Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Neotame, a Sweet New Poison Posted on February 12, 2011
by thetruthergirls|SONIA-MONTREAL

http://thetruthergirls.wordpress.com/2011/02/12/neotame-a-sweet-new-poison/ (LINKS)

Someone recently tipped me off to the existence of a new sweetener: Neotame.

A simple googling of the name alone immediately brought up several websites warning that this substance is toxic. According to Monsanto spokesperson Nancy Nevi, Neotame compositionally begins with Aspartame, but through a simple enhancement to the dipeptide base’ it becomes 40 times sweeter. It was discovered by accident at a military facility during research on a chemical weapon called Neotox-II. http://www.holisticmed.com/neotame/history.html

Dr. Betty Martini, long-time forerunning anti-Aspartame activist penned an open letter to Dr Jane Henny, FDA commissioner, highlighting the evidence that aspartame is a deadly poison that can has been shown to cause brain tumors, birth defects, blindness (http://www.focusnewsletter.org/aspartame.htm) and other health problems possibly including infertility and miscarriage. In her letter, Dr Martini basically pleads with the FDA to recall Aspartame and not approve Neotame.

She also refers specifically to several studies that showed the toxic effects of Aspartame such as :Monsanto funded a study on birth defects which was disastrous, so they withdrew their funding and Dr. Diana Dow-Edwards had to pay it herself. Then neither Monsanto or the FDA would accept it. Quite a message to the world – if a researcher will not say it is safe, the study will not be accepted.And:A pivotal study (SC18862) submitted was done on 7 infant monkeys: 5 had grand mal seizures and 1 died.According to holisticmed.com:Even Monsanto’s own pre-approval studies of neotame revealed adverse reactions. Unfortunately, Monsanto only conducted a few one-day studies in humans rather than encouraging independent researchers to obtain NIH funding to conduct long-term human studies on the effects of neotame.

Despite the fact that nearly 100% of independent studies on Aspartame have found it to be cause adverse effects, and that there have been no long-term studies on Neotame and those that have been conducted showed adverse reactions, Neotame is already used as an additive in 1000 foods.The Neotame website describes it as an ‘exciting’ new flavor enhancer and sweetener. I’ll bet that much is true: it’s exciting, alright- it’s an excitotoxin! And I guess it’s especially exciting to those who would like to reduce the world’s population and profit off the remainder’s sickness.http://www.neotame.com/faq.asp

The purveyors of this poison declare that Neotame fits into healthful eating;
A balanced diet including a variety of foods is the foundation of healthful eating. As part of a balanced diet, neotame provides a little sweetness without adding calories. Since when is a chemical weapon is part of a balanced diet? The makers of Neotame state that it is suitable for diabetics, even though Aspartame has been shown to cause blindness in diabetics, and even go on to proclaim safe for children and pregnant women! People of all ages, including pregnant or breastfeeding women, teens and children, and people with diabetes, can enjoy products sweetened with neotame while maintaining a healthful diet.That’s a bit like saying people of all ages can enjoy crystal meth while maintaining a healthful diet. It’s not exactly untrue, but it doesn’t change the fact that crystal meth will kill you.Because of labeling laws, it is possible for Neotame to be listed as natural flavors if it amounts to less that 5% of a product’s ingredients, so beware! The best policy is to avoid pre-made, processed and pre-packaged foods altogether, or you could wind up eating Neotox-II – I mean, Neotame. And I would be willing to wager that Neotame…Will kill you.