REVELATION 6:1-2,13:1-3,7-9,16
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.(THIS IS THE EU DICTATOR)
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.(THE JEWISH EU DICTATOR GETS HIS POWER FROM SATAN,HE COMES FROM THE OCCULT).
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
DANIEL 11:36-40
36 And the king shall do according to his will;(EU PRESIDENT) and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS A EUROPEAN JEW) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(HES A MILITARY GINIUS) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds (CONTROL HEZBOLLAH,AL-QUAIDA MURDERERS ETC) with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south(EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR PROTECTING ISRAELS SECURITY) and the king of the north(RUSSIA) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.James Paul Warburg appearing before the Senate on 7th February 1950
Like a famous WWII Belgian General,Paul Henry Spock said in 1957:We need no commission, we have already too many. What we need is a man who is great enough to be able to keep all the people in subjection to himself and to lift us out of the economic bog into which we threaten to sink. Send us such a man. Be he a god or a devil, we will accept him.And today, sadly, the world is indeed ready for such a man.
DANIEL 7:23-25
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast (EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADING BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings(10 NATIONS) that shall arise: and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.( BE HEAD OF 3 NATIONS)
25 And he (EU PRESIDENT) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.(3 1/2 YRS)
DANIEL 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king (EU DICTATOR) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,(FROM THE OCCULT) shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power:(SATANS POWER) and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;(JESUS) but he shall be broken without hand.
DANIEL 11:36-39
36 And the king (EU DICTATOR) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS JEWISH) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.(CLAIM TO BE GOD)
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(WAR) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god,(DESTROY TERROR GROUPS) whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
19 And I saw the beast,(EU LEADER) and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse,(JESUS) and against his army.(THE RAPTURED CHRISTIANS)
The White House-Office of the Press Secretary-For Immediate Release December 17, 2009Executive Order -- Amending Executive Order 12425
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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12425 of June 16, 1983, as amended, is further amended by deleting from the first sentence the words except those provided by Section 2(c), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, and Section 6 of that Act and the semicolon that immediately precedes them.
Interpol and U.N. Back Global Policing Doctrine Sign in to Recommend
By DOREEN CARVAJAL Published: October 11, 2009
PARIS — Interpol and the United Nations are poised to become partners in fighting crime by jointly grooming a global police force that would be deployed as peacekeepers among rogue nations riven by war and organized crime, officials from both organizations say.On Monday, justice and foreign ministers from more than 60 countries, including the United States and China, are gathering in Singapore for a meeting hosted by the two international organizations. It is the first step toward creating what Interpol calls a global policing doctrine that would enable Interpol and the United Nations to improve the skills of police peacekeepers, largely by sharing a secure communications network and a vast electronic trove of criminal information, including DNA records, fingerprints, photographs and fugitive notices.
We have a visionary model, said Ronald K. Noble, secretary general of Interpol and the first American to head the international police organization, which is based in Lyon. More than 187 member nations finance the organization. The police will be trained and equipped differently with resources, Mr. Noble said.When they stop someone, they will be consulting global databases to determine who they are stopping.
Modern peacekeeping has evolved dramatically since the blue-helmeted U.N. military force won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1988. Since 2005, the number of police officers within the total force of 95,400 peacekeepers has more than doubled from about 6,000 to 12,200 in 17 countries. U.N. police are already battling kidnappings and drug crime in Haiti and illicit lumber trading in Liberia. The aim of the joint effort is to increase the ability to track the movement of criminals around the world by sharing resources and common standards, according to Mr. Noble. He is also pressing ahead with plans for special electronic passports for the agency’s staff of more than 600 Interpol investigators to speed border crossings. The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is contributing more than $2 million to finance the development of international global policing standards, according to Andrew Hughes, an Australian who currently heads the U.N.’s force of police officers. The ambition is to create a series of networks to counter borderless organized criminal operations, Mr. Hughes said. Women, in particular, are being recruited, with a goal of reaching 20 percent of the U.N. force and the development of all-female units like the group of 140 peacekeepers from Bangladesh that is about to be deployed.
We’re working with refugees,Mr. Hughes said.Many of the victims of atrocities are women, and they’ve had enough of men with guns and uniforms.He said that among the most critical tasks for a global police force were combating illegal arms and drug trafficking. His own officers in West Africa have watched the growth of cocaine smuggling by Colombian and Venezuelan drug cartels through weakened countries like Sierra Leone and Liberia to the lucrative consumer markets in Europe. The United States remains the biggest market for cocaine, according to the U.N.’s annual report on drugs and crime. But in the past three years, South American cartels have moved more drugs to Europe using transit points like Guinea Bissau, where the president and the head of the military were killed in sophisticated bombing attacks in March. Each year, at least 50 tons of cocaine from Andean countries passes through West Africa to the streets of Europe, where the drugs are worth almost $2 billion, according to the U.N. report. Organized crime is a business that looks for opportunity to expand their market enterprise, Mr. Hughes said. When you have a breakdown in police and courts and corrections, organized crime is ripe. We also see the toxic effect of corruption, because they are able to corrupt officials, which makes it difficult to build a functioning society.In Afghanistan, where heroin and hashish trafficking is also a thorny issue, NATO announced plans this month to start training the local police — a move it has avoided in the past to concentrate on military responsibilities. But Mr. Noble of Interpol says he takes a dim view of transforming warriors into beat cops, because the mind-sets are so different.
We caution on making the delegation of civil police development tasks to military structures, Mr. Noble said, citing the example of an attack that freed hundreds of Taliban from a prison in Kandahar, Afghanistan, last year. Although Interpol immediately asked for information about the missing prisoners, he said, we were really shocked and dismayed to learn there were no fingerprints and photographs despite billions spent to train police there.With the meeting of justice ministers on Monday, which coincides with a general assembly of Interpol police members, the group is expected to debate the global police issue and to craft a declaration that would lead to an action plan for international police peacekeeping within 12 months.
Canwest puts papers up for sale Creditor protection sought as sale plan announced Friday, January 8, 2010 | 1:48 PM ET CBC News
Canwest Global Communications Corp. announced it is seeking buyers for its newspaper publishing unit at the same time as it requested creditor protection for the division.In a Toronto courtroom on Friday, the Canwest Limited Partnership, which holds all of Canwest's newspaper and online operations, filed for creditor protection under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act.The Winnipeg-based company's main television assets were put under court protection in October, but thus far, the publishing assets have operated outside that process.Along with the creditor protection filing, a group of the media conglomerate's lenders have agreed to bid for the unit's assets, a so-called stalking horse bid that is aimed at setting a floor price.
National Post excluded
The lenders have also pledged to put up $25 million to carry the affected business units through the restructuring process. The National Post was a part of the Canwest LP unit but is not part of the CCAA filing, the company said Friday.The entire proposal still requires the approval of a majority of the company's creditors. The company has hired RBC Capital Markets to canvass the market for superior offers for the business," a Canwest press release said.We have almost half of the secured lenders that are not only supporting a consensual financial restructuring, but that same group ... is also prepared to put an offering in to purchase the full integrated publishing group, Canwest spokesman John Douglas said.Canwest put most of its newspaper operations into creditor protection on Friday. (John Woods/Canadian Press) Should the lenders take over the new company, substantially all of Canwest LP's employees would come with it, and the company would assume all obligations related to pensions and benefits, said a statement from McMillan LLP, one of the law firms involved in the restructuring.
What it means is that by the spring, we expect that both the publishing group as well as the broadcast group will be able to emerge from creditor protection with significantly less debt and a lot more stability and able to capitalize on the Canadian economy as it begins to improve, Douglas said.Indeed, the filing is not necessarily a threat to the company's many newspapers across the country, experts say.I don't think it means anything shuts down immediately, Ross Howard, a journalism instructor at Langara College in B.C., told CBC News. Most of their newspapers across the country have been operating close to profitable … so I don't think it means we lose the Vancouver Sun or the Province or the Courier or any of the weeklies in the immediate future.Canwest LP owns and operates a host of daily and community newspapers across the country, including the Victoria Times Colonist, the Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Province, the Edmonton Journal, the Calgary Herald, the Saskatoon StarPhoenix, the Regina Leader-Post, the Windsor Star, the Ottawa Citizen and The Gazette in Montreal.
Canwest puts newspaper division under court protection as prelude to a sale
Fri Jan 8, 12:59 PM David Friend, The Canadian Press
TORONTO - Canwest Global Communications (TSXV: CGS.V) has placed its cross-Canada newspaper chain under creditor protection and will put it up for sale next week, with a group of lenders led by the country's biggest banks ready to kick off the bidding.The Winnipeg-based broadcaster and publisher of the National Post and big-city dailies and websites from Vancouver to Montreal said Friday it had reached a restructuring agreement with its creditors, mainly the company's bankers.Under the deal, the banks agreed to make a stalking-horse bid setting the base price for an auction that could fetch more than $1 billion, according to some estimates.We have almost half of the secured lenders that are not only supporting a consensual financial restructuring, but that same group... is also prepared to put an offering in to purchase the full integrated publishing group, Canwest spokesman John Douglas said in an interview.Like many North American media companies, Canwest was forced to seek protection from creditors last fall when the recession squeezed advertising revenues at its newspapers and TV stations. As well, $4 billion in debts piled up from earlier acquisitions produced mounting losses and made it impossible for Canwest to stay out of the red.
Canwest said the creditor protection filing Friday does not include the assets of the National Post, which escaped from CCAA last fall when courts allowed Canwest to shift the national daily into the larger newspaper division. However, the Post will be included in the sale.Rumoured bidders for Canwest's newspaper group have included investment company Onex Corp. (TSX: OCX.TO), as well as some of Canada's largest pension funds and leveraged buyout firms.In their own statement, the lenders including Canada's five largest banks and unidentified international financiers, said their bid will at least ensure Canwest's newspaper division continues as a going concern.After due diligence, it was determined there is value in acquiring the whole of Canwest LP's business, given the operating synergies that can be realized from a national chain of newspapers and online businesses, the lenders said, adding they would ensure a majority of the company's voting shares remain in Canadian hands while it goes through the auction process.Douglas said that the company is already aware of some prospective buyers, though he declined to say how many might take part in the auction process.There has been interest, but no, we're not going to talk about it, he said.
Canwest has also arranged up to $25 million in financing from its senior lenders.
Canwest's Global Television operation was put under court protection several months ago, as was the National Post newspaper. Canwest later got permission to move the National Post as a separate legal entity to the larger newspaper division - amid a widespread expectation that all the publications would be sold.Until Friday, Canwest's main newspaper division, and some other parts of its business, had been operating outside of creditor protection while the company and its major creditors worked on a deal to cope with billions of dollars of debt.Canwest said putting the newspaper business under court protection was in the best interests of the company and the 5,300 employees at its publishing operations and will address the division's existing debts and protect its brands.Besides the Post, Canwest owns major dailies such as the Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Victoria Times-Colonist and two Vancouver dailies, the Sun and Province.Canwest's latest filing in an Ontario bankruptcy court also includes various community newspapers and a batch of news websites such as the portal.As with other media companies, Canwest has been affected by the recession's impact on sales of newspaper and television advertising, its main source of revenue. It was been nearly buried under a mountain of debt amassed over the past decade as it expanded beyond the original Global Television business by purchasing much of Hollinger Inc.'s Canadian newspaper business.
GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
2 PETER 2:5
5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
2 PETER 3:7
7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men
16 I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you( sudden) terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.
GENESIS 16:11-12
11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.
12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
ISAIAH 33:1,18-19 Woe to thee that spoilest,(destroys) and thou wast not spoiled;(destroyed) and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease to spoil,(destroy) thou shalt be spoiled;(destroyed) and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.
18 Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where is the scribe? where is the receiver? where is he that counted the towers?
19 Thou shalt not see a fierce people, a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive; of a stammering tongue, that thou canst not understand.
JOHN 16:2
2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 TIMOTHY 3:13
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
Convicted bomber Ludwig arrested in B.C. pipeline blasts Friday, January 8, 2010 | 6:37 PM PT CBC News
Wiebo Ludwig, who served time for bombing Alberta oil and gas wells in the 1990s, has been arrested in connection with more recent bombings of EnCana pipelines in B.C., his lawyer says. (CBC) No charges have been laid against Wiebo Ludwig, an Alberta activist convicted of bombing oil and gas wells in the 1990s who was arrested Friday in connection with recent bombings at EnCana pipelines in northeastern B.C.That's going to be a wait-and-see situation, said Sgt. Tim Shields, media relations for the RCMP in B.C. Charges have not been approved by Crown counsel in British Columbia and ultimately, they are the ones who have to make that decision as to whether or not charges are going to be approved.
RCMP have not named the man they arrested early Friday in connection with the bombings.All they said is that they arrested a man in his 50s or 60s and were conducting a large search of an Alberta farm near Hythe, Alta., about 400 kilometres northwest of Edmonton, near the B.C.-Alberta border.Earlier in the day, Ludwig's lawyer, Paul Moreau, confirmed his client was in custody and said he expected Ludwig would be charged with extortion.Moreau said Ludwig was arrested at a hotel in Grande Prairie, Alta., on Friday morning after going there voluntarily to meet with a senior RCMP officer.A police roadblock is set up on the road leading to Wiebo Ludwig's farm near Hythe, Alta. (RCMP) Ludwig spent nearly two years in prison after being convicted on charges related to the bombing of oil and gas installations in Alberta in the 1990s. He sent an open letter to the EnCana pipeline bomber in September 2009, expressing his support but urging the bombings to stop.
July 30, 2009 - EnCana posts $1-million reward.
July 16, 2009 - Letter reportedly from bomber sent to Dawson Creek newspaper.
July 4, 2009 - Natural gas pipeline bombed near Pouce Coupe, B.C.
July 1, 2009 - Wellhead bombed near Pouce Coupe, B.C.
Jan. 4, 2009 - EnCana natural gas facility east of Dawson Creek, B.C. attacked
Oct. 31, 2008 - Metering shed bombed northwest of Tomslake, B.C.
Oct. 16, 2008 - Pipeline bombed off Highway 2 near B.C.-Alberta border.
Oct. 11, 2008 - Blast set off at sour-gas pipeline east of Dawson Creek, B.C.
More than a dozen officers started searching the property for evidence related to the bombings.We cannot say what we are looking for specifically, or what information led us to the location, but we have followed a trail of evidence that ultimately led to the execution of the search warrant,said Supt. Lloyd Plante of the RCMP's national security program in B.C.EnCana spokesman Alan Boras said the company was pleased an arrest had been made.We hope this development leads to potential conclusion of these events but that remains to be seen, Boras said.
EnCana targeted
Since October 2008, there have been six pipeline bombings in the Tomslake area of British Columbia, near Dawson Creek, targeting the facilities of the Calgary-based energy company EnCana.Before the first attack, someone sent a handwritten letter to local news media demanding a stop to oil and gas operations.The letter called EnCana and other companies terrorists that are endangering our families with crazy expansion of deadly gas wells.(CBC) The note was followed by three successive explosions, two of which caused leaks of sour gas. Reserves in the Tomslake area are mostly sour gas, which contains hydrogen sulphide that can be deadly in high concentrations if released into the air.At the time of the sixth and most recent blast in July 2009, the RCMP labelled the attacks domestic terrorism.Residents of the town of Tomslake faced heightened scrutiny by the RCMP during the investigation over the past 15 months.News of an arrest was greeted with relief by resident Ardyth Overholdt, who wrote a critical letter about the bomber to the Dawson Creek newspaper last year.Some people say, well ... that bombing wasn't that big of a deal anyway — no one got hurt,which is a fairly odd attitude in my mind to take, she said Friday.So there so are those that say, Oh well, big deal, so what.' But for the rest of us, it's like it's a very big relief.
CIA bomber calls for attacks on US in video By NAHAL TOOSI and MAAMOUN YOUSSEF, Associated Press Writers – Sat Jan 9,10
ISLAMABAD – The Jordanian doctor who killed seven CIA employees in a suicide attack in Afghanistan said in video clips broadcast posthumously Saturday that all jihadists must attack U.S. targets to avenge the death of Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud.The footage showed Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi — whom the CIA had cultivated as an asset against al-Qaida — sitting with Mehsud's successor in an undisclosed location. It essentially confirmed the Pakistani Taliban's claim of responsibility for one of the worst attacks in CIA history, though a senior militant told The Associated Press that al-Qaida and Afghan insurgents played roles, too.The development may lead the U.S. to further aid and push Pakistan to crack down on Taliban militants on its soil. The success of the attack on the CIA also raises doubts about the effectiveness of the Pakistani military's ongoing ground operation against the Pakistani Taliban in its stronghold in the South Waziristan tribal region.Speaking in Arabic in the video shown on the al-Jazeera network, al-Balawi noted the Pakistani Taliban had given shelter to emigrants — Muslim fighters from abroad. Mehsud, the group's longtime leader, was killed in August by a CIA missile strike.We will never forget the blood of our emir Baitullah Mehsud, said al-Balawi, who wore an Afghan hat and a camouflage jacket on a 1 1/2 minute video clip. We will always demand revenge for him inside America and outside. It is an obligation of the emigrants who were welcomed by the emir.A similar clip appeared on the Pakistani channel Aaj, though in it al-Balawi read haltingly from a piece of paper in English, a language Pakistanis are more familiar with than Arabic.The 32-year-old al-Balawi was apparently a double agent — perhaps even a triple-agent — with links to al-Qaida, the CIA and Jordanian intelligence. He was invited inside the CIA facility in Afghanistan's eastern Khost province bearing a promise of information about Ayman al-Zawahri, al-Qaida's second-in-command. Instead, he blew himself up in a Dec. 30 meeting, killing seven including the CIA's base chief.
In the Arabic clip, al-Balawi appeared to mock assertions that U.S. or Jordanian intelligence had employed him. In the English version, he said he had given up millions of dollars offered by the agencies to join the militants.The emigrant for the sake of God will not put his religion on the bargaining table and will not sell his religion even if they put the sun in his right hand and the moon in his left, he said in Arabic, referring to a verse in the Quran.Al-Balawi ended by saying the Pakistani Taliban under the leadership of the new chief, Hakimullah Mehsud, would fight till victory.In Jordan, al-Balawi's father confirmed that the man on the clip was his son.He was very opposed to what was happening in Iraq, the occupation of Palestine and the killings of Muslims in Afghanistan, a downbeat Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi said.We knew he was very zealous for God and his religion.IntelCenter, a U.S.-based group monitoring extremist sites, said the video was released by the Pakistani Taliban. Behind Hakimullah Mehsud and al-Balawi was a banner bearing the Muslim creed,There is no God but God, and Muhammad is His messenger.The CIA attack would be the most prolific strike on a U.S. target by the Pakistani Taliban under the 20-something Hakimullah Mehsud's watch. It is also unusual because the Pakistani Taliban rarely claim responsibility for strikes in Afghanistan.But statements by Afghan Taliban and al-Qaida leaders since the attack have confused the issue of who backed the plan, and it appears increasingly likely it was a joint operation.A Pakistani Taliban militant told AP that al-Qaida and the Haqqani network, a highly independent Afghan Taliban faction, also were involved in the suicide attack. Al-Balawi received training from Qari Hussain, a leading commander of the Pakistani Taliban believed to have run suicide bombing camps, said the militant, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of security reasons.In an earlier interview with AP, Hussain claimed responsibility on behalf of the Pakistani Taliban for the attack.
Mahmood Shah, a former security chief for Pakistan's tribal regions, said the Pakistani Taliban likely provided logistics to the bomber, but al-Qaida probably provided the recruit himself. That's because the terror network is more able to tap into a reservoir of educated Arab militants, said Shah, who added al-Qaida may have formulated the overall plot as well. The Haqqani network likely gave consent because it controls much of Khost, he said. A major Pakistani army offensive in South Waziristan tribal region is believed to have forced many Pakistani Taliban leaders to go on the run to other parts of the lawless tribal belt along the Afghan border. Hakimullah Mehsud, for instance, is believed to be evading the Pakistani military offensive by hiding somewhere along the border dividing South and North Waziristan tribal regions. Though the group initially appeared to be in disarray after the August missile strike and the offensive, it and linked militant groups are suspected in a rising tide of violence in Pakistan since October. More than 600 people have died in a range of suicide and other bombings across the nuclear-armed country during the wave of bloodshed. Pakistani Taliban involvement in the CIA attack could mean more pressure on Islamabad to act against the group, though Shah said Pakistan was doing everything it could do with limited resources. He asserted that past claims of links between al-Qaida and the Pakistani Taliban had not always been taken seriously by the U.S., and that this attack might change that. The U.S. has already been providing logistical support for the operation in South Waziristan.
Though linked, the Pakistani Taliban and the Afghan Taliban are separate movements.
The Afghan Taliban are focused on ridding Afghanistan of Western troops and toppling the U.S.-backed government in Kabul, while the Pakistani Taliban are primarily determined to overthrow the U.S.-allied government in Islamabad. But both militant movements are largely driven by Pashtuns, an ethnic group that straddles both sides of the Afghan-Pakistan border and whose members easily slip back and forth between the countries. The secretive eastern Afghan CIA base that was attacked was reportedly was used as a key outpost in the effort to identify and target terror leaders, many of whom were taken out by the drone-fired missile strikes. Despite the suicide bombing's devastating blow to the human intelligence of the CIA, there's been a surge in missile strikes on Pakistan's tribal regions, where many of the top terror leaders including Osama bin Laden are believed to be hiding. There have been at least five such missile strikes in North Waziristan since the bombing in Khost.
Youssef reported from Cairo. Associated Press writers Jamal Halaby in Amman, Jordan, and Kathy Gannon in Islamabad contributed to this report.
GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:(ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST ETHNIC GROUP) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Strong earthquake strikes near Solomon Islands
Sat Jan 9, 5:03 am ET
SYDNEY – A strong earthquake shook the South Pacific near the Solomon Islands on Saturday, just days after a large earthquake and tsunami hit the country. No tsunami watch was issued after Saturday's quake.The 6.3 magnitude quake struck 90 miles (146 kilometers) southeast of the provincial capital Gizo at a depth of 22 miles (35 kilometers), the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued no tsunami warning.On Monday, a magnitude-7.2 quake sent a tsunami up to 10 feet (3 meters) high crashing into the shores of Rendova Island and nearby Tetepare Island. No serious injuries were reported.The Solomon Islands lie on the Ring of Fire — an arc of earthquake and volcanic zones that stretches around the Pacific Rim and where about 90 percent of the world's quakes occur.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Icy hazards persist through US, deep into South By KATE BRUMBACK, Associated Press Writers – Sat Jan 9, 12:39 am ET
ATLANTA – The unyielding cold spell gripping much of the nation was expected to hang on tight over the weekend, though some areas that saw snowfall during the week were expected to have drier weather.In Atlanta, more accustomed to winter temperatures in the low 50s, a glaze of ice coated roads Friday after light snow overnight melted and froze. And authorities said the continuing freeze called for renewed caution on the roadways.Nearly 30 cars piled up in a pre-dawn crash near Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.I wanted to stay home today, but my boss never called me back, so I thought I should try to get in, said Beth Ament, 30, who was fueling her car so she could get to a nearby transit station to take the train to her job in downtown Atlanta.In Alabama, packed shelters brought out extra cots and opened doors for people fearful of the deadly cold.You have to be inside the way it is now. If you're not, they'll find you stiff, said Elizabeth Austin, a homeless woman who sought warmth at an inner-city Birmingham church.Multiple deaths have been blamed on this week's cold, including a 44-year-old man whose body was found face-down in the snow early Friday in Billings, Mont.
In Ohio, a winter storm warning was in effect until Saturday morning. That's on top of the snow that had already coated Interstate 70, where a tractor-trailer spun out of control Thursday, crossed the median and swerved into oncoming traffic, colliding with a small bus transporting adult disabled passengers, the Ohio Highway Patrol said.Three passengers on the bus were killed, as was its driver. Six other passengers on the bus, which was carrying 11 people, were injured, as was the driver of the commercial truck, Sgt. Raymond Durant said.Schools in at least 10 states were closed, as were many roads and government offices.The National Weather Service said 5 to 7 inches of snow was expected Friday across western Pennsylvania. In Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas, it had snowed every day since New Year's, a stretch that meteorologists say is unusual.Travel was beginning to return to normal Friday at Chicago's airports, after a storm that dumped about 8 inches of snow. The Chicago Department of Aviation said there were still minor delays at O'Hare International Airport because crews had to deice aircraft before they could take off.Some Nebraska cities were cut off because highways leading in and out of town were blocked or all but impassable.Amtrak announced that its train between Chicago and Denver wouldn't operate Friday because of blowing and drifting snow in Nebraska.Snowfall was heaviest in Minnesota and parts of South Dakota, where some drifts were too big for snowplow drivers to clear.
Nowhere was it colder than in Bismarck, N.D., where wind chills hit 52 below zero Thursday and the temperature reached 14 below. Wind chills were still near 50 below in the Dakotas on Friday.While North Dakotans get plenty of practice bundling up, folks in other parts of the country were still learning the basics.In Mobile, Ala., hit by a rare arctic chill on the coast, Salvation Army spokesman Stacey Killingsworth said shelters were filled to the brim. One that normally holds up to 28 homeless men a night has been averaging 115 in recent days, she said. We don't turn anyone away, including women and children. We've used cots and mats. We've put people in the auditorium and hallways, she said. In Florida's Panhandle, vapor was rising off the Gulf as warm water met the frigid air. It's so cold that sparrows that have crawled under the plastic on our heated deck don't want to leave, said Scooter Montgomery, manager of Peg Leg Pete's Oyster Bar on Pensacola Beach. AP Writers Melissa Nelson in Pensacola, Fla., and Jay Reeves in Birmingham, Ala., contributed to this story.
Europe shivers as cold snap brings travel misery
JAN 9,10
BERLIN (AFP) – Europe faced weekend weather misery with scores of flights cancelled on Saturday as snow blanketed swathes of the continent, severing key highways and disrupting rail and electricity links.Germans were urged to buy enough food and medicines to last for up to four days in the face of a blizzard. The government said all non-essential travel should be avoided.More than 200 flights were cancelled at Frankfurt, Europe's third largest airport, with spokesman Juergen Harrer saying that many more had been delayed.Traffic on the A5 highway between Germany and France was paralysed after French police blocked off the border road to trucks due to heavy snow, German traffic police said.With much of Britain already shivering through the worst spell of bad winter weather for more than 30 years, a further blanketing was expected. Forecasters say up to 20 centimetres (seven inches) could settle in the east.The conditions hit weekend sports games -- five English Premier League football matches were called off and five out of the six Premiership rugby union fixtures were also cancelled.In London, the Serpentine outdoor swimming lake in Hyde Park was closed for the first time in about 140 years amid icy conditions.Air travel was also being disrupted -- at London's Heathrow airport, staff have been working round the clock to keep the runways clear and predicted delays and cancellations.The Eurostar rail link between Britain and continental Europe said it was operating two-thirds of services.Twenty-seven major companies in Britain were ordered to halt using gas Friday in order to maintain overall supplies amid unprecedented levels of demand.
In France, significant snowfalls caused major delays to train services and southern areas experienced electricity cuts with at least 7,000 households affected, according to officials. Related article:Eurostar disrupted-With more snow forecast, authorities asked airlines to cut a quarter of flights on Saturday at Paris's main Charles de Gaulle airport. Traffic was suspended at Toulouse airport but expected to resume later Saturday.Several trains were cancelled and many high-speed trains were running late, the national rail operator SNCF said on Saturday.Ireland, experiencing its worst weather since 1963, was again hit by fresh snowfall in the east which led Dublin airport to suspend all operations.Education Minister Batt O'Keefe ordered all state primary and secondary schools to remain closed until January 14. Police and the Automobile Association said temperatures were well below zero on all routes with dense freezing fog causing additional problems.Freezing temperatures were reported Saturday in Spain and Portugal, affecting road links. Authorities in Lisbon kept two metro stations overnight to shelter the homeless.In the Netherlands, thousands took to the ice Saturday as skating federation KNSB gave the green light for impromptu skating events on three lakes in the centre and north-east of the country.Dutch Railways deployed special teams to prevent railway points from freezing at key junctions but nevertheless warned of possible delays.
Scores of flights were cancelled in Brussels as Belgium experienced its first heavy snowfalls. Traffic on highways was affected. Polish authorities said about 25,000 households were without electricity in the southern region of Kielce and Katowice after power lines were snapped by heavy branches felled in the snow. In Italy, heavy winds and rain toppled trees in the centre of the country and around Rome, leaving some 65,000 people without electricity, civil protection officials said.
5 climbers killed in avalanche in Russia's south By SERGEI VENYAVSKY, Associated Press Writer – JAN 9,10
ROSTOV-ON-DOV, Russia – An avalanche in Russia's southern Caucasus mountain range has killed five climbers including an instructor, an emergency official said Saturday.Four climbers in a party of nine survived the snow slide, which struck as they were ascending the Gedan-tau peak Friday, local emergency spokesman Oleg Ugnivenko said. Eight novice climbers were all in their 20s and extremely well equipped, he said.The body of their 40-year-old instructor was found immediately, and a search operation including helicopters and 100 rescuers turned up four frozen corpses Saturday morning, Ugnivenko said.The mountaineers were climbing the mountain, about 40 miles (60 kilometers) east of Europe's highest peak Elbrus, along the simplest route. They began the ascent Friday morning and were near the Gedan-tau's 12,140-foot (3,700-meter) summit when the avalanche hit, Ugnivenko said.The novice climbers, all from Moscow or St. Petersburg had undergone an intensive, six-day training course in the climbing base of Bezengi, in the province of Kabardino-Balkaria, immediately before the ascent, he said.The North Caucasus is a popular destination among Russian climbers but suffers from underdeveloped infrastructure, and is perilously near the violence-wracked regions of Ingushetia, Chechnya and Dagestan.Bezengi, from where many climbers tackle the 18,510-foot (5,642-meter) Elbrus and other peaks, is about 90 miles (140 kilometers) west of Ingushetia, the westernmost province hosting an active Islamist insurgency.Sochi, the venue for the 2014 Winter Olympics, is around 125 miles (200 kilometers) west of Bezengi.
Martial Law vs. Christian Responsibility
Robert Hawes Campaign For Liberty Friday, January 8th, 2010
It is one thing to know something intellectually, and quite another to see it suddenly happen before your eyes. I experienced such a moment in 2005, during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when I watched (via the Internet) as police officers went door-to-door in New Orleans neighborhoods, forced law-abiding citizens into the streets, cuffed them, and then searched their homes for firearms before leaving them bewildered and helpless. There were no warrants involved. No probable cause was mentioned. No charges of wrong-doing were filed. Intimidation and brute force were the order of the day. And as much as I wish I could believe otherwise, I’m afraid that what we saw in New Orleans is merely a preview of coming attractions.Since September 11, 2001, the federal government has been busily advancing preparations for the day when it might impose martial law throughout the United States, thus presenting us with the specter of the sort of thugery we witnessed in New Orleans being carried out all across this land of the free. A quasi-legal apparatus has already been put into place for this, via such legislation as the PATRIOT Act, the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the National Security and Homeland Security Directive. But legislation, although important in creating the illusion of legitimacy, is only one of the two boots with which the authoritarian state tramples freedom; the other is propaganda, and it is even more essential than force because it allows the state to conquer by stealth, and thus with a minimum of effort.
The state that employs only force to achieve its aims will rule only as long as it can subdue the people; but if it can successfully use propaganda, it can rule indefinitely because the people will subdue themselves. Propaganda deludes the slave into seeing his servitude as sacrifice, even as an honor. It transforms political prisoners into the enemies of the people, turns massacres into purgings, makes partisanism look like saintly perseverance, sells torture as retribution, portrays dissent as sabotage, and masks aggression in the guise of crusading. As Adolf Hitler observed in Mein Kampf, By an able and persistent use of propaganda heaven itself can be presented to the people as if it were hell and, vice versa, the most miserable kind of life can be presented as if it were paradise.And of all the varied forms of propaganda, religious propaganda is by far the most effective; for, it provides fallible men with the sanction of heaven, which must not be resisted nor even questioned. Our government is well aware of this and, from all indications, is ready to use religious propaganda in order to help pacify the American population in the event that martial law is declared.For years, rumors circulated to the effect that the U.S. government would use members of the clergy in efforts to pacify Americans should martial law ever be declared. Many scoffed at the idea, calling it so much conspiracy theory nonsense. Then, in 2007, KSLA Channel 12 in Shreveport, Louisiana, reported that, following Hurricane Katrina, clergy response teams were utilized to assist the government with public relations (click here to watch the video). According to the story, such teams will likely be used in future emergency situations, with an emphasis on their potential role in a martial law scenario. Here’s a quote from the story:Such clergy response teams would walk a tight-rope during martial law between the demands of the government on the one side, versus the wishes of the public on the other. In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they’re helping to diffuse that situation, assured Sandy Davis. He serves as the director of the Caddo-Bossier Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.A member of one such clergy response team, Dr. Durell Tuberville, was interviewed by KSLA, and stated that Christians have a responsibility to obey the government, no matter what. The government’s established by the Lord, said Tuberville.That’s what we believe in the Christian faith. That’s what’s stated in the scripture.
As a Christian myself, I understand where people like Dr. Tuberville are coming from. I remember my ninth grade Government teacher telling our class (Christian school, mind you) that Soviet citizens had no right to defy their government because, no matter how oppressive the Soviet State was, it was ordained by God (when asked about whether the American patriots were right to rebel against England, however, he equivocated). This reasoning is based on several passages of scripture, but particularly on the following remarks made by the Apostle Paul in Romans, chapter 13 (as the KSLA news story pointed out):Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake.
With these things in mind, I’d like to take some time to examine the issue of how Christians should react to the prospect of martial law in America.
Government officials are not the highest authorities in America The first thing I would like to point out to people like Dr. Tuberville, who think Christians should obey government officials no matter what because they are the higher powers, is that there is another, yet higher power to which even such officials are beholden: the Constitution of the United States.This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land. Article VI, Section 1.It is from the Constitution that our elected officials, both federal and state, derive their office and legitimate powers. Their powers are delegated, not inherent; concrete, not elastic, and, as clearly set forth by the 9th and 10th Amendments, they are limited to the specific areas of authority that the Constitution either grants to the Union or denies to the states. Further, our elected officials are “bound by oath or affirmation” to support the Constitution and its provisions, including the limitations placed upon their own powers:The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution… (Article VI, Section 3).
Thus, in taking up the powers and responsibilities of political office, our elected officials are also agreeing to place themselves under the law. This is one of the foundational ideas of the American political system: the concept that everyone is under law and equal in its eyes. For this reason, if government officials violate the Constitution, their actions are illegal and void of authority, and they are no better than common criminals. It is absolutely critical that Christians understand this when they contemplate their relationship to the government. Our elected officials are not the source of their own power; rather, they are representatives who have been entrusted with the authority of the American people as defined in the United States Constitution. If they violate that trust, they are as much criminals as the guy who robs your local 7-11 store; they just dress better, make other people use the guns, and almost never go to jail.
Martial Law is Unconstitutional and, therefore, Illegal
The Constitution does not directly address martial law; however, it does contain a provision that clearly makes martial law impossible. Consider Article IV, Section IV:
The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.Republican government is civil, representative government; martial law is military rule. Since the former is specifically guaranteed here, the latter is necessarily precluded. This provision, which our government officials are sworn to support as being part of the supreme law of the land, makes martial law unconstitutional and thus illegal. The moment that martial law is declared, the federal government will have stepped outside of its sphere of lawful powers. In fact, in a very real way it will have conducted a revolution, as it will have overthrown the legitimate government of the Constitution by force of arms.
The President is Commander in Chief, not Dictator in Chief.The war powers of the President are a woefully misunderstood aspect of constitutional law, thanks primarily to the success of Abraham Lincoln’s war and further developments under those who inherited his theory of government. Said theory boils down to the idea that, technically, anything the government does in order to safe-guard the country (really its own power) is constitutional.The Constitution itself differs with that idea. It describes the war powers of the President in Article II, Section II, where we read:The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States.That’s it. That is the sum total of all the Constitution has to say about the war powers of the President. Everything else that has developed since the adoption of the Constitution where such powers are concerned, from peace-keeping missions to covert operations, is extra-constitutional (and largely a perversion of the war powers the Constitution grants to Congress in Article I). Indeed, the military powers that presidents exercise today would have seemed kingly to our country’s founders. Under the American system, presidents were to be limited chief executives, not self-empowering monarchs who could overthrow the rights of the people or commit the country’s military to action for any reason whatsoever. The history of centuries of blood-letting under the crowned heads of Europe had taught Americans better than to trust such powers in the hands of one individual. They forgot that lesson rather quickly once they were free to determine their own affairs, but that initial understanding is enshrined in the Constitution’s language to this day, and the reasoning behind it is still just as sound.The Commander in Chief clause, read as it is plainly written, gives the President authority to act as a sort of commanding general of all U.S. armed forces in their constitutional role of providing for the common defense. It makes him a unifying military leader, capable of coordinating the country’s defenses in order to repel an aggressor; it does not make him a dictator, nor does it authorize him to use the military offensively or for law enforcement purposes. Note that the authority granted in Article II, Section II is military, not civilian, and that it does not release the President from his sworn duty to uphold the Constitution, nor does it revoke the right of the states to a republican form of government.
In response, some will undoubtedly argue that we now face dangers that our country’s founders could not have envisioned, and, for that reason, certain things must change. But the founders provided us with a means of changing the Constitution in the face of new circumstances or new wishes on the part of the people. We call this provision the Amendment Process (see Article V). So why is it that our leaders are not using this legitimate, constitutional tool, if indeed they believe that they require additional powers in order to meet modern challenges, and if indeed their motives are pure? Defenders of the Bush administration and its congressional allies (particularly Christians seeking to invoke Romans 13) should give serious thought to this question.Consider that nearly seven years have elapsed since the September 11, 2001 attacks, and yet, in all that time, in spite of all the powers that Bush and Congress have usurped, they have not once prepared or even suggested a constitutional amendment to legitimize any of it. And the reason for this? Quite simply, they don’t believe they need to legitimize their actions. They do not recognize any authority above themselves, neither the Constitution of the United States nor the people who elected them.
Beware Government Agents quoting Scripture
The common perception of propaganda is that it is the art of telling lies, but in fact lies are only part of the picture. No, the true master of propaganda is skilled not only in telling outright lies, but also in employing distortion and half-truth.
For an example of this, consider Romans 13 again. The standard snake oil sold by the Dr. Tuberville’s of the world (unwittingly or not), where this passage is concerned, is that government is the higher power and must be obeyed in all things. This is what you’re likely to hear when a clergy response team member shows up on your doorstep, flanked by national guardsmen and demanding that you hand over your firearms, supplies, and/or valuables, or that you accompany them to Hotel Halliburton. Yet, as we have already seen, the Constitution, not the government, is the highest power in the United States of America, and those who act outside of it are criminals.Note also that the Apostle Paul was arguing that Christians should support the higher powers because government is ordained by God to be an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.Rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, Paul tells us, but for evil, after which he admonishes us to be in subjection not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake.So what then of a government which, instead of punishing evil, actually practices evil itself? Can Paul have been suggesting that Christians should view the evil actions of a lawless power as somehow bearing the approval of God? Can a Christian either condone or submit to evil doings “for conscience’ sake”? Is it possible to do good by sanctioning, submitting to, or participating in evil? As Paul himself was fond of saying, God forbid!
When in Rome?
At this point, some might argue that the Roman Empire was evil in many ways, and that if Paul informed Christians that they needed to be in subjection to such a regime, surely today’s Christians have no excuse for resisting the will of the U.S. government, constitutional questions aside. And while I would agree that Rome was certainly a ruthless and brutal government, there are three important things that should be kept in view here:
1) Rome did not rule under a supreme Constitution such as we have.
2) While Paul instructed Christians to recognize Roman rule, he never once suggested that they should sanction or participate in Roman brutality. Indeed, the Bible contains a number of passages that instruct us to aid the oppressed (not to aid in their oppression):Proverbs 24:10-12: If you are slack [weak, feeble] in the day of distress, your strength is limited. Deliver those who are being taken away to death, and those who are staggering to slaughter, Oh hold {them} back. If you say, See, we did not know this,Does He not consider {it} who weighs the hearts? And does He not know {it} who keeps your soul? And will He not render to man according to his work?
Isaiah 1:16-17: Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow.
Jeremiah 21:12: O house of David, thus says the LORD: Administer justice every morning; And deliver the {person} who has been robbed from the power of {his} oppressor, that My wrath may not go forth like fire and burn with none to extinguish {it,} because of the evil of their deeds.
Jeremiah 22:2-3: Thus says the LORD, Do justice and righteousness, and deliver the one who has been robbed from the power of {his} oppressor. Also do not mistreat {or} do violence to the stranger, the orphan, or the widow; and do not shed innocent blood in this place.
The above passages make it clear that no one who claims to fear God should have anything to do with oppressing the innocent; but, rather, they should actively reprove those who do such things and deliver those who are being victimized. Genesis 14 tells the story of how Abraham attacked and overcame a group of kings who had taken his nephew, Lot, captive; and, in Job 29, we’re told that, among the good deeds Job was known for, he delivered the poor who cried for help, and the orphan who had no helper, and broke the jaws of the wicked and snatched the prey from his teeth. The Bible refers to both Abraham and Job as righteous and upright. Further, in I Timothy 5:8, the Apostle Paul, who wrote Romans 13, remarks: But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.Surely providing for one’s own involves protecting them from those who would do them harm.
3) Two recorded instances from the Apostle Paul’s own life demonstrate that a Christian need not submit to injustice simply because it is perpetrated by agents of the state. Both examples come to us from the book of Acts.The first is recorded in Acts 22, where Roman authorities questioned Paul in relation to his part in a riot that had just taken place in Jerusalem. Not satisfied with his answers, the Roman chief captain ordered that Paul be subjected to a bit of enhanced interrogation, 1st Century style (they were going to scourge him while questioning him further). Now, Paul was a Roman citizen, and under Roman law it was illegal to scourge a citizen. Paul pointed this out to his captors in Acts 22:23, and was spared the torture in favor of a trial.The second example comes from Acts 25. Paul, who was then on trial before Porcius Festus, the Roman governor of Judea, saw that the governor was probably not going to give him a fair trial, and so he invoked the supreme right of a Roman citizen: he appealed to Caesar himself in hope of justice. He did this respectfully, but resolutely.Clearly, the Apostle Paul had no problem with questioning authorities or appealing to the law in his defense, and I see no biblical reason why modern Christians are under obligation to act any differently. The Constitution is our supreme law, our supreme authority; we have every right to appeal to its provisions and to demand that those provisions be respected and not overthrown.
In summary, be aware of the fact that our government has already begun using religious propaganda to get its way, and that it fully intends to do so again. Beware those who would preach to you concerning how you should obey them as authorities over you, if they refuse to obey the authority over them. Beware those who talk about the law if they themselves are law-breakers. Beware those who would speak to you of duty, if they themselves have broken their oaths and violated the trusts of their offices. Contrary to the propaganda you’re likely to hear in the event of a martial law situation, neither Romans 13, nor any other passage of scripture, can be twisted to the effect of forcing Christians to buckle under to, participate in, or otherwise sanction, illegal actions or outright atrocities committed by the state.You who are members of the clergy: could you go door-to-door telling people that God wants them to turn in their guns (or fuel, or food, or gold) and to leave themselves bereft and helpless because the state says so? You who are members of the military or law enforcement agencies: could you force yourselves on, or actually fire on, otherwise law-abiding American citizens who might only be trying to defend themselves, their property and their families against those who have decided to toss the law out like yesterday’s garbage? Could you justly take part in unjust actions? How many of history’s wars and other atrocities could have taken place had those ordered to carry them out simply said No.? Could Rome have enslaved and tortured millions of people without the consent of its soldiers? Could any of the tyrants of the past have plundered their citizens had they been forced to wield the sword by themselves? Could a single Southern farm have been burned had Northerners not consented to Lincoln’s rampage? Could Stalin or Mao have murdered tens of millions of their own countrymen without the assistance of their Peoples’ armies? Make no mistake, if the United States government ever decides to oppress its own people, for whatever reason, it will not be the President or members of Congress, or the Joint Chiefs who go around intimidating people, kicking in doors, muzzling protest, dividing families, jailing and/or torturing dissenters or carrying off property. It will be you. They will expect you to do these things for them. The question is: can you live with it? And even more importantly: can you answer to God for it?
II Corinthians 5:10 — For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. (Note — I see no exceptions granted here for those acting under orders).
Finally, don’t wait for the crisis to come before you act. The day martial law is declared is not the time to begin doing something about it. That time is now, today, before it happens. Start by familiarizing yourself with passages of scripture such as those I’ve listed above; and always consider what the Bible says for itself, not how others would interpret it to their own advantage. Familiarize yourself with the Constitution, with relevant legislation and presidential executive orders, and with the history of martial law situations and military occupations both here in the U.S. and in other countries. Share what you learn with your friends and family. Consider joining up with groups like Ron Paul’s new Campaign for Liberty, where you can work for change alongside other concerned Americans. Never forget that an intimate knowledge of truth is the best defense against the lies, distortions and half-truths of the propagandists.
- DAN 1:1 - DAN 3:30 VBV - 1 JVI
- DAN 4:1 - DAN 6:28 VBV - 2 JVI
- DAN 7:1 - DAN 9:27 VBV - 3 JVI
- DAN 10:1 - 12:13 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 1 - REV 4:6 VBV - 1 JVI
- REV 4:9 - REV 9:21 VBV - 2 JVI
- REV 10:1 - REV 14:1 VBV - 3 JVI
- REV 14:2 - REV 18:24 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 19:1 - REV 22:21 VBV - 5 JVI
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Friday, January 08, 2010
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -3.20
10:00 AM -22.98
10:30 AM -23.88
11:00 AM -36.51
11:30 AM -28.19
12:00 PM -19.80
12:30 PM -27.36
01:00 PM -24.11
01:30 PM -23.20
02:00 PM -32.05
02:30 PM -26.98
03:00 PM -25.22
03:30 PM -24.72
04:00 PM +11.33 10,618.20
S&P 500 1144.98 +3.29
NASDAQ 2317.17 +17.12
GOLD 1,136.10 +2.40
OIL 82.88 +0.22
TSE 300 11,953.83 +66.32
CDNX 1603.39 +11.26
S&P/TSX/60 702.81 +4.40
Dow -22 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -52 points at low today.
Dow +13 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,137.00.OIL opens at $82.31 today.
Dow -52 points at low today so far.
Dow +13 points at high today so far.
Dow -52 points at low today.
Dow +13 points at high today.
Another flight, another Muslim behaving badly
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
8 January 2010: Delta Airlines Flight 2485, scheduled to fly from Miami to Detroit at 5:45 pm Wednesday was disrupted just before takeoff by a 43 year-old Muslim passenger who told others seated nearby that [he] wanted to kill all of the Jews.Convicted Ohio felon Mansor Mohammed ASAD (a/k/a Mansor Mohammed ASSAB) became loud and disruptive, making threats in English and also speaking in Arabic. The 42 year-old ASAD, a resident of Toledo, Ohio also threatened police officers who removed him from the aircraft, stating that he had fights with police in Toledo.
A cursory background search conducted by this investigator found two felony charges filed against him in Lucas County, Ohio in September, 1999. He was charged with two felonious assault charges (F4) against police officers in that incident.
According to passengers aboard the flight, ASAD refused to heed the warnings of the flight crew before takeoff and became more belligerent to the passengers and crew. Although authorities claimed ASAD posed no security threat, the pilot returned to the gate where he was removed from the aircraft and arrested. According to airline and TSA officials, the matter will be handled by local authorities.
Speaking on behalf of the Anti-Defamation League, Florida regional director Andrew Rosenkranz said it was deeply disturbed by the alleged anti-Semitic rant by Mansor Mohammad ASAD. Such comments point out the fact that anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews is still very much a part of society,he said a statement.
Watch the courtroom drama unfold between Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Jorge E. Cueto and Mansor Mohammad Asad:VIDEO LINK UPTOP
CAIR Assaults Rifqa Bary’s Constitutional Rights
By Sean Osborne, Assistant Director
7 January 2010: Background: 17-year old Rifqa Bary is a former Muslim who converted to faith in Jesus Christ. Upon learning of Rifqa’s decision for Christ her devout Muslim parents, Mohamed and Aysha Bary of the Noor Islamic Cultural Center, stood true to the totalitarian tenants of Islam and promptly threatened their daughter with death according to the dictates of Shari’a law for those who renounce Islam.
Rifqa, fearing for her life on the evidence of her fathers very violent reaction to her conversion, fled her parents Columbus, Ohio home in July 2009 to the Florida home of Pastor Blake and Beverly Lorenz and the case immediately became a national news sensation. Her parents, in true Islamic al-taqiyya fashion, deny any threat was made. However, it is a well established fact that apostasy from Islam is punishable by death. Florida child welfare authorities took custody of Rifqa and in October she was returned to Ohio under the care of Franklin County Children Services which hopes to have all legal issues resolved prior to Rifqa’s 18th birthday on August 10,2010. That date cannot come soon enough.
The Florida court proceedings also revealed that Rifqa’s parents are almost certainly illegal Sri Lankan immigrants to the United States. Rifqa’s parents promptly defied the court and refused to provide any documentation of their legal residence in this country. A contempt of court charge resulted and in a back-room deal attempt by David Colley, the former attorney representing Rifqa’a parents, to get the contempt of court immigration issue dropped on the condition that Rifqa would be allowed to live under foster care until her 18th birthday fell through. Colley was fired and CAIR-paid attorneys Omar Tarazi and Shayan Elahi entered the picture and Rifqa’s Constitutional rights went out the window.
The current situation: In the ongoing legal proceedings the al-Ikhwan al-Muslimuun (Muslim Brotherhood) and HAMAS terrorist front group CAIR became directly involved in appointing the above named lawyers to Rifqa parents. Omar Tarazi remains on the case and was instrumental in the further isolation of Rifqa from her firends and supporters. According to the The JAWA Report, Omar Tarazi has been supported by another CAIR Islamist within the Ohio Department of Public Safety office of Multicultural Affairs, one Omar Alomari. The linked JAWA report is a MUST READ!
Rifqa’s only contact with the rest of the world, Pastor Jamal Jivanjee, reports the following turn of recent events:
Dear friends and supporters of Rifqa Bary,
As we begin this New Year, Iwould like to ask you to take a few minutes to remember in your prayers someurgent developments regarding Rifqa Bary’s situation. Even though many wereexpecting Rifqa to be a dependent of the state of Ohio by now, (and thus be protected from being returned to the dire situation that she fled from), that is certainly not the case. As you may know, Rifqa’s last hearing was held on December 22nd. During the hearing, dependency was not addressed, rather a trial to determine dependency was rescheduled for January 28th. The proceedings that occurred on December 22nd simply ensured that she would not be forced to meet with her parents (mediation) as her parents were demanding, and the motion to block people (3rd parties) from communicating with Rifqa was withdrawn. This seemed like good news for Rifqa, and I left the courthouse in Franklin County pleased with the outcome of the day’s proceedings. This quickly changed the next few days as we became aware of what actually transpired behind the scenes.
Since Rifqa has been back in Ohio, the heat has gradually been turned up against her. To be blunt however, after this latest hearing on December 22nd, it seems that all hell has literally broken loose against Rifqa. As you may know, C.A.I.R. (Council on American Islamic Relations) is actively supporting Rifqa’s parents in this case. C.A.I.R. is a national organization which has a very precarious background whose roots are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. Without getting into the specifics regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and C.A.I.R.’s ties to them, you should be aware that the Muslim Brotherhood is responsible for every major terror organization that currently exists. C.A.I.R. has went to great lengths to put together a strategy to attack Rifqa Bary and her testimony of faith in Jesus Christ. It seems surreal to think that such a powerful organization has decided to attack a 17 year old convert to Christianity with such hostility, but that is indeed what they have done. The strategy of their attack is centered around 2 major objectives.
Objective #1… Keep Rifqa Bary isolated and discouraged
This objective has risen to a new level as the Bary’s C.A.I.R. appointed attorney, Omar Tarazi, filed a motion to ban Rifqa from receiving all 3′rd party communications (Christmas cards, notes, messages, etc…) While this motion was basically withdrawn, there was an undisclosed agreement made with the C.A.I.R. appointed attorney to require all communications to be screened by the court appointed (GAL) for Rifqa. Before the hearing on December 22nd, Rifqa’s own attorney was the one screening communications for Rifqa. Apparently, this was not acceptable to C.A.I.R. They did accept the court appointed (GAL) to screen Rifqa’s communication however. They probably assumed that the court appointed (GAL) for Rifqa would see things more to the liking of C.A.I.R.
As a result, since the last hearing, Rifqa has been literally cut off from the outside world. Currently, Rifqa has absolutely no official visitors list even though in Florida she was permitted supervised visits, and I was told by Children’s services weeks ago in Ohio that a visitors list was being developed for Rifqa. Also, before the last hearing on December 22nd, Rifqa had one approved contact that she was allowed to have phone conversations with. After the hearing in December, Rifqa has not been allowed to have phone contact with any of her friends! When I have inquired about the reasoning behind Rifqa’s isolation, I am told that foster children are not entitled to receive phone calls from friends, nor are they entitled visits from people. This still does not explain the fact that even since she has been back in Ohio foster care, she has been permitted to talk on the phone with a few people under supervision, but since December 22nd, she has been forbidden to actually talk on the phone to the people that she was allowed to talk to at all! Criminals are treated better because in prison, they have the ability to make phone calls and have pastoral visits. Not so with Rifqa Bary, and it is incredibly unjust.
Objective #2…Attack those who saved Rifqa’s life and destroy her testimony
In the state of Ohio, a child can become a dependent of the state simply by showing the court that there was a conflict in the home. Anyone who knew Rifqa Bary knew very well about the nature of the conflict that she faced at home. As a matter of fact, there are upwards of 50 people who, if allowed, could possibly testify to the fact that Rifqa greatly feared for her life long before she fled from her parents in Ohio. The evidence is actually overwhelming in favor of supporting Rifqa’s assertion that she was in tremendous fear for her life for quite some time.
As a result of this overwhelming evidence, the C.A.I.R. appointed attorney wants to take the attention off of the threats that have been made against Rifqa by her parents, as well as any criticism against the Noor Mosque in central Ohio. Remember, this is the same mosque that put tremendous pressure on Rifqa’s parents to punish and deal with her conversion to Christianity.
Instead, they have brutally attacked 3 individuals, (Brian Williams of Columbus, & Blake and Beverly Lorenz of Orlando Florida) who LITERALLY saved Rifqa’s life by helping her when she fled her home. The attack and character assassination against these people has been horrific to say the least. This attack has been carried out by C.A.I.R., the media, and even some in the church community! This attack against them is very intentional. The strategy of Rifqa’s parents and C.A.I.R. is to make theassertion that Rifqa was brainwashed by the Lorenz family, as well as by Brian Williams. They are saying that Rifqa had no conflict in the home with her parents before she met them. They have been billed as predators that lured a very impressionable new convert away from her home.
Not only has C.A.I.R. been making these allegations themselves, now they have purportedly either threatened, or persuaded a former employee of the Lorenz’s church community to lie and make the same allegations against them as well! Well, with all this untruth and slander that has been leveled against Brian Williams and Blake & Beverly Lorenz, I am compelled to tell the truth surrounding how they got connected to Rifqa Bary.
Modern Day Heroes…Brian Williams & Blake and Beverly Lorenz
I have had the privilege of knowing Brian for the last several years. Brian is a young man who is very passionate about his faith in Jesus, and has a tremendous heart for seeing people mobilized to pray to affect change in our nation. Brian has started several prayer groups online, one of which now has over 100,000 members. The specific prayer group that Brian started on facebook that I’d like to talk about here is a group called the United States of Prayer. This prayer group is the specific group that Rifqa Bary joined with a collection of people from around the country, including Beverly Lorenz. This was simply a group of people who are passionate about prayer. Most of the members, Rifqa Bary included, did not know each other prior to joining the group, rather they simply heard about the group on facebook and joined. It was through this group that Rifqa developed relationships with many people, including Brian Williams and the Lorenz family.
I’ll share this story to give you an example of what the group was like. On a particular day in early 2008, Brian shared with the group a need for prayer regarding a woman whom he knew who was making plans to acquire an abortion. Brian set up a conference call for that specific evening and invited the group members to call in and pray over the phone for the life of this baby and for the mother who was considering the abortion. About 40-50 people actually called in and prayed over the phone for this baby and for the mother. Rifqa happened to be one of the people who called in and prayed. Remember, Rifqa is not a new convert to Christianity as C.A.I.R. and others are claiming. She has been a Christian for over 4 years!
Since she lived out her faith under great duress at home, Rifqa’s main outlet for her faith was simply prayer, and this has ensured that her faith is much stronger than the average institutional church member in America! There are not many 16 year old girls in America today who would call in to a prayer group to pray for a woman whom they didn’t know. As people would find out, Rifqa is a very strong person who is passionate about God and people. Those who got to know her were amazed at how strong her faith is in general, not to mention that she was only 16 at the time. This particular story has a beautiful ending as the woman decided not to abort her baby, and the mother herself discovered faith in Jesus as well.
As a natural result of this prayer group, friendships began to form and people began to get to know each other. Since Rifqa was forbidden to attend any institutional church, these relationships acted as her church so to speak. Rifqa began forming close relationships with people like Abigal Dykema who spent hours on the phone mentoring Rifqa through extremely difficult times in her home. There were others like Shannon Psotta who got to know Rifqa as well through this group. The more that people got to know Rifqa, the more they realized the abuse that Rifqa had endured and the hostility that Rifqa was facing at home. Rifqa herself shared the threat that she was facing with her new friends from the prayer group.
When Rifqa fled her home, she chose to seek out Blake & Beverly Lorenz for help. Beverly was first informed about Rifqa’s situation from Shannon Psotta (a friend from the facebook prayer group). When Beverly heard about the serious situation that Rifqa was facing, she simply began to pray for Rifqa. It was shortly after that time that Rifqa herself reached out and contacted Beverly for help. I am convinced that by taking Rifqa into their home when circumstances developed that forced Rifqa to flee, they literally saved Rifqa’s life!
Once we look at the facts in this case, it is a preposterous idea to think that Rifqa was a recent convert to Christianity who was brainwashed to run away. This was clearly not the case as I also knew her and the seriousness of her situation. Brian Williams told me that before he met Rifqa, he knew nothing about Islam, honor killings, or apostasy. He had never even seen a mosque as well. It was Rifqa who informed him about all these things! Does that sound like brainwashing to you? This courageous decision by the Lorenz family, and Brian Williams to help Rifqa has come with a high cost, however. The media has ruthlessly attacked their character, they have been under investigation, and they have even been attacked and maligned by their own church community.
It is time for these lies to be exposed for what they are, and for the truth to be known about who these people are. By getting to know them better the last few months, I can personally tell you that these people are modern day heroes who have a tremendous love for people! I am convinced that it would do our nation well if we followed the courageous example of people like Brian Williams and the Lorenz family. If we commend and celebrate the actions of folks like Harriet Tubman and Corrie ten Boom in recent history, why are we attacking and persecuting those who follow in their example?
So what does this have to do with Rifqa Bary being in grave danger? EVERYTHING!
This case is simply about a young girl who has decided to become a follower of Jesus
(Christian) and leave Islam, and as a result of this decision, her life is on the line. This is the same story that happens all over the globe to other Muslims who leave Islam to follow Christ. Rifqa is simply one of millions. If C.A.I.R. is successful in keeping attention focused on the lies that are being leveled against Brian Williams and the Lorenz family, then they never have to deal with the real issue that this case centers around. Again, this case is about a girl who has decided to leave Islam and follow Jesus as the Messiah (Christ). This case is also about exposing the threat that people face when they leave Islam. I am also convinced that this is a wakeup call.
By creating a fictitious reality that states that Rifqa was a weak and impressionable young girl who was brainwashed, they hope to convince the court that there was no real conflict in the home. This would cause the court to dismiss Rifqa’s plea for dependency and thereby send her back home. If that were to happen, her life would be in extreme danger. As you may realize, this trial for dependency on January 28th is very important and the truth about this situation must be made known quickly as her trial date is fast approaching. If you are a Christian, I would again like to ask that you and your church communities pray for this precedent setting case in our nation. Pray for Rifqa’s encouragement, strength, and wisdom as well as for wisdom for her legal team. Please pray for Rifqa’s family as well.
In the past many of you have emailed Franklin County Children’s services. This may be necessary again because this isolation of Rifqa has gotten worse and simply cannot be allowed to continue. The director of Children’s services may be the best person to contact about the abusive restrictions that are being put on Rifqa. Emails should be polite, yet direct. His name is Eric Fenner, and he can be contacted at this address:
Thank you so much for your continued support and prayer for Rifqa Bary. There is much at stake in the next few weeks.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -3.20
10:00 AM -22.98
10:30 AM -23.88
11:00 AM -36.51
11:30 AM -28.19
12:00 PM -19.80
12:30 PM -27.36
01:00 PM -24.11
01:30 PM -23.20
02:00 PM -32.05
02:30 PM -26.98
03:00 PM -25.22
03:30 PM -24.72
04:00 PM +11.33 10,618.20
S&P 500 1144.98 +3.29
NASDAQ 2317.17 +17.12
GOLD 1,136.10 +2.40
OIL 82.88 +0.22
TSE 300 11,953.83 +66.32
CDNX 1603.39 +11.26
S&P/TSX/60 702.81 +4.40
Dow -22 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -52 points at low today.
Dow +13 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,137.00.OIL opens at $82.31 today.
Dow -52 points at low today so far.
Dow +13 points at high today so far.
Dow -52 points at low today.
Dow +13 points at high today.
Another flight, another Muslim behaving badly
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
8 January 2010: Delta Airlines Flight 2485, scheduled to fly from Miami to Detroit at 5:45 pm Wednesday was disrupted just before takeoff by a 43 year-old Muslim passenger who told others seated nearby that [he] wanted to kill all of the Jews.Convicted Ohio felon Mansor Mohammed ASAD (a/k/a Mansor Mohammed ASSAB) became loud and disruptive, making threats in English and also speaking in Arabic. The 42 year-old ASAD, a resident of Toledo, Ohio also threatened police officers who removed him from the aircraft, stating that he had fights with police in Toledo.
A cursory background search conducted by this investigator found two felony charges filed against him in Lucas County, Ohio in September, 1999. He was charged with two felonious assault charges (F4) against police officers in that incident.
According to passengers aboard the flight, ASAD refused to heed the warnings of the flight crew before takeoff and became more belligerent to the passengers and crew. Although authorities claimed ASAD posed no security threat, the pilot returned to the gate where he was removed from the aircraft and arrested. According to airline and TSA officials, the matter will be handled by local authorities.
Speaking on behalf of the Anti-Defamation League, Florida regional director Andrew Rosenkranz said it was deeply disturbed by the alleged anti-Semitic rant by Mansor Mohammad ASAD. Such comments point out the fact that anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews is still very much a part of society,he said a statement.
Watch the courtroom drama unfold between Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Jorge E. Cueto and Mansor Mohammad Asad:VIDEO LINK UPTOP
CAIR Assaults Rifqa Bary’s Constitutional Rights
By Sean Osborne, Assistant Director
7 January 2010: Background: 17-year old Rifqa Bary is a former Muslim who converted to faith in Jesus Christ. Upon learning of Rifqa’s decision for Christ her devout Muslim parents, Mohamed and Aysha Bary of the Noor Islamic Cultural Center, stood true to the totalitarian tenants of Islam and promptly threatened their daughter with death according to the dictates of Shari’a law for those who renounce Islam.
Rifqa, fearing for her life on the evidence of her fathers very violent reaction to her conversion, fled her parents Columbus, Ohio home in July 2009 to the Florida home of Pastor Blake and Beverly Lorenz and the case immediately became a national news sensation. Her parents, in true Islamic al-taqiyya fashion, deny any threat was made. However, it is a well established fact that apostasy from Islam is punishable by death. Florida child welfare authorities took custody of Rifqa and in October she was returned to Ohio under the care of Franklin County Children Services which hopes to have all legal issues resolved prior to Rifqa’s 18th birthday on August 10,2010. That date cannot come soon enough.
The Florida court proceedings also revealed that Rifqa’s parents are almost certainly illegal Sri Lankan immigrants to the United States. Rifqa’s parents promptly defied the court and refused to provide any documentation of their legal residence in this country. A contempt of court charge resulted and in a back-room deal attempt by David Colley, the former attorney representing Rifqa’a parents, to get the contempt of court immigration issue dropped on the condition that Rifqa would be allowed to live under foster care until her 18th birthday fell through. Colley was fired and CAIR-paid attorneys Omar Tarazi and Shayan Elahi entered the picture and Rifqa’s Constitutional rights went out the window.
The current situation: In the ongoing legal proceedings the al-Ikhwan al-Muslimuun (Muslim Brotherhood) and HAMAS terrorist front group CAIR became directly involved in appointing the above named lawyers to Rifqa parents. Omar Tarazi remains on the case and was instrumental in the further isolation of Rifqa from her firends and supporters. According to the The JAWA Report, Omar Tarazi has been supported by another CAIR Islamist within the Ohio Department of Public Safety office of Multicultural Affairs, one Omar Alomari. The linked JAWA report is a MUST READ!
Rifqa’s only contact with the rest of the world, Pastor Jamal Jivanjee, reports the following turn of recent events:
Dear friends and supporters of Rifqa Bary,
As we begin this New Year, Iwould like to ask you to take a few minutes to remember in your prayers someurgent developments regarding Rifqa Bary’s situation. Even though many wereexpecting Rifqa to be a dependent of the state of Ohio by now, (and thus be protected from being returned to the dire situation that she fled from), that is certainly not the case. As you may know, Rifqa’s last hearing was held on December 22nd. During the hearing, dependency was not addressed, rather a trial to determine dependency was rescheduled for January 28th. The proceedings that occurred on December 22nd simply ensured that she would not be forced to meet with her parents (mediation) as her parents were demanding, and the motion to block people (3rd parties) from communicating with Rifqa was withdrawn. This seemed like good news for Rifqa, and I left the courthouse in Franklin County pleased with the outcome of the day’s proceedings. This quickly changed the next few days as we became aware of what actually transpired behind the scenes.
Since Rifqa has been back in Ohio, the heat has gradually been turned up against her. To be blunt however, after this latest hearing on December 22nd, it seems that all hell has literally broken loose against Rifqa. As you may know, C.A.I.R. (Council on American Islamic Relations) is actively supporting Rifqa’s parents in this case. C.A.I.R. is a national organization which has a very precarious background whose roots are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. Without getting into the specifics regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and C.A.I.R.’s ties to them, you should be aware that the Muslim Brotherhood is responsible for every major terror organization that currently exists. C.A.I.R. has went to great lengths to put together a strategy to attack Rifqa Bary and her testimony of faith in Jesus Christ. It seems surreal to think that such a powerful organization has decided to attack a 17 year old convert to Christianity with such hostility, but that is indeed what they have done. The strategy of their attack is centered around 2 major objectives.
Objective #1… Keep Rifqa Bary isolated and discouraged
This objective has risen to a new level as the Bary’s C.A.I.R. appointed attorney, Omar Tarazi, filed a motion to ban Rifqa from receiving all 3′rd party communications (Christmas cards, notes, messages, etc…) While this motion was basically withdrawn, there was an undisclosed agreement made with the C.A.I.R. appointed attorney to require all communications to be screened by the court appointed (GAL) for Rifqa. Before the hearing on December 22nd, Rifqa’s own attorney was the one screening communications for Rifqa. Apparently, this was not acceptable to C.A.I.R. They did accept the court appointed (GAL) to screen Rifqa’s communication however. They probably assumed that the court appointed (GAL) for Rifqa would see things more to the liking of C.A.I.R.
As a result, since the last hearing, Rifqa has been literally cut off from the outside world. Currently, Rifqa has absolutely no official visitors list even though in Florida she was permitted supervised visits, and I was told by Children’s services weeks ago in Ohio that a visitors list was being developed for Rifqa. Also, before the last hearing on December 22nd, Rifqa had one approved contact that she was allowed to have phone conversations with. After the hearing in December, Rifqa has not been allowed to have phone contact with any of her friends! When I have inquired about the reasoning behind Rifqa’s isolation, I am told that foster children are not entitled to receive phone calls from friends, nor are they entitled visits from people. This still does not explain the fact that even since she has been back in Ohio foster care, she has been permitted to talk on the phone with a few people under supervision, but since December 22nd, she has been forbidden to actually talk on the phone to the people that she was allowed to talk to at all! Criminals are treated better because in prison, they have the ability to make phone calls and have pastoral visits. Not so with Rifqa Bary, and it is incredibly unjust.
Objective #2…Attack those who saved Rifqa’s life and destroy her testimony
In the state of Ohio, a child can become a dependent of the state simply by showing the court that there was a conflict in the home. Anyone who knew Rifqa Bary knew very well about the nature of the conflict that she faced at home. As a matter of fact, there are upwards of 50 people who, if allowed, could possibly testify to the fact that Rifqa greatly feared for her life long before she fled from her parents in Ohio. The evidence is actually overwhelming in favor of supporting Rifqa’s assertion that she was in tremendous fear for her life for quite some time.
As a result of this overwhelming evidence, the C.A.I.R. appointed attorney wants to take the attention off of the threats that have been made against Rifqa by her parents, as well as any criticism against the Noor Mosque in central Ohio. Remember, this is the same mosque that put tremendous pressure on Rifqa’s parents to punish and deal with her conversion to Christianity.
Instead, they have brutally attacked 3 individuals, (Brian Williams of Columbus, & Blake and Beverly Lorenz of Orlando Florida) who LITERALLY saved Rifqa’s life by helping her when she fled her home. The attack and character assassination against these people has been horrific to say the least. This attack has been carried out by C.A.I.R., the media, and even some in the church community! This attack against them is very intentional. The strategy of Rifqa’s parents and C.A.I.R. is to make theassertion that Rifqa was brainwashed by the Lorenz family, as well as by Brian Williams. They are saying that Rifqa had no conflict in the home with her parents before she met them. They have been billed as predators that lured a very impressionable new convert away from her home.
Not only has C.A.I.R. been making these allegations themselves, now they have purportedly either threatened, or persuaded a former employee of the Lorenz’s church community to lie and make the same allegations against them as well! Well, with all this untruth and slander that has been leveled against Brian Williams and Blake & Beverly Lorenz, I am compelled to tell the truth surrounding how they got connected to Rifqa Bary.
Modern Day Heroes…Brian Williams & Blake and Beverly Lorenz
I have had the privilege of knowing Brian for the last several years. Brian is a young man who is very passionate about his faith in Jesus, and has a tremendous heart for seeing people mobilized to pray to affect change in our nation. Brian has started several prayer groups online, one of which now has over 100,000 members. The specific prayer group that Brian started on facebook that I’d like to talk about here is a group called the United States of Prayer. This prayer group is the specific group that Rifqa Bary joined with a collection of people from around the country, including Beverly Lorenz. This was simply a group of people who are passionate about prayer. Most of the members, Rifqa Bary included, did not know each other prior to joining the group, rather they simply heard about the group on facebook and joined. It was through this group that Rifqa developed relationships with many people, including Brian Williams and the Lorenz family.
I’ll share this story to give you an example of what the group was like. On a particular day in early 2008, Brian shared with the group a need for prayer regarding a woman whom he knew who was making plans to acquire an abortion. Brian set up a conference call for that specific evening and invited the group members to call in and pray over the phone for the life of this baby and for the mother who was considering the abortion. About 40-50 people actually called in and prayed over the phone for this baby and for the mother. Rifqa happened to be one of the people who called in and prayed. Remember, Rifqa is not a new convert to Christianity as C.A.I.R. and others are claiming. She has been a Christian for over 4 years!
Since she lived out her faith under great duress at home, Rifqa’s main outlet for her faith was simply prayer, and this has ensured that her faith is much stronger than the average institutional church member in America! There are not many 16 year old girls in America today who would call in to a prayer group to pray for a woman whom they didn’t know. As people would find out, Rifqa is a very strong person who is passionate about God and people. Those who got to know her were amazed at how strong her faith is in general, not to mention that she was only 16 at the time. This particular story has a beautiful ending as the woman decided not to abort her baby, and the mother herself discovered faith in Jesus as well.
As a natural result of this prayer group, friendships began to form and people began to get to know each other. Since Rifqa was forbidden to attend any institutional church, these relationships acted as her church so to speak. Rifqa began forming close relationships with people like Abigal Dykema who spent hours on the phone mentoring Rifqa through extremely difficult times in her home. There were others like Shannon Psotta who got to know Rifqa as well through this group. The more that people got to know Rifqa, the more they realized the abuse that Rifqa had endured and the hostility that Rifqa was facing at home. Rifqa herself shared the threat that she was facing with her new friends from the prayer group.
When Rifqa fled her home, she chose to seek out Blake & Beverly Lorenz for help. Beverly was first informed about Rifqa’s situation from Shannon Psotta (a friend from the facebook prayer group). When Beverly heard about the serious situation that Rifqa was facing, she simply began to pray for Rifqa. It was shortly after that time that Rifqa herself reached out and contacted Beverly for help. I am convinced that by taking Rifqa into their home when circumstances developed that forced Rifqa to flee, they literally saved Rifqa’s life!
Once we look at the facts in this case, it is a preposterous idea to think that Rifqa was a recent convert to Christianity who was brainwashed to run away. This was clearly not the case as I also knew her and the seriousness of her situation. Brian Williams told me that before he met Rifqa, he knew nothing about Islam, honor killings, or apostasy. He had never even seen a mosque as well. It was Rifqa who informed him about all these things! Does that sound like brainwashing to you? This courageous decision by the Lorenz family, and Brian Williams to help Rifqa has come with a high cost, however. The media has ruthlessly attacked their character, they have been under investigation, and they have even been attacked and maligned by their own church community.
It is time for these lies to be exposed for what they are, and for the truth to be known about who these people are. By getting to know them better the last few months, I can personally tell you that these people are modern day heroes who have a tremendous love for people! I am convinced that it would do our nation well if we followed the courageous example of people like Brian Williams and the Lorenz family. If we commend and celebrate the actions of folks like Harriet Tubman and Corrie ten Boom in recent history, why are we attacking and persecuting those who follow in their example?
So what does this have to do with Rifqa Bary being in grave danger? EVERYTHING!
This case is simply about a young girl who has decided to become a follower of Jesus
(Christian) and leave Islam, and as a result of this decision, her life is on the line. This is the same story that happens all over the globe to other Muslims who leave Islam to follow Christ. Rifqa is simply one of millions. If C.A.I.R. is successful in keeping attention focused on the lies that are being leveled against Brian Williams and the Lorenz family, then they never have to deal with the real issue that this case centers around. Again, this case is about a girl who has decided to leave Islam and follow Jesus as the Messiah (Christ). This case is also about exposing the threat that people face when they leave Islam. I am also convinced that this is a wakeup call.
By creating a fictitious reality that states that Rifqa was a weak and impressionable young girl who was brainwashed, they hope to convince the court that there was no real conflict in the home. This would cause the court to dismiss Rifqa’s plea for dependency and thereby send her back home. If that were to happen, her life would be in extreme danger. As you may realize, this trial for dependency on January 28th is very important and the truth about this situation must be made known quickly as her trial date is fast approaching. If you are a Christian, I would again like to ask that you and your church communities pray for this precedent setting case in our nation. Pray for Rifqa’s encouragement, strength, and wisdom as well as for wisdom for her legal team. Please pray for Rifqa’s family as well.
In the past many of you have emailed Franklin County Children’s services. This may be necessary again because this isolation of Rifqa has gotten worse and simply cannot be allowed to continue. The director of Children’s services may be the best person to contact about the abusive restrictions that are being put on Rifqa. Emails should be polite, yet direct. His name is Eric Fenner, and he can be contacted at this address:
Thank you so much for your continued support and prayer for Rifqa Bary. There is much at stake in the next few weeks.
12 And the ten horns (NATIONS) which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse:(PEACE) and he that sat on him had a bow;(EU DICTATOR) and a crown was given unto him:(PRESIDENT OF THE EU) and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.(MILITARY GENIUS)
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.(THE EU AND ITS DICTATOR IS GODLESS)
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.(DICTATOR COMES FROM NEW AGE OR OCCULT)
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;(MURDERERD) and his deadly wound was healed:(COMES BACK TO LIFE) and all the world wondered after the beast.(THE WORLD THINKS ITS GOD IN THE FLESH, MESSIAH TO ISRAEL)
4 And they worshipped the dragon (SATAN) which gave power unto the beast:(JEWISH EU DICTATOR) and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?(FALSE RESURRECTION,SATAN BRINGS HIM TO LIFE)
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.(GIVEN WORLD CONTROL FOR 3 1/2YRS)
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,(HES A GOD HATER) to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.(HES A LIBERAL OR DEMOCRAT,WILL PUT ANYTHING ABOUT GOD DOWN)
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,(BEHEAD THEM) and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.(WORLD DOMINATION)
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.(WORLD DICTATOR)
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.(SAVED CHRISTIANS AND JEWS DIE FOR THEIR FAITH AT THIS TIME,NOW WE ARE SAVED BY GRACE BUT DURING THE 7 YEARS OF HELL ON EARTH, PEOPLE WILL BE PUT TO DEATH (BEHEADINGS) FOR THEIR BELIEF IN GOD (JESUS) OR THE BIBLE.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come (ROMANS IN AD 70) shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMANS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he( EU ROMAN, JEWISH DICTATOR) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:( 7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,( 3 1/2 YRS) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.James Paul Warburg appearing before the Senate on 7th February 1950
Like a famous WWII Belgian General,Paul Henry Spock said in 1957:We need no commission, we have already too many. What we need is a man who is great enough to be able to keep all the people in subjection to himself and to lift us out of the economic bog into which we threaten to sink. Send us such a man. Be he a god or a devil, we will accept him.And today, sadly, the world is indeed ready for such a man.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
How many presidents does it take the to run EU? By ROBERT WIELAARD, Associated Press Writer – JAN 8,10
MADRID – Europe spent years trying to create the post of EU president. Now it has three.On Friday, the EU's three top executives took the stage together for the first time at a news conference that critics say makes a mockery of the bloc's stated goal to streamline its decision making process.Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero this month assumed the rotating EU presidency weeks after Belgian Herman Van Rompuy became the bloc's first permanent president. The EU also has another president in Jose Manuel Barroso, the European Commission chief.As they stood together at the Spanish leader's office complex, the three were peppered with different versions of the same question: Who, exactly, is in charge? All of them, it turns out.
In the EU there is not one man or one women who decides, said Van Rompuy.We each have a role.Perhaps, but it was all not supposed to be this way.The EU harbored lofty ambitions to give Europe a bigger voice on the world stage in forcing Europe to embrace a reform treaty that gives it a full-fledged president — despite repeated no votes in member state referendums.Now, while it's possible the EU will try to speak louder, it is doubtful its message will be heard any clearer amid a potential cacophony of leaders' voices competing for attention.With the November selection of Van Rompuy, the former Belgian prime minister, the EU ostensibly fulfilled its dream of creating an executive that would finally give the world somebody to call when it wanted to speak to Europe.But the decision by EU leaders was widely criticized. Few even in Europe had ever heard of the bland, professorial Van Rompuy — who appeared to have been picked over heavyweights like Britain's Tony Blair because he was the least offensive candidate to all.This week, a further twist became apparent: While the EU has a new permanent president it still hasn't gotten rid of its rotating six-month presidency, which Zapatero assumed on Jan. 1.Adding to the confusion is Barroso's role as European Commission president. He is responsible for running the EU's day-to-day agenda and has become accustomed to shaking important hands across Europe and in Washington, Moscow, Beijing, Brasilia and New Delhi.The rotating presidency has been an EU fixture since the late 1950s and the holder has often played a vital role in acting as an arbiter on contentious issues ranging from farm subsidies to the very contours of the EU's once ambitious reform plan.Ironically, the confusing wealth of presidents is a legacy of hard-fought reforms to overhaul EU institutions and decision-making powers after the bloc nearly doubled in size in 2004.The measures cut red tape, provided for simpler voting rules and gave the European Parliament a big say in shaping EU policies. But they also created Barroso's position and paved the way for Van Rompuy's unlikely ascension.The architects of the Lisbon Treaty — as the EU's reform blueprint is called — had envisioned the permanent EU president holding far greater clout than the EU's rotating presidency.
But this week, Zapatero put that notion to rest — making clear he has no intention of taking a back seat to Van Rompuy. We need to play our role, Zapatero said. He said it will be Van Rompuy's task to prepare and chair summit meetings of EU leaders and represent the EU abroad.But the rotating presidency, he told journalists, would be the EU's motor: It has to act as a factory of ideas and initiatives.As to Barroso, he said, it remains the job of the European Commission's job remains to guarantee compliance with the EU treaty.
Spain to push for binding EU economic goals
ANDREW WILLIS Today JAN 8,10 @ 09:06 CET
Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has said the EU's new 10-year economic plan, set to be agreed over the coming months, should have binding goals and corrective measures for member states that do not comply. Speaking ahead of the formal inauguration of Spain's EU presidency on Thursday (7 January), Mr Zapatero also suggested that the European Commission be given new powers to police the fledgling plan, currently known as the 2020 Strategy.It is absolutely necessary for the 2020 Economic Strategy ... to take on a new nature, a binding nature, said Mr Zapatero.The Spanish leader suggested potential penalties for member states that fail to reach agreed economic targets could include cutbacks in payments from the EU budget.This is something we are going to put on the table. But I cannot preempt the outcome of the debate, said the Socialist prime minister, whose country is the first to hold the EU's six-month rotating presidency under the bloc's new Lisbon Treaty rules. The calls for greater and more co-ordinated European efforts to tackle the ailing economy stand next to Spain's domestic situation, where years of rapid expansion ended abruptly with the onset of the financial crisis and the implosion of the country's property bubble.
While remaining vague on many of the details, Mr Zapatero said a common energy policy and a common digital economy were examples of the priorities that should be included in the EU growth strategy.Our main aim is to introduce a qualitative leap in our economic union by means of new common policies, he said, pointing to the need for a greater role to be played by the commission. The Lisbon Treaty allows for more co-ordination, and for that to be truly effective, we need to equip the European Commission with new powers,said the Spanish leader, pointing to the absence of strong enforcement for the failure of the bloc's current economic plan, due to expire this year.
Outlook not bright, says Van Rompuy
EU leaders are set to discuss the bloc's economic situation and the 2020 Strategy at an informal summit on 11 February, convened by the bloc's new permanent president, Herman Van Rompuy. Speaking on Thursday at a Christian Social Union party conference in Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, Mr Van Rompuy said the bloc's long-term outlook is not bright, citing severe industrial decay in the wake of the deepest European recession since the Great Depression.The former prime minister of Belgium said the lingering effects of the crisis may include a drop in investment on a permanent basis and higher structural unemployment, adding that western Europe risked losing its industrial base.Germany is the exception, but the Benelux countries, Italy and the UK are de-industrialising rapidly,he told attendees. Mixed economic data would tend to support Mr Van Rompuy's pessimistic statements, with positive data this week on EU business confidence in December tempered by poor retail figures for November in the eurozone.
Van Rompuy makes debut at Turkey-sceptic gathering
VALENTINA POP Today JAN 8,10 @ 09:23 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Herman Van Rompuy on Thursday (7 January) delivered his first official speech as president of the EU council at a party gathering of Bavarian conservatives, just days after the group caused a stir in Turkey with a paper underlining its opposition to the country's membership of the EU.Mr Van Rompuy explained his decision to attend the conclave of the Christian-Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian sister party of Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats, by saying that the EU needs thriving national democracies.Delivering a speech at a party gathering doesn't make you a party man, the centre-right Belgian politician argued, stressing that in his new EU capacity his only master to serve is the collection of EU leaders. The Bavarians had simply been quicker than other political parties to invite him, he added.The CSU party is a long-standing opponent of Turkey's full membership of the EU, with a position paper confirming its stance leaked ahead of Mr Van Rompuy's visit.The paper, published by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Tuesday, called for an end to the painful EU accession negotiations and replacing Turkey's membership perspective with a privileged partnership.Mr Van Rompuy's speech avoided touching on the Turkey issue. He mentioned enlargement, but only in regard to Croatia and other Western Balkan countries. Turkish newspapers and politicians have decried the CSU's opposition to Ankara's EU membership bid. Mr Van Rompuy himself in 2004 said Turkey is not a part of Europe. But since being appointed EU president he has stressed that his personal opinions are irrelevant,as his job is to seek consensus among member states.
German foreign minister in Turkey
The CSU position paper caused problems for German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle, who embarked this week on a tour of Muslim countries. The Liberal politician had to reassure his hosts of Germany's commitment to Turkey's EU bid, Die Welt reports. I have not come here as a tourist in shorts, but as foreign minister. What I say, counts, Mr Westerwelle said in Ankara, while underlining that his governing coalition, of which the CSU is also a member, had pledged not to block the negotiation process.Meanwhile, bickering between the Bavarian conservatives and the Liberals has prompted Ms Merkel to call for a crisis meeting this Sunday and for a fresh start for the governing coalition.
EU commissioner hearings to go ahead without staff protests
HONOR MAHONY Today JAN 8,10 @ 12:49 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The hearings of the nominee EU commissioners by MEPs next week will go ahead without disruption after European Parliament chief Jerzy Buzek indicated to staff unions that the assembly would sign up to a European Commission court case against member states over their blocking of a standard pay rise for EU officials.The secretary general of the parliament, Klaus Welle, met union officials on Thursday (7 January) to make it clear that the parliament chief supported the line of the unions.[Mr Welle] gave a very strong message to the leadership of the unions that Mr Buzek was on their side, said a spokesperson for the president.The parliament staff unions had previously threatened to disrupt the hearings of commissioners by staging protests in front of the meeting rooms if they did not get their way.They wanted a public commitment of support from Mr Buzek for the European Commission's decision last week to challenge member states before court for refusing to accept a 3.7 percent rise in pay for EU officials, instead opting for a 1.85 percent wage hike amid the ongoing economic crisis.
The annual pay adjustment for EU staff, agreed by governments in 2004, is an automatic mechanism and is based on the average of the pay for civil servants in eight member states, including France, Germany, the UK and Italy, in the previous year. This year the wage issue became headline news as some countries baulked at agreeing a wage hike while many EU citizens are having to tighten their belts.The commission, which has emphasized the legal nature of the dispute between itself and member states, on Wednesday said it would take the court route as member states were breaking EU rules. A similar case in 1973 saw the commission win. EU staff, who staged protests in December, argue that the same mechanism will likely mean that their wages go down in 2011.Tom Morgan, of the Syndicat General du Personnel des Organisations Europeennes, said unions were very happy with the parliament's support, adding that after all it is not the parliament which is the bad guy in this.As part of the commitment to the unions, Mr Buzek is next week expected to make a statement on the issue to parliament staff as well as discuss it with commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso.
French law could see fines for burqas
ANDREW RETTMAN Today JAN 8,10 @ 09:20 CET
The author of a new anti-burqa law in France has told the press he will propose €750 fines for women wearing the head-to-toe covering.Jean-Francois Cope, the leader of France's ruling centre-right UMP party, gave advance notice of the bill in an interview with Le Figaro magazine out on Thursday (7 January).He said the legislation would prohibit the covering of the face in public places and on the streets, with the exception of special cultural events or carnivals meaning that wearing a burqa would qualify for a fine, probably of the fourth class, that is to say €750.Any person forcing a woman to wear the garment would face a worse fine.
Mr Cope defended the proposals on grounds of national security and women's rights. We can measure the modernity of a society by the way it treats and respects women, he told Le Figaro.The bill is to be formally introduced in the next 15 days but will not be debated by the house until after regional elections in March. If it goes through, implementation will be phased in gradually.The French interior ministry estimates that just 1,900 women in France wear a burqa in a country home to some 5 million Muslims.Mr Cope's law has already come in for criticism from the left.The burqa is a prison for women and has no place in the French Republic. But an ad-hoc law would not have the anticipated effect, Socialist Party spokesman Benoit Hamon said on Wednesday.Some figures on the right have also come out against the scheme, with Xavier Bertrand, the secretary general of the UMP, telling French radio on Thursday that he favours a non-binding resolution condemning the garment instead.
President Nicolas Sarkozy last June said the burqa is not welcome in France but has not spoken about the law as such.France in 2004 already banned the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols, including Muslim headscarves, by pupils in state schools and by public sector workers.
TRAIL OF TERROR CIA bomber wanted body used as fertilizer for jihadists
Oh God, I beseech Thee that I would massacre Your enemies January 08, 2010
1:00 am Eastern By Bob Unruh © 2010 WorldNetDaily
A jihadi website posted a posthumous statement from the attacker who blew up himself and seven CIA employees in Afghanistan in which the man frets about not being a martyr and having to face judgment for his sins. I'm afraid of shameful exposure in the courts of the day of resurrection if I'm not killed by the weapon of my enemy. I'm afraid to be branded as a liar, and that my words will be the evidence for my conviction. Whenever I hear of someone who died I die, and with every illness about which I hear – I become ill,said the statement from Abu Dajana Al-Khorasani. The statement was captured from the jihadi forum site by the Middle East Media Research Institute, which has included it in a report on its subscription Jihad & Terrorism Threat Monitor report.The article,When Will My Words Drink My Blood? – I Am Now Fit For Publication,apparently was written shortly before the bomber took on his suicide mission. It is attributed to Al-Khorasani, a pen name used by Hammam Khalil al-Balawi to post jihad writings.
The bomber killed seven CIA officers and a Jordanian when a package of explosives he had strapped to his body exploded at a meeting at the CIA's Forward Operating Base Chapman in the Khost province of Afghanistan. He reportedly had been recruited by intelligence agents for Jordan and was taken to Afghanistan to act as a spy on jihadists in the region. He, however, turned out to be a double agent, launching the deadly attack on colleagues who presumed he was on their side. In the article preserved by MEMRI, the bomber wrote, I decided to avoid publishing this article, by way of precaution, in accordance with the Hadith In time of trial, seek hiding. However, the sight of the blood of Muslims in Gaza, small children, women, and powerless people, who were killed by the bombs of the brethren of apes and pigs, encouraged me to publish the article, so that it may strengthen the resolve of [even] a single Muslim in the frontlines, and that I will gain reward from Allah.
I can no longer write, and I want to be sent to early retirement. I have gone bankrupt. I have withered. I'm tired, I'm fed up. I try to write this or that article, and then, when I have written just a line or two, my words turn into something incoherent, as if I suffer from mental blindness or emotional confusion. My written lines weigh heavy on my shoulders, and my words come to besiege me whenever I close my eyes. These feelings which burden me – I can no longer bear them. I feel that my words have become pale and without effect, he continued. My heart burns to ashes because of my love for jihad. Oh, you who write about jihad and urge people to it, beware of falling in the same trap like me. What I fear most is that [when I die] I would meet a man who died as a martyr under the effect of my words, whereas I shall die in bed. This is a nightmare which makes me sleepless and it wrecks my nerves. I'm afraid that on the day of resurrection, standing before a mountain of [my] sins, I shall be asked to account for each and every one of them, and it shall be a long account, and I will be covered with sweat, while they [i.e. the martyrs] will be moving about the rooms of paradise in everlasting pleasure. One of them will say to the other: What do you say about him who used to be called Abu Dajana Al-Khurasani, who used to urge people to go to jihad? And the other one will answer: But he died in bed, a contemptible death, having stayed away from jihad. I wish for him that he had benefited by his own words. He was like a wick that burned itself to give light to the others.
He worried about the shame of not dying by an enemy's weapon.
With every passing year I grow ten years older. This is Allah's judgment regarding those who stay away from jihad… My words are going to die if I don't save them with my blood, and my emotions will be extinguished if I don't kindle them with my death. My articles will testify against me, if I don't give them the proof of my being free of hypocrisy,he wrote. It's either me or them [my articles]. The world cannot have both of us in it. One of us must die, so that the other can continue to live, and I wish it is I who shall die. By God, if the reward for martyrdom for the sake of Allah had only been forgiveness of sins and the exemption from being called to account for one's sins, I should sacrifice my property and my life for it. All the more so, since the reward includes also the uppermost paradise. How much more so since it also includes being in the company of the Prophet Muhammad. All the more so, since it includes being safe from the great anxiety [on the Day of Judgment]. All the more so, since it includes the right to intercede on behalf of seventy members of family… I looked at my extended family and counted more than 100 persons, both dead and alive, but I have not found among them any martyr, or the father, or mother, or brother of a martyr. I don't know any martyr amongst whose seventy relatives, for whom he intercedes, I can be counted. So how shouldn't I worry, and how shouldn't I be alarmed? How wouldn't my heart be shaken, since the great gate of intercession is closed in my face,he wrote. Oh God, I beseech Thee not to let me die except as a martyr for Your sake. Oh God, I beseech Thee that I would [be given the chance to] massacre Your enemies and then be killed under the ruins of a building destroyed by the Jews and the crusaders, and that the rescue people shall not take out my body, so that my corpse should turn into human fertilizer that will bring forth fruit upon which a Muslim child shall feed and become a jihad fighter when he grows up,he wrote.The Middle East Media Research Institute is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes Middle East media.
3 Malaysian churches attacked in Allah dispute By VIJAY JOSHI, Associated Press Writer - JAN 8,10
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – Three churches in Malaysia were attacked with firebombs, causing extensive damage to one, as Muslims pledged Friday to prevent Christians from using the word Allah, escalating religious tensions in the multiracial country.
Many Malay Muslims, who make up 60 percent of the population, are incensed by a recent High Court decision to overturn a ban on Roman Catholics using Allah as a translation for God in the Malay-language edition of their main newspaper, the Herald.The government says Allah, an Arabic word that predates Islam, is exclusive to the faith and by extension to Malays. It refuses to make an exception, even though the Herald's Malay edition is read only by Christian indigenous tribes in the remote states of Sabah and Sarawak.At Friday prayers at two main mosques in downtown Kuala Lumpur, young worshippers carried banners and gave fiery speeches, vowing to defend Islam.We will not allow the word Allah to be inscribed in your churches, one speaker shouted into a loudspeaker at the Kampung Bahru mosque. About 50 other people carried posters reading Heresy arises from words wrongly used and Allah is only for us.Islam is above all. Every citizen must respect that, said Ahmad Johari, who attended prayers at the National Mosque.I hope the court will understand the feeling of the majority Muslims of Malaysia. We can fight to the death over this issue.The demonstrations were held inside the mosque compounds to follow a police order against protests on the streets. Participants dispersed peacefully afterward.
Malaysia is often held up as a model for other Islamic countries because of its economic development, progressive society and generally peaceful coexistence between the Malay majority and the ethnic Chinese and Indian minorities who are mostly Christians, Buddhists and Hindus.The Allah controversy, however, has the potential to shatter that carefully nurtured harmony, drive a deep racial wedge and scare away sorely needed foreign investment as the country struggles to emerge from the global financial crisis.Prime Minister Najib Razak condemned the attacks on the churches by unidentified assailants, who struck before dawn in different suburbs of Kuala Lumpur. He said the government would take whatever steps it can to prevent such acts.
Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the country's leaders were very concerned about the situation.We don't want this to spread out into something else. ... I am not only assuring the minorities, I am assuring all Malaysians — anybody who is in Malaysia — that they are safe, he told reporters.In the first attack, the ground-level office of the three-story Metro Tabernacle Church was destroyed in a blaze set off by a firebomb thrown by attackers on motorcycles soon after midnight, police said. The worship areas on the upper two floors were undamaged and there were no injuries.Two other churches were attacked hours later, with one sustaining minor damage while the other was not damaged. Church officials had earlier said a fourth church was attacked but they later retracted the report saying they were misinformed. National police chief Musa Hassan said the report of the fourth attack was a rumor.
No arrests have been made.
The tribespeople of Sabah and Sarawak, who speak only Malay, have always referred to God as Allah, an Arabic word used not only by Muslims but also by Christians in Muslim-majority countries such as Egypt, Syria and Indonesia.Many Malaysian Muslims say its use by others would mislead people, tempting them to convert to Christianity.
Since the verdict, hateful comments and threats against Christians have been posted widely on the Internet, but this was the first time the controversy turned destructive. Kuala Lumpur police Chief Mohamad Sabtu Osman told The Associated Press that a witness saw four people on two motorcycles breaking the glass front of the Metro Tabernacle church and throwing an incendiary object inside before fleeing. He said police found a wrench, an empty gasoline can and two scorched motorcycle helmets at the scene. The backlash against the court verdict has reinforced complaints by minorities that they face institutional discrimination. They say it is almost impossible to get permission to build new churches and temples. Some Hindu temples have been demolished in the past. Court verdicts in religious disputes usually favor Muslims.Associated Press writers Julia Zappei, Sean Yoong and Eileen Ng contributed to this report.
Taiwan firm: China got Iran part with nuke uses By DEBBY WU, Associated Press Writer – Fri Jan 8, 8:47 am ET
TAIPEI, Taiwan – A Taiwanese company agreed to a request from a firm in China to procure sensitive components with nuclear uses, then shipped them to Iran, the firm's head said Friday. Such transactions violate U.N. sanctions imposed on the Middle Eastern nation.The admission by Steven Lin of Hsinchu-based Heli-Ocean Technology Co. Ltd. comes amid an international effort led by the United States to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. While Lin said he didn't know whether the parts — a vital component in the production of weapons-grade uranium — were eventually used by Iran militarily, he did acknowledge that they have nuclear applications.U.N. sanctions to prevent Iran from expanding its uranium enrichment program have led it to the black market to obtain sophisticated nuclear-related equipment. Aided by these illegal purchases, the program has grown to the stage where thousands of centrifuges are churning out enriched material, which can be used both for fuel or as the fissile core of nuclear warheads.Iran insists that it wants to enrich uranium to generate nuclear power, but its attempts to evade probes by the International Atomic Energy Agency and its refusal to stop enrichment are increasing suspicions it actually seeks weapons capabilities.In a telephone interview with The Associated Press, Lin said he received an Internet order from a Chinese firm in January or February 2008 to obtain an unspecified number of pressure transducers, which convert pressure into analog electrical signals.While pressure transducers have many commercial uses, they furnish the precise measurements needed in the production of weapons-grade uranium.Nuclear proliferation expert David Albright of the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security told the AP that Iran tried hard to procure the transducers in Europe and Canada, but was thwarted by a concerted international effort.However, he said, the existence of the Taiwanese-Chinese connection shows that Iran still has the ability to get what it needs by tapping alternative sources.
This equipment is likely for its gas centrifuge program, he said.Lin did not identify the Chinese company that placed the transducer order, except to say that it was involved in the manufacture of pipeline for the oil industry.He said that he obtained the transducers from a Swiss company, which he declined to name.Lin said that when he contacted the Swiss firm he had no idea where the transducers were heading.It was only at the last minute that the Chinese told me to send them to Iran, he said.Lin arranged for their direct transportation from Taiwan to the Middle East, he said, rather than sending them to the Chinese company first.Lin said that he didn't know what happened to the transducers after they arrived in Iran, though he acknowledged that they have an important role in the nuclear industry.I know that the (peaceful) nuclear research units in Taiwan use these things, he said.The equipment has multiple uses from semiconductors to solar energy to nuclear work.A Taiwanese government official told the AP on Friday that an official probe of the Taiwanese-Iranian transducer connection confirmed that 108 of the transducers had been sent from Taiwan to Iran at a Chinese request, but that the equipment was not precise enough to be placed on the island's export control list.The official, who was in charge of the probe, spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information. Lin apparently felt free to talk because the official investigation, launched last March, did not implicate him in any wrongdoing.
Beside being prohibited by the U.N. from pressure transducer purchases, Iran is also banned from buying them on the open market by the Nuclear Suppliers Group, an international body established to limit nuclear proliferation by controlling the export of materials that can be used in building atomic weapons. Asked about the circuitous route of the transducer transaction — from China to Taiwan to Switzerland, then back to Taiwan and finally to Iran — the Taiwanese official said that such deals were common in international trade. It is fairly common to do business through third parties, he said. He did not elaborate. The U.S. and its allies accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons secretly under the guise of a civilian atomic energy program, but Tehran insists its efforts are aimed only at generating electricity. Washington has been pressing both China and Russia to agree to stepped up sanctions to pressure Iran into stopping its alleged nuclear program, but so far without result. Over the past several years China has been accused of directly aiding the alleged Iranian nuclear weapons development on a number of occasions. Washington has enacted sanctions against several Chinese companies. China has denied involvement in Iran's nuclear programs. At the same time, Beijing has courted close relations with Iran, with Chinese state companies purchasing Iranian oil and investing in Iran's energy industry.
European rabbis worried over body scans
The notion that Orthodox Jewish women, diligent in covering their bodies in accordance with laws of modesty, will appear nude on the screens of full body scanners in airports across the globe has a group of European rabbis up in arms. A computer monitor displays a full-body scan during a demonstration of passenger screening technology by the Transportation Security Administration.
Photo: AP Full body scanners compromise women's modesty, announced the Rabbinical Centre of Europe in a press release Wednesday.Their implementation leaves us concerned.Nevertheless, the rabbis, who lead congregations in Milan, London, Paris and Antwerp, recognize the need to beef up security after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, tried to ignite an explosive called PETN as Northwest Flight 253 approached Detroit on Christmas morning. The rabbis, therefore, suggest a solution that would respect the religious sensibilities of Orthodox Jews, while at the same time maintaining optimal security standards.
Security theater, now playing at your airport
We would recommend that men are scanned by men, and women by women, like body frisks, they wrote.One of the European rabbis agreed to weigh in on the halachic aspects of using the scanner. I do not intend to give a halachic opinion and I do not know what actually is shown on the screen, but if it shows the female body then it could be against the laws of modesty, said Rabbi Ya'akov Schmahl, a member of Antwerp's rabbinical court. The rabbi explained that according to Jewish law it is permitted for a male doctor to treat female patients even if he touches them and sees parts of their body that are normally covered because presumably a doctor is focused on his work and is not inclined to prurience. But if women are not happy - and there are religious women who prefer not to go to male doctors - they should be allowed to be monitored by women. And men might also might not want to show themselves before women.The European spiritual leaders behind the initiative include Rabbi G.M. Garelik, head of the Milan rabbinical court; Rabbi Y.Y. Lichtenstein, head of the rabbinical court run by the Federation of Synagogues in London; Rabbi J.M. Kohen, head of the Paris rabbinical court; and Rabbi D.M. Liberman, chief rabbi of Antwerp. According to a spokesman for the RCE, European rabbis turned their attention to the issue after London's Heathrow Airport announced it would begin implementing the full body scans. There is a very large Jewish population in England and rabbis were concerned, said the spokesman. Canada and some cities in American have also said they would implement full body scans. Italy aims to install full-body scanners at the main airports of Rome and Milan for flights considered at high risk of terrorist attack, Interior Minister Roberto Maroni told newspaper Corriere della Sera on Saturday. In Germany, Education and Research Minister Annette Schavan told Bild am Sonntag Germany could introduce body scanners later this year. The government has made clear it is not against the scanners in principle, but is trying to guarantee privacy rights. Some legal experts have questioned whether the use of the full body scanners would violate Britain's child pornography laws, which prohibit taking nude photos of minors.
Israel successfully tests Iron Dome missile shield
By Ilene R. Prusher – Thu Jan 7, 1:57 pm ET CSM
Jerusalem – Israel tested the use of its new Iron Dome antimissile system several times over the past few days, boosting the likelihood that it can neutralize or severely weaken the ability of Hamas and Hezbollah to launch successful missile strikes at the Jewish state.In recent days, the short-range missile defense system that has been developed over the past 2-1/2 years by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, a government-owned company, has been successfully tested against Qassam rockets, Grad rockets, and mortar shells. The system is expected to be fully operational in May.But after Israel announced the successful tests on Wednesday, Hamas in Gaza appeared to answer on Thursday with a round of mortar fire from the Gaza Strip. At least 10 mortar shells hit Israel on Thursday.The Iron Dome is designed to target the weapons of Israel's most significant regional enemies. These include Hamas's mortar shells and Qassam rockets, Hezbollah's Katyusha rockets, and even Iranian Fajr rockets, some of which Israel says have been smuggled into the Gaza Strip, according to Haaretz newspaper. The program is part of an improved, multilayered defense system that Israel has been developing over the past decade. This includes the Arrow system for long-range ballistic missiles and a still-under-construction medium-range system called Magic Wand.
How it works
One of the advantages of the Iron Dome system is that it can distinguish worthwhile targets - missiles headed for a populated area – from those destined to land in an open field, for example, and not worth trying to knock out of the sky. In wartime, such a tool could be crucial. During Israel's war with Lebanon in the summer of 2006, more than 4,000 Katyusha rockets were fired into Israeli territory.The system has radar detection systems that Rafael says quickly pick up missile launches, transmit data to a computerized launch system, and can then quickly determine if a missile should be launched to intercept the rocket.If the estimated rocket trajectory poses a critical threat, a command is given within seconds and an interceptor is launched, the company writes. The interceptors themselves are maneuverable and have radars of their own to guide them to the target.Shorter-range missiles have become an ongoing threat to Israeli security, and were the ostensible reason Israel launched its war against Hamas in Gaza in late 2008. While past defense systems focused on long-range missiles, shorter-range missiles were deemed harder to hit because they take off and land so quickly. But the Iron Dome can neutralize rockets with a range between 2.5 miles and 50 miles. That would cover most of the rockets that can be fired from Gaza into Israel, as well as those from southern Lebanon. For the first time, Iron Dome faced multiple threats simultaneously. All the threats were intercepted with complete success, a statement from Israel's Defense Ministry said.To be sure, the system comes at a cost. Rafael has estimated that it will cost about $50,000 to shoot down an incoming rocket from the Gaza Strip, while Gaza rocket makers say they can make crude Qassam rockets for as little as $200.
Strategic shift
Analysts say that the new system offers a major strategic shift in how Israel can approach the missile threat.It's a fundamental change in the situation in a very broad sense, says Uzi Rubin, of Rubincon Defense Consulting. With the Qassams, Katyushas, and Sajjils, we were sitting ducks. They could fire at an Israeli city and cause no small amount of mayhem, Rubin says. Until around 2001, longer-range missiles from Iraq or Iran were considered to be the primary threat, and the main tool was an early-warning system, which sent off sirens telling people to hurry into bomb shelters. That's passive defense, which just aims to minimize fatalities. But this is a move from total helplessness to active defense, Rubin adds.Nonetheless, Rubin doesn't expect that it will change the dynamics of conflict. Hamas will still try to shoot rockets of various ranges at Israel. This is an ongoing war – they'll find other means to fight us, he says.But from their point of view, it will rob them of the ability to inflict easy casualties.
US intensifies diplomacy to restart Mideast peace talks by Lachlan Carmichael – Fri Jan 8, 7:13 am ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The Obama administration on Friday begins a flurry of high-level talks aimed at reviving Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, after its Middle East diplomatic debut fell flat last year.Accompanied by Middle East envoy George Mitchell, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will meet in Washington with Foreign Ministers Nasser Judeh of Jordan and Ahmed Abul Gheit of Egypt, the main Arab peace brokers, officials said.Mitchell will then leave late Sunday for Paris and Brussels for consultations with allies, including a meeting of the quartet of the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia, they added.The meeting of the Middle East quartet -- which launched a roadmap for peace in 2003 calling for the creation of a Palestinian state living alongside a secure Israel -- will take place in Brussels.Mitchell will then return to the United States before heading to the Middle East by the end of the month, State Department spokesman PJ Crowley told reporters in announcing the flurry of talks.Days after entering the White House in January last year, President Barack Obama signaled that Arab-Israeli peace was a top priority, but Crowley acknowledged that efforts hit a rough patch late last year.
The Obama administration faced a barrage of Arab accusations that it failed to follow through on its demand that hawkish Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government completely freeze Jewish settlement construction.Crowley said the administration wanted to share ideas about how to get talks started.Clearly the first step in this process is to get the two sides back to formal negotiations and also find a variety of ways to address the very concrete issues concerning both sides, he said.The core issues are borders of a future Palestinian state, the fate of Palestinian refugees, and the status of the holy city of Jerusalem, the eastern portion of which the Palestinians want to turn into their capital.The United States is pushing for borders along the boundary lines where the 1967 war ended, but allowing for land swaps.In an interview with US television PBS on Wednesday, Mitchell said: We think that the negotiation should last no more than two years. Once begun we think it can be done within that period of time.We hope the parties agree. Personally I think it can be done in a shorter period of time, he said, according to a transcript of the interview.On Monday, Israel's Maariv newspaper said Washington was pushing a plan to restart peace talks that foresees reaching a final deal in two years and agreeing on permanent borders in nine months.Under the plan, the Israelis and Palestinians will immediately start final status talks that were suspended during the Gaza war a year ago, Maariv reported, citing unnamed sources.
After meeting in recent days with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, the US-backed Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas said that he was open to negotiations with Israel, but talks could only resume when Jewish settlement activity ends.Under the US plan, the two sides will first discuss the issue of permanent borders, with a deadline of nine months for reaching an agreement, Maariv said.The idea is to have an agreement on borders before the expiry of an Israeli moratorium on new settlement construction in the occupied West Bank, so Israel will start to build again only in those settlements that will be inside its borders under the final status agreement, it said. Underlying the discussions will be the principle of a land swap that has figured prominently in past peace negotiations -- Israel will keep its major settlement blocks in the occupied West Bank and the Palestinians will get land inside Israel in return. Asked if the two sides were any closer to resuming negotiations, Crowley said: I think there is still work to be done.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Snow pushes east after fatal course across Midwest By MEGHAN BARR and JAMES MacPHERSON, Associated Press Writers – JAN 8,10
COLUMBUS, Ohio – A broad snowstorm pushed eastward early Friday ahead of a powerful cold front, complicating the morning rush and closing schools a day after contributing to a crash in Ohio that killed four people in a van carrying disabled adults.The edge of the storm, with light snow flurries, reached the Philadelphia area overnight, and up to 2 inches of snow was likely there and in the New York City area, according to the National Weather Service, which warned commuters to be careful trekking to work.People ought to take it easy when they get out on the road this morning, Weather Service meteorologist Bill Goodman said early Friday.In Ohio, where icy cold winds and snow on Thursday contributed to occasionally treacherous road conditions, the Weather Service warned of a possible lake effect: arctic air blowing over the Great Lakes, picking up moisture and carrying it inland, creating narrow bands of heavy snow. A winter storm warning was in effect until Saturday morning.
The Cincinnati and Columbus school districts canceled Friday classes.
Light snow had begun falling across Ohio on Thursday morning, gradually intensifying throughout the day and continuing through the night. Up to 6 inches was expected Friday, more in the northern parts of the state.A tractor-trailer spun out of control Thursday on a snow-slick Ohio road, killing four people.The tractor-trailer jackknifed on Interstate 70, crossed the highway median and swerved into oncoming traffic, colliding with a small bus transporting adult disabled passengers, the Ohio Highway Patrol said.Three passengers on the bus were killed, as was its driver. Six other passengers of the bus, which was carrying 11 people, were injured, as was the driver of the commercial truck, Sgt. Raymond Durant said.Much of Pennsylvania woke up Friday to at least a coating of snow Friday morning, with a total of 5 to 7 inches expected across the western part of the state.Many schools across the Pennsylvania delayed opening and a few closed in response to the winter weather. Nearly 20 school districts in New Jersey, where a light dusting of snow fell Friday, delayed opening.Snowfall was heaviest in Minnesota and parts of South Dakota, where blowing winds piled up drifts too big for snowplow drivers to clear. In Illinois, six snowplows were involved in accidents, most when other vehicles rear-ended them. By Friday morning, parts of Wisconsin could see up to 12 inches of snow.
Snowflakes fell as far south as Alabama and Georgia.
Atlanta woke to an unusual glaze of ice on the roads Friday after light snow overnight melted and refroze. Authorities urged motorists to stay home in much of Georgia, at least until daylight so they could see ice patches.A 50-year-old woman in the far northern suburb of Acworth died after skidding off a road late Thursday. About 27 vehicles were involved in a pre-dawn crash Friday at the junction of two interstates near the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and three motorists were taken to hospitals.Frostbite-inducing temperatures gripped much of the nation, and schools in at least 10 states were closed, as were roads and government offices.Nowhere was it colder than in Bismarck, N.D., where wind chills hit a frighteningly frigid 52 below zero Thursday and the temperature reached 14 below. Windchills were still near 50 below in the Dakotas for a second day.While North Dakotans get plenty of practice with bundling up, folks in other parts of the country were still learning the basics. With temperatures on the Texas-Mexico border expected to near freezing Thursday night, officials in Laredo issued an advisory telling residents to dress warmly and stay dry.MacPherson reported from Bismarck, N.D. Associated Press writers John Seewer in Toledo, Ohio, and Lisa Cornwell in Cincinnati contributed to this report.
Brrr: Parents fight for sleds as Europe shivers By ANGELA CHARLTON and JUERGEN BAETZ, Associated Press Writers – JAN 8,10
PARIS – Snow settling near France's Mediterranean shores. German parents battling to buy sleds. British horse races called off over too much ice.A European cold snap — awfully cold in some places — saw snow clog roads and airports Friday, knock out electricity and induce hoorays from schoolchildren kept home from school. The low temperatures, prompted by an Arctic weather system, are set to continue through the weekend.Britain, already deep in its longest cold spell in nearly 30 years, registered its chilliest night yet this season: minus 22.3 degrees Celsius (minus 8.1Fahrenheit) in the Scottish Highlands village of Altnaharra.British authorities have used up so much grit on icy roads that on Friday they started to run out, leaving thousands of secondary roads and sidewalks untreated and turning them into sheets of black ice that stretched for blocks. Poland, too, saw shortages of salt for spilling on streets.Gatwick Airport officials said 18,000 tons of snow had been removed from runways in recent days. A dozen flights were canceled out of Marseille-Provence airport in southern France.France's weather service issued an avalanche warning for the Alps and the Pyrenees for this weekend after days of heavy snowfall and strong winds. Some travelers abandoned plans to head to the ski slopes because of closed roads.Last weekend, avalanches killed seven people in Switzerland at the start of its ski season.For desperate parents from Britain to Berlin, the biggest challenge hasn't been snow-choked roads but finding a sled.
Manufacturers of all types of snow-slipping vehicles, from traditional wooden-runner sleds to plastic bobsleds with breaks are thrilled at the boom after years of fearing they had become victims of global warming.There hasn't been a run on sleds like this one since at least 25 years, said Michael Ress, owner Ress Kutschen sled factory in Schwebheim, Germany.Ress' eight employees are currently working at maximum capacity, putting together 100 beech-wood sleds per day. The entire forthcoming production of this season's 3,000 sleds, which go for euro35 ($50), has already been sold in advance.We're running out of supplies, said Ress, adding that he was forced to order certain metal parts from Asia because his usual German suppliers were out of stock.In London, the harsh weather dominated Friday's Cabinet meeting. British union officials pleaded with employers to offer hot drinks to people working outside. A charity call center set up to help the elderly cope with the snow and ice was shut down because workers could not get to the office.Deep snow in Lanarkshire, Scotland, left Alec Allison using a tractor to clear it from the roads of his farm. But that didn't help his sheep. At one point, he used a long stick to search snowdrifts where he found and freed one of his sheep.In France, snow piled up from Normandy to Marseille on the Mediterranean shore. Some 30 centimeters (11.8 inches) of snow fell on Arles and Avignon in southern France, according to the regional traffic center, and snowdrifts piled higher than a meter (3.3 feet). Snowstorms cut electricity to thousands of homes.
Much of Spain was also shivering. A nature park in the normally temperate Murcia region in the southeast turned on heaters at a pen housing three giraffes more accustomed to savannah-like climes.In the Catalonia region centered on Barcelona, snowy conditions prevented 72 schools from reopening after the Christmas vacation, providing an extra day off for more than 16,000 children.Heavy rains caused flooding across central and southern Italy. Northern Italy was blanketed by snow, while Venice faced the acqua alta phenomenon — exceptionally high tides which often flood most of the lagoon city in winter. In Sweden, temperatures dropped to -38.7 C (-37.6 F). That put a strain on the country's energy supplies, as Swedes heat up their houses more and imports are down from energy-rich neighbor Norway. Norway is facing its lowest temperatures in more than two decades. The mercury dropped Friday to -42C (-44F) at Roros airport, in central Norway — the coldest temperature measured in mainland Norway since 1987. Train companies, including the cross-Channel Eurostar, were running reduced service. A Eurostar train traveling from Brussels to London broke down in the Channel Tunnel on Thursday, but the head of the French train authority SNCF, Guillaume Pepy, said it was linked to signal problems that have nothing to do with the cold.That was a relief to commuters because last month Eurostar came to a standstill for days because of train breakdowns that left thousands of passengers stranded in the tunnel. Why? The company identified the problem as unusually dry, powdery snow that got into the trains' engines. The cold is freezing out sporting types, too. Three British Premier League football matches Saturday have been postponed, and 10 of 16 matches in the Scottish Cup were called off. Two horse racing events — at Newcastle and Kelso next week — have been called off because of heaps of snow on already-frozen tracks.Baetz reported from Berlin. Associated Press writers Gregory Katz and Jill Lawless in London, Ariel David in Rome, Ian MacDougall in Olso, Louise Nordstrom in Stockholm, Daniel Woolls in Madrid, Karel Janicek in Prague contributed to this report.
Costa Rica extends evacuation near active volcano
Wed Jan 6, 7:07 pm ET
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica – Costa Rica has widened evacuations around the Turrialba volcano in response to eruptions of ash.The National Emergency Commission says all resident living within a radius of 4 miles (6 kilometers) of the peak are being evacuated. About 50 people have taken refuge at government shelters.The commission said Wednesday that ash has fallen in several communities east of the Costa Rican capital of San Jose.The 10,958-foot (3,340-meter) volcano is 42 miles (70 kilometers) east of San Jose.Activity at the volcano has increased in recent months. The last major eruption was 145 years ago.
Canada jobs recovery stalls in December
By Louise Egan – JAN 8,10
OTTAWA (Reuters) – The recovery in Canada's job market stalled in December as employers unexpectedly cut 2,600 jobs after hefty hiring in November, another sign the economic revival will be sluggish rather than in leaps and bounds.The data released by Statistics Canada on Friday showed the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 8.5 percent, as forecast in a Reuters poll.The job losses, which followed a 79,000-job gain in November, are small enough to be considered a flat reading but disappointed the market consensus of a 20,000 increase.The Canadian dollar fell immediately after the report but economists focused on evidence the economy is holding on to gradual gains made over the past few months.This is consistent with an economy that is on the mend but at a relatively moderate pace, said Don Drummond, chief economist at Toronto-Dominion Bank.The Canadian dollar fell as low as C$1.0386 or 96.28 U.S. cents, from C$1.0314 or 96.96 cents just before the report.The currency fully regained the lost ground 90 minutes later, however, after U.S. data showed 85,000 job losses in December. It touched C$1.0306, or 97.03 U.S. cents after that report.The Bank of Canada is likely to shrug off the worse-than-expected numbers when it sets interest rates on January 19. It is widely expected to keep its benchmark interest rate at an all-time low of 0.25 percent until mid-year.
It reinforces their commitment to remain on the sidelines, said Paul Ferley, assistant chief economist at the Royal Bank of Canada.But the report keeps pressure on Prime Minister Stephen Harper as his Conservative government prepares its next budget, to be presented on March. 4.Harper has vowed not to slow down on stimulus measures until 2011 and has said, in his view, the recession is not truly over until unemployment numbers come down.
Doug Porter, deputy chief economist at BMO Capital Markets, found some encouraging news in the details of the report, which showed the private sector gaining marginally.I wouldn't read too much into the small drop in the headline number. I think it's a very partial giveback from the big run-up we saw in November, he said.
It's mildly disappointing but I don't think it derails the broader picture that the Canadian economy is in the early stages of a recovery.Full-time employment accounted for most of the decline. Self-employment increased and 22,100 workers fell off the public sector payroll.Employment was 240,000 below year-ago levels and remained 323,000 lower than the peak in October 2008, Statscan said.Economists at Scotia Capital predicted this week that employment levels would recover to pre-crisis levels this year, adding more than 300,000 jobs. Others were less upbeat. Stewart Hall, markets strategist at HSBC, said the economy needs to generate between 20,000 and 23,000 jobs per month just to keep up with growth in the labor force. For 2010, that may be all that we can expect from the economy, that jobs growth merely keeps pace with labor force growth, he said. The goods-producing sector shed jobs in December, dragged down by 9,700 job losses in manufacturing, which was partially offset by a 10,700 gain in construction jobs. Although the services sector overall saw gains, the heaviest declines were in transportation and warehousing services, business, building and other support services and public administration. Hourly wages of permanent employees, closely watched by the Bank of Canada for inflation trends, rose 2.2 percent in December year-on-year, up from 2.1 percent in November.
(Additional reporting by Randall Palmer in Ottawa; Scott Anderson, Jennifer Kwan and Claire Sibonney in Toronto; Editing by Jeffrey Hodgson)
Canada asks France for list of Swiss account holders
JAN 8,10
OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada will formally request that France share information it possesses about Canadians with bank accounts in Switzerland that may help Ottawa crack down on tax avoiders, Revenue Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn said on Friday.
Blackburn said authorities in France have confirmed to him that they have information on Canadians. Ottawa has been trying unsuccessfully to obtain the names of Canadian clients of Swiss bank UBS whom it suspects of taking advantage of Swiss bank secrecy laws to hide assets and dodge taxes.Blackburn said it was not good news for Canada that a Swiss court ruled on Friday that it was illegal for a financial regulator to have ordered UBS last year to hand over the files of nearly 300 clients to U.S. officials. But he said Canada would continue to press for the information it needs.(Reporting by Louise Egan; editing by Peter Galloway)
Economy loses 85K jobs as employers remain wary By CHRISTOPHER S. RUGABER, AP Economics Writer – JAN 8,10
WASHINGTON – Lack of confidence in the economic recovery led employers to shed a more-than-expected 85,000 net jobs in December even as the unemployment rate held at 10 percent. The rate would have been higher if more people had been looking for work instead of leaving the labor force because they can't find jobs.The sharp drop in the work force — 661,000 fewer people — showed that more of the jobless are giving up. Once people stop looking for jobs, they're no longer counted among the unemployed.When discouraged workers and part-time workers who would prefer full-time jobs are included, the so-called underemployment rate in December rose to 17.3 percent, from 17.2 percent in November. That's just below a revised figure of 17.4 percent in October, the highest on records dating from 1994.Many analysts had hoped Friday's report would show the economy gained jobs for the first time in two years. While the revised figures found an increase in November, it was tiny.One word sums it up: Disappointment, said Jonathan Basile, an economist at Credit Suisse.
Referring to the drop in the labor force, Basile said, that tells me that Main Street doesn't believe there's a recovery yet, because they're not out looking for jobs yet.Revisions to the previous two months' data showed the economy actually generated 4,000 jobs in November, the first gain in nearly two years. But the revisions showed it also lost 16,000 more jobs than previously estimated in October.
The participation rate in the labor force — the portion of adults either working or looking for work — fell in December to 64.6 percent, the lowest since August 1985.
The drop was particularly steep in the second half of last year. That suggested that people were becoming discouraged about their job prospects even as layoffs slowed. The reason is that job openings remain far too few.The labor force has shrunk by 1.9 million people since May. Without the drop, December's jobless rate could have been as high as 10.4 percent, according to Larry Mishel, president of the Economic Policy Institute. And some economists think the rate will near 11 percent as more job-seekers eventually stream into the work force.Friday's report caps a disastrous year for U.S. workers. Employers cut 4.2 million jobs in 2009. And the unemployment rate averaged 9.3 percent. That compares with an average of 5.8 percent in 2008 and 4.6 percent in 2007. Nearly 15.3 million people are unemployed, an increase of 3.9 million during 2009.The economy is in a rough situation, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press. She said she thinks companies are reluctant to ramp up hiring because they're waiting to see what new stimulative steps the government might take to provide relief.On Friday afternoon, President Barack Obama plans to announce more government spending to create tens of thousands of green jobs. The White House says Obama will unveil projects that will help develop solar and wind power and energy management technologies. The funding is part of the $787 billion economic stimulus package Congress approved last year.The economy has lost more than 7.2 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007. And while layoffs have slowed, they haven't ended. UPS said Friday it will cut 1,800 jobs. And defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp. said this week it's cutting 1,200 workers.
If jobs remain scarce, consumer confidence and spending could flag, slowing the economic recovery. Many analysts estimate the economy grew by 4 percent or more at an annual rate in the October-December quarter, after 2.2 percent growth in the third quarter.But the economy will need to grow faster than that to bring down the unemployment rate. And economists worry that much of the recovery stems from temporary factors, such as government stimulus efforts and businesses rebuilding inventories.Debra Winchell has been seeking work since last January, when she lost her job as an administrative assistant at a health insurance company. Winchell, 50, of Latham, N.Y., said she's seen an uptick in online job postings, giving her some hope. But they're for jobs paying as little as $10. And she's still not getting any callbacks when she does apply.With her unemployment benefits set to run out this spring, Winchell, who is single, said she will reluctantly sign up for temporary work. I'll be lucky if it pays the bills, she said. Still, some economists said a recent trend of improvement remains in place. The economy lost an average of nearly 700,000 jobs in the first three months of last year, a figure that dropped to 69,000 in the fourth quarter. And the private service sector added jobs for the second straight month, said Nigel Gault, chief U.S. economist at Global Insight, though the gains have been concentrated in temporary workers. Firms are still being very cautious, so the first thing they are turning to aren't full-time employees, but temps, he said. Companies have added about 166,000 temp workers since July. The average work week remained unchanged at 33.2 hours, near October's record low of 33. Most economists hoped that would increase, as employers are likely to add hours for their current employees before hiring new workers. Job losses remained widespread: manufacturing lost 27,000 jobs and construction shed 53,000, while retailers, the leisure and hospitality industries and government also cut workers. AP Business Writers Emily Fredrix in Milwaukee and Jeannine Aversa in Washington and Associated Press Writer Philip Elliott in Washington contributed to this report.
Stocks mixed as market takes jobs report in stride By STEPHEN BERNARD and IEVA M. AUGSTUMS, AP Business Writers – JAN 8,10
NEW YORK – Stocks traded in a tight range on Friday as the market took a relatively weak December jobs report in stride.Employers cut 85,000 jobs last month, the Labor Department reported, worse than the 8,000 drop analysts expected. However November's figures were also revised to show a slight gain in jobs — the first such gain in nearly two years. Stocks indexes initially dipped after the report came out but made up some of their losses and were narrowly mixed in late morning trading.It's amazing how anticipated the data point was and how little the market is moving, said Eric Thorne, an investment adviser at Bryn Mawr Trust Wealth Management in Bryn Mawr, Pa.
The monthly jobs report is considered an important indicator of the economy's health, however job growth has been badly lagging in this recovery even as other parts of the economy improve, such as manufacturing, housing and retail sales.
Friday's mixed employment report reminded investors that the recovery is likely to continue to proceed in fits and starts. Data from the previous two months was revised to show that the economy generated 4,000 jobs in November, the first gain in nearly two years. But the revisions showed a loss of 16,000 more jobs than previously estimated in October.The report also signals that many jobless people are giving up on their search for work. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 10 percent.A year ago, when the economy was still reeling from paralyzed credit markets and the collapse of several large banks, the Dow Jones industrial average fell 143 points on news that the unemployment rate had climbed more than expected to 7.2 percent during December 2008. Employers cut 524,000 jobs that month.Analysts were mixed on whether the report is a sign unemployment will start continue to move higher.Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at the brokerage Avalon Partners Inc. in New York, said the unemployment data was disappointing, but it doesn't change a trend. He noted many of the job losses were in the construction sector, which is probably due to seasonal slowdowns.As you can see, the market isn't really falling apart, Cardillo said.In midday trading, the Dow Jones industrial average fell 16.78, or 0.2 percent, to 10,590.08. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 1.01, or 0.1 percent, to 1,140.68, while the Nasdaq composite index rose 7.53, or 0.3 percent, to 2,307.58.
Mike Rubino, CEO of Rubino Financial Group in Troy, Mich., was slightly more pessimistic about the employment picture, saying the jobless rate would've been far worse had the size of the work force not declined by 661,000. That decline showed more people are giving up on even trying to find a new job.Meanwhile workers finding jobs are getting paid less, which means consumption and consumer spending isn't likely to improve to pre-recession levels anytime soon, Rubino said.The underemployment rate, which factors in discouraged workers and part-time workers who would prefer full-time jobs, rose last month, climbing to 17.3 percent from 17.2 percent in November.Interest rates held in a narrow range on the bond market. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which moves opposite its price, was flat at 3.83 percent compared with late Thursday.About the same number of stocks were rising and falling on the New York Stock Exchange, where volume came to 393.6 million shares, versus 447.6. million traded at the same point Thursday.In corporate news, UPS Inc. shares rallied after the delivery service company said its fourth-quarter results would top previous estimates. UPS shares rose $2.44, or 4.3 percent, to $59.85.European markets shook off initial disappointment over employment reports from the U.S. and Europe. A new report showed the jobless rate in the 16 countries that use the euro rose to 10 percent in November for the first time since the single currency was introduced at the start of 1999. Earlier, Asian stocks rose after upbeat holiday sales figures suggested American consumers were spending more.
Japan's Nikkei stock average rose 1.1 percent. Britain's FTSE 100 rose less than 0.1 percent. Germany's DAX index gained 0.3 percent, while France's CAC-40 rose 0.6 percent. The dollar fell slightly. Gold prices also declined. The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies fell 0.18, or less than 0.1 percent, to 641.79. Augstums reported from Charlotte, N.C.
12 And the ten horns (NATIONS) which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse:(PEACE) and he that sat on him had a bow;(EU DICTATOR) and a crown was given unto him:(PRESIDENT OF THE EU) and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.(MILITARY GENIUS)
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.(THE EU AND ITS DICTATOR IS GODLESS)
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.(DICTATOR COMES FROM NEW AGE OR OCCULT)
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;(MURDERERD) and his deadly wound was healed:(COMES BACK TO LIFE) and all the world wondered after the beast.(THE WORLD THINKS ITS GOD IN THE FLESH, MESSIAH TO ISRAEL)
4 And they worshipped the dragon (SATAN) which gave power unto the beast:(JEWISH EU DICTATOR) and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?(FALSE RESURRECTION,SATAN BRINGS HIM TO LIFE)
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.(GIVEN WORLD CONTROL FOR 3 1/2YRS)
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,(HES A GOD HATER) to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.(HES A LIBERAL OR DEMOCRAT,WILL PUT ANYTHING ABOUT GOD DOWN)
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,(BEHEAD THEM) and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.(WORLD DOMINATION)
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.(WORLD DICTATOR)
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.(SAVED CHRISTIANS AND JEWS DIE FOR THEIR FAITH AT THIS TIME,NOW WE ARE SAVED BY GRACE BUT DURING THE 7 YEARS OF HELL ON EARTH, PEOPLE WILL BE PUT TO DEATH (BEHEADINGS) FOR THEIR BELIEF IN GOD (JESUS) OR THE BIBLE.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come (ROMANS IN AD 70) shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMANS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he( EU ROMAN, JEWISH DICTATOR) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:( 7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,( 3 1/2 YRS) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.James Paul Warburg appearing before the Senate on 7th February 1950
Like a famous WWII Belgian General,Paul Henry Spock said in 1957:We need no commission, we have already too many. What we need is a man who is great enough to be able to keep all the people in subjection to himself and to lift us out of the economic bog into which we threaten to sink. Send us such a man. Be he a god or a devil, we will accept him.And today, sadly, the world is indeed ready for such a man.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
How many presidents does it take the to run EU? By ROBERT WIELAARD, Associated Press Writer – JAN 8,10
MADRID – Europe spent years trying to create the post of EU president. Now it has three.On Friday, the EU's three top executives took the stage together for the first time at a news conference that critics say makes a mockery of the bloc's stated goal to streamline its decision making process.Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero this month assumed the rotating EU presidency weeks after Belgian Herman Van Rompuy became the bloc's first permanent president. The EU also has another president in Jose Manuel Barroso, the European Commission chief.As they stood together at the Spanish leader's office complex, the three were peppered with different versions of the same question: Who, exactly, is in charge? All of them, it turns out.
In the EU there is not one man or one women who decides, said Van Rompuy.We each have a role.Perhaps, but it was all not supposed to be this way.The EU harbored lofty ambitions to give Europe a bigger voice on the world stage in forcing Europe to embrace a reform treaty that gives it a full-fledged president — despite repeated no votes in member state referendums.Now, while it's possible the EU will try to speak louder, it is doubtful its message will be heard any clearer amid a potential cacophony of leaders' voices competing for attention.With the November selection of Van Rompuy, the former Belgian prime minister, the EU ostensibly fulfilled its dream of creating an executive that would finally give the world somebody to call when it wanted to speak to Europe.But the decision by EU leaders was widely criticized. Few even in Europe had ever heard of the bland, professorial Van Rompuy — who appeared to have been picked over heavyweights like Britain's Tony Blair because he was the least offensive candidate to all.This week, a further twist became apparent: While the EU has a new permanent president it still hasn't gotten rid of its rotating six-month presidency, which Zapatero assumed on Jan. 1.Adding to the confusion is Barroso's role as European Commission president. He is responsible for running the EU's day-to-day agenda and has become accustomed to shaking important hands across Europe and in Washington, Moscow, Beijing, Brasilia and New Delhi.The rotating presidency has been an EU fixture since the late 1950s and the holder has often played a vital role in acting as an arbiter on contentious issues ranging from farm subsidies to the very contours of the EU's once ambitious reform plan.Ironically, the confusing wealth of presidents is a legacy of hard-fought reforms to overhaul EU institutions and decision-making powers after the bloc nearly doubled in size in 2004.The measures cut red tape, provided for simpler voting rules and gave the European Parliament a big say in shaping EU policies. But they also created Barroso's position and paved the way for Van Rompuy's unlikely ascension.The architects of the Lisbon Treaty — as the EU's reform blueprint is called — had envisioned the permanent EU president holding far greater clout than the EU's rotating presidency.
But this week, Zapatero put that notion to rest — making clear he has no intention of taking a back seat to Van Rompuy. We need to play our role, Zapatero said. He said it will be Van Rompuy's task to prepare and chair summit meetings of EU leaders and represent the EU abroad.But the rotating presidency, he told journalists, would be the EU's motor: It has to act as a factory of ideas and initiatives.As to Barroso, he said, it remains the job of the European Commission's job remains to guarantee compliance with the EU treaty.
Spain to push for binding EU economic goals
ANDREW WILLIS Today JAN 8,10 @ 09:06 CET
Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has said the EU's new 10-year economic plan, set to be agreed over the coming months, should have binding goals and corrective measures for member states that do not comply. Speaking ahead of the formal inauguration of Spain's EU presidency on Thursday (7 January), Mr Zapatero also suggested that the European Commission be given new powers to police the fledgling plan, currently known as the 2020 Strategy.It is absolutely necessary for the 2020 Economic Strategy ... to take on a new nature, a binding nature, said Mr Zapatero.The Spanish leader suggested potential penalties for member states that fail to reach agreed economic targets could include cutbacks in payments from the EU budget.This is something we are going to put on the table. But I cannot preempt the outcome of the debate, said the Socialist prime minister, whose country is the first to hold the EU's six-month rotating presidency under the bloc's new Lisbon Treaty rules. The calls for greater and more co-ordinated European efforts to tackle the ailing economy stand next to Spain's domestic situation, where years of rapid expansion ended abruptly with the onset of the financial crisis and the implosion of the country's property bubble.
While remaining vague on many of the details, Mr Zapatero said a common energy policy and a common digital economy were examples of the priorities that should be included in the EU growth strategy.Our main aim is to introduce a qualitative leap in our economic union by means of new common policies, he said, pointing to the need for a greater role to be played by the commission. The Lisbon Treaty allows for more co-ordination, and for that to be truly effective, we need to equip the European Commission with new powers,said the Spanish leader, pointing to the absence of strong enforcement for the failure of the bloc's current economic plan, due to expire this year.
Outlook not bright, says Van Rompuy
EU leaders are set to discuss the bloc's economic situation and the 2020 Strategy at an informal summit on 11 February, convened by the bloc's new permanent president, Herman Van Rompuy. Speaking on Thursday at a Christian Social Union party conference in Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, Mr Van Rompuy said the bloc's long-term outlook is not bright, citing severe industrial decay in the wake of the deepest European recession since the Great Depression.The former prime minister of Belgium said the lingering effects of the crisis may include a drop in investment on a permanent basis and higher structural unemployment, adding that western Europe risked losing its industrial base.Germany is the exception, but the Benelux countries, Italy and the UK are de-industrialising rapidly,he told attendees. Mixed economic data would tend to support Mr Van Rompuy's pessimistic statements, with positive data this week on EU business confidence in December tempered by poor retail figures for November in the eurozone.
Van Rompuy makes debut at Turkey-sceptic gathering
VALENTINA POP Today JAN 8,10 @ 09:23 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Herman Van Rompuy on Thursday (7 January) delivered his first official speech as president of the EU council at a party gathering of Bavarian conservatives, just days after the group caused a stir in Turkey with a paper underlining its opposition to the country's membership of the EU.Mr Van Rompuy explained his decision to attend the conclave of the Christian-Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian sister party of Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats, by saying that the EU needs thriving national democracies.Delivering a speech at a party gathering doesn't make you a party man, the centre-right Belgian politician argued, stressing that in his new EU capacity his only master to serve is the collection of EU leaders. The Bavarians had simply been quicker than other political parties to invite him, he added.The CSU party is a long-standing opponent of Turkey's full membership of the EU, with a position paper confirming its stance leaked ahead of Mr Van Rompuy's visit.The paper, published by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Tuesday, called for an end to the painful EU accession negotiations and replacing Turkey's membership perspective with a privileged partnership.Mr Van Rompuy's speech avoided touching on the Turkey issue. He mentioned enlargement, but only in regard to Croatia and other Western Balkan countries. Turkish newspapers and politicians have decried the CSU's opposition to Ankara's EU membership bid. Mr Van Rompuy himself in 2004 said Turkey is not a part of Europe. But since being appointed EU president he has stressed that his personal opinions are irrelevant,as his job is to seek consensus among member states.
German foreign minister in Turkey
The CSU position paper caused problems for German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle, who embarked this week on a tour of Muslim countries. The Liberal politician had to reassure his hosts of Germany's commitment to Turkey's EU bid, Die Welt reports. I have not come here as a tourist in shorts, but as foreign minister. What I say, counts, Mr Westerwelle said in Ankara, while underlining that his governing coalition, of which the CSU is also a member, had pledged not to block the negotiation process.Meanwhile, bickering between the Bavarian conservatives and the Liberals has prompted Ms Merkel to call for a crisis meeting this Sunday and for a fresh start for the governing coalition.
EU commissioner hearings to go ahead without staff protests
HONOR MAHONY Today JAN 8,10 @ 12:49 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The hearings of the nominee EU commissioners by MEPs next week will go ahead without disruption after European Parliament chief Jerzy Buzek indicated to staff unions that the assembly would sign up to a European Commission court case against member states over their blocking of a standard pay rise for EU officials.The secretary general of the parliament, Klaus Welle, met union officials on Thursday (7 January) to make it clear that the parliament chief supported the line of the unions.[Mr Welle] gave a very strong message to the leadership of the unions that Mr Buzek was on their side, said a spokesperson for the president.The parliament staff unions had previously threatened to disrupt the hearings of commissioners by staging protests in front of the meeting rooms if they did not get their way.They wanted a public commitment of support from Mr Buzek for the European Commission's decision last week to challenge member states before court for refusing to accept a 3.7 percent rise in pay for EU officials, instead opting for a 1.85 percent wage hike amid the ongoing economic crisis.
The annual pay adjustment for EU staff, agreed by governments in 2004, is an automatic mechanism and is based on the average of the pay for civil servants in eight member states, including France, Germany, the UK and Italy, in the previous year. This year the wage issue became headline news as some countries baulked at agreeing a wage hike while many EU citizens are having to tighten their belts.The commission, which has emphasized the legal nature of the dispute between itself and member states, on Wednesday said it would take the court route as member states were breaking EU rules. A similar case in 1973 saw the commission win. EU staff, who staged protests in December, argue that the same mechanism will likely mean that their wages go down in 2011.Tom Morgan, of the Syndicat General du Personnel des Organisations Europeennes, said unions were very happy with the parliament's support, adding that after all it is not the parliament which is the bad guy in this.As part of the commitment to the unions, Mr Buzek is next week expected to make a statement on the issue to parliament staff as well as discuss it with commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso.
French law could see fines for burqas
ANDREW RETTMAN Today JAN 8,10 @ 09:20 CET
The author of a new anti-burqa law in France has told the press he will propose €750 fines for women wearing the head-to-toe covering.Jean-Francois Cope, the leader of France's ruling centre-right UMP party, gave advance notice of the bill in an interview with Le Figaro magazine out on Thursday (7 January).He said the legislation would prohibit the covering of the face in public places and on the streets, with the exception of special cultural events or carnivals meaning that wearing a burqa would qualify for a fine, probably of the fourth class, that is to say €750.Any person forcing a woman to wear the garment would face a worse fine.
Mr Cope defended the proposals on grounds of national security and women's rights. We can measure the modernity of a society by the way it treats and respects women, he told Le Figaro.The bill is to be formally introduced in the next 15 days but will not be debated by the house until after regional elections in March. If it goes through, implementation will be phased in gradually.The French interior ministry estimates that just 1,900 women in France wear a burqa in a country home to some 5 million Muslims.Mr Cope's law has already come in for criticism from the left.The burqa is a prison for women and has no place in the French Republic. But an ad-hoc law would not have the anticipated effect, Socialist Party spokesman Benoit Hamon said on Wednesday.Some figures on the right have also come out against the scheme, with Xavier Bertrand, the secretary general of the UMP, telling French radio on Thursday that he favours a non-binding resolution condemning the garment instead.
President Nicolas Sarkozy last June said the burqa is not welcome in France but has not spoken about the law as such.France in 2004 already banned the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols, including Muslim headscarves, by pupils in state schools and by public sector workers.
TRAIL OF TERROR CIA bomber wanted body used as fertilizer for jihadists
Oh God, I beseech Thee that I would massacre Your enemies January 08, 2010
1:00 am Eastern By Bob Unruh © 2010 WorldNetDaily
A jihadi website posted a posthumous statement from the attacker who blew up himself and seven CIA employees in Afghanistan in which the man frets about not being a martyr and having to face judgment for his sins. I'm afraid of shameful exposure in the courts of the day of resurrection if I'm not killed by the weapon of my enemy. I'm afraid to be branded as a liar, and that my words will be the evidence for my conviction. Whenever I hear of someone who died I die, and with every illness about which I hear – I become ill,said the statement from Abu Dajana Al-Khorasani. The statement was captured from the jihadi forum site by the Middle East Media Research Institute, which has included it in a report on its subscription Jihad & Terrorism Threat Monitor report.The article,When Will My Words Drink My Blood? – I Am Now Fit For Publication,apparently was written shortly before the bomber took on his suicide mission. It is attributed to Al-Khorasani, a pen name used by Hammam Khalil al-Balawi to post jihad writings.
The bomber killed seven CIA officers and a Jordanian when a package of explosives he had strapped to his body exploded at a meeting at the CIA's Forward Operating Base Chapman in the Khost province of Afghanistan. He reportedly had been recruited by intelligence agents for Jordan and was taken to Afghanistan to act as a spy on jihadists in the region. He, however, turned out to be a double agent, launching the deadly attack on colleagues who presumed he was on their side. In the article preserved by MEMRI, the bomber wrote, I decided to avoid publishing this article, by way of precaution, in accordance with the Hadith In time of trial, seek hiding. However, the sight of the blood of Muslims in Gaza, small children, women, and powerless people, who were killed by the bombs of the brethren of apes and pigs, encouraged me to publish the article, so that it may strengthen the resolve of [even] a single Muslim in the frontlines, and that I will gain reward from Allah.
I can no longer write, and I want to be sent to early retirement. I have gone bankrupt. I have withered. I'm tired, I'm fed up. I try to write this or that article, and then, when I have written just a line or two, my words turn into something incoherent, as if I suffer from mental blindness or emotional confusion. My written lines weigh heavy on my shoulders, and my words come to besiege me whenever I close my eyes. These feelings which burden me – I can no longer bear them. I feel that my words have become pale and without effect, he continued. My heart burns to ashes because of my love for jihad. Oh, you who write about jihad and urge people to it, beware of falling in the same trap like me. What I fear most is that [when I die] I would meet a man who died as a martyr under the effect of my words, whereas I shall die in bed. This is a nightmare which makes me sleepless and it wrecks my nerves. I'm afraid that on the day of resurrection, standing before a mountain of [my] sins, I shall be asked to account for each and every one of them, and it shall be a long account, and I will be covered with sweat, while they [i.e. the martyrs] will be moving about the rooms of paradise in everlasting pleasure. One of them will say to the other: What do you say about him who used to be called Abu Dajana Al-Khurasani, who used to urge people to go to jihad? And the other one will answer: But he died in bed, a contemptible death, having stayed away from jihad. I wish for him that he had benefited by his own words. He was like a wick that burned itself to give light to the others.
He worried about the shame of not dying by an enemy's weapon.
With every passing year I grow ten years older. This is Allah's judgment regarding those who stay away from jihad… My words are going to die if I don't save them with my blood, and my emotions will be extinguished if I don't kindle them with my death. My articles will testify against me, if I don't give them the proof of my being free of hypocrisy,he wrote. It's either me or them [my articles]. The world cannot have both of us in it. One of us must die, so that the other can continue to live, and I wish it is I who shall die. By God, if the reward for martyrdom for the sake of Allah had only been forgiveness of sins and the exemption from being called to account for one's sins, I should sacrifice my property and my life for it. All the more so, since the reward includes also the uppermost paradise. How much more so since it also includes being in the company of the Prophet Muhammad. All the more so, since it includes being safe from the great anxiety [on the Day of Judgment]. All the more so, since it includes the right to intercede on behalf of seventy members of family… I looked at my extended family and counted more than 100 persons, both dead and alive, but I have not found among them any martyr, or the father, or mother, or brother of a martyr. I don't know any martyr amongst whose seventy relatives, for whom he intercedes, I can be counted. So how shouldn't I worry, and how shouldn't I be alarmed? How wouldn't my heart be shaken, since the great gate of intercession is closed in my face,he wrote. Oh God, I beseech Thee not to let me die except as a martyr for Your sake. Oh God, I beseech Thee that I would [be given the chance to] massacre Your enemies and then be killed under the ruins of a building destroyed by the Jews and the crusaders, and that the rescue people shall not take out my body, so that my corpse should turn into human fertilizer that will bring forth fruit upon which a Muslim child shall feed and become a jihad fighter when he grows up,he wrote.The Middle East Media Research Institute is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes Middle East media.
3 Malaysian churches attacked in Allah dispute By VIJAY JOSHI, Associated Press Writer - JAN 8,10
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – Three churches in Malaysia were attacked with firebombs, causing extensive damage to one, as Muslims pledged Friday to prevent Christians from using the word Allah, escalating religious tensions in the multiracial country.
Many Malay Muslims, who make up 60 percent of the population, are incensed by a recent High Court decision to overturn a ban on Roman Catholics using Allah as a translation for God in the Malay-language edition of their main newspaper, the Herald.The government says Allah, an Arabic word that predates Islam, is exclusive to the faith and by extension to Malays. It refuses to make an exception, even though the Herald's Malay edition is read only by Christian indigenous tribes in the remote states of Sabah and Sarawak.At Friday prayers at two main mosques in downtown Kuala Lumpur, young worshippers carried banners and gave fiery speeches, vowing to defend Islam.We will not allow the word Allah to be inscribed in your churches, one speaker shouted into a loudspeaker at the Kampung Bahru mosque. About 50 other people carried posters reading Heresy arises from words wrongly used and Allah is only for us.Islam is above all. Every citizen must respect that, said Ahmad Johari, who attended prayers at the National Mosque.I hope the court will understand the feeling of the majority Muslims of Malaysia. We can fight to the death over this issue.The demonstrations were held inside the mosque compounds to follow a police order against protests on the streets. Participants dispersed peacefully afterward.
Malaysia is often held up as a model for other Islamic countries because of its economic development, progressive society and generally peaceful coexistence between the Malay majority and the ethnic Chinese and Indian minorities who are mostly Christians, Buddhists and Hindus.The Allah controversy, however, has the potential to shatter that carefully nurtured harmony, drive a deep racial wedge and scare away sorely needed foreign investment as the country struggles to emerge from the global financial crisis.Prime Minister Najib Razak condemned the attacks on the churches by unidentified assailants, who struck before dawn in different suburbs of Kuala Lumpur. He said the government would take whatever steps it can to prevent such acts.
Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the country's leaders were very concerned about the situation.We don't want this to spread out into something else. ... I am not only assuring the minorities, I am assuring all Malaysians — anybody who is in Malaysia — that they are safe, he told reporters.In the first attack, the ground-level office of the three-story Metro Tabernacle Church was destroyed in a blaze set off by a firebomb thrown by attackers on motorcycles soon after midnight, police said. The worship areas on the upper two floors were undamaged and there were no injuries.Two other churches were attacked hours later, with one sustaining minor damage while the other was not damaged. Church officials had earlier said a fourth church was attacked but they later retracted the report saying they were misinformed. National police chief Musa Hassan said the report of the fourth attack was a rumor.
No arrests have been made.
The tribespeople of Sabah and Sarawak, who speak only Malay, have always referred to God as Allah, an Arabic word used not only by Muslims but also by Christians in Muslim-majority countries such as Egypt, Syria and Indonesia.Many Malaysian Muslims say its use by others would mislead people, tempting them to convert to Christianity.
Since the verdict, hateful comments and threats against Christians have been posted widely on the Internet, but this was the first time the controversy turned destructive. Kuala Lumpur police Chief Mohamad Sabtu Osman told The Associated Press that a witness saw four people on two motorcycles breaking the glass front of the Metro Tabernacle church and throwing an incendiary object inside before fleeing. He said police found a wrench, an empty gasoline can and two scorched motorcycle helmets at the scene. The backlash against the court verdict has reinforced complaints by minorities that they face institutional discrimination. They say it is almost impossible to get permission to build new churches and temples. Some Hindu temples have been demolished in the past. Court verdicts in religious disputes usually favor Muslims.Associated Press writers Julia Zappei, Sean Yoong and Eileen Ng contributed to this report.
Taiwan firm: China got Iran part with nuke uses By DEBBY WU, Associated Press Writer – Fri Jan 8, 8:47 am ET
TAIPEI, Taiwan – A Taiwanese company agreed to a request from a firm in China to procure sensitive components with nuclear uses, then shipped them to Iran, the firm's head said Friday. Such transactions violate U.N. sanctions imposed on the Middle Eastern nation.The admission by Steven Lin of Hsinchu-based Heli-Ocean Technology Co. Ltd. comes amid an international effort led by the United States to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. While Lin said he didn't know whether the parts — a vital component in the production of weapons-grade uranium — were eventually used by Iran militarily, he did acknowledge that they have nuclear applications.U.N. sanctions to prevent Iran from expanding its uranium enrichment program have led it to the black market to obtain sophisticated nuclear-related equipment. Aided by these illegal purchases, the program has grown to the stage where thousands of centrifuges are churning out enriched material, which can be used both for fuel or as the fissile core of nuclear warheads.Iran insists that it wants to enrich uranium to generate nuclear power, but its attempts to evade probes by the International Atomic Energy Agency and its refusal to stop enrichment are increasing suspicions it actually seeks weapons capabilities.In a telephone interview with The Associated Press, Lin said he received an Internet order from a Chinese firm in January or February 2008 to obtain an unspecified number of pressure transducers, which convert pressure into analog electrical signals.While pressure transducers have many commercial uses, they furnish the precise measurements needed in the production of weapons-grade uranium.Nuclear proliferation expert David Albright of the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security told the AP that Iran tried hard to procure the transducers in Europe and Canada, but was thwarted by a concerted international effort.However, he said, the existence of the Taiwanese-Chinese connection shows that Iran still has the ability to get what it needs by tapping alternative sources.
This equipment is likely for its gas centrifuge program, he said.Lin did not identify the Chinese company that placed the transducer order, except to say that it was involved in the manufacture of pipeline for the oil industry.He said that he obtained the transducers from a Swiss company, which he declined to name.Lin said that when he contacted the Swiss firm he had no idea where the transducers were heading.It was only at the last minute that the Chinese told me to send them to Iran, he said.Lin arranged for their direct transportation from Taiwan to the Middle East, he said, rather than sending them to the Chinese company first.Lin said that he didn't know what happened to the transducers after they arrived in Iran, though he acknowledged that they have an important role in the nuclear industry.I know that the (peaceful) nuclear research units in Taiwan use these things, he said.The equipment has multiple uses from semiconductors to solar energy to nuclear work.A Taiwanese government official told the AP on Friday that an official probe of the Taiwanese-Iranian transducer connection confirmed that 108 of the transducers had been sent from Taiwan to Iran at a Chinese request, but that the equipment was not precise enough to be placed on the island's export control list.The official, who was in charge of the probe, spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information. Lin apparently felt free to talk because the official investigation, launched last March, did not implicate him in any wrongdoing.
Beside being prohibited by the U.N. from pressure transducer purchases, Iran is also banned from buying them on the open market by the Nuclear Suppliers Group, an international body established to limit nuclear proliferation by controlling the export of materials that can be used in building atomic weapons. Asked about the circuitous route of the transducer transaction — from China to Taiwan to Switzerland, then back to Taiwan and finally to Iran — the Taiwanese official said that such deals were common in international trade. It is fairly common to do business through third parties, he said. He did not elaborate. The U.S. and its allies accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons secretly under the guise of a civilian atomic energy program, but Tehran insists its efforts are aimed only at generating electricity. Washington has been pressing both China and Russia to agree to stepped up sanctions to pressure Iran into stopping its alleged nuclear program, but so far without result. Over the past several years China has been accused of directly aiding the alleged Iranian nuclear weapons development on a number of occasions. Washington has enacted sanctions against several Chinese companies. China has denied involvement in Iran's nuclear programs. At the same time, Beijing has courted close relations with Iran, with Chinese state companies purchasing Iranian oil and investing in Iran's energy industry.
European rabbis worried over body scans
The notion that Orthodox Jewish women, diligent in covering their bodies in accordance with laws of modesty, will appear nude on the screens of full body scanners in airports across the globe has a group of European rabbis up in arms. A computer monitor displays a full-body scan during a demonstration of passenger screening technology by the Transportation Security Administration.
Photo: AP Full body scanners compromise women's modesty, announced the Rabbinical Centre of Europe in a press release Wednesday.Their implementation leaves us concerned.Nevertheless, the rabbis, who lead congregations in Milan, London, Paris and Antwerp, recognize the need to beef up security after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, tried to ignite an explosive called PETN as Northwest Flight 253 approached Detroit on Christmas morning. The rabbis, therefore, suggest a solution that would respect the religious sensibilities of Orthodox Jews, while at the same time maintaining optimal security standards.
Security theater, now playing at your airport
We would recommend that men are scanned by men, and women by women, like body frisks, they wrote.One of the European rabbis agreed to weigh in on the halachic aspects of using the scanner. I do not intend to give a halachic opinion and I do not know what actually is shown on the screen, but if it shows the female body then it could be against the laws of modesty, said Rabbi Ya'akov Schmahl, a member of Antwerp's rabbinical court. The rabbi explained that according to Jewish law it is permitted for a male doctor to treat female patients even if he touches them and sees parts of their body that are normally covered because presumably a doctor is focused on his work and is not inclined to prurience. But if women are not happy - and there are religious women who prefer not to go to male doctors - they should be allowed to be monitored by women. And men might also might not want to show themselves before women.The European spiritual leaders behind the initiative include Rabbi G.M. Garelik, head of the Milan rabbinical court; Rabbi Y.Y. Lichtenstein, head of the rabbinical court run by the Federation of Synagogues in London; Rabbi J.M. Kohen, head of the Paris rabbinical court; and Rabbi D.M. Liberman, chief rabbi of Antwerp. According to a spokesman for the RCE, European rabbis turned their attention to the issue after London's Heathrow Airport announced it would begin implementing the full body scans. There is a very large Jewish population in England and rabbis were concerned, said the spokesman. Canada and some cities in American have also said they would implement full body scans. Italy aims to install full-body scanners at the main airports of Rome and Milan for flights considered at high risk of terrorist attack, Interior Minister Roberto Maroni told newspaper Corriere della Sera on Saturday. In Germany, Education and Research Minister Annette Schavan told Bild am Sonntag Germany could introduce body scanners later this year. The government has made clear it is not against the scanners in principle, but is trying to guarantee privacy rights. Some legal experts have questioned whether the use of the full body scanners would violate Britain's child pornography laws, which prohibit taking nude photos of minors.
Israel successfully tests Iron Dome missile shield
By Ilene R. Prusher – Thu Jan 7, 1:57 pm ET CSM
Jerusalem – Israel tested the use of its new Iron Dome antimissile system several times over the past few days, boosting the likelihood that it can neutralize or severely weaken the ability of Hamas and Hezbollah to launch successful missile strikes at the Jewish state.In recent days, the short-range missile defense system that has been developed over the past 2-1/2 years by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, a government-owned company, has been successfully tested against Qassam rockets, Grad rockets, and mortar shells. The system is expected to be fully operational in May.But after Israel announced the successful tests on Wednesday, Hamas in Gaza appeared to answer on Thursday with a round of mortar fire from the Gaza Strip. At least 10 mortar shells hit Israel on Thursday.The Iron Dome is designed to target the weapons of Israel's most significant regional enemies. These include Hamas's mortar shells and Qassam rockets, Hezbollah's Katyusha rockets, and even Iranian Fajr rockets, some of which Israel says have been smuggled into the Gaza Strip, according to Haaretz newspaper. The program is part of an improved, multilayered defense system that Israel has been developing over the past decade. This includes the Arrow system for long-range ballistic missiles and a still-under-construction medium-range system called Magic Wand.
How it works
One of the advantages of the Iron Dome system is that it can distinguish worthwhile targets - missiles headed for a populated area – from those destined to land in an open field, for example, and not worth trying to knock out of the sky. In wartime, such a tool could be crucial. During Israel's war with Lebanon in the summer of 2006, more than 4,000 Katyusha rockets were fired into Israeli territory.The system has radar detection systems that Rafael says quickly pick up missile launches, transmit data to a computerized launch system, and can then quickly determine if a missile should be launched to intercept the rocket.If the estimated rocket trajectory poses a critical threat, a command is given within seconds and an interceptor is launched, the company writes. The interceptors themselves are maneuverable and have radars of their own to guide them to the target.Shorter-range missiles have become an ongoing threat to Israeli security, and were the ostensible reason Israel launched its war against Hamas in Gaza in late 2008. While past defense systems focused on long-range missiles, shorter-range missiles were deemed harder to hit because they take off and land so quickly. But the Iron Dome can neutralize rockets with a range between 2.5 miles and 50 miles. That would cover most of the rockets that can be fired from Gaza into Israel, as well as those from southern Lebanon. For the first time, Iron Dome faced multiple threats simultaneously. All the threats were intercepted with complete success, a statement from Israel's Defense Ministry said.To be sure, the system comes at a cost. Rafael has estimated that it will cost about $50,000 to shoot down an incoming rocket from the Gaza Strip, while Gaza rocket makers say they can make crude Qassam rockets for as little as $200.
Strategic shift
Analysts say that the new system offers a major strategic shift in how Israel can approach the missile threat.It's a fundamental change in the situation in a very broad sense, says Uzi Rubin, of Rubincon Defense Consulting. With the Qassams, Katyushas, and Sajjils, we were sitting ducks. They could fire at an Israeli city and cause no small amount of mayhem, Rubin says. Until around 2001, longer-range missiles from Iraq or Iran were considered to be the primary threat, and the main tool was an early-warning system, which sent off sirens telling people to hurry into bomb shelters. That's passive defense, which just aims to minimize fatalities. But this is a move from total helplessness to active defense, Rubin adds.Nonetheless, Rubin doesn't expect that it will change the dynamics of conflict. Hamas will still try to shoot rockets of various ranges at Israel. This is an ongoing war – they'll find other means to fight us, he says.But from their point of view, it will rob them of the ability to inflict easy casualties.
US intensifies diplomacy to restart Mideast peace talks by Lachlan Carmichael – Fri Jan 8, 7:13 am ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The Obama administration on Friday begins a flurry of high-level talks aimed at reviving Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, after its Middle East diplomatic debut fell flat last year.Accompanied by Middle East envoy George Mitchell, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will meet in Washington with Foreign Ministers Nasser Judeh of Jordan and Ahmed Abul Gheit of Egypt, the main Arab peace brokers, officials said.Mitchell will then leave late Sunday for Paris and Brussels for consultations with allies, including a meeting of the quartet of the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia, they added.The meeting of the Middle East quartet -- which launched a roadmap for peace in 2003 calling for the creation of a Palestinian state living alongside a secure Israel -- will take place in Brussels.Mitchell will then return to the United States before heading to the Middle East by the end of the month, State Department spokesman PJ Crowley told reporters in announcing the flurry of talks.Days after entering the White House in January last year, President Barack Obama signaled that Arab-Israeli peace was a top priority, but Crowley acknowledged that efforts hit a rough patch late last year.
The Obama administration faced a barrage of Arab accusations that it failed to follow through on its demand that hawkish Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government completely freeze Jewish settlement construction.Crowley said the administration wanted to share ideas about how to get talks started.Clearly the first step in this process is to get the two sides back to formal negotiations and also find a variety of ways to address the very concrete issues concerning both sides, he said.The core issues are borders of a future Palestinian state, the fate of Palestinian refugees, and the status of the holy city of Jerusalem, the eastern portion of which the Palestinians want to turn into their capital.The United States is pushing for borders along the boundary lines where the 1967 war ended, but allowing for land swaps.In an interview with US television PBS on Wednesday, Mitchell said: We think that the negotiation should last no more than two years. Once begun we think it can be done within that period of time.We hope the parties agree. Personally I think it can be done in a shorter period of time, he said, according to a transcript of the interview.On Monday, Israel's Maariv newspaper said Washington was pushing a plan to restart peace talks that foresees reaching a final deal in two years and agreeing on permanent borders in nine months.Under the plan, the Israelis and Palestinians will immediately start final status talks that were suspended during the Gaza war a year ago, Maariv reported, citing unnamed sources.
After meeting in recent days with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, the US-backed Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas said that he was open to negotiations with Israel, but talks could only resume when Jewish settlement activity ends.Under the US plan, the two sides will first discuss the issue of permanent borders, with a deadline of nine months for reaching an agreement, Maariv said.The idea is to have an agreement on borders before the expiry of an Israeli moratorium on new settlement construction in the occupied West Bank, so Israel will start to build again only in those settlements that will be inside its borders under the final status agreement, it said. Underlying the discussions will be the principle of a land swap that has figured prominently in past peace negotiations -- Israel will keep its major settlement blocks in the occupied West Bank and the Palestinians will get land inside Israel in return. Asked if the two sides were any closer to resuming negotiations, Crowley said: I think there is still work to be done.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Snow pushes east after fatal course across Midwest By MEGHAN BARR and JAMES MacPHERSON, Associated Press Writers – JAN 8,10
COLUMBUS, Ohio – A broad snowstorm pushed eastward early Friday ahead of a powerful cold front, complicating the morning rush and closing schools a day after contributing to a crash in Ohio that killed four people in a van carrying disabled adults.The edge of the storm, with light snow flurries, reached the Philadelphia area overnight, and up to 2 inches of snow was likely there and in the New York City area, according to the National Weather Service, which warned commuters to be careful trekking to work.People ought to take it easy when they get out on the road this morning, Weather Service meteorologist Bill Goodman said early Friday.In Ohio, where icy cold winds and snow on Thursday contributed to occasionally treacherous road conditions, the Weather Service warned of a possible lake effect: arctic air blowing over the Great Lakes, picking up moisture and carrying it inland, creating narrow bands of heavy snow. A winter storm warning was in effect until Saturday morning.
The Cincinnati and Columbus school districts canceled Friday classes.
Light snow had begun falling across Ohio on Thursday morning, gradually intensifying throughout the day and continuing through the night. Up to 6 inches was expected Friday, more in the northern parts of the state.A tractor-trailer spun out of control Thursday on a snow-slick Ohio road, killing four people.The tractor-trailer jackknifed on Interstate 70, crossed the highway median and swerved into oncoming traffic, colliding with a small bus transporting adult disabled passengers, the Ohio Highway Patrol said.Three passengers on the bus were killed, as was its driver. Six other passengers of the bus, which was carrying 11 people, were injured, as was the driver of the commercial truck, Sgt. Raymond Durant said.Much of Pennsylvania woke up Friday to at least a coating of snow Friday morning, with a total of 5 to 7 inches expected across the western part of the state.Many schools across the Pennsylvania delayed opening and a few closed in response to the winter weather. Nearly 20 school districts in New Jersey, where a light dusting of snow fell Friday, delayed opening.Snowfall was heaviest in Minnesota and parts of South Dakota, where blowing winds piled up drifts too big for snowplow drivers to clear. In Illinois, six snowplows were involved in accidents, most when other vehicles rear-ended them. By Friday morning, parts of Wisconsin could see up to 12 inches of snow.
Snowflakes fell as far south as Alabama and Georgia.
Atlanta woke to an unusual glaze of ice on the roads Friday after light snow overnight melted and refroze. Authorities urged motorists to stay home in much of Georgia, at least until daylight so they could see ice patches.A 50-year-old woman in the far northern suburb of Acworth died after skidding off a road late Thursday. About 27 vehicles were involved in a pre-dawn crash Friday at the junction of two interstates near the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and three motorists were taken to hospitals.Frostbite-inducing temperatures gripped much of the nation, and schools in at least 10 states were closed, as were roads and government offices.Nowhere was it colder than in Bismarck, N.D., where wind chills hit a frighteningly frigid 52 below zero Thursday and the temperature reached 14 below. Windchills were still near 50 below in the Dakotas for a second day.While North Dakotans get plenty of practice with bundling up, folks in other parts of the country were still learning the basics. With temperatures on the Texas-Mexico border expected to near freezing Thursday night, officials in Laredo issued an advisory telling residents to dress warmly and stay dry.MacPherson reported from Bismarck, N.D. Associated Press writers John Seewer in Toledo, Ohio, and Lisa Cornwell in Cincinnati contributed to this report.
Brrr: Parents fight for sleds as Europe shivers By ANGELA CHARLTON and JUERGEN BAETZ, Associated Press Writers – JAN 8,10
PARIS – Snow settling near France's Mediterranean shores. German parents battling to buy sleds. British horse races called off over too much ice.A European cold snap — awfully cold in some places — saw snow clog roads and airports Friday, knock out electricity and induce hoorays from schoolchildren kept home from school. The low temperatures, prompted by an Arctic weather system, are set to continue through the weekend.Britain, already deep in its longest cold spell in nearly 30 years, registered its chilliest night yet this season: minus 22.3 degrees Celsius (minus 8.1Fahrenheit) in the Scottish Highlands village of Altnaharra.British authorities have used up so much grit on icy roads that on Friday they started to run out, leaving thousands of secondary roads and sidewalks untreated and turning them into sheets of black ice that stretched for blocks. Poland, too, saw shortages of salt for spilling on streets.Gatwick Airport officials said 18,000 tons of snow had been removed from runways in recent days. A dozen flights were canceled out of Marseille-Provence airport in southern France.France's weather service issued an avalanche warning for the Alps and the Pyrenees for this weekend after days of heavy snowfall and strong winds. Some travelers abandoned plans to head to the ski slopes because of closed roads.Last weekend, avalanches killed seven people in Switzerland at the start of its ski season.For desperate parents from Britain to Berlin, the biggest challenge hasn't been snow-choked roads but finding a sled.
Manufacturers of all types of snow-slipping vehicles, from traditional wooden-runner sleds to plastic bobsleds with breaks are thrilled at the boom after years of fearing they had become victims of global warming.There hasn't been a run on sleds like this one since at least 25 years, said Michael Ress, owner Ress Kutschen sled factory in Schwebheim, Germany.Ress' eight employees are currently working at maximum capacity, putting together 100 beech-wood sleds per day. The entire forthcoming production of this season's 3,000 sleds, which go for euro35 ($50), has already been sold in advance.We're running out of supplies, said Ress, adding that he was forced to order certain metal parts from Asia because his usual German suppliers were out of stock.In London, the harsh weather dominated Friday's Cabinet meeting. British union officials pleaded with employers to offer hot drinks to people working outside. A charity call center set up to help the elderly cope with the snow and ice was shut down because workers could not get to the office.Deep snow in Lanarkshire, Scotland, left Alec Allison using a tractor to clear it from the roads of his farm. But that didn't help his sheep. At one point, he used a long stick to search snowdrifts where he found and freed one of his sheep.In France, snow piled up from Normandy to Marseille on the Mediterranean shore. Some 30 centimeters (11.8 inches) of snow fell on Arles and Avignon in southern France, according to the regional traffic center, and snowdrifts piled higher than a meter (3.3 feet). Snowstorms cut electricity to thousands of homes.
Much of Spain was also shivering. A nature park in the normally temperate Murcia region in the southeast turned on heaters at a pen housing three giraffes more accustomed to savannah-like climes.In the Catalonia region centered on Barcelona, snowy conditions prevented 72 schools from reopening after the Christmas vacation, providing an extra day off for more than 16,000 children.Heavy rains caused flooding across central and southern Italy. Northern Italy was blanketed by snow, while Venice faced the acqua alta phenomenon — exceptionally high tides which often flood most of the lagoon city in winter. In Sweden, temperatures dropped to -38.7 C (-37.6 F). That put a strain on the country's energy supplies, as Swedes heat up their houses more and imports are down from energy-rich neighbor Norway. Norway is facing its lowest temperatures in more than two decades. The mercury dropped Friday to -42C (-44F) at Roros airport, in central Norway — the coldest temperature measured in mainland Norway since 1987. Train companies, including the cross-Channel Eurostar, were running reduced service. A Eurostar train traveling from Brussels to London broke down in the Channel Tunnel on Thursday, but the head of the French train authority SNCF, Guillaume Pepy, said it was linked to signal problems that have nothing to do with the cold.That was a relief to commuters because last month Eurostar came to a standstill for days because of train breakdowns that left thousands of passengers stranded in the tunnel. Why? The company identified the problem as unusually dry, powdery snow that got into the trains' engines. The cold is freezing out sporting types, too. Three British Premier League football matches Saturday have been postponed, and 10 of 16 matches in the Scottish Cup were called off. Two horse racing events — at Newcastle and Kelso next week — have been called off because of heaps of snow on already-frozen tracks.Baetz reported from Berlin. Associated Press writers Gregory Katz and Jill Lawless in London, Ariel David in Rome, Ian MacDougall in Olso, Louise Nordstrom in Stockholm, Daniel Woolls in Madrid, Karel Janicek in Prague contributed to this report.
Costa Rica extends evacuation near active volcano
Wed Jan 6, 7:07 pm ET
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica – Costa Rica has widened evacuations around the Turrialba volcano in response to eruptions of ash.The National Emergency Commission says all resident living within a radius of 4 miles (6 kilometers) of the peak are being evacuated. About 50 people have taken refuge at government shelters.The commission said Wednesday that ash has fallen in several communities east of the Costa Rican capital of San Jose.The 10,958-foot (3,340-meter) volcano is 42 miles (70 kilometers) east of San Jose.Activity at the volcano has increased in recent months. The last major eruption was 145 years ago.
Canada jobs recovery stalls in December
By Louise Egan – JAN 8,10
OTTAWA (Reuters) – The recovery in Canada's job market stalled in December as employers unexpectedly cut 2,600 jobs after hefty hiring in November, another sign the economic revival will be sluggish rather than in leaps and bounds.The data released by Statistics Canada on Friday showed the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 8.5 percent, as forecast in a Reuters poll.The job losses, which followed a 79,000-job gain in November, are small enough to be considered a flat reading but disappointed the market consensus of a 20,000 increase.The Canadian dollar fell immediately after the report but economists focused on evidence the economy is holding on to gradual gains made over the past few months.This is consistent with an economy that is on the mend but at a relatively moderate pace, said Don Drummond, chief economist at Toronto-Dominion Bank.The Canadian dollar fell as low as C$1.0386 or 96.28 U.S. cents, from C$1.0314 or 96.96 cents just before the report.The currency fully regained the lost ground 90 minutes later, however, after U.S. data showed 85,000 job losses in December. It touched C$1.0306, or 97.03 U.S. cents after that report.The Bank of Canada is likely to shrug off the worse-than-expected numbers when it sets interest rates on January 19. It is widely expected to keep its benchmark interest rate at an all-time low of 0.25 percent until mid-year.
It reinforces their commitment to remain on the sidelines, said Paul Ferley, assistant chief economist at the Royal Bank of Canada.But the report keeps pressure on Prime Minister Stephen Harper as his Conservative government prepares its next budget, to be presented on March. 4.Harper has vowed not to slow down on stimulus measures until 2011 and has said, in his view, the recession is not truly over until unemployment numbers come down.
Doug Porter, deputy chief economist at BMO Capital Markets, found some encouraging news in the details of the report, which showed the private sector gaining marginally.I wouldn't read too much into the small drop in the headline number. I think it's a very partial giveback from the big run-up we saw in November, he said.
It's mildly disappointing but I don't think it derails the broader picture that the Canadian economy is in the early stages of a recovery.Full-time employment accounted for most of the decline. Self-employment increased and 22,100 workers fell off the public sector payroll.Employment was 240,000 below year-ago levels and remained 323,000 lower than the peak in October 2008, Statscan said.Economists at Scotia Capital predicted this week that employment levels would recover to pre-crisis levels this year, adding more than 300,000 jobs. Others were less upbeat. Stewart Hall, markets strategist at HSBC, said the economy needs to generate between 20,000 and 23,000 jobs per month just to keep up with growth in the labor force. For 2010, that may be all that we can expect from the economy, that jobs growth merely keeps pace with labor force growth, he said. The goods-producing sector shed jobs in December, dragged down by 9,700 job losses in manufacturing, which was partially offset by a 10,700 gain in construction jobs. Although the services sector overall saw gains, the heaviest declines were in transportation and warehousing services, business, building and other support services and public administration. Hourly wages of permanent employees, closely watched by the Bank of Canada for inflation trends, rose 2.2 percent in December year-on-year, up from 2.1 percent in November.
(Additional reporting by Randall Palmer in Ottawa; Scott Anderson, Jennifer Kwan and Claire Sibonney in Toronto; Editing by Jeffrey Hodgson)
Canada asks France for list of Swiss account holders
JAN 8,10
OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada will formally request that France share information it possesses about Canadians with bank accounts in Switzerland that may help Ottawa crack down on tax avoiders, Revenue Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn said on Friday.
Blackburn said authorities in France have confirmed to him that they have information on Canadians. Ottawa has been trying unsuccessfully to obtain the names of Canadian clients of Swiss bank UBS whom it suspects of taking advantage of Swiss bank secrecy laws to hide assets and dodge taxes.Blackburn said it was not good news for Canada that a Swiss court ruled on Friday that it was illegal for a financial regulator to have ordered UBS last year to hand over the files of nearly 300 clients to U.S. officials. But he said Canada would continue to press for the information it needs.(Reporting by Louise Egan; editing by Peter Galloway)
Economy loses 85K jobs as employers remain wary By CHRISTOPHER S. RUGABER, AP Economics Writer – JAN 8,10
WASHINGTON – Lack of confidence in the economic recovery led employers to shed a more-than-expected 85,000 net jobs in December even as the unemployment rate held at 10 percent. The rate would have been higher if more people had been looking for work instead of leaving the labor force because they can't find jobs.The sharp drop in the work force — 661,000 fewer people — showed that more of the jobless are giving up. Once people stop looking for jobs, they're no longer counted among the unemployed.When discouraged workers and part-time workers who would prefer full-time jobs are included, the so-called underemployment rate in December rose to 17.3 percent, from 17.2 percent in November. That's just below a revised figure of 17.4 percent in October, the highest on records dating from 1994.Many analysts had hoped Friday's report would show the economy gained jobs for the first time in two years. While the revised figures found an increase in November, it was tiny.One word sums it up: Disappointment, said Jonathan Basile, an economist at Credit Suisse.
Referring to the drop in the labor force, Basile said, that tells me that Main Street doesn't believe there's a recovery yet, because they're not out looking for jobs yet.Revisions to the previous two months' data showed the economy actually generated 4,000 jobs in November, the first gain in nearly two years. But the revisions showed it also lost 16,000 more jobs than previously estimated in October.
The participation rate in the labor force — the portion of adults either working or looking for work — fell in December to 64.6 percent, the lowest since August 1985.
The drop was particularly steep in the second half of last year. That suggested that people were becoming discouraged about their job prospects even as layoffs slowed. The reason is that job openings remain far too few.The labor force has shrunk by 1.9 million people since May. Without the drop, December's jobless rate could have been as high as 10.4 percent, according to Larry Mishel, president of the Economic Policy Institute. And some economists think the rate will near 11 percent as more job-seekers eventually stream into the work force.Friday's report caps a disastrous year for U.S. workers. Employers cut 4.2 million jobs in 2009. And the unemployment rate averaged 9.3 percent. That compares with an average of 5.8 percent in 2008 and 4.6 percent in 2007. Nearly 15.3 million people are unemployed, an increase of 3.9 million during 2009.The economy is in a rough situation, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press. She said she thinks companies are reluctant to ramp up hiring because they're waiting to see what new stimulative steps the government might take to provide relief.On Friday afternoon, President Barack Obama plans to announce more government spending to create tens of thousands of green jobs. The White House says Obama will unveil projects that will help develop solar and wind power and energy management technologies. The funding is part of the $787 billion economic stimulus package Congress approved last year.The economy has lost more than 7.2 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007. And while layoffs have slowed, they haven't ended. UPS said Friday it will cut 1,800 jobs. And defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp. said this week it's cutting 1,200 workers.
If jobs remain scarce, consumer confidence and spending could flag, slowing the economic recovery. Many analysts estimate the economy grew by 4 percent or more at an annual rate in the October-December quarter, after 2.2 percent growth in the third quarter.But the economy will need to grow faster than that to bring down the unemployment rate. And economists worry that much of the recovery stems from temporary factors, such as government stimulus efforts and businesses rebuilding inventories.Debra Winchell has been seeking work since last January, when she lost her job as an administrative assistant at a health insurance company. Winchell, 50, of Latham, N.Y., said she's seen an uptick in online job postings, giving her some hope. But they're for jobs paying as little as $10. And she's still not getting any callbacks when she does apply.With her unemployment benefits set to run out this spring, Winchell, who is single, said she will reluctantly sign up for temporary work. I'll be lucky if it pays the bills, she said. Still, some economists said a recent trend of improvement remains in place. The economy lost an average of nearly 700,000 jobs in the first three months of last year, a figure that dropped to 69,000 in the fourth quarter. And the private service sector added jobs for the second straight month, said Nigel Gault, chief U.S. economist at Global Insight, though the gains have been concentrated in temporary workers. Firms are still being very cautious, so the first thing they are turning to aren't full-time employees, but temps, he said. Companies have added about 166,000 temp workers since July. The average work week remained unchanged at 33.2 hours, near October's record low of 33. Most economists hoped that would increase, as employers are likely to add hours for their current employees before hiring new workers. Job losses remained widespread: manufacturing lost 27,000 jobs and construction shed 53,000, while retailers, the leisure and hospitality industries and government also cut workers. AP Business Writers Emily Fredrix in Milwaukee and Jeannine Aversa in Washington and Associated Press Writer Philip Elliott in Washington contributed to this report.
Stocks mixed as market takes jobs report in stride By STEPHEN BERNARD and IEVA M. AUGSTUMS, AP Business Writers – JAN 8,10
NEW YORK – Stocks traded in a tight range on Friday as the market took a relatively weak December jobs report in stride.Employers cut 85,000 jobs last month, the Labor Department reported, worse than the 8,000 drop analysts expected. However November's figures were also revised to show a slight gain in jobs — the first such gain in nearly two years. Stocks indexes initially dipped after the report came out but made up some of their losses and were narrowly mixed in late morning trading.It's amazing how anticipated the data point was and how little the market is moving, said Eric Thorne, an investment adviser at Bryn Mawr Trust Wealth Management in Bryn Mawr, Pa.
The monthly jobs report is considered an important indicator of the economy's health, however job growth has been badly lagging in this recovery even as other parts of the economy improve, such as manufacturing, housing and retail sales.
Friday's mixed employment report reminded investors that the recovery is likely to continue to proceed in fits and starts. Data from the previous two months was revised to show that the economy generated 4,000 jobs in November, the first gain in nearly two years. But the revisions showed a loss of 16,000 more jobs than previously estimated in October.The report also signals that many jobless people are giving up on their search for work. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 10 percent.A year ago, when the economy was still reeling from paralyzed credit markets and the collapse of several large banks, the Dow Jones industrial average fell 143 points on news that the unemployment rate had climbed more than expected to 7.2 percent during December 2008. Employers cut 524,000 jobs that month.Analysts were mixed on whether the report is a sign unemployment will start continue to move higher.Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at the brokerage Avalon Partners Inc. in New York, said the unemployment data was disappointing, but it doesn't change a trend. He noted many of the job losses were in the construction sector, which is probably due to seasonal slowdowns.As you can see, the market isn't really falling apart, Cardillo said.In midday trading, the Dow Jones industrial average fell 16.78, or 0.2 percent, to 10,590.08. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 1.01, or 0.1 percent, to 1,140.68, while the Nasdaq composite index rose 7.53, or 0.3 percent, to 2,307.58.
Mike Rubino, CEO of Rubino Financial Group in Troy, Mich., was slightly more pessimistic about the employment picture, saying the jobless rate would've been far worse had the size of the work force not declined by 661,000. That decline showed more people are giving up on even trying to find a new job.Meanwhile workers finding jobs are getting paid less, which means consumption and consumer spending isn't likely to improve to pre-recession levels anytime soon, Rubino said.The underemployment rate, which factors in discouraged workers and part-time workers who would prefer full-time jobs, rose last month, climbing to 17.3 percent from 17.2 percent in November.Interest rates held in a narrow range on the bond market. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which moves opposite its price, was flat at 3.83 percent compared with late Thursday.About the same number of stocks were rising and falling on the New York Stock Exchange, where volume came to 393.6 million shares, versus 447.6. million traded at the same point Thursday.In corporate news, UPS Inc. shares rallied after the delivery service company said its fourth-quarter results would top previous estimates. UPS shares rose $2.44, or 4.3 percent, to $59.85.European markets shook off initial disappointment over employment reports from the U.S. and Europe. A new report showed the jobless rate in the 16 countries that use the euro rose to 10 percent in November for the first time since the single currency was introduced at the start of 1999. Earlier, Asian stocks rose after upbeat holiday sales figures suggested American consumers were spending more.
Japan's Nikkei stock average rose 1.1 percent. Britain's FTSE 100 rose less than 0.1 percent. Germany's DAX index gained 0.3 percent, while France's CAC-40 rose 0.6 percent. The dollar fell slightly. Gold prices also declined. The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies fell 0.18, or less than 0.1 percent, to 641.79. Augstums reported from Charlotte, N.C.
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