Saturday, November 06, 2010






Let’s hope Obama’s defining moment in history remain in India
By Judi McLeod Friday, November 5, 2010 CANADA FREE PRESS

The lure of citizens to keep written diaries recording all manner of things in these bizarre times is compelling.Is it midterm election euphoria that is keeping politicians other than Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann from speaking out against the President Barack Obama Traveling Show set to begin today? This is a storied Trip Among Trips, details of which have gone from bizarre to surrealistic. Along with the 40 planes and 34 warships Obama is taking along with him, comes news of the bomb-proof over-ground tunnel that will be built by American military engineers for Obama to visit the Gandhi museum in Mani Bhavan.The tunnel would be a kilometer long and measure 12ft. by 12ft—enough to let Obama’s cavalcade pass through.(Daily News & Analysis, Nov. 4, 2010).The tunnel would be centrally air-conditioned, fitted with close-circuit television cameras, and will be heavily guarded at every point, including, of course, its entry and exit.A loud and bumptious invasion of the quiet environment that contains the artifacts of a man who dedicated his entire life on Earth to peace.Not since Cleopatra’s elaborate barges along the Nile has royalty travelled in such luxury and style.

The silence from Washington’s House of Representatives right is almost as eerie as the sound of the coconuts being lopped from the trees of Mumbai and the screams of the monkeys being rounded up for this trip of a would-be blue-blood.White House officials have dismissed a claim made by an Indian news outlet that the trip to India would cost $200-million a day, as wildly inflated.Well, how much does it cost to take 40 planes, 34 warships, 3,000 travel companions renting the Taj Mahal Hotel’s 570 rooms, and the rooms of other nearby hotels? Doing the math would come close.The numbers reported in this article have no basis in reality, Tommy Victor, a White House spokesman said.Yet, due to security concerns, the White House was unable to put an actual price tag on the trip.Nor is there any estimate for the remainder of the trip, which includes Indonesia, South Korea, Japan and China.

The timing of the trip is its biggest mystery.

There are those who say Obama departs America still smarting from the loss of Dem seats in Tuesday’s election. India is a long way to go to take the sting out of post-election blues.There are others who claim that Obama’s narcissism protects him from blues about anything.According to the Khaleej Times online, India is brimming with excitement over U.S. President Barack Obama’s four-day maiden visit to the Land of the Mahatma, a man he idolises.And indeed there’s much to look forward to in this summit between the leaders of the world’s oldest and largest democracies. The trip, Obama has said, will be a defining moment in history, helping both nations forge closer ties rooted in common interests and values.Therein lies the most bizarre. Obama, who advocates for the socialization of America does not believe in democracies but in socialist states.Let us hope and pray that any defining moment in history held by Obama does not touch the shores of the United States of America.

White House Lying Again? Where There’s Smoke
By Jerry McConnell Friday, November 5, 2010 CANADA FREE PRESS

Liar, liar pants on fire, should be the mantra of the White House news staff and Robert Gibbs in particular.I know it must be tough to stand there day after day after day trying to smile and joke when the man you’re trying to protect is one of the most accomplished liars since, well, since Bubba Clinton, but the very UN-smooth Gibbs, nicknamed Fibbs, makes it look, and sound, tougher.People can see through his tissue paper thin veneer and nervous little titter while trying to un-squirm his portly body from a tangled web of deceit that he has woven for himself and his boss.

After the disastrous and joltingly injurious to planned excursions into other fantasia for the next two years election, the Big O came on TV the very next day and feigning little or no anxiety, which must have been tearing at the very fiber of his knickers, declared that the new opposition would just have to get together with he and his minions to work things out.At the very least he could have had a few beads of perspiration showing on his upper lip or forehead; but no sweat G. I., Mr. Cool acted as though some minor inconvenience had been presented to him and he was casually brushing it off with the same demeanor that Fibbs, er, Gibbs uses to browbeat uncomfortable press questions.His attitude appeared to be that the elections were no big deal and life would proceed as originally planned. In fact, he went on to talk about his upcoming trip to the Far East as if it were a walk across the street to Lafayette Park. He acted as though he didn’t understand that Mr. and Mrs. Joe Q. Public want the hilariously ridiculous and extravagant spending STOPPED. And his planned trip proves reported online November 04. 2010, by Enn Vogel, that the White House defended the costs of the trip to Asia but failed to even guess-timate the total costs to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Q. Public with Gibbs dismissing a report by Press Trust of India (PTI) that the costs of the Obama entourage to Mumbai and Indonesia (going home, Obie?) would be U. S. $200 million per day!

Vogel reported that Gibbs maintained that he would not go into the actual figure of what it costs. and typically as has become the daily custom of this petty palace of practiced prevarications, he backslid into the tired old incantation of the costs of George W. Bush and others.Don’t know about you, but I am fed up to here with comparisons with George W. Bush; wouldn’t you think that after TWO WHOLE YEARS they could come up with a more current comparison or analogy? Or better yet, IMPROVE on something that George W. Bush did? I guess it is true that the impossible takes a little longer.This so-called business trip for trade purposes presumably (I still think Obie is just going back home to Indonesia) will take one whopping total of helpers to get there and back; and as Vogel states, PTI released the article on the president’s trip on Tuesday and made additional claims that roughly 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President.A more recent report on November 04, 2010 titled, Security Entourage Earning Epic Reputation Ahead of Obama India Visit repeats the information noted above and adds, The president will be accompanied by 40 aircraft, 3,000 people, a fleet of cars and 34 warships, according to a string of blow-by-blow news updates. The Press Trust of India quoted an official in the state of Maharashtra pegging the cost at $200 million a day. Obama’s said to have booked the entire Taj Mahal Palace hotel.This 10-da day trip could cost us taxpayers up to TWO BILLION DOLLARS! That’s $2,000,000,000. On top of all his other profligacies, this man must be mad.THE TAJ MAHAL PALACE HOTEL! 3000 people and FORTY aircraft! He really does believe he is really ROYALTY. UNBELIEVABLE. Small wonder that the image of the “ugly American” is so prevalent around the world and this bum is excessively proliferating it. It makes one wonder if he is not doing it deliberately in order to downgrade the U. S. ever further.

Now you would think that the Indian agency that issued that report would have a pretty good idea of the size of the delegation that would be needing accommodations for food and lodging, but Vogel’s article stated that White House spokesperson Tommy Vietor said, The numbers reported in this article have no basis in reality.The Clinton Administration made famous an old joke about a river in Africa called Denial.Seems the Obama Administration is trotting it out a lot lately itself. We have a Secretary of State and a Secretary of Commerce who I would think would be charged with going on trade missions to stir up trade between the United States and many foreign countries to better balance the income and outgo of commerce. But hey, if the Grand Poobah says he wants to go home, er, on a trade mission to Asia with 2,999 helpers, and 40 aircraft at a cost of $200 million A DAY, I guess that’s the way it is going to be.But it bothers me that those 200 million dollars a day could be put to some very good use right here in the United States helping people who are out of work and whose unemployment compensation checks may soon or already have run out. Instead of ANOTHER vacation for the all-time record holder of presidential vacations, it would be nice if he would stay home and send a business delegation to Asia probably for far less than TWO million dollars a day; don’t you agree?

Response to GOP political slaughter – It’s just a communication and messaging problem By Laurie Roth NOV 4,10

You can’t write this stuff in movies. During the obvious political and American backlash against the Obama and congressional dictatorship, we heard Pelosi saying the Democrats would keep the House, agendas and Health care would continue and Obama and the big vision were just fine. Wasn’t that optimism precious? She should consider becoming a fiction writer. She demonstrates a rare form of understanding with fantasy and creativity. Maybe she should consider a botox franchise.Then we have our aloof and ever so confident commander and chief talking rather curiously of the conservatives in the pre – political slaughter months. We were the empire striking back racists just stressed and angry due to our pressures with the economy Obama just had a communication problem with the American people. It was the messaging strategy that was the problem. Not only has Obama and his wacky progressive (former) heads minimized every tanking poll and anger of the American people, Obama was said to have not even watched or paid attention to election night. I guess Mr. Coolness was above that or had a rock concert to go to. If any of you actually believe Obama didn’t track the elections on that fateful night, then ice cubes grow in hell and my name used to be Laurence.The political backlash against Obama and the progressives in congress couldn’t have possibly been due to any of the following:

1.Forcing the American people to have Government sanctioned Health care insurance or else massive fines and threats from the controlling IRS.
2.Spending and wasting several trillion dollars in stimulus and Health care ‘control dollars.
3.Apologizing for and about America and her real history to leaders all over the world, especially Muslim leaders.
4.Placing nearly 40 czars in place to bypass congress and accountability; only answering to Obama as they plan to control and regulate the snot out of almost every quadrant of American life and business.
5.Showing a continued, lame and late response regarding national security threats i.e. 3 day delay regarding the underwear, Christmas bomber, supporting the building of a 13 story Mosque, promoted and funded by radical Muslims (follow the trail Doug Hagmann exposed on my show), doing a moronic nuclear treaty with Russia, giving billions to terrorist group, Hamas and more.
6.Has continuously insulted conservatives, Christians, Republicans and the growing Tea Party gatherings. We have a juicy potluck of insults were are collecting…..birthers, racists, empire striking back, enemies, domestic terrorists……It just keeps coming.
7.Insisting on the pursuit of Cap and Trade, global warming fantasy, carbon emissions and environmental distortion. Even though science, reality and the American people pointed boldly against this, Obama and the UN wanted the international tax and environmental controls to be put in place. This agenda alone if left would cause America several more trillion dollars in damage and ruination.
8.Obama has lied from day one about trying to fix the economy and creating jobs and relief for the American people. He plans to undo the Bush tax cuts and give everyone a tax increase. There are at least 20 hidden taxes also in the Health care plan.

The list of betrayals and failures by this President and progressives could flood a sea of pages. The bottom line is that the American people have not only noticed the endless insults, lies and betrayals to constitution, our Judeo Christian values and freedoms, we know longer intend to take it, thus the major spankage! As the jobless claims rise even higher according to new U.S. claims for unemployment benefits, our President decides it is a good use of money to take his worshipping and defeated entourage to India for a 3 day visit. 34 war ships are going over to protect his star appeal butt and this will cost all of us 200 million a day. He has requested a fleet of limousines, almost all of his White House staff are also going. They have booked 800 rooms in the Taj and Hyatt Hotels.The bottom line is, other than transforming this country into a socialist/ communist and liberal regime for liberals, he has viewed his experience in the White House as power in entertaining, spending and fun. I have never heard of a President so obsessed with MTV type interviews, concerts and 50 to 100 million dollar vacations for him and Michelle. There has never once been a tinge of a concern about him hanging with the American people as they have really suffered and struggled through this depression/recession, losing jobs and homes as he has kept lying and spending.When brought down, dictators never admit their failures and demise. There will be continued battles, ego and lies with Obama between now and 2012. He will be brought down though. The house cleaning has already begun. New leadership in the House will take care of business backed by the American people.

Conservative agenda after mid term spankage By Laurie Roth NOV 2,10

We have all screamed it, thought it and seen it a million times so far this season. Voter intimidation, voter manipulation, voter cheating and voter heists. The progressive left has been and is desperate in their efforts not to walk the national plank but it is a little late this time. The conservatives have compassionately thrown inner tubes and row boats in the water to save the progressives as they all jump off the ship and return the control to the conservative Captain and his shipmates. Perhaps they can paddle real hard and all ride their tubes to Nowhere Island where they can become environmental experts. Maybe they can pass a carbon emissions tax increase bill for the 23 inhabitants and witch doctors that live there. They should be careful. There are also head hunters.Speaking of Headhunters.Obama just recently called the American people enemies when talking to a Hispanic group. Magically, (as usual) once he threw out the political bomb against the GOP and conservatives, he back peddled in another interview saying he misspoke. It’s a bit late to put the pin back in the insult grenade. Obama and this administration have done nothing but insult Americans for the last two years, from day one….with haughty statements to the GOP, I won and you didn’t.Then there were the shredding machine gifts from Napolitano and Homeland Security, leaked reports calling pro lifers, pro second amendment folks, people who were pro state sovereignty and even returning Vets, as potential domestic terrorists.

These attacks were frontal assaults on the American people while we heard 3 day delays from Obama, distracted by his Hawaiian vacation and golf game, regarding Muslim radical attacks. He finally made a philosophical, late in the game comment or two regarding the Muslim, nearly successful underwear bomber on a plane over Detroit on Christmas. Did I say Muslim terrorist? Obama and his Muslim oriented and philosophical staff made the same kind of idiot comments regarding the Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Hasan. As America found out and quickly, that Hasan was a radical Muslim, connected with extreme clerics who had also inspired 9/11 hijackers; had email records declaring his radical beliefs and jihad plans with the FBI tracking him for over 1 ½ years…….what do we hear from this brilliant commander and chief? Don’t rush to judgment.What was I thinking to imagine this was yet again another radical Muslim murdering Americans, this time unarmed soldiers in a jihad? Of course, it was a Christian, Scottish Highlander with a bad attitude.

Though we have continuously seen pauses, stalls, changes of war terms to ‘overseas contingency operations’ and bold support for building a mosque at ground zero, there are no pauses whatsoever when it comes to slamming and lying about conservatives in America. We are the enemies.Just last month, other than being enemies and racists, we were the empire striking back. I’m a person most acquainted with being called names by the progressive left on my national radio show. Since liberals seem to be morally and mentally compromised about priorities, truth and morals, I understand as a Ph.D. in counseling their rush to Saul Alinsky tactics and slander.My personal favorite name I was called on air months ago was the antichrist.That comment shocked me so all I could think to say was, that is Dr. antichrist to you.Sometimes titles are most important.The nation has spoken this election cycle and leadership is historically changing, now in the hands of the ‘enemies’ Obama and the left so hate. Sorry…..see your therapist.

Now what can and must we see from the Conservatives?

Really fix the economy – Don’t play more tax and spend games.

Reinstate Bush tax cuts and offer more financial tax cut incentives for all.

Destroy and completely eliminate the Obama care Health care bill.

This means defund, challenge, repeal or whatever other bold legal recourse is available to the conservatives to stop this unconstitutional, unaffordable nightmare. It was designed to overwhelm the Health care system and American people so that we would desperately and happily run to a ready made and planned Government Health care system. We aren’t the ones running anymore. From where I am looking, I can see a lot of flabby, out of shape liberal booties running to and from Obama, the king. The Democrats don’t know quite what to do now as they watch their messiah sinking in political quick sand, surrounded by his toys, cap and trade, Obama care and stimulus plans, also sinking. Democrats are desperately asking themselves, do we get behind Obama, Hillary or someone else in 2012? Who are we and what do we do now? So much therapy needed……so little time.The GOP must lead with boldness, courage, vision and humility this time. They must keep closely connected with the agenda and goals shared from the American people linked strongly with our constitution, freedoms and Judeo/Christian values. I believe they will with help from the people.


LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

Costa Rica landslide kills 20 people
By Alex Leff – Thu Nov 4, 6:23 pm ET

SAN JOSE (Reuters) – A landslide caused by heavy rain killed 20 people in Costa Rica on Thursday as President Laura Chinchilla considered declaring a national emergency to help the coffee-growing nation deal with widespread flooding.The National Emergency Commission said 15 people remained missing after rains overnight loosened a swathe of Cerro Pico Blanco, a mountain popular with hikers and rock climbers, causing the mudslide that buried poorly constructed houses.Chinchilla told a conference earlier on Thursday the disaster was one of the worst the Central American nation had confronted. It has been a great national tragedy,she said.

Rescuers searched for survivors in San Antonio de Escazu, where shanty homes are mixed in with stately dwellings belonging to foreigners drawn to its trails and wooded areas.Over 1,300 people in the capital and along Costa Rica's Pacific coast were moved to shelters to flee the flooding prompted by rains pelting the country this week.Local media said the rains also damaged a dam in Parrita, close to the Pacific coast, but engineers had trouble reaching the area because of road damage and bad weather.Presidency Minister Marco Vargas said the government might declare a national emergency, which would provide Costa Rica access to funds from the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank to help rebuild roads, bridges and homes.Chinchilla has requested neighboring countries help Costa Rican authorities reach remote areas grappling with flooding. She said intense rain was likely to continue.


National Emergency Commission President Vanessa Rosales said the rains may have had damaged several major coffee areas in Costa Rica's highlands. No official figures were available.Ronald Peters, head of national coffee organization Icafe, said weeks of intense rain had hurt roads leading to coffee fields and could delay the harvest in some regions.It is a very concerning situation, he said.Just last month, Icafe cut its forecast for the 2010/11 Costa Rica coffee harvest forecast by 3.5 percent, citing an unusually harsh rainy season.Damp weather has fostered the rapid expansion of the Ojo de Gallo fungus, or Mycena citricolor, which grows on coffee leaves and causes them to fall, exposing the cherries to wind and rain that can make them rot.
(Reporting by Alex Leff; Writing by Cyntia Barrera Diaz, editing by Missy Ryan and Vicki Allen)

Tomas lashes Haiti, leaving six dead
by Clarens Renois - NOV 5,10

PORT-AU-PRINCE (AFP) – Hurricane Tomas lashed Haiti with fierce winds and rain Friday, leaving six people dead. But it appeared to have spared the hundreds of thousands of people who rode out the storm in flimsy tent camps.Rains continued off and on for hours after the storm moved on to Cuba, and flooding cut off some parts of the country while authorities warned of the heightened risk of mudslides.The southern town of Leogane was completely under water, said Philippe Joseph, a civil defense official, who said water was three meters (10 feet) deep in parts of the town.We are going to have more victims because of the floods and mudslides, but we cannot yet reach the communities most affected, he told AFP.In Port-au-Prince, Haitians were up to their ankles in water in some of the huge refugee camps that have grown up around the city since a devastating earthquake that killed 250,000 people in January.But the canvas and tarpaulin shelters that hundreds of thousands of people call home appeared to have withstood the storm better than expected, thanks to pre-storm preparations, including hastily dug drainage ditches and sandbag barriers.So fortunately for them we can say that they appear to have made it through, Andrea Koppel of the American Red Cross told CNN.However, six people were reported killed in floods and house collapses elsewhere in Haiti.Two of the dead were in Leogane, two more died in the towns of Beaumont and de Leon near the city of Jeremie, and a fifth died in the town of Anglais, Haitian media reported.A sixth person was reported killed Thursday before the storm hit as he tried to cross a rain-swollen river in a vehicle in Grande Anse.

Many smaller towns in western Haiti were cut off from the outside world after flooding damaged already neglected roads in rural areas that were difficult to pass in good weather.The government said it had taken steps to accommodate as many as 100,000 people in schools, churches and hospitals -- a fraction of the 1.3 million left homeless by January's earthquake.The US State Department quoted Haiti's Department of Civil Protection as estimating that 50 percent of the people living in resettlement camps did leave of their own accord to safer housing.The center of category one Tomas passed Cuba's easternmost tip on Friday, and a hurricane warning for Guantanamo was downgraded to a tropical storm warning, the Miami-based National Hurricane Center (NHC) said at 2100 GMT.The storm was bearing maximum sustained winds of 75 miles (120 kilometers) per hour.Haiti and parts of the neighboring Dominican Republic, however, could see five to 10 inches (12.5 to 25 centimeters) of rain, the NHC warned, with 15 inches (38 centimeters) in isolated spots and with rains that could cause life-threatening flash floods and mud slides over mountainous terrain.Tomas threatened further havoc in impoverished Haiti just as it battles a growing cholera outbreak that has killed 442 people.Dangerous landslides and heavy flooding could still worsen the cholera epidemic. Remain vigilant, urged President Rene Preval, saying a massive aid distribution effort was being prepared once "the situation on the roads will permit.Much of Haiti's population of just under 10 million people live in precarious conditions, vulnerable to natural disasters. Mountainsides have been stripped of trees to be used as fuel, increasing the risk of landslides in wet weather. Tomas killed 14 people in Saint Lucia, then weakened to a tropical depression earlier this week before it gained a second life.

In the Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, 8,400 people had to be evacuated from their homes across the country due to flooding and mudslides caused by Tomas.The naval amphibious ship USS Iwo Jima was prepared to move into the country to provide assistance after Tomas has passed, with is fleet of 10 helicopters and specialized emergency teams, said mission head Captain Thomas Negus.The US State Department said a 22-member Disaster Assistance Response Team has been deployed to Haiti, in addition to military personnel already providing relief in the country since the January earthquake.Hurricane warnings were posted for the Turks and Caicos, which were staring at the potential of a direct hit later Friday.

Indonesia volcano burns whole villages; 122 dead
By SARAH DiLORENZO, Associated Press - NOV 5,10

MOUNT MERAPI, Indonesia – A surge of searing gas raced down the sides of Mount Merapi on Friday, smothering houses, cattle and villagers in its path. The death toll after the volcano's largest eruption in a century soared to 122.The worst hit village of Bronggang lay nine miles (15 kilometers) from the fiery crater, just on the perimeter of the government-delineated danger zone. Crumpled roofs, charred carcasses of cattle and broken chairs — all layered in white ash and soot — dotted the smoldering landscape.The zone has since been expanded to a ring 12 miles (20 kilometers) from the peak, bringing it to the edge of the ancient royal capital of Yogyakarta, which has been put on its highest alert.Sri Sucirathasri said her family had stayed in their Bronggang home Thursday night because they hadn't been told to leave.They awoke in the dark as the mountain let out thunderous claps and tried desperately to outrun the flows, which reached speeds of 60 mph (100 kph), on a motorbike. Her mother, father and 12-year-old sister, Prisca, left first, but with gray ash blocking out any light, they mistakenly drove into — rather than away from —the volcano's dangerous discharge.The 18-year-old Sri went looking for them when she heard her mother's screams, leaving at home an older sister, who died when the house became engulfed in flames.It was a safe place. There were no signs to evacuate, said Sri, a vacant gaze fixed on Prisca, whose neck and face are burned a shiny ebony, her features nearly melted away.Their mother is still missing. Their father, whose feet and ankles are burned, is being treated in another ward.I don't know what to say, she whispers when asked if she blames officials for not warning the family.Angry at who? I'm just sad. And very sick.Merapi's latest round of eruptions began Oct. 26, followed by more than a dozen other powerful blasts and thousands of tremors.With each new eruption, scientists and officials have steadily pushed the villagers who live along Merapi's fertile slopes farther from the crater. But after initially predicting earlier eruptions would ease pressure under the magma dome, experts who have spent a lifetime studying the volcano now say the don't know what to expect.

Scientists can study the patterns of volcanoes, but their eruptions are essentially unpredictable, as Merapi's increasingly intense blasts have proved.On Friday, the towering plumes of ash rained dust on windshields of cars 300 miles (480 kilometers) away, although a rain near the mountain in the afternoon turned much of it to sludge. Bursts of hot clouds occasionally interrupted aid efforts, with rescuers screaming, Watch out! Hot cloud! The eruption released 1,765 million cubic feet (50 million cubic meters) of volcanic material, making it the biggest in at least a century, said state volcanologist Gede Swantika as plumes of smoke continued to shoot up more than 30,000 feet (10,000 meters).Soldiers pulled at least 78 bodies from homes and streets blanketed by ash up to a foot (30 centimeters) deep Friday, raising the overall toll to 122, according to the National Disaster Management Agency.With bodies found in front of houses and in streets, it appeared that many of the villagers died from the blistering gas while trying to escape, said Col. Tjiptono, a deputy police chief.The heat surrounded us and there was white smoke everywhere, said Niti Raharjo, 47, who was thrown from his motorbike along with his 19-year-old son while trying to flee.There was an explosion ... and it got worse, the ash and debris raining down, he said from a hospital. The living — with clothes, blankets and even mattresses fused to their skin by the 1,400-degree Fahrenheit (750-degree Celsius) heat — were carried away on stretchers following the first big explosion just before midnight. More than 150 injured people — with burns, respiratory problems, broken bones and cuts — waited to be treated at the tiny Sardjito hospital, where the bodies piled up in its morgue, and two other hospitals.

Despite being at the foot of Indonesia's deadliest volcano, Yogyakarta has only one burn unit — at Sardjito. The facility is limited to 10 beds, though, and so turns away any patient without facial burns or whose body is burned less than 40 percent, according to Sigit Priohutomo, a senior official at Sardjito.We're totally overwhelmed here! hospital spokesman Heru Nogroho said. More than 100,000 people living on the mountain have been evacuated to crowded emergency shelters, many by force, in the last week. Some return to their villages during lulls in activity, however, to tend to their livestock. They were told to stay away Friday. The government also announced an $11 million program to buy the cows on the mountain to keep farmers off its slopes, and to provide compensation for animals lost in the eruptions. Indonesia, a vast archipelago of 235 million people, is prone to earthquakes and volcanoes because it sits along the Pacific Ring of Fire, a horseshoe-shaped string of faults that lines the Pacific Ocean. While Friday's explosion was the largest in volume in a century, an eruption at Merapi in 1930 killed many more — 1,300.Even that toll pales in comparison to other volcanoes in the region: Indonesia's Krakatoa killed at least 36,000 people in 1883, in an eruption that could be heard 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometers) away and blackened skies region-wide for months.When the Philippines' Mount Pinatubo exploded in 1991 after a 500-year slumber, about 800 people died as the billions of tons of volcanic debris poured from the cone, erasing entire farm communities and altering the world's climate.The May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens caused the volcano's north flank to collapse, triggering the largest landslide ever recorded. The blast killed 57 people, flattened 230 square miles (596 square kilometers) of forests and blew 1,300 feet (400 meters) off the peak.Associated Press writers Irwan Firdaus, Ali Kotarumalos and Niniek Karmini in Jakarta contributed to this report.

MSNBC suspends Olbermann over political contributions
By Michael Calderone – Fri Nov 5, 2:04 pm ET

MSNBC suspended Countdown host Keith Olbermann Friday after the news that he donated to three Democratic candidates.I became aware of Keith's political contributions late last night, MSNBC President Phil Griffin said in a statement. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay.Olbermann gave the maximum individual donation of $2,400 to three candidates in Tuesday's election: Arizona Reps. Gabrielle Giffords and Raul Grijalva and Senate hopeful Jack Conway, who lost in Kentucky to Republican Rand Paul. (Grijalva appeared on Olbermann's Countdown on Oct. 28, the same day the host donated to his campaign; Conway was last a guest in May).Olbermann, in a statement to Politico, said that he did not privately or publicly encourage anyone else to donate to these campaigns nor to any others in this election or any previous ones. Also, Olbermann said he had not previously donated to any political campaign at any level.

But the revelation raised clear ethical issues.Olbermann, a liberal commentator, gives his opinions each night on the air. But NBC News editorial staffers -- like journalists at most news organizations -- are forbidden from giving to political candidates. Also, Olbermann anchored election coverage Tuesday night without disclosing that he'd given to candidates who were running for office.By punishing the network's biggest star, Griffin showed how little tolerance there is for hosts to make undisclosed political contributions while covering those political races.An MSNBC spokesman told The Upshot that The Nation's Chris Hayes, an MSNBC contributor who has filled in before for Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, will host Friday night's show. Hayes has spoken publicly before about donating $250 to a friend's Congressional campaign in Alabama. He made the last donation in 2009, before becoming an MSNBC contributor. [UPDATE: MSNBC now says Hayes will not be subbing tonight]MSNBC already attracted criticism this week for having its liberal hosts and commentators anchor election night coverage. Typically, nonpartisan journalists anchor major news events—such as election results—while commentators like Bill O'Reilly (Fox News) or James Carville (CNN) offer analysis.

It's ironic that Olbermann gave to political candidates after criticizing Fox News because its owner, Rupert Murdoch, gave $1 million donation to the Republican Governors Association. Fox News has put its money where its mouth is, Olbermann said in an August segment that questioned the network's impartiality.In October, Olbermann again raised the issue of Murdoch's donations, during an interview with Democratic Rep. James Clyburn. Olbermann asked whether there was a legislative response to the idea that there is a national cable news outlet that goes beyond having a point of view and actually starts to shill for partisan causes and actually starts to donate to partisan groups of one party.(Photo of Olbermann in May 2007: AP /Mark J. Terrill, File)




The proof is everywhere from statements and affidavits from Government parliament sources and Obama’s own Grandmother who says she saw him born in a hospital in Mombassa Kenya. The former ambassador to Kenya says Obama was born in Mombassa Kenya, so do others.

By: Devvy October 26, 2010
© 2010 -

It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime. ~Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

From the moment Obama/Soetoro was sworn into office, Americans galvanized into Impeach Obama Now! factions.

However, there is a problem here because two wrongs don't make a right, which is why I have not supported any petitions calling for impeachment.

Despite the continued protestations by Obama/Soetoro supporters and professional liars in the dominant media, there is no question the usurper camped out in the White House was never eligible to run for president of these united States of America. All the huffing, puffing, vile name calling and protesting does not and cannot alter the legal fact that Obama/Soetoro was born with dual citizenship. It is his father's citizenship status at the time Obama/Soetoro was born that clearly makes him ineligible to be president.

We're all aware of the 40 or so lawsuits filed to expose Obama/Soetoro's perfidy and the decisions rendered by cowardly federal judges using the cop out - standing - as their justification in tossing the lawsuits. We're all aware that even though tens of thousands of Americans demanded the electoral college not certify the vote for the impostor on the ballot, they also proved to be gutless cowards or political hacks who value party loyalty over the U.S. Constitution. The final stop on the way to certifying an ineligible candidate was the U.S. Congress who sat on their cowardly backsides, January 9, 2009, knowing full well there were millions of Americans questioning the legitimacy of Obama/Soetoro's eligibility. Yet, not a single member of Congress (and that includes Ron Paul) stood up on the floor and objected. There is an orderly procedure that could have been triggered had one member of the Outlaw Congress stood up.[1] Instead, they all stood down and here we are today with a constitutional crisis that is not going away.

As Obama/Soetoro clearly was never eligible to run for the presidency, once he took office, he legally became a usurper. That action is defined as: to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right: The pretender tried to usurp the throne.

Now, we either believe in the supreme law of the land or we pursue an alternative path that sets a horrible legal precedent. What do I mean by that? You cannot impeach a usurper. To do so (even if the House were to file charges) would be to give legitimacy to Obama/Soetoro holding the office of president. That already happened once in our history with Chester Arthur. We cannot allow it to happen again no matter how frustrated and enraged we are about the actions of that empty suit sullying the people's house. To give legitimacy to his presidency would cement all the bills he signed into law as if they were valid under the U.S. Constitution.

We also have to look at reality. Nutty Nancy Pelosi made it quite clear when the Democrats took control of the Outlaw Congress there would be no impeachment against George Bush, Jr. He was worth far more political currency to the morally and ethically bankrupt Democratic Party than removing him. The Republican Party is expected to gain more than enough seats in the house in the upcoming election. Congressman Darrell Issa [R-CA] has made it clear there will be no impeachment proceeding:

Issa: Not a chance of Obama impeachment under GOP House
October 22, 2010

If Republicans take control of the House, there is not a chance at this point that they will try to impeach President Obama, a top Republican lawmaker said this week. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who would helm the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee if the GOP wins on Election Day, said that his party will not try to bring impeachment charges simply because it disagrees with the president....Look, disagreeing with the president — the president using his authority, maybe even misusing it — that's not what impeachment's for,he added. Do we have disagreements? Yes. Do we want to see that the president strictly adheres to process? Yes.

I'm not going to rehash all the unconstitutional bills Obama/Soetoro has signed since he was unlawfully sworn into office. One should remember the only way a bill gets to a president's desk is from the Outlaw Congress. That's where the treachery begins. Having said that, without question, the entire nation is shuddering under the weight of Obama/Soetoro's communitarian beliefs and actions. Everyday is a new attack on freedom and liberty spear headed by the usurper.

As I have said for quite some time, I firmly believe there is no way Obama/Soetoro will run in 2012. Certainly, continuing to raise the specter of another Obama/Soetoro term is good for ratings on Hannity, O'Reilly and conservative talk radio. It's also a good theme for dangerous, vile individuals like Newt Gingrich to raise money for their political organizations.

However, Obama/Soetoro's handlers (the shadow government) got away with fraud the first time around, they know it won't happen a second time. There's no way Obama/Soetoro can get ballot qualified in 2012 in a single state. Nancy Pelosi and others pulled off fraud with their candidate declarations to the 50 states of the Union in 2008, but they won't get away with it a second time. Pelosi and her gang of coconspirators should also be indicted by a federal grand jury. Don't think it can't happen. There are many very smart, dedicated individuals working to see all who participated in putting Obama/Soetoro on states ballots are brought to justice.

How this will all play out, I don't know. Obama/Soetoro has admitted to cocaine use; Larry Sinclair has accused him of being a user as late as 1999. Wayne Madsen recently penned a piece outlining how there is a crisis underway in the White House:

Wayne Madsen: White House in Crisis

Section 4 of the 25th Amendment likely to be invoked; Obama being shipped out!

Washington has not witnessed so much top level White House intrigue since October 20, 1973, when a Saturday night saw President Nixon fire the Watergate independent counsel, the U.S. attorney general, and the deputy attorney general in the Saturday Night Massacre.Just ten days earlier, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned after being charged with accepting bribes while governor of Maryland.

In the case of President Obama, the senior firings are not happening during a single night but the recent involuntary sudden departures of the White House chief of staff and national security adviser, along with what WMR can confirm from multiple sources is a president who is suffering from Nixonian levels of paranoia, depression, and schizophrenia, has some top-level administration officials considering the first-ever invocation of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment — the involuntary removal of the president from office. The White House meltdown has the Washington political circuit buzzing under the surface.

Unlike Watergate and the Iran-contra scandal, however, the corporate media is refusing to report on the breakdown of the Obama administration and the internecine political warfare within the Executive Office of the President.

Madsen is a serious investigative journalist with excellent sources. The usurper has had the citizenship issue hanging over his head since mid-2007. He and Militant Michelle have been partying in their White House digs like there's no tomorrow. Whenever there's some heat, Obama/Soetoro hops on his favorite toy, Air Force One, and either goes on another vacation, visiting foreign countries or is out campaigning for his party. Anything to duck sitting around looking incompetent. I believe the fake First Couple know they are a one trick fraud and are living it up while they have the American taxpayers' open checkbook at their disposal. Many pundits continue to remark how detached Obama/Soetoro seems and not really into the task of being president. I believe this reflects knowing he won't be around for a second term. He does what he's told and while living it up in style.

Should the usurper remain in office, there is no way he will get the nod at the Democratic National Convention. Take money to the bank on that. It won't happen. There's no way to salvage that shipwreck. Obama/Soetoro's handlers might try to keep him in office as long as possible - if to do nothing more than checkmate any legislation coming out of the "new" Congress in January 2011. You see, if the usurper's handlers throw him under the bus early, next in line is Joseph Biden, who I believe is in the early stages of dementia. Not a good choice for the global cabal running Washington, DC. But, let's put that aside for the moment.

Is there any possibility that Obama/Soetoro can still be removed from office? Yes. There is still one case, Kerchner v Obama, which I have followed from the beginning. The wind has shifted direction since Leo Donofrio's first case was discussed at the Supreme Court level in December 2008. Mario Apuzzo, attorney for Kerchner, et al, is a real warrior and has fought for his clients in the aforementioned case. It has now gone to the next step:

Kerchner et al v Obama/Congress/Pelosi et al Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed 30 Sep 2010 and docketed 04 Oct 2010 with the U.S. Supreme Court - Washington Times National Weekly edition - 18 & 11 Oct 2010 issues, page 5. U.S. Supreme Court Docket Number: 10-446. Response from defendants due to the U.S. Supreme Court by 3 Nov 2010.

Let me shift gears for a moment. There's an old saying: Timing in life is everything. HalfPastHuman is a web site that deals in predictive linguistics. Cliff has been pinpointing Nov 8 - 12 as a tipping point for events which could (I stress could) turn this country upside down. I've followed George Ure, Cliff, Bob Chapman and Gerald Celente for a long time. Quite frankly, it's scary how accurate their predictions are in real time. Let's look a few dates here to see what has my attention:

Nov 2 -- National elections

Nov 3 --- Federal Reserve Chairman, Helicopter Ben Bernanke, is expected to announce a new round of printing tons of worthless fiat currency which will, on cue, make the situation worse as far as the economy is concerned.

Nov 4 -- Usurper, Obama/Soetoro leaves for India and other exotic locations. The original departure date was Nov 7, 2010. He is scheduled to return on Nov. 14th. An unusually long trip outside the U.S. for a president. Regardless of any official explanation as to why his departure date was moved up, I find it suspicious - as well as the length of time he is to be out of country.

Nov 11 - 12 -- Next meeting of the G-20 group. Those geniuses are going to try to figure out how to reverse decades of unrestrained, irresponsible fiscal policies. Too late.

This year elections may not be decided by five minutes after the polls close. We know electronic ballot fraud as well as scanners and human fraud will play a huge factor, again. I am hopeful that candidates who allegedly lose -- either by a landslide or close margin - will challenge the vote. Having the outcome of some races (especially the senate) drag on for weeks or even months will have more negative impact for our country. Recall the circus over the 2008 election between incumbent Norm Coleman [R-MN] and a vulgar, completely unqualified candidate, Al Franken. That recount lasted 238 days - roughly seven months. It could happen in less than ten days in a half dozen senate races. Fair election results must trump expediency -- even if it means a joke like Franken gets into office. There's that Seventeenth Amendment argument again.....


The banking cartel is on the ropes with their money racket teetering on the brink, and with Foreclosure Gate now in full exposure, the problem is compounded by a factor of a few billion.

The usurper is beating it out of the country three days earlier than originally scheduled and is staying out of the country for a lengthy time.

One of the most important elections in our history is nine days away.

The international banking boys are going to meet in an effort to see which end of the Titanic they should stand on before half the world goes down in economic flames.

All these events clustered in a short period of time; Nov 2 - 12th. Just some food for thought.

Going back to the original theme of this column, besides impeachment, is there any other way to remove Obama/Soetoro? Yes, and it could have and should have been done more than a year ago. But, the requirements to qualify for under a Quo Warranto are stringent. Leo Donofrio and Stephen Pidgeon, both brilliant attorneys who have been involved in citizenship cases in the past, now represent roughly 82 Chrysler dealers in bankruptcy proceedings. The history is on Leo's web site. It does require some reading time if you haven't been able to keep up with it all. Leo and Stephen's first obligation to their clients is the bankruptcy lawsuit, but that does not rule out a Quo Warranto which could happen before 2012. [2]

The Quo Warranto statute was specifically written to remove a usurper from office and that without question is Barack Hussein Obama. I know time is an issue for everyone as our beloved republic is under attack 24/7 by those who wish to destroy these united States of America. If you desire to fully understand the entire history behind natural born citizen, the Fourteenth Amendment as it relates to the usurper and quo warranto, I put it all together in one master file here. If you can't read it all at one time, book mark the link and get back to it because it is critical in understanding the fraud perpetrated by Obama/Soetoro and his coconspirators.

Does this mean Barack Hussein Obama/Soetoro should get away with his crimes even if he stays until the 2012 election? Absolutely not. He has always known, as well as others, that he was ineligible to run for the presidency because of his dual citizenship. In my mind, there is no question the usurper is guilty under 18 U.S.C. §1343: wire fraud. Obama/Soetoro knowingly solicited campaign funds electronically (TV, radio, Internet) knowing full well his citizenship status made him ineligible. More than $600 million bux poured in and despite enough paper evidence to warrant a full investigation by the FEC regarding foreign contributions, they refuse. However, before the statute of limitations runs, the Department of Justice could indict Obama/Soetoro, and if convicted, he would spend decades in prison where he belongs.

I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday and I'm not naive. At some point, all these holes in the dam will burst and the long arm of the law will go after Obama, just the same as justice should be done in bringing Bush to trial over his lying regarding the illegal invasion of Iraq; which is not a dead issue and that's all I can say about it at this time.

Why are so many talented, decent Americans continuing the Herculean efforts to bring Bush and Obama/Soetoro to justice in a court of law? Because it is the right thing to do for our country. Every time we the people allow lawbreakers (like Marxist duo, Bill and Hillary) to get away with their crimes, the further our country slips into the muck of a banana republic. We cannot and must not allow that to happen.

As badly as we all want the usurper removed from the White House, it will not happen via impeachment. That comes out of the mouth of a powerful Republican who will, barring some disaster or major vote fraud, return to Washington in January. We cannot allow our rage and frustration to set another horrible legal precedent: you cannot impeach someone who has never legally held office. Usurper means that individual never occupied the office. We must stick to the correct legal remedy.

Right now we need to concentrate our efforts on winning the major fights underway, i.e., getting ALL of the unconstitutional ObamaCare repealed; some provisions are also in the stimulus bill that was signed into law and those must also be repealed and stopped. I would also like to stress how critically important it is to boot out all state reps and state senators who refuse to uphold the U.S. Constitution, who have destroyed their state economies with their foolish legislation and their refusal to take the necessary steps to secure your state from financial disaster; see link below. Get prepared because the worst is about to slam this nation. The elections on November 2, 2010, will not bring some magic bullet relief. It's a long, hard road ahead.


1- In the Shadow of Nemisis
2- Former Chrysler dealers fight back using the Quo Warranto


Alaska Judge Orders Release of Miller's Employment Records (U.S. Senate candidate, Joe Miller) Obama/Soetoro worked as a state senator for Illinois before he unlawfully became a U.S. Senator, yet the courts refuse to release any of his school records.

Letter to 1100 State Legislators - Sound Money Bill

Index of documents in package delivered to: Richard Durbin,
Chief US Attorney for the North-Western, District of TX for
Criminal Matters by Devvy on February 27, 2009, Austin, Texas

Masters of Seduction - communitarianism
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