ZECHARIAH 12:1-5 King James Bible
1 The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.
2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
4 In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness.
5 And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart, The inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be my strength in the LORD of hosts their God.
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
ZECHARIAH 14:1-9 King James Bible
1 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.
2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
3 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. 5 And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee.
6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:
7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.
8 And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.
9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come (ROMANS IN AD 70) shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMANS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he( EU ROMAN, JEWISH DICTATOR) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:( 7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,( 3 1/2 YRS) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Jordan's King: All roads lead to Jerusalem - Israel faces all out war in 18 months if it does not cede to Jerusalem to Palestinian state MAY 1,09
Israel faces all-out war within 18 months if it does not come to terms with the Arab world and allow the establishment of a new Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem, according to Jordan’s King Abdullah II. The Hashemite monarch also declared on America's Meet the Press television program that threats from Iran and Al Qaeda will fade away once Jerusalem is divided.His position basically echoed the Palestinian Authority (PA) stand that its demands are a condition for peace and are not a matter for negotiation, despite diplomatic and media language about Israel and the PA each making concessions.The king responded to virtually every question concerning the Middle East by pointing to Jerusalem. In Arab and Muslim minds, the most emotional aspect is the Palestinian cause and that of Jerusalem. And from there leads all the other problems,he argued.When program host David Gregory asked if it’s not a fantasy to think that the problem of Al Qaeda will disappear so easily, the Jordanian monarch answered, What -- what is Al Qaeda’s platform is -- is the plight of the Palestinians in Jerusalem under occupation.Gregory challenged him that the terrorist organization may not believe what it says, but King Abdullah II was unmoved. You can’t really take them that seriously when the core issue, the major grievance in the Arab and Muslim world is solved,he explained.
He followed the same track concerning Iran and any crisis you want to talk about…. All roads lead back to Jerusalem.Any crisis you want to talk about…. All roads lead back to Jerusalem.The king, who visited U.S. President Barack Obama during his visit to the United States, was equally emphatic and simplistic concerning the Iranian nuclear threat, which worries the Arab world as well as Israel.Asked by Gregory what is the best way for the U.S. to persuade Iran to retreat from its nuclear program, King Abdullah II responded, Solving the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Gregory asked, That’s it? and the king explained, That allows us to then solve the Israeli-Arab-Muslim problem.He continued, Let me go back to saying I think that the challenge we have here in America is connecting the dots. If you have an issue of the threat that Iran poses to Israel, which is what Netanyahu was saying, the best way of solving that problem is solving the core issue, which is the Palestinian problem and that of Jerusalem.There’s more of an incentive for the Iranians to continue down that path when there’s an argument that they want to use in front of their people that Palestinians are under occupation.The Jordanian monarch held out the chance for Israel to make peace with 57 countries that do not recognize Israel today. Look, Israel, if you solve the Palestinian problem, if you allow us to solve the problems of Jerusalem, we all want to have peace with you.He warned that if Israel does not deal with the Arab demands over Jerusalem within the next 18 months, there will be another conflict between Israel and another protagonist. He charged that outside interference, meaning the U.S., is a requirement to force a peace agreement.America is providing a new image of what and how things should be done. And I think that the world has a belief in the president, a lot of faith in what he has to say. Obviously the pressure on the president is to deliver,he added.So Israel has to decide, does it want to make a relationship with 57 nations or does it want to stay Fortress Israel?
DANIEL 7:23-25
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast (EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADING BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings(10 NATIONS) that shall arise: and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.( BE HEAD OF 3 NATIONS)
25 And he (EU PRESIDENT) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.(3 1/2 YRS)
DANIEL 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king (EU DICTATOR) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,(FROM THE OCCULT) shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power:(SATANS POWER) and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;(JESUS) but he shall be broken without hand.
DANIEL 11:36-39
36 And the king (EU DICTATOR) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS JEWISH) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.(CLAIM TO BE GOD)
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(WAR) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god,(DESTROY TERROR GROUPS) whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
19 And I saw the beast,(EU LEADER) and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse,(JESUS) and against his army.(THE RAPTURED CHRISTIANS)
Majority of Israelis would like to join EU, see NATO in West Bank MAY 1,09
Almost two-thirds of Israeli Jews support sending NATO troops to the West Bank in a peacekeeping capacity, according to a poll conducted by Jerusalem-based KEEVOON Research. Israeli Jews supported the presence of NATO peacekeepers in Palestinian areas by 62 percent to 34%, the study found. But that support was not shared among Israeli Arabs, who opposed the idea by 44% to 24% - though a third said they did not know or refused to answer the question. We are seeing a change in the readiness for third-party intervention in the conflict,according to Dr. Lars Hansel, head of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung office in Jerusalem, which commissioned the study. Three or four years back, there was no readiness for international involvement, but I think this changed because of the EU monitoring mission in Rafah, which was seen positively, and the German marines deployed on the Lebanese coast, who are seen [by Israelis] as a welcome development. We are clearly sensing a shift in discourse in Israel about this,Hansel said. Indeed, a majority of respondents (54%) supported outright Israeli membership in NATO (33% did not). Support rose to 60% when only Jewish responses were counted.This high support was almost identical among Jerusalem and Tel Aviv residents - 65% and 64%, respectively - suggesting that this view cut across social, religious and political divisions. A similar majority was maintained among the voters of all major parties, including Labor (70%), Israel Beiteinu (67%), Kadima (63%) and the Likud (59%).The study also found that more than two-thirds of Israelis (69%) would like to join the European Union, with just 18% opposing the idea. Support was higher among Jews (75%, with 15% opposing) than among Arabs (40% vs 30% opposing). To test the strength of this support, the survey presented a hypothetical situation in which Israelis would be able to live or work anywhere in Europe, the shekel would have to be replaced eventually with the euro, and the Law of Return might be amended.Even then, support for joining the EU narrowly defeated opposition by 44% to 43%.According to Hansel, there is a general attraction to the EU, which is interesting because it is based not only on economic issues, but also on values. The study showed that Israelis liked the EU in part because it promotes democracy and pluralism. For Israelis, the EU stands for certain values and a certain kind of prosperity.
Nearly half of Israelis welcomed EU aid to the Palestinians.
After being told that the European Union is the largest donor to the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and is committed to improving their humanitarian and economic situation,47% of Israelis said this caused their support for the European organization to increase, while 37% said it diminished their support. Similarly, 54% said the EU's support for a two-state solution encouraged them to support the EU, while 34% said it hurt their support. Israelis were less forgiving on the question of a potential EU dialogue with Hamas, however, as 59% said it would reduce their support for the EU. And though they generally held a high opinion of the European organization (63% favorable), Israelis were evenly split (36% to 34%) on whether it had advanced or impeded the peace process in recent years. Unlike with NATO, opinion on the European Union seemed to depend heavily on political and religious belief and age. Large majorities of Kadima, Labor and Meretz voters and most Israelis over 51 said they liked the European umbrella organization, while much of the opposition came from large segments of the young Israeli population, the Orthodox, and voters for Arab parties.The study asked Israelis to rate their opinions of several well-known foreign leaders. The results showed that Israelis were as susceptible to the charisma of the new American president as people from any European country: Barack Obama was the most popular of the world leaders, with a favorability rating of 74% and just 11% saying they had an unfavorable view of him.The high figures indicate that Obama's popularity is widespread even among Israel's political Right.After Obama, Middle East negotiator and former British prime minister Tony Blair is the next-most popular foreign leader, with 68% favorable to 14% unfavorable.French President Nicolas Sarkozy came third with 64%. That marks a doubling of support for the French presidency compared to Sarkozy's predecessor Jacques Chirac. In 2007, Chirac had 29% approval and 63% disapproval among Israelis. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana came in last among foreign leaders mentioned in the poll, with 26% approval and 28% disapproval.The study put a particular focus on Israelis' views of Germany, finding that two-thirds had a favorable opinion of the country. Fully 62% of Israelis believe Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany's first female chancellor, improves the country's image abroad.
The survey included a battery of other questions.
Asked about their main concern vis-a-vis their government, Israelis said they were overwhelmingly more concerned about the economy than foreign policy by a margin of 61%to 12%. In the wake of February's election (the study was conducted from April 1 to 5), the poll found a significant swing toward optimism among Israelis compared with the last poll from 2007. Two years ago, fully 77% of respondents said the country was going in the wrong direction. By 2009, that figure had dropped to 50%. However, Israelis' views of Turkey took a sharp turn for the worse, in the wake of the bitter diplomatic dispute between the two countries over Operation Cast Lead in January. Approval for Turkey dropped from 65% in 2007 to just 34% in the current study. The survey also questioned Hebrew-speaking respondents about the countries from which their grandparents had come, concluding that 40% of Israeli Jews had European origins and were likely eligible for European citizenship. The 2007 poll found a similar figure of 36%.
GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:(ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST ETHNIC GROUP) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Southern California Shaken by 4.4 Quake
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Print ShareThisMALIBU, Calif. — Geologists say a minor earthquake with a 4.4 magnitude has struck west of Los Angeles in the Santa Monica Mountains. No injuries or damage were reported.The U.S. Geological Survey reported the earthquake at 6:11 p.m. Friday about seven miles northwest of Malibu. The area is about 37 miles west of Los Angeles.The survey's online reports from residents show that the quake was felt as far north as Lancaster in the Mojave Desert to southern Orange County.A watch commander at a Los Angeles County sheriff's station near Malibu says there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.The area also was struck last week by three small earthquakes.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
A weekend storm and flood threat MAY 2,09
Sunday AccuWeather-A stalled front will focus clusters of thunderstorms that will bring periods of heavy downpours from the southern Plains, across the Tennessee Valley, into the southern Mid-Atlantic this weekend. Late yesterday, parts of Middle Tennessee and northern Alabama experienced widespread flash flooding, with as much as 3 to 5 inches of rain falling. Through this weekend, the threat for heavy downpours, including rainfall amounts of 1 to 3 inches, will include central and eastern Oklahoma, northern and northeastern Texas, much of Arkansas, southern Missouri, northern Mississippi, northern Alabama, northern Georgia, much of Tennessee, much of Kentucky, much of West Virginia, and much of Virginia. An area of heavier rain / repeated downpours will likely bring rainfall amounts over 5 to 8 inches to parts of central and eastern Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Tennessee. Flash flooding will remain a widespread threat through the weekend, with additional river flooding developing from the southern Plains, to the Tennessee Valley. Isolated severe thunderstorms, capable of large hail and locally damaging winds, will also be possible in any of these areas. Frequent and dangerous lightning will also accompany the thunderstorms. The greatest risk for severe thunderstorms will be over northern and northeastern Texas, southern Arkansas, and northern Louisiana. Here, more widespread large hail, damaging winds, and isolated tornadoes will be possible.
7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
Halifax wildfire controlled, most evacuees going home
Up to 1,200 people forced to leave their homes overnight Thursday
Last Updated: Friday, May 1, 2009 | 4:13 PM CBC News
The foundation is all that's left of one home off Purcells Cove Road. (CBC)
Most of the 1,200 people forced to flee their Halifax homes returned on Friday — some having to face the damage and destruction caused by a wildfire that tore through their community.Fire officials credited the daylong rainfall for helping get the fire under control.An evacuation order remained for only three streets, meaning about 40 homes of the 427 that had been evacuated remained off limits. But more people were expected to return later in the evening.Eight homes were destroyed in the fire and another 10 damaged. No major human injuries were reported, but officials said two cats and a dog are known to have perished.The CBC's Brian Dubreuil said he spoke with one family who returned to find their home destroyed.They told me they could see the ruins still smouldering and there was areas of the forest, the grass around their home that still had flames around it,Dubreuil said.Resident Michael Smith, whose own house escaped the flames, told CBC News that he was amazed that more homes weren't damaged.He said he had mixed feelings about that because three of his neighbours' homes were destroyed.They're all burned to a crisp. They're all gone. There's nothing there. Why our house was spared, I have no explanation,he said, although he speculated it may have been because there were no trees close to his home.Police announced late Friday that one of the damaged homes had been set alight by an arsonist, probably at the height of the fire as evacuations were underway. No other details were released.
It's kind of scary
Early Friday morning, police were going door to door on Purcells Cove Road, near the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron, ordering more families to get out of the area as the fire closed in.Harriette King was told she had 10 minutes to leave.We got packed up last night when we knew there was a slight possibility we would have to go, said King.I live on the ocean side of Purcells Cove Road, so it's kind of scary.The view of the fire from a helicopter at 10 a.m. Friday. (CBC) Neighbours homes gone
Sonja McVeigh was anxious to see the state of her home. McVeigh, her husband and their 10-month-old baby fled the flames Thursday afternoon.McVeigh said her husband spoke with a police official, who told him their house was the only one untouched on Aaron's Way off Purcells Cove Road.It's unbelievable, McVeigh said.The fire chief even said that sometimes this happens, that the fire literally jumped the road, went around our house and apparently it's unscathed. But we are thinking of our neighbours and it's surreal.The fire lights up the Halifax skyline on Thursday. (CBC)
Don Fox, with Halifax Regional Police, said officers were patrolling the area as a security measure.The fire started Thursday afternoon in the Spryfield area and shifted toward Purcells Cove Road. Initially, about 300 homes were evacuated.The fire came up quickly on Brett Ryan's home on Fortress Drive, near Purcells Cove.Within five minutes it had gone from being just thick dark smoke to actually flames 60 feet (18 metres) in the air coming up over the houses across the street from us,Ryan said.
The family got out quickly, but not before grabbing some photographs, son Quinn's baseball glove, the dog, and two pet rats.We literally got out with our lives. Like if I'd been three minutes later, I wouldn't have got up that road,Ryan said.As fire officials declared an evacuation zone several kilometres wide, police threw up roadblocks, leaving some angry family members on the outside.They didn't even know they were supposed to get out,one man yelled out to police at Williams Lake and Purcells Cove roads. His home was 200 metres inside the evacuation zone. The officer told him he couldn't go in to be with his children.This is an emergency situation, the officer responded.Fire officials aren't saying what caused the fire, but they said it spread quickly due to wind gusts and dry fallen brush caused by Hurricane Juan in 2003.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).
Swine flu deaths ebb; Mexico hopes worst is over By ALEXANDRA OLSON, Associated Press Writers MAY 2,09
MEXICO CITY – Mexico reported no new deaths from swine flu overnight — more reason to be optimistic that the worst is over at the epicenter of the outbreak. But the virus keeps spreading around the world, with new cases confirmed in Europe and Asia, and governments banning flights and preparing quarantines.The World Health Organization said it has sent 2.4 million treatments of anti-flu drug Tamiflu to 72 developing countries, taking the drugs from a stockpile donated by Roche Holding AG.At this point it's important that all countries have access to antivirals, said Dr. Mike Ryan, the agency's global alert and response director.China worked aggressively to track down people who may have been near a sick Mexican tourist, sealing 305 people inside a Hong Kong hotel where he stayed and hospitalizing 15 fellow passengers. The man developed a fever after arriving in the Chinese territory and was isolated in stable condition Saturday.South Korea reported Asia's second confirmed case — a woman just back from Mexico — and other governments also prepared to quarantine passengers, eager to show how they have learned from the deadly SARS epidemic in 2003, when Hong Kong was criticized for imposing quarantines too slowly.U.S. President Barack Obama also urged caution on Saturday in his radio and Internet address.This is a new strain of the flu virus, and because we haven't developed an immunity to it, it has more potential to cause us harm, Obama said. Unlike the various strains of animal flu that have emerged in the past, it's a flu that is spreading from human to human. This creates the potential for a pandemic, which is why we are acting quickly and aggressively.Mexico said it had no confirmed deaths from swine flu overnight, even as its confirmed caseload grew to 443. The U.S. count rose to 161 and there were 705 confirmed swine flu cases worldwide, although the real number is believed to be much higher. The virus also has been detected in Canada, New Zealand, Israel and eight European nations.
Mexico has taken extraordinary measures to combat the epidemic, ordering all nonessential government and private businesses to shut down for five days, at a tremendous cost to its economy. In the wide valley where traffic and crowds can be stifling even on a Saturday, Mexico City streets were strangely quiet, its usually crowded markets shuttered and even parks locked down.I'm going crazy in my house with this confinement,retiree Rocio Lara said in Mexico City. There is nowhere to go, nowhere to spend your time.Mexico City's mayor Marcelo Ebrard said they had expected exponential growth in the number of persons complaining of swine flu symptoms, and that the outbreak seems to be slowing instead.It should soon become clear whether the epidemic is really stabilizing in Mexico, but many questions remain about how the disease kills, said the leader of an international team of flu-fighters now operating in the capital.That is the big question: Is it stabilizing or not? And it is too early to say, but I think we are getting systems in place where we are going to be able to get a handle on this soon, said Dr. Steve Waterman of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Waterman also warned against taking false comfort from the fact that only one person has died outside Mexico, saying more deaths are likely as the epidemic evolves.The U.S. government said schools with confirmed cases should close for at least 14 days because children can be contagious for seven to 10 days from when they get sick. More than 430 U.S. schools had closed, affecting about 245,000 children in 18 states.With the disease on its doorstep, mainland China suspended all direct flights from Mexico, and sealed off the Metropark Hotel, where the 25-year-old Mexican stayed before he became Asia's first confirmed case late Friday. Health workers in white bodysuits patrolled the lobby, and mask-wearing police enforced a seven-day quarantine. One guest, Olivier Dolige of Paris, said they were taking Tamiflu as a precaution — and trying to make the best of it.Speaking with The Associated Press using his computer's video-conferencing program, Dolige said he will turn 43 on Tuesday in quarantine. I think about having my birthday with water and bad cake,he wrote.No champagne.Scientists trying to determine the mortality rate said this virus does not appear to match the ferocity of past killers. Most people think it is unlikely this is going to be as virulent as the 1918 epidemic. From what we know so far, it doesn't seem like it is as virulent,Waterman said.
The virus has been circulating for over a month in a city of 20 million of high population density. It could have been much worse,agreed CDC epidemiologist Marc-Alain Widdowson. The two CDC doctors spoke during a tour of Mexico's Intelligence Unit for Health Emergencies, where teams of doctors and scientists monitor the outbreak in real time and plasma screens enable frequent video conference calls with leaders from the Atlanta-based CDC, the World Health Organization and other institutions. Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova cited other indications that the disease is not very contagious: Mexican investigators who visited 280 relatives of victims found only 4 had contracted the disease, and that the number of people hospitalized with suspected cases is declining. But he stressed that it's too early for the government to declare the epidemic is subsiding. Getting fast and effective care is important, said Hugo Lopez-Gatell Ramirez, deputy director general of epidemiology at the center. Among the 16 confirmed swine flu deaths in Mexico, the average time victims waited before going to a doctor was seven days. For those who were sickened but recovered, the average wait was three days. Lopez-Gatell said that even before the swine flu outbreak, Mexican authorities had been monitoring a higher-than-usual number of flu cases and an unusual phenomenon in which otherwise healthy young adults were falling ill with pneumonia in greater numbers. There had been 15 flu outbreaks in this year's flu season, as opposed to the 5 or 6 that Mexico normally sees.He said that put Mexico on guard and led to a fast reaction when unexplained illnesses began in March. Despite some international criticism of the Mexican response, Lopez-Gatell said no mistakes were made. We would have done everything the same if we had it to do over again,he said. Associated Press writers David B. Caruso and Malcolm Ritter in New York, Lauran Neergaard in Washington and Paul Haven and Juan Carlos Llorca in Mexico City contributed to this report.
New Brunswick reports first case of H1N1 Fri May 1, 10:03 am ET
OTTAWA (Reuters) – The Atlantic Canadian province of New Brunswick has reported its first case of the new H1N1 flu strain, a health department official said on Friday.
Canada has now discovered 35 cases of the flu, which is also known as swine flu. All the cases have been mild.Meghan Cumby, a spokeswoman for the New Brunswick department of health, said a woman in her 20s who had recently been to Mexico has the flu.She lives either in or near the city of Moncton, Cumby said, but declined to be more specific.(Reporting by David Ljunggren; editing by Peter Galloway)
Canada sees first person-to-person case of H1N1 flu Thu Apr 30, 6:28 pm ET
OTTAWA (Reuters) – The province of Nova Scotia has recorded the first case of the new H1N1 flu strain spreading from one person to another within Canada, a medical official said on Thursday.A spokesman for the Atlantic province's department of health promotion said the victim had contracted a mild case of swine flu from a student who had returned from Mexico on an organized school trip.We have recorded the first person-to-person transmission of (H1N1) in Canada. All the cases in Nova Scotia have had mild symptoms,said Lucas Wide, a spokesman for Nova Scotia's Health Promotion and Protection department.The province has reported eight cases so far, four of them pupils who had been to Mexico on the school trip.Separately on Thursday, federal officials reported 15 new cases of the flu in Canada, including the first confirmed case in the province of Quebec, bringing the national total to 34. All are considered mild.(Reporting by David Ljunggren; editing by Rob Wilson)
Company warned officials of flu 18 days before alert was issued
By LES BLUMENTHAL McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON -- A Washington state biosurveillance firm raised the first warning about a possible outbreak of swine flu in Mexico more than two weeks before the World Health Organization offered its initial alert about a public health emergency of international concern.Both federal and international health officials had access to the warning from Veratect Corp. Later e-mails calling attention to the company's subsequent report that the disease was possibly spreading in Mexico were sent to 10 officials of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Robert Hart, the company's chief executive.Hart said he wasn't sure why health officials didn't act sooner. They have a lot of other responsibilities,Hart said on Thursday.But every day makes a difference.CDC officials in Atlanta said they were aware of Veratect's claims and hadn't been working with the company.We have nothing to add about their claims, said CDC spokesman Llelwyn Grant, adding that the CDC and other public health agencies had plans in place to deal with a flu pandemic and responded rapidly once they became aware of the Mexican outbreak.Veratect, based in Kirkland, Wash., uses a technique known as data mining to automatically search tens of thousands of Web sites daily for early signs of looming medical problems or civil unrest anywhere in the world. Anything of interest is turned over to a team of 35 analysts to determine its significance and to post on the company's Web site. The company markets access to its Web site to government agencies, businesses and others and has tried unsuccessfully to sell its service to the CDC, the World Health Organization and the Department of Homeland Security.
Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., who talked with the CDC, the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies as late as January about Veratect, said the federal government had made a mistake in not purchasing the company's program, especially in light of the flu outbreak.I am very upset about this,Dicks said. Not to have it is totally ridiculous. This is a perfect example of why they needed this and now we are paying a price.Earlier this year, Hart said, Veratect gave free access to its Web site to the CDC and the WHO on a trial basis.On April 6, 18 days before the WHO issued its alert, Veratect reported on its Web site a strange outbreak of respiratory disease in La Gloria, Mexico, noting that local residents thought the outbreak was linked to contamination from pig breeding farms nearby.Hart said the information was available to the CDC and many state and local health authorities. The company's server showed an epidemiologist at the Pan American Health Organization, which is part of the World Health Organization, looked at the message about the La Gloria outbreak twice, on April 10 and 11, Hart said.Ten days after the warning was first issued, on April 16, Veratect reported the disease was possibly spreading in Mexico with an unspecified number of atypical pneumonia cases detected at a hospital in Oaxaca. Because of the heightened concern, an automated e-mail was sent to 10 people at the CDC to notify them the report was available.With the outbreak apparently spreading, Hart said the company's chief scientist, James Wilson, called people he knew at the CDC's Emergency Operations Center on April 20 to alert them to what was happening in Mexico. At that point, the CDC was focused on possible swine flu events in Texas and California, and a physician at the emergency operations center indicated the CDC was not aware of the spreading outbreak in Mexico, Hart said.We thought this deserved immediate attention and they started looking at it,Hart said.
Four days later, the World Health Organization made its announcement.
Veratect's warnings came as President Barack Obama prepared for his trip to Mexico, arriving in Mexico City on April 16. The White House said Thursday that an Energy Department staffer who was part of the advance team for Obama's visit is suspected of having contracted swine flu in Mexico and transmitting it to his family in Maryland. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the man, who wasn't identified, never got within 6 feet of the president.Hart said his company's system operated as it was supposed to.We don't make predictions, he said.We give the earliest wisp of smoke before the fire.Hart said he wasn't critical of the CDC or other health organizations, adding that what was needed was an effective global health monitoring system that Veratect should be a part of.Hindsight is great and it's hard to say whether (the delay) altered anything, he said.The only way to stop anything like this is to break the cycle.Others, however, cautioned that the use of data mining to track a possible disease outbreak was untested and said a number of questions about its effectiveness remained unanswered.This approach is not yet vetted, said Dr. Marguerite Neill, an infectious disease specialist at Brown University and a spokeswoman for the Infectious Disease Society of America.It is an interesting idea, but we haven't used it before.Neill said the problem with using information picked up through data mining was determining whether it was just an indication of a routine disease outbreak or something much more serious.It needs to be put in a clinical or epidemiological context,she said.I'm not sure Veratect can do that.
Experts hope flu stays mild as Canadian cases rise to 51
By Andrew Mayeda and Sharon Kirkey, Canwest News Service
May 1, 2009 9:04 PM
People line up wearing surgical masks, to prevent contracting the swine flu, as they wait to see a doctor at a mobile health clinic on Friday in Mexico City, Mexico.Photograph by: Joe Raedle, Getty ImagesAs the number of cases of human swine flu in Canada climbed to 51, Canada’s chief public health officer expressed optimism that the outbreak might turn out to be relatively mild.And a new poll suggests Canadians, for the most part, are staying calm.The Ipsos Reid poll, conducted exclusively for Canwest News Service and Global National, says fewer than half of those surveyed, 47 per cent, said they are somewhat or very much concerned that they or someone in their family might contract swine flu over the coming weeks or months.
Eight in ten — 81 per cent — have confidence federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq is taking the right steps to deal with swine flu's spread, and most supported the actions of their local hospitals and health officials.I think what this poll says is that no one's panicked out there,said John Wright, senior vice president at Ipsos Reid Public Affairs. I don't want to downplay this, but I think the reality is that a lot of Canadians are looking at this in a very pragmatic, sensible fashion.The poll suggests Canadians have given a vote of confidence to public officials, he said.
There's nobody who receives poor marks.
Canadian public health officials confirmed 17 new cases Friday: one in New Brunswick, the province's first; six in Nova Scotia; four in Ontario; two in Alberta and four in B.C. The new cases brought Canada's total to 51.Like the others before it, the new cases are considered mild and the patients are expected to recover.Despite the new cases, Chief Public Health Officer Dr. David Butler-Jones said there are several encouraging signs that suggest the outbreak might not be a catastrophic pandemic on the scale of the 1918 Spanish flu.We don't know exactly where it's going to go, but what gives me short-term optimism is that we're at the end of what would be normally flu season, so the chances are that this will die down over the summer, said Butler-Jones.That would buy time to develop a vaccine and do more planning, so that whatever we face in the fall, whether it's mild or severe, we're in a better position to deal with it.Meanwhile, the World Health Organization said Friday researchers had cleared the first step toward a swine-flu vaccine.A senior WHO official said they are in negotiations with a few dozen manufacturers worldwide to arrange production of a vaccine, although she cautioned it could take four to six months for the first doses to be produced.Unless really there is very soon a signal that (the spread of the outbreak) might not continue, it seems mostly likely that the manufacturers will proceed,said Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO director of the Initiative for Vaccine Research.Butler-Jones said negotiations were also continuing between the Canadian government and GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, the drug manufacturer that has agreed to supply Canada with a vaccine. We're in a good position, once things are in place, to move forward,said Butler-Jones.Kieny said researchers have identified the virus in their laboratories, the first stage toward vaccine production.
Researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other research centres worldwide are currently tweaking the virus so samples can be turned into a vaccine, a process that should conclude in mid- to late May.Manufacturers would then further adapt the virus to their production methods, grow the virus in eggs so it can be harvested in large quantities, then design a formulation to be administered to human patients.The vaccine would also have to undergo human clinical trials and receive approval from state regulatory authorities worldwide.Although the number of confirmed cases continued to increase around the world, WHO gave no indication Friday it would raise its pandemic alert level.The WHO alert level is at five on a scale of six, with six being considered a full-scale pandemic.WHO has noted human-to-human transmission so far appeared to be confined to North America. To move to level six, WHO would have to observe human-to-human transmission in at least two global regions.
We are very aware of the situation, but qualitatively the situation has not changed, said WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl.Canadian officials said a national citizen readiness campaign educating Canadians on basic precautions against the flu will kick off Saturday with advertisements in newspapers across the country. Information will also be disseminated through Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.I think Canadians agree that we need to take every precaution possible,Aglukkaq said.Meghan Cumby, a spokeswoman for the New Brunswick Department of Health, said a woman in her 20s who had recently travelled to southeastern Mexico had contracted the new flu strain. The woman did not require hospitalization, Cumby said.Four more cases of swine flu have been reported in Ontario, bringing the total in that province to 12. Two lived in Toronto, the other two in Durham, and all were considered mild cases.In Alberta, health officials said a young woman who had been travelling in Mexico, and a middle-aged woman who had been travelling in Tennessee, had contracted the flu.The B.C. government said it had confirmed four more cases, bringing the province's total to 15. B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell said the cases are mild and the patients are recovering.Vancouver's Killarney secondary school sent a note to parents Friday notifying them that a student tested positive for the flu. The school will remain open, as public health officials have determined the risk to others is very low.All the new Nova Scotian cases are mild and are connected to an outbreak at King's-Edgehill School in Windsor, a government official said.Globally, 14 countries have now reported cases of swine flu, with China, France and Denmark confirming cases Friday. The new cases brought the global total to 591.Hong Kong officials identified a traveller from Mexico as the first confirmed case in Asia.Mexico has been hardest hit by the outbreak, with 176 deaths believed to be linked to the strain.However, Mexican officials expressed some optimism Friday the outbreak there appeared to be stabilizing. Mexican authorities said they were encouraged by the fact the rate of new cases emerging was falling.
Mexico was all but shut down Friday, after Mexican President Felipe Calderon asked residents to stay home during the Cinco de Mayo holiday from May 1 to May 5.He has also urged Mexican businesses to close.In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Protection on Friday raised the country's number of confirmed cases to 141. There has been one confirmed death in the U.S., a toddler from Mexico City who was found dead in Texas.Health officials continue to remind the public the seasonal flu is also responsible for making thousands of people sick and for killing an average of 4,000 Canadians every year. Normally, fewer than 0.1 per cent of people with influenza die, if they have no underlying medical conditions.The Ipsos Reid poll found 15 per cent of those surveyed said they were very much concerned with catching swine flu, while 33 per cent said they are somewhat concerned. Only in Atlantic Canada is a majority (55 per cent) concerned about contracting swine flu.For the survey, a randomly selected sample of 1,001 adults were interviewed by phone from April 29 to April 30. With a sample this size, results are considered accurate to within 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.With files from Reuters.Canwest News Service.
U.S. Planners: Swine Flu Worst Case is 2 Million Dead MAY 1,09
If the Mexico swine flu becomes a global pandemic, the routines and comforts of daily life would vanish in the blink of an eye. Small towns and big cities alike would go into a protective crouch.The worst case scenario, according to U.S. government planners: Two million dead. Hospitals overwhelmed. Schools closed. Swaths of empty seats at baseball stadiums and houses of worship. An economic recovery snuffed out.
We're nowhere close to that. But government leaders at all levels, and major employers, have spent nearly four years planning for the worst in a series of exercises. Their reports, as well as interviews with policymakers, paint a grim picture of what could happen if the swine flu gets severely out of control. A full-scale pandemic — like the 1918 Spanish flu — would sicken 90 million Americans, or about 30 percent of the population. It could claim the lives of about 2 percent of those infected, about 2 million people, according to government experts. To put that in perspective, the regular flu causes about 30,000 deaths each year. This may or may not be the killer flu,said Kim Elliott, deputy director of the Trust for America's Health, and independent public health group.But it certainly does seem to have that potential, because it's a novel virus.A pandemic moves with explosive speed and comes in successive waves. That's why planners start with the worst case. If a pandemic strikes, the government estimates that nearly 10 million patients would have to be admitted to the hospital, and nearly 1.5 million would need intensive care. About 750,000 would need the help of mechanical ventilators to keep breathing. No one would be immune from the consequences, even those who don't get sick, according to worst-case exercises run by local and national agencies. Schools would be closed to try to block the spread of illness, for example, but school buses might be used to take flu victims to alternative clinics rather than overcrowded hospitals. A 2006 report on the Washington region found both Maryland and Virginia would run out of hospital beds within two weeks of a moderate outbreak. People who got sick would be isolated, and their relatives could be quarantined. But even if families weren't required to stay home, many would do so to take care of sick relatives, or because they were afraid of getting sick themselves. Hotels, restaurants and airlines would face loss of business as business travel and meetings would be replaced by teleconferences.
In the cities, commuters who do go to work might drive, bike or walk instead of using mass transit. On the subway, people would be asked to wear protective masks. Movie buffs would avoid theaters and rent DVDs instead. In 1918, authorities even called on churches to cancel services, to the chagrin of some pastors. As entire societies turn inwardly, the global economy would take a direct hit. Trust for America's Health estimated in 2007 that a severe pandemic would shrink U.S. output by about 5.5 percent.It could be a real blow to any type of recovery, said Elliott.The whole idea of a just-in-time economy means we depend on each other globally.But wait a minute. Catch your breath. Even if the new swine flu from Mexico turns out to be especially aggressive, the worst consequences could be averted.The nation has made strides in stockpiling antiviral medicines, speeding the production of vaccines and laying down basic public health guidelines. The government got serious about worst-case planning during the 2005 bird flu scare, as the lessons of Hurricane Katrina loomed large.
We have a playbook that was developed and is being followed, said Michael Leavitt, who as secretary of Health and Human Services oversaw pandemic planning for President George W. Bush. It's a substantially better picture than what we faced three years ago.There are gaps. Some states have not stockpiled their full allocation of antiviral medicines, critical in treating and preventing diseases during the early stages of a pandemic, before a vaccine has been developed. And Elliott said the federal government has not fulfilled some elements of its own plan, such as purchasing preventive doses of antivirals that would be reserved for medical personnel and first responders. So far, antiviral medicines are proving effective against the Mexico flu. Dr. Jeff Runge, former chief medical officer for Homeland Security, said it's clearly not a pandemic yet, but it's too early to tell. The next week or two will be critical.Runge seemed confident.We've come a long ways since we've been doing this pandemic flu planning,he said.
Forget Nukes -- Watch Out for Economic War MAY 1,09
Fought with currencies, embargoes and hackers, economic warfare may lack the shock and awe of conventional battles but it could still pose a threat to the U.S., especially in these troubling economic times.Picture this hypothetical dreamed up by a national security expert obsessed with economic catastrophe:Angry that U.S. policies aimed at boosting the economy have devalued their $2 trillion of currency reserves, the Chinese decide to stop buying Treasurys just as America tries to finance its massive spending plans. In response, the U.S. imposes trade sanctions against China, which in turn pushes for a global currency. From there, the U.S. accuses China of manipulating its own currency and things escalate further.Without a shot being fired, those actions represent a type of unfriendly economic competition that some are very worried about.
Unstable Escalation
I think it’s very likely the participants wouldn’t call it a war. Each side would say they are acting in their best interest. But this could lead to an unstable escalation, said James Rickards, co-head of threat finance and market intelligence at consulting firm Omnis.The struggling U.S. economy and scary financial crisis could make such an escalation more likely and more damaging.On the one hand, you could say it [would have] less of an impact because we’re already in a more defensive posture due to the recession,said Dan Goure, vice president of the Lexington Institute, a nonprofit public-policy research organization.On the other hand, we’re closer to the edge so we have fewer resources.Rickards was more unequivocal, saying flatly,It definitely raises the stakes which could play out in some financial warfare scenarios.
To be sure, despite the worries from some experts, there is little to indicate an all-out economic war is in the offing, especially given shows of solidarity like at the recent G-20 meeting in London.They are all trying to go through this by working together and with coordinated fiscal stimulus. This is not something where there’s any talk of warfare, except potentially the Chinese situation,said Ernest Preeg, a former American ambassador to Haiti and a former White House economic official.
A Dry Run for Economic Warfare
Still, the Pentagon is apparently concerned enough to hold its first ever war game focused on economic warfare, according to a person familiar with the event. There was good news and bad news. The good news was the game worked successfully. The bad news is China won,the person told FOX Business.The Pentagon is planning similar war games in the future, the person said, underscoring worries about U.S. vulnerability during the current crisis.Even though this was a Bush Administration initiative, I think it resonated kind of well with the Obama Administration because they are a little bit more forward thinking” in terms of linking the economy with geopolitics, the person said.The existence of the war game was first disclosed by Politico.
China: A Formidable Opponent
It’s not surprising China won the war game, as the country is thought to be the most worrisome potential opponent. In fact, Chinese officials wrote a book in 1999 called Unrestricted Warfare, focusing on non-traditional modes of conflict such as economic war.If we’re doing our first war game in 2009 and they wrote the book 10 years ago, we’re a decade behind,said Goure.Like many military engagements, an economic war might have murky beginnings.I don’t think a country will wake up and say, I am declaring economic war on the United States. I think it will be tit for tat and misreading of intentions. It just escalates,said Rickards. Such an economic engagement can take various forms, including everything from currency dumping and cyber attacks on critical infrastructure to oil blockades and economic sanctions.
The form that seems most likely, China dumping its holdings of U.S. Treasurys, is actually probably the most far-fetched.In peacetime, that idea has very little plausibility because it will do much more damage to them than us,said Goure, citing the loss of value of their investments.Instead, China, which held 24.07% of foreign-owned Treasury securities as of January, could decide to stop buying U.S. debt, though the intentions behind such a move could be debated.It’s hard to say if that’s economic warfare or just good business practice,said Goure, half-joking.An economic war between the U.S. and another adversary would hardly be the world’s first. Countries have resorted to such measures in the forms of trade embargoes, blockades and protectionism for centuries.To take one recent example, the U.S. has considered economic sanctions to punish Iran for its nuclear programs. In response, Iran has said it could hold the world’s oil supply hostage by blocking the Persian Gulf’s export routes, a move that would likely damage the global economy.In a globalized world, the ability of one country to impact the economy of another, and hence affect it strategically, has grown exponentially from what it was before,said Goure.
1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
34 But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils.
JOHN 8:41
41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
JOHN 10:20
20 And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.(JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST AND FOR SINNERS, THE GREAT WHITE THRONE FINAL JUDGEMENT).
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous (DANGEROUS) times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
MATTHEW 5:10-12
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
JOHN 15:18-20
18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me (JESUS) before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain(BEHEADED) for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Calling all Terrorists! Calling all Terrorists! MAY 2,09
Our country is really and profoundly in danger as our President and Napolitano have reminded us.As you know by now we are surrounded by a sea of domestic terrorists, just waiting to do us in or blow things up.Don’t you dare go out to dinner alone with your Pastor you might get murdered. Don’t even think about having coffee with anyone who is a vet or pro life, your throat will get slit.Your friend who wants fiscal responsibility with Government who you work with……well, watch your back! Granted even the Homeland Security report identifying so many patriots across our land as potential terrorists at least had the kindergarten level of honesty to say they had no statistics, facts or proof of that….they were just operating on theories and speculation. Isn’t that precious! Last I heard from my Mom and most my teachers growing up you weren’t supposed to yell FIRE in a crowded theatre……especially if there ain’t one!
It’s fascinating I think that now we are forbidden to talk about our war with Islamic Fundamentalists, radical Islam or Terrorists. Now we are fighting the ever so sensitive and meaningless,overseas contingency operation.We have heard speech after speech from the Obama administration about how we are not to be insensitive and inflammatory by using terms like Terrorist.For that matter,Obama declared to the Muslim world at the G20 meeting that we would never attack Islam. Apparently he had called the Psychic hotline which is off the air. The fascinating part is that with all the training, manipulation and concern about NOT using the term terrorism, that is precisely how the homeland security report identifies the made up homegrown dangers. WE ARE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. No need to be sensitive there! For that matter, the report is a LIE so why be sensitive? Only to Fundamentalist Muslims worldwide are we to be ever so sensitive as they plan to manipulate more of Sharia law into place.That is of course,in-between our Pastors, returning Vets, prolifers, those who support our sovereignty and states rights, second amendment supporters, Christians and Tea Party attendees, blowing up buildings, attacking children, burning down clinics and planning assassinations! What is the new mental illness coming folks…..I have so many I want to follow this. Let me see…..Islamaphobe, Homophobe, racist……now drum roll……..Terrorista phobe. I guess there is not enough medication for me. Back to blowing up buildings.
- DAN 1:1 - DAN 3:30 VBV - 1 JVI
- DAN 4:1 - DAN 6:28 VBV - 2 JVI
- DAN 7:1 - DAN 9:27 VBV - 3 JVI
- DAN 10:1 - 12:13 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 1 - REV 4:6 VBV - 1 JVI
- REV 4:9 - REV 9:21 VBV - 2 JVI
- REV 10:1 - REV 14:1 VBV - 3 JVI
- REV 14:2 - REV 18:24 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 19:1 - REV 22:21 VBV - 5 JVI
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:31 pm,Post subject: Harvard doc: Swine Flu created in lab
So it was created in a laboratory!
H1N1-H5N1 Flu Outbreak Implicates Anglo-American
Vaccine Pipeline
Los Angeles, CA— Skyrocketing stock values of Novavax, Inc.,1 precipitated by dozens of flu deaths in Mexico, implicates a leading Anglo-American network of genetic engineers in a conspiracy to commit genocide.
Dr. James S. Robertson, England’s leading bioengineer of flu viruses for the vaccine industry, and avid promoter of U.S. Government funding for lucrative biodefense contracts, along with collaborators at the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), helped Novavax, Inc., in Bethesda, Maryland, produce genetically-modified recombinants of the avian, swine, and Spanish flu viruses, H5N1 and H1N1, nearly identical to the unprecedented Mexican virus that has now spread to the United States. The outbreak was precisely timed to promote the company’s new research and huge vaccine stockpiling contracts, according to Dr. Horowitz. 2
Scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are implicated through collaborations and publications involving private contracts with Novavax, a company that obtains its biosimilars through CDC Influenza Branch director, Ruben O. Donis, and Dr. Rick Bright, previously working with Donis at the CDC, now Novavax’s Vice President of Global Influenza Programs. Evidence for the conspiracy to commit deadly duplicity in the vaccine industry includes the genetic markers on the novel flu virus now spreading from Mexico to America. The virus is genetically different from the fully human H1N1 seasonal influenza virus that has been circulating globally for the past few years,according to Reuters and government officials.The new flu virus contains DNA typical to avian, swine and human viruses, including elements from European and Asian swine viruses.3 That is a description that is pathognomonic, or diagnostic, of a virus that came from Robertson’s circle of friends. No other group in the world takes H5N1 Asian flu infected chickens, brings them to Europe, extracts their DNA, combines their proteins with H1N1 viruses from the 1918 Spanish flu isolate, additionally mixes in swine flu genes from pigs, then reverse engineers them to infect humans. The end product that Reuters describes could only end up in Mexico via the United States from Britain in care of the CDC. Ruben Donis at the CDC had to have sent them to Novavax, where Rick Bright’s team is now implicated in a conspiracy to commit genocide—the mass killing of people for profit.
Novavax’s preliminary report in the Journal of Virology, with co-authors from the CDC in Atlanta, was posted online at the precise time Mexican officials began reporting deaths from this new strain of flu that is clearly an unprecedented recombinant of at least three H5N1 and H1N1 strains. Novavax’s Johnny-on-the-spot vaccine was prepared under the CDC’s fast track approval process speciously using these three strains never known to infect any human in Mexico. Therefore, the statistical probability this virus came from this company of experts is extremely high. Alternatively, anticipated arguments the virus arrived in Mexico by serendipity, at this precise time in Novavax’s history, is ridiculously remote. These doctor’s conflicting corporate, scientific, and financial interests evidence criminal malfeasance,said Dr. Leonard Horowitz, an internationally known humanitarian, award winning consumer health activist, and author of sixteen books including, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? His book, and associated scientific publications, have been cited by numerous authorities as providing compelling evidence the AIDS virus came from a lab. The most chilling evidence against the Robertson-Novavax (RN) vaccine pipeline, besides Robertson being the gatekeeper for multi-billion dollar vaccine stockpiling deals, is Robertson’s influence over the European Medicines Agency (EMEA)—a quasi-corporate quasi-scientific think tank serving the European [Economic] Union and drug industry’s special interests,Dr. Horowitz said.
Dr. Robertson is the Principal Scientist in the Division of Virology at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC), akin to the USFDA in the UK. During a meeting in April, 2006, discussing the standardization of influenza vaccines on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO), it was disclosed, the NIBSC is involved in the serological testing of vaccine trials; the preparation and distribution of influenza viruses to vaccine manufacturers; and the coordination of EU strain selection[s].Participants disclosed the EMEA persuades vaccine makers to bank on pandemics, and invest in pandemic vaccines with the introduction of mock up files,which is their unassuming way of describing new laboratory engineered influenza viruses also referred to as biosimilars.4 The EMEA waives regulatory fees as an additional incentive to attract more business for allegedly biodefense.4
Dr. Robertson, the holder of intellectual property (IP) rights to the genetic technology used to produce the H5N1 and H1N1 mock up files used to develop Novavax’s vaccine, waived his ownership of the technology during the company’s research phase with a guaranteed payoff when the vaccine is commercialized.Robertson’s Material Trade Agreement (MTA), covering the transfer of these biosimilars to Novavax, is expected to return millions of dollars when the vaccine is sold to governments worldwide. 4 Novavax’s commercialization and promotions of their vaccine is largely based on media hype fanning fears and markets for their avian flu, Spanish flu, and swine flu concoctions. Never before this outbreak has such a virus, combining the three most feared flu strains, been identified.
Mexico’s killer, therefore, evidences a laboratory creation sourcing from either Novavax’s lab directly, or their partners at the CDC and NIBSC who maintain multimillion-dollar incentives. The company’s synchronously timed professional publications, mass media releases, product representations and commercialization, evidence financial motives to commit duplicity and mass murder. Days ago, officials at the CDC expressed serious concerns about this novel flu strain causing a deadly pandemic, not disclosing their obvious knowledge that the outbreak must have sourced from the materials used in their cooperative studies with Novavax. 52 These doctor’s conflicting corporate, scientific, and financial interests evidence criminal malfeasance. Killing dozens of people for publicity and duplicity in public health; to increase marketability of their new vaccine, is best described as serial homicide to advance genocide—the mass killing of people for profit.
The most chilling evidence against Dr. Robertson’s EU research team, besides him being the gatekeeper and chief promoter for multi-billion dollar flu vaccine stockpiling deals, and besides his collaborators being caught red handed here by hard science and common sense, is his stated position that he believes it is wise to prime populations worldwide by releasing viruses he and his colleagues are creating. This warning comes from a April 27, 2006, scientific discourse in which Dr. Robertson, and members of his WHO working group, recommended his biosimilars be used to prime the population in advance of the pandemic reaching the UK.In other words, the doctors that hold infectious disease responsibility for the world have already decided to loose their viruses on unwitting populations in advance of threatened outbreaks.
Note to Journalists: For interviews with Dr. James Robertson, the NIBSC lists his contact as: NIBSC, Blanche Lane, South Mimms Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3QG; Tel: +44 1707641304; Fax: +44 1707 641050. Dr. Horowitz can be reached for interviews in southern California, at 949-715-2337. Ruben O. Donis;s contact information at the Influenza Branch, DVRD, NCID, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is: Mailstop G16, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA; fax: 404-639-2334; email: rdonis@ Dr. Rick Bright can be reached through Novavax.
(3) Reuters news release. FACTBOX-New flu strain is a genetic mix. April, 24, 2009.
(4) (
(5) CDC Press Briefing Transcripts April 24, 2009. 2009-04-24. Retrieved on 2009-04-25.
(6) Note: The long term risks of governments purchasing, and people accepting, vaccines for the flu are unstudied. Yet, the industry and corporate-controlled governments declare war on biology and discourage green alternatives to vaccinations, such as the most advanced silver hydrosols (e.g., Oxysilver) in which nano-size anti-microbial silver is bonded to the oxygen in Water. There would be no need for polluting people’s bodies, and the environment, with heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum, or suffering side effects from antibiotics, if public health officials promoted the new powerfully protective and curative silver hydrosols.
April 30, 2009 Health Promoted to Headline (H3) on 4/30/09:
The Great Swine Flu or the Great Flu Swindle? By Rady Ananda
The Great Swine Flu or the Great Flu Swindle?
How serious should we take mainstream media's hysteria about 0.00000189 of Mexico's total population contracting swine flu? Is this a pandemic? By definition, it has to be geographically widespread (see Pandemic Nonsense: Flying Pig Flu).In The last great swine flu epidemic, Patrick Di Justo shows that the 1976 epidemic that the government-media-CDC warned us about never occurred.
Excuse for Martial Law?
Some fear this latest flu outbreak will be used to impose martial law. In fact, the Massachusetts Senate just passed such a bill, 36-0. It goes to the House next. Martial law? Home invasions? Two siblings in Massachusetts did recently travel to Mexico and contract the swine flu. Neither are hospitalized and both are at home recovering.The bill also protects from liability those who assist the government. So, if the vaccine is deadlier than the virus, Big Pharma can't be sued, it seems. Hattip to amicus curiae.
Mass Media Misinformation
A Mexican baby who did have swine flu was transferred to the states where he died. But mass media reported it as US baby dies as new Spanish case raises swine flu alarm. If you read the article, you learn it was not a US baby. Reuters reported in WHO warns flu pandemic imminent that the swine flu virus "killed the first person outside of Mexico, a toddler in Texas.It never clarifies that the baby was from Mexico. The Reuters report makes other misstatements. According to Mexican authorities, as reported by the Washington Post Bureau Chief in Mexico Wednesday morning, April 29:The government has announced this morning here that they have confirmed only 49 cases of swine flu, of which 7 patients have died. There are listing another 159 as probable,but I'm unclear what that means.(emphasis added)Yet, Reuters reported 159 swine flu deaths in Mexico. Only seven have died as of Wednesday morning – in a nation of 109,995,400. That's 0.0000000636 of the entire population. Even if we use the higher figure of 208 possible cases of swine flu (of which only 49 are confirmed) in Mexico, that amounts to 0.00000189 of the population. Hardly a blip on the map of terrible diseases.Yesterday, the UK Guardian reported that the World Health Organization's assistant director general said:[E]ight swine flu deaths had been reported to the WHO: seven in Mexico and one in the US. To date, 114 confirmed cases of infection have been reported to the WHO. They are: Canada 13, US 64, Mexico 26, Israel two, Spain four, UK two and New Zealand three.
Misanthropic Genetic Engineers or CAFOs to Blame?
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Harvard graduate and internationally known authority in public health, accuses biotech firm, Novavax, saying, This unprecedented H1N1-H5N1 flu outbreak implicates the Anglo-American Vaccine Pipeline.The New Scientist magazine does not believe this is a genetically engineered strain unleashed on humanity by misanthropes.Instead, it posits that factory farms, legally known as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), are likely the culprit:The conditions in which animals are kept can favour the evolution of new and deadlier strains. For instance, in the wild nasty flu strains that make animals too ill to walk or fly are unlikely to spread far. On crowded factory farms, they can spread like wildfire, helped by the global trade in animals and animal products.But small holdings, it says, can also be a source for pig-to-human transmission:The interaction of farm workers with animals, especially on small-holdings where pigs, ducks, chickens and children all happily intermingle, also provides plenty of opportunities for viruses to jump species.The New Scientist cautions that animal vaccines might make things worse by causing super-viruses to evolve. Dr. Horowitz agrees, but on different grounds. He asserts that nano-sized, anti-microbial, silver-based medicines are safer and far less expensive than mercury and aluminum based vaccines using genetically modified organisms.
The New Scientist concludes:
The fact is that we still know so little about flu, and what makes it capable of spreading from human to human, means that deliberately engineering a virus of this kind would be a huge challenge. Yes, it's possible that this virus was created by a mistake at a research laboratory or a vaccine factory. But by far the most plausible explanation is that this monster is the long-predicted product of our farming system.
Activists have long condemned CAFOs. Grist Magazine named a Smithfield Foods subsidiary as a possible culprit in Mexico – a huge factory farm. (Even Grist and Global Research get the number of dead wrong, probably by relying on mainstream media.)
This is an attempt at genocide by Big Pharma and/or Big Bro.
7% from 6 votes
This is a total swindle by Big Pharma and Big Brother. Very few will die.
23% from 20 votes
This will become the pandemic that factory farms wrought.
1% from 1 votes
Swine flu will sweep the globe wiping out tens if not hundreds of millions.
0% from 0 votes
MSM is distracting us from rip-off bailouts and torture prosecutions.
29% from 25 votes
I don’t care who or how it started; where’s my OxySilver?
2% from 2 votes
Some combination of the above; I’ll explain in my comment.
24% from 21 votes
None of the above; I’ll explain in my comment.
14% from 12 votes.
Summary of oral evidence: Dr John Wood and Dr JamesRobertson, National Institute for Biological Standards andControl (NIBSC)27 April 2006Dr John Wood and Dr James Robertson are Principal Scientists in the Division of Virology at NIBSC.
Dr Woodand Dr Robertson lead the NIBSC’s influenza group and their responsibilities include the control andstandardisation of influenza vaccines. On behalf of the World Health Organisation (WHO) the NIBSC isinvolved in the serological testing of vaccine trials; the preparation and distribution of influenza viruses tovaccine manufacturers; and the coordination of EU strain selection process.Members of the working group present were: Sir John Skehel, Professor Glynis Breakwell, Professor NeilFerguson, Professor Barry Furr, Dr John McCauley, Professor Andrew McMichael, Professor Karl Nicholson, DrGeoffrey Schild and Richard Stubbins.
Key points
NIBSC is a government funded agency which acts as an interface between public health and the vaccineindustry to control and standardise biological products. Reverse genetics technology is used to modify virulentstrains before they are given to vaccine manufacturers. The NIBSC also supplies industry with standards andreagents to measure vaccine potency and is responsible for the official testing of new vaccines. In summary,the NIBSC is involved in many stages of the life cycle of seasonal vaccine production and is constantly lookingat new methods to speed up pandemic vaccine production.
Obtaining sera
Drs Robertson and Wood told the group they face no restrictions in obtaining supplies of sera after vaccinemanufactures have completed their trials of seasonal influenza vaccines. However, H5N1 sera have beenmore closely guarded. They have just begun a project with Professor Maria Zambon (Health ProtectionAgency, HPA) to examine vaccine cross reactivity in H5N1 but this has just started as it has been hard toobtain the necessary permission. Vaccine manufactures are reluctant to release their sera in case regulatorsrequire more experiments in the future.
Pandemic vaccines
Drs Robertson and Wood consider that pandemic vaccine development in the EU has been slow due tolimited public funding. This is in contrast to the situation in the USA. Dr Wood told the group that the NIBSCcollaborate with the vaccine industry, for example on an H9N2 vaccine. The EMEA have helped to persuadeindustry to invest in pandemic vaccines with the introduction of the mock up files and by waiving the regulatory fees and several pandemic vaccines are now in clinical trials. However, this is a slow process andthey believe that public funding (from Department of Health (DH) or the EU) should have been used to kickstart the process as industry would not initially release funds to develop a product which may not bemarketable.
Intellectual property
(IP)Drs Robertson and Wood were asked about the effect of IP on the production of novel vaccines. They agreedthat patents for technology, such as gene rescue for (H5N1) virus production have slowed down the process,particularly obtaining material transfer agreements. The IP holders have waived ownership of the reversegenetics technology used in vaccines in the research phase, but want an agreement when the vaccine iscommercialised. It was considered that a generic MTA for the technology would be useful, rather than aseparate one for each virus. This may be an area where WHO should provide guidance and be involved in thenegotiations.
Virus production and strain variance
H5N1 vaccines are proving difficult to generate, achieving acceptable immunogenicity is a challenge and theimmunological correlates of protection are not well understood. The way ahead appeared to be use offunctional serological tests such as virus neutralisation, but the protective levels of neutralising antibody arecurrently not known. The group discussed the plasmid-based system used in reverse genetic techniques toproduce a safe pandemic virus strain for the manufactures.Drs Wood and Robertson told the group that antigenic drift of H5N1 has been seen in 2005/6 and twodistinct genetic groups now exist, clades 1 and 2. Clade 2 viruses are genetically heterogeneous andappeared 6 months ago. NIBSC obtained samples of a clade 2 virus from Turkey and the US Center forDisease Control and Protection has obtained an Indonesian virus. Vaccine viruses are now being generated byreverse genetics.NIBSC have looked at cross protection of vaccines produced from 1997, 2003 and 2004 H5N1 viruses in miceand have found that despite antigen differences, they protect mice against infection with a 2004 H5N1 virus.
Communication with the Department of Health
Drs Wood and Robertson were asked how their knowledge feeds into DH and if they think it is donesufficiently. Together with Dr Stephen Inglis (Director, NIBSC), they are members of several governmentcommittees and also hold more casual meetings with DH to talk through issues. These meetings are eitherarranged by NIBSC or DH and included a brainstorming meeting held about 6 months ago to look at howprocesses can be made quicker, especially for H5N1 vaccine development. It was highlighted that they oftenprovide information to DH but often are uncertain about what DH does with it.
Research and funding sources
Drs Wood and Robertson considered that there is a lack of vaccine research in the UK compared with the US.They told the group that NIBSC has made submissions to DH and to the EU for pandemic vaccine, but theyhave not been funded. They were asked by the group if they are given the freedom and resources to look atnew approaches. They told the group that they have the freedom at NIBSC to initiate their own research programmes, but not the resources. They were unaware if the situation is likely to improve with theforthcoming amalgamation with the HPA.Dr Robertson’s research work for the last three years has been predominately directed at improving thereverse genetics technology. His group is also looking at ways to improve the low viral yield of H5N1 invaccine manufacturing. The NIBSC has had some funding from the EU for pandemic vaccine research, butthey both agreed that funding resources are a big issue.
Facilities for experimental animals
Facilities in the UK are not considered as good as those in the US. Experiments with mice at highbiocontainment can be done at NIBSC and HPA facilities at Porton Down are being upgraded for ferrets, but are currently not up and running. Dr McCauley told the group that the Institute of Animal Health has 16-18rooms available for experiments using ferrets.
Use of live vaccines
Drs Wood and Robertson were asked their opinion on priming the population for a pandemic using livevaccines and if they consider it to be a good idea. However the timing is critical; if live H5N1 vaccines areused now it would be considered too dangerous, but if a pandemic is imminent the risk may be justified. Astockpile of live vaccine, with the cleavage site removed, could be used to prime the population in advance ofthe pandemic reaching the UK. Even without an exact match in virus strain, it is predicted that this wouldprovide a broad immunity to the population.Surge capacityA process evaluation is currently being conducted at NIBSC to identify areas to improve
surge capacity
in apandemic. It is anticipated that the Institute’s essential functions will be preserved but some functions will beminimised.The NIBSC is not involved with diagnostics for influenza, or any other infectious disease.
April 29, 2009
Exclusive Interview: CDC Head Virus Sleuth
Virologist Ruben Donis, chief of the molecular virology and vaccines branch at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, spoke with ScienceInsider at length last night about the swine flu virus causing the current outbreak. CDC’s early analyses raise several provocative possibilities. The stage appears to have been set for this human outbreak by an outbreak over the past decade of flu viruses in swine that combine strains from several species. The first infected human may not even have been in North America, let alone Mexico. Patient samples from Mexico taken over the past several months reveal that this swine flu clearly exploded in late March, suggesting that it was not rapidly spreading in that country, undetected, for very long.Donis discussed the genetics of the virus—the clues in this mystery—in detail. These include several of its eight genes, which code for surface proteins hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N), the matrix that surrounds the nucleus, the nucleoprotein itself, and three polymerase enzymes called PA, PB1, and PB2.—Jon Cohen
Q: What do you know about this swine flu virus?
R.D.: We know it’s quite similar to viruses that were circulating in the United States and are still circulating in the United States and that are self-limiting, and they usually only are found in Midwestern states where there is swine farming. There’s only one well-documented case where the infection spread from one human to another. What we know is that it is not common that there is sustained transmission in people.
Q: Christopher Olsen published a paper that looked at the literature back to 1958 and only found 50 cases of humans infected with a swine influenza.
R.D.: If we have two documented cases a year, maybe that’s just the tip of iceberg. Maybe there are 10 times more or 50 times more. But still, it’s only swine to human, and it stops there.
Q: Have you completely sequenced this virus?
R.D.: Yes, 2 weeks ago. Very soon after we received specimens from California and Texas. Hemagglutinin, neuraminidase, and matrix, the three genes that have the most public health interest, were sequenced, and then the whole genome was completed.
Q: How large is the genome?
R.D.: It’s 14 kilobases.
Q: It’s only a little larger than HIV. You could sequence it in hours.
R.D.: Yes. It’s tiny.
Q: How close is it to the closest strain you know of?
R.D.: Depends which genes. You have similarities of about 94% in the hemaggluttinin [H] to the nearest strain we know.
Q: Is it of swine origin?
R.D.: Definitely. It’s almost equidistant to swine viruses from the United States and Eurasia. And it’s a lonely branch there. It doesn’t have any close relatives.
Q: How about the neuraminidase gene?
R.D.: It has close relatives in Asia. It’s also swine.
Q: The matrix gene?
R.D.: The same as neuraminidase.
Q: So where are avian and human sequences?
R.D.: We have to step back [to] 10 years ago. In 1998, actually, Chris Olsen is one of the first that saw it, and we saw the same in a virus from Nebraska and Richard Webby and Robert Webster in Memphis saw it, too. There were unprecedented outbreaks of influenza in the swine population. It was an H3.
Q: They were dying from it?
R.D.: No. It was not very severe in healthy pigs. Everyone was very curious about these H3 viruses. Since 1918, normally it’s only H1N1 in swine. Then all of a sudden there’s H3N2 in swine in the Midwestern U.S. When people analyzed what was inside those viruses, they realized there were three different things.The PB1 gene, that was human. H3 and N2 also were human. The PA and PB2, the two polymerase genes, were of avian flu. The rest were typical North American swine viruses. Those strains were the so-called triple reassortants.
Q: We always hear of the pig as a mixing vessel combining human, avian, and pig influenzas. Why didn’t you regularly see reassortants?
R.D.: Good questions. These questions have no answer. There is an explanation somewhere.
The reality is good molecular surveillance in the pigs started in the 1970s. So if there were strains that were not very dominant between the 1930s and the ’70s, we wouldn’t have detected them. This triple reassortant was very successful and took over and dominated the picture—to the point where the classical H1N1 was almost extinct.
Q: Why were the first triple reassortants more fit?
R.D.: They were H3s, and H3 is a different subtype, so there was no immunity in the pigs. It was probably that they had new polymerase genes, too.
Q: How does it tie to the current outbreak?
R.D.: Where does all this talk about avian and human genes come from? I was describing a fully swine virus. For [the] last 10 years, this has been a fully swine virus. Can you tell I have an accent? I’m a U.S. citizen but I have the roots in Argentina. It’s like me. I’ve been in the U.S. since 1980. I’m a U.S. citizen but I have an accent.
Q: It’s not as though human and avian just got there in this strain.
R.D.: It’s part of the swine virus.
Q: What’s the newest part of this strain?
R.D.: Neuraminidase and the matrix are the newest to be seen in North America. They were not part of the team—I talk about flu virus as teams of genes. There are eight players. They have these two new players from Asia.
Q: It suggests a mixing of pigs from North America and Asia.
R.D.: One little detail we haven’t discussed is [that] these Midwestern viruses were exported to Asia. Korea and many countries import from the U.S. Swine flu is economically not such a big deal that many countries don’t check for it.
Q: How do you get Europe in there?
R.D.: There are some parts of the puzzle I don’t have the answer to. The genetic lineages of Asia and Europe mix quite a bit.
Q: How does the pig get back here?
R.D.: Who said it was a pig that came from Asia? Did I say that? It could be a person.
Q: So the origin might trace back to Europe or Asia.
R.D.: I didn’t say that. I don’t want to point the finger at anyone.
Q: It does suggest that mixing didn’t happen in Mexico.
R.D.: Probably not. The amazing thing is the hemagglutinins we are seeing in this strain are a lonely branch that have been evolving somewhere and we didn’t know about it.
Q. Can you look at sequence to see what makes it transmit human-to-human?
R.D.: If I could, I would be the chief of the CDC or NIH [National Institutes of Health].
Q: You don’t want either of those jobs.
R.D.: [Laughter.] I don’t think we can do it in silico.
Q: Do you know the percent difference of the entire sequence to the older triple reassortant that dominated?
R.D.: We have [a] 6% or higher percentage difference in neuraminidases. You have multiple amino acids that differ. And single amino acid changes can change receptor specificity. When you have so many changes, you don’t know which ones are responsible.
Q: How about pathogenesis? Can you tease that out in vitro?
R.D.: One traditional approach is to take advantage of viral modules that allow you to assemble different teams, to make reassortants that take a virus say from North America that doesn’t transmit, and you swap one gene from the virus that does transmit. If the hypothesis is that hemagglutinin is responsible, you put in the background of the genes from the old virus. You need an animal model, usually the ferret.
Q: Have you been able to compare isolates from Mexico and the United States?
R.D.: Yes, they are very, very similar. Many genes are identical. In the eight or nine viruses we’ve sequenced, there is nothing different.
Q: Have you compared someone who died with someone who had a mild case?
R.D.: Those data are still slippery. We don’t have good case data. You get age and sex—very limited information. That’s a problem. In the set of samples we know one case was fatal, but we don’t know which one it is.
Q: Have you been to Mexico yet to study this outbreak?
R.D.: No. CDC sent a group of scientist and epidemiologists, laboratory folks that went over there to set up diagnostic labs. One is in Yucatán; one in is in D.F. [Distrito Federal, which includes Mexico City].
Q: What do you think about the pig farm in Veracruz?
R.D.: I don’t know the details. They said they had a huge operation and the workers were not getting sick; that’s what the company claims. The only suspicious thing in that story is this is the largest farm in Mexico. The fact that the index case also is from the area makes it interesting.
Q: Do large farms have more swine flu?
R.D.: Not really. Even folks who have 50 pigs have to buy feed and supply from vendors that go from farm to farm, and they don’t wash their boots or whatever. Usually the virus is transmitted very effectively.
Q: Is there anything I didn’t ask you that I should have?
R.D.: We all pray this remains sensitive to antivirals. We all hope that vaccines will be developed. The virus doesn’t grow very well in eggs. We hope the virus will improve [the] ability to grow in eggs so we can produce [a] vaccine very quickly so these secondary and tertiary cases can be controlled. In some countries there’s good surveillance, but in others, who knows.
Q: What do you think of this outbreak?
R.D.: This is the first one I’ve seen firsthand as a virologist. The avian influenza outbreak is not comparable because this is unfolding so quickly. This reminds me of SARS. With avian there’s very little transmission. And even with SARS, transmission was far less.
Q: Does this one scare you?
R.D.: I saw figures that do scare you. We’ve received 300 samples from Mexico, and these cover the span of February, March, and April. And you look at flu A, traditionally it’s A/H1 or A/H3 or it's B up until the end of March. There are two or three cases up to [the] last days of March that are swine. Then in April they skyrocket. So all the cases in the D.F. areas, where most samples came from, it really transmits very efficiently.
Q: What is the date of first sample?
R.D.: I think it’s the end of March, the first positive specimen.
Q: Did Mexico react quickly enough?
R.D.: They didn’t know. They probably thought it was regular flu.
Q: Flu is a seasonal disease that peaks in winter. Maybe this will end in the United States with the end of the flu season.
R.D.: We’re in a good position. The folks in Buenos Aires are in trouble. They’re entering winter now.
Novavax Appoints New Vice President of Vaccine Research
MALVERN, Pa., Feb. 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX) today announced the appointment of Rick A. Bright, Ph. D. to the newly created position of Vice President, Vaccine Research. Dr. Bright will report directly to Dr. Rahul Singhvi, President and CEO of Novavax.We are delighted to welcome Dr. Rick Bright to lead our Company's very active vaccine research division,said Rahul Singhvi, President and CEO of Novavax. As a world-class immunologist, he complements our existing vaccine leadership team consisting of Drs. Gale Smith, Steve Bandak and Craig Wright. Rick's arrival at Novavax bolsters our efforts to develop a vaccine to fight against a pandemic influenza and his decision is a further endorsement of our virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine and Novasome(R) adjuvant technologies for developing such a vaccine.
Dr. Bright, age 40, joins Novavax following more than 15 years' experience as a researcher and expert on influenza vaccine and antiviral research, one of a handful of such experts in the world. Most recently he has served at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Bright worked in the Influenza Branch, Strain Surveillance Section, as Immunologist and Virologist, Team Leader of the Antiviral Drug Program where he published landmark papers on influenza antiviral drug resistance that led the CDC to recommend against the use of two drugs for treatment of influenza infection. Some of his recent work was rated in the top 10 infectious disease papers of 2005. Previously, Dr. Bright held the position of Senior Research Scientist and Project Manager, Vaccine and Immunology Programs at Altea Therapeutics, a biotech startup company in Atlanta, GA, directing the development of a new generation of vaccines and improved delivery methods for vaccines.From 1990 to 2002, Dr. Bright held various immunology and research positions at the CDC and other research centers. Dr. Bright is on the cutting edge of modern scientific research on influenza. His areas of expertise have primarily included studies on pathogenicity and vaccine development for avian H5N1 influenza viruses since the first human outbreak in 1997.
Dr. Bright received a Ph.D. in Immunology and Molecular and Viral Pathogenesis, from the Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine, from Emory University and B.Sc.'s in both Biology and Physical Science from Auburn University-Montgomery. He is the author or co-author of 12 research articles, eight manuscripts in preparation and one patent. Dr. Bright is affiliated with the American Biological Safety Association, American Immunological Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Society of Virology, and the American Society of Microbiology. He is also certified in Biosafety Level (BSL) 3+ high containment laboratories and animal facilities, and has active federal security clearance for select agent pathogens, including highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses.Dr. Bright added, At the CDC, I was fortunate to be part of an excellent and dedicated team of scientists working to combat the scourge of a potential pandemic resulting from avian influenza. During this effort, I had the opportunity to assess multiple vaccine and anti-viral approaches to control and treat influenza. Novavax's recombinant VLP vaccine approach has the potential to rapidly create effective vaccines against emerging human and avian strains of influenza. In addition, this approach provides the flexibility to incorporate the latest discoveries in immunology to truly create best in class vaccines against a multitude of diseases. By joining Novavax and its strong scientific team, I hope to realize my vision of creating an effective and practicable vaccine against pandemic and seasonal influenza.
About Novavax, Inc.
Novavax, Inc. is a product development company focused on the research, development and commercialization of products utilizing its proprietary drug delivery and biological technologies for large and growing markets. Novavax's drug delivery technologies include the micellar nanoparticle (MNP) technology which is the basis for the development of its first FDA-approved product, ESTRASORB. In addition to MNP, Novavax drug delivery technologies include Novasomes(R) (paucillamellar non-phospholipid liposomes) and Sterisomes(R) (subcutaneous depot injection). Novavax's vaccine technologies include its virus-like particle (VLP) manufacturing technology utilizing the baculovirus expression system in insect cells, as well as novel vaccine adjuvants based on Novasomes and dendrimer technologies.
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements made in this press release that state Novavax's or its management's intentions, hopes, beliefs, expectations, or predictions are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include but are not limited to statements regarding usage of cash, product sales, future product development and related clinical trials and future research and development, including FDA approval. Novavax's actual results could differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things, the following: general economic and business conditions; ability to enter into future collaborations with industry partners; competition; unexpected changes in technologies and technological advances; ability to obtain rights to technology; ability to obtain and enforce patents; ability to commercialize and manufacture products; ability to maintain commercial-scale manufacturing capabilities; results of clinical studies; progress of research and development activities; business abilities and judgment of personnel; availability of qualified personnel; changes in, or failure to comply with, governmental regulations; the ability to obtain adequate financing in the future through product licensing, co-promotional arrangements, public or private equity financing or otherwise; and other factors referenced herein. Additional information is contained in Novavax's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004 and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2005, June 30, 2005 and September 30, 2005, incorporated herein by reference. Statements made herein should be read in conjunction with Novavax's annual and quarterly reports filed with the SEC. Copies of these filings may be obtained by contacting Novavax at 508 Lapp Road, Malvern, PA 19355, Tel 484-913-1200 or the SEC at
SOURCE Novavax, Inc.CONTACT: Kathy Hamilton, Investor Relations, Novavax, Inc., +1-484-913-1213,
NOVAVAX Announces Publication of a Preclinical Study Demonstrating that a Virus-like Particle Vaccine Provided Protection Against Highly Pathogenic H1N1 and H5N1 Influenza Strains On Tuesday April 14, 2009, 8:00 am EDT
H1N1 Virus-like Particle (VLP) Vaccine Candidate Based on the 1918 Spanish Influenza Strain Protected Mice and Ferrets Against the Spanish Flu and Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Bird Flu
ROCKVILLE, Md., April 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX - News) today reported preclinical study results showing that an investigational H1N1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine based on the 1918 Spanish influenza strain protected against both the Spanish flu and a highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza strain. The study, published in the March 25, 2009 online issue of the Journal of Virology, was conducted by scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA and Novavax under a Collaborative Research and Development Agreement.Novavax scientists designed and produced a recombinant VLP vaccine candidate against the 1918 H1N1 influenza strain. This 1918 influenza strain was responsible for more than 50 million deaths worldwide during the great Spanish flu pandemic. Mice and ferrets were vaccinated with VLPs by one of two routes: either by standard intramuscular injection or by administering a small drop of the VLP vaccine in the nose (intranasal immunization). All of the 1918 VLP-immunized animals were protected when exposed to a lethal dose of the 1918 influenza virus, regardless of the route by which the vaccine was administered. Remarkably, animals immunized by the intranasal route were also protected against a lethal dose of a contemporary, highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N1 virus strain, isolated from a fatal human case in 2004 (A/Vietnam/1203/2004 strain).
The H1N1 VLP vaccine candidate was made up of the hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), and matrix 1 (M1) proteins from 1918 Spanish influenza virus strains. These proteins, which were produced in insect cells, formed three-dimensional structures that mimic the 1918 pandemic influenza virus but without the genetic material needed for replication. The mechanism of action by which this H1N1 VLP vaccine candidate provided broad cross-protection is under further study, but the scientists described preliminary evidence that antibody cross-reactivity between the HA and possibly NA proteins of the H1N1 and H5N1 influenza were important.Unlike other non-live influenza vaccines, the VLPs are uniquely positioned to stimulate immunity through multiple mechanisms, said Dr. Penny Heaton, Chief Medical Officer at Novavax.First, they contain HA protein that is the same structure as the live virus, which may stimulate HA antibodies of several types that not only prevent the virus from attaching to cells but also prevent the virus from fusing with cells. Second, the VLPs contain NA which may stimulate production of antibody that prevents spread of the virus down the respiratory tract. Finally, the structure of the HA and NA proteins and the way in which they are embedded in lipids on the surface of the VLP may activate the innate immune system providing protection against both the H1N1 and H5N1 strains,said Dr. Heaton.Although cross protection against influenza strains of the same hemagglutinin or HA type has been achieved through the use of vaccines with adjuvants (e.g., cross-protection against H5N1 A/Vietnam and A/Indonesia strains), protection against strains with different HA types, as shown in this study, has not been reported. Cross-protection against different HA types is highly desirable for pandemic influenza vaccine candidates because it is not possible to predict the strain that may be responsible for the next pandemic with today's technology. A broadly cross-protective vaccine would be ideal for stockpiling in that it could be administered during the first wave of the pandemic while waiting for manufacture of vaccine specific to the pandemic strain.Dr. Gale Smith, Vice President of Vaccine Development at Novavax, said,The discovery that a VLP-based influenza vaccine candidate created through cell-based recombinant technology has the potential to protect against diverse strains of influenza has significant implications for both pre-pandemic and pandemic preparedness. A broadly protective vaccine administered prior to and during the first wave of a pandemic could prevent widespread morbidity and mortality from a newly emerged pandemic influenza strain and allow time for the development of strain-specific vaccines.
About Novavax
Novavax, Inc. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company creating novel vaccines to address a broad range of infectious diseases worldwide using advanced proprietary VLP technology. The company produces these VLP based, potent, recombinant vaccines utilizing new, and efficient manufacturing approaches. The Company has VLP vaccine candidates against seasonal influenza and potential pandemic influenza strains in phase II clinical development.This report describes the second of two preclinical studies of Novavax's investigational H5N1 pandemic influenza vaccine announced this year that have shown different approaches to achieving broad protection against diverse influenza strains. As announced in February, a VLP vaccine with an HA based on several H5 strains showed broad cross-protection against different H5 strains. In the current study, an alternative route of administration resulted in cross-protection against different HA types. Novavax has shown in clinical trials that an H5N1 VLP candidate vaccine given by intramuscular injection is well tolerated and immunogenic in humans. Preclinical research on alternative pandemic influenza VLP vaccine approaches is expected to continue.Additional information about Novavax is available at and in the company's various filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Forward Looking Statement
Statements herein relating to future financial or business performance, conditions or strategies and other financial and business matters, including expectations regarding clinical developments, safety, efficacy and potency of our vaccines, and supply availability are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. Novavax cautions that these forward-looking statements are subject to numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties, which change over time. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements or historical experience include risks and uncertainties, including the failure by Novavax to secure and maintain relationships with collaborators; risks relating to the early stage of Novavax's product candidates under development; uncertainties relating to commencing clinical trials and their outcome; risks relating to the supply and commercialization, if any, of Novavax's proposed product candidates; dependence on the efforts of third parties; dependence on intellectual property; competition for clinical resources and patient enrolment from drug candidates in development by other companies with greater resources and visibility, and risks that we may lack the financial resources and access to capital to fund our operations. Further information on the factors and risks that could affect Novavax's business, financial conditions and results of operations, is contained in Novavax's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available at These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and Novavax assumes no duty to update forward-looking statements.
Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus By Helen Branswell, THE CANADIAN PRESS Last Updated: 27th February 2009, 3:26pm
Facebook Digg Google Stumble Upon Newsvine Reddit Technorati Feed Me Yahoo Ma.gnolia Simpy Squidoo Spurl Blogmarks Netvouz Scuttle Co.mments Sitejot + What are these? The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses. And an official of the World Health Organization’s European operation said the body is closely monitoring the investigation into the events that took place at Baxter International’s research facility in Orth-Donau, Austria. At this juncture we are confident in saying that public health and occupational risk is minimal at present, medical officer Roberta Andraghetti said from Copenhagen, Denmark. But what remains unanswered are the circumstances surrounding the incident in the Baxter facility in Orth-Donau.The contaminated product, a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses and unlabelled H5N1 viruses, was supplied to an Austrian research company. The Austrian firm, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, then sent portions of it to sub-contractors in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany. The contamination incident, which is being investigated by the four European countries, came to light when the subcontractor in the Czech Republic inoculated ferrets with the product and they died. Ferrets shouldn’t die from exposure to human H3N2 flu viruses.
Public health authorities concerned about what has been described as a serious error on Baxter’s part have assumed the death of the ferrets meant the H5N1 virus in the product was live. But the company, Baxter International Inc., has been parsimonious about the amount of information it has released about the event. On Friday, the company’s director of global bioscience communications confirmed what scientists have suspected. It was live,Christopher Bona said in an email. The contaminated product, which Baxter calls experimental virus material,was made at the Orth-Donau research facility. Baxter makes its flu vaccine — including a human H5N1 vaccine for which a licence is expected shortly — at a facility in the Czech Republic. People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted. Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences. While H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people. That mixing process, called reassortment, is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created.There is no suggestion that happened because of this accident, however.We have no evidence of any reassortment, that any reassortment may have occurred,said Andraghetti. And we have no evidence of any increased transmissibility of the viruses that were involved in the experiment with the ferrets in the Czech Republic.Baxter hasn’t shed much light — at least not publicly — on how the accident happened. Earlier this week Bona called the mistake the result of a combination of just the process itself, (and) technical and human error in this procedure.
He said he couldn’t reveal more information because it would give away proprietary information about Baxter’s production process. Andraghetti said Friday the four investigating governments are co-operating closely with the WHO and the European Centre for Disease Control in Stockholm, Sweden. We are in very close contact with Austrian authorities to understand what the circumstances of the incident in their laboratory were,she said. And the reason for us wishing to know what has happened is to prevent similar events in the future and to share lessons that can be learned from this event with others to prevent similar events. ... This is very important.
Fort Detrick disease samples may be missing Originally published April 22, 2009 By Justin M. Palk News-Post Staff
Army criminal investigators are looking into the possibility that disease samples are missing from biolabs at Fort Detrick.As first reported in today's edition of The Frederick News-Post by columnist Katherine Heerbrandt, the investigators are from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division unit at Fort Meade.Chad Jones, spokesman for Fort Meade, said CID is investigating the possibility of missing virus samples from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.He said the only other detail he could provide is that the investigation is ongoing.Fort Detrick does not have its own CID office, Jones said, which is why Fort Meade's CID was brought in.
Jones said he could not comment on when the investigation started.
CID is responsible for investigating crimes where the Army is, or may be, a party of interest, according to the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command website.USAMRIID is the Army's top biodefense lab, where researchers study pathogens including Ebola, anthrax and plague.In February, USAMRIID halted all its research into these and other diseases, known as select agents following the discovery of virus samples that weren't listed in its inventory.The institute's commander, Col. John Skvorak, ordered research halted while workers conducted a complete inventory of the institute's select agents.That inventory is nearly completed, though the exact end date isn't known yet, said Caree Vander Linden, USAMRIID spokeswoman.Vander Linden said she didn't know about the CID investigation and referred questions to the CID's head public affairs office.There is no indication whether the CID investigation is connected to USAMRIID's re-inventorying of its select agent stocks.
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:31 pm,Post subject: Harvard doc: Swine Flu created in lab
So it was created in a laboratory!
H1N1-H5N1 Flu Outbreak Implicates Anglo-American
Vaccine Pipeline
Los Angeles, CA— Skyrocketing stock values of Novavax, Inc.,1 precipitated by dozens of flu deaths in Mexico, implicates a leading Anglo-American network of genetic engineers in a conspiracy to commit genocide.
Dr. James S. Robertson, England’s leading bioengineer of flu viruses for the vaccine industry, and avid promoter of U.S. Government funding for lucrative biodefense contracts, along with collaborators at the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), helped Novavax, Inc., in Bethesda, Maryland, produce genetically-modified recombinants of the avian, swine, and Spanish flu viruses, H5N1 and H1N1, nearly identical to the unprecedented Mexican virus that has now spread to the United States. The outbreak was precisely timed to promote the company’s new research and huge vaccine stockpiling contracts, according to Dr. Horowitz. 2
Scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are implicated through collaborations and publications involving private contracts with Novavax, a company that obtains its biosimilars through CDC Influenza Branch director, Ruben O. Donis, and Dr. Rick Bright, previously working with Donis at the CDC, now Novavax’s Vice President of Global Influenza Programs. Evidence for the conspiracy to commit deadly duplicity in the vaccine industry includes the genetic markers on the novel flu virus now spreading from Mexico to America. The virus is genetically different from the fully human H1N1 seasonal influenza virus that has been circulating globally for the past few years,according to Reuters and government officials.The new flu virus contains DNA typical to avian, swine and human viruses, including elements from European and Asian swine viruses.3 That is a description that is pathognomonic, or diagnostic, of a virus that came from Robertson’s circle of friends. No other group in the world takes H5N1 Asian flu infected chickens, brings them to Europe, extracts their DNA, combines their proteins with H1N1 viruses from the 1918 Spanish flu isolate, additionally mixes in swine flu genes from pigs, then reverse engineers them to infect humans. The end product that Reuters describes could only end up in Mexico via the United States from Britain in care of the CDC. Ruben Donis at the CDC had to have sent them to Novavax, where Rick Bright’s team is now implicated in a conspiracy to commit genocide—the mass killing of people for profit.
Novavax’s preliminary report in the Journal of Virology, with co-authors from the CDC in Atlanta, was posted online at the precise time Mexican officials began reporting deaths from this new strain of flu that is clearly an unprecedented recombinant of at least three H5N1 and H1N1 strains. Novavax’s Johnny-on-the-spot vaccine was prepared under the CDC’s fast track approval process speciously using these three strains never known to infect any human in Mexico. Therefore, the statistical probability this virus came from this company of experts is extremely high. Alternatively, anticipated arguments the virus arrived in Mexico by serendipity, at this precise time in Novavax’s history, is ridiculously remote. These doctor’s conflicting corporate, scientific, and financial interests evidence criminal malfeasance,said Dr. Leonard Horowitz, an internationally known humanitarian, award winning consumer health activist, and author of sixteen books including, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? His book, and associated scientific publications, have been cited by numerous authorities as providing compelling evidence the AIDS virus came from a lab. The most chilling evidence against the Robertson-Novavax (RN) vaccine pipeline, besides Robertson being the gatekeeper for multi-billion dollar vaccine stockpiling deals, is Robertson’s influence over the European Medicines Agency (EMEA)—a quasi-corporate quasi-scientific think tank serving the European [Economic] Union and drug industry’s special interests,Dr. Horowitz said.
Dr. Robertson is the Principal Scientist in the Division of Virology at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC), akin to the USFDA in the UK. During a meeting in April, 2006, discussing the standardization of influenza vaccines on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO), it was disclosed, the NIBSC is involved in the serological testing of vaccine trials; the preparation and distribution of influenza viruses to vaccine manufacturers; and the coordination of EU strain selection[s].Participants disclosed the EMEA persuades vaccine makers to bank on pandemics, and invest in pandemic vaccines with the introduction of mock up files,which is their unassuming way of describing new laboratory engineered influenza viruses also referred to as biosimilars.4 The EMEA waives regulatory fees as an additional incentive to attract more business for allegedly biodefense.4
Dr. Robertson, the holder of intellectual property (IP) rights to the genetic technology used to produce the H5N1 and H1N1 mock up files used to develop Novavax’s vaccine, waived his ownership of the technology during the company’s research phase with a guaranteed payoff when the vaccine is commercialized.Robertson’s Material Trade Agreement (MTA), covering the transfer of these biosimilars to Novavax, is expected to return millions of dollars when the vaccine is sold to governments worldwide. 4 Novavax’s commercialization and promotions of their vaccine is largely based on media hype fanning fears and markets for their avian flu, Spanish flu, and swine flu concoctions. Never before this outbreak has such a virus, combining the three most feared flu strains, been identified.
Mexico’s killer, therefore, evidences a laboratory creation sourcing from either Novavax’s lab directly, or their partners at the CDC and NIBSC who maintain multimillion-dollar incentives. The company’s synchronously timed professional publications, mass media releases, product representations and commercialization, evidence financial motives to commit duplicity and mass murder. Days ago, officials at the CDC expressed serious concerns about this novel flu strain causing a deadly pandemic, not disclosing their obvious knowledge that the outbreak must have sourced from the materials used in their cooperative studies with Novavax. 52 These doctor’s conflicting corporate, scientific, and financial interests evidence criminal malfeasance. Killing dozens of people for publicity and duplicity in public health; to increase marketability of their new vaccine, is best described as serial homicide to advance genocide—the mass killing of people for profit.
The most chilling evidence against Dr. Robertson’s EU research team, besides him being the gatekeeper and chief promoter for multi-billion dollar flu vaccine stockpiling deals, and besides his collaborators being caught red handed here by hard science and common sense, is his stated position that he believes it is wise to prime populations worldwide by releasing viruses he and his colleagues are creating. This warning comes from a April 27, 2006, scientific discourse in which Dr. Robertson, and members of his WHO working group, recommended his biosimilars be used to prime the population in advance of the pandemic reaching the UK.In other words, the doctors that hold infectious disease responsibility for the world have already decided to loose their viruses on unwitting populations in advance of threatened outbreaks.
Note to Journalists: For interviews with Dr. James Robertson, the NIBSC lists his contact as: NIBSC, Blanche Lane, South Mimms Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3QG; Tel: +44 1707641304; Fax: +44 1707 641050. Dr. Horowitz can be reached for interviews in southern California, at 949-715-2337. Ruben O. Donis;s contact information at the Influenza Branch, DVRD, NCID, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is: Mailstop G16, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA; fax: 404-639-2334; email: rdonis@ Dr. Rick Bright can be reached through Novavax.
(3) Reuters news release. FACTBOX-New flu strain is a genetic mix. April, 24, 2009.
(4) (
(5) CDC Press Briefing Transcripts April 24, 2009. 2009-04-24. Retrieved on 2009-04-25.
(6) Note: The long term risks of governments purchasing, and people accepting, vaccines for the flu are unstudied. Yet, the industry and corporate-controlled governments declare war on biology and discourage green alternatives to vaccinations, such as the most advanced silver hydrosols (e.g., Oxysilver) in which nano-size anti-microbial silver is bonded to the oxygen in Water. There would be no need for polluting people’s bodies, and the environment, with heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum, or suffering side effects from antibiotics, if public health officials promoted the new powerfully protective and curative silver hydrosols.
April 30, 2009 Health Promoted to Headline (H3) on 4/30/09:
The Great Swine Flu or the Great Flu Swindle? By Rady Ananda
The Great Swine Flu or the Great Flu Swindle?
How serious should we take mainstream media's hysteria about 0.00000189 of Mexico's total population contracting swine flu? Is this a pandemic? By definition, it has to be geographically widespread (see Pandemic Nonsense: Flying Pig Flu).In The last great swine flu epidemic, Patrick Di Justo shows that the 1976 epidemic that the government-media-CDC warned us about never occurred.
Excuse for Martial Law?
Some fear this latest flu outbreak will be used to impose martial law. In fact, the Massachusetts Senate just passed such a bill, 36-0. It goes to the House next. Martial law? Home invasions? Two siblings in Massachusetts did recently travel to Mexico and contract the swine flu. Neither are hospitalized and both are at home recovering.The bill also protects from liability those who assist the government. So, if the vaccine is deadlier than the virus, Big Pharma can't be sued, it seems. Hattip to amicus curiae.
Mass Media Misinformation
A Mexican baby who did have swine flu was transferred to the states where he died. But mass media reported it as US baby dies as new Spanish case raises swine flu alarm. If you read the article, you learn it was not a US baby. Reuters reported in WHO warns flu pandemic imminent that the swine flu virus "killed the first person outside of Mexico, a toddler in Texas.It never clarifies that the baby was from Mexico. The Reuters report makes other misstatements. According to Mexican authorities, as reported by the Washington Post Bureau Chief in Mexico Wednesday morning, April 29:The government has announced this morning here that they have confirmed only 49 cases of swine flu, of which 7 patients have died. There are listing another 159 as probable,but I'm unclear what that means.(emphasis added)Yet, Reuters reported 159 swine flu deaths in Mexico. Only seven have died as of Wednesday morning – in a nation of 109,995,400. That's 0.0000000636 of the entire population. Even if we use the higher figure of 208 possible cases of swine flu (of which only 49 are confirmed) in Mexico, that amounts to 0.00000189 of the population. Hardly a blip on the map of terrible diseases.Yesterday, the UK Guardian reported that the World Health Organization's assistant director general said:[E]ight swine flu deaths had been reported to the WHO: seven in Mexico and one in the US. To date, 114 confirmed cases of infection have been reported to the WHO. They are: Canada 13, US 64, Mexico 26, Israel two, Spain four, UK two and New Zealand three.
Misanthropic Genetic Engineers or CAFOs to Blame?
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Harvard graduate and internationally known authority in public health, accuses biotech firm, Novavax, saying, This unprecedented H1N1-H5N1 flu outbreak implicates the Anglo-American Vaccine Pipeline.The New Scientist magazine does not believe this is a genetically engineered strain unleashed on humanity by misanthropes.Instead, it posits that factory farms, legally known as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), are likely the culprit:The conditions in which animals are kept can favour the evolution of new and deadlier strains. For instance, in the wild nasty flu strains that make animals too ill to walk or fly are unlikely to spread far. On crowded factory farms, they can spread like wildfire, helped by the global trade in animals and animal products.But small holdings, it says, can also be a source for pig-to-human transmission:The interaction of farm workers with animals, especially on small-holdings where pigs, ducks, chickens and children all happily intermingle, also provides plenty of opportunities for viruses to jump species.The New Scientist cautions that animal vaccines might make things worse by causing super-viruses to evolve. Dr. Horowitz agrees, but on different grounds. He asserts that nano-sized, anti-microbial, silver-based medicines are safer and far less expensive than mercury and aluminum based vaccines using genetically modified organisms.
The New Scientist concludes:
The fact is that we still know so little about flu, and what makes it capable of spreading from human to human, means that deliberately engineering a virus of this kind would be a huge challenge. Yes, it's possible that this virus was created by a mistake at a research laboratory or a vaccine factory. But by far the most plausible explanation is that this monster is the long-predicted product of our farming system.
Activists have long condemned CAFOs. Grist Magazine named a Smithfield Foods subsidiary as a possible culprit in Mexico – a huge factory farm. (Even Grist and Global Research get the number of dead wrong, probably by relying on mainstream media.)
This is an attempt at genocide by Big Pharma and/or Big Bro.
7% from 6 votes
This is a total swindle by Big Pharma and Big Brother. Very few will die.
23% from 20 votes
This will become the pandemic that factory farms wrought.
1% from 1 votes
Swine flu will sweep the globe wiping out tens if not hundreds of millions.
0% from 0 votes
MSM is distracting us from rip-off bailouts and torture prosecutions.
29% from 25 votes
I don’t care who or how it started; where’s my OxySilver?
2% from 2 votes
Some combination of the above; I’ll explain in my comment.
24% from 21 votes
None of the above; I’ll explain in my comment.
14% from 12 votes.
Summary of oral evidence: Dr John Wood and Dr JamesRobertson, National Institute for Biological Standards andControl (NIBSC)27 April 2006Dr John Wood and Dr James Robertson are Principal Scientists in the Division of Virology at NIBSC.
Dr Woodand Dr Robertson lead the NIBSC’s influenza group and their responsibilities include the control andstandardisation of influenza vaccines. On behalf of the World Health Organisation (WHO) the NIBSC isinvolved in the serological testing of vaccine trials; the preparation and distribution of influenza viruses tovaccine manufacturers; and the coordination of EU strain selection process.Members of the working group present were: Sir John Skehel, Professor Glynis Breakwell, Professor NeilFerguson, Professor Barry Furr, Dr John McCauley, Professor Andrew McMichael, Professor Karl Nicholson, DrGeoffrey Schild and Richard Stubbins.
Key points
NIBSC is a government funded agency which acts as an interface between public health and the vaccineindustry to control and standardise biological products. Reverse genetics technology is used to modify virulentstrains before they are given to vaccine manufacturers. The NIBSC also supplies industry with standards andreagents to measure vaccine potency and is responsible for the official testing of new vaccines. In summary,the NIBSC is involved in many stages of the life cycle of seasonal vaccine production and is constantly lookingat new methods to speed up pandemic vaccine production.
Obtaining sera
Drs Robertson and Wood told the group they face no restrictions in obtaining supplies of sera after vaccinemanufactures have completed their trials of seasonal influenza vaccines. However, H5N1 sera have beenmore closely guarded. They have just begun a project with Professor Maria Zambon (Health ProtectionAgency, HPA) to examine vaccine cross reactivity in H5N1 but this has just started as it has been hard toobtain the necessary permission. Vaccine manufactures are reluctant to release their sera in case regulatorsrequire more experiments in the future.
Pandemic vaccines
Drs Robertson and Wood consider that pandemic vaccine development in the EU has been slow due tolimited public funding. This is in contrast to the situation in the USA. Dr Wood told the group that the NIBSCcollaborate with the vaccine industry, for example on an H9N2 vaccine. The EMEA have helped to persuadeindustry to invest in pandemic vaccines with the introduction of the mock up files and by waiving the regulatory fees and several pandemic vaccines are now in clinical trials. However, this is a slow process andthey believe that public funding (from Department of Health (DH) or the EU) should have been used to kickstart the process as industry would not initially release funds to develop a product which may not bemarketable.
Intellectual property
(IP)Drs Robertson and Wood were asked about the effect of IP on the production of novel vaccines. They agreedthat patents for technology, such as gene rescue for (H5N1) virus production have slowed down the process,particularly obtaining material transfer agreements. The IP holders have waived ownership of the reversegenetics technology used in vaccines in the research phase, but want an agreement when the vaccine iscommercialised. It was considered that a generic MTA for the technology would be useful, rather than aseparate one for each virus. This may be an area where WHO should provide guidance and be involved in thenegotiations.
Virus production and strain variance
H5N1 vaccines are proving difficult to generate, achieving acceptable immunogenicity is a challenge and theimmunological correlates of protection are not well understood. The way ahead appeared to be use offunctional serological tests such as virus neutralisation, but the protective levels of neutralising antibody arecurrently not known. The group discussed the plasmid-based system used in reverse genetic techniques toproduce a safe pandemic virus strain for the manufactures.Drs Wood and Robertson told the group that antigenic drift of H5N1 has been seen in 2005/6 and twodistinct genetic groups now exist, clades 1 and 2. Clade 2 viruses are genetically heterogeneous andappeared 6 months ago. NIBSC obtained samples of a clade 2 virus from Turkey and the US Center forDisease Control and Protection has obtained an Indonesian virus. Vaccine viruses are now being generated byreverse genetics.NIBSC have looked at cross protection of vaccines produced from 1997, 2003 and 2004 H5N1 viruses in miceand have found that despite antigen differences, they protect mice against infection with a 2004 H5N1 virus.
Communication with the Department of Health
Drs Wood and Robertson were asked how their knowledge feeds into DH and if they think it is donesufficiently. Together with Dr Stephen Inglis (Director, NIBSC), they are members of several governmentcommittees and also hold more casual meetings with DH to talk through issues. These meetings are eitherarranged by NIBSC or DH and included a brainstorming meeting held about 6 months ago to look at howprocesses can be made quicker, especially for H5N1 vaccine development. It was highlighted that they oftenprovide information to DH but often are uncertain about what DH does with it.
Research and funding sources
Drs Wood and Robertson considered that there is a lack of vaccine research in the UK compared with the US.They told the group that NIBSC has made submissions to DH and to the EU for pandemic vaccine, but theyhave not been funded. They were asked by the group if they are given the freedom and resources to look atnew approaches. They told the group that they have the freedom at NIBSC to initiate their own research programmes, but not the resources. They were unaware if the situation is likely to improve with theforthcoming amalgamation with the HPA.Dr Robertson’s research work for the last three years has been predominately directed at improving thereverse genetics technology. His group is also looking at ways to improve the low viral yield of H5N1 invaccine manufacturing. The NIBSC has had some funding from the EU for pandemic vaccine research, butthey both agreed that funding resources are a big issue.
Facilities for experimental animals
Facilities in the UK are not considered as good as those in the US. Experiments with mice at highbiocontainment can be done at NIBSC and HPA facilities at Porton Down are being upgraded for ferrets, but are currently not up and running. Dr McCauley told the group that the Institute of Animal Health has 16-18rooms available for experiments using ferrets.
Use of live vaccines
Drs Wood and Robertson were asked their opinion on priming the population for a pandemic using livevaccines and if they consider it to be a good idea. However the timing is critical; if live H5N1 vaccines areused now it would be considered too dangerous, but if a pandemic is imminent the risk may be justified. Astockpile of live vaccine, with the cleavage site removed, could be used to prime the population in advance ofthe pandemic reaching the UK. Even without an exact match in virus strain, it is predicted that this wouldprovide a broad immunity to the population.Surge capacityA process evaluation is currently being conducted at NIBSC to identify areas to improve
surge capacity
in apandemic. It is anticipated that the Institute’s essential functions will be preserved but some functions will beminimised.The NIBSC is not involved with diagnostics for influenza, or any other infectious disease.
April 29, 2009
Exclusive Interview: CDC Head Virus Sleuth
Virologist Ruben Donis, chief of the molecular virology and vaccines branch at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, spoke with ScienceInsider at length last night about the swine flu virus causing the current outbreak. CDC’s early analyses raise several provocative possibilities. The stage appears to have been set for this human outbreak by an outbreak over the past decade of flu viruses in swine that combine strains from several species. The first infected human may not even have been in North America, let alone Mexico. Patient samples from Mexico taken over the past several months reveal that this swine flu clearly exploded in late March, suggesting that it was not rapidly spreading in that country, undetected, for very long.Donis discussed the genetics of the virus—the clues in this mystery—in detail. These include several of its eight genes, which code for surface proteins hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N), the matrix that surrounds the nucleus, the nucleoprotein itself, and three polymerase enzymes called PA, PB1, and PB2.—Jon Cohen
Q: What do you know about this swine flu virus?
R.D.: We know it’s quite similar to viruses that were circulating in the United States and are still circulating in the United States and that are self-limiting, and they usually only are found in Midwestern states where there is swine farming. There’s only one well-documented case where the infection spread from one human to another. What we know is that it is not common that there is sustained transmission in people.
Q: Christopher Olsen published a paper that looked at the literature back to 1958 and only found 50 cases of humans infected with a swine influenza.
R.D.: If we have two documented cases a year, maybe that’s just the tip of iceberg. Maybe there are 10 times more or 50 times more. But still, it’s only swine to human, and it stops there.
Q: Have you completely sequenced this virus?
R.D.: Yes, 2 weeks ago. Very soon after we received specimens from California and Texas. Hemagglutinin, neuraminidase, and matrix, the three genes that have the most public health interest, were sequenced, and then the whole genome was completed.
Q: How large is the genome?
R.D.: It’s 14 kilobases.
Q: It’s only a little larger than HIV. You could sequence it in hours.
R.D.: Yes. It’s tiny.
Q: How close is it to the closest strain you know of?
R.D.: Depends which genes. You have similarities of about 94% in the hemaggluttinin [H] to the nearest strain we know.
Q: Is it of swine origin?
R.D.: Definitely. It’s almost equidistant to swine viruses from the United States and Eurasia. And it’s a lonely branch there. It doesn’t have any close relatives.
Q: How about the neuraminidase gene?
R.D.: It has close relatives in Asia. It’s also swine.
Q: The matrix gene?
R.D.: The same as neuraminidase.
Q: So where are avian and human sequences?
R.D.: We have to step back [to] 10 years ago. In 1998, actually, Chris Olsen is one of the first that saw it, and we saw the same in a virus from Nebraska and Richard Webby and Robert Webster in Memphis saw it, too. There were unprecedented outbreaks of influenza in the swine population. It was an H3.
Q: They were dying from it?
R.D.: No. It was not very severe in healthy pigs. Everyone was very curious about these H3 viruses. Since 1918, normally it’s only H1N1 in swine. Then all of a sudden there’s H3N2 in swine in the Midwestern U.S. When people analyzed what was inside those viruses, they realized there were three different things.The PB1 gene, that was human. H3 and N2 also were human. The PA and PB2, the two polymerase genes, were of avian flu. The rest were typical North American swine viruses. Those strains were the so-called triple reassortants.
Q: We always hear of the pig as a mixing vessel combining human, avian, and pig influenzas. Why didn’t you regularly see reassortants?
R.D.: Good questions. These questions have no answer. There is an explanation somewhere.
The reality is good molecular surveillance in the pigs started in the 1970s. So if there were strains that were not very dominant between the 1930s and the ’70s, we wouldn’t have detected them. This triple reassortant was very successful and took over and dominated the picture—to the point where the classical H1N1 was almost extinct.
Q: Why were the first triple reassortants more fit?
R.D.: They were H3s, and H3 is a different subtype, so there was no immunity in the pigs. It was probably that they had new polymerase genes, too.
Q: How does it tie to the current outbreak?
R.D.: Where does all this talk about avian and human genes come from? I was describing a fully swine virus. For [the] last 10 years, this has been a fully swine virus. Can you tell I have an accent? I’m a U.S. citizen but I have the roots in Argentina. It’s like me. I’ve been in the U.S. since 1980. I’m a U.S. citizen but I have an accent.
Q: It’s not as though human and avian just got there in this strain.
R.D.: It’s part of the swine virus.
Q: What’s the newest part of this strain?
R.D.: Neuraminidase and the matrix are the newest to be seen in North America. They were not part of the team—I talk about flu virus as teams of genes. There are eight players. They have these two new players from Asia.
Q: It suggests a mixing of pigs from North America and Asia.
R.D.: One little detail we haven’t discussed is [that] these Midwestern viruses were exported to Asia. Korea and many countries import from the U.S. Swine flu is economically not such a big deal that many countries don’t check for it.
Q: How do you get Europe in there?
R.D.: There are some parts of the puzzle I don’t have the answer to. The genetic lineages of Asia and Europe mix quite a bit.
Q: How does the pig get back here?
R.D.: Who said it was a pig that came from Asia? Did I say that? It could be a person.
Q: So the origin might trace back to Europe or Asia.
R.D.: I didn’t say that. I don’t want to point the finger at anyone.
Q: It does suggest that mixing didn’t happen in Mexico.
R.D.: Probably not. The amazing thing is the hemagglutinins we are seeing in this strain are a lonely branch that have been evolving somewhere and we didn’t know about it.
Q. Can you look at sequence to see what makes it transmit human-to-human?
R.D.: If I could, I would be the chief of the CDC or NIH [National Institutes of Health].
Q: You don’t want either of those jobs.
R.D.: [Laughter.] I don’t think we can do it in silico.
Q: Do you know the percent difference of the entire sequence to the older triple reassortant that dominated?
R.D.: We have [a] 6% or higher percentage difference in neuraminidases. You have multiple amino acids that differ. And single amino acid changes can change receptor specificity. When you have so many changes, you don’t know which ones are responsible.
Q: How about pathogenesis? Can you tease that out in vitro?
R.D.: One traditional approach is to take advantage of viral modules that allow you to assemble different teams, to make reassortants that take a virus say from North America that doesn’t transmit, and you swap one gene from the virus that does transmit. If the hypothesis is that hemagglutinin is responsible, you put in the background of the genes from the old virus. You need an animal model, usually the ferret.
Q: Have you been able to compare isolates from Mexico and the United States?
R.D.: Yes, they are very, very similar. Many genes are identical. In the eight or nine viruses we’ve sequenced, there is nothing different.
Q: Have you compared someone who died with someone who had a mild case?
R.D.: Those data are still slippery. We don’t have good case data. You get age and sex—very limited information. That’s a problem. In the set of samples we know one case was fatal, but we don’t know which one it is.
Q: Have you been to Mexico yet to study this outbreak?
R.D.: No. CDC sent a group of scientist and epidemiologists, laboratory folks that went over there to set up diagnostic labs. One is in Yucatán; one in is in D.F. [Distrito Federal, which includes Mexico City].
Q: What do you think about the pig farm in Veracruz?
R.D.: I don’t know the details. They said they had a huge operation and the workers were not getting sick; that’s what the company claims. The only suspicious thing in that story is this is the largest farm in Mexico. The fact that the index case also is from the area makes it interesting.
Q: Do large farms have more swine flu?
R.D.: Not really. Even folks who have 50 pigs have to buy feed and supply from vendors that go from farm to farm, and they don’t wash their boots or whatever. Usually the virus is transmitted very effectively.
Q: Is there anything I didn’t ask you that I should have?
R.D.: We all pray this remains sensitive to antivirals. We all hope that vaccines will be developed. The virus doesn’t grow very well in eggs. We hope the virus will improve [the] ability to grow in eggs so we can produce [a] vaccine very quickly so these secondary and tertiary cases can be controlled. In some countries there’s good surveillance, but in others, who knows.
Q: What do you think of this outbreak?
R.D.: This is the first one I’ve seen firsthand as a virologist. The avian influenza outbreak is not comparable because this is unfolding so quickly. This reminds me of SARS. With avian there’s very little transmission. And even with SARS, transmission was far less.
Q: Does this one scare you?
R.D.: I saw figures that do scare you. We’ve received 300 samples from Mexico, and these cover the span of February, March, and April. And you look at flu A, traditionally it’s A/H1 or A/H3 or it's B up until the end of March. There are two or three cases up to [the] last days of March that are swine. Then in April they skyrocket. So all the cases in the D.F. areas, where most samples came from, it really transmits very efficiently.
Q: What is the date of first sample?
R.D.: I think it’s the end of March, the first positive specimen.
Q: Did Mexico react quickly enough?
R.D.: They didn’t know. They probably thought it was regular flu.
Q: Flu is a seasonal disease that peaks in winter. Maybe this will end in the United States with the end of the flu season.
R.D.: We’re in a good position. The folks in Buenos Aires are in trouble. They’re entering winter now.
Novavax Appoints New Vice President of Vaccine Research
MALVERN, Pa., Feb. 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX) today announced the appointment of Rick A. Bright, Ph. D. to the newly created position of Vice President, Vaccine Research. Dr. Bright will report directly to Dr. Rahul Singhvi, President and CEO of Novavax.We are delighted to welcome Dr. Rick Bright to lead our Company's very active vaccine research division,said Rahul Singhvi, President and CEO of Novavax. As a world-class immunologist, he complements our existing vaccine leadership team consisting of Drs. Gale Smith, Steve Bandak and Craig Wright. Rick's arrival at Novavax bolsters our efforts to develop a vaccine to fight against a pandemic influenza and his decision is a further endorsement of our virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine and Novasome(R) adjuvant technologies for developing such a vaccine.
Dr. Bright, age 40, joins Novavax following more than 15 years' experience as a researcher and expert on influenza vaccine and antiviral research, one of a handful of such experts in the world. Most recently he has served at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Bright worked in the Influenza Branch, Strain Surveillance Section, as Immunologist and Virologist, Team Leader of the Antiviral Drug Program where he published landmark papers on influenza antiviral drug resistance that led the CDC to recommend against the use of two drugs for treatment of influenza infection. Some of his recent work was rated in the top 10 infectious disease papers of 2005. Previously, Dr. Bright held the position of Senior Research Scientist and Project Manager, Vaccine and Immunology Programs at Altea Therapeutics, a biotech startup company in Atlanta, GA, directing the development of a new generation of vaccines and improved delivery methods for vaccines.From 1990 to 2002, Dr. Bright held various immunology and research positions at the CDC and other research centers. Dr. Bright is on the cutting edge of modern scientific research on influenza. His areas of expertise have primarily included studies on pathogenicity and vaccine development for avian H5N1 influenza viruses since the first human outbreak in 1997.
Dr. Bright received a Ph.D. in Immunology and Molecular and Viral Pathogenesis, from the Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine, from Emory University and B.Sc.'s in both Biology and Physical Science from Auburn University-Montgomery. He is the author or co-author of 12 research articles, eight manuscripts in preparation and one patent. Dr. Bright is affiliated with the American Biological Safety Association, American Immunological Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Society of Virology, and the American Society of Microbiology. He is also certified in Biosafety Level (BSL) 3+ high containment laboratories and animal facilities, and has active federal security clearance for select agent pathogens, including highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses.Dr. Bright added, At the CDC, I was fortunate to be part of an excellent and dedicated team of scientists working to combat the scourge of a potential pandemic resulting from avian influenza. During this effort, I had the opportunity to assess multiple vaccine and anti-viral approaches to control and treat influenza. Novavax's recombinant VLP vaccine approach has the potential to rapidly create effective vaccines against emerging human and avian strains of influenza. In addition, this approach provides the flexibility to incorporate the latest discoveries in immunology to truly create best in class vaccines against a multitude of diseases. By joining Novavax and its strong scientific team, I hope to realize my vision of creating an effective and practicable vaccine against pandemic and seasonal influenza.
About Novavax, Inc.
Novavax, Inc. is a product development company focused on the research, development and commercialization of products utilizing its proprietary drug delivery and biological technologies for large and growing markets. Novavax's drug delivery technologies include the micellar nanoparticle (MNP) technology which is the basis for the development of its first FDA-approved product, ESTRASORB. In addition to MNP, Novavax drug delivery technologies include Novasomes(R) (paucillamellar non-phospholipid liposomes) and Sterisomes(R) (subcutaneous depot injection). Novavax's vaccine technologies include its virus-like particle (VLP) manufacturing technology utilizing the baculovirus expression system in insect cells, as well as novel vaccine adjuvants based on Novasomes and dendrimer technologies.
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements made in this press release that state Novavax's or its management's intentions, hopes, beliefs, expectations, or predictions are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include but are not limited to statements regarding usage of cash, product sales, future product development and related clinical trials and future research and development, including FDA approval. Novavax's actual results could differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things, the following: general economic and business conditions; ability to enter into future collaborations with industry partners; competition; unexpected changes in technologies and technological advances; ability to obtain rights to technology; ability to obtain and enforce patents; ability to commercialize and manufacture products; ability to maintain commercial-scale manufacturing capabilities; results of clinical studies; progress of research and development activities; business abilities and judgment of personnel; availability of qualified personnel; changes in, or failure to comply with, governmental regulations; the ability to obtain adequate financing in the future through product licensing, co-promotional arrangements, public or private equity financing or otherwise; and other factors referenced herein. Additional information is contained in Novavax's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004 and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2005, June 30, 2005 and September 30, 2005, incorporated herein by reference. Statements made herein should be read in conjunction with Novavax's annual and quarterly reports filed with the SEC. Copies of these filings may be obtained by contacting Novavax at 508 Lapp Road, Malvern, PA 19355, Tel 484-913-1200 or the SEC at
SOURCE Novavax, Inc.CONTACT: Kathy Hamilton, Investor Relations, Novavax, Inc., +1-484-913-1213,
NOVAVAX Announces Publication of a Preclinical Study Demonstrating that a Virus-like Particle Vaccine Provided Protection Against Highly Pathogenic H1N1 and H5N1 Influenza Strains On Tuesday April 14, 2009, 8:00 am EDT
H1N1 Virus-like Particle (VLP) Vaccine Candidate Based on the 1918 Spanish Influenza Strain Protected Mice and Ferrets Against the Spanish Flu and Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Bird Flu
ROCKVILLE, Md., April 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX - News) today reported preclinical study results showing that an investigational H1N1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine based on the 1918 Spanish influenza strain protected against both the Spanish flu and a highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza strain. The study, published in the March 25, 2009 online issue of the Journal of Virology, was conducted by scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA and Novavax under a Collaborative Research and Development Agreement.Novavax scientists designed and produced a recombinant VLP vaccine candidate against the 1918 H1N1 influenza strain. This 1918 influenza strain was responsible for more than 50 million deaths worldwide during the great Spanish flu pandemic. Mice and ferrets were vaccinated with VLPs by one of two routes: either by standard intramuscular injection or by administering a small drop of the VLP vaccine in the nose (intranasal immunization). All of the 1918 VLP-immunized animals were protected when exposed to a lethal dose of the 1918 influenza virus, regardless of the route by which the vaccine was administered. Remarkably, animals immunized by the intranasal route were also protected against a lethal dose of a contemporary, highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N1 virus strain, isolated from a fatal human case in 2004 (A/Vietnam/1203/2004 strain).
The H1N1 VLP vaccine candidate was made up of the hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), and matrix 1 (M1) proteins from 1918 Spanish influenza virus strains. These proteins, which were produced in insect cells, formed three-dimensional structures that mimic the 1918 pandemic influenza virus but without the genetic material needed for replication. The mechanism of action by which this H1N1 VLP vaccine candidate provided broad cross-protection is under further study, but the scientists described preliminary evidence that antibody cross-reactivity between the HA and possibly NA proteins of the H1N1 and H5N1 influenza were important.Unlike other non-live influenza vaccines, the VLPs are uniquely positioned to stimulate immunity through multiple mechanisms, said Dr. Penny Heaton, Chief Medical Officer at Novavax.First, they contain HA protein that is the same structure as the live virus, which may stimulate HA antibodies of several types that not only prevent the virus from attaching to cells but also prevent the virus from fusing with cells. Second, the VLPs contain NA which may stimulate production of antibody that prevents spread of the virus down the respiratory tract. Finally, the structure of the HA and NA proteins and the way in which they are embedded in lipids on the surface of the VLP may activate the innate immune system providing protection against both the H1N1 and H5N1 strains,said Dr. Heaton.Although cross protection against influenza strains of the same hemagglutinin or HA type has been achieved through the use of vaccines with adjuvants (e.g., cross-protection against H5N1 A/Vietnam and A/Indonesia strains), protection against strains with different HA types, as shown in this study, has not been reported. Cross-protection against different HA types is highly desirable for pandemic influenza vaccine candidates because it is not possible to predict the strain that may be responsible for the next pandemic with today's technology. A broadly cross-protective vaccine would be ideal for stockpiling in that it could be administered during the first wave of the pandemic while waiting for manufacture of vaccine specific to the pandemic strain.Dr. Gale Smith, Vice President of Vaccine Development at Novavax, said,The discovery that a VLP-based influenza vaccine candidate created through cell-based recombinant technology has the potential to protect against diverse strains of influenza has significant implications for both pre-pandemic and pandemic preparedness. A broadly protective vaccine administered prior to and during the first wave of a pandemic could prevent widespread morbidity and mortality from a newly emerged pandemic influenza strain and allow time for the development of strain-specific vaccines.
About Novavax
Novavax, Inc. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company creating novel vaccines to address a broad range of infectious diseases worldwide using advanced proprietary VLP technology. The company produces these VLP based, potent, recombinant vaccines utilizing new, and efficient manufacturing approaches. The Company has VLP vaccine candidates against seasonal influenza and potential pandemic influenza strains in phase II clinical development.This report describes the second of two preclinical studies of Novavax's investigational H5N1 pandemic influenza vaccine announced this year that have shown different approaches to achieving broad protection against diverse influenza strains. As announced in February, a VLP vaccine with an HA based on several H5 strains showed broad cross-protection against different H5 strains. In the current study, an alternative route of administration resulted in cross-protection against different HA types. Novavax has shown in clinical trials that an H5N1 VLP candidate vaccine given by intramuscular injection is well tolerated and immunogenic in humans. Preclinical research on alternative pandemic influenza VLP vaccine approaches is expected to continue.Additional information about Novavax is available at and in the company's various filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Forward Looking Statement
Statements herein relating to future financial or business performance, conditions or strategies and other financial and business matters, including expectations regarding clinical developments, safety, efficacy and potency of our vaccines, and supply availability are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. Novavax cautions that these forward-looking statements are subject to numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties, which change over time. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements or historical experience include risks and uncertainties, including the failure by Novavax to secure and maintain relationships with collaborators; risks relating to the early stage of Novavax's product candidates under development; uncertainties relating to commencing clinical trials and their outcome; risks relating to the supply and commercialization, if any, of Novavax's proposed product candidates; dependence on the efforts of third parties; dependence on intellectual property; competition for clinical resources and patient enrolment from drug candidates in development by other companies with greater resources and visibility, and risks that we may lack the financial resources and access to capital to fund our operations. Further information on the factors and risks that could affect Novavax's business, financial conditions and results of operations, is contained in Novavax's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available at These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and Novavax assumes no duty to update forward-looking statements.
Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus By Helen Branswell, THE CANADIAN PRESS Last Updated: 27th February 2009, 3:26pm
Facebook Digg Google Stumble Upon Newsvine Reddit Technorati Feed Me Yahoo Ma.gnolia Simpy Squidoo Spurl Blogmarks Netvouz Scuttle Co.mments Sitejot + What are these? The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses. And an official of the World Health Organization’s European operation said the body is closely monitoring the investigation into the events that took place at Baxter International’s research facility in Orth-Donau, Austria. At this juncture we are confident in saying that public health and occupational risk is minimal at present, medical officer Roberta Andraghetti said from Copenhagen, Denmark. But what remains unanswered are the circumstances surrounding the incident in the Baxter facility in Orth-Donau.The contaminated product, a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses and unlabelled H5N1 viruses, was supplied to an Austrian research company. The Austrian firm, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, then sent portions of it to sub-contractors in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany. The contamination incident, which is being investigated by the four European countries, came to light when the subcontractor in the Czech Republic inoculated ferrets with the product and they died. Ferrets shouldn’t die from exposure to human H3N2 flu viruses.
Public health authorities concerned about what has been described as a serious error on Baxter’s part have assumed the death of the ferrets meant the H5N1 virus in the product was live. But the company, Baxter International Inc., has been parsimonious about the amount of information it has released about the event. On Friday, the company’s director of global bioscience communications confirmed what scientists have suspected. It was live,Christopher Bona said in an email. The contaminated product, which Baxter calls experimental virus material,was made at the Orth-Donau research facility. Baxter makes its flu vaccine — including a human H5N1 vaccine for which a licence is expected shortly — at a facility in the Czech Republic. People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted. Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences. While H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people. That mixing process, called reassortment, is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created.There is no suggestion that happened because of this accident, however.We have no evidence of any reassortment, that any reassortment may have occurred,said Andraghetti. And we have no evidence of any increased transmissibility of the viruses that were involved in the experiment with the ferrets in the Czech Republic.Baxter hasn’t shed much light — at least not publicly — on how the accident happened. Earlier this week Bona called the mistake the result of a combination of just the process itself, (and) technical and human error in this procedure.
He said he couldn’t reveal more information because it would give away proprietary information about Baxter’s production process. Andraghetti said Friday the four investigating governments are co-operating closely with the WHO and the European Centre for Disease Control in Stockholm, Sweden. We are in very close contact with Austrian authorities to understand what the circumstances of the incident in their laboratory were,she said. And the reason for us wishing to know what has happened is to prevent similar events in the future and to share lessons that can be learned from this event with others to prevent similar events. ... This is very important.
Fort Detrick disease samples may be missing Originally published April 22, 2009 By Justin M. Palk News-Post Staff
Army criminal investigators are looking into the possibility that disease samples are missing from biolabs at Fort Detrick.As first reported in today's edition of The Frederick News-Post by columnist Katherine Heerbrandt, the investigators are from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division unit at Fort Meade.Chad Jones, spokesman for Fort Meade, said CID is investigating the possibility of missing virus samples from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.He said the only other detail he could provide is that the investigation is ongoing.Fort Detrick does not have its own CID office, Jones said, which is why Fort Meade's CID was brought in.
Jones said he could not comment on when the investigation started.
CID is responsible for investigating crimes where the Army is, or may be, a party of interest, according to the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command website.USAMRIID is the Army's top biodefense lab, where researchers study pathogens including Ebola, anthrax and plague.In February, USAMRIID halted all its research into these and other diseases, known as select agents following the discovery of virus samples that weren't listed in its inventory.The institute's commander, Col. John Skvorak, ordered research halted while workers conducted a complete inventory of the institute's select agents.That inventory is nearly completed, though the exact end date isn't known yet, said Caree Vander Linden, USAMRIID spokeswoman.Vander Linden said she didn't know about the CID investigation and referred questions to the CID's head public affairs office.There is no indication whether the CID investigation is connected to USAMRIID's re-inventorying of its select agent stocks.
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