Saturday, March 06, 2010






Unmitigated failure behind a vain mirage of gold-foil triumph-Obama Believed He’d Reign Like Julius Caesar, But Will He End as Nero? By Kelly O'Connell Sunday, February 28, 2010

Like a troop of soap opera actors convinced they are perennially on the verge of real stardom, modern leftists seem persuaded liberalism lacks only an unblocked opportunity to show the world it is an unrivaled theory of sheer genius. Yet conservatives argue it has been the very lack of a chance to fully implement pure liberalism – until now – that gave liberals their cover, helping obscure certain, unmitigated failure behind a vain mirage of gold-foil triumph. Obama’s critics claim no politician has ever summed up better than Barack this gulf between the empty reality of full-blown, late-term liberalism and the promised fool’s-gold socialist mirage. His campaign promises were so large when he ran for office, but his follow through so paltry, that if he’d come from Texas, he’d simply be known as Barack Big Hat, No Cattle Obama.Bisecting Roman history as a colossus, Julius Caesar inspired men to achieve great deeds during war and peacetime, during the height of the Republic. Yet, ironically, Julius employed all his leadership genius to actually subvert the government in order to create an empire ideally run by one man – himself. While he died before achieving a kingdom, he left plans behind that laid the foundation to create the Roman Empire, used by his adopted nephew Octavian, aka Augustus. President Obama seems he might have fancied himself a new Julius Caesar when starting his first term, but his current trajectory comports better with the addled Nero, who also began auspiciously. Yet, the latter’s infamous reign was terminated by a perverse comedy of errors befitting a powerfully misguided clown.

Julius Caesar
Born in 100 BC, in Rome’s Subura district, Gaius Julius Caesar came from a moderately successful family. His stunning array of unparalleled political powers was directed by his towering ambitions, all which he nearly achieved. According to Michael Grant, in Julius Caesar,He was an astute politician, a masterly propagandist and showman, a clever and affective administrator, and exceptionally gifted writer, a man of great and wide learning and taste, and a military genius who moved with terrifying speed and exercised magnetic authority over his troops.Grant adds,He possessed extraordinary personal charm, and was so successful with women his ancient biographers often attributed to him the morals of the farmyard. Many historians rate Julius the greatest and most gifted leader in history.Beyond raw talent, Julius had the discipline to guide himself unerringly towards goals, and the great good fortune of living when such a man could flower into his prime. He matured during the brutal reign of Sulla, whose pro-senatorial leadership produced more terror than any in memory. Caesar, along with famous fellow general Pompey and the millionaire Crassus assembled an informal First Triumvirate to resist Sulla, according to Michael Grant’s The Twelve Caesar’s. Meanwhile, Julius also often led troops in his far-flung military campaigns. His famous war against the barbarian Gauls, lasting a decade, resulted in the conquering of large territories, the enslavement of a million souls, and deaths of a million more. Caesar brought huge troves of booty back to Rome, as well, adding great wealth to his increasing fame.

In evaluating Julius Caesar, one is confronted with an extraordinary level of experience and success. These include ascending to the top Roman civil post of Consul, in 59 BC. He was also elected Chief Priest, ie Pontifex Maximus, in 63 BC, the position in charge of the priestly college. Between 58-51 BC, he conquered central and northern Gaul to the Rhine, breaking the Gauls forever. He also he penned his lively history of the Gallic War, immortalizing the conflict. After this, Caesar battled and badly outmaneuvered the previously untarnished Pompey in the Civil War of 49 BC. During the same period, Julius also fought King Pharnaces in Asia Minor, claiming later to the Senate, Veni, Vidi, Vici,—I came, I saw, I conquered.He then set sail to Spain where he defeated the last vestiges of Pompey’s army, returning to Rome for a hero’s welcome.But Caesar did make a crucial mistake, allowing himself to be appointed dictator in 49 BC, after being elected to consul five terms. According to Chester G. Starr, in Civilization and the Caesars, Julius inherited a Republic stressed and falling apart for various reasons, including its giant size, lack of political power of the poor, a vacuum of enlightened leadership, and an increasingly foreign populace. The upper classes were afraid total chaos would erupt, and welcomed Caesar’s mastery of the leadership arts. He took perverse advantage of this to push for a short-lived tyranny. Previously, the head of Rome was always a co-consul, lasting only a year, to avoid despotism. So when Caesar grabbed total power, shock waves rippled through the Republic, and many fine patriots died in the struggle against tyranny—such as Cicero, who was murdered in the resistance, and Cato the Younger, who simply committed suicide rather than accept the loss of freedom. Caesar refused to believe the Roman people were not ready to return to a kingdom.So, in fighting Sulla’s brutal tyranny, Caesar ended up creating a bigger despotism in order to cure the first. In war, Julius used propaganda and rumormongering to help terrify his foes, being a master of the art. Naturally, in his home rule, he also used psychological props and tricks to win over the people. Starr writes,To the masses he made practical promises of money, peace and security; to the nobles he proceeded on a different plane, as a craftsman of both the spoken and written word.So Caesar bribed the commoners, and seduced the upper classes with speeches and pamphlets, appealing to their values. But, Julius had taken a Republic and turned it into a dictatorship. This fact caused him to be struck down by Brutus and friends, in 44 BC.

Nero was born Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus at Antium on December 15, 37 AD, the last male descendant of Emperor Octavian Caesar Augustus, and he reigned from 54 to 68 AD. He was the stepson of Emperor Claudius. Nero is identified more than any other emperor with crazy antics and bad leadership, but was actually a beloved young ruler nearly as popular as modern Elvis, and even referred to as the Babe. Nero began his reign at 17, too young to legally sit on the throne so his mother Agrippina guided his first few years of rule. But she was so aggressive and ambitious that the court, the upper class, and Nero himself, came to despise her. He eventually decided to kill his mom by sending her out in a collapseable boat, but when the vessel fell to pieces, she simply swam to shore. Nero then sent two naval officers to cut stab her in her own bed, according to Grant’s Twelve Caesars.Nero was advised by famed Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca, and started off as a fairly attentive and typical Emperor. But as time passed he became increasingly bored by the hard work of running an empire. His real love was theater, chariot racing, acting, and singing. He also took to wearing Greek clothing, and was the greatest grecophile in Rome’s history. He affected a charioteer’s hairdo, and wore increasingly outlandish outfits, often donning a very short toga with a floral print. After his mother’s death, he devoted himself to learning how to sing and act. He was a fop and a ham. Nero decided that composing and performing the Arts were what he was born to do, and he spent much of the second half of his reign in the conquered territory of Greece on stage – where he performed, when he wasn’t racing chariots. Nero was famed for being a persistent ravager of both sexes and all ages, and devoted much time to debauchery, and regular feasts of wine and much gluttony, states Grant in Twelve Caesars.

Nero is most famous for the great fire which burned much of Rome during his tenure. There seems to be no proof he set the fire himself, but the fact he cleared the land to build his massive home, the Golden House, caused the people great anger and suspicion. It’s indisputable he did blame the Christians for starting the blaze, badly persecuting them. Nero’s policies were increasingly impulsive and sentimental. For example, he once tried to cancel indirect taxes for the entire Empire, which would have left direct taxation or war booty as the only means of raising funds. He later became so attached to Greece that he ostentatiously announced he was canceling taxation for the entire province, according to Grant’s Twelve Caesars.Nero’s reign became increasingly dilatory, as he spent greater amounts of time in Greece, performing his shows. During his last run he garnered over 1,800 trophies. His naturally suspicious and fearful nature was soothed by the constant encomiums delivered by the Greeks. But back in Rome were launched relentless purges against Nero’s political enemies, which badly weakened the Empire, but which only seemed to egg on future conspirators. The army stayed largely loyal to him, despite his finally sending orders for some of his best generals to commit suicide. But his other generals finally turned against him. An order was issued that the Emperor himself was an enemy of the state and must be hunted down and flogged to death by rods, as was the ancient punishment for this crime. Nero committed suicide before soldiers came to strike him down, writes Grant in Twelve Caesars.

Comparisons to Barack Obama
One can see elements of both Caesar and Nero in Obama’s actions and character. To begin, Obama had all the ambition of Caesar to remake the US Republic, but only the love of performing of a Nero at his disposal to achieve the feat. Like Nero, Obama loves the stage, but conversely, he appears to have few of Caesar’s wide array of gifts – or more importantly, his great vision or common sense. Yet it does appear Barack badly misread his times, just as Caesar did, which badly affected both men’s popularity.

Obama Compared to Caesar
Caesar, like Obama, had an impressive list of goals he planned to work on. According to Grant’s Julius Caesar,these included trying to allow the poor to relocate to foreign colonies where they might find land. He limited the free corn dole to the truly needy, which he was able to do by cutting the rolls from 320,00 to 150,00. He was planning to codify all Roman civil law, which was first done 600 years later. He also planned to reform the bankruptcy laws, and was also trying to cut down on the percentage of slave laborers allowed on farms. He wanted to drain the Fucine lake to increase arable land, and form a new waterway for Rome. He was also working on breaking down barriers between provincials and Italians by offering citizenship to scholars and doctors.Obama’s list of programs and proposals tends to be much more doctrinaire and theoretical than Caesar’s, who specialized in practical answers to current problems. But it helped that Caesar did not have to genuflect towards any theory, such as any leftist ideas, in building his policies. Obama focuses upon the classic goals of socialism such that any politician of the appropriate leftward slant could fill in the same blanks with carbon copies of the same programs. For example, a Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson, or Ted Kennedy would have offered the same exact ideas as Barack, without skipping a beat. Such proposals as giant deficit spending bills, government Obamacare health reform, state investment in private business, increased federal employment, jobs bills, reductions in foreign military investments, increases in taxing the wealthy, Global Warming fighting measures, and cap’n trade, etc. Certainly, these programs represent the old battle-cries of the benighted leftist ringing down from the past decades and centuries.Yet, it’s inconceivable a highly successful leader like Julius Caesar would take seriously such an embarrassing bunch of already tested and failed programs. Given Caesar’s logical powers and genius, it’s certain he would quickly see through the flaws of socialism and utterly oppose Obama’s entire theory of legislation, despite not having lived long enough to read Karl Marx. He would quickly intuit Marxism refuses to accept human nature, etc.In fact, Caesar fought against the socialism of his day, by cutting back on welfare, and by offering to send the poor to colonies where they’d be more productive. He also wanted to reserve Roman citizenship to offer to truly valuable non-Romans. He too believed in gaining peace through armed strength and war, not a truce achieved through a show of belly-barring capitulation. Further, Julius did not portray himself as above and beyond Rome itself, and nor did he excoriate the Roman way of life, war, or its economy to other countries. Yet he did think for himself, outside of the box, beholden to none in trying to solve Rome’s problems.

Personality and Character
In terms of character, Caesar was known for his extraordinary charm which he could apparently turn on at will. Obama has this, but often appears aloof, whereas as Julius was known for being down-to-earth. Julius was also famed for great rapidity and speed in everything he did, whether mental or physical. But Obama took almost half a year to decide on how many troops Afghanistan needed. Caesar was a great horseman and swordsman and he led his army from the front, often on foot. He was absolutely fearless. Obama has never been in the military, and is not known for bravery.Both men gained fame as speakers, but Obama seems terrible without a speech written by others, delivered by a teleprompter, whereas Caesar penned his own speeches and recited these from memory. Caesar was a great leader of men, both by example and by word. Obama doesn’t seem to have the gift of leadership, despite being a riveting speaker. Further, there is credible evidence Obama had a ghostwriter for his autobiographies, whereas historians don’t dispute Caesar wrote his own masterpiece – the Gallic Campaigns. And, by the way—can one imagine Julius Caesar bowing to a barbarian king, for example?!!Most of all, Caesar exemplified success at every level, except when his ambitions finally outstripped his opportunity. Obama represents an unending roll call of failed legislation, and non-performing programs. He seems not even to understand how to help create legislation, or how one presents ideas in such a way that others find them compelling. This undoubtedly has much to do with the fact he appears to have spent much of his life in opposition as a critic. His never having headed any organization appears a colossal hurdle that Obama cannot overcome. Contra, Caesar led both military and civilian groups, and was a master at persuading others to support his plans. Yet, both men have encountered the same response from their people – that too much statism is unacceptable.

Obama Compared to Nero
Nero’s policies were initially influenced by a naïve desire to help others, such as by canceling all taxes. Later, he virtually gave up ruling Rome to go and play in Greece. Certainly, Obama seems more grounded than Nero, but his policies may turn out to be just as damaging. For example, massive deficit spending bills will achieve the same effect as canceling all taxes, when one considers the impact of the reckless printing of fiat money, which has nothing backing it up. Both will make insolvent the government. Further, Nero’s decision to rule Greece a tax free zone makes about as much fiscal sense as Obamacare, with both being launched as a personal crusade, and to cost their governments huge amounts, but the results being a general debasing of the economy. Further, Obama’s habit of allowing others to craft his legislation is similar to Nero relocating to Athens instead of staying home to run the country.

Personality and Character
Nero goes down as one of the truly horrendous emperors. But does Obama also rate as one of the worst presidents? Both men share a fixation on superficial oral presentations while leaving the heavy lifting of leadership to others. Both were initially regarded highly until their ruling style became well-known as haphazard, reckless and irresponsible. Each man seems to lack any native ability to lead, or inspire the confidence of those who initially oppose them. Further, both blame their mistakes on others. And each seems committed to a cause beyond the borders of their land – Nero to stage productions in Greece, and Obama to a totally foreign concept of economics, values and leadership.

Obama did seem to start his presidency with the same goal as Julius Caesar – to take a functioning democratic republic and move it closer towards statist, one-man rule. In both cases, the people arose to criticize the attempt. Now, it remains to be seen if Obama’s first try will be his last. Since Barack keeps pushing Obamacare, it seems he will continue to try to force the issue over the next three years. Will America become the next Roman Empire run by selfish demagogues?

Nero ruled as an increasingly infantile figure, completely fixated on being on stage. In fact, when he discovered he was named an enemy of the state, he gasped, qualis artifex pereo, or—What a loss I shall be to the arts! One wonders if Barack Obama will ever see fit to rise above his own slogans and simplistic, boastful rhetoric to truly embrace the whole job of being Commander in Chief? This position includes not just reading speeches, but researching important topics at length, and thinking deeply about these, as well. Barack must come to his own positions, based upon genuine knowledge, deduction and common sense – not just political ideology.If he can’t do this bare minimum, then certainly Barack is destined to follow in the steps of Nero – a failed and even laughable caricature of a leader, content to spend his days reciting others’ words, without understanding them, but reading them like a soap opera star from a cold teleprompter to people he will never know, nor apparently ever care to.

Obama advancing Islamic Sharia law, prohibiting criticism of Islam
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director

22 February 2010: Barack Hussein Obama, catering to both Muslim and globalist agendas, is exposing his preference to Islamic and globalist agendas and placing yet another nail in America’s coffin by appointing Rashad HUSSAIN as special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. To understand the extreme significance of this appointment, it is vital for Americans to understand the composition and objectives of the OIC, its global influence and potential impact on the U.S., and also be fully aware of the background of Rashad HUSSAIN.The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is the world’s largest Islamic entity with a membership of 57 Muslim nations and a permanent delegation to the United Nations. Aside from the United Nations, it is the largest international entity of any type. It was formed on September 25, 1969 by the Islamic heads of state in Rabat, Morocco as an affront to Israel, with its primary objective to regain complete Muslim control and Islamic religious dominance over Jerusalem. It is now based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Top PLO terrorist leader and Muslim Brotherhood descendent Yasser Arafat was given the honorary position of permanent deputy chairman of the OIC in the years following its establishment. Unsurprisingly, the symbol of the OIC is a flag with a green background and an upward facing red crescent within a white circle. Above the crescent are the words Allahu Akbar written in Arabic script.

Since its establishment, the OIC has been THE primary organization pushing for the global criminalization of any criticism of Islam, Muslims, Islamic Sharia law, and all cultural and religious aspects of Islam. An early adherent to the use of the term Islamophobia, the OIC urged the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) in 2005 to pass a resolution titled Combating Defamation of Religions,a relatively benign sounding objective until closer inspection of the resolution found that it applied only to criticism of Islam. The Combating Defamation of Religions resolution was formally passed on March 30, 2007 by a vote of 24 to 14.The OIC is engaged in an aggressive campaign to intimidate Western governments, including the U.S., into adopting hate speech laws that will effectively prohibit any form of criticism of Islam, including violent acts of Islamic jihad. Its march toward criminalizing any negative speech against Islam is rapidly progressing. In 2008, the OIC issued a 58-page report citing numerous allegations of Islamophobia, even identifying the state of Florida’s Attorney General’s decision to show the movie Obsession to his staff, a documentary that warned about the actions and objectives of radical Islam,as an example of hate speech and Islamophobia. This comes from the same entity that, in early May 2002, during at a meeting of religious affairs ministers of the OIC in Kuala Lampur, a Saudi representative continud to justify suicide bombings. Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Islamic Affairs, Sheikh Saleh Al al-Sheikh reportedly stated that suicide bombing are permitted and the (Islamic) victims are considered to have dies a martyr’s death. Their global influence is growing rapidly.For almost 30 years, the U.S. never appointed any envoy to the OIC. That all changed just a mere seven years after the Islamic terrorist attack on 9/11, however, former President George Bush appointed Pakistani native and Austin, Texas businessman Sada Cumber as the first US envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference on March 3, 2008. Bush stated that the core of his mission is to explain to the Islamic world that America is a friend, is a friend of freedom, is a friend of peace, that we value religion.Now, Obama is appointing a new envoy – Rashad HUSSAIN, his associate deputy counsel to that position. Who is Rashad HUSSAIN? HUSSAIN was a Yale Law School student and from 2003-2005, an editor of the Yale Law Journal. He eventually served as a Department of Justice trial attorney and in January 2009 was appointed White House deputy associate counsel.

At a MSA conference in Chicago on September 5, 2004 HUSSAIN was quoted as saying that the case against Sami al Arian, a University of South Florida professor, North American head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, former chairman of the Islamic Academy of Florida, and the recipient of a 50-count indictment by a federal grand jury in February 2003, was politically motivated. Al Arian was also involved in the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (AADC), the American Muslim Council (AMC), the American Muslim Alliance, and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).According to investigative documents, al Arian had connections to the blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, mastermind of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and to Hamas official Mohammed Sakr and other high ranking terrorists, including Sudanese terrorist Hassan Turbai and Islamic Jihad co-founder Abdel Aziz-Odeh.HUSSAIN reportedly stated that the prosecution of al Arian was being used to squash dissent. HUSSAIN was also quoted telling a Muslim students’ event in Chicago that if U.S. Muslims did not speak out against the injustices taking place in America, then everyone’s rights would be in jeopardy.In 2006, al Arian entered into a plea agreement to plead guilty to conspiracy to help a specially designated terrorist organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and was sentenced to serve 57 months in prison with credit to time served and face deportation. In March 2008, the U.S. Department of Justice subpoenaed Al-Arian to testify before another grand jury. He refused to do so and was cited for contempt in June of that year. He is presently under house arrest and awaits trial on contempt charges.After being selected as special envoy to the OIC, HUSSSAIN initially denied making any such statements, then stated that his statements were taken out of context, and as of last week, admits to making statements that were ill-conceived or not well-formulated.According to recent reports, HUSSAIN’s statements were part of a much broader defense of suspected Islamic terrorists.

White House cover-up & globalist ties

The events that happened next involving Rashad HUSSAIN are nothing less than a cover-up that can be traced back to the highest levels at the White House. According to published reports, The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs deleted two paragraphs from a 2004 article that quoted HUSSAIN, and then tried to further cover up the cover up by claiming that the web site was lying and implied that anyone who wonders what happened to the article is a bigot.[i]The White House stood behind HUSSAIN, who unsurprisingly, was named a Fellow to the Paul and Daisy SOROS Foundation in 2003. Paul SOROS is the older brother of George SOROS, a financial supporter of Barack Hussein OBAMA and a virulent anti-capitalist and globalist.

Earlier today, Fox News reported to have “unearthed tapes” telling an audience that he favors the imposition of Islamic Sharia law on a global scale. What better position to hold than envoy to an organization with the very same objectives. Despite the controversy involving HUSSAIN, Barack Hussein Obama is standing firm on his appointment.
Obama’s informational pipline to terrorists
By Douglas J.Hagmann, Director

20 February 2010: Barack Hussein Obama is wielding his power as President to surreptitiously advance his pro-Marxist, pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel agenda within the United States while concurrently hobbling the efforts of our intelligence community, our military and our law enforcement agencies to fight Islamic terrorism. He is doing so under the guise of a counter terrorism initiative that is nothing less than pandering to Muslim influence and demands in the U.S. by sharing law enforcement sensitive information with groups tied to Islamic terrorism.Barack Hussein Obama is using the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with Janet Napolitano at the helm, to provide law enforcement sensitive information directly to representatives of Islamic groups with ties to terrorism under the guise of counter-radicalization.As noted in my multi-part investigative series, our national security is being deliberately and systematically compromised from within. This compromise has reached new levels under Barack Hussein Obama, who is showing his allegiance to Islam and the Islamic agenda for America in this latest and most egregious madness that provides the very groups we are fighting with information about our security measures, procedures and tactics.

The first meeting of this new initiative took place in Washington, DC on 27 and 28 January 2010 when Napolitano met with the representatives of several Islamic organizations, including Ingrid MATTSON, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Salam al-Marayati, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and representatives of the Muslim American Society.The ISNA was identified as one of 25 U.S. based Islamic organizations That finance terrorism and perpetuate violence by the Senate Committee on Finance in December 2003. They were also closely aligned with the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, a U.S. based charity disbanded by authorities for its funding of the terrorist organization Hamas.The Muslim Public Affairs Council is a virulent anti-Semitic organization that characterizes Israel as a racist, chauvinistic and militaristic state that is prosecuting a war to steal land from Palestinians, to decimate their leadership, to humiliate the Palestinian people. In 2005, MPAC joined the organization Code Pink, another anti-Semitic, anti-military group founded by pro-Castro radical Media Benjamin.The Muslim American Society, an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood, is an organization whose objective is to subjugate Constitutional law with Islamic Sharia law, and implement Islam and Islamic law on a global scale. They are also related by association to International ANSWER, an anti-war front group for the Communist World Workers Party.

These are the groups and individuals, under the direct authority of Barack Hussein Obama, with whom Napolitano is courting and sharing sensitive security information. This is a clear example of Barack Hussein Obama’s pro-Marxist, pro-Islamic, and anti-American agenda at work. It is a perfect recipe for disaster by inviting terrorism, then asserting complete control and dominance over the American population.

Dumbing down of an entire nation-Obama Bets the Farm on American Stupidity
By Joy Tiz Friday, March 5, 2010

Decades of entrusting the federal government with our children’s education has led, inevitably, to the dumbing down of an entire nation. Our public school system has failed to provide the most basic and elementary skills, while at the same time functioning as a ministry of propaganda for left wing causes. The hijacking of our schools has been going on for decades; we are now experiencing the repercussions.

Only in a thoroughly dumbed down America would Barack Obama’s astonishing ignorance of American history have gone unnoticed. Only in a thoroughly dumbed down America could Barack Obama have been elected to the presidency in the first place. A man with no executive experience, deeply disturbing associations, and gaping holes in his history was elevated to the highest office in the land.Fourteen months into his presidency, with nothing but an ignominious accumulation of failures to show for it, Obama is taking his last stand. The only way he can overcome this mountain of fiascos is if Americans are every bit as dumb as he thinks they are.The hill he is willing to die on is the health crimes depredation. A wildly unpopular proposal-as opposed to an actual bill-that the citizenry has emphatically rejected.If Obama can’t sell this heap of garbage, he relegates himself to lame duck status for the next three years If Obama can’t sell this heap of garbage, he relegates himself to lame duck status for the next three years, and can forget about getting anything else on his boss’s agenda accomplished.

Our dumbness test is upon us. Obama’s BFF, Valerie Jarrett, broke down the Obama game plan for insulting the collective American intelligence:Could the Obama administration…write some much simpler booklets on housing foreclosure, on the health care bill…where as a typical person including those in the Tea Party could understand the basics of it? Cause I feel many of them simply don’t. Do you think that is an analogy? (Link)

Yes! Start speaking more slowly and issue pop-up books and you’ll finally get those ignorant Constitutionalists converted to the cult of Obamanutz to receive the blessings of tyranny.Obama himself thinks the real reason Americans are seething with white hot rage over his health care malapropism is because he just hasn’t spent enough time talking to us about it. Adding insult to insult, Team O is now deploying the craziest of the liberal Left in yet another effort to confound the mindless rubes. The scheme is to send out such Lefty luminaries as Michael Moore and Doctor Demento Dean to rail against the shortcomings in the health crimes bill(s). Although his conclusion is correct: Democrats are disgusting, documentary film maker Moore wants us to believe that Obama’s ideas are just too darned mainstream to appease the hysterical Left.Former presidential candidate, and DNC chairman, the always restrained Howard Dean has been publicly kvetching:The plan, as it comes from the Senate, hangs out every Democrat who’s running for office to dry - including the president, in 2012, because it makes him defend a plan that isn’t in effect essentially yet,’ the former physician told The Bill Press Radio Show.Of course this makes no sense, it’s not meant to. The idea is to convince sane Americans that Howard Dean is opposed to the Obama health care plan as it is written because it will be bad for Democrats; which in our simple minds means the health care plan must be really, really good.

But it’s when the big kahuna himself starts publicly scolding his little jackal that we know something is up. Unrepentant Nazi collaborator, the normally stealthy George Soros has suddenly taken to spanking Obama in public: his failure to raise the nation’s deficits and his failure to seize and take over all of the nation’s banks.We’re supposed to believe that Obama isn’t taking orders from Soros after all.
Andy McCarthy at NRO is on to the ruse. Quit celebrating Obama’s sudden decision to allow military commissions to try the 9/11 terrorists; it is yet another head fake aimed at cashing in on our perceived stupidity:The Washington Post article that Dan posted about last night is a head fake. President Obama is not caving on military commissions. He has already caved on them: He failed (thankfully) to abolish them, Congress enacted legislation endorsing them again in 2009, and the administration has already directed a commission trial for the Cole bombers.McCarthy warns that Obama will use his make- believe compromise on the civilian trials as a bargaining chip in exchange for closing Gitmo:The real agenda here is to close Gitmo. That’s the ball to keep your eye on. The Post is trying to soften the opposition to shuttering the detention camp by portraying beleaguered, reasonable Obama as making a great compromise that will exasperate the Left. The idea is to strengthen Sen. Lindsey Graham’s hand in seeking reciprocal compromise from our side.And what an ideal moment to make this seemingly momentous proclamation about the terrorist trials! Have they got anymore shiny objects to roll in front of us? Lacking the capacity for original thinking, Obama typically falls back on those old-fashioned Cloward and Piven strategies for keeping us dazed and confused.Half of America’s voting population really was stupid enough to elect Obama in the first place. Fourteen months of him have driven plenty of them to become educated. The Tea Partiers have gained ascendancy by laying bare this administration’s hidden agenda. Once we were dumb, but we’re getting smarter by the minute.
What is the real danger of Obama? MAR 1,10

The Internet is a mind field of attacks and assaults on who Obama is, what his influences are, where was he born, and his push for Chicago style politics. In my national radio show and articles, I have covered and probed all of these before and after his election.

Who is Obama for real and what are his goals for this countryLet’s talk facts

We know that Obama’s real Dad was Nyangoma-Kogel of Kenya who divorced his Mom, Stanley Ann Dunham when Obama was 2. Kogel was not known as a radical Muslim. However, Lolo Soetoro, her second husband was. He gladly introduced Barack into the Wahabi school of Islam in Jakarta Indonesia. In case you forgot, Wahabism is the radical teaching that Muslim terrorists actually follow. Granted, Barack was a child but his influenced skeletal structure was building. First with an atheist, new age Mom, two Muslim Dads from different countries who then abandoned him. Obama was brought to Hawaii and the glowing influences continued. He writes about Frank’s close involvement in his life in his book Dreams of my Father.Obama was talking about black poet Frank Marshall Davis, a known Communist and pervert. Frank loved to write about sex with everyone, young and old, while teaching and espousing the wonders of communism. One of his big favorites, in which he described writing from his own experiences, but changing the names, was his piece of porno trash, Sex Rebel. He wrote in one section that a 13-year-old girl called Anne….wanted sex and tried to seduce him, so naturally he had to comply or maybe cripple her sexually for life as he said.Who was that Anne???

So far, from birth to age 10 Obama was influenced by a heavy drinking, atheist, party Mom, who exposed him to Islam from two different Men and countries, then whisked him into the arms of a noted communist, pervert in Hawaii named Frank. Given Frank’s prolific writing and acting out sexually and how close he was to Anne Dunham and Barack…….what were they both exposed to sexually, in between communist lessons and planning? Let’s be fair. Who has Obama become in spite of his communist, atheist, Muslim and pervert influences? My Ph.D. and research was in alcohol and drugs. I am most aware that just because people have a bad and painful childhood, void of the right kind of values and teaching, they still can make choices and choose a higher playing field. We all make choices regardless of our influences and childhood……, maybe Obama has reached higher.

What have been Obama’s choices during his adult life? What do his repeated choices say about who he has become in real life? Obama’s actions, associations and voting record reveal the following:He is not stupid. He attended many schools.This is a man who attended Occidental College for two years and got his B.A. from Columbia University. He went on to get his law degree from Harvard Law School and became the Harvard Law Review’s first African American president. He was a lecturer of constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School.So, regardless of how horrified or shocked we might be because of his actions and executive orders, you can’t say he is stupid or naive. He knows exactly what he wants and what he is doing.

He has continuously surrounded himself with radical people.Obama joined Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church to draw away any attention to his Islamic past and to manipulate support from the African American community in Chicago and across the country as his political career grew. Rev. Wright preached anti Americanism and racism the entire 20 years he attended. Magically, when running for President, he didn’t recall this bold and damming emphasis.Obama aligned closely and worked along side William Ayers, formerly of the terrorist, Anti American group, Weather Underground, that attacked people and blew up federal buildings. When the spot light got hotter on William Ayers, his terrorist background and close relationship with Obama, Obama, magically again, barely remembered his working relationship with Ayers, though he was on various boards with him and Ayers raised millions for him out of his own home. They were close friends and colleagues. I know, because I broke the story in March 2008 on my radio show about William Ayers and his connections with Obama.

Look at Obama’s list of czars…nothing but socialist/communists, perverts and radicals. Just to name a few: Science czar John Holdren co authored a book in 1977 that he advocated mass sterilization and forced abortions. Great science to look forward to with this guy.Cass Sunstein, the Regulatory Czar wants to outlaw hunting and for animals to be able to sue us.Safe Schools Czar is run by Keven Jennings, a former school teacher who opening promotes gay behavior and experimentation. He founded the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which now has over 40 chapters in schools across the country. He is supposed to against drugs and drug risks for students in schools, but his background is boldly gay and reactionary and pushy gay at that. His dream child, GLSEN held a conference in 2000 that held an education seminar for kids that graphically described some special sex techniques like Fisting.To kids they were promoting sticking your fist up someone’s anis or vagina. This is what our Safe Schools Czar supports and is about??? I would rather have my 6 and 13 year old exposed to Witch Doctors in Zimbabwe! Obama has continuously apologized for our nation around the world and said we were not a Christian nation. He has responded in a tepid way to Islamic terror such as urging the nation not to rush to judgment regarding the Ft. Hood murders of 14 soldiers by an obvious Islamic radical and his 72 hour delay to even speak to the nation regarding the near fatal Islamic bomber on the flight over Detroit on Christmas.

We have seen the same radical and UN American positions, giving Hamas 900 million, backing Zelaya, properly ousted dictator in Honduras and backing Amidinajad’s right to go nuclear.At the end of the day, even trying to look for rays of hope and light with this President, you have to conclude: Obama is a communist, Internationalist, secularist who plays the Muslim and Christian card when expedient and is against freedom and Judeo Christian values….period! We truthfully have no idea where he was born since he has spent over 1.6 million to hide all his birth certificate, passport and college records. Why spend millions to hide all your records if you have nothing to hide? We must organize and get Obama and his UN American staff kicked right out of office. After he is out of the White House……let’s bring in a sea of staff, fumigate the place and start again. Everyone walking into the white house after Obama leaves are advised to where masks.

The curious disappearance of Lachlan Cranswick
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director

26 February 2010: Lachlan CRANSWICK, a 41 year-old nuclear scientist working in Ontario vanished last month without a trace. The circumstances surrounding his disappearance are indeed curious and the case merits more than a casual mention, especially in light of numerous other instances of nuclear scientists and microbiologists turning up missing or dead within the last few years, many under mysterious circumstances.On Monday, January 18, CRANSWICK, who works at the Chalk River Laboratories nuclear facility in Ottawa where he runs experiments for the National Research Council, just completed work for an overseas researcher. He reportedly left his report of findings on his desk to be mailed later, and boarded a bus from the nuclear facility to his home in Deep River, Ontario at 4:30 pm on that day.At some point after arriving at his home where he lived alone, he reportedly carried his trash to the curb. Then… nothing. He was gone without a trace. His house was found unlocked, and his car was parked in the garage. His wallet, keys and passport were all inside of his home, untouched.

CRANSWICK, a curling enthusiast, was scheduled to take the next few days off work. When he failed to show up for a game with the local curling club and did not return to work, his friends notified authorities of his disappearance on January 24. Multiple searches using helicopters, tracking dogs and civilian volunteers failed to turn up any clues or insight into his disappearance. Now, authorities are at a loss with no leads and no answers.It is open and there is nothing else we can do with it, said Constable Darin Faris, the Deep River police officer conducting the investigation. Every bit of information, every lead that came in, everything … has led us nowhere.We don’t believe he got lost,Faris said.He’s meticulous in all points of detail.CRANSWICK, a native of Australia, moved to the UK as a young man where he worked as an experimental physicist. He moved to Canada in 2003, and began working at the Neutron Beam Center in Chalk River, which is used as a laboratory for scientists from around the world to conduct various experiments and academic research. It was CRANSWICKS’s job was to assist the various scientists by running tests, primarily conducting tests of samples to identify their molecular structure, according to his colleagues.Described as meticulous, disciplined and well organized, CRANSWICK never left his house unprepared. If he walked the nearby nature trails, for example, he would always carry a fanny pack, a flashlight, a whistle to ward off wildlife and a GPS system. All of those items were found by police in his house.
Lachlan Cranswick’s Homepage:
Interesting pages of links:
Related/of Interest: Compilation of dead scientists

Communism and genocide hide behind The Greens and Environmentalism MAR 5,10

The environmentalists (with their various pet names) pretend to have the last supply of empathy, caring and best intentions. The ever evolving Green and environmental shape shifter rushes in to save the planet from ruin. We can’t forget the endless and desperate speeches by Al Gore about the horror of Global warming and its destruction of the planet.We even saw how he was honored with the Nobel peace prize…..right along with other notable brilliant ones,Yasser Arafat, the thief and anti Semitic terror in Chief of Palestine and Barack Obama, the messiah of hope and change.

Global warming fraud

We have all seen this last year the unraveling of data and real science regarding global warming. The real scientific community and now media world has hailed it a complete failure and fraud. I would even ad criminal since the self appointed and honored messiahs of global warming and environmentalism were most happy to ignore the truth, real science and reality, taxing us and the world (stealing) to solve this mythological problem. They were all most happy to control our money, what we eat, buy, grow, develop and herd just to solve the mythological crises. Gee, it kind of makes you wonder if just controlling our lives, money and choices was what they wanted all along.

Close relative, The Greens

The Green movement, a close relative of control and horror boldly asserts to save the planet they must have sustainability (get used to less water, less food, less everything, defined as the Greens define it…) They hide behind the usual, invented enemies such as urbanization, industrialization and our development because, evil achievers that we are ruin our air, contaminate our water and food. We just hate people and have no regard for anyone. I have interviewed a courageous expert in this area on my national radio show many times, Holly Swanson who wrote the leading book on this fraudulent and dangerous push, Set up and Sold Out. In her in depth tracking of the Greens real agenda, she points out classic communism peppered through our schools, culture and politics. The Greens even try to rewrite our Religions and faith to reflect the real worship priorities…..that is, worshiping nature, not the living God. The Green movement and view of a green revolution is total control over people, what we eat, drink, where we go, what we grow, what we spend and what we speak and believe. People are in the way…..we are numbers and widgets to be discarded or worse if we don’t…..submit and obey.

So far as we probe and dig through the global warming, environmental and Greens sewage we see nothing but a Saul Alinsky type vehicle on an international scale, to control every thing in people’s lives, all in the name of saving animals, the dying environment and poor people in developing countries. In truth, this well funded and controlled push is nothing but faced lifted communism and the same old Nazi party…wanting genocide.It isn’t just Al Gore, Obama and other environmental gurus….It was used by Adolph Hitler with the Nazi party.Hitler used to talk and write about the Jews and their alleged cruelty to animals. He also built a case that the Jews felt they were above the law and nature and were addicted to capitalism and trying to pacify and control nature.In Nazi thinking, the Jew was simply a threatening species totally messing up nature, their surroundings and animals. They were the enemy of Social Darwinian evolutionary laws, thus the developing, national emergency to stop the unnatural and dreaded Jews.Hitler was a poster child for Rules for Radicals 101.We all know the rest of the story, except Amedinajad. You know, that silly guy who says the Holocaust never happened and that Obama thinks as the right to go nuclear.The Nazi party was green.They were green and preaching all its tentacles of control and blame before they murdered massive millions of men, women and children. Nazi leaders and many masses in Germany pretended they were doing the will of God even.Could such abuse, controls and even murder happen again under the guise of environmental control?

Let’s look at how tyrants take control. They develop a big crises to solve so they can reach into our lives and control from. Along with the crises, they develop and point out enemies to demonize and destroy. These classic vehicles of control include the environment, (trees, parks, animals, food and water). Castro in Cuba, Hitler in Germany and many more tyrants act like them want to only save the dying food and water supply while saving animals. Always, certain groups, people, events and property ownership are in the way.If you recall, Castro ran on change helping the desperate poor and fixing his battered country. Once in, he fixed it all right. He sent out his henchmen and collected all the guns from people, then started stealing property and businesses from the people. People so enjoy the change they rush to barely put together boats and drown in the ocean on the way to America.If we are to survive the push of environmentalism and its evil this time, we must not allow any theft of cap and trade and other environmental, property controlling and seizing bills to take control.It is not too late to stop the genocide of the masses in our country by stopping the environmentalist and greens, dead in their tracks. Already, we have seen with the Obama administration, Nepolitano and his czars, that people are considered all but numbers. Cass Sunstein, Obama’s regulatory czar wants hunting outlawed and animals to be able to sue people. The enemy of our country is being renamed, from Islamic radicals and terrorists, to us domestic terrorists…..returning vets, pro lifers, pro sovereignty folks, gun owners and Christians. We are the new and growing danger to America as was revealed in the last, leaked Homeland security report. Now, with Obama pushing a Cyber Security bill (to control the Internet if there is a mystery crises declared), Council on Governors bill (now he will talk directly with leaders of the states, thus controlling even deeper…..assuming there is a crises of course) Interpol has the right to zoom around our country and be above our laws…..why?

I pray that the world will never again allow something as unbelievably evil as the Holocaust to ever happen again. In order to stop that danger, we must stop the organized and endless effort to turn people into ‘sustainable’ numbers that can be discarded at will and the worship of animals and nature.
The Master Hypocrite, Gore is also confused about global warming-Carbon Market Collapse Brings Gore Out Of Hiding By Dr. Tim Ball Thursday, March 4, 2010
Only The New York Times

We should ignore Al Gore’s bizarre Op-Ed in, where else, the New York Times, but it needs analysis because it includes all the standard errors that entrap and confuse most people. It also exposes him as a real hypocrite in his own words. The title We can’t wish away Climate change illustrates how little Gore knows or understands. No, we can’t wish it away because it has and will always exist.

Climate Change Is Normal

Just 20,000 years ago massive glaciers covered much of North America, Europe and Asia. Figure 1 shows most of the ice covering the land of the Northern Hemisphere.
Figure 1: White areas are land-based ice. North Pole is at the Centre.Most of the ice melted in about 8,000 years, a melt that does not correlate with CO2 levels at all. Sea level was some 500 feet lower at peak of ice extent. Current climate change is well within normal patterns.Gore is also confused about global warming, which has generally occurred for 18,000 years as the Earth emerged from the last Ice Age into the current Interglacial. In the 18,000 years the overall trend was up but there were prolonged periods of cooling. The world cooled from the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) around 1000 AD to a low in 1680 AD during the Little Ice Age. The world has generally warmed since 1680, which few have denied. The issue is the cause and nothing supports the claim it is CO2.

Exploitation of Fear
In case you accept that climate change and global warming are normal, Gore has another fear – national security: we need to deal with the national security risks of our growing dependence on a global oil market dominated by dwindling reserves in the most unstable region of the world. But US dependence on foreign sources is a self inflicted wound that began with the military oil reserve set asides made after WWII, and aggravated by anti-nuclear campaigns and unnecessary excessive regulations in the name of environmentalism. And if that fear doesn’t persuade you, he has a third.In fact, the crisis is still growing because we are continuing to dump 90 million tons of global warming pollution every 24 hours into the atmosphere – as if it were an open sewer. He cleverly doesn’t mention CO2 but the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says it caused all warming since 1950. CO2 is not a pollutant and is essential to life; its designation as such is part of the entire strategy of undermining industrialized nations. This paragraph starts with Gore’s wish that the climate crisis were an illusion. It is an illusion, as anyone who understands the science realizes, an illusion outlined and colored by the corrupt scientists of the CRU/IPCC. Now that you are truly fearful, he must deflect you from facts that lessen your fears. In a remarkable diversion he dismisses the leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU). He implies they’re useless by describing them as stolen, then says all they show is how the scientists were unable to fulfill Freedom of Information (FOI) request because of an onslaught of hostile, make-work demands from climate skeptics.He should listen to the British inquiry on the issue or the interview with former CRU Director Jones, who concedes there was no warming for the last 15 years and the MWP was warmer than today. This contradicts Gore’s claim that, even though climate deniers have speciously argued for several years that there has been no warming in the last decade.

There’s no space to contradict all the evidence he presents. Just two will suffice. He says that claims the US snowfall this winter is proof that global warming is a myth, are wrong. He says the events were predicted because warming would put more moisture in the atmosphere and create more storms. The problem is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says global precipitation for 2009 was near the 1961-1990 normals, with no pattern of increasing snow or rain from 1976 on. This is not surprising because the IPCC has essentially ignored water vapor and is not able to cope with clouds effectively in their models. In addition, cold air holds less moisture than warm air. For the first time on record all southern 48 States had snowfall and it is due to advancing cold air, a condition seen around the Northern Hemisphere. Gore shared a Nobel Prize with the IPCC but they disagreed significantly on sea level rise. Well guess what, Gore claims he is right and the IPCC wrong.It is worth noting that the panel’s scientists – acting in good faith on the best information then available to them – probably underestimated the range of sea-level rise in this century. Sea level is essential to Gore’s misdirection and fear factor. When people are asked what is wrong with global warming they almost always say sea-level rise. This is why it was such a major part of his propaganda movie, An Inconvenient Truth, with dramatic computer reconstructions of water flooding over Florida and other regions.

The Master Hypocrite
The last part of the article gets to the real issue, the need to introduce Cap and Trade in the US and worldwide. This will put value back into the carbon market from which he has made so much money. He condemns inaction and blames market triumphalism, the notion that industry was dominant after the fall of communism and promoted the idea that earlier fears of global warming had been grossly overestimated.This is an oblique way of saying the skeptics were paid by the oil and energy industry. He also says media organizations now present showmen masquerading as political thinkers.He forgets the Internet that democratized information and allowed a billion eyes and minds to see and expose the climate corruption. Gore’s article is frightening because a successful impeachment of Bill Clinton would have put him in the Presidency. Errors and false statements confirm once again he doesn’t understand the science. But that is not enough because he adds that ignorance to almost complete denial of the exposed fraud of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Gore personifies hypocrisy from his massive carbon footprint while telling others to live green, to the amount of money made from the carbon credit market. He completes the hypocrisy by hoping proposed cap and trade legislation supported by Senators John Kerry, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman will succeed to, place a true cap on carbon emissions and stimulate the rapid development of low-carbon sources of energy.The credits at the end of the piece identify him,As a businessman, he is an investor in alternative energy companies all of which benefit from cap and trade.