Story 1-Bilderbergs meet in Ottawa.
Well the Bible does say there will be a one World Government, One World Religion and a 10 Regional grouping of World nations of Trading Block. Then out of the EU will Come 2 World Leaders, one a World dictator the future President of the European Union, and two a False Vatican Pope that will control the One World Church. Revelation 13:1-10 Is the future Dictator, and Revelation 13:11-18 is the Future False Pope.
DANIEL 12:4,9-10
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro,(WORLD TRAVEL AND IMMIGRATION) and knowledge shall be increased.(COMPUTERS)
9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority
.3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
DANIEL 7:7-8,23-24
7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.
8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Shadowy group meets amid secrecy in Ottawa
Updated Fri. Jun. 9 2006 6:23 PM ET, News Staff
A shadowy group of world leaders and decision makers are meeting in Ottawa this weekend, cloaked in a blanket of security and secrecy that has conspiracy theorists' websites working overtime.Considered one of the world's most powerful and secret societies, the Bilderberg group's annual meeting was scheduled to be attended by about 130 people at the Brook Street Resort.
The guest list, according to an unsigned press release obtained by The Canadian Press, includes the likes of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Holland's Queen Beatrix, and New York Gov. George Pataki. And the Canadian complement includes Indigo books CEO Heather Reisman and former New Brunswick premier Frank McKenna. British prime ministers Tony Blair has spoken to the group in the past, as have former Canadian prime ministers Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien. Stephen Harper attended in 2003, when he was Opposition Leader. The prime minister is not expected, however, to attend this year's conference.
Conspiracy theories
Conspiracy theorists maintain the group has played a key role in world events, allegedly orchestrating the move to a common European currency and getting Bill Clinton elected after he agreed to sign onto NAFTA. And in Yugoslavia, Serbs have blamed Bilderberg for starting the war that led to the downfall of former dictator Slobodan Milosevic. And according to the release, this year's group will discuss high oil prices and the best way to deal with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But beyond the press release -- which was tantamount to transparency by Bilderberg standards -- there is little indication about what will take place within the hotel.
Canadian writer Daniel Estulin, who has been following Bilderberg for years, describes it as a "powerful" group of politicians and business people with one objective: To create a one-world government where you don't have individual nations -- you have one region, one religion, one constitution, one church, one currency and one country. And you're seeing it right now as you have NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and you have the European Community (EC), Estulin, author of Club Bilderberg, said Friday on CTV's Mike Duffy Live.The author claims he has several "intimate friends" who are Bilderbergers, who are constantly feeding him information about the proceedings.
Journalists are banned from the proceedings, except in special cases, and attendees never speak about what took place inside the meetings. No one is allowed to talk about it -- but you have within the conference itself the members of the Bilderberg press, said Estulin, adding that members of The New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek magazine, The Financial Times and Time magazine are in attendance.
Security measures
Other guests at the Ottawa hotel were asked to check-out before Thursday, cars left in the parking lot will be towed, and members of the hotel gym were told it would be inaccessible for four days.On Thursday, this year's guests began arriving at the suburban Ottawa location.They came in black limousines and sedans with darkly tinted windows, surrounded by burly security guards and passing through a security checkpoint a half-kilometre away from the hotel.Even uniformed Ottawa police were required to show identification to private security personnel before passing through the gates. The Bilderberg group has been surrounded in high level secrecy since it was established by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1954.
The group, which is known by the name of the Dutch hotel where the first conference was held, was originally formed with the goal of establishing better cooperation and understanding between the U.S. and Europe.There are no real members of the group. Instead, a secret steering committee sends out invitations to mainly business and political leaders each year.The group has headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands, at a building where phone calls are met by a recorded voice with instructions to leave a message, and calls are reportedly never returned. Critics such as Estulin say the group is sinister and elitist, and that it operates entirely through self interest.If the group's motives are legitimate, they ask, why keep their meetings so secret?
Now you have 125 of the most powerful people in the world, and no one seems to want to know what these people are talking about. If this is not a conspiracy, I don't know what is, he said. The group, however, claims secrecy is necessary in order to stimulate discussions.The meeting is private to encourage frank and open discussion," said the press release.There will be no press conference.Over the past five years, the group's annual meetings have been held in the following locations:
2000 (June 1-3) Brussels, Belgium
2001 (May 24-27) Gothenburg, Sweden
2002 (May 30-June 2) Chantilly,VA, United States
2003 (May 15-18) in Versailles, France
2004 (June 3-6) in Stresa, Italy
2005 (May 5-8) Rottach-Egern, Germany
2006 (June 8-11) in Ottawa, Canada
- DAN 1:1 - DAN 3:30 VBV - 1 JVI
- DAN 4:1 - DAN 6:28 VBV - 2 JVI
- DAN 7:1 - DAN 9:27 VBV - 3 JVI
- DAN 10:1 - 12:13 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 1 - REV 4:6 VBV - 1 JVI
- REV 4:9 - REV 9:21 VBV - 2 JVI
- REV 10:1 - REV 14:1 VBV - 3 JVI
- REV 14:2 - REV 18:24 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 19:1 - REV 22:21 VBV - 5 JVI
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Story 1-First Caribbean tropical depression. 2-Floods kill 93 in China. 3-Cholera in Angola. 4-Hanavirus worries officals.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; (mass confusion) the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
First Caribbean tropical depression of 2006 forms 11 minutes ago
MIAMI (Reuters) - The first tropical depression of the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season formed south of Cuba on Saturday and could become a tropical storm as it moves toward the United States, U.S. forecasters said. The depression, which will be given the name Alberto once its maximum sustained winds reach 39 miles per hour (63 km per hour), was located around 45 miles west-southwest of Cabo San Antonio on the western tip of Cuba at 11 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT). It was expected to bring heavy rain to the communist-run Caribbean island and also served as a wake-up call to residents of U.S. coastal areas battered by eight hurricanes in
the last two years, including Hurricane Katrina -- the most costly natural disaster in U.S. history and one of the deadliest.
The depression was moving north-northwestward, and while the longer-term tracks of storms are always highly uncertain, was expected to make landfall on Monday somewhere between central Florida and the state's westernmost reaches near Alabama, the U.S.National Hurricane Center said.Laden with rainfall but not particularly powerful in terms of their winds, tropical storms can cause deadly floods in poor countries where buildings are often ramshackle but do not present a significant threat to developed nations.When their maximum sustained winds reach 74 mph (119 kph) they become hurricanes and the possibility of death and destruction
begins to increase.Forecasters have predicted that 2006 will see more storms and hurricanes in the Atlantic than an average season.But it should be nothing like last year, when a record 28 tropical cyclones spawned 15 hurricanes, including monster storms like Katrina, which flooded New Orleans, killed more than 1,300 people and caused $80 billion in damage.
93 killed as torrential rains lash southern China 30 minutes ago
BEIJING (AFP) - At least 93 people have died in torrential rains that have battered southern China over the past two weeks. Eleven people are missing and nearly 12 million have been affected by rains, floods and landslides, China Daily reported, quoting the Ministry of Civil Affairs.Some 560,000 people have been evacuated and economic losses in the region have been estimated to be 7.66 billion yuan (957.5 million dollars), it added.
Fujian province on the southeast coast has been the hardest hit with at least 45 people confirmed killed since the end of May, it said.The water level in some parts of Nanping city rose to six metres (19.8 feet), it said.Rains also lashed the southwestern province of Guangxi, killing at least 14 people since Monday and forcing the evacuation of 112,000, the newspaper said.In Wuzhou Thursday, 306 millimetres of rain fell in eight hours -- equivalent to one-fifth of the city's annual average rainfall, the report said.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Cholera death toll over 1,646 in Angola
The World Health Organization said here on Friday, a cholera outbreak in Angola that broke out mid- February has claimed than 1,646 lives from more than 43,316 cumulative cases until Thursday. In its latest update on the epidemic that has infected in 14 of Angola's 18 provinces, the WHO said that 238 new cases of the disease and three deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours.
Cholera, an acute intestinal infection spread by contaminated water or food, causes vomiting and acute diarrhea that can lead to dehydration and death within 24 hours if not treated swiftly with antibiotics and oral rehydration salts. Angola's 27-year civil war, which ended in 2002, devastated the country's water and sanitation systems. (Source: Xinhua)
Hantavirus Cases Have Experts WorriedFrom Times Wire Reports,June 10, 2006
As many as 19 people may have been infected this year with hantavirus, a rare disease spread by mice, and officials are worried more cases may follow. Nine confirmed infections, four fatal, occurred in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, South Dakota and Washington by the end of March, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday. Ten suspected cases have
been reported since April.
Last year, there were 34 cases, 10 ending in death. Hantavirus, which causes fever, deep muscle aches and shortness of breath, kills 30% to 40% of those infected. The disease is mostly found in rodent-infested areas, and the increase may be tied to excess rain this year that has helped the animals thrive, officials said.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; (mass confusion) the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
First Caribbean tropical depression of 2006 forms 11 minutes ago
MIAMI (Reuters) - The first tropical depression of the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season formed south of Cuba on Saturday and could become a tropical storm as it moves toward the United States, U.S. forecasters said. The depression, which will be given the name Alberto once its maximum sustained winds reach 39 miles per hour (63 km per hour), was located around 45 miles west-southwest of Cabo San Antonio on the western tip of Cuba at 11 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT). It was expected to bring heavy rain to the communist-run Caribbean island and also served as a wake-up call to residents of U.S. coastal areas battered by eight hurricanes in
the last two years, including Hurricane Katrina -- the most costly natural disaster in U.S. history and one of the deadliest.
The depression was moving north-northwestward, and while the longer-term tracks of storms are always highly uncertain, was expected to make landfall on Monday somewhere between central Florida and the state's westernmost reaches near Alabama, the U.S.National Hurricane Center said.Laden with rainfall but not particularly powerful in terms of their winds, tropical storms can cause deadly floods in poor countries where buildings are often ramshackle but do not present a significant threat to developed nations.When their maximum sustained winds reach 74 mph (119 kph) they become hurricanes and the possibility of death and destruction
begins to increase.Forecasters have predicted that 2006 will see more storms and hurricanes in the Atlantic than an average season.But it should be nothing like last year, when a record 28 tropical cyclones spawned 15 hurricanes, including monster storms like Katrina, which flooded New Orleans, killed more than 1,300 people and caused $80 billion in damage.
93 killed as torrential rains lash southern China 30 minutes ago
BEIJING (AFP) - At least 93 people have died in torrential rains that have battered southern China over the past two weeks. Eleven people are missing and nearly 12 million have been affected by rains, floods and landslides, China Daily reported, quoting the Ministry of Civil Affairs.Some 560,000 people have been evacuated and economic losses in the region have been estimated to be 7.66 billion yuan (957.5 million dollars), it added.
Fujian province on the southeast coast has been the hardest hit with at least 45 people confirmed killed since the end of May, it said.The water level in some parts of Nanping city rose to six metres (19.8 feet), it said.Rains also lashed the southwestern province of Guangxi, killing at least 14 people since Monday and forcing the evacuation of 112,000, the newspaper said.In Wuzhou Thursday, 306 millimetres of rain fell in eight hours -- equivalent to one-fifth of the city's annual average rainfall, the report said.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Cholera death toll over 1,646 in Angola
The World Health Organization said here on Friday, a cholera outbreak in Angola that broke out mid- February has claimed than 1,646 lives from more than 43,316 cumulative cases until Thursday. In its latest update on the epidemic that has infected in 14 of Angola's 18 provinces, the WHO said that 238 new cases of the disease and three deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours.
Cholera, an acute intestinal infection spread by contaminated water or food, causes vomiting and acute diarrhea that can lead to dehydration and death within 24 hours if not treated swiftly with antibiotics and oral rehydration salts. Angola's 27-year civil war, which ended in 2002, devastated the country's water and sanitation systems. (Source: Xinhua)
Hantavirus Cases Have Experts WorriedFrom Times Wire Reports,June 10, 2006
As many as 19 people may have been infected this year with hantavirus, a rare disease spread by mice, and officials are worried more cases may follow. Nine confirmed infections, four fatal, occurred in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, South Dakota and Washington by the end of March, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday. Ten suspected cases have
been reported since April.
Last year, there were 34 cases, 10 ending in death. Hantavirus, which causes fever, deep muscle aches and shortness of breath, kills 30% to 40% of those infected. The disease is mostly found in rodent-infested areas, and the increase may be tied to excess rain this year that has helped the animals thrive, officials said.
Story 1-Highly enriched Uranium found in Iran. 2-Ethics expert warns of implications of Microchip implants.3-Rabbi Eckstein on Presbyterian boycott of Israel. 4-Arab free trade area.
Highly enriched uranium discovery in Iran confirms regime's nuclear weapons program Saturday, 10 June 2006
The Iranian regime’s president and head of the Guardian Council call for further enrichment NCRI - In its report released on Thursday, the International Atomic Energy Agency acknowledged that, “it has found traces of highly enriched uranium in the regime’s equipments in a technical school in Tehran.” In May 2003, the Iranian Resistance revealed the location of these equipments which had been installed at the Shian-Lavizan facility in eastern Tehran.
Subsequently, the Iranian regime razed the Shian-Lavizan site and relocated its equipments to other sites. Discovery of highly enriched uranium is proof of a parallel atomic weapons project and confirms that the regime is still on the path of further diversions and secretive behavior despite the new and increasing tolerance on the part of the western countries.At Friday prayers in Tehran, Ahmad Jannati, head of the regime’s Guardian Council said, We must have uranium enrichment between 3.5 to five percent.
They have no choice but to accept this. On Thursday in Qazvin, the regime’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, “Whether you do negotiate or not, whether you sulk or not, the Iranian people are determined in their path to acquire peaceful atomic energy and would not retreat even an inch.Discovery of highly enriched uranium, and the assertions by Jannati and Ahmadinejad, reaffirms the need for the adoption of a firm policy which involves comprehensive sanctions being imposed on the regime at the UN Security Council. No amount of incentives would convince the mullahs’ regime to abandon its sinister nuclear program.These incentives and negotiations only provide the necessary time it needs to complete its secret nuclear weapons projects and bring the region and the world to the brink of a major catastrophe.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, June 9, 2006
Ethics expert warns of microchip implants Many implicationsBy Sun Staff
An expert in technology and ethics warned a national information rights conference about microchips implanted in patients for access to health care. Let’s talk a little about the implications before that happens, because sometimes you can’t put the genie back in the bottle, said Ian Kerr, Canada Research Chair in Ethics, Law and Technology. He spoke to a few hundred information professionals – from government, health care and other sectors – at the downtown Westin Friday on the growing use of microchips to identify patients in the United States.
Ninety-seven hospitals there have agreed to implement the system sold by VeriChip, according to the company. The radio frequency identification chips are about the size of a grain of rice and are injected under the skin, usually near the tricep. The technology can also be used to track materials and for access control. Kerr, a professor at the University of Ottawa, said the it hasn’t been approved for use in Canada yet. He said chips have been successfully cloned in the United States, giving rise to concerns of identity theft.
He stressed the chips don’t hold personal information, but numbers that match up to one’s information in a secure database. Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner Frank Work said he knows of no plans underway in Alberta’s healthcare system to adopt the technology. There’s huge security problems with them. They’re not the panacea that we originally thought they were.
Work said he suspects the technology will inevitably make its way here, though. I rather suspect it is (inevitable,) and we’ll do it in a well intentioned way, wanting to look after people. (EDMONTON SUN)
This Week with Rabbi Eckstein, June 8, 2006
Dear Friends,
Two years ago, the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), one of the “mainline” denominations that used to represent the religious establishment in this country, voted to endorse divestment from Israel. This policy caused a stir that has not yet died down. Jews and evangelical supporters of Israel were -- and are --outraged. If a religious group is truly concerned about human rights, Jews asked, how could it single out democratic Israel for punishment, given
the abuses perpetrated daily by Israel’s Arab neighbors? And evangelicals -- who take seriously the biblical injunction to support the Jewish people -- rightly demanded to know how a Christian denomination could support a policy so clearly biased against Israel.
Unfortunately, this policy of economic warfare against Israel has found traction in other mainline denominations, many of which are heavily influenced by radical Palestinian Groups. The Episcopal Church and the United Church of Christ (UCC) have both considered divestment, while the UCC and the largest Lutheran denomination (the ELCA) have also entertained resolutions recommending Israel demolish its security fence -- an important line of defense against terrorism.
But this year, there are hints that the tide is turning. After a recent trip to the Holy Land, a group of PCUSA leaders announced that it was time for their denomination to reject its “one-sided, negative and counterproductive” divestment policy -- and, in fact, when the PCUSA meets next week, it will consider a number of motions to do just that. Pro-Israel groups have sprung up in the PCUSA and the Episcopal Church, and several “umbrella” organizations now bring together mainline and evangelical Christians and Jews to encourage support for the Jewish state and foster Jewish-Christian relations.
You have played a part as well. Your overwhelming response to our anti-divestment, pro-Israel advocacy initiatives directed at the mainline churches has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that Israel’s true friends won’t sit by while she is under attack -- from anyone. We are committed to supporting Israel and the Jewish people in any and every way we can and that includes ensuring that the truth is told about Israel’s struggle for peace and freedom. Please help us stand firm in our commitment by supporting our Stand for Israel program which rallies support for Israel at both the grassroots and leadership levels. And check your inbox regularly for alerts that will tell you when Israel is under attack and how her friends can come to her defense.
With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein Founder and PresidentInternational Fellowship of Christians and Jews
EU trade chief: Free trade deal with GCC by year-end by Taieb Mahjoub 2 hours, 58 minutes
ago ABU DHABI (AFP) - European Union trade chief Peter Mandelson called for talks with the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council toward a final free trade deal with the Gulf Arab bloc after 18 years of negotiations. I believe that the technical level negotiations should take place without delay. I would invite GCC technical experts to come to Brussels next month,Mandelson told reporters after meeting with GCC finance ministers in Abu Dhabi.
He said the July negotiations would be a precursor to a ministerial-level meeting to be held after the summer that would make a final decision on a free trade agreement (FTA), that has been under discussion for nearly two decades.This is to be done this year. That's why we need to make fast progress now building on the positive atmosphere (of this morning's meeting),he said. Mandelson said experts from the EU and GCC have been meeting in the UAE capital for the past few days to narrow differences on market access and rule of origin issues as well as those relating to direct investment, services and government procurement.The GCC groups Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
In all these areas we do not have identical views and do understand we need to show flexibility to one another in order to conclude an agreement which both of us believe is important economically and politically,he said.If we can't make this agreement this year, I'll be surprised and disappointed. Mohammed Khalfan bin Kharbash, the UAE state minister for financial and industrial affairs, told reporters that an eventual deal with the EU would have a profound impact on relations.Last year EU countries exported nearly 50 billion euros (64 billion dollars) worth of goods and services to the GCC, while imports from the oil-rich region stood at 33.7 billion euros (43 billion dollars), according to GCC chief negotiator Saudi Hamad al-Baziy.
We agreed to act with flexibility," Baziy said, citing the GCC's "worries" about measures that could complicate the entry of Arab products into European markets.Baziy also said the EU wants the GCC to agree to allow European investors to retain "up to 100 percent" of businesses that they establish in the six Gulf monarchies, where foreign capital is always subject to restrictions.The GCC and the EU signed a framework economic cooperation agreement in 1988 but have so far failed to agree on a free trade deal.
The EU has long pressed the GCC, which last month celebrated its 25th anniversary, to implement among its members a customs union that was signed in 2003.In principle, the GCC plans a common market in 2007 and a monetary union and a single currency by the start of 2010. However, a slew of political and economic differences among member countries ruled by powerful and sometimes competing dynasties has gotten in the way.Over the past year Bahrain and Oman have signed FTAs on their own with the United States, and Washington is seeking similar deals with Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE.
Highly enriched uranium discovery in Iran confirms regime's nuclear weapons program Saturday, 10 June 2006
The Iranian regime’s president and head of the Guardian Council call for further enrichment NCRI - In its report released on Thursday, the International Atomic Energy Agency acknowledged that, “it has found traces of highly enriched uranium in the regime’s equipments in a technical school in Tehran.” In May 2003, the Iranian Resistance revealed the location of these equipments which had been installed at the Shian-Lavizan facility in eastern Tehran.
Subsequently, the Iranian regime razed the Shian-Lavizan site and relocated its equipments to other sites. Discovery of highly enriched uranium is proof of a parallel atomic weapons project and confirms that the regime is still on the path of further diversions and secretive behavior despite the new and increasing tolerance on the part of the western countries.At Friday prayers in Tehran, Ahmad Jannati, head of the regime’s Guardian Council said, We must have uranium enrichment between 3.5 to five percent.
They have no choice but to accept this. On Thursday in Qazvin, the regime’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, “Whether you do negotiate or not, whether you sulk or not, the Iranian people are determined in their path to acquire peaceful atomic energy and would not retreat even an inch.Discovery of highly enriched uranium, and the assertions by Jannati and Ahmadinejad, reaffirms the need for the adoption of a firm policy which involves comprehensive sanctions being imposed on the regime at the UN Security Council. No amount of incentives would convince the mullahs’ regime to abandon its sinister nuclear program.These incentives and negotiations only provide the necessary time it needs to complete its secret nuclear weapons projects and bring the region and the world to the brink of a major catastrophe.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, June 9, 2006
Ethics expert warns of microchip implants Many implicationsBy Sun Staff
An expert in technology and ethics warned a national information rights conference about microchips implanted in patients for access to health care. Let’s talk a little about the implications before that happens, because sometimes you can’t put the genie back in the bottle, said Ian Kerr, Canada Research Chair in Ethics, Law and Technology. He spoke to a few hundred information professionals – from government, health care and other sectors – at the downtown Westin Friday on the growing use of microchips to identify patients in the United States.
Ninety-seven hospitals there have agreed to implement the system sold by VeriChip, according to the company. The radio frequency identification chips are about the size of a grain of rice and are injected under the skin, usually near the tricep. The technology can also be used to track materials and for access control. Kerr, a professor at the University of Ottawa, said the it hasn’t been approved for use in Canada yet. He said chips have been successfully cloned in the United States, giving rise to concerns of identity theft.
He stressed the chips don’t hold personal information, but numbers that match up to one’s information in a secure database. Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner Frank Work said he knows of no plans underway in Alberta’s healthcare system to adopt the technology. There’s huge security problems with them. They’re not the panacea that we originally thought they were.
Work said he suspects the technology will inevitably make its way here, though. I rather suspect it is (inevitable,) and we’ll do it in a well intentioned way, wanting to look after people. (EDMONTON SUN)
This Week with Rabbi Eckstein, June 8, 2006
Dear Friends,
Two years ago, the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), one of the “mainline” denominations that used to represent the religious establishment in this country, voted to endorse divestment from Israel. This policy caused a stir that has not yet died down. Jews and evangelical supporters of Israel were -- and are --outraged. If a religious group is truly concerned about human rights, Jews asked, how could it single out democratic Israel for punishment, given
the abuses perpetrated daily by Israel’s Arab neighbors? And evangelicals -- who take seriously the biblical injunction to support the Jewish people -- rightly demanded to know how a Christian denomination could support a policy so clearly biased against Israel.
Unfortunately, this policy of economic warfare against Israel has found traction in other mainline denominations, many of which are heavily influenced by radical Palestinian Groups. The Episcopal Church and the United Church of Christ (UCC) have both considered divestment, while the UCC and the largest Lutheran denomination (the ELCA) have also entertained resolutions recommending Israel demolish its security fence -- an important line of defense against terrorism.
But this year, there are hints that the tide is turning. After a recent trip to the Holy Land, a group of PCUSA leaders announced that it was time for their denomination to reject its “one-sided, negative and counterproductive” divestment policy -- and, in fact, when the PCUSA meets next week, it will consider a number of motions to do just that. Pro-Israel groups have sprung up in the PCUSA and the Episcopal Church, and several “umbrella” organizations now bring together mainline and evangelical Christians and Jews to encourage support for the Jewish state and foster Jewish-Christian relations.
You have played a part as well. Your overwhelming response to our anti-divestment, pro-Israel advocacy initiatives directed at the mainline churches has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that Israel’s true friends won’t sit by while she is under attack -- from anyone. We are committed to supporting Israel and the Jewish people in any and every way we can and that includes ensuring that the truth is told about Israel’s struggle for peace and freedom. Please help us stand firm in our commitment by supporting our Stand for Israel program which rallies support for Israel at both the grassroots and leadership levels. And check your inbox regularly for alerts that will tell you when Israel is under attack and how her friends can come to her defense.
With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein Founder and PresidentInternational Fellowship of Christians and Jews
EU trade chief: Free trade deal with GCC by year-end by Taieb Mahjoub 2 hours, 58 minutes
ago ABU DHABI (AFP) - European Union trade chief Peter Mandelson called for talks with the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council toward a final free trade deal with the Gulf Arab bloc after 18 years of negotiations. I believe that the technical level negotiations should take place without delay. I would invite GCC technical experts to come to Brussels next month,Mandelson told reporters after meeting with GCC finance ministers in Abu Dhabi.
He said the July negotiations would be a precursor to a ministerial-level meeting to be held after the summer that would make a final decision on a free trade agreement (FTA), that has been under discussion for nearly two decades.This is to be done this year. That's why we need to make fast progress now building on the positive atmosphere (of this morning's meeting),he said. Mandelson said experts from the EU and GCC have been meeting in the UAE capital for the past few days to narrow differences on market access and rule of origin issues as well as those relating to direct investment, services and government procurement.The GCC groups Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
In all these areas we do not have identical views and do understand we need to show flexibility to one another in order to conclude an agreement which both of us believe is important economically and politically,he said.If we can't make this agreement this year, I'll be surprised and disappointed. Mohammed Khalfan bin Kharbash, the UAE state minister for financial and industrial affairs, told reporters that an eventual deal with the EU would have a profound impact on relations.Last year EU countries exported nearly 50 billion euros (64 billion dollars) worth of goods and services to the GCC, while imports from the oil-rich region stood at 33.7 billion euros (43 billion dollars), according to GCC chief negotiator Saudi Hamad al-Baziy.
We agreed to act with flexibility," Baziy said, citing the GCC's "worries" about measures that could complicate the entry of Arab products into European markets.Baziy also said the EU wants the GCC to agree to allow European investors to retain "up to 100 percent" of businesses that they establish in the six Gulf monarchies, where foreign capital is always subject to restrictions.The GCC and the EU signed a framework economic cooperation agreement in 1988 but have so far failed to agree on a free trade deal.
The EU has long pressed the GCC, which last month celebrated its 25th anniversary, to implement among its members a customs union that was signed in 2003.In principle, the GCC plans a common market in 2007 and a monetary union and a single currency by the start of 2010. However, a slew of political and economic differences among member countries ruled by powerful and sometimes competing dynasties has gotten in the way.Over the past year Bahrain and Oman have signed FTAs on their own with the United States, and Washington is seeking similar deals with Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Story 1-Strong underwater quake in Fiiji. 2-Small Quake in Scotland. 3-2 of 10 trading blocks coming together.
MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Strong underwater earthquake near Fiji AFP Friday, June 09, 2006 17:13 IST
SYDNEY: A strong earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 6.1 struck on Friday near the Pacific island of Fiji, Australian officials said. Geoscience Australia said the quake hit about 300 kilometres northeast of the Fijian capital Suva, Geoscience Australia said. The US Geological Survey earlier described the epicenter of the quake, which occurred at 0558 GMT, as 563 kilometres (350 miles) northwest of the Tongan capital Nuku'alofa.No reports of casualties or damage were immediately available but Spiro Spiliopoulos, a seismologist with Geoscience Australia, said the underwater earthquake was not considered dangerous.
It's too deep and too small to cause a tsunami, he told AFP.It's a very active area. We see these quite often. A second quake with an estimated magnitude of 5.6 struck 305 kilometres west of the Tongan town of Neiafu at 1040 GMT on Friday, the US Geological Survey said later. Spiliopoulos, who was speaking before the second quake, said earthquakes were a common occurrence in what is known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, where the meeting of continental plates causes high volcanic and seismic activity.
Scotland hit by small earthquake
A small earthquake hit the Highlands of Scotland on Thursday. People living in the Applecross area said they felt floors vibrate and heard noises which sounded like explosions at around lunchtime. No-one was hurt but experts say the quake registered 3.1 on the Richter Scale, making it the biggest to hit Scotland since 2004. Earthquakes in the UK often go unnoticed but there are about eight significant tremors every year.
Olaf Preston, who lives in Lochcarron, about 10 miles from Applecross, felt the quake. He said: "I was at a neighbour's having a cup of coffee when I heard an almighty bang. It sounded like an explosion almost. Britain strongest recorded earthquake happened 75 years ago in 1931. It measured 6.1 on the Richter Scale and happened in the North Sea.
2 of the 10 World trading blocks are coming together, The EU the leader of these blocks and now Canada, America and mexico want to form a free trade area. Like Daniel 7:23-24 Say The EU will take world control and break it in pieces.
DANIEL 2:28,40-43,45
28 But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days.
40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.
DANIEL 7:7-8,23-24
7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.
8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America
President George Bush, President Vicente Fox of Mexico, and Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada unveiled a blueprint for a safer and more prosperous North America when they announced the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) on March 23 in Waco, TX. They agreed on ambitious security and prosperity agendas to keep our borders closed to terrorism and open to trade. The SPP is based on the premise that security and our economic prosperity are mutually reinforcing, and recognizes that our three great nations are bound by a shared belief in freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic institutions.
The SPP provides the framework to ensure that North America is the safest and best place to live and do business. The Partnership is a trilateral effort to increase security and enhance prosperity among the three countries through greater cooperation and information-sharing.
Guided by a Leaders Statement and Action Plans on Security and Prosperity, Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers convened trilateral working groups to develop concrete work plans and specific timetables for securing North America and ensuring legitimate travelers and cargo efficiently cross our shared borders; enhancing the competitive position of North American industries in the global marketplace; and, providing greater economic opportunities for all of our societies while maintaining high standards of health and safety.
MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Strong underwater earthquake near Fiji AFP Friday, June 09, 2006 17:13 IST
SYDNEY: A strong earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 6.1 struck on Friday near the Pacific island of Fiji, Australian officials said. Geoscience Australia said the quake hit about 300 kilometres northeast of the Fijian capital Suva, Geoscience Australia said. The US Geological Survey earlier described the epicenter of the quake, which occurred at 0558 GMT, as 563 kilometres (350 miles) northwest of the Tongan capital Nuku'alofa.No reports of casualties or damage were immediately available but Spiro Spiliopoulos, a seismologist with Geoscience Australia, said the underwater earthquake was not considered dangerous.
It's too deep and too small to cause a tsunami, he told AFP.It's a very active area. We see these quite often. A second quake with an estimated magnitude of 5.6 struck 305 kilometres west of the Tongan town of Neiafu at 1040 GMT on Friday, the US Geological Survey said later. Spiliopoulos, who was speaking before the second quake, said earthquakes were a common occurrence in what is known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, where the meeting of continental plates causes high volcanic and seismic activity.
Scotland hit by small earthquake
A small earthquake hit the Highlands of Scotland on Thursday. People living in the Applecross area said they felt floors vibrate and heard noises which sounded like explosions at around lunchtime. No-one was hurt but experts say the quake registered 3.1 on the Richter Scale, making it the biggest to hit Scotland since 2004. Earthquakes in the UK often go unnoticed but there are about eight significant tremors every year.
Olaf Preston, who lives in Lochcarron, about 10 miles from Applecross, felt the quake. He said: "I was at a neighbour's having a cup of coffee when I heard an almighty bang. It sounded like an explosion almost. Britain strongest recorded earthquake happened 75 years ago in 1931. It measured 6.1 on the Richter Scale and happened in the North Sea.
2 of the 10 World trading blocks are coming together, The EU the leader of these blocks and now Canada, America and mexico want to form a free trade area. Like Daniel 7:23-24 Say The EU will take world control and break it in pieces.
DANIEL 2:28,40-43,45
28 But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days.
40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.
DANIEL 7:7-8,23-24
7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.
8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America
President George Bush, President Vicente Fox of Mexico, and Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada unveiled a blueprint for a safer and more prosperous North America when they announced the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) on March 23 in Waco, TX. They agreed on ambitious security and prosperity agendas to keep our borders closed to terrorism and open to trade. The SPP is based on the premise that security and our economic prosperity are mutually reinforcing, and recognizes that our three great nations are bound by a shared belief in freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic institutions.
The SPP provides the framework to ensure that North America is the safest and best place to live and do business. The Partnership is a trilateral effort to increase security and enhance prosperity among the three countries through greater cooperation and information-sharing.
Guided by a Leaders Statement and Action Plans on Security and Prosperity, Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers convened trilateral working groups to develop concrete work plans and specific timetables for securing North America and ensuring legitimate travelers and cargo efficiently cross our shared borders; enhancing the competitive position of North American industries in the global marketplace; and, providing greater economic opportunities for all of our societies while maintaining high standards of health and safety.
Story 1-Floods displace 66,000 in India. 2-China landslides kill 12.3-Quebec fires.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
Floods displace 66,000 people in India Fri Jun 9, 2:46 AM ET
GUWAHATI, India (AFP) - Floods caused by summer monsoon rains displaced about 66,000 people in India's northeast, while heavy rains disrupted traffic in eastern India, officials said. In northeastern Assam state, floodwaters from the Brahmaputra river had inundated about 13,000 hectares (33,000 acres) of land, the state government said.The affected people have been shifted to safer places with relief materials distributed among the flood-hit victims,a statement said.
No casualties were reported from Assam, but heavy rains and lightning storms have claimed at least 140 lives nationwide since the monsoon hit last month.According to the Central Water Commission, the Brahmaputra was flowing above the danger level in at least six places.The 2,906-kilometer (1,816-mile) river -- one of Asia's longest -- traverses China's Tibet region, India and Bangladesh before emptying into the Bay of Bengal.
Every year the monsoon causes the river to flood, submerging paddy fields, washing away villages, drowning livestock and killing many in the remote state of 26 million people.In 2004, at least 200 people died and more than 12 million were displaced in the floods.In the eastern city of Patna, three consecutive days of heavy rain flooded homes and roads, disrupting traffic, correspondents said.In the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, where water in four rivers was close to danger level, the government had sanctioned three billion rupees (65 million dollars) for the construction and maintenance of embankments, officials said.
Southern China landslides kill at least 12 By AUDRA ANG, Associated Press Wrter Fri Jun 9,
12:00 AM ET BEIJING - Landslides triggered by torrential rain in southern China killed at least 12 people and injured 24, while residents in another province escaped unhurt after the bank of a river collapsed and flooded nearby villages, the government said Friday. The landslides occurred Thursday in Wuzhou, a city in the Guangxi region, during nine hours of heavy downpour, the official Xinhua News Agency said.The rain began Wednesday and caused a series of landslides that collapsed 1,195 houses, Xinhua said. Some 14,929 people were evacuated, it said.In Fujian province, also in the south, the bank of a rain-swollen river collapsed Thursday and flooded 11 villages filled with sleeping people. No injuries were discovered and water levels were receding, Xinhua said Friday. The breech has been plugged, it said.
The disasters come amid what the government says is the worst summer flooding in parts of China in three decades.At least 55 people have been killed and 12 are missing in Fujian and two other provinces since late May from heavy rains that have caused floods and landslides and washed away part of a rail-link between Beijing and Hong Kong.Across southern China, at least 378,000 people have already been evacuated from the provinces of Fujian, Guangdong and Guizhou due to floods prompted by an unusually heavy seasonal monsoon, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said. China suffers hundreds of deaths every year in floods set off during the June-to-August rainy season, although the season's first storm arrived unusually early this year.The rains played havoc on transportation, flooding streets and requiring thousands of police and military officers to evacuate residents by boat.
2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
Weather helping quell fires near Quebec reserve Last updated Jun 9 2006 08:11
AM EDT ,CBC News-Rain and shifting winds are helping firefighters battle forest fires in northern Quebec, where more than 3,500 people have been forced to leave their reserve.Fire officials say the situation has improved since Thursday. Two of three fires raging close to the Mistissini reserve, located about 550 kilometres north of Montreal, were under control and a third was headed in the opposite direction.
As many as 30 fires were burning in the region Thursday.It is not yet known when people may be able to return to their homes. The reserve was evacuated Wednesday, when fires were generating heavy smoke and threatening to cut off the only road out of Mistissini.A convoy of buses and cars took people to Chibougamau, about 50 kilometres southwest of the reserve. They are being put up in schools and an arena.Kathleen Wootton, deputy chief of the Cree Nation of Mitissini, told CBC News that everyone was coping really well and praised the accommodations and hospitality they have received. However, she said, people are very anxious about their homes.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
Floods displace 66,000 people in India Fri Jun 9, 2:46 AM ET
GUWAHATI, India (AFP) - Floods caused by summer monsoon rains displaced about 66,000 people in India's northeast, while heavy rains disrupted traffic in eastern India, officials said. In northeastern Assam state, floodwaters from the Brahmaputra river had inundated about 13,000 hectares (33,000 acres) of land, the state government said.The affected people have been shifted to safer places with relief materials distributed among the flood-hit victims,a statement said.
No casualties were reported from Assam, but heavy rains and lightning storms have claimed at least 140 lives nationwide since the monsoon hit last month.According to the Central Water Commission, the Brahmaputra was flowing above the danger level in at least six places.The 2,906-kilometer (1,816-mile) river -- one of Asia's longest -- traverses China's Tibet region, India and Bangladesh before emptying into the Bay of Bengal.
Every year the monsoon causes the river to flood, submerging paddy fields, washing away villages, drowning livestock and killing many in the remote state of 26 million people.In 2004, at least 200 people died and more than 12 million were displaced in the floods.In the eastern city of Patna, three consecutive days of heavy rain flooded homes and roads, disrupting traffic, correspondents said.In the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, where water in four rivers was close to danger level, the government had sanctioned three billion rupees (65 million dollars) for the construction and maintenance of embankments, officials said.
Southern China landslides kill at least 12 By AUDRA ANG, Associated Press Wrter Fri Jun 9,
12:00 AM ET BEIJING - Landslides triggered by torrential rain in southern China killed at least 12 people and injured 24, while residents in another province escaped unhurt after the bank of a river collapsed and flooded nearby villages, the government said Friday. The landslides occurred Thursday in Wuzhou, a city in the Guangxi region, during nine hours of heavy downpour, the official Xinhua News Agency said.The rain began Wednesday and caused a series of landslides that collapsed 1,195 houses, Xinhua said. Some 14,929 people were evacuated, it said.In Fujian province, also in the south, the bank of a rain-swollen river collapsed Thursday and flooded 11 villages filled with sleeping people. No injuries were discovered and water levels were receding, Xinhua said Friday. The breech has been plugged, it said.
The disasters come amid what the government says is the worst summer flooding in parts of China in three decades.At least 55 people have been killed and 12 are missing in Fujian and two other provinces since late May from heavy rains that have caused floods and landslides and washed away part of a rail-link between Beijing and Hong Kong.Across southern China, at least 378,000 people have already been evacuated from the provinces of Fujian, Guangdong and Guizhou due to floods prompted by an unusually heavy seasonal monsoon, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said. China suffers hundreds of deaths every year in floods set off during the June-to-August rainy season, although the season's first storm arrived unusually early this year.The rains played havoc on transportation, flooding streets and requiring thousands of police and military officers to evacuate residents by boat.
2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
Weather helping quell fires near Quebec reserve Last updated Jun 9 2006 08:11
AM EDT ,CBC News-Rain and shifting winds are helping firefighters battle forest fires in northern Quebec, where more than 3,500 people have been forced to leave their reserve.Fire officials say the situation has improved since Thursday. Two of three fires raging close to the Mistissini reserve, located about 550 kilometres north of Montreal, were under control and a third was headed in the opposite direction.
As many as 30 fires were burning in the region Thursday.It is not yet known when people may be able to return to their homes. The reserve was evacuated Wednesday, when fires were generating heavy smoke and threatening to cut off the only road out of Mistissini.A convoy of buses and cars took people to Chibougamau, about 50 kilometres southwest of the reserve. They are being put up in schools and an arena.Kathleen Wootton, deputy chief of the Cree Nation of Mitissini, told CBC News that everyone was coping really well and praised the accommodations and hospitality they have received. However, she said, people are very anxious about their homes.
1-new forcast for Hurricane season. 2-11 cities floodedc near China River. 3-Eu aims for bigger foreign role. 4-Indiana Tornado. 5-Sumatra Quake Again.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
New forecast sees bad hurricane season, but milder than 2005 Thu Jun 8, 8:54 AM ET
PARIS (AFP) - A long-range forecast has issued became the second prediction in just over a week to declare that this year's Atlantic storm season would be bad, but nowhere as brutal as the 2005 record crop that produced Hurricane Katrina. Tropical Storm Risk (TSR), a London-based group of scientists, said they expected 14 tropical storms for the Atlantic during the season, which runs from June 1 to November 30.Eight of these will be hurricanes and three will be intense hurricanes, it said.
Four tropical storms will make landfall on the United States, two of them hurricanes, TSR said Thursday.On June 1, University of Colorado climatologists Philip Klotzbach and William Gray forecast 17 tropical storms in the Atlantic, nine of which would become hurricanes. Five of these would be intense hurricanes.These are rated Category Three or higher on the five-point Saffir-Simpson scale. Level three storms on the scale have driving winds of at least 111 miles (178 kilometers) per hour, capable of knocking down large trees and destroying mobile homes.
TSR ( groups scientists from University College London's Benfield Hazard Research Centre, which is sponsored by the reinsurance industry. TSR has been in operation for four years and has a strong record for accuracy.In a press release, TSR said the data for its 2006 forecast is based on the sea surface temperature and trade wind speed in the Caribbean and tropical North Atlantic, which are the two main drivers for whipping up hurricanes.Lead scientist Mark Saunders said 2003-2005 saw the highest three-year total number of US hurricane landfalls -- 11 -- since 1900 and the highest three-year total number of North Atlantic hurricanes (31) since reliable records began.
Based on current and projected climate signals, there is a 74-percent likelihood that 2006 will be in the top one-third of years for highest storm activity, said Saunders.Despite this forecast, the chance of 2006 seeing hurricane activity as high as in 2005, which was the most active and destructive season on record, is low, he added.The current forecast is 20 percent lower than at this time last year. In particular, we expect the Gulf of Mexico to witness far fewer intense hurricanes than in 2005.The biggest storm of last year's season was Hurricane Katrina, a category-three event which killed 1,300 people in the southern United States and left around
100,000 displaced.
In all, 2005 saw a record 15 hurricanes among an unprecedented 28 named storms that formed in the Atlantic. For the first time on record, seven of the hurricanes were considered major, meaning they hit category three or higher.It was also the costliest hurricane season, with damage estimated at more than 100 billion dollars.
Report: 11 villages flood near China river By ALEXA OLESEN, Associated Press Wrter 1 hour,
38 minutes ago BEIJING - The bank of a rain-swollen river collapsed early Thursday in southern China, flooding 11 villages filled with sleeping people and causing an unknown number of deaths and injuries, state media reported. The river bank collapse in Fujian province came amid what the government calls the worst summer flooding in some areas in three decades. At least 55 people have been killed in Fujian and two other provinces since late May from heavy rains that have caused floods and landslides and washed away part of a rail line between Beijing and Hong Kong. Twelve people are missing.
Fujian's Changting county saw more than 3 1/2 inches of rain in two hours, sending the Bashili River over its banks and sweeping through the 11 villages around 3 a.m., the government's Xinhua News Agency reported, citing provincial flood control officials.Some 3,500 families lived in the villages, parts of which were covered by 6 feet of water, the report said.Most of the people were asleep, so there's no way to calculate the number of casualties and the loss of property, Xinhua said.
However, a man who answered the phone at the Changting county Public Security Bureau said his colleagues were at the site and there were no reports of deaths so far. He would only give his surname, Li.Rescue crews, including paramilitary police and fire brigades, helped evacuate more than 16,000 people from the area and were reinforcing the river bank with sand bags, Xinhua said.Across southern China, at least 378,000 people have been evacuated from Fujian, Guangdong and Guizhou provinces due to floods, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said.
Other provinces further inland and to the north also have reported scattered deaths and flood damage.The rains have disrupted transportation, flooded streets and required thousands of police and military officers to evacuate residents by boat.Hundreds die in China each year in floods during the June-August rainy season. This season's first storm arrived unusually early.Deadly landslides also have occurred when water rushed down mountainsides stripped of trees by decades of farming and logging.
EU aims for bigger foreign role
The Commission wants to work more closely with Javier Solana The European Commission has unveiled plans designed to strengthen the EU's role on the world stage, despite the setback to the European constitution. It wants better co-operation between the European Commission and the Council of the European Union, which represents the 25 member states. "Europe is still punching under its weight," said European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. One idea is for EU officials to attend national diplomatic training schemes. The report also calls for an "enhanced programme" of exchanges between the Commission, member states' diplomatic services, and the Council's secretariat.
Solana wooed
The proposals come as a response to October's summit at Hampton Court, where heads of state called for the EU to reinforce its external action despite the rejection of the constitution in France and the Netherlands. Europe is still punching under its weight - its influence is not proportionate to its economic and trade dimension The constitution called for the creation of an EU foreign minister - with existing foreign policy chief Javier Solana tipped to be the first holder of the post - and a diplomatic service. The new proposals would mirror the constitution by inviting Mr Solana, who reports to the member states, to become "associated" with the work of the external relations group of commissioners.
The report also suggests that the Commission and the Council secretariat should produce more joint strategy papers, and co-ordinate more closely in crisis management. And it favours the idea of top EU officials abroad taking on a dual role as head of the Commission delegation, and special representative of the Council.
Consular co-operation
Mr Barroso said foreign leaders neither knew nor cared which institution was on which side of Brussels' Rue de la Loi, which separates the Commission from the Council. The ideas will be discussed at an EU summit next week, along with proposals from Austria, the current president of the Council, for member states' consular services to work more closely together, especially in
cases of natural disasters such as last year's Asian tsunami. The EU has long worried about being an economic superpower but a "political dwarf". The leader of the European Parliament's Liberal group, Graham Watson, described the Commission proposals as "sticking-plaster solutions" that were no substitute for the constitution.
Tornado damages homes in Indiana Thu Jun 8, 7:45 PM ET
SEYMOUR, Ind. - A tornado flipped mobile homes, tossed debris into trees and tore the roof off a police station as it traced a path up to a half-mile wide in southern Indiana, officials said Thursday. Thousands of homes and businesses lost power in Wednesday night's storm, and two elderly residents were hospitalized with possible broken bones and other non-life-threatening injuries after being trapped in their home.At least seven homes were destroyed in Jackson County, said Duane Davis, the county's emergency management director. Dispatchers said numerous tree limbs and power lines were down and flash flooding was extensive.
The tornado, which had winds up to 110 mph, was responsible for tearing roofs off of some homes and the Crothersville police station, the National Weather Service said. Its path grew to a half-mile wide at one point, meteorologist Dave Tucek said.The twister hit just outside the town of Reddington, moving south for eight miles before lifting back into the sky near Interstate 65, the weather service said.The heaviest damage appeared to be around Seymour. Resident Cathy Sandlin said she and her family ran for cover when the storm hit."It was just here and gone," she said.
Quake jolts Indonesia's Sumatra Thu Jun 8, 4:36 AM ET
JAKARTA (Reuters) - A 5.1 magnitude undersea earthquake struck off the western Indonesian island of Sumatra on Thursday, but the state meteorology and geophysics agency said it would not generate a tsunami nor cause damage.The quake's Indian Ocean epicenter was in the same area where a massive earthquake triggered a tsunami that left 170,000 people killed and missing in Aceh province in December 2004.
A quake with a 6.2 magnitude shook Indonesia's main island of Java late last month, killing more than 5,700 people and rendering thousands homeless in and around Yogyakarta.Earthquakes are frequent in Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous country. Its 17,000 islands sprawl along a belt of intense volcanic and seismic activity, part of what is called the "Pacific Ring of Fire."
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
New forecast sees bad hurricane season, but milder than 2005 Thu Jun 8, 8:54 AM ET
PARIS (AFP) - A long-range forecast has issued became the second prediction in just over a week to declare that this year's Atlantic storm season would be bad, but nowhere as brutal as the 2005 record crop that produced Hurricane Katrina. Tropical Storm Risk (TSR), a London-based group of scientists, said they expected 14 tropical storms for the Atlantic during the season, which runs from June 1 to November 30.Eight of these will be hurricanes and three will be intense hurricanes, it said.
Four tropical storms will make landfall on the United States, two of them hurricanes, TSR said Thursday.On June 1, University of Colorado climatologists Philip Klotzbach and William Gray forecast 17 tropical storms in the Atlantic, nine of which would become hurricanes. Five of these would be intense hurricanes.These are rated Category Three or higher on the five-point Saffir-Simpson scale. Level three storms on the scale have driving winds of at least 111 miles (178 kilometers) per hour, capable of knocking down large trees and destroying mobile homes.
TSR ( groups scientists from University College London's Benfield Hazard Research Centre, which is sponsored by the reinsurance industry. TSR has been in operation for four years and has a strong record for accuracy.In a press release, TSR said the data for its 2006 forecast is based on the sea surface temperature and trade wind speed in the Caribbean and tropical North Atlantic, which are the two main drivers for whipping up hurricanes.Lead scientist Mark Saunders said 2003-2005 saw the highest three-year total number of US hurricane landfalls -- 11 -- since 1900 and the highest three-year total number of North Atlantic hurricanes (31) since reliable records began.
Based on current and projected climate signals, there is a 74-percent likelihood that 2006 will be in the top one-third of years for highest storm activity, said Saunders.Despite this forecast, the chance of 2006 seeing hurricane activity as high as in 2005, which was the most active and destructive season on record, is low, he added.The current forecast is 20 percent lower than at this time last year. In particular, we expect the Gulf of Mexico to witness far fewer intense hurricanes than in 2005.The biggest storm of last year's season was Hurricane Katrina, a category-three event which killed 1,300 people in the southern United States and left around
100,000 displaced.
In all, 2005 saw a record 15 hurricanes among an unprecedented 28 named storms that formed in the Atlantic. For the first time on record, seven of the hurricanes were considered major, meaning they hit category three or higher.It was also the costliest hurricane season, with damage estimated at more than 100 billion dollars.
Report: 11 villages flood near China river By ALEXA OLESEN, Associated Press Wrter 1 hour,
38 minutes ago BEIJING - The bank of a rain-swollen river collapsed early Thursday in southern China, flooding 11 villages filled with sleeping people and causing an unknown number of deaths and injuries, state media reported. The river bank collapse in Fujian province came amid what the government calls the worst summer flooding in some areas in three decades. At least 55 people have been killed in Fujian and two other provinces since late May from heavy rains that have caused floods and landslides and washed away part of a rail line between Beijing and Hong Kong. Twelve people are missing.
Fujian's Changting county saw more than 3 1/2 inches of rain in two hours, sending the Bashili River over its banks and sweeping through the 11 villages around 3 a.m., the government's Xinhua News Agency reported, citing provincial flood control officials.Some 3,500 families lived in the villages, parts of which were covered by 6 feet of water, the report said.Most of the people were asleep, so there's no way to calculate the number of casualties and the loss of property, Xinhua said.
However, a man who answered the phone at the Changting county Public Security Bureau said his colleagues were at the site and there were no reports of deaths so far. He would only give his surname, Li.Rescue crews, including paramilitary police and fire brigades, helped evacuate more than 16,000 people from the area and were reinforcing the river bank with sand bags, Xinhua said.Across southern China, at least 378,000 people have been evacuated from Fujian, Guangdong and Guizhou provinces due to floods, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said.
Other provinces further inland and to the north also have reported scattered deaths and flood damage.The rains have disrupted transportation, flooded streets and required thousands of police and military officers to evacuate residents by boat.Hundreds die in China each year in floods during the June-August rainy season. This season's first storm arrived unusually early.Deadly landslides also have occurred when water rushed down mountainsides stripped of trees by decades of farming and logging.
EU aims for bigger foreign role
The Commission wants to work more closely with Javier Solana The European Commission has unveiled plans designed to strengthen the EU's role on the world stage, despite the setback to the European constitution. It wants better co-operation between the European Commission and the Council of the European Union, which represents the 25 member states. "Europe is still punching under its weight," said European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. One idea is for EU officials to attend national diplomatic training schemes. The report also calls for an "enhanced programme" of exchanges between the Commission, member states' diplomatic services, and the Council's secretariat.
Solana wooed
The proposals come as a response to October's summit at Hampton Court, where heads of state called for the EU to reinforce its external action despite the rejection of the constitution in France and the Netherlands. Europe is still punching under its weight - its influence is not proportionate to its economic and trade dimension The constitution called for the creation of an EU foreign minister - with existing foreign policy chief Javier Solana tipped to be the first holder of the post - and a diplomatic service. The new proposals would mirror the constitution by inviting Mr Solana, who reports to the member states, to become "associated" with the work of the external relations group of commissioners.
The report also suggests that the Commission and the Council secretariat should produce more joint strategy papers, and co-ordinate more closely in crisis management. And it favours the idea of top EU officials abroad taking on a dual role as head of the Commission delegation, and special representative of the Council.
Consular co-operation
Mr Barroso said foreign leaders neither knew nor cared which institution was on which side of Brussels' Rue de la Loi, which separates the Commission from the Council. The ideas will be discussed at an EU summit next week, along with proposals from Austria, the current president of the Council, for member states' consular services to work more closely together, especially in
cases of natural disasters such as last year's Asian tsunami. The EU has long worried about being an economic superpower but a "political dwarf". The leader of the European Parliament's Liberal group, Graham Watson, described the Commission proposals as "sticking-plaster solutions" that were no substitute for the constitution.
Tornado damages homes in Indiana Thu Jun 8, 7:45 PM ET
SEYMOUR, Ind. - A tornado flipped mobile homes, tossed debris into trees and tore the roof off a police station as it traced a path up to a half-mile wide in southern Indiana, officials said Thursday. Thousands of homes and businesses lost power in Wednesday night's storm, and two elderly residents were hospitalized with possible broken bones and other non-life-threatening injuries after being trapped in their home.At least seven homes were destroyed in Jackson County, said Duane Davis, the county's emergency management director. Dispatchers said numerous tree limbs and power lines were down and flash flooding was extensive.
The tornado, which had winds up to 110 mph, was responsible for tearing roofs off of some homes and the Crothersville police station, the National Weather Service said. Its path grew to a half-mile wide at one point, meteorologist Dave Tucek said.The twister hit just outside the town of Reddington, moving south for eight miles before lifting back into the sky near Interstate 65, the weather service said.The heaviest damage appeared to be around Seymour. Resident Cathy Sandlin said she and her family ran for cover when the storm hit."It was just here and gone," she said.
Quake jolts Indonesia's Sumatra Thu Jun 8, 4:36 AM ET
JAKARTA (Reuters) - A 5.1 magnitude undersea earthquake struck off the western Indonesian island of Sumatra on Thursday, but the state meteorology and geophysics agency said it would not generate a tsunami nor cause damage.The quake's Indian Ocean epicenter was in the same area where a massive earthquake triggered a tsunami that left 170,000 people killed and missing in Aceh province in December 2004.
A quake with a 6.2 magnitude shook Indonesia's main island of Java late last month, killing more than 5,700 people and rendering thousands homeless in and around Yogyakarta.Earthquakes are frequent in Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous country. Its 17,000 islands sprawl along a belt of intense volcanic and seismic activity, part of what is called the "Pacific Ring of Fire."
Thursday, June 08, 2006
1-Al-Zarqawi killed. 2-Hauge calls for Euro-us trade zone.3-one third of Russians against US.
Well one Al-Qaida leader was killed today in Iraq, Abu-Musab-Al-Zarqawi. Will terrorism stop, no, the Bible says world terrorism will come so this killing will just sprout another leader and the war on terrorism will continue.
LEVITICUS 26:15-16
15 And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:
16 I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you (sudden) terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.
LUKE 21:26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(mass confusion)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:
MATTHEW 24:37-39
37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
GENESIS 6:11:13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
Hague call for Euro-US trade zone
Mr Hague says Europe's prosperity depends on free trade The Conservatives will "do whatever is necessary" to realise their goal of a transatlantic free trade zone, says shadow foreign secretary William Hague. He says he is not ruling out rewriting the Treaty of Rome - the deal creating the EU's forerunners. The UK should be championing efforts to break down trade barriers between the US and Europe, he argued. And he defended his party's aim of a political realignment of the Right in Europe creating an anti-federal bloc.
Mutiny threat
David Cameron has pledged to leave Europe's largest political group, and Mr Hague is trying to reach a deal with other parties that share the Tory vision. Geoff Hoon said Mr Cameron's plan would "totally marginalise the Tories" in Europe. Should Tories quit the EPP? Some Tory MEPs are threatening to stay in the European People's Party. UKIP MEP Nigel Farage said: "Hague has failed totally to find a home for the British Conservatives in Europe. Mr Hague, who led the Conservatives from 1997 until 2001, told BBC News that "sometimes decisions in politics upset people. He denied the new bloc would mean the Conservatives aligning themselves with extremists, pointing to some of the right of centre parties in the new EU countries, such as the Czech Civic Democrats. In a speech to the think-tank Open Europe he said rows over tariffs and subsidies for planes and steel had damaged the EU and US economically.
Breaking barriers down
He said he was a firm believer that Britain should play a strong part in the European Union. But he warned Europe's prosperity depends on free trade, and that while globalisation creates understandable fears among member states, protectionists are undermining the EU's prime purpose. I have been surprised by the breadth of support across Europe for a transatlantic free trade area,he said. It is a logical extension to the single market. If we think that removing barriers to trade within Europe is a good thing - removing the transatlantic barriers would be even better. He said on current trends the average US citizen will be twice as a rich as a Frenchman or German in 20 years.
Energy security
A transatlantic free trade area's benefits are needed. It is an idea whose time has come and should be championed by the government of the United Kingdom,he said. Mr Hague argued that the EU had "an essential role" in securing energy security and supply. He stressed that with the "right priorities", the EU "can open up freedom and opportunity for our citizens, a mutual support in the age of globalisation. But the British Government should recognise the "widely held conviction" of its people that EU integration "has gone far enough.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
Over One-Third of Russians See U.S. as Enemy — 2006 PollCreated: 07.06.2006 14:08 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:33 MSK
Russians Name Their Friends and Foes
On Tuesday the Yuri Levada polling center released the results of their yearly opinion poll, in which Russians were asked which countries they consider to be friends or enemies. According to Komsomol’skaya Pravda, in this year’s poll, Russians warmed up a bit to China and Kazakhstan, but strongly grew cold towards the U.S., Ukraine, Moldova and Poland.
Incidentally, Russians were inclined to consider Ukraine as both a friend and an enemy. That is to say, either it is yet to be determined what the Russian attitude is to their closest neighbor, or, perhaps it is Ukraine’s unpredictable politics that are affecting Russians’ attitudes.
Russia’s Friends for 2006:
Belarus — 47% (46%)
Kazakhstan — 33% (20%)
China — 24% (12%)
Germany — 22% (23%)
India — 15% (16%)
Armenia — 14% (9%)
Bulgaria — 10% (11%)
Ukraine — 10% (17%)
France — 8% (13%)
Italy — 7%
(on the list of friends Italy fell, forcing out the US, which 11% of Russians found as friendly)
Russia’s Enemies —2006:
Latvia — 46% (49%)
Georgia — 44% (38%)
Lithuania — 42% (42%)
U.S. — 37% (23%)
Estonia — 28% (32%)
Ukraine — 27% (13%)
Afghanistan — 12% (12%)
Iraq — 9% (10%)
Moldova — 9% (4%)
Poland — 7% (4%)
(Data from the 2005 poll is shown in parentheses.)
In Revelation 18 and Jeremiah 51-52 we see America being burned in one hour from a country out of the North. North of Israel is RUSSIA.
1 And after these things (the bombing of the World Church (VATICAN) by the eu Dictator in revelation 17) I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon (USA) the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
Well one Al-Qaida leader was killed today in Iraq, Abu-Musab-Al-Zarqawi. Will terrorism stop, no, the Bible says world terrorism will come so this killing will just sprout another leader and the war on terrorism will continue.
LEVITICUS 26:15-16
15 And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:
16 I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you (sudden) terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.
LUKE 21:26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(mass confusion)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:
MATTHEW 24:37-39
37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
GENESIS 6:11:13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
Hague call for Euro-US trade zone
Mr Hague says Europe's prosperity depends on free trade The Conservatives will "do whatever is necessary" to realise their goal of a transatlantic free trade zone, says shadow foreign secretary William Hague. He says he is not ruling out rewriting the Treaty of Rome - the deal creating the EU's forerunners. The UK should be championing efforts to break down trade barriers between the US and Europe, he argued. And he defended his party's aim of a political realignment of the Right in Europe creating an anti-federal bloc.
Mutiny threat
David Cameron has pledged to leave Europe's largest political group, and Mr Hague is trying to reach a deal with other parties that share the Tory vision. Geoff Hoon said Mr Cameron's plan would "totally marginalise the Tories" in Europe. Should Tories quit the EPP? Some Tory MEPs are threatening to stay in the European People's Party. UKIP MEP Nigel Farage said: "Hague has failed totally to find a home for the British Conservatives in Europe. Mr Hague, who led the Conservatives from 1997 until 2001, told BBC News that "sometimes decisions in politics upset people. He denied the new bloc would mean the Conservatives aligning themselves with extremists, pointing to some of the right of centre parties in the new EU countries, such as the Czech Civic Democrats. In a speech to the think-tank Open Europe he said rows over tariffs and subsidies for planes and steel had damaged the EU and US economically.
Breaking barriers down
He said he was a firm believer that Britain should play a strong part in the European Union. But he warned Europe's prosperity depends on free trade, and that while globalisation creates understandable fears among member states, protectionists are undermining the EU's prime purpose. I have been surprised by the breadth of support across Europe for a transatlantic free trade area,he said. It is a logical extension to the single market. If we think that removing barriers to trade within Europe is a good thing - removing the transatlantic barriers would be even better. He said on current trends the average US citizen will be twice as a rich as a Frenchman or German in 20 years.
Energy security
A transatlantic free trade area's benefits are needed. It is an idea whose time has come and should be championed by the government of the United Kingdom,he said. Mr Hague argued that the EU had "an essential role" in securing energy security and supply. He stressed that with the "right priorities", the EU "can open up freedom and opportunity for our citizens, a mutual support in the age of globalisation. But the British Government should recognise the "widely held conviction" of its people that EU integration "has gone far enough.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
Over One-Third of Russians See U.S. as Enemy — 2006 PollCreated: 07.06.2006 14:08 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:33 MSK
Russians Name Their Friends and Foes
On Tuesday the Yuri Levada polling center released the results of their yearly opinion poll, in which Russians were asked which countries they consider to be friends or enemies. According to Komsomol’skaya Pravda, in this year’s poll, Russians warmed up a bit to China and Kazakhstan, but strongly grew cold towards the U.S., Ukraine, Moldova and Poland.
Incidentally, Russians were inclined to consider Ukraine as both a friend and an enemy. That is to say, either it is yet to be determined what the Russian attitude is to their closest neighbor, or, perhaps it is Ukraine’s unpredictable politics that are affecting Russians’ attitudes.
Russia’s Friends for 2006:
Belarus — 47% (46%)
Kazakhstan — 33% (20%)
China — 24% (12%)
Germany — 22% (23%)
India — 15% (16%)
Armenia — 14% (9%)
Bulgaria — 10% (11%)
Ukraine — 10% (17%)
France — 8% (13%)
Italy — 7%
(on the list of friends Italy fell, forcing out the US, which 11% of Russians found as friendly)
Russia’s Enemies —2006:
Latvia — 46% (49%)
Georgia — 44% (38%)
Lithuania — 42% (42%)
U.S. — 37% (23%)
Estonia — 28% (32%)
Ukraine — 27% (13%)
Afghanistan — 12% (12%)
Iraq — 9% (10%)
Moldova — 9% (4%)
Poland — 7% (4%)
(Data from the 2005 poll is shown in parentheses.)
In Revelation 18 and Jeremiah 51-52 we see America being burned in one hour from a country out of the North. North of Israel is RUSSIA.
1 And after these things (the bombing of the World Church (VATICAN) by the eu Dictator in revelation 17) I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon (USA) the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
I should have had these 2 stories on june 6th but june 8th is ok Microchip implant stories. 1-Doyle outlaws mandatory microchip implants. 2-tracking aliens just a step away.3-Another 666 has come and gone.4-Merapi spews ash.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Doyle signs bill outlawing mandatory microchip implants
(Published Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:12:31 AM CDT),Associated Press
MADISON, Wis. - Gov. Jim Doyle signed a bill into law on Tuesday prohibiting companies and government agencies from requiring anyone to be implanted with microchips.The bill comes as a Florida company is starting to market microchip implants as a way for companies to limit access to highly secured rooms. Instead of swiping a card or punching in a code, employees who approach the area automatically set off sensors with the chips beneath the skin of their upper arms that give off radio frequency signals.
The company, VeriChip Corp., says the implants of chips, which are the size of a grain of rice, will always be voluntary.But bill sponsor Rep. Marlin Schneider, D-Wisconsin Rapids, said the law was needed to stop anyone from being forced to get implants. Schneider said the law makes Wisconsin the first state with such a ban. Violators will face fines of up to $10,000.The bill "makes Wisconsin the leader among states in control of an insidious technology which could track, monitor and potentially control people's thoughts," Schneider said in a statement.
VeriChip, of Delray Beach, Fla., is the only company with federal approval to implant such chips in people.The company has implanted more than 2,500 people worldwide with chips that give hospitals access to their identification, which is used to access medical information stored in an Internet database. Former Gov. Tommy Thompson has endorsed that application and is a member of the company's board of directors.In February, a Cincinnati surveillance equipment company became the first U.S. business to allow employees who voluntarily got chip implants to use them to enter secure rooms. Some employees in the Mexico attorney general's office have also been implanted with chips for this use.
Bigger brother: Tracking aliens just an implant awayBy AL KAMEN, The Washington PostMay 24, 2006
WASHINGTON -- Seems Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has gotten into hot water at home over his creative proposal that Washington use microchip implants to track Colombians temporarily working in this country. You may recall that Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., recounting his Latin America trip in April, mentioned Uribe's proposal when they chatted in Bogota. Specter, in trip notes he entered into the Congressional Record, said he told Uribe "he doubted whether" implants would work since workers "might be able to remove them.
The column item sparked some angry protests. Uribe refused to say whether he proposed the implants, but he told a television interviewer: "If the United States, with all its technology, computers and chips, doesn't have the means to know who enters or leaves the country, then where are we? That's what we're trying to figure out right now.
Another 666 Has Come and Gone Asheville, NC 28803 June 7 2006
The sixth day of the sixth month of 2006 has come and gone with nothing more terrible than the usual acts of God -- tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes somewhere in the world. To the disappointment of the literalists, no significant catastrophic event occurred to make one believe that the "End of Days" is nigh.Early Christians knew that the Apocalypse was to take place in their lifetime and that 666, the number of the beast, would signal the return of Jesus and the final end of humanity.
It was predicted in the Book of Revelations, so it must be true. Jesus predicted that he would return from the dead during the lifetime of his disciples, but alas, it did not happen. The date for the Rapture continues to be postponed, though the final day remains close at hand. Tim La Haye and Jerry Jenkins have made a fortune writing about the terrible things that are going to happen to all who do not believe as they do, when Jesus returns and the prediction of Revelations becomes true.Fortunately for humanity the date for the end of life on earth keeps being deferred.
From Jesus' remark that he would return soon, we have now jumped to Nostradamus'prediction that it will occur in the year 3797 CE. Now all of us can rest easy if Nostradamus was correct.
William Miller predicted Armageddon and the end of the world in 1843. Some 40.,000 Millerites sold or gave away their property and waited patiently for the end to come. They were disappointed and had to change the date.Supposedly, only God knows the date that he plans to zap us all, but that does not stop the Fundies from trying to outsmart God.
John A. Henderson, M.D. discusses in great detail in his books, God. com; A Deity For the New Millennium and FEAR FAITH FACT FANTASY, the illogical beliefs in the myths and superstitions of the "Final End".
Indonesia volcano spews hot gas clouds By ROBERT KENNEDY, Associated Press Writer 26
minutes ago MOUNT MERAPI, Indonesia - Indonesia's most dangerous volcano spewed a spectacular roiling cloud of hot gas and ash down its southern slope Thursday, sending more than 15,000 villagers running to safety or piling into cars and trucks, scientists said. Mount
Merapi has been venting steam and ash for weeks, but the Thursday morning burst was the largest yet, with billowing, dark gray clouds avalanching 3 1/2 miles down its slopes, said Sugiono, a vulcanologist who like many Indonesians goes by one name.It was one of a series of powerful explosions early Thursday, but hundreds of villagers living on the mountainside were still refusing to leave.
"Of course, we're worried," a villager named Supriatun told The Associated Press by mobile phone. "But as long as the hot clouds do not reach us, we won't leave our village. Some scientists say a powerful May 27 earthquake that killed more than 5,700 people in an area 25 miles south of Mount Merapi may have contributed to the volcano's volatility in recent weeks.The rumbling mountain's lava dome has swelled, raising concerns that it could suddenly collapse and send scalding clouds of fast-moving gas, lava and rocks into areas yet to be evacuated.
"A lot of people are panicking," said Sutomo, a government official at the scene, adding that 3,500 people had fled Sleman district on Merapi's southern side, some clutching children as they ran and others heading to towns at the base in trucks or cars.Another 12,000 fled their villages in Magelang district on the west side, many of them yelling and wiping away tears. Farmers carrying heaps of grass on their head ran down the mountain, as other clambered onto motorcycles.Roads leading to the mountain's peak have been closed, said Sunarto, another government official who goes by one name.
Authorities had earlier urged residents to evacuate the danger zone on the mountain's fertile slopes. Some 20,000 left, but thousands more stayed in their homes, saying they didn't want to abandon their fields and livestock, and complaining of boredom at the shelters.Others who have camped out for weeks in schools, mosques and government buildings said they would stay as long as necessary.A hot gas cloud is one of our worst nightmare,said Teguh Rahardjo, 64, recalling how a large eruption in 1994 killed 60 people and decimated houses, fields and animals. About 1,300 people were killed when Merapi erupted in 1930.Indonesia is located in the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire," an arc of volcanoes and fault lines encircling the Pacific Basin.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Doyle signs bill outlawing mandatory microchip implants
(Published Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:12:31 AM CDT),Associated Press
MADISON, Wis. - Gov. Jim Doyle signed a bill into law on Tuesday prohibiting companies and government agencies from requiring anyone to be implanted with microchips.The bill comes as a Florida company is starting to market microchip implants as a way for companies to limit access to highly secured rooms. Instead of swiping a card or punching in a code, employees who approach the area automatically set off sensors with the chips beneath the skin of their upper arms that give off radio frequency signals.
The company, VeriChip Corp., says the implants of chips, which are the size of a grain of rice, will always be voluntary.But bill sponsor Rep. Marlin Schneider, D-Wisconsin Rapids, said the law was needed to stop anyone from being forced to get implants. Schneider said the law makes Wisconsin the first state with such a ban. Violators will face fines of up to $10,000.The bill "makes Wisconsin the leader among states in control of an insidious technology which could track, monitor and potentially control people's thoughts," Schneider said in a statement.
VeriChip, of Delray Beach, Fla., is the only company with federal approval to implant such chips in people.The company has implanted more than 2,500 people worldwide with chips that give hospitals access to their identification, which is used to access medical information stored in an Internet database. Former Gov. Tommy Thompson has endorsed that application and is a member of the company's board of directors.In February, a Cincinnati surveillance equipment company became the first U.S. business to allow employees who voluntarily got chip implants to use them to enter secure rooms. Some employees in the Mexico attorney general's office have also been implanted with chips for this use.
Bigger brother: Tracking aliens just an implant awayBy AL KAMEN, The Washington PostMay 24, 2006
WASHINGTON -- Seems Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has gotten into hot water at home over his creative proposal that Washington use microchip implants to track Colombians temporarily working in this country. You may recall that Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., recounting his Latin America trip in April, mentioned Uribe's proposal when they chatted in Bogota. Specter, in trip notes he entered into the Congressional Record, said he told Uribe "he doubted whether" implants would work since workers "might be able to remove them.
The column item sparked some angry protests. Uribe refused to say whether he proposed the implants, but he told a television interviewer: "If the United States, with all its technology, computers and chips, doesn't have the means to know who enters or leaves the country, then where are we? That's what we're trying to figure out right now.
Another 666 Has Come and Gone Asheville, NC 28803 June 7 2006
The sixth day of the sixth month of 2006 has come and gone with nothing more terrible than the usual acts of God -- tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes somewhere in the world. To the disappointment of the literalists, no significant catastrophic event occurred to make one believe that the "End of Days" is nigh.Early Christians knew that the Apocalypse was to take place in their lifetime and that 666, the number of the beast, would signal the return of Jesus and the final end of humanity.
It was predicted in the Book of Revelations, so it must be true. Jesus predicted that he would return from the dead during the lifetime of his disciples, but alas, it did not happen. The date for the Rapture continues to be postponed, though the final day remains close at hand. Tim La Haye and Jerry Jenkins have made a fortune writing about the terrible things that are going to happen to all who do not believe as they do, when Jesus returns and the prediction of Revelations becomes true.Fortunately for humanity the date for the end of life on earth keeps being deferred.
From Jesus' remark that he would return soon, we have now jumped to Nostradamus'prediction that it will occur in the year 3797 CE. Now all of us can rest easy if Nostradamus was correct.
William Miller predicted Armageddon and the end of the world in 1843. Some 40.,000 Millerites sold or gave away their property and waited patiently for the end to come. They were disappointed and had to change the date.Supposedly, only God knows the date that he plans to zap us all, but that does not stop the Fundies from trying to outsmart God.
John A. Henderson, M.D. discusses in great detail in his books, God. com; A Deity For the New Millennium and FEAR FAITH FACT FANTASY, the illogical beliefs in the myths and superstitions of the "Final End".
Indonesia volcano spews hot gas clouds By ROBERT KENNEDY, Associated Press Writer 26
minutes ago MOUNT MERAPI, Indonesia - Indonesia's most dangerous volcano spewed a spectacular roiling cloud of hot gas and ash down its southern slope Thursday, sending more than 15,000 villagers running to safety or piling into cars and trucks, scientists said. Mount
Merapi has been venting steam and ash for weeks, but the Thursday morning burst was the largest yet, with billowing, dark gray clouds avalanching 3 1/2 miles down its slopes, said Sugiono, a vulcanologist who like many Indonesians goes by one name.It was one of a series of powerful explosions early Thursday, but hundreds of villagers living on the mountainside were still refusing to leave.
"Of course, we're worried," a villager named Supriatun told The Associated Press by mobile phone. "But as long as the hot clouds do not reach us, we won't leave our village. Some scientists say a powerful May 27 earthquake that killed more than 5,700 people in an area 25 miles south of Mount Merapi may have contributed to the volcano's volatility in recent weeks.The rumbling mountain's lava dome has swelled, raising concerns that it could suddenly collapse and send scalding clouds of fast-moving gas, lava and rocks into areas yet to be evacuated.
"A lot of people are panicking," said Sutomo, a government official at the scene, adding that 3,500 people had fled Sleman district on Merapi's southern side, some clutching children as they ran and others heading to towns at the base in trucks or cars.Another 12,000 fled their villages in Magelang district on the west side, many of them yelling and wiping away tears. Farmers carrying heaps of grass on their head ran down the mountain, as other clambered onto motorcycles.Roads leading to the mountain's peak have been closed, said Sunarto, another government official who goes by one name.
Authorities had earlier urged residents to evacuate the danger zone on the mountain's fertile slopes. Some 20,000 left, but thousands more stayed in their homes, saying they didn't want to abandon their fields and livestock, and complaining of boredom at the shelters.Others who have camped out for weeks in schools, mosques and government buildings said they would stay as long as necessary.A hot gas cloud is one of our worst nightmare,said Teguh Rahardjo, 64, recalling how a large eruption in 1994 killed 60 people and decimated houses, fields and animals. About 1,300 people were killed when Merapi erupted in 1930.Indonesia is located in the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire," an arc of volcanoes and fault lines encircling the Pacific Basin.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Story 1-Jewish cupe members upset at union resolution.2-Eu urges action on trading blocks. 3-Poland-Slovak floods. 4-World quakes past 2 days June 6-7
Jewish CUPE members upset at union resolution By PAUL LUNGEN ,Staff Reporter
Four years ago at its regional convention, the Ontario wing of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) adopted a last minute, emergency resolution that critics argued was biased against Israel. Many of CUPE's Jewish members - including those employed by five Jewish agencies in the Toronto area - were incensed at the one-sided nature of the resolution, which in part claimed Israel “invaded” territories in 1967, ignoring the aggression of Israel's Arab neighbours. Around the same time, a CUPE official was seen carrying a CUPE flag at a rally protesting a speaking engagement of former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Carolyn Roberts, president of CUPE local 2137, which represents 170 workers at Jewish Vocational Services of Greater Toronto, recalls being “blindsided” by the 2002 vote, and she feels that with the recent resolution attacking Israel that was adopted two weeks ago at CUPE Ontario's regional convention, it's pretty much a case of déjà vu all over again. The resolution is part of an international effort to boycott Israeli products and divest assets from Israel. The resolution criticizes Israel for failing to recognize a Palestinian right to self-determination and slams Israel's “apartheid wall,” the barrier Israel is constructing to prevent terrorist attacks that originate in the West Bank.
Katharine Nastovski, chair of CUPE Ontario's international solidarity committee, said boycotts worked against South Africa and should be used to force Israel to permit “the right of[Palestinian] refugees to return to their homes and property.Roberts believes that leaving CUPE would be going too far, but she is upset that the regional wing of CUPE is making international statements, leaving people like her to field angry calls from members who want to know why their union is dabbling in Middle Eastern politics. Local 2137 is a member of CUPE National, not the Ontario division, but the union's members feel they have been implicated in the Ontario vote, she said. I'm embarrassed to have to speak to my members about this issue,” Roberts said. “I think it's embarrassing to CUPE National. Four years ago, many CUPE members expressed dissatisfaction with the vote, and it was made clear to CUPE Ontario president Sid Ryan that employees at the Toronto Jewish agencies were angry as well, Roberts said.
Given that CUPE touts solidarity among members as a key value and proclaims an injury to one is an injury to all, she wondered why CUPE Ontario is adopting resolutions that so many members find offensive.Lil Nobel, president of CUPE Local 2063, which represents workers from UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Canadian Jewish Congress and Jewish Immigrant Aid Services Toronto, said, “We are ashamed to be a members of this union. Despite what Mr.
Ryan says, the resolution is an affront to the Jewish people, because it singles out Israel among all the countries in the world.There are many urgent issues affecting workers in this province. Israel's policies are not one of them. We don't understand why this outrageous, unreasonable and unbalanced resolution is taking precedence.Local 2063 pulled out of CUPE Ontario following it's vote on Israel four years ago, joining CUPE National, Nobel added.CUPE National weighed into the fray with a news release stating it would not urge local unions to join a boycott of Israel.
CUPE National has a policy that was adopted at our 2003 national convention. That policy states that we, 'demand that the Israeli Government immediately withdraw from the occupied territories and abide by UN Resolution 242 and 338; call for and actively work towards an end to all acts of violence that take the lives of innocent people, whether they be Palestinian or Israeli; and, help develop a peace process based on equality between Israelis and Palestinians and based on the implementation of UN resolutions and international law.CUPE National concluded by suggesting, “Debates focused on the Middle East should respect the legitimate
aspirations of both the Palestinian and Israeli people.
Ryan told The CJN the resolution was not aimed at Jews but at the policies of Israel. It was adopted in a unanimous vote at the CUPE convention and was submitted in accordance to union protocols, leaving ample opportunity for opponents to raise their concerns. He defended the apartheid references, saying “it's clear to anybody with any degree of common sense that there are clear parallels with what is happening in Palestine to South Africa.Archbishop Desmond Tutu has said as much, he added.As to the issue of Palestinian self-determination, he dismissed suggestions Israeli leaders had already acknowledged that, saying I come out of Ireland and know about the right to self-determination. You can't have self-determination without a viable state.It's no different than Northern Ireland. You had acts of terrorism in Northern Ireland. Does that mean you put down the entire population because of the actions of a few?
When The CJN suggested to Ryan the separation barrier had led to a dramatic reduction in terrorist attacks, Ryan shot back, Maybe if the occupation wasn't taking place, the bombings wouldn't be taking place.Steven Shulman, director of Canadian Jewish Congress's Ontario region, said Congress and the Canada-Israel Committee had received numerous complaints about the CUPE resolution. Not only are many of CUPE's Jewish members upset, but many calls and e-mails are coming from non-Jews equally concerned about the resolution. We've not seen this kind of groundswell in Ontario in quite a while,he said, adding he doesn't believe the resolution represents the views of the CUPE rank and file.This has hit a raw nerve in people, that this kind of one-sided statement sounds like a propaganda piece from 20 years ago.An e-mail “action alert” by Congress called on Canadians to denounce the resolution to CUPE Ontario's leadership and it urged CUPE Ontario members to voice their disapproval of the resolution to their local union leaders.
The mailing questions why CUPE Ontario would pass a resolution after Israel withdrew from Gaza and parts of the West Bank and had announced it would continue to pull out of more territory.Why would CUPE Ontario call for a boycott that will punish Israelis just as these important steps are being taken?” the mailing asks.Ryan said CUPE Ontario plans to follow the resolution with an action plan that will include educating members about the situation, work with the Canadian Labour Congress to adopt a similar position, lobby against the “apartheid-like practices of the state of Israel,and examine appropriate areas of boycott and divestment of CUPE assets.Most major Muslim and Arab groups strongly endorsed the CUPE Ontario resolution, including the Canadian Islamic Congress, the Canadian Arab Federation, the Muslim Canadian Congress and the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations.
In other developments, the Institute for International Affairs of B'nai Brith Canada last week released a 10-point manifesto urging Canadians to sign a document denouncing CUPE Ontario's planned boycott and reaffirming support for Israel.B'nai Brith's Manifesto engages CUPE members who feel disenfranchised and betrayed by their union, community leaders and individual Canadians who are working together on this campaign,” said Frank Dimant, B'nai Brith Canada's executive vice-president. While the ultimate aim is the repeal of the boycott, we hope in the process to draw public attention to the inappropriate and misguided interference by the union, which is devoting time and resources to advance an anti-Israel agenda at the expense of concentrating on areas that should fall within its mandate.
EU urges action on regional trading blocks including the Pacific Papua New Guinea
The European Union has renewed calls to speed up the pace of regional integration in all parts of the developing world, including the Pacific.Speaking at a summit between Europe and the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific grouping of countries (ACP), the EU's top aid bureaucrat says most domestic markets of ACP members are too small to be attractive to investors. Radio Australia's James Panichi reports, the head of Europe's Development Directorate-General, Stefano Manservisi, says the creation of larger markets should be a priority for developing countries.
He was speaking at the opening of the summit in Papua New Guinea's capital Port Moresby.The European Union says it will continue to support initiatives such as the Pacific Plan, the Pacific's blueprint for regional integration. However little progress appears to have been made after the first day of meetings, with ACP ministers unable to broker a deal with the European Union on the issue of Economic Partnership Agreements. The agreements, which are scheduled to be implemented in 2008, would provide the frame work for future trade and aid between Europe and the regions which make up the ACP.
The European Union is concerned that a lack of progress in creating regional trading blocks could compromise the effectiveness of the agreements.
Hundreds evacuated from flood-hit Poland and Slovakia Sun Jun 4, 2:59 PM ET
WARSAW (AFP) - Hundreds of people were evacuated from areas of Poland and Slovakia as torrential rain caused flooding, local authorities said. Some 500 people were forced to leave their homes in the southeastern Polish town of Jaslo, mayor Andrzek Czarnecki said on Polish television station TVP.Several farms and thousands of hectares of agricultural land were flooded when rivers burst their banks.
A flood alert was announced in around 20 townships in the Nowy Sacz and Tarnow regions of southeastern Poland, but by Sunday the situation had eased, the local crisis centre said.The waters rose very fast, but they are also going down quickly. Some of the evacuated inhabitants will soon be able to go home,Polish news agency PAP quoted fire service chief Dariusz Hachaj as saying.Around 50 townships in eastern Slovakia were also affected.The situation was most worrying near the towns of Bardejov and Presov,the head of the Presov fire service Viliam Popadic told the media.
Update time = Wed Jun 7 4:18:47 UTC 2006
MAP 2.8 2006/06/07 04:07:46 63.173 -150.394 100.0 CENTRAL ALASKA
MAP 4.9 2006/06/07 02:26:03 -7.562 -73.676 190.9 PERU-BRAZIL BORDER REGION
MAP 2.8 2006/06/07 02:15:12 45.386 -112.590 7.4 WESTERN MONTANA
MAP 3.3 2006/06/07 02:01:52 39.039 -123.088 0.6 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
MAP 3.4 2006/06/07 01:49:36 51.873 -179.545 100.0 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALASKA MAP 2.9 2006/06/07 01:12:40 54.719 -165.731 200.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 2.6 2006/06/06 23:09:54 59.728 -153.329 160.0 SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 2.6 2006/06/06 22:48:55 54.146 -163.161 30.0 UNIMAK ISLAND ALASKA
MAP 2.6 2006/06/06 22:02:20 60.511 -148.904 15.0 KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA
MAP 2.7 2006/06/06 21:10:25 39.010 -122.906 3.8 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
MAP 4.9 2006/06/06 17:03:09 35.641 46.045 44.3 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
MAP 2.8 2006/06/06 16:25:49 52.111 -172.314 1.0 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 2.7 2006/06/06 15:40:10 60.388 -153.551 100.0 SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 2.6 2006/06/06 12:02:33 51.166 -173.413 80.0 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 3.4 2006/06/06 11:15:18 51.000 -179.159 1.0 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 3.2 2006/06/06 06:24:51 52.530 -167.790 30.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 4.6 2006/06/06 06:05:15 1.758 -90.788 19.6 GALAPAGOS ISLANDS REGION
MAP 4.5 2006/06/06 05:48:16 52.485 -170.731 15.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 3.0 2006/06/06 04:59:41 60.220 -152.819 50.0 SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 5.1 2006/06/06 04:34:28 15.252 -91.499 200.0 GUATEMALA
MAP 3.9 2006/06/06 03:33:31 63.672 -149.251 70.0 CENTRAL ALASKA
MAP 3.6 2006/06/06 01:13:54 55.329 -159.405 50.0 ALASKA PENINSULA
MAP 3.8 2006/06/06 00:03:53 58.806 -145.072 35.0 GULF OF ALASKA
Jewish CUPE members upset at union resolution By PAUL LUNGEN ,Staff Reporter
Four years ago at its regional convention, the Ontario wing of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) adopted a last minute, emergency resolution that critics argued was biased against Israel. Many of CUPE's Jewish members - including those employed by five Jewish agencies in the Toronto area - were incensed at the one-sided nature of the resolution, which in part claimed Israel “invaded” territories in 1967, ignoring the aggression of Israel's Arab neighbours. Around the same time, a CUPE official was seen carrying a CUPE flag at a rally protesting a speaking engagement of former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Carolyn Roberts, president of CUPE local 2137, which represents 170 workers at Jewish Vocational Services of Greater Toronto, recalls being “blindsided” by the 2002 vote, and she feels that with the recent resolution attacking Israel that was adopted two weeks ago at CUPE Ontario's regional convention, it's pretty much a case of déjà vu all over again. The resolution is part of an international effort to boycott Israeli products and divest assets from Israel. The resolution criticizes Israel for failing to recognize a Palestinian right to self-determination and slams Israel's “apartheid wall,” the barrier Israel is constructing to prevent terrorist attacks that originate in the West Bank.
Katharine Nastovski, chair of CUPE Ontario's international solidarity committee, said boycotts worked against South Africa and should be used to force Israel to permit “the right of[Palestinian] refugees to return to their homes and property.Roberts believes that leaving CUPE would be going too far, but she is upset that the regional wing of CUPE is making international statements, leaving people like her to field angry calls from members who want to know why their union is dabbling in Middle Eastern politics. Local 2137 is a member of CUPE National, not the Ontario division, but the union's members feel they have been implicated in the Ontario vote, she said. I'm embarrassed to have to speak to my members about this issue,” Roberts said. “I think it's embarrassing to CUPE National. Four years ago, many CUPE members expressed dissatisfaction with the vote, and it was made clear to CUPE Ontario president Sid Ryan that employees at the Toronto Jewish agencies were angry as well, Roberts said.
Given that CUPE touts solidarity among members as a key value and proclaims an injury to one is an injury to all, she wondered why CUPE Ontario is adopting resolutions that so many members find offensive.Lil Nobel, president of CUPE Local 2063, which represents workers from UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Canadian Jewish Congress and Jewish Immigrant Aid Services Toronto, said, “We are ashamed to be a members of this union. Despite what Mr.
Ryan says, the resolution is an affront to the Jewish people, because it singles out Israel among all the countries in the world.There are many urgent issues affecting workers in this province. Israel's policies are not one of them. We don't understand why this outrageous, unreasonable and unbalanced resolution is taking precedence.Local 2063 pulled out of CUPE Ontario following it's vote on Israel four years ago, joining CUPE National, Nobel added.CUPE National weighed into the fray with a news release stating it would not urge local unions to join a boycott of Israel.
CUPE National has a policy that was adopted at our 2003 national convention. That policy states that we, 'demand that the Israeli Government immediately withdraw from the occupied territories and abide by UN Resolution 242 and 338; call for and actively work towards an end to all acts of violence that take the lives of innocent people, whether they be Palestinian or Israeli; and, help develop a peace process based on equality between Israelis and Palestinians and based on the implementation of UN resolutions and international law.CUPE National concluded by suggesting, “Debates focused on the Middle East should respect the legitimate
aspirations of both the Palestinian and Israeli people.
Ryan told The CJN the resolution was not aimed at Jews but at the policies of Israel. It was adopted in a unanimous vote at the CUPE convention and was submitted in accordance to union protocols, leaving ample opportunity for opponents to raise their concerns. He defended the apartheid references, saying “it's clear to anybody with any degree of common sense that there are clear parallels with what is happening in Palestine to South Africa.Archbishop Desmond Tutu has said as much, he added.As to the issue of Palestinian self-determination, he dismissed suggestions Israeli leaders had already acknowledged that, saying I come out of Ireland and know about the right to self-determination. You can't have self-determination without a viable state.It's no different than Northern Ireland. You had acts of terrorism in Northern Ireland. Does that mean you put down the entire population because of the actions of a few?
When The CJN suggested to Ryan the separation barrier had led to a dramatic reduction in terrorist attacks, Ryan shot back, Maybe if the occupation wasn't taking place, the bombings wouldn't be taking place.Steven Shulman, director of Canadian Jewish Congress's Ontario region, said Congress and the Canada-Israel Committee had received numerous complaints about the CUPE resolution. Not only are many of CUPE's Jewish members upset, but many calls and e-mails are coming from non-Jews equally concerned about the resolution. We've not seen this kind of groundswell in Ontario in quite a while,he said, adding he doesn't believe the resolution represents the views of the CUPE rank and file.This has hit a raw nerve in people, that this kind of one-sided statement sounds like a propaganda piece from 20 years ago.An e-mail “action alert” by Congress called on Canadians to denounce the resolution to CUPE Ontario's leadership and it urged CUPE Ontario members to voice their disapproval of the resolution to their local union leaders.
The mailing questions why CUPE Ontario would pass a resolution after Israel withdrew from Gaza and parts of the West Bank and had announced it would continue to pull out of more territory.Why would CUPE Ontario call for a boycott that will punish Israelis just as these important steps are being taken?” the mailing asks.Ryan said CUPE Ontario plans to follow the resolution with an action plan that will include educating members about the situation, work with the Canadian Labour Congress to adopt a similar position, lobby against the “apartheid-like practices of the state of Israel,and examine appropriate areas of boycott and divestment of CUPE assets.Most major Muslim and Arab groups strongly endorsed the CUPE Ontario resolution, including the Canadian Islamic Congress, the Canadian Arab Federation, the Muslim Canadian Congress and the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations.
In other developments, the Institute for International Affairs of B'nai Brith Canada last week released a 10-point manifesto urging Canadians to sign a document denouncing CUPE Ontario's planned boycott and reaffirming support for Israel.B'nai Brith's Manifesto engages CUPE members who feel disenfranchised and betrayed by their union, community leaders and individual Canadians who are working together on this campaign,” said Frank Dimant, B'nai Brith Canada's executive vice-president. While the ultimate aim is the repeal of the boycott, we hope in the process to draw public attention to the inappropriate and misguided interference by the union, which is devoting time and resources to advance an anti-Israel agenda at the expense of concentrating on areas that should fall within its mandate.
EU urges action on regional trading blocks including the Pacific Papua New Guinea
The European Union has renewed calls to speed up the pace of regional integration in all parts of the developing world, including the Pacific.Speaking at a summit between Europe and the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific grouping of countries (ACP), the EU's top aid bureaucrat says most domestic markets of ACP members are too small to be attractive to investors. Radio Australia's James Panichi reports, the head of Europe's Development Directorate-General, Stefano Manservisi, says the creation of larger markets should be a priority for developing countries.
He was speaking at the opening of the summit in Papua New Guinea's capital Port Moresby.The European Union says it will continue to support initiatives such as the Pacific Plan, the Pacific's blueprint for regional integration. However little progress appears to have been made after the first day of meetings, with ACP ministers unable to broker a deal with the European Union on the issue of Economic Partnership Agreements. The agreements, which are scheduled to be implemented in 2008, would provide the frame work for future trade and aid between Europe and the regions which make up the ACP.
The European Union is concerned that a lack of progress in creating regional trading blocks could compromise the effectiveness of the agreements.
Hundreds evacuated from flood-hit Poland and Slovakia Sun Jun 4, 2:59 PM ET
WARSAW (AFP) - Hundreds of people were evacuated from areas of Poland and Slovakia as torrential rain caused flooding, local authorities said. Some 500 people were forced to leave their homes in the southeastern Polish town of Jaslo, mayor Andrzek Czarnecki said on Polish television station TVP.Several farms and thousands of hectares of agricultural land were flooded when rivers burst their banks.
A flood alert was announced in around 20 townships in the Nowy Sacz and Tarnow regions of southeastern Poland, but by Sunday the situation had eased, the local crisis centre said.The waters rose very fast, but they are also going down quickly. Some of the evacuated inhabitants will soon be able to go home,Polish news agency PAP quoted fire service chief Dariusz Hachaj as saying.Around 50 townships in eastern Slovakia were also affected.The situation was most worrying near the towns of Bardejov and Presov,the head of the Presov fire service Viliam Popadic told the media.
Update time = Wed Jun 7 4:18:47 UTC 2006
MAP 2.8 2006/06/07 04:07:46 63.173 -150.394 100.0 CENTRAL ALASKA
MAP 4.9 2006/06/07 02:26:03 -7.562 -73.676 190.9 PERU-BRAZIL BORDER REGION
MAP 2.8 2006/06/07 02:15:12 45.386 -112.590 7.4 WESTERN MONTANA
MAP 3.3 2006/06/07 02:01:52 39.039 -123.088 0.6 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
MAP 3.4 2006/06/07 01:49:36 51.873 -179.545 100.0 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALASKA MAP 2.9 2006/06/07 01:12:40 54.719 -165.731 200.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 2.6 2006/06/06 23:09:54 59.728 -153.329 160.0 SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 2.6 2006/06/06 22:48:55 54.146 -163.161 30.0 UNIMAK ISLAND ALASKA
MAP 2.6 2006/06/06 22:02:20 60.511 -148.904 15.0 KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA
MAP 2.7 2006/06/06 21:10:25 39.010 -122.906 3.8 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
MAP 4.9 2006/06/06 17:03:09 35.641 46.045 44.3 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
MAP 2.8 2006/06/06 16:25:49 52.111 -172.314 1.0 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 2.7 2006/06/06 15:40:10 60.388 -153.551 100.0 SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 2.6 2006/06/06 12:02:33 51.166 -173.413 80.0 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 3.4 2006/06/06 11:15:18 51.000 -179.159 1.0 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 3.2 2006/06/06 06:24:51 52.530 -167.790 30.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 4.6 2006/06/06 06:05:15 1.758 -90.788 19.6 GALAPAGOS ISLANDS REGION
MAP 4.5 2006/06/06 05:48:16 52.485 -170.731 15.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 3.0 2006/06/06 04:59:41 60.220 -152.819 50.0 SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 5.1 2006/06/06 04:34:28 15.252 -91.499 200.0 GUATEMALA
MAP 3.9 2006/06/06 03:33:31 63.672 -149.251 70.0 CENTRAL ALASKA
MAP 3.6 2006/06/06 01:13:54 55.329 -159.405 50.0 ALASKA PENINSULA
MAP 3.8 2006/06/06 00:03:53 58.806 -145.072 35.0 GULF OF ALASKA
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Why are the Mexicans Immigrants saying they want to rule America. Could it be because the Americans are involved in letting the Arabs try to rule the Israelis when GOD gave the land to Israel (Isaac) not the Arabs (Ishmael).
Like the Bible says who ever comes against GODS plan for Israel will be destroyed, and America is disobeying GODS command that Israel gets the land promised them by GOD.
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Any true christian will stand for Israel having the Land because GOD commands that Israel gets the Land. The Israelis and Arabs will live side by side in the future, but GOD says its Israels land. THAT MEANS ITS ISRAELS LAND. Lets look from John Hagees book JERUSALEM COUNTDOWN what Happens when you go against Israels plan by GOD.
There are biblical reasons why America and all Bible-believing Christians must stand with Israel and their claim to the land.
Israel belongs to GOD himself ! As creator of heaven and earth (GEN 1:1), GOD had the right to ownership to give the land to whomever He chose. GOD gave the title deed for the land of Israel to Abraham,Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants forever (GEN 15:18; 17:2-8). Ishmael, father of the Arabs, was excluded from the title deed to the land in Genesis 17:19-21. Therefore,
modern-day Palestinians have no biblical mandate to own the land.
The bounderies of the state of Israel are recorded in scripture. (see Numbers 34:2-15; Joshua 11:16-23; 13:11-22.) The bounderies are futhur described in Ezekiel 47:13-28 and all of chapter 48. Here is the Land Abraham, Isaac and Jacobs (Israels) decendants inherit forever.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.
When GOD established the nations of the world, He began with Israel. Israel is the center of the universe in the mind of GOD.(See Deutoronomy 32:8-10; Number 34:10-15; Joshua 11:16-22.)
Paul recorded in Romans 15:27, For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their ( the Jews ) spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in material things. Jesus Christ a prominent Rabbi from Nazareth, said Salvation is of the Jews (john 4:22). Consider what the
Jewish people have givin to Christianity;
- The Sacred scriptures
- The Prophets
- The Patriarchs
- Mary, Joseph and Jesus of Nazareth
- The twelve disciples
- The Apostles
It is not possible to say, I am a Christian, and not love the Jewish people. The Bible teaches love is not what you say, but love is what you do ( 1 John 3:18 ). Someone has said: A bell is not a bell till you ring it, A song is not a song untill you sing it. Love in your heart is not put there to stay, Love is not love till you give it away.
While some Christians try to deny the connection between Jesus of Nazareth and the Jews of the world, Jesus never denied his jewishness. He was born Jewish. He was circumcised on the eighth day in keeping with Jewish tradtion. He had his Bar Mitzvah on his thiteenth birthday. He kept the law of Moses. He wore the prayer shawl Moses commanded all Jewish men to wear. He died on the cross with an inscription over his head, King of the Jews. Jesus considered the Jewish people His family. Jesus said, verily i say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren (the Jewish people.........Gentiles were never called his brethren), ye have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40)
In Psalms 122:6, King David command all Christians, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you. The scriptural principle of personal prosperity is tied to blessing Israel and the city of Jerusalem. Why did Jesus Christ go to the house of Cornelius in capernaum and heal his servant who was ready to die? Jesus went because the gentile centurion desrved the blessing of God because he had demonstrated his love for the Jews by building a Synagogue in Israel (Luke 7:5). When you do things to bless the Jewish people and the state of Israel, God will bless you.
In Exodus 17, there's the story of the Amalekites, who attacked the children of Israel as they came up out of Egypt en route to the promised land. Because the Amalekites, who were descendants of Esau, whom God hated, attacked the Jewish people, God promised to be at war with Amalek from generation to generation.
EXODUS 17:14-16
14 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.
15 And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi:
16 For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.
Because Amalek attacked the Jewish people as they came up out of Egypt, God promised to be at war with him until He drove his remembrance from beneath the sun. That meant God intended to exterminate him and his people. Hundreds of years later, God was still at war with Amalek. God commanded King Saul to destroy the Amalekites utterly. We read:
1 SAMUEL 15:2-3
2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.
3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
In 1 Samuel 15:28 , because Saul refused to obey the Lord, God took the kingdom from him and gave it to another. The judgement on Saul was instantaneous, because he refused to carry out God's judgement against those who had attacked the Jewish people.
1 Samuel 15:28-29 Samuel says to Saul28 And Samuel said unto him, The LORD hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to a neighbour of thine, that is better than thou.29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.
There is a point here that can not be missed. Hundreds of years passed from the time of Moses to King Saul, but God did not change his mind about exterminating the Amalek's descendants to the last man, woman, infant and nursing child.
Another illustration of God judging the Gentiles who attacked the Jewish people was the Pharaoh that knew not Joseph. A third illustration of God destroying Gentiles who attacked the Jewish people is that of Haman. Haman was an Old Testament Hitler who planned the first final solution for all the Jews living in Persia. The story is vividly recorded in the pages of God's Word (see Esther).The end result was that Haman and his seven sons hung from the gallows they built to hang the Jews of Persia upon.
The judgement of God came to those who tried to bring destrution to the Jewish people. Exactly what Haman planned for the Jews happened to himself and his sons.
Where is the Roman Empire? Where are the Greeks? Where are the Babylonians? Where are the Turks? Where is the Ottman Empire? Where are Adolf Hitler and his goose-stepping Nazis?
They are all footnotes in the boneyard of human history, because they all made a common mistake. They Attacked the Jewish people, and God Almighty brought them to nothing.
So we see here GOD is in control of Everything to do with his people and land and all the Earth. If any one comes against Israel Sudden destruction will occur. STORMS, HURRICANES, TORNADOES, TSUNAMIS, EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOES, INCURABLE DISEASES, FEVER, BLINDNESS. ALL THESE AND MORE FOR PEOPLE OR COUNTRIES WHO COME AGAINST ISRAEL, TAKE THEIR LAND FROM THEM OR HURT THEM IN ANY WAY.
Yes im talking to C.U.P.E in canada. churches who boycott Israel. And companies who boycott or hurt Israel in any way.
Why are the Mexicans Immigrants saying they want to rule America. Could it be because the Americans are involved in letting the Arabs try to rule the Israelis when GOD gave the land to Israel (Isaac) not the Arabs (Ishmael).
Like the Bible says who ever comes against GODS plan for Israel will be destroyed, and America is disobeying GODS command that Israel gets the land promised them by GOD.
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Any true christian will stand for Israel having the Land because GOD commands that Israel gets the Land. The Israelis and Arabs will live side by side in the future, but GOD says its Israels land. THAT MEANS ITS ISRAELS LAND. Lets look from John Hagees book JERUSALEM COUNTDOWN what Happens when you go against Israels plan by GOD.
There are biblical reasons why America and all Bible-believing Christians must stand with Israel and their claim to the land.
Israel belongs to GOD himself ! As creator of heaven and earth (GEN 1:1), GOD had the right to ownership to give the land to whomever He chose. GOD gave the title deed for the land of Israel to Abraham,Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants forever (GEN 15:18; 17:2-8). Ishmael, father of the Arabs, was excluded from the title deed to the land in Genesis 17:19-21. Therefore,
modern-day Palestinians have no biblical mandate to own the land.
The bounderies of the state of Israel are recorded in scripture. (see Numbers 34:2-15; Joshua 11:16-23; 13:11-22.) The bounderies are futhur described in Ezekiel 47:13-28 and all of chapter 48. Here is the Land Abraham, Isaac and Jacobs (Israels) decendants inherit forever.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.
When GOD established the nations of the world, He began with Israel. Israel is the center of the universe in the mind of GOD.(See Deutoronomy 32:8-10; Number 34:10-15; Joshua 11:16-22.)
Paul recorded in Romans 15:27, For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their ( the Jews ) spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in material things. Jesus Christ a prominent Rabbi from Nazareth, said Salvation is of the Jews (john 4:22). Consider what the
Jewish people have givin to Christianity;
- The Sacred scriptures
- The Prophets
- The Patriarchs
- Mary, Joseph and Jesus of Nazareth
- The twelve disciples
- The Apostles
It is not possible to say, I am a Christian, and not love the Jewish people. The Bible teaches love is not what you say, but love is what you do ( 1 John 3:18 ). Someone has said: A bell is not a bell till you ring it, A song is not a song untill you sing it. Love in your heart is not put there to stay, Love is not love till you give it away.
While some Christians try to deny the connection between Jesus of Nazareth and the Jews of the world, Jesus never denied his jewishness. He was born Jewish. He was circumcised on the eighth day in keeping with Jewish tradtion. He had his Bar Mitzvah on his thiteenth birthday. He kept the law of Moses. He wore the prayer shawl Moses commanded all Jewish men to wear. He died on the cross with an inscription over his head, King of the Jews. Jesus considered the Jewish people His family. Jesus said, verily i say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren (the Jewish people.........Gentiles were never called his brethren), ye have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40)
In Psalms 122:6, King David command all Christians, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you. The scriptural principle of personal prosperity is tied to blessing Israel and the city of Jerusalem. Why did Jesus Christ go to the house of Cornelius in capernaum and heal his servant who was ready to die? Jesus went because the gentile centurion desrved the blessing of God because he had demonstrated his love for the Jews by building a Synagogue in Israel (Luke 7:5). When you do things to bless the Jewish people and the state of Israel, God will bless you.
In Exodus 17, there's the story of the Amalekites, who attacked the children of Israel as they came up out of Egypt en route to the promised land. Because the Amalekites, who were descendants of Esau, whom God hated, attacked the Jewish people, God promised to be at war with Amalek from generation to generation.
EXODUS 17:14-16
14 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.
15 And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi:
16 For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.
Because Amalek attacked the Jewish people as they came up out of Egypt, God promised to be at war with him until He drove his remembrance from beneath the sun. That meant God intended to exterminate him and his people. Hundreds of years later, God was still at war with Amalek. God commanded King Saul to destroy the Amalekites utterly. We read:
1 SAMUEL 15:2-3
2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.
3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
In 1 Samuel 15:28 , because Saul refused to obey the Lord, God took the kingdom from him and gave it to another. The judgement on Saul was instantaneous, because he refused to carry out God's judgement against those who had attacked the Jewish people.
1 Samuel 15:28-29 Samuel says to Saul28 And Samuel said unto him, The LORD hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to a neighbour of thine, that is better than thou.29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.
There is a point here that can not be missed. Hundreds of years passed from the time of Moses to King Saul, but God did not change his mind about exterminating the Amalek's descendants to the last man, woman, infant and nursing child.
Another illustration of God judging the Gentiles who attacked the Jewish people was the Pharaoh that knew not Joseph. A third illustration of God destroying Gentiles who attacked the Jewish people is that of Haman. Haman was an Old Testament Hitler who planned the first final solution for all the Jews living in Persia. The story is vividly recorded in the pages of God's Word (see Esther).The end result was that Haman and his seven sons hung from the gallows they built to hang the Jews of Persia upon.
The judgement of God came to those who tried to bring destrution to the Jewish people. Exactly what Haman planned for the Jews happened to himself and his sons.
Where is the Roman Empire? Where are the Greeks? Where are the Babylonians? Where are the Turks? Where is the Ottman Empire? Where are Adolf Hitler and his goose-stepping Nazis?
They are all footnotes in the boneyard of human history, because they all made a common mistake. They Attacked the Jewish people, and God Almighty brought them to nothing.
So we see here GOD is in control of Everything to do with his people and land and all the Earth. If any one comes against Israel Sudden destruction will occur. STORMS, HURRICANES, TORNADOES, TSUNAMIS, EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOES, INCURABLE DISEASES, FEVER, BLINDNESS. ALL THESE AND MORE FOR PEOPLE OR COUNTRIES WHO COME AGAINST ISRAEL, TAKE THEIR LAND FROM THEM OR HURT THEM IN ANY WAY.
Yes im talking to C.U.P.E in canada. churches who boycott Israel. And companies who boycott or hurt Israel in any way.
1-Israel Successful airstrikes. 2-6-6-6 is our number really up.
I wish we as Christians would be raptured to heaven today on June 6, 2006. At least the date brings talk about the Book of Revelation since not to many Churches teach prophesy.
The 666 Mark in the future will be a microchip implanted under the skin of everyone on earth, demanded by a future EU world Politician. If you refuse to get this implant that pledges your allegence to him you will be beheaded. Thats the true 666 MARK.
Israel Sucessful in Air-Striking Wanted TerroristBy Hillel Fendel (Arutz-7)
An Israel Air Force strike killed a wanted terrorist of the Hamas-affiliated Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza on Monday. IAF missiles were fired at a car carrying terrorists in the Jebalya refugee slum neighborhood in northern Gaza. Terrorist-attack planner Imad Asalia was killed and four others were wounded, including one in serious condition.Asalia had been involved in firing Kassam rockets at Israel, as well as in two failed bombing attempts at the Karni crossing. One of them, six months ago, was thwarted when IDF forces fired on a vehicle loaded with explosives as it approached the crossing.
In other war news: An IDF soldier was stabbed Monday afternoon by a Palestinian terrorist at the Machpelah Cave. The soldier, wounded in his hand, was treated at the site... An Israeli man was lightly wounded Monday night when rocks were thrown at his car south of Bethlehem;
the car was heavily damaged... Nearby, south of Hevron, terrorists attempted to run down soldiers at an army checkpoint; the soldiers opened fire, wounding two. The terrorists were taken for treatment and interrogation... Soldiers were also attacked with gunfire near Ramallah and Shechem over night; no one was hurt... IDF forces arrested 12 terrorists wanted for either arrest or questioning over the night.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
6-6-6: Is our number really up?
Tuesday, June 6, 2006 Posted: 1023 GMT (1823 HKT)
NEW YORK (AP) -- Is Tuesday's date -- 6-6-6 -- merely a curious number or could it mean our number is up? There's a devilishly odd nexus of theology, mathematics and commercialism on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year. It may be just the sixth year of this millennium, but insisting on calling it 2006 takes the devil-may-care fun out of calendar-gazing.Something about the number 666 brings out the worry, the hope and even the humor in people, said the Rev. Felix Just, a professor of theology at the University of San Francisco. A Jesuit priest, Just has taught both apocalyptic theory and mathematics and maintains a
666-Numbers of the Beast Web site that contains history, theology, math and precisely 66 one-line jokes about 666.
You can even make sport of it, betting online whether the apocalypse will happen on that date. The good news is that one online oddsmaker has made the world a 100,000-to-1 favorite to survive Tuesday -- something that Just said is supported by theology.Many people avoid the number; they're afraid of it almost and there's absolutely no reason to be afraid of it,Just said. It is not a prediction of future events. It is not supposed to be taken as a timetable for when the world is going to end.It all started with Revelation 13:18 in the Bible: "This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.The beast is also known as the Antichrist, according to some apocalyptic theories.
Many scholars, such as Just, say the beast is really a coded reference -- using Hebrew letters for numbers -- for the despotic Roman emperor Nero and 616 appears instead of 666 in some ancient manuscripts. The Book of Revelation isn't prophesying a specific end of times but is about the overall cosmic struggle of good versus evil, Just said. But for some more apocalyptic
theologians, the end of times is coming, even if not specifically on Tuesday. The evangelical Web site puts its rapture index at 156, calling that "fasten your seatbelts time.
It's not the date June 6 that's worrisome, but the signs in our society of the approach of the 666 antichrist, said the Rev. Tim LaHaye, founder of a self-named ministry and co-author of the best-selling Left Behind" series of apocalyptic novels. And even though LaHaye said Tuesday isn't the date of the apocalypse, his Left Behind Web site promotes his new book The Rapture with an ominous 06.06.06 Will You Be Ready. I don't think that people understand that 666 is not a good time, LaHaye said. He said he sees signs of an upcoming tribulation period" that leads to the Antichrist's arrival in a movement toward one-world government, a single economic system and single religion.
Apocalyptic culture and theology, especially those surrounding 666, is especially appealing for people in an underdog situation, said Just (pronounced Yoost). So people have looked for -- and found -- 666 in all sorts of places. Believers in the number's power have used biblical letter-numeric code to convert the names of countless political leaders, including many popes, to
come out 666, marking them as that generation's Antichrist. That includes Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.
It's a number that the Reagans didn't want as an address when they moved out of the White House in 1989 to the Los Angeles neighborhood of Bel-Air. So they changed their address from 666 St. Cloud Road to 668. In 1980, a TV host and others rigged the number 666 to come up in a Pennsylvania lottery drawing. It's a number that is part of every UPC barcode on groceries (a
coincidence according to the code's inventor). With biblical coding, 666 also is the number for the WWW of the World Wide Web.
The math of 666 is also open to biblical interpretation and manipulation. Just points out that 666 is the sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel. Other oddities include variations on pi and products of prime number multiplication. There's also something special about the number 6, which in the Bible stands for man, said Brian C. Jones, a religion professor at Wartburg College in Iowa.People need to lighten up about this,Jones said. He noted that Tuesday has a more neutral reputation than other days, like dreaded Monday or bad-luck Friday the 13th.
But this Tuesday is a day to cash in on the number associated with the apocalypse. It will mark the debut for a remake of the classic 1970s horror film "The Omen," the publication of LaHaye's new "Left Behind" book, and an Ann Coulter polemic called Godless: The Church of Liberalism. And for truly cashing in, there's the nonsectarian online sports book,, which gives
Earth a better than sporting chance. At 100,000-to-1 odds, if you bet the maximum $500 that the world will survive and it does, you win half a penny. If you bet $100 that the apocalypse happens and it does, you can earn a cool $10 million, but you might have a devil of a time collecting it. People are betting both ways, company spokesman Mike Foreman said.
Commercialism based on numbers and fear bothers American University astronomer Richard Berendzen.What it really does is use some coincidence of some numbers for commercial gain,he said. It's superstition and money when it comes down to it. And that's about as satanic as you can get. Still scared about the date 666? Jack Horkheimer of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium has a piece of advice: "If it really spooks you, you can stand on your head and it'll be 999.
I wish we as Christians would be raptured to heaven today on June 6, 2006. At least the date brings talk about the Book of Revelation since not to many Churches teach prophesy.
The 666 Mark in the future will be a microchip implanted under the skin of everyone on earth, demanded by a future EU world Politician. If you refuse to get this implant that pledges your allegence to him you will be beheaded. Thats the true 666 MARK.
Israel Sucessful in Air-Striking Wanted TerroristBy Hillel Fendel (Arutz-7)
An Israel Air Force strike killed a wanted terrorist of the Hamas-affiliated Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza on Monday. IAF missiles were fired at a car carrying terrorists in the Jebalya refugee slum neighborhood in northern Gaza. Terrorist-attack planner Imad Asalia was killed and four others were wounded, including one in serious condition.Asalia had been involved in firing Kassam rockets at Israel, as well as in two failed bombing attempts at the Karni crossing. One of them, six months ago, was thwarted when IDF forces fired on a vehicle loaded with explosives as it approached the crossing.
In other war news: An IDF soldier was stabbed Monday afternoon by a Palestinian terrorist at the Machpelah Cave. The soldier, wounded in his hand, was treated at the site... An Israeli man was lightly wounded Monday night when rocks were thrown at his car south of Bethlehem;
the car was heavily damaged... Nearby, south of Hevron, terrorists attempted to run down soldiers at an army checkpoint; the soldiers opened fire, wounding two. The terrorists were taken for treatment and interrogation... Soldiers were also attacked with gunfire near Ramallah and Shechem over night; no one was hurt... IDF forces arrested 12 terrorists wanted for either arrest or questioning over the night.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
6-6-6: Is our number really up?
Tuesday, June 6, 2006 Posted: 1023 GMT (1823 HKT)
NEW YORK (AP) -- Is Tuesday's date -- 6-6-6 -- merely a curious number or could it mean our number is up? There's a devilishly odd nexus of theology, mathematics and commercialism on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year. It may be just the sixth year of this millennium, but insisting on calling it 2006 takes the devil-may-care fun out of calendar-gazing.Something about the number 666 brings out the worry, the hope and even the humor in people, said the Rev. Felix Just, a professor of theology at the University of San Francisco. A Jesuit priest, Just has taught both apocalyptic theory and mathematics and maintains a
666-Numbers of the Beast Web site that contains history, theology, math and precisely 66 one-line jokes about 666.
You can even make sport of it, betting online whether the apocalypse will happen on that date. The good news is that one online oddsmaker has made the world a 100,000-to-1 favorite to survive Tuesday -- something that Just said is supported by theology.Many people avoid the number; they're afraid of it almost and there's absolutely no reason to be afraid of it,Just said. It is not a prediction of future events. It is not supposed to be taken as a timetable for when the world is going to end.It all started with Revelation 13:18 in the Bible: "This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.The beast is also known as the Antichrist, according to some apocalyptic theories.
Many scholars, such as Just, say the beast is really a coded reference -- using Hebrew letters for numbers -- for the despotic Roman emperor Nero and 616 appears instead of 666 in some ancient manuscripts. The Book of Revelation isn't prophesying a specific end of times but is about the overall cosmic struggle of good versus evil, Just said. But for some more apocalyptic
theologians, the end of times is coming, even if not specifically on Tuesday. The evangelical Web site puts its rapture index at 156, calling that "fasten your seatbelts time.
It's not the date June 6 that's worrisome, but the signs in our society of the approach of the 666 antichrist, said the Rev. Tim LaHaye, founder of a self-named ministry and co-author of the best-selling Left Behind" series of apocalyptic novels. And even though LaHaye said Tuesday isn't the date of the apocalypse, his Left Behind Web site promotes his new book The Rapture with an ominous 06.06.06 Will You Be Ready. I don't think that people understand that 666 is not a good time, LaHaye said. He said he sees signs of an upcoming tribulation period" that leads to the Antichrist's arrival in a movement toward one-world government, a single economic system and single religion.
Apocalyptic culture and theology, especially those surrounding 666, is especially appealing for people in an underdog situation, said Just (pronounced Yoost). So people have looked for -- and found -- 666 in all sorts of places. Believers in the number's power have used biblical letter-numeric code to convert the names of countless political leaders, including many popes, to
come out 666, marking them as that generation's Antichrist. That includes Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.
It's a number that the Reagans didn't want as an address when they moved out of the White House in 1989 to the Los Angeles neighborhood of Bel-Air. So they changed their address from 666 St. Cloud Road to 668. In 1980, a TV host and others rigged the number 666 to come up in a Pennsylvania lottery drawing. It's a number that is part of every UPC barcode on groceries (a
coincidence according to the code's inventor). With biblical coding, 666 also is the number for the WWW of the World Wide Web.
The math of 666 is also open to biblical interpretation and manipulation. Just points out that 666 is the sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel. Other oddities include variations on pi and products of prime number multiplication. There's also something special about the number 6, which in the Bible stands for man, said Brian C. Jones, a religion professor at Wartburg College in Iowa.People need to lighten up about this,Jones said. He noted that Tuesday has a more neutral reputation than other days, like dreaded Monday or bad-luck Friday the 13th.
But this Tuesday is a day to cash in on the number associated with the apocalypse. It will mark the debut for a remake of the classic 1970s horror film "The Omen," the publication of LaHaye's new "Left Behind" book, and an Ann Coulter polemic called Godless: The Church of Liberalism. And for truly cashing in, there's the nonsectarian online sports book,, which gives
Earth a better than sporting chance. At 100,000-to-1 odds, if you bet the maximum $500 that the world will survive and it does, you win half a penny. If you bet $100 that the apocalypse happens and it does, you can earn a cool $10 million, but you might have a devil of a time collecting it. People are betting both ways, company spokesman Mike Foreman said.
Commercialism based on numbers and fear bothers American University astronomer Richard Berendzen.What it really does is use some coincidence of some numbers for commercial gain,he said. It's superstition and money when it comes down to it. And that's about as satanic as you can get. Still scared about the date 666? Jack Horkheimer of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium has a piece of advice: "If it really spooks you, you can stand on your head and it'll be 999.
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