YouTube pulls plug on shocking abortion video
Exposes Planned Parenthood attempts to hide statutory rape
Audit Will Expose Fed Christopher J. Petherick American Free Press
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
During a hearing on Capitol Hill in early July, a top official at the Federal Reserve warned Congress to stay out of the bankers’ business and not force the privately owned and operated central bank to submit to a public audit.On July 9 The Financial Times reported on Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul’s landmark Audit the Fed legislation (H.R. 1207), which would remove any remaining proscriptions on federal authorities investigating the Federal Reserve Bank, which serves not only as the U.S. central bank but is increasingly acting as the top banker to the world. So far Paul’s bill has picked up 261 co-sponsors, well over half the membership in the House.Since the collapse of economies around the world in the summer of 2008—brought about by Wall Street greed—the Fed, through its various funding arms, has had the printing presses running day and night, churning out dollars. The Fed publicly claims that its balance sheet stands at just under $2 trillion, largely composed of loans to private banks, mortgage holdings and Treasury bills (U.S. taxpayer debt). But some honest economists believe the Fed is not telling the whole truth about its assets and liabilities, fudging the facts to keep U.S. taxpayers in the dark about the state of the central bank. But the truth is few know just how much money is even in circulation today.For the past three years, the Fed has only been reporting two out of three monetary aggregates. The first is M1, the narrowest measure of money supply, which includes currency held by consumers and private corporations, money held in checking accounts and travelers checks.The second is M2, the figure most commonly cited to describe the country’s money supply. This includes M1 plus any savings that are in relatively liquid holdings like money market mutual funds.The third, which is no longer released to the public, is called M3. It is made up of M2 plus large liquid assets including some money market funds and certificates of deposit held by massive financial corporations and other large institutions.
In 2006, the Fed announced it would stop publishing statistics for M3, which is considered the broadest accounting of the country’s money supply. The Fed claimed M3 did not provide any additional information on currency trends beyond what was contained in M2. But the reality is, M3 gives Americans the best sense of the dollar’s value by revealing how much money is out there.In the past year, M1 has risen by an incredible 16.3 percent to $1.669 trillion. M2’s growth has been less dramatic at 8.7 percent, for a total of $8.369 trillion. But the growth of M3—which the Fed no longer discloses—over the past few years is especially troubling, according to figures compiled by economist John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics. Williams pieces together government reports to provide readers with what he contends is a more accurate accounting of key statistics for the country.Williams reports that M3’s growth in 2009 was 18 percent. That means in the past decade M3 has more than doubled in from $5 trillion in 2000 to $14.5 trillion. The dramatic growth of currency in circulation in the past few years lends ammunition to those seeking a full and open accounting of the practices of the central bank. That could explain why the Fed has been going on the offensive, using fear-mongering to scare legislators into backpedaling on these landmark measures in the House and Senate that would open up the Fed to public scrutiny.At the hearing on July 9 before the House Financial Services Subcommittee, Donald Kohn, the vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, told Congress that any interference in the affairs of bankers would negatively affect markets.Said Kuhn: [E]rosion of the Federal Reserve’s monetary independence would lead to higher long-term interest rates as investors begin to fear future inflation.
Translation: Our current system of debt would likely collapse should the world learn the truth about our money —and just how bad off the banking system really is. The next day, in an interview with Reuters, Rep. Paul said: The dollar is worth four cents [compared to] what it was worth in 1913 when the Fed was established. . . . That tells you they’re not very good at protecting the value of our money. They’re the counterfeiters of the world, protected by this secrecy. That has to end.And, since AFP reported in the July 6 edition on the list of congressmen who have sponsored Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 1207), an additional 20 legislators have signed on to sponsor the landmark measure for a total of 261 cosponsors. The latest additions include Rep. Betsy Markey (D-Colo.), Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.), Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), Rep. Ben Chandler (D-Ky.), Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), Rep. Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.), Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.), Rep. John Sullivan (D-Okla.), Rep. Joe Courtney (DConn.), Rep. Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii), Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.), Rep. Scott Murphy (D-N.Y.), Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-Ohio), Rep. Charlie Melancon (DLa.), Rep. Brian Baird (D-Wash.), Rep. Timothy H. Bishop (D-N.Y.), Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) and Rep. DavidWu (D-Oreg.).
Bernanke: I Don’t Know Which Foreign Banks Were Given Half a Trillion
Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke was confronted yesterday by Congressman Alan Grayson about which foreign banks were the recipients of Federal Reserve credit swaps, but he was unable to provide an answer as to where over half a trillion dollars had gone.Asked which European financial institutions received the money, which was handed out by The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), a component of the Federal Reserve System, Bernanke responded, I don’t know.Half a trillion dollars and you don’t know who got the money? asked Grayson.As we have previously reported, the destination of trillions in bailout funds remains hidden after the Fed refused to disclose where it had gone despite a lawsuit filed by Bloomberg.Bernanke said the Fed had a long standing legal authority to hand money to foreign banks under section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act, a claim contradicted by Bernanke’s own report, as Grayson soon highlighted.Grayson said that he had investigated one of the arrangements, a $9 billion dollar package to New Zealand, which works out at $3000 dollars for every citizen of New Zealand.Seriously, wouldn’t it have been better to extend that kind of credit to Americans rather than New Zealanders,said Grayson.The Congressman then implied that handing money to foreign institutions was unconstitutional, reading from Article I, No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.Do you think it’s in the spirit of the Constitution for a group like the FOMC to hand out a half a trillion dollars to foreigners without any action by this Congress? asked Grayson, to which Bernanke responded that Congress had approved it with the Federal Reserve act of 1913. Grayson responded that in 1913, the entire GDP of the U.S. was well under half a trillion dollars.Is it safe to say that nobody in 1913 contemplated that a small little group of people would decide to hand out half a trillion dollars to foreigners?,asked Grayson, to which Bernanke again claimed that the authority had been used numerous times before.Grayson debunked this claim by pointing to Bernanke’s own report, which stated that the entire amount had been handed out starting from the last quarter of 2007, and the amount given out before that to foreign banks was zero.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
EU666 Biodefense Stockpile and US666 Biodefense Stockpile
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
This one is absolutely exploding around the intertubes this morning.I don’t know where it started but someone found a datasheet about a vaccine called Prepandrix that’s made by GlaxoSmithKline.This thing contains the following entries:
Regulatory/Status Index:biodefense stockpile (U.S.)biodefense stockpile, European countries,controlled/gov’t distribution in European counties,controlled/gov’t distribution in U.S.EU200 Currently Approved in EU,EU666 Biodefense stockpile,UM100 Controlled/Gov’t Distribution in US,US666 Biodefense stockpile,EM160 Controlled/Gov’t Distribution in EU.Now, I’m not taking any vaccine regardless of what number sequences are associated with it, but let’s clear something up:PREPANDRIX IS A BIRD FLU VACCINE. Bird flu. H5N1.Not swine flu, H1N1.
The EU666 and US666 status codes are also associated with a smallpox vaccine, and on a more individual basis, about two dozen other substances.Maybe it’s interesting that vaccines that are stockpiled for biodefense purposes carry the 666 designation, but for purposes of the swine flue H1N1 vaccination that will be coming out in a few months, this US666 and EU666 wouldn’t apply because it hasn’t been stockpiled; it’s new.Out of curiosity, I tried to determine what EU666 and US666 mean beyond the phrase Biodefense stockpile that appears next to the entries.This is the reference for the Regulatory/Status index codes.Here are the entries for biodefense stockpiles for the U.S. and European countries:biodefense stockpile (U.S.) — 104; 105; 321; 392; 393; 394; 395; 396; 446; 447; 448; 450; 451; 452; 573; 574; 575; 618; 619; 650biodefense stockpile, European countries — 312; 392; 393; 449; 452.There’s no reference for 666 listed. I don’t know why the 666 code isn’t listed here, but when you click on any of those codes above and then look down, though the text, it says US666 Biodefense stockpile, or EU666 Biodefense stockpile or both on all of those.I don’t know what the implications of all of that are, but there you have it.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).
Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current Codex Alimentarius Guidelines Barbara Minton Natural News July 21, 2009
Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the dark about the coming nutricide. Codex Alimentarius is scheduled for full global implementation on December 31, 2009, and not a word has been spoken in main stream media about this threat to humanity. Yet, according to the projections of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a minimum of 3 billion people will die from the Codex mandated vitamin and mineral guideline alone. As the clock ticks toward this irrevocable deadline, the Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF) and its medical director, Dr. Rima Laibow, are feverishly working to change Codex guidelines. They need your help.
Former Nazi is father of contemporary Codex
Forner Nazi Hermann Schmitz looked for an alternative to brute force for controlling people and realized that people could be controlled through their food supply.Codex is the enemy of everyone except those who will profit from it, according to Dr. Laibow. She points to its association with those who committed crimes during the Nazi regime. At the end of World War II, the Nuremberg tribunal judged Nazis who had committed horrendous crimes against humanity and sentenced them to prison terms. One of those found guilty was the president of the megalithic corporation I.G. Farben, Hermann Schmitz. His company was the largest chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world, and had extraordinary political and economic power and influence with the Hitlerian Nazi state. Farben produced the gas used in the Nazi gas chambers, and the steal for the railroads built to transport people to their deaths.While serving his prison term, Schmitz looked for an alternative to brute force for controlling people and realized that people could be controlled through their food supply. When he got out of prison, he went to his friends at the United Nations (UN) and laid out a plan to take over the control of food worldwide. A trade commission called Codex Alimentarius (Latin for food code) was re-created under the guise of it being a consumer protection commission. But Codex was never in the business of protecting people. It has always been about money and profits at the expense of people.In 1962, the timetable was set for Codex to be fully implemented on a global level by December 31, 2009. Under Codex, committees were established to create guidelines on such topics as fish and fisheries, fats and oils, fruits and vegetables, ground nuts, nutrition, food for specialized uses, and vitamins and minerals. There were 27 committees in all, creating a huge bureaucracy. Under Codex there are over 4,000 guidelines and regulations on everything that can be put into your mouth with the exception of pharmaceuticals which are not regulated by Codex.
Codex is a weapon being used to reduce the level of nutrition worldwide
Codex is an industry dominated regulation setting organization, and as such has no legal standing. Participation in Codex is said to be voluntary. But Codex has risen to the level of de facto legal standing because Codex is administered by the WHO and FAO. They fund it and run it at the request of the UN. Since the WHO and FAO are supposed to be about health, there is conflict of interest. The committees of Codex work up guidelines, rules and regulations, and present them to a Codex commission for ratification. Once they are ratified and approved by consensus, they become mandatory for any country that is a member of the WHO.Codex was accepted when the WTO was formed in 1994 as a means of harmonizing food standards globally for easy trade between countries. As a result, countries must harmonize with Codex if they want to have any standing in a trade dispute. When disputes arise and countries are pulled in to WTO, the one that is Codex compliant automatically wins, regardless of the merits of its case.Dr. Laiblow sees codex as a weapon to make every nation scurry to become compliant to the decline in nutritional standards. She points out that compliance in the U.S. will mark the end of its consumer protection laws. Codex will not serve consumers. Codex will serve the interests of the medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical, and big agricultural industries.
Under Codex, nutrients are classified as poisons
The Dietary Substances Health and Education Act (DSHEA), was signed into law in 1994 for the purpose of ensuring that safe and appropriately labeled products would remain available to those who wanted to use them. In the findings associated with this law, Congress stated that there may be a positive relationship between sound dietary practice and good health, and a connection between dietary supplement use, reduced health-care expenses, and disease prevention. Under DSHEA, nutrients and herbs are classified as food. There is no upper limit set, and access is freely given. Americans are allowed to have any nutrients they want, because under English common law, anything that is not expressly forbidden is permitted.Codex, on the other hand, is based on Napoleonic law under which anything not expressly permitted is forbidden. Therefore, only what is expressly allowed under Codex will be permitted, and everything else is forbidden. In 1994, the same year DSHEA was signed, Codex had nutrients declared to be toxic and poisonous. And as poisons, they claimed people must be protected from them through the use of toxicology and risk assessment, under which scientists test small doses on animals until they are able to discern an impact. They then take the first sign of the most minimal impact and divide this amount by 100 to establish a safety margin required from these poisons. This means that the largest dose of any nutrient allowed under Codex is 1/100th of the amount shown to produce the first discernable impact.Nutrients allowed under codex are limited to those on the positive list, expected to contain only 18 nutrients, one of them being fluoride. Dr. Laibow points out that although fluoride has no biological benefit whatsoever, it does make people complacent.The codex proponents now have several bills before Congress designed to overturn and get rid of DSHEA. Once this is accomplished, the U.S. will have been harmonized with the vitamin and mineral guidelines of codex. High potency, therapeutically effective, significant nutrients will then be illegal in the way that heroin is illegal. They will not even be available by prescription.Codex supports toxic food additives, pesticides and GM foods
Codex poses a significant threat to the food supply, according to Dr. Robert Verkerk, founder and director of the Alliance for Natural Health. About 300 dangerous food additives that are mainly synthetic will be allowed under Codex, including aspartame, BHA, BHT, potassium bromate, tartrazine, and more. Dr. Verkerk is particularly concerned that no consideration has been given to potential risks associated with long-term exposure to mixtures of additives.Codex sets limits for the dangerous industrial chemicals that can be used in food, but they are incredibly high, and the list of chemicals that can be used is long. In 2001, 176 countries including the U.S. got together and decided that 12 highly toxic organic chemicals, known as persistent organic pollutants (POPS) were so bad that they had to be banned. There are many more than 12 toxic chemicals used on food, but these 12 were unanimously declared to be the worst. Of these, 9 are pesticides.Under Codex, 7 of the 9 forbidden POPS will again be allowed in the production of food. All together, Codex allows over 3,275 different pesticides, including those that are suspected carcinogens or endocrine disrupters. There is no consideration of the long-term effects of exposure to mixtures of pesticide residues in food.Organic food governance will be dumbed down to suit the interests of large food producers. Various synthetic chemical additives and processing aids will be allowed, and food labeled as organic may be irradiated. Labeling will permit the use of hidden, non-organic ingredients.Monsanto, a member of Codex, will benefit greatly as production of genetically modified (GM) foods are stepped up and more GM plants are given the green light. Terminator seeds will be approved for international trade. GM food animals will also be on the way.Under Codex, every dairy animal can be treated with growth hormone, and all animals in the food chain will be treated with sub-clinical levels of antibiotics, according to Dr. Laibow. She claims that Codex will lead to the required irradiation of all foods with the exception of those grown locally and sold raw.Dr. Laiblow sees Codex as food regulations that are in fact the legalization of mandated toxicity and under-nutrition". According to her, the WHO and FAO estimate that of the 3 billion people initially expected to die as the result of the Codex vitamin and mineral guidelines, 2 billion of them will die from the preventable diseases that result from under-nutrition, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many others. Those who will live will be the wealthy elites who are able to somehow provide themselves with sources of clean food and other nutrients.
Codex is legalized genocide
Dr. Gregory Damato, Ph.D., writing for Natural News, has characterized Codex as population control for money. He sees Codex as run by the U.S. and controlled by the big pharmaceutical corporations and the likes of Monsanto with the purpose of reducing the population of the world to a level considered sustainable by those promulgating the New World Order. This would mean a reduction of approximately 93 percent of the current world population.Once Codex standards are adopted there will be no turning back. When Codex compliance is instigated in any area, as long as the country remains a member of the WTO, those standards cannot be repealed, or altered in any way.Natural Solutions Foundation is working to revamp Codex guidelines worldwide.Some hope remains. Over the years, the WTO has accepted Codex standards as presumptive evidence of the rules of trade between countries. However, several times in history, the WTO has refused to make Codex the single and only standard to be used in trade disputes. Under Codex’s own statutes, their guidelines are claimed to be advisory, and nations are able to set up their own guidelines.Since compliance with Codex standards is simply presumptive evidence, and not finally determinative, a nation can opt out of the guidelines in an effort to protect its traditional foods and remedies. The Codex Two Step is a legal strategy that the Natural Solutions Foundation has developed to help nations wanting to do this. Under Step One, the country develops its own food and health guidelines that may be at variance with Codex guidelines. For example, it may be much stricter on the issues of toxins in the food supply or on the issue of genetically modified foods. It may require, for example, that companies using GM ingredients be required to indicate them on food labels. In countries that refuse to use GM foods, this can be indicated on their label too, so that people can make informed choices.So, the first step is for a country to set up its guidelines. The Second Step is to adopt a national law that implements those guidelines on a sound scientific basis. The NSF is preparing models to be used for doing this that are available to any country. There is a model vitamin and mineral guideline, and a model of a food and health statute to implement that guideline.Normally, in a trade dispute before the WTO, the country that has adopted Codex guidelines will be the winner of that dispute based on those guidelines being presumptive evidence. However, when countries have gone through the two step process to create their own guidelines, there is no such presumption, and the WTO will look at the science behind the guidelines.
In the U.S. the door is open to Codex
In 1995, the FDA issued a policy statement saying that international standards such as Codex would supersede U.S. laws governing all food. Under the Central American Free Trade Agreement, which is illegal under current U.S. law, but is legal under international law, the U.S. is required to conform to Codex as it stands on December 31, 2009.This is why NSF needs your help. Because the current pro-Codex stance of the U.S. is in violation of current laws, NSF has created a Citizen’s Petition in which they are asking the U.S. government to amend its Codex position according to the Two Step plan that Codex allows. This petition is a ground-breaking legal approach to compel the government to hold public hearings and move from a pro-illness Codex position to a pro-health position. If the government does not respond in an appropriate manner, the next step in the process is to take them to court.A Citizen’s Petition is a legal means to focus a government agency’s attention on an issue of concern to citizens. Once a Citizen’s Petition has been entered, a docket to debate it is opened and public comment is accepted. A Citizen’s Petition does have one thing in common with the more familiar types of petitions. Any number of people can add their names to it and become co-petitioners.So far, over 30,000 people have joined this petition, and three members of Congress have written a Congressional Letter in support of it. NSF needs you to read and sign this petition by going to… On this site you will also find a letter that can be sent to the U.S. Codex Manager, Dr. Edwin Scarbrough, and Dr. Barbara Schneeman, Head of the FDA’s Office of Nutritional Products.Dr. Liabow is encouraging people to pass the word about Codex to everyone they know or with whom they come in contact. As a reader of Natural News, you are in the forefront of knowledge regarding health standards and the need to safeguard them. You are probably someone who others look to for advice on health matters. As such, you are in a special position to help this petition move forward. The new guidelines created by NSF have mandated biochemically individual determination of optimal health. These guidelines need to be adopted by Congress and also by other countries who value their traditional foods and remedies.
When Dr. Laibow was recently working in Washington D.C. to inform the members of Congress about Codex, she found that very few of them knew anything about it all. As they have become informed, some have come out against Codex. This makes writing to your congressmen on this issue critically important. Tell they about the threat of Codex. Suggest that they need a congressional briefing on the issue and suggest that they contact Dr. Rima Laibow. Remember, any negative part of Codex can be overturned by a guideline that is positive.And while you at it, be sure to sign the Health Revolution Petition, created by Mike Adams, editor of Natural News http://www.healthrevolutionpetition… This petition highlights a series of actions critically needed to move from a disease care model to a true health care model with the goal of restoration and perpetuation of vibrant health for everyone.
For more information:…
Top Epidemiologist Slams Swine Flu Fearmongering .The whole industry is waiting for a pandemic Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A top epidemiologist has slammed the dangerous fearmongering behind the swine flu scare and dismissed it as nothing more than the product of an industry licking its lips at the prospect of a profitable pandemic.In an interview with German news outlet Spiegel Online, epidemiologist Tom Jefferson chastised doomsday predictions about pandemics that seem to arrive almost every year now.One of the extraordinary features of this influenza — and the whole influenza saga — is that there are some people who make predictions year after year, and they get worse and worse. None of them so far have come about, and these people are still there making these predictions. For example, what happened with the bird flu, which was supposed to kill us all? Nothing. But that doesn’t stop these people from always making their predictions. Sometimes you get the feeling that there is a whole industry almost waiting for a pandemic to occur,said Jefferson.Jefferson states that pharmaceutical companies have built a machine around the impending pandemic and are already cashing in.And there’s a lot of money involved, and influence, and careers, and entire institutions! And all it took was one of these influenza viruses to mutate to start the machine grinding,he adds.
Indeed, government proclamations about the inevitability of swine flu returning as a more potent threat this fall have helped fuel massive profits for pharmaceutical companies who are reaping billions of dollars in extra revenue amid global concern about the spread of swine flu,according to a Financial Times report.Analysts expect to see a boost in sales from GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and Sanofi-Aventis when the companies report first-half earnings lifted by government contracts for flu vaccines and antiviral medicines,states the article.Jefferson points out that the swine flu could have gone largely unnoticed had it not been so strongly branded by the machine that profits from hyping it into something that we should all be afraid of.Don’t you think there’s something noteworthy about the fact that the WHO has changed its definition of pandemic? asks Jefferson.The old definition was a new virus, which went around quickly, for which you didn’t have immunity, and which created a high morbidity and mortality rate. Now the last two have been dropped, and that’s how swine flu has been categorized as a pandemic.Jefferson highlights the fact that there are hundreds of viruses circulating, some of which are potentially deadly, that produce the same symptoms as influenza, such as rhinoviruses and RSV, which the public knows virtually nothing about because they haven’t had the same machine behind them as swine flu.Why haven’t such viruses received anything like the attention given to swine flu? It’s easy: They can’t make money with it, says Jefferson. With rhinoviruses, RSV and the majority of the other viruses, it’s hard to make a lot of money or a career out of it. Against influenza, though, there are vaccines, and there are drugs you can sell. And that’s where the big money from the pharmaceuticals industry is. It makes sure that research on influenza is published in the good journals. And that’s why you have more attention being paid there, and the entire research field becomes interesting for ambitious scientists.Jefferson also discussed why seasonal influenza vaccines were all but useless, because flu viruses mutate while the very vaccine to combat them is still in production, making the shot mostly ineffectual when actually administered, not to mention potential side-effects.The importance of influenza is completely overestimated. It has to do with research funds, power, influence and scientific reputations,said Jefferson, adding that drugs like Tamiflu have also been linked with psychotic reactions similar to those found in schizophrenics.
Human trials of swine flu drug start in Australia Tuesday, July 21, 2009.
SYDNEY – An Australian pharmaceutical company will begin trials Wednesday of its experimental swine flu vaccine.CSL Ltd. will test the vaccine on 240 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 64 starting at Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia's south, the company and media reports said.The trial will involve participants receiving two injections of the vaccine, three weeks apart, and will compare a standard dosage with an increased dosage. Doctors will be looking to find at what dose volunteers develop an appropriate immune response.We appreciate that new influenza strains like the swine flu can surprise us with properties that mean they might require higher dosing and two injections rather than one to provoke the desired level of immune response in humans, Dr. Russell Basser, the company's global director of clinical development, said in a statement.Dr. Rachel David, speaking for the company, said 400 children will also be involved in the vaccine trial.We're talking about kids aged between 6 months and 9 years and it involves two injections and two blood tests, so four needles to monitor the results,she was quoted as saying by Australia's ABC News.I think that is a big commitment for families but in spite of that we've had a number of people come forward because they're interested in not getting the flu, she said.The World Health Organization said Tuesday that there have been more than 700 deaths from swine flu since the start of the outbreak. The figure is an increase of some 300 since the start of the month.
Global health officials mull how to slow swine flu By FRANK JORDANS, Associated Press Writer – Tue Jul 21, 5:30 pm ET
GENEVA – Some Muslim countries are advising pregnant women not to attend the hajj pilgrimage. China is quarantining any visitor suspected of having a fever, while priests in New Zealand have been banned from placing Communion wafers on worshippers' tongues.It's all part of a global effort to slow the spread of swine flu until a vaccine is ready, although experts are divided on whether the measures will work.
Students across Europe may have their summer vacations extended after the World Health Organization said Tuesday that closing schools was one option countries could consider.Deaths from the H1N1 virus have doubled in the past three weeks, to over 700 from about 330 at the start of July, the agency said.We expect to see more cases and deaths in the future,WHO spokeswoman Aphaluck Bhatiasevi told The Associated Press in Geneva.The agency gave no breakdown, but as of last week, the United States had reported 263 deaths, Canada had 45 and Britain had 29. According to WHO's last update on July 6, there were 119 deaths in Mexico.Yet even the latest figures may seriously underestimate the true toll because not all swine flu cases are being picked up due to testing limitations.The race is now on to develop a vaccine that is effective against the pandemic strain before the flu season begins this fall in the northern hemisphere. Estimates for when a vaccine will be available range from September to December.In the meantime, the U.N. health agency is working with its national counterparts around the world to examine what countries can do.School closures is one of the mitigation measures that could be considered by countries,Bhatiasevi told reporters.Experts have argued that school closures may be among the most effective measures, but warn there may be a considerable economic downside, too.
Religious leaders have been drawn into the debate after authorities in Jordan and health officials at a conference in Saudi Arabia recommended that people thought to be most at risk, including pregnant women and those with chronic diseases, skip the hajj pilgrimage this year.Arab health ministers are holding an emergency meeting Wednesday in Cairo to come up with a unified plan to confront the pandemic.In New Zealand, the Roman Catholic Church imposed a ban on priests placing Communion wafers on the tongues of worshippers and on the sharing of Communion wine. It also asked parishioners to avoid bodily contact at services, including shaking hands.In Chile, where 40 people have died from swine flu, authorities canceled a popular religious festival that normally draws tens of thousands of worshippers to the northern town of La Tirana, prompting protests from the faithful.The key question is whether citizens will accept the measures governments impose, said Christian Drosten, head of the Institute for Virology at the University of Bonn in Germany.You need to get the population on board, otherwise your efforts won't work,he said.Once people take the disease seriously, you'll begin to see the kind of social distancing that limits infection.But it's all a question of culture, Drosten added.What works in Europe may not work in other countries, and vice versa.In Switzerland, supermarket chains are considering requiring customers to disinfect their hands and put on a face mask as they enter the store. We can put these measures in place as quickly we get food into the stores, said Urs Peter Naef, a spokesman for the Migros chain, Switzerland's biggest.China's practice of forcibly quarantining visitors has caused bewilderment elsewhere, particularly when hundreds of American, British and other foreign students have been sealed off in hotels for days on just the suspicion of infection. Chinese officials in masks or hazmat suits board planes, pointing temperature guns at passengers' foreheads. If a passenger is diagnosed with swine flu, anyone seated within three rows is often tracked down. Those quarantined get to leave if they are healthy seven days from the date they landed.In Britain, health officials' advice that women put off planning to have children due to the global outbreak was met with ridicule since the swine flu pandemic may last years.One measure comes up again and again — school closures — but it has its own risks.A paper published Tuesday in the medical journal The Lancet argues that closing schools can help break the chain of transmission, slowing the pace of the disease and lessening the burden on health care systems.
But the paper, written by researchers at London's Imperial College, also noted the considerable economic costs as parents are forced to stay home to look after their children.France's Education Ministry has already prepared nearly 300 hours of educational programming for radio and television to allow those affected by school closures to follow their lessons, the Le Parisien daily reported.The experience of school closures in the United States during the early days of the epidemic may prove to be a guide for how best to handle outbreaks in an educational setting. Initially, authorities recommended schools close for two weeks if there was a suspected case, but when the virus turned out to be milder than feared they switched to advising parents to keep only sick students home. Schools could still close if there were a large number of student and staff out sick — the same guidance for schools contending with an outbreak of seasonal flu.We have some general philosophies and principles that the best place for healthy kids is in school, where they can learn ... and where many of them get breakfast and lunch and can be nourished as well,Dr. Anne Schuchat of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said last week. Apart from school closures, a team of WHO experts is also examining other measures including postponing mass gatherings, such as sports events and concerts, Bhatiasevi said. That could prove very unpopular since football and Major League Baseball, as well as world soccer teams all have heavy fall schedules. Ultimately, the responsibility to decide what to do to keep the pandemic under control rests with individual governments, Bhatiasevi said.Different countries could be facing a pandemic at different levels at different times. It is really up to countries to consider what mitigation efforts suit them.Associated Press writers Bradley S. Klapper in Geneva, Jenny Barchfield in Paris, Rebecca Santana in Cairo, Jamal Halaby in Amman, Jordan, Eduardo Gallardo in Santiago, Chile, and AP medical writers Maria Cheng and Stephanie Nano contributed to this report.
7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
Homes of West Kelowna fire evacuees burglarized Last Updated: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 | 8:00 PM PT CBC News
West Kelowna fire evacuee Wayne Desabrais is not sure how crooks got to his home. (CBC)At least two homes of evacuees who had to leave West Kelowna, B.C., because of forest fires have been burglarized, CBC News has learned.Wayne Desabrais found out Saturday that the doors of his home had been breached and his computers stolen despite assurances he got from police that the area would be heavily patrolled.It's not usually ... what they take; it's what they break and the damage they do,he said Tuesday.Desabrais said he is not sure how the crooks got to his home.They supposedly had [the road] secure,he said.How anybody even gets up this road? Cause this is a dead-end road, you know? ... They think they maybe came up around the back side in quads or walking or who knows? Another house belonging to a single mother was also burglarized. She reportedly lost electronics and gaming equipment.Police were also looking at three condominiums to assess whether they were broken into or whether firefighters had entered them during the course of battling the blaze.Large parts of the Okanagan community were evacuated Saturday because of forest fires. Two fires in the Rose Valley and Glenrosa areas of West Kelowna were almost fully contained by Tuesday evening, and the bulk of the roughly 11,000 residents who were forced out of their homes were allowed to return home.
Thousands flee western Canadian wildfires Mon Jul 20, 5:57 am ET
VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) – Emergency crews made slow progress Sunday to contain wildfires that have forced thousands of residents of a western Canadian community to flee their homes.Wind and dry conditions were fueling the large blazes that broke out Saturday in the rugged hills along Okanagan Lake west of the city of Kelowna, British Columbia, where housing subdivisions have encroached on the surrounding forest in recent years.The winds are definitely adding to the fire activity,said Elise Riedlinger, a spokeswoman for the British Columbia Forest Service, which has not estimated when the fires can be brought under control.No injuries or deaths were reported, but at least three homes are known to have been destroyed and possibly more.Fire crews and employees manning waterhoses were able to protect a large Gorman Brothers Ltd. sawmill complex that had been threatened.About 17,000 people have been told to either leave their homes or be ready to evacuate on a moment's notice if asked by emergency officials.The Glenrosa fire, which was the first to erupt, had grown to 988 acres, while the Rose Valley Dam fire, which broke out a few kilometers (miles) to the north had grown to 370.5 acres.The Glenrosa fire was about 40 percent contained, but the canyon terrain of the Rose Valley blaze was hampering ground crew's efforts to build a fire guard, officials said.A third fire burning out of control northwest of Kelowna had grown to 2,099.5 acres. It did not threaten any populated areas but was adding to smoke problems in the area.Kelowna, in the Okanagan Valley of south-central British Columbia, is about a 248-mile drive east of Vancouver. It is the heart of Canada's west coast wine industry and a popular vacation spot.
Police said the cause of the fires was under investigation.
Helicopters and aircraft dropped water and fire retardant on flames to back up the more than 200 firefighters working on the ground.Adding fuel to the fire were trees that have died in recent years because of an infestation of mountain pine beetles.
Emergency officials were dealing with the situation using plans developed after the Kelowna area was struck by massive wildfires that destroyed more than 200 homes in 2003.Significant progress has been made since the 2003 fire season, Kash Heed, British Columbia's provincial public safety minister, said.(Reporting by Allan Dowd; editing by Paul Simao)
GENESIS 1:5,14
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:(ISRAELS HOLY DAYS AND SABBATH STARTS AT 6PM) And for SIGNS (PROPHECY SIGNS TO HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE, OUR DAY)
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Total solar eclipse seen by millions in Asia Last Updated: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 | 12:05 AM ET The Associated Press
The moon passes between the sun and the earth during a total solar eclipse Wednesday over the northern Indian city of Varanasi. (Jayanta Shaw/Reuters)A total solar eclipse became visible in parts of Asia on Wednesday morning, bringing near darkness to millions of observers.Live television pictures showed the sun completely blotted by the moon in Taregna, a village in eastern India, at 6.24 a.m. local time (8:54 p.m. ET Tuesday).Students try solar eclipse goggles after a demonstration on how to safely watch a solar eclipse in Allahabad, India, on Tuesday. (Rajesh Kumar Singh/Associated Press)But most other parts of India remained under thick cloud cover, to the disappointment of millions who gathered outside to watch the longest solar eclipse of the 21st century.The eclipse lasted six minutes and 39 seconds at its maximum point. It was later seen in a broad swath moving north and east to Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan and China.Over the past week, Taregna has been swamped by researchers who will study scientific phenomena ranging from the behaviour of birds and other animals to atmospheric changes affected by the eclipse.Hotels in Patna were fully booked while taxis raised their rates, sensing a brief opportunity in the sudden interest in the village.
Scientists to film eclipse
Scientists set up telescopes and other equipment in Taregna a day in advance to make the most of the brief window of opportunity provided by the eclipse.We are hoping to make some valuable observations on the formation of asteroids around the sun, Pankaj Bhama, a scientist with India's Science Popularization Association of Communicators and Educators, said Tuesday.A 10-member team of scientists from the premier Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore and the Indian air force will be flying and filming the eclipse as it becomes visible in different parts of the country, an air force news release said.Thousands of people lined up outside a planetarium in Patna on Tuesday to buy solar viewing goggles. The goggles, costing 20 rupees (40 cents), are supposed to act as filters and allow people to look at the sun without damaging their eyes.But millions across India were shunning the sight and planned to stay indoors, gripped by fearful myths.Across India, even in regions where the eclipse was not visible, pregnant women were advised to stay indoors in curtained rooms over a belief that the sun's invisible rays would harm the fetus and the baby would be born with disfigurations, birthmarks or a congenital defect.
Schools keep students indoors
Krati Jain, a software professional in New Delhi, said she planned to take a day off from work Wednesday to avoid what she called any ill effects of the eclipse on my baby.My mother and aunts have called and told me stay in a darkened room with the curtains closed, lie in bed and chant prayers,said Jain, 24, who is expecting her first child.In the northern Indian state of Punjab, authorities ordered schools to begin an hour later than usual to prevent children from venturing out and gazing at the sun.Still, it was not all gloom and doom. A travel agency in India is running a charter flight to watch the eclipse by air, with seats facing the sun selling at a premium.Back on the ground, additional police and paramilitary troops were posted around Patna and Taregna after Maoist rebels called for a strike Wednesday to protest against the rise in the price of gas and other essential commodities.The rebels, who say they are inspired by Chinese revolutionary leader Mao Zedong, frequently target police and government workers.Adequate numbers of forces have been deployed at Taregna where top scientists and researchers are gathering to view the celestial wonder,said R. Mallar Vizhi, a senior superintendent of police in Patna.
Amateur Tells Nasa: Comet Hit Jupiter
10:31am UK, Wednesday July 22, 2009
Evidence suggesting Jupiter was struck by a comet has been found by an amateur astronomer using a home-made telescope.A black mass appears to hit Jupiter. Picture: Anthony Wesley.Anthony Wesley, 44, raised the alarm after seeing a dark spot in front of the planet.His quick-thinking allowed Nasa experts to put a powerful telescope on Jupiter and spot the signs suggesting an impact took place.The IT consultant spent Sunday evening looking into space and watching coverage of the Open Championship at home in Canberra, Australia.About 11pm I went inside to have a break and watch the golf, and by the time I came back out at about 1am the impact point had rotated around into view, he told The Times.I couldn't believe it. I thought, That wasn't there before, and then I realised Jupiter had actually been hit by something.Initital speculation suggested it could have been a weather storm.But experts at Nasa believe the planet could have been hit by a 1km-diameter comet travelling at 135,000 mph (60km per second).It is the second time scientists have spotted a possible collision. The last recorded impact was in July 1994.Dr Glenn Orton from Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory was working with an infra-red telescope when Mr Wesley's query reached him.
We were extremely lucky to be seeing Jupiter at exactly the right time, the right hour, the right side of Jupiter to witness the event,Dr Orton said.We couldn't have planned it better. It could be the impact of a comet, but we don't know for sure yet, he said.If a small comet hit earth, it could destroy an area the size of Virginia or create a devastating tsunami, according to the Near-Earth Object Taskforce.A larger comet could make us extinct - what some scientists believe wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Five dead, eight missing in Japan mudslides: officials Tue Jul 21, 6:12 am ET
TOKYO (AFP) – Torrential rains triggered scores of floods and landslides in western Japan on Tuesday, leaving at least five people dead and eight more missing, police and other officials said.A nursing home for the elderly was hit by a large landslide in Hofu City, Yamaguchi prefecture, some 750 kilometres (470 miles) west of Tokyo, prompting the military to send a rescue unit there, the municipal office said.Three people died and four were missing at the nursing home, the ground floor of which was inundated with mud, Yamaguchi prefectural police said.A total of 99 people had been housed at the nursing home, and we have confirmed 92 are alive,a police official told AFP by telephone.
One other person was killed in a landslide and another by a swollen river.
In total seven people were missing in Hofu, a city of 120,000 by the scenic Inland Sea, and one more was missing in a nearby area.The mountain behind the nursing home collapsed at about 1:30 pm and water gushed down in a mixture of red soil, mud and small rocks,Jyunko Sasaki, a housewife who lives near the facility, told Fuji television network.The Hofu city office said there were 29 landslides and that rivers and canals flooded in 46 places. At least three cars were buried in mud and rocks.A flash-flood swept a team of firefighters off their feet, although injuries were limited to one of them breaking a finger, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported.
West Coast Tsunami Threat Higher than Thought – Tue Jul 21, 10:11 am ET
The threat of a devastating tsunami hitting the U.S. West Coast might be higher than previously thought, scientists say, based on a new study of earthquake faults off the coast of Alaska. Tsunamis are often triggered by earthquakes, as was the case with the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which was sparked by the 9.3-magnitude Sumatra-Andaman subduction quake in the same ocean. The tsunami killed nearly a quarter of a million people. The new research suggests that future tsunamis could reach a scale far beyond that suffered in a 1964 tsunami generated by the great 9.2-magnitude Alaskan earthquake - the most devastating seismic sea wave to impact the northwestern coast of the U.S. in historical time,said study team member Ron Bruhn, a geologist at the University of Utah.That tsunami killed about 130 people, according to official records: 114 in Alaska and 16 in Oregon and California, including several who heard it was coming and went down to the coast to watch. Researchers looked at ancient fault segments off the coast of Alaska and determined that the rupture of an even larger area than the 1964 rupture zone could create an even bigger, more devastating tsunami.While warning systems are in place on the West Coast of North America, the findings, detailed in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews, suggest a need for a review of evacuation plans in the region.
Past temblors
A research team from Durham University in the United Kingdom, the University of Utah and Plafker Geohazard Consultants gauged the extent of earthquakes along the U.S. West Coast over the past 2,000 years by studying subsoil samples and sediment sequences at sites along the Alaskan coast. The team radiocarbon-dated peat layers and sediments, and analyzed the distribution of mud, sand and peat within them. The data indicate that two major earthquakes have struck Alaska in the past 1,500 years - specifically, about 900 and 1,500 years ago. The results suggest that earthquakes in the region may rupture even larger segments of the coast and sea floor than was previously thought. Our radiocarbon-dated samples suggest that previous earthquakes were 15 percent bigger in terms of the area affected than the 1964 event,said lead author of the study, Ian Shennan of Durham University.This historical evidence of widespread, simultaneous plate rupturing within the Alaskan region has significant implications for the tsunami potential of the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific region as a whole.The research was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey.
Tsunami trigger
Tsunamis can be created by the rapid displacement of water when the sea floor lifts and/or falls due to crustal movements that accompany very large earthquakes. The movement acts like a giant paddle. The shallow nature of the sea floor off the coast of Alaska could increase the destructive potential of a tsunami wave in the Pacific.
Tsunamis are not always a given though: In 1899 and 1979, large earthquakes occurred in the region but did not trigger tsunamis because the rupturing was localized beneath the land instead of the sea floor.But a quake whose effect is spread out over a longer distance could have a devastating impact. In the case of a multirupture event, the energy imparted to the tsunami will be larger but spread out over a longer strike distance,Bruhn said.Except for the small communities at the tsunami source in Alaska, the longer length will have more of an effect on areas farther from the source such as southeastern Alaska, British Columbia, and the U.S. West Coast from Washington to California.Pacific Ocean tsunami warning systems, first put in place in the 1940s and improved in 2004 after the Indian Ocean tsunami, help, but tsunamis could still do considerable damage. (No comparison was made between the potential future tsunamis and the Indian Ocean disaster, which happened in a different part of the Pacific Ocean.)Earthquakes can hit at any time of the day or night, and that's a big challenge for emergency planners,Shennan said.A tsunami in this region could cause damage and threaten life from Alaska to California and beyond.
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.
Israeli official: US should honor past deals By JOSEF FEDERMAN, Associated Press Writer – Tue Jul 21, 1:44 pm ET
JERUSALEM – Israel's deputy prime minister said Tuesday the Obama administration's call to freeze West Bank settlement construction undermines past agreements between the U.S. and Israel and damages American credibility.The comments by Dan Meridor underscored the growing rift between Israel and the U.S. over construction in the settlements. Meridor, a respected veteran of Israeli politics, is considered a moderate voice in the new Israeli government.President Barack Obama has urged Israel to halt all settlement construction as a confidence-building move to restart stalled peace negotiations.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he would not build any new settlements, but that construction must be permitted inside existing settlements to accommodate what he calls natural growth in their populations. Nearly 500,000 Israelis now live in the West Bank and east Jerusalem — areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war and claimed by the Palestinians as part of a future independent state.Israeli officials and former White House official Eliot Abrams have cited a series of written and oral understandings reached with the Bush administration that appear to permit limited settlement construction.Speaking to foreign reporters, Meridor, who is one of six deputy premiers under Netanyahu, said it was important for these understandings to be honored. Otherwise, it would raise questions about the legitimacy of future agreements, he said.We never had an agreement with the previous administration. We had an agreement with America, he added.The agreement we had with the Americans is binding on us and them ... They should keep to the agreement.
Netanyahu, known for hard-line views toward the Palestinians, recently endorsed the U.S. goal of establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel as part of a peace deal, though shackled by conditions. However, the Palestinians, encouraged by the firm U.S. stance on settlements, have refused to resume talks until Netanyahu halts settlement construction.What is required from Israel is to freeze all settlement activity,Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in the West Bank Tuesday.When Israel meets these demands, we will be ready to go to the final negotiations.The EU issued a statement Tuesday calling on Israel to stop what it termed provocative actions in Jerusalem, like demolition of some Palestinian homes. These,combined with the increase in settlement activity in east Jerusalem, further threaten the chances of peace,the statement said.Jerusalem city hall has said that the destroyed homes were built without permits.Meridor hoped the differences over restarting peace talks would soon be bridged.In the coming weeks, I think that we will see, I certainly hope so, the resumption of negotiations,he said. He noted that Palestinians conducted three years of negotiations with Netanyahu's predecessor, Ehud Olmert, while settlements expanded.As he spoke, settlers rampaged in the West Bank for a second day, cutting down some 40 olive trees belonging to Palestinian farmers in the village of Burin, said Mayor Ali Eid. The Israeli military said it received reports of the rampage, but by the time troops arrived, the settlers had fled.Extremist settlers often vandalize Palestinian property to protest Israel's removal of small, unauthorized outposts in the West Bank — a tactic they call the price tag.
FROM WND'S JERUSALEM BUREAU Rabbis to Obama: Stop pressing on capital,You don't want to enter list of those who raised a hand against Jerusalem July 21, 2009
9:48 pm Eastern By Aaron Klein 2009 WorldNetDaily
President Obama boards Air Force One
JERUSALEM – Leading rabbis in Israel released a petition yesterday demanding President Obama cease pressuring the Jewish state on the issue of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is off limits, and we respectfully request that you stop all talk and pressure against Jewish construction in Jerusalem,reads a petition signed by 250 members of the Rabbinical Congress for Peace. The Congress is a coalition of Israeli rabbinic leaders, including pulpit rabbis and some of the most prestigious names in the Torah community.During these days when our nation mourns the destruction of Jerusalem and remembers in abhorrence those that destroyed it, we are sure that you, Mr. President, do not want to enter the list of those who raised a hand on Jerusalem and its Jewish inhabitants,the rabbis write.The rabbis state that besides the sanctity of Jerusalem, it is totally illogical to even think about negotiating with the Palestinians, pointing out every piece of territory taken over by the Palestinian Authority was turned into a sanctuary for terrorism and a launching for attacks against Jews.The rabbis message follows a now confirmed report that the State Department last weekend summoned Israel's ambassador to Washington to demand a Jewish construction project in eastern Jerusalem be immediately halted.
The Obama administration has called for a halt to Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank in line with Palestinian claims on eastern Jerusalem as a future capital, even though the city was never a part of any Palestinian entity.The construction project at the center of attention, financed by Miami Beach philanthropist Irving Moskowitz, is located just meters from Israel's national police headquarters and other government ministries and is a few blocks from the country's prestigious Hebrew University, underscoring the centrality of the Jewish real estate being condemned by the U.S.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly rejected the State Department demand, telling a cabinet meeting that Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem was not a matter up for discussion. Imagine what would happen if someone were to suggest Jews could not live in or purchase [property] in certain neighborhoods in London, New York, Paris or Rome,he said. The international community would certainly raise protest. Likewise, we cannot accept such a ruling on East Jerusalem,Netanyahu told ministers. Netanyahu explained an open city does not discriminate against Jewish housing and that Israel would not accept a stance that counters that civil right.Israeli Arabs are not forbidden from buying houses in west Jerusalem, and Jews must be granted the same right in the eastern part of the city,he added.WND has confirmed that over the weekend the State Department summoned Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren to urge him to reject a permit granted to Moskowitz's housing project.Moskowitz purchased an eastern Jerusalem hotel. He plans to tear it down and build housing units in its place. The Jerusalem municipality earlier this month granted approval to the project, allowing for the construction of 20 apartments plus a three-level underground parking lot.Historically, there was never any separation between eastern and western Jerusalem. The terminology came after Jordan occupied the eastern section of the city, including the Temple Mount, from 1947 until it used the territory to attack the Jewish state in 1967. Israel reunited Jerusalem when it won the 1967 Six Day War.While the U.S. strongly protests any Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem, it has been actively aiding Palestinians building illegally upon Jewish own land in eastern sections of the city, WND has exposed.Nimer Hamad, senior political adviser to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, told WND the PA recently received guarantees against any Jewish construction in the West Bank or eastern Jerusalem taking place without the approval of the Obama administration and the Palestinians.Last month, WND quoted a top PA negotiator stating the Obama administration told the Palestinians the golden era of Israeli construction in sections of Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank will soon come to an end.The U.S. assured us that for the first time since 1967, we are going into a period where there will not be allowed a single construction effort on the part of the Israelis in the settlements, including in Gush Etzion, Maale Adumum and eastern Jerusalem,said the negotiator, speaking from Ramallah on condition his name be withheld.The negotiator told WND the positions of the PA and U.S. regarding ongoing Jewish construction in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem are closer than ever.The U.S. used to differentiate between natural growth and adding new communities. Not anymore. No construction will be allowed, not even natural growth, the PA negotiator said.
EU, Russia Urge Israel To Abandon East Jerusalem Settlement Plans
JULY 21,09
(RTTNews) - European Union and Russia on Tuesday urged Israel to abandon its plans for building a new housing project in East Jerusalem, warning that such actions would undermine the Middle East peace process.In a statement released Tuesday, Sweden, the current holder of EU's rotating presidency, urged Israel to refrain from provocative actions in East Jerusalem, including home demolitions and evictions, as stated also by the Quartet 26 June 2009.The statement added that such actions are illegal under international law.Meanwhile, Russia warned that the Israeli plans to build 20 apartments in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in east Jerusalem violated the earlier reached Road Map peace agreement.The settlement should be stopped immediately in line with the road map, Russian foreign ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said Tuesday, referring to an earlier peace agreement endorsed by the Israelis and Palestinians in 2003.Under the 2003 peace plan, Israel is required to dismantle settlement outposts erected since 2001 and freeze all settlement activity, while the Palestinians are required to halt all violence against Israel. The peace plan, which was mediated by the United States, the European Union, the United Nations, and Russia, is expected to ultimately lead to an independent Palestinian state.Earlier on Tuesday, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said his government had summoned Israeli ambassador to demand a halt to settlement construction in East Jerusalem. He warned that such constructions would hurt the chances of finding an independent Palestinian state that administers itself and guarantees Israel's security.The renewed pressure on Israel to halt settlement activities in East Jerusalem comes just days after U.S. State Department summoned the Israeli Ambassador to caution him against a project to build homes on the site of a former hotel in the Arab half of the Holy City.International warnings came after Israeli authorities approved a project three months ago to build 20 new apartments on the site of the former Shepherd Hotel in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in east Jerusalem.
While the United States has repeatedly called for freezing all settlement activities in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinians and the Arab states involved in the Middle East peace process have made it a precondition for resumption of the stalled peace talks.Despite the build-up of international pressure, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has so far refused to order an halt to all kinds of Jewish settlement activities in the occupied West Bank over fears of reprisal in Israel, where many consider the West Bank as a Jewish biblical birthright. Though Netanyahu has agreed to stop the building of new Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, he has refused to halt the natural growth of existing ones.For comments and feedback: contact
IDF planning to evacuate all outposts in one day
Tuesday, 21 July 2009 10:27 News from Jerusalem
A Jewish settler struggles with Israeli security officers as authorities evacuated the Amona settlement.Amid the increased tension between the United States and Israel surrounding construction in the settlements, the Israel Defense Forces is drafting a plan to evacuate 23 illegal outposts in one day.The IDF is now conducting preparations to forcibly evacuate 23 illegal outposts in one day. The plan was formulated by the security establishment, with the knowledge of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.In talks with the United States, Israel had said it would clear out 23 outposts built after March 2001 that it had told the George W. Bush administration it would evacuate five years ago.
So far as is known, a timetable has not been set for the evacuations.
Police on Monday evacuated three illegal structures in various outposts. In response, settlers torched Palestinian olive groves, threw stones at Palestinian cars and blocked roads around the West Bank.Two Palestinians were lightly hurt, as were a soldier and a settler. Five settlers were arrested.The first joint exercise to prepare for the large-scale evacuation was carried out last week. It involved the Border Police, the police and the IDF.The drill, led by the Border Police, was held at a military base more than a week ago, with police and IDF participation. Senior officers, including the IDF's West Bank commander Noam Tichon, watched the drill.The forces practiced handling mass riots and evacuating settlers entrenched in an outpost.
Police sources told Haaretz,The difference between this drill and former ones is the extent of the forces that took part and the participation of the IDF and police along with Border Police.Defense Minister Ehud Barak has promised to clear out these 23 outposts, but said it was a matter of law enforcement and was not addressed in talks with the Americans over freezing settlement construction.In practice, though, the political leaders know that evacuating the outposts meets U.S. demands, and that it will ultimately be part of a final deal. Associates of Barak say they sense the parties are close to an understanding, and that the first step will be evacuating the outposts. However, these statements were made before the crisis erupted over construction in East Jerusalem.The IDF will try to keep its evacuation preparations, particularly dates, as foggy as possible. IDF leaders realize many soldiers identify with the settlers, and could potentially leak the plans to evacuation opponents. Therefore, as few people as possible will be let in on the plans.While the IDF and the police managed to surprise settlers in December when they evacuated a house in Hebron, it will be more difficult this time around, because many more sites are slated for evacuation, and a large number of forces will have to be involved.Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi has said several times that he prefers the IDF not be on the front lines of evacuating outposts, and that police units specializing in crowd control should do the job.haaretz
Russia builds key naval HQ in Syria: Missile presence worries Israel
Tuesday, 21 July 2009 17:20 News from Jerusalem
Russian Navy docked in Syria,A high-ranking Russian navy source reported July 21 that the Soviet-era naval maintenance base near Tartus in Syria is to be expanded and modernized to become fully operational.DEBKAfile's military sources report that Russian is building the facility up as its main sea base for operations in four seas: The Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The upgrade of Russian port facilities at Tartus, its only foothold in the Mediterranean, will automatically enhance Moscow's strategic interests in Syria and Bashar Assad's regime.
The Russian source said that the 50 naval personnel and three berthing floats currently deployed at Tartus with accommodation for up a dozen warships will be beefed up with a new berthing float delivered by two tugboats from the Black Sea Fleet. DEBKAfile's sources disclose that those warships will include large vessels such as the nuclear-armed guided missile cruiser Peter the Great and the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which called in at Tartus in January.In September 2008, DEBKAfile first disclosed that the Russian Navy commander Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky and his Syrian counterpart Gen. Taleb al-Barri, had signed contracts for converting Tartus into one of Russia's most highly-developed naval infrastructures outside its territory. Its warships based there will capable of reaching the Red Sea through the Suez Canal and the Atlantic through the Strait of Gibraltar in a matter of days. For original disclosures click HERE and HERE.Israel is deeply concerned, according to our military sources, by the sophisticated air-defense S-300PMU-2 and Iskander-E missile systems the Russians propose to hand Syria on the pretext of installing a shield to defend the facility against air or missile attack. Moscow claims they will remain under the control of Russian crews but, according to information reaching Israel, they will be quietly and gradually handedover to the Syrian army; the Russian teams are in fact instructors.Russia justifies this, according to DEBKAfile's Moscow sources, by the deployment of the highly sophisticated American FBX-T missile-interception radar systems at the Israeli Negev base of Nevatim.Furthermore, Moscow will have its rejoinder for the disputed US deployment of missile interceptors in Eastern Europe. As we reported last September, the Russian Black Sea fleet and new Mediterranean-based warships will coordinate their operations under a single command. They are designed as counter-deployments to the post-Georgian-war US and NATO naval presence in the Black Sea as well as its fleets in other parts of the Mediterranean including Israel's shores.debka
No easy choices as Israel ponders strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities
Thursday, 16 July 2009 11:29 News from Jerusalem
Israelis across the political spectrum are prepared to support a strike
It is the toughest decision that any Israeli leader has had to make in living memory. Ordering a pre-emptive attack against Iran’s nuclear sites would plunge the country into war with a powerful enemy. The region would be thrown into turmoil and the resources of Israel’s military would be stretched — with no guarantee of success.An attack would isolate the country and jeopardise relations with America, Israel’s most important ally. Yet Israelis across the political spectrum are prepared to support a strike if it means preventing Tehran from acquiring a nuclear bomb; something most experts believe is only months away.How the operation is carried out will probably not be known until it happens, but recent airstrikes against Syria and Sudan suggest that it would include the bulk of Israel’s formidable air force. It would mean crossing friendly Arab airspace, the use of unmanned drones and maybe even special forces on the ground.An American green light would be necessary, particularly since any attack would have to pass through airspace controlled by the US military over Iraq and the Gulf.Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s disputed election victory last month, his determination to press ahead with the country’s nuclear programme and his denial of the Holocaust make a raid all the more likely. The only chance of heading it off is a hard-nosed diplomatic offensive by the Obama Administration. Washington has given Iran until the end of the year to negotiate — after that, all bets are off.Times Online.
The Bible commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), to speak out for Zion’s sake (Isaiah 62:1), to be watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem (Isaiah 62:6) and to bless the Jewish people (Genesis 12:3). These and so many other verses of the Bible that have one overriding message-- as Christians we have a Biblical obligation to defend Israel and the Jewish people in their time of need. Israel’s time of need is now. There is a new Hitler in the Middle East --President Ahmadinejad of Iran -- who has threatened to wipe out Israel and America and is rapidly acquiring the nuclear technology to make good on his threat. If we learned anything from the Holocaust, it is that when a madman threatens genocide we must take him seriously. During the Holocaust, too many Christians were silent, and we were left to mourn the slaughter of 6 million Jews. Today, Bible-believing Christians must speak up and stand up for Israel. We must act to do whatever we can to protect Israel’s 6 million Jews from the second Holocaust. We must get it right this time. Our faith demands it. The times require it. Silence is not an option.
Evangelicals back Israel in Washington
Tuesday, 21 July 2009 12:32
Pastor John Hagee. Photo AP Over 4,000 Christians are gathering in Washington this week to advocate for Israel on Capitol Hill.The fourth annual summit of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) has brought together Christian leaders and supporters of Israel from around the country, starting Monday and continuing through Wednesday.
Founded in 2006 by Pastor John Hagee, the organization is now active in all 50 states and in dozens of countries. Throughout the year it holds local events to educate Christians about Israel, build up their support and raise money for the organization and for charities in Israel.The Christian Zionist organization cites biblical sources as imperatives for Christians to support and help the Jewish people and the State of Israel. For the first two days of the conference, participants are learning about issues relating to Israel and the Middle East. They will spend Wednesday lobbying their elected officials on Capitol Hill.The conference features a wide range of leaders and policy experts, including Israel advocate Gary Bauer and Susan Michael, director of the US Branch of the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem, as well as some of CUFI's religious leadership.Most of the speakers, however, deal with Israel and Judaism. They include Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg of San Antonio, Texas; Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, founder and president of The Israel Project; Congressman Eric Cantor; Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations; Asaf Shariv, consul-general of Israel in New York; and talk radio host Dennis Prager. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will also address the conference via satellite.While the Obama administration has been promoting a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, CUFI does not want President Barack Obama to ask Israel to make land concessions.Obama was not popular among evangelical voters in last year's presidential election, and following his victory, Hagee was quoted as saying,Our respect and prayers do not prevent us from continuing to speak out and speak out strongly when we disagree on biblical issues with the president.This is the first CUFI conference to take place outside of George W. Bush's presidency, and it remains to be seen how the organization can work with an administration and Congress that do not hold as strong ties to the right-wing evangelical community. Hagee also has a mixed relationship with the Jewish community, part of which strongly supports him for the work he does for Israel, and part of which is wary of some of his controversial views on Middle-East politics, Jewish suffering, the Holocaust and the end of days.
Night To Honor Israel JULY 20-22,09 CHRISTIANS UNITED WITH ISRAEL JULY 22,09
Christians United for Israel has held over 95 Nights to Honor Israel in cities across America since February 2006.A Night To Honor Israel is a non-conversionary tribute to the nation of Israel and the Jewish people of the world. Its purpose is to promote esteem and understanding between Christians and Jews and to emphasis the things that we hold in common, not dramatize our religious differences. A Night to Honor Israel is an evening packed with outstanding speakers and music with all of the focus being on support for Israel and the Jewish people. In the Bible, God says, I will bless those that bless you and curse (DESTROY) those that curse (DESTROY) you.Christians in America and around the world should support Israel and the Jewish People. Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth where God created the boundaries and gave it to His people, the Jews, for all time. The choice is very clear; Christians can either choose to be a friend and supporter of Israel and please the Lord or be an enemy of Israel and offend God. God has protected Israel in the past and will continue that protection forever. Join us for a life changing event that will open your eyes to Israel and the Jewish people.
How a Night to Honor Israel was Born by Pastor John Hagee
In June of 1978, I went to Israel as a tourist and came home a Zionist! I have traveled the world but as I walked the cobblestone streets of the Holy City, I knew I was home! My roots were there! I felt a very special presence in that sacred city that changed my life forever! As I stood praying at the Western Wall, I noticed an elderly orthodox Jewish man praying with all his might, rocking back and forth and reciting Scripture. I thought to myself, Here we are at the same holy place, praying to the same God and quoting the same scripture...yet I know nothing about this man or his faith.In the days that followed, my heart was charged with a commission from the Holy Spirit to do all that I could to bring Christians and Jews together in an atmosphere of mutual esteem and unconditional love.I told my wife, Diana, what the Lord had placed within my heart. On the plane home, I sat down and captured my feelings and thoughts on paper. What was I to do with this newfound love that God had placed in my heart? Some months later, Israel bombed the nuclear reactor in Iraq. The media in San Antonio devoured Israel for their actions. I personally felt that Israel had done the peace-loving world a favor by stopping the construction of a nuclear reactor that most assuredly would have been used for the production of nuclear bombs in the Middle East. The strike was executed with surgical precision and without the loss of one life against a nation that had a standing declaration of war against Israel since 1948. It was a preemptive strike that spared the world from Sadaam Hussein’s madness.As the television commentators chastised Israel, I said to Diana, I disagree with their position! How can we publicly express our support for Israel in such a way where the press will send a message to our Jewish friends that we support Israel’s courage to defend themselves?
Within minutes the idea came!
We'll rent the municipal auditorium, invite our Jewish community, and hold an event called, A Night To Honor Israel where Christians will come together and show solidarity for Israel and the Jewish people! Diana asked a very important question, Don't you think you should ask the Jewish community if they want to participate? How do we get in touch with the official Jewish community? I knew there were Rabbis in our city and after a few phone calls, I discovered something called the Jewish Federation where everything kosher starts and stops.I went to the Federation the next day and asked to meet the Executive Director. I told him that I wanted to have an event called,A Night to Honor Israel!
You want to do what? he gasped.
In the finest Jewish tradition he called a committee meeting. That committee meeting developed into another committee meeting, which developed into a third committee meeting that lasted until midnight.The Orthodox Rabbi, Arnold Scheinberg, pressed the hesitant Jewish community into taking a chance and extending its hand in mutual friendship. It's important that the Christian community realize that the Jews have suffered enormous persecution at the hands of Christians for almost 2000 years and their trust of Christians is somewhere between little and none. Their apprehension was understandable.The Jewish community agreed to join us in what was intended to be the first and only Night to Honor Israel! We called a press conference and the story made banner headlines. Within an hour after the newspaper hit the street, I received a death threat stating that I would be shot before the event happened. The windows to my car were shot out as stood in front of our home. I did not realize how controversial event this event would become.On September 10, 1981, the first Night to Honor Israel was presented at the Theater of Performing Arts in San Antonio, Texas. The house was packed! The Jews were asking,So what's this Gentile up to? The Christians were asking,Why are we doing this? Skepticism permeated the air. Then the 120-voice choir and 40-piece orchestra of Cornerstone Church took their positions. The tension began to melt as the sounds of Hebrew music filled the auditorium. I gave a speech stating why Christians should support Israel and we raised $10,000 for Hadassah Hospital from the Christian community and presented the entirety of the offering that night.As Rabbi Scheinberg was giving the benediction, I was advised by the Director of Security that the local newspaper called and informed him that a bomb threat had been made on the building. The threat warned that the building would explode at exactly nine-thirty.
I looked at my was 9:25 pm!
I listened to the Rabbi praying and said a prayer of my own. Lord, don't let him pray like Moses right now. Have him pray like a Presbyterian late for lunch!A bomb never exploded in the auditorium...yet there was an explosion in our hearts. We knew that we had done something that was near the heart of God the Father. As we walked off the stage, I said to Diana, We need to do this in again! We did! A Night to Honor Israel went to Houston, Ft. Worth, Austin, Dallas, Corpus Christi, Tulsa, Phoenix, in addition to our annual event in San Antonio.A Night to Honor Israel has also been presented in all parts of Israel.It's an event that has a proven track record of bringing Christians and Jews together in a non-threatening, non-conversionary environment that promotes genuine brotherly love.If Christianity cannot demonstrate unconditional love, we are nothing more than another cult! Jesus Christ taught the Law of Love with,Love thy neighbor as thyself Matthew 19:19.For if you love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same?Matthew 5:44
A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; as I have loved you. John 13:34.He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love 1 John 4:
Tehran: Israel's 200 nuclear warheads must first be part of Middle East disarmament Tuesday, 21 July 2009 10:46 News from Jerusalem
Tehran Dismantle Israel's nukes, we have no weapon program,Iran has posted a new package of proposals to the West in response to its offer of engagement on Tehran's nuclear activities.Foreign ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi said the comprehensive and updated package aims to prepare the ground for more fluid interaction with the West. But we cannot speak of a Middle East without nuclear weapons without discussing the more than 200 nuclear warheads of the Zionist regime Israel,he said. This is based on an international approach.DEBKAfile's Iranian sources report that the point of the new package, whose contents have been transferred piecemeal to Washington and some European capitals, is for Tehran to retain the whip hand in any forthcoming negotiations by posting demands but no concessions.
They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.— Psalm 83:3-4
Qashqavi's words were the corollary to first statement made by the new head of the Iranian nuclear energy commission Ali Akbar Salehi after his appointment Saturday, July 18. He said the time had come to end six years of animosity between Tehran and the West and start building bridges of trust. But he also said: legal and technical discussions about Iran's nuclear case have finished and there is no room left to keep this case open.Qashqavi's statement is the Islamic Republic's typical way of launching a hardball game with the West by a demand to dismantle Israel's never-confirmed nuclear arsenal without making any promises about Iran's nuclear program, or even the uranium enrichment activities banned by the UN Security Council. In fact, he persisted in denying that Tehran had any plan to develop nuclear weaponry.The foreign ministry spokesman also mentioned another price for dialogue with the West: Iran's proposed package will suggest solutions to the economic crisis based on the principles of the Islamic economy,he said.debka.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -7.02
10:00 AM +2.72
10:30 AM -7.17
11:00 AM +6.58
11:30 AM +1.37
12:00 PM -9.90
12:30 PM +3.78
01:00 PM +13.68
01:30 PM -1.20
02:00 PM -1.25
02:30 PM -20.17
03:00 PM -11.94
03:30 PM -52.22
04:00 PM -34.68 8881.26
S&P 500 954.07 -0.51
NASDAQ 1926.38 +10.18
GOLD 950.50 +3.60
OIL 65.29 -0.32
TSE 300 10,432.35 -82.97
CDNX 1123.45 +8.81
S&P/TSX/60 632.73 -5.63
Dow +1.59%
S&P +5.68%
Nasdaq +21.51%
TSX Advances 706,declines 812,unchanged 268,Volume 2,064,042,671.
TSX Venture Exchange Advances 374,Declines 419,Unchanged 379,Volume 256,528,309.
Dow -32 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -52 points at low today.
Dow +37 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $946.70.OIL opens at $64.50 today.
REFINERY -2.1% to 85.8%
Dow -52 points at low today so far.
Dow +37 points at high today so far.
NYSE Advances 1,806,declines 1,720,unchanged 133,New Highs 54,New Lows 47.
Volume 2,388,649,048.
NASDAQ Advances 1,396,declines 1,125,unchanged 113,New highs 46,New Lows 17.
Volume 1,026,359,992.
TSX Advances 556,declines 650,unchanged 293,Volume 898,463,910.
TSX Venture Exchange Advances 261,Declines 252,Unchanged 254,Volume 92,524,289.
Dow -52 points at low today.
Dow +37 points at high today.
Dow -0.39% today Volume 199,007,253.
Nasdaq +0.53% today Volume 2,236,791,539.
S&P 500 -0.05% today Volume N/A
Towards a Global Currency? Towards the integration of the Dollar and the Euro?
Michel Chossudovsky Global Research Tuesday, July 21, 2009
With a view to restoring financial stability, World leaders have called upon the Group of 20 countries (G-20) to instigate a new global currency based on the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).The media has presented the global currency initiative as a consensus building process, in which BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) would participate in the revamping of the international monetary system.
Russia and China have put forth proposals which have been highlighted as possible alternatives to the dollar. China has proposed the formation of a new global currency based on a reform of SDR system:It is a feasible plan to reform the present SDR and make it into a real settlement currency, a universally accepted currency basket that would replace the dollar at the heart of the monetary system,(Li Ruogu, chairman of the Export-Import Bank of China, Reuters, 6 July 2009)China’s proposal does not imply a major shift in global banking arrangements, nor does it open up a window of debate regarding monetary reform.On the other hand, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has explicitly questioned the composition of the SDR basket and has called upon the IMF to expand the currency basket of SDRs to include the Chinese yuan, commodity currencies and gold in order that it matures into a reserve currency.
Global Geopolitics bears a relationship to the international monetary system. Control over money creation is an instrument of economic conquest.The invasion and occupation of Iraq was to exclude rival Russian and Chinese interests from the Middle-East and Central Asian oil fields.The reform of the international monetary system is a project of the dominant financial elites, which is discussed behind closed doors. It is unlikely that Russia and China, which in large part remain subordinate to Western banking interests, will perform a significant role in central banking functions at a global level.Moreover, this initiative occurs at a time of East West confrontation, amidst veiled US-NATO threats directed against Russia as well China. The establishment of a new global currency and central banking system is an instrument of global economic domination which is intimately related to the broader US-NATO military agenda.While the SDR basket composition could be modified or revised, it is unlikely that the Yuan and the Ruble would be allowed to perform a role as major reserve currencies. What is more likely to occur is the formation of a global proxy currency predicated largely on the Euro and the US dollar. In response to the Dollar-Euro hegemony, Russia, China and the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) may decide to develop bilateral trading arrangements in Rubles or Yuan (renminbi).
Special Drawing Rights
SDRs are a composite accounting unit used by the IMF and the World Bank in loan agreements with member countries. The SDR is a basket of essentially four major currencies: the US dollar, the Euro, the British pound and the Japanese Yen.The IMF has recently presented a plan for issuing debt denominated in SDRs rather than US dollars. The media has heralded this decision as a major innovation, when in fact the Bretton Woods institutions have, for many years, been issuing debt denominated in SDRs.Today, the SDR has only limited use as a reserve asset, and its main function is to serve as the unit of account of the IMF and some other international organizations. The SDR is neither a currency, nor a claim on the IMF. Rather, it is a potential claim on the freely usable currencies of IMF members.(IMF Fact Sheet on SDRs)What would happen if a new global currency were to be devised using the existing SDR framework? SDRs would no longer be an accounting unit but a unit of currency in a basket. Actual central banking functions, however, would not necessarily be transferred to the IMF, they would remain in the hands of four constituent central banks: The US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank based in Frankfurt, the Bank of England and the Bank of Japan. I The IMF is a bureaucracy which serves the interests of major private financial institutions.While the IMF would formally be responsible for overseeing a global currency, the IMF would not actually be responsible for monetary policy. Under the existing SDR composition, the central banking functions would be divided between four central banks. These central banks are in turn controlled by a handful of private banking interests.A global currency based on the existing SDR arrangement would not fundamentally change the global monetary order.The SDR would be a proxy currency. Under the present composition of the SDR, what we would be dealing with is an alliance between US, British, European and Japanese banking institutions, ultimately with the US dollar and the Euro predominating.
Euro-Dollar Rivalry
From the outset in 1999, there has been a clash between the Euro and the dollar. In Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, the Balkans extending into Central Asia, the dollar and the Euro are competing with one another. Ultimately, control over national currency systems is the basis upon which countries are colonized. While the U.S. dollar prevails throughout the Western Hemisphere, the Euro and the U.S. dollar are clashing in the former Soviet Union, Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.Prior to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, there was a political confrontation between the Franco-German alliance and the dominant Anglo-American military axis.With the election of pro-US governments in both France and Germany, a political consensus seems to have emerged with regard to the Middle East war. In turn, this consensus regarding the US-NATO military agenda favors greater cooperation and integration between the US and the EU in global financial and monetary affairs.Would this potential alliance between powerful overlapping American, British, European and Japanese banking interests lead to the integration of the Euro and the dollar into a single global currency? This integration would lead to reinforcing the hegemonic control of a small number of global banking and financial institutions over the process of money creation. This, in turn, would overshadow the functions of national central banks, encroach on the sovereignty of the Nation State and eventually lead to a new phase of the global debt crisis.
Canada E-Mails Show Broader Suspicion of Data Leaks (Update1)
By Alexandre Deslongchamps and Greg Quinn
July 22 (Bloomberg) -- The Bank of Canada learned about suspected leaks of economic data weeks before unusual movements in currency markets triggered a security review by Statistics Canada, documents obtained by Bloomberg News show. The 54 pages received through access-to-information laws show discussions from April 17 to May 28 among senior Bank of Canada staff, including Deputy Governors David Longworth and Pierre Duguay. The central bank received e-mail and phone messages suggesting that unemployment and inflation reports may have been leaked for months. While Statistics Canada said it investigated its procedures twice during May without finding anything wrong, the documents show that investor concern existed before then and the bank was aware of it. The central bank received a tip on April 17 about possible leaks that may have distorted the $38.5 billion-a-day Canadian dollar market as far back as January. It appears at first glance as if someone getting a hold early of these sensitive numbers,said an external e-mail received that day by Rob Ogrodnick, a senior analyst at the bank’s Toronto office. The identity of the sender was redacted, along with other parts of the documents.Speculation about a leak increased on May 8 because the Canadian dollar appreciated by as much as 0.7 percent in the hour before the jobs report was released. The currency rose as much as 1.8 percent after the report came out, showing a surprise employment gain.
Constantly Hear of Leaks
As you say, the number was wrong in numerical terms, but it was close in sprit, i.e. much better than expected and actually positive,Paul Chilcott, a director in the bank’s financial markets department, wrote to Longworth on May 8, referencing an e-mail sent to the bank. Longworth received an e-mail following that release in which an unidentified person wrote that they constantly hear that cad data has been leaked, like today.” In one reply, Janone Ong, senior analyst in the bank’s market analysis and operations division, wrote that another person had called to say the same thing.
Scott Kinnear, principal analyst in the same division, wrote that a person called before the release and said the rumour was for a gain of 10K.The report showed a gain of 35,900 jobs, compared with economists’ expectations for a loss of 50,000 positions.
Heightened Activity
The Bank of Canada does not have the authority to make the determination as to whether there was a data leak at Statistics Canada,central bank spokesman Jeremy Harrison said in an interview yesterday. However, this did not constitute a widely held perception.A few market participants did communicate this rumor to Bank staff, he said. It is common to see heightened activity in forex markets ahead of a major data release, as market participants take positions based on their expectations for the outcome.The e-mails obtained from the bank also show Statistics Canada urgently asked the central bank on May 19 for minute- by-minute Canadian-dollar trading data for the days when jobs reports were released, going back to Dec. 5.The monthly inflation and employment reports are the only ones released by Statistics Canada at 7 a.m. New York time, before most North American trading has begun and when volume in the Canadian dollar market is lower.
Suspicious Movements
During the hour before publication of most economic data reports, Bloomberg News and other services get advance copies in a press room at Statistics Canada’s Ottawa headquarters, under condition the information isn’t disseminated early. Other government departments receive copies of some data the day before. There are always rumors, but there have been suspicious movements of the Canadian dollar, especially before employment data,said David Watt, a senior foreign exchange strategist at RBC Capital Markets in Toronto, a unit of Canada’s biggest bank. If true, it creates a situation where somebody is making an inordinate profit before the reports,Watt said.I didn’t phone the Bank of Canada, but I was tempted to.Finance Minister Jim Flaherty added to questions about who receives advance figures when he commented about employment reports before their release earlier this year, Watt said. The day before the March employment report, which showed a loss of 61,300 jobs, Flaherty told reporters the data wouldn’t be encouraging.
Potential Abuse
A spokesman for Flaherty did not immediately return a phone call from Bloomberg News seeking comment. Flaherty has said he receives employment data from Statistics Canada the day before their release and keeps them confidential. One e-mail to the bank, with the subject line Potential abuse of Cad dollar, said one or more people were reporting that in the past three months they have noticed this ahead of CPI and unemployment releases.Ogrodnick also wrote on May 8 to colleagues, including department chief Donna Howard, that he had received a call from a person who reported seeing suspicious flows on the retail side about 45 minutes before the official 7 am release.The person said the flows at these retail houses was 10 times larger than what they would normally see,Ogrodnick wrote. The documents don’t give clear evidence of impropriety in the Canadian-dollar market, or indicate that police were asked to investigate further.Royal Canadian Mounted Police spokeswoman Sgt. Pat Flood declined to say if an investigation is going on and the Bank of Canada’s Harrison said he wasn’t aware of one.
Security Review
Statistics Canada said May 8 it would review its security procedures. Less than a week later, the agency said no leak had come from its employees. The probe didn’t cover the advance copies delivered the day before to other government departments, officials said in May.Statistics Canada also said on May 20 it investigated security measures for a second time without finding any breach, after speculation that the inflation report may have been released early that day.Statistics Canada’s press office declined comment on this story, and referred to the results of their investigations.To contact the reporters on this story: Alexandre Deslongchamps in Ottawa at; Greg Quinn in Ottawa at
EU commission split over free trade deal with South Korea
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - A proposed free trade agreement between the European Union and South Korea - expected to boost mutual trade ties currently worth over €70 billion - has caused a rift within the European Commission, with the thorny debate now postponed until September. Officials told EUobserver that a number of commissioners - including Laszlo Kovacs in charge of taxation as well as commissioners from France, Germany, Italy and Slovakia - had questioned some conditions envisaged in the draft accord. The biggest controversy centres around two issues - rules of origin that establish the level of permissible foreign content in products and so-called duty drawbacks that allow for reimbursement of tariffs under certain conditions.According to commission spokesperson Lutz Guellner, there is no obligation for the college of commissioners to discuss future trade relations with Seoul at this moment.He added that the executive's legal services were currently preparing a legal text that would reflect the most recent discussions by EU member states.Earlier this month, EU capitals gave their broad support to the foreseen trade pact with the Asian country, but Rome, Paris and Lisbon requested more time to study its details and consult the industry.Carmakers have been staunchly opposed to the EU signing up to what they describe as unacceptable demands by Seoul. This is a damaging development for all European manufacturing industries, including the automotive industry, which is a very strategic sector for the EU,Ivan Hodac from the Brussels-based European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) said.Under the current proposal, South Korean manufacturers would be able to purchase 45 percent of car components from low-cost countries such as China and claim the duties back when the vehicles are shipped to European markets.
This would significantly distort competition,Mr Hodac argued.Chinese radios in Korean cars will through this mechanism enter the EU at zero percent duties, while the EU companies will continue to pay 14 percent when importing the very same radios.
Although not against the rules of the World Trade Organisation, the possibility of tariff refunds would create a precedent in the EU's bilateral free trade arrangements. The fear is that the 27-nation bloc could face similar demands from other corners of the world.It is a very political question for South Korea and although we would like to see duty drawbacks phasing out, you have to make a political choice at some point,one commission official said defending the concession to Seoul.Brussels hopes to disarm critics by setting up an automatic mechanism that would enable the EU to cap imports from South Korea should its manufacturers abuse duty drawbacks.The EU and South Korea have been negotiating the free trade agreement for approximately two years. The deal is expected to eliminate duties worth €1.6 billion for European exporters of goods and create addition opportunities worth €1.9 billion, according to the European Commission.
Bank reparations linked to Iceland's EU membership bid
LUCIA KUBOSOVA Today JULY 22,09 @ 09:32 CET
The Netherlands is stepping up pressure on Iceland to hammer out a draft deal on compensation to Dutch savers for money lost in Icelandic banks, linking the agreement to the island's EU membership bid.It is absolutely necessary that the agreement is approved,Dutch foreign minister Maxime Verhagen stated on Tuesday (21 July) after a meeting with his Iceland's counterpart Ossur Skarphedinsson, AFP reported.A solution to the problem of Icesave would encourage rapid consideration of Iceland's bid to join the EU,said Mr Verhagen, adding It would show that Iceland takes European directives seriously.More than 120,000 Dutch clients and 200,000 British clients had their Icesave accounts frozen during the nationalisation of Landsbanki, the parent group of the online banking unit, one of the three key Icelandic banks that went bust due to the global credit crunch and almost brought the country's financial system to a complete collapse in October.The Social-Democratic government of Johanna Sigurdardottir in June agreed to pay back €1.3 billion to the Netherlands and €2.6 billion to the UK after both countries compensated their nationals. But the draft deal still needs to be adopted by the Icelandic parliament, in a vote expected in the coming weeks, with several deputies in the 63-member Althingi privately suggesting that they are against the terms under which Reykjavik should pay back the money.To this day, I have not been shown any information confirming that Iceland is legally responsible for these debts,Ogmundur Jonasson, a member of the Left Greens told Bloomberg in late June.The depositors are entitled to all the assets of the failed banks, but they are not entitled to the assets of private citizens in Iceland,he added.
Under the scenario approved by Ms Sigurdardottir's cabinet, the island in the North Atlantic with population of 320,000 would pay back the agreed sum between 2016 and 2024, in exchange for €3.8 billion in loans from the Netherlands and Britain, with a 5.5 percent interest rate.But the parliamentary vote on the conditions under which Reykjavik will honour its obligations to the foreign savers comes after the green light was granted last week by Icelandic lawmakers to kick start of the country's EU entry procedure.And although both Sweden as the current EU presidency and the European Commission, the 27-strong bloc's executive, were quick to praise the decision, Iceland will have to overcome all necessary hurdles to become a member.
Iceland's membership application would be treated like any other, even though its transposition of the acquis communautaire is very advanced,Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt told the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee on Tuesday (21 July).Mr Bildt was referring to the EU's book of key legislation that needs to be adopted before accession countries can join the club. However, the bloc's rules on fisheries could prove controversial for the island, as the sector accounts for almost 40 percent of its exports.Sovereignty over sensitive issues of national interest has also been one of the main arguments of opponents to EU membership that had dominated the debate in Iceland before the financial crisis broke out last autumn.And the Icelandic public remains evenly divided: a Gallup poll in May showed that 39 percent of Icelanders favour joining the EU while 38.6 percent were against, according to Bloomberg.It is expected that Reykjavik will formally submit its EU membership application to a foreign ministers' meeting in Brussels on 27 July. Under an unofficial plan, Iceland could start membership negotiations next February and hold a public referendum in late 2011 or early 2012.
Oil lingers near $65 as US crude supplies rise By ALEX KENNEDY, Associated Press Writer JULY 22,09
SINGAPORE – Oil prices lingered near $65 a barrel Wednesday in Asia as rising U.S. crude inventories suggested consumer demand remains sluggish in the world's biggest economy.Benchmark crude for September delivery was down 53 cents to $65.08 a barrel by midday Singapore time in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. On Tuesday, the August contract expired, rising 74 cents to settle at $64.72.U.S. crude inventories rose 3.1 million barrels last week while gasoline supplies gained 1.3 million, the American Petroleum Institute said late Tuesday. Analysts expected the API numbers to fall 2.0 million barrels, according to a survey by Platts, the energy information arm of McGraw-Hill Cos.Investors will be watching for inventory data from the Energy Department's Energy Information Administration on Wednesday for more signs crude demand may be waning.The API numbers are reported by refiners voluntarily while the EIA figures are mandatory.Oil prices have risen from $58.78 a barrel two weeks ago on stronger than expected second quarter corporate earnings. Some of the improved company results have been the result of cost cutting such as layoffs, which in turn is dragging on consumer demand.Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Tuesday that the economy is still on track to recover this year, but slowly. He also predicted rising unemployment.The better profits is a good sign, but I want to see more macro numbers improve,said Clarence Chu, a trader with market maker Hudson Capital Energy in Singapore.High unemployment is still a problem going forward.In other Nymex trading, gasoline for August delivery fell 1.95 cents to $1.79 a gallon and heating oil dropped 0.84 cents to $1.69. Natural gas for August delivery slid 2.0 cents to $3.69 per 1,000 cubic feet.In London, Brent prices fell 41 cents to $66.46 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange.
Ukraine needs energy plan for Russia ties: U.S. official Tue Jul 21, 5:22 pm ET
KIEV (Reuters) – Ukraine could change its entire relationship with Russia if it takes tough decisions on energy that would make it less dependent on gas from its former Soviet master, a senior U.S. administration official said on Tuesday.If Ukrainians were able to get to the level of Poland in terms of energy efficiency then they would be able to significantly cut their needs for gas imports,said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.Ties between the ex-Soviet neighbors sank after Ukraine's 2004 Orange Revolution. Kiev has sought closer integration with the West and has accused Russia of exerting power over the region through its grip on the energy sector.If that (reduce gas imports) were to happen, then that would significantly change Ukraine's relationship with Russia,the official said.Ukraine has had repeated rows with Russia over increasingly expensive gas prices and the latest disputes led to supply cuts to millions of Europeans in winter earlier this year.The European Union, Russia and international financial organizations are in talks with Ukraine to provide what the official described as significant investments to help upgrade its gas transit system and pay for storage gas in advance.The EU gets a fifth of its gas needs from Russia via Ukraine and in wintertime Ukraine must store extra gas to ensure smooth transit toward the bloc.But in return the EU wants Ukraine to modernize and make transparent its energy sector and to increase prices for Ukrainians to ensure the viability of state energy firm Naftogaz, frequently at the center of spats with Russia.If all this goes forward, the entire nature of the energy system will change here (in Ukraine),the official said.(Reporting by Sabina Zawadzki)
Japan should avoid deflation spiral: BoJ official
TOKYO, July 22, 2009 (AFP) – Deflation is set to deepen in Japan but the world's number two economy should avoid a vicious circle of falling consumer prices leading to a weaker economy, a top central banker said Wednesday.Year-on-year falls in consumer prices will likely accelerate for the time being but moderate from the second half of this financial year to March 2010 as the economy recovers, Bank of Japan deputy governor Hirohide Yamaguchi said.The Bank therefore thinks it unlikely at present that prices will continue to decline and thereby lead Japan's economy into a deflationary spiral,he said in a speech to business leaders in the northern city of Hakodate.Japan was stuck in a deflationary spiral for years after its asset price bubble burst in the early 1990s, prompting consumers to put off purchases in the hope of further price drops and reducing corporate earnings.Fears of another prolonged bout of deflation are growing. Core consumer prices fell a record 1.1 percent in May from a year earlier, while wholesale prices dropped by an unprecedented 6.6 percent in June year-on-year.The Bank of Japan last week announced it would extend its emergency measures to tackle the worst recession in decades, but it also noted that economic conditions have stopped worsening.It has reduced its key interest rate to 0.1percent since the economic crisis erupted and has been buying up corporate debt to keep credit flowing to cash-strapped firms.Japan entered recession in the second quarter of 2008 as its heavy dependence on overseas demand to drive growth left it highly exposed to the global downturn.The economy shrank at an annualised pace of 14.2percent in the first quarter of 2009, the worst performance on record, but recent data have indicated that exports and industrial production have begun to rebound.
Bernanke Says Commercial Property May Pose Risk for Economy
By Scott Lanman
July 22 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said a potential wave of defaults in commercial real estate may present a difficult challenge for the economy, without committing to additional steps to aid the market. Bernanke, testifying before the Senate Banking Committee today, urged lenders to modify problem mortgages to avert defaults. Christopher Dodd, the Connecticut Democrat who chairs the panel, told Bernanke that some have suggested the commercial market may even dwarf the residential mortgage problems in the U.S. The state of commercial real estate was one of the most- asked-about subjects in questioning by lawmakers so far in Bernanke’s two days of testimony on the economy. Bernanke said today in the Senate and yesterday at the House Financial Services Committee that it’s too early to tell how effective the Fed’s main initiative in the area will be. The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, a Fed emergency program that lends to investors to purchase securities backed by consumer and business loans, began accepting commercial mortgage-backed securities as collateral last month. Fed policy makers will extend the TALF, currently scheduled to expire Dec. 31, should they judge financial markets are still some distance from normal operation,Bernanke said today.
TALF Extension
We will certainly be monitoring the situation, and if markets continue to need support, we will be extending the final date of that program,Bernanke said. It may be appropriate for the government and Congress to consider fiscal steps to support the industry, Bernanke said today. Ideas for fresh support for the market could include government guarantees for commercial mortgages, Bernanke also said today, while noting no proposal on the subject has emerged. U.S. commercial property prices fell 7.6 percent in May from a month earlier, bringing the total decline to 35 percent since the market’s peak, Moody’s Investors Service said in a report this week. Commercial properties in the U.S. valued at more than $108 billion are now in default, foreclosure or bankruptcy, almost double than at the start of the year, Real Capital Analytics Inc. said earlier this month. Yesterday, more than a half-dozen members of the House panel mentioned or asked Bernanke about the topic, with Chairman Barney Frank saying there’s a great deal of fear that a wave of commercial defaults will produce economic problems similar to those caused by residential mortgages. As the recession’s gotten worse in the last six months or so, we’re seeing increased vacancy, declining rents, falling prices -- and so, more pressure on commercial real estate,Bernanke said yesterday.We are somewhat concerned about that sector and are paying very close attention to it. We’re taking the steps that we can through the banking system and through the securitization markets to try to address it.One of the main issues for the industry is that the market for debt backed by commercial mortgages has completely shut down,the Fed chief said yesterday. To contact the reporter on this story: Scott Lanman in Washington at
Bernanke says Fed can take on supercop role By JEANNINE AVERSA, AP Economics Writer – Tue Jul 21, 4:59 pm ET
WASHINGTON – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke ran into skepticism Tuesday from lawmakers wary of expanding the Fed's duties to police big financial companies. They argued that the Fed failed to spot problems that led to the financial crisis in the first place.The Fed has made some big mistakes,said Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala., ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee.An Obama administration proposal to make the Fed the supercop of globally interconnected financial companies would be just inviting a false sense of security that inevitably will be shattered at the expense of the taxpayer,Bachus warned.Bernanke countered that the administration's proposal would be a modest reorientation of the Fed's powers, not a great expansion of them.The Fed boss sought to assure investors and Congress that the central bank will be able to reel in its extraordinary economic stimulus and prevent a flare up of inflation once a recovery is firmly rooted. Still, any such steps will be far off in the future. The central bank's focus remains fostering economic recovery, he said.Bernanke also worked to beat back an administration proposal to create a new consumer protection regulator for financial services and strip some of those duties from the central bank. The House panel delayed a committee vote on that legislation until September.Consumer groups and lawmakers have blamed the Fed for failing to crack down early on dubious mortgages practices that fed the housing boom and figured into its collapse. Later this week, the Fed will issue a proposal to boost disclosures on mortgages and home equity lines of credit. It also will include new rules governing the compensation of mortgage originators.
Bernanke also argued against congressional proposals to let the Government Accountability Office, Congress' investigative arm, audit the central bank. He feared that audits that delve into the Fed's interest-rate decisions could compromise its independence in setting interest-rate policies.A perceived loss of monetary policy independence could raise fears about future inflation,he warned.Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, a frequent Fed critic, rejected that argument and said the Fed already makes political calculations.Just the fact that (the Fed) can issue a lot of loans and special privileges to banks and corporations,Paul said.That's political.Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., who wants the Fed to be more open, argued that some people rightly say you can find out more about the operations of the CIA, than the Fed. The public has the right to know.Bernanke's term expires early next year, and President Barack Obama will have to decide whether to reappoint him. The Fed chief's innovative policies have been credited with pulling the economy from the edge of the abyss last year.But those actions also have touched off criticism about putting taxpayers at risk and whether the government should be cleaning up Wall Street messes.Bernanke again pledged to keep its key bank lending rate at a record low near zero for an extended period.Economists predict rates will stay at record lows through the rest of this year.Laying out a plan now to unwind the Fed's stimulus could give Bernanke more leeway to hold rates at record lows to brace the economy. It could ease investors' fears that the Fed's aggressive steps to end the longest recession since World War II could spur inflation later on.It is important to assure the public and the markets that the extraordinary policy measures we have taken in response to the financial crisis and the recession can be withdrawn in a smooth and timely manner as needed, thereby avoiding the risk that policy stimulus could lead to a future rise in inflation,Bernanke said.We are confident that we have the necessary tools to implement that strategy when appropriate.But House committee chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass., said it is important that the Fed not take those actions prematurely and snuff out a recovery.Nigel Gault, economist at IHS Global Insight, said Bernanke wanted to send Congress a clear message: Our monetary exit strategy is ready. Don't try to interfere with it.On Wall Street, bond investors took comfort in Bernanke's remarks, pushing up Treasury prices for a second straight day. The Dow Jones industrial average gained nearly 68 points to 8,915.94, the seventh straight advance for the blue chips. Broader indices also finished higher.To revive the economy, the Fed has plowed trillions into the financial system in an effort to drive down rates on mortgages and other consumer debt. It also has created programs to bust through credit clogs, a key ingredient in turning the economy around.
Eventually, the Fed will need to soak up that money.
Besides raising its key bank lending rate, the Fed can raise the rate it pays banks on reserve balances held at the central bank, Bernanke said. That would give banks an incentive to keep their money parked there, rather having it flow back into the economy, where it can stoke inflationary pressures.The Fed also can drain money from the financial system by selling securities from its portfolio with an agreement to buy them back at a later date. Or it can sell securities outright.Steering the economy from recession to recovery will be a delicate move for Bernanke — economically and politically.Bernanke repeated the Fed's forecast that the economy should start growing again in the second half of this year. But he warned that growth would be slight, leading to higher unemployment.The nation's unemployment rate climbed to a 26-year high of 9.5 percent in June. The Fed says it could rise as high as 10.1 percent this year and stay elevated into 2011. The post-World War II high was 10.8 percent at the end of 1982.We have a very long haul" back to full economic health, Bernanke told lawmakers.
New rust belt grows in eastern Europe as crisis bites By Krisztina Than – Tue Jul 21, 8:17 pm ET
MISKOLC, Hungary (Reuters) – Heavy industries across eastern Europe, once the beacons of communist planned economies, survived the collapse of communism 20 years ago but may not live to see the end of the current economic crisis.The downturn, which has hit the region's export-led economies hard, is threatening to turn former powerhouses of the communist and post-Soviet eras into a new rust belt and causing a surge in unemployment and leaving deep social scars.Geza Tokodi has worked in the Hungarian steel mill DAM in the northeastern city of Miskolc for 38 years.The global crisis has brought him face-to-face with the unthinkable: a shutdown of the plant for more than six months, plunging the huge production halls which once employed 18,000 workers into eerie silence.My ears got used to the noise of the plant. Quiet is good when you want to have a rest, but here, it's much worse than noise, Tokodi says, walking through the vast derelict halls.The only sound in the vast plant is the occasional crack of metal expanding and contracting as the temperature changes or the cheep of birds that venture in through broken or open windows.The sprawling steel complex, once called the Lenin Steel Works, developed quickly in the 1950s when the communist government wanted to make Hungary the country of iron and steel despite its lack of raw materials and cheap energy.In its heyday in the 1980s. the city of Miskolc had more than 200,000 residents, most working in industry.The population has fallen to about 170,000 and unemployment stands at between 15 and 16 percent, well above the national average of 9.8 percent.DAM, which survived privatizations in the 1990s and was rescued after previous liquidations, is being wound up again and is laying off its approximately 700 remaining employees.The liquidation process started on June 24 and the liquidator Ratis Kft. has to put the assets up for sale.If it can find an investor, the plant may survive.Jozsef Papp, 53, who has been at DAM for 36 years, said they had been idle since late last year.There have been a few liquidations, and the plant always survived, but I don't think this will be the case now, he told Reuters.Steelmakers throughout Europe have operated at between 55 and 60 percent capacity usage rates this year, shelved investment plans and cut jobs to weather the biggest downturn to affect the industry since World War Two.
Miskolc, Hungary's second largest city, is finding it hard to cope with soaring unemployment and a lack of new jobs.Agnes Dudas, who heads the employment office in the city, says the number of registered jobless had risen to 18,200 in May from between 12,000 and 13,000 at the end of last year. More than half of those losing their jobs at the steel mill are aged over 50 and finding new work for them will be difficult, even though the city receives funds from an EU program partly designed to help crisis-hit regions, she says. Those who worked at DAM for 30 to 40 years would have never left this plant. First they must overcome the trauma of all this, and it's very hard,Dudas says. Miskolc has a Roma population of about 12,000 to 15,000, many of whom used to do unskilled jobs in the steel industry and have little choice but to rely on social assistance from the government.Hungary's Roma minority is one of the largest in central Europe, accounting for between 6 and 7 percent of the population.
Growing social tension in Miskolc, once a Socialist stronghold, showed in June's European election results when the far-right Jobbik party won 21 percent of the votes. The Socialists received 23 percent.Industries have collapsed and services are not developing at a pace which would allow them to absorb the extra workforce, said Imre Lakatos, head of the Iron Workers' Union VASAS who has worked at DAM for 40 years.Next to the steel works, hundreds of Roma families live in houses with no running water or sewerage.Most families here live on social assistance now... and odd jobs, said Ferenc Botos, who works for the local Roma minority council.
Dunaujvaros, formerly Sztalinvaros (Stalin city), 70 km (43.50 miles) south of Budapest, is the home of Hungary's biggest steel mill, Dunaferr. The firm, a unit of Ukraine's Donbass Group, saw its sales revenues drop by 40 percent in the first quarter and has said it will lay off 400 workers and offer early retirement to several hundred more to try to weather the crisis.It will have a workforce of 7,200 after the restructuring.The town is faring better in the face of the crisis because of its proximity to Budapest and investment by South Korean tire manufacturer Hankook in 2006 which created new jobs.ArcelorMittal's Czech unit, in the northeast of the country where unemployment is rife, is using only 35 to 45 percent of its capacity because of a lack of orders.The glut in the steel sector has spread, hurting earnings for London- and Prague-listed New World Resources, which owns the country's largest hard coal mines.In the past 20 years, the labor force has shown few signs of changing in many former communist industrial centers.It will be difficult to expect any big structural changes in industrial regions because people skilled in heavy manufacturing or mining can't transfer easily to other sectors of the economy,said David Marek, an economist at Patria Finance.For the regions, it can be a big problem, especially when it comes to a high concentration of heavy industries like steel or coal. It's a social problem, not only an economic problem.(Additional reporting by Jason Hovet in Prague; editing by Andrew Dobbie)
US backs Ukraine wish to join NATO: Biden by Anya Tsukanova – Tue Jul 21, 7:46 pm ET
KIEV (AFP) – Vice President Joe Biden was due in Georgia Wednesday after reassuring Ukraine of US support for its right to join NATO and promising a reset of Washington's relations with Moscow would not undermine warm ties with Kiev.Speaking after a meeting with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, Biden said President Barack Obama wanted to repair damaged US-Russia relations but would not allow the Kremlin to dictate Ukraine's relationship with NATO.The US and Ukraine will work in the years to come to strengthen our strategic partnership,Biden told reporters.It is not for the US to dictate what that partnership will be, but... if you choose to be part of Euro-Atlantic integration, which I believe you have, then we strongly support that.Biden did not mention NATO by name, and his comments walked a fine line between calling for Ukraine's admission to the alliance and merely expressing theoretical support for its right to set its own foreign and security policies.It was clear though from his other remarks and in light of developments over the past several years that his reference to Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration was diplomatic longhand for talking about NATO membership.We do not recognise anyone else's right to dictate to you or any other country what alliance you seek to belong to or what relationship to have,Biden said.The US supports Ukraine's sovereignty, independence and freedom to make its own choices, including what alliances they choose to belong to.Ukraine's campaign to join NATO, encouraged by the administration of Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, was among the major irritants poisoning Russian-US relations that Obama today wants to start afresh.Biden also urged Ukrainian leaders to reform their energy system, pointing out that if Ukrainians were able to get to the level of Poland in terms of energy efficiency they would be able to significantly cut their gas imports,a senior US official told reporters.
This is one of the most inefficient countries in terms of energy use, we would like to work with Ukraine on that, and if that happens, it would significantly change Ukraine's relationship with Russia,the official added.Russia shrugged off Biden's trip to Ukraine and, from Wednesday, to Georgia -- another ex-Soviet republic whose moves to integrate with the West have angered Moscow.We will follow what happens attentively,Russian foreign ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said at a briefing in Moscow.We do not usurp or monopolise anyone's rights. Choice of partners for international collaboration is a matter of the sovereign will of the subjects themselves.He later added: The important thing is that it is transparent, without any double games, and that it is not done to the detriment of others.Nevertheless, he noted that Biden's choice of itinerary and his timing could not be down to chance.
This was a far cry from a warning by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in June 2006 of a colossal geopolitical shift in the world if NATO admitted Ukraine as a member.No one sees much prospect of that happening any time soon however after campaigns by Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO were put on ice at the alliance summit in Bucharest last year.Biden said he had come to Ukraine with one straightforward message: the US is committed to a strong, democratic and prosperous Ukraine and will continue to support the ex-Soviet state's sovereignty, independence and freedom. And he promised, as forecast, that the Obama administration would not abandon Ukraine as it seeks to improve relations with Moscow.Referring to Washington's reset agenda with Moscow, Biden stated: I assure you and all Ukrainian people that it will not come at Ukraine's expense.To the contrary, I believe it can actually benefit Ukraine.Biden was scheduled to travel on Wednesday to Tbilisi where he was to meet President Mikheil Saakashvili and other officials and was expected to give similar reassurances of US support for Georgia.
21 And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them.
ISAIAH 18:1-2
1 Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia:
2 That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!
JEREMIAH 50:11,37,12
11 Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of mine heritage, because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls;(BACKSLIDERS)
37 A sword is upon their horses, and upon their chariots, and upon all the mingled people that are in the midst of her; and they shall become as women: a sword is upon her treasures; and they shall be robbed.(A NATION OF MINGLED PEOPLE)
12 Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed:(MOTHER ENGLAND) behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert.
JEREMIAH 51:13,7,53
13 O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness.
7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD's hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.
53 Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the LORD.
3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
JEREMIAH 50:3,24
3 For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the LORD. (RUSSIA A SNEAK ATTACK ON AMERICA)
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
Detroit: The Post-Apocalyptic Future of American Cities?
Al Martin Raw July 22, 2009
Here’s a glimpse of a Turn Key Approach to Urban Wasteland Management.Last week I had a chance to talk to a friend who just got back from Detroit and boy did he get an eyeful of America’s Future. After listening to him describe Detroit , it’s obvious that it has all fallen apart. First of all, there’s very little civil authority or regular civil government remaining and in operation. Almost everything has been turned over to these so-called Private Management Companies. And this is how it’s being done. They block out areas, in which 80% or more of the houses have been foreclosed on, which happens to be almost the entire city and county. They have selectively begun to bulldoze the properties which have been foreclosed on. The rest have been boarded up. Then they have turned over management of these 100 block area to private companies which have become defacto governments. They have the literal authority of governments and they’re paid a flat fee from the city, county or state to manage,as they say, a square block of this urban wasteland.These Private Management Companies sell themselves as residual property management firms. Most of these companies, as it turns out, are in fact off-shore subsidiaries of Private Military Contractors (PMCs). They provide a catchall service. In other words, they regulate how much electrical power and natural gas flows through these areas. They also act as police force, and they act as management for local civil government.
However this Urban Wasteland Management has been pretty efficient. They want to protect what remaining wealthy areas that still exist, like Bloomfield Hills. These companies come in and effectively build large barbed wire fences, around these mostly abandoned square block areas. Some people are still living in them, by the way, even though most of them are boarded up because they’re no longer bothering to serve process through the entire foreclosure procedure. Oftentimes once the house has been taken back and is ultimately owned by the city or county or some government, they let the people stay there until it’s abandoned and then taken over by squatters. Then they’re given a 72 hour notice to leave, by this private management company – before they come in and bulldoze the house. If you’re not out, that’s it. The bulldozers run. They can bulldoze the place with you in it – with legal impunity.
So here’s the scene. Imagine a 100-square blocks in a city on a hot summer night. Only one out of every twenty streetlamps is working, and even that is low-wattage. These lamps are broken and swinging back and forth in the wind. There’s rusted out steel drums lying here and there. Pyres of burning scrapwood. In the background there are shadowy figures darting in and out of buildings, trying to salvage anything or strip the remaining buildings of anything that’s worth anything.Since no electricity is being provided to these residents anymore, what this private management cum security company does is they bring in old water trucks. Then these water trucks are placed at certain locations during certain times. The people then totter down with their old plastic buckets and bottles to get their water.My friend said that what Detroit looks like now, particularly at night, is like a scene that you would see five or ten years after a Third World War. Everything is bulldozed, but it’s not all collected because there’s not much left after everyone has picked it apart. They just bulldoze it, chop it up and leave it in little piles. So imagine these little smoldering piles of rubble with these low wattage street lamps that are broken swinging back and forth. And don’t forget the rusted out water trucks bringing in water for the survivors,what else can you call them? They also bring in food from various charitable organizations and distribute free food like Spam and week old bread etc. The residents (survivors) in order to get anything have to register with the private security company and get a card which must be presented to the authorities if you want to get any water etc.They also provide very rudimentary medical care, which is part of their contract service, to provide Band-Aids if the need arises.It’s all very quiet and all you hear is the howling of feral dogs in this urban wasteland scene.Is Detroit a precursor of times to come in other American cities? As foreclosures mount and despite what the Obama Regime and the Financial Media says, the economy isn’t improving, at least not in the respect that foreclosures are still rising.Residential foreclosure rates won’t even peak for another year. And the foreclosure debacle that is coming in commercial and industrial properties hasn’t even really begun.Last week Fannie Mae announced that they expect the coming debacle in commercial and industrial properties is going to increase the foreclosure rate forty-fold in the next 12-18 months.
In spite of that, the Wall Street Journal is promoting REITs, writing about how the REIT market is Hot once again. This is what I might call Triple-Reconstituted REITS. In other words, they got busted out, raised money, then bought the same property back for 50 cents on the dollar. Then they got busted out again, raised more money, and diluted shareholder equity even further. Later they bought back the same property for 25 cents on the dollar. Then they’re busted out a third time. Then it becomes a question of how many pennies on the dollar is it ultimately worth? Residential areas that are on the periphery of industrial areas which are also all foreclosed, shut down or burned out. A lot of the train tracks that run through these areas have already been ripped up and sold for scrap metal.They must have security guards in hand cars driving up and down with searchlights looking for train track scavengers.
These private management companies have been given more power than the underlying governments ever had. They have become, for lack of a better word, a defacto privatized post-apocalyptic government.This could be the template for the future of America’s cities. As the state and county governments continue to get squeezed and revenue continues to fall, they have to cut back the amount of money they’re paying these private companies. So what they’re doing instead is allowing these private companies to set up what are defacto private enterprise zones with complete governmental power. All of the aluminum and copper and other scarp metal that’s being stolen by the survivors is being bought by these outfits that are just beyond the fence and are actually owned by the privatized security/ government companies. They also act as pawnshops for anything that’s left. This is one way to subsidize what is a declining government co-payment.As legitimate government funding for this diminishes, these outfits take on more and more power of government until they become virtual mini-dictatorships.My friend told me that you go down the street and you see this barbed wire fence and right across the street is the border of a very wealthy area. You see all of the private security that the wealthy people have hired and the searchlights that are monitoring activity in the neighborhood. It’s similar to South America where you see the barrio or favela come right up next to a wealthy neighborhood. As foreclosures mount and government resources diminish, these Urban Wasteland Zones (UMZs) are expanding. Now these companies also hire themselves out to provide security for the remaining wealthy areas, so they have their own security patrols going up and down the street. In some cases it’s only one street that separates where the barbed wire fence stands and what they call no man’s land near the wealthy area.This is evidently going on in cities all across the United States, just on a smaller and less organized scale. Now as foreclosures mount, this will become more prevalent in other cities. Detroit then is a template of what America’s future cities will look like.Federal government has virtually given up doing anything because they don’t have the money. The states are right because all the money which was hundreds of billons that was promised them under the Bush Regime through Homeland Security grants etc. never came through and all they ever got was maybe 14 cents on the dollar. Under the Obama Regime, federal transfer payments have actually diminished because the regime doesn’t have any money.You can point to these examples all over. Last week the State of California began paying tax refunds in promissory notes or I.O.U.’s. Many states and counties are now trying to settle obligations in promissory notes.Looking at the bigger picture, we have entered this W-shaped economy and we are going to go into a second dip. When we are at the trough of that second dip, then it’s push-comes-to-shove time, which means that we’ll see about the Federal government’s ability to hold it all together. Why? Because state governments are in a defacto state of collapse and there’s not much that the federal government can do about it, other than to provide these financial guarantees, which allow the states to sell more bonds and municipal securities, the interest of which they don’t have the ability to service. They come with a federal guarantee, however, so if they go into default, the federal government has to assume the responsibility. What buyers of these notes don’t by and large understand about these federal guarantees is that these guarantees are only guaranteeing the principal of the bond and not the interest. In many cases, as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s have pointed out, all these guarantees the Obama Regime is making are part of what is a reconstituted Resolution Trust situation. Many of them are only partial guarantees, maybe 60 cents on the dollar. Now many of the people who are buying these securities don’t understand that.
So what has been government’s response to declining tax revenue at state levels? To continuously increase cigarette tax to a dollar a package every six months. As prices increase, sales go down faster than the additional tax revenue is collected. All states have sold tax anticipation revenue bonds, even though none of them have sufficient revenue from increased tobacco tax to service the bonds. Republicans are now solidly behind a smoke-free America which will impinge on the American people’s right to partake of tobacco. That is the new mindset. They won’t make it illegal, but eventually it will make tobacco a privilege of the wealthy.What will happen to the $150 billion of tobacco tax anticipation bonds states have already sold? How will that debt be serviced? None of the states have the necessary cash flow to service these tobacco and alcohol tax revenue bonds (anticipation revenue notes) because most of the states, between federal and state tax hikes, are increasing the price of liquor $1 per every proof gallon every six months.Tobacco and liquor will become the province of the wealthy. The hoi polloi sitting on top of those piles of smoldering rubble in Detroit, trying to scrounge aluminum gutters – no more tobacco for you. You’ll be getting the corn husks from your local paramilitary government association.
When cash goes to promissory notes – what’s the next step from there? Government issued chits. Maybe they’ll look like the German money/ chits from the 1920s. They were half the size of today’s currency issued in One Billion Mark and Ten Bullion Mark denominations. But these will be corporate-issued chits. You’ll get a chit for so many gallons of water or a chit for so many hours of electricity. You can get a bag of corn-husk tobacco or coffee, which will be 10% coffee and 90% chickory, just like the old days.So maybe we should all go long scrap lumber. Imagine the amount of scrap wood necessary to print al these promissory notes, chits and coupons… Just kidding.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009