Thursday, October 09, 2014




GENESIS 1:5,14
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:(ISRAELS HOLY DAYS AND SABBATH STARTS AT 6PM) And for SIGNS (PROPHECY SIGNS TO HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE, OUR DAY)


LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences;(BIOLOGICAL/CHEMICAL/NUCLEAR) and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

Muslim States Outraged as EU Boycotts Anti-Israel UN Debate-EU and western countries begin sitting out UNHRC sessions singling out Israel for criticism.By Hillel Fendel-First Publish: 10/8/2014, 11:36 AM-ISRAELNATIONALNEWS

The European Union and several countries have decided to no longer participate in UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) sessions that single out Israel as a violator of civil rights. The decision has many Islamic countries up in arms.Agenda Item 7 of the UNHRC is entitled, “The Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories."Though this might imply that the many civil rights violations by the Palestinian Authority might be the topic of discussion, in fact it is Israel that is under the gun. Representative after representative typically takes the floor to condemn Israel's activities, even though it is the only true democracy in the region, and despite its legal system and media that constantly ensure the preservation of civil rights for all.Pakistan, speaking for the Islamic Group at the UNHRC, expressed "deep disappointment that certain member states of the Western European and Others Group had ceased their participation under agenda item 7, which [is] particularly disturbing in the light of the latest Israeli behavior."Other Arab countries reacted similarly. The United Arab Emirates, speaking for the Arab Group, expressed "extreme discontent about the European Union’s decision to boycott this agenda item."Iran, for the Non-Aligned Movement, was "deeply disappointed by the decision of certain states to cease their participation in this agenda item."Saudi Arabia said it saw that an increasing number of countries were insisting on boycotting agenda item 7, which was "proof of double standards concerning Israel." It declared that "Item 7 [is] a fundamental agenda item of the Council which would stand until Israeli occupation and impunity ended."

"Non-participation speaks loudest against bigotry"

Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of the UN Watch observer organization, took the floor at the most recent session and summed up as follows: "Today is an important day for justice at the United Nations… Today we meet under Agenda Item 7, which singles out one nation, Israel, for differential and discriminatory treatment.""Let us recall that in 1968, a similar form of discrimination took place in Tehran, at a UN conference celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. René Cassin, author of that Declaration, was present at that event. When he saw that one nation was being singled out, he left early in protest," said Neuer."Because sometimes," Neuer continued, "non-participation speaks loudest. Sometimes, it is the only remedy that can deny the legitimacy of a bigotry which cannot otherwise be challenged or overcome."Neuer noted with satisfaction that the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, and many other liberal democracies did not take the floor in the debate. "The free and democratic world, echoing the appeal of René Cassin, has spoken for justice."

Jordan Blasts Israel for Responding to Riots on Temple Mount-Jordan condemns the conduct of Israeli security forces who were responding to Arab riots on the Temple Mount.By Elad Benari, Canada-First Publish: 10/8/2014, 10:23 PM-ISRAELNATIONALNEWS

Hours after Arab rioters attacked Israeli security forces at the Temple Mount, Jordan criticized Israel on Wednesday over security forces' conduct in reaction to the riots."The forces of the occupation ... prevented religious officials entering (the compound) and cleared it of all Muslims, while at the same time enabling Jewish extremists to storm it, and pray with security forces protection," government spokesman Mohammed Momeni said in a statement quoted by the AFP news agency.He called on Israel to "stop its devastating campaign against the Al-Aqsa mosque, religious officials and worshippers," slamming "police... firing bullets and bombs inside the compound, which injured dozens of people."Jordan, whose Waqf has had de facto rule of the Temple Mount since the 1967 Six Day War, made the comments after masked Arab rioters threw fireworks and rocks at security forces on the Temple Mount on Wednesday, hours before the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.Riot police pushed the attackers back by setting up roadblocks, but it was not enough to deter the unrest.The rioters continued to throw rocks, bricks and iron bars at police from inside the Al-Aqsa mosque, while shooting fireworks at police and spraying an unidentified flammable liquid on them.They also threw a firebomb at police, which ignited, wounded four officers lightly.The police later restrained the rioters and removed all barriers protecting the entrance to the mosque. The wounded policemen were treated on the spot.The Jordanian Waqf keeps an iron fist on the Temple Mount and its activities; Jews face constant discrimination and violence for visiting the site, and there is a blanket ban on Jewish prayer there. Muslims and Christians, however, have free reign to worship at and visit the Mount - the IDF even allowed 500 Gazans to ascend to the Mount as a "gesture" during peace talks with Hamas in Cairo - and the Jerusalem Arab community recently celebrated the Eid al-Adha holiday there on the same day as Yom Kippur. This is not the first time that Jordan has condemned Israel over issues related to the Temple Mount. In June, Jordan took issue with Israel allowing 400 Jews to ascend the Mount.(Arutz Sheva’s North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of the Sukkot holiday in New York. The time posted automatically on all Arutz Sheva articles, however, is Israeli time.)

Rejoice...Be Wholly Happy", Says the Bible on Sukkot - Tonight-Jews world over have built their sukkot, chosen their "4 species", and are ready to fulfill the Bible's command to rejoice on this festival.By Arutz Sheva Staff-First Publish: 10/8/2014, 5:30 PM-ISRAELNATIONALNEWS

Wednesday evening at sundown is the start of the seven-day holiday of Sukkot (Tabernacles), one of the three major festivals (shlosha regalim) of the Jewish calendar in which, in Temple days, the Jewish people were enjoined to "go up to Jerusalem."Sukkot, coming immediately after the solemn month of Elul and the High Holy Days, is the holiday on which the Bible encourages all of us to "be wholly happy".In recognition of that joy, the entire Hallel (praise) prayer is said each day of the holiday.In Biblical times as today, it was a harvest holiday for summer crops and grapes, a water holiday that included prayers for winter rains, gratitude for the land of milk and honey, and as always in Judaism, remembrance: reenacting the years in the desert when the Israelites dwelled in sukkot (booths), protected by G-d's clouds of glory by day and a column of fire at night. That is done by eating and spending time, entertaining, lighting holiday candles  - and for many, even sleeping - in a sukkah.Israel was in the throes of a building boom for the past week, as everyone – observant and less observant – prepared for the holiday by building and decorating Sukkot and choosing the “Four Species.” Large market areas were set up for buying wood, schach (the "roof" of the sukkah which must be of plant origin and not be attached so that its temporary nature is clear), the four species.Masses of people could be observed spending hours at the market stalls checking for halakhically problematic imperfections in their Four Species sets, which include an etrog (citron), lulav (palm branch) to which are joined two hadasim (myrtle) and three aravot (willow) branches.. Of course, complete sets that have been checked are available, but the mitzva - and fun -  is in the personal checking, say those who have the know-how, some of it handed down to experts for generations.For basic information on building a kosher sukkah, click here. It's easy!

Satellite Evidence Proves Explosion in Iran's Parchin Took Place-Satellite evidence received by Israeli defense news website refutes Iran's denial that an explosion occurred at military compound.By Ben Ariel, Canada-First Publish: 10/9/2014, 12:21 AM-ISRAELNATIONALNEWS
Satellite evidence has been received that refutes the denials of the Iranian government regarding this week’s mysterious explosion at the military compound in Parchin, Israel Defense reported on Wednesday.Satellite images of the area, to the east of Tehran, prove that the explosion reported by the Iranian media had, indeed, occurred inside the military compound in Parchin, where, according to western intelligence agencies, trials are being conducted on nuclear missile fuzes.Satellite images obtained by the Israel Defense website and analyzed by specialist Ronen Solomon clearly show damage consistent with an attack against bunkers in a central locality within the military research complex at the Parchin military compound.The locality in question is situated at the center of the compound, adjacent to another installation where, according to intelligence sources, the trials being conducted involve controlled detonation of fuzes intended to serve as triggers for nuclear devices.The locality consists of a sizable testing center and what appears to be an area with bunker-shaped structures. "Before and after" images indicate that a complete section of structures was simply eliminated by an unexplained explosion, according to the website.The explosion wiped several testing units off the face of the earth while inflicting collateral damage on adjacent buildings, with traces of fire clearly visible in a section located in a sparsely afforested area.The images, taken by the French satellite Pleiades at a 0.5 meter resolution on the day following the reports at 07:30 a.m., also show vehicles – probably fire trucks, at the scene.At least two people, among them an unnamed "nuclear expert", were killed in Monday’s explosion at the compound, though official Iranian sources said that there had been an “incident,” but not an explosion.The sources added that there was no nuclear work being done at Parchin.Iran has refused to allow International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors to access Parchin since 2005, and both opposition figures and others have accused the regime of using the site to house an illegal nuclear weapons program.Last month, Israel's Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz said he had "reliable information" that Parchin was being used for secret tests of technology that could be used only for detonating a nuclear weapon.Satellite evidence last August and in 2012 suggested that nuclear bomb triggering devices are being tested in Parchin.(Arutz Sheva’s North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of the Sukkot holiday in New York. The time posted automatically on all Arutz Sheva articles, however, is Israeli time.)

Iranian Opposition Reveals Nuke Weapon Research at Secret Site-Resistance movement claims sensitive research of nuclear weapons continues, has been moved to secret Tehran location.
By Ari Yashar-First Publish: 10/8/2014, 2:16 PM-ISRAELNATIONALNEWS

As Iran continues negotiations with world powers on its nuclear program ahead of a November 24 deadline, members of an Iranian opposition movement revealed Wednesday that the Islamic regime is continuing its nuclear weapon research at a secret location.According to the Iranian resistance movement in exile Mujahedin-e Khalk, also known as MEK, Tehran is developing nuclear weapons after having relocated its research facilities to avoid detection, reports the Associated Press.MEK cited unidentified Iranian government sources in saying that "in recent months" Iran's Organization of Defensive Information and Research (SPND) moved the most sensitive weapons research programs to a new Tehran location.The opposition group named Mohsem Fakhrizadeh as being a Revolutionary Guard brigadier general who heads SPND.When the US announced sanctions on SPND in August, the US named the group as being "primarily responsible for research in the field of nuclear weapons."The revelation surfaces after reports on Monday said an explosion at the Parchin nuclear plant killed at least two, including an unnamed "nuclear expert."When it finally released an official comment, Iran admitted there was an "incident" at the plant and two people were "missing," but refused to call the incident an explosion. The statement also claimed there was no nuclear work being done at the site.However, the opposition Sahamnews outlet claimed the blast was so powerful it shattered windows some 15 kilometers away from the site. Iran has refused to allow International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors to access Parchin since 2005, and both opposition figures and others have accused the regime of using the site to house an illegal nuclear weapons program.Last month, Israel's Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz said he had "reliable information" that Parchin was being used for secret tests of technology that could be used only for detonating a nuclear weapon.That assessment was backed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who in his recent tour of America told Fox News that Iran is "making bombs. That's what they're trying to do. That's what they're whole program is about, making bombs."Regarding Iran's nuclear aspirations, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei back in January publicly revealed that the negotiations with the US about Iran's nuclear program are merely a tactic to stall international pressure and gain time to continue nuclear development.

Israel Asks UN to Act to Disarm Hezbollah-Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, calls on Security Council to disarm Hezbollah following its latest attack on Israeli soldiers.By Ben Ariel, Canada-First Publish: 10/8/2014, 7:45 PM-ISRAELNATIONALNEWS

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Ron Prosor, on Wednesday called on the UN Security Council to act to disarm the Hezbollah terrorist group, following its attack on Israeli soldiers along the border a day earlier.In a letter to the Security Council, Prosor pointed out that the Lebanese-based group blatantly violates the ceasefire with Israel that was reached at the end of the Second Lebanon War through a UN resolution."The Lebanese government is responsible for the fire towards Israel, and it must stop the spread of terrorism in its territory. Hezbollah is a threat to international peace and security," he wrote.Israel “will not allow its citizens to be harmed,” Prosor stressed in the letter, calling on the Security Council, “Disarm Hezbollah and uproot the long arms of Iran and Syria from Lebanon.”Tuesday’s bomb explosion wounded two IDF soldiers, and Hezbollah later claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was carried out by the "martyr Hassan Ali Haidar unit," which is named for a Hezbollah member killed on September 5 when an Israeli listening device in Lebanon was detonated remotely as he tried to dismantle it.Hezbollah’s deputy leader, Naim Qassem, said Tuesday evening that the attack was meant to demonstrate the group’s ability to “respond to Israeli violations” and reiterated that his group is prepared to fight Israel if necessary.(Arutz Sheva’s North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of the Sukkot holiday in New York. The time posted automatically on all Arutz Sheva articles, however, is Israeli time.)