Alex Jones Talks About Huge Explosions, Fire Fighter Testimony: Video
AMOS 9:10
10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us.
DANIEL 11:40-45
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south( EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) and the king of the north (RUSSIA AND MUSLIM HORDES OF EZEK 38+39) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.(JORDAN)
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
44 But tidings out of the east(CHINA 2ND WAVE OF WW3) and out of the north(RUSSIA, MUSLIMS WHATS LEFT FROM WAVE 1) shall trouble him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.( 1/3RD OF EARTHS POPULATION)
45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
20 And the winepress was trodden without the city,(JERUSALEM) and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.(200 MILES) (THE SIZE OF ISRAEL)
The Third and Final Wave of WW3 is when all Nations march to Jerusalem, but JESUS bodily returns to earth and destroys them,sets up his KINGDOM OF RULE FOR 1000 YEARS THEN FOREVER.
12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.(THIS IS THE ATATURK DAM IN TURKEY,THEY CROSS OVER).
44 But tidings out of the east(CHINA) and out of the north(RUSSIA, MUSLIMS WHATS LEFT FROM WAVE 1) shall trouble him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.( 1/3RD OF EARTHS POPULATION)
12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.
13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.(IRAQ-SYRIA)
15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.(1/3 Earths Population die in WW 3 2ND WAVE)
16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand:(200 MILLION MAN ARMY FROM CHINA AND THE KINGS OF THE EAST) and I heard the number of them.
17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.(NUCLEAR BOMBS)
18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.(NUCLEAR BOMBS)
Israel Signs F-35 Agreement
by Elad Benari OCT 8,10
In a special ceremony that was held in New York on Thursday, Defense Ministry Director-General Udi Shani signed an agreement that will see Israel purchasing its first squadron of F-35 stealth fighter jets from the US for $2.75 billion.The American side was represented by Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force, International Affairs, Heidi Honecker Grant, and Vice Admiral David Venlet, head of the Pentagon's F-35 program.As part of the agreement, Israel is expected to receive F-35 stealth fighters from the US between the years 2015 and 2017, at a cost of $96 million per aircraft. This includes engines, simulators, spare parts, and maintenance.According to a report in Aviation Week last month, the F-35 will have Israeli add-ons, such as altering the cockpit interfaces to use the IDF communications, control and intelligence systems, installing Israeli equipment on its main computer, and installing a detachable fuel tank that would make the plane easier to detect when attached, but would extend the aircraft's range.The purchase agreement was approved by the Israeli government, the Knesset and the security establishment.Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak gave their final approval for the purchase last month, at which time Netanyahu said: Purchasing this fighter jet, the most technically advanced on earth, is a significant step in strengthening Israel's military prowess.Shani said during Thursday's signing ceremony: This is an historical event and a new era for Israel’s defense and strategic strength, as well as for maintaining the Israeli army’s advantage over its challenges, in circles near and far over many years. This is in addition to the tremendous significance to the national economy, as is reflected in the commitment by the manufacturer to make purchases worth billions of dollars from Israeli industries.
He added that Israel intends to purchase even more stealth fighter jets in the future, and said that the agreement is another expression of the strategic alliance and friendly relations with the United States and its commitment to Israel’s qualitative advantage.Tom Burbage, Vice President of Lockheed Martin, the company which manufactures the F-35 Lighting II aircraft, said on Thursday that his company is extremely satisfied by the Israeli government decision to move forward with the acquisition process, and added that the agreement is an additional step in the long lasting relationship between Lockheed Martin and the State of Israel. The Lightning II will strengthen Israel’s national security, from both the military and industrial sides.(
IAF Hits Gaza Terrorist's Car to Foil Plot
by Maayana Miskin OCT 7,10
The Air Force carried out a strike Thursday night against a Gaza terrorist who, according to intelligence information, was plotting an attack inside Israel. Three men were wounded in the strike.The target was Ahmed Al-Ashkar of the Eagles of Palestine terrorist group, a small organization formed by former members of the People's Front for Palestine.The strike targeted Ashkar's car as it travelled between Al-Zahra and his hometown of Nuseirat. For targeted strikes the IAF has missiles that cause minimal damage, and can kill just one passenger.In the Thursday strike all passengers of the vehicle were moderately wounded. Their identities have not yet been revealed.On Wednesday night the IAF hit Hamas armed forces centers near Gaza city. The strikes followed two rocket attacks on the Eshkol region in southern Israel.(
GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
2 PETER 2:5
5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
2 PETER 3:7
7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men
16 I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you( sudden) terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.
GENESIS 16:11-12
11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.
12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
ISAIAH 33:1,18-19 Woe to thee that spoilest,(destroys) and thou wast not spoiled;(destroyed) and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease to spoil,(destroy) thou shalt be spoiled;(destroyed) and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.
18 Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where is the scribe? where is the receiver? where is he that counted the towers?
19 Thou shalt not see a fierce people, a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive; of a stammering tongue, that thou canst not understand.
JOHN 16:2
2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
Arabs Caught with Pipe Bombs Near Shechem
by Gil Ronen OCT 7,10
An IDF force seized two pipe bombs Thursday evening from two Arab terrorists who were trying to pass through the Hawara checkpoint south of Shechem. A bomb squad detonated the bombs – which are made by packing explosives into metal pipes – and the two suspects were taken to interrogation.IDF soldiers found a knife with a 12 cm. long blade in the possession of an Arab who tried to pass through the Tapuach checkpoint last night. The man was taken for interrogation and the knife was confiscated.The IDF arrested 12 wanted men in Judea and Samaria overnight. Four were seized in the vicinity of Shechem, six near Ramallah and two in the Bethlehem area.
In a joint operation by the IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), IAF aircraft struck two terrorist targets in northern Gaza Thursday evening. Precise hits on target were identified. All aircraft returned safely to base.The strike was a retaliation for terrorist rocket fire Wednesday on residents of the Eshkol local authority. Gaza terrorists fired two Kassam-type rockets at the western Negev. One fell near a kibbutz and the other fell short and exploded within Gaza. The Color Red siren was sounded in several communities.Earlier, four terrorists were reportedly hurt in pre-dawn strikes on Gaza by the IAF.(
Jewish Repairman Escapes Near-Lynch in Jerusalem
by Maayana Miskin OCT 7,10
Jerusalem resident Baruch Pruss, a Jew who works as a repairman, was spared from a near-lynch on Thursday. He was viciously attacked in the Arab neighborhood of Isawiya. Police failed to protect him despite multiple calls, he accuses.Pruss arrived in Isawiya to provide service to an Arab man who had purchased a washing machine from the company he works for, Elran.I went into [Isawiya], I got to the house, I fixed the washing machine, and I started to head home, he recalled in an interview with Arutz Sheva's Hebrew-language news service. When I walked out of the house, Arabs from the village who had been waiting to ambush me fell on me and began to attack.They threw concrete blocks and huge stones from the roof of the house I'd been working in, he said.Pruss ran back into the house and closed the door. The homeowner tried to help him escape, he said, but was not successful. However, the attackers did not force their way into the building, choosing instead to attack his car.In the meantime, he said, he called the police. I told them I was in trouble, I explained that my life was in danger. They told me We're trying to help. A van never came, even though there's a Border Police station right across from the entrance to the village,he accused.Ultimately, he was saved not by police, but by older Arabs living in the area who helped him leave, he said. He managed to drive his car despite the heavy damage.When he reached the entrance to Isawiya he called police again and told them where he was. The police told him that they would not enter Isawiya, and asked that he come to the station to file a complaint, which he did, he said.The car was taken to a repair shop with the roof, front hood, and front windshield completely destroyed.(
MK Rotem: Lieberman Fulfilled His Promise
by Elad Benari OCT 8,10
In the wake of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s announcement on Wednesday regarding the proposed amendment to Israel’s Citizenship Law, MK David Rotem (Yisrael Beiteinu), Chairman of the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee is pleased with the decision.During an interview on Thursday with Arutz 7, Rotem said that the decision is not just an accomplishment of Yisrael Beiteinu, but rather an accomplishment of the Jewish state, since from now on any individual who wishes to become a citizen will have to pledge allegiance to the state.Netanyahu said on Wednesday that he would ask his ministers to debate and approve an amendment to the Citizenship Act, which would require anyone aspiring to become an Israeli citizen to pledge their allegiance not only to Israel, but to a Jewish democratic Israel. This amendment is similar to the one previously proposed by both Justice Minister Yaakov Ne’eman and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who has advocated a loyalty oath to the Jewish state for all Israelis, including Arab citizens.Rotem expressed his regret that members of the Labor Party, such as MK Avishay Braverman who called the idea an infuriating, irresponsible decision which will only fuel the fires of delegitimization against Israel worldwide, are opposed to the amendment.
They knew about this clause in the coalition agreement and they did not object, said Rotem.It was convenient for them to take on their respective roles [in the government] and now they shout [about the Citizenship Act]. It’s not a matter of right and left, this law is meant to protect Israel as a Jewish State. The Labor ministers must have seen the polls that are predicting six seats for their party, and they thought it would benefit them if they resist the law.Rotem pointed out that this amendment is only the first step in a series of citizenship laws. At this point we will require the pledge of allegiance only to those who want to become citizens. There are lots of asylum seekers in Israel as well as Palestinian Arabs who want to exercise their right of return. We wanted additional laws, such as a law requiring all citizens to perform military or civilian service. This was part of our election campaign, that if there is no loyalty there is no citizenship. But slowly, not all at once.Rotem also reminded that Yisrael Beiteinu’s slogan during the last elections was Lieberman – I Believe Him, and explained that this is because the Foreign Minister really knows how to pass laws. At this point we haven’t spoken about allegiance to the national anthem or the flag, since we saw this had a huge opposition. The opponents argued that the anthem says Nefesh Yehudi (a Jewish soul) and not another soul. Despite the opposition, Rotem expressed his belief that these proposed changes will occur in the future as well.Rotem’s party Yisrael Beiteinu welcomed the decision on Wednesday, saying that Every citizen is obligated to preserve Israel and a Jewish and democratic state, and all the more so when one aspires to become an Israeli citizen. This is a vital, basic need, especially when there are those who wish to undermine it.MK Danny Danon (Likud) also praised the decision and said that the need to amend the Citizenship Law arose due to the disloyal behavior of Arab MKs.Among those who oppose the decision were MK Zeev Bielski (Kadima) who called it insulting, harmful, and is not enough to cement Israel's status as a Jewish democratic state.Arab MK Ahmad Tibi (United Arab List-Ta'al), who is also opposed, said that the decision is political and does not show leadership, and added that it is meant to cement the Arabs’ inferior class status by law. No amendment will be able to negate the Palestinian narrative, which has been recognized worldwide.(
Gaydamak Returns to Israel
by Elad Benari OCT 8,10
Businessman Arcadi Gaydamak returned to Israel on Thursday after nearly two years out of the country, Ma’ariv reported. According to the report, Gaydamak returned in order to face trial for money laundering of 650 million shekels.The trial is set to begin in a Tel Aviv court next Wednesday, when the indictment will be read to Gaydamak and the other parties who are accused in the case.Gaydamak took Israel by storm when he purchased soccer team Beitar Jerusalem in 2005. He then went on to make a series of acquisitions which included a local radio station in the Sharon region and the Bikur Cholim Hospital in Jerusalem. He even launched a political movement named Social Justice and in 2008 ran for mayor of Jerusalem, receiving only 3.6 per cent of the votes.He was known for helping out the children of Sderot when the city was faced with daily attacks by terrorists, including paying the tab for 200 Sderot teens to take a break from the attacks at hotels outside the western Negev city. He initiated similar programs for families in northern Israel during the 2006 Second Lebanon War.Although he came to Israel as a billionaire, he announced just before he left the country in 2008 that his financial situation was difficult and that he had lost large amounts of money. In October of 2009, Gaydamak was convicted by a French court of the illegal sale of massive amounts of arms to Angola in the 1990s during its prolonged civil war. Gaydamak was accused of acting as a primary go-between in illegal arms sales amounting to $790 million. He was sentenced to six years in prison.Gaydamak’s return to Israel is considered surprising by many, especially due to his conviction in France. Since Israel and France have an extradition treaty, Gaydamak could very well be extradited to France. According to the report in Ma’ariv, even Gaydamak’s lawyers were not aware of the fact that he was planning to return to Israel, and they do not know his exact location, as he is apparently in hiding.(
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
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04:00 PM +57.90 11,006.48
S&P 500 1165.15 +7.09
NASDAQ 2401.91 +18.24
GOLD 1,347.30 +12.30
OIL 82.81 +1.14
TSE 300 12,535.60 +89.70
CDNX 1784.88 +18.12
S&P/TSX/60 725.41 +5.09
Dow +15 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -19 points at low today.
Dow +66 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,339.80.OIL opens at $81.64 today.
Dow -19 points at low today so far.
Dow +66 points at high today so far.
Dow -19 points at low today.
Dow +66 points at high today.
EU debate on terror alert exposes lack of joint approach-EU countries will in future notify each other before publishing an alert. But there was no support for a common alert system as such (Photo: eurocontrol)VALENTINA POP Today OCT 8,10 @ 01:27 CET
EUOBSERVER / LUXEMBOURG – EU interior ministers have agreed to pre-warn each other before publishing terrorist threat warnings in future following a scattered response to the US terror alert. Speaking to press after the ministers' meeting in Luxembourg on Thursday (7 October), the Belgian EU presidency's home affairs chief, Annemie Turtelboom, said EU capitals have agreed to pre-notify the EU's Brussels-based intelligence-sharing bureau, the Joint Situation Centre, prior to raising national threat levels.The move is designed to ensure that every other member state knows, rather than learns from the press or by chance,that an alert is coming, she said. EU ministers will also hold a fresh round of yearly meetings with their American counterparts to keep each other abreast of security developments.The decisions come after the US last week published a blanket travel alert for US citizens coming to Europe citing an al-Qaeda plot. The US news channel, FoxNews, later quoted unnamed intelligence officials as saying that the Eiffel tower in Paris and the Alexanderplatz in Berlin are potential targets.Sweden had one day earlier issued its own warning. The UK followed after the US, naming France and Germany. Germany did not raise its level. But France later cautioned travelers on using British public transport.
The US has a legal obligation to provide all information to its citizens. On the other hand, this communication has led to a sentiment of insecurity in Europe. We received all the information, our intelligence services analysed it, some member states increased their terror alert level, others didn't have sufficient information to do so, Ms Turtelboom said.EU ministers also debated a proposal for a common EU alert system to replace the existing situation in which each country uses a different code based on colours or numbers. But the idea met with lukewarm support.
We'll have to see, our responsibles in the services will have a look. But now we actually do have more or less the same level - elevated, but not the highest, French interior minister Brice Hortefeux said on the current state of vigilance inside Europe.His German counterpart, Thomas de Maiziere, said: The threat situation varies in different countries, that is why a common warning system would not be fair to each of them.The EU's anti-terrorism co-ordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, noted that there are different schools of thought and cultural differences inside the bloc.
Some say that being explicit in the media leads to self-restraint, because people are more vigilant. It may lead to a postponement of something being launched, he said. France has a special focus on the Islamic Maghreb, while Denmark is concerned about naturalised Somalis returning to their country of origin and then coming back to Denmark to mount an attack, he explained. The US deputy secretary for homeland security, Jane Holl Lute, told ministers in Luxembourg that the new threat is real but declined to give further details.Some remarks by Belgium's Ms Turtleboom sounded critical of the US approach. The Belgian minister urged countries to strike the right balance between informing, but not alarming the public and said the EU must protect its credibility particularly when there is a communication which draws no distinction about parts of Europe.One day before the EU meeting, the US director of national intelligence, James Clapper, at a seminar in Washington criticised the leaks to FoxNews. Recalling a conversation with President Barack Obama, he said the US leader had noted the irony [of] people engaged in intelligence who turn around and talk about it publicly.
Baltic Sea strategy yields few results after one year
VALENTINA POP 07.10.2010 @ 18:02 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – One year into its existence, the EU's first 'macro-regional' policy around the Baltic Sea has few results to show, as it uses no fresh money and has no new institutions or legislation in place to implement it.The Baltic Sea strategy is an integrated part of our daily work, but it's also a challenge, said Peter Madsen, a regional politician from Denmark's Zealand region just south of Copenhagen.He was speaking on Wednesday (7 October) during Open Days, a one-week event bringing regional and local representatives from all over Europe together in Brussels.There is also the question if it's fair to expect results after just one year, with no extra institutions set up, no new legislation or extra money to implement the actions, he explained.Still, the strategy has inspired other regions, such as the ones along the Danube river or the Adriatic sea, to call on the commission to come up with similar schemes.The European Commission would like to see macroregional policy as part of the new multi-annual budget from 2013 on, he added.
Cleaning up the Baltic Sea, which is one of the most polluted in Europe, is one of the main aims of this strategy, which one commission official present at the event described as rather giving a focus to existing organisations and projects, than re-inventing the wheel.No fresh money could have been committed to the strategy, since it was adopted in the middle of the EU's seven-year budget, Anders Lindholm from the commission's regional policy directorate pointed out.As for new institutions, they would have started fights for headquarters among member states, while new legislation would taken a lot of time.Mr Lindholm admitted that this situation gives rise to limitations, but noted that more money is not always the solution.Basically, lack of funding is not a problem in the region, just that existing programmes have to focus more on the priorities of the Baltic Sea strategy.But that is easier said than done because structural funding is long-term oriented and a lot of the programmes were already running when the strategy came into force.Eastern Sweden's energy agency, for instance, is trying to develop a project aimed at de-polluting the sea by using mussel farms, who are natural filters.Nitrates and phosphates, mostly found in detergents and agricultural fertilizers, are the biggest environmental problem for the almost enclosed sea stretching between Denmark, Germany, Poland, the Baltic states, Russia, Finland and Sweden.If mussels farms were developed all over the Swedish coast, it would lead to an overall reduction of nitrates by 50 percent and of phospates by 25 percent, Kerstin Konitzer from the Swedish energy agency said.But so far we haven't quite found a way how to make use of the Baltic Sea strategy, she noted, adding that the project was not yet economically viable.With environmental subsidies, however, this innovative solution may work. The commission representative encouraged Ms Konitzer to get in touch with the regional and national authorities in order to get included in an EU-funded programme.Cultural and socio-economic differences in the countries around the Baltic Sea are also an issue, as one Polish representative pointed out.To our public, it is a bit of an extravaganza for Polish politicians to talk about windmills and other high-tech projects in the Baltic Sea strategy, when the children in their communities still have no proper roads to go to school, Malgorzata Ludwiczek from Szecin pointed out.Disparities around the sea could be bridged if more mobility and transport, particularly regional airlines, would become a reality, one Swedish representative said.Unlike less than 100 years ago, when bordering the sea meant you were connected and had access to different countries and cultures, now the sea is rather a barrier, as sea travel is too slow, Thord Andersson from the Oerebro region told this website.
Brussels puts forward financial sector tax options
ANDREW WILLIS 07.10.2010 @ 17:24 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Nothing is certain but death and taxes goes the saying, with a new proposal from the European Commission designed to get the European financial sector to pay more of the latter.As cash-strapped governments cast around in search of new funding sources, Thursday's (7 October) non-legislative communication from the commission weighs up the viability and potential revenue gains to be made from a financial transactions tax (FTT) and a financial activities tax (FAT). We must make sure that the financial sector is making a contribution to public finances, said the EU's taxation commissioner Algirdas Semeta.This is especially important due to its receipt of support during the financial crisis.The financial sector in Europe and elsewhere is currently exempt from paying Value Added Tax (VAT).In its paper, the commission advocates EU support for the FTT at the global level, but reiterates recent comments made by ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet that a unilateral European attempt to push ahead with the tax would result in firms moving their financial transactions to a different jurisdiction.Swedish attempts to introduce a similar tax in the 1980s caused a sharp decline in the trading of certain financial products within its borders, with Stockholm now one of the leading EU opponents of the tax. Others argue that the issue of relocation is overblown.London is also a strong opponent to the tax however, with studies showing the City would bear the brunt of a European FTT due to the huge volume of trades that take place inside the square mile. US opposition is also seen as a major stumbling block to its eventual implementation. Conversely, France and Germany are vocal supporters of the measure, popular among many voters and NGOs as a means to raise badly needed funds to fight poverty and climate change.Reacting to the publication, the European Trade Union Confederation said it was deeply disappointed. The plans are unsatisfactory in that they deflect from the aim of taxing short-termist, highly speculative transactions based on high speed trading that do not serve the needs of the real economy, said general secretary, John Monks.
Commission estimates put the potential revenues from an FTT at between €20-150 billion per year in the EU. This compares with the estimated €25 billion that could be generated from a more conventional five percent financial activities tax, a measure the commission believes could be implemented at European level without running the risk of relocation.The communication proposes three alternative FAT options: a direct tax on all profit and wages in the financial sector, a tax specifically targeting economic rents, and a tax concentrating on profits gained through riskier activities. Whereas the FTT targets transactions, the FAT taxes corporations. Legislative proposals are expected to follow sometime next summer. The initiative is independent from a recent proposal on bank levies from EU financial services commissioner Michel Barnier, under which revenue gathered from the levy would provide member states with funding for further bank bailouts in the future, should they prove necessary.Mr Semeta refused to be drawn on whether some form of EU financial sector tax could contribute to the EU's own budget in the future, but a commission budget review later this month is set to include the mechanism as one potential option.The issue is strongly opposed by a number of governments who fear a self-funding EU would become increasingly independent from national capitals.The EU needs to drop this fixation with granting itself tax-raising powers of any kind, UK MEP Kay Swinburne, a member of parliament's European Conservatives and Reformists group, said on Thursday.
EU-China summit ends in discord
ANDREW WILLIS 07.10.2010 @ 09:23 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - An acrimonious EU-China summit on Wednesday (6 October) ended with a cancelled press conference and a stark warning from China not to increase pressure over its currency valuation. I say to Europe's leaders - don't join the chorus pressing [China] to revalue the yuan, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told a business forum taking place in the margins of the political summit in Brussels.Many of our exporting companies would have to close down, migrant workers would have to return to their villages, Mr Wen added.If China saw social and economic turbulence, then it would be a disaster for the world.The unscripted comments came a day after a trio of Europe's top economic officials including Eurogroup president Jean-Claude Juncker called on Beijing to allow the yuan to appreciate, arguing that its undervaluation threatened to derail the eurozone's economic recovery and indirectly hurt Chinese exporters.Mr Juncker is among those warning that the world must step back from its current trajectory towards a currency war where governments seek to give their exporters an upper hand through currency devaluations.Already this year, governments from countries including Brazil, Japan, Switzerland, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand have intervened to weaken their currencies in a bid to remain competitive.Beijing announced in June that it would break the yuan's currency peg, but since then it has risen just over two percent against the dollar, and has fallen more than nine per cent against the euro.
Other thorny issues during the day of talks in Brussels included an EU call for improved market access for its businesses in China, together with progress on human rights.As finance ministers prepare to attend this week's IMF annual meeting, EU leaders Herman Van Rompuy and Jose Manuel Barroso said they fully supported reform of the international lending organisation to give greater weight to emerging powers -a key request from Beijing.But in an apparent reference to their unhappiness with current Chinese policies, the two said in a joint statement that enhanced representation should go hand in hand with enhanced responsibilities in global governance.A press conference scheduled to take place after the summit was cancelled, officially for scheduling reasons, but sources indicated the decision was related to the degree of divergence between the European and Chinese positions on the topics discussed.We realised during the talks there may have been little to say [in the press conference], one diplomat told AFP.Others suggested the Chinese side had called for the cancellation, fearing that a number of Chinese journalists were preparing to ask awkward questions.It is a very strange thing and it is very suspicious, Lorenzo Consoli, President of the International Press Association (IPA) in Brussels, told The Epoch Times.I think it is quite likely that actually there was very strong interference by the Chinese delegation on the EU organisation, in order to block access to independent Chinese media to the final press conference of the EU-China summit,he added.Prior to the cancellation, four reporters from the The Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty Television were reportedly denied entry to European Council building before eventually being allowed in.
Microsoft Proposes Government Licensing Internet Access - State should have power to block individual computers from connecting to world wide web, claims Charney
Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, October 7, 2010
A new proposal by a top Microsoft executive would open the door for government licensing to access the Internet, with authorities being empowered to block individual computers from connecting to the world wide web under the pretext of preventing malware attacks.Speaking to the ISSE 2010 computer security conference in Berlin yesterday, Scott Charney, Microsoft vice president of Trustworthy Computing, said that cybersecurity should mirror public health safety laws, with infected PC’s being quarantined by government decree and prevented from accessing the Internet.If a device is known to be a danger to the internet, the user should be notified and the device should be cleaned before it is allowed unfettered access to the internet, minimizing the risk of the infected device contaminating other devices, Charney said.Charney said the system would be a global collective defense run by corporations and government and would track and control people’s computers similar to how government health bodies track diseases.Invoking the threat of malware attacks as a means of dissuading or blocking people from using the Internet is becoming a common theme – but it’s one tainted with political overtones.
At the launch of the Obama administration’s cybersecurity agenda earlier this year, Democrats attempted to claim that the independent news website The Drudge Report was serving malware, an incident Senator Jim Inhofe described as a deliberate ploy to discourage people from using Drudge.Under the new proposals, not only would the government cite the threat of malware to prevent people from visiting Drudge, they would be blocked from the entire world wide web, creating a dangerous precedent by giving government the power to dictate whether people can use the Internet and effectively opening the door for a licensing system to be introduced.Similar to how vehicle inspections are mandatory for cars in some states before they can be driven, are we entering a phase where you will have to obtain a PC health check before a government IP czar will issue you with a license, or an Internet ID card, allowing you to access the web? Of course, the only way companies or the government could know when your system becomes infected with malware is to have some kind of mandatory software or firewall installed on every PC which sends data to a centralized hub, greasing the skids for warrantless surveillance and other invasions of privacy.Microsoft has been at the forefront of a bid to introduce Internet licensing as a means of controlling how people access and use the world wide web, an effort that has intensified over the course of the past year.
During this year’s Economic Summit in Davos, Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy officer for Microsoft, said that the Internet needed to be policed by means of introducing licenses similar to drivers licenses – in other words government permission to use the web.We need a kind of World Health Organization for the Internet, he said, mirroring Charney’s rhetoric about controlling cyberspace in a public health context.If you want to drive a car you have to have a license to say that you are capable of driving a car, the car has to pass a test to say it is fit to drive and you have to have insurance.Don’t be surprised if it becomes reality in the near future, wrote ZD Net’s Doug Hanchard on the introduction of Internet licensing . Every device connected to the Internet will have a permanent license plate and without it, the network won’t allow you to log in.Just days after Mundie’s call for Internet licensing, Time Magazine jumped on the bandwagon, publishing an article by Barbara Kiviat, one of Mundie’s fellow attendees at the elitist confab, in which she wrote that the Internet was too lawless and needed the people in charge to start policing it with licensing measures.Shortly after Time Magazine started peddling the proposal, the New York Times soon followed suit with a blog entitled Driver’s Licenses for the Internet?, which merely parroted Kiviat’s talking points.
Of course there’s a very good reason for Time Magazine and the New York Times to be pushing for measures that would undoubtedly lead to a chilling effect on free speech which would in turn eviscerate the blogosphere.Like the rest of the mainstream print dinosaurs, physical sales of Time Magazine have been plummeting, partly as a result of more people getting their news for free on the web from independent sources. Ad sales for the New York Times sunk by no less than 28 per cent last year with subscriptions and street sales also falling.As we have documented, the entire cybersecurity agenda is couched in fearsome rhetoric about virus attacks, but its ultimate goal is to hand the Obama administration similar powers over the Internet to those enjoyed by Communist China, which are routinely exercised not for genuine security concerns, but to oppress political adversaries, locate dissidents, and crush free speech.Indeed, Internet licensing was considered by the Chinese last year and rejected for being too authoritarian, concerns apparently not shared by Microsoft.Any proposal which allows the government to get a foot in the door on dictating who can and can’t use the Internet should be vigorously opposed because such a system would be wide open for abuse and pave the way for full licensing and top down control of the world wide web.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
Los Angeles Pushes Mandatory Biometric Identification On Students to Condition Children Anthony Gucciardi October 7, 2010
Installing mandatory biometric stations in schools serves only to prepare students for a lifetime of living on the control grid. Photo: John Lee.The Los Angeles Unified School District is attempting to push mandatory fingerprinting on students. In order to receive their lunches, students will be required to submit to the compulsory biometric identification system put in place by the district. This comes only a few short months after it was revealed that a city in mexico was being equipped with expensive biometric systems, such as iris scanners and thumb scanners. The program is currently in the test phase. Superintendent Ramon Cortines claims that it can create jobs, make schools safer, and help students who are struggling economically from feeling embarrassed when using their free lunch tickets.
Falsely making it an issue of equality
Instead of debating as to whether or not the mandatory fingerprinting is intrusive and Orwellian, the debate will be over whether or not mandatory fingerprinting will help establish equality in schools. Superintendent Ramon Cortines has already made the claim that fingerprinting the children will help less fortunate students. He claims that students who cannot afford lunch, and therefore have to use a special ticket, will no longer have to do so. This will apparently prevent them from feeling embarrassed when in line for their lunch.The issue is not about equality. Installing mandatory biometric stations in schools serves only to prepare them for a lifetime of living on the control grid. To prepare young children for frequent unlawful searches and seizures will soften them up to these injustices in their adulthood. The only equality here is the assurance that all of the students will be equally violated of their rights.
Is it really about convenience?
Whenever expansive tracking systems are being put into place, it is always pushed under the guise of being extremely convenient. Cashless monetary transactions are pushed as convenient due to the absence of physical cash. The Mexican safe city would utilize iris scanners to record one’s assets, and immediately identify them through the scan. This holds true with fingerprinting students as well. Students will no longer have to bring cash to pay for their lunches, which apparently makes up for the severity of the issue according to some political frauds.The truth of the matter is that convenience is becoming the death of privacy. Faster purchasing methods are always available to those willing to submit their personal information, and sometimes much more. This is not limited to purchases, however. In order to avoid submitting vital personal information, it is oftentimes necessary to go through tedious processes that are very time consuming. An example of this is when it was required to scan your thumb in order to receive a license in Texas. You could either scan your thumb, choose to not receive a license, or attempt to fight it in court.
Going beyond propaganda
In order to shatter the propaganda surrounding biometric profiling of United States citizens, it is important to bring the real issues to light. If citizens ignore the fingerprinting in Los Angeles schools, then it will soon be coming to their own neighborhood schools. It is certainly not an isolated issue. The chief business developer of Mexico’s safe city even admitted that in the future is filled with mandatory biometric scanning.In the future, whether it’s entering your home, opening your car, entering your workspace, getting a pharmacy prescription refilled, or having your medical records pulled up, everything will come off that unique key that is your iris,he said during an interview.The only way to stop the conditioning of children from spreading nationally, or even internationally, is to stop it in LA. It is important that parents and citizens worldwide take a stand against that blatant intrusion of privacy. Since when did you have to prove your innocence? Anthony Gucciardi edits the Shatter Limits blog.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Floods continue to punish Asia, killing nearly 140 By TRAN VAN MINH, Associated Press Writer – Thu Oct 7, 6:09 am ET
HANOI, Vietnam – Asia's death toll from vicious rains spiked Thursday to nearly 140 as disaster officials reached previously isolated areas in Vietnam, while the worst flooding in parts of southern China in nearly a half-century killed one person and forced 213,000 villagers to evacuate.Security forces tried to speed recovery efforts in Indonesia, home to most of the fatalities with 91 dead, by removing debris from blocked roads and fixing bridges.In Vietnam, the death toll nearly doubled to 48 after disaster officials were finally able to access areas that had been cut off by high waters. Another 23 people remained missing as villagers started returning to areas where the water was receding.People are cleaning their houses and trying to put life back to normal, said disaster official Nguyen Ngoc Giai in hardest-hit Quang Binh province, where 20,000 people were driven from their homes. Many schools are also doing cleanup to soon welcome back students.Parts of the country's north-south rail service have been disrupted since Tuesday due to damaged tracks, and Giai said bad weather Wednesday grounded helicopters making supply and food drops to areas still under water. Forecasters were predicting more rain, but it was not expected to cause severe flooding.Meanwhile, the worst flooding to strike parts of southern China in nearly half a century left one person dead and three missing and forced 213,000 people from their homes, the country's state media reported.
Heavy rains lashed the island province of Hainan, forcing 550 villages to flee, leaving thousands homeless with streets inundated and roads damaged, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. The People's Daily website reported the death and the missing.At least 7 inches (18 centimeters) of rain fell in 16 cities over the past week, the Hainan provincial government website said. More rains and strong winds are expected through Friday.Further south in Indonesia, rescuers in West Papua province searching for survivors cleared away debris in the hardest-hit village of Wasior where residents had been swept away earlier this week by mudslides and flooding after a river burst its banks. Efforts were hindered by blocked roads and damaged bridges.Ninety-one bodies have been pulled from the mud and wreckage of crumpled homes, said Dortheis Sawaki, head of the province's relief operations' office, adding that with more than 100 others reported missing, the toll was expected to rise.More than 150 others have been hospitalized with injuries, mostly broken bones.
Associated Press writers Chi-Chi Zhang in Beijing and Niniek Karmini and Irwan Firdaus in Jakarta, Indonesia, contributed to this report.
4 tornadoes tear across N. Arizona, damage homes By FELICIA FONSECA, Associated Press Writer – Thu Oct 7, 12:20 am ET
BELLEMONT, Ariz. – A rare swarm of tornadoes shoved semis off highways and destroyed homes in the pre-dawn darkness Wednesday, leaving startled residents wondering if they were in Arizona anymore or had woken up in the twister-prone Midwest.After one tornado rumbled through Bellemont around 5:30 with wind speeds of up to 110 miles per hour, residents armed with flashlights emerged from their homes to check on the damage — a house splintered, windows smashed, garage doors twisted, but no major injuries.Running through the house, all the Kansas movies go through your head telling you: Move to the basement, Breanna Hunt said.But we don't have a basement.
Another tornado struck minutes later east of the small town of a few hundred people nestled in the Ponderosa pines just west of Flagstaff. Weather forecasters confirmed a total of four twisters, including one reported around noon along Interstate 17 south of Flagstaff.National Weather Service meteorologist George Howard said 22 tornado warnings were issued Wednesday. The radar showed many more twisters likely formed but weren't confirmed.Sparsely populated Arizona typically has four tornadoes a year, but rarely if ever sees twisters come in clusters and cause the kind of damage seen Wednesday, meteorologists said.The hammering that northern Arizona is getting right now is exceptional, said National Weather Service meteorologist Ken Waters in Phoenix. It's not uncommon this time of year to have one or two tornado reports or a warning, but this is quite an outbreak.The storm system moved across the West over the last few days, dropping record-setting rain in northern Nevada, pounding Phoenix with hail and dumping enough snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains to close a highway pass.In Utah, two teenagers were struck by lightning outside their school Tuesday. They were airlifted to a Las Vegas hospital, where one regained consciousness Wednesday and a trauma surgeon predicted the other would recover but suffer major scarring.The extreme weather came from a low-pressure system that has been parked over Central and Southern California. The system was expected to weaken as it drifts northward.Arizona, however, was the hardest hit. On Tuesday, storms ripped out trees and broke windows in metropolitan Phoenix, flooded roadways, shut airports and dented cars and shattered windows with hail bigger than golf balls in some places.On Wednesday, semitrailers were sitting along the side of Interstate 40. High winds cast dozens of cars of a freight train off the tracks in Bellemont around 6:30 a.m. No one was injured and the cars did not contain any hazardous materials.
About 30 homes were so badly damaged that they were uninhabitable and the people who lived in them were evacuated, authorities said. A shelter was set up for them.
Minutes before the first tornado in Bellemont touched down, Jeff Cox was standing in his garage, his children nestled in bed. Rain and hail pounded hard against the windows and a fierce wind made it look like houses were swaying.Then Cox heard a deafening sound and ducked beneath a flatbed trailer carrying two all-terrain vehicles.The tornado struck, pushing the trailer two feet, tearing off the roof of nearly his entire home and throwing it and other debris into the nearby forest.It was so loud, it sounded like a big boom, his wife, Jennifer, said through tears, wiping water from collectables she was trying to salvage.It was directly in the path of the tornado and the most damaged. Rain later drenched nearly everything inside.
At Brad and Dani Stricker's home, the kitchen cabinets were knocked from the walls of their ranch-style house, the refrigerator was tipped over, every window in the house was busted and the frame was exposed with drywall and glass covering the carpet.Brad Stricker said he and his wife were lying in bed when the tornado struck, spraying shattered glass. But nothing hit them.Miraculously, we're OK,he said.
Associated Press writers Jacques Billeaud, Mark Carlson and Bob Christie in Phoenix and Ken Ritter in Las Vegas contributed to this report.
Subtropical depression forms over western Atlantic
– Wed Oct 6, 5:01 am ET
MIAMI (Reuters) – A subtropical depression formed over the western Atlantic Ocean on Wednesday, threatening to bring gusty winds and heavy rain to the Leeward Islands, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.The storm had top sustained winds of 35 miles per hour and was centered about 270 miles north of San Juan, Puerto Rico.Slow strengthening is forecast during the next 48 hours and the system could become a tropical or subtropical storm later Wednesday, the center said.Most weather computer models forecast the system turning to the northeast and swirling into the Atlantic Ocean over the next day or two, posing no major threat to land or U.S. energy interests in the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico.If this system strengthens into a tropical storm, it would be named Otto and become the 15th named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season.Veteran hurricane forecaster Jeff Masters said on Tuesday that he still sees a total of 19 named storms forming during this year's Atlantic season, which runs through November 30.That would it make it the third busiest season on record, Masters said.He noted, however, that 2010 had also been unusual in being a highly active season in which no major hurricanes had made landfall on the U.S. mainland.This is the second year in recorded history that there have been five or more major hurricanes in the Atlantic and we have not had a U.S. landfall, said Masters, who runs the closely watched Weather Underground ( website.The last time this happened was in 1951, he said.
(Editing by Eric Beech)
Profit taking precedes U.S. payrolls and G7
By Kevin Plumberg - OCT 8,10
HONG KONG (Reuters) – Investors took profits on Asian equities and gold while also buying back some U.S. dollars on Friday, squaring up before the latest U.S. employment report and potentially contentious international meetings about currencies.Bets against the U.S. dollar have grown significantly since September because of increased expectations the Federal Reserve will print money to buy debt, and that may limit the downside if the payrolls number is a lot lower than expected.
Still, if the Fed follows suit with the Bank of Japan and gets more aggressive about easing policy than the market anticipates, the cheap money trade of selling dollars and buying gold, emerging market equities and longer-term bonds will undoubtedly spread.Japan's Nikkei share average slipped 0.5 percent (.N225) after hitting a two-month intraday high on Thursday.The MSCI index of Asia Pacific stocks outside Japan (.MIAPJ0000PUS) edged 0.4 percent lower after closing at a 28-month high on Thursday. Declines were spread evenly across most sectors, though the technology sector underperformed for a second day.In the foreign exchange market, the euro, which has benefited from dollar weakness, was largely unchanged at $1.3917 after the currency reached an eight-month high around $1.4030 on Thursday.The rapid increase of bets on the euro means the threshold for more dollar weakness after the U.S. payrolls figure is high.Positioning could limit the degree of dollar downside, particularly against the euro. This likely means that the bar for a dollar-positive surprise on the upside is somewhat lower and a just above consensus outcome may not be a significant spark for volatility, Todd Elmer, currency strategist with Citi in Singapore, said in a note.The dollar was trading at 82.35 yen, above a 15-year low of 82.11 yen plumbed on Thursday.The outcome of the Group of Seven rich nations meeting this weekend could influence views on when Japanese officials will intervene again to pull down the yen.Japan's first intervention in six years last month sparked a heated debate globally -- what some have even called a currency war -- about what governments can do to keep their currencies from strengthening against the falling dollar.
There's speculation that, if the G7 wants a coordinated stance to put pressure on China to raise the yuan, then it becomes more difficult for Japan to intervene, said a dealer at a Japanese brokerage house.Gold prices slipped in the spot market, falling 0.2 percent to $1,330.30 an ounce. The precious metal traded in a wide range on Thursday, hitting an all-time high of $1,364.60 but then ending the session around $1.332.70.The 90-day inverse correlation between gold and the U.S. dollar is the strongest it has been all year, meaning when one falls, the other is very much likely to rise based on price action over the past three months.(Additional reporting by Hideyuki Sano in Tokyo)
World finance leaders seek currency peace
By Emily Kaiser - OCT 8,10
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – World finance leaders on Friday will try to soothe simmering currency tensions which threaten to drag on an economic recovery that is already too slow and uneven for their liking.The Group of 20 finance ministers scheduled a working breakfast on the sidelines of this weekend's International Monetary Fund and World Bank twice-yearly meetings.The smaller G7 grouping of advanced economies holds a closed-door dinner later on Friday.Neither group is expected to issue a formal statement, but G20 officials said foreign exchange matters will be discussed at both events amid concerns that countries will intentionally weaken their currencies to pursue export-led growth.China, usually at the center of the currency debate, has company this time. Officials are still leaning on Beijing to allow the yuan to rise more rapidly, but Japan's intervention last month to weaken the yen put Tokyo on the hot seat, too.The United States can also expect criticism over its seemingly benign neglect of the sinking dollar, which has led investors to chase bigger returns in emerging markets such as Brazil, driving up asset prices and inflation.What we all want is a rebalancing of the global economy and this rebalancing cannot happen without ... a change in the related value of currencies, IMF Managing Director Dominque Strauss-Kahn said on Thursday.The currency strains are symptomatic of a deeper problem: most advanced economies are not growing rapidly enough to reduce unemployment despite trillions of dollars in government stimulus spending and emergency loan guarantees.U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner may get an unpleasant reminder of that when U.S. monthly employment data is released on Friday -- right in the middle of the G20 breakfast.
Economists polled by Reuters think the report will show virtually no net growth in employment, with the jobless rate ticking up to 9.7 percent.For Geithner and most of his European counterparts, options for providing more stimulus are limited because either politics, creditors or both prevent them from amassing significantly larger piles of government debt.Until rich nations find their footing, emerging markets will be the strongest source of global growth. So far, they appear to be up to the task. The IMF expects emerging markets to grow at three times the pace of advanced economies.Those countries are clamoring for greater decision-making power at the IMF, commensurate with their growing economic prowess. This has been another thorny issue for G7 and G20 leaders who have yet to agree on how exactly to divvy up power when no one wants to relinquish their own position.The United States thinks Europe ought to give up some if its seats on the IMF executive board, while European countries have proposed a seat-sharing rotation.IMF officials are scheduled to attend Friday's G20 breakfast, and are hopeful that some progress can be made toward resolving reform issues by a G20 leaders summit in Seoul next month.(Editing by Leslie Adler)
IMF meets amid threat of currency war
by Andrew Beatty - OCT 8,10
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The specter of a damaging global currency war is set to dominate a meeting of economic powers in Washington Friday, amid bleak hopes for a deal between China, the United States and other powers.Finance ministers and central bankers from 187 countries will convene for an annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund amid warnings that beggar-thy-neighbor policies could wreck the global recovery.With the recovery still painfully slow, recent weeks have seen a range of countries from Japan to Colombia intervene to stop their currencies from rising to levels that would make exports prohibitively expensive.But the summit is set to be dominated by a long running and increasingly antagonistic dispute between the United States and Beijing -- whose weak yuan policies are accused of slowing the global recovery and hurting American jobs.While the US Congress moves toward slapping retaliatory sanctions on Chinese goods, Washington has ratcheted up the pressure by hinting that China may not be allowed a bigger say at the IMF unless the currency issue is resolved.US officials are adamant that the IMF meetings should address the need for market oriented exchange rates and a fundamental rebalancing of the global economy.On the eve of the meeting IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said there was no formal link between the two issues, but the United States was right to call for reform.I think it is right to insist on the fact that the more an emerging country will have a voice and representation in the fund, the more they have a responsibility in the stability of the system.
You can be at the center of the system, or you can be at the border of the system. But if you want to be at the center of the system... it goes with having more responsibility.China has rebuffed pressure to lift the value of the yuan, fearing it would put Chinese businesses at risk.Meanwhile European officials said a rapidly rising euro, victimized by an undervalued US dollar and Chinese yuan, could threaten eurozone recovery and vowed to press both Washington and Beijing to take action.
India warned that imbalances in the global economy have become unsustainable but called on major economies to avoid confrontation to avert a feared currency war.On Thursday Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, speaking ahead of a meeting of top economic policymakers in Washington, said that building an international consensus was the best way forward.But reaching that consensus appears to be an uphill struggle.Youssef Boutros-Ghali, who heads the International Monetary Fund's steering committee, said a quick agreement on currency exchange rates was unlikely.
When asked if action before next month's G20 summit in Seoul was feasible, Boutros-Ghali said this late in the game, no. But in the coming three to six months, yes absolutely.Some are pressing for quicker action. The IMF has warned that rich and emerging economies must dramatically change the way they trade with each other or risk throttling the recovery.In its latest economic outlook, the IMF said growth would slow more than previously expected in 2011, as the United States, Europe and Japan continue to struggle and China remains overly dependent on exports. Wading into sensitive political waters, the IMF said China must allow its currency to strengthen to boost domestic demand and reduce its reliance on exports. To the extent that a stronger Chinese currency eases this process, other surplus countries in the region could follow suit, which would facilitate the needed shift towards domestic sources of growth.As part of that rebalancing IMF members are also expected to discuss how to reform decision-making at the fund, giving more say to emerging and developing economies. Europe, seen as a major loser from the reshuffle, has been reluctant to reduce its voting share or representation on the IMF's decision-making board.European finance ministers last week agreed to review representation at the Washington-based international lender, but attached significant conditions. Of the 24 seats on the IMF's board, Europe currently holds nine and said it was willing to rotate two of those spots with emerging markets.
Currency volatility threatens growth, Trichet says By GEIR MOULSON, Associated Press Writer – Thu Oct 7, 11:44 am ET
BERLIN – Excess volatility in exchange rates poses a risk to economic stability, European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet warned Thursday, as the euro briefly topped the $1.40 mark for the first time in eight months.Trichet's comments came after the ECB left its benchmark refinancing rate at 1 percent for the 17th consecutive month and hinted at his growing unease about the pace of the euro's rise against the dollar over the past few weeks.The worry is that the euro's rapid appreciation will curb the competitiveness of European exports on international markets, with sharp movements more difficult for companies to adjust to.I would only say that, more than ever, I think that exchange rates should reflect economic fundamentals, that excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse implications for economic and financial stability, and we will have an occasion to exchange views on that, Trichet said at the ECB's post-decision news conference.He noted that central bankers and officials from major officials will have a chance to talk about currencies at their meetings in Washington D.C. in the next few days.Though Trichet said he shared the stated view of U.S. policymakers that a strong dollar is in the interests of the United States, some analysts say the U.S. is actually operating a policy of benign neglect with regard to the currency — after all, a weaker dollar is good for American exports and would help shore up the recovery.Trichet rarely says anything explicit about the euro's value so his comments generated a lot of interest among traders and currency analysts, and may have helped cap the euro's gains.By late afternoon London time, the euro was trading at $1.3933, nearly a whole cent lower than the new eight-month high of $1.4028 it hit as Trichet was speaking.
The fall in the value of the euro in the first half of the year, when the government debt crisis exploded, has been credited for boosting growth in the 16-country eurozone. In the second quarter, the eurozone grew at a quarterly rate of 1 percent, with Germany benefiting in particular from a rebound in global trade.Though cautioning about a still uncertain outlook, Trichet said the recovery should proceed at a moderate pace in the second half of this year with the underlying momentum remaining positive.He insisted the bank wasn't getting complacent.We don't declare victory, we don't say that now it's over, Trichet said. We consider that we have to remain very cautious and very prudent.Trichet said a number of Europe's banks still had to get their finances into shape and noted that the government debt crisis that nearly bankrupted Greece has not gone away. Ireland is currently in focus after another government bailout of the banking system.Despite that backdrop, the euro has returned to favor since hitting its multi-year low of $1.1878 in June.First, concerns about the pace of the U.S. recovery weighed on the dollar, followed then by mounting expectations that the Federal Reserve will announce new stimulus measures — in effect boosting the supply of money and lowering interest rates and yields of dollar assets.Pressure from the prospect of new Fed stimulus action would be partly offset if the ECB took similar action — but there are no signs that the ECB plans to do so.In fact, recent comments from a number of policymakers at the bank have suggested the opposite, especially with regard to money market operations. Trichet pointed to an ongoing decline in banks' liquidity demands as a sign of the process of normalization.But he offered no new signal on when the ECB might wind up the remaining crisis lending programs, noting that we are still in a mode of full allotment.
This apparent divergence between the Fed and the ECB could well add further impetus to the euro's advance. Trichet confirmed the impression that, unlike the Fed, the ECB will probably not relax its already very accommodative monetary policy any further,said Dr. Joerg Kraemer, chief economist at Commerzbank. The Fed-driven dollar weakness should continue to be reflected, above all, in euro strength.Earlier Thursday, the Bank of England held interest rates steady at a record low of 0.5 percent for the 19th consecutive month as it waits for a clearer picture on economic recovery.The bank also kept its 200 billion pound ($318 billion) asset-purchase program on hold — but pressure is rising for it to restart the so-called quantitative easing program to boost the money supply.AP Business Writer Pan Pylas in London contributed to this story.
Fed hawks still skeptical about more easing
By Mark Felsenthal – Thu Oct 7, 5:33 pm ET
NORFOLK, Nebraska (Reuters) – Two senior Federal Reserve officials raised concerns about further monetary easing on Thursday but only one -- one of the Fed's most consistent policy hawks -- expressed firm opposition to a move.Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas Hoenig, who has dissented against the U.S. central bank's extremely easy money policies at every meeting policy-setting meeting this year, was blunt in stating distaste for further Fed help.There is discussion in the media, and broadly speaking, even amongst Federal Reserve policy members that we need to increase our stimulus for monetary policy. Now, I happen to disagree with that, he said.Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher, also considered as among the most hawkish Fed officials, said the U.S. central bank stands to gain little by pumping more cash into the U.S. economy, and risks sending confusing signals to businesses.
However, Fisher, despite his concerns, said he remains undecided about whether to oppose another easing campaign.I am not making a final decision here, I'm just saying we have a lot to think about, said Fisher, who does not have a vote this year on monetary policy, but will be in 2011.As the U.S. recovery faltered over the summer, the Fed pivoted from anticipating a withdrawal from its extraordinary support for the economy to considering how it could supplement it to support jobs and growth.Many analysts expect the Fed to announce at its next meeting on November 2-3 that it will resume purchases of Treasury securities to drive down interest rates and spur economic activity, barring a surprising rebound in employment.
Statements from Fed officials since their last meeting on September 21 suggest a growing consensus building behind further easing, although Fisher and Hoenig have been steadfast in opposition.The Fed has already slashed overnight borrowing costs to near zero and pumped about $1.7 trillion into the economy through purchases of longer-term Treasury and mortgage-related debt to lower other interest rates.
Data on Thursday hinted at some improvement in economic conditions, but analysts said it was probably not enough to undermine support for more Fed action with the jobless rate at a lofty 9.6 percent and little prospect for pulling it down soon.
New claims for jobless benefits hit almost a three-month low last week, suggesting some let-up in the labor market's distress, and sales at U.S. retail chains last month showed unexpected strength.However, in evidence of how cautious consumers remain after the deep recession, the Fed said on Thursday that U.S. consumer credit outstanding declined for the seventh straight month in August as credit card debt continued to fall.Speaking to a business group, Hoenig said the U.S. economic recovery is proceeding modestly and he repeated his belief that the Fed should raise benchmark rates to 1 percent and hold them there to see how the expansion unfolds.
Hoenig said that although unemployment is painfully high, the Fed must also keep an eye on its mandate to maintain long-term price stability, which could be jeopardized by leaving financial conditions so accommodative.With this much liquidity in the system, if it stays there as the economy continues to improve and perhaps strengthens ... then there will be this enormous liquidity and there will be tendencies for inflationary impulses to rise, he said.Fisher, while acknowledging the recovery is subpar, reprised his argument that the responsibility to stimulate further growth lies with fiscal and regulatory authorities, not the central bank. He sees uncertainty on taxes and regulation restraining business spirits. I instinctively understand the impulse to put the monetary pedal to the metal to try to move the needle on employment growth,Fisher told the Economic Club of Minnesota.And yet the efficacy of further accommodation at this point has yet to be established.(Reporting by Mark Felsenthal; Additional reporting by Ann Saphir in Minneapolis; Editing by Jan Paschal)
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
DANIEL 11:21-23
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.
Israelis, Palestinians signal deal on settlements By JOSEF FEDERMAN, Associated Press Writer - OCT 8,10
JERUSALEM – In the clearest sign that a deal may be emerging to keep the troubled U.S. Mideast peace push alive, a top Palestinian official said Thursday that his side would accept an American proposal for Israel to curtail settlement construction for two months.Israel indicated it, too, was edging toward a compromise. The country's ambassador to Washington confirmed for the first time that the U.S. is offering incentives for Israel to extend a just-expired settlement slowdown. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also came out in favor of a contentious new loyalty oath in what appeared to be an attempt to placate hard-liners opposed to further concessions on the settlements.The settlement issue has threatened to derail peace talks just a month after they were launched at the White House.The Palestinians have threatened to walk away from the talks if Israel resumes settlement construction on lands claimed by the Palestinians for a future state.An Arab League gathering this weekend is expected to recommend support Friday for whatever the Palestinians decide. A resolution to call off the talks would be a critical setback, but diplomats are hoping for a more ambiguous statement that would leave room for compromise.With the clock ticking, U.S. mediators have been frantically trying to broker a compromise that would salvage the negotiations.
Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath told The Associated Press Thursday that the Palestinians accepted a U.S. proposal for a 60-day extension to the Israel settlement slowdown, with the idea that final borders between Israel and a Palestinian state be negotiated during that time. If borders are set, Israel could then resume construction on all territories it expects to keep, while halting construction on Palestinian lands.We accepted a moratorium for two months on condition that by the end of this period we will reach an agreement on the issue of the borders, Shaath told The Associated Press, adding that if no agreement is reached, then this moratorium should be extended.In principle, the Palestinians demand a full halt to all settlement activity, saying that continued construction on lands they claim sends a message that Israel isn't serious about negotiating peace, but Shaath signaled they are prepared to accept the partial freeze Israel maintained for 10 months before its expiration.Some 300,000 settlers already live in the West Bank, in addition to 180,000 Israelis living in Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem. The Palestinians claim both areas, with east Jerusalem as their capital.
Netanyahu has said the settlement slowdown, which expired on Sept. 26, will not be extended. With his government dominated by pro-settler hard-liners, further moves against the settlers could result in a political crisis and possibly even fracture the coalition and bring down his government.At the same time, he faces heavy pressure from the Americans to keep the negotiations afloat. In a videotaped interview posted on the Washington Post's website, Israel's ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, confirmed the U.S. has offered incentives for Israel to extend the settlement curbs.He did not elaborate, but Israeli officials have said that a package of assurances are being sought, ranging from U.S. diplomatic support at the United Nations to new military aid to backing for key Israeli positions in the peace talks.Oren said he expected a resolution within 48 hours, a timeline that roughly coincides with the Arab League meeting.In Washington, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said the Americans were counting on the 22-member Arab League to grant continued support for the new negotiations. We think that withdrawing support from the negotiations at this stage would be premature,he said.After months of U.S. shuttle diplomacy, Obama personally launched peace talks — the first in nearly two years — at the White House on Sept. 2.He hopes to broker an agreement within a year that will tackle all of the core issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: final borders, the fate of millions of Palestinian refugees whose families were displaced during the creation of Israel in 1948, and resolving the conflicting claims to Jerusalem.
Before addressing those explosive issues, though, the impasse over Jewish settlements will have to resolved. Netanyahu has been sounding out key Cabinet members in recent days on extending the settlement restrictions, which halted new housing starts while allowing pre-existing construction to continue. But he has run into stiff opposition from pro-settlement ministers.In a move that appeared to be aimed at placating the hard-liners, Netanyahu said Thursday he would hold a Cabinet vote next week on a contentious citizenship bill.The bill would amend a loyalty oath for non-Jewish immigrants applying for citizenship to describe Israel as Jewish and democratic. While largely symbolic, the nationalistic language has angered the Palestinians and Israel's own Arab minority. Among the main backers of the measure is Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who opposes extending the settlement slowdown. Cabinet approval of the declaration on Sunday might win a softening in his position on settlements. Allies of Lieberman, himself a West Bank settler, denied a deal was made.Netanyahu said the measure is meant to underline Israel's insistence that in the negotiations, the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state. There is a very big struggle today to abolish, to blur, the state of Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people, Netanyahu said Thursday during a visit to the central Israeli city of Lod.The Palestinians refuse to declare Israel a Jewish state for two reasons: They feel it would undermine the status of Israeli Arabs and would undercut the claims of Palestinian refugees.Ahmed Tibi, an Arab lawmaker in the Israeli parliament, called the proposal unacceptable.The international community should say no to this,he said.The Arab states should ... demand from Israel that any agreement with Israel should include total equal rights for the Arab citizens of the state of Israel.
8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood:(bitter,Poisoned) and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.(poisoned)
3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.(enviromentalists won't like this result)
4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.
6 For they(False World Church and Dictator) have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.
Toxic red sludge reaches the Danube River By GEORGE JAHN, Associated Press Writer - OCT 8,10
KOLONTAR, Hungary – Red sludge flowed into the Danube River on Thursday, threatening a half-dozen nations along one of Europe's key waterways. Monitors took samples every few hour to measure damage from the toxic spill and emergency officials declared one Hungarian tributary dead.As cleanup crews gathered deer carcasses and other wildlife from the villages in southwestern Hungary flooded by the industrial waste, environmental groups warned of long-term damage to the farming region's topsoil.Conflicting information swirled about the dangers posed by the ankle-deep muck coating the most seriously hit areas after the collapse of a waste-storage reservoir at a nearby alumina plant Monday.The Hungarian Academy of Sciences maintained that while the material was a continued hazard, its heavy metal concentrations were not considered dangerous to the environment.The academy can say whatever it wants, fumed Barbara Szalai Szita, who lives in Devecser, one of the hardest-hit villages. All I know is that if I spend 30 minutes outside I get a foul taste in my mouth and my tongue feels strange.Hungary's environment minister, Zoltan Illes, said the henna-colored sludge covering a 16-square-mile swathe of countryside does have a high content of heavy metals, some of which can cause cancer. He warned of possible environmental hazards, particularly if it were to enter the groundwater system.
With rain giving way to dry, warmer weather over the past two days, the caustic mud is increasingly turning to airborne dust, which can cause respiratory problems, Illes added.If that would dry out then ... wind can blow ... that heavy metal contamination through the respiratory system, he said.Amid the conflicting reports, officials had one piece of encouraging news: The mighty Danube was apparently absorbing the slurry with little immediate harm beyond sporadic sightings of dead fish.The red sludge, a waste product of aluminum production, reached the western branch of the Danube early Thursday and was flowing into its broad main stretch by noon. By evening, it was moving southward toward Serbia and Romania.At monitoring stations in Croatia, Serbia and Romania, officials were taking river samples every few hours, though experts hoped the river's huge water volume would blunt the impact of the spill.Hungarian rescue agency spokesman Tibor Dobson said the pH content of the sludge entering the Danube had been reduced to the point where it was unlikely to cause further environmental damage. The waste, which had tested at a highly alkaline pH level of 13 soon after the spill — similar to lye or bleach — was under 10 by Thursday.A neutral pH level for water is 7, with normal readings ranging from 6.5 to 8.5. Each pH number is 10 times the previous level, so a pH of 13 is 1,000 times more alkaline than a pH of 10.The tributaries feeding the Danube from the area around the spill were not so fortunate. The Marcal River, stained ochre and devoid of fish and other aquatic life, was declared a dead zone.Life in the Marcal River has been extinguished, Dobson said of the waterway, which is fed by streams around the accident site and carried the waste into the Raba River, which then flows into the Danube.He said emergency crews were pouring plaster and acetic acid — vinegar — into the area where the Raba and Danube meet to lower the sludge's pH value.The main effort is now being concentrated on the Raba and the Danube, he said. That's what has to be saved.An AP television crew watching cleanup efforts at the confluence of the Raba and the Danube said neither river showed visible signs of pollution.
An environmental group that monitors threats to the Danube said the breached reservoir was on a 2006 watch list of some 100 industrial sites that were at risk for accidents that could contaminate the 1,775-mile-long river. The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River coordinates conservation efforts in the nations bordering the waterway and its tributaries. Prime Minister Viktor Orban, visiting the village of Kolontar, where homes and fields were coated with sludge, described the reservoir break as a disaster unprecedented in Hungary.If this had happened at night then everyone here would have died,he told the MTI news agency. This is so irresponsible that it is impossible to find words.Soldiers, emergency workers and volunteers dressed in mud-splattered protective gear kept shoveling out the muck Thursday, a process officials said could take months. The long-term effects on the agricultural region were devastating, officials said. Some 2,000 acres of topsoil will have to be dug up and replaced because the highly alkaline sludge had killed off all the nutrients and organisms needed to keep the soil healthy, according to Illes, the environment minister.It is still not known what caused a section of the reservoir to collapse, unleashing a torrent of some 35 million cubic feet (1 million cubic meters) of sludge that killed at least four people and left three missing. More than 150 people were treated for burns and other injuries, and 11 remained in serious condition Thursday.However, meteorologists at suggested unusually high precipitation might have been a factor, saying spring and summer rainfall in areas of central Europe from Poland to southern Hungary was more than 200 percent above normal.The walls holding back the sludge may have been weakened by the rain, contributing to the breach that released the spill, the agency said.MAL Rt., the Hungarian Aluminum Production and Trade Company, which owns the Ajkai Timfoldgyar plant where the spill occurred, has rejected criticism it should have taken more precautions at the reservoir.
However, Hungary's National Investigation Office, which is investigating the spill, said it planned to look into whether on-the-job carelessness was a factor. The huge reservoir, more than 1,000 feet (300 meters) long and 1,500 feet (450 meters) wide, was no longer leaking by Thursday and a triple-tiered protective wall was being built around its damaged section. Guards were posted to give an early warning in case of any new emergency.That did not calm the fears of villagers who lived through the disaster, many of whom said they planned to leave.Etel Stampf was in her backyard when the first waves of the flood hit her home in Kolontar. She climbed on the roof of her pigsty to survive, but the flooding was so high that one of her legs was badly burned as it dangled in the caustic water.If I don't die now, I never will, the 76-year-old woman recalled thinking as she clung to the fragile structure.
We worked so hard for years to have something for ourselves and now it's all gone, Stampf said. I don't want to stay here. Ten years from now there will be nothing left of this town.Associated Press writers Pablo Gorondi in Budapest and Alison Mutler in Bucharest, Romania, contributed to this report.
Canada frets about winning Security Council seat
By David Ljunggren – Thu Oct 7, 2:41 pm ET
OTTAWA (Reuters) – The Canadian government is sounding nervous ahead of a key vote to decide who gets a seat on the United Nations Security Council -- a prize Canada would have once taken for granted but which is now in some doubt.In a sign of the strain, Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon took time out of a routine speech to overseas ambassadors on Wednesday to lash the leader of the main opposition Liberal Party for not supporting Canada's Security Council bid.The United Nations decides next Tuesday which two from Canada, Germany and Portugal will get a two-year temporary seat on the powerful 15-seat council. Germany looks set to succeed, leaving Canada and Portugal in a race for one position.Canada competes for a seat once every decade and has always succeeded. Failure would be a blow for a country that has long prided itself as being one of the U.N.'s biggest backers.Yet, since Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper took power in 2006, Ottawa has adopted policies that have irritated some countries -- notably in the Middle East and Africa -- that could normally be relied on to vote for Canada.Harper has in the past shown ambivalence toward the United Nations and diplomats say Canada's effort to win a seat this time started later than usual and expended fewer resources.Many diplomats predict Canada will win by a narrow margin but stress that this is not guaranteed.Cannon told the foreign ambassadors that Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff has shown himself to be unable to put the interests of his country above the interests of his party. Ignatieff questions whether Canada under Harper has done enough to deserve a Security Council seat.
The Liberals narrowly trail the Conservatives ahead of an election expected next April or May.We're getting close to the vote and they are clearly feeling the heat. The speech was designed to cover their backs so, if they don't win, they can blame Ignatieff,one person who had been in the room told Reuters on Thursday.Another foreign representative said: I cannot believe Lawrence Cannon would stoop so low.The government remained unrepentant, saying Ignatieff had done great damage.It gives the opportunity for over 100 heads of mission to write back to their countries saying Canada is divided within on its bid for the Security Council ... that's valuable information for our opponents,a government official said.Last year, Harper skipped the chance to address the U.N. General Assembly, preferring instead to attend a domestic political event at a doughnut shop. This year he spoke to the assembly and urged members to vote for Canada.Harper has tilted policy strongly toward Israel and cut bilateral aid to poor African nations. The number of Canadian troops serving on U.N. peacekeeping missions has plummeted.Former Canadian U.N. Ambassador Paul Heinbecker accuses Harper of exploiting foreign affairs for partisan purposes, saying the bid to gain a seat seems to be more motivated by a fear of being the first government to fail to do so.
Fen Hampson, an international affairs professor at Ottawa's Carleton University, said Cannon's comments were linked to the election and noted that Portugal was financially strapped.We continue to be a major contributor to the United Nations ... (nations) will be saying What are we going to get from Portugal versus Canada? and We're probably going to get a lot more from Canada than we do from Portugal,he said.
(Reporting by David Ljunggren; editing by Peter Galloway)
EZEKIEL 38:1-12
1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog,(RULER) the land of Magog,(RUSSIA) the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW)and Tubal,(TOBOLSK) and prophesy against him,
3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW) and Tubal:
4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws,(GOD FORCES THE RUSSIA-MUSLIMS TO MARCH) and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
5 Persia,(IRAN,IRAQ) Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
6 Gomer,(GERMANY) and all his bands; the house of Togarmah (TURKEY)of the north quarters, and all his bands:(SUDAN,AFRICA) and many people with thee.
7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.
8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.(RUSSIA-EGYPT AND MUSLIMS)
10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:
11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
PSALMS 83:3-7
3 They (ARABS,MUSLIMS) have taken crafty counsel against thy people,(ISRAEL) and consulted against thy hidden ones.
4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
5 For they (MUSLIMS) have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:(TREATIES)
6 The tabernacles of Edom,(JORDAN) and the Ishmaelites;(ARABS) of Moab, PALESTINIANS,JORDAN) and the Hagarenes;(EGYPT)
7 Gebal,(HEZZBALLOH,LEBANON) and Ammon,(JORDAN) and Amalek;(SYRIA,ARABS,SINAI) the Philistines (PALESTINIANS) with the inhabitants of Tyre;(LEBANON)
DANIEL 11:40-43
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south( EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) and the king of the north (RUSSIA AND MUSLIM HORDES OF EZEK 38+39) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.(JORDAN)
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
EZEKIEL 39:1-8
1 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog,(LEADER OF RUSSIA) and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech (MOSCOW) and Tubal: (TUBOLSK)
2 And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts,(RUSSIA) and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:
3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands,( ARABS) and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
5 Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.
6 And I will send a fire on Magog,(NUCLEAR BOMB) and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.
7 So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.
8 Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I have spoken.
JOEL 2:3,20,30-31
3 A fire(NUCLEAR BOMB) devoureth before them;(RUSSIA-ARABS) and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army,(RUSSIA,MUSLIMS) and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things.(SIBERIAN DESERT)
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.(NUCLEAR BOMB)
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
France's constitutional watchdog endorses veil ban By PIERRE-ANTOINE SOUCHARD, Associated Press Writer – Thu Oct 7, 1:38 pm ET
PARIS – France's constitutional watchdog on Thursday endorsed a divisive law forbidding face-covering Islamic veils anywhere in public, but expressed concern about applying it in places of worship such as a mosque.The decision of the Constitutional Council removes a key hurdle for the law, overwhelmingly approved in both houses of parliament last month, despite concerns from some Muslims that it will further stigmatize France's No. 2 religion.The law, the first of its kind in western Europe, forbids veils such as the niqab or burqa anywhere in public and imposes a euro150 fine ($210) on anyone wearing one — and a euro30,000 ($41,700) fine on anyone who forces a woman to wear one. Only some 2,000 women in France are estimated to wear such veils, but proponents see the law as a symbolic defense of French values such as women's rights and secularism.While the bill was still in discussion stages earlier this year, the council warned that a blanket ban on all veils in the streets of France might not past constitutional muster.But after reviewing the law, the council said in a ruling Thursday that the law forbidding concealing the face in public conforms to the Constitution.It expressed one reservation: Nevertheless, the ban on hiding the face in public should not ... restrict the exercise of religious freedom in places of worship open to the public. It did not directly say that the law couldn't be applied in mosques, but suggested that doing so could be constitutionally objectionable.Lawmakers from left and right asked the council to rule on its constitutionality in an attempt to head off any legal challenges over arguments that it tramples on religious and other freedoms.
The bill was born after President Nicolas Sarkozy said last year that the burqa is not welcome in France. However, it is worded carefully, and the words women, Muslim and veil are not even mentioned in any of its seven articles.Opponents have said they could take the law to the European Court of Human Rights.Muslim leaders concur that Islam does not require a woman to hide her face. However, they have voiced concerns that a law forbidding them to do so will stigmatize the French Muslim population, which at an estimated 5 million is the largest in western Europe.
- DAN 1:1 - DAN 3:30 VBV - 1 JVI
- DAN 4:1 - DAN 6:28 VBV - 2 JVI
- DAN 7:1 - DAN 9:27 VBV - 3 JVI
- DAN 10:1 - 12:13 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 1 - REV 4:6 VBV - 1 JVI
- REV 4:9 - REV 9:21 VBV - 2 JVI
- REV 10:1 - REV 14:1 VBV - 3 JVI
- REV 14:2 - REV 18:24 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 19:1 - REV 22:21 VBV - 5 JVI
Friday, October 08, 2010