate media has exploited Bedell’s comments and has shifted into overdrive and is now portraying the 9/11 truth movement as a violent threat.
12 And the ten horns (NATIONS) which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse:(PEACE) and he that sat on him had a bow;(EU DICTATOR) and a crown was given unto him:(PRESIDENT OF THE EU) and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.(MILITARY GENIUS)
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.(THE EU AND ITS DICTATOR IS GODLESS)
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.(DICTATOR COMES FROM NEW AGE OR OCCULT)
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;(MURDERERD) and his deadly wound was healed:(COMES BACK TO LIFE) and all the world wondered after the beast.(THE WORLD THINKS ITS GOD IN THE FLESH, MESSIAH TO ISRAEL)
4 And they worshipped the dragon (SATAN) which gave power unto the beast:(JEWISH EU DICTATOR) and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?(FALSE RESURRECTION,SATAN BRINGS HIM TO LIFE)
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.(GIVEN WORLD CONTROL FOR 3 1/2YRS)
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,(HES A GOD HATER) to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.(HES A LIBERAL OR DEMOCRAT,WILL PUT ANYTHING ABOUT GOD DOWN)
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,(BEHEAD THEM) and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.(WORLD DOMINATION)
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.(WORLD DICTATOR)
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.(SAVED CHRISTIANS AND JEWS DIE FOR THEIR FAITH AT THIS TIME,NOW WE ARE SAVED BY GRACE BUT DURING THE 7 YEARS OF HELL ON EARTH, PEOPLE WILL BE PUT TO DEATH (BEHEADINGS) FOR THEIR BELIEF IN GOD (JESUS) OR THE BIBLE.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come (ROMANS IN AD 70) shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMANS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he( EU ROMAN, JEWISH DICTATOR) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:( 7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,( 3 1/2 YRS) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.James Paul Warburg appearing before the Senate on 7th February 1950
Like a famous WWII Belgian General,Paul Henry Spock said in 1957:We need no commission, we have already too many. What we need is a man who is great enough to be able to keep all the people in subjection to himself and to lift us out of the economic bog into which we threaten to sink. Send us such a man. Be he a god or a devil, we will accept him.And today, sadly, the world is indeed ready for such a man.
REVELATION 6:1-2,13:1-3,7-9,16
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.(THIS IS THE EU DICTATOR)
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.(THE JEWISH EU DICTATOR GETS HIS POWER FROM SATAN,HE COMES FROM THE OCCULT).
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
DANIEL 11:36-40
36 And the king shall do according to his will;(EU PRESIDENT) and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS A EUROPEAN JEW) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(HES A MILITARY GINIUS) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds (CONTROL HEZBOLLAH,AL-QUAIDA MURDERERS ETC) with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south(EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR PROTECTING ISRAELS SECURITY) and the king of the north(RUSSIA) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
Commission to table carbon emissions tax proposal
HONOR MAHONY Today MAR 5,10 @ 09:19 CET
The European Commission is planning in the next couple of months to table a proposal for a carbon tax, a move likely to cause division among member states.EU taxation commissioner Algirdas Semeta told Brussels weekly European Voice that he is planning draft legislation on a minimum rate of tax on carbon emissions.In my estimation it is possible to start discussion within the college [of European Commissioners], he told the newspaper, adding that there is currently the right momentum to relaunch the issue.His spokesperson said that the energy directive is one of the priorities he would like to pursue, during his five-year mandate and that an impact assessment of such a carbon tax is now being finalised. The commissioner would like to publish the proposal in the next couple of months.Mr Semeta's predecessor, Laszlo Kovacs, also planned legislation on the same issue in 2008 but the idea was shelved after it was deemed too divisive.According to the European Voice, Mr Kovacs' draft legislation would have set a minimum of excise rate of €10 per tonne of CO2 emitted, however the new impact assessment may result in a change to where the rate is set.
Mr Semeta is looking to calculate the tax according to how environmentally damaging the fuel is, with fuels emitting high level of carbon emissions taxed more heavily.
Several member states already have national carbon taxes, including Sweden, Denmark and Finland. France tried to introduce one but the country's top court last year struck down the attempt calling it unequal and counterproductive.However, any EU-level proposal is likely to cause opposition among those member states who feel tax policies are the preserve of national governments. The UK has already voiced its opposition to the plan, which would need to be supported by all 27 member states.
Previously a taboo, the idea of a direct European tax is now being mentioned more often. Jose Manuel Barroso raised the possibility in his political guidelines on the commission's work for the next five years, while EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy, before his took up his post, spoke about the need for financial levies at European level.
Lukewarm reception for EU's 2020 plan
ANDREW WILLIS 04.03.2010 @ 17:40 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Reactions to the European Commission's communication on a new economic strategy for Europe have so far proved to be lukewarm, at best. While a list of targets advocating higher employment, greener growth and greater research spending have met with general approval, few feel confident they can actually be achieved by means of an EU plan. For me this is like a broken record. I've heard it for 10 years. It's all words and no substance, Daniel Gros, director of the Centre for European Policy Studies think tank, told EUobserver on Thursday (4 March).This idea that the EU can fundamentally change the growth prospects of its member countries, via the EU, always struck me as being fanciful, he added. Announcing the proposals a day earlier, commission President Jose Manuel Barroso himself identified what many deem to be central to the strategy's success or failure: member state political will. We have to be quite honest with you, there are 27 member states and if they don't want to play ball nothing will happen, said the Portuguese politician, who has overseen the second half of the bloc's current plan - the Lisbon Strategy - widely considered to have been a failure due to poor implementation levels. Member-state noises have so far given little reason to believe this time round will be any different, with Germany, crucially, coming out against stronger governance proposals. Optimism among European businesses appears to be low. There's no incentive for politicians to reach targets if it doesn't further their political goals, Ben Butters, director of European affairs with Business organisation Eurochambres, told this website.Tough reforms would not be popular with voters.With the commission holding little sway over member states, the role of European Council president Herman van Rompuy will be vital in providing the strategy with any credibility, he added.
Earlier this year, the Spanish rotating presidency raised the prospect of introducing some form of incentive for member states that successfully reach their agreed targets, such as extra money from the EU's structural funds. While absent from the commission's proposal, the European Parliament may revisit the idea when it issues an upcoming resolution.We've got to have carrots, we have to convince member states that they want this strategy, said Liberal MEP Sharon Bowles who chairs the parliament's economy committee. The group's leader, Guy Verhofstadt, has indicated he has little confidence new commission powers under the Lisbon Treaty to issue warnings will bring about much change on their own.[It] is unlikely to send a shudder down the spines of national finance ministers,he said.
EU splashes out €2.3 billion on anti-gas crisis projects
VALENTINA POP Today MAR 5,10 @ 09:13 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – The European Commission on Thursday (4 March) approved financing for 43 gas and electricity interconnection projects worth €2.3 billion as part of a bigger recovery package agreed last year in response to both the economic and the Russian-Ukrainian gas crisis.The funding, which varies between €1 million to 200 million per project, comes with a series of caveats - mainly imposed by Germany last spring when it agreed to the deal after months of haggling. For instance, the money needs to be used over the next 18 months and it can only finance up to 50 percent of the total investment cost.Energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger, himself a German politician, called the decision a milestone in EU history, since never before had the community invested so much in energy infrastructure. Apart from the gas and electricity projects already approved, the commission also agreed to fund wind farms and carbon capture and storage units worth €1.5 billion. That decision was taken in December last year, also as part of the recovery package.In concrete terms, the gas and electricity projects would help member states to be prepared in case of another energy cut off such as the one in January 2009 and 2006. Mr Oettinger gave the example of Bulgaria, which last year was left in the cold for weeks because there was no technical possibility to get gas supplies from its neighbours Romania and Greece when Russia turned off the tap. The pipelines linking Bulgaria to these two countries will be financed with €45 and €9 million, respectively, according to the project list.The same goes for the Baltic states, whose energy infrastructure still reflects the Soviet Union architecture. They will no longer be isolated islands on the energy map, Mr Oettinger said, referring to electricity projects worth between €100 million and €130 million, linking Estonia to Finland and Latvia and Lithuania to Sweden.
A slightly more controversial envelope of €200 million will go to Nabucco, Europe's only pipeline project aimed at reducing its dependence on Russian gas and pipelines by bringing Caspian gas directly to the EU via Turkey. Earlier this week, Mr Oettinger had signaled a u-turn in the commission's thinking when it comes to what is perceived as Nabucco's rival, South Stream, the Russian-sponsored pipeline set to tap the same Caspian resources.Speaking at a Bulgarian forum, the commissioner said that the EU was ready to back South Stream as long as the project would meet all the technical requirements to security.On Thursday, the commissioner again said that Nabucco and South Stream were not rivals but complementary projects. He explained that South Stream, which would cross the Black Sea, along with its northern counterpart, Nord Stream, through the Baltic Sea, would reduce Europe's reliance on one pipeline, as 80 percent of Russia's gas exports to the bloc currently transits Ukraine via an old Soviet network. But he admitted that neither pipeline will lower Europe's dependence on Russian gas. In both projects, Russian gas monopoly Gazprom would hold 51 percent of the shares. Against this backdrop, the EU commission was putting its trump card on the table - the multi-million funding to Nabucco - in order to reduce Europe's dependance not only on a pipeline, but also on the same supplier, he argued.Mr Oettinger did not rule out the possibility that the multi-national company responsible for Nabucco could decide this year to back out of the project altogether. The €7.9 billion scheme has advanced at a snail's pace since its inception in 2002.If the project comes into being, the €200 million will be an important building bloc, otherwise it will be used elsewhere, the German commissioner said, adding that Brussels was now preparing a conference on Nabucco.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, the Turkish parliament ratified an intergovernmental deal signed last year between the five countries involved in Nabucco. The move is seen as another small step forward, because Ankara had been haggling for a long time on the transit conditions for the pipeline.
EU diplomats should target India and China, ministers say
ANDREW RETTMAN 04.03.2010 @ 17:33 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The UK and Sweden have said the EU should build bigger embassies in up-and-coming capitals such as New Delhi and warned EU institutions not to hog senior posts in the bloc's new diplomatic service.British foreign minister David Miliband and his Swedish counterpart, Carl Bildt, in a joint letter to EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Wednesday (3 March) urged the bloc to create larger and more political delegations in the capitals of India, Pakistan, China, Brasil and Indonesia. Although our relationship with the US will remain the most important, we firmly believe that our ability to be part of shaping the world of tomorrow is critically dependent on our ability to deepen and broaden our relationship with these states,they said.The letter was written ahead of an informal EU foreign ministers' meeting on Friday (5 March) in Cordoba, Spain, which is to debate the structure of the union's new External Action Service (EAS).Ms Ashton is planning to put forward her final EAS proposal at the end of March.The list of five countries in the letter is merely indicative, with EU diplomats saying that Russia and South Africa are also being targeted for a meaty EU presence. On a related topic, the Miliband-Bildt letter urged Ms Ashton to make sure that member states' diplomats get their fair share of posts in the new service.
It said future EAS recruitment procedures should be transparent and based on merit and voiced concern that EU Council and European Commission officials are holding on to top EU external relations jobs in the run-up to the EAS launch. It is important that you can take the lead in the overall management of the network of delegations, the two men told Ms Ashton.It [the EAS] must have the keys to its own house.Ms Ashton was made to look weak by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso last month when he appointed an old Portuguese friend to run the EU's prestigious Washington delegation, bypassing the new foreign relations chief.Another plum job, the head of the EU mission to the UN in New York, is currently up for grabs.
Technically speaking, the commission has the right to put one of its officials in place because the vacancy came up before the Lisbon Treaty was in force. But member states expect Ms Ashton to take charge by organising an open contest including candidates from EU capitals.
EU's brightest and best
The Miliband-Bildt letter exposes the conflict between member states and the EU institutions over who will take the lead in the EAS. An EU diplomat told EUobserver that Sweden and France at a meeting of EU ambassadors on Wednesday said they will stop attacking Ms Ashton in the press in order to help her stand up to commission pressure. On paper, as stated in the Miliband-Bildt letter, everybody wants the brightest and best people to run the EAS in an impartial way.But in practice, there is just as much conflict between individual member states as with the EU commission over who will get the top jobs.A French diplomat and a German official are currently in the running to become EAS secretary general, a post envisaged by Ms Ashton, in order to offset the existing number of senior Brits.But with two deputy secretary general jobs also to come up for grabs, smaller member states are equally jostling for position: A number of countries don't like what is happening - that the three big ones are trying to forge deals on who gets what, an EU diplomat from a small member state told this website.
Senators warn Obama on EU trade competition
VALENTINA POP 04.03.2010 @ 09:19 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – US senators from both parties on Wednesday (3 March) pressured the Obama administration to implement free trade agreements with South Korea and Colombia, warning of competition from the EU, which recently clinched similar deals.Washington's free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea were signed during the George W. Bush administration, but their implementation has been blocked for some three years now due to opposition from Barack Obama's own Democratic Party.Time is of the essence. We want to get this done,top US trade official Ron Kirk said before the Senate's finance committee. This is almost singularly to the benefit of the United States.Mr Kirk was echoed in his calls by both Republican and Democratic lawmakers from the committee, who warned that the stalemate is hurting US credibility, while the EU and Canada are moving ahead on trade.South Korea has already concluded a trade agreement with the European Union, and Colombia has reportedly just done the same. Such erosion to global US competitiveness concerns me,said Republican senator Charles Grassley.His Democrat colleague Max Baucus said the United States should approve the trade agreements that we have already negotiated and signed.We must address the remaining obstacles to these agreements. But we must also recognize the consequences of further delay, he said.On the EU and Canada's agreements with South Korea and Colombia, Mr Baucus warned that once implemented, these agreements will give European and Canadian farmers and businesses a competitive advantage, unless we act.South Korea is the US's fourth-largest trading partner and Colombia is its largest agricultural market in South America.But trade unions and left-leaning Democrats have expressed concerns over the impact of the agreements on US jobs and want commitments to improve working standards within the countries, especially in Colombia, where trade unionists are regularly killed by right-wing paramilitaries. Colombian trade unionist killings account for roughly 60 percent of the world total.Mr Obama's top trade official said Colombia will be given a list of proposals over the next several months, if not weeks to resolve these issues.As for the South Korean deal, the main obstacle is access of US auto and beef companies to the country's market.The EU has inked its free trade deal with South Korea last year and signed similar pacts with Peru and Colombia on Monday.
EU loopholes could undermine new Iran sanctions, US warns
VALENTINA POP 03.03.2010 @ 10:54 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Any new sanctions imposed on Iran will be effective only if existing loopholes which allow middlemen to buy high-tech American goods in Europe and send them to Tehran are closed, US officials have told this website.Both the US and EU countries are currently looking at imposing a fresh set of sanctions after Tehran stepped up its uranium enrichment programme, which Western powers believe is in reality an attempt to develop a nuclear bomb. But US officials warn that unless current loopholes are fixed, Europe and US-based middlemen working for Iran will continue to circumvent the sanctions regime.I think it's essential that in conjunction with new sanctions, the US and its partners work together to address the current loopholes that Iran is using not only throughout Europe, but also other countries - the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Malaysia - to obtain prohibited items. Iran will continue to attempt to procure the goods that will be subject to new sanctions through the same mechanisms and doors that are currently open,Brian Davis from the Brussels office of the US immigration and customs enforcement agency (ICE) told this website.The office was recently set up in the EU capital for strategic reasons,in order to co-operate not only with Belgian authorities, but also the European Commission, its anti-fraud office (Olaf) and the World Customs Organisation, which is also based in Brussels.
ICE agents are focusing on tracking down buyers of so-called dual-use items - high-tech components with applications in medical, telecoms and other fields, but also in Tehran's nuclear enrichment programme. The money that is used to acquire bits and pieces which can be used to set up nuclear centrifuges often filters through Europe, Clark Settles of the US Department of Homeland Security, who is in charge of counter-proliferation investigations, told EUobserver in a phone interview.We follow the trail, but we adhere to the law of our partner countries -France, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium - just to name a few. Predominantly what we do is go after people who are international arms dealers trying to acquire US technology even though they know it's in violation of our laws. So they take a number of steps to hide the source of where the money is coming from in Iran, the destination of the products, Mr Settles said.In a lot of extradition cases, suspects appeal the order in national courts. Since European countries only apply arms and nuclear proliferation embargoes, attempts to send them to the US on charges of trading in dual use items sometimes fall through.Mr Davis stressed that even in Europe, middlemen need to have specific export licences whenever trading in such products. If their shipments actually end up in Iran, then they are in violation of EU law.We need to do a better job at making sure that these goods go to their declared destination, that they stay in Malaysia, for example, and are not subsequently re-exported, in violation of US and EU law. If an exporter from the EU obtains a licence to export to Malaysia and then the goods get re-exported to Iran, that is in fact a violation of EU law. Those are the types of cases that I am currently working on with EU partners, he explained.
New sanctions under way
US foreign policy chief Hillary Clinton has started a tour of Latin America, looking to Brazil and Argentina for support in the UN Security Council for a new set of sanctions against Iran.Speaking on the plane to Buenos Aires, Mr Clinton backed away from her previous statements that a new resolution could be obtained in the next 30 to 60 days.We are moving expeditiously and thoroughly in the Security Council. I can't give you an exact date, but I would assume sometime in the next several months,she said before landing in the Argentine capital, AFP reports.Apart from sceptical non-permanent members of the Security Council such as Brazil, the US needs to convince Russia and China, who can veto any new resolution, as they have done in the past.Washington's strongest ally on the Iran dossier is France, which currently holds the presidency of the UN Security Council.
Who will suffer?
French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Monday met his Russian counterpart, afterward saying that Moscow was willing to support such measures as long as they don't create humanitarian dramas.Experts are however sceptical that the new sanctions will have an impact on the Ahmadinejad government: In general, one can observe that the current sanctions have only had a limited impact on the Iranian regime. But the population, especially young people, is suffering, because the economy has been affected and unemployment is rising,said Alain Rodier, an expert with the Paris-based Centre francais de recherce sur le renseignement.He noted the Europeans were usually very vocal in supporting sanctions verbally, but less tough on actually applying them.
Protests in Greece as PM seeks aid
ANDREW WILLIS Today MAR 5,10 @ 17:40 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Clashes broke out in Athens on Friday (5 March) as the Greek parliament debated and approved the fresh austerity measures announced by the government on Wednesday. Workers around the country downed tools in protest against the €4.8 billion in spending cuts and tax hikes, while over 7,000 gathered in a tense protest outside the country's legislature, news media report. Police responded to skimishes with tear gas, and Greece's two main unions announced plans to hold a fresh 24-hour general strike on 11 March.The country's prime minister, George Papandreou, meanwhile embarked on a European tour as he attempts to drum up support for a Greek bail-out package. EU leaders pledged their support for Greece at an informal summit in Brussels last month, but have subsequently been reluctant to release further details, a step Athens argues would bring down its borrowing costs.
After a meeting with Mr Papandreou on Friday, Luxembourgish Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker - who chairs the monthly meetings of euro area finance ministers - said a Greek rescue plan was no longer necessary in his opinion. The commitments taken by the Greek government are clearly paving the way towards an exit from its debt and deficit crisis, said Mr Juncker. Athens successfully raised €5 billion with a 10-year bond issuance on Thursday, but was forced to offer investors a punishingly high yield. German Chancellor Angela Merkel also continued to play hardball with the Greek administration on Friday, hours before she was scheduled to meet with Mr Papandreou in Berlin. At a television conference in Munich, Ms Merkel said Greece's successful bond issuance gives us optimism that things will go well in the months ahead, clearly indicating she did not plan to pledge financial aid at the meeting.
German economy minister Rainer Bruederle was less diplomatic earlier in the day when he said the government does not intend to give a cent to Greece.Many EU leaders are reluctant to set a new precedent of bailing out struggling governments, while domestic opposition to a Greek support package is high in Germany, the country likely to be the main contributor. Sell your islands, you bankrupt Greeks! And sell the Acropolis too! - ran the headline of Germany's mass selling Bild newspaper on Thursday, citing a senior member of Ms Merkel's Christian Democrat party as putting the idea forward. The cat-and-mouse game currently being played out in the Europe has seen Athens declare its willingness to turn to the International Monetary Fund if EU solidarity is not forthcoming, a potential embarrassment for an EU establishment that is keen to solve its own difficulties with internal solutions.
Credit Default Swaps
In related news on Friday, the European Commission held technical talks with banks, investors and regulators as it takes a closer look into the potential threats posed by derivative products such as credit default swaps. Athens has accused speculators of using the swaps to make large bets against the Greek economy, driving up its borrowing costs and weakening the euro. The country's centre-left Pasok administration delayed last week's bond issuance until this Thursday amid CDS turmoil
CDSs function like an insurance contract for debt investors. If a borrower, such as the Greek government, defaults on its debt obligations, the seller of the default swap pays compensation to the purchaser. Swap holders are not obliged to hold the underlying asset that is being insured however, a situation which regulators say promotes destabilising betting. The commission is set to come forward with a directive on derivatives later this year.
Homeopathy industry push for products via public healthcare EU-wide
LEIGH PHILLIPS Today MAR 5,10 @ 17:35 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - With the European Commission soon to launch a review of EU pharmaceutical laws, the homeopathy industry feels the time is ripe to launch fresh lobbying push in Brussels to have the EU force all member states to provide access to the product from public health systems and loosen up the approval process for their remedies.Representatives of the industry, practitioners and patients that use homeopathic products are to hold an EU Homeopathy Day in the European Parliament on 23 March as the kick-off for a new effort to win EU-level alternative-medicine-friendly legislation. Industry lobbyists and their MEP allies believe that with the new European Commission expected to launch a review of EU pharmaceutical laws at some point during its four-year term, now is their chance to press their case.It provides an excellent opportunity for positive change, Irish euro-deputy Marilyn Harkin, the organiser of the event in the parliament, told EUobserver.The aim is to integrate homeopathy into EU health policy,Homeopathy claims to heal patients with highly diluted treatments of substances that cause physical responses that are similar to the symptoms of the ailment. Invented by by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, the treatments are diluted to such a degree that nothing of the original substance is left. Its practitioners say however that the water retains a memory of the substance.While up to 125 million Europeans a year use homeopathic products - the water is usually dropped onto sugar pills that are then consumed - and the industry worth €1.05 billion as of 2009, reviews of all the published studies on the practice fail to demonstrate any efficacy beyond the placebo affect.
As a result, the practice is regularly pilloried by sceptics who attack it as pseudoscience and potentially dangerous if taken instead of conventional medicines such as vaccinations.There's always a question about the science, said Ms Harkin, but with homeopathy, a lot of it is based on tradition and you need to be careful that the judgments that are not purely based on science. They need to be based on efficacy as well as that.According to Nand de Herdt, the president of the European Coalition on Homeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (Echamp), the industry lobby group based in the European capital, said they are to press for concrete action at the EU level, and that the coming legislative review provides a very good opportunity to do so.
Single market
The European institutions, even after passage of the Lisbon Treaty, still have very little responsibility for the health sector and until now, the European Commission has said as a result, it has very little room to manoeuvre in this area. But this time, according to Mr de Herdt, instead of trying the health legislation route, the lobbyists will try to leverage single market rules, where the EU has very powerful powers indeed.In this way, Echamp and its partners hope to win a harmonisation of laws governing the authorisation of homeopathic products across the bloc. Some people have access to some products in some member states but not in others. Patients, doctors, practitioners are being denied access to the products they choose.
Ms Harkin believes the single market angle will work: If we look at the EU and what it's basically about, it's about ensuring the free movement of people, goods and services across the union. So from that perspective, we can get legislation in this area.Using the same legislative crowbar, the industry lobby along with the European Central Council of Homeopaths - the professional association for practitioners, the European Committee for Homeopathy - which brings together the doctors that prescribe the sugar pills, and the European Federation of Homeopathic Patients' Associations - representing the people that swallow them, hope to require public health systems to pay for access to such treatments wherever patients demand them.In most member states, homeopathy is a private matter. That is to say not covered by all public health systems. But it ranges from country to country. This is a major concern. Sweden for example forbids doctors from prescribing it, while in France, it can only be prescribed by doctors.Mr de Herdt complains that the number of homeopathic products on the market as compared to the total number of homeopathic products that could be available is far too low. They exist on the market, often sold by small outfits over the internet, but there is no legal status for these products. Unauthorised, they are tolerated by authorities. This is fine for a small internet business, but for serious manufacturers, this is not a good situation.The problem is with the approving authorities, he says, because they apply the rules that apply to chemical substances. But these are practices from a very old tradition, and authorities do not have the capacity to manage an appropriate assessment of these products.As a result, the major push of the homeopathy lobby is to have a separate stand-alone EU directive that exempts them from regular chemical and other health and safety rules.The current system is substance-oriented. Our products need a system that is therapeutic-oriented, he said, explaining that it was not just the medicine itself but the whole process a practitioner applies that produces the result.
Research funding
Echamp meets with commission representatives three or four times a year and Mr de Herdt says that the EU executive is on side with most of their arguments already, but that the changes they are looking for are for the moment not at the top of their priorities.On the level of the therapeutic argument, research projects, we've had a lot of success, but in terms of product authorisation, the success so far has been more limited.In 2006, the chamber amended the Seventh Community Framework Research Programme (FP7), the EU's main instrument for funding scientific research, to include ‘complementary medicine' and in 2007, the parliament similarly amended the Second Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health, the bloc's funding mechanism for public-health-related projects.In October 2009, the EU awarded a grant of €1.5 million for a 36-month research project carried out by the Communication Platform on topics related to Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Europe (CAMbrella), a Munich-based, 12-member-state research network whose advisory board includes alternative medicine practitioners and product manufacturers. The project's remit includes a review of the current legal status and policies governing alternative medicine provision in the EU.
UK parliament committee: Just a placebo
The lobby's fresh push for EU homeopathy rules comes just as the UK readies itself to strip provision of homeopathic medicine from the country's National Health Service. On 22 February, the influential Scientific Committee of the House of Commons slammed the practice, saying there was no evidence that it provides anything more than the placebo effect and that manufacturers must stop making medical claims for their products.Andy Lewis, the proprietor of the Quackometer website, which debunks quack medicine on the internet, said that the new campaign of European homeopathy lobby was at odds with the British parliament's enquiry.The MPs concluded, after a very detailed review of the evidence, that homeopathy was scientifically implausible and could not be shown to be effective, said Mr Lewis, who was also one of the organisers of a series of homeopathy overdose demonstrations outside pharmacists across the UK in January in which sceptics swallowed entire bottles of homeopathy sugar pills. The recommendation was that homeopathy should not be publicly funded and that medicines labeling regulations should not allow it to make unfounded claims.The EU would be failing its citizens, and pandering to business interests, if it allowed homeopathy sugar pill manufacturers to make misleading claims about this discredited 18th Century quackery,he added.
Ms Harkin, for her part, is familiar with such criticism, but dismisses it as in the service of Big Pharma: There are those that believe that only those medicines prescribed by doctors and manufactured by Pfizer will make you well, but a lot of ordinary people do not subscribe to that view.[The sceptics] are saying medicines must be judged by one critierion only, that it satisfies a scientific equation. Whereas there are many standards by which medicines should be judged,she said.The agenda is to say that science has the answer to everything. Well, they should have learnt by now that it hasn't.
[Video] Muslims denied flight after refusing body scan in Britain
VALENTINA POP Today MAR 5,10 @ 17:42 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Two Muslim women were denied access to a flight from the UK to Pakistan after refusing a full body scan on religious and medical grounds. The move comes just as Brussels is assessing whether to recommend an EU-wide roll out of these devices.The two women, who are British residents, were supposed to travel on a Pakistan International Airlines flight to Islamabad from Manchester Airport in northwest England on 19 February. They opted to lose their flight, when told they could not board unless they passed through a full body scan. One of the women refused to be scanned on religious grounds, while her companion declined for medical reasons.This is the first confirmed case in Britain of anyone being refused travel since mandatory body scanners were introduced in the country's busiest airports a month ago.It also highlights some of the cultural and political implications of a potential EU-wide roll out of these scanners, currently being analysed by the European Commission. The EU executive is expected to issue a report in April assessing their impact on health, privacy and the actual added value in terms of security. Transport commissioner Siim Kallas has however already hinted that he is in favour of EU-wide rules and standards for this technology.Currently, member states can introduce various models of full body scanners in addition to the existing screening methods deployed at their busiest airports. Privacy rules differ, however. The X-ray devices used in Britain show the actual physical features, equivalent to a nude image, and have the capacity to store and print those scans.
Other versions in use in the Netherlands show a puppet image and only flash areas where metals or liquids are hidden. Amsterdam airport officials also offer the option of a physical pat-down in case the traveler refuses to go through the scan.
Italy on Thursday (4 March) also introduced a testing period for full-body scanners in Rome, starting with a terminal that serves US flights. The Italian devices are based on electromagnetic waves, because national legislation prohibits X-ray use other than for medical reasons.Scanners with old X-ray technology are now on sale in the European Parliament's basement. The EU assembly acquired six such scanners in 2005 and never used them. The legislature is selling them now for half the price, with the winner of the tender expected to be announced next week.
MEPs in favour of EU standards
Meanwhile, MEPs dealing with home affairs and civil liberties have criticised the focus on scanning technology as a quick fix for major security blunders.It is stupid from a security point of view to allow member states to roll out such devices, we need standards at EU level, Belgian Socialist MEP Said Al Khadraoui said during an EUobserver tv debate on this topic.We need to be clear that this body scanner is just an instrument, it won't guarantee full security and it costs a lot of money, he added.Liberal British euro-deputy Sarah Ludford spoke about a recurrent pattern of law enforcement and security officials failing to connect the dots and to prevent major terrorist attacks such as the ones on New York and Washington in 2001.The most recent case to prompt the strengthening of airport security occurred in December when a Nigerian who was actually on a no-fly list and whose own father reported concerns about his radicalisation, was allowed to board a US flight in Amsterdam, while carrying explosive devices. There is a danger if you just rely on technological quick fixes, you're not going to do the hard work, making sure the targeted info is truly shared in an appropriate manner and intelligence leads are followed up,Ms Ludford said.
Let's Talk about EU is the brand new monthly current affairs programme brought to you by EUobserver.com. Shot in the European Parliament in Brussels, the panel debates allow Members of the European Parliament to discuss controversial current affairs topics. In this debate you can watch Baroness Sarah Ludford (ALDE), Said Al Khadraoui (S&D), Simon Busuttil (EPP) and Judith Sargentini (Greens) give their views on body scanning technology.
Pentagon Shooting Coincides with Supreme Court Second Amendment Case
Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com March 5, 2010
The shooting outside the Pentagon yesterday occurred as the Supreme Court considers McDonald v. Chicago, a lawsuit challenging the city’s handgun ban. The new case is a sequel to the 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which placed limits on what the federal government may do to regulate the Second Amendment. Arguments in the case, according to The New York Times, are unusually tense.The suspected gunman in the Pentagon shooting, John Patrick Bedell, was heavily armed and spent weeks driving to the Capital area from the West Coast, according to The Associated Press. Resentment of the U.S. government and suspicions over the 9/11 attacks have surfaced in writings by the Californian identified as the man fatally wounded in a hail of return fire.Bedell was dressed in a business suit and carried two semiautomatic weapons and many magazines of ammunition, according to Pentagon police chief Richard S. Keevill. Federal law enforcement sources identified the guns allegedly used by Bedell as a Sturm 9mm and a Taurus 9mm. Investigators are tracing the origins of the weapons and checking to see whether Bedell had permits for them, The Washington Post reports this morning.There are no indications at this point that there are any international or domestic connections to this incident at all, Keevill said. At this time it appears to be a single individual that had issues.Despite the fact Bedell had issues, the corporate media is attempting to connect him to the 9/11 truth movement.There are emerging signs that the suspect in a Pentagon subway station shooting may have harbored resentment for the military and had doubts about the facts behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, The San Jose Mercury News reports this morning. In an Internet posting, a user named JPatrickBedell wrote he was determined to see justice for the 1991 death of a Marine in California. The death was ruled a suicide but has long been the source of coverup theories. The writer said the case would be a step toward revealing the truth behind 9/11.
That same posting railed against the government’s enforcement of marijuana laws and included links to the author’s 2006 court case in Orange County, Calif., for cultivating marijuana and resisting a police officer. Court records available online show the date of birth on the case mentioned by the user JPatrickBedell matches that of the John Patrick Bedell suspected in the shooting,reports Fox News.A law enforcement official told Fox News that the FBI is aware of the postings and video posted online from a person with Bedell’s name. The FBI is working to confirm who actually posted the messages and videos.The shooting occurred two days after the Southern Poverty Law Center released a report claiming that the patriot movement represents a growing threat to the government and Obama.The study said some of the ideas of Patriot groups raging at the federal government in the 1990s have now become more mainstream, taken up by groups including some Tea Party grassroots conservative activists who are hoping to make a splash in November’s congressional elections and beyond,Reuters reported yesterday.
Fox News tries to associate government criticism with gun violence
Patrick Henry Infowars.com March 5, 2010
(All quotes are form the Fox News propaganda article cited below.)The above headline reveals the actual talking point being circulated around the country. Bedell reportedly died due to multiple gun shot wounds so he won’t be available to be held as an enemy combatant for the rest of his life.
(http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,588074,00.html) The alleged shooter at the Pentagon, John Patrick Bedell, mysteriously fired at point blank range yet only grazed two Pentagon police men. Bedell reportedly died due to multiple gun shot wounds so he won’t be available to be held as an enemy combatant for the rest of his life. What does the corporate/government controlled news media want all of us to learn from this attack?
1.) This is probably terrorism, not merely attempted homicide. John Patrick Bedell, 36, of Hollister, Calif., was identified as the shooter. Officials said they’d found no immediate connection to terrorism but had not ruled it out.
2.) Questioning the events of the largest terrorist attack in US history on 9/11/01 leads to violence. Signs emerged that Bedell harbored ill feelings toward the government and the armed forces, and had questioned the circumstances behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
3.) Both questioning the events of 911 and the illegal wars in the Mid East are a clear sign of a tendency toward violence. Bedell allegedly harbored ill feelings toward the government and the armed forces.
4.) Questioning highly suspicious suicides of those critical of the government is a sign of a tendency toward violence. In an Internet posting, a user by the name JPatrickBedell wrote that he was determined to see that justice is served in the death of Marine Col. James Sabow, who was found dead in the backyard of his California home in 1991. The death was ruled a suicide but the case has long been the source of theories of a cover up. The user named JPatrickBedell wrote the Sabow case was a step toward establishing the truth of events such as the September 11 demolitions.
5.) Use of the INTERNET to post thoughts critical of the government indicate a predisposition toward violence. Note the fabricated headline, Pentagon Shooter Railed Against U.S. on Internet.
6.) Opposing the War on Drugs is yet another sign of a tendency toward violence. That same posting railed against the government’s enforcement of marijuana laws and included links to the author’s 2006 court case in Orange County, Calif., for cultivating marijuana and resisting a police officer. Court records available online show the date of birth on the case mentioned by the user JPatrickBedell matches that of the John Patrick Bedell suspected in the shooting.
7.) The facts don’t really matter as long as a bogus association is established between 911 Truth/the War on Drugs/internet postings and hand gun violence. Fox reported that Bedell made a number of internet postings without revealing the specific internet sites. However we also learn that, A law enforcement official told Fox News that the FBI is aware of the postings and video posted online from a person with Bedell’s name. The FBI is working to confirm who actually posted the messages and videos.So Fox is certain of Bedell’s internet activities before the FBI is willing to express this as the case. Remember the headline is,Pentagon Shooter Railed Against U.S. on Internet.As opposed to Pentagon Shooter may have Railed Against U.S. on Internet.Of course astute readers will recognize that even if the alleged shooter did rail against the government on the internet it’s ludicrous to even suggest that anyone who engages in government criticism on the internet is prone to violence. For example, Bedell probably always paid his income taxes so would this establish a connection between those who pay their income taxes with illegal hand gun violence?
8.) There is some connection, mystical or otherwise, between: Bedell’s shooting, the attack on the Austin IRS building by a pilot, the attacks at Foot Hood and an attack at a courthouse in Las Vegas.
9.) In particular I need to stress that the official talking points are desperately attempting to concoct an association between 911 Truth and the Ft. Hood attacks which are being portrayed as the work of a a U.S. Army psychiatrist with radical Islamic leanings. Do not lose cite of the force of this imaginary association between 911 Truth and radical Islam.
10.) This Pentagon attack that resulted in 2 policemen being grazed by bullets was so monumental and downright terrifying that President Barack Obama was getting FBI updates on the Pentagon shooting through his homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said.The magnitude of this colossal act of what may eventually be sold as domestic terrorism also resulted in the shut down of all but one entrance to the Pentagon.Transit officials said the [subway] station would remain closed at least part of the day Friday while the FBI continued its investigation. Perhaps a Congressional investigation will be launched to answer the pressing question,How did someone shoot 2 Pentagon policemen who were subsequently grazed by bullets? Can you feel the artificial outrage?
Financial Warfare Exposed: Soros, Goldman Sachs, Hedge Funds Attack Greece to Smash Euro Webster G. Tarpley March 5, 2010
It has been evident for some time that the ongoing speculative attack on Greece, along with such other countries as Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and Italy, was not primarily a reflection of their economic fundamentals, nor yet a spontaneous movement of the market, but rather an orchestrated action of economic warfare. The dollar had been relentlessly falling through the late summer and autumn of 2009. It obviously occurred to various Anglo-American financiers that a diversionary attack on the euro, starting with some of the weaker Mediterranean or Southern European economies, would be an ideal means of relieving pressure on the battered US greenback. Since these degenerate elites are incapable of directly solving the problem of the dollar through increased production, full employment, and economic recovery, one of the few alternatives remaining to them is to create a situation in which the euro is collapsing faster, leaving the dollar as the beneficiary of some residual flight to quality or safe haven reflex.This is what emerged during the first week of December with a speculative assault or bear raid against Greek and Spanish government bonds as well as the euro itself, accompanied by a scurrilous press campaign targeting the PIIGS, an acronym for the countries just named, coming from inside the bowels of Goldman Sachs. I have discussed this phenomenon several times over the last two to three weeks on my radio program on GCN.
Now comes concrete proof of this conspiracy in the form of a Feb. 8 idea dinner, held at the Manhattan townhouse of Monness, Crespi, Hardt & Co, a boutique investment bank. Among those present were SAC Capital Advisors, David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital (a veteran of the fatal assault on Lehman Brothers in the late summer of 2008), Donald Morgan of Brigade Capital, and, most tellingly, Soros Fund Management. The consensus that emerged that night over the filet mignon was that Greek government bonds were the weak flank of the euro, and that once a Greek debt crisis had been detonated, all outcomes would be bad for the euro. The assembled predators agreed that Greece was the first domino in Europe. Donald Morgan was adamant that the Greek contagion could soon infect all sovereign debt in the world, including national, state, municipal and all other forms of government debt. This would mean California, the UK, and the US itself, among many others. The details of this at dinner were revealed in the headline story of the Wall Street Journal on Friday, February 26, 2010. (See article)Nor was this the only cabal in town intent on attacking the euro through the week Greek flank. The article cited suggests that GlobeOp Financial Services and Paulson & Co. are also piling on. The zombie banks were also heavily engaged. The article reported that Goldman Sachs, Bank of America-Merrill Lynch, and Barclays Bank of London were also assisting speculators in placing highly leveraged bearish bets against the euro. Note that these zombie banks are alive today because of US taxpayer money, in Barclay’s case through AIG.It amounted to a deliberate attempt to create a large-scale world monetary crisis which would certainly bring with it the dreaded second wave of the current world economic depression. The creation of monetary chaos in Europe through the convulsive destruction of the euro under speculative attack would cripple commodity production in western Europe, severely undermining one of the dwindling areas of the world economy which are still functioning. The genocidal implications for humanity ought to be obvious, but the assembled hedge fund hyenas were not concerned with these consequences.
George Soros has been telling every media outlet that will listen that the euro is doomed to fall apart and break up over the short run. Soros even has a theory to deploy as part of his speculative attack. Soros argues that the fatal flaw or original Sin of the euro is that it was based on a common central bank among the participating countries, but lacked a common treasury and tax policy. This means that a country like Greece can no longer defend itself from a speculative attack on its bonds by the simple expedient of currency devaluation, since there is no more drachma, and the euro is controlled from Frankfurt, not Athens. British spokesmen are quick to point out that, even though the financial situation of London is far worse than that of Athens, the British government is already devaluing the pound through a downward dirty float.Given Soros’s infamous track record, he must be taken seriously. In 1992, Soros became world famous through his attack on the European Rate Mechanism, which he executed by a highly leveraged speculative assault on the British pound, at the time one of the weaker members of the ERM. Soros’ speculative attack led to a pound devaluation and the ragged breakup of the ERM, and netted Soros £1 billion in profits. It was as if Soros had personally stolen a £20 note from every man, woman, and child in Britain. The speculative gains were no doubt gratifying, but the overriding political purpose of the assault was to sabotage that phase of European monetary policy.The London Economist has gone out of its way to mock Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero’s remark that Spain was under international speculative attack. Press organs of the city of London and Wall Street have ridiculed the Greeks as a nation of paranoid conspiracy theorists. And yet, the revelations made so far are strong circumstantial evidence of pre-concert, as Lincoln would say. Even the US Department of Justice has been forced to send letters to the participants in the infamous idea dinner, warning them not to destroy any of their records and thus putting them on notice that they are under investigation. While we should not have any illusions about the prosecutorial zeal of Attorney General Eric Holder, who once represented the international financial bandit Marc Rich, this is at least a beginning. Spanish and Italian judges are noted for their independence, and one of or more them may wish to examine the activities of Soros, Goldman Sachs, and their hedge fund allies.
Greece does not need an austerity program, as the Greek labor movement has eloquently argued in the course of their successful and admirable general strike last week. Greece does not need a bailout from Germany, the sinister International Monetary Fund, or from anyone else. Least of all does Greece need to accept the advice of Austrian school or Chicago schools charlatans who recommend the catharsis of a deflationary crash that would destroy an entire generation through unemployment, poverty, and despair. Greece needs to defend itself with a 1% Tobin tax on all derivatives and other financial transactions. Greece should take the lead in outlawing credit default swaps, which amount to issuing insurance without meeting the capital requirements of being an insurance company. Greece needs to enforce EU and national antitrust laws. If Soros and his gang succeed in breaking up the euro, Greece should make the best of it by immediately imposing heavy-duty exchange controls and capital controls to protect the new drachma, on the model of Malaysia a dozen years ago. Greece should shut down domestic zombie banks and seize its central bank and use it to issue 0% credit for industrial and agricultural hard commodity production. If the Greeks made plain what they intend to do if they are forced to fall back on the drachma, the financiers who fear such an example would have another reason to relent.Another obvious expedient is that of a bear squeeze or short squeeze. Soros, Goldman Sachs, and their gang of hedge fund allies have now used derivatives to establish short positions against Greek bonds and the euro, betting that these latter will go down. Political pressure is now being brought to bear on the European Central Bank and the Greek central bank to undertake an unannounced large-scale purchase of Greek bonds and euros in the forward market, causing the Wall Street predators to lose their bets, thus punishing them severely with extravagant losses. This is normal central bank practice, and it will be astounding if the Greeks do not execute such a maneuver very soon.The world now faces a stark choice between two alternatives, with Wall Street forcing the issue. The first is that the zombie banks and hedge funds, having been saved and bailed out by national states and their taxpayers, will repay the favor by driving the national states and all forms of state, provincial, and local government into bankruptcy. This will be synonymous with the destruction of modern civilization itself. The second and preferred alternative is that the national states summon the political will to use the inherent powers of government to place the zombie banks, hedge funds, and related purveyors of derivatives into bankruptcy receivership and shut them down once and for all, relying in the future on nationalized central banks for the provision of credit. The second alternative would allow the preservation of modern civilization as we have known it. But in the meantime, the derivatives-based speculative attack on the southern flank of the euro has accelerated the arrival of the second wave of depression, which now appears likely to strike the world before the end of 2010.
IMF-style Austerity Measures Come to America
Ellen Brown Web of Debt March 5, 2010
In addition to mandatory private health insurance premiums, we may soon be hit with a mandatory savings tax and other belt-tightening measures urged by the President’s new budget task force. These radical austerity measures are not only unnecessary, however, but will actually make matters worse. The push for fiscal responsibility is based on bad economics.When billionaires pledge a billion dollars to educate people to the evils of something, it is always good to peer closely at what they are up to. Hedge fund magnate Peter G. Peterson was formerly Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and head of the New York Federal Reserve. He is now senior chairman of Blackstone Group, which is in charge of dispersing government funds in the controversial AIG bailout, widely criticized as a government giveaway to banks. Peterson is also founder of the Peter Peterson Foundation, which has adopted the cause of imposing fiscal responsibility on Congress. He hired David M. Walker, former head of the Government Accounting Office, to spearhead a massive campaign to reduce the runaway federal debt, which the Peterson/Walker team blames on reckless government and consumer spending. The Foundation funded the movie I.O.U.S.A. to amass popular support for their cause, which largely revolves around dismantling Social Security and Medicare benefits as a way to cut costs and return to fiscal responsibility.
The Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform has pushed heavily for action to stem the federal debt. Bills for a budget task force were sponsored in both houses of Congress. The Senate bill was narrowly defeated, and the House bill was tabled; but that was not the end of it. In Obama’s State of the Union speech on January 27, he said he would be creating a presidential budget task force by executive order to address the federal government’s deficit and debt crisis, and that the task force would be modeled on the bills Congress had failed to pass. If Congress would not impose fiscal responsibility on the nation, the President would. It keeps me awake at night, looking at all that red ink,he said. The Executive Order was signed on February 17.What the President seems to have missed is that all of our money except coins now comes into the world as red ink, or debt. It is all created on the books of private banks and lent into the economy. If there is no debt, there is no money; and private debt has collapsed. This year to date, U.S. lending has been contracting at the fastest rate in recorded history. A credit freeze has struck globally; and when credit shrinks, the money supply shrinks with it. That means there is insufficient money to buy goods, so workers get laid off and factories get shut down, perpetuating a vicious spiral of economic collapse and depression. To reverse that cycle, credit needs to be restored; and when the banks can’t do it, the government needs to step in and start monetizing debt itself, or turning debt into dollars.
Although lending remains far below earlier levels, banks say they are making as many loans as they are allowed to make under existing banking rules. The real bottleneck is with the shadow lenders – those investors who, until late 2007, bought massive amounts of bank loans bundled up as securities, taking those loans off the banks’ books, making room for yet more loans to be originated out of the banks’ capital and deposit bases. Because of the surging defaults on subprime mortgages, investors have now shied away from buying the loans, forcing banks and Wall Street firms to hold them on their books and take the losses. In the boom years, the shadow lending market was estimated at $10 trillion. That market has now collapsed, leaving a massive crater in the money supply. That hole needs to be filled, and only the government is in a position to do it. Paying down the federal debt when money is already scarce just makes matters worse. When the deficit has been reduced historically, the money supply has been reduced along with it, throwing the economy into recession.
Another Look at the Budget Reform Agenda
That raises the question, are the advocates of fiscal responsibility merely misguided? Or are they up to something more devious? The President’s Executive Order is vague about the sorts of budget decisions being entertained, but we can get a sense of what is on the table by looking at the earlier agenda of Peterson’s Commission on Budget Reform. The Peterson/Walker plan would have slashed social security entitlements, at a time when Wall Street has destroyed the home equity and private retirement accounts of potential retirees. Worse, it would have increased the social security tax, disguised as a mandatory savings tax.This added tax would be automatically withdrawn from your paycheck and deposited to a Guaranteed Retirement Account managed by the Social Security Administration. Since the savings would be mandatory,you could not withdraw your money without stiff penalties; and rather than enjoying an earlier retirement paid out of your increased savings, a later retirement date was being called for. In the meantime, your mandatory savings would just be fattening the investment pool of the Wall Street bankers managing the funds.And that may be what really underlies the big push to educate the public to the dangers of the federal debt. Political analyst Jim Capo discusses a slide show presentation given by David M. Walker after the I.O.U.S.A. premier, in which a mandatory savings plan was proposed that would be modeled on the Federal Thrift Savings Plan (FSP). Capo comments:The FSP, available for federal employees like congressional staff workers, has over $200 billion of assets (on paper anyway). About half these assets are in special non-negotiable US Treasury notes issued especially for the FSP scheme. The other half are invested in stocks, bonds and other securities. . . . The nearly $100 billion in [this] half of the plan is managed by Blackrock Financial. And, yes, shock, Blackrock Financial is a creation of Mr. Peterson’s Blackstone Group. In fact, the FSP and Blackstone were birthed almost as a matched set. It’s tough to fail when you form an investment management company at the same time you can gain the contract that directs a percentage of the Federal government payroll into your hands.
What Fiscal Responsibility Really Means
All of this puts fiscal responsibility in a different light. Rather than saving the future for our grandchildren, as the President himself seems to think it means, it appears to be a code word for delivering public monies into private hands and raising taxes on the already-squeezed middle class. In the parlance of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), these are called austerity measures,and they are the sorts of things that people are taking to the streets in Greece, Iceland and Latvia to protest. Americans are not taking to the streets only because nobody has told us that is what is being planned.We have been deluded into thinking that fiscal responsibility (read austerity) is something for our benefit, something we actually need in order to save the country from bankruptcy. In the massive campaign to educate us to the perils of the federal debt, we have been repeatedly warned that the debt is disastrously large; that when foreign lenders decide to pull the plug on it, the U.S. will have to declare bankruptcy; and that all this is the fault of the citizenry for borrowing and spending too much. We are admonished to tighten our belts and save more; and since we can’t seem to impose that discipline on ourselves, the government will have to do it for us with a mandatory savings plan. The American people, who are already suffering massive unemployment and cutbacks in government services, will have to sacrifice more and pay the piper more, just as in those debt-strapped countries forced into austerity measures by the IMF.Fortunately for us, however, there is a major difference between our debt and the debts of Greece, Latvia and Iceland. Our debt is owed in our own currency – U.S. dollars. Our government has the power to fix its solvency problems itself, by simply issuing the money it needs to pay off or refinance its debt. That time-tested solution goes back to the colonial scrip of the American colonists and the Greenbacks issued by Abraham Lincoln to avoid paying 24-36% interest rates.
Economic Fearmongering
What invariably kills any discussion of this sensible solution is another myth long perpetrated by the financial elite — that allowing the government to increase the money supply would lead to hyperinflation. Rather than exercising its sovereign right to create the liquidity the nation needs, the government is told that it must borrow. Borrow from whom? From the bankers, of course. And where do bankers get the money they lend? They create it on their books, just as the government would have done. The difference is that when bankers create it, it comes with a hefty fee attached in the form of interest.Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has been trying to increase the money supply; and rather than producing hyperinflation, we continue to suffer from deflation. Frantically pushing money at the banks has not gotten money into the real economy. Rather than lending it to businesses and individuals, the larger banks have been speculating with it or buying up smaller banks, land, farms, and productive capacity, while the credit freeze continues on Main Street. Only the government can reverse this vicious syndrome, by spending money directly on projects that will create jobs, provide services, and stimulate productivity. Increasing the money supply is not inflationary if the money is used to increase goods and services. Inflation results when demand (money) exceeds supply (goods and services). When supply and demand increase together, prices remain stable.The notion that the federal debt is too large to be repaid and that we are imposing that monster burden on our grandchildren is another red herring. The federal debt has not been paid off since the days of Andrew Jackson, and it does not need to be paid off. It is just rolled over from year to year, providing the full faith and credit that alone backs the money supply of the nation. The only real danger posed by a growing federal debt is an exponentially growing interest burden; but so far, that danger has not materialized either. Interest on the federal debt has actually gone down since 2006 — from $406 billion to $383 billion — because interest rates have been lowered by the Fed to very low levels.
They can’t be lowered much further, however, so the interest burden will increase if the federal debt continues to grow. But there is a solution to that too. The government can just mandate that the Federal Reserve buy the government’s debt, and that the Fed not sell the bonds to private lenders. The Federal Reserve states on its website that it rebates its profits to the government after deducting its costs, making the money nearly interest-free.All the fear-mongering about the economy collapsing when the Chinese and other investors stop buying our debt is yet another red herring. The Fed can buy the debt itself – as it has been stealthily doing. That is actually a better alternative than selling the debt to foreigners, since it means we really will owe the debt only to ourselves, as Roosevelt was assured by his advisors when he agreed to the deficit approach in the 1930s; and this debt-turned-into-dollars will be nearly interest-free.Better yet would be to either nationalize or abolish the Fed and fund the government directly with Greenbacks as President Lincoln did. What the Fed does the Treasury Department can do, for the cost of administration. There would be no shareholders or bondholders to siphon earnings, which could be recycled into public accounts to fund national, state and local budgets at zero or near-zero interest rates. Eliminating debt service payments would allow state and federal income taxes to be slashed; and the public managers of this money, rather than hiding behind a veil of secrecy, would be opening their books for all to see.A final red herring is the threatened bankruptcy of Social Security. Social Security cannot actually go bankrupt, because it is a pay-as-you-go system. Today’s social security taxes pay today’s recipients; and if necessary, the tax can be raised. As Washington economist Dean Baker wrote when President Bush unleashed the campaign to privatize Social Security in 2005:The most recent projections show that the program, with no changes whatsoever, can pay all benefits through the year 2042. Even after 2042, Social Security would always be able to pay a higher benefit (adjusted for inflation) than what current retirees receive, although the payment would only be about 73 percent of scheduled benefits.Today incomes over $97,000 escape the tax, disproportionately imposing it on lower income brackets. Projections over the next 75 years show that just removing that cap could eliminate the forecasted deficit. When the Democratic presidential candidates were debating in the fall of 2007, Barack Obama and Joe Biden were the only candidates willing to seriously consider this reasonable alternative. President Obama just needs to follow through with the solutions he espoused when campaigning.
The Mass Education Campaign We Really Need
What is really going on behind the scenes may have been revealed by Prof. Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown University. An insider groomed by the international bankers, Dr. Quigley wrote in Tragedy and Hope in 1966:[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.If that is indeed the plan, it is virtually complete. Unless we wake up to what is going on and take action, the powers of financial capitalism will have their way. Rather than taking to the streets, we need to take to the courts, bring voter initiatives, and wake up our legislators to the urgent need to take the power to create money back from the private banking elite that has hijacked it from the American people. And that includes waking up the President, who has been losing sleep over the wrong threat.
Joseph Stiglitz: Federal Reserve System is Corrupt and Undermines Democracy
Washington’s Blog March 5, 2010
Nobel Prize-winning wconomist Joseph Stiglitz
Joseph Stiglitz – former head economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a nobel-prize winner – said yesterday that the very structure of the Federal Reserve system is so fraught with conflicts that it is corrupt and undermines democracy.
Stiglitz said:If we [i.e. the IMF] had seen a governance structure that corresponds to our Federal Reserve system, we would have been yelling and screaming and saying that country does not deserve any assistance, this is a corrupt governing structure.
Stiglitz pointed out that – if another country had presented a plan to reform its financial system, and included a regulatory regime that copied the makeup of the Federal Reserve system – it would have been a big signal that something is wrong.
Stiglitz stressed that the Fed banks have clear conflicts of interest, since the banks are largely governed by a board of directors that includes officers of the very banks they’re supposed to be overseeing:So, these are the guys who appointed the guy who bailed them out … Is that a conflict of interest? They would say,no conflict of interest, we were just doing our job. But you have to look at the conflicts of interest…The reason you talk about governance is because in a democracy you want people to have confidence … This is a structure that will undermine confidence in a democracy.Indeed, by all objective measures, the Fed has performed horribly (and see this).As 6 congressmen wrote last November, there are at least 4 reasons to demand full transparency of the Federal Reserve, and a change in the Fed’s structure:
First … how effective a regulator can the Federal Reserve be if it is unwilling to strive for good public policy through its regulatory powers? Second, there is an inherent conflict in the manner in which regional reserve branch presidents are selected – in that representatives of the member banks select the regional president. It seems counterproductive, yet the banking system has provided case after case of regulated entities selecting their own regulator.Third, the Federal Reserve has continually resisted efforts to engage in discussion on structural and governance reform at the System. Most recently, Bloomberg reported yesterday that the Federal Reserve has rejected a White House request that [the Federal Reserve] conduct a public review of its structure and operations.Despite a request from the administration that provided ample opportunity for the Federal Reserve to have input into its own reforms, the central bank has simply refused. It is because of this attitude that I argue that real financial regulatory reform cannot occur without an examination into the structure of this entity.Fourth, and most importantly, the Federal Reserve has shown a repeated unwillingness to accept efforts to improve transparency for the System.
Europe’s New Debt Solution: Create Their Own Ratings Agency That Only Gives Friendly Ratings Vincent Fernando The Business Insider March 4, 2010
Is your nation under massive financial pressure due to deteriorating sovereign debt ratings? Rising interest costs got you down? Rather than having to actually tackle your mounting debt problems, here’s an innovative solution from some Eurozone finance ministers — create your own, friendlier credit ratings:
Der Spiegel:Now European Union governments are planning to take measures to break the dominance of the main rating agencies, according to a report in the Wednesday edition of the German business daily Handelsblatt. The newspaper reports that euro-zone finance ministers are pushing the European Central Bank (ECB) to set up its own sovereign rating scheme for the 16 members of the euro zone so that it no longer has to rely on private rating agencies, such as Moody’s. Neither the ECB nor the rating agencies were prepared to comment on the alleged plan when approached by Handelsblatt.The sad thing is that even Der Spiegel gets the situation completely backwards:Rating agencies have massive power over the fate of companies. A change from an investment grade to a junk rating can cost a firm billions or even cause it to go bankrupt. The big three — Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch — can even decide the fate of entire countries. All that is currently preventing a massive liquidity crisis for Greece is the fact that it still has an A2 sovereign credit rating from Moody’s. But with the agency already threatening another downgrade, such a crisis may not be far off.
To think that a negative rating is what decides the fate of a country is to believe that a doctor who tells you that you have cancer is a murderer. Debt levels are deciding the fate of European countries right now, while ratings agencies are just the messengers reporting what they see. Let’s not forget that ratings agencies were blamed for being too lenient during the financial crisis. Thus they are now far more careful to make sure they err on the side of caution.If a company like Moody’s were to suddenly turn a blind eye to the debt problems of Greece, for example, and be nice by giving a favorable credit rating, their friendly rating wouldn’t have any market credibility if the facts were obviously much different.Which means that if a new ECB ratings agency only delivered friendly ratings it would also have zero credibility and its ratings would be ignored. Thus to suggest an ECB ratings system as a solution to the Eurozone’s debt problems exposes how financially ignorant some of these leaders are. The problem is the debt, tackle it, there’s no easy way around it.
5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.(A DAYS WAGES FOR A LOAF OF BREAD)
MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
U.S. Wages Food War Against Somalia by BAR executive editor Glen Ford
United Nations compliance with U.S. conditions would mean starvation for about three million people.While nearly half the population of Somalia teeters at the edge of starvation, the U.S. is preventing the United Nations from delivering desperately needed food. According to documents obtained by the New York Times, the Americans demand that aid agencies guarantee that no fees are paid at roadblocks, ports, warehouses, airfields or other transit points controlled by Shabab resistance fighters. Since the Shabab and other militias control more than half of the area in conflict, United Nations compliance with U.S. conditions would mean starvation for about three million people.Indeed, if international aid were restricted to areas controlled by the U.S.-backed puppet regime, only a few neighborhoods in Mogadishu, the capital, would be fed.
America’s Somali puppets are incapable of even defending themselves, much less maintaining a functioning government and infrastructure. Five thousand African Union (AU) soldiers – comprised mainly of Ugandans, the U.S.’s shock troops in Africa – keep control of the airport, the regime’s main link to the outside world. According to the United Nations, AU soldiers engage in indiscriminate shelling of civilians.
As the Americans’ Somali puppets’ position becomes more untenable, the U.S. squeezes the UN’s food delivery system, in effect punishing the entire Somali people. U.S. food relief to the UN’s Somali operations in 2009 was only half that of 2008. In 2007, United Nations officials declared Somalia the worst humanitarian crisis in Africa…worse than Darfur,as a result of the U.S.-backed Ethiopian invasion in late 2006. Thus, the United States has been waging continuous war against the people of Somalia, directly or by proxy, for over three years under the guise of the war on terror.
The United Nations official in charge of humanitarian operations in Somalia, Mark Bowden, says Washington’s charge that Shabab militants are siphoning off UN aid are ungrounded.A White House spokesman claimed that it’s not the U.S., but the Shabab that are denying Somalis access to food aid through their war against the Mogadishu government.It’s a macabre variation on the excuse Americans routinely offer when they massacre civilians: that the insurgents use civilians as human shields,forcing the Americans to kill them.The United States has been waging continuous war against the people of Somalia, directly or by proxy, for over three years.When the UN’s Mark Bowden complained to officials in Washington about the withholding of food to Somalia, he was told, This is beyond our pay grade.Meaning, the orders come from much higher up, likely from UN Ambassador Susan Rice, the administration’s most prominent acolyte of humanitarian military intervention – a doctrine Rice has twisted into the ultimate obscenity in the Horn of Africa.
Humanitarian military intervention maintains that it is the duty of greater powers – that is, the U.S. and its allies – to intervene in the affairs of weaker countries if their governments cannot, or will not, attend to the needs of their people. Also known as responsibility to protect – or R2P – the doctrine, by definition, requires no consent from the soon-to-be subject populations. R2P can be immediately invoked against failed states,as designated by the protective and humanitarian intervener. Indeed, once a state has been declared failed,the great powers are obligated to intervene, according to the logic of R2P. It is all the more convenient when the U.S. has, in fact, caused the failure of the weak nation’s state.Such was the case in 2006, when a fledgling state had finally emerged in south-central Somalia, organized by a movement called the Islamic Courts. When the Islamic Courts defeated U.S-backed warlords and succeeded in bringing a modicum of peace, law and order to their part of Somalia, the Americans instigated and bankrolled an Ethiopian invasion, plunging Somalia into humanitarian crisis.Once a state has been declared failed,the great powers are obligated to intervene, according to the logic of R2P.
As a Democrat on the political sidelines, Susan Rice ranted for greater U.S. military intervention in the Horn Africa, including an air and naval blockade of Sudan. Rice’s ravings, modulated for diplomatic purposes, became U.S. policy upon Barack Obama’s election. Thousands of ethnic Somalis in Kenya were recruited into the puppet Somali government’s forces across the common border (see U.S. Sows Seeds of Wider War in East Africa, BAR November 17, 2009) – although to little apparent military effect in Somalia. However, the recruitments cannot help but undermine Kenyan national cohesion, by encouraging ethnic Somalis to identify, not with Kenya, but with the neighboring state. More ominously, the U.S. has pressured the UN Security Council to impose sanctions against Eritrea for allegedly providing material support to the Somali Shabab – a charge Eritrea vehemently denies (see Who Demonizes Eritrea and Why? BAR February 16, 2010).
Every action the U.S. takes in the Horn of Africa seems calculated to undermine the stability of some of the region’s constituent nations or, in Somalia’s case, prevent a national state from emerging at all, unless it is handpicked by Washington. (In Sudan, the U.S. and Israel have long worked toward partition of Africa’s largest country.)Unable to find or cultivate a Somali front man capable of defeating the Shabab, the U.S. lays siege to the Somali people, to starve them into submission. Refusing to authorize the release of grain piled high in warehouses in Mombasa, Kenya, the American regime reveals itself as somewhat less humanitarian than Genghis Khan.BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at Glen.Ford@BlackAgendaReport.com.
U.S. gets say on which Canadians can fly By Kevin Dougherty, The GazetteMarch 3, 2010)
Secure Flight, the newest weapon in the U.S.'s war on terrorism, gives the United States unprecedented power over who can board planes that fly over U.S. airspace -even if the flights originate and land in Canada.Photograph by: Oli Scarff, Getty ImagesStarting in December, passengers on Canadian airlines flying to, from or even over the United States without landing there will be allowed to board the aircraft only after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has determined they are not terrorists.Secure Flight, the newest weapon in the U.S.'s war on terrorism, gives the United States unprecedented power over who can board planes that fly over U.S. airspace -even if the flights originate and land in Canada.The program, set to take effect globally in December, was created as part of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, adopted by the U.S. Congress in 2004.Canada's Parliament never adopted or even discussed the Secure Flight program - even though Secure Flight transfers the authority to screen passengers, and their personal information, from domestic airlines to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.The European Parliament, on the other hand, has consistently voiced objections to the Secure Flight plan.When asked about the program, Transport Canada, the federal department in charge of Canadian airlines, deferred to Public Safety Canada.After refusing to comment on Secure Flight or the government's position on the U.S. program, David Charbonneau, a Public Safety Canada spokesperson, said: Canada works in partnership with the United States, as well as with other allies, on aviation safety and security.Canada's approach will continue to balance the privacy rights of travellers with the need to keep the public safe from terrorist and other threats to the air transportation system.
Dimitri Soudas, a spokesperson for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, referred all questions on the Secure Flight program back to the office of Transport Minister John Baird, who oversees Transport Canada.Canadian airlines already check their flight manifests against the U.S. no-fly list, which is compiled by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and distributed to airlines around the world. It contains the names of about 16,000 people the U.S. government says are suspected of terrorism. The names and why they are on the list are not disclosed, for reasons of national security.The U.S. Transportation Security Administration says Secure Flight will reduce the number of false positives - innocent travellers with the same names as people on the no-fly list - who are stopped at airports.Under Secure Flight, the TSA, a branch of Homeland Security, will have access to all U.S. government databases.As part of Secure Flight, Canadian airlines will transfer personal information of travellers to Homeland Security, preferably 72 hours before takeoff. Then, the TSA will use Infoglide, a package of 50 identity resolution algorithms - complex mathematical formulas to extract and aggregate information from several sources, to check passenger identities.If necessary, the TSA analyst will check other classified and unclassified governmental terrorist, law enforcement, and intelligence databases - including databases maintained by the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defence, National Counter Terrorism Centre, and Federal Bureau of Investigation,notes Secure Flight Final Rule, the U.S. government document that defines the program.The General Accounting Office, an U.S. institution similar to Canada‚s auditor-general, is concerned this sweeping check could cause new problems.More individuals could be misidentified, law enforcement would be put in the position of detaining more individuals until their identities could be resolved, and administrative costs could increase, without knowing what measurable increase in security is achieved,the GAO said in a January presentation to the U.S. House of Representatives committee on Homeland Security.
Andrea McCauley, a Homeland Security spokesperson in Washington, D.C., said the TSA is confident there will be fewer false positive results than under the current no-fly list system.We have designed this program to ask for the minimum amount of personal information necessary, she said.If the search of U.S. databases, which will also contain information collected in Canada, like police records, turns up no match between a passenger and the watch list, Homeland Security will inform the airline it can issue a boarding pass.Personal information will be purged from the system after seven days, McCauley said.If you are a potential match, it would be retained for seven years, she said, explaining that a potential match is someone who has been determined not to be an exact match but has the potential to match some of the data elements.If the search returns a positive match, personal information will be kept by Secure Flight for 99 years.kdougherty@thegazette.canwest.com The Montreal Gazette
Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/which_Canadians/2638494/story.html#ixzz0hKFZTRwg
Feds weigh expansion of Internet monitoring
by Declan McCullagh Mar 4,10 PM
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who said that Einstein 3 could only be discussed in a classified setting, speaks at the RSA conference on Wednesday.(Credit: James Martin/CNET) SAN FRANCISCO--Homeland Security and the National Security Agency may be taking a closer look at Internet communications in the future. The Department of Homeland Security's top cybersecurity official told CNET on Wednesday that the department may eventually extend its Einstein technology, which is designed to detect and prevent electronic attacks, to networks operated by the private sector. The technology was created for federal networks. Greg Schaffer, assistant secretary for cybersecurity and communications, said in an interview that the department is evaluating whether Einstein makes sense for expansion to critical infrastructure spaces over time.
Not much is known about how Einstein works, and the House Intelligence Committee once charged that descriptions were overly vague because of excessive classification.The White House did confirm this week that the latest version, called Einstein 3, involves attempting to thwart in-progress cyberattacks by sharing information with the National Security Agency. Greater federal involvement in privately operated networks may spark privacy or surveillance concerns, not least because of the NSA's central involvement in the Bush administration's warrantless wiretapping scandal. Earlier reports have said that Einstein 3 has the ability to read the content of emails and other messages, and that AT&T has been asked to test the system. (The Obama administration says the contents of communications are not shared with the NSA.) I don't think you have to be Big Brother in order to provide a level of protection either for federal government systems or otherwise, Schaffer said.As a practical matter, you're looking at data that's relevant to malicious activity, and that's the data that you're focused on. It's not necessary to go into a space where someone will say you're acting like Big Brother. It can be done without crossing over into a space that's problematic from a privacy perspective.If Einstein 3 does perform as well as Homeland Security hopes, it could help less-prepared companies fend off cyberattacks, including worms sent through e-mail, phishing attempts, and even denial of service attacks.
On the other hand, civil libertarians are sure to raise questions about privacy, access, and how Einstein could be used in the future. If it can perform deep packet inspection to prevent botnets from accessing certain Web pages, for instance, could it also be used to prevent a human from accessing illegal pornography, copyright-infringing music, or offshore gambling sites? It's one thing for the government to monitor its own systems for malicious code and intrusions,said Greg Nojeim, senior counsel at the Center for Democracy and Technology.It's quite another for the government to monitor private networks for those intrusions. We'd be concerned about any notion that a governmental monitoring system like Einstein would be extended to private networks.AT&T did not respond to a request for comment on Wednesday.
Cooperation, or a loss of control?
At the RSA Conference here on Wednesday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stressed the need for more cooperation between the government and the private sector on cybersecurity, saying that we need to have a system that works together.During a House appropriations hearing on February 26, Napolitano refused to discuss Einstein 3 unless the hearing were closed to the public.I don't want to comment publicly on Einstein 3, per se, here in an unclassified setting,she said. What I would suggest, perhaps, is a classified briefing for members of the subcommittee who are interested.Some privacy concerns about Einstein have popped up before. An American Bar Association panel said this about Einstein 3 in a September 2009 report: Because government communications are commingled with the private communications of non-governmental actors who use the same system, great caution will be necessary to insure that privacy and civil liberties concerns are adequately considered.Jacob Appelbaum, a security researcher and programmer for the Tor anonymity project, said that expanding Einstein 3 to the private sector would amount to a partial outsourcing of security. It's clearly a win for people without the security know-how to protect their own networks,Appelbaum said.It's also a clear loss of control. And anyone with access to that monitoring system, legitimate or otherwise, would be able to monitor amazing amounts of traffic.Einstein grew out of a still-classified executive order, called National Security Presidential Directive 54, that President Bush signed in 2008. While little information is available, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff once likened it to a new Manhattan Project, and the Washington Post reported that the accompanying cybersecurity initiative represented the single largest request for funds in last year's classified intelligence budget. The Electronic Privacy Information Center has filed a lawsuit (PDF) to obtain the text of the order. Homeland Security has published (PDF) a privacy impact assessment for a less capable system called Einstein 2--which aimed to do intrusion detection and not prevention--but has not done so for Einstein 3. The department did, however, prepare a general set of guidelines (PDF) for privacy and civil liberties in June 2009. In addition, the Bush Justice Department wrote a memo (PDF) saying Einstein 2 complies with the U.S. Constitution and federal wiretap laws.
That justification for Einstein 2 turned on the consent of employees in the government that are being communicated with, and on the notion that a person who communicates with the government can't then complain that the government read the communication,said CDT's Nojeim.How does that legal justification work should Einstein be extended to the private sector? Declan McCullagh is a contributor to CNET News and a correspondent for CBSNews.com who has covered the intersection of politics and technology for over a decade. Declan writes a regular feature called Taking Liberties, focused on individual and economic rights; you can bookmark his CBS News Taking Liberties site, or subscribe to the RSS feed. You can e-mail Declan at declan@cbsnews.com.
Apocalypse tomorrow? Jerry Mazza Infowars.com March 4, 2010
The advent of Chile’s shattering earthquake, magnitude-8.8, 3 A.M. Saturday, 2/27/10, is the worst in 50 years and comes only seven weeks after the 6.9 earthquake in Haiti. We now have a warning from National Public Radio (NPR) that seems like a sick joke, that Solar Storms Could Be Earth’s Next Katrina. Yet, too often today’s sick joke turns out to be tomorrow’s apocalypse. How come? If you look in the linked article’s photo of the northern lights, the green halo of the lights dance over the Knik River near Palmer, Alaska. It is reminiscent of the green halo of light generated in HAARP experiments. I don’t mean to harp on HAARP, but the recent wave of weather anomalies now flooding the news raise the possibility of apocalypse here, there and everywhere.For instance, the ‘Earth Katrina’ article’s first paragraphs tell us: A massive solar storm could leave millions of people around the world without electricity, running water, or phone service, government officials say.
That was one of their conclusions after participating in a tabletop exercise that looked at what might happen today if the Earth were struck by a solar storm as intense as the huge storms that occurred in 1921 and 1859. One thing sort of balloons into another here…Solar storms happen when an eruption or explosion on the surface of the sun sends radiation or electrically charged particles toward Earth. Minor storms are common and can light up the Earth’s Northern skies and interfere with radio signals. Scared yet? Every few decades, though, the sun experiences a particularly large storm. These can release as much energy as 1 billion hydrogen bombs.Scared now? Well, sayonara, y’all. Or at least one has that feeling, fleeting or lasting, which brings me to my main point.The overall impact of these catastrophic events, purportedly over 300,000 people lost in Haiti is to create a world-angst on the human psyche, including the seemingly quixotic appearance of them and the fragility of our powers to control these events. More importantly, these events represent the murder, even genociding of native or indigenous peoples.Also, if the would-be rulers of a New World Order wanted to create these feelings of instability for destabilizing the present world order, including its rainbow of nations and nationalities, this blizzard of apocalyptic events would be an excellent tool, ala HAARP, to pull from Pandora’s toolbox.In fact, the Earth Katrina article is sub-headed, How Well Can We Weather The Solar Storm, providing us with area exercises and their results, determined in Boulder, Colorado for America. They include dire predictions of storms as big as the ones in 1921 and 1859—a sort of solar Katrina.
These predictions were made by Tom Bogdan, director of the Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder and by Craig Fugate, Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), p.s. the organization that was in NYC on the night before 9/11, which subsequently declared it was safe immediately after for workers to enter Ground Zero to start feverishly clearing all of the evidence from the US’s largest crime scene ever.The two organizations ask also if Disabled Satellites Are Just the Beginning? They cite how solar storms can create electrical currents in high voltage power lines—currents powerful enough to destroy transformers around the globe. I mean, these thoughts were at the heart of Nikolas Tesla’s darkest experiments, to create electromagnetic beams of power that can be pointed in different targets to wreak weather or total earth havoc.His works inspired the environmental-warfare inventions of Bertrand Eastlund, which he patented and sold to private corporations and the military to develop. His U.S. PATENT 4,686,605 for HAARP, High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, was sold to ARCO (The Atlantic Richfield Company). The 15 year confidentially agree with ARCO has now matured, so you can get a sense from this document of the potential destructive abilities of HAARP in several crucial areas.Returning to the Boulder drill and findings, their spokespeople claim that the new Earth Katrina will be far worse due to our growing dependence on satellites and other electronic devices that are vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation. The tabletop exercise revealed that the first sign of trouble came when radiation began disrupting radio signals and GPS devices.In 10 to 20 minutes, electrically charged particles basically took out most of the commercial satellites that transmit telephone conversations, TV shows and huge amounts of data we depend on in our daily lives, said Bogdan, who added When you go into a gas station and put your credit card in and get some gas, that’s a satellite transaction…Fugate added, But a solar Katrina would cause damage in a much larger area than any natural disaster. For example, power could be knocked out almost simultaneously in countries from Sweden to Canada and the U.S…So a lot more people would need help.Are these guys the children of Dr. Strangelove or what?
Fugate ends with the ridiculous reassurance that If you’ve got your family disaster plan together, you’ve taken the steps, whether it be a space storm…system failure…another natural hazard that knocks the power out.Tell that to the people of Haiti or Chile, whose deaths are reported only to be in the hundreds so far, due to superior home, building and highway construction.Yet to get the most realistic (and frightening) idea of HAARP’s power for real-life destruction, go to COOPRADIO.ORG for US HAARP Weapon Triggered Haiti Earthquake: Shock and Awe And Disaster Capitalism. This piece includes an incredible interview with noted independent scientist and whistle-blower Leuren Moret and Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med, on Haiti, HAARP, and the devastation.Moret covers everything from the history and geology of Haiti to the development of HAARP weaponry during the Cold War decade, which technology was finally exchanged between US, Russian and Chinese scientists, with their countries supplying the necessary money to apply the research with testing in the ionosphere, and finally building HAARP stations around the world. It’s a fascinating story.Moret explains that the use ofddHAARP technology gave the US Navy foreknowledge of the quake so as to preposition the fleet before the disaster and supervise the event’s devastation after, the US military taking over the scenario and allowing only US planes to land in Haiti. She points out that a World Bank loan that was made to pave streets turned into paving back alleys higher than the earth to flood the shacks and houses when the rains came.She points out that then President Aristide was removed by former President Clinton and Dyncorp (yesterday’s Blackwater/Xe) in 2004, after Aristide had inventoried all of Haiti’s natural resources. This was reported by Aristide’s attorney, Marguerite Laurent (Ezili Danto), whose exposes I included in my article Oil, gas, gold, copper, etc., in Haiti equals US occupation.
Laurent’s revelations reveal a full-fledged man-made catastrophic event for the purposes of resource takeover and to instill fear and greater poverty and hardship to the people of Haiti. They could as easily become the people of Chile today, who happen to be the world’s leading producers of copper and a major supplier of other metals and minerals. The difference is that Chile’s economy is relatively solvent in comparison, with the average family income at nearly $15,000 per annum.You may remember, too, that 40 years ago Chile suffered a political earthquake when its first duly and democratically elected president, Salvatore Allende, was assassinated in a CIA-op orchestrated by Henry Kissinger (subsequently named a war criminal by the Hague), an opener to the Nixon Administration. President Allende was a socialist, ergo not suitable for the US’s tastes, despite the will of his people, thousands of whom were disappeared in the aftermath for protesting, dissidence or activism of any kind. Perhaps the earthquake is an apostrophe to that carnage, a reminder to be good.It would seem that the US has acquired more than one way to depose a president, bring about regime change, and literally dispose of an entire people if it has to, or if it is hungry enough on any given day for whatever resources their land posses. Copper futures were up of course after the quake. The market doesn’t miss a trick to exploit shortage, just as the price of bread soared exponentially in Chile among its own people.Apocalypse comparisons blossomed as well in USA Today, in Chilean Earthquake hints at dangers of ‘Big One’ for USA. This article, too, for all of its fact detailing, will try to fill you with fear from coast to coast. This, just as you hear predictions on a steady basis of a new, more ferocious 9/11. Thinking the unthinkable, the article warns too of our failing infrastructure and points out how quickly our bridges, buildings and parking garages would crumble in the dust if an earthquake struck.Plus, here’s what USA TODAY’s lead paragraph and our government think not only of major earthquakes but indigenous populations…One of the really Big Ones to shake the United States was a magnitude-9.0 earthquake along the Pacific Northwest coast more than 300 years ago, before the arrival of people and development [italics mine], that sent a catastrophic tsunami to Japan.Perhaps that people gaff was just the writer’s poor diction, more likely a national mindset.The notion that in 1710 the human inhabitants of the Pacific Northwest coast were somehow not people and that their culture represented no human development is symbolic of our xenophobia, especially towards underdeveloped nations, which one day will be our undoing, or put another way, our apocalypse. All that remains in our bizarre culture is for someone to start an apocalypse hedge fund, betting on who gets the Big One next.
12 And the ten horns (NATIONS) which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse:(PEACE) and he that sat on him had a bow;(EU DICTATOR) and a crown was given unto him:(PRESIDENT OF THE EU) and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.(MILITARY GENIUS)
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.(THE EU AND ITS DICTATOR IS GODLESS)
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.(DICTATOR COMES FROM NEW AGE OR OCCULT)
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;(MURDERERD) and his deadly wound was healed:(COMES BACK TO LIFE) and all the world wondered after the beast.(THE WORLD THINKS ITS GOD IN THE FLESH, MESSIAH TO ISRAEL)
4 And they worshipped the dragon (SATAN) which gave power unto the beast:(JEWISH EU DICTATOR) and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?(FALSE RESURRECTION,SATAN BRINGS HIM TO LIFE)
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.(GIVEN WORLD CONTROL FOR 3 1/2YRS)
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,(HES A GOD HATER) to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.(HES A LIBERAL OR DEMOCRAT,WILL PUT ANYTHING ABOUT GOD DOWN)
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,(BEHEAD THEM) and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.(WORLD DOMINATION)
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.(WORLD DICTATOR)
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.(SAVED CHRISTIANS AND JEWS DIE FOR THEIR FAITH AT THIS TIME,NOW WE ARE SAVED BY GRACE BUT DURING THE 7 YEARS OF HELL ON EARTH, PEOPLE WILL BE PUT TO DEATH (BEHEADINGS) FOR THEIR BELIEF IN GOD (JESUS) OR THE BIBLE.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come (ROMANS IN AD 70) shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMANS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he( EU ROMAN, JEWISH DICTATOR) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:( 7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,( 3 1/2 YRS) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.James Paul Warburg appearing before the Senate on 7th February 1950
Like a famous WWII Belgian General,Paul Henry Spock said in 1957:We need no commission, we have already too many. What we need is a man who is great enough to be able to keep all the people in subjection to himself and to lift us out of the economic bog into which we threaten to sink. Send us such a man. Be he a god or a devil, we will accept him.And today, sadly, the world is indeed ready for such a man.
REVELATION 6:1-2,13:1-3,7-9,16
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.(THIS IS THE EU DICTATOR)
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.(THE JEWISH EU DICTATOR GETS HIS POWER FROM SATAN,HE COMES FROM THE OCCULT).
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
DANIEL 11:36-40
36 And the king shall do according to his will;(EU PRESIDENT) and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS A EUROPEAN JEW) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(HES A MILITARY GINIUS) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds (CONTROL HEZBOLLAH,AL-QUAIDA MURDERERS ETC) with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south(EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR PROTECTING ISRAELS SECURITY) and the king of the north(RUSSIA) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
Commission to table carbon emissions tax proposal
HONOR MAHONY Today MAR 5,10 @ 09:19 CET
The European Commission is planning in the next couple of months to table a proposal for a carbon tax, a move likely to cause division among member states.EU taxation commissioner Algirdas Semeta told Brussels weekly European Voice that he is planning draft legislation on a minimum rate of tax on carbon emissions.In my estimation it is possible to start discussion within the college [of European Commissioners], he told the newspaper, adding that there is currently the right momentum to relaunch the issue.His spokesperson said that the energy directive is one of the priorities he would like to pursue, during his five-year mandate and that an impact assessment of such a carbon tax is now being finalised. The commissioner would like to publish the proposal in the next couple of months.Mr Semeta's predecessor, Laszlo Kovacs, also planned legislation on the same issue in 2008 but the idea was shelved after it was deemed too divisive.According to the European Voice, Mr Kovacs' draft legislation would have set a minimum of excise rate of €10 per tonne of CO2 emitted, however the new impact assessment may result in a change to where the rate is set.
Mr Semeta is looking to calculate the tax according to how environmentally damaging the fuel is, with fuels emitting high level of carbon emissions taxed more heavily.
Several member states already have national carbon taxes, including Sweden, Denmark and Finland. France tried to introduce one but the country's top court last year struck down the attempt calling it unequal and counterproductive.However, any EU-level proposal is likely to cause opposition among those member states who feel tax policies are the preserve of national governments. The UK has already voiced its opposition to the plan, which would need to be supported by all 27 member states.
Previously a taboo, the idea of a direct European tax is now being mentioned more often. Jose Manuel Barroso raised the possibility in his political guidelines on the commission's work for the next five years, while EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy, before his took up his post, spoke about the need for financial levies at European level.
Lukewarm reception for EU's 2020 plan
ANDREW WILLIS 04.03.2010 @ 17:40 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Reactions to the European Commission's communication on a new economic strategy for Europe have so far proved to be lukewarm, at best. While a list of targets advocating higher employment, greener growth and greater research spending have met with general approval, few feel confident they can actually be achieved by means of an EU plan. For me this is like a broken record. I've heard it for 10 years. It's all words and no substance, Daniel Gros, director of the Centre for European Policy Studies think tank, told EUobserver on Thursday (4 March).This idea that the EU can fundamentally change the growth prospects of its member countries, via the EU, always struck me as being fanciful, he added. Announcing the proposals a day earlier, commission President Jose Manuel Barroso himself identified what many deem to be central to the strategy's success or failure: member state political will. We have to be quite honest with you, there are 27 member states and if they don't want to play ball nothing will happen, said the Portuguese politician, who has overseen the second half of the bloc's current plan - the Lisbon Strategy - widely considered to have been a failure due to poor implementation levels. Member-state noises have so far given little reason to believe this time round will be any different, with Germany, crucially, coming out against stronger governance proposals. Optimism among European businesses appears to be low. There's no incentive for politicians to reach targets if it doesn't further their political goals, Ben Butters, director of European affairs with Business organisation Eurochambres, told this website.Tough reforms would not be popular with voters.With the commission holding little sway over member states, the role of European Council president Herman van Rompuy will be vital in providing the strategy with any credibility, he added.
Earlier this year, the Spanish rotating presidency raised the prospect of introducing some form of incentive for member states that successfully reach their agreed targets, such as extra money from the EU's structural funds. While absent from the commission's proposal, the European Parliament may revisit the idea when it issues an upcoming resolution.We've got to have carrots, we have to convince member states that they want this strategy, said Liberal MEP Sharon Bowles who chairs the parliament's economy committee. The group's leader, Guy Verhofstadt, has indicated he has little confidence new commission powers under the Lisbon Treaty to issue warnings will bring about much change on their own.[It] is unlikely to send a shudder down the spines of national finance ministers,he said.
EU splashes out €2.3 billion on anti-gas crisis projects
VALENTINA POP Today MAR 5,10 @ 09:13 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – The European Commission on Thursday (4 March) approved financing for 43 gas and electricity interconnection projects worth €2.3 billion as part of a bigger recovery package agreed last year in response to both the economic and the Russian-Ukrainian gas crisis.The funding, which varies between €1 million to 200 million per project, comes with a series of caveats - mainly imposed by Germany last spring when it agreed to the deal after months of haggling. For instance, the money needs to be used over the next 18 months and it can only finance up to 50 percent of the total investment cost.Energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger, himself a German politician, called the decision a milestone in EU history, since never before had the community invested so much in energy infrastructure. Apart from the gas and electricity projects already approved, the commission also agreed to fund wind farms and carbon capture and storage units worth €1.5 billion. That decision was taken in December last year, also as part of the recovery package.In concrete terms, the gas and electricity projects would help member states to be prepared in case of another energy cut off such as the one in January 2009 and 2006. Mr Oettinger gave the example of Bulgaria, which last year was left in the cold for weeks because there was no technical possibility to get gas supplies from its neighbours Romania and Greece when Russia turned off the tap. The pipelines linking Bulgaria to these two countries will be financed with €45 and €9 million, respectively, according to the project list.The same goes for the Baltic states, whose energy infrastructure still reflects the Soviet Union architecture. They will no longer be isolated islands on the energy map, Mr Oettinger said, referring to electricity projects worth between €100 million and €130 million, linking Estonia to Finland and Latvia and Lithuania to Sweden.
A slightly more controversial envelope of €200 million will go to Nabucco, Europe's only pipeline project aimed at reducing its dependence on Russian gas and pipelines by bringing Caspian gas directly to the EU via Turkey. Earlier this week, Mr Oettinger had signaled a u-turn in the commission's thinking when it comes to what is perceived as Nabucco's rival, South Stream, the Russian-sponsored pipeline set to tap the same Caspian resources.Speaking at a Bulgarian forum, the commissioner said that the EU was ready to back South Stream as long as the project would meet all the technical requirements to security.On Thursday, the commissioner again said that Nabucco and South Stream were not rivals but complementary projects. He explained that South Stream, which would cross the Black Sea, along with its northern counterpart, Nord Stream, through the Baltic Sea, would reduce Europe's reliance on one pipeline, as 80 percent of Russia's gas exports to the bloc currently transits Ukraine via an old Soviet network. But he admitted that neither pipeline will lower Europe's dependence on Russian gas. In both projects, Russian gas monopoly Gazprom would hold 51 percent of the shares. Against this backdrop, the EU commission was putting its trump card on the table - the multi-million funding to Nabucco - in order to reduce Europe's dependance not only on a pipeline, but also on the same supplier, he argued.Mr Oettinger did not rule out the possibility that the multi-national company responsible for Nabucco could decide this year to back out of the project altogether. The €7.9 billion scheme has advanced at a snail's pace since its inception in 2002.If the project comes into being, the €200 million will be an important building bloc, otherwise it will be used elsewhere, the German commissioner said, adding that Brussels was now preparing a conference on Nabucco.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, the Turkish parliament ratified an intergovernmental deal signed last year between the five countries involved in Nabucco. The move is seen as another small step forward, because Ankara had been haggling for a long time on the transit conditions for the pipeline.
EU diplomats should target India and China, ministers say
ANDREW RETTMAN 04.03.2010 @ 17:33 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The UK and Sweden have said the EU should build bigger embassies in up-and-coming capitals such as New Delhi and warned EU institutions not to hog senior posts in the bloc's new diplomatic service.British foreign minister David Miliband and his Swedish counterpart, Carl Bildt, in a joint letter to EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Wednesday (3 March) urged the bloc to create larger and more political delegations in the capitals of India, Pakistan, China, Brasil and Indonesia. Although our relationship with the US will remain the most important, we firmly believe that our ability to be part of shaping the world of tomorrow is critically dependent on our ability to deepen and broaden our relationship with these states,they said.The letter was written ahead of an informal EU foreign ministers' meeting on Friday (5 March) in Cordoba, Spain, which is to debate the structure of the union's new External Action Service (EAS).Ms Ashton is planning to put forward her final EAS proposal at the end of March.The list of five countries in the letter is merely indicative, with EU diplomats saying that Russia and South Africa are also being targeted for a meaty EU presence. On a related topic, the Miliband-Bildt letter urged Ms Ashton to make sure that member states' diplomats get their fair share of posts in the new service.
It said future EAS recruitment procedures should be transparent and based on merit and voiced concern that EU Council and European Commission officials are holding on to top EU external relations jobs in the run-up to the EAS launch. It is important that you can take the lead in the overall management of the network of delegations, the two men told Ms Ashton.It [the EAS] must have the keys to its own house.Ms Ashton was made to look weak by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso last month when he appointed an old Portuguese friend to run the EU's prestigious Washington delegation, bypassing the new foreign relations chief.Another plum job, the head of the EU mission to the UN in New York, is currently up for grabs.
Technically speaking, the commission has the right to put one of its officials in place because the vacancy came up before the Lisbon Treaty was in force. But member states expect Ms Ashton to take charge by organising an open contest including candidates from EU capitals.
EU's brightest and best
The Miliband-Bildt letter exposes the conflict between member states and the EU institutions over who will take the lead in the EAS. An EU diplomat told EUobserver that Sweden and France at a meeting of EU ambassadors on Wednesday said they will stop attacking Ms Ashton in the press in order to help her stand up to commission pressure. On paper, as stated in the Miliband-Bildt letter, everybody wants the brightest and best people to run the EAS in an impartial way.But in practice, there is just as much conflict between individual member states as with the EU commission over who will get the top jobs.A French diplomat and a German official are currently in the running to become EAS secretary general, a post envisaged by Ms Ashton, in order to offset the existing number of senior Brits.But with two deputy secretary general jobs also to come up for grabs, smaller member states are equally jostling for position: A number of countries don't like what is happening - that the three big ones are trying to forge deals on who gets what, an EU diplomat from a small member state told this website.
Senators warn Obama on EU trade competition
VALENTINA POP 04.03.2010 @ 09:19 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – US senators from both parties on Wednesday (3 March) pressured the Obama administration to implement free trade agreements with South Korea and Colombia, warning of competition from the EU, which recently clinched similar deals.Washington's free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea were signed during the George W. Bush administration, but their implementation has been blocked for some three years now due to opposition from Barack Obama's own Democratic Party.Time is of the essence. We want to get this done,top US trade official Ron Kirk said before the Senate's finance committee. This is almost singularly to the benefit of the United States.Mr Kirk was echoed in his calls by both Republican and Democratic lawmakers from the committee, who warned that the stalemate is hurting US credibility, while the EU and Canada are moving ahead on trade.South Korea has already concluded a trade agreement with the European Union, and Colombia has reportedly just done the same. Such erosion to global US competitiveness concerns me,said Republican senator Charles Grassley.His Democrat colleague Max Baucus said the United States should approve the trade agreements that we have already negotiated and signed.We must address the remaining obstacles to these agreements. But we must also recognize the consequences of further delay, he said.On the EU and Canada's agreements with South Korea and Colombia, Mr Baucus warned that once implemented, these agreements will give European and Canadian farmers and businesses a competitive advantage, unless we act.South Korea is the US's fourth-largest trading partner and Colombia is its largest agricultural market in South America.But trade unions and left-leaning Democrats have expressed concerns over the impact of the agreements on US jobs and want commitments to improve working standards within the countries, especially in Colombia, where trade unionists are regularly killed by right-wing paramilitaries. Colombian trade unionist killings account for roughly 60 percent of the world total.Mr Obama's top trade official said Colombia will be given a list of proposals over the next several months, if not weeks to resolve these issues.As for the South Korean deal, the main obstacle is access of US auto and beef companies to the country's market.The EU has inked its free trade deal with South Korea last year and signed similar pacts with Peru and Colombia on Monday.
EU loopholes could undermine new Iran sanctions, US warns
VALENTINA POP 03.03.2010 @ 10:54 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Any new sanctions imposed on Iran will be effective only if existing loopholes which allow middlemen to buy high-tech American goods in Europe and send them to Tehran are closed, US officials have told this website.Both the US and EU countries are currently looking at imposing a fresh set of sanctions after Tehran stepped up its uranium enrichment programme, which Western powers believe is in reality an attempt to develop a nuclear bomb. But US officials warn that unless current loopholes are fixed, Europe and US-based middlemen working for Iran will continue to circumvent the sanctions regime.I think it's essential that in conjunction with new sanctions, the US and its partners work together to address the current loopholes that Iran is using not only throughout Europe, but also other countries - the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Malaysia - to obtain prohibited items. Iran will continue to attempt to procure the goods that will be subject to new sanctions through the same mechanisms and doors that are currently open,Brian Davis from the Brussels office of the US immigration and customs enforcement agency (ICE) told this website.The office was recently set up in the EU capital for strategic reasons,in order to co-operate not only with Belgian authorities, but also the European Commission, its anti-fraud office (Olaf) and the World Customs Organisation, which is also based in Brussels.
ICE agents are focusing on tracking down buyers of so-called dual-use items - high-tech components with applications in medical, telecoms and other fields, but also in Tehran's nuclear enrichment programme. The money that is used to acquire bits and pieces which can be used to set up nuclear centrifuges often filters through Europe, Clark Settles of the US Department of Homeland Security, who is in charge of counter-proliferation investigations, told EUobserver in a phone interview.We follow the trail, but we adhere to the law of our partner countries -France, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium - just to name a few. Predominantly what we do is go after people who are international arms dealers trying to acquire US technology even though they know it's in violation of our laws. So they take a number of steps to hide the source of where the money is coming from in Iran, the destination of the products, Mr Settles said.In a lot of extradition cases, suspects appeal the order in national courts. Since European countries only apply arms and nuclear proliferation embargoes, attempts to send them to the US on charges of trading in dual use items sometimes fall through.Mr Davis stressed that even in Europe, middlemen need to have specific export licences whenever trading in such products. If their shipments actually end up in Iran, then they are in violation of EU law.We need to do a better job at making sure that these goods go to their declared destination, that they stay in Malaysia, for example, and are not subsequently re-exported, in violation of US and EU law. If an exporter from the EU obtains a licence to export to Malaysia and then the goods get re-exported to Iran, that is in fact a violation of EU law. Those are the types of cases that I am currently working on with EU partners, he explained.
New sanctions under way
US foreign policy chief Hillary Clinton has started a tour of Latin America, looking to Brazil and Argentina for support in the UN Security Council for a new set of sanctions against Iran.Speaking on the plane to Buenos Aires, Mr Clinton backed away from her previous statements that a new resolution could be obtained in the next 30 to 60 days.We are moving expeditiously and thoroughly in the Security Council. I can't give you an exact date, but I would assume sometime in the next several months,she said before landing in the Argentine capital, AFP reports.Apart from sceptical non-permanent members of the Security Council such as Brazil, the US needs to convince Russia and China, who can veto any new resolution, as they have done in the past.Washington's strongest ally on the Iran dossier is France, which currently holds the presidency of the UN Security Council.
Who will suffer?
French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Monday met his Russian counterpart, afterward saying that Moscow was willing to support such measures as long as they don't create humanitarian dramas.Experts are however sceptical that the new sanctions will have an impact on the Ahmadinejad government: In general, one can observe that the current sanctions have only had a limited impact on the Iranian regime. But the population, especially young people, is suffering, because the economy has been affected and unemployment is rising,said Alain Rodier, an expert with the Paris-based Centre francais de recherce sur le renseignement.He noted the Europeans were usually very vocal in supporting sanctions verbally, but less tough on actually applying them.
Protests in Greece as PM seeks aid
ANDREW WILLIS Today MAR 5,10 @ 17:40 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Clashes broke out in Athens on Friday (5 March) as the Greek parliament debated and approved the fresh austerity measures announced by the government on Wednesday. Workers around the country downed tools in protest against the €4.8 billion in spending cuts and tax hikes, while over 7,000 gathered in a tense protest outside the country's legislature, news media report. Police responded to skimishes with tear gas, and Greece's two main unions announced plans to hold a fresh 24-hour general strike on 11 March.The country's prime minister, George Papandreou, meanwhile embarked on a European tour as he attempts to drum up support for a Greek bail-out package. EU leaders pledged their support for Greece at an informal summit in Brussels last month, but have subsequently been reluctant to release further details, a step Athens argues would bring down its borrowing costs.
After a meeting with Mr Papandreou on Friday, Luxembourgish Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker - who chairs the monthly meetings of euro area finance ministers - said a Greek rescue plan was no longer necessary in his opinion. The commitments taken by the Greek government are clearly paving the way towards an exit from its debt and deficit crisis, said Mr Juncker. Athens successfully raised €5 billion with a 10-year bond issuance on Thursday, but was forced to offer investors a punishingly high yield. German Chancellor Angela Merkel also continued to play hardball with the Greek administration on Friday, hours before she was scheduled to meet with Mr Papandreou in Berlin. At a television conference in Munich, Ms Merkel said Greece's successful bond issuance gives us optimism that things will go well in the months ahead, clearly indicating she did not plan to pledge financial aid at the meeting.
German economy minister Rainer Bruederle was less diplomatic earlier in the day when he said the government does not intend to give a cent to Greece.Many EU leaders are reluctant to set a new precedent of bailing out struggling governments, while domestic opposition to a Greek support package is high in Germany, the country likely to be the main contributor. Sell your islands, you bankrupt Greeks! And sell the Acropolis too! - ran the headline of Germany's mass selling Bild newspaper on Thursday, citing a senior member of Ms Merkel's Christian Democrat party as putting the idea forward. The cat-and-mouse game currently being played out in the Europe has seen Athens declare its willingness to turn to the International Monetary Fund if EU solidarity is not forthcoming, a potential embarrassment for an EU establishment that is keen to solve its own difficulties with internal solutions.
Credit Default Swaps
In related news on Friday, the European Commission held technical talks with banks, investors and regulators as it takes a closer look into the potential threats posed by derivative products such as credit default swaps. Athens has accused speculators of using the swaps to make large bets against the Greek economy, driving up its borrowing costs and weakening the euro. The country's centre-left Pasok administration delayed last week's bond issuance until this Thursday amid CDS turmoil
CDSs function like an insurance contract for debt investors. If a borrower, such as the Greek government, defaults on its debt obligations, the seller of the default swap pays compensation to the purchaser. Swap holders are not obliged to hold the underlying asset that is being insured however, a situation which regulators say promotes destabilising betting. The commission is set to come forward with a directive on derivatives later this year.
Homeopathy industry push for products via public healthcare EU-wide
LEIGH PHILLIPS Today MAR 5,10 @ 17:35 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - With the European Commission soon to launch a review of EU pharmaceutical laws, the homeopathy industry feels the time is ripe to launch fresh lobbying push in Brussels to have the EU force all member states to provide access to the product from public health systems and loosen up the approval process for their remedies.Representatives of the industry, practitioners and patients that use homeopathic products are to hold an EU Homeopathy Day in the European Parliament on 23 March as the kick-off for a new effort to win EU-level alternative-medicine-friendly legislation. Industry lobbyists and their MEP allies believe that with the new European Commission expected to launch a review of EU pharmaceutical laws at some point during its four-year term, now is their chance to press their case.It provides an excellent opportunity for positive change, Irish euro-deputy Marilyn Harkin, the organiser of the event in the parliament, told EUobserver.The aim is to integrate homeopathy into EU health policy,Homeopathy claims to heal patients with highly diluted treatments of substances that cause physical responses that are similar to the symptoms of the ailment. Invented by by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, the treatments are diluted to such a degree that nothing of the original substance is left. Its practitioners say however that the water retains a memory of the substance.While up to 125 million Europeans a year use homeopathic products - the water is usually dropped onto sugar pills that are then consumed - and the industry worth €1.05 billion as of 2009, reviews of all the published studies on the practice fail to demonstrate any efficacy beyond the placebo affect.
As a result, the practice is regularly pilloried by sceptics who attack it as pseudoscience and potentially dangerous if taken instead of conventional medicines such as vaccinations.There's always a question about the science, said Ms Harkin, but with homeopathy, a lot of it is based on tradition and you need to be careful that the judgments that are not purely based on science. They need to be based on efficacy as well as that.According to Nand de Herdt, the president of the European Coalition on Homeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (Echamp), the industry lobby group based in the European capital, said they are to press for concrete action at the EU level, and that the coming legislative review provides a very good opportunity to do so.
Single market
The European institutions, even after passage of the Lisbon Treaty, still have very little responsibility for the health sector and until now, the European Commission has said as a result, it has very little room to manoeuvre in this area. But this time, according to Mr de Herdt, instead of trying the health legislation route, the lobbyists will try to leverage single market rules, where the EU has very powerful powers indeed.In this way, Echamp and its partners hope to win a harmonisation of laws governing the authorisation of homeopathic products across the bloc. Some people have access to some products in some member states but not in others. Patients, doctors, practitioners are being denied access to the products they choose.
Ms Harkin believes the single market angle will work: If we look at the EU and what it's basically about, it's about ensuring the free movement of people, goods and services across the union. So from that perspective, we can get legislation in this area.Using the same legislative crowbar, the industry lobby along with the European Central Council of Homeopaths - the professional association for practitioners, the European Committee for Homeopathy - which brings together the doctors that prescribe the sugar pills, and the European Federation of Homeopathic Patients' Associations - representing the people that swallow them, hope to require public health systems to pay for access to such treatments wherever patients demand them.In most member states, homeopathy is a private matter. That is to say not covered by all public health systems. But it ranges from country to country. This is a major concern. Sweden for example forbids doctors from prescribing it, while in France, it can only be prescribed by doctors.Mr de Herdt complains that the number of homeopathic products on the market as compared to the total number of homeopathic products that could be available is far too low. They exist on the market, often sold by small outfits over the internet, but there is no legal status for these products. Unauthorised, they are tolerated by authorities. This is fine for a small internet business, but for serious manufacturers, this is not a good situation.The problem is with the approving authorities, he says, because they apply the rules that apply to chemical substances. But these are practices from a very old tradition, and authorities do not have the capacity to manage an appropriate assessment of these products.As a result, the major push of the homeopathy lobby is to have a separate stand-alone EU directive that exempts them from regular chemical and other health and safety rules.The current system is substance-oriented. Our products need a system that is therapeutic-oriented, he said, explaining that it was not just the medicine itself but the whole process a practitioner applies that produces the result.
Research funding
Echamp meets with commission representatives three or four times a year and Mr de Herdt says that the EU executive is on side with most of their arguments already, but that the changes they are looking for are for the moment not at the top of their priorities.On the level of the therapeutic argument, research projects, we've had a lot of success, but in terms of product authorisation, the success so far has been more limited.In 2006, the chamber amended the Seventh Community Framework Research Programme (FP7), the EU's main instrument for funding scientific research, to include ‘complementary medicine' and in 2007, the parliament similarly amended the Second Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health, the bloc's funding mechanism for public-health-related projects.In October 2009, the EU awarded a grant of €1.5 million for a 36-month research project carried out by the Communication Platform on topics related to Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Europe (CAMbrella), a Munich-based, 12-member-state research network whose advisory board includes alternative medicine practitioners and product manufacturers. The project's remit includes a review of the current legal status and policies governing alternative medicine provision in the EU.
UK parliament committee: Just a placebo
The lobby's fresh push for EU homeopathy rules comes just as the UK readies itself to strip provision of homeopathic medicine from the country's National Health Service. On 22 February, the influential Scientific Committee of the House of Commons slammed the practice, saying there was no evidence that it provides anything more than the placebo effect and that manufacturers must stop making medical claims for their products.Andy Lewis, the proprietor of the Quackometer website, which debunks quack medicine on the internet, said that the new campaign of European homeopathy lobby was at odds with the British parliament's enquiry.The MPs concluded, after a very detailed review of the evidence, that homeopathy was scientifically implausible and could not be shown to be effective, said Mr Lewis, who was also one of the organisers of a series of homeopathy overdose demonstrations outside pharmacists across the UK in January in which sceptics swallowed entire bottles of homeopathy sugar pills. The recommendation was that homeopathy should not be publicly funded and that medicines labeling regulations should not allow it to make unfounded claims.The EU would be failing its citizens, and pandering to business interests, if it allowed homeopathy sugar pill manufacturers to make misleading claims about this discredited 18th Century quackery,he added.
Ms Harkin, for her part, is familiar with such criticism, but dismisses it as in the service of Big Pharma: There are those that believe that only those medicines prescribed by doctors and manufactured by Pfizer will make you well, but a lot of ordinary people do not subscribe to that view.[The sceptics] are saying medicines must be judged by one critierion only, that it satisfies a scientific equation. Whereas there are many standards by which medicines should be judged,she said.The agenda is to say that science has the answer to everything. Well, they should have learnt by now that it hasn't.
[Video] Muslims denied flight after refusing body scan in Britain
VALENTINA POP Today MAR 5,10 @ 17:42 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Two Muslim women were denied access to a flight from the UK to Pakistan after refusing a full body scan on religious and medical grounds. The move comes just as Brussels is assessing whether to recommend an EU-wide roll out of these devices.The two women, who are British residents, were supposed to travel on a Pakistan International Airlines flight to Islamabad from Manchester Airport in northwest England on 19 February. They opted to lose their flight, when told they could not board unless they passed through a full body scan. One of the women refused to be scanned on religious grounds, while her companion declined for medical reasons.This is the first confirmed case in Britain of anyone being refused travel since mandatory body scanners were introduced in the country's busiest airports a month ago.It also highlights some of the cultural and political implications of a potential EU-wide roll out of these scanners, currently being analysed by the European Commission. The EU executive is expected to issue a report in April assessing their impact on health, privacy and the actual added value in terms of security. Transport commissioner Siim Kallas has however already hinted that he is in favour of EU-wide rules and standards for this technology.Currently, member states can introduce various models of full body scanners in addition to the existing screening methods deployed at their busiest airports. Privacy rules differ, however. The X-ray devices used in Britain show the actual physical features, equivalent to a nude image, and have the capacity to store and print those scans.
Other versions in use in the Netherlands show a puppet image and only flash areas where metals or liquids are hidden. Amsterdam airport officials also offer the option of a physical pat-down in case the traveler refuses to go through the scan.
Italy on Thursday (4 March) also introduced a testing period for full-body scanners in Rome, starting with a terminal that serves US flights. The Italian devices are based on electromagnetic waves, because national legislation prohibits X-ray use other than for medical reasons.Scanners with old X-ray technology are now on sale in the European Parliament's basement. The EU assembly acquired six such scanners in 2005 and never used them. The legislature is selling them now for half the price, with the winner of the tender expected to be announced next week.
MEPs in favour of EU standards
Meanwhile, MEPs dealing with home affairs and civil liberties have criticised the focus on scanning technology as a quick fix for major security blunders.It is stupid from a security point of view to allow member states to roll out such devices, we need standards at EU level, Belgian Socialist MEP Said Al Khadraoui said during an EUobserver tv debate on this topic.We need to be clear that this body scanner is just an instrument, it won't guarantee full security and it costs a lot of money, he added.Liberal British euro-deputy Sarah Ludford spoke about a recurrent pattern of law enforcement and security officials failing to connect the dots and to prevent major terrorist attacks such as the ones on New York and Washington in 2001.The most recent case to prompt the strengthening of airport security occurred in December when a Nigerian who was actually on a no-fly list and whose own father reported concerns about his radicalisation, was allowed to board a US flight in Amsterdam, while carrying explosive devices. There is a danger if you just rely on technological quick fixes, you're not going to do the hard work, making sure the targeted info is truly shared in an appropriate manner and intelligence leads are followed up,Ms Ludford said.
Let's Talk about EU is the brand new monthly current affairs programme brought to you by EUobserver.com. Shot in the European Parliament in Brussels, the panel debates allow Members of the European Parliament to discuss controversial current affairs topics. In this debate you can watch Baroness Sarah Ludford (ALDE), Said Al Khadraoui (S&D), Simon Busuttil (EPP) and Judith Sargentini (Greens) give their views on body scanning technology.
Pentagon Shooting Coincides with Supreme Court Second Amendment Case
Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com March 5, 2010
The shooting outside the Pentagon yesterday occurred as the Supreme Court considers McDonald v. Chicago, a lawsuit challenging the city’s handgun ban. The new case is a sequel to the 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which placed limits on what the federal government may do to regulate the Second Amendment. Arguments in the case, according to The New York Times, are unusually tense.The suspected gunman in the Pentagon shooting, John Patrick Bedell, was heavily armed and spent weeks driving to the Capital area from the West Coast, according to The Associated Press. Resentment of the U.S. government and suspicions over the 9/11 attacks have surfaced in writings by the Californian identified as the man fatally wounded in a hail of return fire.Bedell was dressed in a business suit and carried two semiautomatic weapons and many magazines of ammunition, according to Pentagon police chief Richard S. Keevill. Federal law enforcement sources identified the guns allegedly used by Bedell as a Sturm 9mm and a Taurus 9mm. Investigators are tracing the origins of the weapons and checking to see whether Bedell had permits for them, The Washington Post reports this morning.There are no indications at this point that there are any international or domestic connections to this incident at all, Keevill said. At this time it appears to be a single individual that had issues.Despite the fact Bedell had issues, the corporate media is attempting to connect him to the 9/11 truth movement.There are emerging signs that the suspect in a Pentagon subway station shooting may have harbored resentment for the military and had doubts about the facts behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, The San Jose Mercury News reports this morning. In an Internet posting, a user named JPatrickBedell wrote he was determined to see justice for the 1991 death of a Marine in California. The death was ruled a suicide but has long been the source of coverup theories. The writer said the case would be a step toward revealing the truth behind 9/11.
That same posting railed against the government’s enforcement of marijuana laws and included links to the author’s 2006 court case in Orange County, Calif., for cultivating marijuana and resisting a police officer. Court records available online show the date of birth on the case mentioned by the user JPatrickBedell matches that of the John Patrick Bedell suspected in the shooting,reports Fox News.A law enforcement official told Fox News that the FBI is aware of the postings and video posted online from a person with Bedell’s name. The FBI is working to confirm who actually posted the messages and videos.The shooting occurred two days after the Southern Poverty Law Center released a report claiming that the patriot movement represents a growing threat to the government and Obama.The study said some of the ideas of Patriot groups raging at the federal government in the 1990s have now become more mainstream, taken up by groups including some Tea Party grassroots conservative activists who are hoping to make a splash in November’s congressional elections and beyond,Reuters reported yesterday.
Fox News tries to associate government criticism with gun violence
Patrick Henry Infowars.com March 5, 2010
(All quotes are form the Fox News propaganda article cited below.)The above headline reveals the actual talking point being circulated around the country. Bedell reportedly died due to multiple gun shot wounds so he won’t be available to be held as an enemy combatant for the rest of his life.
(http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,588074,00.html) The alleged shooter at the Pentagon, John Patrick Bedell, mysteriously fired at point blank range yet only grazed two Pentagon police men. Bedell reportedly died due to multiple gun shot wounds so he won’t be available to be held as an enemy combatant for the rest of his life. What does the corporate/government controlled news media want all of us to learn from this attack?
1.) This is probably terrorism, not merely attempted homicide. John Patrick Bedell, 36, of Hollister, Calif., was identified as the shooter. Officials said they’d found no immediate connection to terrorism but had not ruled it out.
2.) Questioning the events of the largest terrorist attack in US history on 9/11/01 leads to violence. Signs emerged that Bedell harbored ill feelings toward the government and the armed forces, and had questioned the circumstances behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
3.) Both questioning the events of 911 and the illegal wars in the Mid East are a clear sign of a tendency toward violence. Bedell allegedly harbored ill feelings toward the government and the armed forces.
4.) Questioning highly suspicious suicides of those critical of the government is a sign of a tendency toward violence. In an Internet posting, a user by the name JPatrickBedell wrote that he was determined to see that justice is served in the death of Marine Col. James Sabow, who was found dead in the backyard of his California home in 1991. The death was ruled a suicide but the case has long been the source of theories of a cover up. The user named JPatrickBedell wrote the Sabow case was a step toward establishing the truth of events such as the September 11 demolitions.
5.) Use of the INTERNET to post thoughts critical of the government indicate a predisposition toward violence. Note the fabricated headline, Pentagon Shooter Railed Against U.S. on Internet.
6.) Opposing the War on Drugs is yet another sign of a tendency toward violence. That same posting railed against the government’s enforcement of marijuana laws and included links to the author’s 2006 court case in Orange County, Calif., for cultivating marijuana and resisting a police officer. Court records available online show the date of birth on the case mentioned by the user JPatrickBedell matches that of the John Patrick Bedell suspected in the shooting.
7.) The facts don’t really matter as long as a bogus association is established between 911 Truth/the War on Drugs/internet postings and hand gun violence. Fox reported that Bedell made a number of internet postings without revealing the specific internet sites. However we also learn that, A law enforcement official told Fox News that the FBI is aware of the postings and video posted online from a person with Bedell’s name. The FBI is working to confirm who actually posted the messages and videos.So Fox is certain of Bedell’s internet activities before the FBI is willing to express this as the case. Remember the headline is,Pentagon Shooter Railed Against U.S. on Internet.As opposed to Pentagon Shooter may have Railed Against U.S. on Internet.Of course astute readers will recognize that even if the alleged shooter did rail against the government on the internet it’s ludicrous to even suggest that anyone who engages in government criticism on the internet is prone to violence. For example, Bedell probably always paid his income taxes so would this establish a connection between those who pay their income taxes with illegal hand gun violence?
8.) There is some connection, mystical or otherwise, between: Bedell’s shooting, the attack on the Austin IRS building by a pilot, the attacks at Foot Hood and an attack at a courthouse in Las Vegas.
9.) In particular I need to stress that the official talking points are desperately attempting to concoct an association between 911 Truth and the Ft. Hood attacks which are being portrayed as the work of a a U.S. Army psychiatrist with radical Islamic leanings. Do not lose cite of the force of this imaginary association between 911 Truth and radical Islam.
10.) This Pentagon attack that resulted in 2 policemen being grazed by bullets was so monumental and downright terrifying that President Barack Obama was getting FBI updates on the Pentagon shooting through his homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said.The magnitude of this colossal act of what may eventually be sold as domestic terrorism also resulted in the shut down of all but one entrance to the Pentagon.Transit officials said the [subway] station would remain closed at least part of the day Friday while the FBI continued its investigation. Perhaps a Congressional investigation will be launched to answer the pressing question,How did someone shoot 2 Pentagon policemen who were subsequently grazed by bullets? Can you feel the artificial outrage?
Financial Warfare Exposed: Soros, Goldman Sachs, Hedge Funds Attack Greece to Smash Euro Webster G. Tarpley March 5, 2010
It has been evident for some time that the ongoing speculative attack on Greece, along with such other countries as Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and Italy, was not primarily a reflection of their economic fundamentals, nor yet a spontaneous movement of the market, but rather an orchestrated action of economic warfare. The dollar had been relentlessly falling through the late summer and autumn of 2009. It obviously occurred to various Anglo-American financiers that a diversionary attack on the euro, starting with some of the weaker Mediterranean or Southern European economies, would be an ideal means of relieving pressure on the battered US greenback. Since these degenerate elites are incapable of directly solving the problem of the dollar through increased production, full employment, and economic recovery, one of the few alternatives remaining to them is to create a situation in which the euro is collapsing faster, leaving the dollar as the beneficiary of some residual flight to quality or safe haven reflex.This is what emerged during the first week of December with a speculative assault or bear raid against Greek and Spanish government bonds as well as the euro itself, accompanied by a scurrilous press campaign targeting the PIIGS, an acronym for the countries just named, coming from inside the bowels of Goldman Sachs. I have discussed this phenomenon several times over the last two to three weeks on my radio program on GCN.
Now comes concrete proof of this conspiracy in the form of a Feb. 8 idea dinner, held at the Manhattan townhouse of Monness, Crespi, Hardt & Co, a boutique investment bank. Among those present were SAC Capital Advisors, David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital (a veteran of the fatal assault on Lehman Brothers in the late summer of 2008), Donald Morgan of Brigade Capital, and, most tellingly, Soros Fund Management. The consensus that emerged that night over the filet mignon was that Greek government bonds were the weak flank of the euro, and that once a Greek debt crisis had been detonated, all outcomes would be bad for the euro. The assembled predators agreed that Greece was the first domino in Europe. Donald Morgan was adamant that the Greek contagion could soon infect all sovereign debt in the world, including national, state, municipal and all other forms of government debt. This would mean California, the UK, and the US itself, among many others. The details of this at dinner were revealed in the headline story of the Wall Street Journal on Friday, February 26, 2010. (See article)Nor was this the only cabal in town intent on attacking the euro through the week Greek flank. The article cited suggests that GlobeOp Financial Services and Paulson & Co. are also piling on. The zombie banks were also heavily engaged. The article reported that Goldman Sachs, Bank of America-Merrill Lynch, and Barclays Bank of London were also assisting speculators in placing highly leveraged bearish bets against the euro. Note that these zombie banks are alive today because of US taxpayer money, in Barclay’s case through AIG.It amounted to a deliberate attempt to create a large-scale world monetary crisis which would certainly bring with it the dreaded second wave of the current world economic depression. The creation of monetary chaos in Europe through the convulsive destruction of the euro under speculative attack would cripple commodity production in western Europe, severely undermining one of the dwindling areas of the world economy which are still functioning. The genocidal implications for humanity ought to be obvious, but the assembled hedge fund hyenas were not concerned with these consequences.
George Soros has been telling every media outlet that will listen that the euro is doomed to fall apart and break up over the short run. Soros even has a theory to deploy as part of his speculative attack. Soros argues that the fatal flaw or original Sin of the euro is that it was based on a common central bank among the participating countries, but lacked a common treasury and tax policy. This means that a country like Greece can no longer defend itself from a speculative attack on its bonds by the simple expedient of currency devaluation, since there is no more drachma, and the euro is controlled from Frankfurt, not Athens. British spokesmen are quick to point out that, even though the financial situation of London is far worse than that of Athens, the British government is already devaluing the pound through a downward dirty float.Given Soros’s infamous track record, he must be taken seriously. In 1992, Soros became world famous through his attack on the European Rate Mechanism, which he executed by a highly leveraged speculative assault on the British pound, at the time one of the weaker members of the ERM. Soros’ speculative attack led to a pound devaluation and the ragged breakup of the ERM, and netted Soros £1 billion in profits. It was as if Soros had personally stolen a £20 note from every man, woman, and child in Britain. The speculative gains were no doubt gratifying, but the overriding political purpose of the assault was to sabotage that phase of European monetary policy.The London Economist has gone out of its way to mock Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero’s remark that Spain was under international speculative attack. Press organs of the city of London and Wall Street have ridiculed the Greeks as a nation of paranoid conspiracy theorists. And yet, the revelations made so far are strong circumstantial evidence of pre-concert, as Lincoln would say. Even the US Department of Justice has been forced to send letters to the participants in the infamous idea dinner, warning them not to destroy any of their records and thus putting them on notice that they are under investigation. While we should not have any illusions about the prosecutorial zeal of Attorney General Eric Holder, who once represented the international financial bandit Marc Rich, this is at least a beginning. Spanish and Italian judges are noted for their independence, and one of or more them may wish to examine the activities of Soros, Goldman Sachs, and their hedge fund allies.
Greece does not need an austerity program, as the Greek labor movement has eloquently argued in the course of their successful and admirable general strike last week. Greece does not need a bailout from Germany, the sinister International Monetary Fund, or from anyone else. Least of all does Greece need to accept the advice of Austrian school or Chicago schools charlatans who recommend the catharsis of a deflationary crash that would destroy an entire generation through unemployment, poverty, and despair. Greece needs to defend itself with a 1% Tobin tax on all derivatives and other financial transactions. Greece should take the lead in outlawing credit default swaps, which amount to issuing insurance without meeting the capital requirements of being an insurance company. Greece needs to enforce EU and national antitrust laws. If Soros and his gang succeed in breaking up the euro, Greece should make the best of it by immediately imposing heavy-duty exchange controls and capital controls to protect the new drachma, on the model of Malaysia a dozen years ago. Greece should shut down domestic zombie banks and seize its central bank and use it to issue 0% credit for industrial and agricultural hard commodity production. If the Greeks made plain what they intend to do if they are forced to fall back on the drachma, the financiers who fear such an example would have another reason to relent.Another obvious expedient is that of a bear squeeze or short squeeze. Soros, Goldman Sachs, and their gang of hedge fund allies have now used derivatives to establish short positions against Greek bonds and the euro, betting that these latter will go down. Political pressure is now being brought to bear on the European Central Bank and the Greek central bank to undertake an unannounced large-scale purchase of Greek bonds and euros in the forward market, causing the Wall Street predators to lose their bets, thus punishing them severely with extravagant losses. This is normal central bank practice, and it will be astounding if the Greeks do not execute such a maneuver very soon.The world now faces a stark choice between two alternatives, with Wall Street forcing the issue. The first is that the zombie banks and hedge funds, having been saved and bailed out by national states and their taxpayers, will repay the favor by driving the national states and all forms of state, provincial, and local government into bankruptcy. This will be synonymous with the destruction of modern civilization itself. The second and preferred alternative is that the national states summon the political will to use the inherent powers of government to place the zombie banks, hedge funds, and related purveyors of derivatives into bankruptcy receivership and shut them down once and for all, relying in the future on nationalized central banks for the provision of credit. The second alternative would allow the preservation of modern civilization as we have known it. But in the meantime, the derivatives-based speculative attack on the southern flank of the euro has accelerated the arrival of the second wave of depression, which now appears likely to strike the world before the end of 2010.
IMF-style Austerity Measures Come to America
Ellen Brown Web of Debt March 5, 2010
In addition to mandatory private health insurance premiums, we may soon be hit with a mandatory savings tax and other belt-tightening measures urged by the President’s new budget task force. These radical austerity measures are not only unnecessary, however, but will actually make matters worse. The push for fiscal responsibility is based on bad economics.When billionaires pledge a billion dollars to educate people to the evils of something, it is always good to peer closely at what they are up to. Hedge fund magnate Peter G. Peterson was formerly Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and head of the New York Federal Reserve. He is now senior chairman of Blackstone Group, which is in charge of dispersing government funds in the controversial AIG bailout, widely criticized as a government giveaway to banks. Peterson is also founder of the Peter Peterson Foundation, which has adopted the cause of imposing fiscal responsibility on Congress. He hired David M. Walker, former head of the Government Accounting Office, to spearhead a massive campaign to reduce the runaway federal debt, which the Peterson/Walker team blames on reckless government and consumer spending. The Foundation funded the movie I.O.U.S.A. to amass popular support for their cause, which largely revolves around dismantling Social Security and Medicare benefits as a way to cut costs and return to fiscal responsibility.
The Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform has pushed heavily for action to stem the federal debt. Bills for a budget task force were sponsored in both houses of Congress. The Senate bill was narrowly defeated, and the House bill was tabled; but that was not the end of it. In Obama’s State of the Union speech on January 27, he said he would be creating a presidential budget task force by executive order to address the federal government’s deficit and debt crisis, and that the task force would be modeled on the bills Congress had failed to pass. If Congress would not impose fiscal responsibility on the nation, the President would. It keeps me awake at night, looking at all that red ink,he said. The Executive Order was signed on February 17.What the President seems to have missed is that all of our money except coins now comes into the world as red ink, or debt. It is all created on the books of private banks and lent into the economy. If there is no debt, there is no money; and private debt has collapsed. This year to date, U.S. lending has been contracting at the fastest rate in recorded history. A credit freeze has struck globally; and when credit shrinks, the money supply shrinks with it. That means there is insufficient money to buy goods, so workers get laid off and factories get shut down, perpetuating a vicious spiral of economic collapse and depression. To reverse that cycle, credit needs to be restored; and when the banks can’t do it, the government needs to step in and start monetizing debt itself, or turning debt into dollars.
Although lending remains far below earlier levels, banks say they are making as many loans as they are allowed to make under existing banking rules. The real bottleneck is with the shadow lenders – those investors who, until late 2007, bought massive amounts of bank loans bundled up as securities, taking those loans off the banks’ books, making room for yet more loans to be originated out of the banks’ capital and deposit bases. Because of the surging defaults on subprime mortgages, investors have now shied away from buying the loans, forcing banks and Wall Street firms to hold them on their books and take the losses. In the boom years, the shadow lending market was estimated at $10 trillion. That market has now collapsed, leaving a massive crater in the money supply. That hole needs to be filled, and only the government is in a position to do it. Paying down the federal debt when money is already scarce just makes matters worse. When the deficit has been reduced historically, the money supply has been reduced along with it, throwing the economy into recession.
Another Look at the Budget Reform Agenda
That raises the question, are the advocates of fiscal responsibility merely misguided? Or are they up to something more devious? The President’s Executive Order is vague about the sorts of budget decisions being entertained, but we can get a sense of what is on the table by looking at the earlier agenda of Peterson’s Commission on Budget Reform. The Peterson/Walker plan would have slashed social security entitlements, at a time when Wall Street has destroyed the home equity and private retirement accounts of potential retirees. Worse, it would have increased the social security tax, disguised as a mandatory savings tax.This added tax would be automatically withdrawn from your paycheck and deposited to a Guaranteed Retirement Account managed by the Social Security Administration. Since the savings would be mandatory,you could not withdraw your money without stiff penalties; and rather than enjoying an earlier retirement paid out of your increased savings, a later retirement date was being called for. In the meantime, your mandatory savings would just be fattening the investment pool of the Wall Street bankers managing the funds.And that may be what really underlies the big push to educate the public to the dangers of the federal debt. Political analyst Jim Capo discusses a slide show presentation given by David M. Walker after the I.O.U.S.A. premier, in which a mandatory savings plan was proposed that would be modeled on the Federal Thrift Savings Plan (FSP). Capo comments:The FSP, available for federal employees like congressional staff workers, has over $200 billion of assets (on paper anyway). About half these assets are in special non-negotiable US Treasury notes issued especially for the FSP scheme. The other half are invested in stocks, bonds and other securities. . . . The nearly $100 billion in [this] half of the plan is managed by Blackrock Financial. And, yes, shock, Blackrock Financial is a creation of Mr. Peterson’s Blackstone Group. In fact, the FSP and Blackstone were birthed almost as a matched set. It’s tough to fail when you form an investment management company at the same time you can gain the contract that directs a percentage of the Federal government payroll into your hands.
What Fiscal Responsibility Really Means
All of this puts fiscal responsibility in a different light. Rather than saving the future for our grandchildren, as the President himself seems to think it means, it appears to be a code word for delivering public monies into private hands and raising taxes on the already-squeezed middle class. In the parlance of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), these are called austerity measures,and they are the sorts of things that people are taking to the streets in Greece, Iceland and Latvia to protest. Americans are not taking to the streets only because nobody has told us that is what is being planned.We have been deluded into thinking that fiscal responsibility (read austerity) is something for our benefit, something we actually need in order to save the country from bankruptcy. In the massive campaign to educate us to the perils of the federal debt, we have been repeatedly warned that the debt is disastrously large; that when foreign lenders decide to pull the plug on it, the U.S. will have to declare bankruptcy; and that all this is the fault of the citizenry for borrowing and spending too much. We are admonished to tighten our belts and save more; and since we can’t seem to impose that discipline on ourselves, the government will have to do it for us with a mandatory savings plan. The American people, who are already suffering massive unemployment and cutbacks in government services, will have to sacrifice more and pay the piper more, just as in those debt-strapped countries forced into austerity measures by the IMF.Fortunately for us, however, there is a major difference between our debt and the debts of Greece, Latvia and Iceland. Our debt is owed in our own currency – U.S. dollars. Our government has the power to fix its solvency problems itself, by simply issuing the money it needs to pay off or refinance its debt. That time-tested solution goes back to the colonial scrip of the American colonists and the Greenbacks issued by Abraham Lincoln to avoid paying 24-36% interest rates.
Economic Fearmongering
What invariably kills any discussion of this sensible solution is another myth long perpetrated by the financial elite — that allowing the government to increase the money supply would lead to hyperinflation. Rather than exercising its sovereign right to create the liquidity the nation needs, the government is told that it must borrow. Borrow from whom? From the bankers, of course. And where do bankers get the money they lend? They create it on their books, just as the government would have done. The difference is that when bankers create it, it comes with a hefty fee attached in the form of interest.Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has been trying to increase the money supply; and rather than producing hyperinflation, we continue to suffer from deflation. Frantically pushing money at the banks has not gotten money into the real economy. Rather than lending it to businesses and individuals, the larger banks have been speculating with it or buying up smaller banks, land, farms, and productive capacity, while the credit freeze continues on Main Street. Only the government can reverse this vicious syndrome, by spending money directly on projects that will create jobs, provide services, and stimulate productivity. Increasing the money supply is not inflationary if the money is used to increase goods and services. Inflation results when demand (money) exceeds supply (goods and services). When supply and demand increase together, prices remain stable.The notion that the federal debt is too large to be repaid and that we are imposing that monster burden on our grandchildren is another red herring. The federal debt has not been paid off since the days of Andrew Jackson, and it does not need to be paid off. It is just rolled over from year to year, providing the full faith and credit that alone backs the money supply of the nation. The only real danger posed by a growing federal debt is an exponentially growing interest burden; but so far, that danger has not materialized either. Interest on the federal debt has actually gone down since 2006 — from $406 billion to $383 billion — because interest rates have been lowered by the Fed to very low levels.
They can’t be lowered much further, however, so the interest burden will increase if the federal debt continues to grow. But there is a solution to that too. The government can just mandate that the Federal Reserve buy the government’s debt, and that the Fed not sell the bonds to private lenders. The Federal Reserve states on its website that it rebates its profits to the government after deducting its costs, making the money nearly interest-free.All the fear-mongering about the economy collapsing when the Chinese and other investors stop buying our debt is yet another red herring. The Fed can buy the debt itself – as it has been stealthily doing. That is actually a better alternative than selling the debt to foreigners, since it means we really will owe the debt only to ourselves, as Roosevelt was assured by his advisors when he agreed to the deficit approach in the 1930s; and this debt-turned-into-dollars will be nearly interest-free.Better yet would be to either nationalize or abolish the Fed and fund the government directly with Greenbacks as President Lincoln did. What the Fed does the Treasury Department can do, for the cost of administration. There would be no shareholders or bondholders to siphon earnings, which could be recycled into public accounts to fund national, state and local budgets at zero or near-zero interest rates. Eliminating debt service payments would allow state and federal income taxes to be slashed; and the public managers of this money, rather than hiding behind a veil of secrecy, would be opening their books for all to see.A final red herring is the threatened bankruptcy of Social Security. Social Security cannot actually go bankrupt, because it is a pay-as-you-go system. Today’s social security taxes pay today’s recipients; and if necessary, the tax can be raised. As Washington economist Dean Baker wrote when President Bush unleashed the campaign to privatize Social Security in 2005:The most recent projections show that the program, with no changes whatsoever, can pay all benefits through the year 2042. Even after 2042, Social Security would always be able to pay a higher benefit (adjusted for inflation) than what current retirees receive, although the payment would only be about 73 percent of scheduled benefits.Today incomes over $97,000 escape the tax, disproportionately imposing it on lower income brackets. Projections over the next 75 years show that just removing that cap could eliminate the forecasted deficit. When the Democratic presidential candidates were debating in the fall of 2007, Barack Obama and Joe Biden were the only candidates willing to seriously consider this reasonable alternative. President Obama just needs to follow through with the solutions he espoused when campaigning.
The Mass Education Campaign We Really Need
What is really going on behind the scenes may have been revealed by Prof. Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown University. An insider groomed by the international bankers, Dr. Quigley wrote in Tragedy and Hope in 1966:[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.If that is indeed the plan, it is virtually complete. Unless we wake up to what is going on and take action, the powers of financial capitalism will have their way. Rather than taking to the streets, we need to take to the courts, bring voter initiatives, and wake up our legislators to the urgent need to take the power to create money back from the private banking elite that has hijacked it from the American people. And that includes waking up the President, who has been losing sleep over the wrong threat.
Joseph Stiglitz: Federal Reserve System is Corrupt and Undermines Democracy
Washington’s Blog March 5, 2010
Nobel Prize-winning wconomist Joseph Stiglitz
Joseph Stiglitz – former head economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a nobel-prize winner – said yesterday that the very structure of the Federal Reserve system is so fraught with conflicts that it is corrupt and undermines democracy.
Stiglitz said:If we [i.e. the IMF] had seen a governance structure that corresponds to our Federal Reserve system, we would have been yelling and screaming and saying that country does not deserve any assistance, this is a corrupt governing structure.
Stiglitz pointed out that – if another country had presented a plan to reform its financial system, and included a regulatory regime that copied the makeup of the Federal Reserve system – it would have been a big signal that something is wrong.
Stiglitz stressed that the Fed banks have clear conflicts of interest, since the banks are largely governed by a board of directors that includes officers of the very banks they’re supposed to be overseeing:So, these are the guys who appointed the guy who bailed them out … Is that a conflict of interest? They would say,no conflict of interest, we were just doing our job. But you have to look at the conflicts of interest…The reason you talk about governance is because in a democracy you want people to have confidence … This is a structure that will undermine confidence in a democracy.Indeed, by all objective measures, the Fed has performed horribly (and see this).As 6 congressmen wrote last November, there are at least 4 reasons to demand full transparency of the Federal Reserve, and a change in the Fed’s structure:
First … how effective a regulator can the Federal Reserve be if it is unwilling to strive for good public policy through its regulatory powers? Second, there is an inherent conflict in the manner in which regional reserve branch presidents are selected – in that representatives of the member banks select the regional president. It seems counterproductive, yet the banking system has provided case after case of regulated entities selecting their own regulator.Third, the Federal Reserve has continually resisted efforts to engage in discussion on structural and governance reform at the System. Most recently, Bloomberg reported yesterday that the Federal Reserve has rejected a White House request that [the Federal Reserve] conduct a public review of its structure and operations.Despite a request from the administration that provided ample opportunity for the Federal Reserve to have input into its own reforms, the central bank has simply refused. It is because of this attitude that I argue that real financial regulatory reform cannot occur without an examination into the structure of this entity.Fourth, and most importantly, the Federal Reserve has shown a repeated unwillingness to accept efforts to improve transparency for the System.
Europe’s New Debt Solution: Create Their Own Ratings Agency That Only Gives Friendly Ratings Vincent Fernando The Business Insider March 4, 2010
Is your nation under massive financial pressure due to deteriorating sovereign debt ratings? Rising interest costs got you down? Rather than having to actually tackle your mounting debt problems, here’s an innovative solution from some Eurozone finance ministers — create your own, friendlier credit ratings:
Der Spiegel:Now European Union governments are planning to take measures to break the dominance of the main rating agencies, according to a report in the Wednesday edition of the German business daily Handelsblatt. The newspaper reports that euro-zone finance ministers are pushing the European Central Bank (ECB) to set up its own sovereign rating scheme for the 16 members of the euro zone so that it no longer has to rely on private rating agencies, such as Moody’s. Neither the ECB nor the rating agencies were prepared to comment on the alleged plan when approached by Handelsblatt.The sad thing is that even Der Spiegel gets the situation completely backwards:Rating agencies have massive power over the fate of companies. A change from an investment grade to a junk rating can cost a firm billions or even cause it to go bankrupt. The big three — Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch — can even decide the fate of entire countries. All that is currently preventing a massive liquidity crisis for Greece is the fact that it still has an A2 sovereign credit rating from Moody’s. But with the agency already threatening another downgrade, such a crisis may not be far off.
To think that a negative rating is what decides the fate of a country is to believe that a doctor who tells you that you have cancer is a murderer. Debt levels are deciding the fate of European countries right now, while ratings agencies are just the messengers reporting what they see. Let’s not forget that ratings agencies were blamed for being too lenient during the financial crisis. Thus they are now far more careful to make sure they err on the side of caution.If a company like Moody’s were to suddenly turn a blind eye to the debt problems of Greece, for example, and be nice by giving a favorable credit rating, their friendly rating wouldn’t have any market credibility if the facts were obviously much different.Which means that if a new ECB ratings agency only delivered friendly ratings it would also have zero credibility and its ratings would be ignored. Thus to suggest an ECB ratings system as a solution to the Eurozone’s debt problems exposes how financially ignorant some of these leaders are. The problem is the debt, tackle it, there’s no easy way around it.
5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.(A DAYS WAGES FOR A LOAF OF BREAD)
MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
U.S. Wages Food War Against Somalia by BAR executive editor Glen Ford
United Nations compliance with U.S. conditions would mean starvation for about three million people.While nearly half the population of Somalia teeters at the edge of starvation, the U.S. is preventing the United Nations from delivering desperately needed food. According to documents obtained by the New York Times, the Americans demand that aid agencies guarantee that no fees are paid at roadblocks, ports, warehouses, airfields or other transit points controlled by Shabab resistance fighters. Since the Shabab and other militias control more than half of the area in conflict, United Nations compliance with U.S. conditions would mean starvation for about three million people.Indeed, if international aid were restricted to areas controlled by the U.S.-backed puppet regime, only a few neighborhoods in Mogadishu, the capital, would be fed.
America’s Somali puppets are incapable of even defending themselves, much less maintaining a functioning government and infrastructure. Five thousand African Union (AU) soldiers – comprised mainly of Ugandans, the U.S.’s shock troops in Africa – keep control of the airport, the regime’s main link to the outside world. According to the United Nations, AU soldiers engage in indiscriminate shelling of civilians.
As the Americans’ Somali puppets’ position becomes more untenable, the U.S. squeezes the UN’s food delivery system, in effect punishing the entire Somali people. U.S. food relief to the UN’s Somali operations in 2009 was only half that of 2008. In 2007, United Nations officials declared Somalia the worst humanitarian crisis in Africa…worse than Darfur,as a result of the U.S.-backed Ethiopian invasion in late 2006. Thus, the United States has been waging continuous war against the people of Somalia, directly or by proxy, for over three years under the guise of the war on terror.
The United Nations official in charge of humanitarian operations in Somalia, Mark Bowden, says Washington’s charge that Shabab militants are siphoning off UN aid are ungrounded.A White House spokesman claimed that it’s not the U.S., but the Shabab that are denying Somalis access to food aid through their war against the Mogadishu government.It’s a macabre variation on the excuse Americans routinely offer when they massacre civilians: that the insurgents use civilians as human shields,forcing the Americans to kill them.The United States has been waging continuous war against the people of Somalia, directly or by proxy, for over three years.When the UN’s Mark Bowden complained to officials in Washington about the withholding of food to Somalia, he was told, This is beyond our pay grade.Meaning, the orders come from much higher up, likely from UN Ambassador Susan Rice, the administration’s most prominent acolyte of humanitarian military intervention – a doctrine Rice has twisted into the ultimate obscenity in the Horn of Africa.
Humanitarian military intervention maintains that it is the duty of greater powers – that is, the U.S. and its allies – to intervene in the affairs of weaker countries if their governments cannot, or will not, attend to the needs of their people. Also known as responsibility to protect – or R2P – the doctrine, by definition, requires no consent from the soon-to-be subject populations. R2P can be immediately invoked against failed states,as designated by the protective and humanitarian intervener. Indeed, once a state has been declared failed,the great powers are obligated to intervene, according to the logic of R2P. It is all the more convenient when the U.S. has, in fact, caused the failure of the weak nation’s state.Such was the case in 2006, when a fledgling state had finally emerged in south-central Somalia, organized by a movement called the Islamic Courts. When the Islamic Courts defeated U.S-backed warlords and succeeded in bringing a modicum of peace, law and order to their part of Somalia, the Americans instigated and bankrolled an Ethiopian invasion, plunging Somalia into humanitarian crisis.Once a state has been declared failed,the great powers are obligated to intervene, according to the logic of R2P.
As a Democrat on the political sidelines, Susan Rice ranted for greater U.S. military intervention in the Horn Africa, including an air and naval blockade of Sudan. Rice’s ravings, modulated for diplomatic purposes, became U.S. policy upon Barack Obama’s election. Thousands of ethnic Somalis in Kenya were recruited into the puppet Somali government’s forces across the common border (see U.S. Sows Seeds of Wider War in East Africa, BAR November 17, 2009) – although to little apparent military effect in Somalia. However, the recruitments cannot help but undermine Kenyan national cohesion, by encouraging ethnic Somalis to identify, not with Kenya, but with the neighboring state. More ominously, the U.S. has pressured the UN Security Council to impose sanctions against Eritrea for allegedly providing material support to the Somali Shabab – a charge Eritrea vehemently denies (see Who Demonizes Eritrea and Why? BAR February 16, 2010).
Every action the U.S. takes in the Horn of Africa seems calculated to undermine the stability of some of the region’s constituent nations or, in Somalia’s case, prevent a national state from emerging at all, unless it is handpicked by Washington. (In Sudan, the U.S. and Israel have long worked toward partition of Africa’s largest country.)Unable to find or cultivate a Somali front man capable of defeating the Shabab, the U.S. lays siege to the Somali people, to starve them into submission. Refusing to authorize the release of grain piled high in warehouses in Mombasa, Kenya, the American regime reveals itself as somewhat less humanitarian than Genghis Khan.BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at Glen.Ford@BlackAgendaReport.com.
U.S. gets say on which Canadians can fly By Kevin Dougherty, The GazetteMarch 3, 2010)
Secure Flight, the newest weapon in the U.S.'s war on terrorism, gives the United States unprecedented power over who can board planes that fly over U.S. airspace -even if the flights originate and land in Canada.Photograph by: Oli Scarff, Getty ImagesStarting in December, passengers on Canadian airlines flying to, from or even over the United States without landing there will be allowed to board the aircraft only after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has determined they are not terrorists.Secure Flight, the newest weapon in the U.S.'s war on terrorism, gives the United States unprecedented power over who can board planes that fly over U.S. airspace -even if the flights originate and land in Canada.The program, set to take effect globally in December, was created as part of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, adopted by the U.S. Congress in 2004.Canada's Parliament never adopted or even discussed the Secure Flight program - even though Secure Flight transfers the authority to screen passengers, and their personal information, from domestic airlines to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.The European Parliament, on the other hand, has consistently voiced objections to the Secure Flight plan.When asked about the program, Transport Canada, the federal department in charge of Canadian airlines, deferred to Public Safety Canada.After refusing to comment on Secure Flight or the government's position on the U.S. program, David Charbonneau, a Public Safety Canada spokesperson, said: Canada works in partnership with the United States, as well as with other allies, on aviation safety and security.Canada's approach will continue to balance the privacy rights of travellers with the need to keep the public safe from terrorist and other threats to the air transportation system.
Dimitri Soudas, a spokesperson for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, referred all questions on the Secure Flight program back to the office of Transport Minister John Baird, who oversees Transport Canada.Canadian airlines already check their flight manifests against the U.S. no-fly list, which is compiled by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and distributed to airlines around the world. It contains the names of about 16,000 people the U.S. government says are suspected of terrorism. The names and why they are on the list are not disclosed, for reasons of national security.The U.S. Transportation Security Administration says Secure Flight will reduce the number of false positives - innocent travellers with the same names as people on the no-fly list - who are stopped at airports.Under Secure Flight, the TSA, a branch of Homeland Security, will have access to all U.S. government databases.As part of Secure Flight, Canadian airlines will transfer personal information of travellers to Homeland Security, preferably 72 hours before takeoff. Then, the TSA will use Infoglide, a package of 50 identity resolution algorithms - complex mathematical formulas to extract and aggregate information from several sources, to check passenger identities.If necessary, the TSA analyst will check other classified and unclassified governmental terrorist, law enforcement, and intelligence databases - including databases maintained by the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defence, National Counter Terrorism Centre, and Federal Bureau of Investigation,notes Secure Flight Final Rule, the U.S. government document that defines the program.The General Accounting Office, an U.S. institution similar to Canada‚s auditor-general, is concerned this sweeping check could cause new problems.More individuals could be misidentified, law enforcement would be put in the position of detaining more individuals until their identities could be resolved, and administrative costs could increase, without knowing what measurable increase in security is achieved,the GAO said in a January presentation to the U.S. House of Representatives committee on Homeland Security.
Andrea McCauley, a Homeland Security spokesperson in Washington, D.C., said the TSA is confident there will be fewer false positive results than under the current no-fly list system.We have designed this program to ask for the minimum amount of personal information necessary, she said.If the search of U.S. databases, which will also contain information collected in Canada, like police records, turns up no match between a passenger and the watch list, Homeland Security will inform the airline it can issue a boarding pass.Personal information will be purged from the system after seven days, McCauley said.If you are a potential match, it would be retained for seven years, she said, explaining that a potential match is someone who has been determined not to be an exact match but has the potential to match some of the data elements.If the search returns a positive match, personal information will be kept by Secure Flight for 99 years.kdougherty@thegazette.canwest.com The Montreal Gazette
Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/which_Canadians/2638494/story.html#ixzz0hKFZTRwg
Feds weigh expansion of Internet monitoring
by Declan McCullagh Mar 4,10 PM
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who said that Einstein 3 could only be discussed in a classified setting, speaks at the RSA conference on Wednesday.(Credit: James Martin/CNET) SAN FRANCISCO--Homeland Security and the National Security Agency may be taking a closer look at Internet communications in the future. The Department of Homeland Security's top cybersecurity official told CNET on Wednesday that the department may eventually extend its Einstein technology, which is designed to detect and prevent electronic attacks, to networks operated by the private sector. The technology was created for federal networks. Greg Schaffer, assistant secretary for cybersecurity and communications, said in an interview that the department is evaluating whether Einstein makes sense for expansion to critical infrastructure spaces over time.
Not much is known about how Einstein works, and the House Intelligence Committee once charged that descriptions were overly vague because of excessive classification.The White House did confirm this week that the latest version, called Einstein 3, involves attempting to thwart in-progress cyberattacks by sharing information with the National Security Agency. Greater federal involvement in privately operated networks may spark privacy or surveillance concerns, not least because of the NSA's central involvement in the Bush administration's warrantless wiretapping scandal. Earlier reports have said that Einstein 3 has the ability to read the content of emails and other messages, and that AT&T has been asked to test the system. (The Obama administration says the contents of communications are not shared with the NSA.) I don't think you have to be Big Brother in order to provide a level of protection either for federal government systems or otherwise, Schaffer said.As a practical matter, you're looking at data that's relevant to malicious activity, and that's the data that you're focused on. It's not necessary to go into a space where someone will say you're acting like Big Brother. It can be done without crossing over into a space that's problematic from a privacy perspective.If Einstein 3 does perform as well as Homeland Security hopes, it could help less-prepared companies fend off cyberattacks, including worms sent through e-mail, phishing attempts, and even denial of service attacks.
On the other hand, civil libertarians are sure to raise questions about privacy, access, and how Einstein could be used in the future. If it can perform deep packet inspection to prevent botnets from accessing certain Web pages, for instance, could it also be used to prevent a human from accessing illegal pornography, copyright-infringing music, or offshore gambling sites? It's one thing for the government to monitor its own systems for malicious code and intrusions,said Greg Nojeim, senior counsel at the Center for Democracy and Technology.It's quite another for the government to monitor private networks for those intrusions. We'd be concerned about any notion that a governmental monitoring system like Einstein would be extended to private networks.AT&T did not respond to a request for comment on Wednesday.
Cooperation, or a loss of control?
At the RSA Conference here on Wednesday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stressed the need for more cooperation between the government and the private sector on cybersecurity, saying that we need to have a system that works together.During a House appropriations hearing on February 26, Napolitano refused to discuss Einstein 3 unless the hearing were closed to the public.I don't want to comment publicly on Einstein 3, per se, here in an unclassified setting,she said. What I would suggest, perhaps, is a classified briefing for members of the subcommittee who are interested.Some privacy concerns about Einstein have popped up before. An American Bar Association panel said this about Einstein 3 in a September 2009 report: Because government communications are commingled with the private communications of non-governmental actors who use the same system, great caution will be necessary to insure that privacy and civil liberties concerns are adequately considered.Jacob Appelbaum, a security researcher and programmer for the Tor anonymity project, said that expanding Einstein 3 to the private sector would amount to a partial outsourcing of security. It's clearly a win for people without the security know-how to protect their own networks,Appelbaum said.It's also a clear loss of control. And anyone with access to that monitoring system, legitimate or otherwise, would be able to monitor amazing amounts of traffic.Einstein grew out of a still-classified executive order, called National Security Presidential Directive 54, that President Bush signed in 2008. While little information is available, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff once likened it to a new Manhattan Project, and the Washington Post reported that the accompanying cybersecurity initiative represented the single largest request for funds in last year's classified intelligence budget. The Electronic Privacy Information Center has filed a lawsuit (PDF) to obtain the text of the order. Homeland Security has published (PDF) a privacy impact assessment for a less capable system called Einstein 2--which aimed to do intrusion detection and not prevention--but has not done so for Einstein 3. The department did, however, prepare a general set of guidelines (PDF) for privacy and civil liberties in June 2009. In addition, the Bush Justice Department wrote a memo (PDF) saying Einstein 2 complies with the U.S. Constitution and federal wiretap laws.
That justification for Einstein 2 turned on the consent of employees in the government that are being communicated with, and on the notion that a person who communicates with the government can't then complain that the government read the communication,said CDT's Nojeim.How does that legal justification work should Einstein be extended to the private sector? Declan McCullagh is a contributor to CNET News and a correspondent for CBSNews.com who has covered the intersection of politics and technology for over a decade. Declan writes a regular feature called Taking Liberties, focused on individual and economic rights; you can bookmark his CBS News Taking Liberties site, or subscribe to the RSS feed. You can e-mail Declan at declan@cbsnews.com.
Apocalypse tomorrow? Jerry Mazza Infowars.com March 4, 2010
The advent of Chile’s shattering earthquake, magnitude-8.8, 3 A.M. Saturday, 2/27/10, is the worst in 50 years and comes only seven weeks after the 6.9 earthquake in Haiti. We now have a warning from National Public Radio (NPR) that seems like a sick joke, that Solar Storms Could Be Earth’s Next Katrina. Yet, too often today’s sick joke turns out to be tomorrow’s apocalypse. How come? If you look in the linked article’s photo of the northern lights, the green halo of the lights dance over the Knik River near Palmer, Alaska. It is reminiscent of the green halo of light generated in HAARP experiments. I don’t mean to harp on HAARP, but the recent wave of weather anomalies now flooding the news raise the possibility of apocalypse here, there and everywhere.For instance, the ‘Earth Katrina’ article’s first paragraphs tell us: A massive solar storm could leave millions of people around the world without electricity, running water, or phone service, government officials say.
That was one of their conclusions after participating in a tabletop exercise that looked at what might happen today if the Earth were struck by a solar storm as intense as the huge storms that occurred in 1921 and 1859. One thing sort of balloons into another here…Solar storms happen when an eruption or explosion on the surface of the sun sends radiation or electrically charged particles toward Earth. Minor storms are common and can light up the Earth’s Northern skies and interfere with radio signals. Scared yet? Every few decades, though, the sun experiences a particularly large storm. These can release as much energy as 1 billion hydrogen bombs.Scared now? Well, sayonara, y’all. Or at least one has that feeling, fleeting or lasting, which brings me to my main point.The overall impact of these catastrophic events, purportedly over 300,000 people lost in Haiti is to create a world-angst on the human psyche, including the seemingly quixotic appearance of them and the fragility of our powers to control these events. More importantly, these events represent the murder, even genociding of native or indigenous peoples.Also, if the would-be rulers of a New World Order wanted to create these feelings of instability for destabilizing the present world order, including its rainbow of nations and nationalities, this blizzard of apocalyptic events would be an excellent tool, ala HAARP, to pull from Pandora’s toolbox.In fact, the Earth Katrina article is sub-headed, How Well Can We Weather The Solar Storm, providing us with area exercises and their results, determined in Boulder, Colorado for America. They include dire predictions of storms as big as the ones in 1921 and 1859—a sort of solar Katrina.
These predictions were made by Tom Bogdan, director of the Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder and by Craig Fugate, Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), p.s. the organization that was in NYC on the night before 9/11, which subsequently declared it was safe immediately after for workers to enter Ground Zero to start feverishly clearing all of the evidence from the US’s largest crime scene ever.The two organizations ask also if Disabled Satellites Are Just the Beginning? They cite how solar storms can create electrical currents in high voltage power lines—currents powerful enough to destroy transformers around the globe. I mean, these thoughts were at the heart of Nikolas Tesla’s darkest experiments, to create electromagnetic beams of power that can be pointed in different targets to wreak weather or total earth havoc.His works inspired the environmental-warfare inventions of Bertrand Eastlund, which he patented and sold to private corporations and the military to develop. His U.S. PATENT 4,686,605 for HAARP, High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, was sold to ARCO (The Atlantic Richfield Company). The 15 year confidentially agree with ARCO has now matured, so you can get a sense from this document of the potential destructive abilities of HAARP in several crucial areas.Returning to the Boulder drill and findings, their spokespeople claim that the new Earth Katrina will be far worse due to our growing dependence on satellites and other electronic devices that are vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation. The tabletop exercise revealed that the first sign of trouble came when radiation began disrupting radio signals and GPS devices.In 10 to 20 minutes, electrically charged particles basically took out most of the commercial satellites that transmit telephone conversations, TV shows and huge amounts of data we depend on in our daily lives, said Bogdan, who added When you go into a gas station and put your credit card in and get some gas, that’s a satellite transaction…Fugate added, But a solar Katrina would cause damage in a much larger area than any natural disaster. For example, power could be knocked out almost simultaneously in countries from Sweden to Canada and the U.S…So a lot more people would need help.Are these guys the children of Dr. Strangelove or what?
Fugate ends with the ridiculous reassurance that If you’ve got your family disaster plan together, you’ve taken the steps, whether it be a space storm…system failure…another natural hazard that knocks the power out.Tell that to the people of Haiti or Chile, whose deaths are reported only to be in the hundreds so far, due to superior home, building and highway construction.Yet to get the most realistic (and frightening) idea of HAARP’s power for real-life destruction, go to COOPRADIO.ORG for US HAARP Weapon Triggered Haiti Earthquake: Shock and Awe And Disaster Capitalism. This piece includes an incredible interview with noted independent scientist and whistle-blower Leuren Moret and Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med, on Haiti, HAARP, and the devastation.Moret covers everything from the history and geology of Haiti to the development of HAARP weaponry during the Cold War decade, which technology was finally exchanged between US, Russian and Chinese scientists, with their countries supplying the necessary money to apply the research with testing in the ionosphere, and finally building HAARP stations around the world. It’s a fascinating story.Moret explains that the use ofddHAARP technology gave the US Navy foreknowledge of the quake so as to preposition the fleet before the disaster and supervise the event’s devastation after, the US military taking over the scenario and allowing only US planes to land in Haiti. She points out that a World Bank loan that was made to pave streets turned into paving back alleys higher than the earth to flood the shacks and houses when the rains came.She points out that then President Aristide was removed by former President Clinton and Dyncorp (yesterday’s Blackwater/Xe) in 2004, after Aristide had inventoried all of Haiti’s natural resources. This was reported by Aristide’s attorney, Marguerite Laurent (Ezili Danto), whose exposes I included in my article Oil, gas, gold, copper, etc., in Haiti equals US occupation.
Laurent’s revelations reveal a full-fledged man-made catastrophic event for the purposes of resource takeover and to instill fear and greater poverty and hardship to the people of Haiti. They could as easily become the people of Chile today, who happen to be the world’s leading producers of copper and a major supplier of other metals and minerals. The difference is that Chile’s economy is relatively solvent in comparison, with the average family income at nearly $15,000 per annum.You may remember, too, that 40 years ago Chile suffered a political earthquake when its first duly and democratically elected president, Salvatore Allende, was assassinated in a CIA-op orchestrated by Henry Kissinger (subsequently named a war criminal by the Hague), an opener to the Nixon Administration. President Allende was a socialist, ergo not suitable for the US’s tastes, despite the will of his people, thousands of whom were disappeared in the aftermath for protesting, dissidence or activism of any kind. Perhaps the earthquake is an apostrophe to that carnage, a reminder to be good.It would seem that the US has acquired more than one way to depose a president, bring about regime change, and literally dispose of an entire people if it has to, or if it is hungry enough on any given day for whatever resources their land posses. Copper futures were up of course after the quake. The market doesn’t miss a trick to exploit shortage, just as the price of bread soared exponentially in Chile among its own people.Apocalypse comparisons blossomed as well in USA Today, in Chilean Earthquake hints at dangers of ‘Big One’ for USA. This article, too, for all of its fact detailing, will try to fill you with fear from coast to coast. This, just as you hear predictions on a steady basis of a new, more ferocious 9/11. Thinking the unthinkable, the article warns too of our failing infrastructure and points out how quickly our bridges, buildings and parking garages would crumble in the dust if an earthquake struck.Plus, here’s what USA TODAY’s lead paragraph and our government think not only of major earthquakes but indigenous populations…One of the really Big Ones to shake the United States was a magnitude-9.0 earthquake along the Pacific Northwest coast more than 300 years ago, before the arrival of people and development [italics mine], that sent a catastrophic tsunami to Japan.Perhaps that people gaff was just the writer’s poor diction, more likely a national mindset.The notion that in 1710 the human inhabitants of the Pacific Northwest coast were somehow not people and that their culture represented no human development is symbolic of our xenophobia, especially towards underdeveloped nations, which one day will be our undoing, or put another way, our apocalypse. All that remains in our bizarre culture is for someone to start an apocalypse hedge fund, betting on who gets the Big One next.
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