Feds Treat Baby-Snatch Protesters Like Terrorists - FBI brings bomb dogs to hospital demonstration in effort to smear dissent against state kidnapping of children on political grounds as domestic extremism Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, October 11, 2010
UPDATE: Today we have learned that the New Hampshire DCYF is preventing Jonathon Irish and the baby’s mother Stephanie from even seeing their child at all. This is clearly a violation of basic visitation rights. Authorities cite security threats as the reason for blocking visitation, without explaining what those threats are. Irish, his wife Stephanie and Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes will appear on The Alex Jones Show today. We will also be posting the full affidavit with personal information blacked out later today.In an effort to chill free speech and smear those who dare to stand up for their constitutional rights as terrorists, the FBI sent bomb-sniffing dogs into Concord Hospital New Hampshire on Friday to coincide with a protest against the snatching of a baby by the DCYF, which was partly justified on the basis that father Jonathon Irish was affiliated with the Oath Keepers organization and owned guns.The court-ratified affidavit used to rip newly born Cheyenne Taylor from her mother’s arms, which was confirmed on Saturday by the Union Leader, cites Irish’s association with the Oath Keepers, a peaceful group of current and former police and military professionals committed to disobeying unconstitutional orders, and also Irish’s ownership of guns, as two justifications to take the baby.The affidavit in support of the decision to take the child states, The Division became aware and confirmed that Mr. Irish associated with a militia known as the Oath Keepers and had purchased several different types of weapons, including a rifle, handgun and taser,confirming that political beliefs were, amongst other reasons, one of the primary factors behind the snatching of the baby.
In reaction to the controversy, half a dozen people gathered to show their support for Jonathon Irish and Stephanie Taylor at a demonstration on Friday at the hospital.
Despite there being no threat, no warning and no genuine purpose, FBI bomb-sniffing dogs were at Concord Hospital on Friday after demonstrators gathered to protest a newborn being removed from her mother’s care by the state,reports WMUR 9 News.The hospital said there was no threat made….The FBI left the hospital without finding anything threatening,adds the report.In other words, the feds wanted local news to report on the bomb sniffing dogs in order for the public to make a connection between the demonstrators and violent terrorists, while also attempting to legitimize the seizure of the baby in the first place by creating contrived paranoia and suggesting that a protest involving less than a dozen people was a genuine terror threat.By manufacturing a non-existent bomb threat, the feds were keen to send a message that people who oppose the lucrative government child abduction racket, where babies are seized in return for massive cash incentives and the children sold on to transnational corporations like Dyncorp and Halliburton who run sex slave rings, are domestic extremists.According to innumerable federal and state reports, the American people are now considered to be the number one terror threat. Anyone who exercises their rights from whatever political persuasion is now considered a domestic extremist. The State Department now officially defines protest as low-level terrorism. In addition, the Southern Poverty Law Center is now working with the DHS, ensuring that people who express political opinions deemed extremist by the SPLC are being directly fingered and targeted as terrorists.
The key aspect to this story is not whether Irish’s past behavior justified the state taking the baby. CPS and other child snatching agencies are notorious for inventing and exaggerating evidence as a means of taking children, because they get paid tens of thousands of dollars for each kid snatched.The issue is that the court ratified the DCYW report which directly stated that Irish’s political views and his ownership of guns were two good reasons for taking the baby. We now have CPS agencies acting as political officers, persecuting people for their political views by seizing their children.We saw another example of this when activist Barry Cooper lost custody of his 7-year-old son because he taught the boy to mistrust the government, an action that deemed Cooper and his wife Candi to be unsuitable parents,according to charges leveled by police officers in CPS documents.On page five of the CPS case report, police level the shocking claim that the Coopers are unsuitable parents because they teach their children the government is out to harm them.The fact that the government is oppressing its political opposition by seizing their children is and always has been the key aspect to the Irish story.In a related development, despite the fact that stealing babies on the pretext of the political beliefs of the parents is a hallmark of brutal dictatorships like North Korea, eugenics-loving leftist websites like Wonkette found only sardonic humor in the story.Presumably, Wonkette wouldn’t have found a newborn baby being ripped from its mother’s arms funny if the government had cited anti-war beliefs as one of the reasons for seizing a baby from liberal parents, but when it happens to a right-winger,it’s hilarious.Wonkette finds it absolutely hilarious that anyone might be alarmed that political associations (with a group whose greatest sin is a refusal on the part of its members who are agents of the U.S. government to enforce unconstitutional orders) and weapons possession might be among the reasons listed for the state taking custody of a child from its parents,writes Reason’s Brian Doherty.The author and commenters goes on with some incredibly mean-spirited class-based mockery that is actually kind of extraordinary–especially in the monolithic ability of people to laugh at baby snatching as long as it occurs to those kind of people. We don’t like those kind of people. There is even an incredibly un-self-aware, head-up-the-ass comment asking the angry right-wing populists to do a racial inversion on the situation (the parents are white)–not wondering for a minute how funny Wonkette Assembled would find all the assumed language, class, and diet mockery in the thread in the case of such an inversion.
Warning to Glenn Beck: Don’t Drink Diet Coke
Kurt Nimmo October 11, 2010
UPDATE: We are receiving reports that while Glenn Beck was out of town for medical treatment, his fill in host made a sardonic joke about the health dangers of drinking coca-cola. To remind everyone that this is a serious issue and not a joke – here’s Glenn Beck’s own Fox News reporting on how aspartame has been linked to a wide range of cancers in studies involving rats.,2933,176258,00.html
On Friday, Glenn Beck announced on his radio show that he will be taking a brief leave of absence for medical reasons. There is something wrong with my voice, and we’re not sure what it is,Beck said, according to a transcript on his website. They’re going to be doing CAT scans and MREs or MRIs and PET scans and they’re going to be doing blood work like crazy.As a Mormon, Beck is forbidden to drink coffee, but he drinks a large amount of Diet Coke.In July, the Fox News host admitted that he is suffering from macular dystrophy, an eye disorder that causes vision loss. Yes, I have a problem with my eyes, Beck told an audience of 6,000 in Salt Lake City. A couple of weeks ago, I went to the doctor because I can’t focus my eyes … So I went to the best doctor I could find… he did all kinds of tests, and he said I have macular dystrophy.Glenn Beck may not know it, but it is almost certain he is another victim of Rumsfeld Plague. On September 29, the New York Times published a long article about Beck. His Mormonism forbids coffee, but he consumes a lot of Diet Coke and chocolate, writes Mark Leibovich.Coca-Cola began putting the sugar substitute aspartame in Diet Coke in 1982. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death.
In 1999, the Independent on Sunday discovered that the maker of aspartame, Monsanto, uses genetically engineered bacteria to produce the sweetener at its U.S. production plants. Aspartame is made by combining phenylalanine, which is naturally produced by bacteria, with another amino acid. To make the bacteria produce more phenylalanine, Monsanto has genetically engineered them. Increasingly, chemical companies are using genetically engineered bacteria in their manufacturing process without telling the public,said Dr. Erik Millstone, of the Science Policy Research Unit at Sussex University, and a member of the National Food Alliance, told the newspaper.Here’s what Glenn Beck needs to know — aspartame is linked to blindness. It is made up of 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid and 10% methyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol inevitably affects vision. Back when the government imposed prohibition on the country, thousands of people went blind due to the use of wood alcohol/methanol in spirits.The late Dr. Morgan Raiford, a specialist in methanol toxicity, warned about the danger of blindness associated with the consumption of aspartame. This product [NutraSweet] has some highly toxic reactions in the human visual pathway and we are beginning to observe the tragic damage to the optic nerve, such as blindness, partial to total optic nerve atrophy. Once this destructive process has developed there is no return of visual restoration,Raiford wrote in an aspartame factsheet. When this drug enters the digestive tract, largely the upper portion [the] aspartame molecule spins off a by product known as methanol or methyl-alcohol.Methanol is an extremely powerful neurotoxin. It can produce blindness, it can produce cellular destruction in the brain and spinal cord in particular the optic nerves that has to do with our vision,the neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock explained during a radio interview. In his book, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life, Dr. Blaylock discusses a study explaining why diabetics who drink large amounts of aspartame drinks are more likely to go blind. Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness.In addition to blindness, a report produced by the Department of Health and Human Services lists over 90 symptoms related to aspartame, including: migraine headaches, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain. The following chronic illnesses are triggered or worsened by ingesting aspartame: Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.
It is now estimated that over 6,000 food and drink products worldwide contain aspartame. You might be surprised to learn about some of the foods you consume that contain aspartame. Besides the obvious products like diet sodas, there are many brands of chewing gum that contain aspartame. Most non-fat diet foods contain an amount of aspartame and the same goes for most sugar-free candy, reports the FoodFacts website. Many brands of cereal, ice cream, yogurt, iced tea, powdered power drinks, nutritional bars, pudding, vegetable drinks, and many more food products contain aspartame.In addition to neurologic, psychologic, eye, endocrine, and metabolic problems associated with aspartame consumption, there is another problem — addiction. Persons consuming large amounts not only may suffer aspartame disease, but also have difficulty stopping them because of violent and prolonged withdrawal reactions… the hallmark of addiction, writes H. J. Roberts, M.D., of St. Mary’s Hospital and Good Samaritan Hospital in West Palm Beach. Recovered alcoholic patients repeatedly stated that they felt worse after avoiding aspartame than alcohol, and asserted that they had traded one addiction for another.It is dangerous to kick aspartame addiction cold turkey. Doctors and nutritionists recommend a 30 day regime of slowly eliminating the toxin from the body.Earlier this year, Glenn Beck talked about eugenics on his show, but he only scratched the surface. There is a mountain of evidence confirming that the globalists are cynical eugenicists. They are now using food as a soft kill weapon to reduce the population of the planet.
People the world over, but especially in the United States are under chemical attack, Alex Jones and Aaron Dykes wrote in July. Deadly and dangerous toxins ranging from aspartame to fluoride, GMO, mercury-tainting, pesticides, cross-species chimeras, plastic compounds in chicken, high fructose corn syrup, cloned meat, rBGH and new aggressive GM species of salmon have all entered into our diets and environments — whether we want it or not.
DANIEL 7:23-25
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast (EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADING BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings(10 NATIONS) that shall arise: and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.( BE HEAD OF 3 NATIONS)
25 And he (EU PRESIDENT) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.(3 1/2 YRS)
DANIEL 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king (EU DICTATOR) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,(FROM THE OCCULT) shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power:(SATANS POWER) and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;(JESUS) but he shall be broken without hand.
DANIEL 11:36-39
36 And the king (EU DICTATOR) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS JEWISH) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.(CLAIM TO BE GOD)
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(WAR) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god,(DESTROY TERROR GROUPS) whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
19 And I saw the beast,(EU LEADER) and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse,(JESUS) and against his army.(THE RAPTURED CHRISTIANS)
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.(JERUSALEM-ISRAEL)
France can't rule out UN creation of Palestinian state
– Sun Oct 10, 7:01 am ET
RAMALLAH, Palestinian Territories (AFP) – French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the option of the UN Security Council creating a Palestinian state cannot be ruled out, in an interview published Sunday.Kouchner told the Palestinian newspaper Al-Ayyam that France preferred a two-state solution to be negotiated with Israel, but said appealing to the Security Council to resolve the conflict remained a possibility.We want to be able to soon welcome the state of Palestine to the United Nations. This is the hope and the desire of the international community, and the sooner that can happen the better, he said.The international community cannot be satisfied with a prolonged deadlock. I therefore believe that one cannot rule out in principle the Security Council option, he said.But the establishment of the Palestinian state must come as a result of the peace process and be the fruit of bilateral negotiations.Kouchner, who was to meet with Israeli officials on Sunday at the start of a two-day visit to the region with Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, said the European Union, the largest donor to the Palestinian Authority, should play a more prominent role in the peace process.Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas told Arab foreign ministers over the weekend that he would consider alternative options, including appealing to the Security Council, if peace talks remained stalled over Israeli settlements.Israel has refused Palestinian and international demands to extend a 10-month moratorium on new settler homes that expired last month despite Abbas vowing that there will be no further talks until settlement activity halts.As a permanent member of the Security Council France, like the United States, Britain, Russia and China, would be able to veto any measure calling for recognition of a Palestinian state in territories occupied in 1967.
Report: Abbas Wants UN Forces in Jerusalem
by Maayana Miskin OCT 10,10 10-10-10
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas delivered a vitriol-laden speech to the Arab League on Saturday in which he attacked Israel for Judaizing Jerusalem, according to the PA-based Wafa news service. Abbas called to involve the world in forcing Israel to split the city.The PA and the Arab League have demanded that all parts of Jerusalem east of the 1949 armistice line - including those that are historically Jewish, and including the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site - be turned over to the PA as the capital of a new Arab state in Judea and Samaria.Abbas told Arab leaders that Israel is carrying out ethnic cleansing in the city, and that Israeli policy poses a danger to Muslim and Christian holy places. He also accused Israel of doing damage to the Al-Aksa Mosque, and concluded that Israel is attempting to destroy the peace process.He proposed that Arab leaders turn to the United Nations to get a condemnation of Israeli activities in Jerusalem, and to force a stop to Jewish growth in the capital. Among the things Abbas hopes to see condemned are the construction of new homes for Jews in northern, eastern, and southern Jerusalem, and the destruction of Arab homes built without a permit.In addition, Abbas called for international observers to come stop the Judaization process.Other steps he proposed were: gathering widespread Arab and Islamic support for PA demands regarding Jerusalem, creating a plan for international Arab support for the city, and an increase in financial aid to the PA.(
Large Police Exercise in Jerusalem Area Tuesday
by Gil Ronen OCT 10,10
The Israel Police will hold a large scale drill Tuesday in the Jerusalem District. The drill will begin in the early morning hours and continue until late Tuesday night. It will also encompass the roads leading to Jerusalem, the capital's suburbs, and parts of Judea and Samaria.Code named Yellow Spring, the exercise will be led by the police's Southern District under the command of Major General Aharon Franco, and the Judea and Samaria District under Major General Haggai Dotan.Security forces spokesmen tersely said the exercise will involve a variety of scenarios based on a possible intelligence picture. The purpose of the drill is to rehearse the operational readiness of the police and rescue forces that will be take part in the drill alongside the IDF's Central Command, and the handling of various scenarios and extreme events.Thousands of police, Border Police, special forces, rescue workers and IDF soldiers will participate in the exercise, as will security officers for various civilian facilities in the cities. The Police's Operations Wing will compile and distribute the lessons learned from the exercise. Residents of the Jerusalem region and parts of Judea and Samaria can expect to see a robust presence of security forces on the roads, and traffic jams may result, although the police say they will make every effort not to disrupt people's lives too much. The public is requested to exhibit alertness and be tolerant.(
IMF chief warns on currency dangers
08.10.2010 @ 09:28 CET
Global economic co-operation is falling apart, IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned at the IMF's annual conference in Washington. Many do consider their currency a weapon. That is not good for the global economy, he said according to the Daily Telegraph.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM +0.15
10:00 AM +1.09
10:30 AM +18.61
11:00 AM -1.90
11:30 AM +5.97
12:00 PM +6.62
12:30 PM +11.35
01:00 PM +11.69
01:30 PM +12.82
02:00 PM +14.22
02:30 PM +16.31
03:00 PM +3.86
03:30 PM -7.31
04:00 PM +2.11 11,008.59
S&P 500 1165.04 -0.11
NASDAQ 2402.33 +0.42
GOLD 1,354.20 +9.00
OIL 81.93 -0.73
Dow +16 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -11 points at low today.
Dow +24 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,344.30.OIL opens at $82.12 today.
Dow -29 points at low today so far.
Dow +24 points at high today so far.
Dow -29 points at low today.
Dow +24 points at high today.
Gold Rises as Bankster Currency War Gains Momentum
Kurt Nimmo October 11, 2010
Globalist loan sharks feign worry. Unemployment is so bad in the United States, the government is thinking about slapping tariffs on cheap Chinese slave labor products.
China is a lead player in the so-called currency war now underway. It has kept the value of its currency low in order to game the system and gain trade advantages. China refuses to follow the rules and this concerns the loan shark boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Little Timmy Geithner, the latest Wall Street and Federal Reserve insider to run our Treasury.Currency war — just another bankster tool. It is designed to create financial bubbles and wreck national economies.The United States believes that global rebalancing is not progressing as well as needed to avoid threats to the global economic recovery,said Little Tim.Our initial achievements are at risk of being undermined by the limited extent of progress toward more domestic demand-led growth in countries running external surpluses and by the extent of foreign exchange intervention as countries with undervalued currencies lean against appreciation.China’s authoritarian leadership does not take kindly to the IMF and Little Tim bossing it around. Zhou Xiaochuan, China’s central bank governor, told their counterparts in the United States that China has no intention of devaluing its currency. Beijing was committed to gradualism rather than shock therapy when it came to the revaluation of its currency, explained Xiaochuan.On Monday, the beleaguered U.S. dollar hit a new 15-year low against the yen after meetings of the IMF and G7 finance ministers failed to put the brakes on the currency war now underway. The dollar weakened against a basket of currencies and fell as low as 81.37 yen, before recovering to 81.99. The dollar also traded near an eight-month low against the euro on speculation the Federal Reserve will buy government debt with more funny money.
Friday’s bad news on employment raised the specter of more quantitative easing — creating money out of thin air — and devastating inflation that inevitably occurs when the money supply is artificially expanded.It was good news for gold. The precious metal climbed for a second day. Gold for immediate delivery rose $2.14, or 0.2 percent, to $1,348.88 an ounce while silver advanced 0.3 percent. Dundee Capital Markets said the primary catalysts for its continued bullish gold price outlook are hyper monetary and fiscal reflation, in other words central banksters creating money out of thin air.People interested in protecting their wealth from the engineered ravages of the Federal Reserve and the central banksters are flocking to gold. Most countries want a weaker currency and their attempts to get there are good for all kinds of real assets including gold, Matthew Turner, an analyst at Mitsubishi Corp. in London, told Bloomberg. Just talk of currency wars is going to prompt people to diversify away from paper assets.Strauss-Kahn said that we face the risk of a lost generation if employment does not turn around soon. When you lose your job, your health is likely to be worse. When you lose your job, the education of your children is likely to be worse. When you lose your job, social stability is likely to be worse — which threatens democracy and even peace. So we shouldn’t fool ourselves. We are not out of the woods yet. And for the man in the street, a recovery without jobs doesn’t mean much,said Strauss-Kahn.In 2009, as storm trooper police were unleashed on G20 protesters in Pittsburgh, the IMF was anointed as the globalist central bank. The IMF issues its own funny money, known as SDRs, or Special Drawing Rights. The SDR is a synthetic currency originally created by the IMF to replace gold and silver in large international transactions. It was proposed that it be used as a substitute global reserve currency while the U.S. figures out how to pay international banksters and foreigners who hold U.S. debt.
During the G20, plans were announced for implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the dollar’s role as the world reserve currency. Point 19 of the communiqué released by the G20 at the end of the Summit stated, We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity.Ultimately, what this implies is that the future of the global political economy is one of increasing moves toward a global system of governance, or a world government, with a world central bank and global currency,writes Andrew Gavin Marshall. The concerted push for world government will ultimately result in a decline in democracy around the world, and thus, a rise in authoritarianism. What we are witnessing is the creation of a New World Order, composed of a totalitarian global government structure.Strauss-Kahn’s lost generation is not happenstance or the unfortunate result of the fumbling of clueless economic managers, as much of the corporate media would have us believe. It is part of the plan to crash national economies and foment social chaos of the sort the globalists will exploit in order to sell their agenda to a desperate public.Henry Kissinger admitted as much. He said after the banksters are finished, the people will come crawling to them and plead to be enslaved.
Stocks up as Fed easing view grows By Vikram S.Subhedar – Mon Oct 11, 3:07 am ET
HONG KONG (Reuters) – The dollar slid to a 15-year low against the yen and Asian stocks rose on Monday as U.S. jobs data boosted the chances of easier U.S. monetary policy and IMF and G7 meetings produced little to ease global currency tension.
Major European stocks opened slightly higher, mirroring gains in Asia and on Wall Street with the FTSEEurofirst 300 (.FTEU3) rising 0.2 percent in early trade to 1,072.60.Finance leaders meeting over the weekend in Washington produced no quick fix for global economic imbalances, suggesting the cheap money trade of selling dollars to buy emerging market assets and commodities looks set to continue for now.
That was further spurred by weaker-than-expected jobs data in the United States on Friday that raised the chances the Federal Reserve would inject fresh funds into the economy as soon as its November 2-3 meeting.At the end of the day we are going to have QE2 one way or the other and we are going to have currency rebalancing. The question is how to play this now,said Geoff Howie, sales and markets strategist at MF Global in Singapore, referring to a second round of quantitative easing.One group that stands to benefit is commodities that stand to gain on the back of rapid growth in developing Asian economies as well as persistent dollar weakness.Metals rallied with London copper hitting a fresh 27-month peak while Shanghai zinc futures rose 5 percent to its upside limit of 18.875 yuan a metric ton.The dollar weakened broadly against a basket of currencies (.DXY) and against the yen fell as far as 81.37 yen, its lowest level in 15 years. It later recovered to 81.99.Although Japan is closed for a national holiday on Monday, the dollar's slide put markets on alert for potential intervention by the Bank of Japan, especially since the G7 and the IMF didn't produce any overt criticism of Tokyo's yen selling.But with the yen already trading above the levels at which the BOJ intervened last month and the dollar's persistent weakness, any impact from intervention may be short-lived.Corporate Japan is just going to have to wake up and deal with a yen at or around 80. No amount of intervention is going to make much difference, said Howie.The MSCI Asia ex-Japan stock index (.MIAPJ0000PUS) rose 0.6 percent on expectations that a flood of investment funds into emerging markets would continue.Hong Kong shares (.HSI) hit a more than 2-year peak, breaking out of a trading range that has held since November 2009 and leading a broad rally in Asian markets.
Chicago corn jumped 8.5 percent for its biggest gain in 28 years, boosted by a U.S. government forecast that supplies in the world's top exporter would shrink to their lowest in 14 years.Chicago Board of Trade December corn futures surged as much as 45 cents to hit a high of $5.73- a bushel, the highest since September 24, 2008, and trading limit up for the second straight day.The Australian dollar pulled back slightly after coming close to testing a 28-year high of $0.9918 against the U.S. dollar, while shares (.AXJO) rose to five-month highs as the country emerges as a clear winner in the investment shift to higher yields and commodities.Precious metals extended their gains with spot silver hitting a 30-year high and gold rising 0.4 percent to edge back toward a record high reached on Thursday of $1,364.60 an ounce. Emerging powers won a battle on Saturday for heightened IMF scrutiny of rich countries' economic policies as world financial leaders sought to defuse mounting tension over currencies. Investors will get earnings reports this week from bellwether U.S. corporations including Google (GOOG.O), GE (GE.N) and JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), although the short-term direction of stocks is likely to be dominated by the possibility of more cheap money flowing in the from the Fed.(Additional reporting by Koh Gui Qing in Sydney and Jungyoun Park in Seoul; Editing by Robert Birsel)
Currency Wars?
By Chuck Butler
10/07/10 St. Louis, Missouri – Yesterday, we watched the currencies and precious metals rise all day long, in small increments. But the overnight markets have taken the currencies even higher! For instance, the Aussie dollar (AUD) is near 99-cents, and a new all-time record high! And gold is up another $9 this morning to $1,358!
What’s the muscle behind this push of the dollar to levels we’ve not seen before? Well, I personally think that the main muscle is what’s being termed as a currency war… And then there are other items that are helping push the dollar lower, like the German Industrial Production report that printed this morning, and showed an increase of more than three times pace the experts forecast! German Industrial Production surged 1.7% in August! But let’s get back to this so-called currency war (I keep hearing the theme to Star Wars in my head!)… US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said Japan didn’t fuel international tensions when it intervened in the foreign-exchange market last month.The Treasury chief said today that there’s a damaging dynamic at work in currency markets as countries race to limit appreciation. When asked whether he thought Japan had set the fire for this dynamic, Geithner responded, I don’t, no in remarks at the Brookings Institution.Instead, Geithner kept up his calls for China to let the renminbi (CNY) rise against the dollar. He said the main problem facing foreign-exchange markets is a set of emerging-market economies that both remain undervalued and are leaning heavily against the pressures for appreciation.In other words… He’s talking about China… And maybe even throwing India under the bus too…
Geithner then stepped up the pressure on China, effectively blaming the world’s number-two economy for the emergence of what some are calling a currency war ahead of a G-7 meeting.And China’s Premier immediately answered saying that the demands to appreciate the renminbi would be disaster for his country…Why can’t we leave the Chinese out of this? They have their country to run, and we have ours… If we had taken better care of our country’s finances, we wouldn’t be in this mess. I think we would be better off taking care of our own house, and leaving China to take care of theirs. If you rile them up too much, you risk the chance of them telling you to finance your own deficit! OK… Enough on that… But I can tell you that at no time in the past weak dollar trend, has the negativity been so strong against the dollar as it is at this time. I get all caught up in thoughts on this kind of move, and the thought that keeps coming to me from the back of my brain is that a star burns the brightest right before it burns out…So… What are your thoughts? Is this the end of the run for the currencies? Or… Is there still more weakness for the dollar in store? I truly believe there’s more weakness, but… That’s in the long run… For now, I’ve got to think that we’ve come so far, so fast, that there has to be a pause for the cause. A filling in of the gaps and all that! Nothing in the markets is a one-way street…I yelled out across the desk yesterday that after all the intervention, quantitative easing, and interest rate cutting, the Japanese yen (JPY) is right back to pre-intervention levels of 82.50! So, once again, it is proven that intervention is just wasted money… And that also brings up a point that I think the government of this country, and that probably all countries miss… And that is that the government doesn’t have money! The only money they have is taken from taxpayers… So… When a government says something like, we’re going to give you money all they’re doing is letting you keep more of what you had! Whoa there, partner! I really went astray there! Let’s see… Currencies… Oh yeah! I was writing for a publication yesterday, and made the point that in March of 2009, the Fed/Cartel implemented quantitative easing (QE) and the dollar spent the next eight months in the dumps, much like the move we’re seeing this week. The only thing that saved the dollar, which was teetering on the cliff’s edge in November, was the discovery of the Eurozone GIIPS deficit problems… But once those Eurozone countries announced austerity measures, the focus came back to the dollar’s problems.
Now, I’m not here to say that those austerity measures are the cure to all that ails the GIIPS problems… Which is why I continue to say that the euro is not out of the woods… And the media could whip the markets into a frenzy on this subject in a heartbeat.Getting back to yen for a second… Japanese PM, Kan, said that his government will take decisive steps when necessary in dealing with a strong yen… And then showing that everyone in Japan is not singing from the same song sheet, Vice Finance Minister, Igarashi, said, Japan won’t weaken yen to become more competitive with other countries in trade and any currency intervention would be at restraining excessive moves. It’s not our intention to engage in a currency devaluation race for the sake of national interest.So… Gold is kicking sand in the dollar’s face again this morning, along with gold’s trusty sidekick, silver! I saw my friend David Galland refer to comment by the Godfather of newsletter writers, Richard Russell, who was speaking at the Casey Summit held last weekend, and who had this to say about gold… (This is good, so you’ll want to remember this line…)Some people refer derisively to gold owners as gold bugs. Turning that idea around, legendary investor Richard Russell, in a rare public appearance at the summit, used the term dollar bug to describe those who would foolishly prefer holding paper currency over gold. I think that’s a very good way of looking at the gold versus dollar argument.So… I’m taking that one to heart… From now on, I’m going to refer to dollar buyers and dollar bugs…
OK… Let’s get back to the Aussie dollar, for it was the best performer last night, and is now at an all-time record level versus the dollar. The Aussie dollar got a boost from yet another spike in employment. Full-Time Employment in Australia was 55,800 in September, which was the most workers taken on in eight months… I would have to think that the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) members are kicking themselves right now, for not hiking rates earlier this week when they had the chance. Now they’ll have to wait for their November meeting, and that could put them behind the inflation 8-ball… But I doubt it… The RBA has done a good job of being proactive with their rate hikes that go back to last year. Oh, by the way, the Aussie dollar did trade to 9915-cents overnight, slipping back just a bit on profit taking.The QE is coming soon to a central bank near you campers, like me, will probably have to think about it more after today, as Fed Head Fisher (from Dallas) is scheduled to speak, and is a non-believer in the usefulness of QE… And then the lone hawk on the Cartel, Fed Head Hoenig will also be speaking. You can always count on Hoenig to deliver some good sound bites that differ from the rhetoric heard from the Cartel.I had a nice talk with a reporter yesterday regarding Brazil… We talked about the prospects for a stronger real (BRL), and so on… The real, after getting caught up in the currency rally, had ignored the latest measure the government had undertaken to stem the real’s weakness, but it all caught up with the real yesterday… But today… I’m waiting for the Brazilian market to open, because… Given the price action in currencies versus the dollar overnight, I would suspect that real opens strong! With the other emerging market currencies rising versus the dollar overnight, I would think that real join that move. But we’ll have to wait-n-see, eh? And oil continues to show price increases… With black gold (Texas tea), now regaining $83 per barrel, the Canadian dollar/loonie (CAD) is nearing parity to the green/peach back (US dollar).And here I am ready to go to the Big Finish, but just remembered that there are two Central Bank meetings going on as I type… The Bank of England (BOE) and the European Central Bank (ECB) are meeting this morning… I guess the most important thing to come from these two meetings will be the ECB statement at the press conference following the meeting. The ECB seems to be champing at the bit to remove stimulus, but just can’t pull the trigger.If the ECB is seriously concerned about the strength of the euro – remember they were elated for manufacturing and exports to see the euro drop to 1.20 – then they could trip the euro up with a statement about removing stimulus… Otherwise, there won’t be any mention…
And a currency that I don’t talk much about, but I’m always thinking about, the Singapore dollar (SGD), has gained over 3% in the past month! And why not? Japanese yen is at a 15-year high versus the dollar, and the Chinese renminbi has gained 1.5%… Gotta keep up with the Joneses! I’ve explained this before, but for all the new readers… The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is the gatekeeper for the Singapore dollar. The MAS meets twice a year, and issues a statement about their wishes for the Singapore dollar… Five months ago, the MAS issued a statement that called for a gradual strengthening of the Singapore dollar… I’m thinking that the MAS will retain that policy at their next meeting, which takes place next week.
Then there was this from The Economist…
The US doesn’t have to rely on negotiations or a trade war to overpower the harmful effect of China’s currency policy on the US labor market and trade, according to The Economist. The most powerful tool the US can bring is to pursue adequate monetary and fiscal stimulus at home. At the present nominal exchange rate, expansionary monetary policy in America would prove highly inflationary in China, which is a darn good reason for everyone in China (including those pesky exporters) to favor appreciation,the magazine notes.
Yes, that’s all good, but it’s easier said than done!
To recap… The currencies and precious metals have taken their assault on the dollar to new heights overnight with both the Aussie dollar and loonie nearing parity to the dollar, and the euro moving toward 1.40. Gold is $1,360 this morning, and doesn’t appear to be looking in its rearview mirror for profit takers. The so-called currency war is a key driver to all this dollar weakness… And after all the money spent on weakening the Japanese yen, the yen is back to pre-intervention levels!
Chuck Butler for The Daily Reckoning.
EU debate on terror alert exposes lack of joint approach
VALENTINA POP 08.10.2010 @ 01:27 CET
EUOBSERVER / LUXEMBOURG – EU interior ministers have agreed to pre-warn each other before publishing terrorist threat warnings in future following a scattered response to the US terror alert. Speaking to press after the ministers' meeting in Luxembourg on Thursday (7 October), the Belgian EU presidency's home affairs chief, Annemie Turtelboom, said EU capitals have agreed to pre-notify the EU's Brussels-based intelligence-sharing bureau, the Joint Situation Centre, prior to raising national threat levels.The move is designed to ensure that every other member state knows, rather than learns from the press or by chance,that an alert is coming, she said. EU ministers will also hold a fresh round of yearly meetings with their American counterparts to keep each other abreast of security developments.The decisions come after the US last week published a blanket travel alert for US citizens coming to Europe citing an al-Qaeda plot. The US news channel, FoxNews, later quoted unnamed intelligence officials as saying that the Eiffel tower in Paris and the Alexanderplatz in Berlin are potential targets.Sweden had one day earlier issued its own warning. The UK followed after the US, naming France and Germany. Germany did not raise its level. But France later cautioned travelers on using British public transport.The US has a legal obligation to provide all information to its citizens. On the other hand, this communication has led to a sentiment of insecurity in Europe. We received all the information, our intelligence services analysed it, some member states increased their terror alert level, others didn't have sufficient information to do so, Ms Turtelboom said.EU ministers also debated a proposal for a common EU alert system to replace the existing situation in which each country uses a different code based on colours or numbers. But the idea met with lukewarm support.
We'll have to see, our responsibles in the services will have a look. But now we actually do have more or less the same level - elevated, but not the highest, French interior minister Brice Hortefeux said on the current state of vigilance inside Europe.His German counterpart, Thomas de Maiziere, said: The threat situation varies in different countries, that is why a common warning system would not be fair to each of them.The EU's anti-terrorism co-ordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, noted that there are different schools of thought and cultural differences inside the bloc.
Some say that being explicit in the media leads to self-restraint, because people are more vigilant. It may lead to a postponement of something being launched, he said. France has a special focus on the Islamic Maghreb, while Denmark is concerned about naturalised Somalis returning to their country of origin and then coming back to Denmark to mount an attack, he explained. The US deputy secretary for homeland security, Jane Holl Lute, told ministers in Luxembourg that the new threat is real but declined to give further details.Some remarks by Belgium's Ms Turtleboom sounded critical of the US approach. The Belgian minister urged countries to strike the right balance between informing, but not alarming the public and said the EU must protect its credibility particularly when there is a communication which draws no distinction about parts of Europe.One day before the EU meeting, the US director of national intelligence, James Clapper, at a seminar in Washington criticised the leaks to FoxNews. Recalling a conversation with President Barack Obama, he said the US leader had noted the irony [of] people engaged in intelligence who turn around and talk about it publicly.
EZEKIEL 38:1-12
1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog,(RULER) the land of Magog,(RUSSIA) the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW)and Tubal,(TOBOLSK) and prophesy against him,
3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW) and Tubal:
4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws,(GOD FORCES THE RUSSIA-MUSLIMS TO MARCH) and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
5 Persia,(IRAN,IRAQ) Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
6 Gomer,(GERMANY) and all his bands; the house of Togarmah (TURKEY)of the north quarters, and all his bands:(SUDAN,AFRICA) and many people with thee.
7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.
8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.(RUSSIA-EGYPT AND MUSLIMS)
10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:
11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
PSALMS 83:3-7
3 They (ARABS,MUSLIMS) have taken crafty counsel against thy people,(ISRAEL) and consulted against thy hidden ones.
4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
5 For they (MUSLIMS) have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:(TREATIES)
6 The tabernacles of Edom,(JORDAN) and the Ishmaelites;(ARABS) of Moab, PALESTINIANS,JORDAN) and the Hagarenes;(EGYPT)
7 Gebal,(HEZZBALLOH,LEBANON) and Ammon,(JORDAN) and Amalek;(SYRIA,ARABS,SINAI) the Philistines (PALESTINIANS) with the inhabitants of Tyre;(LEBANON)
DANIEL 11:40-43
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south( EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) and the king of the north (RUSSIA AND MUSLIM HORDES OF EZEK 38+39) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.(JORDAN)
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
EZEKIEL 39:1-8
1 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog,(LEADER OF RUSSIA) and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech (MOSCOW) and Tubal: (TUBOLSK)
2 And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts,(RUSSIA) and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:
3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands,( ARABS) and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
5 Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.
6 And I will send a fire on Magog,(NUCLEAR BOMB) and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.
7 So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.
8 Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I have spoken.
JOEL 2:3,20,30-31
3 A fire(NUCLEAR BOMB) devoureth before them;(RUSSIA-ARABS) and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army,(RUSSIA,MUSLIMS) and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things.(SIBERIAN DESERT)
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.(NUCLEAR BOMB)
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
Nato to reach out to Russia on missile defence
VALENTINA POP 08.10.2010 @ 20:02 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Instead of criticising a new security treaty between Europe and America, Russia should consider coming under the umbrella of a Nato missile defence shield, the alliance's secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Friday (8 October). Nato leaders will decide in November whether they will share the costs of a US-deployed shield in Europe.The long-debated shield, which has seen Moscow in the past threatening to deploy nuclear missiles at the Polish border in response, would cost €200 million over the coming 10 years for all 28 Nato members.That is a lot of defence for a very good price, Nato secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen said during a speech at the German Marshall Fund in Brussels on Friday.He insisted that the the threat of European countries being hit with a missile is real. There is technology available – tested and ready to go – that can defend against a missile attack.Russia has so far been lukewarm about the new missile defence architecture put forward by US President Barack Obama last year, which focuses on seaborne capabilities in the Mediterranean and only at a later stage would have land-based missiles deployed in Romania and Poland.Moscow's initial reaction to the missile defense plans developed by former president George W. Bush that would have had seen rapid deployment of missiles in Poland and a radar station in the Czech Republic was much more aggressive as it was seen as a direct threat to Russia.
Mr Rasmussen said that if there is agreement at a Nato summit in Lisbon from 19-20 November to have a Nato missile defence shield, Russia would be invited to co-operate.Co-operating with Russia would make sense militarily, it would provide more security to more people and also politically, it would make the point that it is not against Russia, he said.Russia has made the proposal of a new security treaty ranging from Vancouver to Vladivostok, but [joining a Nato missile shield] would be an actual security architecture that makes sense to the citizen. It does not give people security to sign a new treaty, but a missile shield would, Mr Rasmussen argued. He was referring to a proposal put forward by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in 2008 to replace Nato with a new pan-European security architecture ranging from Vancouver (Canada) to Vladivostok (Russia).However, not all member states seem to be willing to pay for the bill and subscribe to a Nato missile shield.
First, we'd like Nato to take a decision on missile defence. We are not there yet, a senior US official told EUobserver and other Brussels-based media on Friday. The new thinking [of President Obama] makes it possible for Russia to co-operate, and we had talks with Russian officials at all levels on ways in which they can be a partner, he confirmed. The cost of the system still seems to be the main stumbling bloc, despite the US insisting that it will be the American taxpayer taking over the biggest burden, as the system itself will be paid by Washington.The €200 million are for the software required to plug in all the national systems and capabilities. The cost of defending Europe is much bigger, and the US is paying for that by providing the system,the source said.An invitation to attend the Nato summit in Lisbon has been issued to the Russian president but has yet to find a reply.
High Court Victory for Construction in Talmon
by Gil Ronen OCT 10,10
The High Court decided Sunday not to grant Arabs and leftists a temporary order to halt construction in Givat HaBrecha neighborhood at Talmon, north of Jerusalem. Fogelman's decision came two weeks after the court had granted the same petitioners a conditional order halting work at the site.The petitioners, ultra-leftist group Yesh Din and the residents of Arab village Aljania, requested that the court halt the construction because the neighborhood's zoning approvals were supposedly illegal and infringed upon the Arabs' right to access their fields.Yesh Din and the Arabs filed their motion several days before the Sukkot holiday. At that time, the anti-Jewish construction freeze in Judea and Samaria was still in force, and it was not possible to issue the necessary permits for construction.Immediately upon the expiration of the freeze order, Attorney Akiva Sylvetsky, the local authority's legal adviser, instructed that the permits be issued. Sylvetsky argued before the court that construction at the site had become legal with the end of the ten-month freeze order, and that there was no justification for a temporary order against it.
The court accepted the defendant's position and ruled that work could continue until a final verdict on the motion is given.The plans for Givat HaBrecha make it possible to build 300 units, as well as public buildings. Eighty units have been populated and others are being built.(
Abbas Blames Iran in Fatah-Hamas Fight
by Maayana Miskin OCT 10,10
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas accused Iran of preventing PA unity in closed-door talks with members of the Arab League on Saturday. His statements were reported by the Arab news outlets Al-Hayyat, which is based in London, and Al-Watan, based in Syria.Iran is dictating Hamas' agenda, and has decided against reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah, he charged. Abbas is the head of Fatah, a terror organization which is currently the ruling party in the Ramallah-based PA. The Gaza-based breakaway PA is run by Hamas.Iran provides much of Hamas' funding and training. The terrorist group also receives assistance from Syria, and several of its senior leaders have found refuge in Damascus.Abbas' accusation earned angry reactions from some Arab leaders. Libyan leader Muammar Al-Khadafi implied that Abbas's PA is not doing enough to fight Israel, questioning how PA Arabs wage resistance while negotiating.Yemeni President Ali Abdallah Saleh called to support resistance groups like Hamas, and suggested that the Arab League create a secret strategy for providing material support for such groups.Abbas also faced criticism from Syrian President Bashar Assad, who questioned why the PA leader had asked the Arab League for a decision regarding negotiations with Israel. The Arab League is not the body that should be making such decisions, Assad said, according to Al-Hayyat.Abbas said in response that Israel-PA negotiations affect the entire Arab world, and thus should be subject to pan-Arab approval.(
Conservatives will gut Obama’s agenda and progressive bills By Laurie Roth
Pollsters are hammering hard everyday trying to actually predict the history making races going on all across the country. However, trying to get an actual count of real voters in an off year election isn’t that easy. Dick Morris states: Particularly this year, it is difficult to distinguish between dutiful voters who say they are likely to vote and those who are actually going to make it to the polls.Turn out is the big thing and there is enough known at this stage with the movement and momentum of elections, to imply that conservatives are amazingly energized and focused to vote against Obama policies.The House looks like it will be in the hands of the GOP and now the Senate also.Even Harry Reid’s precious seat looks in major danger in Nevada.It’s not in the bag yet but Sharon Angle is 3% ahead and growing, while conservatives all over the place are seeing the momentum, not the liberal democrats.Democrats, have no message of any successes with Obama’s first two years.There is nothing to brag about or talk about other than do the usual….attack, attack and attack. We see Christine ODonnell called a witch, because she dated a wican kid in high school.Other actual attacks thrown at Republicans during this voting season include:tax evaders, spousal abusers, mob-linked,eccentric flakes,sexual molesters, and absentee office holders.
Then there is that evil Meg Whitman who actually hired an illegal alien. Just think of it! Of course we all know now that the illegal alien had used false identities and lied to Meg Whitman the entire 9 years of her employment. Meg in good faith had paid her $23.00 an hour and thought she was legal. Now it’s a national scandal, only because she is a Republican and could win, therefore she must be shredded and dehumanized by the left…..typical.Even with the slanderous and lying sea of attacks coming hard from the left, the GOP will boldly win and have their chance to really lead again. Will they get it right this time and stay on course? We shall see.
Depending on how big the wins are in the House and the Senate we will see the GOP stop the Bush tax increases coming at us after Dec. 31st fast and furious. It is most shameful and speaks volumes about this progressive Democrat controlled congress that they adjourned with no tax solution, given this huge tax increase coming for all American people after the Christmas season.The GOP must cripple all funding legislation having anything to do with the implementation of the Obama health care bill that is already causing endless problems, expenses and rationed service in the Health care industry. Unless the GOP has the votes to stand against a Presidential veto, they will most likely resort to zombie legislation,where they cut off funding for any part of the bill and its implementation. Bring on the Zombies and the Vampires for all I care. Make it a horror show of destruction and wipe the floor clean.Whatever the fight looks like for the GOP, they must keep the Bush tax cuts and they must find a way to destroy and eradicate this Health care bill that will destroy the greatest medical care in the world right in front of our eyes if it stands. Since Obama, Pelosi and Harry Reid have taken over congress, America’s wealth and jobs have continued to melt down into heaping flames. Former speaker Newt Gingrich notes that when Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid took control of congress, food stamp usage was in the ball park of 26.5 million while unemployment was 4.6%. Today, we see more than 40 million on food stamps and over 10% unemployed. Many states report much higher numbers.With a weak and tilted economy, desperately needing new jobs and healing, the idea that this congress adjourned before fixing the tax situation is unforgivable. Newt says it best: You can also present this clear choice to voters by hammering Democrats on their decision to adjourn Congress without fixing the tax code. In January, taxes are scheduled to rise on virtually every American.The GOP will have their chance to lead hopefully this time with vision, clarity and integrity while keeping their commitment to our constitution, freedoms and the American people’s wishes.Bring it on! Let’s get to fixing.
3 new segments starting this week! ON LAURIE ROTH SHOW
Every Tuesday from 3-4pm PAC, Oct 5th Islam Unveiled.
IQ alrassooli, born in Iraq, raised Muslim – native language- Arabic. When IQ went to England to study Islam and theology he found going through the Hadith and Koran, and studying the history of Muhammad that it was not at all what he was taught. We will go through his 780 chapter thesis taken from the Arabic and Islam’s own holy books. Callers challenging and agreeing will be welcomed aboard. In fact, IQ has several $50,000 challenges, daring anyone to refute a single sentence of what he says as truth. So far there have been no takers.
Every Wednesday from 3-5pm PAC, Oct 6th Unsolved Crimes
Laurie will dive in with notable, A list Cold Case and unsolved crimes experts that are frequently on Nancy Grace and other national TV shows. We will dive into famous and obscure but riveting, unsolved crimes and what is being done about them. Laurie leads with this kind of hard hitting, weekly segment on a national radio talk show.
Guests include:Doug Hagmann - Veteran Private Investigator and director of North East Intelligence Network. Doug has researched and broken numerous stories on The Roth Show.
Levi Page – Crime blogger and writes for the Nashville examiner; Expert on Casey Anthoney case, Haleigh Cummings case, Is a semi-regular on Nancy Grace and Jane Valez-Mitchell.
Dr. Lillian Glass – A body language expert on people and criminals, everyone from OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony to President Obama. She has been on every major TV show and authored several books.
Sheryl McCollum – Director of the Cold Case Institute. A regular on Nancy Grace and Jane Valez Mitchell.
Susan Murphy Milano – A domestic abuse victims advocate and very knowledgeable. Has written several books on abuse. Her father killed her mother and then killed himself and is a crime and abuse victim herself. She has been on many talk shows including Oprah.
Michael Antonoff – Expert Private Investigator who also studies unsolved crimes. He is the developer and researcher behind
Every Thursday from 3-4pm PAC, Oct 7th Finally a border Solution
Laurie has found and convinced an amazing source to come forward. Finally, she has found someone with a myriad of ideas about our intense border problem that she agrees with. Her weekly guest, Mike Carlin is the Editor and Publisher of Century City News and has outlined an amazing and history making plan! So often the solutions thrown at us are extreme left or extreme right with no compassion thrown in or totally co-dependent designed simply to manipulate a larger voting block and continue slave labor… more. This weekly segment plans to change all the rules of the game and offer some real solutions to this complicated problem threatening our very existence.Laurie Roth also has her usual, guests who take on the headlines and cutting edge issues such as:Phil Berg – Democrat attorney who was first in line to sue Barack Obama and is planning a march at the Capital October 23rd
Steve Eichler – America’s legal analyst and founder of
Frank Salvato – Editor and publisher of one of the largest, conservative online journals
Doug Hagmann – Director of Northeast Intelligence Network, master private investigator
National Tea Party hour - I talk about the Tea Party issues, growth and interview Tea Party speakers and those running for office
As always, Laurie Roth offers her unique and hard hitting commentaries and takes calls from all. Join us and spread the word.
Saudi Religious Laws: Or, Why Building an Arab Outreach Church Would Be Impossible By Kelly O'Connell Sunday, October 10, 2010 CANADA FREE PRESS
In the ongoing debate over the NY/NY Ground Zero mosque, it is claimed by the Muslims involved America stands to gain much from accepting the greatness of Islam. But can’t we ask: Would Islam itself allow the building of an outreach church in Saudi Arabia? In order to teach Muslims about the beauty of Christianity? Absolutely not. In fact, such a move would not just be seen as absurd, but absolutely illegal, and treated as a capital crime under Saudi Shari’ah Muslim law. Consider this—according to the US State Department, in Saudi Arabia, No public non-Muslim houses of worship exist…In other words, there are no churches in Saudi Arabia. While Muslims demand the right to erect a religious building on US soil to preach their beliefs, such an activity done by Christians in Arabia would not be even theoretically possible. But even if it were, this would result in almost certain execution for the participants. This is because the laws in Saudi Arabia do not allow any religious freedom except for Islam. This article describes religious freedom in Saudi Arabia, the sacred heartland of Islam, and explains why the religious freedom practiced in America is not accepted in Mohammad’s birthplace today.
I. Foundation of Saudi Arabian Law: Qur’an + Shari’ah = Basic Law
Law and government in Saudi Arabia are promulgated under the Basic Law,passed in 1993. The introduction, in Chapter 1 General Principles and Article 1 and Chapter 2, article 5, give an overview:
Chapter 1, Article 1: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic state with Islam as its religion; God’s Book and the Sunnah of His Prophet, God’s prayers and peace be upon him, are its constitution, Arabic is its language and Riyadh is its capital…Chapter 2, Article 5 (a): The system of government in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is that of a monarchy.
Further articles spell out how deeply wedded the country is to the Qur’an and Islamic law:
Article 6 Citizens are to pay allegiance to the King in accordance with the holy Koran and the tradition of the Prophet, in submission and obedience, in times of ease and difficulty, fortune and adversity.
Article 7 Government in Saudi Arabia derives power from the Holy Koran and the Prophet’s tradition.
Article 8 Government in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is based on the premise of justice, consultation, and equality in accordance with the Islamic Shari’ah.
It is important, when studying Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, to understand how deeply influential Muslim principles are. In this case, the entire state is said to stand on the Qur’an, the Sunnah, Shari’ah, etc.
Religious Laws in Saudi Arabia
A. Saudi Religious Freedom & Law
There is no such thing as religious freedom in Saudi Arabia, as Westerners understand the concept. The Saudi penal code has never been published, so information on many laws must be gleaned from indirect or anecdotal sources. So, defending oneself against arbitrary arrest for religious crimes, or finding a lawyer to use the law to defend against specific charges can be impossible.For example, a man has been charged with using pagan witchcraft,who now sits in a Saudi jail, facing no formally defined crime. Instead, he will be placed in front of qadis, or judges, who will subjectively decide whether he perpetrated this crime, according to Human Rights Watch. They write,First, it is not clear what the actual elements if any of the crime of witchcraft are, and the offence is not defined in Saudi law. As you know, Saudi Arabia does not have a written penal code that spells out the elements of a given crime. The accusation of witchcraft appears to have been based upon a broad, vague concept, which cannot be said to constitute law. Under international human rights law, persons suspected of crimes may only be charged with offenses as established by law, and which are sufficiently clear so that everyone has the possibility to understand clearly what behavior it is that will cause them to violate that law.But let’s examine what laws Christians would have to practice, build churches and share their faith in Saudi Arabia, as the Ground Zero mosque builders are doing in New York today.
B. Rights of Christians in Saudi Arabia
Christian Worship
There is no right of worship for Christians in Saudi Arabia. As an officially Muslim kingdom, all such activities are done at the subjective will of the King. Since there are no democratic institutions, no citizen can indirectly take part in government. To become a citizen, one must be Muslim. It is illegal for Christians to worship in such a way as to draw attraction to themselves by Muslims. According to the International Religious Freedom Report of 2009, Under the Government’s official interpretation of Islam, there is no legal recognition or protection of religious freedom, which is severely restricted in practice.According to the US State Department,Saudi authorities do not permit criticism of Islam or the royal family. The government prohibits the public practice of religions other than Islam. Non-Muslims suspected of violating these restrictions have been jailed.How is Christianity restricted in Arabia? First, the official position of Islam is Christians are infidels against the truth, willfully refusing God’s last revelation, says Daniel Pipes. So Muslims see Christians as religious degenerates. Second, Arabia is not just officially Muslim, but the entire purpose of the state is to uphold the Qur’an and Islamic practice, include safeguarding the holy places. For this reason of his highness it is said,The King’s official title is Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques,reflecting the importance the royal family attaches to upholding Islam within the country as a central pillar of the royal family’s legitimacy, both domestically and within the global Muslim community.While officially allowed, private Christian services, if discovered, are often raided by the police. Because Arabia is where Allah established his Prophet, and since it is where the holiest sites lie, there cannot be much wiggle room in allowing other religions to flourish. In fact, non-Muslims cannot even go to the holiest places, such as Mecca or Medina.
Public Religious Displays
No Christian should wear publicly any symbol of their faith, such as a cross or any other trappings of the faith. In fact, Saudis confiscate Bibles and the like of visitors when they enter the country. Bibles in the country are forbidden publicly, despite Muhammad claiming Allah is the God of the Bible. Neither should any building have a cross or other symbols relating to Christianity.The US State Department writes, Islam is the official religion of the country and pervades all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia. Public display of non-Islamic religious articles such as crosses and Bibles is not permitted. A group of Christians who rented a hall for a farewell party were arrested for staging a public display of faith. Said one writer,
Saudi Ministry of Interior officials began rounding up the 14 house-church leaders after a citizen complained about foreign Christians renting a public hall for a farewell party on June 2…Saudi Arabian authorities on January 28 lashed three Ethiopian Christians 80 times each with a flexible metal cable in front of more than 1,000 detainees. The three Christians (whom authorities were about to deport because of their faith) smuggled a letter out of the Bremen Deportation Prison in Jeddah to describe their treatment. Officials beat and kicked them before suspending them with chains and flogging them, and Saudi authorities denied them medical care for back wounds.
No churches exist in Saudi Arabia nor could any ever be built in the land of Muhammad. Therefore, the notion of Saudi allowing a church anywhere in their country to encourage interfaith dialogue or to instruct Saudis about Jesus or Christianity, would be a patent absurdity, akin to freeze-dried water. But even house-churches, which Saudi law in theory accepts, are not protected, with the government recently acting to drive out the practice. Says the State Department,The Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowment, Call, and Guidance (MOIA) is responsible for 73,000 Sunni mosques and more than 50,000 Sunni clerics around the country. The two Holy Mosques in Mecca and Medina do not come under MOIA jurisdiction. They are the responsibility the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Two Holy Shrines, which reports directly to the King; its head holds a rank equivalent to a government minister. Thousands of other mosques exist in private homes, at rest stops along highways, and elsewhere throughout the country. No public non-Muslim houses of worship exist, but private Christian religious gatherings take place throughout the country. It is estimated 70% of Saudi mosques are built and kept up by state funds. Sunni clerics receive a government stipend, and regularly cast aspersions on other religions, according to the US State Department, who reported ...mosque speakers prayed for the death of Jews and Christians, including at the Grand Mosque in Mecca and the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina. Muslim sermons typically end with condemnation against polytheists and other infidels.
Interfaith Outreach
It is illegal for a non Muslim to strike up a conversation regarding religion, or worse—to dispute Islam. In other words, what the Ground Zero imam Rauf would like to do in America would be not just impossible, but illegal and extremely dangerous, in Saudi Arabia. It could easily result in a death sentence. Certainly, any foreigner who attempts to witness to Arabs will be deported. If a non-Muslim foreigner in Arabia has been discovered to have attended or led a Christian service, their visa will not be renewed, according to the State Department. Moreover, the Saudi government blocks over 400,000 websites, including any that have even a scintilla of Christian content, according to Harvard University. Government textbooks teach Muslim children that non-believers are pagans who should be avoided. Therefore, no Christian will ever lead a public Muslim outreach in Arabia.
There can be no preaching to Muslims by Christians, not the least of which because converting means death by execution. Foreign preachers of Christianity will be arrested and jailed, where they might be tortured and asked to convert, or even killed. They will be deported. And while the 9/11 mosque imam wants to highlight the wonders of Islam in America, one author says of the Saudis,I think that they are trying their best to put a good face on it, by telling us that people can practice their religion at home. But at the same time they have a law that prohibits the presence of any (foreign) clergyman on Saudi Arabian soil.
It is against all Muslim law for a believer to convert to Christianity, or another religion, according to Joseph Schacht in Introduction to Islamic Law. For, this is not considered just a private decision made by an individual, but also interpreted by Islamic law as a public act of treason considered a capital crime deserving of the death penalty, according to David Forte in Studies in Islamic Law. Such an apostate male is given three days to reconsider his actions, and come back to Islam. If he refuses, he must be executed. Women are simply whipped every three days until they repent, according to Schacht. In the last year, at least 69 persons were executed in Saudi Arabia, although it is not clear for what crimes.According to Ibn Warraq, in Why I Am Not A Muslim, Charges of Apostasy of converting to Christianity bring beheading, as described here:Sadiq Abd al-Karim Mal Allah, a Saudi Arabian Shi’a Muslim, was executed in 1992. Neither he nor his family knew that he was under sentence of death or for what crime he had been convicted. He was apparently charged with smuggling a copy of the Bible into Saudi Arabia. He denied the charge, but was reportedly requested to convert to Wahabism, an interpretation of Islam favoured by the state. When he refused, the judge was reported to have told him: You abandon your rejectionist belief or I will kill you.On 3 September 1992 he was publicly beheaded in al-Qatif.
III. Saudi Religious Police: Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices
In Saudi Arabia are a type of government agent found only in Muslim lands: religious police, or Mutaween (المطوعين). Other countries boasting such religious vice cops include Iran, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Gaza, etc. The religious police are a sometimes paid, but not uncommonly volunteer force, patrolling in the name of Allah, making sure rule-breakers are caught and punished. It is normal for mutaween to sneak into Saudi malls and beat women with sticks who dare shop without the head-to-toe veil, the abaya. Also, many other types of activities, such as the sin of Christianity, or homosexuality, can also get one beaten, arrested, or even killed by these zealots.
Catholic priests are arrested and deported for giving private Mass. One American business woman and mother was arrested for sitting with a business colleague in a Starbucks in Riyadh. Saudis have even banned red roses and outlawed Valentine’s Day. Sometimes Saudi men are arrested for simply flirting. Recently, a 75-year-old Saudi woman was sentenced to 40 lashes for violating the sex segregation laws by mingling.
Says one writer,There are some 4,000 full time mutaween, and over 10,000 part-time volunteers. It’s the part-timers that are the most troublesome. These young louts (many of the volunteers are unemployed, poorly educated, and have serious attitude problems) are the cause of most problems. Demands to simply disband the mutaween have been refused. The religious establishment is too fond of the mutaween to allow that. So instead, the plan is to apply stricter standards to those selected to be full, or part-time, mutaween, and enforce stricter codes of conduct on the mutaween.
But these men have also been tied to absurd, or even frankly evil application of Muslim law, as when they kept 16 Saudi schoolgirls trapped in a burning building because they were not wearing scarves, until they were incinerated.
Said one report,The country’s religious police prevented the rescue of girls trapped in a school fire because they were not wearing the long dresses and head coverings required in public. Fourteen girls died in the catastrophe last Monday at the 31st Girls Middle School in Mecca, some 470 miles southeast of Riyadh. Fifty others were injured, while hundreds of others escaped. ...the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, had stopped men who tried to help the girls warning it is a sinful to approach them. One civil defence officer told al-Eqtisadiah he saw three members of the religious police beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya.Other despicable acts have been tied to these men, such as honor killings.An honor killing takes place when the men in a family believe one of their female members have stepped over the line of propriety. Typically, such acts are said to occur when a young Muslim woman is dating someone outside of her status, or has been alone with a single man, unrelated to her. In such instances, Muslim law and social norms default into assuming she and the unrelated male have committed zina, or illegal sexual activity. And because the females in a Muslim family carry the honor-burden, according to Raphael Patai, in The Arab Mind, any such dishonorable acts must be paid for by blood sacrifice, or honor killing of the young lady, normally by family members. Therefore, is honor returned to the aggrieved family.It is not untypical for religious police to be involved in these murders, and the law normally goes very easy on men accused of this crime. On mutaween cut out the tongue of his own daughter, and then burned her alive, for converting to Christianity.
IV. Conclusion
As we have seen, the very idea of an Islamic outreach-church built in Saudi Arabia, home of Islam, is an utter impossibility. Church buildings are not even allowed, for starters. Further, according to Islam, Christians are depraved infidels who don’t have the good sense to accept the last Prophet. But, more to the point, the Saudi government would have nothing to gain by allowing “Christian outreach.” In fact, such interfaith communications could only end up causing enormous headaches for the Saudis. This is because the penalty for leaving Islam for Christianity, or any other religion, is death by beheading.Therefore, any attempts by Muslims in the US to do outreach in order to teach Americans the wonders of Islam should be met with a spirit of magnanimity as we respond by offering a better way. Christian evangelists, pastors and lay ministers need to gird their loins, and in the intrepid Spirit of Christ and the Apostles, prepare to bring the Good News to all Muslims, even those violently opposed.For it was the Christian faith that long ago laid the foundation for American civil society, offering a peaceful solution for those who differed on politics and religion. Our forebears came to America to seek safety for their beliefs, so that they might live out their Christian faith without molestation by king, cleric or neighbor. Perhaps by opening their minds to other faiths, this disquieted religion can also be guided out of darkness and into the realm of light in these United States of America.
Echoes of 1930s Germany? CAANADA FREE PRESS
By Alan Caruba Sunday, October 10, 2010
Time and again in these troubled and troubling times people make reference to Germany in the 1930s, the rise of the Third Reich, and to Hitler as they express their fears regarding the Obama administration.It is an interesting comparison if only because it reveals a sense that an authoritarian government is poised to impose its dictates. This is highly unlikely if only because the forthcoming midterm elections give every indication of overturning any such ambitions by the present administration.It is, for example, bleeding its top economic advisors, the former chief of staff to the President, the sudden resignation of the president’s national security advisor, and, most tellingly, virtually every Democrat running for office is running away from Obama’s legislative agenda.
Obama is hardly a Hitler and the Democrats are hardly Nazis. It’s a bad comparison.
I think what is at the heart of the comparison is the way, in just under two years, Americans witnessed the government takeover of the healthcare sector, one sixth of the economy, the takeover of General Motors and Chrysler to the benefit of the United Auto Workers and the loss of their creditors and bondholders, and a so-called stimulus package that by most accounts has wasted billions.The general anxiety is bolstered by the stagnation of the job market and a widespread belief that Obama, Pelosi and Reid, along with the Democrats in Congress, have taken the nation in the wrong direction. Those familiar with history see the kind of conditions that existed in Germany in the 1930s that were the background for the rise of the Hitler and the Nazi Party. Hitler, however, was not massively abandoned by his supporters as Obama as been.It happens that I have been reading a book, Berlin at War, by historian Roger Moorhouse. What we tend to forget is that the National Socialist party, led by Hitler, was freely elected to power by Germans and, in general, had their support because of its early success energizing a moribund economy. Though we know in hindsight that Hitler was a monster, at the time he gave Germans a reason to take pride in their nation again and he proved adept at adding more territory to Germany without firing a shot. In the years leading up to the invasion of Poland in 1939, Berliners and other Germans were generally content with Hitler and the party.It wasn’t until 1943 that Berliners began to feel the affects of the war in ways other than rationing and the conscription of their fathers, brothers, and sons. After the first spate of bombings through late 1940 into the spring of 1941, there had followed a period of almost two years in which Royal Air Force raids on the capital became fewer and farther in between,noted Moorhouse. So, when the RAF reappeared in the skies over Berlin on the night of 1 March, it came as a shock.
Americans were shocked to see Obamacare rammed through the House and Senate on a party line vote. It came after nearly a million Americans had shown up at the steps of the Capital building to protest against it. In effect, the Obama administration had declared war on Americans. It was not merely unresponsive to the majority, but contemptuous of it.What Obama forgot or never knew is that our government exists with the consent of the governed. What he forgot or never knew is that our presidents govern, not rule.
Something quintessentially American occurred.
The same sense of unity and urgency that Americans felt after Pearl Harbor, that spurred the Greatest Generation to take on totalitarian threats in two theatres of combat, occurred in the rise of the Tea Party movement because many Americans perceived that their nation was literally under siege by an enemy and this time it was an internal one.It took twelve years of Nazi rule and the reduction of Berlin to rubble for the usurpation of power to end on May 9, 1945. Compare that, then, with the Obama administration that began on January 20, 2009 followed by a swift loss of public support because of, not despite, its thuggish political effort to reshape the American model into a European socialist one.Americans are just weeks away from taking back their nation from a man who hid or denied his real life from the voters to get elected on the basis of his oratorical skills and the stage managing of mass gatherings that were curiously reminiscent of Nazi rallies.Obama had the good luck of having a lackluster opponent and a financial crisis that too conveniently broke just before the election in 2008. Even so, his margin of victory was slim.It is not 1930s Germany. It is America in the first decade of a new century with new challenges. It is an America that has been through recessions and even a Great Depression, and which must learn again the fundamentals of the Founding Fathers; the need for a small, limited central government, the importance of sovereign, independent States, fiscal prudence, and citizens free to make their own choices regarding their lives.Alan Caruba, 2010
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Monday, October 11, 2010