then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
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S&P 500 1223.75 +0.63
NASDAQ 2598.49 +3.57
GOLD 1,402.20 -0.90
OIL 88.38 -1.00
TSE 300 13,250.70 -25.30
CDNX 2117.21 -10.52
S&P/TSX/60 756.34 -0.80
Dow +80 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -0.07 points at low today.
Dow +87 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,427.40.OIL opens at $90.10 today.
Dow -0.07 points at low today so far.
Dow +87 points at high today so far.
Dow -0.07 points at low today.
Dow +87 points at high today.
Top scientist warns against hype as EU sets out bee rescue plan
ANDREW WILLIS 06.12.2010 @ 17:30 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Commission has published a new action plan intended to shed light on reports of declining honey-bee populations across Europe, key pollinators for many of the bloc's important crop species. At the same time, one the Europe's top scientists in the field has warned against mass hysteria, pointing out that most species have experienced epidemics at one stage or another over previous centuries, ultimately with little long-term effect.The fact that honey-bee colonies die in large numbers is nothing strange,the UK's only professor in the field of apiculture, the University of Sussex's Francis Ratnieks, told this website.
Biodiversity loss and foreign diseases do present a major challenge for Europe's honey-bees, said professor Ratnieks, but he added there is an awful lot of hype about bees at the moment, stressing that humans ultimately recovered from events as traumatic as the Black Death, the 14th Century pandemic estimated to have wiped out 30-60 percent of Europe's population at the time.The issue of honey-bee decline came to the fore in 2006 amid reports in the US of colony collapse disorder (CCD), a phenomenon in which worker bees abruptly disappear from a beehive. Since then, there have been reports in a number of EU member states of honey-bee populations dying off, although data appears to be patchy.The commission's non-legislative report on Monday (6 December) in part aims to tackle this data shortage by setting up an EU reference laboratory for bee health in Sophia Antipolis, a technology hub in France, as well as a pilot surveillance programme to estimate the extent of bee mortalities.
The paper also says the commission intends to increase EU funding for national apiculture programmes by almost 25 percent, up to €36 million per year over the period of 2011 to 2013, as well as tackle the problem of biodiversity loss and improve co-operation with international organisations such as the World Organisation for Animal Health.The protection of honey-bee health is of high importance in the EU,the bloc's health and consumer policy commissioner, John Dalli, said in a statement.The communication adopted today will enhance the discussion on bee health with all interested parties and could pave the way for more action from the EU.
Questioned by journalists, a different EU official said that while pesticides are tested before they can be approved in the EU, there were no sufficient grounds to ban neonicotinoids insecticides at present, despite unilateral bans in a number of EU member states, including France.Neonicotinoids act on the central nervous system of insects and are among the most widely used insecticides. They have attracted controversy recently, with a number of EU governments putting restrictions in place due to a possible connection to mass honey-bee deaths.Professor Ratnieks agreed that, while pesticides are certainly not helping bee populations, other factors appeared to be a greater threat to bee health. The problem didn't significantly improve in France after the ban,he said.Instead he pinpointed habitat loss as the key threat to European bee populations, underlying that 75 percent of the UK's land surface is currently used for agriculture. Since WWII farming has been intensified [with resulting loss of habitat] and the EU has supported this,he said.
Many environmentalists also blame the bloc's common agricultural policy (CAP), born in a post-war era of food shortages, for declines in the number of European species over recent decades. A CAP reform paper put forward by the commission last month includes new environmental incentives to look after wildlife.Will the bee-loud glade be around in the future? Well, not if they don't have any flowers to feed on, professor Ratnieks said wistfully, referring to the famous Lake Isle of Innisfree poem by Irish poet William Butler Yeats.He also identified two diseases that have recently travelled from Asia to Europe - the Varroa mite and the Nosema ceranae parasite - as important threats to European honey bees.Other scientists have stressed the issue of climate change in causing the bees' decline.
Pressure mounts to boost eurozone rescue fund
LEIGH PHILLIPS 06.12.2010 @ 09:29 CET
Belgium, the current EU presidency, has called for an increase in the funds available from the eurozone's rescue fund, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central Bank (ECB) making similar calls.Speaking on Saturday (4 December) to reporters, Belgian finance minister Didier Reynders issued the suggestion just as the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank were making similar calls.I'm in favour of an increase in the permanent mechanism but if it's possible to do that earlier, why not? Mr Reynders told Brussels reporters.He added that he saw no real difficulty until 2013 for the current facility.However, he added that the existing pool of resources should be expanded by a huge amount of money, because if we don't do that, you always have speculation.The IMF has urged the EU to hike its bail-out fund, Reuters reports, based on a document from the international lender it has seen. Jean-Claude Trichet, head of the ECB, also said on Friday that the EU should boost its €440 billion European Financial Stability Facility.There are growing concerns that while there will be enough cash that can be lent to Ireland and Portugal, a Spanish bail-out would breach the lending ceiling.EU finance ministers are due to meet Monday and Tuesday to discuss the rapid deterioration in recent days in the eurozone sovereign debt crisis, a break-down that has only worsened despite the announcement of an €85 billion rescue for Ireland.The ministers are expected to focus their talks on the Irish situation and give the green light to the package, but worries about both Portugal and Spain will also be discussed.
On Sunday, EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, Mr Trichet and economics commissioner Olli Rehn held talks to discuss the growing crisis.Separately, the head of the eurozone and Luxembourg's prime minister, Jean-Claude Juncker and Italian finance minister wrote in an opinion piece for the Financial Times on Monday arguing it was time for the launch of European bonds, a move, they said that would finally send a message to the markets that European leaders would do whatever it takes to defend the euro currency.Eyes this week will also be turning once again to Greece.Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou will speak to Mr Barroso about extending the payment period for its €110 billion loan agreed in May. Other European leaders have made positive noises about extending the schedule, but the request comes at a difficult time for the country.
Monday is the two-year anniversary of the murder of Greek teenager Alexis Grigoropoulos by a police officer, an event that kicked off riots across the country that lasted for three weeks.Students and other young people have announced a series of demonstrations in 17 cities while the police on Sunday announced the arrest of six individuals after having discovered a series of caches of guns and explosives.
Two of the suspects were wanted by the police in connection with the militant anarchist group Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire, allegedly the perpetrators of a letter bomb campaign against EU targets in November.The government has also instituted a 21-hour traffic ban on all cars in central Athens ahead of the demonstrations.
Nordic countries huddle together as world gets bigger
ANDREW RETTMAN 06.12.2010 @ 09:16 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - A Nato-style musketeer clause and closer consular co-operation could form part of a new Nordic alliance, foreshadowing future developments inside the EU.Few people know the High North security environment like Estonian MP Tarmo Kouts. As a junior officer in the Soviet merchant navy in the 1970s, Mr Kouts shipped timber through the Kara Sea and the Barents Sea to Europe. After Estonia gained independence he helped to build its armed forces, rising to the rank of vice admiral, before going into politics. In 2007 he watched reports as a Russian submarine planted a titanium flag on the seabed under the North Pole.This operation was a sign from the Russians. It said: We are here. We are the first and it belongs to us.If we are talking about the Arctic Ocean, they have quite a significant naval capability in Murmansk and in many other points in Arctic waters,he said.Not from one of the Nordic countries - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden - Mr Kouts nevertheless backs an initiative by the five states to band together in response to the melting ice caps and the coming race to tap new mineral resources and trade routes.The Nordic pact was mooted by foreign ministers at a meeting in Reykjavik in November and is to be discussed again in Helsinki in April.Its blueprint is the Stoltenberg Report, a list of proposals set out in 2009 by Thorvald Stoltenberg, Norway's former foreign minister and defence minister and the father of its current prime minister. The report suggests, among other measures: creating a military and civilian taskforce for unstable regions; a joint amphibious unit; a disaster-response unit; a coastguard-level maritime response force; joint cyber-defence systems; joint air, maritime and satellite surveillance; co-operation on Arctic governance; and a war crimes investigation unit.
It also proposes pooling consular services in places where all five countries do not have missions and adds, in an echo of Nato's one for all and all for one Article V, that: The countries could clarify in binding terms how they would respond if a Nordic country were subject to external attack or undue pressure.Mr Stoltenberg told EUobserver that his plan is a reaction to major geopolitical changes.We live in a world where far away does not exist any more. When I was growing up, you talked about places that are far away. This is no longer a reality ... the problems are bigger than before,he said.I would not use the word compete,but we must be able to meet our responsibilities,he added, on the challenges of an increasingly ice-free Arctic.Today we cannot alone meet the need for search and rescue in this area. On the military side, the price of high technology is rising so fast that either we co-operate or we watch the degradation of our defence systems. If we don't co-operate, in 20 years' time we may have just four countries in Europe with credible defence systems - Russia, Germany, France and the UK.He explained that a Nordic alliance is natural.It's a question of geography, culture, values. We speak the same language. We feel closer to each other than most other people,he said. There is already a very good co-operation between intelligence services in the Nordic countries. It was like this even in the Cold War. There are close contacts at a personal level. It's an issue of trust, of joint interests.Mr Stoltenberg noted that even though Finland and Sweden are not Nato members, Nato-type solidarity already exists between the five countries at a tacit level: Do you believe that if there is an attack on one of the Nordic countries, it is possible to isolate that country? No. If one Nordic country is attacked, it may happen that all the others are involved too.The Nordic plan has broad support in the local defence industry. Seen as a common market, the Nordic market would become the fourth largest one in Europe,Henrik Vassallo, a spokesman for Swedish firm Saab, said. The potential development of a Nordic Technological and Industrial Base needs to be addressed in a more comprehensive way.
Nordic link-up points to EU trends
The Stoltenberg scheme also mirrors developments taking place at EU level.The European External Action Service is since its launch on 1 December attempting to better co-ordinate EU foreign policy. The European Commission will in a 2011 Citizenship Report underline that member states' consulates must help EU citizens if their own country has no mission in place and call for consular burden-sharing during crises. Poland in its EU presidency in 2011 is to activate a Lisbon Treaty clause on defence co-operation. UK Prime Minister David Cameron will on 19 January host a meeting of Nordic and Baltic state leaders to discuss energy issues in the High North.For his part, Finnish foreign minister Alexander Stubb believes that a Stoltenberg-type project could pave the way for new EU defence structures.The Nordic countries could promote the pooling and sharing of military resources and capabilities among the EU member states under the Lisbon Treaty, he said.This would enable the Nordic countries to concentrate on their combined strengths, which they then could offer to be used, for example, in the EU's crisis management operations for the benefit of all. They could also work together for the creation of a permanent operation headquarters for the EU in Brussels.He added that there is no gold rush in the Arctic for the moment and that there are limits to Nordic kinship, however.In EU policy issues our priorities do vary, something which can be seen every day in Brussels. A Nordic bloc in the EU does not exist ... We exchange ideas and share information, but we do not necessarily always think the same way.Asked if another recent idea, by Swedish historian Gunnar Wetterberg, to create a United Nordic Federation under the symbolic rule of the Danish royal family, has any legs, he said: You have to go quite a long time in history to find a period when the Nordic countries were closer to each other than today ... But a federation is not something we are contemplating in the coming years.Mr Stoltenberg commented: Personally, I would not be against it - we would have a terrific soccer team. But it's a bit too far away.The article first appeared in the Nordic Council/Nordic Council of Ministers' online news magazine, Analys Norden.
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
DANIEL 11:21-23
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.
Argentina, Uruguay Recognize PA as a State
by Elad Benari DEC 7,10
Argentina announced on Monday that it recognizes a Palestinian state, calling Palestine a free and independent state within its 1967 borders, The Associated Press reported. According to the report, Argentina said the announcement reflects its frustration at the slow progress of peace talks with Israel.Argentinean President Cristina Kirchner informed Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas of the decision, Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman said. He said that Argentina is deeply frustrated that the goals of the 1991 peace talks in Madrid and the Oslo Accords of 1993 still have not been reached. The time has come to recognize Palestine as a free and independent state, he was quoted in AP as saying.Timerman added that Argentina also ratifies its irrevocable position in favor of the right of Israel to be recognized by everyone and to live in peace and security within its borders. Argentina's decision to recognize the Palestine state is based in the desire of its authorities to favor the process of negotiation aimed at ending the conflict.
Argentina’s announcement comes only several days after Brazil announced that it recognizes the Palestinian Authority as a new independent Arab country. Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva sent a letter to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, in which he wrote that Brazil recognizes Palestine and hopes that the recognition will help lead to two states, Israel and Palestine,that will co-exist peacefully and in security.Brazil’s announcement was criticized by both Israel and the United States, with Israel expressing regret and disappointment with the decision and pointing out that recognition of a Palestinian state is a violation of the Interim Agreement signed between Israel and the PA in 1995,a reference to the amended Oslo Accords.The PA’s Foreign Minister, Riad Malki, praised Argentina's decision on Monday, telling The Associated Press: It is really symbolic but it is important because the more countries that recognize the Palestinian state, the more pressure this will put on countries that are hesitant and on the peace process. If Israel keeps refusing to recognize the Palestinian state when other countries do, this will make a difference.
Earlier on Monday AFP reported that Uruguay would also recognize the state of Palestine, and Malki told AP that he also expects Bolivia and Ecuador to follow.Israel called Argentina’s announcement regrettable, echoing its criticism of Brazil. Abbas, on the other hand, said during his visit to Turkey, that he is proud of the decision.Uruguay will surely follow the same path as Argentina in 2011, deputy foreign minister Roberto Conde told AFP. We are working towards opening a diplomatic representation in Palestine, most likely in Ramallah.(Israel National
Abbas in Turkey for Meetings
by David Lev and Hillel Fendel DEC 6,10
Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Turkey Sunday for an official visit. During the visit, Abbas was to meet with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Abdullah Gul. The visit will extend through Tuesday, when Abbas will fly to Greece for meetings with leaders there.According to a PA statement, Abbas was to update the Turkish leaders on recent developments in the stalled negotiations with Israel. The PA dropped out of U.S. sponsored talks at the end of September, demanding that Israel impose another building freeze on Judea and Samaria – a move that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has said he would be willing to undertake, if Israel receives specific guarantees from Washington. Most of Netanyahu's coalition is against an additional freeze.In the meantime, Abbas says he will not return to negotiations. On Thursday, a PA official said Washington had officially informed the PA that attempts to secure a new Israeli settlement freeze had failed. US officials have refused to confirm or deny the report, the Maan news agency reported.A statement by Gul's office said that he and Abbas would discuss and consult on ... bilateral ties, the latest situation in Palestine and regional developments, primarily the Middle East peace process.
Earlier on Sunday, Abbas was in Jordan, meeting with King Abdullah II. The PA leader said that he and the king agreed to continue cooperation and coordination in light of an expected US position in the coming few days, and we should examine it together. He did not explain what type of US position was expected.Besides an additional freeze, the PA has not backed down on any of its other demands, such as Israel's surrender of liberated parts of Jerusalem, an Israeli withdrawal to the 1948armistice lines, and the resettlement in Israel of descendants of refugees who fled in the wake of the 1948 War of Independence. He is not willing to recognize Israel as the Jewish state. In the past, Turkey has expressed full support for the PA's positions.(
EZEKIEL 38:1-12
1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog,(RULER) the land of Magog,(RUSSIA) the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW)and Tubal,(TOBOLSK) and prophesy against him,
3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW) and Tubal:
4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws,(GOD FORCES THE RUSSIA-MUSLIMS TO MARCH) and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
5 Persia,(IRAN,IRAQ) Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
6 Gomer,(GERMANY) and all his bands; the house of Togarmah (TURKEY)of the north quarters, and all his bands:(SUDAN,AFRICA) and many people with thee.
7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.
8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.(RUSSIA-EGYPT AND MUSLIMS)
10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:
11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
PSALMS 83:3-7
3 They (ARABS,MUSLIMS) have taken crafty counsel against thy people,(ISRAEL) and consulted against thy hidden ones.
4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
5 For they (MUSLIMS) have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:(TREATIES)
6 The tabernacles of Edom,(JORDAN) and the Ishmaelites;(ARABS) of Moab, PALESTINIANS,JORDAN) and the Hagarenes;(EGYPT)
7 Gebal,(HEZZBALLOH,LEBANON) and Ammon,(JORDAN) and Amalek;(SYRIA,ARABS,SINAI) the Philistines (PALESTINIANS) with the inhabitants of Tyre;(LEBANON)
DANIEL 11:40-43
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south( EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) and the king of the north (RUSSIA AND MUSLIM HORDES OF EZEK 38+39) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.(JORDAN)
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
EZEKIEL 39:1-8
1 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog,(LEADER OF RUSSIA) and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech (MOSCOW) and Tubal: (TUBOLSK)
2 And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts,(RUSSIA) and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:
3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands,( ARABS) and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
5 Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.
6 And I will send a fire on Magog,(NUCLEAR BOMB) and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.
7 So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.
8 Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I have spoken.
JOEL 2:3,20,30-31
3 A fire(NUCLEAR BOMB) devoureth before them;(RUSSIA-ARABS) and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army,(RUSSIA,MUSLIMS) and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things.(SIBERIAN DESERT)
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.(NUCLEAR BOMB)
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
Was Gas Attack Averted in French Hill?
by Elad Benari DEC 7,10
Several days ago, residents of Jerusalem’s French Hill neighborhood felt a strong odor of gas throughout the neighborhood. Upon inspection they discovered that Arab residents of the nearby Isawiya neighborhood cut their gas pipes, which caused the strong smell. The residents of French Hill are now convinced that the Arabs planned a major terror attack which was averted only by a miracle.On Monday, Arutz Sheva’s daily journal spoke with French Hill resident Shosh Shochat, who represents the neighborhood during meetings with the authorities. According to Shochat, We sat in our house on Motzei Shabbat when we suddenly we smelled gas and heard the sound of a pipe exploding. We went outside and found more neighbors who smelled the same thing. It turned out that someone cut the pipes. We tried closing the gas taps but they were rotten and wouldn’t close.Shochat pointed out that Jerusalem Police and firefighters were quick to arrive on the scene, but gas company employees did not arrive until three days later. She added that an investigation the same evening found that 250 families had their pipes cut.According to Shochat, this is not just vandalism but another incident in a series of incidents of terrorism which originate in the nearby Isawiya neighborhood.They set fire to natural growth, said Shochat. Throughout the summer there were fires here, some of them posing a risk to homes. They break windows, damage public gardens, harass, steal from yards and roam around freely.She added that now, residents do not allow Jewish boys and girls to walk freely around the neighborhood in the evening for fear of attacks. They come at night, do what they do, and immediately go the paths to Isawiya.Just two months ago, a Jewish resident of Jerusalem was attacked in Isawiya. Baruch Pruss, who works as a repairman, was viciously attacked in the neighborhood by Arabs who threw concrete blocks and huge stones towards him. He only managed to escape the attack thanks to help from older Arabs living in the area who helped him leave.If they’ve decided to abandon us and return us to the Palestinian Authority, then [Jerusalem Mayor] Nir Barkat should get up and say it openly: We've decided to give you to Abbas. Then we’ll confront him, said Shochat.She described an intolerable reality in which people who recognize a thief or a burglar prefer not to confront him for fear of violence, and give up on contacting the authorities since they are tired of bureaucracy, as she put it.We have become a place of terror, said Shochat and wondered if she as a Jew would be allowed to wander freely in the streets of Isawiya.
Wikileaks: Saudis, Gulf States Big Funders of Terror Groups
by David Lev DEC 6,10
Despite its ostensible position as one of the West's key allies in fighting Islamic terror, it turns out, via Wikileaks, that Saudi Arabia is the source of the lion's share of funding for the world's worst terror groups – including Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hamas, and others.Much of the rest of the money these organizations get comes from other Gulf states, including Qatar and Kuwait. Saudi Arabia, along with other Gulf states, has expressed very little interest in changing the situation.The information came to light in the latest round of documents released Sunday by Wikileaks. In their communiques to the State Department, U.S. embassies in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states describe a situation in which wealthy private donors, often openly, lavishly support the same groups against whom Saudi Arabia claims to be fighting.In a summary assessment dated December 30, 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton writes, Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide. Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT (Lashkar-e-Taiba), and other terrorist groups, including Hamas, which probably raise millions of dollars annually from Saudi sources.Much of the money is collected from Muslim pilgrims who come during the annual Ramadan pilgrimages, the memo said.
While the U.S. has pressured Riyadh to rein in the enthusiasm of Saudi citizens in donating to terror groups, Clinton wrote that the pressure had yielded only limited success. However, the document said, Qatar – recently chosen to host the World Cup soccer tournament in 2022 - and Kuwait have even worse records, with both countries, especially Qatar, resisting any U.S. persuasion to clamp down on terror group funding.The Saudis have begun to deal with some forms of funding to Al-Qaeda; one Wikileaks cable praises Riyadh for arresting 40 members of a charity group that was funding Al-Qaeda, and for issuing a religious decree against supporting terror groups. However, Washington said that Riyadh was practically clueless when it came to dealing with money being funded to the Taliban.In general, the documents state, Saudi Arabia remains almost completely dependent on the CIA to provide analytic support and direction for its counterterrorism operation. As such, our success against terrorist financing in the kingdom remains directly tied to our ability to provide actionable intelligence to our Saudi counterparts,leaving the U.S. to do the work of policing the Saudis and prompting them – often unsuccessfully – to fight the very terror groups that they fear are working to take over the kingdom.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Cold temps burst on South, Midwest
– Mon Dec 6, 9:38 am ET
HIGH POINT, N.C. – A blast of cold weather is bursting on the South and Midwest, bringing significant snow from North Carolina to Minnesota.Schools in Tennessee and West Virginia canceled classes Monday. Parts of West Virginia were expecting as much as 18 inches of snow, coupled with high winds that were expected to reduce visibility. Winter storm warnings were being issued.Below freezing temperatures were forecast as far south as central Florida. Crop damage was possible.The storm system has dumped as much as 11 inches of snow in southern Minnesota. Three inches of white powder had fallen in Greensboro, N.C.Tennessee saw less than an inch, but it was enough to disrupt schools.
Landslide kills 3 people in Bosnia
– Sun Dec 5, 12:01 pm ET
TUZLA, Bosnia-Herzegovina – A landslide unleashed by heavy rain has killed three people and left several families homeless in the northern Bosnian town of Tuzla.
Neighbors told The Associated Press that they rescued one man but could not help his wife, teenage son and the boy's grandmother escape from a three-story house that slid some 20 meters (yards) downhill before it collapsed and was buried in mud early Sunday morning.Amid heavy rainfall over the past five days, the Balkans have faced the worst floods in a century and authorities have evacuated thousands of people.
Que. slammed with rain, wind, snow
Last Updated: Monday, December 6, 2010 | 6:54 PM ET CBC News
Stormy weather in Quebec forced dozens of people from their homes along the north and south shores as heavy rains and high winds whipped the coastline.Ten-metre high waves were reported on Quebec's north and south shores. (CBC)Further inland, blowing snow in Quebec City and Montreal created difficult driving conditions, and delayed public transit networks.In the town of Maria, on the Gaspé Peninsula, about a dozen homes were evacuated because of high waves that peaked at 10 metres in some areas.
Large chunks of a cliff face fell away further east in Sept-Iles, jeopardizing many houses in the vicinity.Waves washed up over Route 132 along Baie des Chaleurs, closing several sections of the road between Maria and Carleton.Officials in the town of St. Ulric in the Gaspé's northern region declared a state of emergency because of flooding.Blowing wind whipped Quebec City and Montreal, causing traffic delays. (CBC)In Matane, strong waves threatened to flood a local hotel.Public security officials are evaluating the damage so far, and may order more evacuations if warranted.The intense weather interrupted freight train service in the area — but provincial police said they were unable to survey the track's conditions because of rain and high winds.Ferry service between Baie-Comeau and Matane was cancelled because of poor weather conditions.Read more:
Snow warnings issued for Toronto area
Last Updated: Monday, December 6, 2010 | 10:30 PM ET CBC News
Snow blankets a residential neighbourhood in Maple, just north of Toronto, early Monday. (Ivy Cuervo/CBC)Environment Canada is warning Toronto-area drivers to take extra care on roads over the next 24 hours due to snow squalls.
Areas affected by snow-squall warnings:
•Richmond Hill.
•Northern York Region.
The agency issued a number of warnings early Monday aimed at parts of southern Ontario, including the northern and eastern portion of the Greater Toronto Area.The brunt of the snowfall will likely miss Toronto, where only two to four centimetres are expected. But Barrie, and parts of the York and Durham regions can expect 15 to 40 centimetres into Tuesday.A snow-squall watch — a less serious designation than a warning — has been issued for Halton and Peel regions.The warnings come after up to 10 centimetres of snow accumulated overnight in some parts of the GTA.Drivers should be cautious of potential blowing snow as well as whiteout conditions. The Canadian Automobile Association is advising drivers to take appropriate precautions, including having:
City workers in Newmarket, Ont., clear snow outside a mall early Monday. (Tony Smyth/CBC)
•Winter tires.
•A full tank of gas.
•A cellphone.
Winter tires will help improve your handling and cornering in the snow, in the slush and ice, but also in the cold weather,said CAA spokeswoman Silvana Aceto.The braking distance of winter tires ... depending on the weather and your speed, can be about 25 per cent shorter, or two vehicle lengths, compared to all-season tires.The heavy snow will continue into Tuesday, and perhaps Wednesday in this long-lived event, said Environment Canada.Read more:
US, Japan, and SKorea in united stance on NKorea
By Robert Burns, Ap National Security Writer – Mon Dec 6, 6:05 pm ET
WASHINGTON – In a show of unity, the U.S., Japan and South Korea on Monday said they would not resume nuclear negotiations with North Korea until it stops its provocative and belligerent behavior and takes concrete steps to roll back its nuclear arms program.They need to demonstrate a seriousness of purpose in ending their provocations and let the world know they are now ready to come to the table and fulfill the commitments they have already made, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told reporters after meeting Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara and South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung Hwan.Clinton's meeting was intended to demonstrate a serious response to recent North Korean actions, including its deadly shelling of a South Korean island last month and its announced expansion of a uranium enrichment capability that the U.S. and others see as a defiant and dangerous step.All agree that North Korea's provocative and belligerent behavior jeopardizes peace and stability in Asia, Clinton said.Conspicuous in their absence, however, were representatives of the two other countries that have worked with the U.S., Japan and South Korea on the North Korean problem: China and Russia. Together with North Korea, they are members of what has become known as the six-party talks.
Asked about China's absence, Clinton said Monday's meeting was specifically intended to coordinate with U.S. treaty allies — Japan and South Korea — rather than convene a larger group.We look forward to China playing a vital role in regional diplomacy, she said. They have a unique relationship with North Korea, and we would hope that China would work with us to send a clear, unmistakable message to North Korea that they have to demonstrate a seriousness of purpose.China, a traditional supporter of North Korea, has called for an emergency session of the so-called six-party talks — with the U.S., Japan, South Korea, Russia and China in negotiations with North Korea.
But Clinton made clear that Washington, Tokyo and Seoul view a resumption of talks as tantamount to rewarding North Korea for behaving badly. The North has established a pattern of taking provocative actions, such as testing a nuclear device and launching ballistic missiles, and then seeking through negotiations to gain concessions from the U.S. and its partners.A part of Clinton's message Monday was that the Obama administration will not go down that path, although she also reiterated that under the right conditions the U.S. is willing to talk to the North.
North Korea first needs to take concrete steps to demonstrate a change of behavior, Clinton said.In a joint written statement, the three officials condemned North Korea's construction of a new uranium enrichment facility. They said it violates U.N. Security Council resolutions as well as the North's commitments in a September 2005 agreement with the other parties to the six-party talks.Resumption of the six-party talks will require the (North) to make sincere efforts to improve relations with the (South) as well as taking concrete steps to demonstrate a genuine commitment to complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization, the U.S.-Japan-South Korea statement said.Standing beside Clinton and mirroring her somber expression and tone, Maehara of Japan and Kim of South Korea both said they want China to do more to constrain North Korea. They also echoed Clinton's assertion that North Korea is in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions passed in 2006 and 2009 in response to North Korea tests of nuclear devices.We would like China to have a clearer stance in giving warning to North Korea about the consequences of its actions, Kim said.
To underscore a message of solidarity, the Obama administration also announced that Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, would go to Seoul and Tokyo this week to consult with senior military officials and reassure both allies of the U.S. commitment to their defense. He will be accompanied by State Department and Pentagon officials.On Sunday evening, President Barack Obama called Chinese President Hu Jintao to discuss North Korea, the White House said, and urged Hu to send North Korea a message that its provocations are unacceptable.Defense Secretary Robert Gates also weighed in Monday while speaking to U.S. sailors aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln in the Arabian Sea. We need to figure out the way ahead with North Korea,he said. Nobody wants a war on the Korean peninsula. And I think we just have to work with the Chinese and with others to see if we can't bring some greater stability, some greater predictability to the regime in Pyongyang.The U.S. intervened in support of South Korea when North Korea invaded in June 1950 and is party to an armistice agreement that ended the fighting in July 1953. Clinton said she and her Japanese and South Korean counterparts agreed that the North's shelling of Yeonpyeong Island on Nov. 23 was a violation of the armistice.
SKorea to make islands near NKorea fortresses
-DEC 6,10
SEOUL, South Korea – South Korea's president is calling for five islands near the disputed sea border with North Korea to be turned into military fortresses.President Lee Myung-bak on Tuesday instructed his Cabinet to gradually push to strengthen fortifications on the islands and to create jobs so that local residents can continue to live there.His comments come as the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff flies to Seoul to give reassurance of the U.S. commitment to South Korea's defense.Tensions remain high on the Korean peninsula over North Korea's artillery strike on a South Korean island near the sea border last month. The attack killed two South Korean Marines and two civilians.THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korean troops pushed ahead with naval firing drills Monday, a day after North Korea warned the exercises would aggravate tensions between the rivals following the North's deadly shelling of a front-line South Korean island.Regional powers stepped up diplomatic efforts to head off further conflict, with President Barack Obama speaking to China's Hu Jintao by telephone Monday and top diplomats from the U.S., South Korea and Japan scheduled to hold talks later in Washington.Obama condemned North Korea's Nov. 23 artillery shelling of Yeonpyeong Island and its pursuit of a uranium enrichment program, and urged Hu to send Pyongyang a message that its provocations are unacceptable, the White House said.The attack killed two marines and two civilian construction workers — the first attack on a civilian area since the 1950-53 Korean War.In a show of unity, the U.S., Japan and South Korea on Monday said they would not resume nuclear negotiations with North Korea until it stops its provocative and belligerent behavior and takes concrete steps to roll back its nuclear arms program.They need to demonstrate a seriousness of purpose in ending their provocations and let the world know they are now ready to come to the table and fulfill the commitments they have already made, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told reporters after meeting Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara and South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung Hwan.
Clinton and her counterparts also used a news conference at the State Department to call on China to do more to steer North Korea toward a more moderate path.North Korea said it unleashed the artillery fire after Seoul went ahead with routine live-fire drills despite Pyongyang's warnings to call off the military exercises. The North disputes the maritime border drawn in 1953 by U.N. forces, and considers the waters around Yeonpyeong, which lies just seven miles (11 kilometers) from its shores, its territory.The shelling occurred just days after reports that North Korea had revealed a large uranium-enrichment facility that would give it a new method of making material for atomic bombs in addition to its known plutonium-based program.
On Monday, the South Korean army launched a new round of artillery exercises set to continue through Sunday, army and Joint Chiefs of Staff officials said.The previously scheduled drills were to take place at some 30 sites off the coast throughout the week, but there were none Monday along the disputed western sea border, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity according to department policy. Warships will join the drills later in the week, the navy said.
Similar live-fire drills will take place next week as well, officials said.North Korea warned Sunday that the drills were causing uncontrollable, extreme tension on the peninsula. The South Korean puppet group, far from drawing a lesson from the deserved punishment it faced for its reckless firing of shells into the territorial waters of the (North Korean) side around Yeonpyeong Island, is getting more frantic in military provocations and war moves, the North's official Korean Central News Agency said. Seoul said its forces fired away from North Korea in last month's drills. On Monday, President Lee Myung-bak, acting on criticism that troops acted too slowly and too timidly to the North Korean attack, pledged to reform the military.The South Korean people believe our military has to change, Lee said at a Monday meeting on military reform, his office said. What the military needs now is (increased) mental strength.National security is at a critical juncture, Kim Kwan-jin, South Korea's new defense minister, told reporters. He said he would focus on boosting the military's morale and discipline. Kim was appointed after the previous defense chief resigned in the wake of the shelling.
South Korean Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik also announced 30 billion won ($27 million) to help rebuild shattered Yeonpyeong Island. Most of the 1,300 civilians who lived on the island have fled and many are living in a public bathhouse in the port city of Incheon that has been converted into a refugee center. Elsewhere in Incheon, the bodies of two construction workers killed in the attack were cremated as their relatives screamed and cried.I sincerely hope that officials take care of us so that this kind of thing will never happen again to innocent, weak and poor people,said Kang Sung-ae, widow of dead construction worker Kim Chi-baek.
Associated Press Television News cameraman Yong-ho Kim in Incheon contributed to this report.
Gold has record close - Silver hits 30-year high
Last Updated: Monday, December 6, 2010 | 4:45 PM ET
CBC News
Gold futures settled at a record high close Monday as investors bought into the metal as a safe haven amid concerns that the U.S. economy may require more stimulus and that Europe's debt crisis may spread.The widely traded February contract closed up $9.90, or 0.7 per cent, to $1,416.10 on the New York Mercantile Exchange.S&P/TSX Global Gold Index 1-year chart. Earlier in the session the price reached $1,422.40, less than $2 from the level for the intraday record of $1,424.30, set on Nov. 9.
Gold is up 29 per cent this year.The Toronto Stock Exchange, heavily weighted in gold mining companies, rose.The S&P/TSX composite index closed up 97.06 points, or 0.8 per cent, to 13,276.01. The S&P/TSX global gold index was up 1.8 per cent.March silver prices reached a 30-year high of $30.115 US an ounce on the Nymex, before slipping back to close at $29.735, up .464 of a cent on the day.On Sunday, U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said it was prepared to expand the American money supply even more by buying government debt in a move to stimulate borrowing and investment.
As well, Moody's downgraded Hungary's debt to the lowest grade that still allows large investors like pension funds to buy its bonds.Investors were taking defensive positions over concerns about continuing slow economic growth in the United States and as well as lingering fears about the spread of the government debt crisis in Europe, said Colin Cieszynski, a market analyst at CMC Markets Canada.The factors that are driving people to buy up gold and silver are also pushing people out of things like the euro and into defensive areas like the U.S. dollar and the [Japanese] yen, he said.Critics of the Fed's stimulus program have said it will create inflation. Investors use gold as an alternative to the U.S. dollar if they worry that inflation will lower the future value of the greenback.With files from The Canadian Press Read more:
China's Bright Food close to GNC deal: source
– Mon Dec 6, 7:58 pm ET
PHILADELPHIA / NEW YORK (Reuters) – China's Bright Food Group Co is close to a deal to buy U.S. vitamin retail chain GNC Holdings Inc for $2.5 billion to $3 billion, a source familiar with the situation said on Monday.The potential acquisition of Pittsburgh-based GNC, which is owned by Ares Management and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board, could be announced in the next few days, said the source who declined to be identified because the talks were not public.GNC, which sells nutrition supplements, vitamins, sports drinks and other diet products through 7,100 stores worldwide, had been exploring an initial public offering, as well as an outright purchase.In September, GNC had filed registration papers with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for an IPO of up to $350 million.Ares Management LLC and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan bought GNC in 2007 from Apollo Management LP (APOLO.UL) in a deal with a total enterprise value of $1.65 billion. Apollo had twice previously tried to bring GNC public.
Ares Management, Bright Food, and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan could not be immediately reached for comment.Bright Food is one of China's largest food and dairy companies. Recently it was in talks to buy United Biscuits for about $3.2 billion, but then turned its attention to GNC, The Wall Street Journal reported.(Reporting by Jessica Hall and Ilaina Jonas; Editing by Richard Chang, Phil Berlowitz)
Eurozone says bailout funds enough, for now By GABRIELE STEINHAUSER and PAN PYLAS, AP Business Writers – Mon Dec 6, 6:07 pm ET
BRUSSELS – Top European officials insisted Monday that they have enough financial firepower right now to deal with Europe's government debt crisis — but did not rule out increasing Europe's bailout fund in the future.Jean-Claude Juncker, who chaired a meeting of the eurozone's 16 finance ministers, said that there wasn't any immediate need to increase the euro750 ($1 trillion) financial backstop despite concerns that it just isn't enough. The fund is for eurozone governments in danger of running out of money.For the time being, there's no need to increase, Juncker said after the meeting.The big fear in the markets is that Portugal, and even more dangerously, much bigger Spain, will join Greece and Ireland in needing a financial lifeline — and that Europe might not have enough bailout money available to cope and keep countries that run into financial trouble from defaulting on their debts.In May, eurozone governments and the International Monetary Fund set up the euro750 billion financial backstop for the currency bloc. The majority is managed by the so-called European Financial Stability Facility, which can issue up to euro440 billion in bonds guaranteed by eurozone governments. The EU's executive Commission can lend an additional euro60 billion, while the IMF has said it would contribute up to euro250 billion.
The idea behind the facility was to reassure bond markets that countries would be able to pay — and halt the selloff of government bonds.Klaus Regling, who heads the EFSF said that Ireland's euro67.5 billion bailout agreed last month will use up less than 10 percent of the total backstop.There are sufficient resources left to deal with other relevant cases, Regling said.Regling said funding was not proving to be an issue and said he was getting interest in the facility's future bond issues from all around the world and from all types of investors, including central banks, sovereign wealth funds and rich individuals.The finance ministers were under somewhat less pressure than at recent gatherings after the European Central Bank stepped up purchases of government bonds in an attempt to restore confidence in the EU's single currency bloc — figures showed that it splashed out euro1.965 billion buying government bonds in the week leading up to Tuesday. That was up from euro1.345 billion the week before and the highest weekly amount in months.But heavy debts and doubtful growth prospects mean the crisis remains. Next week's figures will be key as they will contain purchases by the bank last Friday, Dec. 2, when it held its monthly policy meeting.Market participants suspect the stabilization in European bond markets since the meeting has been largely thanks to even more purchases by the central bank, under pressure from policymakers to do more to prevent Europe's debt crisis from spreading — buying bonds supports their prices, taking pressure off the banks that hold them. It also lowers bond yields, which indicate the borrowing costs countries would face were they to go into the market for more credit.The seeming stabilization in the bond markets may be one reason why a proposal earlier in the day from Juncker and Italy's Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti for the creation of pan-European bonds to support governments with shaky finances failed to get a hearing.
That proposal was not discussed, according to Juncker, after Germany, the Netherlands and Austria quickly came out against the idea.The three countries, because of their lower debt levels and more competitive economies, pay much lower interest rates on their bonds than weaker eurozone nations like Ireland, Portugal or Italy. The interest rate on pan-European bonds would likely be higher than what they are paying at the moment, because it would price in the risk of default of poorer governments.The most vociferous opposition came from Germany, Europe's biggest economy.Chancellor Angela Merkel said such bonds were legally impossible under the current EU treaties.It is our firm conviction that the treaties do not allow joint eurobonds, that is no universal interest rate for all European member states, she said in Berlin. Juncker tried to put a brave face on the rejection, dismissing the idea that the proposal has been strangled at birth.He noted that a proposal he made in 2005 about an annual review of EU member states' budgets was not taken seriously at the time either. However in October, European finance ministers agreed to introduce the so-called European semester, which checks whether governments are sticking to the EU's deficit limits. Juncker said he hoped the same fate is reserved for the eurobonds.Juncker's proposal was not dismissed out of hand by Olli Rehn, the EU's monetary affairs commissioner, who said he found the idea intellectually attractive.The finance ministers failed to make a decision on how to fund a new crisis tool that is supposed to support countries that run into financial trouble after 2013, when the current fund's mandate expires. Further discussions could take place Tuesday when the eurogroup ministers are joined by their counterparts in the wider 27-country EU.
Crucially, this so-called European Stability Mechanism will force private creditors to share the pain if a nation is deemed insolvent — that is, if its debts are too big to repay. However, if a government merely faces a liquidity crisis — it can't access funds fast enough to meet payment deadlines — it is supposed to get rescue loans from the new mechanism. The ministers agreed on the broad outlines of the new mechanism late last month, but didn't say where the money for the emergency loans would come from.The threat of potential losses for private bondholders like banks and hedge funds, which were spared in this year's bailouts, has spooked government debt markets in recent weeks and reopened debate on whether the existing bailout fund will be big enough in case large economies like Spain or Italy run out of money.
Retail pump prices hit 26-month high By SANDY SHORE, AP Business Writer – Mon Dec 6, 4:44 pm ET
Americans are getting a sour holiday surprise at the gas pump, where prices are the highest they've been in over two years. They may even hit a national average of $3 a gallon by January.Although supplies remain plentiful and gasoline demand has diminished since September, retail gas prices are rising because oil prices are at the highest levels since October 2008. The two-week advance continued on Monday as benchmark oil for January delivery rose 19 cents to settle at $88.96 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. A stronger dollar kept prices in check for most of the session. Since oil and other commodities are priced in dollars, a stronger dollar makes them more expensive for buyers who use other currencies.The national average for a gallon of regular gasoline was $2.958 on Monday, according to the Energy Department's Energy Information Administration. That's about 10 cents higher than a week ago and 32 cents more than a year ago.EIA said drivers in California pay the most, at an average $3.216 a gallon. Regular averages $2.802 a gallon in Gulf Coast states. Pump prices in major cities range from $2.669 a gallon in Denver to $3.241 in San Francisco. Gas stations in New York City charge an average $3.077 a gallon for regular. It's $3.066 in Chicago, $3.050 in Miami and $3.139 in Seattle.The U.S. has never spent Christmas with a $3-a-gallon average price for fuel, Oil Price Information Service said. The national average now is the highest since October, 2008, according to OPIS, and if oil prices linger near $90 a barrel, it could reach $3 before the end of the year, several analysts say.
We're within spitting distance right now, said Stephen Schork, an energy analyst and publisher of The Schork Report. Whether we get there by the end of the year or by the end of January, as far as consumer's concerned, we're there already by a psychological standpoint.For every penny the price at the pump increases, U.S. consumers pay an additional $4 million, according to Cameron Hanover energy analysis agency. The 10-cent a gallon increase from a week ago cost consumers about $40 million. On an individual basis, a motorist who bought 10 gallons of gas Monday, on average, paid about $3.20 more than a year ago.Schork expects energy demand to waver with prices between $2.90 a gallon and $3 a gallon. If oil reaches $100 a barrel, retail gas prices will be around $3.30 a gallon or higher, which would be a significant obstacle for motorists, he said.In other Nymex trading in January contracts, heating oil lost 1.17 cents to settle at $2.4757 a gallon, gasoline fell 1.04 cents to settle at $2.3417 a gallon and natural gas rose 13.9 cents to settle at $4.488 per 1,000 cubic feet.In London, Brent crude added 3 cents to settle at $91.45 a barrel on the ICE futures exchange.
China buoys climate talks with binding target
By Chris Buckley and Russell Blinch – Mon Dec 6, 8:44 pm ET
CANCUN, Mexico (Reuters) – China on Monday offered for the first time to submit its voluntary carbon emissions target to a binding U.N. resolution, buoying climate talks where Bolivia accused rich world policies of causing genocide.China's target would still be voluntary, stressed China's chief negotiator Xie Zhenhua, a distinction from developed nation targets under Kyoto: Developing countries can ... make their own voluntary emissions commitments and these should be under the Convention.The November 29-December 10 talks in Mexico's Cancun beach resort are split over how to harden existing pledges made at last year's Copenhagen summit, which ended in a brief, non-binding agreement.China's offer to make its existing, domestic pledge to slow growth in carbon emissions binding under a U.N. resolution is a compromise it hopes will encourage developed countries to continue the existing Kyoto Protocol.We can create a resolution and that resolution can be binding on China, said Huang Huikang, the Chinese Foreign Ministry's envoy for climate change talks.Under the (U.N. Climate) Convention, we can even have a legally binding decision. We can discuss the specific form. We can make our efforts a part of international efforts.We're willing to compromise, we're willing to play a positive and constructive role, but on this issue (Kyoto) there's no room for compromise.
Developing nations want to continue the first, 2008-2012 round of Kyoto, which binds the emissions of nearly 40 developed countries, while industrialized backers including Japan, Russia and Canada want a separate agreement regulating all nations.
Analysts were positive about China's proposal: This is a gamechanger, said Jennifer Morgan from the Washington-based World Resources Institute.The devil is in the details but this is a promising development, said Alden Meyer from the U.S.-based Union of Concerned Scientists.Bolivia said on Monday that the policies of rich nations were tantamount to genocide, signaling no compromise on its demands that are the most radical of any in Cancun. The U.N. talks can only pass decisions by consensus.Some 300,000 people a year were dying from natural disasters such as floods, droughts and storms, said Bolivia's head of delegation Pablo Solon.Is that not talking about genocide? he asked, linking the deaths to U.S. Congress, which is unlikely to pass a climate bill soon following a swing to the Republicans last month.
Solon defended Bolivia's goal of limiting warming to one degree Celsius (1.8 degree F) above pre-industrial times, the world's strictest goal. Temperatures have already risen by about 0.8 degree and the U.N. climate panel says that they will almost inevitably gain another 0.6.
Ministers arriving at the U.N. climate talks on Monday faced too-complicated drafts, the European Union climate chief said.I have to say that we are concerned because the texts are not ready to be used by ministers to finalize, said EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard.The Cancun talks were nearing agreement to launch long-term climate aid for developing countries, as well as schemes to protect rainforests and share low-carbon technologies, but ministers would likely delay detail until next year, and those deals may hinge on agreement on whether to extend Kyoto. The outlines of a deal were taking shape, said the head of the U.S. delegation Todd Stern.I think there is an agreement to be had. But I'm not sure we will get it. That question remains in the balance.Failure in Cancun may call into question the role of the United Nations in brokering a shift to a low-carbon global economy, and leave carbon markets in the lurch after 2012. -- Additional reporting by David Ljunggren in Ottawa(Writing by Gerard Wynn; Editing by Eric Walsh)
World powers, Iran move nuclear talks forward
by Hui Min Neo – DEC 7,10
GENEVA (AFP) – World powers and Iran are due Tuesday to carry on talks over Tehran's disputed nuclear programme for a second day, after what both sides described as a constructive meeting.After a 14-month break, the first day of discussions in the Swiss city of Geneva was constructive and forward moving, an Iranian official said.
They should resume tomorrow at 9:00 am to fix the framework for future discussions during which we could talk about nuclear disarmament and about cooperation in the civil nuclear domain, he said.The (nuclear) right of Iran will not be discussed. If we agree on a framework, we could have several sessions of negotiations.A Western source also said Monday's talks were good, constructive, and in a good atmosphere.If the negotiations have carried on for such a long time, it was because there were things to talk about, said the source, who added that a number of subjects were addressed, including the nuclear dossier.A French source said the meeting was mainly centred on nuclear issues.
Tehran on Sunday added a new dimension to its nuclear drive by revealing it had mined and produced its first home-grown batch of uranium yellowcake, instead of seeking to import new supplies.That triggered statements of concern in Washington and Europe shortly before the meeting between the European Union's top diplomat, Catherine Ashton, and Iran's chief negotiator, Saeed Jalili, got under way in Geneva.
Besides Ashton, officials from Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States were also present at the negotiations held at the Swiss UN mission building.Jalili began by making a strong protest against the recent assassination of a top nuclear scientist in Tehran, according to an Iranian source.The secretary of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council described the attack as a Middle Age and fascist act and asked why the international group did not condemn the attacks, said the source.He later held one-on-one meetings with the heads of the Chinese, Russian and British delegations.Sergey Rybakov, who heads the Russian delegation, was quoted by Iranian media as telling Jalili: We needed this round of talks and during the negotiations we will try to help to remove obstacles.The meeting, which comes after the last attempt in October 2009 to temper Iran's uranium enrichment drive, is taking place amid tougher international sanctions on Tehran and few hopes that it will yield a deal.Tehran maintains that it is seeking nuclear energy for peaceful purposes but Western countries suspect that the Islamic republic is engaging in a covert programme to build nuclear weapons.Before Sunday's yellowcake announcement by Iranian atomic chief Ali Akbar Salehi, European sources hoped the meeting would help re-engage the Iranians even if it did not produce instant results.
But the Iranians have in recent days reiterated that Tehran's nuclear plans were non-negotiable. Salehi added a new dimension by revealing that Iran was now self-sufficient in the entire nuclear fuel cycle by being able to supply itself with the raw material for fuel, and would enter the talks with world powers with strength and power.Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on a visit to Athens said there were certain shared positions where we could cooperate.But he insisted that the era when certain countries imposed their will is over and vowed that Iran will not settle for anything less than what is our right.In Brussels, Israeli Ambassdaor Jeremy Issacharoff said his expectations for the Geneva talks are measured.Iran is trying to get more legitimacy for its nuclear programme, it is trying to gain time, he said.In Bahrain, Gulf countries eyed the talks with scepticism. Emirati Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahayan openly criticised the West for excluding Iran's neighbours from the dialogue.
Israel fears flood of migrants threatens state By ARON HELLER, Associated Press – Mon Dec 6, 4:15 am ET
TEL AVIV, Israel – Ismail Abdul-Rasul and his family escaped war in Darfur, languished in squalid conditions in Egypt for five years and nearly suffocated in a harrowing journey across the Sinai desert before they were finally smuggled into Israel.I was dancing with joy when I arrived, said the 47-year-old father or four, who reached Israel in July 2007. It was one of the happiest days of my life.In recent years, tens of thousands of Africans like Abdul-Rasul have entered the country through its long desert border with Egypt, turning Israel, like parts of Europe, into a magnet for asylum seekers, and even more, for migrants desperate for jobs in the industrialized world.Their arrivals are hardly being welcomed. Facing a public furor, the government is scrambling to erect a fence along the 130-mile (220-kilometer) Egyptian border and a massive detention center in the remote southern desert.With Israel, however, come special complications: Founded six decades ago in the wake of the Nazi Holocaust genocide, its society is torn between a sense of duty toward the persecuted and fears that the influx might make the country less Jewish.
In a speech to parliament last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of a flood of illegal migrants. It is threatening the jobs of Israelis, and it is threatening the Jewish and democratic character of the state of Israel,he said.The government says that all but a select few are economic migrants and not eligible for refugee status. But critics charge the government is turning away bona fide refugees fleeing persecution.The state is lying, it knows it is lying and it purposely refuses to check the refugees' status because that will prove that it is lying, said Sigal Rozen of the Hotline for Migrant Workers advocacy group.Israel would seem to be an unlikely destination for African migrants, who have few ties to the Jewish state. Egypt, however, has a large population of migrants — and after Egypt violently quashed a 2005 protest by a group of Sudanese refugees, they began trickling north into Israel.Approximately 35,000 have entered Israel since, with the number surging to 1,500 arrivals every month, according to government figures.Some cities have been transformed. Some 10 percent of the population of the Red Sea resort town of Eilat are African migrants, and an entire neighborhood in south Tel Aviv is known as Little Africa, where ethnic food shops and phone card stalls line the streets.The vast majority hail from Eritrea, where men are often forced into a military service with slavery-like conditions, and Sudan, which was torn by a 22-year-civil war and continues to see a separate conflict in its Western region Darfur that some have labeled a genocide, with some 300,000 have been killed and 2.7 million displaced since 2003, according to the U.N.
Rozen said 88 percent of Eritrean asylum seekers worldwide were granted refugee status last year, while in Israel not one was processed.Initially, Israel took in many of the early arrivals, providing shelter and even arranging jobs in hotels and on kibbutz collective farms. Nearly 3,000 people received temporary residence or work permits. But with no overarching policy, most migrants are simply released onto the streets after brief detentions.Haifa University geography professor Arnon Soffer estimates that if the current pace persists there will be approximately 500,000 illegal migrants in Israel within 15 years. He called the influx an existential threat to a country of just 7.6 million people.
To be sure, Israel is not alone in confronting the issue.Greece, which accounts for 90 percent of the European Union's detected illegal border crossings, has asked for emergency help from the EU in patrolling its border with Turkey. Italy, with its long and loosely guarded coastline, has become the destination of tens of thousands of would-be immigrants a year, most from Libya.The Africans have found pockets of sympathy in Israel. Human rights groups and high profile figures like Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel have urged the government to offer a home to Darfurians escaping genocide. The Africans describe harrowing journeys, fleeing persecution at home and making their way through Egypt, where human rights groups say border guards have shot and killed 85 Africans trying to reach Israel since 2007.In Egypt's Sinai desert, the migrants pay thousands of dollars to Bedouin smugglers to get them across the border and are often held hostage by the smugglers who extort their relatives for more.The Israel branch of Physicians for Human Rights has collected dozens of accounts from migrants describing abuse at the hands of Bedouin traffickers. According to the testimonies, smugglers routinely rape migrants, subject them to electric shocks, burn them with iron bars and lock them in sweltering containers without food or water. Five or six men raped me multiple times, I'm not sure how many times. They also beat me many times. I felt like I was going to die,according to a testimony from an Eritrean woman, identified only as H.A.S.Abdul-Rasul, the Darfurian who arrived in 2007, is one of the few who has earned legal status in Israel.He works in a computer goods store in south Tel Aviv. His children now all speak fluent Hebrew, and his 17-year-old daughter — who survived a gunshot to the head in Sudan — is thinking of joining the military in Israel.But he doubts he would repeat his journey today, saying it would be far too dangerous.I was one of the lucky ones, he said.
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Tuesday, December 07, 2010