Wednesday, November 17, 2010



26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come (ROMANS IN AD 70) shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMANS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he( EU ROMAN, JEWISH DICTATOR) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:( 7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,( 3 1/2 YRS) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Tonight, in the next 60 minutes, you will understand the answers that could be coming will be some of the oldest answers in the book.


BECK: Hello, America. Welcome to the program.

I want to talk to you here a little bit about the trouble that I believe is coming, and I've been telling you about it for a while. But I'm not going to — I'm tired of ringing the bell — I'm not going to ring the bell.I want you to know that this program is going to start focusing on answers, on things that you can do. The answer is not going to come from Washington. It's going to come from you.And just like the stewardess or the steward now on airplanes — I guess that would be me — put your tray tables in the upright and locked position and prepare. That's what we're going to do and I'm going to show you exactly what you need to do in the coming weeks and months. And we're going to — quite honestly, I believe people in this audience are going to lead the way to a brighter tomorrow.

Column Archive•Glenn Beck: Lessons From the Tower of Babel
Video•Lessons From the Tower of Babel
Show InfoAirs Weekdays at 5 p.m. ET
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Now, I want to start in kind of an unusual place. And we will start and end the program here. And believe me — this is worth the ending. I want to show you this building. This is where we start and end.This is the E.U. parliamentary building. I don't know if you've ever seen it. Pretty striking. It's pretty dramatic the way it looks.It's obviously an unfinished building. It is the symbol of one united Europe, one language — one Europe.

This is what George Soros calls it:


GEORGE SOROS, BILLIONAIRE/FINANCIER: The European Union was built by a process of piecemeal social engineering as advocated by Karl Popper.


BECK: His hero.


SOROS: Indeed, it's probably the most successful feat of social engineering in history.


BECK: OK. Popper, if I'm not mistaken, is George Soros' hero. He's a guy that you should look up because it's where we're headed. It is the — what does he call it — the greatest feat in social engineering.Well, maybe. How is that social engineering working out today in Spain? They're sporting Europe's highest rate of unemployment at 20.5 percent. By the way, that's the country that led the way on the green jobs. Their debt is 63 percent of GDP.Right next door, Portugal. They're at 11 percent unemployment. Their debt is 76 percent of GDP.Greece, just when you thought it couldn't get worse for them, it did. Their debt hit a staggering 120 percent of GDP and they now have 12.2 unemployment.And now the spill over to Ireland — unemployment is at 14 percent. Their debt has worsen to 65 percent of GDP. And Ireland is where the world is looking today.The E.U., spearheaded by Germany, is urging Ireland to take the bail-out. Why? Well, to calm the global markets.You see, we're all tied together now — and Europe, especially so. They're all tied together. What happens to one spreads to the others. It's dominoes.Portugal is spooked, Spain is spooked. They can't withstand Ireland causing the shock to the system with bad news because they will topple.We talked about this on the program before. Almost a year ago, I talked about the dominoes falling. Do you remember? This is when we — I think we were just talking about Greece. And at that time, Germany was telling Greece the same thing that Greece is now telling Ireland.Well, it didn't work for Greece, now didn't it? It didn't help their situation much. They're still rioting in the streets. Their situation seems to be getting worse and worse. And yet, the E.U. is doing it all over again. Why not?

Now, why are they doing it? Well, let me alert all of the Soros bloggers out there on this one. Yes, are you ready? Here's why they're doing it — here's why they're pushing everyone in to it because they're building a new world order and here's why it will fail. Are you ready? Because what they are aiming for is an affront to God.
Ahhh! How can Glenn Beck actually say it's an affront to God? I can tell you with 100 percent total assurity (ph).Why? Because even when it's good intentions, we know what happens when big government gets control of the people. What? Oh yes. It's the oldest story in the book — I'll show it to you in a minute — history that will boggle your mind.Ireland doesn't have the money. They're only good for part of 2011. So, why the wait? Because they know what happens when they go outside for help. They don't want to ask for the help. They don't want to take the help.Why? Because they lose their uniqueness, they lose their sovereignty and they are afraid of being gobbled up. Ireland will no longer be Ireland anymore. They will have to do exactly what the E.U. says. They're on the hook.We are on the verge now of doing the same thing they did years ago and it's not going to take us as long to reach their point of no return. Will we reach the point of Ireland or Greece? Oh, yes, we will. How do I know? Well, do you remember the $600 billion bailout? Here it is from the Wall Street Journal: Bucking the Federal Reserve's effort to push interest rates lower, investors are selling off U.S. government debt, driving rates in many cases to their highest levels in more than three months.In other words, you know that whole print the money thing that they said is going to keep the interest rates or the yield so people will be able to buy it. Interest rate — yes, yes — highest levels in more than three months. Uh-oh! It means the exact opposite of what the Fed told us would happen is happening.Should you be surprised that the central power has failed to control something? Of course. People are not cats to be rounded up. It's a trend all through history.Do you know — do you know — show that building again. Do you know the idea behind this building?

I mean, Europe has not always been one big happy family. But they'll make it one big happy family. The idea was to join together, focus their power centrally and become a world super power. Then they abandon their currencies in favor of one currency and they officially tied each other together as nations.You are seeing this in Ireland. They're pressured in to doing what is best for the E.U. first. Worry about your country afterwards.When Greece falls, they fall. Ireland falls, they all fall. It's what we talked about on this program before — mutually assured economic destruction. Do you remember this? There is MAD, add an E in there — mutually assured economic destruction.You're probably the only audience in America that has even heard of this theory. And it is what's happening to our world.The whole world is being pushed into a global model of government. And George Soros, we told you, we've shown you the strings. The strings that he's pulling are amazing. Is it a coincidence that the E.U. and really — I mean, that's where we're going and he's a big fan — really?

Global government — that's everybody's answer, it seems today. Our Founders would say smaller government. Everyone who has power now is saying bigger. Tonight, I want to spend some time on global government — one big government, one language.People, like George Soros, talk about global government like it's a brand new idea. You know, Popper is the guy who's — oh, he's a guy who's come up with this great idea. Really? No, it's actually one of the oldest ideas known to man.

Have you ever heard of the Tower of Babel? Oh, this is fascinating. Buckle up, gang. Here we go.It has affected each and every one of our lives and our culture. Without us really even knowing, your kids start babbling, comes from this story.Has anybody ever called — do you remember when we were kids, You're a Nimrod"? This story — even Bugs Bunny called Elmer Fudd a Nimrod. Why did he call him a Nimrod? Because he was a hunter. How does Bugs Bunny calling someone a Nimrod because they're a hunter tie in to the Tower of Babel? It's all there. Everything.The Bible is not really just a history book. It is really to teach us lessons so we don't forget them. They're the most important lesson in all of man. And you see the pattern — it's always the same pattern.Well, what is the pattern we're supposed to be looking for? It's in the Book of Genesis. After the Great Flood, everybody on Earth was getting together and then, all of a sudden, somebody had a different idea: Hey, how about we all speak one language and we'll build a tower to reach the sky. Then God wasn't happy about it and he confused the language and they all scattered. That's probably your understanding of the Tower of Babel.I've read the story many, many times and I never understood it until I talked to friend of mine. You can read it a million times and never fully understand it, unless — unless you have a rabbi, unless you can read it in ancient Hebrew.I can't read Hebrew, I'm guessing you can't either, but we're both in luck, because I've got my rabbi. If you have 40 minutes, I promise you this will blow your mind.

We have Rabbi Lapin. How are you, sir?


BECK: Good to see you.

The rabbi was — when was this, two or three months ago? And you handed me a CD that you made, The Tower of Power.

LAPIN: Correct.

BECK: And you live in Seattle and you came out and you're on the set and you said, Glenn, I don't know why I'm giving this to you. I just felt like I had to give this to you. I started listening to it and I told you this, I couldn't believe it because I was doing research on ancient Babylon.

LAPIN: Oh, my goodness.

BECK: And all of these things — and I look at this and it is the answer of the many of the things that I was looking for. The Tower of Babel, let's start up here. On this chalkboard here, I've written that things that I remember from the story. Great king says let's build a tower.

Why is that a problem? Who is the king? Why the tower?

LAPIN: Well, I mean, the important thing is what you said a few moments ago and that is that we're living now in a time where it's literally the first generation in history where people consider themselves educated and yet are biblically illiterate.

BECK: Right.

LAPIN: I mean, there are pundits who —

BECK: Historically illiterate.

LAPIN: In every possible way.

BECK: Right.

LAPIN: But imagine people who are the heirs of Western civilization not knowing the foundation of Western civilization. People are on television all over the place probably don't even know how many books are in the five books of Moses. So, I mean, we're talking about a remarkable effect, which people have dismissed the Bible as some obsolete collection of legends about long forgotten nation.

BECK: But even if it — let's just do this. Let's say, I don't know, Michael Moore is watching. And so, let's just say Michael is out there and he has, you know, got Cheetos all over himself and he's like, It's a legend!

Let's just look at the legend itself. I don't believe it's a legend. But what is it teaching? A great king says let's build a tower. What's wrong with that?

LAPIN: Right. Well, a few things are wrong with it.

First of all, he didn't actually say — according to Chapter 11 in Genesis and these nine verses really reveal this dark secret that lies at the deepest recesses of the human soul, which is our susceptibility to become slaves. It's there. It's ready. It can pounce at any moment and transform us into serfs.And sure enough, these nine verses in Chapter 11 in Genesis, as you say, the King Nimrod doesn't say let's build a tower. He starts off with this extraordinary pronouncement: Hey, everybody, let's build bricks. And then he says let's build a city and a tower.Now, ordinarily people would say, hey, let's build a city and a tower. A shining city on the hill, said John Winthrop. And people will say, how are you going to do it? Well, we'll make bricks. No, here, the key thing was let's make bricks.And what's more he's not identified necessarily or early as a king. He's first identified as a hunter back in Chapter 10, verses 8-10.

Now, here's the key thing about that, Glenn — everybody was hunting.

BECK: Right.

LAPIN: Today, it's just the good guys hunt. But back then, everybody hunted. That's how you ate.

Why on earth would this one man, Nimrod, be identified as a hunter? Because he hunted, not animals, he hunted people. Not to kill them, he hunted people to seduce them into becoming his subjects and to allow him to become their master.

BECK: OK. So, he said — Nimrod, a great hunter of man, he says, let's build bricks. And then let's build a city. Why did he say let's build bricks first? What do the bricks represent?

LAPIN: Bricks are really important things here. Later on in the five books of Moses, ancient Jewish wisdom highlights the fact that that an altar — an altar to God must not be built of bricks, right? It has to be built with stones.

Why? Because this tension between the bricks and stones is absolutely crucial. Bricks and stones are a biblical metaphor for the way people should be stones, and the way we are easily pulled to be bricks.

BECK: I live in Connecticut. Stonewalls are so beautiful because everything is different. And it takes a real artist to be able to put them all together. So, you're saying the stones are representative of people, right? And they're all different —


LAPIN: Two differences between bricks and stones.

Number one, every brick is the same as every other brick. That's the whole point. They're totally interchangeable. If you want to turn people to bricks, you are able to turn them into interchangeable social economic cogs that can be just plugged around society.

The second thing about bricks is they're made by man. Stones are each unique. When we have a tradition in Western civilization that man is created the image of God, what it really means is that just as God is unique, so is every single human being is unique, just like a stone.Don't allow other people to turn you into bricks, retain the personality of a person for which you are created.

BECK: It's a difference between yes, I can, and yes, we can.

LAPIN: Yes, exactly.

BECK: OK. So, Nimrod is a guy and he says, we want — I'm going to build — I'm going to build bricks. Was it — was it a real religious society? Because this is right after the Great Flood. Everybody is wiped off and everybody is scattered their own way. They all have their own language, right?

LAPIN: Many different languages.

BECK: And they're all — and they're all worshipping God.


BECK: And Nimrod comes and there's something about — you know, he had a — he had a new idea, right? Tell me about the new idea.

LAPIN: The new idea is — and is presented as the Babel blueprint. This is not long forgotten story. This is actually something which is as relevant today as it will be tomorrow, as it was when Robespierre was conducting the French Revolution. The principle is always the same.The two competing ways of organizing human society: One is the Abraham vision of individual independence, individual accountability, God-centric — versus the idea of centralized control.

BECK: It can be really — I mean, even our Founders, both Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson were misled by Robespierre. They thought the French Revolution was good. It's a very subtle difference if you don't know what you're looking for, right?

LAPIN: Very important. Exactly right.

BECK: And Thomas Paine ended up in prison in it.

LAPIN: So, Abraham gives the vision of individual independence, which always has to include economic impendence. That's absolutely crucial. And sure enough, Abraham, first man in the Bible described as a wealthy man, a blessing, a good thing. Not a curse — a good thing.

BECK: OK. All right. So, when we come back, the bricks and the mortar.

And when — America, when you find out what the mortar means in Hebrew, right?


BECK: Yes. What the mortar — what the translation — mortar is not mortar. Bricks are not bricks in this story. When you see it and you begin to see the parallels of what is happening today — remember this is a story to remind us what not to do.And then, God gets mad and punishes them. No, no, he doesn't. Wait until you hear the rest of the story.

Back in just a second.


BECK: I think I've turned into the Church Lady today.


I want to talk to you a little bit about the Tower of Babel. Why? When you hear the whole story of the Tower of Babel you will see the pattern is being repeated today and it will end the same way unless we wake up.Rabbi Daniel Lapin is here — a friend of mine — president of the American Alliance for Jews and Christians. An extraordinarily brave man and a man who is part of the Black Robe Regiment. It's good to have you here.

LAPIN: Wonderful to be with you Glenn, thank you.

BECK: I want to talk to you — I want to pick it up at — we have the Tower of Babel.


BECK: A hunter, a king — Nimrod — says, let's build bricks and then we'll build a tower. But the bricks represent people. He's taking people and making them all uniform and exactly the same, right?

But in that part, he says bricks — we'll use bricks and mortar, right? What is the mortar? Bricks and mortar — why is the mortar part important?

LAPIN: Yes. Well, so this Bible blueprint is a depiction for all time of how the world really works.


LAPIN: And one way it really works is that in every epoch, there is always going to be somebody who tries to seize power. What these 11 verses — these nine verses in Chapter 11 tell us is here are the things you have to watch out for. Here are the things that a potential tyrant is going to do in order to seduce you.Number one, he is going to have a tower. Now, a tower means reaching for the skies — appealing to everything that is great in human nature.Now, look, any leader, whether you're taking care of your family, whether you're running a business, whether you're a military leader — you know, military recruiters don't say: Hey, come join us. The food is horrible. You're likely to get killed and you're going to be a horribly hot —they don't do that. Step forward and play a role to defend your country, be all you could be. You appeal to the highest in human nature.That's what tyrants learn to do as well.

BECK: Here's what — here's what he did though. He erased religion. He said God is not important, right?

LAPIN: Correct, making a war on heaven. Yes.

BECK: Right. We're making a war on heaven, really, and we're building a tower to reach heaven.

LAPIN: And we don't need God. We don't need stones. We don't need anything that God created because you are great, people are great. All of this is going to be built with bricks and we're going to make you all interchangeable. That's why tyrants will do exactly that.

BECK: OK. And the mortar that holds those bricks together.

LAPIN: Yes now, in Hebrew, mortar is very related — same word really as the word materialism. And you can actually even hear the similarity transfer into the English language. Mortar — M, T, R are the key consonants. Material — matter — same word essentially.And it's very important because the lesson from ancient Jewish wisdom here is that you can bond people and unify people with a sense of common spiritual purpose, but if you're going to eliminate the spiritual — if you're going to take God entirely out of the picture — then you can unify people through materialism.Get people in debt, use your credit cards, folks. Buy stuff. Acquire stuff. And then you can rent storage facilities to keep the stuff you bought that you don't need.But that way, we're all in this together and we can all talk about the great commercials we saw during the football game. And we're all in this great materialistic splurge because it will unite people.

BECK: America, I want you — I want you to think about this. What he's saying here is — the king made everybody into bricks so they're all exactly the same. Everyone is equal. Everyone is equal.And then the mortar that holds it together is the stuff, the material. Not the — not their common experiences of spiritualist or even history.
Think about this: What holds us together as a nation? Two years ago, did you know a lot of our own history? How many Americans right now can't tell you the Signers, can't tell you anything about the American Revolution, can't tell you about Frederick Douglass, can't tell you anything about our history? But we all know Nike. We all know the Mercedes Benz logo. We all know everything about materialism. If you take — think about what you're headed for — if you take our materialism, our stuff, our wealth, our TVs, our phones, if you take that away, what holds our bricks together?

LAPIN: Exactly right. And what any tyrant knows is that you cannot enslave a people that believe in the boss. You have can't. And so, therefore, any tyranny will always begin to develop a hostility to traditional biblical faith, a hostility to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, a hostility to biblical commitment of any kind at all.
You always find that, whether it's Cuba or the Soviet Union or anywhere else, secularism becomes the religion of the day. In fact, I gave it a name — secular fundamentalism, I think, is the religion of the day.

BECK: OK. So, I want to take a break because I guess where we go now is God gets mad and punishes them but actually, this is a happy ending.

LAPIN: It's wonderful ending.

BECK: Yes.

LAPIN: And because it's one filled with hope for us, I think.

BECK: Right. Because it's not — God doesn't get mad and he doesn't punish them. And then we're going to — then we're going to end where we began with the actual picture of the Tower of Babel. Blow your mind! Coming up.


BECK: I have been telling you in the last few years that higher food prices are coming. I told you earlier today that I saw report out of — I think it was Shanghai — out of China, one of the big distributor for clothing in America, JC Penney, Wal-Mart and — what was the other one? Target? Oh, the Gap. The Gap is saying — all three of those retailers are now saying that clothing prices could go up as much as 30 percent by spring.Please prepare. Please prepare. We're going to help you do those things in the coming weeks, in days and months quite honestly, because you're going to be presented with a choice.And the choice is: We can be bricks and we can — yes, we can, or yes, I can. And I can reach out to my community and I can reach out to my neighbor and I can help. And together, a collection of strong eyes will make the strongest we the world has ever seen. We have done it before.Now, there is a new global order that is coming. George Soros doesn't seem to have a place for the American free market system or the American system at all. Now, we're being shoved head first by our own people. We have seen bill after bill that does nothing but collapse our system.Health care already costs — they are already going through the roof. At least 111 companies have been declared exempt from having to use Obamacare — many of them, the ones who helped design it. If it's the most historic bill of all time, why would anyone, who helped design it, especially, want to be exempt from it? It is so delicious. Even the group who helped designed the bill, the unions, getting exemptions from it now. It's a job killer and an economy killer. You know it and I know it and so do they.

Europe is ahead of us. They're on fire because of the similar policies that they have done years ago and they've all failed.What they created over there is coming apart at the seams. But instead of admitting wrong, they're doubling down and trying to force the entire globe in a new world order.This may seem like a new story to you, but a new world order is not. The very fist time that this was tried — let me bring in Rabbi Lapin. He is the president of the American Alliance for Jews and Christians.Rabbi, the very first time socialism or communism or new world order was tried was the Tower of Babel, right?


BECK: OK. So let's just pick the story up. If you missed the story — if you missed the first half of the show, DVR the show, man. What are you thinking? The idea was this hunter of men started to erase God. He became king.


BECK: He said, Let's make people all like bricks, all the same, not like stone. The mortar that will hold those bricks together is materialism.


BECK: And we'll have this utopia. We'll build a tower that will reach the heavens.

LAPIN: Yes. You will be able to fulfill your highest aspirations in that fashion.

BECK: We're all bricks.

LAPIN: And I urge people to read the story and to listen to us, not as if we're describing some long forgotten historic event, but we're describing what is really happening today and will happen in our grandchildren's generation somewhere in the world again.It will happen over and over again.

BECK: OK. So now, tell me the happy ending, because I've always read the story and God gets angry and comes down and he scatters the people.

LAPIN: OK, fine.

Well, to just put into context, the surest indicator that this is going on is when your leaders try to turn you from stones in to bricks. And there are lots of different ways that's done depending on the epoch in history.Right now, for instance, you might find that people might want to get you out of one of the most beautiful expressions of freedom and independence, the automobile. You can buy it in whatever color you want, whatever make you want. You can go whenever you like, when you like.No, we want you all in public transport. And it's always for the tower, always for a higher purpose. We're going to save the environment.
We're going to have fewer cars. Surely, you want to save the environment.And then, housing — where the housing is in Cabrini Green in Chicago and Moscow, the government housing always looks the same — everybody in ticky-tacky little boxes, because we want everybody to be like bricks.And there will also be a war on state's rights because we're taking away individuals' rights. We even take away the states rights. It's all going to go to the tower in the middle. And we see that happening as well.So the blueprint of Babel is absolutely reliable.And God comes along and as you correctly said earlier, doesn't punish the people. The name of God used in the Hebrew text is not judgment God; it's the mercy god.And he is saying, I'm on the side of people. I'm not on the side of tyrannical government. I'm on the side of the Abraham model which happens to be the model subscribed to passionately and fervently by the founders of the United States.

BECK: So what he says — because we're going to have to take a break here — what he basically says is I'm going to make you back into stone, not into bricks.

LAPIN: That's exactly right. Exactly.

BECK: And that's why he confuses their language because they're no longer working as one.

LAPIN: Yes. He's not crazy about the one world idea.

BECK: Right.

And he's not punishing them because the people thought they were doing the right thing. It's almost like social justice. People are getting involved in social justice which is a perversion, in most cases or in many cases of that Jesus idea or the grand idea of help one another.It's push it — like Jim Wallis says — push it into the government, into the tower. They think they are doing good and that's why God didn't punish them. He blessed them by making them stones again, right?

LAPIN: Correct.

BECK: Now, here comes the big finish, boys. Wait until you see. I'm going to start back again or end where we began the show in something that will boggle your mind.

Back in a minute.


BECK: Back with Rabbi Daniel Lapin. Now, we have been talking about the Tower of Babel, the hunter — Nimrod was a great king but he was actually a hunter. And the difference between bricks and stones — these are individuals. This is — everybody is exactly the same. The mortar that held the bricks together was materialism, and they were building a tower, the Tower of Babel.All right. I'm going to start where I began tonight. Bring up the E.U. Parliament building. Love this. Beautiful building, isn't it? Look at that.Now, let me go back to the Tower of Babel. Put the tower of Babel back up. Here is the Tower of Babel. Here, you see it's unfinished — it's unfinished, a little doorway over here. Pretty amazing. Put them side-by-side, please. Coincidence?

LAPIN: Well, there is no word in Hebrew for coincidence, Glenn. I have to reject the coincidence theory.


BECK: This is amazing. If you look at the unfinished doorway here and here and the doorway here, the little doorways up here, the doorway here, you have these — what would you call these?

LAPIN: Vertical buttresses.

BECK: Buttresses —

LAPIN: Yes, they are.

BECK: Which are all right here. It's unfinished. Same angle, area — I mean, it's unbelievable.

LAPIN: And how it steps down, all the unfinished work in both pictures —

BECK: Right.

LAPIN: In the same direction, both from right to left. Strange.

BECK: So now, you're not saying, Rabbi — you're not saying that they intentionally are building the Tower of Babel?

LAPIN: I think they are. I really do.I do believe and was told that the design of the headquarters of the European Parliament in Strasburg, France was the designers were asked to make it resemble the Tower of Babel.

BECK: They said — because we called — we tried to verify. And what they say is they're just reflecting, like, the Coliseum.

LAPIN: Yes, that's what we want to build in Europe, right? That's the place where Christians got fed to lions.

BECK: Right. So that would really make — it really doesn't make it any better. But it is remarkable, especially since — what was the name of that report? Virginia, what was the name of that report? One tongue, one language or —

LAPIN: Many languages, one people.

BECK: Yes. Something like that. Yes. Their actual slogan is Many languages, one family, which goes again to Nimrod's story of


LAPIN: They can't help it, Glenn. Anybody who is following the Babel blueprint wants to eliminate distinctions between individuals and between countries and bring it all together under one tower of government.

BECK: OK. So now, look. Here is the thing, America. I don't know if that's what they were — I mean, that is — wow! I don't know if that's what they were doing. I don't really care.I just know the lesson you should learn here is that we're stones.
We're not all made exactly alike, and materialism is the mortar that holds us together. So now, what are we going to do about it? Oh, that's right. I told you that it was starting on solutions and answers. Yes. Next.


BECK: This program is going to stop just warning people about what's coming and we are going to be a part of the solution. Tonight, we take another step in that direction.I just told you the story of the Tower of Babel and how Nimrod tried to make everybody into a brick. And everybody is not a brick. We're stones — made them into a brick and materialism was the mortar that kept everybody together.We've got to — we've got to stop worrying about stuff that we have and not be another brick in the wall, play a role in a stone foundation.Last night, I told you to go home and talk to your spouse and your families about downsizing your life. I told you that there is a study out there that shows the average person has $25,000 of unused stuff in their house. I find that amazing.Well, I made a decision to downsize my life by decluttering my house and selling the stuff that my wife and I — we don't use. We went around our house this weekend and we tagged all the stuff. And we're going to start selling it now on a website called, It's coming up next week. I'm going to have it posted next week.I'm donating all the proceeds of my stuff to a very special cause this Christmas. And you'll find out more in just a few days. Find all the details about what I'm doing at

Now, I'm — to be totally upfront with you, I'm using UPillar because they happen to be a sponsor of my radio show and I know the guy who started UPillar. I think the guy is a genius. You can use whatever you want. You can sell it on eBay or Craigslist or whatever. These guys don't charge anything for it.Now you could have just a yard sale — that is if the government is still allowing that in your area. And don't forget, starting next year, in the health care bill, for some unknown reason, if you sell anything worth more than $600, you need to send out a 1099. So this will be your last chance before the end of the year to do all the selling without any of the paperwork.Get the clutter out of your life. And then, I ask you to please use that money wisely. Invest it. Invest it in food storage. Have the extra on hand, because we need to be a shelter for others.Over the next few days, I'm going to show you what is happening to our food and energy prices and our clothing prices. I told you earlier the price of cotton is 95 percent increase this year — 95 percent. Do you know what that means for the price of clothing?

Bloomberg had a story today: The Gap, Wal-Mart Clothing cost Rise on Terrifying Cotton Prices. The director at a China market research group warns American consumers better get used to rising prices on the shelves of Wal-Mart and other retailers.The world is about to change, so we must. Please don't incur any new debt. Focus on being a shelter for others. Do these things and realize that you are a stone, not a brick and that God is our master, not man.We do these things together, together as strong individuals. We will change the world.
— Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel.




TSA Now Putting Hands Down Fliers’ Pants - Big Sis turns up the heat: New super-enhanced pat-down more invasive Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The TSA’s invasive new screening measures include officers literally putting their hands down people’s pants if they are wearing baggy clothing in a shocking new elevation of groping procedures that have stoked a nationwide revolt against privacy-busting airport security measures.Forget John Tyner’s don’t touch my junk experience at the hands of TSA goons in San Diego recently, another victim of Big Sis was told by TSA officials that it was now policy to go even further when dealing with people wearing loose pants or shorts.Going through airport security this past weekend, radio host Owen JJ Stone, known as OhDoctah, related how he was told that the rules had been changed and was offered a private screening. When he asked what the procedure entailed, the TSA agent responded, I have to go in your waistband, I have to put my hand down your pants, after which he did precisely that.Stone chose to conduct the search in public in the fear that the TSA worker would be even more aggressive in a private room.If you’re wearing sweat pants or baggy clothing, I was wearing sweat pants they’re not baggy, they’re sweat pants, said Stone, adding that the agent pulled out his waistband before patting his backside and his crotch.Even the TSA agent who put his hands down the man’s pants was embarrassed at what he had been told to do by his superiors, apologizing profusely to the victim.

A 54-year-old Missouri City man experienced similar treatment when he was going through security at Fort Lauderdale Airport.Thomas Mollman was subject to a groping by a TSA officer that was tantamount to sexual molestation.I was wearing shorts at the time – between the underwear, right on the skin, all the way around the back, all the way around my front, 360 degrees, touched inappropriately, he said.This was an assault. This was no different than a sexual assault, said KTRK Legal Analyst Joel Androphy.The level of abuse appears to be getting worse on an almost daily basis. First TSA agents use the back of their hands, then they outright grope you with the front, and now they are being trained to put their hands down traveler’s pants. What’s next? Mandatory bodily probes? Even as the resistance to airport oppression grows, Big Sis and the TSA are responding by making the pat down procedures more invasive. Napolitano has figuratively said to the American people let them eat cake as she slaps them in the face.Given the fact that the TSA’s own woeful background checks for their own employees allows rapists and pedophiles to get jobs as pat down agents, will you allow TSA workers to put their hands down the pants of your daughter or wife? UPDATE: Owen JJ Stone appeared on The Alex Jones Show today to discuss the incident and how the TSA goon touched his junk by specifically patting his backside and testicles – video of the interview coming soon.

then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.

JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM



09:30 AM +1.25
10:00 AM -16.31
10:30 AM +7.95
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11:30 AM +0.69
12:00 PM +9.96
12:30 PM -3.21
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01:30 PM +13.21
02:00 PM +4.05
02:30 PM +7.04
03:00 PM +1.97
03:30 PM -14.98
04:00 PM -15.62 11,007.88

S&P 500 1178.59 +0.25

NASDAQ 2476.01 +6.17

GOLD 1,333.30 -4.70

OIL 80.39 -1.95

TSE 300 12,657.80 +55.60

CDNX 1953.99 +31.12

S&P/TSX/60 725.65 +2.51


Dow +0.95 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -25 points at low today.
Dow +21 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,336.50.OIL opens at $81.55 today.

Dow -25 points at low today so far.
Dow +21 points at high today so far.

Dow -25 points at low today.
Dow +21 points at high today.



DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).

Ireland: Join the IMF-EU Borg Hive or Face the Abyss
Kurt Nimmo November 16, 2010

Due to the fact Ireland is part of the European Union, it can’t do what the U.S. is doing under the auspices of the Federal Reserve — crank up the presses and print its way out of the manufactured debt crisis. Irish currency cannot be devalued.The IMF and EU wait in the wings like hungry vultures.Austerity was advertised as the ticket to Ireland’s budgetary woes, but this bitter medicine has made the situation worse.

The people of Ireland having endured over a year of austerity on the promise that it was all necessary to suffer pain today by cutting public spending so as to reduce the annual budget deficit to sustainable level for economic gains tomorrow,writes Nadeem Walayat. Instead the exact opposite is taking place as the Irish economy contracts due to economic austerity whilst its bankrupt banks are sending the countries debt and liabilities soaring, thus resulting in a far worse budgetary position than where Ireland was before the austerity measures were implemented as the bond markets are waking up to evitable debt default which is sending interest rates demanded to hold Irish debt soaring to new credit crisis highs.Meanwhile, the IMF and EU wait in the wings like hungry vultures. The danger is that if this Government acquiesces to the EU’s offer of help, the payback to the EU will be to control Ireland’s taxation policies,writes Aindrias Scannell for the Irish Independent. This Government is weak and will cave in to demands from the EU bully boys — remember Lisbon 2: Ireland did not deliver and was told to try again.Ireland has yet to crawl to the IMF with hat in hand. IMF boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn said over the weekend that Ireland can manage its fiscal affairs and the bankster loan sharking operation has yet to receive a request for aid. Strauss-Kahn said it is business as usual in Ireland, in other words the IMF will see how Ireland fares at the hands of the European Financial Stability Facility. Ireland has not officially applied for EU aid.Belgium and Portugal are not far behind. The price that these countries pay for being stuck in the Euro single currency is that they cannot devalue to try and gain some competitive advantage for their economies and therefore try and grow and inflate their way out of a high debt burden that stifles economic activity,explains Walayat.

Ireland, Belgium and Portugal cannot devalue their way out of debt and budget crises and move to a new sustainable equilibrium, as Walayat calls it, within a globalist euro block that demands greater competitiveness by means of reduction in costs i.e. by deflating wages.Ireland is caught between a rock and a hard place. If it fails to impoverish its citizens, the banksters will hit it with higher interest rates and a greater debt burden. The idea is to turn not only Ireland, but the entire world into a third world slave plantation.The IMF and World Bank played the same game with Latvia it played with much of the third world. Nathan Greenhalgh is the editor-in-chief of the Baltic Reports news website and he explained that the IMF has primarily insisted that Latvia continue with deep cuts to meet agreed-upon GDP deficit percentages. It’s been a bit of good cop, bad cop with the World Bank praising Latvia’s resolve to cut while the IMF insists it isn’t doing enough and must cut more.In other words, the IMF insists more people must be thrown into abject poverty in order to solve things. Retirement, pensions, education and other public services are to be deep sixed in order to pay off debt created out of thin air by predatory banksters.In 2009, the Center for Economic and Policy Research discovered that a majority of countries on the hook to the IMF have experienced economic slowdowns, as planned. CEPR suggested more funny money be doled out in the form of IMF SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) and the harmful conditions attached to other IMF lending facilities be eliminated.Not a chance. Might as well wish for a Christmas pony. Harmful conditions are part of the deal.The Latvian government predicted 5% contraction in 2009 but the contraction in that year was actually 18%. In other words, the EU/IMF deal signed in December of 2008 made things worse — far worse.In the last two years, the austerity measures in Latvia’s budgets have seen massive cuts in the health and education sectors. The number of hospitals has been cut from 59 to 42 and 58 schools have been closed down,writes McMorrow.The unemployment rate tripled, hitting a peak of 22% in January before it fell back to 16% in June.

As Ireland balks at submitting to the EU and the IMF, a far larger economic train wreck looms. The only solution is for a costly European Union / ECB / IMF bailout of Ireland as they cannot allow the current crisis in Ireland to trigger a complete bailout of ALL of the PIIGS [Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain] which could cost as much as Euros 2 trillion. Therefore the Irish debt crisis has the potential to turn into the mother of all bailouts where today’s talk of billions turns into trillions if decisive action is not taken to finance the Irish budget deficit before they triggered a PIIGS debt collapse Euro-zone wide bailout,notes Walayat.Meanwhile, Ireland’s fellow PIIGs are furious. Spain’s central bank governor, Miguel Angel Ordonez, lashed out at Dublin on Monday, calling on the Irish government to halt the panic and take the proper decision of activating the EU-IMF bail-out mechanism, reports the Telegraph.But of course. It is always the proper decision to impoverish your people, at least according to the global elite.

Ireland in crisis talks as Van Rompuy warns EU in survival crisis - President Van Rompuy: The EU is in a survival crisis (Photo: Council of the European Union)LEIGH PHILLIPS 16.11.2010 @ 17:56 CET

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy has warned that the eurozone and the European Union itself are fighting for their life as a result of the ongoing sovereign debt shocks, most recently in Ireland and Portugal.We're in a survival crisis, the president told an event at a Brussels think-tank on Tuesday morning (16 November) ahead of a meeting of finance ministers from countries that use the euro, where it is expected that they will interrogate Ireland and Portugal over the state of government finances.Mr Van Rompuy warned that if the eurozone does not survive, neither will the EU. We all have to work together in order to survive with the eurozone, because if we don't survive with the euro zone we will not survive with the European Union,he said. But I'm very confident we will overcome this,he added.EU economic affairs chief Olli Rehn later told reporters that Ireland is now in talks with the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund over its ongoing debt crisis. The commission together with the ECB and IMF and the Irish authorities are working in order to resolve the serious problems of the Irish banking sector, he said.I expect the Eurogroup of finance ministers to support this project, he added, stressing that Ireland's finances are otherwise sound for another two quarters: The Irish sovereign debt is funded well until the middle of next year.He warned reporters against conflating the Irish situation with that of Portugal and Spain. Ireland is a very different case, he said.

The two Iberian nations have been heaping pressure on Ireland to access an EU bail-out fund. Madrid and Lisbon are concerned that the ongoing uncertainty over whether Ireland will default on its debts is putting unnecessary upward pressure on the costs of Spanish and Portuguese borrowing, pushing them into a similar situation.If Ireland accesses the fund, they believe that uncertainty would be lifted, lowering borrowing costs. Spanish economy minister Elena Salgado said on Tuesday that a bail-out for Ireland may not necessarily take place, depending on what the Irish finance minister says to his colleagues in Brussels. In no way will it be considered as an inevitable situation. The Eurogroup has to consider it this evening. The first thing the Eurogroup is going to do is listen to Ireland's opinions and then debate them, she told the Spanish parliament.Irish Europe minister Dick Roche meanwhile denied that he had told a reporter that an Irish bail-out announcement would be made on Wednesday.In related news, Austria has said it would block another tranche of cash to Greece after EU data published on Monday revealed that Athens had incurred a much larger budget deficit and levels of public debt than the country had earlier estimated.EU audit figures showed that the Greek government budget deficit for 2009 amounted to 15.4 percent of gross domestic product, sharply up on Athens' earlier estimate of 13.6 percent.The statistics give no reason to hand over the money from an Austrian point of view, the conservative People's Party leader and finance minister Josef Proell said. He explained that Greece no longer meets the requirements to access the €190 million in credits Austria would otherwise be due to hand over as part of a €110 billion EU-IMF-ECB bail-out of the country agreed in May this year.Some economists are not so sure whether the EU will overcome the financial crisis, as Mr Van Rompuy believes. In the short-term, no country will leave the euro. But in the long scenario, in 15 to 20 years' time, maybe we will see another EU and another currency area. I think the euro name will have to be changed, Christoph Weil, a senior economist at the Commerzbank in Frankfurt told this website.The divergence in the euro area is very strong and we see on one side a strong recovery in Germany and similar countries and a recession or stagnation in peripheral countries. This phenomenon will continue in 2011 and this means the tensions will grow further and it will be very difficult [for the European Central Bank] to make the right monetary policy: for Germany the policy will be too expansive and for the peripherals it will be too restrictive.I cannot see any way to turn this around.

Barroso extremely disappointed over budget collapse
VALENTINA POP 16.11.2010 @ 18:02 CET

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso has expressed his extreme disappointment over the failure of member states and MEPs to agree to the bloc's 2011 budget, and warned of the negative impact of this breakdown.I'm extremely disappointed that talks between the Council and the European Parliament on the 2011 budget have broken down, Mr Barroso said in a statement on Tuesday (16 November). Without specifically naming Britain and the Netherlands, who were the most reluctant to give in to the MEPs demands, Mr Barroso said that a small number of member states were not prepared to negotiate in a European spirit and that a solution had been possible in the late hours of Monday night.Those who think they have won a victory over Brussels have shot themselves in the foot. They should know that they have dealt a blow to people all over Europe and in the developing world, the Portuguese politician said, in reference to EU subsidies paid to farmers, businesses, regions and humanitarian assistance abroad.The commission has now to come up with a new draft, with the parliament and member states each presenting their opinion and then talks will start all over again, a process likely to take several months,according to EU budget commissioner Janusz Lewandowski.Meanwhile, the EU will now employ a system of provisional budgets funded each month up with up to one twelth of the total 2010 figure.

Diplomats on Monday night pointed out that this will certainly cause no drama and that even for new projects, such as the European External Action Service or the three new financial supervisory authorities, there will be enough money left over.
Neither will the safety net for troubled eurozone countries be affected, a spokeswoman for Mr Barroso said Tuesday during a press conference. Pressure has mounted in recent days on the Irish government to ask help from the European Financial Stability Mechanism (EFSM), as its borrowing costs on the markets are reaching record highs every day. There is no impact of the absence of the budget for 2011 on the possible activation of the EFSM,the spokeswoman said.Mr Lewandowski, however, maintains that the month-to-month budget scheme will jeopardise investments in poorer regions – under EU's cohesion policy - which need longer term planning and require co-funding from the public or private sector. Poland, one of the big beneficiaries of cohesion policy, is the native country of Mr Lewandowski, himself a former MEP.Speaking to the EUobserver, Guy Verhofstadt, the leader of the Liberal group in the European Parliament said that the uphill battle against reticent member states was not about money, but about going back to the original formula of EU's founding fathers, who based the European budget on own resources,he said, employing the term used in Brussels jargon for giving the bloc its own fundraising powers.

This is an opportunity to open a discussion about the financing system of the EU – it should be direct financed by citizens, so that they can have a direct influence on EU policies, he argued.Debt crises such as the Greek and the Irish ones could be averted, Mr Verhofstadt argued, if the current system of national contributions and rebates was abolished.He dismissed British sovereignty concerns when it comes to taxation, arguing: EU taxes exist already, on agricultural imports and part of the value added tax (VAT).In the Belgian politican's view, to talk about EU taxes at times of budget austerity in member states was not inappropriate, since the European Parliament was not asking for extra taxes, but to replace some national taxes.Mr Verhofstadt said that the group of reluctant countries has dropped from 12 mid-October to 3-4 on Monday night, all the others were willing to start a discussion on it.Meanwhile, speaking at a breakfast event in Brussels, EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy came to the defence of member states and pointed to the political courage governments have to muster when introducing painful austerity measures, despite street protests and rising populism.He spoke of the Lisbon Treaty as offering new tools on monetary stability, jobs and growth, but said that while discussions in Brussels are important, the most difficult political work has to be done in the member states themselves.The choice is not between the intergovernmental or the community method, he said, referring to the two visions of how Europe should operate: on a national government-to-government basis or through EU-level institutions, but between a co-ordinated EU position or nothing at all.When asked about the 2011 budget, Mr Van Rompuy said that in the end, compromise will be found.


3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:

2 KINGS 23:5
5 And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

US promises no secret deals at Cancun climate talks
ANDREW WILLIS 16.11.2010 @ 08:00 CET

EUOBSERVER / WASHINGTON – The US will reconfirm climate pledges and refrain from secret backroom deal-making at important multi-lateral negotiations taking place later this month, the country's top environment official has said. Speaking to journalists in Washington on Monday (15 November), US special envoy for climate change Todd Stern said the White House did not intend to backtrack on pledges made under the Copenhagen Accord struck last December, as some in Europe have feared.
Environmentalists, in particular, have expressed concerns that a commitment at the acrimonious Danish talks to limit global warming to two degrees centigrade could be watered down, especially in light of the Republication mid-term victory in Congress.

We are standing by the submission we made last year, said Mr Stern. We are 100 percent supportive of the Copenhagen Accord … including the two degree number.EU negotiators heading to the latest round of UN talks (29 Nov-10 Dec) in Cancun, Mexico, are unlikely to have forgotten their marginalised role last December when a US-led group of states including China sealed a deal in closed-group negotiations behind Europe's back.

Mr Stern disputes this interpretation.

I think there is some misunderstanding of what actually happened there, he said. There wasn't any secret thing that happened last year and I wouldn't expect any sort of secret thing to happen this year either.The senior official does share concerns expressed by Europe's climate change commissioner Connie Hedegaard, however, that a failure in Cancun could raise a serious question mark over the whole multilateral UN negotiating process. If we were to find ourselves year after year in a state of deadlock and stalemate then it would be a damaging thing, he said. I think you would see people looking for other avenues to make progress.The EU has adopted a step-wise approach to the talks since last year's huge disappointment, now preferring to talk of gains in certain areas ahead of a more comprehensive agreement in South Africa next year. Deals on deforestation, setting up climate warning systems, progress on financing, and encouraging the transfer of cleaner technology to poorer countries are among Europe's half-way goals for the Mexico meeting.The Obama administration also appears to be looking for a new approach after a cap-and-trade bill failed to get Senate approval this year.We've taken one approach through congress over the past two years, said a senior administration official on Monday. We are [now] going to find another other ways of working with congress, maybe that means we will focus sector by sector at a time.There are certainly those who still discuss ways by which you can tackle emissions of greenhouse gases in the utilities sector, so we may look at that, whether its through a renewables mandate … or other ways,they added.

Meanwhile, hundreds of billions of dollars continues to be stored in bank accounts as investors wait for a clear signal. With unemployment hovering around 10 percent on both sides of the Atlantic, politicians have increasingly made the argument for investment in green technology as a way of boosting jobs.I think most people on Capitol Hill would believe in some version of that,said Mr Stern.

The Police State is The Real Threat Against America
Saman Mohammadi Truth Excavator November 16, 2010

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free… it expects what never was and never will be. – Thomas Jefferson.Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost. – Thomas Jefferson.Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.– John F. Kennedy.A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.– John F. Kennedy

The American people have a right to know about the existence of FEMA camps, and the press has an obligation to inform them.The state of the press in America, and the West in general, is so rotten and corrupted that comedians, hackers, former wrestlers, and regular citizens have to report crimes, uncover government deception, and expose the excessive abuses of power, which in a functioning democracy is a job that would be performed by journalists and reporters who make up the Fourth Estate.

Instead of educating citizens about the issues of the day, the media is spreading government disinformation, brainwashing the public about fake threats like domestic terrorists, creating false rumors, misdirecting and/or subduing public discontent, demonizing thoughtful political dissidents, and covering up the crimes and lies of the dishonorable Establishment in Washington D.C.It is no wonder that people hate the press. It doesn’t consist of impartial and gracious minds but prejudiced idiots with hidden motives, discovering truth not among them. The corrupted, government-whipped press doesn’t function as a tool to reveal the truth and make fools out of liars, but is used as a psychological and political weapon to get people to support criminal wars, and to discredit individuals who express unpopular political views. Reporters jump at the opportunity to sit across Tiger Woods in a press conference, but they’re nowhere to be found when there is a Bilderberg Group meeting in session.

Next to corrupt politicians, banking thieves, criminal corporations, and police state thugs on the line of betrayers of the public interest are clueless reporters and government-whipped journalists who call truth-tellers conspiracy theorists, and ignorantly declare that FEMA camps don’t exist. Whether they know it or not, these professional betrayers are destroying the values of freedom, truth, and justice, and turning America into a giant, chaotic wasteland ruled by scum.Leave it to Alex Jones, a radio talk show host and documentarian, and Jesse Ventura, a former wrestler, Navy Seals, TV host, and Governor of Minnesota, to shed light on the 9/11 false-flag attacks, the manufactured wars in the Middle East, Wall Street’s criminal banking clique, the fraudulent war on terror, and America’s FEMA camps that are managed by the Department of Homeland Security as an integral part of the police state. In the latest episode of Ventura’s truTV series Conspiracy Theory the former Governor tracked down FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) camps, and similar facilities across America, and then confronted the U.S. congressmen who sponsored the House bill, H.R.645 — National Emergency Centers Establishment Act, which was introduced on January 22, 2009 by Florida Congressman Alcee Hastings, and explicitly calls for the construction of military camps for use during a period of national crisis.The H.R.645 bill is another step in America’s slide into despotism. And the fact that Hastings is behind the bill, who was impeached by Congress and convicted by the Senate in 1989 for bribery and perjury after serving ten years as a judge in Florida’s federal court, is just one of the reasons why FEMA camps should be immediately destroyed. Only human scum stamp such anti-freedom bills into law.The stated purpose of the bill is most likely a public cover, as it is certainly not for the security of the American people. It is generally assumed that such prison-like facilities will be necessary for the government to maintain order during a state of national emergency, or when there is some kind of existential crisis, but America is already in a state of national emergency, which is why public ignorance about FEMA camps is so dangerous as they can be deemed operational by the government at any minute.

The American people have a right to know about the existence of FEMA camps, and the press has an obligation to inform them. But, as we know, the press is not on the American people’s side, so citizens must look elsewhere to gain knowledge about FEMA camps, and the government threat against civil liberties that such camps represent.
There was hardly any coverage in the press about President Obama re-declaring on September 10, 2010 the following statement that was made by former President Bush after the 9/11 attacks: The terrorist threat that led to the declaration on September 14, 2001, of a national emergency continues. For this reason, I have determined that it is necessary to continue in effect after September 14, 2010, the national emergency with respect to the terrorist threat.The terrorist threat that is used in the statement above is so ambiguous that it is applicable to any threat against the Washington Establishment. The list includes anti-war activists, political dissidents, environmental activists, right-wing groups, etc. Basically, anyone who does not like the criminal Establishment is deemed a terrorist threat.The real threat against the American people stems not from radical Muslims or radical Americans, but from the radical state terrorists who seized control of Washington through a silent, and unreported coup d’état. These rascals oversee a completely criminal government, and consistently lie to the American people, along with members of the U.S. military who are fighting and dying in fraudulent wars in the name of democracy and freedom.In Bombshell: FEMA Camps Confirmed Aaron Dykes writes that Ventura was ducked, and mocked by several Congressmen as he approached them to discuss the H.R.645 bill:

Despite hundreds of government documents identifying emergency and contingency plans, including plans to deal with mass fatalities, insurrection, internment and quarantines, Ventura and his team repeatedly encounter outrageous denial and avoidance by officials at every level. The mainstream media have avoided and downplayed these on-the-record plans for FEMA Camps and Homeland Security Emergency Facilities for years. Clearly, it is not meant to be a public relations talking point, and it is no surprise that members of Congress, including those who wrote the bill to create FEMA camps in America, are reluctant to discuss the matter. Congressmen Hastings, Jim Gerlach, Steven Cohen, and others who supported the H.R.645bill may avoid Ventura, and refuse to answers his questions about FEMA camps for now, but they won’t be able to hide forever. Once the American people come face to face with the evil police state, they won’t have to ask cowardly Congressmen questions about what FEMA camps are for. They’ll know that these camps were constructed all along as part of a larger control grid to keep them enslaved, and poor. And they won’t be happy.A great revolution,the German poet Goethe said,is always the fault of the government, never of the people. Revolutions are an absolute impossibility when governments are continually just and alert, so that they comet to meet the people with the reforms which the times require, and do not resist so long that the inevitable is seized by force from below,(Eckermann’s Conversations With Goethe, pg. 26-27).A revolution in America is not far away. Whether it will be peaceful or violent depends on how the rotten Establishment in Washington responds to the American people’s calls for new political and economic reforms. So far, they are not responding like intelligent statesmen, but like criminal tricksters. They know that the existing order can only be maintained by brutal violence and repression, as deception has run its course.The current talk in Washington about deficit reform directly targets Social Security and Medicare but deliberately ignores the reality that Wall Street looted the country and must be punished, and that the trillion dollars wars in the Middle East should never have been waged. Such talk proves that there are no visionary leaders in Washington, with the exception of Dr. Ron Paul, who are courageous and intelligent enough to lead the country out of the dark abyss into which it has fallen, and avert an incoming political cataclysm.

The press has the opportunity to change America peacefully, and bring the criminal traitors in Washington to justice by directing public light at the deep-state’s monumental corruption, deception, and crimes. Hopefully Ventura’s odyssey into the dark heart of Washington will encourage and inspire others in the press to enlighten the American people about how their government was taken over by a cabal of evil criminals and traitors.


12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.(THIS IS THE ATATURK DAM IN TURKEY,THEY CROSS OVER).

44 But tidings out of the east(CHINA) and out of the north(RUSSIA, MUSLIMS WHATS LEFT FROM WAVE 1) shall trouble him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.( 1/3RD OF EARTHS POPULATION)

12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.
13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.(IRAQ-SYRIA)
15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.(1/3 Earths Population die in WW 3 2ND WAVE)
16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand:(200 MILLION MAN ARMY FROM CHINA AND THE KINGS OF THE EAST) and I heard the number of them.
17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.(NUCLEAR BOMBS)
18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.(NUCLEAR BOMBS)


21 And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them.

ISAIAH 18:1-2
1 Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia:
2 That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!

JEREMIAH 50:11,37,12
11 Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of mine heritage, because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls;(BACKSLIDERS)
37 A sword is upon their horses, and upon their chariots, and upon all the mingled people that are in the midst of her; and they shall become as women: a sword is upon her treasures; and they shall be robbed.(A NATION OF MINGLED PEOPLE)
12 Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed:(MOTHER ENGLAND) behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert.

JEREMIAH 51:13,7,53
13 O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness.
7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD's hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.
53 Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the LORD.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

JEREMIAH 50:3,24
3 For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the LORD. (RUSSIA A SNEAK ATTACK ON AMERICA)

REVELATION 18:9-11,15-21
9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,(NUKE ATTACK I BELIEVE)
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.


11/12/2010 Cyber Experts Have Proof That China Has Hijacked U.S.-Based Internet Traffic - For 18 minutes in April, China’s state-controlled telecommunications company hijacked 15 percent of the world’s Internet traffic, including data from U.S. military, civilian organizations and those of other U.S. allies.NATIONAL DEFENCE

This massive redirection of data has received scant attention in the mainstream media because the mechanics of how the hijacking was carried out and the implications of the incident are difficult for those outside the cybersecurity community to grasp, said a top security expert at McAfee, the world’s largest dedicated Internet security company.In short, the Chinese could have carried out eavesdropping on unprotected communications — including emails and instant messaging — manipulated data passing through their country or decrypted messages, Dmitri Alperovitch, vice president of threat research at McAfee said.Nobody outside of China can say, at least publicly, what happened to the terabytes of data after the traffic entered China.The incident may receive more attention when the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a congressional committee, releases its annual report on the bilateral relationship Nov. 17. A commission press release said the 2010 report will address the increasingly sophisticated nature of malicious computer activity associated with China.Said Alperovitch: This is one of the biggest — if not the biggest hijacks — we have ever seen. And it could happen again, anywhere and anytime. It’s just the way the Internet works, he explained. What happened to the traffic while it was in China? No one knows.The telephone giants of the world work on a system based on trust, he explained. Machine-to-machine interfaces send out messages to the Internet informing other service providers that they are the fastest and most efficient way for data packets to travel. For 18 minutes April 8, China Telecom Corp. told many ISPs of the world that its routes were the best paths to send traffic.

For example, a person sending information from Arlington, Va., to the White House in Washington, D.C. — only a few miles away — could have had his data routed through China. Since traffic moves around the world in milliseconds, the computer user would not have noticed the delay.This happens accidentally a few times per year, Alperovitch said. What set this incident apart from other such mishaps was the fact that China Telecom could manage to absorb this large amount of data and send it back out again without anyone noticing a disruption in service. In previous incidents, the data would have reached a dead end, and users would not have been able to connect.Also, the list of hijacked data just happened to include preselected destinations around the world that encompassed military, intelligence and many civilian networks in the United States and other allies such as Japan and Australia, he said. Why would you keep that list? Alperovitch asked.The incident involved 15 percent of Internet traffic, he stressed. The amount of data included in all these packets is difficult to calculate. The data could have been stored so it could be examined later, he added. Imagine the capability and capacity that is built into their networks. I’m not sure there was anyone else in the world who could have taken on that much traffic without breaking a sweat, Alperovitch said.McAfee has briefed U.S. government officials on the incident, but they were not alarmed. They said their Internet communications are encrypted. However, encryption also works on a basis of trust, McAfee experts pointed out. And that trust can be exploited.

Internet encryption depends on two keys. One key is private and not shared, and the other is public, and is embedded in most computer operating systems. Unknown to most computer users, Microsoft, Apple and other software makers embed the public certificates in their operating systems. They also trust that this system won’t be abused.Among the certificates is one from the China Internet Information Center, an arm of the China’s Ministry of Information and Industry.If China telecom intercepts that [encrypted message] and they are sitting on the middle of that, they can send you their public key with their public certificate and you will not know any better, he said. The holder of this certificate has the capability to decrypt encrypted communication links, whether it’s web traffic, emails or instant messaging, Alperovitch said. It is a flaw in the way the Internet operates, said Yoris Evers, director of worldwide public relations at McAfee.No one outside of China can say whether any of these potentially nefarious events occurred, Alperovitch noted. It did not make mainstream news because it is so esoteric and hard to understand, he added. It is not defined as a cyberattack because no sites were hacked or shut down. But it is pretty disconcerting.And the hijacking took advantage of the way the Internet operates. It can happen again. They can do it tomorrow or they can do it in an hour. And the same problem will occur again.Read more about the increasingly sophisticated nature of cyberespionage and attacks in the January issue of National Defense Magazine.

15 percent of the world's Internet traffic was hijacked to China, in April
November 16th, 2010 2:52 pm ET.

It's been said the next major war may not take place on a physical battlefield, but on the Internet. We've already seen instances of cyber warfare. How would you feel if you knew that for 18 minutes a country hijacked 15 percent of the world’s Internet traffic? Not too safe, probably.That's what happened in April of 2010. The country involved in the hacking: China, which should probably not surprise anyone. Here's what the NDIA (National Defense Industrial Association) says:For 18 minutes in April, China’s state-controlled telecommunications company hijacked 15 percent of the world’s Internet traffic, including data from U.S. military, civilian organizations and those of other U.S. allies. [...]Nobody outside of China can say, at least publicly, what happened to the terabytes of data after the traffic entered China.What China did, essentially, was re-route traffic that would ordinarily be routed through the best way possible on the Internet through its own servers. What's interesting is that all that traffic did not results in any slowdown to Web traffic.

What set this incident apart from other such mishaps was the fact that China Telecom could manage to absorb this large amount of data and send it back out again without anyone noticing a disruption in service. In previous incidents, the data would have reached a dead end, and users would not have been able to connect.Indeed, the nature of the routing would have been such that if someone were trying to reach a server only a few miles away, he might have seen his traffic routed thousands of miles to China, and back, instead.This type of scenario is precisely why the Obama administration saw fit to increase the focus on cybersecurity. That said, it's not something that's easily prevented, and once again, we have no idea where the data went.Is it something to be concerned about? You decide.