Friday, July 08, 2011



OLIVE TREE MINISTRIES LATES SHOWS No More Privacy: Smart Meters Are Surveillance Devices That Monitor The Behavior In Your Home Every Single Minute Of Every Single Day The American Dream July 8, 2011 Rupert Murdoch

Have you heard about the new smart meters that are being installed in homes all across America? Under the guise of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing energy bills, utility companies all over the United States are forcing tens of millions of American families to accept sophisticated surveillance devices in their homes. Currently, approximately 9 percentof all electric meters in the U.S. have been converted over to smart meters. It is being projected that by 2012, the number of smart meters in use will rise to 52 million, and the federal government is spending a lot of money to help get these installed everywhere. Eventually the goal is to have these smart meters in all of our homes and if that ever happened there would essentially be no more privacy. Once installed, a smart meter monitors your home every single minute of every single day and it transmits very sophisticated data about your personal behavior back to the utility company.So can’t we just tell the utility companies that we don’t want these stupid things? Unfortunately, in many areas of the country you can’t. For example, one outraged resident of California contacted the utility company and was told that if he did not consent to taking a smart meter he would receive no service.So unless you want to live off the grid, what are you going to do? Can any of us really survive without electricity these days? The sad truth is that these things are being forced upon us.It is happening in Europe too. The European Parliament has set a goal of having smart meters in the homes of 80 percent of all electricity consumers by the year 2020.Sadly, as these smart meters have gone in there have been reports all over the country of electricity bills increasing dramatically. There have been mountains of complaints about these things and yet their use keeps spreading.But of course the biggest issue with smart meters is how they will strip us of our privacy.The concern is that the incredibly detailed data that these surveillance devices collect will be given or sold to a vast array of third parties.For example, smart meters are already being used by police to bust marijuana growers.It is also feared that insurance companies, credit agencies, lawyers, marketing firms and even criminals will be able to get their hands on this data as well.A recent article posted on the website of the Electronic Frontier Foundationsummarized some of the concerns….

Without strong protections, this information can and will be repurposed by interested parties. It’s not hard to imagine a divorce lawyer subpoenaing this information, an insurance company interpreting the data in a way that allows it to penalize customers, or criminals intercepting the information to plan a burglary. Marketing companies will also desperately want to access this data.For law enforcement officials, these surveillance devices are a dream come true.According to the Columbus Dispatch, police in central Ohio have been filing at least 60 subpoenas every single month for the energy-use records of those that they suspect are growing pot in their homes.Well, it turns out that sometimes police are raiding homes that are using a lot of energy and they don’t find any marijuana at all. Instead, sometimes these raids reveal others kinds of activities….Sometimes, high electricity use doesn’t lead investigators to drugs. A federal investigation in the Powell area turned into a surprise for detectives.We thought it was a major grow operation … but this guy had some kind of business involving computers, Marotta said.I don’t know how many computer servers we found in his home.So do you want police raiding your home if you start using a little bit too much electricity? Jerry Day, an electronics and media expert from Burbank California, recently detailed many of the ways that smart meters act as surveillance deviceswhen they are installed in our homes….

1. They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy.
2. They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security.
3. They transmit wireless signals which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behavior and occupancy and they can be used by criminals to aid criminal activity against the occupants.
4. Data about occupant’s daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data.
5. Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time-of-day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants.
6. Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals, blackmailers, law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees, and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance.
7. Smart Meters are, by definition, surveillance devices which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored.
8. It is possible for example, with analysis of certain Smart Meter data, for unauthorized and distant parties to determine medical conditions, sexual activities, physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants.

Jerry Day has also produced a terrific YouTube video in which he explains many of these points more fully. If you live in an area where these insidious smart meters are going in, then please share this video with as many people living near you as you can….The time to object to these smart meters is before they go in. Once they are in all of our homes it is going to be too late.This is all part of the radical green agenda that is being forced down the throats of people all over the world.
Everything that we do has to be watched, monitored and tightly controlled for the good of the environment.To the control freaks running things, that also means that the liberties and freedoms that we cherish so much must be greatly restricted.If you don’t know about Agenda 21, you should learn about it. The UN has a plan for the future of this planet, and once you find out about this plan you probably are not going to like it very much. The entire globe is rapidly becoming one big prison grid as the elite implement their vision of the future.If you want to get a really good idea of what they are planning, just watch this video.If the control freaks get their way, there will eventually be no more privacy for any of us.Unless we speak out now, the surveillance devices are just going to become more and more sophisticated. At some point, none of us is even going to be able to sneeze without someone knowing about it.

Bulgaria Rebuffs Israel, Won’t Commit to Voting Against PA State by Elad Benari JULY 8,11

Bulgaria, usually considered an ally of Israel, rebuffed it on Thursday when it would not commit to voting against the planned unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state.AFP reported that Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, who was widely expected to back Israel, remained noncommittal after meeting Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.The report quoted Borisov as saying during a joint press conference with Netanyahu,You will see when the vote comes, when asked how Bulgaria would vote on the bid for a Palestinian state at the UN’s General Assembly in September.He added that there’s still time, noting the PA had not yet tabled its statehood bid, and would only say Bulgaria was still conducting final talks within the EU on our position.We have always favored peace talks and understanding, Borisov was quoted as saying. Our categorical stance is that all sides should go back to the negotiating table to reach the necessary agreements for establishing peace. This will also be our position in the UN.Earlier, said the report, Netanyahu praised the spirit of great familiarity and friendship between Borisov and himself and the historical bond between their two countries.

Bulgaria is known for having refused to surrender the 50,000 Jews who were living in the country to the Nazi army during World War II, despite heavy pressure from Adolf Hitler. King Boris III of Bulgaria received a posthumous award for this last year.
The visits and bilateral meetings between Bulgaria and Israel have increased greatly over the past two years. Ten years ago, the two countries signed a free trade agreement.But Bulgaria has also come under fire for its stance during World War II. While the country refused to hand Bulgaria’s Jews to Hitler’s army, it did allow the deportation of Jews from Thrace and Macedonia, which at that time were under Bulgarian rule.Bulgaria has traditionally not spoken about this part of its history, and members of the Sephardic Jewish community have called on its government to reveal the truth of Bulgaria’s interaction with the Jews during the Holocaust.
Netanyahu’s visit to Bulgaria is part of a tour the Prime Minister has been making around European capitals to drum up support against the PA’s bid. On Wednesday, Netanyahu visited Romania, where Prime Minister Emil Boc said his country opposes the bid.(

Beck to Tell Knesset: Work with Pro-Israel Media
by Elad Benari JULY 8,11

During his upcoming visit to Israel, American broadcaster Glenn Beck will address the delegitimization campaign against Israel and its effects on college campuses in the Diaspora, IsraelNationalNews has learned.Beck, who arrives in Israel on Monday, will address the Knesset’s Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee and speak about how the international media, with its biased anti-Israel reports, is a factor in the great anti-Semitism in the Diaspora, especially in college campuses.

He is also expected to tell the committee members that the Israeli Government needs to work very closely with media which is pro-Israel in order to stop the delegitimization of Israel.Beck has been a constant champion of Israel. He visited the Temple Mount earlier this year and has announced a Restoring Courage rally in Jerusalem on August 24.Earlier this week it was reported that Beck, along with MK Danny Danon (Likud), plans to ascend the Temple Mount as part of his visit. Danon is the head of the Knesset’s Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee, and will be co-hosting Beck’s visit along with MK Nissim Zeev (Shas).Israel National News has also learned that the idea to bring the pro-Israel Beck for a visit to the Holy Land first came up three years ago at the annual Ateret Cohanim dinner, when long-time Zionist activists Dr. Joe Frager and Dr. Paul Brody introduced Beck.After the introduction, Frager, who is also the long-time organizer of the annual Israel Day concert/rally in New York, suggested bringing Glenn Beck for a visit to Israel.

Frager and Brody, along with Odeleya Jacobs, have worked with several Knesset members on important projects to strengthen Israel’s image in the Diaspora and to stop the delegitimization of Israel in the media.Several months ago, they organized a visit to Israel by Former Arkansas Governor and possible Republican presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee.(

Skating on Entropy: Future Computers
by Gavriel Queenann JULY 8,11

Future computers may rely on magnetic microprocessors that consume the least amount of energy allowed by the laws of physics, Science Daily reports.It's not science fiction - it's your tomorrow.Or so says a team of electrical engineers at UC Berkely whose results were published in the Journal of Physical Review Letters earlier this year.Today's silicon-based microprocessor chips utlilize electric currents – moving electrons – which generate significant waste heat that must be dissipated. But microprocessors employing nanometer-sized bar magnets -- like itsy-bitsy refrigerator magnets -- for memory, logic and switching operations would theoretically require no moving electrons.Such chips would dissipate only 18 millielectron volts of energy per operation at room temperature, the minimum allowed by the second law of thermodynamics, which is also called the Landauer limit. In English: that's 1 million times less energy per operation than consumed by contemporary computers! Today, computers run on electricity; by moving electrons around a circuit, you can process information, explained UC Berkley graduate student Brian Lambson. A magnetic computer, on the other hand, doesn't involve any moving electrons. You store and process information using magnets, and if you make these magnets really small, you can basically pack them very close together so that they interact with one another.

Lambson is working with UC Berkeley professor Jeffrey Bokor of electrical engineering and computer sciences, to develop magnetic computers.In principle, one could, I think, build real circuits that would operate right at the Landauer limit, said Bokor, who is also a codirector for the Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science. One of the center's goals is to build computers that operate at the Landauer limit, Bokor said, noting going lower would be impossible due to entropic effects.Even if we could get within one order of magnitude, a factor of 10, of the Landauer limit, it would represent a huge reduction in energy consumption for electronics, Bokor said.It would be absolutely revolutionary!

Back to the Future
Much like now-obsolete floppy disks, Bokor and Lambson are talking about magnetic storage -- but on a radically diminished scale and increased level of sophistication.
The nanomagnets that Bokor's lab use to build magnetic memory and logic devices are about 100 nanometers wide and about 200 nanometers long – only 20% the size of most household germs! But their north-south polarity – like a bar magnet – can be used to represent the 0 and 1 of contemporary binary computer memory.What's more, when multiple nanomagnets are brought together, their north and south poles interact via dipole-dipole forces -- increased margnetic attraction between the magnets -- to exhibit transistor behavior, allowing simple logic operations.The magnets themselves are the built-in memory,Lambson said.The real challenge is getting the wires and transistors working.Lambson has proven through calculations and computer simulations that the simple memory operation restore to one -- erasing a magnetic bit -- can be conducted at an energy dissipation rate very close, if not identical to, the Landauer limit.Because the Landauer limit is proportional to temperature, circuits cooled to low temperatures would be even more efficient.At the moment, electrical currents are used to generate a magnetic field to erase or flip the polarity of nanomagnets, which dissipates a lot of energy. Ideally, new materials will make electrical currents unnecessary.The magnetic technology we are working on looks very interesting for ultra low power uses, Bokor said.We are trying to figure out how to make it more competitive in speed, performance and reliability.But we have to figure out a way to put that energy in without using an electricity dependent magnetic field, which is very hard to do efficiently, Bokor explained.Bokor's research is being underwritten by the National Science Foundation and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.(

Over reach and control of all the wrong people
Posted on July 7, 2011 by Laurie Roth

Everywhere we look these days we see freedoms swiped and draconian controls forced on the American people.

Where do we begin? Health care tentacle

Obama lead in forcing punitive and rationed health care on the American people, controlled by the IRS with threatening fines attached. This has yet to be destroyed and is a complete violation! If allowed, seniors will be deprived critical and timely care; Government approved health insurance will be forced or you face a huge fine; Doctors will be told what they are paid; abortions and illegal alien care will be paid for; taxes will be added everywhere and bank accounts will be monitored and controlled.

Smart Grid and sustainability tentacle

Then there is the privacy violating smart grid.This sneaky plan involves controls from your utility box at your house to a central Government controlled location. Smart Grid is being put into homes all over America now and most of us don’t even have a clue what has already been attached to our house. We are already being tracked from our computers, washing machines, stoves and air conditioners to a central office, which has an energy, sustainability agenda. They will just turn us off when they feel like it. Think of it. No heat, air conditioning, electricity or power if you are the wrong person or go over their defined line. It’s coming.

Creating illusion of security tentacle,

We have open and unsecured borders with a two hundred billion a year drug trade flying across our borders each year. A third of the people in our prisons are illegal aliens, while we have allowed 20-40 million mystery people living here without documentation. President after President has touched the surface of this then run away in cowardess before solving this dangerous problem.

We have TSA madness and pretend security

TSA apparently hopes that if they act real tough with Grannies, making sure their diapers don’t have terrorist poop in them, frisking the genitals of 3 year olds, grabbing a few breasts and groping their way through a good time, we will all have a safe and happy flight. Now the latest….a black lady who got on a plane from Sea Tac to Texas was pulled aside after she went through the radiation machine, why??? Because of her done up hair. They then groped, poked and messed up her hair. This is after she had already gone through the radiation, nudy machine. If the pervert/radiation machine isn’t enough to catch a bomb hidden in your hair then why are any of us walking through it? Since 9/11 we have seen Mom’s forced to drink their breast milk, Your Aunt Suzie have her bunions checked, and groping go to the absurd. Now, hair groping.There is real danger with Islamic radicals who intend to get a bomb on a plane. ABC News has talked of the push by terrorists to implant bombs in passengers that could be detonated and supposedly not be caught. There plans are to surgically implant these bombs in terrorists a day or two before a flight, then BANG your dead. This really is a danger for us all but what is a sane solution? Deny everyone their rights, expose everyone to radiation and grope private parts? No No and No.

The TSA has become but another control training tentacle of Obama, irritating us all but giving enough security in between the violations and over reaches that people don’t know enough to care in time that they are losing real security and freedom right in front of their eyes. We are being trained to expect less and less freedom and endure more controls.We must REALLY get a handle on Airport security by following the same principles and steps of the most successful airline security in the world, El Al in Israel. They don’t have terrorists or bombs get on their planes because they profile in a correct manner, ask real questions and do more security as needed when red flags come up. They are not persecuting Muslims but they do pay attention to known red flags, known terrorist strategies and dangers. They get the job done and offer safe flights every time because they are not stuck on stupid and playing the politically correct game of kiss up. This is the only way I believe we will have effective Airline security without violating every passenger and turning travel into a pervert show.

The tentacles squeeze slowly around our necks

Squeeze and betrayal of health care; squeeze and betrayal with smart grid, sustainability, environmental and land controls; squeeze of pretend airline security with TSA; wars in the wrong locations for global elite and energy reasons, welcoming terrorist groups like Muslim Brotherhood and ignoring border security while looking the other way on a 200 billion a year drug trade. It is most special and predictable for Obama.These tentacles are getting very tight around my neck. My eyes are starting to pop out. Someone please hand me the chain saw over there to cut this off my neck and do it by 2012 please.

Obama and his aids on top of the world – American workers in the toilet Posted on July 5, 2011 by Laurie Roth

Already in this campaign season we hear the usual boring and predictable rhetoric from Obama how he and the nation inherited this economic mess and unemployment nightmare. Bush this and Republican that. Even though Bush has been gone for several years now, all can be tracked to him, even your sore shoulder, pimples and hair loss. Bush and conservatives do everything wrong you know.America is in great pain. Our economy is still in huge recession, the housing market is as bad as the Great Depression and unemployment is soaring. Even the L.A. times is acknowledging unemployment at 9.1% Many other sources and various states report much higher figures, some double and some triple those numbers. On Fox news the other day Charles Krauthammer reminded us that we are showing unprecedented unemployment. In fact, one out of every six Americans is not only unemployed but many have been unemployed for 6 months or longer. He points out how this is unheard of in America but more common in Europe. In the Bush years it took an average of five weeks to get a new job. Now we are talking 6 months or more. Krauthammer ominously states that the unemployed middle class may never get another job. We have a nation of growing and rich, Political and global elites and increasingly poor worker bees. That is the classic Obama, socialist/communist plan.

It gets better

This week the liberal leaning L.A. Times pointed out the great shape Obama’s staff and aides are in. Andrew Malcolm wrote a great piece and talked of Obama’s 454 White House aides bringing in a whopping $37,121,463 a year in salary. Isn’t that precious? This is while we hear the endless economy, empathy speeches by the President, acknowledging our economic mess and unemployment.One in three Obama aids earn more than 100,000 a year. This is significantly up from Bush’s aid count and salary norms. Apparently 21 of Obama’s aids are superstars in these suffering and difficult times. They earn $172,200 each. Shall we take a collection for them? As unemployment numbers go up, housing and retail goes to hell, and 1 in 6 has been unemployed, many for 6 months or more, this President is gearing up his Saul Alinsky blame fest against conservatives and Bush…..AGAIN.Obama apparently thinks that when you hit a baseball and it goes flying through your neighbors window, glass flying everywhere, it is the window and houses fault for being in the way. Let the American demolition continue.I think not! Let’s kick him and all the other anti American, progressive leftists out in 2012.

About The Ongoing Iranian Missile Tests…
June 30, 2011 By Sean Osborne by Sean Osborne

UPDATE 2: 3 July 2011: An article authored by James Lewis entitled Obama’s Final Solution published this morning at will serve readers of this assessment very well as a big picture presentation which should leave no doubt, if doubt we possible given the content of the original article and the first update, about the soon-to-be-realized fact that a major Middle Eastern war between Israel and its Arab and Persian enemies is precisely the objective of the current administration occupying the White House. In driving toward this objective the White House is risking anything and everything, including the rampant use of real weapons of mass destruction and the resultant deaths of tens of thousands, in order to achieve the destruction of the State of Israel.

The danger posed to what is

left of this Constitutional Republic by this administration’s agenda cannot be emphasized strongly enough. It is up to those real, natural born American patriots in postions of power and responsibility to execute the requirements of their Oath’s to the Constitution; to do all within their ability to preempt this agenda before it is too late. Short of making the ultimate sacrifice as thousands of our soldiers have voluntarily done in the past 9 years, it is now YOU who owe nothing less to the current and succeeding generation of We The People. So help you God.UPDATE: 2 July 2011: It has come to my attention over the past 24 hours that the series of recent resignations of high Israel government officials were all directly related to the issues addessed in my assessment on the nearly completed Iranian development of nuclear weapons and the ballistic missile systems designed specifically to place those weapons on American and Israeli targets.Yesterday, the day after my assessment was posted here, FrontPageMag.Com published a key MUST READ article by P. David Hornik entitled Israel’s Palace War Over Iran which began with this sentence: Over the past few months, much of Israel’s top security brass has stepped down—the chief of staff (Gabi Ashkenazi), the head of military intelligence (Amos Yadlin), the head of the Mossad (Meir Dagan), and the head of the Shin Bet or internal security (Yuval Diskin).I absolutely agree with Mr. Hornik on the real reasons for these resignations: all of the officials were sent packing for their failure to execute their responsibilities in crafting a credible Israeli military response to remove the Isranian nuclear threat should the US and other international powers fail to resolve that issue to the benefit of the entire world.Mr. Hornik’s article also prominently cited another key MUST READ article confirming the reasons for these resignations by Aluf Benn in his Haaretz-published article (Israel’s defense chiefs failed in deterring Iran). According to Mr. Benn, the above named former Israeli officials embarked on a foiling action, not against Iran but against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

That would be like their American counterparts acting against our president and his secretary of state regarding a coherent deterrent policy on Iranian nuclear development. Interestingly enough, we also have some key resignations going on. And Iran still has their nukes and the missiles with which to deliver them. Hopefully in the future there will be quality historians around to leave a accurate records of these events from which future generations might learn.30 June 2010: For quite a few years now I’ve watched and kept track of OSINT reports regarding Iran’s development-in-depth of numerous ballistic missile systems. Just for reference sake you can read them HERE, HERE and HERE.My assessment has always held that there is only one purpose for such development – placing a nuclear warhead onto a distant target. Recently the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) told us point blank what has always been assumed, that being the Iranian warhead’s targets are American military bases and Israeli cities. The difference between my earlier assessments on Iranian nuclear missile capabilities then and now is that now iran can launch these missiles from hardened siloes with little or no warning. Within a day of the IRGC announcement British Foreign Secretary William Hague publicly confirmed the secret nature of the testing as well as the testing in the ongoing “Great Prophet Six exercises the IRGC is executing.Have you heard or read anything of a similar nature coming from Foreign Secretary Hague’s American counterpart, SECSTATE Hillary Clinton? How about a word from her boss in the White House? That’s right, you’ve gotten exactly zero, zip, nada from them about this. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find a single American corporate news article on this subject or Foreign Secretary Hague’s accusations. Instead the White House and the U.S. State Department have been downplaying the accelerating Iranian regime’s progress in the field of precipitating a non-existent al-Mahdi-hastening Armageddon scenario. Yet at her SECSTATE swearing in ceremony Hillary Clinton was keen to lecture those in attendance how we’re going to have to be smarter about how we do what we must for our country.As for Barry Soetoro, his most recent State of the Union address did not have so much as a single mention of the Iranian threat. Iraq, Al Qaeda, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Korea all merited a mention, but not Iran. My best guess is that he doesn’t see the Iranian threat as a problem in need of fixing. Well, so much for Barry’s defeating determined enemies wherever they are comment in that address. I guess Iran is one very real threat that Barry has missed altogether. Would somebody please bring his morning briefer up to speed. Thanks in advance.

Obama’s ineligibility: A Congress of cowards
- Lawrence Sellin Thursday, July 7, 2011

imageWhile American military personnel are risking their lives in foreign wars, Congressional fat cats are at home betraying our country.If members of Congress show up downrange for their combat zone photo opportunities, I think the soldiers should refuse to meet with them.Why would honorable men and women tarnish their reputations by shaking hands with Congressional phonies and weaklings? I heard from a reliable source that members of Congress have said that they are afraid to challenge Barack Obama because black Americans will riot.Yes, of course. All black Americans are mindless, lawless thugs. Isn’t that Congressional conclusion, well, racist? And isn’t toleration of lawlessness by a President a Congressional signal to all that the rule of law has been downgraded to negotiable recommendations? There will always be people, who don’t need much incentive to break the law. And those people should get their butts kicked, starting with Congress.The U.S. Military Academy at West Point has a Cadet Honor Code, which simply states:A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) and Representatives Geoff Davis (R-KY), Brett Guthrie (R-KY), Mike Pompeo (R-KN) and John Shimkus (R-IL) are all graduates of West Point.If they also tolerate those, who violate our Constitution and commit federal crimes, then there is little hope that Congressional integrity can be salvaged.

Americans are increasingly aware that Congress has become an institution dedicated to lying, cheating and stealing.Our cowardly Congress, however, may soon be overtaken by events and be taken over by very angry citizens.The United States District Court for the District of Hawaii issued and served a subpoena on July 5, 2011 to the director of the Hawaii Health Department for the:original 1961 typewritten birth certificate #10641 for Barack Obama, III [sic] issued 08.08.1961, signed by Dr. David Sinclair, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama and registrar Lee, stored in the Health Department of the State of HI from 08081961 until now.On April 27, 2011, the White House released what it claimed was a certified copy of Obama’s long-form birth certificate. Numerous document examiners, typesetting experts, and graphics consultants have come forward to state in formal presentations and reports that the image presented to the public is a poor forgery.There may also have been a violation of federal law – 2 U.S.C. §166(d)(1) – that the Congressional Research Service (CRS) perform its duties without partisan bias.From all appearances, the April 3, 2009 CRS Jack Maskell Memorandum (CRS Memo) addressing presidential eligibility, intentionally and substantively modified the language of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Perkins v. Elg, 307 U.S. 325 at 330, in order to accomplish the result sought. The modification, through application of a grammatical ellipsis, seems clearly calculated to have made it appear that the Supreme Court has already strongly intimated, if not outright held, that if one is a native born citizen, then one is also a natural born Citizen under Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution. Moreover, the ellipsis seems also calculated to allow the author of the memo, Maskell (and/or whomever else participated in its design and structure), to contend, in support of Obama’s purported constitutional eligibility, that the parents of the person involved in Elg were non-U.S. citizens, when in fact both parents were naturalized U.S. citizens before their daughter, Marie Elg, was born. Accordingly, not only are these CRS Memo assertions demonstrably wrong, they may also constitute criminal acts. In addition, those above Maskell in the CRS management hierarchy, if they knew of the problems, may also be implicated.

As I wrote earlier, Attorney Leo Donofrio has documented evidence that, the main resource on the web for all things related to United States Supreme Court holdings, has been censoring various references to Minor v. Happersett (1875), the Supreme Court case which proves that Obama is an illegal President.These are just a few snowflakes on the tip of the iceberg. There is no doubt in my mind that many of our political leaders and government officials are co-conspirators in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out of men. - Abraham Lincoln-Congress is guilty as sin.

China’s Second Great Leap Forward
- Daniel Greenfield Thursday, July 7, 2011

imageThe People’s Republic of China’s first Great Leap Forward thrust it forward at the cost of some 40 million lives. And while its Second Great Leap Forward appears to come at a smaller cost in lives, it may prove to be equally fragile.The saving grace of the PRC economy has been the willingness of Western companies to use it as a cheap labor market. Capitalism accomplished what Communism could not, giving its industrialization focus. But beneath that China is still a Party oligarchy which is stuck thinking in terms of giant projects and major goals. The New China is on its Second Great Leap Forward and still trapped in Mao’s legacy.China has achieved Mao’s vision of becoming the world’s dominant steel producer. China produces a third of the world’s steel. Almost eight times as much as the United States. And its dumping of steel on the American market, along with domestic overregulation, has helped break down the American steel industry. But the Chinese steel industry is government subsidized and protected. Like so much else, it grows out of a command economy.
China’s command economy depends on an undervalued currency which uses exports to fund industrial investment.China’s command economy depends on an undervalued currency which uses exports to fund industrial investment. More industry, more cheap exports and more revenue. The cycle of aggressive growth that follows is impressive, but also completely unstable. The growth is not natural, it’s government funded. The costs of the growth are dispersed and hidden, but they are still there. Like most pyramid schemes, the numbers look good so long as a high rate of growth continues. But a setback exposes its weakness and topples the whole structure.

The PRC’s official budget deficit isn’t so terrible, but its real spending is often hidden behind a convoluted organizational web of state owned banks and investment corporations set up by local governments to lend themselves money from state owned banks. China’s official budget listed revenues of 1.149 trillion and expenditures of 1.27 trillion. Not so bad compared to America’s insane 2.092 trillion in revenues and 3.397 trillion in expenditures. Except when you start accounting for nearly an additional 4 trillion in debt that the PRC used to stimulate its economy via its own banks. This puts our own stimulus plan into perspective. The Chinese version is much worse than our own.Obama suggests that we look to China. But that may just be because the Chinese model is his own taken to the worst possible extreme, more reckless, less transparent and headed for disaster. Massive infrastructure investments, irresponsible currency manipulation, piles of hidden debt and unrecognized long term consequences.The disasters of the original Great Leap Forward were fed by a political bureaucracy, that like its Soviet counterparts, refused to acknowledge failure or pass along news of negative outcomes up the ladder. There is no sign that this has changed. The Russian and Chinese Communist command economies passed unworkable orders down to the fiefdoms of local officials who hid their failures until they couldn’t be hidden anymore. The same thing is happening now under a capitalist veneer. And there is every sign that the disasters of the Great Leap Forward are repeating themselves.Massive population displacement, home demolitions and land seizures in the countryside were a feature of the Great Leap Forward.

Massive population displacement, home demolitions and land seizures in the countryside were a feature of the Great Leap Forward and they are a major feature of the Second Great Leap Forward. But this time the peasants aren’t starving to death by the roadside, they’re protesting loudly. While Westerners still think in terms of Tienanmen Square, there are tens of thousands mass anti-government protests happening every year in China. Some of them featuring crowds in the tens of thousands. These are not democracy protests by students. The modern Chinese students tends to be pro-regime and optimistic about making money. The peasant thrown out of his home by local officials does not.The displaced populations and a gender gap that will leave millions unable to marry represent a ticking social time bomb. Mao’s China solved it with the mass murder of millions. The modern PRC is willing to evict millions from their homes, but not to actively execute or starve them all to death. Instead it plans to outgrow the problem. And its growth plan pumps money into local industrialization which leads to more evictions. More significantly it leads to the loss of arable land.The original Great Leap Forward saw famine deaths in the tens of millions

The original Great Leap Forward saw famine deaths in the tens of millions. Since then China has put a great deal of focus on self-sufficiency in wheat production and stockpiling wheat reserves, but its wheat, corn and even rice imports are rising dramatically. That is a dangerous sign in a country with a high population, devastating droughts and a long history of famines.But China’s own government funded industrialization is partly to blame for it. The PRC’s Second Great Leap Forward has pumped money into rural development, throwing up power plants, dams and factories, and wiping out millions of hectares of arable land. Their solution to the problem is more government funded agriculture through farm subsidies, while raising the minimum purchase price on crops.China has set minimum purchase prices on wheat and other crops to subsidize domestic agriculture while preventing the United States and other foreign competitors from dumping cheaper wheat on its marketplace. While American wheat was cheaper than Chinese wheat, it cannot be sold for less than Chinese wheat. Like so much else of China’s economy, this setup depended on a high rate of growth. But rising global wheat prices combined with rising domestic demand and less arable land are making it dangerously vulnerable. Food prices in China are rising sharply, while its domestic production is unable to keep up.China’s agricultural spending is negligible compared to its massive infrastructure investments, that are often senseless, destructive and wasteful. The mentality was typical of the USSR, of North Korea and of China, which is throwing it has into massive projects without a realistic return on their investment. Like Dubai, China is spending enormous amounts of money and effort to maintain the boom image. But that image is built on massive piles of debt invested against artificial growth. With the whole thing rising like a neon lit deck of cards above a wobbly table.The final and worst legacy of the Great Leap Forward is shoddy production

The final and worst legacy of the Great Leap Forward is shoddy production. The Leap set target goals and tried to meet them by cutting every corner possible. The modern China is no longer trying to beat the UK’s steel production numbers with backyard furnaces, as it did in Mao’s day, but its steel is notoriously shoddy. So is everything else that is Made in China.For now America is still putting cost over quality. As San Francisco did when it bought its new Bay Bridge in China. But rising steel prices, a weak dollar and an inevitable clash over China’s undervalued currency mean that sooner or later, Chinese industry will be forced to compete on quality, not on price. And when that day comes, industries built on government subsidies and told to turn out products at the lowest price, will suddenly find themselves in big trouble.Like most command economies, China is strictly big picture. Its higher ups are unconcerned with the details. Mao remained unaware for the longest time that backyard furnaces cannot produce high quality steel. Similarly the men and women at the top are ignorant of the details that keeps their economic miracle on track. Instead they celebrate big picture accomplishments like the opening of the world’s longest bridge, the Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, which is certainly a big bridge, with some safety issues, and happens to be completely unnecessary.The Big Picture vision of the Second Great Leap Forward is about to collide with economic realities and unspoken truths

With debt at 80 percent of GDP, the only plan is to keep moving forward. But the level of growth needed is unsustainable. The Big Picture vision of the Second Great Leap Forward is about to collide with economic realities and unspoken truths.Now as China indulges in military brinkmanship with its neighbors and pumps more money into its military budget, while growing more brazen about seizing entire US companies and hoarding raw materials, its aggressiveness is breaking apart the business relationships on which its economic boom was founded.China’s economic growth is parasitic on American and European growth. It has overinvested in a race against America and Europe, without understanding that it is running a race against itself. That it has not truly broken with the errors of the Great Leap Forward.

then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.

JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM



09:30 AM -2.16
10:00 AM -97.18
10:30 AM -117.72
11:00 AM -122.15
11:30 AM -114.05
12:00 PM -109.21
12:30 PM -121.47
01:00 PM -116.78
01:30 PM -99.75
02:00 PM -103.72
02:30 PM -109.32
03:00 PM -97.25
03:30 PM -105.08
04:00 PM -62.29 12,657.20

S&P 500 1343.80 -9.42

NASDAQ 2859.81 -12.85

GOLD 1,544.30 +13.70

OIL 96.26 -2.41

TSE 300 13,371.70 -34.30

CDNX 1964.81 -1.10

S&P/TSX/60 765.36 -1.68


Dow -102 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -121 points at low today.
Dow +1 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,543.30.OIL opens at $97.18 today.

Dow -148 points at low today so far.
Dow +1 points at high today so far.

Dow -148 points at low today.
Dow +1 points at high today.


Europe's central bank gives helping hand to Portugal
VALENTINA POP 07.07.2011 @ 17:36 C

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - In a move similar to the Greek case, the European Central Bank (ECB) on Thursday (7 July) suspended a minimum rating requirement for Portuguese bonds after one of the major credit rating agencies earlier this week downgraded Portugal to junk status.In response to the downgrade announced by Moody's on Tuesday, the European Central Bank has decided to suspend until further notice the minimum rating threshold required for Portuguese bonds, ECB chief Jean-Claude Trichet said during his monthly press conference in Frankfurt.This means the ECB will continue to buy Portuguese bonds regardless of the rating given to them by private agencies - a move also made for Greece.Trichet insisted this extraordinary measure was not being taken because the ECB feared other rating agencies may follow suit and downgrade Portugal, but because the Portuguese adjustment programme agreed with the EU and the IMF at the end of June is ahead of the curve. He noted the programme already deals with privatisations and increased taxes.

These steps are still required in Greece, for which the ECB already last year suspended its minimum rating requirement for buying up Greek bonds.The outgoing ECB chief, whose mandate runs out in October, fiercely defended the credibility of his institution, which has been forced into numerous policy flip-flops - including the ratings exemption for Greece and now Portugal.We are very credible, Trichet insisted when pressed by journalists on the issue.Yet with private banks and eurozone governments discussing a second bailout for Greece with private investor participation - a condition boxed through by Berlin - Trichet's calls to avoid a credit event and his definite no to what is called a selective default of Greece look increasingly defensive.Along with the Portugal measure, Trichet also announced an increase in the ECB interest rate to 1.5 percent, the second hike this year. Asked by an Irish journalist if he feels any sympathy with Irish people, whose country is also subject to harsh EU-IMF austerity measures and who will be hit by the rate increase, Trichet responded: Ireland needs to stick to its programme. I won't comment further.He insisted that austerity measures work for all the people in the eurozone, including Ireland where the current account is now positive. But he also signalled that the ECB may further increase its interest rate in the coming months.

Barroso to ratings agencies: We know better
VALENTINA POP 06.07.2011 @ 17:31 CET

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Portugal-born EU commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso on Wednesday (6 July) accused American credit rating agency Moody's of being biased and speculative for downgrading its assessment of Portugal's debt payment capacity.
Rating agencies are market players and as such they are not immune from market cycles, mistakes and exaggerations that come with them, Barroso said during a press conference in Strasbourg.Citing formidable challenges and a possible second bailout with private banks involvement, Moody's on Tuesday downgraded Portugal's credit rating to junk, meaning it is not safe for pension funds to buy Portuguese bonds.I deeply regret the decision of one rating agency to downgrade the Portuguese sovereign debt. I regret it both in terms of its timing and its magnitude, Barroso said, echoing remarks from Lisbon that the US-based agency had not taken into account the recently adopted austerity package.Yesterday's decision by one rating agency does not provide for more clarity, but rather adds another speculative element to the situation,he argued.With all due respect to that specific rating agency, our institutions know Portugal a little bit better. Our analysis is more refined and complete,Barroso went on, encouraging the Portuguese to stick to the agreed programme.

In his defence of Portugal's ability to pay back its debt, the former Portuguese premier said that both the German chancellor and the French finance minister recently had dismissed credit rating agencies and made it clear that EU decisions on financial matters are based not on market players positions but on the objective assessments of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.Ever since the beginning of the sovereign debt crisis, EU leaders have had a hard time convincing markets of the effectiveness of bailouts and austerity packages when it comes to the ability of countries like Greece and later on Ireland and Portugal to pay back their debt.The credit rating market is currently dominated by the so-called Big Three - Moody's, Standard and Poor's and Fitch - all based in New York, except for the latter which also has headquarters in London and belongs to a French-owned parent company. Still, the EU feels under-represented and is now looking at strengthening regulations and possibly stimulating the emergence of a Europe-based rival.An EU draft law is likely to be put forward by the end of the year to improve the methodology of rating sovereign debt, reduce excessive reliance of financial institutions on ratings, reduce conflicts of interests and introduce more responsibility and competition [on the credit rating market],Barroso explained.While admitting that it is not for EU institutions or politicians to decide upon the creation of a Europe-based credit rating agency, Barroso did criticise the quasi-monopoly of the Big Three.

It is quite strange that the market is dominated by only three players and not a single agency is coming from Europe. It shows there may be some bias in the market when it comes to evaluation of issues in Europe, that Europeans know better than others,he said.Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who was also present at the press conference as new chairman of the rotating EU presidency, poured some cold water on expectations that credit rating agencies would change behaviour.Only a naive person could have expected rating agencies to change into angels and have nothing else on their minds but ways of helping Greece or another country in trouble. Nobody establishes a rating agency in order to help anybody, he said.

MEPs put off controversial electoral reform
HONOR MAHONY 07.07.2011 @ 17:36 CET

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Proposals designed to shake up the European political landscape were on Thursday sent back to the drawing board after proving too controversial for MEPs to endorse.Put together by UK liberal MEP Andrew Duff, the report sailed through committee in spring but then came a cropper as the political groups in the parliament took a more thorough look at the implications of the proposals, representing the greatest shake-up of electoral procedures since the European Parliament was first directly elected in the 1970s.The most controversial idea concerns electing 25 extra MEPs on a transnational ticket in a bid to create a EU-wide political space. These deputies would be chosen by European political parties and have to come from at least a third of member states. Citizens would elect them alongside their national MEPs.The report also calls for the regular reapportioning of seats with the EU assembly, a single electoral roll, and one set of rules on immunities for MEPs, and for elections to be held in May instead of June.

Duff admitted that there had been great debate in the political groups about this ideas. MEPs feel nervous discussing reforms of a process that got them into parliament and begin to consider their own pensions,he said.With the report risking being shot down in plenary on Thursday, Duff asked for it to go back to committee in September so he can get wider political support. He aims to have it before plenary once more in October.Chief among the criticisms are that the proposals would have to be ratified by member states, with the long and difficult birth of the current Lisbon Treaty still fresh in the mind.

Super deputies

MEPs also groused about whether these super deputies would be accountable to anyone and about the timing of the report.Countering the arguments, Duff noted that the chamber already has natural tiers among MEPs - including simply whether they are good or bad deputies - and pointed out that member states will anyway have to approve changes to the EU treaty to admit Croatia as a member in 2012.He argued that transnational MEPs would dramatise and personalise European elections, where participation has fallen steadily since from 63 percent in 1979 to 43 percent in 2009.It is certainly possible that Mr Barroso's successor to the commission [presidency] is to be found on a transnational list,said Duff.At the moment, although nominally European elections, the five-yearly trek to polling booths have the air of 27 different national elections.This disconnect and the resulting low turnout has become an increasing embarrassment to the parliament, which has steadily seen its legislative powers increase.

I am ingenious

Continued resistance is expected from several quarters.Member states are unlikely to be as equable about treaty change as Duff while European political groups may dislike being put on the spot in terms of finding suitable candidates and pan-European election themes.Nationally the electoral reform proposals could ruffle feathers. Domestic parties are unlikely to appreciate no longer having the sole right to choose what MEPs go on lists.But the first battle for Duff, for whom this is something of a parliamentary lifework, will be to get his ideas through committee and back onto the plenary agenda in autumn.He is still talking up his chances.I think you underestimate my capacity to be ingenious in finding solutions to complex problems,he noted when asked about the difficult political waters ahead.