3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:
ISAIAH 13:9-11
9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.
11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
2 KINGS 23:5
5 And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.
GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
HOSEA 4:1-3
1 Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.
3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.
GLOBAL WARMING HOAX IS CARBON TAX SCAM (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Green Illusions and the Carbon Tax Scam
April 30, 2011
A serious program will reject the talk of market mechanisms and pursue measures that directly address both carbon emissions and technological change by Tim Anderson
Dr. Tim Anderson is a senior lecturer in political economy at Sydney University in Sydney, Australia
The proposal for a carbon tax raises the issues of tax equity and political strategy. Yet despite their inter-relatedness, we need to disentangle these issues to focus on the original question. As a mean of addressing climate change, the carbon tax proposal comes in the context of difficult global negotiations, where almost any proposal has been seen as a breakthrough, and where (after the last financial derivatives bubble) there is justified suspicion of emissions trading schemes.In Australia the political context includes a narrow, two-party debate which has reverted to tax incidence, with both major parties basically captured by the major investor groups and Labor having recently been humiliated over a failed proposal for a new mining tax. Into this mix we have the Greens, presenting as an alternative, yet signing an accord with the Labor government over its carbon tax.I would like to briefly touch on the tax equity issue, before moving to the carbon tax and then to the question of political strategies.
Tax equity
Back in the 1970s Labor MP Jim Cairns commented that the question was not how much tax big companies paid, but whether they paid any tax at all. The situation is hardly better today. Underlying this is a failure of political will on the part of successive governments. Neither major party wants a confrontation with the big investment groups.Yet there is natural, popular resentment at the incidence of new taxes on wage earners and consumers, and it is similarly natural that themes like make the polluters/companies pay are raised.However it is hard to imagine that this chronic problem might be addressed simply as a side issue to the primary aim of the carbon tax — to create some sort of vehicle for the reduction of carbon emissions. If the Labor government was unable to directly impose a very reasonable super-profits tax on the mining companies, it seems less likely to be able to make big companies wear (and not pass on) a new tax simply as the by-product of an environmental protection policy.
Carbon tax and climate change policy
In the euphoria of overcoming the blockade on the Kyoto Protocol by Washington (and therefore also by Canberra) we may have lost sight of what that agreement represented. Yes, it meant accepting and addressing the fact of human-aggravated climate change by carbon emissions — but it also represented a market mechanism to deal with the problem. It particular it proposed emissions trading.Even the Australian Greens, in the midst of their other quite reasonable policies on climate change (public investment in renewables, removing subsidies for coal companies, new standards and regulation in favour of sustainable industries), include reference to market-based mechanisms.What is meant by market mechanism? It is a neoliberal concept, in the sense that it pre-supposes that pathways to ecological integrity can be found through private commercial transactions, making use of price signals. It assumes, and therefore demands, that there can be no real conflict of interest between private commerce and public policy. If only the right price signals are built into transactions, incorporating more closely the full costs of production, private markets will correct their previous distortions. Carrying on with business as usual (i.e. commodification and profit making) after a simple price adjustment is thus said to be the best way for the planet to go green.Based on this logic, a designated price for carbon is central, and underlies a carbon tax as well as an emissions trading scheme. Both pretend to set up market mechanisms which create higher prices for dirty industries, supposedly driving investment into better alternatives. The carbon tax proposal differs a little, in that it pretends to build public revenue to assist the process and stops short of a market price for carbon; but there is no great conceptual difference between the two. Indeed, the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee agreement between Labor, the Greens and some independent MPs, asserts that the carbon price mechanism will roll out for some years before converting to a cap and trade emissions trading scheme.
The problems with this line of logic should be obvious. The demand for carbon-dirty industries is mostly price inelastic and so the higher costs will be accepted, and passed on to consumers without technological change. Australia has had very high taxes on petrol since the late 1970s, with no real impact on fuel consumption. Second, there is no guarantee that revenue from a carbon tax will be used to invest in renewable energies; indeed the more recent debate has degenerated into one where most revenue is said to be used in compensation for affected industries and consumers. While potentially worthy in the sense of tax equity, compensation negates the supposed behavioural impact of higher carbon prices.Finally, the emissions trading scheme towards which this is all heading is certain to be a sorry collection of unfulfilled promises, evasions and scams. Companies will be encouraged to buy their way out of their liabilities, instead of being required to change their technologies. They will finance shonky and unaccountable nature conservation projects in other countries. These projects in turn will be purchased by the next wave of loggers and miners. Liabilities will be onsold into a new derivatives bubble market, and we very recently saw the consequences of such bubbles.
Green political strategies
Meanwhile, some in the Greens seem to think that the carbon tax agreement represents a new era in responsibility and maturity. Some even accuse the Liberal Party — through its opposition to the tax — of scaring the business community.One activist on a Greens blog says, We need to find a way to align ourselves with our potential friends. Let’s start talking to BHP and Westpac.Great point,the blog host replies. In my view, this sort of naivety spells great danger for the Greens.The market mechanism minority part of the Greens’ climate change policy has rapidly come to dominate the party’s other policies. The Greens are now deeply implicated in a neoliberal agenda and (along with Labor) will be blamed for its failure. When the carbon bubble collapses they could share the fate of the Irish Greens, or the Australian Democrats.The simple alternative would be to reject the talk of “market mechanisms” and pursue measures that directly address both carbon emissions and technological change towards sustainable industries: public investment in renewables, removing subsidies for coal companies, and new standards and regulation in favour of sustainable industries.Better to promote an honest alternative than help administer this latest scam.
Carbon Tax Scam Shifts from Climate to Poverty
Paul Joseph Watson
As the science behind global warming becomes increasingly discredited and its proponents are exposed as eugenics-obsessed control freaks who care only about destroying freedom, the effort to make Americans pay a global tax has shifted from the justification of climate change to that of poverty.As we documented on Sunday, leaders from 60 nations will be meeting at the UN this week to push a tax on world financial transactions, formally launching a massive program to bankrupt the middle class and enrich the coffers of global government.Separately, the leaders of Spain and France are also now calling for new financing sources with which to build the infrastructure of a one world government. Remember, this has nothing to do with poverty. As the leaked Danish text revealed, global institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank have no intention of handing the money looted from American taxpayers to poorer countries, they will merely continue to keep the third world in bondage with crippling loans while withholding the real wealth for themselves.We need to make more effort to look for alternative financing sources … that aren’t as vulnerable as the budgets of developed countries when faced with crises like the one we’re seeing today,” said Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.Both he and French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for some form of financial tax to raise money to combat poverty, an idea already rejected by the International Monetary Fund and many Group of 20 major developed and developing nations,reports Reuters.
Although climate change still gets a token mention in the call for a global tax, the justification of poverty has firmly overtaken it as the primary ruse via which globalists plan to conduct a massive transfer of wealth – not to poor nations – but to their own back pockets.As the science behind global warming becomes increasingly discredited and its proponents are exposed as eugenics-obsessed control freaks who care only about destroying freedom, the effort to make Americans pay a global tax has shifted from the justification of climate change to that of poverty.As we documented on Sunday, leaders from 60 nations will be meeting at the UN this week to push a tax on world financial transactions, formally launching a massive program to bankrupt the middle class and enrich the coffers of global government.Separately, the leaders of Spain and France are also now calling for new financing sources with which to build the infrastructure of a one world government. Remember, this has nothing to do with poverty. As the leaked Danish text revealed, global institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank have no intention of handing the money looted from American taxpayers to poorer countries, they will merely continue to keep the third world in bondage with crippling loans while withholding the real wealth for themselves.We need to make more effort to look for alternative financing sources … that aren’t as vulnerable as the budgets of developed countries when faced with crises like the one we’re seeing today, said Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.Both he and French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for some form of financial tax to raise money to combat poverty, an idea already rejected by the International Monetary Fund and many Group of 20 major developed and developing nations, reports Reuters.Although climate change still gets a token mention in the call for a global tax, the justification of poverty has firmly overtaken it as the primary ruse via which globalists plan to conduct a massive transfer of wealth – not to poor nations – but to their own back pockets.As the recently leaked UN blueprint revealed, the elite are determined to use a global tax as just one of the weapons in their arsenal to dismantle the middle class of richer nations.In their own words, the globalists talk of their aim to limit and redirect the aspirations for a better life of rising middle classes around the world, in other words to reduce the standard of living for the middle classes in Western Europe and America.
As the opening session paper puts it: The real challenge comes from the exponential growth of the global consumerist society driven by ever higher aspirations of the upper and middle layers in rich countries as well as the expanding demand of emerging middle-class in developing countries. Our true ambition should be therefore creating incentives for the profound transformation of attitudes and consumption styles.This is globalist talk for dismantling the middle classes by looting them with global taxes and consumption levies in the name of alleviating poverty in poorer areas of the world and stopping climate change. However, as we have already explained, this is merely a ruse. The money will not be redistributed to the poor, it will be swallowed up by the same globalist institutions running the scam.To achieve their goal, the UN will have to oversee nothing less than a fundamental transformation of the global economy, states the report. In other words, economic growth will wither and be replaced by a green economy and a post-industrial revolution.Since Spain’s fundamental transformation of its economy over to a green economy” has devastated the country, with unemployment hitting a crippling 20 per cent, it’s unsurprising that Zapatero is now calling for a new global levy on financial transactions in an effort to force already destitute Americans to pick up the tab for the failed and economically crippling green measures that he inflicted on his own country while doing the bidding of his globalist masters.
Your carbon footprint
Your carbon footprint is the greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual or an organization. It is generally expressed as the amount of carbon dioxide, or its equivalent of other greenhouse gases, that are emitted. An individual, nation or organization’s carbon footprint can be measured by undertaking a greenhouse gas emissions assessment. Once the size of a carbon footprint is known, a strategy can be developed to reduce it. The mitigation of carbon footprints through the support of alternative projects, such as reforestation (tree planting), grasslands restoration, or the use of solar or wind energy is one way of reducing one’s carbon footprint, and is known as carbon offsetting.
FSA warning over carbon credit trading schemes-Financial Services Authority warns against unregulated schemes which risk landing you with an overpriced and unsellable white elephant Tony Levene, Friday 5 August 2011 22.58 BST
Carbon credit trading schemes are set to take over from landbanking as a major scam hitting unwary investors. This week the Financial Services Authority issued its first consumer alert on the schemes following an unprecedented 10-fold surge in complaints and queries in July. The watchdog warns that the schemes are unregulated, so anyone can sell them, and UK authorities have no way of controlling their quality or validity.Investors risk ending up with an overpriced credit which is virtually unsellable – just like the almost worthless agricultural acreage that landbankers push with the promise of planning permission in the near future.At least one company that was selling land has moved its business model from persuading investors that land will soar in value to concentrating on carbon schemes.Jonathan Phelan, head of the unauthorised business department at the FSA, says: Since June, we've seen a significant rise in consumers reporting carbon credit trading schemes to the FSA. While carbon credit trading schemes don't automatically amount to investment schemes that require FSA authorisation, we are concerned that the majority of the firms being reported to us are using high pressure sales tactics and targeting vulnerable consumers with little or no knowledge of commodities and derivatives trading.We suspect that many of these firms are essentially overseas boiler rooms or landbanking firms simply selling a highly dubious new investment product and jumping upon the green/eco-friendly bandwagon. We strongly recommend that consumers seek advice from an FSA-authorised independent financial adviser before getting involved in the carbon credit trading market.The first contact that investors receive from a carbon credit company is usually a cold call, although some use email or post, or take stands at investor exhibitions. And the initial appeal is to the investor's environmental concerns.Like landbankers, most carbon credit companies use much the same sales scripts. This is a typical example: Carbon credits are an obligation under the Kyoto agreement and have gone from zero to $550bn in just five years. No other market has been driven up so fast. This is a worldwide move to clean up the carbon footprint, there is massive legislation and firms have to adhere.However, growth in a market is no guarantee of investment gains. While there may be extra demand, carbon credits are not limited in supply like commodities such as gold or cocoa. Potential victims are told industries have to offset emissions and that governments are focusing on green developments – so investors can reap rich rewards.
One route to parting you from your money is the rainforest land deal. A salesperson claims Amazonian forest land will turn into profitable and easy-to-trade carbon credits once it is certified as rescued from loggers.Earlier this year, one London firm was selling land in the Amazon at £1,000 an acre – though similar tracts feature on websites for less than £20 an acre. It claimed every £7,500 investment will soon turn into £15,000 or £20,000"and said the high markup was due to the cost of accreditation.More frequently, carbon credit trading firms sell the voluntary emission reduction (VER) credit which they claim is a tradeable commodity, certified by the United Nations framework convention on climate change. Each credit represents one tonne of greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Sellers often say their credits are cheaper than JP Morgan, the investment bank with a substantial interest in carbon trading schemes. But unlike standardised commodities such as gold, where each kilobar of gold is the same as the next, there is no uniformity in the VER market.
The FSA says: VERs are often labelled as certified but this is voluntary, involving a wide range of bodies and different quality standards. In reality, VERs can be bought for as little as 30p, and can diminish in value as they age. Firms offsetting emissions tend to go for the latest VERs. The FSA also warns against statements that the VER is government backed.Some of the firms touting carbon credits say the Australian government will force big companies operating in Australia to buy credits at A$24 (about £15) a time next year. This will be a carbon tax, however, rather than a VER.Potential investors are told their credits will be listed on the APX online registry. The FSA adds: It is not often made clear to investors that this involves trading on over-the-counter markets which require experience and skill. You may lose money or not be able to sell at all.
Tony Levene: How I was cold-called
I was cold-called last week by a carbon credit trading company based in London, and faced the high pressure sales tactics the FSA is warning about.The caller, who described himself as a portfolio manager told me the firm was an expert in carbon credits which, he claimed, was the world's fastest growing market. He sent me a glossy brochure, but when I received it, there was no mention of carbon credits. Instead it was focused entirely on landbanking, a previous speciality of the firm.I was also contacted by a senior spot trader at the firm. He told me he could sell me carbon credits cheaper than JP Morgan because we are not so greedy. He wanted me to invest £10,000 to £15,000.He said: Indigenous people would benefit from credits as a lot of energy would be sold back to the national grid, a claim dismissed by one expert as nonsense in every sense of the word.When asked about the sudden switch from landbanking, he told me the firm was staffed with experienced people with backgrounds in stock markets and investment banking.He promised to send carbon credit literature. But the next post brought yet another copy of the landbanking brochure. I think I'll duck this one!
Carbon credit trading schemes
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We are receiving an increasing number of reports from people who have been approached by firms promoting carbon credit trading schemes. Are these schemes a genuine investment opportunity or a new scam? We take a look.A carbon credit is a certificate or permit which represents the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) and they can be traded for money.Firms may try to sell you carbon credit certificates or get you to invest directly in a green scheme or project that generates carbon credits as a return on your investment.There are two categories of carbon credits: voluntary emission reductions (VERs) and certified emission reductions (CERs).VERs involve the offset or reduction of carbon in any way, such as through a forestry scheme or solar panel project. This type of carbon credit is increasingly being promoted to UK investors.Governments and large corporate entities typically trade in CERs certificates and these are highly unlikely to be offered in small volumes to consumers.
How it works
The contact usually comes out of the blue, with most schemes cold-calling investors. But it can also come by email, post, word of mouth or at a seminar or exhibition.
You might be told that carbon credits are the new big thing in commodity trading and that you could make significant profits.The caller may claim industries now have to off-set their emissions, the government is focusing on green developments and that carbon credit trading is an ever growing market.You may also be told that in the current economic climate you will earn larger profits from carbon credits than traditional investment products.While not all carbon credit trading schemes are a scam, it is often not made clear to investors that trading on Over-The-Counter (OTC) markets requires experience and skill. You may lose money on your investment by not getting a competitive rate when trading a small volume of carbon credits or not being able to sell your credits at all.
How to protect yourself
Beware that VERs certificates are often labelled as certified, but this certification is voluntary involving a wide range of bodies and different quality standards that are not recognised by any UK financial compensation scheme.Just because the salesperson mentions the Kyoto Protocol or government-backed plans does not tell you anything about the type of carbon credit you are investing in.Also keep in mind that the projects generating VERs are usually based overseas and the UK authorities have no way of controlling the quality or validity of the scheme.
Remember if the company promoting or operating the scheme is not authorised by us, you will not have access to the Financial Ombudsman Service or Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) if things go wrong.This also means you will not be able to take your case to the Ombudsman Service or FSCS if you cannot sell or trade your carbon credits.There are more steps you can take to keep your savings safe – find out how to protect yourself from investment scams.
What to do if you have been scammed
If you are concerned about a carbon credit trading scheme you should stop sending money to the firm and individuals involved. If you have given them your bank account details, tell your bank immediately.You should then contact our Consumer Helpline. Please provide as much information as you can about your investment and the company involved, including their contact details and ‘firm reference number’ (FRN) if they claim to be authorised by us.The more information we have, the better our chances of assessing whether the company is operating a scheme for which they need to be authorised by us, as explained below.
Carbon credits as a CIS
We do not regulate the sale or trading of carbon credits. But we do regulate collective investment schemes (CIS) and certain types of exchange contracts (often called futures), and a firm must be authorised by us to promote or operate them in the UK.We can only take action over a carbon credit trading scheme when it is being promoted or operated as a CIS or futures contract, without our authorisation.
The scheme may be a CIS where:investors do not have day-to-day control over managing the property that is generating the credits (such as a plot of forest or solar panels);the scheme involves pooling investor funds; and the operator is responsible for managing the scheme as a whole.It is possible to sell carbon credits without the scheme being a CIS. So, many schemes are set up to avoid the characteristics of a CIS – at least on paper.However, sales people may tell a different story and it helps us prove that a carbon credits trading scheme is a CIS if we know what you are told when it is being promoted.
You may be entering a futures contract where:delivery of the carbon credits is done at a future date; and the contract is made for investment purposes.If there is not enough evidence that a scheme is being run as a CIS or futures contract but there are wider concerns, we can refer it to Trading Standards, the Corporate Complaints Team at the the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (DBIS).
- DAN 1:1 - DAN 3:30 VBV - 1 JVI
- DAN 4:1 - DAN 6:28 VBV - 2 JVI
- DAN 7:1 - DAN 9:27 VBV - 3 JVI
- DAN 10:1 - 12:13 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 1 - REV 4:6 VBV - 1 JVI
- REV 4:9 - REV 9:21 VBV - 2 JVI
- REV 10:1 - REV 14:1 VBV - 3 JVI
- REV 14:2 - REV 18:24 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 19:1 - REV 22:21 VBV - 5 JVI
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Official: Air race crash mass casualty situation APBy MARTIN GRIFFITH - Associated Press,SCOTT SONNER - Associated Press | AP – SEPT 16,11
RENO, Nev. (AP) — A plane plunged into the stands at an air race event in Reno in what an official described as a mass casualty situation.It wasn't immediately known how many people were killed. But video of the crash showed a horrific scene of bodies and wreckage at the front of the stands.Mike Draper, a spokesman for the air races, told The Associated Press that Jimmy Leeward was the pilot of the P-51 Mustang that crashed into the box seat area at the front of the grandstand about 4:30 p.m. He said he did not have any information on the number of injured.The National Championship Air Races draws thousands of people every year in September to watch various military and civilian planes race.
SOLARGATE: Obama’s Big Green Scandal That Won’t Go Away Patrick Henningsen September 16, 2011
In the first year of his presidency, George W. Bush was under siege. At that time, he had appeared to win his war in Afghanistan, only to find himself tangled in another story, a tale of corporate greed and political corruption made by the hands of a company known as Enron.Back then, it was the new energy brokerage houses and the new energy futures market that drove the hubris, and the greed of men like Ken Lay. Today in 2011, Barrack Obama now finds himself in the midst of his own ‘Enron moment’, but this time it’s political favouritism and a seemingly bottomless pit of green government stimulus handouts that has driven his green juggernaut into a ravine.The Enron scandal saw, among other crimes, the savings and retirement funds of tens of thousands of employees disappear when the politically connected energy giant went bankrupt overnight, but it was the cronyism- the company’s direct connections to Bush, Cheney and other insiders which left the worst taste in America’s mouth. Last week, deja vu hit the Obama White House, as his favourite green pet- solar energy firm Solyndra, managed to do an overnight disappearing act with over $500 million in taxpayer funds. What’s worse is that just like Enron, the solar energy firm’s connections go right up through Washington, and right up to the President himself.From a policy level, it’s a complete wash out due to the fact that despite over half a billion dollars in Federal Financing Bank handouts, Solyndra did not manage to create any new green jobs. On an insider corruption level, things are looking even bleaker.
Indeed, in the Obama White House, just as it was in the Bush White House, money buys influence, and more importantly, money also buys business opportunities. Apparently, when Solyndra first applied for its green subsidies, auditors at the Department of Energy (DOE) had serious doubts about the company’s financial strength, yet, they were still fast-tracked for one the biggest green subsidies in US history. Jonathan Silver is executive director of the Loan Programs Office, and is the man who signed off on Solyndra’s loan. Will he thrown under the bus later, if the investigation reaches Congressional hearings? The plot thickens.The $500 million question is why this firm was allowed to win such a large handout if its fundamentals did not pass grade? The answer to that question is a man by the name of George Kaiser, an Oklahoma billionaire and a major investor in Solyndra, who also happened to be… a key fundraiser for Obama’s 2008 election campaign. But it gets worse.When Solyndra when down under Chapter 11 bankruptcy last week, you would think that the US taxpayer would be first in line as a creditor who hoped to recoup its $500 million loss. Not so. First in line was… George Kaiser, who managed to pocket his initial $75 million investment before anyone else got to the butchers table.In an ABC report, Kaiser, like with every inner circle Obama Democrat, moved quickly to place the blame on our far eastern neighbours.Solyndra’s collapse saying the solar firm faced serious challenges in the marketplace, especially the drastic decline in solar panel prices during the past two years caused in part by subsidies provided by the government of China to Chinese solar panel manufacturers, said Kaiser.
Now there is an ethical and perhaps criminal element to Obama’s green scandal. Like with Enron, where thousands of employee retirement accounts were pilfered away by its cowboy executives, Solyndra’s employees were informed literally overnight, that their company was closed and was so broke, that there would not even be a severance cheque waiting for them. But it turns out that insiders in Washington did know the company was in trouble long before it closed its doors last week. The question now is who knew. Which Washington insiders had off-loaded their stocks and shares in the months before the solar manufacturer went down the drain? Criminal proceeding will certainly follow should investigative authorities come up with any information pointing to gross insider trading and financial malfeasance. At the orders of the DOE’s Inspector General, the FBI have now already raided the offices of Solyndra, seizing all its files, as well as raided the homes of Solyndra executives, seizing their computers and related company documents.The reality of Obama’s green revolution in 2011 is that, despite his pledge to handout $38.6 billion in Federal loan guarantees to companies like Solyndra, a promise to create 65,000 green jobs has only produced a rather pathetic 3,545 permanent jobs- this after giving out almost half the allocated amount so far, according to the DOE.One only needs to do the math, and you will discover what every other developed country around the globe already knew in 2008- that the cost per green job is hardly worth the financial pain and suffering.Unquestionably, this scandal will throw into question every other green jobs award that Obama’s White House has given out since 2008, as well as severely damage confidence in any other DOE projects on the table, or in the future.
Now, it is perhaps only a question of time before the investigation reaches the Congress hearing level, where Democrats will be hoping to push a major investigation past the election next November 2012. In the meantime, GOP opponents on Capitol Hill have already caught the scent of political blood left by Obama’s big green debacle. In a recent Washington Post article, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn) exclaimed, My goodness. We should be reviewing every one of these loan guarantee. Audit baby audit.Early indications imply that the sheer size and scope of Obama’s Solargate scandal leave us with the impression that this may only be the tip of a much, much larger iceberg. It will be Obama’s first classic Pennsylvania Avenue scandal he has had to face in his first term, one in which we will discover the true quality of this President’s tephlon coating.Above all, this scandal underlines the very same issues which were present during, and which grew out of the Enron days, because Obama’s green economy rides squarely on the back of some very questionable science which endorses a belief in Al Gore’s universal theory of man-made global warming and climate change. From this idea also sprung a vision whereby the people of the world would one day be buying and selling their carbon emissions in a carbon marketplace, a market designed by Ken Lay himself. It seems that with Solargate, the house of cards is well and truly coming down.With Enron it, was pure hubris and greed, combined with opportunity. With Solyndra, it is green hubris and green greed, combined with opportunity. When you get right down to it, they are no different.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TR BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
Geithner presses EU to act; meets resistance
Reuters By John O'Donnell and Robin Emmott | Reuters – SEPT 16,11
WROCLAW, Poland (Reuters) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner drew a cool response from EU policymakers when he urged them to leverage their bailout fund to better tackle the debt crisis and to start speaking with one voice.In a 30-minute meeting with euro zone finance ministers on Friday, Geithner pressed for the 440 billion euros European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) to be scaled up to give greater capacity to combat the bloc's debt malaise, a senior euro zone official said.The U.S. Treasury said of Geithner's role that he did not advocate or oppose any specific policy prescriptions.One analyst familiar with the proposal said it would involve the EFSF guaranteeing a portion -- perhaps 20 percent -- of potential losses on euro zone debt, so that its capital would effectively stretch five times further.
Geithner's presence at the meeting underscored the depth of U.S. alarm but ministers were resistant to Washington telling the 17-country euro zone and its finance chiefs what to do.He conveyed dramatically that we need to commit money to avoid bringing the system into difficulty, Austria's Finance Minister Maria Fekter told reporters after the meeting.I found it peculiar that even though the Americans have significantly worse fundamental data than the euro zone, that they tell us what we should do and when we make a suggestion ... that they say no straight away.Fekter said there had been particular disagreement over suggestions that Europe should find more money to fight the crisis. When German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble explained that would not go down well with taxpayers and that the only way to fund it would be a financial transaction tax, Geithner flatly ruled that out.However, one senior official said Geithner's proposal on leveraging the EFSF had neither been rejected nor endorsed.It is being discussed, the official said, emphasizing that the priority was for euro zone national parliaments to ratify new powers for the EFSF agreed in July so it can lend to countries under attack in the markets and buy sovereign bonds to prop up struggling states.Geithner was the head of the New York Federal Reserve at the height of the 2008-09 financial crisis where he helped develop an emergency loan facility that was used to help restart the frozen asset-backed securities market.While no one described the gathering as ill-tempered or heated, it appeared clear from the reaction afterwards that Geithner and the Europeans did not see entirely eye-to-eye.
Jean-Claude Juncker, the chairman of the Eurogroup, said he was not prepared to discuss issues privy to the euro zone with someone from outside the currency bloc.
We are not discussing the expansion or increase of the EFSF with a non-member of the euro area, he told reporters.He also ruled out any further fiscal stimulus, something Washington has also called for. Fiscal consolidation remains a top priority for the euro area, he said.In a separate development that could have implications for Greek debt sustainability, financial sources told Reuters less than 75 percent of private creditors had agreed to take part in a bond swap scheme aimed at keeping Athens afloat, well below the 90 percent target. The measure is a vital part of a second Greek bailout agreed in July.Belgian Finance Minister Didier Reynders said one option could be for the EFSF to make up the difference while Greek bankers say a shortfall could be covered from funds set aside to support banks in need.
With most economists saying a Greek default is inevitable at some point and the much larger Italian economy -- which would be too big for the euro zone to bail out -- not out of the firing line despite approval of a new austerity package this week, the pressure is on to act.A Reuters poll of more than 50 economists across Europe gave a 65 percent chance Greece would default with half of them saying it would do so in within 12 months. Few expected it to be forced out of the currency bloc.
Speaking to a group of policymakers and bankers after the meeting, Geithner said the EU needed to end loose talk about a break-up of the euro and work more closely with the European Central Bank on solutions.What is very damaging (in Europe) from the outside is not the divisiveness about the broader debate, about strategy, but about the ongoing conflict between governments and the central bank, and you need both to work together to do what is essential to the resolution of any crisis,he said.
Governments and central banks have to take out the catastrophic risks from markets ... (and avoid) loose talk about dismantling the institutions of the euro.The ECB reluctantly agreed last month to buy the bonds of Italy and Spain after they came under market attack, on the understanding the EFSF would take up the cudgels once changes to the fund agreed in July are in place. That was too much for some in the ECB -- the top German official at the bank, Juergen Stark, announced his resignation last week.We are observing tensions in sovereign risk in the EU area, which we consider part of global tensions. It calls for us being alert ... putting our house in order, ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet told reporters.In a news conference after finance ministers met alone to discuss the specifics of the crisis, Juncker and the European commissioner for monetary affairs, Olli Rehn, focused on the need for Greece to stick rigidly to commitments it has made.Inspectors from the ECB, EU and IMF should report back on progress in early October, Rehn said, meaning that the next disbursement of aid to Greece from its first bailout -- vital to avert imminent default -- could be paid by mid-October.A Greek government official said the heads of an EU/IMF inspection team would not arrive in Athens as planned on Monday to resume a performance review due to technical reasons and will instead hold a teleconference with the finance minister.The intention is to meet the fiscal targets for this year and next year without delay, without exception and deviations, Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos told reporters.With no dramatic new policy unveiled, the euro gave up some of the gains seen in the previous session when the ECB and other top central banks joined forces to offer more dollar liquidity to banks struggling to secure funds.
All the headlines that are coming out of the Ecofin meeting are pretty negative and the euro's resilience after the coordinated action from central banks on Thursday seems to be coming off, said Jeremy Stretch head of currency strategy at CIBC World Markets.Among the issues finance ministers must try to resolve is a row over the terms of a second bailout for Greece, with countries such as Finland demanding collateral in return for new loans -- a major obstacle to a deal.An adviser to Finnish Finance Minister Jutta Urpilainen said it would probably not be until early October that the dispute was fully resolved.Collateral is a must for Helsinki but officials say a solution is coming together whereby it is made so expensive to demand it that no country but Finland will take it.(Additional reporting by John O'Donnell, Jan Strupczewski, Robin Emmott, Annika Breidthardt and Leigh Thomas in Wroclaw and David Lawder and Rachelle Younglai in Washington; Writing by Luke Baker; editing by Mike Peacock, Janet McBride and Kenneth Barry)
EU toughens budget rules but stalls on Greece APBy DAVID McHUGH - AP Business Writer,GABRIELE STEINHAUSER - AP Business Writer | AP – SEPT 16,11
WROCLAW, Poland (AP) — The European Union's 27 countries overcame a year of infighting to agree Friday to tougher budget rules that make it easier to punish overspending governments, but failed to produce any new measures that might contain the debt market turmoil threatening it.Polish finance minister Jacek Rostowski said his EU counterparts approved the measures at their meeting in Wroclaw, Poland, where the officials were under international pressure to show some progress in their fight to contain the debt crisis.Although the new rules will not ease immediate market concerns about debt, they are a first indication that Europe's states are willing to give up some sovereign powers to bolster longer-term confidence in the region.The yearlong delay and the complicated voting procedures that define the final deal, however, suggest more progress will be hard to come by.I don't say that it is perfect, European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said of the compromise deal. But it is a very significant improvement.Under the new rules, it will be easier to put sanctions on governments that breach the EU's limits on debts and deficits, because in most cases a state would have to rally a majority of governments to stop the punishment. That is a reversal of powers, since until now, a majority was necessary to impose sanctions. Governments that are found to ignore warnings can also be punished.In the years before the current crisis, many European states — including Germany and France — had broken the EU rule requiring deficits to be kept below 3 percent of gross domestic product. Experts say that the lack of accountability has helped cause the rise in government debt that is currently afflicting the region.
The eurozone ministers are under intense pressure to find solutions to the debt crisis that has hobbled their 17-nation currency union for almost two years.U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's presence at Friday's informal meeting — the first time for an American Treasury chief — was an indication of the fears that Europe's turmoil will hurt the global economic recovery.Yet Friday's meeting produced little concrete progress toward snuffing out the more immediate crisis, in which high interest rates threaten to cut indebted countries off from bond market financing. Greece, Ireland and Portugal have needed international bailout loans to avoid defaulting on their debts, and eurozone officials are trying to keep default fears from pushing Spain or Italy, regarded as too big to bail out, into default.
Eurozone officials said they would not decide until October on whether Greece had met conditions to receive the next installment from its original euro110 billion ($151 billion) bailout, required to keep it from a default that could trigger wider financial havoc among Europe's shaky banks.They also could not agree to resolve a dispute over Finland's demand for collateral to cover its contribution to a second, euro109 billion ($150 billion) bailout agreed when the first did not put Greece back on its feet.Other calls, such as increasing the size of the eurozone bailout fund or providing more government stimulus to fight a growth slowdown that could make the debt crisis worse, were rejected.For the longer term, calls have been growing louder for the 17 eurozone countries to coordinate their fiscal and economic policies much more closely to avoid similar crises in the future and more importantly to assure financial markets of the endurance and unity of the currency union.However, the struggle over the new budget rules, which dragged on after the European Commission proposed the new legislation in September 2010, has raised doubts that eurozone states would be willing to give up more decision-making power to central authorities such as the commission, the EU's executive body.
The European Central Bank had been particularly critical of states' attempts to preserve powers to stop sanctions, saying initially that even the original proposals from the commission were not tough enough.Trichet said that in the medium-term, further steps were necessary to make sure that governments maintain healthy economies and tax and spending policies.The deal on the budget rules is expected to be passed by the full European Parliament later this month.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
GENESIS 7:6-12
6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.
7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.
10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Hurricane Maria makes landfall in eastern Canada
AP – Fri Sep 16, 5:29 pm ET
ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland – Hurricane Maria made landfall in eastern Newfoundland as a Category 1 storm on Friday, but officials said the worst winds were offshore and there were no early reports of injuries or significant property damage.After making landfall, Maria was quickly downgraded to a tropical storm. Chris Fogarty, a meteorologist at the Canadian Hurricane Centre, said Newfoundland avoided the worst of the hurricane. Weather officials lifted the hurricane warning for southeastern Newfoundland.The worst wind stayed just offshore, Fogarty said in an interview.A major bullet was dodged by the look of it.Many Newfoundlanders hunkered down at home in the Atlantic Canadian province. Schools were closed. Fogarty said the latest forecast calls for 2 inches (5 centimeters) of rain in some areas — less than originally expected.Fogarty said the highest winds on land reached 64 mph (103 kph) on the southern tip of the Avalon peninsula where Maria made landfall. The highest wind speeds were recorded offshore where they peaked at 77 mph (124 kph).The storm comes a year after Hurricane Igor tore through eastern Newfoundland as a Category 1 storm. One man died as Igor washed out roads, swept away bridges and caused nearly $200 million in damage to almost 200 communities.Fogarty said Maria isn't much of a threat as far as flooding is concerned because it is moving so quickly.The province's Fire and Emergency Services issued a statement saying residents should prepare for damaged buildings and power outages.The storm wasn't expected to have much impact on Newfoundland's offshore oil platforms and vessels. Fogarty said Maria's rapid forward speed would prevent her from churning up the waves beyond six meters (20 feet) on the Grand Banks.Coastal Labrador is expected to see strong winds and large waves on Saturday as two weather systems collide.Associated Press Writer Rob Gillies in Toronto contributed to this report.
Floods kills 98 in Thailand, cause widespread damage
Reuters – Fri Sep 16, 5:45 am ET
BANGKOK (Reuters) – Monsoon rains, floods and mudslides in Thailand have killed at least 98 people since July, including a French tourist, authorities said on Friday, posing a test for the new government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.Flooding in 29 of Thailand's 76 provinces has destroyed or damaged more then 300,000 homes, authorities said, briefly sinking parts of resort city Pattaya in waist-high water and causing the evacuation of 79 elephants from a farm in Ayutthaya.About a 1.3 million acres of farm land is under water -- about eight times the size of Singapore.
Twenty-one provinces in north and northeast have been warned of flash flooding and landslides, the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation said in a statement on Friday.The floods began after tropical storm Nock-ten battered Southeast Asia in late July, killing more than 50 people in the Philippines before bearing down on Vietnam and Thailand.Heavy rain and floods, part of the August-to-October monsoon season, damaged paddy fields but not enough to significantly cut output in the world's top rice exporter, industry sources said.Many farms have expanded plantation acreage in recent years to offset slight falls in production from flood damage. Thailand was expected to produce 25.1 million tons of paddy this year, up from 24 million tons the previous year.
Several roads in northern Thailand remained cut off and trains have faced significant delays.By next week, flood waters could reach parts of Bangkok, which sits only two meters (6 ft 7 inches) above sea level, causing the capital's Chao Phraya river to overflow onto roads in some areas, although authorities have reinforced its banks to prevent serious flooding.Remi Huet, a 30-year-old French tourist, was killed by flashfloods while bicycling in a national park in Prachin Buri province, 135 km (218 miles) northeast of Bangkok. His body was found a km (0.62 mile) from the cycling track on Sunday .Yingluck's month-old government approved 800 million baht ($27 million) in compensatation for households affected by floods.(Reporting by Jutarat Skulpichetrat and Apornrath Phoonphongphiphat; Editing by Jason Szep)
Hurricane Season Hits Pause, But Isn't Over Brett Israel – Fri Sep 16, 4:11 pm ET
Mid-August marked an uptick in the number of tropical storms and hurricanes forming in the Atlantic Ocean, with one storm always seeming to follow on the heels of another. But lately, the tropics have quieted down.Hurricane Maria, the third hurricane of the 2011 season, is expected to hit Newfoundland, Canada, today (Sept. 16), but there are no other tropical cyclones (hurricanes and tropical storms) after this one the radar. But don't think for a second that hurricane season is headed for an early exit, experts say.In no way, shape or form is this season over, said Dennis Feltgen of the National Hurricane Center in Miami.If, for some odd reason, no other tropical storms were to form this year, it would be the earliest end ever for an Atlantic hurricane season. The earliest date in the satellite era of the last active tropical cyclone in a given year was Sept. 21, 1993. Hurricane season officially ends Nov.1.Feltgen and others say we're not likely to set a new record this year.I would be incredibly surprised if Maria was the last tropical cyclone in the Atlantic, said Phil Klotzbach, an atmospheric scientist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. While it looks like we're going into a somewhat quieter period for a little bit, it's not that unusual to have a quiet period during an active season, Klotzbach said.This season was predicted to be a doozy, with 14 to 19 named storms (which include tropical storms and hurricanes), seven to 10 hurricanes and three to five major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher). So far there have been 14 named storms (Nate formed shortly after Maria, but dissipated after striking Mexico shortly after it developed), three hurricanes and two major hurricanes (Irene and Katia).
The tropics seem to have quieted down as storms shift their birthplace to the west in the Atlantic basin. At the beginning of the season, tropical cyclones form near Cape Verde, off the coast of Western Africa. Toward the end of the season, they begin closer to the West Caribbean. This puts the southeastern United Sates in the crosshairs. October is typically an active month for that region.Most of the global models suggest that another storm should develop in about nine days, Klotzbach said. And with the warm Atlantic waters and La Niña's return — which has been linked to active hurricane seasons — more big storms could be on the way.It's nice we got a little chance to breathe and collect our thoughts, but we are far from over, Feltgen said.You can follow OurAmazingPlanet staff writer Brett Israel on Twitter: @btisrael. Follow OurAmazingPlanet for the latest in Earth science and exploration news on Twitter @OAPlanet and on Facebook.
MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:(ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST ETHNIC GROUP) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Series of quakes hit off Japan disaster zone
AFP – SEPT 16,11
A strong 6.6-magnitude undersea quake and a series of aftershocks hit off the coast of Japan's Honshu island, not far from the area ravaged by a huge March quake and tsunami, geologists said.There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties and no widespread tsunami warning, although the initial earthquake was followed by five more quakes of magnitude five or above, one of them measuring 6.2.The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the first, 36.2-kilometre (22.6-mile) deep quake hit 108 kilometres east-south-east of the coastal town of Hachinohe, 574 kilometres from Tokyo, at 4:26 am on Saturday (19:26 GMT Friday).The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that no destructive widespread tsunami risk exists based on historical earthquake and tsunami data.But it said that quakes of this size sometimes generate local tsunamis. Authorities in the region of the epicentre should be aware of this, the centre said in a statement.The Japan Meteorological Agency said that there might be some changes in sea levels due to the first earthquake, but that there were no reports of damage or casualties and none were expected, according to the Kyodo news agency.
It said the initial quake jolted Iwate prefecture, an area badly hit by the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami on March 11 that left almost 20,000 dead or missing and sparked the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl.The 6.6-magnitude quake was followed by two smaller magnitude-five tremors within an hour in the same area east of Hachinohe.The fourth quake struck at 7:08 am (2108 GMT Friday), with a magnitude of 6.2 at a depth of 20.2 kilometres, 137 kilometres east-south-east of Hachinohe. Again, no widespread tsunami warning was issued.During the next two hours there were two more magnitude-five tremors nearby, the second one with its epicentre only five kilometres deep, USGS said.Japan, located on the tectonic crossroads known as the Pacific Ring of Fire and dotted with volcanoes, is one of the world's most quake-prone countries.
Magnitude-6.6 quake shakes Japan
AP – Fri Sep 16, 4:00 pm ET
NEW YORK – A magnitude-6.6 earthquake shook the east coast of Japan off Honshu early Saturday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. No tsunami warning was issued, and no damage or casualties were immediately reported.The 4:26 a.m. Friday (1926 GMT Thursday) quake was shallow, at 22.6 miles (36.3 kilometers) beneath the surface, the USGS said.The USGS said the quake hit some 67 miles (108 kilometers) southeast of Hachinohe, in Honshu, Japan, and about 356 miles (574 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo, Japan.
7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
Rare minnows rescued from Texas river amid drought AP By ANGELA K. BROWN - Associated Press,BETSY BLANEY - Associated Press | AP – SEPT 16,11
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — Wading through a muddy river bed to reach shallow pools of water, wildlife biologists scooped up hundreds of minnows Friday in one of the first rescues of fish threatened by the state's worst drought in decades.The scientists collected smalleye shiners and sharpnose shiners from the Brazos River — about 2,300 on Thursday and 800 Friday. The fish, which are found only in the Brazos and nowhere else in the world, are both candidates to be listed as threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. They will be taken to the state's fish hatchery near Possum Kingdom Lake but returned to the river when the drought abates.
Scientists used a large net to scoop up dozens of fish at a time Friday morning near Sagerton, about 150 miles west of Fort Worth. Both types of 2-inch-long minnows are shiny and have other distinctive features, making them easy for scientists to spot and put in buckets, while throwing other fish caught in the nets back in the water, said Kevin Mayes, an aquatic biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
With the water drying up in the drought, the minnows don't have the 100 miles of river they need to reproduce. And, their life span is just two years, Mayes said. Game fish like catfish and largemouth bass eat the minnows, making them an important part of the ecosystem, he said.
A team rescued 110 federally threatened Arkansas River shiners and 60 peppered chubs from the Canadian River in the Texas Panhandle near the New Mexico border last week and took them to a federal fish hatchery in Oklahoma. Gene Wilde, a Texas Tech University fish ecology professor who led the team, said he believes that effort was the first fish rescue in Texas during this severe drought.We value these species and they are an important part of the Texas natural heritage, so we're trying to prevent losing them in this drought, Wilde said, referring to both rescue efforts.Large fish rescues are rare, but they could become more common for fish, reptiles and amphibians as the drought persists. Texas is home to 86 species considered endangered or threatened.The San Saba, Colorado and Llano rivers are home to several species of mussels, some of which are listed as threatened in Texas and for which petitions are pending for federal status.Several federally endangered species — including the fountain darter and the Texas blind salamander — could need rescuing from the Comal and San Marcos Springs, south of Austin. If stream flows drop to pre-determined levels, biologists with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will evacuate as many samples of the species as possible.About 88 percent of the state is in the worst stage of drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor map released Thursday. Texas just finished its driest 11 months on record and is in its worst single-year drought ever. It also had the hottest June through August on record in the U.S.Blaney reported from Lubbock. AP photographer L.M. Otero contributed to this report from Sagerton.Follow Angela K. Brown at
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
DANIEL 11:21-23
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.
Palestinian leader will ask for full UN membership
AP By MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH, Associated Press – Fri Sep 16, 2:07 pm ET
RAMALLAH, West Bank – The Palestinian president said Friday he would ask the U.N. Security Council next week to endorse his people's decades-long quest for statehood but emphasized that he did not seek to isolate or delegitimize Israel.Mahmoud Abbas' plan to seek full membership at United Nations and bypass negotiations with Israel sets the stage for a diplomatic confrontation with Israel and the United States, which has indicated it would veto the measure in the Security Council.Abbas appeared to leave himself some wiggle room in his address to the Palestinian people before departing for the annual U.N. General Assembly session in New York next week, saying he did not rule out other, unspecified options. Those could include seeking a lesser, nonmember state observer status from the General Assembly, a more easily obtainable goal.He also acknowledged that his U.N. move would not end the Israeli occupation and cautioned against outsize hopes.We don't want to raise expectations by saying we are going to come back with full independence, Abbas said in an address to Palestinian leaders. He said he was going to the United Nations to ask the world to shoulder its responsibilities by backing the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.Abbas urged the Palestinian people to refrain from violence, saying anything other than peaceful moves will harm us and sabotage our endeavors.
And he asserted twice that his aim was not to isolate or delegitimize Israel — a charge Israel often levels at the Palestinians and their supporters.No one can isolate Israel. No one can delegitimize Israel. It is a recognized state, he said. We want to delegitimze the occupation, not the state of Israel. The occupation is the nightmare of our existence.Both the U.S. and Israel fear the U.N. move could lead to violence and other negative consequences and stress that statehood should come about through negotiations, the cornerstone of Mideast peace efforts for the past two decades. The Palestinians already are planning two mass demonstrations in the West Bank next week, though they insist the marches will be peaceful.The Palestinians say they are turning to the U.N. after concluding that peace talks will yield no breakthrough at this point. Although the U.N. move will not change things on the ground, they hope it will give them greater leverage in future negotiations with Israel by elevating their international profile.With a U.S. veto assured in the Security Council, the Palestinians would likely seek nonmember state status from the General Assembly, where the Palestinians would only need a simple majority of those present and voting. Abbas said more than 125 of the assembly's 193 members have pledged to support the Palestinians in their statehood bid.Application for either status likely would take weeks, if not months, to come to a vote.Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said Thursday that Abbas would submit his statehood bid to U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon after addressing the General Assembly on Sept. 23.After the speech, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Abbas of dodging direct talks.Peace is not achieved through unilateral approaches to the U.N. or by joining forces with the Hamas terror organization, Netanyahu said in a statement, referring to a recent, unimplemented agreement between Abbas and the violently anti-Israel group that rules Gaza to unite their rival governments. Peace can only be achieved through direct negotiations with Israel.Talks between Israel and the Palestinians stalled almost three years ago, reviving only briefly with three-week round that broke down last September after the expiration of a slowdown in Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank. Palestinians say the continued construction on lands they want for a future state compromises its viability, and they want it to stop completely as a condition for restarting talks.
Israel has rejected that demand.
The U.S. has been at the forefront of an international diplomatic scramble this week to get Israelis and Palestinians talking instead of sparring at the U.N. While Palestinian leaders have not closed the door on the prospect of a compromise, the chances of breakthrough appear slim.The prospect of a veto would put Washington in the embarrassing position of voting against a concept the Obama administration approves of in principle: The establishment of a Palestinian state whose borders will be negotiated from the starting point of the lines Israel held before capturing the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem in 1967.Israel still occupies the West Bank and east Jerusalem. It withdrew soldiers and settlers from Gaza in 2005, but restricts the entry and exit of goods there through land crossings and a naval blockade.The White House announced on Friday that President Barack Obama would meet with Netanyahu on the sidelines of next week's United Nations General Assembly meetings in New York. The White House said there currently were no plans for Obama to formally meet with Abbas.Although the future state Abbas envisions would include Gaza, in practice, the territory is ruled by Hamas militants who call for Israel's destruction and seized the territory from Abbas loyalists in a violent 2007 takeover.
Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum derided Abbas' speech as a tactic to return to negotiations with the government of the Zionist occupation that was undertaken without consulting with other Palestinian factions.Associated Press writer Ibrahim Barzak contributed to this report from Gaza City, Gaza Strip.
Obama tries to look beyond Palestinian bid at UN
AP By JULIE PACE, Associated Press – Fri Sep 16, 4:48 pm ET
WASHINGTON – Facing a potentially destabilizing diplomatic clash, President Barack Obama heads to the United Nations next week already looking beyond a potential vote on Palestinian statehood and toward laying the groundwork for the resumption of stalled Middle East peace talks.Obama had hoped to focus his efforts at the meetings of the U.N. General Assembly on boosting the standing of Libya's former rebel leaders and touting the United Nations' role in dismantling Moammar Gadhafi's regime. But success in Libya seems likely to be overshadowed by a Palestinian push for full U.N. membership — an effort over which Obama has little influence.White House officials say it's still unclear what course the Palestinians will take in New York next week. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Friday that he will ask the U.N. Security Council to endorse his statehood bid, though he said he was open to other unspecified options. The U.S. has pledged to veto the statehood bid, and the Obama administration has senior diplomats in the region making a last-ditch effort to persuade the Palestinians to drop the measure.But the White House insists its main focus is not on what happens at the U.N., but on resuming direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. U.S. officials contend that those negotiations provide the only credible pathway for the Palestinians to achieve statehood.
Whatever happens at the United Nations, there's going to have to be a process to get these two parties back to the table when we get beyond next week,White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said Friday.As part of the effort to revive the stalled negotiations, Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the U.N. meeting next week. But whether Obama can make any progress in convincing Netanyahu to return to talks is highly uncertain, and it's unclear what bargaining power the U.S. has.There are currently no plans for Obama to meet with Abbas in New York, and the White House said the two leaders had not spoken recently.Obama is due to arrive in New York Monday evening, after giving a speech in the Washington area announcing his deficit cutting recommendations for a joint congressional committee.The president's meetings at the U.N. kick into high gear on Tuesday with an emphasis on Libya, where opposition forces have unseated Gadhafi after four decades of rule.Eager to burnish the credentials of Libya's new leadership, Obama will hold his first meeting with Mahmoud Jibril, prime minister of the Transitional National Council. He and other world leaders will also convene a high-level meeting on Libya where the TNC will outline its plans for a post-Gadhafi nation.The White House sees next week's meetings as an opportunity to promote the U.N.'s role in the months-long Libya effort as a model for future interventions. In March, the Security Council swiftly passed a resolution establishing a no-fly zone over Libya and authorizing all necessary action needed to protect civilians, a measure the U.S. credits with saving countless Libyan lives.The U.N. has a credible role to play in these issues, and the international community can prevent mass atrocities, Rhodes said.On Friday, the U.N. voted to give Libya's seat in the world body to the former rebels.Other key meetings on Obama's schedule at the U.N. include one-on-one talks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, their first meeting since Obama outlined plans to withdraw more than 20,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan by the end of next summer. And Obama will meet with the prime minister of Turkey, whose increasingly strained relationship with Israel is a growing concern for the U.S.
Obama also will meet with leaders from Britain, France, Brazil, Japan and South Sudan, the world's newest nation.The president will address the General Assembly Wednesday morning and also speak at the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative later that day.Underscoring the ever-present tug of domestic politics, Obama is also expected to use his time in New York to attend fundraisers for the Democratic National Committee and his re-election campaign.Julie Pace can be reached at
Q+A: The implications of the Palestinian U.N. drive
Reuters By Crispian Balmer and Lou Charbonneau | Reuters – SEPT 16,11
(Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Friday he would request recognition of a fully-fledged Palestinian state at the United Nations when he goes to the world body next week, defying fierce opposition from Israel and the United States.Here are some of the reasons behind the push as well as some of the possible consequences.
Abbas says 20 years of U.S.-led peace talks have got nowhere and wants a vote in the United Nations to bestow the Palestinians with the cherished mantle of statehood. However, he recognizes that negotiations with Israel will still be needed to establish a properly functioning state.Justifying the move, the Palestinians point to the success of a Western-backed, two-year plan to build institutions ready for statehood which they say is now finished.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) says placing their state firmly in the context of territory seized by Israel in the 1967 war will provide clear terms of reference and mean Israel will no longer be able to call the land disputed. Instead, it will make clear it is occupied. Israel fears this will enable Palestinians to start legal proceedings in the International Criminal Court (ICC) against some 500,000 Israelis who live in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Countries seeking to join the United Nations usually present an application to the U.N. secretary-general, who passes it to the Security Council to assess and vote on. If the 15-nation council approves the membership request, it is passed to the General Assembly for approval. A membership request needs a two-thirds majority, or 129 votes, for approval.A country cannot join the United Nations unless both the Security Council and General Assembly approve its application.
In theory, yes. But Washington has made clear it would veto such a request, meaning it has no chance of success. Even if the Palestinians secured a two-thirds majority of votes in the General Assembly, there is no getting around the need for prior approval of the Security Council.
In addition to applying to become a full U.N. member state, the Palestinians could also seek upgraded observer status as a non-member state. That is what the Vatican has. Such status, U.N. envoys say, could be interpreted as implicit U.N. recognition of Palestinian statehood because the assembly would be acknowledging that the Palestinians control an actual state.The advantage of this option is that it would require only a simple majority of the 193-nation General Assembly, not a two-thirds majority. Abbas said on Friday that more than 126 states already recognize the state of Palestine, meaning he could probably win such a vote with ease.
Besides granting them the all-important title state, diplomats say it might enable the Palestinians to join the ICC, from which it could pursue legal cases against Israel over the partial blockade of Gaza or the settlements.
There are potential pitfalls. For example, Israel could counter sue the Palestinians in the ICC over missiles fired at it out of Gaza, which is run by the Hamas Islamist group.Some critics have warned of legal consequences for the Palestinians themselves, arguing the move could jeopardize the rights of refugees in the Palestinian diaspora and the status of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Others have dismissed those arguments.Also, the U.N. vote will not change things on the ground in the Palestinian territories -- a reality which could further undermine the standing of the Palestinian leadership when the dust settles. Some Israelis have warned disappointment could fuel anti-Israeli violence and even spark a new Intifada. PA officials have dismissed that prospect.
Israeli officials have suggested a range of possible measures, including limiting travel privileges for Palestinian leaders seeking to exit the West Bank, halting the transfer of crucial tax revenues to the Palestinians and even annexing West Bank settlement blocs to try to sidestep ICC legal action. Some U.S. officials have warned that they might cut their annual aid to the Palestinian Authority, which runs to some $450 million. It is far from clear if they will enact these threats. Depriving the PA of funds, for example, would rapidly push it to financial collapse, which would provoke instability. In the case of bankruptcy, some leading Palestinians argue that the PA should hand over the keys of the big West Bank cities to Israel and tell it to pay for the on-going occupation.(Writing by Crispian Balmer and Lou Charbonneau)
Israel ups West Bank forces before Palestinian UN bid
AFP By Marius Schattner | AFP – SEPT 16,11
Israel has boosted its army presence in the West Bank ahead of a Palestinian recourse to the UN amid fears they may resort to the International Criminal Court over Jewish settlements, reports said on Friday.Public radio reported the build-up and the daily Yediot Aharonot said three battalions of reservists -- some 1,500 personnel -- have been mobilised and units already in the occupied territory have been reinforced.The move comes ahead of expected Palestinian demonstrations as their statehood bid looms at the United Nations on September 23, public radio said.
General Avi Mizrahi, the commander of central Israel which includes the West Bank, has issued strict orders to the military to act with restraint and avoid bloodshed if trouble erupts, Yediot Aharonot said.It said troops in the Palestinian territory have been armed with anti-riot equipment including tear gas to enable them to control any protests without having to resort to live ammunition.The military is also reported to have boosted its presence around Jewish settlements in the West Bank, both to protect them and to prevent attacks on Palestinians by extremist settlers.Officials said one Palestinian and an Israeli settler were wounded on Friday in clashes in the village of Kusra in the northern West Bank.Around a dozen settlers tried to enter Kusra but were stopped by residents who feared they were about to be attacked and began beating them, Palestinian officials said.One settler pulled out a pistol and shot a Palestinian in the leg.
An Israeli military spokeswoman said the clash happened in a disputed area outside Kusra between residents and people from the nearby settlement of Esh Hakodesh.She said the wounded Israeli had been stabbed and confirmed a Palestinian had been shot.
Settlers have said they plan to march on Palestinian cities if the Palestinians hold protest marches around settlements during their UN membership bid, settler leaders said on September 7.We will leave our communities and march peacefully towards Palestinian towns -- Hebron, Ramallah or Nablus, said Yaakov Katz, a far-right member of the Israeli parliament.Two days later, vandals sprayed graffiti on the walls of a mosque and a university in Birzeit near Ramallah in attacks suspected to have been carried out by Israeli settlers.Palestinian security officials told AFP that Death to the Arabs and slogans insulting the Prophet Mohammed were painted in Hebrew.Israel's Peace Now anti-settlers movement said on Friday more than 100 hectares of Palestinian land have been confiscated in the northern West Bank for the benefit of two wildcat settlements.This is the state's response to a legal bid by Peace Now to demand the dismantling of the wildcat settlements of Haresh and Hayovel, it said in a statement.Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas was to address his people on Friday ahead of next week's bid for for UN membership.The Israeli Haaretz reported on Friday that Israeli officials fear the Palestinians may launch legal action against settlements if their bid for upgraded UN status bears fruit.
It reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had on Thursday told EU and US envoys of his concerns about a possible Palestinian recourse to the International Criminal Court in The Hague over the settlers issue.It said the premier expressed his fears at meetings with US, EU and Quartet envoys holding talks with Israel and Palestinian leaders in an effort to get them back into direct peace talks that stalled a year ago.The Palestinian bid for UN membership is strongly opposed by both Israel and the United States, who say the only route to a Palestinian state is through bilateral negotiations.Netanyahu spokesman Mark Regev refused to comment to AFP on Netanyahu's meetings with the foreign envoys.A senior government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a Palestinian ICC recourse would be worrying, given that it would demonstrate that they seek to perpetuate conflict instead of seeking peace.But the official also believed that Israel has little to worry about in this case as it has not ratified the Treaty of Rome recognising the authority of the ICC, and is not therefore bound to implement its rulings.
Israel calls Egypt envoy over treaty revision talk
APBy AMY TEIBEL - Associated Press | AP – SEPT 16,11
JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned the Egyptian ambassador for a talk Friday after Egypt's prime minister said his country's 1979 peace treaty with Israel could be amended, a ministry spokesman said.The spokesman, Paul Hirschson, would not give details of the conversation.Prime Minister Essam Sharaf told Turkish TV on Thursday that the treaty is not sacred. ... It can be revised.Sharaf did not elaborate. Egyptian officials have recently been arguing for more Egyptian troops in the Sinai Peninsula, where militant activity is on the rise. Currently, the treaty defines that area of the Sinai along Israel's border as a demilitarized zone, barring Egyptian troops. Israel has accepted temporary Egyptian deployments there.
The treaty was the first signed between an Arab country and Israel. Jordan followed in 1994.Israel has been concerned about the fate of the treaty since Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was toppled in February. Mubarak steadfastly upheld the treaty, even though popular sentiment in Egypt is hostile to Israel.Although the current government in Cairo has voiced its commitment to the treaty, relations have been strained since Mubarak's ouster.An Egyptian Foreign Ministry official Israel sought clarification of the prime minister's comments about the peace deal. The official reiterated Egypt's commitment to upholding the treaty as long as Israel does the same. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of ministry rules that bar him from being identified in the press.Egypt and Israel both receive large amounts of foreign aid from the U.S. The U.S. contributions to Egypt reached $2 billion annually after the treaty was signed.A Mubarak-era natural gas deal perceived in Egypt as a corrupt transaction that netted Mubarak and his cronies millions of dollars and gave Israel bargain prices has been a target of harsh criticism since his downfall. Israel insists it is paying a fair price for the gas.
Violence last month further soured the atmosphere.Palestinian militants who infiltrated Israel from Egypt's Sinai desert killed eight Israelis. Six Egyptian soldiers in Sinai were killed as Israel pursued the attackers, sparking protests in Egypt.Last week, rioters ransacked the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, forcing the Israeli ambassador, staffers and their families to flee on military planes back home.
RENO, Nev. (AP) — A plane plunged into the stands at an air race event in Reno in what an official described as a mass casualty situation.It wasn't immediately known how many people were killed. But video of the crash showed a horrific scene of bodies and wreckage at the front of the stands.Mike Draper, a spokesman for the air races, told The Associated Press that Jimmy Leeward was the pilot of the P-51 Mustang that crashed into the box seat area at the front of the grandstand about 4:30 p.m. He said he did not have any information on the number of injured.The National Championship Air Races draws thousands of people every year in September to watch various military and civilian planes race.
SOLARGATE: Obama’s Big Green Scandal That Won’t Go Away Patrick Henningsen September 16, 2011
In the first year of his presidency, George W. Bush was under siege. At that time, he had appeared to win his war in Afghanistan, only to find himself tangled in another story, a tale of corporate greed and political corruption made by the hands of a company known as Enron.Back then, it was the new energy brokerage houses and the new energy futures market that drove the hubris, and the greed of men like Ken Lay. Today in 2011, Barrack Obama now finds himself in the midst of his own ‘Enron moment’, but this time it’s political favouritism and a seemingly bottomless pit of green government stimulus handouts that has driven his green juggernaut into a ravine.The Enron scandal saw, among other crimes, the savings and retirement funds of tens of thousands of employees disappear when the politically connected energy giant went bankrupt overnight, but it was the cronyism- the company’s direct connections to Bush, Cheney and other insiders which left the worst taste in America’s mouth. Last week, deja vu hit the Obama White House, as his favourite green pet- solar energy firm Solyndra, managed to do an overnight disappearing act with over $500 million in taxpayer funds. What’s worse is that just like Enron, the solar energy firm’s connections go right up through Washington, and right up to the President himself.From a policy level, it’s a complete wash out due to the fact that despite over half a billion dollars in Federal Financing Bank handouts, Solyndra did not manage to create any new green jobs. On an insider corruption level, things are looking even bleaker.
Indeed, in the Obama White House, just as it was in the Bush White House, money buys influence, and more importantly, money also buys business opportunities. Apparently, when Solyndra first applied for its green subsidies, auditors at the Department of Energy (DOE) had serious doubts about the company’s financial strength, yet, they were still fast-tracked for one the biggest green subsidies in US history. Jonathan Silver is executive director of the Loan Programs Office, and is the man who signed off on Solyndra’s loan. Will he thrown under the bus later, if the investigation reaches Congressional hearings? The plot thickens.The $500 million question is why this firm was allowed to win such a large handout if its fundamentals did not pass grade? The answer to that question is a man by the name of George Kaiser, an Oklahoma billionaire and a major investor in Solyndra, who also happened to be… a key fundraiser for Obama’s 2008 election campaign. But it gets worse.When Solyndra when down under Chapter 11 bankruptcy last week, you would think that the US taxpayer would be first in line as a creditor who hoped to recoup its $500 million loss. Not so. First in line was… George Kaiser, who managed to pocket his initial $75 million investment before anyone else got to the butchers table.In an ABC report, Kaiser, like with every inner circle Obama Democrat, moved quickly to place the blame on our far eastern neighbours.Solyndra’s collapse saying the solar firm faced serious challenges in the marketplace, especially the drastic decline in solar panel prices during the past two years caused in part by subsidies provided by the government of China to Chinese solar panel manufacturers, said Kaiser.
Now there is an ethical and perhaps criminal element to Obama’s green scandal. Like with Enron, where thousands of employee retirement accounts were pilfered away by its cowboy executives, Solyndra’s employees were informed literally overnight, that their company was closed and was so broke, that there would not even be a severance cheque waiting for them. But it turns out that insiders in Washington did know the company was in trouble long before it closed its doors last week. The question now is who knew. Which Washington insiders had off-loaded their stocks and shares in the months before the solar manufacturer went down the drain? Criminal proceeding will certainly follow should investigative authorities come up with any information pointing to gross insider trading and financial malfeasance. At the orders of the DOE’s Inspector General, the FBI have now already raided the offices of Solyndra, seizing all its files, as well as raided the homes of Solyndra executives, seizing their computers and related company documents.The reality of Obama’s green revolution in 2011 is that, despite his pledge to handout $38.6 billion in Federal loan guarantees to companies like Solyndra, a promise to create 65,000 green jobs has only produced a rather pathetic 3,545 permanent jobs- this after giving out almost half the allocated amount so far, according to the DOE.One only needs to do the math, and you will discover what every other developed country around the globe already knew in 2008- that the cost per green job is hardly worth the financial pain and suffering.Unquestionably, this scandal will throw into question every other green jobs award that Obama’s White House has given out since 2008, as well as severely damage confidence in any other DOE projects on the table, or in the future.
Now, it is perhaps only a question of time before the investigation reaches the Congress hearing level, where Democrats will be hoping to push a major investigation past the election next November 2012. In the meantime, GOP opponents on Capitol Hill have already caught the scent of political blood left by Obama’s big green debacle. In a recent Washington Post article, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn) exclaimed, My goodness. We should be reviewing every one of these loan guarantee. Audit baby audit.Early indications imply that the sheer size and scope of Obama’s Solargate scandal leave us with the impression that this may only be the tip of a much, much larger iceberg. It will be Obama’s first classic Pennsylvania Avenue scandal he has had to face in his first term, one in which we will discover the true quality of this President’s tephlon coating.Above all, this scandal underlines the very same issues which were present during, and which grew out of the Enron days, because Obama’s green economy rides squarely on the back of some very questionable science which endorses a belief in Al Gore’s universal theory of man-made global warming and climate change. From this idea also sprung a vision whereby the people of the world would one day be buying and selling their carbon emissions in a carbon marketplace, a market designed by Ken Lay himself. It seems that with Solargate, the house of cards is well and truly coming down.With Enron it, was pure hubris and greed, combined with opportunity. With Solyndra, it is green hubris and green greed, combined with opportunity. When you get right down to it, they are no different.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TR BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
Geithner presses EU to act; meets resistance
Reuters By John O'Donnell and Robin Emmott | Reuters – SEPT 16,11
WROCLAW, Poland (Reuters) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner drew a cool response from EU policymakers when he urged them to leverage their bailout fund to better tackle the debt crisis and to start speaking with one voice.In a 30-minute meeting with euro zone finance ministers on Friday, Geithner pressed for the 440 billion euros European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) to be scaled up to give greater capacity to combat the bloc's debt malaise, a senior euro zone official said.The U.S. Treasury said of Geithner's role that he did not advocate or oppose any specific policy prescriptions.One analyst familiar with the proposal said it would involve the EFSF guaranteeing a portion -- perhaps 20 percent -- of potential losses on euro zone debt, so that its capital would effectively stretch five times further.
Geithner's presence at the meeting underscored the depth of U.S. alarm but ministers were resistant to Washington telling the 17-country euro zone and its finance chiefs what to do.He conveyed dramatically that we need to commit money to avoid bringing the system into difficulty, Austria's Finance Minister Maria Fekter told reporters after the meeting.I found it peculiar that even though the Americans have significantly worse fundamental data than the euro zone, that they tell us what we should do and when we make a suggestion ... that they say no straight away.Fekter said there had been particular disagreement over suggestions that Europe should find more money to fight the crisis. When German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble explained that would not go down well with taxpayers and that the only way to fund it would be a financial transaction tax, Geithner flatly ruled that out.However, one senior official said Geithner's proposal on leveraging the EFSF had neither been rejected nor endorsed.It is being discussed, the official said, emphasizing that the priority was for euro zone national parliaments to ratify new powers for the EFSF agreed in July so it can lend to countries under attack in the markets and buy sovereign bonds to prop up struggling states.Geithner was the head of the New York Federal Reserve at the height of the 2008-09 financial crisis where he helped develop an emergency loan facility that was used to help restart the frozen asset-backed securities market.While no one described the gathering as ill-tempered or heated, it appeared clear from the reaction afterwards that Geithner and the Europeans did not see entirely eye-to-eye.
Jean-Claude Juncker, the chairman of the Eurogroup, said he was not prepared to discuss issues privy to the euro zone with someone from outside the currency bloc.
We are not discussing the expansion or increase of the EFSF with a non-member of the euro area, he told reporters.He also ruled out any further fiscal stimulus, something Washington has also called for. Fiscal consolidation remains a top priority for the euro area, he said.In a separate development that could have implications for Greek debt sustainability, financial sources told Reuters less than 75 percent of private creditors had agreed to take part in a bond swap scheme aimed at keeping Athens afloat, well below the 90 percent target. The measure is a vital part of a second Greek bailout agreed in July.Belgian Finance Minister Didier Reynders said one option could be for the EFSF to make up the difference while Greek bankers say a shortfall could be covered from funds set aside to support banks in need.
With most economists saying a Greek default is inevitable at some point and the much larger Italian economy -- which would be too big for the euro zone to bail out -- not out of the firing line despite approval of a new austerity package this week, the pressure is on to act.A Reuters poll of more than 50 economists across Europe gave a 65 percent chance Greece would default with half of them saying it would do so in within 12 months. Few expected it to be forced out of the currency bloc.
Speaking to a group of policymakers and bankers after the meeting, Geithner said the EU needed to end loose talk about a break-up of the euro and work more closely with the European Central Bank on solutions.What is very damaging (in Europe) from the outside is not the divisiveness about the broader debate, about strategy, but about the ongoing conflict between governments and the central bank, and you need both to work together to do what is essential to the resolution of any crisis,he said.
Governments and central banks have to take out the catastrophic risks from markets ... (and avoid) loose talk about dismantling the institutions of the euro.The ECB reluctantly agreed last month to buy the bonds of Italy and Spain after they came under market attack, on the understanding the EFSF would take up the cudgels once changes to the fund agreed in July are in place. That was too much for some in the ECB -- the top German official at the bank, Juergen Stark, announced his resignation last week.We are observing tensions in sovereign risk in the EU area, which we consider part of global tensions. It calls for us being alert ... putting our house in order, ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet told reporters.In a news conference after finance ministers met alone to discuss the specifics of the crisis, Juncker and the European commissioner for monetary affairs, Olli Rehn, focused on the need for Greece to stick rigidly to commitments it has made.Inspectors from the ECB, EU and IMF should report back on progress in early October, Rehn said, meaning that the next disbursement of aid to Greece from its first bailout -- vital to avert imminent default -- could be paid by mid-October.A Greek government official said the heads of an EU/IMF inspection team would not arrive in Athens as planned on Monday to resume a performance review due to technical reasons and will instead hold a teleconference with the finance minister.The intention is to meet the fiscal targets for this year and next year without delay, without exception and deviations, Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos told reporters.With no dramatic new policy unveiled, the euro gave up some of the gains seen in the previous session when the ECB and other top central banks joined forces to offer more dollar liquidity to banks struggling to secure funds.
All the headlines that are coming out of the Ecofin meeting are pretty negative and the euro's resilience after the coordinated action from central banks on Thursday seems to be coming off, said Jeremy Stretch head of currency strategy at CIBC World Markets.Among the issues finance ministers must try to resolve is a row over the terms of a second bailout for Greece, with countries such as Finland demanding collateral in return for new loans -- a major obstacle to a deal.An adviser to Finnish Finance Minister Jutta Urpilainen said it would probably not be until early October that the dispute was fully resolved.Collateral is a must for Helsinki but officials say a solution is coming together whereby it is made so expensive to demand it that no country but Finland will take it.(Additional reporting by John O'Donnell, Jan Strupczewski, Robin Emmott, Annika Breidthardt and Leigh Thomas in Wroclaw and David Lawder and Rachelle Younglai in Washington; Writing by Luke Baker; editing by Mike Peacock, Janet McBride and Kenneth Barry)
EU toughens budget rules but stalls on Greece APBy DAVID McHUGH - AP Business Writer,GABRIELE STEINHAUSER - AP Business Writer | AP – SEPT 16,11
WROCLAW, Poland (AP) — The European Union's 27 countries overcame a year of infighting to agree Friday to tougher budget rules that make it easier to punish overspending governments, but failed to produce any new measures that might contain the debt market turmoil threatening it.Polish finance minister Jacek Rostowski said his EU counterparts approved the measures at their meeting in Wroclaw, Poland, where the officials were under international pressure to show some progress in their fight to contain the debt crisis.Although the new rules will not ease immediate market concerns about debt, they are a first indication that Europe's states are willing to give up some sovereign powers to bolster longer-term confidence in the region.The yearlong delay and the complicated voting procedures that define the final deal, however, suggest more progress will be hard to come by.I don't say that it is perfect, European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said of the compromise deal. But it is a very significant improvement.Under the new rules, it will be easier to put sanctions on governments that breach the EU's limits on debts and deficits, because in most cases a state would have to rally a majority of governments to stop the punishment. That is a reversal of powers, since until now, a majority was necessary to impose sanctions. Governments that are found to ignore warnings can also be punished.In the years before the current crisis, many European states — including Germany and France — had broken the EU rule requiring deficits to be kept below 3 percent of gross domestic product. Experts say that the lack of accountability has helped cause the rise in government debt that is currently afflicting the region.
The eurozone ministers are under intense pressure to find solutions to the debt crisis that has hobbled their 17-nation currency union for almost two years.U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's presence at Friday's informal meeting — the first time for an American Treasury chief — was an indication of the fears that Europe's turmoil will hurt the global economic recovery.Yet Friday's meeting produced little concrete progress toward snuffing out the more immediate crisis, in which high interest rates threaten to cut indebted countries off from bond market financing. Greece, Ireland and Portugal have needed international bailout loans to avoid defaulting on their debts, and eurozone officials are trying to keep default fears from pushing Spain or Italy, regarded as too big to bail out, into default.
Eurozone officials said they would not decide until October on whether Greece had met conditions to receive the next installment from its original euro110 billion ($151 billion) bailout, required to keep it from a default that could trigger wider financial havoc among Europe's shaky banks.They also could not agree to resolve a dispute over Finland's demand for collateral to cover its contribution to a second, euro109 billion ($150 billion) bailout agreed when the first did not put Greece back on its feet.Other calls, such as increasing the size of the eurozone bailout fund or providing more government stimulus to fight a growth slowdown that could make the debt crisis worse, were rejected.For the longer term, calls have been growing louder for the 17 eurozone countries to coordinate their fiscal and economic policies much more closely to avoid similar crises in the future and more importantly to assure financial markets of the endurance and unity of the currency union.However, the struggle over the new budget rules, which dragged on after the European Commission proposed the new legislation in September 2010, has raised doubts that eurozone states would be willing to give up more decision-making power to central authorities such as the commission, the EU's executive body.
The European Central Bank had been particularly critical of states' attempts to preserve powers to stop sanctions, saying initially that even the original proposals from the commission were not tough enough.Trichet said that in the medium-term, further steps were necessary to make sure that governments maintain healthy economies and tax and spending policies.The deal on the budget rules is expected to be passed by the full European Parliament later this month.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
GENESIS 7:6-12
6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.
7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.
10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Hurricane Maria makes landfall in eastern Canada
AP – Fri Sep 16, 5:29 pm ET
ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland – Hurricane Maria made landfall in eastern Newfoundland as a Category 1 storm on Friday, but officials said the worst winds were offshore and there were no early reports of injuries or significant property damage.After making landfall, Maria was quickly downgraded to a tropical storm. Chris Fogarty, a meteorologist at the Canadian Hurricane Centre, said Newfoundland avoided the worst of the hurricane. Weather officials lifted the hurricane warning for southeastern Newfoundland.The worst wind stayed just offshore, Fogarty said in an interview.A major bullet was dodged by the look of it.Many Newfoundlanders hunkered down at home in the Atlantic Canadian province. Schools were closed. Fogarty said the latest forecast calls for 2 inches (5 centimeters) of rain in some areas — less than originally expected.Fogarty said the highest winds on land reached 64 mph (103 kph) on the southern tip of the Avalon peninsula where Maria made landfall. The highest wind speeds were recorded offshore where they peaked at 77 mph (124 kph).The storm comes a year after Hurricane Igor tore through eastern Newfoundland as a Category 1 storm. One man died as Igor washed out roads, swept away bridges and caused nearly $200 million in damage to almost 200 communities.Fogarty said Maria isn't much of a threat as far as flooding is concerned because it is moving so quickly.The province's Fire and Emergency Services issued a statement saying residents should prepare for damaged buildings and power outages.The storm wasn't expected to have much impact on Newfoundland's offshore oil platforms and vessels. Fogarty said Maria's rapid forward speed would prevent her from churning up the waves beyond six meters (20 feet) on the Grand Banks.Coastal Labrador is expected to see strong winds and large waves on Saturday as two weather systems collide.Associated Press Writer Rob Gillies in Toronto contributed to this report.
Floods kills 98 in Thailand, cause widespread damage
Reuters – Fri Sep 16, 5:45 am ET
BANGKOK (Reuters) – Monsoon rains, floods and mudslides in Thailand have killed at least 98 people since July, including a French tourist, authorities said on Friday, posing a test for the new government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.Flooding in 29 of Thailand's 76 provinces has destroyed or damaged more then 300,000 homes, authorities said, briefly sinking parts of resort city Pattaya in waist-high water and causing the evacuation of 79 elephants from a farm in Ayutthaya.About a 1.3 million acres of farm land is under water -- about eight times the size of Singapore.
Twenty-one provinces in north and northeast have been warned of flash flooding and landslides, the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation said in a statement on Friday.The floods began after tropical storm Nock-ten battered Southeast Asia in late July, killing more than 50 people in the Philippines before bearing down on Vietnam and Thailand.Heavy rain and floods, part of the August-to-October monsoon season, damaged paddy fields but not enough to significantly cut output in the world's top rice exporter, industry sources said.Many farms have expanded plantation acreage in recent years to offset slight falls in production from flood damage. Thailand was expected to produce 25.1 million tons of paddy this year, up from 24 million tons the previous year.
Several roads in northern Thailand remained cut off and trains have faced significant delays.By next week, flood waters could reach parts of Bangkok, which sits only two meters (6 ft 7 inches) above sea level, causing the capital's Chao Phraya river to overflow onto roads in some areas, although authorities have reinforced its banks to prevent serious flooding.Remi Huet, a 30-year-old French tourist, was killed by flashfloods while bicycling in a national park in Prachin Buri province, 135 km (218 miles) northeast of Bangkok. His body was found a km (0.62 mile) from the cycling track on Sunday .Yingluck's month-old government approved 800 million baht ($27 million) in compensatation for households affected by floods.(Reporting by Jutarat Skulpichetrat and Apornrath Phoonphongphiphat; Editing by Jason Szep)
Hurricane Season Hits Pause, But Isn't Over Brett Israel – Fri Sep 16, 4:11 pm ET
Mid-August marked an uptick in the number of tropical storms and hurricanes forming in the Atlantic Ocean, with one storm always seeming to follow on the heels of another. But lately, the tropics have quieted down.Hurricane Maria, the third hurricane of the 2011 season, is expected to hit Newfoundland, Canada, today (Sept. 16), but there are no other tropical cyclones (hurricanes and tropical storms) after this one the radar. But don't think for a second that hurricane season is headed for an early exit, experts say.In no way, shape or form is this season over, said Dennis Feltgen of the National Hurricane Center in Miami.If, for some odd reason, no other tropical storms were to form this year, it would be the earliest end ever for an Atlantic hurricane season. The earliest date in the satellite era of the last active tropical cyclone in a given year was Sept. 21, 1993. Hurricane season officially ends Nov.1.Feltgen and others say we're not likely to set a new record this year.I would be incredibly surprised if Maria was the last tropical cyclone in the Atlantic, said Phil Klotzbach, an atmospheric scientist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. While it looks like we're going into a somewhat quieter period for a little bit, it's not that unusual to have a quiet period during an active season, Klotzbach said.This season was predicted to be a doozy, with 14 to 19 named storms (which include tropical storms and hurricanes), seven to 10 hurricanes and three to five major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher). So far there have been 14 named storms (Nate formed shortly after Maria, but dissipated after striking Mexico shortly after it developed), three hurricanes and two major hurricanes (Irene and Katia).
The tropics seem to have quieted down as storms shift their birthplace to the west in the Atlantic basin. At the beginning of the season, tropical cyclones form near Cape Verde, off the coast of Western Africa. Toward the end of the season, they begin closer to the West Caribbean. This puts the southeastern United Sates in the crosshairs. October is typically an active month for that region.Most of the global models suggest that another storm should develop in about nine days, Klotzbach said. And with the warm Atlantic waters and La Niña's return — which has been linked to active hurricane seasons — more big storms could be on the way.It's nice we got a little chance to breathe and collect our thoughts, but we are far from over, Feltgen said.You can follow OurAmazingPlanet staff writer Brett Israel on Twitter: @btisrael. Follow OurAmazingPlanet for the latest in Earth science and exploration news on Twitter @OAPlanet and on Facebook.
MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:(ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST ETHNIC GROUP) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Series of quakes hit off Japan disaster zone
AFP – SEPT 16,11
A strong 6.6-magnitude undersea quake and a series of aftershocks hit off the coast of Japan's Honshu island, not far from the area ravaged by a huge March quake and tsunami, geologists said.There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties and no widespread tsunami warning, although the initial earthquake was followed by five more quakes of magnitude five or above, one of them measuring 6.2.The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the first, 36.2-kilometre (22.6-mile) deep quake hit 108 kilometres east-south-east of the coastal town of Hachinohe, 574 kilometres from Tokyo, at 4:26 am on Saturday (19:26 GMT Friday).The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that no destructive widespread tsunami risk exists based on historical earthquake and tsunami data.But it said that quakes of this size sometimes generate local tsunamis. Authorities in the region of the epicentre should be aware of this, the centre said in a statement.The Japan Meteorological Agency said that there might be some changes in sea levels due to the first earthquake, but that there were no reports of damage or casualties and none were expected, according to the Kyodo news agency.
It said the initial quake jolted Iwate prefecture, an area badly hit by the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami on March 11 that left almost 20,000 dead or missing and sparked the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl.The 6.6-magnitude quake was followed by two smaller magnitude-five tremors within an hour in the same area east of Hachinohe.The fourth quake struck at 7:08 am (2108 GMT Friday), with a magnitude of 6.2 at a depth of 20.2 kilometres, 137 kilometres east-south-east of Hachinohe. Again, no widespread tsunami warning was issued.During the next two hours there were two more magnitude-five tremors nearby, the second one with its epicentre only five kilometres deep, USGS said.Japan, located on the tectonic crossroads known as the Pacific Ring of Fire and dotted with volcanoes, is one of the world's most quake-prone countries.
Magnitude-6.6 quake shakes Japan
AP – Fri Sep 16, 4:00 pm ET
NEW YORK – A magnitude-6.6 earthquake shook the east coast of Japan off Honshu early Saturday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. No tsunami warning was issued, and no damage or casualties were immediately reported.The 4:26 a.m. Friday (1926 GMT Thursday) quake was shallow, at 22.6 miles (36.3 kilometers) beneath the surface, the USGS said.The USGS said the quake hit some 67 miles (108 kilometers) southeast of Hachinohe, in Honshu, Japan, and about 356 miles (574 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo, Japan.
7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
Rare minnows rescued from Texas river amid drought AP By ANGELA K. BROWN - Associated Press,BETSY BLANEY - Associated Press | AP – SEPT 16,11
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — Wading through a muddy river bed to reach shallow pools of water, wildlife biologists scooped up hundreds of minnows Friday in one of the first rescues of fish threatened by the state's worst drought in decades.The scientists collected smalleye shiners and sharpnose shiners from the Brazos River — about 2,300 on Thursday and 800 Friday. The fish, which are found only in the Brazos and nowhere else in the world, are both candidates to be listed as threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. They will be taken to the state's fish hatchery near Possum Kingdom Lake but returned to the river when the drought abates.
Scientists used a large net to scoop up dozens of fish at a time Friday morning near Sagerton, about 150 miles west of Fort Worth. Both types of 2-inch-long minnows are shiny and have other distinctive features, making them easy for scientists to spot and put in buckets, while throwing other fish caught in the nets back in the water, said Kevin Mayes, an aquatic biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
With the water drying up in the drought, the minnows don't have the 100 miles of river they need to reproduce. And, their life span is just two years, Mayes said. Game fish like catfish and largemouth bass eat the minnows, making them an important part of the ecosystem, he said.
A team rescued 110 federally threatened Arkansas River shiners and 60 peppered chubs from the Canadian River in the Texas Panhandle near the New Mexico border last week and took them to a federal fish hatchery in Oklahoma. Gene Wilde, a Texas Tech University fish ecology professor who led the team, said he believes that effort was the first fish rescue in Texas during this severe drought.We value these species and they are an important part of the Texas natural heritage, so we're trying to prevent losing them in this drought, Wilde said, referring to both rescue efforts.Large fish rescues are rare, but they could become more common for fish, reptiles and amphibians as the drought persists. Texas is home to 86 species considered endangered or threatened.The San Saba, Colorado and Llano rivers are home to several species of mussels, some of which are listed as threatened in Texas and for which petitions are pending for federal status.Several federally endangered species — including the fountain darter and the Texas blind salamander — could need rescuing from the Comal and San Marcos Springs, south of Austin. If stream flows drop to pre-determined levels, biologists with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will evacuate as many samples of the species as possible.About 88 percent of the state is in the worst stage of drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor map released Thursday. Texas just finished its driest 11 months on record and is in its worst single-year drought ever. It also had the hottest June through August on record in the U.S.Blaney reported from Lubbock. AP photographer L.M. Otero contributed to this report from Sagerton.Follow Angela K. Brown at
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
DANIEL 11:21-23
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.
Palestinian leader will ask for full UN membership
AP By MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH, Associated Press – Fri Sep 16, 2:07 pm ET
RAMALLAH, West Bank – The Palestinian president said Friday he would ask the U.N. Security Council next week to endorse his people's decades-long quest for statehood but emphasized that he did not seek to isolate or delegitimize Israel.Mahmoud Abbas' plan to seek full membership at United Nations and bypass negotiations with Israel sets the stage for a diplomatic confrontation with Israel and the United States, which has indicated it would veto the measure in the Security Council.Abbas appeared to leave himself some wiggle room in his address to the Palestinian people before departing for the annual U.N. General Assembly session in New York next week, saying he did not rule out other, unspecified options. Those could include seeking a lesser, nonmember state observer status from the General Assembly, a more easily obtainable goal.He also acknowledged that his U.N. move would not end the Israeli occupation and cautioned against outsize hopes.We don't want to raise expectations by saying we are going to come back with full independence, Abbas said in an address to Palestinian leaders. He said he was going to the United Nations to ask the world to shoulder its responsibilities by backing the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.Abbas urged the Palestinian people to refrain from violence, saying anything other than peaceful moves will harm us and sabotage our endeavors.
And he asserted twice that his aim was not to isolate or delegitimize Israel — a charge Israel often levels at the Palestinians and their supporters.No one can isolate Israel. No one can delegitimize Israel. It is a recognized state, he said. We want to delegitimze the occupation, not the state of Israel. The occupation is the nightmare of our existence.Both the U.S. and Israel fear the U.N. move could lead to violence and other negative consequences and stress that statehood should come about through negotiations, the cornerstone of Mideast peace efforts for the past two decades. The Palestinians already are planning two mass demonstrations in the West Bank next week, though they insist the marches will be peaceful.The Palestinians say they are turning to the U.N. after concluding that peace talks will yield no breakthrough at this point. Although the U.N. move will not change things on the ground, they hope it will give them greater leverage in future negotiations with Israel by elevating their international profile.With a U.S. veto assured in the Security Council, the Palestinians would likely seek nonmember state status from the General Assembly, where the Palestinians would only need a simple majority of those present and voting. Abbas said more than 125 of the assembly's 193 members have pledged to support the Palestinians in their statehood bid.Application for either status likely would take weeks, if not months, to come to a vote.Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said Thursday that Abbas would submit his statehood bid to U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon after addressing the General Assembly on Sept. 23.After the speech, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Abbas of dodging direct talks.Peace is not achieved through unilateral approaches to the U.N. or by joining forces with the Hamas terror organization, Netanyahu said in a statement, referring to a recent, unimplemented agreement between Abbas and the violently anti-Israel group that rules Gaza to unite their rival governments. Peace can only be achieved through direct negotiations with Israel.Talks between Israel and the Palestinians stalled almost three years ago, reviving only briefly with three-week round that broke down last September after the expiration of a slowdown in Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank. Palestinians say the continued construction on lands they want for a future state compromises its viability, and they want it to stop completely as a condition for restarting talks.
Israel has rejected that demand.
The U.S. has been at the forefront of an international diplomatic scramble this week to get Israelis and Palestinians talking instead of sparring at the U.N. While Palestinian leaders have not closed the door on the prospect of a compromise, the chances of breakthrough appear slim.The prospect of a veto would put Washington in the embarrassing position of voting against a concept the Obama administration approves of in principle: The establishment of a Palestinian state whose borders will be negotiated from the starting point of the lines Israel held before capturing the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem in 1967.Israel still occupies the West Bank and east Jerusalem. It withdrew soldiers and settlers from Gaza in 2005, but restricts the entry and exit of goods there through land crossings and a naval blockade.The White House announced on Friday that President Barack Obama would meet with Netanyahu on the sidelines of next week's United Nations General Assembly meetings in New York. The White House said there currently were no plans for Obama to formally meet with Abbas.Although the future state Abbas envisions would include Gaza, in practice, the territory is ruled by Hamas militants who call for Israel's destruction and seized the territory from Abbas loyalists in a violent 2007 takeover.
Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum derided Abbas' speech as a tactic to return to negotiations with the government of the Zionist occupation that was undertaken without consulting with other Palestinian factions.Associated Press writer Ibrahim Barzak contributed to this report from Gaza City, Gaza Strip.
Obama tries to look beyond Palestinian bid at UN
AP By JULIE PACE, Associated Press – Fri Sep 16, 4:48 pm ET
WASHINGTON – Facing a potentially destabilizing diplomatic clash, President Barack Obama heads to the United Nations next week already looking beyond a potential vote on Palestinian statehood and toward laying the groundwork for the resumption of stalled Middle East peace talks.Obama had hoped to focus his efforts at the meetings of the U.N. General Assembly on boosting the standing of Libya's former rebel leaders and touting the United Nations' role in dismantling Moammar Gadhafi's regime. But success in Libya seems likely to be overshadowed by a Palestinian push for full U.N. membership — an effort over which Obama has little influence.White House officials say it's still unclear what course the Palestinians will take in New York next week. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Friday that he will ask the U.N. Security Council to endorse his statehood bid, though he said he was open to other unspecified options. The U.S. has pledged to veto the statehood bid, and the Obama administration has senior diplomats in the region making a last-ditch effort to persuade the Palestinians to drop the measure.But the White House insists its main focus is not on what happens at the U.N., but on resuming direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. U.S. officials contend that those negotiations provide the only credible pathway for the Palestinians to achieve statehood.
Whatever happens at the United Nations, there's going to have to be a process to get these two parties back to the table when we get beyond next week,White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said Friday.As part of the effort to revive the stalled negotiations, Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the U.N. meeting next week. But whether Obama can make any progress in convincing Netanyahu to return to talks is highly uncertain, and it's unclear what bargaining power the U.S. has.There are currently no plans for Obama to meet with Abbas in New York, and the White House said the two leaders had not spoken recently.Obama is due to arrive in New York Monday evening, after giving a speech in the Washington area announcing his deficit cutting recommendations for a joint congressional committee.The president's meetings at the U.N. kick into high gear on Tuesday with an emphasis on Libya, where opposition forces have unseated Gadhafi after four decades of rule.Eager to burnish the credentials of Libya's new leadership, Obama will hold his first meeting with Mahmoud Jibril, prime minister of the Transitional National Council. He and other world leaders will also convene a high-level meeting on Libya where the TNC will outline its plans for a post-Gadhafi nation.The White House sees next week's meetings as an opportunity to promote the U.N.'s role in the months-long Libya effort as a model for future interventions. In March, the Security Council swiftly passed a resolution establishing a no-fly zone over Libya and authorizing all necessary action needed to protect civilians, a measure the U.S. credits with saving countless Libyan lives.The U.N. has a credible role to play in these issues, and the international community can prevent mass atrocities, Rhodes said.On Friday, the U.N. voted to give Libya's seat in the world body to the former rebels.Other key meetings on Obama's schedule at the U.N. include one-on-one talks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, their first meeting since Obama outlined plans to withdraw more than 20,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan by the end of next summer. And Obama will meet with the prime minister of Turkey, whose increasingly strained relationship with Israel is a growing concern for the U.S.
Obama also will meet with leaders from Britain, France, Brazil, Japan and South Sudan, the world's newest nation.The president will address the General Assembly Wednesday morning and also speak at the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative later that day.Underscoring the ever-present tug of domestic politics, Obama is also expected to use his time in New York to attend fundraisers for the Democratic National Committee and his re-election campaign.Julie Pace can be reached at
Q+A: The implications of the Palestinian U.N. drive
Reuters By Crispian Balmer and Lou Charbonneau | Reuters – SEPT 16,11
(Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Friday he would request recognition of a fully-fledged Palestinian state at the United Nations when he goes to the world body next week, defying fierce opposition from Israel and the United States.Here are some of the reasons behind the push as well as some of the possible consequences.
Abbas says 20 years of U.S.-led peace talks have got nowhere and wants a vote in the United Nations to bestow the Palestinians with the cherished mantle of statehood. However, he recognizes that negotiations with Israel will still be needed to establish a properly functioning state.Justifying the move, the Palestinians point to the success of a Western-backed, two-year plan to build institutions ready for statehood which they say is now finished.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) says placing their state firmly in the context of territory seized by Israel in the 1967 war will provide clear terms of reference and mean Israel will no longer be able to call the land disputed. Instead, it will make clear it is occupied. Israel fears this will enable Palestinians to start legal proceedings in the International Criminal Court (ICC) against some 500,000 Israelis who live in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Countries seeking to join the United Nations usually present an application to the U.N. secretary-general, who passes it to the Security Council to assess and vote on. If the 15-nation council approves the membership request, it is passed to the General Assembly for approval. A membership request needs a two-thirds majority, or 129 votes, for approval.A country cannot join the United Nations unless both the Security Council and General Assembly approve its application.
In theory, yes. But Washington has made clear it would veto such a request, meaning it has no chance of success. Even if the Palestinians secured a two-thirds majority of votes in the General Assembly, there is no getting around the need for prior approval of the Security Council.
In addition to applying to become a full U.N. member state, the Palestinians could also seek upgraded observer status as a non-member state. That is what the Vatican has. Such status, U.N. envoys say, could be interpreted as implicit U.N. recognition of Palestinian statehood because the assembly would be acknowledging that the Palestinians control an actual state.The advantage of this option is that it would require only a simple majority of the 193-nation General Assembly, not a two-thirds majority. Abbas said on Friday that more than 126 states already recognize the state of Palestine, meaning he could probably win such a vote with ease.
Besides granting them the all-important title state, diplomats say it might enable the Palestinians to join the ICC, from which it could pursue legal cases against Israel over the partial blockade of Gaza or the settlements.
There are potential pitfalls. For example, Israel could counter sue the Palestinians in the ICC over missiles fired at it out of Gaza, which is run by the Hamas Islamist group.Some critics have warned of legal consequences for the Palestinians themselves, arguing the move could jeopardize the rights of refugees in the Palestinian diaspora and the status of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Others have dismissed those arguments.Also, the U.N. vote will not change things on the ground in the Palestinian territories -- a reality which could further undermine the standing of the Palestinian leadership when the dust settles. Some Israelis have warned disappointment could fuel anti-Israeli violence and even spark a new Intifada. PA officials have dismissed that prospect.
Israeli officials have suggested a range of possible measures, including limiting travel privileges for Palestinian leaders seeking to exit the West Bank, halting the transfer of crucial tax revenues to the Palestinians and even annexing West Bank settlement blocs to try to sidestep ICC legal action. Some U.S. officials have warned that they might cut their annual aid to the Palestinian Authority, which runs to some $450 million. It is far from clear if they will enact these threats. Depriving the PA of funds, for example, would rapidly push it to financial collapse, which would provoke instability. In the case of bankruptcy, some leading Palestinians argue that the PA should hand over the keys of the big West Bank cities to Israel and tell it to pay for the on-going occupation.(Writing by Crispian Balmer and Lou Charbonneau)
Israel ups West Bank forces before Palestinian UN bid
AFP By Marius Schattner | AFP – SEPT 16,11
Israel has boosted its army presence in the West Bank ahead of a Palestinian recourse to the UN amid fears they may resort to the International Criminal Court over Jewish settlements, reports said on Friday.Public radio reported the build-up and the daily Yediot Aharonot said three battalions of reservists -- some 1,500 personnel -- have been mobilised and units already in the occupied territory have been reinforced.The move comes ahead of expected Palestinian demonstrations as their statehood bid looms at the United Nations on September 23, public radio said.
General Avi Mizrahi, the commander of central Israel which includes the West Bank, has issued strict orders to the military to act with restraint and avoid bloodshed if trouble erupts, Yediot Aharonot said.It said troops in the Palestinian territory have been armed with anti-riot equipment including tear gas to enable them to control any protests without having to resort to live ammunition.The military is also reported to have boosted its presence around Jewish settlements in the West Bank, both to protect them and to prevent attacks on Palestinians by extremist settlers.Officials said one Palestinian and an Israeli settler were wounded on Friday in clashes in the village of Kusra in the northern West Bank.Around a dozen settlers tried to enter Kusra but were stopped by residents who feared they were about to be attacked and began beating them, Palestinian officials said.One settler pulled out a pistol and shot a Palestinian in the leg.
An Israeli military spokeswoman said the clash happened in a disputed area outside Kusra between residents and people from the nearby settlement of Esh Hakodesh.She said the wounded Israeli had been stabbed and confirmed a Palestinian had been shot.
Settlers have said they plan to march on Palestinian cities if the Palestinians hold protest marches around settlements during their UN membership bid, settler leaders said on September 7.We will leave our communities and march peacefully towards Palestinian towns -- Hebron, Ramallah or Nablus, said Yaakov Katz, a far-right member of the Israeli parliament.Two days later, vandals sprayed graffiti on the walls of a mosque and a university in Birzeit near Ramallah in attacks suspected to have been carried out by Israeli settlers.Palestinian security officials told AFP that Death to the Arabs and slogans insulting the Prophet Mohammed were painted in Hebrew.Israel's Peace Now anti-settlers movement said on Friday more than 100 hectares of Palestinian land have been confiscated in the northern West Bank for the benefit of two wildcat settlements.This is the state's response to a legal bid by Peace Now to demand the dismantling of the wildcat settlements of Haresh and Hayovel, it said in a statement.Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas was to address his people on Friday ahead of next week's bid for for UN membership.The Israeli Haaretz reported on Friday that Israeli officials fear the Palestinians may launch legal action against settlements if their bid for upgraded UN status bears fruit.
It reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had on Thursday told EU and US envoys of his concerns about a possible Palestinian recourse to the International Criminal Court in The Hague over the settlers issue.It said the premier expressed his fears at meetings with US, EU and Quartet envoys holding talks with Israel and Palestinian leaders in an effort to get them back into direct peace talks that stalled a year ago.The Palestinian bid for UN membership is strongly opposed by both Israel and the United States, who say the only route to a Palestinian state is through bilateral negotiations.Netanyahu spokesman Mark Regev refused to comment to AFP on Netanyahu's meetings with the foreign envoys.A senior government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a Palestinian ICC recourse would be worrying, given that it would demonstrate that they seek to perpetuate conflict instead of seeking peace.But the official also believed that Israel has little to worry about in this case as it has not ratified the Treaty of Rome recognising the authority of the ICC, and is not therefore bound to implement its rulings.
Israel calls Egypt envoy over treaty revision talk
APBy AMY TEIBEL - Associated Press | AP – SEPT 16,11
JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned the Egyptian ambassador for a talk Friday after Egypt's prime minister said his country's 1979 peace treaty with Israel could be amended, a ministry spokesman said.The spokesman, Paul Hirschson, would not give details of the conversation.Prime Minister Essam Sharaf told Turkish TV on Thursday that the treaty is not sacred. ... It can be revised.Sharaf did not elaborate. Egyptian officials have recently been arguing for more Egyptian troops in the Sinai Peninsula, where militant activity is on the rise. Currently, the treaty defines that area of the Sinai along Israel's border as a demilitarized zone, barring Egyptian troops. Israel has accepted temporary Egyptian deployments there.
The treaty was the first signed between an Arab country and Israel. Jordan followed in 1994.Israel has been concerned about the fate of the treaty since Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was toppled in February. Mubarak steadfastly upheld the treaty, even though popular sentiment in Egypt is hostile to Israel.Although the current government in Cairo has voiced its commitment to the treaty, relations have been strained since Mubarak's ouster.An Egyptian Foreign Ministry official Israel sought clarification of the prime minister's comments about the peace deal. The official reiterated Egypt's commitment to upholding the treaty as long as Israel does the same. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of ministry rules that bar him from being identified in the press.Egypt and Israel both receive large amounts of foreign aid from the U.S. The U.S. contributions to Egypt reached $2 billion annually after the treaty was signed.A Mubarak-era natural gas deal perceived in Egypt as a corrupt transaction that netted Mubarak and his cronies millions of dollars and gave Israel bargain prices has been a target of harsh criticism since his downfall. Israel insists it is paying a fair price for the gas.
Violence last month further soured the atmosphere.Palestinian militants who infiltrated Israel from Egypt's Sinai desert killed eight Israelis. Six Egyptian soldiers in Sinai were killed as Israel pursued the attackers, sparking protests in Egypt.Last week, rioters ransacked the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, forcing the Israeli ambassador, staffers and their families to flee on military planes back home.
Friday, September 16, 2011
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It’s America, Christianity and freedom not Internationalism, Chrislam and the new world worder By LAURIE OTH, on September 13th, 2011
Everywhere we look today Politicians, Media and Global elite are severing the traditional and important boundaries of Religion, Sovereignty, laws and freedoms fought for. Our country and heritage is now lying, practically lifeless on Frankenstein’s laboratory of sell out, anti God, politically correct lies.The fire breathing Doctors are rapidly ripping off American body parts and slapping on international, U.N. environmentally perverted legs and arms. If something major is not done soon our crippled country won’t even be able to walk.
Let’s talk sovereignty and borders
Long before Obama and his cut the U.S. throat agenda, we saw the bold flipping off of U.S. sovereignty, borders and law with Bush, Clinton and Bush senior. Remember how former George President Bush was calling the nation to vigilance after 9/11, yet he called the Minute Men vigilantes for using their own money, saving lives of illegal immigrants, supporting our border patrol, borders and law. This sea of volunteer teachers, firefighters, retired patriots, Pastors and Moms were simply an unwanted mob and in the way. Then we saw Bush support all kinds of back room meetings and special conversations with Canada and Mexico, pushing the super highway up from Mexico and the North American Union. Sovereignty be damned.George Bush had a golden opportunity for 8 years to stop the 200 billion a year drug trade and millions of mystery people flying across our borders, breaking laws, taking U.S. jobs and compromising national security. He did little or nothing. Why? Because his worldview, just like his Fathers was tied up with the new world order and internationalism, not sovereignty, U.S. law and our borders. Remember when Bush senior talked with reverence in one of his speeches about the new world order? This was all about assuring in a world religion, internationalism, opening up borders and a kind of socialism. Now, Obama continues the madness and national betrayal in this area. Like Bush, he is an internationalist and Universalist. There is no such thing as that arrogant thing called borders and U.S. sovereignty.
Changing religion to reflect the international code
Real history shows that the miraculous, United States of America was founded by devout Christians. A few were reported agnostic believers of God but over 90% were out spoken Christians. They built our constitution, Declaration of Independence and other founding documents on Christian principles as outlined in the one and only, Holy Bible, not any other religious type book.Universalists and internationalists have long sought to not only water down our borders, sovereignty and freedoms but morph and transform Christianity, our main faith reflecting most of America, into a Frankenstonian hybrid of many religions. If that pesky Holy Bible is true, then all freedom is a gift from God, all people have equal worth under God. Christ died on the cross for all and rose again. There is no surfer class, slave class, female under class, fancy or powerful class. Worth is defined as belonging to all, including the unborn and imperfect in society. If God defines how people are to live, draws us back to Himself through the Bible and requires a response, that flies in the face of internationalists and the new world order crowd. They want to hold the power and act as God. Obama and the progressive’s dream is to be the provider, messiah, one who controls power and money. They also want to be worshipped. God and Jesus are simply in the way and drawing worshiping attention from them. Naturally, Obama and today’s ‘religious changing Marxists’ loan out freedom and throw dog bones of money to their seduced and controlled followers and fans. All others are defined and promoted as enemies of the Government, country and specified, special groups. These special groups are developed , given tons of money and media attention to simply manipulate the masses and steal financial and voting empathy. You are made to feel like a mentally compromised, racist jerk if you don’t like all the special and funded groups.
Our new set of socially approved faiths
Worshipping mother earth and environmentalism. The Gaians, new age and environmentalism and some eastern religions have merged to control people and change their focus from the living and Real God of the Holy Bible to animals, nature and the planet. Humans aren’t on top anymore. In fact, they are quickly being moved to the bottom of the pile.Then there is the attempt to merge Islam and Christianity. We have big time Pastors, such as Pastor Rick Warren of the Saddleback church diving into the sewage of political correctness and compromise. He talks of a Christian and Islamic partnership. He was one of the main speakers at the North America’s annual conference (ISNA.) He calls Christians and Muslims to work with each other and focus on a social doctrine, namely, spiritual emptiness, corrupt leadership, extreme poverty, disease and illiteracy. Apparently, in our new found religion of chrislam we are to ignore the gospel of Christ, which doesn’t include Muhammad’s vision and oppressive teaching? At the very least, we are to water down and push to the back room, the unique, gospel message of Jesus. Are we to pretend fundamentalist Islam doesn’t want a worldwide caliphate, preach Jihad and death to infidels, Christians and Jews? The Interfaith Movement that states that all religions are the pathway to God. What about that verse in the Holy Bible: John 14:6 Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.We are told by Obama and his progressives that we are the same as all other countries and certainly all religions have their place, except Christianity and Judaism of course. Forget American exceptionalism, being a light on a hill and reflecting Christian values. That is old school. We have bigger fish to fry. We must worship trees, animals, and Mohamed while working closely with Islam to stop social suffering.Working with other faiths, religions and countries is nice. I’m all for getting along but we are an exclusive, sovereign nation, governed by our U.S. constitution and laws, not the UN. We are a Christian nation, whose vast majority worship and serve the God and Christ of the Holy Bible not Muhammad. I love nature and am an animal freak more than anyone but I don’t worship mother earth, tree bark or my Chow Chow. God did make people above animals and nature. We are to serve and protect and not to destroy. We certainly aren’t to worship God’s creation.Let’s stop rewriting our history, the Holy Bible and tradition. It is what it is. Everyone else can kiss my grits.
Progressivism – the face lift of Communism
By LAURIE ROTH on September 15th, 2011
For well over 100 years big and central Government fans have railed against freedom, states rights and human rights. Many of us middle aged types remember growing up with the fear of a nuclear exchange between us and the dreaded, Communist Russia. There was no way, that controlling monster would ever be brought down, so we lived in danger and the cold war.Then the seeming impossible happened. After the wishy washy Jimmy Carter practically ruined our country while being stuck with 21% interest rates, a miracle happened. Ronald Reagan was elected and had a bold and strong vision for America. He was not timid or afraid to confront evil. You saw it. The Berlin wall came down and Communist Russia disbanded. What do you think happened to all the big Government addicts of control? Did they just enfold themselves and their money into freedom for the masses? Sadly, not. In fact, they have only gotten more funded, more organized, sneakier and changed their name many times while you weren’t looking. In fact, the term Communism has the ring now of a a fossil a museum piece. You almost sound paranoid and fringe to even talk about the dangers of communism. Certainly to talk about the dangers of Islamic fundamentalism renders you mentally ill. You are an islamaphobe for noticing the unending, international murders and push for a caliphate.Progressivism is the name now that represents big Government, societal, business and personal controls, It is communism and thinks the people are stupid and must be controlled. Progressivism sounds so forward thinking and open to progress and people doesn’t it? The truth is, when going back an unfolding its cancerous core you see it everywhere and backed by big name people in our history and currently in the White House.
You can see part of the push away from capitalism, individuality and freedom with Edward Bellamy’s novel, Looking Backward in 1888. It was an amazingly popular futuristic book talking about an organized military battalion of unified workers that obeyed a strict hierarchy of authority. There were no rich and poor, no prosperity, no capitalism. It was painted and defined as paradise. People were unified, entertained while working together. Read the many historical articles outlining the growth and names connected with progressivism at After Bellamy’s hit book hit the seen, tons of ‘Nationalist Clubs’ formed up. People and Pastors were preaching about this book reflecting the teachings of Jesus Christ. Bellamy’s cousin was a Pastor who preached a sermon Jesus, the Socialist.To this day many Christians confuse and distort Christ’s message with socialism. Wrong! I have read the Bible and am a Christian. Jesus and the Bible models reward for work, honors excelling, being good stewards of talents and abilities while helping others. Jesus calls us to Him and to be the best we can be. That is capitalism to me.As the years unfolded into the 1920s, people and noted leaders and celebrities combined and merged socialism with utopia and paradise. That should be the goal of the country we were told. Just a few of these progressive notables on our way to Obama and his minions; H.G. Wells was a huge progressive and talked about the need for us to all become liberal fascists and enlightened Nazis.It is stunning that anyone could ever call a Nazi enlightened but many have. When Wells was challenged about all the negatives of totalitarianism, he would talk of the need for liberalism and a phoenix rebirth. Perhaps today they could all go on a Talk show and work it all out.
Just a few of the other big names pushing and manipulating controls and socialism were poet Wallace Stevens, historian Charles Beard, who wrote positively of Mussolini (who murdered way more than Hitler.) The huge McClure’s magazine founder, Samuel McClure talked of the wonder and importance of Italian fascism….it was a big step forward; NAACP co-founder W.E.B. DuBois, FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell and New Republic editor George Soule all talked of the glories of large scale Government. Playwright George Bernard Shaw talked of Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini as great progressive leaders who stood against putrefying corpses of democracies.
Today, we have the Executive Branch, much of congress, media and Hollywood enraptured with the Big Government, progressive push and controls. The working class masses are thought to be too stupid to have much power and real freedom. Just give them enough bones and rewards for compliance so they think they have freedom, own their property and control their own life. Live a mirage not a life.Obama has long believed along with his progressive supporters, that Big Government and European socialism is the wave of the future for the U.S. He wrote in depth in his book Dreams from my Father about his Father’s goals and life and championed the redistribution of wealth, world view his twisted Father did.What does the push for progressivism (communism) mean today? It means we cannot be exceptional and lead in business, military and freedom. We must be squeezed down, made to submit through the back door by endless regulations, taxation and litigation. While seducing and manipulating the nation to submit to Obama’s controls, we must be entertained and distracted by contrived crises, enemies and causes.
Issues of manipulation, lies and distraction
The Palestinian people are suffering at the hands of apartheid Israel give Hamas 900 million and turn against Israel and the Jews.The Tea Party groups want a race war, want to hang black people from trees, are terrorists, un-American and destroying America.The Minute Men are vigilantes, hate Mexicans and don’t support the border patrol.
We create more jobs by raising more taxes of employers and achievers
We have a healthier society by forcing all at the risk of fines and other penalties to have Government approved Health insurance.Freedom and our constitution is secure by having leadership bypass congress and extend the Obama dictatorship with his czars.The battle continues and is in our face and country. Progressivism attacks our constitution, the people and our freedom from the Executive Branch down. Our country never did need Big Government. Big and controlling Government has always been the vehicle to steal money from the masses, keep controls and wealth with the global elite and shred our freedom.Progressivism is evil and must be fought and overcome at the ballot box in November 2012. America and her greatness will rise again but it will be the battle of our life time to do it. Bring it on. Join me on my national radio show Join up with the Roth Revolution and let your voice be heard.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM +2.43
10:00 AM +61.53
10:30 AM +5.24
11:00 AM -23.43
11:30 AM +4.58
12:00 PM +43.82
12:30 PM +56.12
01:00 PM +78.41
01:30 PM +59.41
02:00 PM +52.37
02:30 PM +70.04
03:00 PM +75.25
03:30 PM +48.62
04:00 PM +75.91 11,509.09
S&P 500 1216.01 +6.90
NASDAQ 2622.31 +15.24
GOLD 1,814.20 +32.80
OIL 87.90 -1.50
TSE 300 12,273.80 -151.16
CDNX 1782.85 -1.45
S&P/TSX/60 696.26 -11.90
Dow +47 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -23 points at low today.
Dow +62 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,788.10.OIL opens at $89.23 today.
Dow -23 points at low today so far.
Dow +62 points at high today so far.
Dow -23 points at low today.
Dow +62 points at high today.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS-10 WORLD REGIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
Deal reached on EU economic governance laws
Today SEPT 15,11 @ 14:51 By Honor Mahony
After months of fraught negotiations, a deal has been reached on six new laws - the so-called Six-Pack - designed to keep eurozone member states' budgets in check and to prevent a repetition of the current debt crisis.The agreement, hammered out by European Parliament and Polish EU presidency and European Commission officials late on Wednesday (14 September), still has a few formalities to complete before it becomes EU law.It will come up for discussion by eurozone finance ministers at an informal gathering in Poland, beginning Friday. A final meeting of parliament, presidency and commission delegates is expected Monday to tie up loose ends. MEPs will then vote on the agreement in a plenary session at the end of September.Under the deal, sanctions for countries that run up an excessive budget deficit will become easier to impose, though are not as automatic as some in the parliament would have liked.
Deficit sinners will be subject to a two-step procedure.The commission will first issue a warning to the country, which has to be adopted by a qualified majority of eurozone members.If after one month the warning has either been rejected by member states or simply ignored, then the commission can insist again on the warning. This time round, however, the warning is considered automatically adopted unless a majority of eurozone states - nine - say otherwise.The commission can eventually impose a fine of up 0.1 percent of GDP for countries not acting to correct their deficit, while those countries falsifying their statistics could see a fine of 0.2 percent of GDP.The slightly messy compromise is the result of haggling between MEPs and governments over how automatic to make sanctions. The current system was dealt a fatal blow when France and Germany in 2003 broke the rules on keeping budget deficits under 3 percent of GDP and went unpunished.We have struck a realistic balance between the will of member states and what we considered necessary, said one parliamentary source.The deal also saw new language, pushed by the Socialists and Greens in the EU assembly, forcing the commission to look at export deficits (in places such as Germany, which exports more than it consumes) as well as current account deficits (as in Greece, which imports more than it exports) when drafting macroeconomic outlooks for the eurozone.In addition, both sides agreed that finance ministers may be invited to appear before the parliament's economic affairs committee to explain when things are going awry. The ministers can turn down the meeting, but language stressing that attendance is voluntary has been removed.
The agreement was welcomed by conservative deputies but criticised by those on the left.The compromise agreement reached makes it possible to lay solid foundations of economic governance, said French centre-right MEP Jean-Paul Gauzes.German Socialist deputy Udo Bullmann said It fails to provide any incentives for growth and jobs. This could actually make things worse for the European economy which is facing the risk of recession.Green deputy Philippe Lambert said the deal falls short of what is needed to get Europe out of the crisis: This Six-Pack will fail to provide the basis for a robust and sustainable system of economic governance for Europe.However, although deputies may disagree on the details, the fact there is any kind of agreement is of great symbolic importance.Its slow progress through Brussels' legislative labyrinth saw politicians fret about what markets think on the EU's ability to react to the debt crisis.
China to EU: We'll back the euro if you open your markets 15.09.11 @ 13:29 By Andrew Rettman
China has offered to help save the euro in return for getting EU recognition as a market economy - a new status that would help it to export more cheap goods to Europe.Chinese premier Wen Jiabao made the offer at a meeting of business leaders and officials organsied by the World Economic Forum in Dalian, China, on Wednesday (14 September).European countries are facing sovereign debt problems and we've expressed our willingness to give a helping hand many times. We will continue to expand our investment there, he said. Based on WTO rules, China's full market economy status will be recognised by 2016. If EU nations can demonstrate their sincerity several years earlier, it would be the way a friend treats a friend, he added.A European Commission spokeswoman on Thursday played down the importance of the remarks.Wen in a recent phonecall with commission head Jose Manuel Barroso made no linkage whatsoever between eurozone support and the new status, she said.She added that commission officials are working intensively on the market economy negotiations.The new status would change the way the EU calculates whether or not it is entitled to impose tariffs on Chinese exports in order to protect EU manufacturers.Currently, the EU compares Chinese export prices with those of other low-cost exporters to see if it is dumping excessively cheap goods. If it becomes a market economy, the EU will have to compare its export prices with domestic Chinese prices instead, meaning fewer products will make the dumping grade.
The EU as of June had 55 anti-dumping measures in place against China. The EU-China trade deficit hit €169 billion last year.Wen spoke out the same day that the US think-tank, the German Marshall Fund, published a survey showing that Europeans are less afraid of China than Americans.Forty six percent of Europeans - the biggest segment of those polled - see China as more of an economic opportunity than a threat and 62 percent do not think it poses a military danger. In contrast, 63 percent of Americans see it as an economic threat and 47 percent see it is a military adversary.
The most pro-China EU countries out of the 12 covered by the study are Romania, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, France, Portugal, the UK and Spain. Germany, Italy and Slovakia were at the other end of the scale.Despite its China-wariness, Italian officials last week met with China's sovereign wealth fund, the China Investment Corporation, in Rome, amid speculation that China will buy Italian government-owned assets.They are interested in buying real stuff ... this is completely different from their approach in the US which was to invest in treasuries [government bonds], an unnamed Italian official told the FT on Tuesday.
EU economic growth is coming to a stand-still
15.09.11 @ 15:27 By Leigh Phillips
There will be no double-dip recession but EU economic growth is coming to a stand-still the European Commission has warned, amid bleak news on the US recovery and world trade.GDP growth is now expected to remain subdued in the second half of the year, coming close to stand-still at year-end the commission's interim economic forecast said on Thursday (15 September). The EU economy as a whole is expected to grow just 0.2 percent in the third and fourth quarers, while the eurozone is to grow by just 0.2 percent and 0.1 percent, respectively.The expectations for the second half of the year have been ratcheted down considerably - by half a percentage point - from the bloc’s spring forecast.The situation looks better from a full-year perspective, where a positive first quarter will see the EU economy grow 1.7 percent and the eurozone 1.6 percent in 2011 as a whole.Unlike the fully-fledged spring and autumn reports, Thursday's interim report assesses only the performance of the seven largest EU economies. The figures in the interim paper point to downward revisions across all seven, meaning there is a common factor dragging the economies down.
The two best performers, Germany and Poland, will see overall 2011 growth of 2.9 percent and 4.0 percent, respectively. The two worst, Spain and Italy, are to see just 0.8 percent and 0.7 percent.The two engines of growth, exports and domestic demand, are in trouble: net exports are becoming less dynamic the paper fears, while demand will be weakened in the second half of the year and possibly beyond.The report places the blame for the downward revision on a more extensive weakening of global demand and world trade. The recovery lost steam in the US, the report said, while indicators for world trade suggest a further weakening in the third quarter. The EU study also pointed to a decline in financial market conditions on the back of contagion of the sovereign debt concerns in the euro area and concerns over the US.
The outlook for the European economy has deteriorated. Recoveries from financial crises are often slow and bumpy, EU economy chief Olli Rehn said, announcing the results.He added that a lot of austerity measures are still to kick in and when they do, the demand side of the equation will be hit even harder.He called for EU countries to steadfastly stick to the existing strategy, however, saying: To get the recovery back on track, it is crucial to safeguard financial stability and put budgets on a path that is sustainable beyond doubt.Asked whether other strategies, involving fiscal stimulus, might be considered, he argued that high levels of public spending caused the market turbulence in the first place.Due to the still elevated levels of public debt and the related stress in financial markets, which is now leading to deterioration of economic growth, it has already had a very negative impact on economic recovery and sustainable growth, he said.Mentioning Spain, he added: Considering the stress of health of public finances, it would certainly be counterproductive to engage with fiscal stimulus at this juncture.
Slight change in language
The economy chief's message contained a slight nuance compared to previous statements.Rehn is now calling for a differentiated austerity strategy, meaning that core eurozone countries like Germany which are under less pressure from markets, should not cut back any more on welfare programmes, unemployment payments and other forms of social assistance.The slight change in message from the previous one of pure austerity first appeared in the commissioner’s language on Tuesday.
AMOS 9:10
10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us.
DANIEL 11:40-45
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south( EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) and the king of the north (RUSSIA AND MUSLIM HORDES OF EZEK 38+39) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.(JORDAN)
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
44 But tidings out of the east(CHINA 2ND WAVE OF WW3) and out of the north(RUSSIA, MUSLIMS WHATS LEFT FROM WAVE 1) shall trouble him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.( 1/3RD OF EARTHS POPULATION)
45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
20 And the winepress was trodden without the city,(JERUSALEM) and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.(200 MILES) (THE SIZE OF ISRAEL)
The Third and Final Wave of WW3 is when all Nations march to Jerusalem, but JESUS bodily returns to earth and destroys them,sets up his KINGDOM OF RULE FOR 1000 YEARS THEN FOREVER.
12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.(THIS IS THE ATATURK DAM IN TURKEY,THEY CROSS OVER).
44 But tidings out of the east(CHINA) and out of the north(RUSSIA, MUSLIMS WHATS LEFT FROM WAVE 1) shall trouble him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.( 1/3RD OF EARTHS POPULATION)
12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.
13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.(IRAQ-SYRIA)
15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.(1/3 Earths Population die in WW 3 2ND WAVE)
16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand:(200 MILLION MAN ARMY FROM CHINA AND THE KINGS OF THE EAST) and I heard the number of them.
17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.(NUCLEAR BOMBS)
18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.(NUCLEAR BOMBS)
Poland warns of war in 10 years as EU leaders scramble to contain panic 14.09.11 @ 17:58 By Leigh Phillips
Germany, France and the European Commission are scrambling to contain panic and quash rumours about a eurozone break-up amid repeated off-piste messages from other senior EU politicians.But even amid their desperate efforts, the finance minister of Poland, the country that currently represents the EU to the world as holder of the bloc’s rotating presidency, warned of war on the continent within 10 years if the eurozone collapses.Speaking to MEPs in Strasbourg on Wednesday morning (14 September) he warned of the need to act rapidly to prevent grave danger for the EU. Making reference to a recent report entitled Euro Break Up - The Consequences by Swiss financial giant UBS, he declared: There is no doubt we are in danger. Europe is in danger.The paper by UBS, normally known for its highly sober analysis, warned that historically, monetary unions do not break up without civil war or some other form of authoritarian reaction. The risk of civil disorder questions the rule of law, and as such basic issues such as property rights. Even those countries that avoid internal strife and divisions will likely have to use administrative controls to avoid extreme positions in their markets, it said.The Polish minister went on to warn of a doubling of unemployment within two years even in the rich countries.
He concluded his comments by recollecting a recent conversation he had with an old friend who is now head of a major bank: We were talking about the crisis in eurozone. He told me You know, after all these political shocks, economic shocks, it is very rare indeed that in the next 10 years we could avoid a war. A war ladies and gentlemen. I am really thinking about obtaining a green card for my kids in the United States.He went further in his comments to reporters after his speech to parliament, saying that he had chosen his words in a very careful way. He said that the prospect of war is not likely within a four-year legislative time frame ... Not in the months ahead, but maybe over a 10-year time frame, this could place us in a context that is almost unimaginable at the moment.It is up to all of us Europeans to take the lessons of an anecdote of that kind to ensure the errors of the past do not come back to haunt us.For their part, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are to hold an evening conference call with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou where they will discuss the crisis.No new political or economic measures are expected to be unveiled, said one EU official. Instead the two European powerhouses will offer a robust backing to the efforts of Papandreou. There will be a strong political message to quash rumours and speculation, the EU contact said.The aim is to draw a line under comments from a variety of sources suggesting finance ministries are bracing themselves for a Greek default.German vice chancellor and economy minister Philipp Roesler this week talked publicly about the scenario of an orderly insolvency for the Hellenic Republic. Merkel quickly hit back at Roesler, also the head of the free-market-liberal junior partner in the chancellor’s coalition, demanding: Everyone should weigh their words very carefully.
But even as she was trying to corral her ministers behind a more optimistic line, on Wednesday, transport minister Peter Ramsauer told Die Zeit it would not be the end of the world if Greece were kicked out of the single currency.On Tuesday, Dutch finance minister Jan Kees de Jager said that his ministry is exploring all scenarios including a possible default within the single currency. He told broadcaster RTL Z he could not comment on whether eurozone officials were preparing for a Greek default. I can't do that in public, he said.I'm not denying it, but I can't confirm it either.On Wednesday, the Dutch finance ministry stepped back from the comments, saying that default is only a scenario.European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso on Wednesday also demanded an end to the cacaphony of proposals and rumours coming from various European quarters.In the cacophony of criticisms, counter-criticisms, magic bullets and miracle panaceas that are proposed on a daily basis, the truth has been drowned out that they [anti-crisis measures] have been agreed upon. But they have taken too long and have not yet been fully delivered, he told the European Parliament.He went on to say that both borrowers and lenders involved in the new measures must now deliver on their promises.All these states [making economic reforms] must now demonstrate in a convincing way that they are serious. It is not enough to make plans. It is action that counts, he said.And those euro area member states that are providing the assistance so crucial for the survival and the stability of the euro must show even more clearly that they are determined to deliver support to countries that implement their programmes, as they have agreed, he said, in a veiled reference to Germany, the Netherlands and Finland.Supporting the euro is not just an act of solidarity towards others. It is an act of self-interest.
DANIEL 7:23-25
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast (EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADING BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings(10 NATIONS) that shall arise: and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.( BE HEAD OF 3 NATIONS)
25 And he (EU PRESIDENT) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.(3 1/2 YRS)
DANIEL 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king (EU DICTATOR) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,(FROM THE OCCULT) shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power:(SATANS POWER) and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;(JESUS) but he shall be broken without hand.
DANIEL 11:36-39
36 And the king (EU DICTATOR) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS JEWISH) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.(CLAIM TO BE GOD)
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(WAR) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god,(DESTROY TERROR GROUPS) whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
19 And I saw the beast,(EU LEADER) and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse,(JESUS) and against his army.(THE RAPTURED CHRISTIANS)
Commission pushes for europeanisation of border controls Today SEPT 15,11 @ 09:28 By Valentina Pop
Brussels - The EU commission is pressing ahead with a controversial draft bill on 'europeanising' the way border checks are introduced, allowing national governments to act on their own for only five days.The draft, seen by EUobserver, has already irked France, Germany and Spain who jointly oppose the idea of giving the EU commission a veto right over what so far has been the exclusive competence of national governments.Initially scheduled for the beginning of the week, the publication has been delayed until Friday (16 September), one day after the general elections in Denmark where border controls are a favourite topic of the populist Danish People's Party.Since the free movement of persons within the area without internal borders is a key Union achievement, the benefits of which are enjoyed by all the persons living in this area, it should as a general rule require a decision to be taken at the Union level, rather than for such decision to be taken unilaterally at the national level, the paper reads.The proposal comes after member states earlier this year asked for clarification on when and how border checks can be reintroduced, following a Franco-Italian spat over Tunisian migrants crossing their common border.Home affairs ministers could not agree, however, what role to give Brussels in the decision-making process, so the EU executive stepped into the breach.
In the commission's view, unilateral national initiatives, in isolation, can never be an effective response to common threats in the EU, where more than a billion people cross freely from one country to another every year.Therefore, the main rule laid out in the proposal is that any decision on the reintroduction of internal border controls would be taken by the commission as an implementing act involving the member states accordingly.The European Parliament would be informed of such measures, which would be for renewable periods of up to 30 days, with a maximum length of six months.
Greece clause
Additionally, the EU commission and the bloc's border control agency Frontex, would organise snap checks of the 25 members of the Schengen area to see how they are managing the borders.If shortcomings are found, governments will have to fix them. Failure to comply may trigger, as last resort, the reintroduction of border checks with that particular country. There is no time limit foreseen in that case.No countries are mentioned specifically in the proposal, but last year Greece had to appeal to the EU and fellow Schengen states to help out with guarding its land-border to Turkey, the main entry point of migrants from the Middle East and north Africa.The kick-out clause is also meant to reassure enlargement-sceptic countries that once Bulgaria and Romania are admitted in Schengen, the process is not irreversible.Motives for reintroducing border checks can vary from a terrorist attack to football championships or high-level summits. An unexpected inflow of migrants can also trigger the reintroduction of border controls, provided there is a risk assessment proving that they may be a public safety concern.In urgent cases, member states can set up border checks on their own, but only for a maximum of five days, after which they have to come up with a detailed assessment of why the measure is necessary and ask for permission from the EU commission.Foreseeable events for which checks are needed have to be flagged up at least six weeks in advance with all relevant information relating to the reasons for doing so, and regarding the planned scope and duration.Since the Schengen border code came into force in 2006, border checks have been introduced 26 times and never for longer than 30 days. In most cases, it was because of major sporting events, political rallies or high-level summits.However, the information member states are required to provide to other member states and the commission often does not arrive in sufficient time, or contain sufficient details, to enable the commission to usefully issue an opinion concerning the notification, the draft reads.But since Germany, France and Spain on Tuesday clearly indicated they do not agree with ceding sovereignty to the EU in this area, the proposal is likely to be watered down in negotiations with member states and the European Parliament.
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
DANIEL 11:21-23
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.
Egypt PM: Israel Treaty 'Not Sacred'-Egyptian prime minister Essam Sharaf told Turkish television the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty wasn't sacred and was subject to change.By Gavriel Queenann First Publish: 9/15/2011, 8:19 PM
Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf on Thursday said the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty is not sacred and is subject to change.The Camp David agreement depends on what benefits the region, Sharaf said in an interview on Turkish television, adding, Egypt will make changes to the treaty if necessary.Sharaf's statements follow the popular sentiments of the street in Cairo, but altering the treaty would require the consent of all three signatories - Egypt, Israel, and the United States.Contrary to Sharaf's rhetoric, however, Egypt's caretaker junta has consistently downplayed the chances of such a move due to sharp opposition from US officials, and Israel.Making such a move without Israeli or US consent would likely lead to a loss of the billions in US aid dollars underwriting Egypt's regional muscle and could lead to a war with Israel over the Sinai.Meanwhile, the last three Israeli diplomats left Cairo today and landed in Tel Aviv . According to media reports in Egypt, they were the acting ambassador, the security officer and deputy.These were the last remaining Israeli diplomats in the country after the dramatic evacuation from last Friday's attack on the embassy and completed its final evacuation.Earlier this week, Egyptian security forces detained 92 protesters who had allegedly been involved in the Israeli Embassy assault in Cairo on Friday night. In total, police and soldiers arrested 130 protesters, according to state television.
Reports in Egypt say that some of the detainees are suspected of trying to break into another building, located several hundred meters from the embassy building.
Egyptian Information Minister Osama Hassan Khaykl appeared on Egyptian television and said that the protesters who were arrested will face charges.Egypt will take legal measures, said Khaykl who condemned the embassy attack, to see the persons involved charged for their actions in court.
EU effort fails to avert UN confrontation on Palestine 15.09.11 @ 13:39 By EUOBSERVER
Palestine's FM al-Malki has said Palestine will on 23 September submit a bid to become a full UN member. The US is set to veto it while France is expected to vote in favour. EU envoy Ashton has spent this week in the Middle East trying to avert the confrontation.
UN Chief Calls PA to Return to Negotiations-UN chief Ban Ki-moon says PA should return to talks with Israel, says the peace deadlock is harming the whole Middle East.By Elad Benari First Publish: 9/16/2011, 12:12 AM
United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon called the Palestinian Authority on Thursday to return to talks with Israel, the Al-Arabiya network reported.Ban was quoted as saying the peace deadlock between the two sides is harming the whole Middle East. He added both sides must make concessions to get back into talks.I am asking them to enter into meaningful negotiations and the international community has a duty to create some conditions favorable to this, Ban told a press conference.He said Israel’s approval for construction of new homes in the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria has not been helpful, but added, At the same time, Palestinians should also try to sit together with Israeli people.I am deeply concerned that with the lack of progress in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, Ban was quoted as saying. We are now experiencing very deteriorating, rapidly deteriorating situations between and among many important players in the region.The UN leader referred to the downgrade in the relations between Israel and Turkey and last week’s attack on the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, saying the Israeli-Turkish relationship is now going in a very negative way and adding the embassy attack was very worrisome.Ban called for strong regional leadership for lasting peace and security in the Middle East.
Ban’s comments came after PA Foreign Minister Riad al-Malki announced Thursday that the entity plans to submit its bid for full UN membership with the Security Council on Friday, September 23.The announcement ended speculation that Abbas would consider alternate plans forwarded by various diplomats who had frantically tried to dissuade the PA from pursuing a unilateral course via the UN.Last week, Ban reaffirmed his support for an independent Palestinian state, but said UN membership for the PA was an issue for member states to decide.One member, the United States, has already announced it will veto any statehood bid by the PA.
Lieberman Orders Embassies to Protest PA Apartheid State-FM Lieberman has instructed Israeli embassies around the world to protest remarks by a PA official that Palestine will be Judenrein By David Lev First Publish: 9/15/2011, 2:18 PM
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has instructed Israeli embassies in Europe and the U.S. to file strong protests with the governments of their host countries against comments by the Palestinian Authority representative delegation's United Nations observer, who said that the Arab state the PA plans to declare in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem will be free of Jews.In response to a reporter's question Tuesday, the PA official, Maen Areikat, said that after a military occupation of 44 years, I think it would be best for the two nations to split. He added that Jews would not be welcome to live in the PA state. The implication, said Lieberman, was that more than 350,000 Jews who live in areas the PA claims for its state would have to leave their homes.The Palestine Liberation Organization, however -- tasked with making the formal request to the United Nations for recognition of the PA as a new Arab country, and accepting the entity into its ranks as a full member -- has announced that the new state would welcome all faiths.Lieberman said Thursday that Areikat's comments were similar to other statements made directly by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who has spoken of the need to deport all Jews from PA controlled areas. Both Areikat's and Abbas' statements, said Lieberman, prove that the PA plans to make its state Judenrein, borrowing a term describing the Nazis' policy of destroying Jews and murdering them. The nations of the world should take these comments into account when deciding how to vote on the PA's demand to set up a state, Lieberman said.
In June, Abbas himself made a similar statement. Telling reporters that he would under no conditions recognize Israel as a Jewish state, Abbas said that he would agree to an international force to ensure enforcement of a peace agreement between Israel and the PA state to prevent terrorism. But, he said, I will not agree to allowing Jews to participate in this force, and I will not agree to allow even one Israeli to live among us on Palestinian land.Earlier, Yuli Edelstein, in charge of the government's public information efforts, said that after endless attempts by the PA to delegitimize Israel and attempts to brand us as an apartheid state, it turns out that the Palestinians are the ones who are interested in apartheid.
Op-Ed: Judenrein State, Part I: Western Hypocrisy
Published: Thursday, September 15, 2011 5:51 PM
Nothing illustrates the hypocrisy better than a comparison of their demand that Israel accept an Arab right of return with their ambition for a state that would be ethnically cleansed of all Jews.Matthew M. Hausman, Att'y
Part I: Western Hypocrisy
In seeking to impose a Palestinian state on Israel, the Obama Administration, European Union, and western media have displayed a cynical contempt for history that is astounding in its breadth and scope. Pressure is brought to bear solely on Israel, who is expected to sacrifice sovereignty and security in the name of an ideal that is premised on a repudiation of the Jews’ right to self-determination in their ancient homeland. The Palestinians are expected to concede nothing – not even their oft-stated goal of the phased destruction of Israel. Nothing illustrates the hypocrisy better than a comparison of their demand that Israel accept an Arab right of return with their ambition for a state that would be ethnically cleansed of all Jews. Like the Nazis with whom the Mufti and other Arab leaders were so closely allied during the Second World War, they seek to create a Judenrein state as a springboard for the elimination of a Jewish presence in the Mideast. Ironically, western progressives are enabling the process, even though it entails human rights violations that would certainly be illegal in liberal democracies. The continuing support for the Palestinian cause by the United States and European Union – and their contribution of billions of dollars that fund anti-Semitic propaganda masquerading as school curriculum, line the pockets of the corrupt Abbas regime or end up in the coffers of Hamas – would indicate an abdication of reason if the true goal were to achieve a lasting, substantive peace.
However, such behavior is not incongruous if the real purpose is political realignment with the Arab-Muslim world at the expense of Israel’s integrity as a democratic, Jewish nation. Although Obama and the EU claim only to support the rights of the Palestinians as an indigenous people, they have adopted the cause by uncritically promoting a revisionist narrative that is built on a denial of Jewish history. However, the Jews’ rights as an indigenous people were recognized historically and under international law long before the term Palestinian was ever used to refer to an Arab population that accreted largely through immigration during the sunset years of the Ottoman Empire. The Jewish people originated in ancient Israel; the Palestinians did not.The Arab-Muslim world’s true intentions regarding peace with Israel should be apparent from its centuries-long oppression and subjugation of Jews in Arab lands and its stated refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish nation. The two-state solution is proffered as a ruse for the destabilization of Israel, and western apologists are complicit in the charade by their refusal to insist on Arab recognition of Jewish historical rights, and by their failure to condemn the Palestinian goal of state building through ethnic cleansing. The Jews’ rights as an indigenous people were recognized historically and under international law long before the term Palestinian was ever used.
Whereas any perceived attempt by Israel to transfer Arab populations would certainly inspire international condemnation, the Palestinians’ open and notorious aim of expelling Jews from historically Jewish lands – lands that were never part of any sovereign Arab nation – is met with conspicuous silence or tacit approval. Indeed,
President Obama’s demand last year for a building freeze in Jerusalem was a blatant attempt to coerce Israel to implement apartheid-like measures against her own citizens in order to limit the Jewish population of her capital.Jewish habitation in Judea, Samaria, and Israel proper, including Jerusalem, was a fact from antiquity into modern times – until Jordan conquered the territories and dispossessed their Jewish inhabitants during Israel’s War of Independence.When Jordan (then known as Transjordan) conquered Judea and Samaria in 1948, it expelled the Jews living there, collectively dubbed these territories the West Bank, and annexed them in violation of international law. Israel’s subsequent acquisition of these lands in 1967 in truth effectuated their liberation from foreign occupation; and renewed Jewish habitation thereafter constituted nothing more than repatriation. Israel’s liberation and administration of Judea and Samaria were perfectly legitimate under prevailing standards of international law, despite Palestinian claims to the contrary. In fact, it is Palestinian land-claims that are dubious, based as they are on Jordan’s transfer of its negotiating rights over these territories to the Palestinian Authority as part of the Oslo process. Because Jordan seized these lands illegally, however, it never possessed lawful title in the first place, and accordingly had no legitimate rights to convey to the PA.
In consideration of these facts, it is reasonable to question why Israel should even entertain the notion of a two-state solution, particularly as it requires her to discount the indigenous heritage of her own people and surrender ancestral lands to those who unapologetically call for her destruction. One must also question the wisdom of negotiating with the PA, which could easily be displaced by Hamas through open revolt or by an Islamist-influenced election such as occurred in Gaza. This is a particular concern in view of the political upheavals currently sweeping across the Arab world, where popular unrest has reinforced the legitimacy of military juntas and strengthened the political profile of Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.
Op-Ed: Judenrein State, Part II: Alternatives
Published: Thursday, September 15, 2011 5:12 PM
The political unrest now rocking the Arab world emphasizes the risk that an independent Palestinian state would be subject to the same destabilizing influences and form a terror haven on what are now Israel's security buffers. The other choices.
Part II: Alternatives
In determining the permanent status of Judea and Samaria, many advocates believe Israel instead should be guided by the principles laid out at the San Remo Conference of 1920, during which the Supreme Council of Principal Allied Powers made decisions implicating the future of the territories they liberated from the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. The Council, among other things, incorporated the Balfour Declaration into its program and recognized that the Jews comprised a people defined not solely by religion, but by nationality and descent as well. Moreover, it recognized that the Jews were indigenous to the Land of Israel and, accordingly, that they had the right to self-determination in their homeland. The Mandate for Palestine of 1922 further guaranteed the right of close settlement, which recognized that Jews could settle anywhere west of the Jordan. No similar recognition was accorded Palestinian-Arab nationality at that time because it simply did not exist.
Rather, the local Arabs considered themselves to be culturally part of the greater Syrian community, and much of their population had accrued through late migration into the area only after the Jews had begun rehabilitating the land and creating economic opportunities that did not exist elsewhere in the Mideast. The acceptance of the San Remo program by the League of Nations – and the restatement of its ambitions in the 1922 Mandate for Palestine – evidenced an acknowledgment of the Jews’ status as an indigenous people and their right to settle anywhere in their homeland, including Judea and Samaria, and thus underscored the legal basis for the reestablishment of the Jewish state. Consequently, traditional recognition of the Jews’ indigenous rights should inform any proposals for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. This would be consistent with the ideals set forth in the Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples, voted on by the U.N. in 2007. Of particular relevance is the language contained in Article 10, which states:Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return.
Though the true intent of this nonbinding declaration may have been to promote the Palestinian cause at Israel’s expense, it cannot be divorced from the long-standing recognition under international legal conventions that the Jews are indigenous to the Land of Israel. Accordingly, it implicitly reinforces the Jewish connection to lands the Palestinians now attempt to claim as their own, and provides justification for potential resolutions that are premised on legally-cognizable Jewish claims, rather than on politically-motivated or apocryphal Palestinian pretensions.If a state of Palestine were to be created, any policies requiring the ethnic cleansing of Jewish inhabitants would violate international law as recognized at San Remo and under the original Mandate for Palestine, which the United Nations is currently bound to honor by virtue of Section 80 of the U.N. Charter.Such ethnic cleansing would also contravene the precepts set forth in the Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other conventions. In order to exist in compliance with international law, such a state would have to provide for the Jews – as indigenous people – to remain on their ancestral lands in Judea and Samaria. It would also need to recognize the Jewish right of close settlement. Jewish residents of such a state would have to retain Israeli citizenship and be governed by Israeli law, and the Arab state subsuming their communities would have to recognize Israeli sovereignty within their enclaves.
Jews wishing to travel to Israel proper would have to be free to do so without harassment. Such arrangements exist in other parts of the world, for example, in North America, where Alaskans cut off from the mainland United States are permitted to travel through Canada in order to visit the lower Forty-Eight, or in Europe where citizens of EU countries are permitted to travel across national borders unimpeded. Indeed, the Quartet seeks to impose just such an arrangement on Israel by demanding that Gaza be connected by a corridor to a Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria.It is unlikely, however, that a Palestinian state would recognize any Jewish rights or permit Jewish residency. It is equally unlikely that it would recognize Jewish autonomy or Israeli sovereignty. A more realistic scenario – if there is to be a Palestinian entity – might be the creation of a federation or confederation in which some of the territories currently under Israeli administration would be linked with Jordan, where a majority of the population already identifies as Palestinian. A confederation could be created by ceding some territory for a semi-autonomous region that would then be joined with Jordan under an umbrella government of general, limited powers. The concept of confederation provides that Jordan and a Palestinian entity would each maintain individual sovereignty and would exercise unilateral powers outside the scope of the general government’s jurisdiction. The authority of the general government would be limited to those powers specifically agreed upon by the constituent entities.The risk of confederation, however, is that the entities could elect to separate in order to establish an independent Palestinian state.
A similar but distinct concept is federation, in which sovereign authority would be constitutionally allocated among the member states and the general government, but in which the structure of government could not be altered by the unilateral acts of its constituents. That is, neither entity could dissolve the union in order to establish an independent Palestinian state. Such a federation would consist of Jordan and a Palestinian entity created on land transferred from Judea and Samaria, but would not include Jewish towns or population centers. Likewise, Israel would retain control of all land necessary to ensure her security and to protect her water rights in the Jordan valley. These same constraints on land transfers would apply to a confederation as well.Regardless of the technical form, the resulting Palestinian-Jordanian entity would be independent from Israel and would include no land or power sharing in Jerusalem, which would remain exclusively under Israel’s dominion and control. Jerusalem was never the capital of any sovereign Arab nation, and Jordan’s illegal occupation from 1948 to 1967 does not provide a legal basis for Palestinian claims over the city.In contrast, Israel does have a lawful historical claim to Jerusalem, in which Jews have constituted the majority population for generations, since long before Israeli independence to the present day. Moreover, Jerusalem was the ancient capital of Jewish kingdoms that were the only sovereign nations ever to occupy the land. Consequently, there can be no justification for dividing the city. Arabs residing in Jerusalem would remain subject to Israeli civil and criminal law, and Israel would continue to protect and facilitate access to all religious sites and shrines as she always has done. Israel could enforce a similar arrangement between Gaza and Egypt, after which Israel would sever any remaining connection to Gaza. Thus, Egypt would be solely responsible for servicing Gaza’s infrastructure, utility, and humanitarian needs, leaving Israel to concentrate on consolidating and enhancing her security presence along her southern border.
These concepts are not new or unique, but rather were the subject of analysis and debate in the 1990s by the late Daniel J. Elazar, founder of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and others. Proposals involving these and similar models were put forth as alternatives to a free-standing Palestinian state. A federal model was considered by many to be a more workable paradigm than independent Palestinian statehood for protecting Israeli security, particularly by those who recognized that the Oslo process tended to sacrifice Israeli rights and security concerns. Proponents of some kind of Arab federal union believed that the costs of administering a hostile population would continue to grow, but that an independent state of Palestine would threaten Israel’s security and pose an existential challenge to her long-term survival.These ideas are regaining currency today in part because the political unrest now rocking the Arab world emphasizes the risk that an independent Palestinian state would be subject to the same destabilizing influences. It is likely that such a state would quickly become a terrorist haven and a hostile military threat, particularly if it were to be created from lands that currently provide Israel with strategic security buffers.Not everyone believes that the creation of such entities will resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. In fact, there is growing support in some segments of Israeli society for formal annexation of Judea and Samaria, in whole or in part, or for de facto annexation through the extension of Israeli civil law into these territories.Although there may be disagreement regarding the most appropriate strategy, there is increasing consensus among Israelis that they must create their own solutions based on their own needs and concerns, instead of waiting passively while a two-state plan is foisted upon them by outside powers who have no regard for Israeli sovereignty.
There is increasing consensus among Israelis that they must create their own solutions based on their own needs and concerns.Despite international pressure for the creation of a Palestinian state devoid of Jews, Israel must be guided by her own priorities, and must not lose sight of the rights of Jews as indigenous people in their homeland, including those rights recognized at San Remo and reinforced by the Mandate. A Palestinian state created by dispossessing Jews from their ancestral lands would be in violation of international law and would represent a repudiation of history.Unfortunately, American and European support for a Judenrein Arab state illustrates that international law is not applied equitably when the net effect would be the validation of historical Jewish rights or Israeli national integrity.
Therefore, Israel must resist all calls for her to sacrifice her security needs and Jewish character, and should work instead to expose the double standard underlying the international community’s unjust and unreasonable demands.
Beinisch Rules: If It's Not State Land - Demolish It-Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch rules: Anything not declared state land in Judea and Samaria is private land which should be razed.By Elad Benari First Publish: 9/16/2011, 4:09 AM
Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch has ruled that any area in Judea and Samaria that has not been declared state land is considered private land and all buildings in such areas must be demolished.Beinisch made this ruling in a hearing that was held this week in the Supreme Court about homes in the Jewish neighborhood of Givat HaYovel in Eli north of Jerusalem.12 homes in the neighborhood were slated to be demolished last year, including the homes of fallen IDF soldiers Roi Klein and Eliraz Peretz. Defense Minister Ehud Barak petitioned the Supreme Court to postpone the destruction just two weeks before it was scheduled to take place.There are other homes in danger of being razed in Haresha, located in the Talmonim bloc between the city of Modiin and Beit El. The communities are being targeted by leftist groups such as Peace Now which claim that the homes were built on property belonging to PA Arabs.In her ruling this week, a copy of which was obtained by Arutz Sheva’s Haggai Huberman, Beinisch stated, The State shall notify the court within 60 days which lands in HaYovel and Haresha are private land, as opposed to state land. In the statement filed on the State’s behalf regarding the lands that have not been declared state land, and are thus in the category of private land, the State shall determine what is the timetable for the demolition of structures built in these lands, subject to a hearing to be held during this time period to the current holders of these lands, with the exception of the Peretz family.A thorough check by Huberman revealed that of all the homes in HaYovel, only two homes are on land not defined as state land, one of them being the home of Eliraz Peretz, in which case Peace Now has withdrawn the petition it filed. This leaves only one home in HaYovel that is not defined as being on state land.
Huberman notes that this one home is a case similar to the case of the three homes in Migron which were recently demolished in the middle of the night. In the case of Migron, Peace Now withdrew its petition after realizing that the case was faultily prepared and it could not prove Arab ownership for these specific homes.In the case of HaYovel as well, notes Huberman, there is no Arab claim on the home, but the State Attorney’s Office and the Deputy Attorney General have explained that the State does not intend to declare the land on which the home stands as state land because there are old signs of processing of the land that were found in the area.
Huberman explains that this decision leaves an opening for leftist groups to someday file another petition to the Supreme Court, claiming that the land is Arab land.
Beinisch has come under fire by nationalists recently, particularly after she allowed the nighttime destruction in Migron and ignored the fact that children were left homeless as a result. This latest ruling is sure to add to the criticism of her.
National Union Chairman MK Yaakov Ketzaleh Katz responded to Beinisch’s ruling Thursday, saying, As she nears retirement, Judge Beinisch is not asking for a list of tens of thousands of housing units illegally built by Arabs and Bedouin in the Galilee, Negev, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria in order to destroy them, but is only interested in the list of Jewish homes.A few months before leaving the job she is eager to fulfill her desire to see Judea and Samaria free of Jews and to build the Arab nation in the land Israel,he added.Katz said that he intends to submit a bill to the Knesset stating that any land, in which the State was involved in its construction, should be expropriated and retroactively declared state land.
Jordan: Only 300 at Million Man March on Israeli Embassy-Protesters in Jordan call to shut down Israeli embassy, burn Israeli flag. No violent incidents.By Elad Benari First Publish: 9/16/2011, 1:11 AM
The planned million man march on the Israeli Embassy in Jordan fizzled to only about 300 young protesters on Thursday, The Associated Press reported.According to the report, the demonstration was small and peaceful, possibly because the Muslim Brotherhood accounted for only about 100 of the protesters, while others were mostly youths.The protesters chanted, We want to get rid of the (Israeli) embassy, and burned an Israeli flag about a mile (1.5 kilometers) down the hill from the Israeli Embassy.One protester told AP, We reject the peace treaty (signed between Jordan and Israel in 1994) and we don’t want an Israeli Embassy in Jordan.According to the news agency, police formed several lines and set up metal fences to prevent the protesters from marching toward the embassy. In one incident, a handful of demonstrators pushed one of the fences against policemen, but they were quickly pushed back. Dozens of riot police also stood guard blocks away from the protest and near the embassy.On Wednesday, it was reported that Jordanian activists were planning a million man march, in which they would demand that the Israeli Embassy in Amman be shut down.The call to protest was welcomed among many political parties, among them the Coordination Committee of the Jordanian opposition parties, which includes seven parties, and the Islamic Action Front Party which represents the extreme Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan.Israel subsequently decided to evacuate its embassy in Amman, fearing that the protest might escalate to a violent riot such as the one in the Israeli Embassy in Cairo last week.
JACK VAN IMPES LATEST SHOWS-VIDEO) (SEPT 28,11) (SEPT 21,11) (SEPT 14,11) (SEPT 07,11) (AUG 31,11) (AUG 24,11) (AUG 17,11) (AUG 10,11) (AUG 03,11) (JULY 27,11) (JULY 20,11) (JULY 13,11) (JULY 06,11) (JUN 29,11) (JUN 22,11) (JUN 15,11) (JUN 08,11)
It’s America, Christianity and freedom not Internationalism, Chrislam and the new world worder By LAURIE OTH, on September 13th, 2011
Everywhere we look today Politicians, Media and Global elite are severing the traditional and important boundaries of Religion, Sovereignty, laws and freedoms fought for. Our country and heritage is now lying, practically lifeless on Frankenstein’s laboratory of sell out, anti God, politically correct lies.The fire breathing Doctors are rapidly ripping off American body parts and slapping on international, U.N. environmentally perverted legs and arms. If something major is not done soon our crippled country won’t even be able to walk.
Let’s talk sovereignty and borders
Long before Obama and his cut the U.S. throat agenda, we saw the bold flipping off of U.S. sovereignty, borders and law with Bush, Clinton and Bush senior. Remember how former George President Bush was calling the nation to vigilance after 9/11, yet he called the Minute Men vigilantes for using their own money, saving lives of illegal immigrants, supporting our border patrol, borders and law. This sea of volunteer teachers, firefighters, retired patriots, Pastors and Moms were simply an unwanted mob and in the way. Then we saw Bush support all kinds of back room meetings and special conversations with Canada and Mexico, pushing the super highway up from Mexico and the North American Union. Sovereignty be damned.George Bush had a golden opportunity for 8 years to stop the 200 billion a year drug trade and millions of mystery people flying across our borders, breaking laws, taking U.S. jobs and compromising national security. He did little or nothing. Why? Because his worldview, just like his Fathers was tied up with the new world order and internationalism, not sovereignty, U.S. law and our borders. Remember when Bush senior talked with reverence in one of his speeches about the new world order? This was all about assuring in a world religion, internationalism, opening up borders and a kind of socialism. Now, Obama continues the madness and national betrayal in this area. Like Bush, he is an internationalist and Universalist. There is no such thing as that arrogant thing called borders and U.S. sovereignty.
Changing religion to reflect the international code
Real history shows that the miraculous, United States of America was founded by devout Christians. A few were reported agnostic believers of God but over 90% were out spoken Christians. They built our constitution, Declaration of Independence and other founding documents on Christian principles as outlined in the one and only, Holy Bible, not any other religious type book.Universalists and internationalists have long sought to not only water down our borders, sovereignty and freedoms but morph and transform Christianity, our main faith reflecting most of America, into a Frankenstonian hybrid of many religions. If that pesky Holy Bible is true, then all freedom is a gift from God, all people have equal worth under God. Christ died on the cross for all and rose again. There is no surfer class, slave class, female under class, fancy or powerful class. Worth is defined as belonging to all, including the unborn and imperfect in society. If God defines how people are to live, draws us back to Himself through the Bible and requires a response, that flies in the face of internationalists and the new world order crowd. They want to hold the power and act as God. Obama and the progressive’s dream is to be the provider, messiah, one who controls power and money. They also want to be worshipped. God and Jesus are simply in the way and drawing worshiping attention from them. Naturally, Obama and today’s ‘religious changing Marxists’ loan out freedom and throw dog bones of money to their seduced and controlled followers and fans. All others are defined and promoted as enemies of the Government, country and specified, special groups. These special groups are developed , given tons of money and media attention to simply manipulate the masses and steal financial and voting empathy. You are made to feel like a mentally compromised, racist jerk if you don’t like all the special and funded groups.
Our new set of socially approved faiths
Worshipping mother earth and environmentalism. The Gaians, new age and environmentalism and some eastern religions have merged to control people and change their focus from the living and Real God of the Holy Bible to animals, nature and the planet. Humans aren’t on top anymore. In fact, they are quickly being moved to the bottom of the pile.Then there is the attempt to merge Islam and Christianity. We have big time Pastors, such as Pastor Rick Warren of the Saddleback church diving into the sewage of political correctness and compromise. He talks of a Christian and Islamic partnership. He was one of the main speakers at the North America’s annual conference (ISNA.) He calls Christians and Muslims to work with each other and focus on a social doctrine, namely, spiritual emptiness, corrupt leadership, extreme poverty, disease and illiteracy. Apparently, in our new found religion of chrislam we are to ignore the gospel of Christ, which doesn’t include Muhammad’s vision and oppressive teaching? At the very least, we are to water down and push to the back room, the unique, gospel message of Jesus. Are we to pretend fundamentalist Islam doesn’t want a worldwide caliphate, preach Jihad and death to infidels, Christians and Jews? The Interfaith Movement that states that all religions are the pathway to God. What about that verse in the Holy Bible: John 14:6 Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.We are told by Obama and his progressives that we are the same as all other countries and certainly all religions have their place, except Christianity and Judaism of course. Forget American exceptionalism, being a light on a hill and reflecting Christian values. That is old school. We have bigger fish to fry. We must worship trees, animals, and Mohamed while working closely with Islam to stop social suffering.Working with other faiths, religions and countries is nice. I’m all for getting along but we are an exclusive, sovereign nation, governed by our U.S. constitution and laws, not the UN. We are a Christian nation, whose vast majority worship and serve the God and Christ of the Holy Bible not Muhammad. I love nature and am an animal freak more than anyone but I don’t worship mother earth, tree bark or my Chow Chow. God did make people above animals and nature. We are to serve and protect and not to destroy. We certainly aren’t to worship God’s creation.Let’s stop rewriting our history, the Holy Bible and tradition. It is what it is. Everyone else can kiss my grits.
Progressivism – the face lift of Communism
By LAURIE ROTH on September 15th, 2011
For well over 100 years big and central Government fans have railed against freedom, states rights and human rights. Many of us middle aged types remember growing up with the fear of a nuclear exchange between us and the dreaded, Communist Russia. There was no way, that controlling monster would ever be brought down, so we lived in danger and the cold war.Then the seeming impossible happened. After the wishy washy Jimmy Carter practically ruined our country while being stuck with 21% interest rates, a miracle happened. Ronald Reagan was elected and had a bold and strong vision for America. He was not timid or afraid to confront evil. You saw it. The Berlin wall came down and Communist Russia disbanded. What do you think happened to all the big Government addicts of control? Did they just enfold themselves and their money into freedom for the masses? Sadly, not. In fact, they have only gotten more funded, more organized, sneakier and changed their name many times while you weren’t looking. In fact, the term Communism has the ring now of a a fossil a museum piece. You almost sound paranoid and fringe to even talk about the dangers of communism. Certainly to talk about the dangers of Islamic fundamentalism renders you mentally ill. You are an islamaphobe for noticing the unending, international murders and push for a caliphate.Progressivism is the name now that represents big Government, societal, business and personal controls, It is communism and thinks the people are stupid and must be controlled. Progressivism sounds so forward thinking and open to progress and people doesn’t it? The truth is, when going back an unfolding its cancerous core you see it everywhere and backed by big name people in our history and currently in the White House.
You can see part of the push away from capitalism, individuality and freedom with Edward Bellamy’s novel, Looking Backward in 1888. It was an amazingly popular futuristic book talking about an organized military battalion of unified workers that obeyed a strict hierarchy of authority. There were no rich and poor, no prosperity, no capitalism. It was painted and defined as paradise. People were unified, entertained while working together. Read the many historical articles outlining the growth and names connected with progressivism at After Bellamy’s hit book hit the seen, tons of ‘Nationalist Clubs’ formed up. People and Pastors were preaching about this book reflecting the teachings of Jesus Christ. Bellamy’s cousin was a Pastor who preached a sermon Jesus, the Socialist.To this day many Christians confuse and distort Christ’s message with socialism. Wrong! I have read the Bible and am a Christian. Jesus and the Bible models reward for work, honors excelling, being good stewards of talents and abilities while helping others. Jesus calls us to Him and to be the best we can be. That is capitalism to me.As the years unfolded into the 1920s, people and noted leaders and celebrities combined and merged socialism with utopia and paradise. That should be the goal of the country we were told. Just a few of these progressive notables on our way to Obama and his minions; H.G. Wells was a huge progressive and talked about the need for us to all become liberal fascists and enlightened Nazis.It is stunning that anyone could ever call a Nazi enlightened but many have. When Wells was challenged about all the negatives of totalitarianism, he would talk of the need for liberalism and a phoenix rebirth. Perhaps today they could all go on a Talk show and work it all out.
Just a few of the other big names pushing and manipulating controls and socialism were poet Wallace Stevens, historian Charles Beard, who wrote positively of Mussolini (who murdered way more than Hitler.) The huge McClure’s magazine founder, Samuel McClure talked of the wonder and importance of Italian fascism….it was a big step forward; NAACP co-founder W.E.B. DuBois, FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell and New Republic editor George Soule all talked of the glories of large scale Government. Playwright George Bernard Shaw talked of Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini as great progressive leaders who stood against putrefying corpses of democracies.
Today, we have the Executive Branch, much of congress, media and Hollywood enraptured with the Big Government, progressive push and controls. The working class masses are thought to be too stupid to have much power and real freedom. Just give them enough bones and rewards for compliance so they think they have freedom, own their property and control their own life. Live a mirage not a life.Obama has long believed along with his progressive supporters, that Big Government and European socialism is the wave of the future for the U.S. He wrote in depth in his book Dreams from my Father about his Father’s goals and life and championed the redistribution of wealth, world view his twisted Father did.What does the push for progressivism (communism) mean today? It means we cannot be exceptional and lead in business, military and freedom. We must be squeezed down, made to submit through the back door by endless regulations, taxation and litigation. While seducing and manipulating the nation to submit to Obama’s controls, we must be entertained and distracted by contrived crises, enemies and causes.
Issues of manipulation, lies and distraction
The Palestinian people are suffering at the hands of apartheid Israel give Hamas 900 million and turn against Israel and the Jews.The Tea Party groups want a race war, want to hang black people from trees, are terrorists, un-American and destroying America.The Minute Men are vigilantes, hate Mexicans and don’t support the border patrol.
We create more jobs by raising more taxes of employers and achievers
We have a healthier society by forcing all at the risk of fines and other penalties to have Government approved Health insurance.Freedom and our constitution is secure by having leadership bypass congress and extend the Obama dictatorship with his czars.The battle continues and is in our face and country. Progressivism attacks our constitution, the people and our freedom from the Executive Branch down. Our country never did need Big Government. Big and controlling Government has always been the vehicle to steal money from the masses, keep controls and wealth with the global elite and shred our freedom.Progressivism is evil and must be fought and overcome at the ballot box in November 2012. America and her greatness will rise again but it will be the battle of our life time to do it. Bring it on. Join me on my national radio show Join up with the Roth Revolution and let your voice be heard.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM +2.43
10:00 AM +61.53
10:30 AM +5.24
11:00 AM -23.43
11:30 AM +4.58
12:00 PM +43.82
12:30 PM +56.12
01:00 PM +78.41
01:30 PM +59.41
02:00 PM +52.37
02:30 PM +70.04
03:00 PM +75.25
03:30 PM +48.62
04:00 PM +75.91 11,509.09
S&P 500 1216.01 +6.90
NASDAQ 2622.31 +15.24
GOLD 1,814.20 +32.80
OIL 87.90 -1.50
TSE 300 12,273.80 -151.16
CDNX 1782.85 -1.45
S&P/TSX/60 696.26 -11.90
Dow +47 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -23 points at low today.
Dow +62 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,788.10.OIL opens at $89.23 today.
Dow -23 points at low today so far.
Dow +62 points at high today so far.
Dow -23 points at low today.
Dow +62 points at high today.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS-10 WORLD REGIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
Deal reached on EU economic governance laws
Today SEPT 15,11 @ 14:51 By Honor Mahony
After months of fraught negotiations, a deal has been reached on six new laws - the so-called Six-Pack - designed to keep eurozone member states' budgets in check and to prevent a repetition of the current debt crisis.The agreement, hammered out by European Parliament and Polish EU presidency and European Commission officials late on Wednesday (14 September), still has a few formalities to complete before it becomes EU law.It will come up for discussion by eurozone finance ministers at an informal gathering in Poland, beginning Friday. A final meeting of parliament, presidency and commission delegates is expected Monday to tie up loose ends. MEPs will then vote on the agreement in a plenary session at the end of September.Under the deal, sanctions for countries that run up an excessive budget deficit will become easier to impose, though are not as automatic as some in the parliament would have liked.
Deficit sinners will be subject to a two-step procedure.The commission will first issue a warning to the country, which has to be adopted by a qualified majority of eurozone members.If after one month the warning has either been rejected by member states or simply ignored, then the commission can insist again on the warning. This time round, however, the warning is considered automatically adopted unless a majority of eurozone states - nine - say otherwise.The commission can eventually impose a fine of up 0.1 percent of GDP for countries not acting to correct their deficit, while those countries falsifying their statistics could see a fine of 0.2 percent of GDP.The slightly messy compromise is the result of haggling between MEPs and governments over how automatic to make sanctions. The current system was dealt a fatal blow when France and Germany in 2003 broke the rules on keeping budget deficits under 3 percent of GDP and went unpunished.We have struck a realistic balance between the will of member states and what we considered necessary, said one parliamentary source.The deal also saw new language, pushed by the Socialists and Greens in the EU assembly, forcing the commission to look at export deficits (in places such as Germany, which exports more than it consumes) as well as current account deficits (as in Greece, which imports more than it exports) when drafting macroeconomic outlooks for the eurozone.In addition, both sides agreed that finance ministers may be invited to appear before the parliament's economic affairs committee to explain when things are going awry. The ministers can turn down the meeting, but language stressing that attendance is voluntary has been removed.
The agreement was welcomed by conservative deputies but criticised by those on the left.The compromise agreement reached makes it possible to lay solid foundations of economic governance, said French centre-right MEP Jean-Paul Gauzes.German Socialist deputy Udo Bullmann said It fails to provide any incentives for growth and jobs. This could actually make things worse for the European economy which is facing the risk of recession.Green deputy Philippe Lambert said the deal falls short of what is needed to get Europe out of the crisis: This Six-Pack will fail to provide the basis for a robust and sustainable system of economic governance for Europe.However, although deputies may disagree on the details, the fact there is any kind of agreement is of great symbolic importance.Its slow progress through Brussels' legislative labyrinth saw politicians fret about what markets think on the EU's ability to react to the debt crisis.
China to EU: We'll back the euro if you open your markets 15.09.11 @ 13:29 By Andrew Rettman
China has offered to help save the euro in return for getting EU recognition as a market economy - a new status that would help it to export more cheap goods to Europe.Chinese premier Wen Jiabao made the offer at a meeting of business leaders and officials organsied by the World Economic Forum in Dalian, China, on Wednesday (14 September).European countries are facing sovereign debt problems and we've expressed our willingness to give a helping hand many times. We will continue to expand our investment there, he said. Based on WTO rules, China's full market economy status will be recognised by 2016. If EU nations can demonstrate their sincerity several years earlier, it would be the way a friend treats a friend, he added.A European Commission spokeswoman on Thursday played down the importance of the remarks.Wen in a recent phonecall with commission head Jose Manuel Barroso made no linkage whatsoever between eurozone support and the new status, she said.She added that commission officials are working intensively on the market economy negotiations.The new status would change the way the EU calculates whether or not it is entitled to impose tariffs on Chinese exports in order to protect EU manufacturers.Currently, the EU compares Chinese export prices with those of other low-cost exporters to see if it is dumping excessively cheap goods. If it becomes a market economy, the EU will have to compare its export prices with domestic Chinese prices instead, meaning fewer products will make the dumping grade.
The EU as of June had 55 anti-dumping measures in place against China. The EU-China trade deficit hit €169 billion last year.Wen spoke out the same day that the US think-tank, the German Marshall Fund, published a survey showing that Europeans are less afraid of China than Americans.Forty six percent of Europeans - the biggest segment of those polled - see China as more of an economic opportunity than a threat and 62 percent do not think it poses a military danger. In contrast, 63 percent of Americans see it as an economic threat and 47 percent see it is a military adversary.
The most pro-China EU countries out of the 12 covered by the study are Romania, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, France, Portugal, the UK and Spain. Germany, Italy and Slovakia were at the other end of the scale.Despite its China-wariness, Italian officials last week met with China's sovereign wealth fund, the China Investment Corporation, in Rome, amid speculation that China will buy Italian government-owned assets.They are interested in buying real stuff ... this is completely different from their approach in the US which was to invest in treasuries [government bonds], an unnamed Italian official told the FT on Tuesday.
EU economic growth is coming to a stand-still
15.09.11 @ 15:27 By Leigh Phillips
There will be no double-dip recession but EU economic growth is coming to a stand-still the European Commission has warned, amid bleak news on the US recovery and world trade.GDP growth is now expected to remain subdued in the second half of the year, coming close to stand-still at year-end the commission's interim economic forecast said on Thursday (15 September). The EU economy as a whole is expected to grow just 0.2 percent in the third and fourth quarers, while the eurozone is to grow by just 0.2 percent and 0.1 percent, respectively.The expectations for the second half of the year have been ratcheted down considerably - by half a percentage point - from the bloc’s spring forecast.The situation looks better from a full-year perspective, where a positive first quarter will see the EU economy grow 1.7 percent and the eurozone 1.6 percent in 2011 as a whole.Unlike the fully-fledged spring and autumn reports, Thursday's interim report assesses only the performance of the seven largest EU economies. The figures in the interim paper point to downward revisions across all seven, meaning there is a common factor dragging the economies down.
The two best performers, Germany and Poland, will see overall 2011 growth of 2.9 percent and 4.0 percent, respectively. The two worst, Spain and Italy, are to see just 0.8 percent and 0.7 percent.The two engines of growth, exports and domestic demand, are in trouble: net exports are becoming less dynamic the paper fears, while demand will be weakened in the second half of the year and possibly beyond.The report places the blame for the downward revision on a more extensive weakening of global demand and world trade. The recovery lost steam in the US, the report said, while indicators for world trade suggest a further weakening in the third quarter. The EU study also pointed to a decline in financial market conditions on the back of contagion of the sovereign debt concerns in the euro area and concerns over the US.
The outlook for the European economy has deteriorated. Recoveries from financial crises are often slow and bumpy, EU economy chief Olli Rehn said, announcing the results.He added that a lot of austerity measures are still to kick in and when they do, the demand side of the equation will be hit even harder.He called for EU countries to steadfastly stick to the existing strategy, however, saying: To get the recovery back on track, it is crucial to safeguard financial stability and put budgets on a path that is sustainable beyond doubt.Asked whether other strategies, involving fiscal stimulus, might be considered, he argued that high levels of public spending caused the market turbulence in the first place.Due to the still elevated levels of public debt and the related stress in financial markets, which is now leading to deterioration of economic growth, it has already had a very negative impact on economic recovery and sustainable growth, he said.Mentioning Spain, he added: Considering the stress of health of public finances, it would certainly be counterproductive to engage with fiscal stimulus at this juncture.
Slight change in language
The economy chief's message contained a slight nuance compared to previous statements.Rehn is now calling for a differentiated austerity strategy, meaning that core eurozone countries like Germany which are under less pressure from markets, should not cut back any more on welfare programmes, unemployment payments and other forms of social assistance.The slight change in message from the previous one of pure austerity first appeared in the commissioner’s language on Tuesday.
AMOS 9:10
10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us.
DANIEL 11:40-45
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south( EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) and the king of the north (RUSSIA AND MUSLIM HORDES OF EZEK 38+39) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.(JORDAN)
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
44 But tidings out of the east(CHINA 2ND WAVE OF WW3) and out of the north(RUSSIA, MUSLIMS WHATS LEFT FROM WAVE 1) shall trouble him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.( 1/3RD OF EARTHS POPULATION)
45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
20 And the winepress was trodden without the city,(JERUSALEM) and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.(200 MILES) (THE SIZE OF ISRAEL)
The Third and Final Wave of WW3 is when all Nations march to Jerusalem, but JESUS bodily returns to earth and destroys them,sets up his KINGDOM OF RULE FOR 1000 YEARS THEN FOREVER.
12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.(THIS IS THE ATATURK DAM IN TURKEY,THEY CROSS OVER).
44 But tidings out of the east(CHINA) and out of the north(RUSSIA, MUSLIMS WHATS LEFT FROM WAVE 1) shall trouble him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.( 1/3RD OF EARTHS POPULATION)
12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.
13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.(IRAQ-SYRIA)
15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.(1/3 Earths Population die in WW 3 2ND WAVE)
16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand:(200 MILLION MAN ARMY FROM CHINA AND THE KINGS OF THE EAST) and I heard the number of them.
17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.(NUCLEAR BOMBS)
18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.(NUCLEAR BOMBS)
Poland warns of war in 10 years as EU leaders scramble to contain panic 14.09.11 @ 17:58 By Leigh Phillips
Germany, France and the European Commission are scrambling to contain panic and quash rumours about a eurozone break-up amid repeated off-piste messages from other senior EU politicians.But even amid their desperate efforts, the finance minister of Poland, the country that currently represents the EU to the world as holder of the bloc’s rotating presidency, warned of war on the continent within 10 years if the eurozone collapses.Speaking to MEPs in Strasbourg on Wednesday morning (14 September) he warned of the need to act rapidly to prevent grave danger for the EU. Making reference to a recent report entitled Euro Break Up - The Consequences by Swiss financial giant UBS, he declared: There is no doubt we are in danger. Europe is in danger.The paper by UBS, normally known for its highly sober analysis, warned that historically, monetary unions do not break up without civil war or some other form of authoritarian reaction. The risk of civil disorder questions the rule of law, and as such basic issues such as property rights. Even those countries that avoid internal strife and divisions will likely have to use administrative controls to avoid extreme positions in their markets, it said.The Polish minister went on to warn of a doubling of unemployment within two years even in the rich countries.
He concluded his comments by recollecting a recent conversation he had with an old friend who is now head of a major bank: We were talking about the crisis in eurozone. He told me You know, after all these political shocks, economic shocks, it is very rare indeed that in the next 10 years we could avoid a war. A war ladies and gentlemen. I am really thinking about obtaining a green card for my kids in the United States.He went further in his comments to reporters after his speech to parliament, saying that he had chosen his words in a very careful way. He said that the prospect of war is not likely within a four-year legislative time frame ... Not in the months ahead, but maybe over a 10-year time frame, this could place us in a context that is almost unimaginable at the moment.It is up to all of us Europeans to take the lessons of an anecdote of that kind to ensure the errors of the past do not come back to haunt us.For their part, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are to hold an evening conference call with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou where they will discuss the crisis.No new political or economic measures are expected to be unveiled, said one EU official. Instead the two European powerhouses will offer a robust backing to the efforts of Papandreou. There will be a strong political message to quash rumours and speculation, the EU contact said.The aim is to draw a line under comments from a variety of sources suggesting finance ministries are bracing themselves for a Greek default.German vice chancellor and economy minister Philipp Roesler this week talked publicly about the scenario of an orderly insolvency for the Hellenic Republic. Merkel quickly hit back at Roesler, also the head of the free-market-liberal junior partner in the chancellor’s coalition, demanding: Everyone should weigh their words very carefully.
But even as she was trying to corral her ministers behind a more optimistic line, on Wednesday, transport minister Peter Ramsauer told Die Zeit it would not be the end of the world if Greece were kicked out of the single currency.On Tuesday, Dutch finance minister Jan Kees de Jager said that his ministry is exploring all scenarios including a possible default within the single currency. He told broadcaster RTL Z he could not comment on whether eurozone officials were preparing for a Greek default. I can't do that in public, he said.I'm not denying it, but I can't confirm it either.On Wednesday, the Dutch finance ministry stepped back from the comments, saying that default is only a scenario.European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso on Wednesday also demanded an end to the cacaphony of proposals and rumours coming from various European quarters.In the cacophony of criticisms, counter-criticisms, magic bullets and miracle panaceas that are proposed on a daily basis, the truth has been drowned out that they [anti-crisis measures] have been agreed upon. But they have taken too long and have not yet been fully delivered, he told the European Parliament.He went on to say that both borrowers and lenders involved in the new measures must now deliver on their promises.All these states [making economic reforms] must now demonstrate in a convincing way that they are serious. It is not enough to make plans. It is action that counts, he said.And those euro area member states that are providing the assistance so crucial for the survival and the stability of the euro must show even more clearly that they are determined to deliver support to countries that implement their programmes, as they have agreed, he said, in a veiled reference to Germany, the Netherlands and Finland.Supporting the euro is not just an act of solidarity towards others. It is an act of self-interest.
DANIEL 7:23-25
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast (EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADING BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings(10 NATIONS) that shall arise: and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.( BE HEAD OF 3 NATIONS)
25 And he (EU PRESIDENT) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.(3 1/2 YRS)
DANIEL 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king (EU DICTATOR) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,(FROM THE OCCULT) shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power:(SATANS POWER) and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;(JESUS) but he shall be broken without hand.
DANIEL 11:36-39
36 And the king (EU DICTATOR) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS JEWISH) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.(CLAIM TO BE GOD)
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(WAR) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god,(DESTROY TERROR GROUPS) whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
19 And I saw the beast,(EU LEADER) and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse,(JESUS) and against his army.(THE RAPTURED CHRISTIANS)
Commission pushes for europeanisation of border controls Today SEPT 15,11 @ 09:28 By Valentina Pop
Brussels - The EU commission is pressing ahead with a controversial draft bill on 'europeanising' the way border checks are introduced, allowing national governments to act on their own for only five days.The draft, seen by EUobserver, has already irked France, Germany and Spain who jointly oppose the idea of giving the EU commission a veto right over what so far has been the exclusive competence of national governments.Initially scheduled for the beginning of the week, the publication has been delayed until Friday (16 September), one day after the general elections in Denmark where border controls are a favourite topic of the populist Danish People's Party.Since the free movement of persons within the area without internal borders is a key Union achievement, the benefits of which are enjoyed by all the persons living in this area, it should as a general rule require a decision to be taken at the Union level, rather than for such decision to be taken unilaterally at the national level, the paper reads.The proposal comes after member states earlier this year asked for clarification on when and how border checks can be reintroduced, following a Franco-Italian spat over Tunisian migrants crossing their common border.Home affairs ministers could not agree, however, what role to give Brussels in the decision-making process, so the EU executive stepped into the breach.
In the commission's view, unilateral national initiatives, in isolation, can never be an effective response to common threats in the EU, where more than a billion people cross freely from one country to another every year.Therefore, the main rule laid out in the proposal is that any decision on the reintroduction of internal border controls would be taken by the commission as an implementing act involving the member states accordingly.The European Parliament would be informed of such measures, which would be for renewable periods of up to 30 days, with a maximum length of six months.
Greece clause
Additionally, the EU commission and the bloc's border control agency Frontex, would organise snap checks of the 25 members of the Schengen area to see how they are managing the borders.If shortcomings are found, governments will have to fix them. Failure to comply may trigger, as last resort, the reintroduction of border checks with that particular country. There is no time limit foreseen in that case.No countries are mentioned specifically in the proposal, but last year Greece had to appeal to the EU and fellow Schengen states to help out with guarding its land-border to Turkey, the main entry point of migrants from the Middle East and north Africa.The kick-out clause is also meant to reassure enlargement-sceptic countries that once Bulgaria and Romania are admitted in Schengen, the process is not irreversible.Motives for reintroducing border checks can vary from a terrorist attack to football championships or high-level summits. An unexpected inflow of migrants can also trigger the reintroduction of border controls, provided there is a risk assessment proving that they may be a public safety concern.In urgent cases, member states can set up border checks on their own, but only for a maximum of five days, after which they have to come up with a detailed assessment of why the measure is necessary and ask for permission from the EU commission.Foreseeable events for which checks are needed have to be flagged up at least six weeks in advance with all relevant information relating to the reasons for doing so, and regarding the planned scope and duration.Since the Schengen border code came into force in 2006, border checks have been introduced 26 times and never for longer than 30 days. In most cases, it was because of major sporting events, political rallies or high-level summits.However, the information member states are required to provide to other member states and the commission often does not arrive in sufficient time, or contain sufficient details, to enable the commission to usefully issue an opinion concerning the notification, the draft reads.But since Germany, France and Spain on Tuesday clearly indicated they do not agree with ceding sovereignty to the EU in this area, the proposal is likely to be watered down in negotiations with member states and the European Parliament.
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
DANIEL 11:21-23
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.
Egypt PM: Israel Treaty 'Not Sacred'-Egyptian prime minister Essam Sharaf told Turkish television the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty wasn't sacred and was subject to change.By Gavriel Queenann First Publish: 9/15/2011, 8:19 PM
Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf on Thursday said the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty is not sacred and is subject to change.The Camp David agreement depends on what benefits the region, Sharaf said in an interview on Turkish television, adding, Egypt will make changes to the treaty if necessary.Sharaf's statements follow the popular sentiments of the street in Cairo, but altering the treaty would require the consent of all three signatories - Egypt, Israel, and the United States.Contrary to Sharaf's rhetoric, however, Egypt's caretaker junta has consistently downplayed the chances of such a move due to sharp opposition from US officials, and Israel.Making such a move without Israeli or US consent would likely lead to a loss of the billions in US aid dollars underwriting Egypt's regional muscle and could lead to a war with Israel over the Sinai.Meanwhile, the last three Israeli diplomats left Cairo today and landed in Tel Aviv . According to media reports in Egypt, they were the acting ambassador, the security officer and deputy.These were the last remaining Israeli diplomats in the country after the dramatic evacuation from last Friday's attack on the embassy and completed its final evacuation.Earlier this week, Egyptian security forces detained 92 protesters who had allegedly been involved in the Israeli Embassy assault in Cairo on Friday night. In total, police and soldiers arrested 130 protesters, according to state television.
Reports in Egypt say that some of the detainees are suspected of trying to break into another building, located several hundred meters from the embassy building.
Egyptian Information Minister Osama Hassan Khaykl appeared on Egyptian television and said that the protesters who were arrested will face charges.Egypt will take legal measures, said Khaykl who condemned the embassy attack, to see the persons involved charged for their actions in court.
EU effort fails to avert UN confrontation on Palestine 15.09.11 @ 13:39 By EUOBSERVER
Palestine's FM al-Malki has said Palestine will on 23 September submit a bid to become a full UN member. The US is set to veto it while France is expected to vote in favour. EU envoy Ashton has spent this week in the Middle East trying to avert the confrontation.
UN Chief Calls PA to Return to Negotiations-UN chief Ban Ki-moon says PA should return to talks with Israel, says the peace deadlock is harming the whole Middle East.By Elad Benari First Publish: 9/16/2011, 12:12 AM
United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon called the Palestinian Authority on Thursday to return to talks with Israel, the Al-Arabiya network reported.Ban was quoted as saying the peace deadlock between the two sides is harming the whole Middle East. He added both sides must make concessions to get back into talks.I am asking them to enter into meaningful negotiations and the international community has a duty to create some conditions favorable to this, Ban told a press conference.He said Israel’s approval for construction of new homes in the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria has not been helpful, but added, At the same time, Palestinians should also try to sit together with Israeli people.I am deeply concerned that with the lack of progress in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, Ban was quoted as saying. We are now experiencing very deteriorating, rapidly deteriorating situations between and among many important players in the region.The UN leader referred to the downgrade in the relations between Israel and Turkey and last week’s attack on the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, saying the Israeli-Turkish relationship is now going in a very negative way and adding the embassy attack was very worrisome.Ban called for strong regional leadership for lasting peace and security in the Middle East.
Ban’s comments came after PA Foreign Minister Riad al-Malki announced Thursday that the entity plans to submit its bid for full UN membership with the Security Council on Friday, September 23.The announcement ended speculation that Abbas would consider alternate plans forwarded by various diplomats who had frantically tried to dissuade the PA from pursuing a unilateral course via the UN.Last week, Ban reaffirmed his support for an independent Palestinian state, but said UN membership for the PA was an issue for member states to decide.One member, the United States, has already announced it will veto any statehood bid by the PA.
Lieberman Orders Embassies to Protest PA Apartheid State-FM Lieberman has instructed Israeli embassies around the world to protest remarks by a PA official that Palestine will be Judenrein By David Lev First Publish: 9/15/2011, 2:18 PM
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has instructed Israeli embassies in Europe and the U.S. to file strong protests with the governments of their host countries against comments by the Palestinian Authority representative delegation's United Nations observer, who said that the Arab state the PA plans to declare in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem will be free of Jews.In response to a reporter's question Tuesday, the PA official, Maen Areikat, said that after a military occupation of 44 years, I think it would be best for the two nations to split. He added that Jews would not be welcome to live in the PA state. The implication, said Lieberman, was that more than 350,000 Jews who live in areas the PA claims for its state would have to leave their homes.The Palestine Liberation Organization, however -- tasked with making the formal request to the United Nations for recognition of the PA as a new Arab country, and accepting the entity into its ranks as a full member -- has announced that the new state would welcome all faiths.Lieberman said Thursday that Areikat's comments were similar to other statements made directly by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who has spoken of the need to deport all Jews from PA controlled areas. Both Areikat's and Abbas' statements, said Lieberman, prove that the PA plans to make its state Judenrein, borrowing a term describing the Nazis' policy of destroying Jews and murdering them. The nations of the world should take these comments into account when deciding how to vote on the PA's demand to set up a state, Lieberman said.
In June, Abbas himself made a similar statement. Telling reporters that he would under no conditions recognize Israel as a Jewish state, Abbas said that he would agree to an international force to ensure enforcement of a peace agreement between Israel and the PA state to prevent terrorism. But, he said, I will not agree to allowing Jews to participate in this force, and I will not agree to allow even one Israeli to live among us on Palestinian land.Earlier, Yuli Edelstein, in charge of the government's public information efforts, said that after endless attempts by the PA to delegitimize Israel and attempts to brand us as an apartheid state, it turns out that the Palestinians are the ones who are interested in apartheid.
Op-Ed: Judenrein State, Part I: Western Hypocrisy
Published: Thursday, September 15, 2011 5:51 PM
Nothing illustrates the hypocrisy better than a comparison of their demand that Israel accept an Arab right of return with their ambition for a state that would be ethnically cleansed of all Jews.Matthew M. Hausman, Att'y
Part I: Western Hypocrisy
In seeking to impose a Palestinian state on Israel, the Obama Administration, European Union, and western media have displayed a cynical contempt for history that is astounding in its breadth and scope. Pressure is brought to bear solely on Israel, who is expected to sacrifice sovereignty and security in the name of an ideal that is premised on a repudiation of the Jews’ right to self-determination in their ancient homeland. The Palestinians are expected to concede nothing – not even their oft-stated goal of the phased destruction of Israel. Nothing illustrates the hypocrisy better than a comparison of their demand that Israel accept an Arab right of return with their ambition for a state that would be ethnically cleansed of all Jews. Like the Nazis with whom the Mufti and other Arab leaders were so closely allied during the Second World War, they seek to create a Judenrein state as a springboard for the elimination of a Jewish presence in the Mideast. Ironically, western progressives are enabling the process, even though it entails human rights violations that would certainly be illegal in liberal democracies. The continuing support for the Palestinian cause by the United States and European Union – and their contribution of billions of dollars that fund anti-Semitic propaganda masquerading as school curriculum, line the pockets of the corrupt Abbas regime or end up in the coffers of Hamas – would indicate an abdication of reason if the true goal were to achieve a lasting, substantive peace.
However, such behavior is not incongruous if the real purpose is political realignment with the Arab-Muslim world at the expense of Israel’s integrity as a democratic, Jewish nation. Although Obama and the EU claim only to support the rights of the Palestinians as an indigenous people, they have adopted the cause by uncritically promoting a revisionist narrative that is built on a denial of Jewish history. However, the Jews’ rights as an indigenous people were recognized historically and under international law long before the term Palestinian was ever used to refer to an Arab population that accreted largely through immigration during the sunset years of the Ottoman Empire. The Jewish people originated in ancient Israel; the Palestinians did not.The Arab-Muslim world’s true intentions regarding peace with Israel should be apparent from its centuries-long oppression and subjugation of Jews in Arab lands and its stated refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish nation. The two-state solution is proffered as a ruse for the destabilization of Israel, and western apologists are complicit in the charade by their refusal to insist on Arab recognition of Jewish historical rights, and by their failure to condemn the Palestinian goal of state building through ethnic cleansing. The Jews’ rights as an indigenous people were recognized historically and under international law long before the term Palestinian was ever used.
Whereas any perceived attempt by Israel to transfer Arab populations would certainly inspire international condemnation, the Palestinians’ open and notorious aim of expelling Jews from historically Jewish lands – lands that were never part of any sovereign Arab nation – is met with conspicuous silence or tacit approval. Indeed,
President Obama’s demand last year for a building freeze in Jerusalem was a blatant attempt to coerce Israel to implement apartheid-like measures against her own citizens in order to limit the Jewish population of her capital.Jewish habitation in Judea, Samaria, and Israel proper, including Jerusalem, was a fact from antiquity into modern times – until Jordan conquered the territories and dispossessed their Jewish inhabitants during Israel’s War of Independence.When Jordan (then known as Transjordan) conquered Judea and Samaria in 1948, it expelled the Jews living there, collectively dubbed these territories the West Bank, and annexed them in violation of international law. Israel’s subsequent acquisition of these lands in 1967 in truth effectuated their liberation from foreign occupation; and renewed Jewish habitation thereafter constituted nothing more than repatriation. Israel’s liberation and administration of Judea and Samaria were perfectly legitimate under prevailing standards of international law, despite Palestinian claims to the contrary. In fact, it is Palestinian land-claims that are dubious, based as they are on Jordan’s transfer of its negotiating rights over these territories to the Palestinian Authority as part of the Oslo process. Because Jordan seized these lands illegally, however, it never possessed lawful title in the first place, and accordingly had no legitimate rights to convey to the PA.
In consideration of these facts, it is reasonable to question why Israel should even entertain the notion of a two-state solution, particularly as it requires her to discount the indigenous heritage of her own people and surrender ancestral lands to those who unapologetically call for her destruction. One must also question the wisdom of negotiating with the PA, which could easily be displaced by Hamas through open revolt or by an Islamist-influenced election such as occurred in Gaza. This is a particular concern in view of the political upheavals currently sweeping across the Arab world, where popular unrest has reinforced the legitimacy of military juntas and strengthened the political profile of Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.
Op-Ed: Judenrein State, Part II: Alternatives
Published: Thursday, September 15, 2011 5:12 PM
The political unrest now rocking the Arab world emphasizes the risk that an independent Palestinian state would be subject to the same destabilizing influences and form a terror haven on what are now Israel's security buffers. The other choices.
Part II: Alternatives
In determining the permanent status of Judea and Samaria, many advocates believe Israel instead should be guided by the principles laid out at the San Remo Conference of 1920, during which the Supreme Council of Principal Allied Powers made decisions implicating the future of the territories they liberated from the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. The Council, among other things, incorporated the Balfour Declaration into its program and recognized that the Jews comprised a people defined not solely by religion, but by nationality and descent as well. Moreover, it recognized that the Jews were indigenous to the Land of Israel and, accordingly, that they had the right to self-determination in their homeland. The Mandate for Palestine of 1922 further guaranteed the right of close settlement, which recognized that Jews could settle anywhere west of the Jordan. No similar recognition was accorded Palestinian-Arab nationality at that time because it simply did not exist.
Rather, the local Arabs considered themselves to be culturally part of the greater Syrian community, and much of their population had accrued through late migration into the area only after the Jews had begun rehabilitating the land and creating economic opportunities that did not exist elsewhere in the Mideast. The acceptance of the San Remo program by the League of Nations – and the restatement of its ambitions in the 1922 Mandate for Palestine – evidenced an acknowledgment of the Jews’ status as an indigenous people and their right to settle anywhere in their homeland, including Judea and Samaria, and thus underscored the legal basis for the reestablishment of the Jewish state. Consequently, traditional recognition of the Jews’ indigenous rights should inform any proposals for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. This would be consistent with the ideals set forth in the Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples, voted on by the U.N. in 2007. Of particular relevance is the language contained in Article 10, which states:Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return.
Though the true intent of this nonbinding declaration may have been to promote the Palestinian cause at Israel’s expense, it cannot be divorced from the long-standing recognition under international legal conventions that the Jews are indigenous to the Land of Israel. Accordingly, it implicitly reinforces the Jewish connection to lands the Palestinians now attempt to claim as their own, and provides justification for potential resolutions that are premised on legally-cognizable Jewish claims, rather than on politically-motivated or apocryphal Palestinian pretensions.If a state of Palestine were to be created, any policies requiring the ethnic cleansing of Jewish inhabitants would violate international law as recognized at San Remo and under the original Mandate for Palestine, which the United Nations is currently bound to honor by virtue of Section 80 of the U.N. Charter.Such ethnic cleansing would also contravene the precepts set forth in the Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other conventions. In order to exist in compliance with international law, such a state would have to provide for the Jews – as indigenous people – to remain on their ancestral lands in Judea and Samaria. It would also need to recognize the Jewish right of close settlement. Jewish residents of such a state would have to retain Israeli citizenship and be governed by Israeli law, and the Arab state subsuming their communities would have to recognize Israeli sovereignty within their enclaves.
Jews wishing to travel to Israel proper would have to be free to do so without harassment. Such arrangements exist in other parts of the world, for example, in North America, where Alaskans cut off from the mainland United States are permitted to travel through Canada in order to visit the lower Forty-Eight, or in Europe where citizens of EU countries are permitted to travel across national borders unimpeded. Indeed, the Quartet seeks to impose just such an arrangement on Israel by demanding that Gaza be connected by a corridor to a Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria.It is unlikely, however, that a Palestinian state would recognize any Jewish rights or permit Jewish residency. It is equally unlikely that it would recognize Jewish autonomy or Israeli sovereignty. A more realistic scenario – if there is to be a Palestinian entity – might be the creation of a federation or confederation in which some of the territories currently under Israeli administration would be linked with Jordan, where a majority of the population already identifies as Palestinian. A confederation could be created by ceding some territory for a semi-autonomous region that would then be joined with Jordan under an umbrella government of general, limited powers. The concept of confederation provides that Jordan and a Palestinian entity would each maintain individual sovereignty and would exercise unilateral powers outside the scope of the general government’s jurisdiction. The authority of the general government would be limited to those powers specifically agreed upon by the constituent entities.The risk of confederation, however, is that the entities could elect to separate in order to establish an independent Palestinian state.
A similar but distinct concept is federation, in which sovereign authority would be constitutionally allocated among the member states and the general government, but in which the structure of government could not be altered by the unilateral acts of its constituents. That is, neither entity could dissolve the union in order to establish an independent Palestinian state. Such a federation would consist of Jordan and a Palestinian entity created on land transferred from Judea and Samaria, but would not include Jewish towns or population centers. Likewise, Israel would retain control of all land necessary to ensure her security and to protect her water rights in the Jordan valley. These same constraints on land transfers would apply to a confederation as well.Regardless of the technical form, the resulting Palestinian-Jordanian entity would be independent from Israel and would include no land or power sharing in Jerusalem, which would remain exclusively under Israel’s dominion and control. Jerusalem was never the capital of any sovereign Arab nation, and Jordan’s illegal occupation from 1948 to 1967 does not provide a legal basis for Palestinian claims over the city.In contrast, Israel does have a lawful historical claim to Jerusalem, in which Jews have constituted the majority population for generations, since long before Israeli independence to the present day. Moreover, Jerusalem was the ancient capital of Jewish kingdoms that were the only sovereign nations ever to occupy the land. Consequently, there can be no justification for dividing the city. Arabs residing in Jerusalem would remain subject to Israeli civil and criminal law, and Israel would continue to protect and facilitate access to all religious sites and shrines as she always has done. Israel could enforce a similar arrangement between Gaza and Egypt, after which Israel would sever any remaining connection to Gaza. Thus, Egypt would be solely responsible for servicing Gaza’s infrastructure, utility, and humanitarian needs, leaving Israel to concentrate on consolidating and enhancing her security presence along her southern border.
These concepts are not new or unique, but rather were the subject of analysis and debate in the 1990s by the late Daniel J. Elazar, founder of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and others. Proposals involving these and similar models were put forth as alternatives to a free-standing Palestinian state. A federal model was considered by many to be a more workable paradigm than independent Palestinian statehood for protecting Israeli security, particularly by those who recognized that the Oslo process tended to sacrifice Israeli rights and security concerns. Proponents of some kind of Arab federal union believed that the costs of administering a hostile population would continue to grow, but that an independent state of Palestine would threaten Israel’s security and pose an existential challenge to her long-term survival.These ideas are regaining currency today in part because the political unrest now rocking the Arab world emphasizes the risk that an independent Palestinian state would be subject to the same destabilizing influences. It is likely that such a state would quickly become a terrorist haven and a hostile military threat, particularly if it were to be created from lands that currently provide Israel with strategic security buffers.Not everyone believes that the creation of such entities will resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. In fact, there is growing support in some segments of Israeli society for formal annexation of Judea and Samaria, in whole or in part, or for de facto annexation through the extension of Israeli civil law into these territories.Although there may be disagreement regarding the most appropriate strategy, there is increasing consensus among Israelis that they must create their own solutions based on their own needs and concerns, instead of waiting passively while a two-state plan is foisted upon them by outside powers who have no regard for Israeli sovereignty.
There is increasing consensus among Israelis that they must create their own solutions based on their own needs and concerns.Despite international pressure for the creation of a Palestinian state devoid of Jews, Israel must be guided by her own priorities, and must not lose sight of the rights of Jews as indigenous people in their homeland, including those rights recognized at San Remo and reinforced by the Mandate. A Palestinian state created by dispossessing Jews from their ancestral lands would be in violation of international law and would represent a repudiation of history.Unfortunately, American and European support for a Judenrein Arab state illustrates that international law is not applied equitably when the net effect would be the validation of historical Jewish rights or Israeli national integrity.
Therefore, Israel must resist all calls for her to sacrifice her security needs and Jewish character, and should work instead to expose the double standard underlying the international community’s unjust and unreasonable demands.
Beinisch Rules: If It's Not State Land - Demolish It-Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch rules: Anything not declared state land in Judea and Samaria is private land which should be razed.By Elad Benari First Publish: 9/16/2011, 4:09 AM
Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch has ruled that any area in Judea and Samaria that has not been declared state land is considered private land and all buildings in such areas must be demolished.Beinisch made this ruling in a hearing that was held this week in the Supreme Court about homes in the Jewish neighborhood of Givat HaYovel in Eli north of Jerusalem.12 homes in the neighborhood were slated to be demolished last year, including the homes of fallen IDF soldiers Roi Klein and Eliraz Peretz. Defense Minister Ehud Barak petitioned the Supreme Court to postpone the destruction just two weeks before it was scheduled to take place.There are other homes in danger of being razed in Haresha, located in the Talmonim bloc between the city of Modiin and Beit El. The communities are being targeted by leftist groups such as Peace Now which claim that the homes were built on property belonging to PA Arabs.In her ruling this week, a copy of which was obtained by Arutz Sheva’s Haggai Huberman, Beinisch stated, The State shall notify the court within 60 days which lands in HaYovel and Haresha are private land, as opposed to state land. In the statement filed on the State’s behalf regarding the lands that have not been declared state land, and are thus in the category of private land, the State shall determine what is the timetable for the demolition of structures built in these lands, subject to a hearing to be held during this time period to the current holders of these lands, with the exception of the Peretz family.A thorough check by Huberman revealed that of all the homes in HaYovel, only two homes are on land not defined as state land, one of them being the home of Eliraz Peretz, in which case Peace Now has withdrawn the petition it filed. This leaves only one home in HaYovel that is not defined as being on state land.
Huberman notes that this one home is a case similar to the case of the three homes in Migron which were recently demolished in the middle of the night. In the case of Migron, Peace Now withdrew its petition after realizing that the case was faultily prepared and it could not prove Arab ownership for these specific homes.In the case of HaYovel as well, notes Huberman, there is no Arab claim on the home, but the State Attorney’s Office and the Deputy Attorney General have explained that the State does not intend to declare the land on which the home stands as state land because there are old signs of processing of the land that were found in the area.
Huberman explains that this decision leaves an opening for leftist groups to someday file another petition to the Supreme Court, claiming that the land is Arab land.
Beinisch has come under fire by nationalists recently, particularly after she allowed the nighttime destruction in Migron and ignored the fact that children were left homeless as a result. This latest ruling is sure to add to the criticism of her.
National Union Chairman MK Yaakov Ketzaleh Katz responded to Beinisch’s ruling Thursday, saying, As she nears retirement, Judge Beinisch is not asking for a list of tens of thousands of housing units illegally built by Arabs and Bedouin in the Galilee, Negev, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria in order to destroy them, but is only interested in the list of Jewish homes.A few months before leaving the job she is eager to fulfill her desire to see Judea and Samaria free of Jews and to build the Arab nation in the land Israel,he added.Katz said that he intends to submit a bill to the Knesset stating that any land, in which the State was involved in its construction, should be expropriated and retroactively declared state land.
Jordan: Only 300 at Million Man March on Israeli Embassy-Protesters in Jordan call to shut down Israeli embassy, burn Israeli flag. No violent incidents.By Elad Benari First Publish: 9/16/2011, 1:11 AM
The planned million man march on the Israeli Embassy in Jordan fizzled to only about 300 young protesters on Thursday, The Associated Press reported.According to the report, the demonstration was small and peaceful, possibly because the Muslim Brotherhood accounted for only about 100 of the protesters, while others were mostly youths.The protesters chanted, We want to get rid of the (Israeli) embassy, and burned an Israeli flag about a mile (1.5 kilometers) down the hill from the Israeli Embassy.One protester told AP, We reject the peace treaty (signed between Jordan and Israel in 1994) and we don’t want an Israeli Embassy in Jordan.According to the news agency, police formed several lines and set up metal fences to prevent the protesters from marching toward the embassy. In one incident, a handful of demonstrators pushed one of the fences against policemen, but they were quickly pushed back. Dozens of riot police also stood guard blocks away from the protest and near the embassy.On Wednesday, it was reported that Jordanian activists were planning a million man march, in which they would demand that the Israeli Embassy in Amman be shut down.The call to protest was welcomed among many political parties, among them the Coordination Committee of the Jordanian opposition parties, which includes seven parties, and the Islamic Action Front Party which represents the extreme Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan.Israel subsequently decided to evacuate its embassy in Amman, fearing that the protest might escalate to a violent riot such as the one in the Israeli Embassy in Cairo last week.
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