DICK MORRIS-This truly creates a global economic system. From now on, don’t look to Washington for the rule making, look to Brussels.
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,(DEMONIC ANGELS IN HIGH PLACES) against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.(SPIRTIUAL DEMONIC PERSONS)
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
5 And the devil, taking him (JESUS) up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.
DANIEL 7:23-25
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
DANIEL 12:4,1
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
REVELATION 13:1-3,7,8,12,16-18
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
16 And he causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
REVELATION 17:3,7,9-10,12,18
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.James Paul Warburg appearing before the Senate on 7th February 1950
Like a famous WWII Belgian General,Paul Henry Spock said in 1957:We need no commission, we have already too many. What we need is a man who is great enough to be able to keep all the people in subjection to himself and to lift us out of the economic bog into which we threaten to sink. Send us such a man. Be he a god or a devil, we will accept him.And today, sadly, the world is indeed ready for such a man.
WikiLeaks Exposes North American Integration Plot Written by Alex Newman Monday, 02 May 2011 21:0014
North AmericaAs early as January of 2005, high-ranking officials were discussing the best way to sell the idea of North American integration to the public and policymakers while getting around national constitutions. The prospect of creating a monetary unit to replace national currencies was a hot topic as well.Some details of the schemes were exposed in a secret 2005 U.S. embassy cable from Ottawa signed by then-Ambassador Paul Cellucci. The document was released by WikiLeaks on April 28. But so far, it has barely attracted any attention in the United States, Canada, or Mexico beyond a few mentions in some liberty-minded Internet forums.Numerous topics are discussed in the leaked document — borders, currency, labor, regulation, and more. How to push the integration agenda features particularly prominently.Under the subject line Placing a new North American Initiative in its economic policy context, American diplomatic personnel in Canada said they believed an incremental path toward North American integration would probably gain the most support from policymakers. Apparently Canadian economists agreed.The cable also touts the supposed benefits of merging the three countries and even mentions what elements to stress in future efforts to promote further integration. It lists what it claims is a summary of the consensus among Canadian economists about the issues, too.
Merging the United States, Canada, and Mexico
Integration is a little-used term employed mainly by policy wonks. But while it may sound relatively harmless, it generally describes a very serious phenomenon when used in a geopolitical context — the gradual merging of separate countries under a regional authority.Similar processes are already well underway in Europe, Africa, and South America. And according to critics, the results — essentially abolishing national sovereignty in favor of supranational, unaccountable governance — have been an unmitigated disaster. But the U.S. government doesn’t think so.In North America, integration has been proceeding rapidly for years. The New American magazine was among the first to report on the efforts to erect what critics have called a North American Union,encompassing Canada, the United States, and Mexico. But more recently, the topic has received more attention.After the creation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) — similar in many ways to the European Common Market that preceded the political union in Europe — the integration scheme has only accelerated. And the bipartisan efforts have been going on for years.Under President George W. Bush, integration occurred through the little-known Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.And with the Obama administration, the process, now virtually out in the open, is only accelerating.Back in 2005, the cable released recently by WikiLeaks explained how it would be done. And looking back, the document was right on the mark.
Moving Forward
The best way forward, according to the cable, is via gradual steps. An incremental and pragmatic package of tasks for a new North American Initiative (NAI) will likely gain the most support among Canadian policymakers,the cable states in its summary.
Our research leads us to conclude that such a package should tackle both security and prosperity goals,the document claims, using the two key words that have been emphasized at every step along the way. This fits the recommendations of Canadian economists who have assessed the options for continental integration.Toward the end, the cable offers more advice on how to advance the integration agenda by tailoring the narrative. When advocating [the North American Initiative to integrate the three countries], it would be better to highlight specific gains to individual firms, industries or travelers, and especially consumers,the cable states, noting that it’s harder to estimate the benefits on a national or continental scale.
Unsubstantiated Claims
In a section headlined North American Integration: What We Know,the cable offers nothing but praise for the merging of the continent’s once-sovereign nations that had already been achieved.Past integration (not just NAFTA but also many bilateral and unilateral steps) has increased trade, economic growth, and productivity,it claims, despite the fact that countless economists disagree. Of course, true free-trade advocates also correctly point out that the thousands of pages of regulations making up the agreements should hardly be considered examples of genuine free trade.So-called security,the other big integration selling point, is featured prominently in the document as well.A stronger continental security perimeter can strengthen economic performance,the cable states.It could also facilitate future steps toward trilateral economic integration, such as a common external tariff or a customs union.And law enforcement cooperation is good too, the embassy and the U.S. ambassador claim matter-of-factly.Cooperative measures on the security side, a critical focus of current bilateral efforts, can deliver substantial, early, and widespread economic benefits,the cable alleges, offering no evidence to substantiate the assertions.Security and law enforcement within North America have evolved rapidly since 9/11,it continues.Collaboration to improve these processes could yield efficiency improvements which would automatically be spread widely across the economy, leading to general gains in trade, productivity, and incomes.
The Alleged Consensus
According to the document, many economists agree with the scheme. The cable says they support the principle of more ambitious integration goals such as a customs union, a single market, and even a continental currency to replace the dollar. On top of that, they supposedly believe such a union should involve all three major North American countries — the United States, Mexico, and Canada.The cable cautions, however, that most of the economists believe the gradual approach is most appropriate — for now, at least. And all of them apparently agree that such an approach helps pave the way to these goals if and when North Americans choose to pursue them.The embassy cable also included a summary of what it calls the professional consensus among Canadian economists on various issues related to integration.At this time, an incremental approach to integration is probably better than a big deal approach,the document states under the process subheading, supposedly referring to the economists’ opinions.However, governments should focus on choosing their objectives, and not on choosing a process.Next in the cable is the question of border vs. perimeter,as the formerly secret document puts it. Even with zero tariffs, our land borders have strong commercial effects,the embassy said. However, some of the effects — such as law enforcement and data gathering — are described as positive.Canada and the United States already share a security perimeter to some degree; it is just a question of how strong we want to make it, the 2005 document notes. Apparently Canadians’ main reason for seeking a perimeter approach to security and borders, as opposed to a border between the two nations, is to avoid the risk that discretionary U.S. decisions to stop terror or disease might impede commerce. And evidently, the nations’ rulers did decide to make the perimeter stronger.As The New American reported in February, U.S. President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper met in Washington, D.C., to hammer out a deal on solidifying the common perimeter around the two countries. Also part of the agreement, which conspicuously bypassed both countries’ legislatures, was a diminished role for the nations’ shared border. The development of a biometric system to track North Americans was agreed to as well, as were numerous other controversial measures.
In terms of labor markets, the so-called consensus among the unidentified Canadian economists is also — surprise! — the pursuit of even more integration. Many Canadian economists point to labor markets — both within and among countries — as the factor market [sic] where more liberalization would deliver the greatest economic benefits for all three countries,the document states.Next, the cable release by WikiLeaks highlights another startling proposition about how to achieve an end-run around the Canadian Constitution. Inter-provincial differences [in regulation] are important here, since Canada's federal government does not have the benefit of a U.S.-style interstate commerce clause, the document states.While much of the problem is domestic in nature, an international initiative could help to catalyze change.Yes, the U.S. embassy referred to the wildly abused and misapplied commerce clause as a benefit that Canada lacks. And it actually suggested, hiding behind unnamed economists, that the constitutional problem could be minimized by foisting an international initiative on the Canadian people.The cable also claims the economists support a customs union, a feature developed in the European Union once the integration process was well established. A common external tariff, or a customs union which eliminated NAFTA's rules of origin (ROO), is economically desirable,it states.And finally, the document summarizes the consensus on the subject of a currency union. It said the supposed economists were split on the issues of returning to fixed exchange rates or even abolishing Canada’s fiat dollar and replacing it with American Federal Reserve fiat currency.The cable gives the final word on the topic of a currency union to the Canadian central bank boss. He is quoted as saying that monetary union is an issue that should be considered once we have made more progress towards establishing a single market.
Secrets, Backers
The scheme to merge North America into a political unit with its own legislature and currency is largely the brainchild of the world government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations. But though documents leaked earlier this year revealed that governments were trying to keep the process under wraps, integration is now proceeding out in the open for the most part.Where the campaign will eventually end remains to be seen. But if North American Union advocates get their way, the U.S. Constitution and its Mexican and Canadian counterparts could soon be rendered irrelevant. After that, plugging the regional units into a global system would be a relatively simple matter, critics and supporters both argue.
The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release February 04, 2011
Declaration by President Obama and Prime Minister Harper of Canada - Beyond the Border
Beyond the Border:
A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness
The United States and Canada are staunch allies, vital economic partners, and steadfast friends. We share common values, deep links among our citizens, and deeply rooted ties. The extensive mobility of people, goods, capital, and information between our two countries has helped ensure that our societies remain open, democratic, and prosperous.To preserve and extend the benefits our close relationship has helped bring to Americans and Canadians alike, we intend to pursue a perimeter approach to security, working together within, at, and away from the borders of our two countries to enhance our security and accelerate the legitimate flow of people, goods, and services between our two countries. We intend to do so in partnership, and in ways that support economic competitiveness, job creation, and prosperity.We have advanced our prosperity through the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement and the North American Free Trade Agreement. Over $250 billion of direct investment by each country in the other, and bilateral trade of more than half-a-trillion dollars a year in goods and services create and sustain millions of jobs in both our countries. At the U.S.-Canada border, nearly one million dollars in goods and services cross every minute, as well as 300,000 people every day, who cross for business, pleasure, or to maintain family ties.
The United States and Canada share a long history of cooperation in defending our values and freedoms. We stand together to confront threats to our collective security as partners in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. We work shoulder-to-shoulder in the defense of both our nations through the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).We share responsibility for the safety, security, and resilience of the United States and of Canada in an increasingly integrated and globalized world. We intend to address security threats at the earliest point possible in a manner that respects privacy, civil liberties, and human rights.
I. Principles
We intend to work together in cooperation and partnership to develop, implement, manage, and monitor security initiatives, standards, and practices to fulfill our vision. We recognize that our efforts should accelerate job creation and economic growth through trade facilitation at our borders and contribute directly to the economic security and well-being of both the United States and Canada.We intend to strengthen our resilience – our ability to mitigate, respond to, and recover from disruptions. Success depends on readiness at all levels of our governments, within our communities, and among private sector owners and operators of our infrastructure, systems, and networks. We rely on secure communications and transportation networks, including our civil aviation system, and we intend to work together to make them resilient enough to continue operating in the face of a natural disaster or attack.We expect to use a risk management approach where compatible, interoperable, and – where possible – joint measures and technology should proportionately and effectively address the threats we share. Effective risk management should enable us to accelerate legitimate flows of people and goods into the United States and Canada and across our common border, while enhancing the physical security and economic competitiveness of our countries.We build on the efforts of many partners – from police and other emergency workers to our armed forces – who continue to safeguard us from the complex threats we face.We also recognize that cooperation across air, land, and maritime domains, as well as in space and cyberspace, our enduring bi-national defense relationship, and military support for civilian authorities engaged in disaster response efforts and critical infrastructure protection, have all contributed significantly to the security of our populations.
We recognize that greater sharing of information will strengthen our ability to achieve the goals of this vision.We intend to work together to engage with all levels of government and with communities, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector, as well as with our citizens, on innovative approaches to security and competitiveness.We value and respect our separate constitutional and legal frameworks that protect privacy, civil liberties, and human rights and provide for appropriate recourse and redress.We recognize the sovereign right of each country to act independently in its own interest and in accordance with its laws.We expect to work together with third countries and with international organizations, and intend to facilitate security sector reform and capacity building around the globe, to enhance standards that contribute to our overall security.
Key Areas of Cooperation
Addressing Threats Early
Collaborating to address threats before they reach our shores, we expect to develop a common understanding of the threat environment through improved intelligence and information sharing, as well as joint threat assessments to support informed risk management decisions.We intend to develop an integrated strategy that would enable us to meet the threats and hazards that both our nations face, including natural disasters and man-made threats, including terrorism.We expect to continue strengthening our health security partnership, through existing mechanisms for cooperation on health emergencies, and by further enhancing our collective preparedness and response capacity to a range of health security threats, including influenza pandemics.We intend to work together to uncover and disrupt threats that endanger the security of both the United States and Canada and to establish those agreements or policies necessary to ensure timely sharing of information for combined efforts to counter the threats. We intend to ensure we have the ability to support one another as we prepare for, withstand, and rapidly recover from disruptions. We intend to make the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada on Emergency Management Cooperation, updated in 2008, a cornerstone of these efforts.
To increase security, counter fraud, and improve efficiency, we intend to work together to establish and verify the identities of travelers and conduct screening at the earliest possible opportunity. We intend to work toward common technical standards for the collection, transmission, and matching of biometrics that enable the sharing of information on travelers in real time. This collaboration should facilitate combined United States and Canadian screening efforts and strengthen methods of threat notification.In order to promote mobility between our two countries, we expect to work towards an integrated United States-Canada entry-exit system, including work towards the exchange of relevant entry information in the land environment so that documented entry into one country serves to verify exit from the other country.We intend to cooperate to identify, prevent, and counter violent extremism in our two countries. By working cooperatively on research, sharing best practices, and emphasizing community-based and community-driven efforts, we will have a better understanding of this threat and an increased ability to address it effectively.We intend to formulate jointly United States-Canada privacy protection principles that should inform and guide our work in relation to facilities, operations, programs, and other initiatives contemplated by this Declaration.We intend to work together to promote the principles of human rights, privacy, and civil liberties as essential to the rule of law and effective management of our perimeter.
Trade Facilitation, Economic Growth, and Jobs
We intend to pursue creative and effective solutions to manage the flow of traffic between the United States and Canada. We will focus investment in modern infrastructure and technology at our busiest land ports of entry, which are essential to our economic well-being.We will strive to ensure that our border crossings have the capacity to support the volume of commercial and passenger traffic inherent to economic growth and job creation on both sides of the border.To enhance our risk management practices, we intend to continue planning together, organizing bi-national port of entry committees to coordinate planning and funding, building, expanding or modernizing shared border management facilities and border infrastructure where appropriate, and using information technology solutions.We intend to look for opportunities to integrate our efforts and where practicable, to work together to develop joint facilities and programs – within and beyond the United States and Canada – to increase efficiency and effectiveness for both security and trade.We aim to build on the success of current joint programs by expanding trusted traveler and trader programs, harmonizing existing programs, and automating processes at the land border to increase efficiency.
We will look for ways to reduce the cost of conducting legitimate business across the border by implementing, where practicable, common practices and streamlined procedures for customs processing and regulatory compliance.We intend to work towards developing an integrated cargo security strategy that ensures compatible screening methods for goods and cargo before they depart foreign ports bound for the United States or Canada, so that once they enter the territory of either we can, together, accelerate subsequent crossings at land ports of entry between our two countries.We recognize the importance of the U.S.-Canada Framework for the movement of Goods and People across the Border During and Following an Emergency, agreed to in 2009. It underscores the importance of coordinated, cooperative, and timely border management decision making to mitigate the impacts of disruptions on our citizens and economies.
Integrated Cross-border Law Enforcement
We intend to build on existing bilateral law enforcement programs to develop the next generation of integrated cross-border law enforcement operations that leverage cross-designated officers and resources to jointly identify, assess, and interdict persons and organizations involved in transnational crime.We intend to seek further opportunities to pursue national security and transnational crime investigations together to maximize our ability to tackle the serious security threats that these organizations and individuals present.We intend to improve the sharing among our law enforcement agencies of relevant information to better identify serious offenders and violent criminals on both sides of the border.
Critical Infrastructure and Cybersecurity
We intend to work together to prevent, respond to, and recover from physical and cyber disruptions of critical infrastructure and to implement a comprehensive cross-border approach to strengthen the resilience of our critical and cyber infrastructure with strong cross-border engagement.The United States and Canada benefit from shared critical and cyber infrastructure. Our countries intend to strengthen cybersecurity to protect vital government and critical digital infrastructure of national importance, and to make cyberspace safer for all our citizens.We intend to work together to defend and protect our use of air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace, and enhance the security of our integrated transportation and communications networks.
II. Implementation and Oversight
The United States and Canada intend to establish a Beyond the Border Working Group (BBWG) composed of representatives from the appropriate departments and offices of our respective federal governments.Responsibility for ensuring inter-agency coordination will rest with the President and the Prime Minister and their respective officials.We intend for the BBWG to report to their respective Leaders in the coming months, and after a period of consultation, with a joint Plan of Action to realize the goals of this declaration, that would, where appropriate, rely upon existing bilateral border-related groups, for implementation.The BBWG will report on the implementation of this declaration to Leaders on an annual basis. The mandate of the BBWG will be reviewed after three years.
SUBJECT: PLACING A NEW NORTH AMERICAN INITIATIVE IN ITS ECONOMIC POLICY CONTEXT REF: (A) 04 Ottawa 3431 (Regulatory agenda)(B) 04 Ottawa 066 (Canadian trade policy)
¶2.(SBU) An incremental and pragmatic package of tasks for a new North American Initiative (NAI) will likely gain the most support among Canadian policymakers. Our research leads us to conclude that such a package should tackle both security and prosperity goals. This fits the recommendations of Canadian economists who have assessed the options for continental integration. While in principle many of them support more ambitious integration goals, like a customs union/single market and/or single currency, most believe the incremental approach is most appropriate at this
time, and all agree that it helps pave the way to these goals if and when North Americans choose to pursue them.
¶3.(SBU) The economic payoff of the prospective North American initiative - in terms of higher incomes and greater competitiveness - is available, but its size and timing are unpredictable, so it should not be oversold. Still, a respectable economic case has been made for such an initiative, and this message spells it out. We believe that, given growing Canadian concern about border risk and its effects on investment, a focus on the security side could also produce the most substantial economic/trade benefits.
¶4.(SBU) Canadian economists in business, academia and government have given extensive thought to the possible options for further North American integration. Nearly all of this work assumes that each of the three countries is pursuing standard economic policy goals - growth, productivity and competitiveness (rather than more specific concerns raised by Mexican analysts such as migration management, regional development, or environmental protection). Since 9/11, Canadian economists working in this area have generally endorsed a comprehensive initiative with the United States on security, trade, and immigration. Following is our summary of the professional consensus:
PROCESS: At this time, an incremental approach to integration is probably better than a big deal approach. However, governments should focus on choosing their objectives, and not on choosing a process.
BORDER VS. PERIMETER: Even with zero tariffs, our land borders have strong commercial effects. Some of these effects are positive (such as law enforcement and data gathering), so our governments may always want to keep some kind of land border in place. Canada and the United States already share a security perimeter to
some degree; it is just a question of how strong we want to make it.
BORDER RISK: The risk that business will be obstructed at the border by discretionary U.S. actions, such as measures to defend against terrorism or infectious disease, in addition to growing congestion, have become major risks to the economy, inhibiting investment in Canada. For small businesses, the complexities of navigating the border are apparently even more intimidating than the actual costs. Reducing this risk is Canada's top motive for pursuing further
LABOR MARKETS: Many Canadian economists point to labor markets - both within and among countries - as the factor market where more liberalization would deliver
the greatest economic benefits for all three countries. They advocate freeing up professional licensing laws, and developing a quick, simple, low-cost work permit
system, at least for U.S. and Canadian citizens.
REGULATION: Canadian economists agree that Canadian regulations (if not their standards, then their complexity) are needlessly restricting foreign investment and impeding food, communications and other industries. (Inter-provincial differences are important here, since Canada's federal government does not have the benefit of a U.S.-style interstate commerce clause). While much of the problem is domestic in nature, an international initiative could help to catalyze change.
CUSTOMS UNION: A common external tariff, or a customs union which eliminated NAFTA's rules of origin (ROO), is economically desirable. NAFTA's ROO are so
restrictive that importers often prefer to pay the tariff rather than try to prove North American origin. However, economists differ on the size of the benefits
available and on whether these would justify the effort of negotiation. One study estimated that a full customs union which eliminated ROO would only raise national income by about one percent.
CURRENCY UNION: Canadian economists are split on whether a return to a fixed exchange rate, or adopting the U.S. dollar, would benefit Canada in current
circumstances. (Canada last tied its dollar to the U.S. dollar from 1962 to 1970). The central bank governor has taken the position that monetary union is an issue that should be considered once we have made more progress towards establishing a single market.
¶5. (SBU) Past integration (not just NAFTA but also many bilateral and unilateral steps) has increased trade, economic growth, and productivity. Studies suggest
that border efficiency and transportation improvements (such as the lower cost and increased use of air freight) have been a huge part of this picture. Indeed, they may have been more important to our growing prosperity over the past decade than NAFTA's tariff reductions. Freight and passenger aviation are critically important to our continent's competitiveness, and businesses are very sensitive to the timing, security, and reliability of deliveries - hence the border risk which so concerns Canadian policymakers.
¶6.(SBU) A stronger continental security perimeter can strengthen economic performance, mainly by improving efficiency at land borders and airports. It
could also facilitate future steps toward trilateral economic integration, such as a common external tariff or a customs union, if and when our three countries chose to pursue them. Paradoxically, the security and law enforcement aspects of the envisioned initiative could hold as much - or more - potential for broad economic benefits than the economic dimension.
¶7. (SBU) Some international economic initiatives (such as FTAs) produce across-the-board measures that generate broad benefits for a country's industries and
consumers on a known time-line. This was true of NAFTA but it is less likely to be true of the economic aspects of the NAI. Non-tariff barriers such as standards and regulations generally must be tackled one- by-one. This is a piecemeal process and the ratio of payoff to effort is likely to be lower than with across- the-board measures. Governments naturally focus on resolving the problems which their firms or citizens bring to their attention. While this approach has merits, it tends to deliver the payoffs toward particular interests. If there are hidden costs, there
might be little impact on national performance. As we move toward a list of barriers to tackle, it will remain important to balance those interests. For example, some Canadian economists have suggested that NAFTA fell short of expectations with respect to increasing consumer choice in Canada; that may be a
theme we should stress as efforts to promote further integration take shape.
¶8.(SBU) In contrast, cooperative measures on the security side, a critical focus of current bilateral efforts, can deliver substantial, early, and widespread economic benefits. Security and law enforcement within North America have evolved rapidly
since 9/11, leading to many less-than-perfect processes for handling legitimate international traffic. Collaboration to improve these processes could yield
efficiency improvements which would automatically be spread widely across the economy, leading to general gains in trade, productivity, and incomes.
¶9.(SBU) There is little basis on which to estimate the size of the upside gains from an integration initiative concentrating on non-tariff barriers of the
kind contained in NAI. For this reason, we cannot make claims about how large the benefits might be on a national or continental scale. When advocating NAI, it
would be better to highlight specific gains to individual firms, industries or travelers, and especially consumers. CELLUCCI
IMF Bank Lords & George Soros’ INET at Bretton Woods, What’s the Diff? April 19, 2011, 5:47 am By Arlen Williams
The INET Bretton Woods summit, summoned by George Soros and those who alternatively hide behind, or gather around him, has now happened.But before trying to analyze whatever we may discover of what occurred there, it is critical to discern how it fits an overall picture. For context, one must also see what the IMF and World Bank communitarian elitists are up to.We find that before the Bretton Woods affair, focusing upon new solutions, there was a similar IMF meeting, called New Ideas for a New World.It was centered upon Post-Crisis Policy Making and occurred March 7-14. That gave some of them a lot of time to communicate and plan in quiet (the traditional word for that is conspire) when they were not attending official sessions, or making videos.Then, we see that Soros’ April 8-11 conference ended just as the IMF and World Bank took up their April 11-17 Spring Meetings, just a limo ride away. Blossom of Spring, won’t you bloom and grow? Let us see what is budding in this intensive series of conferences, by the first one’s own promotional vid.
Here is a collection of pitches for New Ideas for a New World.Hey, they left out the last word, Order.Could it be that some of them know their version of order requires fomenting massive disorder first, the crises not to be wasted? They also left out the word Brave,before New World.Maybe that is because some of them like Huxley, have qualms.This video puts their dexterous foot forward about that March 2011 conference, while their sinister footfalls go on. So who are these dudes, getting together and yukking it up (well, three out of four globalist manipulators seem to approve) and just how spooky are they? What are the messages of the Big Money priests, to the unwashed, PITI-ful masses of principal, interest, taxes, and insurance payers?
…as the IMF site appeared Sunday, April 3rd, 2011, (probably April 1st, too)…
Front and center, left to right:Joseph Stiglitz, Professor at Columbia University and infamous as one of George Soros’ most closely allied corrupto-economists. In the video, he says he’s excited about our monetary crisis. So glad he enjoys his work.
Interactive media time — if you recognize the second hilarious taker, feel free to comment, below.Otmar Issing, President of the Center for Financial Studies is the man of unhilarious countenance. Party poopingly, he does not like banking instability, calls for higher quality regulation, and has the audacity to propose that some banks reign in their excess liquidity. What a bring down.Dominque Strauss-Kahn is the IMF chairman. Were he to speak on a promo video, perhaps it would detract from the mystique of power.
Further bits from the video:At the outset, Michael Spence, Professor at Stanford University, downplays concerns about inflation. No big deal. He imagines we’ll kind of muddle through, though we may have crises in Europe or America or both. He also closes the show by warning that the unemployment crisis will remain. Why stress that? Doesn’t even a velvety soft revolution requires the discontent? Robet Solow, Professor Emeritus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, wants the monetary crisis to bleed into fiscal policy (something for which central banks are so centrally known, profiteering from economy destroying debt and taxation bubbles they nudge along to foment, from the 17oo’s onward). Wide-eyed, though, he gives us the news that debt build-up will have to be settled in the longer run.Graciela Kaminsky, Professor at George Washington University, placates us that the fiscal policy of the 2008 meltdown worked — don’t worry about such things as expanding the debt bubbles, worldwide.Jo-Marie Griesgraber, Executive Director of New Rules for Global Finance (wonder who donates to that?) admonishes financial services firms against being interested in… business profit. The opposite pole for her is to be interested in human beings.Yeah. Thus, one may suppose human beings are naturally meant to be unprofitable, according to Ms. Griesgraber. She regurgitates an absurd (read: unnatural, evil) Hegelian antithesis of Marxism: that job creation is a matter to be separated from profit or profit seeking. She also puts in a word for the impact on the environment — or anything else.
Vittorio Corbo, Former Central Bank Governor of Chile, calls for an artificial concoction of incentives to make banks prudent,centrally and globally, one may suspect. He also provides diversity.Suman Bery, Director General of the National Council of Applied Economic Research, seems to wonder whether the behemoths of the global financial system may be supervised due to their political as well as financial power. In these words, we see the antipathy of global financiers to banking and economics being governed by free nations. The goal may also be inferred, of making central banking a bigger yet behemoth, ungoverned by nations, but instead governing all of them. He assures us though, that nobody quite knows what the fixes are.Whew, and here we thought people seeking Uber-Behemoth Power were confident of their schemes.And see Damon Silvers, everyone. He is with the American Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO). Funny that he should be there, pulling for the same things as the rest. Aren’t union activists the ones who fight against capitalists? — who barge into banks and disrupt them? Mr. Silvers (no puns offered about his name) teaches fellow attendees and onlookers that balanced growth, worldwide,must involve constraining the appetites and the political power of the rich.If such power is not globally overlorded, we are absolutely certain: a. not to have balanced growth and, b. to continue high unemployment as we’ve had it and, c. to repeat our cycles of financial bubbles and busts,” so help him, Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven, Andy Stern, and Richard Trumka.
What are the takeaways?
Global, uber-governance by central bankers, squeezing, leeching, and shrinking free enterprise, while using excuses such as egalitarianism and of course, the impact on the environment — or anything else,and while establishing a world full of deprivation and discontent, to set against successful employers and their free nations, all for the aforementioned global governance.Pardon the redunancy, but it does begin and end with the same goal of global governance, a worldwide empire of authoritarianism and enslavement. Funny how America is always having to deal with such things.And sometimes, what the power-elites do not say is what is most important to pick up. Never once is the word insolvency used, though it is the most critical problem brought on by all the back-and-forth buying and selling of debt, one centrally banked and planned layer piled upon another. You can watch more of their programming at the IMF site and see if they ever use the word.So, just how snugly does Soros’ conference fit in this IMF sandwich and what are the tactical solutions they all so collectively seek? One set of hints has been provided by Soros’ right hand man, Jeffrey Sachs. As reported by Aaron Klein, Jeff is seeking a brave, immediate future including global taxation, currency transfer tax, tax on the rental value of land and natural resources, royalties on worldwide fossil energy projection,fees for the commercial use of oceans, for air flight, of course for putting carbon in the air, and even fees for the use of the electromagnetic spectrum.Oh, and he also envisions chronic economic stagnation, unemployment and labor revolt. The proletariat have to do their part.
This forecast (and the coming burst of that hush-hushed insolvency bubble and ensuing hyperinflation and possibly, famine) is underscored by Soros’ own recent moves to commandeer as many American grain elevators as feasible. Not to worry though, the Marxtream media tell us he is one of our greatest philanthropists, along with so many of the IMF and World Bank lords, to be sure. And here we thought Demon-I-mean-Damien-er, Damon Silvers doesn’t trust rich people.That should be enough context before delving further into the Bretton Woods and IMF April conferences. One hopes it indicates the strategy engaged by the wealthiest one percent, of one percent, of one percent, this Spring of 2011.By the way, is anyone in Congress speaking up about all this? This critical subject matter may be tracked at:
Arlen Williams coordinates publishing of the new Webzine, Gulag Bound and has administrated the blog, Investigating Obama. Prior to this, he was an organizer of electoral action in Illinois and Wisconsin, while maintaining a career in technology sales. Arlen addresses the Marxofascist soft war for global empire, against authentic America and freedom and sovereignty worldwide, suggesting overwhelming First Amendment warfare in return.He asks you to communicate with your neighbors, and to confront 2010?s politicians and candidates with The Three SOVEREIGNTY NOW Questions.Contact him at
Sex, Lies & the TSA May 11, 2011 By Director-Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love Totalitarianism-By Douglas J. Hagmann & Joseph Hagmann
11 May 2011: The psychic fluidum- that is, the peculiar atmosphere – of totalitarian dictatorship is created by two closely related phenomena, propaganda and terror. […] Its chief characteristic is the deliberate effort to intimidate. […] A pervasive atmosphere of anxiety and a general sense of insecurity are the subjective concomitants of such terror. Often the victims of such terror are quite unaware of their own psychic states.–Excerpted from Totalitarian Dictatorship & Autocracy by Carl J. FRIEDRICH and Zbigniew K. BRZEZINSKI; Frederick A. Praeger, Publishers; Second Edition © 1956. 1965 (emphasis added)
11 May 2011: Most Americans still don’t get it. Our rights as American citizens are under attack by the most socialist administration ever to assume power, installed by an elite oligarchy of globalists through a continuity of agenda that began decades ago. Americans continue to be sold some of the biggest lies in history by the establishment media, which has been progressively infiltrated by some of the most powerful socialists, communist sympathizers and sellouts in the history of the Fourth Estate.The rights of every American citizen are protected by the U.S. Constitution, which is divinely inspired and one of the most famous documents in the history of the world. Along with the Bible, this document allocates inalienable rights to Americans that no other man or government agency shall take away. Due to a combination of apathy and deliberate assault, the U.S. Constitution has become the proverbial red-headed stepchild of this administration in particular and past administrations in general. It has been ignored, beaten, and relegated to an indefinite time out.During its creation and the establishment of our Republic, our forefathers established a series of checks and balances to protect the rights of all Americans through the separation of powers. The framers often spoke about abuse of powers and the ability of man to oppress man. They foresaw the need to protect against unreasonable government intrusions, and today we can see the value of their nearly prophetic wisdom and foresight.During his farewell speech delivered on 17 January 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower prophetically issued a direct warning to the American people for the potential of misplaced power that could potentially endanger our liberties and democratic processes. He further warned that we must not allow this to happen, and advised us to be vigilant and take nothing for granted. As if he was speaking to us today, Eisenhower stated that [o]nly an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.It should be apparent to every alert and knowledgeable American citizen that we have reached the crossroads, and even crossed that very intersection referenced by this former statesman. As we stand at this point in history, it is obvious that if we do not address the threats to our liberties at this time, there will be nothing and no one to stop the perversion of power, the abuses of our citizens, the erosion of our rights and the ultimate abolishment of our constitution.
Surrendering our Constitutional Rights
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides our citizenry the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. It provides that this right shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall be issued, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.It is clear that this Amendment was put in place to protect our liberties and to be able to live freely, without unwarranted harassment, by agencies or arms of our government.Yet, what is its status today? Who, if not those who are entrusted with the protection of our liberties will assure our protection? Who among us will say enough when the government crosses the line and takes away certain liberties for the fallacy of domestic security? Despite the warnings from our founders and more recent statesmen such as Eisenhower, Americans appear more willing now to surrender their rights and freedom for the illusion of security. Although Americans have heard that statement time and again, the majority apparently still don’t get it. Accordingly, they willingly and even cheerfully at times, agree to surrender their constitutional rights just to board an airplane, playing a perverse game of grope-a-dope.Soon, we will be required to surrender all of our Fourth Amendment rights just to board a bus, train or other form of public transportation. From there, it most likely will be to enter a school, stadium, courthouse, mall or other public venue. In fact, it is already beginning to happen.
Bipartisanship: The art of selling the same lies
Like the proverbial frog in the pot of water, Americans are indeed being conditioned to accede their constitutional rights for the mere illusion of security. This illusion of security, however, is but one spoke of a wheel designed by the globalists for the implementation of a New World Order. A New World Order cannot coexist with our national sovereignty and a constitution protective of its citizens. Therefore, the power elite must deconstruct our rights and safeguards from within, and are readily doing so under the pretext of our own security. Once the majority of the sleeping population is properly conditioned, the violations of our rights will become incrementally more egregious until the perversions detailed by George Orwell’s 1984 are nothing more than a distant vision in our collective rear view mirrors.What will it take to awaken Americans to these violations of our rights? Obviously, it will take more than mere lip service by conservative political pundits and their consummate followers who seem to accept some measure of adulteration of the constitution while speaking up against others. An exceptional illustration of this dichotomy can be seen by those who have refused to discuss the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama, yet scream like little schoolgirls at the mere mention of throttling first or second amendment rights. Such representatives of “conservatism” are the political equivalent of Christians who pick and choose only those commandments that are most convenient to follow. In consideration of such hypocrisy, can we really place our trust in these self-proclaimed conservative mouthpieces? We know what to expect from the progressive and socialist mouthpieces as their intentions and objectives are as transparent as their deceptiveness. They ignore the obvious continuality of agenda under Obama, giving him a free pass on issues for which they would otherwise assail a republican or conservative. It is this transparency that identifies them for what they are and what they represent, and makes them much less of a threat than those who appear to hold the constitution sacred.While many conservative pundits will walk to the edge of the abyss of the lies and deceit pushed by our government officials, less than a handful have dared expose the full depth of the abyss, always stopping short of exposing the entire truth. We believe that by exposing only partial truths, those conservative pundits actually enhance the conditioning of their trusting followers. The subtle deception by omission or deliberate evasion is likely to be the proverbial final nail in the coffin of our great republic.
TSA Scanners: All about the Benjamins?
Much like the deceit of the globalists and their supporters, the existence of totalitarian rule is becoming more and more apparent. Perhaps the most apparent of all totalitarian undertakings are those of the Transportation and Security Administration presently under the leadership of John Pistole, a branch of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under the reign of Janet Napolitano.We need to look no further than the TSA for illustrations of just how out of control the abuse of power is today. Unsurprisingly, the liberal watchdogs that have historically fought against such abuses are silent, while the conservative right permits the advances of such powers without objection as well. It is this unification and continuity of agenda that should be ringing alarm bells across the nation. We should be able to rely on those we’ve elected to protect our rights, yet the same people who have taken an oath to uphold the constitution are permitting and in many cases, facilitating its demise.Consider the basis for the full body scanners to be placed in our nation’s airports. The major impetus for the accelerated dispatch of the scanners was the alleged thwarted Christmas Day 2009 bombing attempt on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit by Umar Faouk Abulmutallab. Legitimate questions about the genuine nature of that attempt, along with other actors and facilitators unknown, continue to surround this incident and remain without satisfactory answers.
Nonetheless, former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff, head of the private security consulting firm known as The Chertoff Group, made numerous media appearances following this incident to convince a frightened flying public the need for full body scanners to detect such bombs hidden in private areas. Since that time, the TSA has stated their intention to roll out such scanners to include other modes of public transportation and has ordered more scanners for these purposes.Now consider that The Chertoff Group worked with RapiScan, which is one of only two companies that manufacture these devices who are TSA vendors. The other company, L-3 Communications, has as its lobbiest Linda Daschle, who is the wife of former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. It should be looked upon as no coincidence that at least eight members of congress own stock in L-3 Communications. Included among those eight is Senator John Kerry, who owns upwards of a million dollars in L-3 stock.Considering the above, is it any wonder that we hear nary a whimper from congress about the implementation and use of the full body scanners?
Private Parts: the TSA and abuse of power
Based on the above, it is no coincidence that allegations of physical abuses along with reports of theft and pedophilia at the hands of TSA agents are largely ignored by the corporate media and the elected officials in congress. Given these conditions, the abuses were bound to only get worse, and they have.This week, American citizens were treated to a covertly recorded video of TSA agents peering under the diaper of an infant at a TSA checkpoint at an U.S. airport. Public reaction to this perverse sight was anger and fury, although both sentiments appear to be short lived as Americans consider this an exception as the conditioning continues.Outrage over such TSA behavior continues by those who have yet to be indoctrinated. For others, such incidents are met with ambivalence.Not so by the former Miss America who tearfully reported that she was molested by TSA agents. She alleges that a TSA agent unnecessarily groped and touched her vagina four times in a single pat down, traumatizing her and reducing her to tears.Such behavior, if done outside of the color of law, would be criminal in nature. Instead, the TSA is given a pass and the majority of Americans are fine with their tactics, as long as these tactics in tandem with the nuclear scanners assure passenger safety. Beyond that, it is the assertion of the TSA that all of their screenings are performed randomly and without invasion of privacy. Obviously, an ample amount of covertly secured videos prove otherwise.
In our opinion, the TSA has been openly running a criminal organization since its existence. The fourth amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects American citizens from unreasonable searches. Unfortunately, this law is apparently not followed anymore and our rights under the fourth amendment are not being protected. The TSA’s response is quite simplistic. According to TSA Head John Pistole, if passengers refuse screening by scanners or pat downs, they do not have the right to fly. The problem with this, however, is that the TSA is now expanding its searches to other venues, including roadside checkpoints where backscatter scanners are being used to inspect passenger and cargo vehicles. It’s a virtual boon to the scanner manufacturers to be sure, and job security for the federal workers.Just two months ago, the chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee charged that the TSA intentionally fixed data to ensure that federal workers were employed to screen airport passengers, rather than private contractors. This report illustrates the depth of the deception by government officials to keep all of the screening in-house, especially in light of the projected expansion of the screening program.
Potato, Popcorn, or People?
Recent studies have shown that naked body devices showed radiation levels 10 times higher than expected. Despite this statistic, the government has assured their workers and the flying public alike that the scanners are perfectly safe. Given the incestuous involvement of government with the scanner manufacturers, would anyone expect a report to the contrary? Where are the journalists who should be actively investigating this issue? To quote the farsighted Zbigniew K. BRZEZINSKI in the 1956 work Totalitarian Dictatorship & Autocracy that he co-authored, the peculiar atmosphere – of totalitarian dictatorship is created by two closely related phenomena, propaganda and terror.We are replete with ample amounts of both.
On the fence over border security
May 12, 2011 By Director By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
11 May 2011: It appears to be true that in Texas, everything is bigger, including the lies that directly affect our national security. On Tuesday, Barack Hussein Obama gave a speech in El Paso, where he indirectly mocked and ridiculed those critical of illegal immigration and his administration’s efforts, to date, to secure the 1,969 mile expanse between the U.S. and Mexico.As published on the White House web site, the following was excerpted from his speech:THE PRESIDENT: You know, they said we needed to triple the Border Patrol. Or now they’re going to say we need to quadruple the Border Patrol. Or they’ll want a higher fence. Maybe they’ll need a moat. (Laughter.) Maybe they want alligators in the moat. (Laughter.) They’ll never be satisfied. And I understand that. That’s politics.Obama further stated that he was joined by an outstanding Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, who’s been working tirelessly on this issue.(Applause.)Our commissioner who’s working diligently on border issues, Alan Bersin, is there, and we appreciate him — Bersin.(Applause.) So they’re doing outstanding work.—Barack Hussein Obama, Remarks on Comprehensive Immigration Reform in El Paso, Texas (10 May 2011).
Tirelessly? Diligently? Outstanding work? Seriously?
On 27 October 2006, former President George Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was legislation to construct a 700-mile, double-layer border fence along southwest border of the United States. According to current reports, a mere five percent of that fence, or just over 36 miles, has actually been constructed. That is dismal to be certain.But wait, it gets worse. Compare that figure to the 2009 Government Accountability Office (GAO) status report on the project that determined that only 32 miles of the mandated fence has been constructed. This means that according to the government’s own statistics, only about four-(4) miles of the security fence has been constructed under the Obama administration.Additionally, the Government Accountability Office’s director of homeland security and justice issues, Richard Stana, told a U.S. House Subcommittee last February that the Border Patrol actually controlled only 129 miles of the border. Yet in March, Janet Napolitano stood on a bridge that connects El Paso to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, where she proudly proclaimed that border security is better than ever.In a shameful display of hubris, it was at an El Paso Border Security Conference in August 2009 where both Napolitano and Bersin refused to watch a video showing illegal immigrants easily crossing an unprotected and unfenced 14-mile span of the southern border from Mexico. It is Bersin who believes that the best way to secure our border is to develop a legitimate labor market between the United States and Mexico.And therein lays the real plan and larger objective.
Oath Keepers warn Americans to prepare for economic collapse Launch Operation Sleeping Giant to wake up veterans to danger
Oath Keepers, the association of current serving and retired military, police, and fire-fighters who pledge to defend the Constitution, is now warning that America is at serious risk of an economic collapse. Oath Keepers is urging all veterans and dedicated citizens to prepare for that event at the individual, local, and state level in order to preserve our Republic.As WND previously reported, Oath Keepers rocketed to national attention in 2009 after issuing their Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey.Oath Keepers also gathered on Lexington Green, Massachusetts on April 19, 2009 to renew their oaths to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.As Patrick Buchanan predicted, Oath Keepers has been relentlessly attacked by far leftist groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, which considers anyone who renews their oath to the Constitution to be extremists, and even by former President Bill Clinton, who demonized Oath Keepers by name, calling them a hatriot group,in several public speeches. Oath Keepers Founder, Stewart Rhodes, an Army Airborne veteran and Yale Law School graduate, responded by saying you know you’re over the target when you get lots of flack, and when they start hurling ex-Presidents at you, that’s when you know you are really ticking off the political elites. Rhodes added the power elites know they can’t destroy our Republic without the cooperation of the police and military. We are messing with their muscle.As an historic example, Oath Keepers points to the refusal of the East German military to follow orders to use force against peaceful protesters in 1989, leading to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Oath Keepers has also proven that there were National Guard units that refused to participate in gun confiscation during Hurricane Katrina.
Oath Keepers now turns its focus to how domestic enemies of the Constitution, and their international fellow-travelers, could use an economic collapse as a pretext to scrap what is left of our Republic and impose on us a world-wide version of the Federal Reserve along with world governance.As Rhodes put it, it’s not enough for us veterans to tell the current serving to obey their oath and refuse orders that would infringe on our rights. We have a duty to defend the Constitution too, and especially a duty to make sure our communities are strong enough to weather any economic storm so there is no pretext for a declaration of martial law. The current serving will be more likely to resist such orders if we are prepared and self-sufficient.
Oath Keepers urges veterans and patriotic citizens to focus on four key areas:Food, fuel, emergency medical, and communications security and independence (and general preparedness) – as individuals, within local veterans organization chapters, neighborhood mutual aid societies, churches, co-ops, farmers markets, and at the town, county and state levels. As a start, follow the advice on (you don’t need to be LDS to learn from their experience in food storage and preparedness, or to use their canning facilities). Grow gardens. Support your local farmers. Fight any regulation that would limit your ability to grow your own food. Why is food first? Because it is the hardest to improvise, and it is a great weakness of modern man, who, with few exceptions, no longer stores up for bad times. Ditto for fuel and medical supplies. And when it comes to communications, we must have in place an alternative system, such as HAM Radio, so if/when the internet comes down (or is taken down) we can still communicate (for example, if each VFW Hall had a HAM Radio, that would provide a state-wide network).Physical security and Independence – again as individuals, neighborhoods, veterans organization chapters, towns, counties and states, to include forming neighborhood watches; mutual aid associations; a volunteer sheriff’s posse (staffed by self-supplied volunteers but under direct command of the sheriff); and county militias established by county ordinances but staffed by self-supplied and self-funded volunteers (as is done in volunteer fire departments all over this nation); state defense forces under command of the governor; and ultimately, a true state militia, established by state statute, capable of repelling invasions (using the research and model bills of Dr. Edwin Vieira). As for training, a great first step for the newbie or for those who are rusty would be to attend the Project Appleseed rifle instruction program, offered for a pittance in every state by traveling volunteer instructors. See for details.
Economic security and independence – as individuals and communities, including barter networks, use of silver and gold as real money, and sound money bills at the county and state levels (as Utah just passed). This would also include each of us having a liberty trade – something you can do even in a very localized, back-to-basics economy, and we must support and build resilient local economies that can weather hard times. We must have an alternative to the fiat money system in place when it collapses, so we can resist what the globalists have in store for us next. See for details.State sovereignty and nullification of unconstitutional federal laws and actions. Veterans must support only sheriffs, local and state legislators, and governors who have the knowledge, courage, and integrity to keep their oaths. To vote for an oath breaker, is to become an oath breaker. We must enforce the bounds of the Constitution and defend the powers reserved to the states and to the people (see the Tenth Amendment) by supporting state sovereignty resolutions and nullification of unconstitutional laws. See Likewise, we must defend the inherit power of the jury to judge the law as well as the facts and to acquit even in the face of the law (jury nullification). See And eventually we must kick the bums out of DC and replace them with citizen legislators, as GOOOH recommends. See
Oath Keepers asserts that Americans should be doing all of the above anyway, because that’s what it means to be a free people in free, sovereign states, in a constitutional republic, but it is especially crucial as we face the prospects of a coming economic collapse. You can help Oath Keepers spread the message to all veterans and all Americans, and turn the tide.Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes explains the vital two part mission of Oath Keepers, and especially the responsibility of veterans:
Message from Oath Keepers Founder, Stewart Rhodes:
What the elites have planned (as the Chairman of the IMF have openly stated) is to replace the dollar as the reserve currency of the world (which has already begun), and replace it with IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), as an interim step on the way to a true world currency. So, when the corrupt Federal Reserve system they created collapses, the elites intend to replace it with a world-wide version of the Fed, with a world-wide fiat currency. If you think it is hard to end the Fed now, or even to audit it, imagine a world wide version, under a system of “world governance” that is even more remote, unreachable, and un-answerable to the people. If we submit to this, it will be the end of American sovereignty and independence, and the end of our liberty. Frankly, it will be the end of America.When the Fed fiat system collapses, we MUST have an alternative, sound money system in place as an alternative to their final solution.What is that alternative? Nothing less than what we are supposed to already have under our Constitution. The Constitutional system of sound money and state sovereignty is still there. We just need to get back to it, and rebuild the institutions of a free Republic we have allowed to atrophy and die away. And WE must do it. The politicians and judges in DC won’t do it. It will be up to We the People in our local communities and states to do it, from the bottom up, not the top down.
If we reach veterans fast and reactivate them, with their leadership we can get our neighborhoods, towns, counties and states squared away so we won’t be weak and desperate when the fiat money system crashes. The stronger We the People are within our states, the less pretext there will be for martial law during a crisis and the less likely the current serving military and police will be to go along with it.
The more wide awake and prepared the veterans are, the more they can lead their neighbors in weathering the storm without sacrificing liberty on the alter of temporary security. And the veterans can lead the people in standing up and defending the powers reserved to the states or to the people (see the 10th Amendment), resisting the liberty crushing plans of the political and financial elites who intend to use chaos as an excuse to scrap our Constitution and national sovereignty once and for all.
*A word to non-veterans: We are all in this together, and we appreciate and welcome the commitment of non-veterans to stand for liberty and the Constitution. This mission is focused on waking up the veterans because they are a key part of our population who have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and they are people who have had vital training and experience in dealing with and planning for worst case scenarios. Just as in the days leading up to Lexington and Concord, they are a high-percentage audience when it comes to making a difference in the struggle to preserve liberty for our children. With them awake and on board, we can turn the tide.
To veterans:Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.-- Thomas Paine
Each of you veterans has undergone the fatigue of supporting freedom. Unlike others in the population who have never risked anything for their country or for liberty, you have. It is what sets you apart from others. Unlike others, you have not just talked. You acted. You stepped up, put your feet on that line or in those footprints, raised your right hand and took that oath. And then you served, willing each day to undergo any hardship necessary and willing to give your life, if it came to it, in defense of our country and our way of life.It is time, once again, for you to stand up, step up and undergo the fatigue of supporting freedom. We are honored to call you brother, and we welcome you to this brotherhood of the oath, where we each will do all we can, to the utmost extent of our power, to restore the Republic that was won and preserved with the blood of patriots who came before us. Now it is our turn to stand in the breach. We should all feel honored and privileged to have the chance to correct all of our past apathy and neglect. Yes, it is our fault that our nation is in the sad state it is in. Who else is to blame? We swore that oath. It is on our shoulders to keep this Republic, as Ben Franklin admonished us to. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Will we leave it to our children to clean up our mess and do what we would not? You know the answer.As the immortal Thomas Paine also said, if there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.Let us recognize and accept that trouble is on its way. As they say in the infantry, embrace the suck. Let us embrace and endure it now, in our day, so that our children may have peace, and freedom.
Please join Oath Keepers and help us to wake up all veterans and all patriotic citizens to what is coming, and what must be done to preserve our Republic. You DO NOT have to be prior service to join as an associate member. We encourage all patriotic, liberty loving Americans to join us and assist in our mission. Fill out the form below and take your place in the ranks of the defenders of the Constitution and the Guardians of the Republic! For the Republic! Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers.
False flag-From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.False flag operations are covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and can be used in peace-time.(NOTICE EVERY TIME THERES A REAL TERRORIST ATTACK,THE GOVERNMENT ALWAYS IS DOING A FAKE DRILL WHICH MEANS THEY CAN SAY IT WAS ONLY A DRILL IF THE ATTACK DOES NOT GO OVER WITH THE PUBLIC OR IF THE GOVERNMENT MUFFED UP THEIR OWN FALSE FLAG CONTROL FREAK,GET MORE CONTROL OF PEOPLES RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS.)
ON UBL’S BURIAL AT SEA: SAY FOUR ALLAHU AKHBARS! May 12, 2011 By Lee Kaplan Political correctness gone amuck: Bin Laden’s burial at sea Commentary By Lee Kaplan, investigator, analyst, communications director
One reason why the War on Terror goes on without end is because of the suits who are our leadership who set policy. Despite overwhelming proof that CAIR is a front group for Hamas, the terrorist lobbying group still runs around Washington. That’s because even CAIR has its suits (guys in suits) to promote a mainstream image.During the Lebanese Civil War it became fashionable for Arab terrorist groups to kidnap Americans and Europeans and hold them for ransom. The Arabs have continued this practice with Gilad Schalit, an Israeli soldier held hostage now for over five years who hasn’t been seen by the International Red Cross as Hamas terror groups blame Israel for violations of International Law (terrorism, you see, or lobbing missiles into Israeli kindergartens or at school buses don’t count in Hamas’ lingo of International Law.)
But back to the Lebanese Civil War. The practice of kidnapping became profitable, especially of US citizens, because the Americans negotiate and pay well. One of the terror groups decided to try the tactic with the Russians, anticipating similar results. The story ends as we learn the few Arab terrorists who kidnapped some Russian hostages, diplomats, were hunted down by the then KGB who killed them and left their bodies to be found with the killers’ own genitals stuffed in their mouths. Needless to say, there was no more Russian hostage taking after that. When members of the PLO got the idea to commit one terror attack in Syria for publicity, the Syrian government hung the perps in the Damascus city square. No more terror attacks against Syria after that one, either. The Middle East is a place where a culture of revenge is still considered important.Which brings me to Bin Laden’s burial at sea and the refusal by the White House to release photos of the dead Bin Laden. Navy protocols reveal that Bin Laden was accorded an Islamic funeral with all the frou frous. You can read about it here: (go to Article II Appendix E)
The burial even required four Allahu Akhbars! according to some Navy personnel and if done, accorded him honors as a warrior in the name of Allah. It even asked God forgive the mass murderer:
O Allah, forgive our people who are still alive and who have passed away, forgive those who are present here an those who are absent, forgive our young and our elderly, forgive our males and females. O Allah, the one whom you wish to keep alive from among us make him alive according to Islam, and anyone whom you wish to die from among us, let him die in belief and faith. O Allah, do not deprive us from his reward and do not put us in hardship or any type of trial after his death.
The supplication continues:O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, pardon him, grant him security, provide him a nice place and spacious lodgings, wash him (off from his sins) with water, snow and ice, purify him from his sins as a white garment is cleansed from dirt, replace his present abode with a better one, replace his present family with a better one, replace his present partner with a better one, make him enter paradise and save him from the trials of the grave and the punishment of hell.We’ll probably never know if the required Allahu Akhbars (four of them!) according to the Navy’s burial protocols were said and if Bin Laden’s body was saluted by Muslim seamen before being dispatched to the fish, but I’d wager it was done. Can you imagine such a eulogy by US forces if we buried Adolf Hitler (Hitler committed suicide because he feared the Russians would torture him and put him in a cage; there’s those Russians again dealing with their enemies). Our fighting seaman even asked he not be sent to hell and get a better looking girlfriend.Is this STUPID or what? Only some jerk in a suit behind a desk could come up with this one as policy!!! Can you imagine our GI’s saluting dead Nazis at the end of World War II out of concern other Nazis might be offended if they didn’t do it? The theory is the Washington suits think the Islamic terrorists will be less apt to kill our soldiers and their cheering sections in the rest of the Muslim world won’t be as agitated. Nonsense.
The reason we’re not really winning this war is because we fight it like a bunch of school girls. Come to think of it, school girls might even use more logic as they can be pretty viscious sometimes. I want the photo of Bin Laden’s head pasted all over the Middle East so the jihadis will see it and think, Hmmmm…maybe old UBL didn’t get his 72 virgins. I sure don’t want to end up looking like that. ?? Let them see what bad asses our Navy Seals can be. Instead they can count on the stupid Americans to give them a state funeral and say nice things about them.As primitive as it may seem to the suits, throughout history leaders of enemies have ended up with their heads on pikes so their acolytes could see what will happen to them if they persist in their attacks. The American Indians picked up the habit of taking scalps from the French traders. Yes, it’s crude, but when your enemy saw one hanging off your belt, he was less apt to mess with you.But, we don’t need to be primitive like that, true. We have the Internet and we have modern photography. I want to see the photos of Bin Laden’s head blown off next to those ubiquitous photos of the World Trade Center collapsing and the Pentagon burning. That’s even better than a head on a pike. And it would define the enemy and tell him you mess with the United States and our military will do the same to you.I remember an encounter at a demonstration with a supporter of Hamas. He had the new propaganda speech down pat to promote the terrorist group over here. He accused me of being against peace, a warmonger because I wanted to kill Al Qaeda and their Hamas proxies. Peace to these guys means when the terrorists and totalitarians win and control everything for the rest of us. I replied to him, You say that like it’s a bad thing.Only when we define our enemy and start to really kill him will this war ever end. And our leaders in Washington have to stop disrespecting our troops this way while claiming to protect them. They vote against pensions for them, then pay for funerals for the likes of Bin Laden. And that goes for both political parties.
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