TSA To Block Websites With Controversial Opinions Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Monday, July 5, 2010
The Transportation Security Administration will block all websites that contain controversial opinion from its federal computers in the latest example of how Internet censorship is expanding in both the private and public sector as the federal government prepares to push through a power grab that will empower President Obama to shut down the world wide web with an emergency decree.The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is blocking certain websites from the federal agency’s computers, including halting access by staffers to any Internet pages that contain a controversial opinion, according to an internal email obtained by CBS News.The new rules came into force on July 1, and prevent TSA employees from accessing such content, though what is deemed controversial opinion is not explained. Undoubtedly, the ban list will include websites which specialize in criticism of the government and federal agencies.
The move to regulate and stifle free speech on the world wide web is accelerating after Senator Joe Lieberman introduced the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, legislation that will hand Obama a figurative kill switch to shut down certain parts of the Internet under the pretext of a national emergency. The bill was approved by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and now awaits a full Senate vote.Internet censorship is expanding by stealth across numerous private and public network hubs. We routinely receive emails from visitors alarmed at the fact that their local library, university or transport center has blocked Alex Jones’ websites under the justification that they contain hate speech. Hate speech is being cited as an excuse to bar access to material critical of the state.Indeed, at London’s St. Pancras station, one of the busiest international transport hubs in the world, Prison,, and even mildly political websites are all censored on the facility’s free wi-fi network. In Communist China, where the state blocks most political websites, Alex Jones’ content is still accessible. In this instance, the Internet censorship policies of so-called free western nations are more draconian than those employed by the Chinese.The move to censor certain websites is likely to be part of an effort to restrict access to stories about TSA agents abusing their power, examples of which have skyrocketed in recent years. This is all about preventing federal employees from figuring out that their entire career is nothing more than acting as goon enforcers for the state as America sinks further into tyranny.An epidemic of TSA abuse at the nation’s airports has spread since 9/11, with TSA agents showing a penchant for harassing the easiest targets, from the elderly, to pregnant women, to the severely handicapped.A large number of people have simply refused to travel to America anymore because entering the country is like trying to get into the old East Germany. This is killing the tourism industry and costing hundreds of millions of dollars each year.A 2006 investigation by the Discover America Partnership found that tourism to America had sunk due to a climate of fear and frustration that is turning away foreign business and leisure travelers from visiting the United States and damaging America’s image abroad.No less than a third of tourists vowed never to return to America after experiencing the treatment of Homeland Security officials at ports of entry. By early 2007, the U.S. had lost around 60 million visitors as a result of the stifling and intrusive security measures implemented since 9/11.
The video below documents several examples of TSA abuse and harassment.
Retired Geography Professor Advocates Global One-Child Policy
Jurriaan Maessen July 5, 2010
Business Insider featured a post yesterday by geography professor Gary L. Peters under the header Population Growth Is Still The Biggest Problem Facing Humanity.
Reduce Earth’s population down to around 1.6 billion by 2100, about the same as the world population in 1900.After channeling armchair-eugenicist Alan Weisman, who stated: The intelligent solution (to the problem of population growth) would require the courage and the wisdom to put our knowledge to the test. It would henceforth limit every human female on Earth capable of bearing children to one, the professor added:Started now, such a policy would reduce Earth’s population down to around 1.6 billion by 2100, about the same as the world population in 1900. Had we kept Earth’s population at that level we would not be having this conversation.Who is the we Peters mentions that would be assigned to keep the earth’s population at any level? As John P. Holdren, Obama’s science czar, wrote in his monstrosity Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment:(…) a Planetary Regime- sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment. (…). The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region for arbitrating various countries’ shares within their regional limits. Control of population size might remain the responsibility of each government, but the Regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits.
Only a global government with a system-wide, coordinated eugenics-agenda would have the power necessary to impose such laws upon all the peoples of the world. There’s no other way to make it so.We can no longer wait for increasing wealth to bring down fertility in remaining high fertility nations; we need policies and incentives to stop growth now., the professor states in his little declaration of death.Population growth on earth must cease., Peters argues again. Citing eugenics-front-man Paul Ehrlich and his equation of death (I = PAT), Peters attempts to disarm critics of the overpopulation mantra:(…) I represents our impact on the Earth, P equals population, A equals affluence (hence consumption), and T stands for technology.Such a sinister formula would even make tyrants like Mao and Stalin blush.The professor may argue that the biggest problem is people, I would argue it’s people like Peters that are the problem, advocating for dehumanizing policies, global in scope, imposing restrictions upon people regarding how many children to put on the world.
BP, Homeland Security, and Cops Work Together to Deny First Amendment
Kurt Nimmo July 4, 2010
The father of fascism, Benito Mussolini, defined fascism as corporatism. Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power,said Mussolini.BP’s negligence killed 15 workers and injured more than 170 others at its Texas City refinery on March 23, 2005.ProPublica and PBS learned this lesson recently in Texas City. A photographer taking pictures for ProPublica was detained Friday while shooting pictures in Texas City, Texas, reports Raw Story. The photographer, Lance Rosenfield, said that shortly after arriving in town, he was confronted by a BP security officer, local police and a man who identified himself as an agent of the Department of Homeland Security. He was released after the police reviewed the pictures he had taken on Friday and recorded his date of birth, Social Security number and other personal information.
Rosenfield’s information was also turned over to BP. It was described as standard procedure.Michael Marr, a BP spokesman, released a statement explaining the company’s actions. BP Security followed the industry practice that is required by federal law. The photographer was released with his photographs after those photos were viewed by a representative of the Joint Terrorism Task Force who determined that the photographer’s actions did not pose a threat to public safety.BP, Homeland Security, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and local cops will now decide if it is acceptable for journalists to take photographs.We certainly appreciate the need to secure the nation’s refineries, said ProPublica after the incident.But we’re deeply troubled by BP’s conduct here, especially when they knew we were working on deadline on critical stories about this very facility. And we see no reason why, if law enforcement needed to review the unpublished photographs, that should have included sharing them with a representative of a private company.It looks like BP and its goon force (including federal agencies) knew ProPublica and PBS were working on a story. The incident had nothing to do with the security of refineries or public safety. It was about blocking a story a transnational corporation did not want published. This sort of thing happens in a corporatist-fascist state. It is not supposed to happen in a constitutional republic where the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights are respected.First it was bloggers and citizen journalists who were harassed by the state and denied their First Amendment right. Now the foundation and non-profit media are falling victim to the heavy hand of the corporate-fascist state.
Late last week National Incident commander Thad Allen announced all media — print, television, radio and internet bloggers — will be subject to arrest and federal class D felony charges if they cover operation and clean up sites. In short, the government and BP have effectively shut down the First Amendment.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -3.25
10:00 AM -74.60
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02:30 PM -94.90
03:00 PM -67.00
03:30 PM -84.40
04:00 PM -103.60 11,092.50
GOLD 1,209.40 +1.70
OIL 71.75 -0.39
TSE 300 11,092.50 -103.60
CDNX 1356.22 -28.73
S&P/TSX/60 650.08 -5.84
Dow -37 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -74 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,207.50.OIL opens at $72.17 today.
Dow -128 points at low today so far.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
Dow -128 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today.
Israel redefines rules of its Gaza blockade By KARIN LAUB, Associated Press Writer - JULY 5,10
JERUSALEM – Israel on Monday dropped its long-standing restrictions on allowing consumer goods into the Gaza Strip but retained tight limits on desperately needed construction materials, redefining the rules of its heavily criticized Gaza embargo on the eve of the Israeli prime minister's trip to the White House.The new rules, which come in response to an international outcry following a deadly Israeli raid on a blockade-busting flotilla, should bring some relief to Gaza's 1.5 million people.
The decision ends the use of a narrow and often arbitrary list of permitted items. In a boost to the moribund Gaza economy, officials also said raw materials would soon be allowed to flow to Gaza's shuttered factories.But prospects for rebuilding the damage from a punishing Israeli military offensive last year remain uncertain. Israeli officials said construction materials like iron and steel would be allowed to enter only under Israeli supervision for use in projects overseen by the United Nations or other international bodies.The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the list was only being released later Monday.Israel has been under intense international pressure to loosen its three-year embargo on Gaza since Israeli commandos killed nine Turkish activists in a May 31 raid on a flotilla carrying international activists trying to breach the blockade.President Barack Obama, who is to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, has said the embargo is unsustainable and has called for it to be significantly eased. Other world leaders have demanded the blockade be lifted entirely.Israel and Egypt closed Gaza's borders after the Islamic militant Hamas group violently seized power in the territory three years ago.Under the old blockade rules, Israel permitted only a few dozen types of products, including basic food and medicine, into the territory. The system has forced Gazans to become accustomed to shortages of basic items like instant coffee, spices and fresh meat, or to depend on erratic deliveries of goods smuggled through tunnels along the southern border with Egypt.Now, everything will be allowed into Gaza, except for items on the list.
But it remains unclear how much the order will help Gaza rebuild the damage caused by Israel's three-week military offensive in the winter of 2008-2009. The operation, launched to stop Hamas rocket attacks, destroyed thousands of homes, buildings and public infrastructure.An official familiar with the list said items like iron, steel, cinder blocks, chemicals, fertilizer, building aggregates and jeeps would only be permitted in coordination with the rival Palestinian government in the West Bank and international agencies overseeing construction projects.Israel fears that Hamas could divert these items for military use.Israel has previously allowed in only a trickle of construction materials for projects overseen by international aid agencies.Israel's defense minister, Ehud Barak, told a parliamentary committee Monday that a naval blockade on Gaza would remain in place to keep weapons from reaching Hamas, an official who attended the meeting said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the hearing was closed.Barak was to meet later Monday with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in Jerusalem to discuss the details of easing the blockade.Implementation will be complicated by the presence of rival Palestinian governments. Hamas has controlled Gaza since ousting forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in 2007. But neither Israel nor the Abbas-Fayyad government has relations with the Iranian-backed militant group. The various sides will now have to find a way to get materials into the seaside strip.Other obstacles also remain.Col. Moshe Levy, a top Israeli military official for the Gaza region, said Israel would ease its ban on raw materials for Gaza's devastated manufacturing sector. But he said there were no plans to allow Gaza factories to begin exporting.
The sanctions on the manufacturing sector have forced hundreds of factories to close and led to the loss of tens of thousands of jobs. Levy also said there were no immediate plans to open additional cargo crossings with Gaza. Israel currently operates just one crossing, and Palestinian economists say it does not have enough capacity to meet Gaza's construction needs. Gaza business people and human rights groups have expressed concern that Israel's changes will largely be cosmetic.Gaza residents can now purchase Israeli-made products, but they are still prevented from engaging in dignified, productive work and from traveling,said Sari Bashi of the Israeli advocacy group Gisha.
Turkey threatens to sever ties with Israel
JULY 5,10
ANKARA (AFP) – Turkey warned Israel Monday it will cut ties unless it gets an apology for a deadly raid on Gaza-bound aid ships, but the Jewish state said it will never say sorry for defending itself.Ankara had already closed its airspace to all Israeli military aircraft in reaction to the May 31 bloodshed on a Turkish ship in which nine Turks were killed, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told the daily Hurriyet.The Israelis had three options, Davutoglu said in remarks published Monday.
Either they apologise, or accept an international (inquiry) commission and its report, or relations will be broken,he said.Turkey has called for an international probe into Israel's interception of the flotilla, but Davutoglu said Ankara would not reject Israel's own inquiry if it resulted in an apology and compensation of the victims' families, according to Hurriyet.If their own commission concludes that the raid was unjust and if they apologise, that will be sufficient, he said, although he insisted on compensation.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had already ruled out any apology on Friday and a senior government official said on Monday after Davutoglu's remarks that Israel would never say sorry for defending itself.Israel will never apologise for defending its citizens, the official told AFP, echoing Netanyahu's remarks.Of course, we regret the loss of life but it was not the Israeli side that initiated the violence,the official said.Foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor slammed Turkey's harsh rhetoric.When you want an apology, you don't use threats or ultimatums, Palmor told AFP.Everything leads us to believe that Turkey has another agenda in mind.Davutoglu said he had presented Turkey's position during talks in Brussels on Wednesday with Israeli Trade Minister Benjamin Ben Eliezer, in the first high-level contact since the crisis erupted.We will not wait for eternity for an Israeli answer,he said.
If they do not make any move (to meet Turkey's expectations), the process of isolating Israel will continue,he added.Davutoglu also said the decision to close Turkey's airspace to Israeli military aircraft was not taken for only one or two airplanes,hinting the sanction could be extended to civilian flights as well.There is no decision yet for the airspace ban to cover civilian flights. It will be reviewed according to developments, he told a Hurriyet correspondent while flying back from a visit to Kyrgyzstan.Last week, Turkey said it had denied overflight permission to two Israeli military planes, but authorities said it was not a generalised ban.The boarding by Israeli marines of the Mavi Marmara ferry, one of a number of boats trying to take aid to the Israeli-blockaded Gaza Strip, killed eight Turks and a dual US-Turkish citizen. The attack prompted Ankara to recall its ambassador from Tel Aviv and cancel three planned joint military exercises. Relations between the one-time allies were already strained over Israel's devastating invasion of Gaza last year, which triggered vehement Turkish criticism.
The Islamist-rooted government in Ankara has also irked the Jewish state with its close contacts with Iran and for hosting in 2006 the leader of Hamas, the radical Palestinian group controlling Gaza. Davutoglu denied reports he and Ben Eliezer met under US pressure.We did not meet on the prompting of the United States, he told Hurriyet, adding that US President Barack Obama had been told of the talks when he met Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Toronto in late June. Washington had said earlier it was working to heal the rift between its two main allies in the Middle East, alarmed also over concerns that Erdogan's government is taking Turkey, NATO's sole mainly Muslim member, away from the West.Turkish-Israeli ties had flourished for years after the two countries signed a military cooperation accord in 1996.
Eurozone retail sales up 0.2 percent in May
JULY 5,10
BRUSSELS – Retail sales in the 16-nation eurozone rose by 0.2 percent in May from the previous month and by 0.4 percent across the 27 European Union nations, the statistics agency Eurostat reported Monday.It said that nonfood sectors — such as textiles, footwear, electrical goods, furniture, pharmaceutical and medical goods — posted the largest increases. They rose 0.4 percent in the eurozone and 0.5 percent in the EU.Food, drinks and tobacco products rose by 0.2 percent in the eurozone and 0.3 percent in the EU last month.The highest increases in retail trade were posted by Denmark, up 3.8 percent, followed by Poland with 3.5 percent and Estonia with 1.7 percent. The largest drops were recorded in Malta, down 3.8 percent and Portugal, where sales fell 0.8 percent.
Lloyds Banking Group sells control of finance unit
Mon Jul 5, 3:48 am ET
LONDON – Lloyds Banking Group has agreed to sell a controlling stake in its Bank of Scotland Integrated Finance business.
Lloyds said monday that Coller Capital, a private equity company, is paying 332 million pounds ($504 million) for a 70 percent stake in the unit. Lloyds will remain as a minority partner with a 30 percent stake.Lloyds, which was bailed out by the British government during the financial crisis, says it has now disposed of 750 million pounds in assets.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
Lisbon Treaty survived Polish comedy of errors
ANDREW RETTMAN Today JULY 5,10 @ 09:20 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The late Polish president Lech Kaczynski made his ratification of the Lisbon Treaty into a piece of political theatre. But a little-known final scene could have posed a ticklish legal question for the EU, EUobserver has learned.With the Irish Yes vote in the bag after a referendum on 3 October last year, Brussels held its breath for the final signatures from the eurosceptic Mr Kaczynski and his even more eurosceptic Czech counterpart, Vaclav Klaus, to wrap up the ratification process.Mr Kaczynski had promised that if Ireland voted Yes, he would ratify the text.Two days after the Irish vote, the tension began to build. Mr Kaczynski's senior advisor said the president would first seek legal reforms in Poland. A party colleague said he would seek more EU funds. Mr Kaczynski himself stayed out of view.Three days later, the president put Brussels out of its misery by inviting EU leaders to a ratification ceremony in his Warsaw palace.On the big day on 10 October he even made a pro-EU speech, saying: We feel good, we feel confident inside this fellowship.In a minor hiccup, the pen he tried to use to sign the Polish bill ratifying the EU treaty did not work, sending people scurrying for a new one. It wasn't planned,a Polish official said.
What came next in the comedy of errors is less well known.EUobserver has learned that when the Polish document came back to the foreign ministry, officials discovered that Mr Kaczynski had failed to put a date next to his signature, a formal legal requirement. They rushed back to the palace where a contrite president wrote in the numbers. Later the same day, the head of the Polish protocol unit was to fly to Rome to deposit the Polish document in the EU archive at the Italian foreign ministry - the final act of ratification.With the plane warming up, officials noticed, to their dismay, that the seal of state had not been stamped on the paper. The legal formula in the Polish ratification law specifically refers to the seal. In its absence, the document was null and void.Officials again rushed off, this time to the seal room. Negotiating a maze of corridors in the basement of a government building in Warsaw, inputting PIN codes and swiping security cards at every turn, they reached the chamber where the embossing machine - a metal antique operated by means of a massive, vice-like screw - waited. The document made it to Rome intact.It is hard to say what could have happened if the Polish document had entered the archives in its legally void state.The EU institutions lost no time after the entry into force of Lisbon on 1 December 2009. They appointed a new EU Council president and EU foreign relations chief, who, in the following months, took legal decisions, such as the creation of a new diplomatic service.But Lisbon could not enter into force until all 27 EU countries had completed ratification, posing the question if a dud ratification instrument could have put the whole new edifice in jeopardy.Andrew Duff, a British Liberal MEP and legal expert, said a dodgy Polish bill would have been put down to clerical error and corrected.But he added that the discovery of a dud ratification instrument could have emboldened eurosceptic politicians, such as the UK's Nigel Farrage, to launch a legal case against the Lisbon Treaty at the EU court in Luxembourg.[But] for something of this type, the court would be very grown up,Mr Duff said. Especially if it was some crazy farragiste, the court would tell him to fuck off.
EU's dream candidate wins Polish election
ANDREW RETTMAN Today JULY 5,10 @ 09:29 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The candidate from the ruling Civic Platform party, Bronislaw Komorowski, won Poland's presidential election on Sunday (4 July) in a result set to bolster the country's pro-European credentials.Mr Komorowski came first with around 53 percent, beating social conservative Jaroslaw Kaczynski, on 47 percent, according to the three main exit polls.The 58-year-old historian, aristocrat and former anti-Communist activist is set to be inaugurated in mid-August to become Poland's fifth head of state since the fall of Communism in 1989. The outcome is a victory for the younger, urban class of Poles in northern and western Poland, who have prospered over the past 20 years and who see the country's future in terms of further EU integration, market liberalisation and reconciliation with Germany and Russia.Mr Komorowski backs the centre-right Civic Platform's plan to cut Poland's budget deficit to the EU limit of 3 percent of GDP by 2012, to press ahead with further privatisation and with a measured pace of entry into the eurozone.The softly-spoken politician has also indicated he will follow Prime Minister Donald Tusk on foreign policy, such as pulling Polish soldiers out of Afghanistan, heralding a new period of stability in Polish politics after three years of head-butting between Mr Tusk and the late president Lech Kaczynski, Mr Jaroslaw Kaczynski's twin brother.Differences are normal. But I get the feeling that the pain of our division is too great. I am appealing for us to do everything we can to build not divisions, but a feeling of unity,Mr Komorowski said on Sunday, in recognition of the fact that almost half the country backed Jaroslaw Kaczynski.Mr Kaczynski congratulated Mr Komorowski, but noted that his own strong support bodes well for upcoming local elections and for the next general elections, due in autumn 2011, in the middle of Poland's chairmanship of the rotating EU presidency.
There are so many [of our supporters], we can say, Poland has changed. Our task is to use this strength, he said.To be conquered but not to yield - that is true victory. To conquer and to rest on one's laurels - that's a disaster,he added, quoting the historic Polish patriot Jozef Pilsudski.The election was held following the death in April of Lech Kaczynski and 94 other Polish officials, many of them elite figures in the Kaczynski twins' Law and Justice party, in a plane crash in Smolensk, Russia.Analysts said in Polish media on Sunday that the Polish centre-left Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) could hamper the Civic Platform's economic agenda by calling in its political debt. In the second round, the SLD threw its support behind Mr Komorowksi.Experts also warned that the Civic Platform could become prone to infighting after losing its common enemy in the figure of the veto-wielding, traditionalist late president.
France's Lagarde: Bank stress test results out 23 July
ANDREW WILLIS Today JULY 5,10 @ 09:21 CET
The results of ongoing tests on European banks to ascertain their viability will be published on 23 July, French finance minister Christine Lagarde has said.Speaking at a conference on Sunday (4 July) in Aix-en-Provence, France, Ms Lagarde said the results would show the region's banking sector to be in good condition.Around 23 July, the results of the stress tests will be published, she told journalists on the sidelines of the 'Rencontres Economiques' conference in the southern French city.You will see that banks in Europe are solid and healthy, added the centre-right politician. Faced with pressure from the United States and market doubts over the solidity of European banks, EU leaders last month agreed to publish the stress test results after initial reluctance from a number of states including Germany.But a Spanish push to have the results published led a number of national capitals to perform a series of dramatic u-turns, with Madrid convinced the new data will help dispel negative speculation regarding Spain's banking sector.The Spanish government has been plagued by a steady trickle of media reports suggesting it is on the verge of applying to the eurozone's €750 billion emergency support mechanism, adding to investor unrest and higher government borrowing costs.Initial plans to test between 20 and 30 banks were broadened recently, with the results later this month set to show the ability of around 100 of the continent's largest banks to withstand future financial shocks.
Concerns that the banks may be over-exposed to sovereign bonds from countries such as Greece, Portugal and Spain have contributed to investors' doubts. These bonds have lost considerable value in recent months, with tighter EU regulation, a potential bank levy and an ongoing credit shortage also among the litany of pressures faced by Europe's financial firms.European policy makers have urged banks to prepare for the publication of results by increasing their capital levels, much in the same way as US firms did last year before similar test results were published.
MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:(ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST ETHNIC GROUP) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Quake with magnitude of 6.3 rattles northern Japan
Sun Jul 4, 7:14 pm ET
TOKYO – A quake with a magnitude of 6.3 jolted northern Japan early Monday, but there was no danger of a tsunami, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.The quake occurred off the coast of Iwate, some 310 miles (500 kilometers) north of Tokyo at 7:08 am (2208 GMT) Monday. The quake's center was 19 miles (30 kilometers) below the sea surface, the agency said.Iwate police official Takahiro Fujibayashi said there were no reports of damage.I felt the tremor, but nothing fell off from bookshelves after the quake, he said.Japan is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries. In 1995, a magnitude-7.2 quake in the western port city of Kobe killed 6,400 people.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Rough weather curtails some Gulf cleanup work By TOM BREEN, Associated Press Writer -JULY 5,10
NEW ORLEANS – A whale of an oil skimmer is being put through its paces in the Gulf of Mexico, but lousy weather means it may be longer than first hoped before officials know if it can work full-time sucking crude from the sea.The Taiwanese skimmer dubbed A Whale has been able to show off its maneuverability during a weekend test in a 25-mile-square patch of water just north of the site where an April 20 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon killed 11 workers and started the worst oil spill in Gulf history.TMT, the shipping firm that owns the vessel, had hoped to test a containment boom system designed to direct greater volumes of oily water into the 12 vents or jaws that the ship uses to suck it in, according to spokesman Bob Grantham.But lingering bad weather in the form of stiff winds and choppy seas has made that impossible, and prevented a flotilla of smaller skimmers from working offshore along the coasts of Alabama, Mississippi and Florida.As was the case yesterday, the sea state, with waves at times in excess of 10 feet, is not permitting optimal testing conditions,Grantham said in an e-mail Sunday.The skimmers, which have been idle off the coasts since a spell of bad weather last week kicked up by Hurricane Alex, were on the water along the Louisiana coast over the weekend. Officials with the U.S. Coast Guard are waiting for the weather to improve before sending them out elsewhere.We've got our guys out there and they're docked and ready, but safety is a huge concern for us, especially with the smaller vessels, said Courtnee Ferguson, a spokeswoman for the Joint Information Command in Mobile, Ala.
On Sunday, huge barges used to collect oil from skimming vessels were parked at the mouth of Mobile Bay, waiting for conditions to subside as waves rose to about 5 feet high miles offshore.The current spate of bad weather is likely to last well into next week, according to the National Weather Service.This should remain fairly persistent through the next few days, and maybe get a little worse, meteorologist Mike Efferson said.On the shore, beach cleanup crews were making progress on new oil that washed up thanks to the high tides generated by last week's bad weather.In Grand Isle, about 800 people were removing tar balls and liquid oil from seven miles of beach, Coast Guard Cmdr. Randal Ogrydziak said.In a day or two, you wouldn't be able to tell the oil was even there, he said.By Wednesday, Ogrydziak said they should have a machine on the beach that washes sand where the oil washed ashore.Crews have also been working to put containment boom thrown around by the storms back into place, he said.So far, weather has not slowed drilling on two relief wells that could be the best hope of finally plugging what has become the worst oil leak in Gulf history. BP officials have said they're running slightly ahead of schedule on the drilling, but expect weather or other delays.
Early to mid-August is still the timeframe for the completion of the drilling.Along with the drilling, the capture and burning of oil and gas at the site of the leaking well has gone on without interruption from the weather. But the choppy seas have delayed the operation of another vessel that officials say will roughly double the amount of oil being collected or burned. The Helix Producer is supposed to connect with the leaking well by a flexible hose that will help it disconnect and reconnect quickly if a hurricane or other major storm forces an evacuation of the site.Coast Guard officials say they're hoping to have the Helix Producer connected to the well and collecting oil by Wednesday.Associated Press Writer Jay Reeves in Dauphin Island, Ala. contributed to this report.
8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood:(bitter,Poisoned) and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.(poisoned)
3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.(enviromentalists won't like this result)
4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.
6 For they(False World Church and Dictator) have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.
Gulf spill a familiar story in oil-soaked Nigeria By JON GAMBRELL, Associated Press Writer – Mon Jul 5, 12:00 am ET
IWUO-OKPOM, Nigeria – The brown spots run like a trail of blood down the deserted coastline near this fishing village. Just underneath a handful of sand lies spilled oil.Oil powers this West African nation's economy but is killing its southern shores. Villagers here say the spillage regularly washes ashore, ruining their fishing nets and meager livelihoods. Children whose parents can't afford school fees pass the time flipping bottle caps into tin cans.While the world is transfixed by the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, oil spills have become a part of everyday life during the 50 years that foreign firms have been pumping out Nigeria's easily refined fuel. Environmentalists estimate as much as 550 million gallons of oil have poured into the Niger River Delta during that time — at a rate roughly comparable to one Exxon Valdez disaster per year.Black crude stains the coasts of the Niger Delta, a region of swamps, mangroves and creeks almost the size of South Carolina or Portugal. But who is responsible, and who should clean up? The answers are as murky as the fouled waters.They pay when they spill in their own country. All those oil companies come from white-man countries, said Samuel Ayadi, a pastor and fishermen's representative.In our country now, they leave the fishermen in pain.Colonized by the British in the late 1800s for its palm oil, Nigeria became an oil power after Royal Dutch Shell PLC struck its first working well in 1956 in the Niger Delta. Other foreign firms moved in, among them Chevron Corp., Italy's Eni SpA, Exxon Mobil Corp. and French major Total SA, all working across the delta in partnership with the state-run Nigerian National Petroleum Corp.
Much of the oil heads to the U.S.
OPEC figures put daily production at about 2 million barrels. But the profits come at a steep ecological price.According to government figures, Nigeria suffered more than 6,800 oil spills from 1976 through 2001, losing some 130 million gallons — 3 million barrels.Under the worst-case scenario, the Gulf Coast spill is sending 2.5 million gallons a day into the ocean where the offshore rig Deepwater Horizon exploded April 20.Environmentalists say the Nigerian government figures don't include what is lost in attacks by militants demanding a bigger share of the profits for the delta region, and in communities too remote or dangerous to enter.In Iwuo-Okpom, an Atlantic Ocean village of 7,000, a tiny flame on the horizon marks an offshore Exxon Mobil oil platform. On this coast, in January 1998, a pipeline of the company then known only as Mobil broke and spilled about 1.6 million gallons into the ocean, one of Nigeria's worst spills. The slick spread as far as Lagos, a city of 14 million people 200 kilometers (120 miles) northwest.Tade Amuwa, a 35-year-old woman who smokes fish in Iwuo-Okpom, says those caught near the village cook poorly.
All these things, they all go black, she said, sweeping her hand across oil-soaked driftwood and puny, discolored fish.In a statement, Exxon Mobil's Nigerian subsidiary said it used airplanes and boats to spray dispersants on recent slicks, though regrettably some oil did reach shoreline areas. The subsidiary said it also offered contracts for locals to help with the cleanup. Village leaders denied receiving any such offers.More than 7,000 kilometers (4,300 miles) of pipelines and flow stations snake through the delta, some of them decades old, corroded and prone to failure under the pressure.Oil companies can't be blamed for all the spills. Militant groups have targeted pipelines, kidnapped oil workers and fought government troops here since 2006. Fearing attacks and kidnappings, firms are hesitant to send staff to spill sites, and often confine employees to offshore platforms and military-protected compounds.In Ogoniland, a swampy, oil-rich portion of the delta, villagers rebelled and drove out the oil companies in the 1990s. Still, Shell pipelines run throughout the area. As the tide ebbs at Bodo City, a town in Ogoniland, exposed mangrove roots drip black from spilled crude. There are no birds in the sky or fish in the creeks.They died, said Mike K. Vipene, a youth leader in Bodo City.They won't be coming back.Villagers blamed a failing Shell pipeline. Caroline Wittgen, a Shell spokeswoman, said the company wouldn't comment on individual spills. A recent Shell environmental report said that almost all the oil spilled from company lines last year — more than 4 million gallons — resulted from sabotage. Criminal gangs often tap into pipelines in remote, unprotected areas. Government estimates suggest they steal as much as 15 percent of the delta's oil, loading some onto ships for sale on the black market. Others run refineries in the bush, producing bootleg gasoline to sell at rickety roadside tables throughout the delta.
The incentive for the thefts is simple, says Young Kigbara, of the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People: Poverty; everybody wants to survive.Though thefts continue, violence has calmed in recent months with the offer of a government amnesty. Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria's new president, is from the delta and has promised to make peace a priority. But the amnesty deal now appears to be faltering and demands for compensation persist. Okon Sunday, the village chief in Iwuo-Okpom, wants Exxon Mobil to pay his community billions of dollars.If compensation isn't treated seriously, militancy is inevitable, he said.It is conflict to crisis, crisis to full-fledged war.
1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
34 But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils.
JOHN 8:41
41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
JOHN 10:20
20 And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.(JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST AND FOR SINNERS, THE GREAT WHITE THRONE FINAL JUDGEMENT).
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous (DANGEROUS) times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
MATTHEW 5:10-12
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
JOHN 15:18-20
18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me (JESUS) before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain(BEHEADED) for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
AP Exclusive: NKorean killed for spreading Gospel By HYUNG-JIN KIM, Associated Press Writer – Mon Jul 5, 12:01 am ET
SEOUL, South Korea – Like most North Koreans, Son Jong Nam knew next to nothing about Christianity when he fled to neighboring China in 1998.Eleven years later, he died back in North Korea in prison, reportedly tortured to death for trying to spread the Gospel in his native land, armed with 20 bibles and 10 cassette tapes of hymns. He was 50.His story, pieced together by his younger brother, a defector who lives in South Korea, sheds light on a little-discussed practice: the sending back of North Korean converts to evangelize in their home country — a risky move, but one of the few ways to penetrate a country that bars most citizens from outside TV or radio and the Internet.Little is known about the practice, believed to have started in the late 1990s. Missionaries won't say how many defectors they have sent back, citing their safety and that of the defectors.It's their country, where people speak the same language. They know where to go and where to escape, says the Rev. Isaac Lee, a Korean-American missionary in Seoul who has dedicated his life to spreading Christianity in the North. But I agonize a lot whenever I have to send defectors to the North as I know what kind of punishment they would get if arrested.
Officially, North Korea guarantees freedom of religion for its 24 million people. In practice, authorities crack down on Christians, who are seen as a Western-influenced threat to the government. The distribution of bibles and secret prayer services can mean banishment to a labor camp or execution, defectors say.For North Koreans, a personality cult surrounding the country's founder Kim Il Sung and his son and current leader Kim Jong Il serves as a virtual state religion.Kim Jong Il is above the country's law ... and in North Korea what he instructs is like Jesus Christ's words in the Bible, says Son Jung-hun, a human rights activist who has become a devout Christian since his brother's death.It was into this world that Son Jong Nam was born on March 11, 1958.He served in the presidential security service for 10 years until his discharge as a master sergeant in 1983. In those years, he was ready to dedicate his life to fighting the American imperialists, his brother says. Son worked at an army-run performing arts center after his discharge.
The first twist in his life came in 1997.His wife, eight months pregnant at the time, was arrested for allegedly saying Kim Jong Il had ruined the economy and caused a mass famine. Interrogators seeking a confession kicked her in the stomach, forcing her to discharge blood and have a miscarriage, Son's brother says.Terrified and disillusioned, Son, then 39, fled in January 1998 with his wife and their 6-year-old daughter to the Chinese border town of Yanji. His younger brother had already arrived the previous year, fleeing what he says was a false charge of being involved in the illegal export of strategic items.Son's wife died of leukemia seven months later.That's when the next twist came.Son grew closer to a South Korean missionary, who had talked to him about Christianity and North Korea, while sheltering and feeding him and his family after their arrival in China.Their meeting was not unusual. South Korea has a large Christian population, and hundreds of South Korean, American and Canadian missionaries work undercover in Chinese towns near the North Korean border, say Seoul-based activists specializing in North Korean human rights issues.They hide bibles in shipments of food, clothing, bicycles and other aid bound for North Korea. They release balloons imprinted with the Gospel of St. Mark and let winds carry them across the border. They help North Koreans flee and teach them about Christianity. And sometimes they send them back.One missionary, Korean-American Robert Park, made headlines after he crossed into North Korea last Christmas, shouting that he brought God's love and carrying a letter demanding Kim's resignation. The 26-year-old was arrested and later released in February.The South Korean missionary who converted Son disguised himself as head of a timber mill. Son's brother never met the missionary; he says his brother wouldn't let him or even reveal his name, because of concerns about the missionary's safety.After becoming a Christian, Son began helping the missionary try to convert other North Koreans hiding in China.
My brother said he realized the Kim Jong Il regime is hypocritical, and living in accordance with what the Bible says is what we have to do, the younger Son says. Christianity can come upon innocent people like my brother so fast.In January 2001, Son was arrested by Chinese police for allegedly trying to convert North Korean defectors in China, which bans foreigners from proselytizing. He was deported home in April, where he was detained and tortured, leaving him with a limp, his brother said. He lost about 70 pounds (32 kilograms) in captivity. He was beaten in the head with clubs and given electric shocks,his brother says, his eyes welling up with tears.Son was released in 2004 and sneaked across the border to Yanji to see his daughter, who had been left in the care of a Chinese missionary. He soon decided to return to North Korea to proselytize.I repeatedly urged him to change his mind, but he told me he has something to do in North Korea, says his brother, who was living in Seoul by then but returned to China briefly to see his brother.Son headed back with the bibles and tapes. Little is known about how he evangelized, though his brother says Son worked at a state-run defense institute and was allowed to travel freely.It's unclear whether efforts such as Son's have met with much success. Lee, the Seoul-based missionary, claims his Cornerstone Ministries International has 135,000 members in North Korea.But experts such as Kim Soo-am at the Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul are skeptical of purported active underground church movements. They know they would get severely punished,he says, adding that he thinks many North Koreans aren't even aware of religion as an option.
Son was arrested again in January 2006 after police found bibles at his home in the northeastern city of Hoeryong. He was also charged with spying for the United States and South Korea and sentenced to public execution by firing squad. His brother launched an international campaign to save him. That apparently led his captors to switch to a less public method: torture.There are many ways to kill people in North Korea,says his brother.He died in a prison in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, in December 2008.He told me his dream is to build a church at a good Pyongyang location and work as a pastor there,his brother says.I thought the religious faith completely changed his fate.His death went unannounced, at least outside North Korea. It was not until nearly a year later — when a fellow inmate who had been released managed to call in November 2009 — that the younger Son learned his brother had died.
AMOS 9:10
10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us.
DANIEL 11:40-45
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south( EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) and the king of the north (RUSSIA AND MUSLIM HORDES OF EZEK 38+39) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.(JORDAN)
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
44 But tidings out of the east(CHINA 2ND WAVE OF WW3) and out of the north(RUSSIA, MUSLIMS WHATS LEFT FROM WAVE 1) shall trouble him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.( 1/3RD OF EARTHS POPULATION)
45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
20 And the winepress was trodden without the city,(JERUSALEM) and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.(200 MILES) (THE SIZE OF ISRAEL)
The Third and Final Wave of WW3 is when all Nations march to Jerusalem, but JESUS bodily returns to earth and destroys them,sets up his KINGDOM OF RULE FOR 1000 YEARS THEN FOREVER.
12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.(THIS IS THE ATATURK DAM IN TURKEY,THEY CROSS OVER).
44 But tidings out of the east(CHINA) and out of the north(RUSSIA, MUSLIMS WHATS LEFT FROM WAVE 1) shall trouble him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.( 1/3RD OF EARTHS POPULATION)
12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.
13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.(IRAQ-SYRIA)
15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.(1/3 Earths Population die in WW 3 2ND WAVE)
16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand:(200 MILLION MAN ARMY FROM CHINA AND THE KINGS OF THE EAST) and I heard the number of them.
17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.(NUCLEAR BOMBS)
18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.(NUCLEAR BOMBS)
Australia PM doubtful on Asia-Pacific community
Sun Jul 4, 10:08 pm ET
SYDNEY (AFP) – Australia's new Prime Minister Julia Gillard has cast serious doubt over a new 18-nation Asian forum proposed by her sacked predecessor, a report said on Monday.Gillard told the Sydney Morning Herald that former leader Kevin Rudd's Asia-Pacific community, a hallmark of his plans for closer integration with the region, looked unlikely to proceed.It seems to me that we're unlikely to see that degree of movement,she said.I don't get any indication, from the things that have been said, that there is going to be that degree of movement in the region.The Asia-Pacific community was suggested as a broader alternative to APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) and the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations.The idea was welcomed as a sign of greater Australia engagement but gained little traction in the region, and went unmentioned by the Mandarin-speaking Rudd towards the end of his brief rule.Gillard last month deposed Rudd after he had been in power for less than three years. She has since made little mention of foreign policy, instead concentrating on domestic issues such as defusing a row over a controversial mining tax.
Activists: Obama, Send Pollard Home
by Maayana Miskin JULY 5,10
Ahead of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's planned Tuesday meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, activists are calling Obama and asking him to release Jonathan Pollard, who has served nearly 25 years in prison for providing Israel with classified security information. Activists wrote a letter to Obama from the People of Israel asking him to send Pollard home. Your principled signature on Jonathan Pollard's pending clemency papers would be the consummate act of friendship towards the People of Israel,they wrote.The meeting with Netanyahu is an opportunity to demonstrate what real change means, the letter states, playing on Obama's campaign promise of change.Next Monday, July 12, will be the 9,000th day that Jonathan Pollard has spent in prison in the United States. In Israel, the Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home will mark the occasion by kicking off a three-day rally.
Activists will hold the rally at the Light Rail Bridge at the entrance to Jerusalem. Over the three days, they plan to hold lectures and discussions, and to write and send 9,000 letters of support to Pollard. Every person who stops by the rally will be given a chance to be photographed while holding a sign of support for Pollard. The photographs will be sent to Pollard along with the letters.Letters and photographs will also be sent to Netanyahu, Obama, and other senior U.S. and Israeli officials, in order to emphasize the extent of public support for Pollard's release.
7 The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people;(ISRAEL) for ye were the fewest of all people:
8 But because the LORD loved you,(ISRAEL) and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.
14 Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you:(ISRAEL) and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion:
1 Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect,(ISRAEL) in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.
4 For Jacob my servant’s sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.
ISAIAH 65:9,22
9 And I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah an inheritor of my mountains: and mine elect (ISRAEL) shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there.
22 They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect (ISRAEL) shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
5 Even unto them (ISRAELIS) will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name,(ISRAEL) that shall not be cut off.
And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.
EZEKIEL 47:13-23,48:1-35
13 Thus saith the Lord GOD; This shall be the border, whereby ye shall inherit the land according to the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph shall have two portions.
14 And ye shall inherit it, one as well as another: concerning the which I lifted up mine hand to give it unto your fathers: and this land shall fall unto you for inheritance.
15 And this shall be the border of the land toward the north side, from the great sea, the way of Hethlon, as men go to Zedad;
16 Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim, which is between the border of Damascus and the border of Hamath; Hazarhatticon, which is by the coast of Hauran.
17 And the border from the sea shall be Hazarenan, the border of Damascus, and the north northward, and the border of Hamath. And this is the north side.
18 And the east side ye shall measure from Hauran, and from Damascus, and from Gilead, and from the land of Israel by Jordan, from the border unto the east sea. And this is the east side.
19 And the south side southward, from Tamar even to the waters of strife in Kadesh, the river to the great sea. And this is the south side southward.
20 The west side also shall be the great sea from the border, till a man come over against Hamath. This is the west side.
21 So shall ye divide this land unto you according to the tribes of Israel.
22 And it shall come to pass, that ye shall divide it by lot for an inheritance unto you, and to the strangers that sojourn among you, which shall beget children among you: and they shall be unto you as born in the country among the children of Israel; they shall have inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.
23 And it shall come to pass, that in what tribe the stranger sojourneth, there shall ye give him his inheritance, saith the Lord GOD.
1 Now these are the names of the tribes. From the north end to the coast of the way of Hethlon, as one goeth to Hamath, Hazarenan, the border of Damascus northward, to the coast of Hamath; for these are his sides east and west; a portion for Dan.
2 And by the border of Dan, from the east side unto the west side, a portion for Asher.
3 And by the border of Asher, from the east side even unto the west side, a portion for Naphtali.
4 And by the border of Naphtali, from the east side unto the west side, a portion for Manasseh.
5 And by the border of Manasseh, from the east side unto the west side, a portion for Ephraim.
6 And by the border of Ephraim, from the east side even unto the west side, a portion for Reuben.
7 And by the border of Reuben, from the east side unto the west side, a portion for Judah.
8 And by the border of Judah, from the east side unto the west side, shall be the offering which ye shall offer of five and twenty thousand reeds in breadth, and in length as one of the other parts, from the east side unto the west side: and the sanctuary shall be in the midst of it.
9 The oblation that ye shall offer unto the LORD shall be of five and twenty thousand in length, and of ten thousand in breadth.
10 And for them, even for the priests, shall be this holy oblation; toward the north five and twenty thousand in length, and toward the west ten thousand in breadth, and toward the east ten thousand in breadth, and toward the south five and twenty thousand in length: and the sanctuary of the LORD shall be in the midst thereof.
11 It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of Zadok; which have kept my charge, which went not astray when the children of Israel went astray, as the Levites went astray.
12 And this oblation of the land that is offered shall be unto them a thing most holy by the border of the Levites.
13 And over against the border of the priests the Levites shall have five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth: all the length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.
14 And they shall not sell of it, neither exchange, nor alienate the firstfruits of the land: for it is holy unto the LORD.
15 And the five thousand, that are left in the breadth over against the five and twenty thousand, shall be a profane place for the city, for dwelling, and for suburbs: and the city shall be in the midst thereof.
16 And these shall be the measures thereof; the north side four thousand and five hundred, and the south side four thousand and five hundred, and on the east side four thousand and five hundred, and the west side four thousand and five hundred.
17 And the suburbs of the city shall be toward the north two hundred and fifty, and toward the south two hundred and fifty, and toward the east two hundred and fifty, and toward the west two hundred and fifty.
18 And the residue in length over against the oblation of the holy portion shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: and it shall be over against the oblation of the holy portion; and the increase thereof shall be for food unto them that serve the city.
19 And they that serve the city shall serve it out of all the tribes of Israel.
20 All the oblation shall be five and twenty thousand by five and twenty thousand: ye shall offer the holy oblation foursquare, with the possession of the city.
21 And the residue shall be for the prince, on the one side and on the other of the holy oblation, and of the possession of the city, over against the five and twenty thousand of the oblation toward the east border, and westward over against the five and twenty thousand toward the west border, over against the portions for the prince: and it shall be the holy oblation; and the sanctuary of the house shall be in the midst thereof.
22 Moreover from the possession of the Levites, and from the possession of the city, being in the midst of that which is the prince's, between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin, shall be for the prince.
23 As for the rest of the tribes, from the east side unto the west side, Benjamin shall have a portion.
24 And by the border of Benjamin, from the east side unto the west side, Simeon shall have a portion.
25 And by the border of Simeon, from the east side unto the west side, Issachar a portion.
26 And by the border of Issachar, from the east side unto the west side, Zebulun a portion.
27 And by the border of Zebulun, from the east side unto the west side, Gad a portion.
28 And by the border of Gad, at the south side southward, the border shall be even from Tamar unto the waters of strife in Kadesh, and to the river toward the great sea.
29 This is the land which ye shall divide by lot unto the tribes of Israel for inheritance, and these are their portions, saith the Lord GOD.
30 And these are the goings out of the city on the north side, four thousand and five hundred measures.
31 And the gates of the city shall be after the names of the tribes of Israel: three gates northward; one gate of Reuben, one gate of Judah, one gate of Levi.
32 And at the east side four thousand and five hundred: and three gates; and one gate of Joseph, one gate of Benjamin, one gate of Dan.
33 And at the south side four thousand and five hundred measures: and three gates; one gate of Simeon, one gate of Issachar, one gate of Zebulun.
34 At the west side four thousand and five hundred, with their three gates; one gate of Gad, one gate of Asher, one gate of Naphtali.
35 It was round about eighteen thousand measures: and the name of the city from that day shall be, The LORD is there.
National Union, Jewish Home Talk Unity
by Hillel Fendel JULY 5,10
The heads of the two religious-Zionist parties in the Knesset, MK Yaakov Katz and Cabinet Minister Rabbi Daniel Herskovitz, held a press conference this afternoon to announce progress in the merging of the two.Katz (Ketzaleh) heads the opposition National Union party, with four Knesset Members. Herskovitz, a rabbi and a Ph.D., heads the Jewish Home, a member of the coalition with three MKs. The two announced that in recognition of the importance of unity in the religious-Zionist, traditional and nationalist sector, MKs of the two parties have held meetings of late.Ketzaleh said, Wherever I go, I'm asked how it is that the religious-Zionist public, which leads in so many fields, is unable to unify politically. He said that in the coming days, members of both parties will meet to decide the technical arrangements of fielding two parties on one list.This past March, MKs of both parties toured national religious centers in Jerusalem together, followed by announcements of their intention to work towards unity between their parties. Several weeks later, Katz hosted Jewish Home MK Uri Orbach in Beit El. The two met with students in the Ra’ayah Girls High School and the Beit El Yeshiva, as well as with Rabbi Zalman Melamed, one of the leading rabbinical figures in the religious-Zionist sector. There, too, ways were discussed to merge or unify the two parties so as to form one list for the upcoming elections.Ketzaleh said during the Beit El visit, We recognize that the fact that we ran separately in the last elections was a big mistake, and we must correct that… We must win at least 10 MKs [in the next elections] so that we can become a relevant force on the Israeli political landscape… Most of the MKs in both factions believe that we must run together next time, and Uri and I are pressuring for this with full force.
One of those who is not so excited about the idea is MK Aryeh Eldad of the National Union. Though a fierce Land of Israel loyalist and next-door neighbor of party colleague MK Uri Ariel in Kfar Adumim in the Jordan Valley, he is not religiously observant. There is no significance of a unity announcement today, he said, because they're in the coalition and we're in the opposition.MK Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) represents the more extreme right end of the nationalist camp, as opposed to MK Zevulun Orlev of the Jewish Home, who is on the other end. Neither of them are thrilled at the prospects of unity. Ben-Ari said today that unity is important, but the Jewish Home must leave the construction-freeze government that is bringing destruction.
Overcoming History
Though the religious Zionist camp has had at least two separate parties in almost every Knesset since 1981, the split in the current Knesset is all the more jarring because it followed months of fruitless pre-election efforts for unity. The National Religious Party and the National Union, which had run on a joint list in 2006, agreed to disband for the purpose of forming the new Jewish Home party in late 2008, and an agreed-upon body of 39 leading religious-Zionists was to select the party leader and Knesset candidates. However, the more hawkish members felt alienated by several decisions made in quick succession by the body – especially the formulation of a top ten list of Knesset candidates that did not, in the National Union’s eyes, fairly mirror the balance of power in the outgoing Knesset, in which the NRP had three MKs and the NU twice as many.As a result, the former National Union MKs left the Jewish Home, re-created its party, and asked Ketzaleh to lead them. He has long called for renewed efforts to unify the ranks, and Orbach and others have joined him in recent months.(
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