DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
Berlusconi advocates creation of core Europe if Ireland says No again
LEIGH PHILLIPS Today SEPT 21,09 @ 09:16 CET
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has suggested that if the Irish people vote against the Lisbon Treaty a second time, a group of European Union member states should move to create a core Europe in order to implement the treaty.If the Lisbon Treaty on EU reform does not pass, we need to completely revisit the current functioning of Europe to create a core of states that operate beyond unanimity,said Mr Berlusconi on Friday (18 September) at a press conference after meeting with Premier Slovenian Borut Pahor, according to Italian state broadcaster RAI News 24.Mr Pahor was in Italy for a working visit to discuss greater economic co-operation between Rome and Ljubljana, talks on companies from the neighbouring entering foreign markets jointly, and the drafting of budgets in the current economic crisis.
Europe cannot truly take decisions because decisions must be taken unanimously and that cannot continue,said Mr Berlusconi.The concept of a core Europe moving ahead toward further integration rears its head regularly when movement forward on a particular policy is blocked by a minority of member states. Various politicians and academics have advocated the idea that an inner core of EU member states drive forward with deeper integration via the development of a new organisation, often described as a European Federation, alongside the existing European Union.Some experts believe that even if the Irish approve the treaty, such a move remains inevitable as the union expands beyond 27 member states.When the shoe was on the other foot however, and Italy appeared to be left outside a core of EU countries, Rome argued strongly against the idea.In January 2004, when the leaders of France, Germany and the UK met in Berlin to adopt a common approach ahead of a spring EU summit and patch up differences that had emerged over the Iraq war, Italy, then the fourth largest economy in the Union, was left out.Franco Frattini, the country's foreign minister at the time, later an EU commissioner and now Italy's foreign policy chief once again, said he was opposed to a core group of countries making decisions without respect to the wishes of other states.There cannot be a directoire, there cannot be a divisive nucleus which would run the risk of posing a threat to European integration, he said.The comment was made also in reaction to affirmation of French support for a pioneer group of states made by then-president Jacques Chirac after the previous summit.It would be a motor which would set an example,he said.It will allow Europe to go faster, better.His German counterpart, Gerhard Shroeder, warned against failure to ratify the European Constitutional Treaty, the document which later was re-edited to become the Lisbon Treaty in the wake of its rejection by French and Dutch voters in 2005.
Defeat for the constitution would produce a two-speed Europe,he said.The UK's foreign secretary in this period, Jack Straw, backed the idea that the UK should be part of this core: It would be logical to couple Britain with the Franco-German engine, since Europe is going to expand from 15 to 25 member states.McCreevy, Barroso warn against No vote.Separately this weekend, Irish EU commissioner Charlie McCreevy warned that if Ireland rejected the Lisbon Treaty again, the country's economy would be hit by international markets.[A No vote would turn] a very very serious economic problem for Dublin into a full blown economic crisis, he said during a business lunch in Dublin, the Financial Times reports.International investors would take fright he added,at a time when our government, our banks, and our businesses need to raise more international capital than ever.Such a vote would give a negative signal to international money and bond markets, making it harder and dearer for the government to raise capital, to fund our exchequer deficit and for our banks to fund credit for businesses that create jobs and growth.Also on the weekend, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso was in Ireland campaigning for the treaty where he warned that the No side was lying about what is contained in the treaty.I have seen some pamphlets that are completely dishonest intellectually and politically. They are saying sometimes lies – pure lies. They are trying to play with fear. I don't like fear, I like facts,he said, according to the Irish Times.
It's legitimate to have different opinions – no one is forced to have the same opinion – but please, don't distort the facts. Saying, for instance, that there is a kind of minimum wage in Europe is completely false, absolutely false. It's in no treaty, no regulation. It is completely false.Support for the Yes side is currently at 53 percent of voters, according to a poll by Millward Brown Lansdowne. The same survey put the No side on 26 percent and the undecided at 21.The last poll published, by the Sunday Business Post on 13 September, put the Yes side on 63 percent.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
RFID 101
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) refers to technologies that utilize radio waves to automatically identify individual items. When RFID first emerged, it was used in tracking and access applications. Since then, it has developed as a robust technology with ever increasing processing speeds, wider reading ranges, and larger memory capacities.
How RFID Works
RFID technology allows information to be collected quickly and automatically and does not require contact or line-of-sight. The reader generates an electromagnetic field through its antenna. Once the tag enters the detection area, it becomes active when receiving a signal through its own antenna. This signal is used to turn on the tag's transmitter and allows the tag to communicate and exchange information with the reader. The reader then transmits the data to a computer or server for processing and management.
A basic system consists of two components including a tag and a reader with an antenna.
RFID tags vary in shape and size and are either active or passive. Active RFID tags are powered by an internal battery and are commonly read/write, which allows the tag's data to be modified or rewritten. The memory size of an active tag varies depending on the application requirements. Passive RFID tags like our Health Link implantable microchip, on the other hand, are not powered by a battery, but instead rely on power generated by the reader.
The read range for active tags ranges from a few inches to over a hundred feet. The read range for passive tags ranges from one to ten feet.
The reader is a handheld or fixed-mount device that emits electromagnetic (radio) waves. These waves can range from one inch to 100 feet and are dependent on power output and the radio frequency used.
RFID systems can run on frequencies anywhere between 30 KHz to 500 KHz (low frequency), 850 MHz to 950 MHz and 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz (both considered high frequency). Systems that run on low frequency are less costly and have shorter reading ranges. Our patient identification microchip and systems like asset tracking typically use low frequency. High frequency systems are more costly, have faster reading speed, and have longer reading ranges. RFID systems used in automated toll collection are of this system type.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (DRUGS) were all nations deceived.
21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (DRUGS), nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
http://rss.nfowars.net/20090921_Mon_Alex.mp3 (MUST LISTEN)2 HRS IN.
http://rss.nfowars.net/20090922_Tue_Alex.mp3 (SEPT 22)
Len Horowitz Files Pandemic Charges with FBI in NYC
Federal Jack September 16, 2009
The substance of the message below on a false flag h1n1 flu pandemic has been widely discussed on the net for months, but the message indicates the first serious US legal action I have seen on it. I have with the help of many been tracking this issue as it affects states and localities, anticipating the need to file injunction lawsuits v. any government taking steps to compel vaccination. It is presumed by Dr. Horowitz and others that government will attempt to compel vaccination v. h1n1, which is not possible under current law, especially US Constitution and state constitution law for many First Amendment and related privacy and civil rights reasons. I offer the message as a warning as to how serious the talks, research and some of the proposed h1n1 policy state laws under consideration opposing civil rights, especially in ME, MA and OK, have become.
Having read of lawsuits filed against h1n1 in Europe for reasons indicated in the below article, I am convinced that there is considerable reason not to take any new so called h1n1 vaccine, and to prepare for simlilar suits in the US, which I am prepared to do.
To lawyers receiving this message, I welcome your comments on how to prepare clients and friends to defend against unconstitutional h1n1 legislation and acts, and any common effort we might begin in the US.
Harold Burbank 2008 CT Green Party candidate, US House Release: No. H1N1-15
Date Mailed: Sept. 15, 2009 For Immediate Release Contact: Rob Potter–(959) 715-1520 or 310-877-5002 http://www.federaljack.com/?p=11261
LOS ANGELES, CA — Drug-industry investigators have uncovered documents exposing an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released evidence in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology trust are behind the pandemic flu, including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccinations. Their documents, being sent by attorneys to the FBI this week, evidence industrialists are operating a crime ring within the Partnership for New York City (PNYC), and are behind the pandemic’s creation, media persuasions, vaccination preparations, and health official promotions.David Rockefeller’s trust, that engages several powerful partners on Wall Street, including media moguls Ruppert Murdock, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glocer, and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jerry Speyer, are implicated in advancing global genocide,Dr. Horowitz wrote to FBI directors.This partnership controls biotechnology research and development globally. Health commerce internationally is also controlled virtually entirely by this trust that also exercises near complete control over mainstream media to promote/propagandize its products and services for the drug cartel’s organized crime. This trust, in essence, makes or breaks medical and natural healing markets, primarily through the mass media companies and propaganda it wields for social engineering and market building,Dr. Horowitz wrote.
Among the revelations from the Horowitz-Kane research are those linking Larry Silverstein of Silverstein Properties, Inc., and the 9-11 terrorist attacks, to the drug cartel’s geopolitical, economic, and population reduction activities. Mr. Silverstein, leaser of the World Trade Center who authorized to have Building-7 pulled [detonated] is a chief suspect in the 9-11 truth investigation. Silverstein is currently landlord and co-partner in the biotechnology trust founded by David Rockefeller and implicated by these new discoveries.Given the unprecedented nature and urgency of these findings, Dr. Horowitz has posted his affidavit for public review on FLUscam.com, hoping wide spread dissemination will prompt governments worldwide to cease mass vaccination preparations to avoid becoming accessories.The last time I contacted the FBI I warned them about the impending anthrax attacks one week before the first mailings were announced in the press,Dr. Horowitz recalled. It took them 6 months to respond. When they did, they made me a suspect in the mailings. This time I am warning the Justice Department a month before the deadliest genocide in history. I’m praying they’ll take kindly to my appeal for a PNYC investigation, and Court-ordered injunction, to stop the vaccinations for public protection.
FEAR, FLU & FRAUD by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Knowing Laurie Garrett personally, I’m taking this opportunity to respond to her Newsweek feature, Fear & the Flu: The New Age of Pandemics.I first met Ms. Garrett in Boston at a Public Health Association meeting in 1996. We had both just published books that became bestselling tombs--hers, The Coming Plague, and mine, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional? My three year investigation featured the brave and brilliant medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist, Robert Strecker. I wrote more than a chapter on his meticulously referenced reasonable theory that HIV evolved from laboratory manipulations of sheep visna and cow leukemia viruses. Alternatively, Ms. Garrett cast Strecker, in a couple paragraphs, as a misguided fool for embracing an unfounded conspiracy theory. In her well referenced text, I wondered why she grossly neglected all of Strecker’s most revealing science. So I asked her in front of this Boston gathering.Rather than being respectful to another young inquisitive medical investigator with scientific credentials beyond hers, Ms. Garrett dodged the pointed question about laboratory creation of AIDS as though trained in evasive rhetoric, and scoffed at the man-made mutation notion.Months later, after a brief telephone debate pertaining to the sudden emergence of a West Nile Virus in New York, we agreed to disagree most assertively.
Ms. Garrett’s spin on the New Age of Pandemics,is that mankind, not laboratory-kind, has brought these plagues upon us. Blaming we the people, the victims of infectious ailments, for indulging in modern conveniences such as air travel and agricommerce, she refuses to mention the notion of vaccination contamination and laboratory outbreaks of manipulated microbes. This taboo subject completely escapes her psycho-sociology. Medically, her malady is called a Scotia,defined as an inability to view, or have insight into,certain apparent phenomena. Scientifically, this is called gross bias. In the art of military-medical persuasion, it is called psyops or psychological operations. Ms. Garret spins propaganda perfectly suited for the mainstream media controlled by corporations with vested interests in neglecting Occurs Razor--an analytic method of diagnosis that considers obvious intelligence and common sense to be most helpful in discerning reality, including natural versus imposed threats, in this case the H5N1 and H1N1 evolving flu.
Seeing What is Obvious
Ignorance does not explain Ms. Garret’s journalistic bias; for her writing is far from ignorant:At the viral live, influenza is an awfully sloppy microbe that is in a constant state of mutation and evolution. Its genetic material is in the form of RNA (not DNA), as is humans), loosely collected into chromosomes. When a virus infects a cell, its chromosomes essentially fall apart into a mess which is copied to make more viruses that then enter the bloodstream to spread throughout the body. Along the way in this copying process any other genetic material that may be lying about the cell is also stuffed into the thousands of viral copies that are made. If the virus happens to be reproducing this way inside a human cell, it picks up Homo sapiens genetic materials; from a chicken cell it absorbs avian genes; and from a pig cell it garners swine RNA. The jackpot events in influenza evolutions occur when two different types of the viruses happen to get into an animal cell at the same time, swapping entire chromosomes to create re-assorted viruses.Now that Garrett can write this, and Newsweek print it, without one word in 5,000 mentioning vaccination intoxications of populations infected with foreign species genetics reflects vast intelligence common sense tells you is counter-intelligence,or propaganda fundamental to a psyops.In fact, her thesis, and gross negligence, is so blatant, it reminds me of Hitler’s praise for Nazi propaganda.If you tell a lie long enough, he encouraged his psyops minister, Josef Goebbles,eventually it will be believed as truth, and the greater the lie, the more people will believe it.So rather than writing about what is obvious, including profits Newsweek advertisers such Baxter pharmaceutical company and Novavax Corp. make by generating multi-billion dollar government contracts from injecting large experimental human populations with pig and/or chicken flu viruses, this topic is totally taboo. Instead, in her fear inflicting fairy tales, she focuses on inexplicable incidents of flu transmissions among farm children and adults living near avian populations, to promote why we should trust Tamiflu for protecting, fear the emergence of drug resistant strains, and pressure governments to spend more for vaccine and drug research on we human guinea pigs.In other words, for the money she is paid, and the esteem showered upon her by geopolitical powers underlying the corporate controlled media, she prostitutes like a cheap whore for those finding her services attractive.
Take for instance the Council on Foreign Relations that ordained Garrett Senior Fellow for Global Health,according to Newsweek. The CFR, composed of 3600 leading movers-and-shakers in geopolitics, has been the central think-tank, through its study groups,to advance Anglo-American genocides involving nuclear, biological, and environmental markets for decades. In recent years, the group of mainly industrialists, and people like Garrett who feed off them, has been directed by David Rockefeller whose Rockefeller Foundation funded the fledgling genetics industry through Rockefeller University, and the earliest virus stockpiles and cultures for mass dissemination at Yale University. Rockefellers’ disease surveillance outposts predated those of the World Health Organization’s, that are largely, likely entirely, controlled by disease cowboys in the UK and CDC who, like Garret, suffer from frank scatomas.So the proper picture here shows Laurie Garrett prostituting for the drug cartel, moaning about the coming plagues, sucking up to vaccine sorcerers, and fornicating for the orgasmic goal of profitable depopulation.
Garrett, Geopolitics, and Genocide
An Egyptian Islamist group has declared that swine flu is ‘God’s revenge against infidels,wrote Garrett to fan the flame of racism for Anglo-American neocolonialism called globalism.Transparent to anyone half awake is this war mongering against mostly muslims by the western powers. This simply, and obviously, plays into waging a cold war, preceding a real war, against eastern and muslim populations by Anglo-American idiots.The fact is, religions across the board, including fundamentalist Christians and orthodox Jews, condemn sin, that includes unkosher intoxications of humanity’s holy spirit filled temples. Religious edicts universally compel faithful followers to keep blood-streams free of foreign RNA and DNA from various species of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, chicken and human fetal tissues, monkey kidney tissues, and cow pus proteins injected into unwitting humans under the guise of public heath and disease prevention.The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt recently declared that the Cairo-based U.S. Naval Medical Research Unite (NAMRU), which has provided public-health work for the entire Middle East for decades, must be shut down, and Egypt must stop sending samples of H5N1 viruses that emerge in the country to the WHO. The Egyptian group, which holds seats in Parliament, is echoing sentiments first put forward by Indonesia’s minister of health, Siti Supari, who has refused to share her country’s H5N1 samples with the WHO since 2006. Supari is also trying to evict another NAMRU lab from Jakarta. On April 28, Supari declared that the new swine flu was genetically engineered and released in order to promote American pharmaceutical sales worldwide,Garrett wrote, condemningly.
I am glad there are a few intelligent people left in the world who see through the Anglo-American propaganda to view the complete omnicide that is befalling humanity and ecology in general. Drug industrialists are totally OUT OF CONTROL as petrochemical-pharmaceutical intoxication is delivering myriad species to extinction. Humans are now threatened similarly as drugs entering water supplies worldwide are fed to fetuses by unwitting mothers intoxicated by pollution from metabolized or dumped antibiotics, antidepressants. Everyone, the entire biological kingdom, requires natural pure hydration for health and sustenance.Given this more intelligent, obviously urgent, view of what is really happening here, Indonesia’s Siti Supari deserves a Nobel Peace in Medicine, not Newsweek’s condemnation, for her practical position opposing Anglo-American pharmaceutical corporation manipulations.
The Coming Plague: Seeding the Big One
Garrett’s featured article heralds hundreds of millions of people possibly dying worldwide of the advancing flu. Her article’s sidebar states,the current outbreak appears to be caused by a rare combination of three types of flu which combined in a pig and then jumped to humans.IF this is true, the pig apparently kept company with Drs. John Wood and James S. Robertson, the Principal Scientists in the Division of Virology at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) in the UK. Dr. Robertson is a leading advisor on influenza viruses and vaccines for the European [Economic] Union (EU) and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) biodefense strategies for the flu. According to a report published in 2006 by the British Royal Society, Dr. Robertson’s team:
1)Controls the standardization of influenza vaccines based on H5N1 and H1N1 strains on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO);
2) Is involved in the serological testing of vaccine trials for these agents internationally;
3) Prepares these strains of influenza viruses for these trials;
4) Selects all strains of viruses used in flu vaccine research and development on behalf of the EU;
5) Prepares and distributes selected influenza viruses on behalf of a) vaccine manufacturers, and b) and the EU;
6)Promotes governmental stockpiling of the latest influenza vaccines;
7)Provides economic incentives for private companies to invest in vaccine research and development;
8)Prefers American corporate collaborations in H5N1, H1N1, and H9N2 research allegedly due to availability of U.S. taxpayer money to fund research, development, and stockpiling of vaccines;
9)Introduced laboratory flu viruses, unassumingly called mock up files, to entice private corporations to invest in vaccine development;
10) Generate new vaccine viruses using reverse genetics;
11) Holds lucrative Intellectual Property (IP) rights for reverse genetics technology used to create new influenza viruses, and
12) Holds Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) that provide compensations following their delivery of reverse engineered viruses to vaccine companies when a related vaccine becomes commercialized.
Beyond these stunning conflicting interests, this official report quotes:Drs. Wood and Robertson were asked their opinion regarding the priming of human populations for the pandemic flu using live viral vaccines, and if they consider it to be a good idea.They admitted,if live H5N1 vaccines are used now it would be considered too dangerous, but if a pandemic is imminent the risk may be justified. A stockpile of live vaccine, with the cleavage site removed, could be used to prime the population in advance of the pandemic . . . {Emphasis added.]Recall, Laurie Garrett’s explanation of how easily flu virus recombinations occur in human populations as this current flu mixed breed makes its way worldwide. In other words, priming the generally ill-informed non-compliant public with live flu viruses in 2006 was considered marginally contraindicated. But in 2009, as they Mexican flu outbreak occurred, this likewise occurred either accidentally, or more likely ntentionally, according to expert analyses and a stack of scientific evidence. These world directors of biodefense clearly recommended the release of live viruses (with certain cleavage sites removed), to prime earth’s people. Completely neglected by Garrett’s yellow press is the fact that man-made viruses with certain cleavage sites” removed are even more genetically unstable than natural recombinations. These man-made flu mock up files mutate rapidly, and recombine vigorously, with the natural and/or genetically-engineered viruses they contact.
More Accumulating Evidence of Genocidal Malfeasance
In May, 2009, an esteemed Australian virologist, Adrian Gibbs, captured world attention by decrying the likelihood of human error in the current pandemic’s origin. Gibbs’s credibility was established as a co-developer of the toxic drug Tamiflu, promoted by Garrett, and developed under the administrative watch of Gilead Science’s official shareholder, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of the Department of Defense in the Bush administration.Gibbs studied the genetic sequences and mutation rates of this primer advancing to become the Big One while spreading worldwide, compared to known naturally occurring swine flu viruses. The rate of mutation was substantially accelerated, . . . meaning the virus appears man-made, Gibbs said.
Every legitimate virologist, vaccinologist, and genetic engineer knows that rapid mutation rates evidence man made viruses, because natural viruses, evolved over millennia, are far more stable, and far less lethal given the many years humans have had to develop immuno-resistance against natural viruses.Think about it, for eons human beings have farmed chickens and pigs. But suddenly US and UK government virologists rebuke the simplest, most logical explanation for this pandemic cited by Gibbs. Why? The only realistic explanation is a gross criminal cover-up engaging WHO and CDC officials’ negligence. The increased rate of mutation, and recombination with other viruses, including the H5N1 avian and Spanish flu strains transported by Robertson et. al to Baxter and Novavax on behalf of corporate profits, the WHO, and the CDC, is now certain as the germ makes its way through the populations exposed to these pathogens. This hideous reality is most assured by Baxter corporation’s accidental release through distribution of the world’s most feared flu viruses.
Advancing a lame excuse, Baxter was indicted recently by newspapers worldwide for the transmitting H5N1 avian flu viruses internationally by accident.The Toronto Sun reported in Feb. 2009,Czech newspapers are questioning if the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus which were distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic. . . . The contaminated product, a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses and unlabelled H5N1 viruses, was supplied to an Austrian research company. The Austrian firm, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, then sent portions of it to sub-contractors in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany. . . . While H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people.
Baxter’s vaccine shipments were inexplicably contaminated with H3N2 and H5N1 virus that kills as many as 60% of people infected by it. This experimental virus material could not have entered into Baxter’s vaccines shipped across Europe by accident. Typically, accidents can be explained. Gross genocidal malfeasance and covert criminal operations such as this are typically covered up.Add the contents of this accident to the H1N1 swine flu viruses that popped out of its vials on a train traveling between Fribourg and Lausanne, Switzerland, in May, 2009, and you have the perfect excuse for the current and worsening H5N1/H1N1/H3N2 mixed strain pandemic.
Baxter’s infamy extends beyond this accidental spreading of deadly flu. The company created human transmissions of HIV/AIDS as well by manufacturing and distributing contaminated blood clotting factor VIII to hemophiliacs, as did the Bayer aspirin company, a principle partner, with John D. Rockefeller and his Standard Oil Company (ESSO, today EXXON), of I.G. Farben, the world’s most powerful chemical combine.
Baxter also sold contaminated heparin, prepared in their Chinese factory, that caused at least 80 fatalities and far more injuries. According to the lawsuit,[t]he recalled heparin was adulterated, misbranded, defective, unreasonably dangerous and unfit for its intended uses,. . . Baxter [thus] placed tens of thousands of patients, . . . at unnecessary risk of serious injury and/or death.Beyond these striking red flags, Baxter was a major shareholder in theAcambis company that, at the time the later attempted to persuade governing officials and medical professionals to submit to mandatory smallpox vaccinations, following the anthrax mailings, sold stockpiles of smallpox vaccines to federal agencies. The mainstream media at that time, like Newsweek’s yellow press today, attempted to persuade all medical personnel and first responders to get vaccinated with smallpox using their original, grossly outdated, supply of smallpox vaccine for which US taxpayers paid dearly.
Thankfully, grassroots activists foiled the scam by exposing links between Acambis and the infamous anthrax vaccine maker Bioport. The later was a chief suspect in the anthrax mailings with ties to the Battelle Memorial Institute where the mailed anthrax was mained, according to substantial evidence that implicated high level FBI and CIA operatives.Concluding Prayer-What goes around comes around.” The karma Laurie Garrett has generated by her genocidal propaganda, and abuse of the public’s trust, adequately condemns her soul to eternal damnation. May she personally suffer the terror and intoxication she inflects on others unable to discern her demonic dementia.
1) Kimberly Kindy and Ceci Connolly. Brace for 3 flu shots next fall, Washington Post, May 6, 2009.http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/chronicle/6411820.html
2) Horowitz LG. Special Report: Mexican Flu Implicates Anglo American Vaccine Pipeline. YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBeKB7aKzOs
3) Schwartz ND. Rumsfeld’s growing stake in Tamiflu: Defense Secretary, ex-chairman of flu treatment rights holder, sees portolfio value growing. Fortune, October 31, 2005. See: http://money.cnn.com/2005/10/31/news/newsmakers/fortune_rumsfeld/
4) Staff. How were bird flu viruses sent to unsuspecting labs? The Canadian Press, Thu. Feb. 26 2009 7:45 AM ET: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20090226/birdflu_viruses_090226/20090226?hub=Health)
5) Hutchcraft C. Deal proposed in U.S. HIV Suit: Baxter, 3 firms ok $640 million settlement. Chicago Tribune, Sat., April 20, 1996. See: http://www.aegis.org/news/ct/1996/CT960407.html
6) Jennifer Walker-Journey. Beasley Allen Legal Report: $4.5 Billion legal settlement. January 8, 2009. http://www.heparin-legal.com/news/2009/01/08/class-action-lawsuit-filed-against-heparin-manufacturer-baxter/
7) Bruce Japsen. Baxter settles case on pumps: FDA suit resolved; $70 million tab seen. Chicago Tribune. June 30, 2006; http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-147673085.html
8) Moyano et al. Impact of irrigation with arsenic-rich groundwater on soils and crops. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2009; 11 (3): 498 DOI: 10.1039/b817634e
9) Marusek JA. U.S. Navy physicist warns of possibly several decades of crushing cold temperatures and global famine. http://www.iceagenow.com/US_Navy_Physicist_warns_of_crushing_temperatures_and_global_famine.htm
10) Some persons cite the work of Recombinomics, Inc. Founder and President, Henry L Niman, as proof that recombinants of modern H1N1, Spanish flu, and H5N1 avian flu evolved naturally and have been around previously. Dr. Niman: a) obviously prostitutes for the pharmaceutical industry promoting annual flu vaccinations and the genetic technologies used by Novavax and Baxter; b) makes no claims regarding the probability the 2009 H1N1 flu derives either naturally or from laboratory-linked sequences; c) cannot refute the substantive claims advanced by Dr. Horowitz in this report; and d) often writes so ambiguously as to confuse scientists, medical doctors, and lay persons alike, who then easily misunderstand and misinterpret his biased conclusions. See:http://www.recombinomics.com/viral_evolution.html
11)The accidents are reported many places on the Internet. See: http://www.theblogofrecord.com/tag/swine-flu-train-incident-switzerland/; Also see: http://www.torontosun.com/news/canada/2009/02/27/8560781.html.
Sanofi to deliver swine flu vaccine in October SEPT 21,09
PARIS – Sanofi-Aventis SA will begin delivering the first doses of its new swine flu vaccine in the United States by mid-October, the head of France's largest pharmaceutical company said Monday.In an interview with French daily Le Figaro, Chris Viehbacher said Sanofi-Aventis will be able to produce at least 800 million doses of the vaccine per year.Separately, the company's vaccines division announced in a statement Monday that it had received a new order from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to produce the equivalent of 27.3 million doses, bringing the total U.S. order to 75.3 million doses.As for deliveries in France, Viehbacher told Le Figaro that they could begin by late November, after approval by European drug regulators.Last week the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the new swine flu vaccine, a long-anticipated step as the U.S. government works to start mass vaccinations next month.The vaccine is being made by CSL Ltd. of Australia, Switzerland's Novartis Vaccines, Maryland-based MedImmune LLC and Sanofi Pasteur of France — which produces flu shots at its Swiftwater, Pennsylvania, factory.
London-based GlaxoSmithKline also was expected to supply vaccine.Typically fewer than 100 million Americans seek flu vaccine every year, and it's unclear whether swine flu — what scientists prefer to call the 2009 H1N1 strain — will prompt much more demand.
DANIEL 7:23-25
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast (EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADING BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings(10 NATIONS) that shall arise: and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.( BE HEAD OF 3 NATIONS)
25 And he (EU PRESIDENT) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.(3 1/2 YRS)
DANIEL 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king (EU DICTATOR) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,(FROM THE OCCULT) shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power:(SATANS POWER) and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;(JESUS) but he shall be broken without hand.
DANIEL 11:36-39
36 And the king (EU DICTATOR) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS JEWISH) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.(CLAIM TO BE GOD)
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(WAR) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god,(DESTROY TERROR GROUPS) whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
19 And I saw the beast,(EU LEADER) and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse,(JESUS) and against his army.(THE RAPTURED CHRISTIANS)
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Greater EU harmony with foreign service, says diplomat
ANDREW WILLIS Today SEPT 21,09 @ 09:22 CET
EUOBSERVER / SHANGHAI - An EU diplomatic service would greatly help the bloc define more unified positions when dealing with external countries says the European Commission's top representative in China.Ambassador Serge Abou also sees future EU ambassadors becoming primus inter pares [first among equals] in areas of EU competence, when compared to member state diplomats working overseas.Their role will not be to represent the view of France, Germany or Spain but to represent the views of all of us [27 member states],the Frenchman with over 35 years experience working in the European Commission told EUobserver in a recent interview. The commission currently has over 150 delegations overseas, primarily dealing with issues where member states have handed authority over to the Brussels-based institution.Dealing with trade policy issues, assisting in the fight against counterfeiting and monitoring the development of China's competition policy are among the issues currently dealt with by Mr Abou's office.The delegation also works on implementing co-operation projects in order to help harmonize legislation and standards between the two sides, as well as monitoring the dozens of sectoral policy dialogues between the Brussels commission headquarters and the Chinese Government.
However, ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in every member state would see the delegations upgraded in importance into a European External Action Service, supporting the work of a High Representative of the Union for Foreign and Security Policy.This new EU foreign minister would combine the roles of the commissioner for external relations, currently held by Benita Ferrero-Waldner, and the foreign policy post currently held by Javier Solana.The creation of this new position would intensify policy discussions between the commission and the member states, leading to more unified positions on political events says Mr Abou.If the competences [held by Ms Waldner and Mr Solana] are enlarged and unified, there will be a need for more common approaches and more reflection,he says.We will have in Brussels, services whose everyday work will be to define the common views and the common stand of European diplomacy ... That will be a very important engine to make more and more harmonious the analysis, the views and the actions of our member states.Never stuck for an embassy.Mr Abou says a EU diplomatic service would have other advantages, including an increase in the number of embassies available to EU citizens living or traveling abroad. There are many countries, probably more than 100, where none of the member states have an embassy,he points out, with the number rising significantly for smaller member states with limited resources. With a new network of EU embassies however, EU citizens would have greater access to diplomatic services overseas, while in cities such as Washington, where member states are well represented, the EU embassies would help defend and express the common positions developed in Brussels.That will, in my view, replace the system of rotating presidencies in terms of representation,says Mr Abou.
EU Plans Massive Surveillance Panopticon That Would Monitor Abnormal Behavior-New incarnation of Echelon is a huge lurch forward in the creation of the prison planet based on social theorist Jeremy Bentham’s 18th century concept of keeping slaves oppressed Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, September 21, 2009
The European Union is developing a 21st century panopticon, a beast surveillance system that critics describe as Orwellian,sinister,and positively chilling,that would collate data from numerous sources, including surveillance cameras and personal computers, in order to detect abnormal behavior across the entire continent.
In a broader sense, this is part of the move towards creating a pan-European federal police force, where information and powers are shared as part of a centralized system. It is also a giant step towards the creation of a European CIA tasked not with keeping tabs on foreign enemies, but spying on its own population.The surveillance system, known as Project Indect, promises to collect information by way of continuous monitoring of web sites, discussion forums, usenet groups, file servers, p2p networks [and] individual computer systems. It will also use CCTV feeds and other surveillance methods to develop models of suspicious behavior by analyzing the pitch of people’s voices (suggesting that private conversations will be recorded) as well as the way their bodies move.Its main objective will be the automatic detection of threats and abnormal behavior or violence.This is Echelon on steroids, a new version of the decades old NSA-run program that has already been spying on citizens for years, updated and expanded for the technological applications of the early 21st century. In 1999, the Australian government admitted that they were part of an NSA-led global intercept and surveillance grid in alliance with the US and Britain that could listen to every international telephone call, fax, e-mail, or radio transmission,on the planet. Project Indect is merely a new incarnation of the same beast surveillance system.
Open Europe analyst Stephen Booth described the project as Orwellian and a huge invasion of privacy,noting that European citizens’ own taxes will go towards a program that treats them all as guilty until proven innocent.Profiling whole populations instead of monitoring individual suspects is a sinister step in any society,added Shami Chakrabarti, the director of human rights group Liberty.It’s dangerous enough at national level, but on a Europe-wide scale the idea becomes positively chilling,she said.Project Indect is a huge lurch forward in the agenda to construct a mammoth surveillance pen within which the population of the entire planet is imprisoned.The methods being employed to do this are a technologically advanced throwback to social theorist Jeremy Bentham’s 1785 concept of The Panopticon, a specially constructed prison building designed to allow an observer to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) prisoners without the prisoners being able to tell whether they are being watched, thereby conveying what one architect has called the sentiment of an invisible omniscience.Bentham described the Panopticon as a new mode of obtaining power of mind over mind, in a quantity hitherto without example.The notion that the individual does not know when they are being watched by the authorities is key in achieving the ultimate goal, to keep the population in a constant state of subjugation, unease and fear, leading them to self-regulate their own behavior.According to Danish Institute for Human Rights researcher Peter Scharff, the Panopticon was intended to promote self-regulation that was to be provoked by the constant surveillance. The concept was eventually incorporated into many prisons that continue today as podular designs, which also maximizes the amount of people that can be controlled by one person. The fact that authorities are building societal prisons around us all today using the same basic methods of control is enough to send a chill down anyone’s spine and remind us once again that freedom is a myth.
This has nothing to do with catching criminals – as recent figures in the UK have proven, CCTV cameras have virtually no impact on crime whatsoever. This is all about letting the slaves know who their bosses are, it’s a psychological mind game set up to distinguish and reinforce the master-servant relationship between the state and the individual.The endgame is to convince the individual that to express their freedom in public, to engage in any kind of protest or merely to question the power structure that surrounds them, is a suspicious act detrimental to society and that negative consequences will follow for any slave who dares to step outside of this invisible yet oppressive jail cell.
FCC chairman says open Internet rules are vital By PETER SVENSSON, AP Technology Writer - Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:31PM EDT
NEW YORK - Wireless carriers shouldn't be allowed to block certain types of Internet traffic flowing over their networks, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission chairman said Monday in a speech that got a cool response from the industry.Unless done very carefully, this extension of regulation risks stifling investment in Internet access, executives said.FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said wireless carriers should be subject to the same open Internet rules that the agency has begun to apply to home broadband providers. That may mean that a carrier couldn't, for example, ban the use of file-sharing services on its wireless network, which AT&T Inc. does now.The government also has been investigating Apple Inc.'s process for approving programs for its iPhones, but Genachowski isn't directly addressing manufacturers' right to determine which applications run on their devices.
Essentially, Genachowski wants to codify the principles the FCC has already been applying to wired Internet traffic — and extend them to wireless.It's still unclear how the principles would apply in practice. The proposal is the starting point for a process to hammer out detailed rules. Genachowski left the door open to treating wireless networks differently than wired networks in the final regulations, even though the same broad principles will be applied to both technologies.Jim Cicconi, AT&T's top executive in Washington, said the company would be very disappointed if the FCC has already concluded that it needs to regulate wireless services despite the absence of any compelling evidence of problems or abuse.Last year, the agency sanctioned Comcast Corp. for secretly hampering file-sharing traffic by its cable-modem subscribers. In that ruling, the agency relied on broad principles of open Internet access that hadn't previously been put to the test. The cable company filed suit, saying the FCC didn't have the authority to tell it how to run its network. The case is still in federal appeals court.Genachowski is now proposing to make it a formal rule that Internet carriers cannot discriminate against certain types of traffic by degrading service. That expands on the principle that they cannot block traffic, as articulated in a 2005 policy statement.Internet service providers, both wired and wireless, are struggling with the question of how to distribute network capacity among their subscribers. Heavy users can overwhelm cellular towers and neighborhood cable circuits, slowing traffic for everyone.
At the same time, consumer advocates and Web companies like Google Inc. want to safeguard what has been an underlying Net neutrality assumption of the Internet: that all types of data are treated equally. If the carriers can degrade or block traffic, they become the gatekeepers of the Internet, able to shut out innovation, these critics say.Comcast has already changed its system to one that does not look at what types of traffic subscribers are using. Instead, it throttles back the speed of heavy users if there is congestion on the network. However, there are other companies that might fall afoul of the new principle. Cox Communications, another cable company, has been testing a system that slows traffic that it deems less time-sensitive, like file downloads and software updates, to keep Web pages, streaming video and online games working faster. Cox declined to comment.In his webcast speech Monday at the Brookings Institute in Washington, the FCC chairman also proposed to make it a formal rule that Internet service providers have to tell customers about how they manage traffic to handle congestion. Some companies might be managing traffic in subtle ways without notifying customers.David Young, vice president of federal regulatory affairs at Verizon Communications Inc., said he was pleased that Genachowski said he favored a light touch in setting up the new regulatory framework. If Internet carriers aren't free to experiment with different ways of treating traffic, development of the technology might be slowed, Young said.The concern is that it will stifle innovation, investment and growth,he said.To dramatically change the 15-year policy of the United States government to not regulate the Internet is a pretty radical thing and should be driven by a very real and present need to do so.David Cohen, executive vice president at Comcast, said he welcomed the dialogue suggested by the FCC chairman, but also said it would be important to first figure out if there are actual and substantial problems that may require rules.
The FCC has four commissioners in addition to its chairman. The two Democratic members said Monday that they supported Genachowski's proposal, which will give him a majority to push through the proposal. The details of the new rules will be worked out over the coming months.Ben Scott, policy director at advocacy group Free Press, which complained to the FCC about Comcast's old network management practices in 2007, said the Internet is now of such importance that government will have to take a role in making sure it works optimally.It is inevitably going to have a regulatory structure around it,Scott said. What we're deciding is: What is it going to look like? On the Net:FCC site on new rules:http://www.openinternet.gov
Obama open to newspaper bailout bill
By Michael O'Brien - 09/20/09 04:24 PM ET
The president said he is happy to look at bills before Congress that would give struggling news organizations tax breaks if they were to restructure as nonprofit businesses.I haven't seen detailed proposals yet, but I'll be happy to look at them,Obama told the editors of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Toledo Blade in an interview.Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) has introduced S. 673, the so-called Newspaper Revitalization Act,that would give outlets tax deals if they were to restructure as 501(c)(3) corporations. That bill has so far attracted one cosponsor, Cardin's Maryland colleague Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D).White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs had played down the possibility of government assistance for news organizations, which have been hit by an economic downturn and dwindling ad revenue.
In early May, Gibbs said that while he hadn't asked the president specifically about bailout options for newspapers, I don't know what, in all honesty, government can do about it.Obama said that good journalism is critical to the health of our democracy, but expressed concern toward growing tends in reporting -- especially on political blogs, from which a groundswell of support for his campaign emerged during the presidential election.I am concerned that if the direction of the news is all blogosphere, all opinions, with no serious fact-checking, no serious attempts to put stories in context, that what you will end up getting is people shouting at each other across the void but not a lot of mutual understanding,he said.
EU turns blind eye to inhuman Italy-Libya migrant pact, watchdog says
More than 75 percent of the boat migrants arriving in Italy last year were asylum seekers.VALENTINA POP Today SEPT 21,09 @ 12:36 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – While Italy's policy of intercepting and returning migrant boats to Libya - in breach of international and European law according to a new report - dumps potential refugees in a country where they cannot make asylum claims and are arrested, kept for ransom and in some cases simply left in the desert to die, the EU remains keen to move forward with enhancing ties with Tripoli.A 92-page Human Rights Watch report, released on Monday (21 September) as EU justice and home affairs ministers were gathering in Brussels for their monthly meeting, with immigration high on the agenda, examines what it describes as the brutal treatment of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Libya through the eyes of those who have managed to leave and are currently in Italy and Malta. Conditions ... generally qualify as inhuman and degrading,the report accuses.One member state is going out and openly violating international law by intercepting migrants and maybe many refugees, sending them off to undergo degrading treatment, giving them no opportunity to seek asylum,Bill Frelick, author of the report told EUobserver.
Can Europe wash its hands of this? he asked.The report documents conditions in so-called reception centres in Libya to which migrants are sent by the Italian coast guard - a policy that is the product of a bilateral agreement with the government in Tripoli.Compared to January, when the Italian island of Lampedusa was full of migrants, sleeping on the floors of the reception centre, in May, after the Italians inaugurated the return policy, the centre was almost empty, Mr Frelick recalled. Italians are very happy that the policy is working,he said.But last year, 75 percent of the people coming to Lampedusa were asylum seekers, he stressed, and half of them had right to international protection, because they were refugees coming from conflict zones such as Somalia or Darfur.As Italy rejects every boat, without assessing the needs or legitimate claims of the people on it, it is basically forcefully sending them back to places where their lives are endangered, Mr Frelick pointed out.
Libyan police connected to traffickers
Refugees interviewed by the Washington-based human rights watchdog said the line between police and migrant-trafficking ringleaders in Libya was blurred. Moreover, people are kept in cells, often not knowing if the building was a prison or a trafficker's house, and released only after their families payed more money - sums about which it is never clear whether they are bail or ransom.Some migrants even spoke of people being driven out and left in the desert when families failed to pay.
An Eritrean, Iggi, paid smugglers some €500 to take him from Khartoum to Tripoli. Instead, they took him only as far as Kufra, a prison for irregular immigrants within Libyan territory, where they held him and 78 other people in a closed 10 metres by 20 metres room without windows for ten days and then demanded more money.A Somali man died in that room. I don't know his name. We couldn't communicate with him, but we did everything we could to save him. During our 13 days travel in the desert the transporters had mixed benzene with our water so we would drink less, and he got sick. The guards knew he was sick, but they wouldn't take him to the hospital or do anything to help him,Iggi told HRW.Libya has not ratified the international convention on refugees and treats all returned people as illegal immigrants, regardless of their country of origin or need for assistance.There are no refugees in Libya,Brigadier General Mohamed Bashir Al Shabbani, director of the Office of Immigration at the General People's Committee for Public Security, told Human Rights Watch.They are people who sneak into the country illegally and they cannot be described as refugees.He said that anyone who enters the country without formal documents and permission is arrested.
EU keen on better relations with Libya
Despite Libya's rough immigration practices, the European Commission is going ahead with negotiations on a general framework agreement for enhanced ties. A key-part of the deal is a re-admission agreement with Tripoli that would create a formal return mechanism.HRW urges the EU to ensure that the human rights clause in the framework agreement contains explicit reference to the rights of asylum seekers and migrants as a prerequisite for any co-operation on migration-control schemes.It also calls on EU institutions and member states to refrain from encouraging Libya to establish any reception regime that falls below the European reception condition standards.As for Italy, the human rights watchdog says it should cease immediately the interdiction and return of boat migrants to Libya. Rome should also investigate allegations that Italian naval personnel beat and used electric shocks to force interdicted boat migrants onto Libyan vessels.Italy should also cease to fund the Libyan coast guard and support the UN instead, to ensure that fundamental human rights standards of refugees are respected, the HRW report recommends.
ITALY AND SPAIN AGREE TO BOOST MOTORWAYS OF THE SEA-With the goal of moving 400,000 lorries to sea transport in two years, on Sept. 10 Italy's Transport Minister Altero Matteoli (pictured) and Spain's José Blanco Lopez signed an agreement on the Motorways of the Sea.16/09/2009 10:48
The agreement, signed during the Italian-Spanish summit in La Maddalena island, also consists of the constitution of a joint commission having the job of choosing among the various proposals (to be submitted through international tenders) for the new sea connections between Italy and Spain - ANSAmed news agency reports.The routes considered are eleven: Civitavecchia-Barcelona; Civitavecchia-Tarragona; Genoa-Algeciras; Genoa-Barcelona; Livorno-Barcelona; Livorno-Tarragona; Livorno-Valencia; Palermo-Valencia; Salerno-Tarragona; Salerno-Valencia; Marina di Carrara-Castellon de la Plana. This is a very important agreement, which aims at increasing the freight volumes between Italy and Spain while lowering CO2 emissions, said Italy’s minister Matteoli.The redefinition of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) was also discussed during the meeting, a central issue which will be again at the core of discussions on October 21 and 22 in Naples during a conference hosted by the Italian government with the EU’s support. The 47 Countries joining in Southern Italy will also discuss the exclusion of investments in infrastructure on the TEN-T network from Maastricht, as well as relations with Africa and the increasingly important role of the Mediterranean.
Five Hate Bills Surge Forward In Congress Rev. Ted Pike
National Prayer Network Monday, Sept 21st, 2009
The Christian/conservative right is bruised by hate bill victory in the House/Senate and distracted by healthcare debate; the Jewish Anti-Defamation League is losing no time pushing four more of its freedom-destroying, pro-homosexual hate bills. This antichrist legislation is intent on banning criticism of homosexuality in the workplace, on the airwaves and internet, and in public schools.These bills join the federal hate crimes bill, now moving toward signing by Pres. Obama.Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) HR 3017 and S 1584. This is ADL’s workplace hate bill establishing preferential rights for homosexuals and transgenders in business and possibly church-operated businesses. ENDA is scheduled for its first hearing on Wed., Sept. 23, in the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime. Learn more in my two previous articles at www.truthtellers.org; How ENDA Ends Workplace Freedom: Part One, Part Two.Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act , HR 1966. This extremely dangerous ADL legislation makes it a federal thought crime, punishable by two years in prison, just to intend to cause substantial emotional distress by criticizing homosexuality over the airwaves or internet. It doesn’t matter if no homosexuals are actually distressed by your speech! Your intent will be a federal crime. A House Judiciary (Democrat) spokesperson told me a hearing on HR 1966 will be held this month.The Safe Schools Improvement Act of 2009, HR 2262. This ADL bill outlaws criticism of homosexuality in public schools to the extent that such criticism adversely affects the ability of gay students to be involved in certain activities or programs.Christians are morally obligated to publicly speak out against all sin including sodomy. HR 2262 amounts to a ban on Christian speech in schools. It defines persistent or persuasive criticism of homosexuality in schools as bullying and harassment.It would require school programs to teach students about the consequences of bullying and harassment and prevent public disapproval of homosexuality. Parents and students will be taught to intervene when criticism occurs. The government will provide grievance procedures for students and parents that seek to register complaints regarding the prohibited conduct.Incredibly, this bill defines persistent or pervasive criticism of homosexuality as violence.Like the federal hate crimes bill, HR 2262 does contain a caveat saying nothing can be done to limit free speech. What that really means is that hate speech will join the few types of forbidden speech, which include shouting Fire! in a crowded theater and inciting to riot.I was told by the House Judiciary spokesperson that HR 2262 will be discussed in the upcoming cyberbullying hearing, even though hearings are yet to be scheduled.
National Hate Crimes Hotline Act of 2009 , HR 2684. This is a streamlined repackaging of the David Ray Ritcheson Hate Crimes Prevention Act introduced in January. Introduced in June by Rep. Steve Israel, it is a thinly disguised ADL attempt to control a federal hate crimes hotline, website, information center and hate crimes database in Washington DC. It will authorize even more training and education to local law enforcement than ADL already massively provides. It will encourage the prevention of hate crimes in America through ADL-assisted education against homophobia,domestic terrorism,anti-Semitism,etc.Borrowing from statements by ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center (also Jewish), this bill says the number of hate groups in the United States have increased by 54 percent over the past eight years.Who are these hate groups? ADL/SPLC make abundantly clear on their websites that the highest profile haters are those they label anti-Semitic: strong critics of Israel, Jewish control of big media, finance, Congress and war-making powers in the Mideast (for the benefit of Israel). These include racialist groups and those who suggest the possibility of Israeli/Mossad complicity in 9/11. Lower-tier haters are those who oppose excessive immigration, abortion (a woman’s right to choose) and homosexuality. SPLC labeled a mainline pro-Zionist Christian watchdog group, Traditional Values Coalition, a hate group for opposing sodomy. All anti-homosexual leadership groups (even though pro-Zionist) are regarded by ADL/SPLC as hateful.The Hate Crimes Hotline Act specifies that for the first three years this federal hate crimes command center will be run by one or more selected non-profit organization(s) (probably ADL/SPLC).The hotline will then revert to autonomous control by a non-profit entity with recognized expertise in the area of hate crimes i.e. ADL. Thus, ADL will exploit this legislation to control a nascent hate crimes gestapo in Washington with federal funds. ($3.5 million) But after three years ADL will be free of federal restriction, allowed to investigate, educate, and recommend prosecution and punishment unfettered. Tightly buckled into the driver’s seat of persecution of Christians and free thinkers and having ended free speech, ADL will be a super-powerful NGO, accountable to none.
Stop the Terror
Do you think the most effective way to protest these hate bills is generalized mass demonstrations against Obama’s healthcare bill and big government? It is not. Rep. Steve King says the most effective protest is phone calls from you to the Senate and House offices of your elected representatives.Call your two Senators and House member toll free at 1-877-851-6437 or 202-225-3121 toll and say, I am angry that the Democrats are moving forward even more freedom-stealing hate crimes bills. I will vote against the Senator/Congressman who votes for hate and bias crime legislation.
Again, Steve King recommends you send a similar message to the pivotal members of the House and Senate Judiciary committees. ( Names available HERE on the Action Page at www.truthtellers.org)
Hate Bills Surge While Right Distracted
This very month—while millions of concerned and angry Americans protest socialist healthcare—the elements of a working hate crimes bureaucracy are being set in place! Virtually all evangelical watchdog organizations are riding the tsunami of healthcare protest, hoping to destroy the Democrat majority in Congress at mid-term elections. Thus, they are largely silent about these bills and how we can effectively stop them. They also tend to avoid the hate crimes issue because Jewish ADL is just beneath the surface.Scripture says that in the last days, the wicked profane Prince of Israel,Antichrist,(EU WORLD DICTATOR)(Ezekiel 21:25) shall gather the whole earth as one gathers a clutch of abandoned eggs and none will effectively resist him (Isaiah 10:14). He will override all opposition, establishing world government in Jerusalem where, in a rebuilt temple, he will proclaim himself God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). This is unfolding before our eyes! The present thrust for world hate crimes jurisdiction and sovereignty will lead to an end of free speech, persecution of Christians and anti-Christ world dominion. It comes straight from organized world Jewry—ADL/B’nai B’rith International.
Yet those Jewish activists who aggressively subvert Christian values, symbols and freedom are regarded by most evangelicals as God’s chosen people.Christians will not criticize or resist them—fearing God’s curse. Thus, evil Jewish supremacists render evangelicals and their leaders powerless to effectively restrain a global world revolutionary movement that right now is hammering the legislative chains of our bondage in the House Judiciary subcommittees. These bills will enable ADL to establish a workable, federally sanctioned and legally enforceable hate crimes gestapo in America. This will ultimately end free speech, unite federal and local law enforcement into a single police state system, create a bias-oriented, parallel justice system in America, force business and church businesses to hire homosexuals, and criminalize criticism of homosexuality on the airwaves and in public schools.
Yet, even now, no major evangelical group has the courage to publicly utter the name of ADL, much less inform their followers that ADL is Jewish and has the most sinister ambitions. This reveals an incredible irony. The greatest force empowering Jewish one-world domination—prophesied to extirpate Christianity—is not that small minority of Jewish conspirators and activists of ADL/B’nai B’rith International. Rather, it is the vast majority of Israel-first evangelicals and their leaders who empower such ascendance. United in silence, they remain committed to a heretical interpretation of the Bible that forbids them to expose the synagogue of Satan or resist it. As such, they provide an unobstructed highway for the great harlot, Israel, to ascend to dominion over the nations.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -10.22
10:00 AM -61.52
10:30 AM -59.63
11:00 AM -65.90
11:30 AM -28.27
12:00 PM -27.74
12:30 PM -32.95
01:00 PM -42.25
01:30 PM -43.99
02:00 PM -38.42
02:30 PM -43.91
03:00 PM -30.91
03:30 PM -24.94
04:00 PM -41.34 9778.86
S&P 500 1064.66 -3.64
NASDAQ 2138.04 +5.18
GOLD 1,004.80 -5.50
OIL 69,48 -2.46
TSE 300 11,424.61 -21.34
CDNX 1265.00 -16.80
S&P/TSX/60 685.59 -1.10
Dow +11.89%
S&P +18.27%
Nasdaq +35.25%
TSX Advances 803,declines 728,unchanged 247,Volume 655,823,741.
TSX Venture Exchange Advances 518,Declines 383,Unchanged 340,Volume 254,714,673.
Dow -76 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -93 points at low today.
Dow +0.08 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $998.60.OIL opens at $69.63 today.
Dow -93 points at low today so far.
Dow +0.08 points at high today so far.
NYSE Advances 1,101,declines 2,498,unchanged 103,New Highs 138,New Lows 37.
Volume 2,402,221,155.
NASDAQ Advances 1,168,declines 1,467,unchanged 103,New highs 85,New Lows 13.
Volume 1,007,167,772.
TSX Advances 494,declines 849,unchanged 212,Volume 249,175,093.
TSX Venture Exchange Advances 239,Declines 414,Unchanged 288,Volume 113,971,536.
Dow -93 points at low today.
Dow +0.08 points at high today.
Dow -0.42% today Volume 172,036,037.
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Unearthed video: Global warming alarmist Stephen we have to offer up scary scenarios Schneider caught on a May 1978 episode of the TV show In Search Of…The Coming Ice Age Al Gore Lied.com Monday, Sept 21st, 2009
I’ve unearthed from the YouTube dustbin what I believe to be some significant video of man-made global warming alarmist extraordinaire Stephen Schneider’s appearance on a May 1978 episode of the old television series, In Search Of…. For this episode, the show was In Search Of…The Coming Ice Age.I used to watch In Search Of… when I was a kid. I loved it. It was mystery documentary series, and one of the things that made it cool was that it was hosted by Leonard Nimoy, i.e. Spock. In Search Of… did shows on such topics as Bigfoot, The Bermuda Triangle, UFO captives, and The Ogopogo Monster. As a skeptic looking back on the show today, I find it hilarious that the show included climate alarmism alongside those campy topics.
The episode in question, titled, The Coming Ice Age, has much that is worthy of discussion, and features several scientists warning of a coming ice age, including Dr. Gifford Miller, Chester Langway, and Dr. James Hays. But for the purposes of this post I’ll focus on Stephen Schneider who is featured in Part Three. Schneider may not cast as large of a shadow in the man-made global warming alarmist crowd as such luminaries as Al Gore and James Hansen, but Schneider has earned a special place in the hearts of man-made global warming skeptics everywhere when he told Discover Magazine in October, 1989:On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but — which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands, and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well. And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broadbased support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This ‘double ethical bind’ we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest. I hope that means being both.Schneider’s been trying unsuccessfully to put that genie back in the bottle for years, and his words will live forever in the alarmist Hall of Shame. The Schneider segment is in Part Three, and his role in the show is to share his opinion on whether or not it would be wise to take measures to stop the predicted coming ice age, or more specifically, using nuclear power to loosen polar icecaps, and helping sea ice melt by covering it with black soot.On the TV show In Search Of…The Coming Ice Age, Stephen Schneider wonders whether mankind should intervene in staving off a coming ice age. Schneider:Can we do these things? Yes. But will they make things better? I’m not sure. We can’t predict with any certainty what’s happening to our own climatic future. How can we come along and intervene then in that ignorance? You could melt the icecaps. What would that do to the coastal cities? The cure could be worse than the disease. Would that better or worse than the risk of an ice age?
It’s the interaction between people and climate that worries me the most, because with everyone jammed into countries, locked into national boundaries, a change in climate means a redistribution of where the rain is, where the growing seasons are. My worst fear is that the climate could induce a change in some country that could be devastating to their local survivability, and that would lead them to desperate acts that can drag everybody else down.
Senate bill could weaken the Fed By Anne Flaherty, Associated Press Writer – SEPT 21,09
WASHINGTON – Consensus is building in the Senate for legislation that would significantly weaken the Federal Reserve by stripping its power to oversee banks and hand that job to a single federal bank regulator.The proposal by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd to merge federal prudential oversight into a single regulator differs from a plan by President Barack Obama. But it's gaining traction among Dodd's colleagues who think the Fed didn't do enough to prevent the current market crisis.If you look at the record here of the failure of the regulatory bodies, all roads seem to lead to the Federal Reserve, said Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the top Republican on the banking panel.Since its creation almost a century ago, the Fed has grown into a major power broker and guardian of the financial system. It plays various roles on the government's behalf in protecting the economy, including the supervision of banks to ensure the safety and soundness of the financial system and enforcement of rules to protect consumers.
But the Fed's primary mission is considered its role as the nation's central bank.
As part of a sweeping reform effort in response to last year's financial crisis, Obama has proposed empowering the Fed further by tasking it with deciding whether a financial institution has grown so big and over-leveraged that its failure could bring down the entire economy.However, Obama would strip the Fed of its role in protecting consumers and create a separate government agency to enforce new rules on such products as credit cards and mortgages.The idea of an emboldened new Federal Reserve isn't sitting well on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers have little power over the central bank. While the Fed frequently reports to Congress, it maintains an independent status aimed at keeping politics out of the nation's monetary policy.The House Financial Services Committee this week will hold a hearing on legislation by Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, that would subject the Fed to increased audits by congressional watchdogs.Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has said the administration didn't advocate a more streamlined regulatory system because it wanted to focus its energy on adding protections for consumers and policing institutions deemed too big to fail.We did not want to put you in a position of having to spend a lot of time on changes that may be desirable, that may leave us with a neater system, maybe a more efficient system, but were not central to the cause of the problem,Geithner told the Senate panel this summer.In private deliberations with the administration and other senators, Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat, has advocated since spring an alternative plan that would strip the Fed and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of their roles in helping regulate state-chartered banks and replace them with a single federal prudential regulator.Dodd also is expected to reject Obama's suggestion that the Fed monitor systemwide risk and decide whether an institution's existence threatens the economy.
Instead, Dodd wants to establish a council of regulators, a panel that would include the Fed. An independent chairman would likely make the final decision on whether the government should intervene and dismantle a firm.While Dodd differs from Obama on the plan on those two points, he supports the president's idea to strip the Fed of its consumer protection duties and create a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency. That issue has become a sticking point in his negotiations with Republicans, who contend the agency's creation would be too burdensome for community banks.In the House, Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., was expected to propose a regulatory reform bill that is closer to Obama's proposal.While that legislation would likely set the tone for the debate, the negotiations in the Senate were considered more crucial to the final outcome. Democrats hold a slim majority in the Senate, where 60 votes are usually needed to overcome Republican opposition.
Dollar higher before Fed, G20 meet Mon Sep 21, 8:24 am ET
LONDON (AFP) – The dollar climbed against the euro and yen on Monday as the market looked ahead to a meeting of the US Federal Reserve as well as a Group of 20 summit this week.The European single currency fell to 1.4656 dollars from 1.4740 dollars late in New York on Friday.Against the Japanese currency, the dollar rose to 92.06 yen from 91.35 yen on Friday.Traders were awaiting the meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee beginning on Tuesday followed by the G20 summit later in the week.
The recent dollar strength coming back into play has been attributed to this weeks FOMC interest rate meeting in the US,said Phil McHugh at currenciesdirect.com.The expectation is growing that the Fed will discuss exit strategies (from its massive economic stimulus programs) in the near future and this will signal a hawkish tone with the potential for interest rate rises to follow,he added.Federal Reserve policy-makers may on Wednesday formally acknowledge an economic recovery is under way but will make few changes to their vast stimulus effort until they see a sustainable expansion, analysts said.A two-day meeting of the FOMC opening on Tuesday is widely expected to leave unchanged the central bank's near-zero interest rate policy, while making only minor changes to the array of liquidity programs to keep credit flowing.
Fed chairman Ben Bernanke last week said the US recession is very likely over but that the economy remains weak due to difficult credit conditions and high unemployment.Following the Fed meeting, attention will turn to the G20 summit in the US city Pittsburgh on Thursday and Friday.Leaders from the world's 20 most powerful economies will likely affirm at the summit that the global economy is clawing its way back from recession, led by growth in Asia and a tepid rebound in other regions.
The G20 leaders will consider unwinding the unprecedented support to help recovery but are expected to be cautious on any move for fear of jeopardising a return to growth.In London, the euro was changing hands at 1.4656 dollars against 1.4740 dollars late on Friday, at 134.86 yen (134.36), 0.9059 pounds (0.8939) and 1.5158 Swiss francs (1.5147).The dollar stood at 92.06 yen (91.35) and 1.0340 Swiss francs (1.0299).The pound was at 1.6185 dollars (1.6468).On the London Bullion Market, the price of gold fell to 999.25 dollars an ounce from 1,012 dollars an ounce late on Friday.
Fed Rejects Geithner Request for Study of Governance, Structure
By Craig Torres and Robert Schmidt
Sept. 21 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve Board has rejected a request by U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for a public review of the central bank’s structure and governance, three people familiar with the matter said.The Obama administration proposed on June 17 a financial- regulatory overhaul including a comprehensive review of the Fed’s ability to accomplish its existing and proposed functions and the role of its regional banks. The Fed was to lead the study and enlist the Treasury and a wide range of external experts.Some top central bank officials, after agreeing to the review, saw a potential threat to Fed independence after the Treasury released the proposal, two of the people said. The Obama plan said the Treasury would consider recommendations from the review and propose any changes to the Fed’s governance and structure.It is not obvious at all why that is a Treasury responsibility or even appropriate why the Treasury would undertake that kind of study,said Robert Eisenbeis, chief monetary economist at Cumberland Advisors Inc. in Vineland, New Jersey, and a former Atlanta Fed research director.The Fed was created by Congress and it is not part of the executive branch.U.S. lawmakers have also called for a review of the Fed’s power and structure, saying Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke overstepped his authority as he bailed out creditors of Bear Stearns Cos. and American International Group Inc. while battling a crisis that led to $1.62 trillion in writedowns and losses at financial firms.
No Work Done
While the report requested by the Treasury hasn’t been formally scrapped, no work has been done on the project, which was due Oct. 1, the people said. Treasury spokesman Andrew Williams declined to comment, as did Fed spokeswoman Michelle Smith. The central bank is performing its own reviews of possible operational changes following the financial crisis. Fed Governor Elizabeth Duke is leading an internal study of the roles of the directors that serve on each of the boards at regional Fed banks.The institution is trying to keep a low profile,said Vincent Reinhart, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington and the former director of Division of Monetary Affairs at the Fed Board.To publish a report now invites comment on that report.
Associated Costs
The Senate passed 96-2 a nonbinding budget amendment in April supporting an evaluation of the appropriate number and the associated costs of the district banks. The measure was sponsored by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat, and Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, the senior Republican on the panel. House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat, has also called for more scrutiny of the central bank, saying last year he aims to probe how the 12 regional Fed presidents are appointed and their role in setting interest rates. The Fed banks are semi-private entities, each overseen by a nine-member board of directors.Legislation in both houses of Congress would allow for audits by the Government Accountability Office of the central bank’s monetary policy and other operations. Bernanke opposes the measure, which was introduced in the House by Representative Ron Paul of Texas, a Republican. Frank has scheduled a committee hearing on the issue for Sept. 25.
Lessons Learned
Along with the study by Duke, the Fed is reviewing how to overhaul supervision based on lessons learned from the financial crisis.The Treasury interest in a Fed structural review partially stems from the administration’s proposal to make the central bank the lead regulator for the largest, most inter-connected financial institutions.Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo, an Obama appointee, is working on changes to the supervisory process that are preparing the central bank for a larger role in tracking risks across the financial system.Tarullo is focusing on bank-to-bank comparisons and quantitative scenario testing of bank portfolios. The Fed is currently examining the vulnerability of banks with assets under $100 billion to falling commercial real estate values.Congressional leaders have balked at the notion of giving the Fed more power and are leaning toward vesting authority over capital, liquidity and risk-management practices of big banks in a council of regulators.
Supervisory Council
There will be a council,Frank told Bloomberg Television Sept. 14. The review led by Duke followed the resignation in May of Stephen Friedman as New York Fed chairman because of ties to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Friedman is a director on Goldman Sachs’s board.Goldman Sachs became a bank holding company in September 2008, a change that would have normally barred Friedman from continuing to serve in his New York Fed post. Officials gave him a waiver so he could remain in the job, which has mostly an advisory role.Friedman, chairman of Stone Point Capital LLC, said at the time of his resignation that he had complied with all the Fed’s rules and his service on the board was mischaracterized as improper.Some analysts said a Fed revision of the role of directors is overdue.Allowing local bankers to play a leading role in selecting reserve bank presidents is the most worrying aspect of the current system,Lou Crandall, chief economist at Wrightson ICAP LLC, wrote to clients in July.District bank presidents are nominated by committees made up of people whose institutions the nominees may have supervised.The conflicts of interest inherent in the current system are glaring,Crandall said.To contact the reporters on this story: Craig Torres in Washington at ctorres3@bloomberg.net; Robert Schmidt in Washington at rschmidt5@bloomberg.net.
Pittsburgh tackles intricacies of hosting leaders By RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI, Associated Press Writer – SEPT 21,09
PITTSBURGH – The Prince of Wales slept here. So did Abe Lincoln. And Teddy Roosevelt and Ulysses S. Grant. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev during the Cold War. More recently: Bill Clinton and John McCain.
But never all at once.
Pittsburgh plays host this week to nearly two dozen world leaders and their entourages during the two-day Group of 20 summit. It's a challenge that requires everything from retraining hotel chefs to cater to different palates to creating suitable office space in luxury suites.
No simple task.
Presidents and world leaders can be finicky. They are accustomed to having their demands met before they ask — a trait instilled by staffs that operate like well-oiled machines.The whole object is freeing the president to do the things they have to do,William Seale, a White House historian, said. So if they like a certain kind of pillow, they make sure they have it.Adding to the challenge is that many of the hotels in Pittsburgh have not been given precise guest lists for who will be staying at each when nearly two dozen world leaders — who control more than 85 percent of the world's money — gather to discuss the global economic crisis.Tom Hardy, general manager at the Sheraton Station Square, says he has transformed guest rooms into offices, secured greater Internet services and rented computers and office furniture to please his G-20 guests.Delegations from five countries will be staying at the hotel, Hardy said, though, until recently, he had not been told whether any were actual leaders. Hardy and other hoteliers have been asked to keep their guest lists secret.Some delegations are traveling with their own chefs, and the Sheraton's culinary team is working closely with them. One delegation has asked for two full-time tour guides to be available.The Westin, the hotel connected to the convention center where the summit will be held, is hosting at least six delegations. Some have requested the food be as authentic as the European or Asian cuisine they are accustomed to, requiring some additional training for the hotel's chefs, general manager Tom Martini said.The convention center is building its largest exhibit since opening in 2003, general manager Mark Leahy said. The main item: an enormous round table for the heads of states and finance ministers to sit around while tackling the global economic crisis.
Then there is Pittsburgh's grande dame.
The William Penn Omni hotel has taken up a square city block since the 1920s, when the original building was expanded from 1,000 rooms to 1,600 — making it the largest hotel between New York and Chicago at the time. Later, the hotel underwent myriad renovations, paring it down to the 596-room, 38-suite building it is today.Built and opened in 1916 by millionaire industrialist Henry Clay Frick, the William Penn attracted elite from the start, boasting a guest list that has included actors Jackie Gleason, Christopher Reeves and Anthony Hopkins to world leaders such as Queen Elizabeth II and presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy.Now, the hotel is slated to host at least two delegations. The 2,500 square foot presidential suite — including the parlor with the grand piano, the television room, the dining room that seats eight and the three bedrooms — has been reserved in its entirety — at a cost of $2,500 a night, marketing director Bob Page said.
Who will actually be sleeping there remains a secret.So, we're trying to prepare the best that we can with the information that we have,Page said.It's not always easy.As history shows, the leaders' needs are individual:
-French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is about 5 feet 7 inches tall, often stands on boxes behind the podium so his aides ensure he has what he needs to compensate for his stature.
-President Barack Obama's preferred workout is basketball, so when he attended the Group of Eight summit in L'Aquila, Italy in July, organizers prepared a small court with a single hoop for his use.
-According to the diary of James Polk, U.S. president from 1845 to 1849, he once sent his food back to the kitchen during a banquet, ordering turnip greens and cornbread instead. The original dish, he wrote,must be French. You couldn't tell what it was.
-Richard Nixon ate the same lunch nearly every day — a ring of pineapple and cottage cheese — which aides made sure was on hand when the president traveled.
-The Reagans were famously healthy — preferring vegetables and lean meats — and always, even when traveling, ate their meals ahead of time and only nibbled at their plates during official banquets, Seale said.
-White House recordings also offer insight. After Nixon's 1972 presidential election victory, sometime around 2 a.m., Nixon — completely unaware he was waking anyone up — called the kitchen asking for a celebratory bacon and egg breakfast. A valet translated for the Spanish-speaking staff, which had no food or workers on hand.
How are we going to get it done? a staffer asked.It doesn't matter how it gets done, just get it done,the valet answered. And this is just one example of what Pittsburgh could face.It's these unscripted moments,said Luke Nichter, a presidential historian at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.It's going to be extremely, extremely challenging.
Ontario invests C$2.3 billion for greener power grid SEPT 21,09
TORONTO (Reuters) – The Canadian province of Ontario, keen to get more of its electricity from renewable energy sources, said on Monday it would spend C$2.3 billion ($2.1 billion) over the next three years to expand and upgrade its power transmission network.Enhancing our transmission grid is critical to taking advantage of green energy, said George Smitherman, Ontario's minister of energy and infrastructure.Resources like wind and hydro aren't often where the people are, and this plan will ensure we can bring renewable green power to the people of Ontario, he said in a statement.Smitherman, who made the announcement at the opening ceremony of the Canadian Wind Energy Association's annual conference in Toronto, said the investment is expected to create 20,000 jobs.Ontario, Canada's most populous province and biggest energy consumer, is widely regarded as having a green friendly agenda. It has pledged to eliminate coal-fired power generation by 2014 and promised to generate more power from renewable sources such as wind, solar and biomass.This is a huge boost to the continued development of wind energy as a viable renewable energy source in Ontario,said Robert Hornung, the Canadian Wind Energy Association's president.
This plan opens the door for the wind industry to grow and create new green economy jobs,Hornung said.Wind energy in Canada has a capacity to generate 2,854 megawatts --enough to power more than 860,000 homes and equivalent to about one percent of Canada's total electricity demand.In June, the province suspended multibillion-dollar plans to build two new nuclear reactors, citing worries over costs and uncertainty over the future of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd, the federally owned nuclear technology corporation.The Canadian government is looking to restructure AECL, and may split it up or sell parts of its operations.(Reporting by Nicole Mordant and Susan Taylor; editing by Rob Wilson)
AP: UN climate chief says China poised to lead By JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press Writer – SEPT 21,09
UNITED NATIONS – As the United States lags on climate legislation, China is poised to join the European Union in claiming front-runner status among nations battling climate change, the U.N. climate chief said Monday.Yvo de Boer said in an Associated Press interview that China is leaping ahead of the United States with domestic plans for more energy efficiency, renewable sources of power, cuts in vehicle pollution and closures of dirty plants.The development marks a dramatic turnabout. The United States, under former President George W. Bush's administration, long cited inaction by China and India as the reason for rejecting mandatory cuts in greenhouse gases.
China and India have announced very ambitious national climate change plans. In the case of China, so ambitious that it could well become the front-runner in the fight to address climate change,de Boer said.The big question mark is the U.S.He spoke on the eve of a U.N. summit of 100 world leaders intended to rally momentum for crafting a new global climate pact at Copenhagen, Denmark in December. Bush had rejected the 1997 Kyoto Protocol for cutting global emissions of warming gases based on its exclusion of major developing nations like China and India.Chinese President Hu Jintao will announce new plans to fight global warming at a U.N. summit on climate change on Tuesday. China already has said it is seeking to use 15 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2020.China and the U.S. together account for about 40 percent of all the world's emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and other industrial warming gases.De Boer said he also was encouraged by Japan's new goal of a 25 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by 2020.President Barack Obama has been trying to build momentum for a new climate pact to succeed the Kyoto accord that required mandatory cuts in atmospheric warming gases but expires at the end of 2012. His administration has announced a target of returning to 1990 levels of greenhouse emissions by 2020.
But with Congress moving slowly on a measure to curb emissions, the United States could soon find itself with little influence when 120 countries convene in Copenhagen.British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said in article published Monday that the negotiations are proceeding so slowly that a deal is in grave danger.He promised to attend the Copenhagen talks and called on other heads of state to join him for a historic moment: the ultimate test of global cooperation.Environment ministers are scheduled to be the highest-ranking officials there.If we miss this opportunity, there will be no second chance sometime in the future, no later way to undo the catastrophic damage to the environment we will cause,he wrote in an article Newsweek.
Britain's Climate Secretary Ed Miliband sees reasons to be hopeful that a deal could be reached.Actually, I think when you look at the jigsaw pieces on the board, there are reasons to be optimistic. Japan has just upped its ambition and said it's going to cut its emissions by 25 percent by 2020. India said that it will quantify its actions in terms of emissions by 2020. That is a new statement. We are expecting from (China's) President Hu (Jintao) tomorrow statements about where China is going, Miliband said.The U.N. summit on climate change Tuesday and the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh at the end of this week are intended to add pressure on the United States and other rich nations to commit to cuts and cough up billions of dollars to help developing nations install new technologies and take other actions to adapt to climate change.The House passed a bill this year that would set the United States' first federal mandatory limits on greenhouse gases. Factories, power plants and other sources would be required to cut emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels by 2020 and by 83 percent by mid-century.
The EU is urging other rich countries to match its pledge to cut emissions by 20 percent from 1990 levels by 2020, and has said it would cut up to 30 percent if other rich countries follow suit. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said Monday the Copenhagen meeting could end in deadlock unless all participants agree to sweeping cuts in greenhouse gases. The public in Europe would not accept (such cuts) in the EU if the rest of the world does not move too,he told the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. Barroso warned that inaction on climate change would cut the world's gross economic output by five percent a year. We must see that the costs of inaction are higher from an economic point of view than the costs of action,he told the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.A new climate report released Monday by a climate initiative led by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says 10 million jobs could be created by 2020, if developing nations agree to big cuts in greenhouse gases.The initiative by Blair and The Climate Group, a London-based nonprofit advocacy organization, said it hoped the new research would help break the deadlock in global climate talks.The report is based on computer modeling by Cambridge University economists. It also shows a global climate agreement could increase the world's GDP by 0.8 percent by 2020, as compared with the projected gross domestic product with no climate action.In economic terms, certainly in the medium and long-term, it's hugely to our economic benefit to get a global agreement, he told reporters at a New York hotel Sunday.
Blair acknowledged the pain of short-term investment, particularly during a global financial crisis, but called the upcoming Copenhagen negotiations the moment when we move from a campaign to a policy program.Blair also said climate change was one key area where his ideas diverged from those of Bush, whose administration claimed for years the Kyoto accord would have cost the U.S. economy 5 million jobs if Bush had not rejected it. I can't say I ever investigated that particular claim in detail, said Blair, who was Bush's closest ally on the Iraq war — a stance that ultimately contributed to Blair's decline in popularity at home and his stepping down as both Labor Party leader and prime minister.But all I can tell you from our perspective in the U.K. — and if you look at the rest of Europe — we have not been losing jobs as a result of taking action on climate change. If anything, we've been gaining jobs.
Associated Press writers Edith M. Lederer and Slobodan Lekic contributed to this report.
Market Tips: Gold Could Rally to $1,150 by Year-End Monday, 21 Sep 2009 | 6:15 AM ET By: CNBC.com
The price of gold continued to give back some of its recent gains Monday and slipped below the psychologically important $1,000 level to its lowest price in almost a week. One analyst told CNBC that the setback in gold would only be temporary and the precious metal could hit $1,150 per troy ounce by the end of the year.
Gold Could Hit $1,150
Akhi Kamkolkar, head of futures at Halifax Investment Services told CNBC that his year-end target for gold is between $1,100 and $1,150.
Markets Remain Volatile
Andrew Freris, senior investment strategist for Asia at BNP Paribas Wealth Management, says markets remain volatile and he will overweight Asian equities when the time is right.
Markets May Correct in Fourth Quarter
Markets could surprise to the downside in the fourth quarter, cautions Paul Ramscar, director, wealth management at Financial Partners. He tells CNBC what could trigger this correction.
Where Next for the Yen & Australian Dollar?
Discussing where the yen and Aussie dollar are headed following their recent rise against the dollar, with Ray Attrill, global head of research at Forecast Australia.
Indian Rupee Seen Strengthening
The Indian rupee could strengthen against the dollar in the medium term, predicts Andrew Freris, senior investment strategist, Asia at BNP Paribas Wealth Mgmt. He tells CNBC why.
Will New IPOs Hurt the Chinese Market?
Discussing the reasons why the Chinese authorities decided to reopen the IPO pipeline and its impact on the market, with Andrew Freris, senior investment strategist, Asia at BNP Paribas Wealth Mgmt.
Assessing China's IPO Pipeline
Andrew Freris, senior investment strategist, Asia at BNP Paribas Wealth Mgmt outlines the three reasons why the recent IPOs in China were huge state-owned companies, and not private ones.
Appetite for IPOs in China
IPO demand in China is still relatively strong, notes John Tang, China strategist at UBS Investment Bank, after Metallurgical Corp of China surged as much as 35 percent in its Shanghai debut Monday.2009 CNBC.com
Treasury Department Releases Documents Showing Cap-and-Trade Costs Could Hit $300 Billion Annually Watts Up With That? Sunday, Sept 20th, 2009
This passage from page 7 justifying the tax is telling:Domestic policies to address climate change and the related issues of energy security and affordability will involve significant costs and potential revenues, possibly np to several percentage points of annual GDP (Le, eqnal in size to the corporate income tax), Creation of a domestic cap and trade system would require management and oversight consistent with, if not stronger, than existing markets for commodities and government securities…From a CEI press release Kudos to Chris Horner for making the FOI request.
by Christine Hall CEI September 18, 2009.Global Warming Cap-and-Trade Costs Could Hit $300 Billion Annually, Cost Up to Several GDP Points, US Treasury Admits
Treasury Dept Releases Un-redacted Documents Friday Afternoon
Washington, D.C., September 18, 2009―Global warming cap and trade costs could hit $300 billion annually, the Treasury Department admitted in documents released today –late in the afternoon and on the day of the Jewish New Year celebration. The same documents had been released by Treasury earlier this week but had important parts redacted. Now, the document is available in its entirety for public scrutiny.The new information reveals that Treasury estimates that not only could cap and trade cost $300 billion annually,domestic policies to address climate change and the related issues of energy security and affordability will involve significant costs and potential revenues, possibly up to several percentage points of annual GDP (i.e. equal in size to the corporate income tax).The documents were obtained by CEI Senior Fellow Christopher Horner through a Freedom of Information Act request and revealed in a Friday afternoon release after public attention to an earlier version raised questions of what the administration was hiding.Today’s release explains why the administration initially sought to keep its internal aspirations and expectations from the public: The cost of a cap-and-trade plan to businesses and consumers will be enormous,said Horner.This candid perspective of what could prove to be the biggest tax increase in our nation’s history now must be openly debated before the American public.A cap-and-trade plan, as called for by President Obama, would either immediately sell all carbon dioxide emission permits or sell nearly all after a few years of giving industry most of its permits for free.View the Treasury Department documents (PDF)
http://www.prisonplanet.com/treasury-department-releases-documents-showing-cap-and-trade-costs-could-hit-300-billion-annually.html Page 4 has the relevant number.
Zbig Brzezinski: Obama Administration Should Tell Israel U.S. Will Attack Israeli Jets if They Try to Attack Iran September 20, 2009 11:10 AM
The national security adviser for former President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, gave an interview to The Daily Beast in which he suggested President Obama should make it clear to Israel that if they attempt to attack Iran's nuclear weapons sites the U.S. Air Force will stop them.We are not exactly impotent little babies,Brzezinski said.They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch? ... We have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren’t just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a Liberty in reverse.The USS Liberty was a U.S. Navy technical research ship that the Israeli Air Force mistakenly attacked during the Six Day War in 1967.Brzezinski endorsed then-Sen. Obama's presidential campaign in August 2007, which at the time was portrayed in the media as a boost to Obama's foreign policy cred. The Washington Post reported: Barack Obama, combating the perception that he is too young and inexperienced to handle a dangerous world, got a boost yesterday from a paragon of foreign policy eminence, Zbigniew Brzezinski.Brzezinski was never an official campaign adviser, but Republicans jumped on the endorsement to push the meme that Obama wouldn't be a friend to Israel, as Brzezinski's views of Israel attracted criticism from some quarters in the American Jewish community.
Brzezinski is not an adviser to the campaign,former Ambassador Dennis Ross, then a senior adviser on Middle East affairs to the Obama campaign, said at the time. There is a lot of disinformation that is being pushed, but he is not an adviser to the campaign. Brzezinski came out and supported Obama early because of the war in Iraq. A year or so ago they talked a couple of times. That’s the extent of it, and Sen. Obama has made it clear that on other Middle Eastern issues, Brzezinski is not who he looks to. They don’t have the same views.Brzezinski plays no role in the Obama administration; the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Brzezinski's comments come within the same week that the White House distanced itself from comments made by former President Carter, who said he thinks an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man.-jpt
UPDATE: Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev told CNN that Israeli President Shimon Peres assured him that Israel would not attack Iran. This is the worst thing that one can imagine,Medvedev said. What would happen afterwards? A humanitarian catastrophe, a huge number of refugees. And Iran would want revenge, and not only over Israel, but over other countries as well. The events in the region would become completely unpredictable. I think the scope of such a disaster would not be comparable to anything. Therefore, before taking the decision to launch any attacks, you need to think the situation through. It would be the most irrational way to deal with the situation. But my Israeli colleagues told me they do not plan to do that. And I trust them.
Russia has not shelved missile plan SEPT 21,09
President Barack Obama's decision last week to scrap a land-based missile defence system was welcomed by Moscow.Russia had threatened to deploy short-range Iskander missiles in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, which borders Poland and Lithuania, if the US refused to drop the plans.The Kremlin always said Russia would only deploy the missiles as a counter-measure if Washington went ahead with its missile shield.
On Saturday Russian deputy defence minister Vladimir Popovkin said: Naturally we will scrap the measures that Russia planned to take in response to the shield and specifically named Iskander deployment as one of them.But when asked about the matter on Monday, the chief of Russia's general staff, Nikolai Makarov, said: There has been no such decision. It should be a political decision. It should be made by the president.Mr Makarov added: They have not given up the anti-missile shield; they have replaced it with a sea-based component.
Israel says all options still open on Iran SEPT 21,09
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev made the comments in an interview with US television, excerpts of which were released by the Kremlin on Sunday.When Israeli President (Shimon) Peres was visiting me in Sochi recently, he said something very important for all of us: Israel does not plan any strikes on Iran, we are a peaceful country and we will not do this,Medvedev said.
Peres's office declined to comment on the remarks on Monday.
But Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon reiterated what Israeli leaders have said repeatedly -- that the Jewish state is keeping all options open when it comes to its arch-foe.All options remain on the table,Ayalon was quoted as saying by his spokesman.It is certainly not a guarantee.Ayalon later told Israel's army radio that Medvedev could have misunderstood what Peres said, or that his words may have been wrongly interpreted.Notwithstanding our respect for the Russian president, he is not in a position to speak in the name of Israel. There has been no change in our position.Israeli chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi joined in the debate, saying a nuclear Iran would be a threat to the Middle East and the entire free world as well as the Jewish state.We all understand that the best way of coping is through international sanctions,he told army radio.I hope that Iran will understand this.
I think that if not, Israel has the right to defend itself, and all options are open. The IDF's (Israel Defence Forces) working premise is that we have to be prepared for that possibility, and that is exactly what we are doing.Widely considered to be the Middle East's sole if undeclared nuclear power, Israel, like the West, suspects Iran of trying to develop atomic weapons under the guise of its nuclear programme, a charge Tehran denies.Israel considers the Islamic republic its top enemy after repeated statements by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that it is doomed to be wiped off the map and that the Holocaust was a myth.
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Monday, September 21, 2009
DEFEATING DEMONIC SPIRITS (PART 2) RELATED PART 1 http://israndjer.blogspot.ca/2006/08/defeating-demonic-powers.html GIFTS OF THE SPIR...