1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)
5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;(GOD ORDAINED OUR LIVES BEFORE WE WERE EVEN CREATED IN A WOMANS BODY)(GOD NEVER CREATED ANYONE HOMOSEXUAL)(AND THIS TELLS US ABORTION IS MURDER) and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
JOHN 8:44
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
EXODUS 20:13
13 Thou shalt not kill.(Murder)(THAT INCLUDES ABORTION)
EXODUS 21:12
12 He that smiteth (MURDER)a man,(OR BABY) so that he die, shall be surely put to death.(THATS THE DEATH PENALTY PEOPLE)
ROMANS 1:20-22
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
1 TIMOTHY 6:20
20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately
UPDATE-AUGUST 26,2015-12:00AM
Human Capital - Episode 2: Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site (6TH VIDEO)(PLANNED PARENTHOOD)
Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" - (5TH VIDEO selling baby-BABY PARTS)
Planned Parenthood sues Alabama over end to Medicaid funds-Associated Press By KIM CHANDLER-AUG 29,15-YAHOONEWS
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Planned Parenthood Southeast on Friday filed a federal lawsuit over Gov. Robert Bentley's effort to cut off Medicaid payments to the organization's Alabama clinics.The organization said Bentley's effort penalizes low-income women who seek contraceptive and preventative health care services at the clinics. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Montgomery. It accuses Bentley of violating a federal law that they said requires Medicaid patients to have their choice of provider to receive family planning care."We're in court today because each and every patient, and her ability to make her own deeply personal and private health care decisions, matters," said Staci Fox, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Southeast.Bentley's press office did not have an immediate response to the lawsuit.Bentley earlier this month announced he was moving to terminate Medicaid provider agreements with Planned Parenthood. The governor cited now famous hidden-camera videos that accuse the organization of selling fetal organs for profit after abortions."The deplorable practices at Planned Parenthood have been exposed to Americans, and I have decided to stop any association with the organization in Alabama," Bentley said. Planned Parenthood has denied the allegations and says the videos, shot by abortion opponents, are edited to be misleading.Planned Parenthood said in a statement that it will ask a judge next week for a preliminary injunction to block the action by Bentley.Planned Parenthood has a similar lawsuit against Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Jindal also sought to cut off Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood.Planned Parenthood operates two clinics in Alabama.Alabama Medicaid Agency records show that the state has paid Planned Parenthood Southeast less than $5,000 over the last two years. The payments were for contraceptives. Medicaid does not pay for abortions except for under rare circumstances.
Planned Parenthood alleges 'smear' in letter to Congress-Associated Press By BRIAN MELLEY-August 27, 2015 5:39 PM-YAHOONEWS
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Planned Parenthood Federation of America defended its practices Thursday in a lengthy letter to congressional leaders and included a report by experts it hired who found undercover videos of officials discussing fetal tissue for research were heavily altered by anti-abortion activists.The report supports the organization's claims that the secretly recorded videos were distorted to misrepresent conversations employees had with anti-abortion activists posing as biomedical company employees interested in buying fetal tissue, Planned Parenthood said.The letter and report were the most detailed defense to date by Planned Parenthood, which has come under fire from conservatives since the California-based Center for Medical Progress began releasing a series of undercover videos last month."It's increasingly clear that this attack on Planned Parenthood is a fraud based on a web of lies and deception," Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens told reporters.Four congressional committees are investigating Planned Parenthood's practices, and lawmakers unsuccessfully tried to strip the organization of federal funding.Some conservatives are vowing to vote down must-pass legislation to fund the federal government this fall unless it strips money for the organization, raising the specter of a government shutdown over the issue.A spokeswoman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said a letter from Planned Parenthood isn't going to satisfy Congress."House committees have been investigating all of the participants involved in these horrific practices and building a strong case," spokeswoman Emily Schillinger said. "The American people deserve the facts — not PR releases."The videos that include graphic images of tissue, organs and even a tiny arm, showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing in a businesslike way how they provide aborted fetal organs for research and what they charge for tissue.Planned Parenthood's president, Cecile Richards, previously apologized for the "tone and statements." But she defended the organization in her letter to Congress, saying it did nothing illegal and calling the videos a "smear" on its reputation.The organization provides health services such as birth control, sexual-disease screening and abortions. Fewer than 1 percent of 700 affiliated clinics nationwide offer fetal tissue donation for medical research, the letter said.At issue is a federal law that prohibits abortion providers from profiting from the sale of fetal tissue, inducing someone to have an abortion to provide the tissue, or altering the procedure in any way to harvest fetal tissue, which is used for a variety of medical research.California clinics were reimbursed $45 to $60 to recoup their costs, which is legal. Washington donated the tissue to a university.An Oregon affiliate provides placental tissue to a university, and clinics in Texas and Colorado have provided similar tissue over the past five years, but not fetal tissue, Planned Parenthood said.The Center for Medical Progress claims the videos released so far show Planned Parenthood illegally sells and harvests organs.The Texas attorney general launched an investigation after a Planned Parenthood representative in Houston was recorded in the videos.California's attorney general, a Democrat running for U.S. Senate, is investigating whether the group that made the videos violated registration or reporting requirements, or broke any other state rules.Several other states have found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood.Planned Parenthood said forensic experts found more than 40 instances where the video was spliced. They also found conversations taken out of context to change the meaning of what was said, the organization said.In one example highlighted, a Planned Parenthood official in Texas had discussed lab protocols to maintain tissue. But the video was manipulated through editing so it sounded like she was talking about altering abortion methods to help harvest organs, Laguens said.Research firm Fusion GPS said experts it hired on behalf of Planned Parenthood found it was impossible to determine how much edits to the video distorted the meaning of the meetings. But it said the footage had no evidentiary value in an inquiry unless the original material was provided to investigators.Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS said the video work was "sloppy at best" and that transcripts provided by the center were inaccurate and erroneous.The activist who secretly recorded the video said in a statement that editing out bathroom breaks or waiting periods didn't change the meaning of the dialogue."Planned Parenthood's desperate, 11th-hour attempt to pay their hand-picked 'experts' to distract from the crimes documented on video is a complete failure," the center's founder, David Daleiden, said in a statement. "Planned Parenthood's abortion providers are far more honest about the brutal reality of their work than the paid political consultants at the national office."___Erica Werner in Washington contributed to this report.
Planned Parenthood report says fetal tissue videos were distorted-Reuters By Megan Cassella-August 27, 2015 2:28 PM-YAHOONEWS
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Planned Parenthood told U.S. congressional leaders on Thursday that manipulations and deletions used in the editing process of secretly recorded videos slamming the organization rendered the tapes unreliable for government inquiries.In an 11-page letter to Republican and Democratic congressional leaders, the reproductive healthcare group's president, Cecile Richards, detailed the findings of an analysis conducted by research firm Fusion GPS and commissioned by Planned Parenthood.In recent weeks, the Center for Medical Progress has released eight videos showing Planned Parenthood technicians gathering fetal tissue from abortions.The anti-abortion group has said the videos showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the illegal sale of aborted fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood has said it has done nothing wrong.Richards' letter comes as four congressional committees are conducting investigations into her organization. When Congress returns from summer recess on Sept. 8, efforts to halt federal funds for the organization could be part of budget negotiations.The letter said there were multiple instances of what it called deliberately deceptive edits, inaccurate transcripts and missing footage.In the accompanying 10-page report by Fusion GPS, video forensic experts tallied 42 instances of unrelated questions and answers being spliced together in the first five videos, creating the appearance of seamless conversations. The edits "substantively and significantly" altered the meaning of the dialogue, the report said.It was not immediately known how much Planned Parenthood paid Fusion GPS for its research.Analysts found transcripts had also been altered, at times changing questions by actors "to make it seem less like they are baiting Planned Parenthood staff into making unethical statements," the report said.In what the Center for Medical Progress called full-length footage, analysts found large portions had been removed, including approximately 30 minutes' worth of video filmed in each of two clinics, the report said."Any time someone has made undisclosed changes to an audio or video file, that renders the file unreliable," lead investigator and former Wall Street Journal investigative reporter Glenn Simpson said during a media conference call.In response, the Center for Medical Progress issued a statement calling the new analysis a "desperate, 11th-hour attempt" to discredit the videos, saying the edits were made to remove bathroom breaks and downtime between meetings.The Center for Medical Progress has indicated that it will release more videos in coming weeks.(Reporting by Megan Cassella; Editing by Richard Cowan and Lisa Von Ahn)
Ted Cruz to pastors: No delay on defunding Planned Parenthood-Jon Ward-Senior Political Correspondent-Yahoo Politics-August 25, 2015
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz had a simple message for the thousands of Christian pastors who joined him on a conference call Tuesday to talk about defunding Planned Parenthood.“Now is the time,” Cruz told them.Cruz, a freshman U.S. senator from Texas, joined a call organized by the American Renewal Project, a Christian group dedicated to increasing political involvement by ministers. The call was closed to the news media but Yahoo News received an invitation to listen in.Cruz has battled the leadership of his own party since he joined the Senate in 2013, and is poised to do so again over the issue of defunding Planned Parenthood.House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., favor building a consensus, including at least some Democrats, before Republicans attempt to strip Planned Parenthood of the roughly half a billion dollars it receives from the federal government each year.Cruz, who is gaining momentum in the Republican presidential primary, says that a provision to defund Planned Parenthood should be attached to the continuing resolution that Congress will take up this fall to continue funding the federal government. “That is the circumstance in which the vote actually has teeth. That is the circumstance in which Congress would actually cut off funding,” Cruz said.“Here’s the challenge: The leadership of both parties … want an empty show vote,” Cruz said.Cruz urged the ministers to preach from their pulpits about the series of undercover videos that have been released over the summer by a group called the Center for Medical Progress. The videos show Planned Parenthood officials discussing, in graphic detail, extracting organs from aborted fetuses and transferring them to research companies for a fee.And he asked the pastors to instruct their congregants to call their members of Congress to demand a real defund vote this fall.“It’s important that they hear that a show vote will not suffice,” Cruz said. “Now is the time for Congress to act and to actually end federal funding for Planned Parenthood.”“Now is the moment where we distinguish words from action. There is a Republican majority in the House and the Senate, and if we stand together and use our constitutional authority we can fund the entire government but decline to fund Planned Parenthood,” Cruz said.More than 100,000 Christian ministers were invited to participate by the American Renewal Project, but an organizer did not yet know late Tuesday how many dialed in for the call.The sale of fetal tissue for profit is banned by law, and Planned Parenthood says the videos do not show efforts to illegally sell tissue, but rather the cost of storing and transporting it. Women who have abortions have the option to voluntarily donate the fetus for medical research.Planned Parenthood says abortion makes up only three percent of its services. Its most recent annual report stated that the group’s affiliates conducted 327,653 abortions from the fall of 2012 to the fall of 2013. By law, Planned Parenthood cannot use federal funds to pay for abortions, but opponents say public dollars are indirectly subsidizing the group’s abortion activities.Cruz said that the undercover videos reveal unlawful conduct, and referred to Planned Parenthood as a “criminal organization.”“These videos not only show the face of evil, they also appear to demonstrate an ongoing pattern of criminal conduct,” he said. “There are multiple federal laws that appear to be broken in these videos.”Cruz added that he is encouraging abortion supporters to watch the videos as well.“These videos have the power to move people’s hearts and minds, even those who believe that they are pro-choice today. Watching these videos, you cannot help but be repulsed at the callous disregard for human life,” he said.
Planned Parenthood sues to stop funding cuts in Louisiana-Reuters By Letitia Stein-August 25, 2015 5:54 PM
(Reuters) - Planned Parenthood asked a federal court on Tuesday to block Louisiana's efforts to defund its clinics in the state in reaction to the release of secretly recorded videos about how the group handles the tissue of aborted fetuses.Louisiana was the first of three Southern states to announce plans to end its contract with the reproductive health organization to provide medical services to low-income residents. Alabama and Arkansas have taken similar steps.Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, cited the release of videos this summer by a national anti-abortion group, the Center for Medical Progress.The center says the videos show Planned Parenthood sells tissue of aborted fetuses but the organization denies wrongdoing and says it does not profit from fetal tissue donation, noting it is allowed to charge costs to cover its expenses.Planned Parenthood is being investigated in the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress, where some conservatives want to cut off its federal funding. The organization says abortions make up just 3 percent of its work at the hundreds of healthcare centers it runs nationwide.It does not provide abortions in Louisiana, court records show. The defunding effort there targets other health services that it provides to more than 5,200 low-income patients at clinics in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, the organization said.Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, the regional affiliate, received $730,000 last year for Louisiana patients covered by Medicaid, a federal and state healthcare program for the poor.The lawsuit, whose plaintiffs include three women identified as "Jane Doe," said the state appears to be violating federal law "as part and parcel of Governor Jindal’s campaign against abortion and to punish abortion providers." U.S. health officials also have warned Louisiana that terminating the Medicaid contracts may illegally restrict beneficiary access to services."We are fighting these efforts as best we can to preserve access by our patients to care," Carrie Flaxman, a senior staff attorney for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, told reporters.The organization is evaluating legal options in other states.Planned Parenthood is asking for a court injunction to stop Louisiana's termination of its provider contract on Sept. 2. The state intends to fight its lawsuit."Planned Parenthood is flailing," Jindal spokesman Mike Reed said in a statement. "This lawsuit is without merit and the state will aggressively defend our right to cancel the contract."(Reporting by Letitia Stein; Editing by Bill Trott)
Anti-abortion protesters rally at Planned Parenthood sites-Reuters-August 22, 2015 6:43 PM-YAHOONEWS
(Reuters) - Thousands of anti-abortion protesters on Saturday demonstrated at Planned Parenthood sites around the United States where they called for the federal government to end funding for the health organization.The protests staged at dozens of Planned Parenthood sites came after an anti-abortion group released an eighth video on Friday purporting to show Planned Parenthood officials negotiating prices for aborted fetal tissue.During the two-hour morning rallies, demonstrators prayed and chanted outside the facilities as they held signs condemning Planned Parenthood and its practices."Planned Parenthood sells baby parts," read one sign at a rally in St. Paul, Minnesota, according to a photos posted on social media."Today's nationwide demonstrations ... underscore the grassroots opposition to Planned Parenthood. It is time that Planned Parenthood closed its doors forever," said Jim Sedlak, a vice president at American Life League, an anti-abortion organization, in a statement.Vice President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America Eric Ferrero said in a statement that the rallies were meant "to intimidate and harass" the organization's patients." Unlike these protesters, compassion is at the center of what we do, and we will continue to provide care, and a safe, welcoming environment for our patients, no matter what," he said.Planned Parenthood has come under increasing scrutiny recently due to secretly recorded videos about its role in supplying aborted fetal tissue for medical research.Anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress has released a series of videos that it says prove Planned Parenthood staff sell fetal material from abortions for profit."Extremists who oppose Planned Parenthood's mission and services are making outrageous and completely false claims. They are engaged in a fraud, and other claims they've made have been discredited and disproven," Ferrero said.(Reporting by Brendan O'Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by James Dalgleish)
Arkansas ending Medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood-Associated Press By ANDREW DeMILLO-August 14, 2015 6:37 PM
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas is ending its Medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood, Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Friday, despite warnings federal officials have given other states that such a move could violate the law.Hutchinson ordered the Arkansas Department of Human Services to terminate its Medicaid provider contract with the organization in 30 days. The move came in response to secretly recorded videos released by an anti-abortion group showing Planned Parenthood officials describing how they provide fetal tissue from abortions for medical research."It is apparent that after the recent revelations on the actions of Planned Parenthood, that this organization does not represent the values of the people of our state and Arkansas is better served by terminating any and all existing contracts with them," Hutchinson said in a statement.Planned Parenthood received more than $51,000 in Medicaid payments in Arkansas over the past fiscal year for family planning and gynecological services. None of the money went toward abortions, Arkansas Department of Human Services spokeswoman Amy Webb said.Independent state Rep. Nate Bell, who chairs the Arkansas House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee, sent a letter to Hutchinson Thursday asking the governor to terminate the contract. Hutchinson said he's received a similar request from other state lawmakers, including Republican Sen. Eddie Joe Williams, who chairs the Senate committee, and Republican Rep. David Meeks of Conway.Hutchinson announced the move just a couple of hours after telling reporters he was reviewing the lawmakers' requests. He told reporters he was "very troubled" by the videos.Alabama and Louisiana earlier this month announced they were ending Medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood, a move that prompted a warning from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that it could violate federal law."Longstanding Medicaid laws prohibit states from restricting individuals who have coverage through Medicaid from receiving care from a qualified provider," Lori Lodes, spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said in an email before Hutchinson's announcement. "By restricting which provider a woman could choose to receive care from, women could lose access to critical preventive care, such as cancer screenings."Louisiana officials have argued the move doesn't violate federal law because other Medicaid providers offer the same services as Planned Parenthood.Hutchinson's office said the governor was confident in the legal basis for the decision, saying the contract allows the state to terminate it with 30 days' notice."Even though we anticipate a federal review and scrutiny, standing up for Arkansas values is most important to the governor," spokesman J.R. Davis said.Hutchinson earlier this year signed into law a measure prohibiting public funding to abortion providers and entities that refer women to abortion providers, a move aimed at blocking any money to Planned Parenthood. The new law, however, did not apply to Medicaid funding. The organization had previously received money for sex education funding.Republicans around the country have targeted Planned Parenthood after several videos were released by the anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress.The center said the videos showed Planned Parenthood illegally sells fetal tissue for profit. Planned Parenthood said the organization receives legal payment only for the cost of the procedure and requires a mother's consent before the tissue is given to researchers.Planned Parenthood said it believed the move by Hutchinson and the other states is "clearly a violation of the Medicaid statute that requires that a woman have her choice among qualified providers.""This political grandstanding could have real and devastating consequences for women who rely on Planned Parenthood for birth control, cancer screenings, STD tests and other lifesaving care," Angie Remington, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, said in a statement.___Follow Andrew DeMillo on Twitter at

5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;(GOD ORDAINED OUR LIVES BEFORE WE WERE EVEN CREATED IN A WOMANS BODY)(GOD NEVER CREATED ANYONE HOMOSEXUAL)(AND THIS TELLS US ABORTION IS MURDER) and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
JOHN 8:44
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
EXODUS 20:13
13 Thou shalt not kill.(Murder)(THAT INCLUDES ABORTION)
EXODUS 21:12
12 He that smiteth (MURDER)a man,(OR BABY) so that he die, shall be surely put to death.(THATS THE DEATH PENALTY PEOPLE)
ROMANS 1:20-22
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
1 TIMOTHY 6:20
20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately
UPDATE-AUGUST 26,2015-12:00AM
Human Capital - Episode 2: Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site (6TH VIDEO)(PLANNED PARENTHOOD)
Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" - (5TH VIDEO selling baby-BABY PARTS)
Planned Parenthood sues Alabama over end to Medicaid funds-Associated Press By KIM CHANDLER-AUG 29,15-YAHOONEWS
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Planned Parenthood Southeast on Friday filed a federal lawsuit over Gov. Robert Bentley's effort to cut off Medicaid payments to the organization's Alabama clinics.The organization said Bentley's effort penalizes low-income women who seek contraceptive and preventative health care services at the clinics. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Montgomery. It accuses Bentley of violating a federal law that they said requires Medicaid patients to have their choice of provider to receive family planning care."We're in court today because each and every patient, and her ability to make her own deeply personal and private health care decisions, matters," said Staci Fox, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Southeast.Bentley's press office did not have an immediate response to the lawsuit.Bentley earlier this month announced he was moving to terminate Medicaid provider agreements with Planned Parenthood. The governor cited now famous hidden-camera videos that accuse the organization of selling fetal organs for profit after abortions."The deplorable practices at Planned Parenthood have been exposed to Americans, and I have decided to stop any association with the organization in Alabama," Bentley said. Planned Parenthood has denied the allegations and says the videos, shot by abortion opponents, are edited to be misleading.Planned Parenthood said in a statement that it will ask a judge next week for a preliminary injunction to block the action by Bentley.Planned Parenthood has a similar lawsuit against Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Jindal also sought to cut off Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood.Planned Parenthood operates two clinics in Alabama.Alabama Medicaid Agency records show that the state has paid Planned Parenthood Southeast less than $5,000 over the last two years. The payments were for contraceptives. Medicaid does not pay for abortions except for under rare circumstances.
Planned Parenthood alleges 'smear' in letter to Congress-Associated Press By BRIAN MELLEY-August 27, 2015 5:39 PM-YAHOONEWS
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Planned Parenthood Federation of America defended its practices Thursday in a lengthy letter to congressional leaders and included a report by experts it hired who found undercover videos of officials discussing fetal tissue for research were heavily altered by anti-abortion activists.The report supports the organization's claims that the secretly recorded videos were distorted to misrepresent conversations employees had with anti-abortion activists posing as biomedical company employees interested in buying fetal tissue, Planned Parenthood said.The letter and report were the most detailed defense to date by Planned Parenthood, which has come under fire from conservatives since the California-based Center for Medical Progress began releasing a series of undercover videos last month."It's increasingly clear that this attack on Planned Parenthood is a fraud based on a web of lies and deception," Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens told reporters.Four congressional committees are investigating Planned Parenthood's practices, and lawmakers unsuccessfully tried to strip the organization of federal funding.Some conservatives are vowing to vote down must-pass legislation to fund the federal government this fall unless it strips money for the organization, raising the specter of a government shutdown over the issue.A spokeswoman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said a letter from Planned Parenthood isn't going to satisfy Congress."House committees have been investigating all of the participants involved in these horrific practices and building a strong case," spokeswoman Emily Schillinger said. "The American people deserve the facts — not PR releases."The videos that include graphic images of tissue, organs and even a tiny arm, showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing in a businesslike way how they provide aborted fetal organs for research and what they charge for tissue.Planned Parenthood's president, Cecile Richards, previously apologized for the "tone and statements." But she defended the organization in her letter to Congress, saying it did nothing illegal and calling the videos a "smear" on its reputation.The organization provides health services such as birth control, sexual-disease screening and abortions. Fewer than 1 percent of 700 affiliated clinics nationwide offer fetal tissue donation for medical research, the letter said.At issue is a federal law that prohibits abortion providers from profiting from the sale of fetal tissue, inducing someone to have an abortion to provide the tissue, or altering the procedure in any way to harvest fetal tissue, which is used for a variety of medical research.California clinics were reimbursed $45 to $60 to recoup their costs, which is legal. Washington donated the tissue to a university.An Oregon affiliate provides placental tissue to a university, and clinics in Texas and Colorado have provided similar tissue over the past five years, but not fetal tissue, Planned Parenthood said.The Center for Medical Progress claims the videos released so far show Planned Parenthood illegally sells and harvests organs.The Texas attorney general launched an investigation after a Planned Parenthood representative in Houston was recorded in the videos.California's attorney general, a Democrat running for U.S. Senate, is investigating whether the group that made the videos violated registration or reporting requirements, or broke any other state rules.Several other states have found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood.Planned Parenthood said forensic experts found more than 40 instances where the video was spliced. They also found conversations taken out of context to change the meaning of what was said, the organization said.In one example highlighted, a Planned Parenthood official in Texas had discussed lab protocols to maintain tissue. But the video was manipulated through editing so it sounded like she was talking about altering abortion methods to help harvest organs, Laguens said.Research firm Fusion GPS said experts it hired on behalf of Planned Parenthood found it was impossible to determine how much edits to the video distorted the meaning of the meetings. But it said the footage had no evidentiary value in an inquiry unless the original material was provided to investigators.Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS said the video work was "sloppy at best" and that transcripts provided by the center were inaccurate and erroneous.The activist who secretly recorded the video said in a statement that editing out bathroom breaks or waiting periods didn't change the meaning of the dialogue."Planned Parenthood's desperate, 11th-hour attempt to pay their hand-picked 'experts' to distract from the crimes documented on video is a complete failure," the center's founder, David Daleiden, said in a statement. "Planned Parenthood's abortion providers are far more honest about the brutal reality of their work than the paid political consultants at the national office."___Erica Werner in Washington contributed to this report.
Planned Parenthood report says fetal tissue videos were distorted-Reuters By Megan Cassella-August 27, 2015 2:28 PM-YAHOONEWS
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Planned Parenthood told U.S. congressional leaders on Thursday that manipulations and deletions used in the editing process of secretly recorded videos slamming the organization rendered the tapes unreliable for government inquiries.In an 11-page letter to Republican and Democratic congressional leaders, the reproductive healthcare group's president, Cecile Richards, detailed the findings of an analysis conducted by research firm Fusion GPS and commissioned by Planned Parenthood.In recent weeks, the Center for Medical Progress has released eight videos showing Planned Parenthood technicians gathering fetal tissue from abortions.The anti-abortion group has said the videos showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the illegal sale of aborted fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood has said it has done nothing wrong.Richards' letter comes as four congressional committees are conducting investigations into her organization. When Congress returns from summer recess on Sept. 8, efforts to halt federal funds for the organization could be part of budget negotiations.The letter said there were multiple instances of what it called deliberately deceptive edits, inaccurate transcripts and missing footage.In the accompanying 10-page report by Fusion GPS, video forensic experts tallied 42 instances of unrelated questions and answers being spliced together in the first five videos, creating the appearance of seamless conversations. The edits "substantively and significantly" altered the meaning of the dialogue, the report said.It was not immediately known how much Planned Parenthood paid Fusion GPS for its research.Analysts found transcripts had also been altered, at times changing questions by actors "to make it seem less like they are baiting Planned Parenthood staff into making unethical statements," the report said.In what the Center for Medical Progress called full-length footage, analysts found large portions had been removed, including approximately 30 minutes' worth of video filmed in each of two clinics, the report said."Any time someone has made undisclosed changes to an audio or video file, that renders the file unreliable," lead investigator and former Wall Street Journal investigative reporter Glenn Simpson said during a media conference call.In response, the Center for Medical Progress issued a statement calling the new analysis a "desperate, 11th-hour attempt" to discredit the videos, saying the edits were made to remove bathroom breaks and downtime between meetings.The Center for Medical Progress has indicated that it will release more videos in coming weeks.(Reporting by Megan Cassella; Editing by Richard Cowan and Lisa Von Ahn)
Ted Cruz to pastors: No delay on defunding Planned Parenthood-Jon Ward-Senior Political Correspondent-Yahoo Politics-August 25, 2015
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz had a simple message for the thousands of Christian pastors who joined him on a conference call Tuesday to talk about defunding Planned Parenthood.“Now is the time,” Cruz told them.Cruz, a freshman U.S. senator from Texas, joined a call organized by the American Renewal Project, a Christian group dedicated to increasing political involvement by ministers. The call was closed to the news media but Yahoo News received an invitation to listen in.Cruz has battled the leadership of his own party since he joined the Senate in 2013, and is poised to do so again over the issue of defunding Planned Parenthood.House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., favor building a consensus, including at least some Democrats, before Republicans attempt to strip Planned Parenthood of the roughly half a billion dollars it receives from the federal government each year.Cruz, who is gaining momentum in the Republican presidential primary, says that a provision to defund Planned Parenthood should be attached to the continuing resolution that Congress will take up this fall to continue funding the federal government. “That is the circumstance in which the vote actually has teeth. That is the circumstance in which Congress would actually cut off funding,” Cruz said.“Here’s the challenge: The leadership of both parties … want an empty show vote,” Cruz said.Cruz urged the ministers to preach from their pulpits about the series of undercover videos that have been released over the summer by a group called the Center for Medical Progress. The videos show Planned Parenthood officials discussing, in graphic detail, extracting organs from aborted fetuses and transferring them to research companies for a fee.And he asked the pastors to instruct their congregants to call their members of Congress to demand a real defund vote this fall.“It’s important that they hear that a show vote will not suffice,” Cruz said. “Now is the time for Congress to act and to actually end federal funding for Planned Parenthood.”“Now is the moment where we distinguish words from action. There is a Republican majority in the House and the Senate, and if we stand together and use our constitutional authority we can fund the entire government but decline to fund Planned Parenthood,” Cruz said.More than 100,000 Christian ministers were invited to participate by the American Renewal Project, but an organizer did not yet know late Tuesday how many dialed in for the call.The sale of fetal tissue for profit is banned by law, and Planned Parenthood says the videos do not show efforts to illegally sell tissue, but rather the cost of storing and transporting it. Women who have abortions have the option to voluntarily donate the fetus for medical research.Planned Parenthood says abortion makes up only three percent of its services. Its most recent annual report stated that the group’s affiliates conducted 327,653 abortions from the fall of 2012 to the fall of 2013. By law, Planned Parenthood cannot use federal funds to pay for abortions, but opponents say public dollars are indirectly subsidizing the group’s abortion activities.Cruz said that the undercover videos reveal unlawful conduct, and referred to Planned Parenthood as a “criminal organization.”“These videos not only show the face of evil, they also appear to demonstrate an ongoing pattern of criminal conduct,” he said. “There are multiple federal laws that appear to be broken in these videos.”Cruz added that he is encouraging abortion supporters to watch the videos as well.“These videos have the power to move people’s hearts and minds, even those who believe that they are pro-choice today. Watching these videos, you cannot help but be repulsed at the callous disregard for human life,” he said.
Planned Parenthood sues to stop funding cuts in Louisiana-Reuters By Letitia Stein-August 25, 2015 5:54 PM
(Reuters) - Planned Parenthood asked a federal court on Tuesday to block Louisiana's efforts to defund its clinics in the state in reaction to the release of secretly recorded videos about how the group handles the tissue of aborted fetuses.Louisiana was the first of three Southern states to announce plans to end its contract with the reproductive health organization to provide medical services to low-income residents. Alabama and Arkansas have taken similar steps.Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, cited the release of videos this summer by a national anti-abortion group, the Center for Medical Progress.The center says the videos show Planned Parenthood sells tissue of aborted fetuses but the organization denies wrongdoing and says it does not profit from fetal tissue donation, noting it is allowed to charge costs to cover its expenses.Planned Parenthood is being investigated in the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress, where some conservatives want to cut off its federal funding. The organization says abortions make up just 3 percent of its work at the hundreds of healthcare centers it runs nationwide.It does not provide abortions in Louisiana, court records show. The defunding effort there targets other health services that it provides to more than 5,200 low-income patients at clinics in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, the organization said.Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, the regional affiliate, received $730,000 last year for Louisiana patients covered by Medicaid, a federal and state healthcare program for the poor.The lawsuit, whose plaintiffs include three women identified as "Jane Doe," said the state appears to be violating federal law "as part and parcel of Governor Jindal’s campaign against abortion and to punish abortion providers." U.S. health officials also have warned Louisiana that terminating the Medicaid contracts may illegally restrict beneficiary access to services."We are fighting these efforts as best we can to preserve access by our patients to care," Carrie Flaxman, a senior staff attorney for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, told reporters.The organization is evaluating legal options in other states.Planned Parenthood is asking for a court injunction to stop Louisiana's termination of its provider contract on Sept. 2. The state intends to fight its lawsuit."Planned Parenthood is flailing," Jindal spokesman Mike Reed said in a statement. "This lawsuit is without merit and the state will aggressively defend our right to cancel the contract."(Reporting by Letitia Stein; Editing by Bill Trott)
Anti-abortion protesters rally at Planned Parenthood sites-Reuters-August 22, 2015 6:43 PM-YAHOONEWS
(Reuters) - Thousands of anti-abortion protesters on Saturday demonstrated at Planned Parenthood sites around the United States where they called for the federal government to end funding for the health organization.The protests staged at dozens of Planned Parenthood sites came after an anti-abortion group released an eighth video on Friday purporting to show Planned Parenthood officials negotiating prices for aborted fetal tissue.During the two-hour morning rallies, demonstrators prayed and chanted outside the facilities as they held signs condemning Planned Parenthood and its practices."Planned Parenthood sells baby parts," read one sign at a rally in St. Paul, Minnesota, according to a photos posted on social media."Today's nationwide demonstrations ... underscore the grassroots opposition to Planned Parenthood. It is time that Planned Parenthood closed its doors forever," said Jim Sedlak, a vice president at American Life League, an anti-abortion organization, in a statement.Vice President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America Eric Ferrero said in a statement that the rallies were meant "to intimidate and harass" the organization's patients." Unlike these protesters, compassion is at the center of what we do, and we will continue to provide care, and a safe, welcoming environment for our patients, no matter what," he said.Planned Parenthood has come under increasing scrutiny recently due to secretly recorded videos about its role in supplying aborted fetal tissue for medical research.Anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress has released a series of videos that it says prove Planned Parenthood staff sell fetal material from abortions for profit."Extremists who oppose Planned Parenthood's mission and services are making outrageous and completely false claims. They are engaged in a fraud, and other claims they've made have been discredited and disproven," Ferrero said.(Reporting by Brendan O'Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by James Dalgleish)
Arkansas ending Medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood-Associated Press By ANDREW DeMILLO-August 14, 2015 6:37 PM
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas is ending its Medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood, Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Friday, despite warnings federal officials have given other states that such a move could violate the law.Hutchinson ordered the Arkansas Department of Human Services to terminate its Medicaid provider contract with the organization in 30 days. The move came in response to secretly recorded videos released by an anti-abortion group showing Planned Parenthood officials describing how they provide fetal tissue from abortions for medical research."It is apparent that after the recent revelations on the actions of Planned Parenthood, that this organization does not represent the values of the people of our state and Arkansas is better served by terminating any and all existing contracts with them," Hutchinson said in a statement.Planned Parenthood received more than $51,000 in Medicaid payments in Arkansas over the past fiscal year for family planning and gynecological services. None of the money went toward abortions, Arkansas Department of Human Services spokeswoman Amy Webb said.Independent state Rep. Nate Bell, who chairs the Arkansas House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee, sent a letter to Hutchinson Thursday asking the governor to terminate the contract. Hutchinson said he's received a similar request from other state lawmakers, including Republican Sen. Eddie Joe Williams, who chairs the Senate committee, and Republican Rep. David Meeks of Conway.Hutchinson announced the move just a couple of hours after telling reporters he was reviewing the lawmakers' requests. He told reporters he was "very troubled" by the videos.Alabama and Louisiana earlier this month announced they were ending Medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood, a move that prompted a warning from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that it could violate federal law."Longstanding Medicaid laws prohibit states from restricting individuals who have coverage through Medicaid from receiving care from a qualified provider," Lori Lodes, spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said in an email before Hutchinson's announcement. "By restricting which provider a woman could choose to receive care from, women could lose access to critical preventive care, such as cancer screenings."Louisiana officials have argued the move doesn't violate federal law because other Medicaid providers offer the same services as Planned Parenthood.Hutchinson's office said the governor was confident in the legal basis for the decision, saying the contract allows the state to terminate it with 30 days' notice."Even though we anticipate a federal review and scrutiny, standing up for Arkansas values is most important to the governor," spokesman J.R. Davis said.Hutchinson earlier this year signed into law a measure prohibiting public funding to abortion providers and entities that refer women to abortion providers, a move aimed at blocking any money to Planned Parenthood. The new law, however, did not apply to Medicaid funding. The organization had previously received money for sex education funding.Republicans around the country have targeted Planned Parenthood after several videos were released by the anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress.The center said the videos showed Planned Parenthood illegally sells fetal tissue for profit. Planned Parenthood said the organization receives legal payment only for the cost of the procedure and requires a mother's consent before the tissue is given to researchers.Planned Parenthood said it believed the move by Hutchinson and the other states is "clearly a violation of the Medicaid statute that requires that a woman have her choice among qualified providers.""This political grandstanding could have real and devastating consequences for women who rely on Planned Parenthood for birth control, cancer screenings, STD tests and other lifesaving care," Angie Remington, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, said in a statement.___Follow Andrew DeMillo on Twitter at