Saturday, October 08, 2011



Kill or capture list-The list
Author - Doug Hagmann Friday, October 7, 2011 CANADA FREE PRESS

By now, most Americans have learned about the existence of a kill or capture list, or a list of people who presumably have sufficiently demonstrated their ill intent or deeds against the United States of America. As normal Americans and civilized people of the West, it is likely that we envision those on such a list as the very faces of evil themselves and deserving of the full weight of ultimate justice that the U.S. has to offer. That justice can be delivered from afar, from a drone that the name on the list will never hear or see, or up close and personal. The method is dictated by circumstances.

The making of the list

According to the release of a document by our government with the self-proclaimed most transparent administration at the helm, the list is created and maintained by a secretive panel of unnamed government officials consisting of a subset of the White House National Security Council. There is no public record of the panel’s operations or decisions, nor is there any U.S. law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.Further queries into the list-making process revealed that recommendations are made by a committee of mid-level National Security Council officials which are then sent to a NSC panel of principals for final approval. The principals are an apparent reference to NSC unit chiefs and Cabinet secretaries; however, it is important to note that this panel could have different memberships when considering different operational issues.This is chilling considering the vague nature of not only who merits inclusion on this list, but by the ambiguity of exactly who is making such a list and the suggestion that membership in this turbo-charged star chamber may change.

Creating a process of conditioning

As Americans, we’ve been lulled into a process of conditioning that our government knows best. We’ve willfully abandoned the U.S. Constitution as the ultimate rule of law. With this administration in particular, that abandonment began with collusion from both sides of the political aisle relative to the lack of proper authentication of Obama’s eligibility to hold office.The constitution continued to suffer the most egregious attacks under this administration as we willingly forfeited the rights and liberties afforded us by the constitution in exchange for the illusion of security. Although this exchange progressed methodically since the 9/11 attacks when we were told of the need for the extra-judicial Patriot Act because of the asymmetrical nature of the war which was thrust upon us, it was placed on the progressive fast track under Obama. Unlike under the Bush administration, few seemed to notice – or care. Beyond the unprecedented level of submission to governmental control by Americans, I submit that there is also something else in play here. It’s an intentional conditioning.This process of conditioning or acclimation has apparently escaped the majority of Americans who appear to be otherwise preoccupied with the next winner of Dancing with the Stars or whatever else is diverting the attention of an already attention-deficient public. Regardless of the nature of the diversion, it is evident that we have been conditioned to accept government created hit lists and all of the related ambiguity to this process as the new normal.To best illustrate the process of conditioning, simply look at our nation’s airports. Even before 9/11 for example, air travelers were conditioned to the sight of metal detectors for the alleged security of the flying public. After acclimation to the sight of the tools and the security process itself, security measures were increased to shoe removal of all passengers. Once conditioned to the removal of footwear, the rights of American citizens became exponentially more violated through invasive pat-downs and nuclear scans with equipment possessing a dubious safety record.

Unbelievably, few objected to this warrantless search and the voluntary surrender of their constitutional rights and even gleefully accepted being treated as grope-a-dopes in the name of security. Notice that the insufficient objections to these practices have permitted their expansion beyond airport property and are now being placed on our streets, in our malls and stadiums.Now in the name of security and at the whim of a nameless and faceless oligarchy, we are permitting a virtual open season on American citizens being labeled as our enemies without so much as the right to a trial inherently afforded by our constitution. The sinister system of acclimation and conditioning as illustrated in our airports has appeared to give license to more egregious violations of our rights and liberties, to the extent that we are permitting the creation of a modern day star-chamber.It was and is not about security, but conditioning. If this shadow government is permitted to continue to operate, we will soon be unable to recognize our Constitution, our rights, or even ourselves.

Continuity of agenda

True enough, our enemies today don’t wear the uniforms of a hostile nation and may well be American citizens. On the battlefield, they must be identified and terminated with prejudice. The security of our nation is paramount. We can and must protect our great country and citizens, however, without having to stray from the framework of laws known as our constitution. But first, we must be willing to openly and unapologetically identify our enemy, without acquiescence to the oppressiveness of political correctness or the actions of an infrastructure infiltrated by individuals who adhere to the very ideology we are fighting.Whether by well-intentioned albeit ignorant attempts to avoid offending an entire religion, by design, or a mixture of both, we now find ourselves in the position of watching our government act as judge, jury and executioner not just by our real enemies, but by anyone deemed to be a threat to our national security. The problem lies in the identification of our enemies or more accurately, our unwillingness to do so publicly and without apology. The alternative is that we might find our own names on an enemies list at the whim of a nameless, faceless cabal working outside of our constitution.Perhaps the most important and telling of all is that the creation of this secretive star-chamber has been brought to you compliments of the Obama administration. Just a few short years ago, countless progressives and liberals were in a frenzy over the legalities of our interrogation techniques, renditions and incarcerations of terror suspects during the Bush administration. There was public outrage and were loud demands and media pressure for the Bush administration to release the legal memoranda behind these unconscionable acts. Obama himself made such demands.Now that Obama is the overseer of policies that exceed Bush-era practices, there is virtual silence but plenty of complacency and complicity. With the future of our nation at stake, the former is shameful. The latter is unforgiveable.

The People’s President’ is available for sale now
By LAURIE ROTH, on October 5th, 2011

This book I wrote from my own heart, passion and ideas. William Ayers, nor any other assigned person wrote it for me. It is what I would do if elected President of this great country. I have always believed that it is ridiculous and even stupid to vote someone into the White House if you only have sound bite theatre and prepared statements to judge from.If you want to help me in this huge process then start by reading my book, The People’s President. It will tell you exactly who I am and what I would get done. Spread the word and help me network.Last January I started feeling the out there call to run. I knew how it would look, me with no money, a non politician or lawyer. I was just horrified with what I had seen with the politicians, lawyers and millionaires. Perhaps a real person, non millionaire, survivor and Mom could do better. You can get your copy at and tell 10 friends.

American Revolution is coming in 2012
By LAURIE ROTH, on October 7th, 2011

There are wanna bees, Liars and frauds everywhere. Political power is at stake and our President’s empire is tilting like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. This means that the battle lines of election warfare must be drawn and deeply soaked with political blood. The color of red is appearing everywhere. Have you noticed? Enemies continue to be created and used while the Obama administration is educating us as to who these enemies are. Enemies are all those who simply disagree with Obama, the progressive left and their goals to take and redistribute our wealth. This includes the Tea Party folks, representing most of America now, conservatives in Congress who dare to stand against Obama and his unconstitutional schemes and as always, George Bush. Vice President Biden even reminded a group of 5th graders this week about our dreaded economy being all George Bush’s fault. Thank God for Biden. For a moment I forgot it was all Bush’s fault. Here I was blaming my husband for this and that when I should have known it was George’s fault.While issues continue to be lied about and manipulated, the people are to be entertained and distracted by Obama’s contrived causes. He intends to look very Robin Hoodish and like he is one of the struggling, people. You see, Obama is tormented, persecuted and frustrated by the dreaded and un American congress and Tea Party. He feels our suffering, knows our suffering and hates as we do that our suffering and economic struggles are caused by the deadlocked congress he has to deal with, the racist Tea Party who hate blacks and American conservatives who don’t want to contribute more with their taxes. See the evil Obama must work with?

How can we not notice the huge Occupy Wall Street group protesting against Billionaires and for their version of the American dream. Van Jones, who describes himself as a revolutionary and communist in the 1990s is boldly behind this group that has assembled at Wall Street. His group, The American Dream movement which is run by the extreme leftist group and is also supported by Planned Parenthood, the Hip Hop Caucus and the Sierra Club is the next thing to be used to confuse the people, mix up the issues and blame the enemies of Obama, namely the Tea Party, Congress, business and Capitalism.Most the people don’t have the time to dig for the deeper issues. They just know that if Obama says Wall street is evil and hurts the people this must be true. Never mind that Obama’s regime is the one that has paid the AIG reps, big bankers the international money machine, hundreds of billions of dollars. He has been Father Christmas to countless heads of Unions, money cartels and big, behind the scenes business. Obama has never been grass roots and concerned about minorities and the people. He has always played fast and furious with big business, Unions and big money.The Van Jones group, the American Dream movement sounds so good on the surface but you quickly see it is nothing but a group demanding rights through massively higher taxes, redistribution of wealth, communistic ideas (per Van’s proud past) and big Government gifts and controls. Van Jones calls this a grassroots movement even bigger then the Tea Party.Now, for a reality check for Van Jones. The growing Tea Party groups simply represent a broad base, multi colored tapestry of all the people. Jones and his Marxist, redistribution of wealth cult following he calls on and manipulates is about as big as a hang nail on the Tea Parties foot.

The bottom line is that Obama, Van Jones and other leftist groups always hide behind causes that make them on the surface look like the suffering and grass roots of America. They also are the first to rally behind, created race wars and crisis to extract more followers and distract the masses. The agenda of control and redistribution boldly marches forward as the people march in the streets, believing they are crusaders while throwing rocks at the enemies across the tracks.Real issues to march in the streets about are most clear, regardless as to whether you are a Republican or Democrat. The Mortgage Industry and those who have played the derivatives games, selling and reselling loans over and over, like a game in Vegas should be called on the carpet. These lending and mortgage companies have been essentially stealing homes from countless millions of people. I was talking with someone just the other day on air who talked of a mortgage payment her and her husband needed to adjust since the interest rate kept going up on their loan. They found that their loan had been sold and resold so much that no one would claim responsibility as to the institution to negotiate with. They were royally screwed while the greedy and crooked financial businesses in a long daisy chain of them had long made tons of money off their loan. These people lost their money and their home. Now, this is something to march in the streets about and demand total reform and accountability.Spending billions to bail out troubled banks was also dumb. We were told they were too big to fail. Everyone else in business fails when they do stupid and greedy business that doesn’t make sense. How come the big banks weren’t allowed to fail? This would have been better and produced faster economic healing and jobs. Instead, Obama and his progressives just pushed the can down the road and delayed the crash by stealing more money from the people and giving it to his banking friends.We need marching in the streets all right but it is to demand our freedoms again and leaders who are fiscally responsible, who will submit to our constitution and Judeo Christian values. Bring the revolution on. Join me each day on my show from 3-6pm PAC and my book is finally out on The People’s President.