Sunday, March 08, 2015


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

5  Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.

JOB 40:18
18  His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

5 As birds flying,(PLANES) so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem;(WITH PLANES) defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it.(NUKE OR BOMB ISRAELS ENEMIES)

NEWS FOR QZ 8501-A320-200 ON MISSING PLANE DAYS 51 - 00   (D-70)   (D-69)   (D-68)   (D-67)   (D-66)   (D-65)       (D-64) (D-63) (D-62) (D-61) (D-60) (D-59) (D-58) (D-57) (D-56) (D-55) (D-54) (D-53) (D-52) (D-51)

updates in small type-96 BODIES OF THE 104 RECOVERED OF THE 162 ON FLIGHT QZ 8501 HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED SO FAR AS OF THIS DAY.MAR 10TH WILL BE THE LAST SEARCH DAY FOR BODIES.However, smaller-scale SAR operations with three vessels and a team of divers will be carried out for seven more days, after which all SAR operations will be officially terminated.



MAS pays tribute to staff on board flight MH370-Astro Awani | Updated: March 08, 2015-ASTRO AWANI

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airlines (MAS) held a private gathering to remember the 13 employees lost while on flight MH370 which disappeared en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur one year ago, today.The event, which took place at the Malaysia Airlines Academy in Kelana Jaya, was attended by 500 MAS employees and 100 family members of those employees lost.The gathering of the MAS family was led by MAS chairman Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof and Group CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya.“Today we acknowledge the reality of our shared loss and remember 13 dear friends and colleagues who left us when MH370 disappeared one year ago.“We love them. We miss them and we will never forget them. They will always remain in our hearts,"said Md Nor during his speech.Ahmad Jauhari meanwhile paid tribute to the dedication of the airline’s employees - for their tireless effort and their enduring support to the airline and the families of the passengers on board the flight.“Whilst MH370 was tragic for all of us, it also brought out the best in Malaysia Airlines. Watching how the whole organisation came together, united, supported each other as a family in crisis, really amazed me."I am deeply honoured and touched by the spirit of volunteerism by everyone who came forward offering to help in any way you could," he said.Today, the world around commemorates the anniversary of  flight MH370 which disappeared exactly one year ago.The Boeing 777-200ER carrying 239 passengers, mostly Chinese, and crew, was scheduled to land in Beijing at 6:30 am. It is believed to have ended in the Indian Ocean.The Department of Civil Aviation on Jan 29 announced flight MH370 was officially declared an accident under international aviation rules, and that all 239 passengers and crew were presumed to have lost their lives.

ICAO releases interim report on MH370-Media Statement | Updated: March 08, 2015-ASTRO AWANI

KOK: The investigation team has interviewed more than 120 persons from the DCA, MAS, next-of-kin of crew, refueler, flight caterer, aircraft cleaners, cargo operators and loaders, freight-forwarders, suppliers and consignees.The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) today released an interim report on the investigation into the year-long disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370.

Below is the interim statement on the safety investigation for MH370 read by ICAO's investigator in charge, Datuk Kok Soo Chon:

1. This Interim Statement has been prepared under Chapter 6, paragraph 6 of ICAO2 Annex 13 to provide information on the progress of the investigation on Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370, a Boeing 777-200ER aircraft, registered 9M-MRO.The Beijing-bound international scheduled passenger flight, with a total of 239 persons (227 passengers and 12 crew) on board, departed KL International Airport (KLIA) at 1642 UTC on 7th March 2014 [0042 MYT on 8th March 2014]. Less than 40 minutes after take-off Air Traffic Controllers lost radar contact with the aircraft after passing waypoint IGARI.

2. As a Contracting State of ICAO and in accordance with Chapter 5, paragraph 5.33 of Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation on Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation, Malaysia, as the State of Registry is responsible for investigating the circumstances of accidents and of serious incidents.

3. The Minister of Transport Malaysia established an independent safety investigation team under Regulation 126(1)4 of the Malaysian Civil Aviation Regulations (MCAR) 1996 known as 'The Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370' to conduct the investigation into the disappearance of Flight MH370.The 19-member Investigation Team, headed by a Chief Inspector/Investigator-in-Charge, consists of three Committees, namely Operations, Airworthiness and Medical/Human Factors, each headed by a Chairman. Also participating in the Team are Accredited Representatives from seven5 international Air Accident and Incident Investigation Organisations.

4. The sole objective of the investigation of an accident or incident shall be the  prevention of future accidents or incidents. It is not the purpose of this activity to apportion blame or liability, as stated in paragraph 3.1 of Annex 13.

5. This Interim Statement is issued on progress of investigation up to 7th March 2015 and is based on the factual information gathered in accordance with sections 1.1 to 1.19 in Appendix of Annex 13. Details of the factual information is available on the Ministry of Transport website:

6. The Investigation Team had since gathered factual information on MH370 (9M-MRO) which included, among others, the following:-

6.1 Recorded Air Traffic Control (ATC) radio and radar tape recordings and made transcripts of radiotelephony communications between aircraft and Air Traffic Controllers and between Air Traffic Controllers of ATC Centres viz. Ho Chi Minh and Singapore; and between Air Traffic Controllers and MAS Operations Centre at KLIA;

6.2 Took custody and reviewed aircraft maintenance records, including maintenance check packages, technical logs, airworthiness directives, modifications and repairs, mandatory occurrence reports, weight and balance reports, maintenance schedule, airworthiness certification and related documents;

6.3 Carried out simulator sessions to re-construct the aircraft flight profile and system operation;

6.4 Interviewed more than 120 persons from the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA), MAS, next-of-kin of crew, refueler, flight caterer, aircraft cleaners, cargo operators and loaders, freight-forwarders, suppliers and consignees;

6.5 Visited cargo operators, freight-forwarders and consignees of lithium ion batteries and mangosteen fruit, local (Subang, Penang and Muar) and overseas (Beijing and Tianjin in China) for data collection and interviews; and

6.6 Visited Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control Centre, Subang and Air Traffic Services Office, KLIA, Air Nav Indonesia, Medan (Indonesia), Southern Region Air Traffic Services Company, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), DCA, Bangkok (Thailand), and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Singapore) for data collection and interviews.

7. In this regard, the Investigation Team emphasises that the factual information that has been gathered to date and published on the Ministry of Transport website is of an interim nature and new information that may become available may alter this information before the publication of the Final Report. The Investigation Team clarifies that the factual information gathered contains facts which have been determined up to the current date only and that this information is made available at this time solely to inform the aviation industry and the public of the general circumstances of the accident of MH370 and must necessarily be regarded as tentative and subject to alteration or correction if additional evidence becomes available.

8. The Investigation Team is now conducting analysis of the factual information and is considering the following areas:

8.1 Airworthiness & Maintenance and Aircraft Systems;

8.2 ATC operations from 1719 to 2232 UTC on 7th March 2014 [0119 to 0632 MYT on 8th March 2014];

8.3 Cargo consignment;

8.4 Crew Profile;

8.5 Diversion from Filed Flight Plan route;

8.6 Organisational and Management Information of DCA and MAS; and

8.7 Satellite Communications (SATCOM).

9. Along with these activities, the Investigation Team has also prepared Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Checklists for investigation in accordance with Doc. 9756 AN965 in preparation for the recovery of the aircraft, once it is located by the search team.

10. In the months ahead, the Investigation Team will need to analyse to draw conclusions and safety recommendations based on the factual information that have been gathered. In addition to the analysis and the conclusion phase of the investigation, steps taken will also include further validation of the factual information on emergence of new evidence.

11. The Investigation Team expects that further factual information will be available from the wreckage and flight recorders if the aircraft is found.
Issued by:The Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370-8th March 2015

MH370 probe finds expired battery but no clues to disappearance-AFP | Updated: March 08, 2015-ASTRO AWANI

MH370 probe finds expired battery but no clues to disappearance-An AFP file photo of the search mission for the missing MH370. The interim report by the ICAO on Sunday said investigators have found no red flags relating to the crew or aircraft.KUALA LUMPUR: A report into missing flight MH370 said Sunday the battery on its underwater locator beacon had expired a year before, but found no red flags relating to the crew or aircraft to shed light on the cause of the disappearance.An international team of investigators probed a range of issues including the Malaysia Airlines captain and co-pilot's personal, psychological, and financial profiles, and the backgrounds of the 10 cabin crew.Their lengthy report, released on the first anniversary of the disappearance of the jet which is believed to have crashed in the Indian Ocean after diverting from its Kuala Lumpur-Beijing route, mentioned no findings that cast suspicion on them."There were no behavioural signs of social isolation, change in habits or interest, self-neglect, drug or alcohol abuse of the Captain, First Officer and the Cabin Crew," it said.The report said, however, that civilian radar had tracked the plane for a short time after it diverted on March 8 of last year. Previous Malaysian statements had indicated that only its military radar had monitored the plane.The report also found that the battery powering the underwater locator beacon on the plane's flight data recorder was due to expire in December 2012. However, the battery on the plane's cockpit voice recorder was replaced and functioning.It noted that while batteries can still operate past their official expiry, they may lose effectiveness, calling it an "oversight."The report said airline blamed a problem in computer systems that track equipment updates, and that it had subsequently carried out a fleet-wide inspection to make sure records were accurate.

'Little to analyse'

Representatives from neither Malaysia's civil aviation authority nor the national carrier were immediately available for comment."My major worry is that (search vessels) may have gone over the aircraft but not heard the pings because of this," said Gerry Soejatman, a Jakarta-based aviation consultant, said of the expired battery and the so-far-fruitless search for the jet.Otherwise, he said the report mostly restated what is already known about MH370."There is nothing much to go on with the new report," he said, adding "there is little to analyse."The investigative team was set up in the weeks after the plane's disappearance under International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) requirements and was required to submit its findings within one year of the disappearance.The report ticked through a number of the plane's major mechanical systems and noted in each case that according to available data and maintenance records, nothing alarming was seen.It remains unknown what caused the Boeing 777 to veer from its Kuala Lumpur-Beijing route with 239 passengers and crew aboard.Suspicion had fallen on the cockpit crew of pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah and his co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid. Other theories have included a mechanical problem or hijack.The report was focused on air-safety issues related to MH370. The investigators did not probe the 227 passengers or the possibility of a hijack.The report stressed that the investigation was ongoing and that "new information that may become available may alter this information.""The investigation team expects that further factual information will be available from the wreckage and flight recorders if the aircraft is found," it said.A year-long, Australian-led search effort in the southern Indian Ocean where the plane is believed to have crashed has yielded nothing as yet.Next of kin have been sharply critical of Malaysia's initial handling of the crisis and remain deeply unhappy with the lack of answers one year on.

MH370 search could be widened further: Australia PM-AFP | Updated: March 08, 2015-ASTRO AWANI

SYDNEY: Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott Sunday said the search for missing flight MH370 would extend beyond its current scope if it is not found, as grieving relatives marked one year since the passenger jet vanished.The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 diverted from its Kuala Lumpur-to-Beijing route shortly after takeoff on March 8 last year, and there has been no trace of the plane despite a massive surface and underwater search.Abbott said Australian authorities, which are leading the hunt, were about 40 percent through scouring a priority 60,000-square-kilometre (23,000-square-mile) area of the southern Indian Ocean due to conclude in May, but intended to search further "as long as there are reasonable leads".The Australian PM appeared to diverge from remarks made Thursday when he said that the search for the missing jet could be scaled back, as the families of passengers who were on board released a statement insisting the hunt should continue."We are reasonably optimistic of success, but if we don't succeed in this search, there is another search that we intend to make because we owe it to the families of the dead, we it to the travelling public to do whatever we reasonably can to resolve of this mystery," Abbott told reporters Sunday."We've got 60,000 square kilometres (23,000-square-mile) that is the subject of this search. If that's unsuccessful, there's another 60,000 square kilometres that we intend to search and, as I said, we are reasonably confident of finding the plane," he said.His comments came as Malaysia's transport minister Liow Tiong Lai told AFP the hunt would go "back to the drawing board" if the ongoing probe is unsuccessful. Abbott did not give further details about where the proposed new 60,000-square-kilometre probe would take place.Malaysia said it would release a report Sunday by an international investigative team on the sequence of events leading up to the jet's disappearance.Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi Sunday said the search would go on and extended his condolences to the next of kin. A majority of the passengers were Chinese."Today will be a tough day for the next of kin of passengers boarding the flight, our hearts are with you," Wang said at a press conference on the sidelines of the National People's Congress, China's Communist-controlled parliament."Malaysia Airlines has already started compensation work, we will support all necessary services for the next of kin and help safeguard your legitimate and lawful requests and interests."

#MH370AYearOn: Chinese relatives mark anniversary under police gaze-AFP | Updated: March 08, 2015-ASTRO AWANI

BEIJING: Chinese relatives of passengers on board the missing flight MH370 gathered under a heavy police presence Sunday to mark one year since the plane disappeared.About two thirds of those on board the Malaysia Airlines flight were Chinese, but relatives say they have faced harassment from authorities in their own country as they seek answers on the world's biggest aviation mystery.China's ruling Communist Party commonly clamps down in organised gatherings or collective expressions of anger as it seeks to enforce stability.Chinese relatives had planned to commemorate the disappearance of the Boeing 777 at a number of sites in Beijing, including the Malaysian embassy, the airport and the Lama Temple, a popular Tibetan Buddhist place of worship and tourist site.Dozens of uniformed security sealed the street around the diplomatic mission, an AFP reporter saw, while relatives said they had opted to avoid the airport as police were out in force.About 30 visited the Lama Temple, with around 10 entering the site in groups of two or three to pay their personal respects, as if attempting to keep a low profile.The remainder waited outside the temple in a group, wearing T-shirts saying "Pray for MH370", and waving placards to photographers reading "Keep searching for MH370".But most media had been moved on from the area by police, with one officer telling AFP that it was a regulation enforced by the temple."The ones wearing the clothes with the words 'Pray for MH370' would find it hard to get in (to the temple)," relatives' leader Steven Wang told AFP."We were originally planning to go the embassy or the airport, but I heard they are tons of police officers in the two places, especially the embassy. The police have enforced martial law in the area surrounding it," added Wang, whose mother was on the plane.Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi told a press conference on the sidelines of the National People's Congress, China's Communist-controlled parliament, that the search effort for MH370 would continue."Today will be a tough day for the next of kin of passengers on board the flight, our hearts are with you," he said, telling the relatives Beijing would "help safeguard your legitimate and lawful requests and interests".After waiting for about 90 minutes outside the temple, the relatives walked away to a nearby restaurant, under the close watch of police.

It was necessary to declare MH370 an 'accident' - Liow-T K Letchumy Tamboo, Astro Awani | Updated: March 08, 2015

It was necessary to declare MH370 an 'accident' - Liow-Exactly one year after the missing of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370, Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai shares his experience in managing the tragedy.
PUTRAJAYA:Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai was Malaysia’s Transport Minister when the disappearance of MH370 unfolded before us. Over the last one year, he has been the face of the search and rescue operations spearheaded by the government often addressing press conferences and speaking to agitated relatives of those on board the aircraft.In an exclusive chat with Astro AWANI, he speaks about the massive hunt for the plane that involved 26 countries and why it was necessary to declare MH370 an ‘accident’.AA: After a year, how do you define the efforts that have taken place, up until a point when we eventually find the aircraft? Tiong Lai: In remembering the first anniversary since the MH370 tragedy, I feel sad and always pray for the MH370 next-of-kin (NOK) so they can remain strong when facing these difficulties. I am sure Malaysians and the international community felt a sense of loss and we are always together as they face this difficult time. The Malaysian government is determined to continue with this search mission.Since this tragedy, we have launched a massive search in which 26 countries, 166 assets including 81 aircraft and 85 ships have been deployed. I also want to mention here that an international search team, including Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB)  and Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia are all working together in this search mission and we’ve done our best to make sure we are searching at the right place based on the data gathered by Inmarsat . An area of 60,000 square kilometres has been targeted and up until now, we are able to complete 26,000 square km, or 44 percent of the designated search area.AA: How do you see the process of engagement in terms of the family's welfare in the coming period? TL: We know we are giving priority to family members. And we have set up a NOK committee. We have formed a centre aimed at providing communication and support to the families in Beijing. We also have launched websites where they can receive the latest information about MH370. What we can do for the future -- I think that's important – is that we have announced that MH370 is an accident. This will help the family members to move forward and help solve several matters such as insurance etc. Their welfare has been taken care of by the government and we have ordered MAS to accelerate the compensation payment.

Q: What are the biggest challenges faced by the government in dealing with family members?

A: I am facing a big challenge because the family members come to me to get answers. When family members come to me for answers, I am still looking for the answers. And that is why the objective of this search mission, is to get answers.  To allow me to give you the best possible answer, I need the strength to perform a search mission. We are with the family members. We understand the feelings, the pain and sadness that they are facing right now and how we can assist them in facing the future.

Q: A lot can be learned from this tragedy such as proposing 'real time tracking' for flights. How can Malaysia convince the international parties in the industry to implement this?

A: Malaysia has brought this proposal to the international stage at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) meeting in Montreal. We proposed for the 'real time tracking' system to be installed in all commercial flights and this proposal was well received. I have met with the Minister of Transport United States, Australia and China, as well as the ICAO President and stressed that this system should be installed as soon as possible. This is because these incidents can happen to any aircraft. This also proves that there is room for improvement in the level of safety in the aviation industry. A committee overlooking this system has been established by the ICAO and they have accepted our proposal. An announcement will be made August 31 in this matter.

Q: Do you think the search mission will be successful?

A: The collaboration between countries in this search mission is astounding. We have gotten great support from Australia and China. Each country is giving is assets and financial assistance to ensure that this mission is carried out successfully. Secondly, cooperation from other international countries has made us focus on increasing the safety level in the aviation industry. I think ICAO was also shocked by this tragedy and they have admitted that there is more room for improvement in terms of safety. Every day there are eight million people who fly. Therefore this is an important industry for maintaining the safety of our passengers and our crew and not let any safety issues affect them.

Q: What aspects of the search mission are we looking at as we move on?

A: I want to thank the staff who helped us in the search mission in the Indian Ocean. They worked hard continuing the search mission for more than six, seven months now. We hope that this mission can continue and we hope we can find MH370. And cooperation from international countries is crucial because Malaysia alone cannot find this missing plane. We are confident that in the future we will continue our commitment and we hope and believe that we can find MH370.


JEFF WISE SITE Daily Intelligencer -February 23, 2015 2:37 p.m.-How Crazy Am I to Think I Actually Know Where That Malaysia Airlines Plane Is? By Jeff Wise-* Kinda crazy. (But also maybe right?)

In the year since the vanishing of MH370, I appeared on CNN more than 50 times, watched my spouse’s eyes glaze over at dinner, and fell in with a group of borderline-obsessive amateur aviation sleuths. A million theories bloomed, including my own.The unsettling oddness was there from the first moment, on March 8, when Malaysia Airlines announced that a plane from Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing, Flight 370, had disappeared over the South China Sea in the middle of the night. There had been no bad weather, no distress call, no wreckage, no eyewitness accounts of a fireball in the sky—just a plane that said good-bye to one air-traffic controller and, two minutes later, failed to say hello to the next. And the crash, if it was a crash, got stranger from there.My yearlong detour to Planet MH370 began two days later, when I got an email from an editor at Slate asking if I’d write about the incident. I’m a private pilot and science writer, and I wrote about the last big mysterious crash, of Air France 447 in 2009. My story ran on the 12th. The following morning, I was invited to go on CNN. Soon, I was on-air up to six times a day as part of its nonstop MH370 coverage. There was no intro course on how to be a cable-news expert. The Town Car would show up to take me to the studio, I’d sign in with reception, a guest-greeter would take me to makeup, I’d hang out in the greenroom, the sound guy would rig me with a mike and an earpiece, a producer would lead me onto the set, I’d plug in and sit in the seat, a producer would tell me what camera to look at during the introduction, we’d come back from break, the anchor would read the introduction to the story and then ask me a question or maybe two, I’d answer, then we’d go to break, I would unplug, wipe off my makeup, and take the car 43 blocks back uptown. Then a couple of hours later, I’d do it again. I was spending 18 hours a day doing six minutes of talking.As time went by, CNN winnowed its expert pool down to a dozen or so regulars who earned the on-air title “CNN aviation analysts”: airline pilots, ex-government honchos, aviation lawyers, and me. We were paid by the week, with the length of our contracts dependent on how long the story seemed likely to play out. The first couple were seven-day, the next few were 14-day, and the last one was a month. We’d appear solo, or in pairs, or in larger groups for panel discussions—whatever it took to vary the rhythm of perpetual chatter.1

I soon realized the germ of every TV-news segment is: “Officials say X.” The validity of the story derives from the authority of the source. The expert, such as myself, is on hand to add dimension or clarity. Truth flowed one way: from the official source, through the anchor, past the expert, and onward into the great sea of viewerdom.What made MH370 challenging to cover was, first, that the event was unprecedented and technically complex and, second, that the officials  were remarkably untrustworthy. For instance, the search started over the South China Sea, naturally enough, but soon after, Malaysia opened up a new search area in the Andaman Sea, 400 miles away. Why? Rumors swirled that military radar had seen the plane pull a 180. The Malaysian government explicitly denied it, but after a week of letting other countries search the South China Sea, the officials admitted that they’d known about the U-turn from day one.Of course, nothing turned up in the Andaman Sea, either. But in London, scientists for a British company called Inmarsat that provides telecommunications between ships and aircraft realized its database contained records of transmissions between MH370 and one of its satellites for the seven hours after the plane’s main communication system shut down. Seven hours! Maybe it wasn’t a crash after all—if it were, it would have been the slowest in history.2-These electronic “handshakes” or “pings” contained no actual information, but by analyzing the delay between the transmission and reception of the signal— called the burst timing offset, or BTO— Inmarsat could tell how far the plane had been from the satellite and thereby plot an arc along which the plane must have been at the moment of the final ping.Fig. 3 That arc stretched some 6,000 miles, but if the plane was traveling at normal airliner speeds, it would most likely have wound up around the ends of the arc—either in Kazakhstan and China in the north or the Indian Ocean in the south. My money was on Central Asia. But CNN quoted unnamed U.S.-government sources saying that the plane had probably gone south, so that became the dominant view.4-Other views were circulating, too, however.Fig. 5 A Canadian pilot named Chris Goodfellow went viral with his theory that MH370 suffered a fire that knocked out its communications gear and diverted from its planned route in order to attempt an emergency landing. Keith Ledgerwood, another pilot, proposed that hijackers had taken the plane and avoided detection by ducking into the radar shadow of another airliner. Amateur investigators pored over satellite images, insisting that wisps of cloud or patches of shrubbery were the lost plane. Courtney Love, posting on her Facebook time line a picture of the shimmering blue sea, wrote: “I’m no expert but up close this does look like a plane and an oil slick.”Fig. 6

Then: breaking news! On March 24, the Malaysian prime minister, Najib Razak, announced that a new kind of mathematical analysis proved that the plane had in fact gone south. This new math involved another aspect of the handshakes called the burst frequency offset, or BFO, a measure of changes in the signal’s wavelength, which is partly determined by the relative motion of the airplane and the satellite. That the whole southern arc lay over the Indian Ocean meant that all the passengers and crew would certainly be dead by now. This was the first time in history that the families of missing passengers had been asked to accept that their loved ones were dead because a secret math equation said so. Fig. 7 Not all took it well. In Beijing, outraged next-of-kin marched to the Malaysian Embassy, where they hurled water bottles and faced down paramilitary soldiers in riot gear.Fig. 7. Making matters worse, the Malaysians informed some of the passengers by text message.Guided by Inmarsat’s calculations, Australia, which was coordinating the investigation, moved the search area 685 miles to the northeast, to a 123,000-square-mile patch of ocean west of Perth. Ships and planes found much debris on the surface, provoking a frenzy of BREAKING NEWS banners, but all turned out to be junk. Adding to the drama was a ticking clock. The plane’s two black boxes had an ultrasonic sound beacon that sent out acoustic signals through the water. (Confusingly, these also were referred to as “pings,” though of a completely different nature. These new pings suddenly became the important ones.) If searchers could spot plane debris, they’d be able to figure out where the plane had most likely gone down, then trawl with underwater microphones to listen for the pings. The problem was that the pingers  had a battery life of only 30 days.On April 4, with only a few days’ pinger life remaining, an Australian ship lowered a special microphone called a towed pinger locator into the water.Fig. 8 Miraculously, the ship detected four pings. Search officials were jubilant, as was the CNN greenroom. Everyone was ready for an upbeat ending.The only Debbie Downer was me. I pointed out that the pings were at the wrong frequency and too far apart to have been generated by stationary black boxes. For the next two weeks, I was the odd man out on Don Lemon’s six-guest panel blocks, gleefully savaged on-air by my co-experts.The Australians lowered an underwater robotFig. 9 to scan the seabed for the source of the pings. There was nothing. Of course, by the rules of TV news, the game wasn’t over until an official said so. But things were stretching thin. One night, an underwater-search veteran taking part in a Don Lemon panel agreed with me that the so-called acoustic-ping detections had to be false. Backstage after the show, he and another aviation analyst nearly came to blows. “You don’t know what you’re talking about! I’ve done extensive research!” the analyst shouted. “There’s nothing else those pings could be!”

Soon after, the story ended the way most news stories do: We just stopped talking about it. A month later, long after the caravan had moved on, a U.S. Navy officer said publicly that the pings had not come from MH370. The saga fizzled out with as much satisfying closure as the final episode of Lost.The Search for MH370-Once the surface search was called off, it was the rabble’s turn. In late March, New Zealand– based space scientist Duncan Steel began posting a series of essays on Inmarsat orbital mechanics on his website.Fig. 10 The comments section quickly grew into a busy forum in which technically sophisticated MH370 obsessives answered one another’s questions and pitched ideas. The open platform attracted a varied crew, from the mostly intelligent and often helpful to the deranged and abusive. Eventually, Steel declared that he was sick of all the insults and shut down his comments section. The party migrated over to my blog, 10. It was Steel who very early on realized that the satellite that MH370 was communicating with, 3F-1, was not truly geostationary but wobbled in its orbit, a crucial detail upon which the whole story would turn out to hinge. This image shows the path the satellite took during MH370’s final six hours.Meanwhile, a core of engineers and scientists had split off via group email and included me. We called ourselves the Independent Group,11 or IG. If you found yourself wondering how a satellite with geosynchronous orbit responds to a shortage of hydrazine, all you had to do was ask.12 The IG’s first big break came in late May, when the Malaysians finally released the raw Inmarsat data. By combining the data with other reliable information, we were able to put together a time line of the plane’s final hours: Forty minutes after the plane took off from Kuala Lumpur, MH370 went electronically dark. For about an hour after that, the plane was tracked on radar following a zigzag course and traveling fast. Then it disappeared from military radar. Three minutes later, the communications system logged back onto the satellite. This was a major revelation. It hadn’t stayed connected, as we’d always assumed. This event corresponded with the first satellite ping. Over the course of the next six hours, the plane generated six more handshakes as it moved away from the satellite.The final handshake wasn’t completed. This led to speculation that MH370 had run out of fuel and lost power, causing the plane to lose its connection to the satellite. An emergency power system would have come on, providing enough electricity for the satcom to start reconnecting before the plane crashed. Where exactly it would have gone down down was still unknown—the speed of the plane, its direction, and how fast it was climbing were all sources of uncertainty.The MH370 obsessives continued attacking the problem. Since I was the proprietor of the major web forum, it fell on me to protect the fragile cocoon of civility that nurtured the conversation. A single troll could easily derail everything. The worst offenders were the ones who seemed intelligent but soon revealed themselves as Believers. They’d seized on a few pieces of faulty data and convinced themselves that they’d discovered the truth. One was sure the plane had been hit by lightning and then floated in the South China Sea, transmitting to the satellite on battery power. When I kicked him out, he came back under aliases. I wound up banning anyone who used the word “lightning.”

By October, officials from the Australian Transport Safety Board had begun an ambitiously scaled scan of the ocean bottom, and, in a surprising turn, it would include the area suspected by the IG.13 For those who’d been a part of the months-long effort, it was a thrilling denouement. The authorities, perhaps only coincidentally, had landed on the same conclusion as had a bunch of randos from the internet. Now everyone was in agreement about where to look.While jubilation rang through the  email threads, I nursed a guilty secret: I wasn’t really in agreement. For one, I was bothered by the lack of plane debris. And then there was the data. To fit both the BTO and BFO data well, the plane would need to have flown slowly, likely in a curving path. But the more plausible autopilot settings and known performance constraints would have kept the plane flying faster and more nearly straight south. I began to suspect that the problem was with the BFO numbers—that they hadn’t been generated in the way we believed.14 If that were the case, perhaps the flight had gone north after all.For a long time, I resisted even considering the possibility that someone might have tampered with the data. That would require an almost inconceivably sophisticated hijack operation, one so complicated and technically demanding that it would almost certainly need state-level backing. This was true conspiracy-theory material.And yet, once I started looking for evidence, I found it. One of the commenters on my blog had learned that the compartment on 777s called the electronics-and-equipment bay, or E/E bay, can be accessed via a hatch in the front of the first-class cabin.15 If perpetrators got in there, a long shot, they would have access to equipment that could be used to change the BFO value of its satellite transmissions. They could even take over the flight controls.16-I realized that I already had a clue that hijackers had been in the E/E bay. Remember the satcom system disconnected and then rebooted three minutes after the plane left military radar behind. I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out how a person could physically turn the satcom off and on. The only way, apart from turning off half the entire electrical system, would be to go into the E/E bay and pull three particular circuit breakers. It is a maneuver that only a sophisticated operator would know how to execute, and the only reason I could think for wanting to do this was so that Inmarsat would find the records and misinterpret them. They turned on the satcom in order to provide a false trail of bread crumbs leading away from the plane’s true route.It’s not possible to spoof the BFO data on just any plane. The plane must be of a certain make and model, 17equipped with a certain make and model of satellite-communications equipment,18 and flying a certain kind of route19 in a region covered by a certain kind of Inmarsat satellite.20 If you put all the conditions together, it seemed unlikely that any aircraft would satisfy them. Yet MH370 did.I imagine everyone who comes up with a new theory, even a complicated one, must experience one particularly delicious moment, like a perfect chord change, when disorder gives way to order. This was that moment for me. Once I threw out the troublesome BFO data, all the inexplicable coincidences and mismatched data went away. The answer became wonderfully simple. The plane must have gone north.

Using the BTO data set alone, I was able to chart the plane’s speed and general path, which happened to fall along national borders.Fig. 21 Flying along borders, a military navigator told me, is a good way to avoid being spotted on radar. A Russian intelligence plane nearly collided with a Swedish airliner while doing it over the Baltic Sea in December. If I was right, it would have wound up in Kazakhstan, just as search officials recognized early on.Fig. 21. In particular, the flight path skirts the border of China and just misses the disputed and much-watched India-Pakistan border.There aren’t a lot of places to land a plane as big as the 777, but, as luck would have it, I found one: a place just past the last handshake ring called Baikonur Cosmodrome.Fig. 22 Baikonur is leased from Kazakhstan by Russia. A long runway there called Yubileyniy was built for a Russian version of the Space Shuttle. If the final Inmarsat ping rang at the start of MH370’s descent, it would have set up nicely for an approach to Yubileyniy’s runway 24.Fig. 23: To the best of my knowledge, this airstrip is the only one in the world built specifically for self-landing airplanes. The 777, which was developed in the ’90s, has the ability to autoland. From a hijacking perspective, this feature allows people who don’t have commercial-piloting experience to abscond with an airplane and get it safely on the ground, so long as they know what autopilot settings to input.If MH370 did land at Yubileyniy, it had 90 minutes to either hide or refuel and takeoff again before the sun rose. Hiding would be hard. This part of Kazakhstan is flat and treeless, and there are no large buildings nearby. The complex has been slowly crumbling for decades, with satellite images taken years apart showing little change, until, in October, 2013, a disused six-story building began to be dismantled. Next to it appeared a rectangle of bulldozed dirt with a trench at one end.What got my attention was the size of the thing. I’ve added the silhouette of a 777 for scale.Work proceeded deep into the winter. In the four days before the following image was taken on January 9, 2014, the temperature fluctuated between -15F and +14F.By March, the building was gone and everything had been bulldozed flat. Eight days after MH370 vanished, it looked like this.Construction experts told me these images most likely show site remediation: taking apart a building and burying the debris. Yet why, after decades, did the Russians suddenly need to clear this one lonely spot, in the heart of a frigid winter, finishing just before MH370 disappeared? Whether the plane went to Baikonur or elsewhere in Kazakhstan, my suspicion fell on Russia. With technically advanced satellite, avionics, and aircraft-manufacturing industries, Russia was a paranoid fantasist’s dream.24 (The Russians, or at least Russian-backed militia, were also suspected in the downing of Malaysia Flight 17 in July.) Why, exactly, would Putin want to steal a Malaysian passenger plane? I had no idea. Maybe he wanted to demonstrate to the United States, which had imposed the first punitive sanctions on Russia the day before, that he could hurt the West and its allies anywhere in the world. Maybe what he was really after were the secrets of one of the plane’s passengers.25 Maybe there was something strategically crucial in the hold. Or maybe he wanted the plane to show up unexpectedly somewhere someday, packed with explosives. There’s no way to know. That’s the thing about MH370 theory-making: It’s hard to come up with a plausible motive for an act that has no apparent beneficiaries.As it happened, there were three ethnically Russian men aboard MH370, two of them Ukrainian-passport holders from Odessa.26 Could any of these men, I wondered, be special forces or covert operatives? As I looked at the few pictures available on the internet, they definitely struck me as the sort who might battle Liam Neeson in midair.Fig. 27. I was later able to confirm that they worked for Nika-Mebel, an Odessa furniture company that sells online only, accepts only cash payment, provides no landline number or address, and had no content on its website before 2013. Both Nika-Mebel and the men’s families refused to talk to me. This picture of the men was posted by a friend on, the Russian version of Facebook.

About the two Ukrainians, almost nothing was available online.Fig. 27 I was able to find out a great deal about the Russian,Fig. 28 who was sitting in first class about 15 feet from the E/E-bay hatch.Fig. 29 He ran a lumber company in Irkutsk, and his hobby was technical diving under the ice of Lake Baikal.30 I hired Russian speakers from Columbia University to make calls to Odessa and Irkutsk, then hired researchers on the ground.31The more I discovered, the more coherent the story seemed to me.32 I found a peculiar euphoria in thinking about my theory, which I thought about all the time. One of the diagnostic questions used to determine whether you’re an alcoholic is whether your drinking has interfered with your work. By that measure, I definitely had a problem. Once the CNN checks stopped coming, I entered a long period of intense activity that earned me not a cent. Instead, I was forking out my own money for translators and researchers and satellite photos. And yet I was happy.Fig. 29. At position B. The Ukrainians were at D and C—underneath the satellite antenna. Photo:, it occurred to me that, for all the passion I had for my theory, I might be the only person in the world who felt this way. Neurobiologist Robert A. Burton points out in his book On Being Certain that the sensation of being sure about one’s beliefs is an emotional response separate from the processing of those beliefs. It’s something that the brain does subconsciously to protect itself from wasting unnecessary processing power on problems for which you’ve already found a solution that’s good enough. “ ‘That’s right’ is a feeling you get so that you can move on,” Burton told me. It’s a kind of subconscious laziness. Just as it’s harder to go for a run than to plop onto the sofa, it’s harder to reexamine one’s assumptions than it is to embrace certainty. At one end of the spectrum of skeptics are scientists, who by disposition or training resist the easy path; at the other end are conspiracy theorists, who’ll leap effortlessly into the sweet bosom of certainty. So where did that put me?

Propounding some new detail of my scenario to my wife over dinner one night, I noticed a certain glassiness in her expression. “You don’t seem entirely convinced,” I suggested.She shrugged.“Okay,” I said. “What do you think is the percentage chance that I’m right?”“I don’t know,” she said. “Five percent?” 33-Springtime came to the southern ocean, and search vessels began their methodical cruise along the area jointly identified by the IG and the ATSB, dragging behind it a sonar rig that imaged the seabed in photographic detail. Within the IG, spirits were high. The discovery of the plane would be the triumphant final act of a remarkable underdog story.By December, when the ships had still not found a thing, I felt it was finally time to go public. In six sequentially linked pages that readers could only get to by clicking through—to avoid anyone reading the part where I suggest Putin masterminded the hijack without first hearing how I got there—I laid out my argument. I called it “The Spoof.”I got a respectful hearing but no converts among the IG. A few sites wrote summaries of my post. The International Business Times headlined its story “MH370: Russia’s Grand Plan to Provoke World War III, Says Independent Investigator” and linked directly to the Putin part. Somehow, the airing of my theory helped quell my obsession. My gut still tells me I’m right, but my brain knows better than to trust my gut.Last month, the Malaysian government declared that the aircraft is considered to have crashed and all those aboard are presumed dead. Malaysia’s transport minister told a local television station that a key factor in the decision was the fact that the search mission for the aircraft failed to achieve its objective. Meanwhile, new theories are still being hatched. One, by French writer Marc Dugain, states that the plane was shot down by the U.S. because it was headed toward the military bases on the islands of Diego Garcia as a flying bomb.34-The search failed to deliver the airplane, but it has accomplished some other things: It occupied several thousand hours of worldwide airtime; it filled my wallet and then drained it; it torpedoed the idea that the application of rationality to plane disasters would inevitably yield ever-safer air travel. And it left behind a faint, lingering itch in the back of my mind, which I believe will quite likely never go away.Jeff Wise is the author of The Plane That Wasn’t There-*This article appears in the February 23, 2015 issue of New York Magazine.

Malaysia: 'Back to the drawing board' if jet not found soon-Associated Press-By EILEEN NG-mar 7,15-yahoonews

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — If the massive undersea search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 turns up nothing by the end of May, the three countries leading the effort will go "back to the drawing board," Malaysia's transport minister said Saturday, a day before the anniversary of the plane's disappearance.Liow Tiong Lai told a small group of foreign reporters that he remains cautiously optimistic the Boeing 777 is in the area of the southern Indian Ocean where the search is ongoing.Despite the exhaustive search for the plane, which disappeared last March 8 during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, no trace of the jet has been found. In late January, Malaysia's government formally declared the incident an accident and said all 239 people on board were presumed dead."By the end of May, if we still can't find the plane, then we will have to go back to the drawing board," Liow said.Asked if Malaysia might stop the search if there are no new leads by the end of May, when bad weather usually sets in, Liow said it was "too early to pre-empt anything now," and that the government would continue to rely on the group of experts leading the hunt."We stand guided by the expert team," he said."I am cautiously optimistic it should be in this area," he said, adding that "we need directions, we need plans, we need to review all the data that we have."Ships looking for debris from the plane on the ocean floor off the coast of western Australia have so far scoured 44 percent of the 60,000-square-kilometer (23,166-square-mile) area the search has been focused on, Liow said. In the latest report he received Friday, he said the search team had identified 10 hard objects that still need to be analyzed.Such findings, which often include trash and cargo containers from passing ships, have been common during the search, and so far no trace of wreckage has been located.Liow said that Australia, Malaysia and China would meet next month to discuss the next steps in the search. Most of the plane's passengers were Chinese.Australian Transport Minister Warren Truss said last week that if the plane isn't found by May, one option is to expand the hunt beyond the current search zone to a wider surrounding area.Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Thursday, "I can't promise that the search will go on at this intensity forever," but added that "we will continue our very best efforts to resolve this mystery and provide some answers."Liow said an interim report on the investigation — a requirement under international civil aviation regulations — would be presented to the Malaysian government on Saturday and released to the public on Sunday. He didn't comment on it.But he outlined measures his government has already undertaken, including plans to upgrade radar systems to cope with bigger traffic volume and a new tracking system on Malaysia Airlines flights that sends aircraft data every 15 minutes, instead of the previous 30 to 40 minutes. Liow said the government has allocated 700 million ringgit ($190 million) for the improved radar.He said that the radar upgrade had been in the works even before Flight 370 disappeared. The plane dropped off civilian radar when its transponder and other equipment were switched off shortly after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur, but was tracked for some time by Malaysia's military radar as it headed south across the country toward the Indian Ocean.

Better plane tracking trialed after Malaysia plane mystery-Associated Press-By KRISTEN GELINEAU February 28, 2015 11:42 PM-yahoonews

SYDNEY (AP) — Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia will lead a trial to enhance the tracking of aircraft over remote oceans, allowing planes to be more easily found should they vanish like Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Australia's transport minister said Sunday.The announcement comes one week ahead of the anniversary of the disappearance of Flight 370, which vanished last year on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board. No trace of the plane has been found.Airservices Australia, a government-owned agency that manages the country's airspace, will work with its Malaysian and Indonesian counterparts to test the new method, which would enable planes to be tracked every 15 minutes, rather than the previous rate of 30 to 40 minutes, Australian Transport Minister Warren Truss said.The trial is expected to use satellite-based positioning technology already on board 90 percent of long-haul aircraft that transmits the plane's current position and its next two planned positions, said Airservices Australia chairman Angus Houston, who helped lead the search for Flight 370.The trial would boost the frequency in which planes would automatically report their position, allowing air traffic controllers to better track them, Houston said."This is not a silver bullet," Houston said. "But it is an important step in delivering immediate improvements to the way we currently track aircraft while more comprehensive solutions are developed."There is no requirement for real-time tracking of commercial aircraft and ever since Flight 370 disappeared, air safety regulators and airlines have been trying to agree on how extensively planes should be tracked. The Boeing 777 veered sharply off-course and vanished from radar shortly into its flight on March 8.An international team of experts who analyzed a series of hourly transmissions between the plane and a satellite later determined that the plane traveled for another seven hours before crashing somewhere within a remote 60,000 square kilometer (23,000 square mile) patch of the Indian Ocean. An extensive, monthslong search of that area is still underway, but nothing has yet been found.


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

35  Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will break the bow of Elam,(IRAN/BUSHEHR NUCLEAR SITE) the chief of their might.(MOST DANGEROUS NUKE SITE IN IRAN)
36  And upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven,(IRANIANS SCATTERED OR MASS IMIGARATION) and will scatter them toward all those winds; and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts of Elam shall not come.(WORLD IMMIGRATION)
37  For I will cause Elam (IRAN-BUSHEHR NUKE SITE) to be dismayed before their enemies, and before them that seek their life: and I will bring evil upon them, even my fierce anger,(ISRAELS NUKES POSSIBLY) saith the LORD; and I will send the sword after them, till I have consumed them:(IRAN AND ITS NUKE SITES DESTROYED)


1 And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.


7 Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble;(ISRAEL) but he shall be saved out of it.

DANIEL 12:1,4
1 And at that time shall Michael(ISRAELS WAR ANGEL) stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people:(ISRAEL) and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation(May 14,48) even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro,(WORLD TRAVEL,IMMIGRATION) and knowledge shall be increased.(COMPUTERS,CHIP IMPLANTS ETC)

3 And I will bless them (WHO SUPPORT ISRAEL) that bless thee, and curse him (THAT HATES ISRAEL) that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

ISAIAH 41:11
11  Behold, all they that were incensed against thee (ISRAEL) shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing;(DESTROYED) and they that strive with thee shall perish.(ISRAEL HATERS WILL BE TOTALLY DESTROYED)


Report: Iran's Supreme Leader Hospitalized in Critical Condition-Arab media reports Ayatollah Khamenei brought for urgent care in Tehran after several of his body systems fail.By Ari Yashar-First Publish: 3/5/2015, 7:27 AMISRAELNATIONALNEWS

Just in time for Purim, the Jewish holiday celebrating the redemption of the Jewish people from plots of genocide in ancient Persia, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was reportedly hospitalized in critical condition on Wednesday.According to Arab media reports cited by Israel Hayom, Khamenei was urgently brought to a hospital in Tehran after several of his bodily systems had already failed.The reports add that the 76-year-old supreme leader of the Islamic regime has undergone surgery and remains in critical condition.Recently it has been reported that he was suffering from prostate cancer which had spread to additional parts of his body, and due to his poor health condition he had largely ceased taking part in public events.The hospitalization comes just days after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed Congress on Tuesday to warn of the existential threat to Israel and the world that Iran poses, urging America to avoid the deal being formed on Iran's nuclear deal ahead of a March 31 deadline for talks.Lending some credence to the reports is the fact that Khamenei's official Twitter account hasn't been updated since Netanyahu's speech on Tuesday, when he wrote the "US is now facing a #dilemma. It should either stop unlimited services to #Israel or they’ll lose more face in the world."Khamenei has threatened Israel with destruction numerous times in the past; last October he used his annual message to Hajj pilgrims heading to Mecca to call for Muslim unity to bring Israel's "annihilation."And last November he launched a series of anti-Israel Tweets, writing in one "This barbaric, wolflike & infanticidal regime of #Israel which spares no crime has no cure but to be annihilated."Khamenei has demanded Iran be allowed to increase to 190,000 centrifuges in the deal being formulated, an amount that would allow it to produce a nuclear arsenal within weeks.And yet it was revealed last November that US President Barack Obama had sent secret letters to Khamenei in an overture looking for an alliance and cooperation in the fight against Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists in Iraq and Syria. Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism, and as Netanyahu noted in his speech, has seized influence in Yemen through the Houthis, Lebanon through Hezbollah, Iraq by taking a lead role in the ISIS fight, and Syria by propping up President Bashar al-Assad militarily.

Who Will be Iran's Next Supreme Leader?-Amid reports of Khamenei's hospitalization in critical condition, Iran expert speculates who will take the helm of the Islamic regime.By Gedalyah Reback-First Publish: 3/5/2015, 2:48 PM-ISRAELNATIONALNEWS

Arab reports on Wednesday indicated that Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran, was hospitalized with multiple organ failure, giving the speculation about his replacement an added sense of urgency.There have been rumors about Khamenei's health declining before, and it is in no way clear that the Ayatollah will die this week or next month, or any time in the next couple years.But to find out who is next in line, Arutz Sheva spoke with Meir Javedanfar, an expert in Iranian politics and instructor at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzilya, on the possibilities of his successor.“There has been nothing publicly about it - only assumptions. In my opinion, the most likely candidate is Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi. He is close to the Supreme Leader, the Revolutionary Guards and is very senior in Iraq," Javedanfar said.As Javedanfar described in another article on the topic last September (which can be viewed here), Shahroudi's influence in Iraq is oddly strong.Shahroudi is close to the Iraqi Da’wa party, the party of former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and current Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. What makes him an even more tempting candidate for the Iranian elite is that Shahroudi is reportedly the go-to religious figure for Maliki and Abadi – their marja al-taqlid.“A marja al-taqlid serves as a ‘source of emulation’ for Shi'ite Muslims” akin to a gadol ha’dor for Orthodox Jews. “A religious source of emulation carries religious weight and influence at minimum as well as political influence, especially in a religiously divided country like Iraq,” as Mr. Javedanfar described in his September article.While continuing to stress that Shahroudi is by no means a shoe-in – information is extremely scarce on who has influence on the final choice and if there are more obscure candidates planning to seek the nomination – Shahroudi has strong connections in both Iraq and Iran.He was born in Iraq, fled in 1980 to escape Saddam Hussein and represented Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr in Iran just before Hussein executed al-Sadr. He integrated into Iran’s politics, running the country’s judiciary for 10 years (a job reserved for the Supreme Leader’s closest political allies).Since 2011, he has had an office open in Iraq representing the Supreme Leader’s office, making his connection with Iraq’s Prime Ministers much more intimate.The Assembly of Experts, a religious body that chooses the Supreme Leader, might not be as important as Shahdouri’s personal connections.“Khamenei will probably choose his successor formally. But the Assembly of Experts is not as powerful as it used to be. There is heavy Revolutionary Guard influence there now. There will be a lot of lobbying before it even gets to the Assembly. The decision will probably be made beforehand.”Shahroudi stands out because he might be able to accomplish something that Khamenei, and even the Islamic Republic’s founder Khomeini, could not. He could appeal to the majority of Shii'te Muslims as the most followed marja al-taqlid.“With Shahroudi, that’s the thing," said Javedanfar. "If he were appointed then he would also be followed in Iraq.”This is important because Iraqis still see their religion as more of a guidance system. The most influential Grand Ayatollah and marja of the era is widely considered to be Ali Sistani in Iraq, who opposes the religious justification for the Islamic Republic. Baghdad may have a lot of religious politicians, but the country does not give absolute power to scholars.That is why the Iranian elite might aim for someone with more of a political background than a religious, scholarly one. Ali Khamenei was considered a relatively junior cleric when he won the position after Ruhollah Khomeini’s death in 1989, but his choice was facilitated by some fundamental changes to Iranian law that Khomeini might not have agreed with.“In 1989, the Iranian constitution was changed to give political experience more weight when choosing a Supreme Leader. This is some people think that Khamenei’s son could become Supreme Leader, even though he has much less religious scholarship behind him. He is not even an Ayatollah, let alone a marja," said the expert.For Iranians the issues with the system might not be as much ideological as they are experiential. Iranians have been under formal religious government for over 35 years, and according to Mr. Javedanfar are fed up with the system.He comments “I think people are just sick of the system. Many people travel to Qom (a major seminary city in Iran) and speak with the students there. They are worried about their reputation outside Iran, about how the religious (sic) is forced upon the population. When people see corruption at the top, they worry about their reputations in places like Iraq where religion has more of an advisory role.”Considering other candidates, he has a hard time seeing anyone else other than Shahdouri as an obvious replacement, noting "again, this is all just speculation, but other popular names have issues. (Former President) Ali Rafsanjani is controversial with conservatives. Mesbah Yazdi is considered too extreme and he is older. He also reportedly has a number of health problems.”It could just be that Iranian distaste for cronyism will lead to the choice of a more established scholarly candidate over a political figure Iranians expect to be corrupt.Javedanfar is constantly careful to remind that many rumors about declining health are simply that – rumors. Many people have tried guessing who might be next in line for a while, but they are working with very little information. He includes himself in that.But he adds that in order to make sure the diverse appeal of Khamenei to different Shi'ite communities is maintained, "they will have to choose someone who is established.”

Obama’s New Empowered And Favored Muslim Ally, Iran, Foresees A Coming Victory So They Erected Giant Posters Of The Image Of The Muslim Antichrist With Jesus Submitting To Him-By Shoebat Foundation on March 4, 2015 in Featured, General-By Walid Shoebat.

Islam has several Hadiths (saying of Muhammad) regarding Jesus praying behind the Muslim Mahdi. Today, Iran, Obama’s empowered and favored Mid East Muslim ally is excited foreseeing the coming victory against the Jews and the Christians. For that they are having giant posters portraying Jesus submitting to the will of the Muslim Mahdi standing and praying behind him. FARS News, Iran’s news media stated “This banner was designed to show the final victory, led by Ibn al-Hasan Imam Mahdi”.

Jesus appears dressed in blue standing humbly behind the Muslim Mahdi

The collection of narrations related about the prophecy that “Jesus” will follow Mahdi’s lead in salat (“prayer”) after he descends to conquer the Jews and the Christians. The prophecy is narrated in numerous hadith collections. A total of 29 Hadiths relate the return of Jesus, and his prayer with Mahdi’s lead.Muslims believe that Jesus is alive according to Quran and he will be Muslim and will appear just before judgment day which Iran perceives is coming soon.When I read the Bible and found so much that describes the Mahdi who I had learned so much about growing up, the shock to me was that, while a character identical to my Mahdi was seen throughout the pages of the Bible, this character was not called “the Mahdi”, but rather “the Antichrist.” The Mahdi to Sunni Muslims was “The rightly-guided and awaited One.” Shi’a Muslims refer to him as Sahib Al-Zaman “The Lord of the Age.” This is exactly what the Bible calls Satan: “The lord of the age” (II Corinthians 4:4).You might think that this is simply a coincidence, but there are dozens of similarities between Islam’s system and that of the Antichrist. It is difficult to claim mere coincidence. It is not:

1424751221 - In hope of his appearance” Imam Mahdi

But what should really frighten everyone is that this Antichrist story is not simply a nightmare story that one reads about in some ancient sacred texts, but it is rapidly becoming a reality right before our eyes.





The Quran mentions five things that a Muslim must believe in order to be a Muslim. These five things have, as a result, become a creed of sorts within Islam. From the Quran we read:

It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the scripture and the prophets...Surah 2:177 (Pickthall)


Among the Major signs, the most anticpated and central sign that Muslims are awaiting is the coming of a man known as, The Mahdi. In Arabic, al-Mahdi means - The guided one. He is also sometimes referred to by Shi'a Muslims as Sahib Al-Zaman or Al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar which translated means - The Lord of the Age and - The awaited one. The Maudi is the first of the major signs.


A man from the family of Muhammad.

The world will not come to pass until a man from among my family, whose name will be my name, rules over the Arabs.

(one of Muhammad's wives)
The Prophet said: The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatimah.

A Universal Leader For all Muslins.

If you see him, go and give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Vice-regent (Khalifa) of Allah, the Mahdi.

He will pave the way for and establish the government of the family(or community) of Muhammad....Every believer will be obligated to support him.

The Ruler of the World.

The Mahdi will establish right and justice in the world and eliminate evil and corruption. He will fight against the enemies of the Muslims who would be victorious.

He will reappear on the appointed day, and then he will fight against the forces of evil, lead a world revolution and set up a new world order based on justice, righeousness and virtue...Ultimately the righteous will take the world administration in their hands and Islam will be victorious over all religions.

The Army of Black Flags.

Hadith indicate that black flags coming from the area of Khorasan will signify the appearance of the Mahdi is nigh. Khorasan is in todays Iran, andsome scholars have said that this hadith means when the black flags appear from central Asia. i.e. in the direction of Khosasan, then the appearance of the Mahdi is imminent.

The messager of Allah said: The black banners will come from the east and their hearts will be as firm as iron. Whoever hears of them should join them and give allegiance, even if it means crawling across snow.

The conquering of Israel.

Islamic tradition pictures the Mahdi as joining with the army of Muslim warriors carrying black flags. The Mahdi will then lead this army to Israel and re-conquer it for Islam. The Jews will be slaughtered until very few remain and Jerusalem will become the location of the Mahdi's rule over the earth.

The Miraculous provider who will be loved by all.

It is said that the Mahdi will have control over the wind and the rain and the crops. Under the Mahdi's rule, the world will live in prosperity.

The timing of the Mahdi's reign.

While there is more than one tradition regarding the nature and timing of the Mahdi's ascendancy to power, there is one particular hadith that places this event at the time of a final peace agreement between the Arabs and the Romans (Romans should be interpreted as referring to Christians, or more generally, The West). Although this peace agreement is made with the Romans, it is said to be mediated specifically through a Jew from the priestly lineage of Aaron. The peace agreement will be made for a period of seven years.

Al-Mahdi, The Rider on a White Horse.

It is clear that this man is the Mahdi who will ride the White horse and judge by the Quran (with justice) and with whom will be men with marks of prostration on their foreheads (Marks on their foreheads from bowing in prayer with their head to the ground five times daily.

Al-Mahdi the Miraculous Archeologist.

In one final very interesting series of traditions regarding the Mahdi we find that he is said to produce some previously undiscovered Bible scrolls and even the Ark of the Covenant.


1-The Mahdi is Islams Primary Messiah figure.
2-He will be a descendant of Muhammad. (Muhammad bin Abdullah)
3-He will be a very devout Muslim.
4-He will be an unparalleled spiritual, political and military world leader.
5-He will emerge after a Period of great turmoil and suffering upon the earth.
6-He will establish justice and righteousness throughout the world and eradicate tyranny and oppression.
7-He will be the Caliph and Imam (Vice-regent and leader) of Muslims worldwide.
8-He will lead a world revolution and establish a new world order (One World Government).
9-He will lead military action against all those who oppose him.
10-He will invade many countries.
11-He will make a seven-year peace treaty with a Jew of priestly lineage.
12-He will conquer Israel for Islam and lead the faithful Muslims in a final slaughter/battle against Jews.
13-He will establish the new Islamic world headquarters from Jerusalem.
14-He will rule for seven years.
15-He will cause Islam to be the only religion practiced on the earth.
16-He will appear riding on a white horse.
17-He will discover some previously undiscovered biblical manuscripts that he will use to argue with the Jews and cause some Jews to convert to Islam.
18-He will also rediscover the Ark of the Covenant from the Sea of Galilee, which he will bring to Jerusalem.
19-He will have supernatural power from Allah over the wind and rain and crops.
20-He will possess and distribute enormous amounts of wealth.
21-He will be loved by all the people of the earth.


Saturday, March 07, 2015


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

5  Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.

JOB 40:18
18  His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

5 As birds flying,(PLANES) so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem;(WITH PLANES) defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it.(NUKE OR BOMB ISRAELS ENEMIES)

NEWS FOR QZ 8501-A320-200 ON MISSING PLANE DAYS 51 - 00   (D-69)   (D-68)   (D-67)   (D-66)   (D-65)       (D-64) (D-63) (D-62) (D-61) (D-60) (D-59) (D-58) (D-57) (D-56) (D-55) (D-54) (D-53) (D-52) (D-51)

updates in small type-96 BODIES OF THE 104 RECOVERED OF THE 162 ON FLIGHT QZ 8501 HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED SO FAR AS OF THIS DAY.MAR 10TH WILL BE THE LAST SEARCH DAY FOR BODIES.However, smaller-scale SAR operations with three vessels and a team of divers will be carried out for seven more days, after which all SAR operations will be officially terminated.

Where is the jet? Malaysia sets new deadline to end the search for MH370-One year after the crash, no traces of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 have been found. Malaysia government says it will go "back to drawing board" if MH370 is not found by May.Christian Science Monitor-By Samantha Laine-mar 7,15-yahoonews

A year after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared, with all 239 passengers en route to Beijing, there has yet to be a trace of the Boeing 777.Malaysia’s transport minister Liow Tiong Lai said that while he remains hopeful that the search for MH370  in the southern Indian Ocean will produce results, they will be forced to “go back to the drawing board” if nothing is recovered by the end of May.The news comes almost exactly a year after the aircraft disappeared, which occurred on March 8, 2014. In January, the Malaysian government formally declared the the case an accident and the 239 passengers are presumed deceased.The mysterious disappearance of the aircraft has prompted the industry to look hard at how to track jets when over the open sea. Airlines and regulators spent the past year debating how much flight tracking is necessary, balancing the economic costs against reassuring travelers another plane won't disappear. Now a plan is moving forward that would require airlines, by the end of 2016, to know their jets' positions every 15 minutes.Meanwhile, the search for MH370 continues. Australia, China, and Malaysia have been scouring a 23,166-square-mile (60,000-square-kilometer) section of the southern Indian Ocean in search of debris. Thus far, they have covered about 44 percent of the area, and in that time have discovered multiple hard objects, 10 of which still need to be analyzed. However, the common discoveries have to this point been cargo containers fallen from passing ships and garbage. No trace of the missing plane has been found.“I can't promise that the search will go on at this intensity forever,” Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Thursday, reported the Associated Press. "[W]e will continue our very best efforts to resolve this mystery and provide some answers."The investigation teams released an interim report to the Malaysian government today on the findings of the last year’s search for MH370. They will publicly release the report Sunday, March 8, the one-year anniversary of the disappearance. Some of the missing passengers’ next-of-kin are questioning the government's decision to release the report at this time, which will occur a few hours before a remembrance ceremony.Grace Subathirai Nathan, the daughter of missing MH370 passenger Anne Catherine Daisy, said that she was disappointed that the government did not consider the effect it would have on those whose loved ones were involved in the incident.“We are in so much pain at this time that we still have no news of our loved ones,” the 26-year-old lawyer told Malay Mail Online. “What is the value of releasing this report on the 8th, minutes before the official start time of our [next-of-kin]  event . . . Can’t they release it on the 9th?”The event is scheduled to take place at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday in Kuala Lumpur, and will include two live-link sessions to connect with others across the world, including those in Australia, New Zealand, and France.Liow said the interim report is a requirement under international civil aviation regulations and did not comment further on the timing, reported the Associated Press. He said the report will outline what actions the Malaysian government has taken in the search, such as plans to upgrade its radar systems and a new tracking system on Malaysia Airline flights, which will send information every 15 minutes rather than the current 30 to 40 minutes. The radar system plans were underway before the MH370 incident occurred, and the government has allocated 700 million ringgit – or $190 million – to improve the radar.Next month, Australia, Malaysia, and China will meet to discuss future plans for the search.“By the end of May, if we still can’t find the plane, then we will have to go back to the drawing board,” Liow said.


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)



IS attacks Christian villages in northeastern Syria-Associated Press-mar 7,15-yahoonews

BEIRUT (AP) — Islamic State militants attacked a string of predominantly Christian villages in northeastern Syria on Saturday, touching off heavy clashes with Kurdish militiamen and their local allies, activists said.The attack began around dawn and targeted at least three villages near the town of Tal Tamr along the Khabur River in Hassakeh province. The Islamic State group kidnapped more than 220 Assyrian Christians from the same area last month after overrunning several farming communities on the southern bank of the river.The fighting Saturday was focused in villages on the northern bank of the river as the militants press to capture Tal Tamr, a strategic crossroads some 35 kilometers (20 miles) from the city of Hassakeh, said Osama Edwards, director of the Assyrian Network for Human Rights."The battles are now very intensive, very violent," said Edwards, who is based in Sweden. "Tal Tamr is the main goal of the Islamic State, to give them the corridor to the eastern border to Iraq."The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported the fighting around Tal Tamr, which it said was coming under Islamic State artillery fire. Observatory director Rami Abdurrahman says the Islamic State extremists initially made gains before Kurdish fighters backed by local Assyrian militiamen pushed them back.The Observatory said at least eight militants were killed in the fighting and an unknown number of Kurds.The Assyrians are an indigenous Christian people who trace their roots back to ancient Mesopotamia.Also Saturday, Syrian state media said government airstrikes this week in the central province of Hama killed a local leader of the Islamic State group. It identified the slain militant as Deib Hdeijan al-Otaibi, also known as Abi Ammar al-Jazrawi, and said a convoy of vehicles was also destroyed in the air raids.Observatory director Abdurrahman also said al-Jazrawi had been killed, along with at least 25 other Islamic State fighters.

IS destroying Iraq’s ancient archaeological city of Hatra-Day after bulldozing Nimrud in purge of idolatry, terror group targets UNESCO heritage site that withstood invasion by the Romans
By Sameer N. Yacoub March 7, 2015, 8:00 pm 1the times of israel

BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi officials in the northern city of Mosul said Saturday that militants with the Islamic State group have begun demolishing the ancient archaeological site of Hatra in northern Iraq in a push to rid its territory of symbols it says promote idolatry.An official with the ministry of tourism and antiquities’ archaeological division in Mosul told The Associated Press that multiple residents living near Hatra heard two large explosions Saturday morning, then reported seeing bulldozers begin demolishing the site. He spoke anonymously for fear of reprisal.Saeed Mamuzini, a Kurdish official from Mosul, told the AP that the militants had begun carrying away artifacts from Hatra as early as Thursday and on Saturday, began to destroy the 2,000-year-old city.Hatra, located 110 kilometers (68 miles) southwest of the city of Mosul, was a large fortified city during the Parthian Empire and capital of the first Arab kingdom. The ancient city, a UNESCO world heritage site, is said to have withstood invasions by the Romans in A.D. 116 and 198 thanks to its high, thick walls reinforced by towers.The ancient trading center in Hatra spanned 6 kilometers (4 miles) in circumference and was supported by more than 160 towers. At its heart are a series of temples with a grand temple at the center — a structure supported by columns that once rose to 100 feet.The Sunni extremist group has been campaigning to purge ancient relics they say promote idolatry that violates their fundamentalist interpretation of Islamic law. A video they released last week shows them smashing artifacts in the Mosul museum and in January, the group burned hundreds of books from the Mosul library and Mosul University, including many rare manuscripts.The majority of the artifacts destroyed in the Mosul Museum attack were from Hatra.On Friday, the group looted artifacts from Nimrud, a 3,000-year-old city in Iraq, and bulldozed it in a move United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon declared “a war crime.”Iraqi Tourism and Antiquities Minister Adel Shirshab told the AP Saturday that many feared Hatra would suffer the same fate as Nimrud. “This is not unusual (behavior) for Daesh,” Shirshab said, using the Arabic acronym for the group.A statement on the ministry’s Facebook page Saturday said the government is investigating reports of the attack on Hatra, noting that the global community should hasten its response to the crisis in Iraq in order to prevent these types of atrocities.Last year, the militants destroyed the mosque believed to be the burial place of the Prophet Younis, or Jonah, as well as the Mosque of the Prophet Jirjis — both revered ancient shrines in Mosul. They also threatened to destroy Mosul’s 850-year old Crooked Minaret, but residents surrounded the structure, preventing the militants from approaching.A US-led coalition has been striking the Islamic State group since August and is preparing a large-scale operation to retake the city of Mosul. But US and Iraqi officials have been cautious about setting a timeline for preparing Iraq’s embattled military for the campaign.

IS destroying another ancient archaeological site in Iraq-Associated Press-By SAMEER N. YACOUB and VIVIAN SALAMA-MAR 7,15-YAHOONEWS

BAGHDAD (AP) — Islamic State militants continued their campaign targeting cultural heritage sites in territories they control in northern Iraq, looting and damaging the ancient city of Hatra just one day after bulldozing the historic city of Nimrud, according to Iraqi government officials and local residents. The destruction in Hatra comes as the militant Islamic group fended off an Iraqi army offensive in Saddam Hussein's hometown and fought pitched battles in eastern Syria in an area populated by predominantly Christian villages.Iraqi officials in the northern city of Mosul said Saturday that Islamic State militants have begun demolishing Hatra, a move UNESCO described as "cultural cleansing."
An official with the ministry of tourism and antiquities' archaeological division in Mosul told The Associated Press that multiple residents living near Hatra heard two large explosions Saturday morning, then reported seeing bulldozers begin demolishing the site. He spoke anonymously for fear of reprisal.Saeed Mamuzini, a Kurdish official from Mosul, told the AP that the militants had begun carrying away artifacts from Hatra as early as Thursday and on Saturday, began to destroy the 2,000-year-old city.Hatra, located 110 kilometers (68 miles) southwest of the city of Mosul, was a large fortified city during the Parthian Empire and capital of the first Arab kingdom. A UNESCO world heritage site, Hatra is said to have withstood invasions by the Romans in A.D. 116 and 198 thanks to its high, thick walls reinforced by towers. The ancient trading center spanned 6 kilometers (4 miles) in circumference and was supported by more than 160 towers. At its heart are a series of temples with a grand temple at the center — a structure supported by columns that once rose to 100 feet."The destruction of Hatra marks a turning point in the appalling strategy of cultural cleansing underway in Iraq," said Irina Bokova, the director-general of UNESCO, and Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, director general of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in a joint statement."With this latest act of barbarism against Hatra, (the IS group) shows the contempt in which it holds the history and heritage of Arab people."Meanwhile in Syria, Islamic State militants attacked a string of predominantly Christian villages on Saturday, touching off heavy clashes with Kurdish militiamen and their local allies, activists said.The attack began around dawn and targeted at least three villages near the town of Tal Tamr along the Khabur River in Hassakeh province. The Islamic State group kidnapped more than 220 Assyrian Christians from the same area last month after overrunning several farming communities on the southern bank of the river.The fighting Saturday was focused in villages on the northern bank of the river as the militants press to capture Tal Tamr, a strategic crossroads some 35 kilometers (20 miles) from the city of Hassakeh, said Osama Edwards, director of the Assyrian Network for Human Rights."The battles are now very intensive, very violent," said Edwards, who is based in Sweden. "Tal Tamr is the main goal of the Islamic State, to give them the corridor to the eastern border to Iraq."The Islamic State group currently controls about a third of Iraq and Syria. The Sunni extremist group has been campaigning to purge ancient relics they say promote idolatry that violates their fundamentalist interpretation of Islamic law. A video they released last week shows them smashing artifacts in the Mosul museum and in January, the group burned hundreds of books from the Mosul library and Mosul University, including many rare manuscripts.The majority of the artifacts destroyed in the Mosul Museum attack were from Hatra.On Friday, the group looted artifacts from Nimrud, a 3,000-year-old city in Iraq, and bulldozed it in a move United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon declared "a war crime."Iraqi Tourism and Antiquities Minister Adel Shirshab told the AP Saturday that many feared Hatra would suffer the same fate as Nimrud. "This is not unusual (behavior) for Daesh," Shirshab said, using the Arabic acronym for the group.A statement on the ministry's Facebook page Saturday said the government is investigating reports of the attack on Hatra, noting that the global community should hasten its response to the crisis in Iraq in order to prevent these types of atrocities.Baghdad-based archaeology researcher Junaid Amer Habib said that the destruction of the archaeological sites and artifacts could be "a cover up operation" to disguise efforts to smuggle and sell precious antiquities."These looted artifacts could be a main source of cash for the IS group which lacks cash," Habib added. "The money generated from such an operation will provide the militants with weapons and salaries."Habib said the international community should regulate the illegal trade of precious antiquities on the black market in order to prevent the sale of Iraqi artifacts by the IS group.Last year, the militants destroyed the mosque believed to be the burial place of the Prophet Younis, or Jonah, as well as the Mosque of the Prophet Jirjis — both revered ancient shrines in Mosul. They also threatened to destroy Mosul's 850-year old Crooked Minaret, but residents surrounded the structure, preventing the militants from approaching.A U.S.-led coalition has been striking the Islamic State group since August and is preparing a large-scale operation to retake the city of Mosul. But U.S. and Iraqi officials have been cautious about setting a timeline for preparing Iraq's embattled military for the campaign.Meanwhile a combined force of Iraqi government troops and Iranian-backed Shiite militias have begun a push to dislodge the Islamic State group from Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, about 130 kilometers (80 miles) north of Baghdad.U.S. Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during a current tour of the Middle East that he expected the Tikrit campaign to be successful. Dempsey was asked by reporters traveling with him overnight Friday from Washington to Bahrain whether he believes IS will be pushed out of Tikrit."Yeah, I do," he said. "The numbers are overwhelming."--Associated Press writers Ryan Lucas in Beirut, Robert Burns in Manama, Bahrain and Salar Salim in Irbil, Iraq contributed to this report.

Militants abduct more Christians, smash ancient artifacts-Associated Press-February 26, 2015 3:05 PM-YAHOONEWS

BEIRUT (AP) — Islamic State militants seized more Christians from their homes in northeastern Syria in the past three days, bringing the total number abducted by the extremist group to over 220, activists said Thursday.At the same time, the extremists also released a video showing the continued destruction of the heritage of the lands under their control. It depicted men using sledgehammers to smash ancient Mesopotamian statues and other artifacts in Iraq's northern city of Mosul.The video, coinciding with mounting fears over the fate of the captive Christian Assyrians in Syria, sent a fresh wave of dread across the region, particularly among minorities who feel targeted by the group."Daesh is wiping Assyrian heritage in Mosul, and at the same time wiping them geographically from the face of the Earth," said Osama Edward, director of the Assyrian Network for Human Rights in Syria. He referred to the Islamic State by its Arabic acronym.About 200 Assyrians and other Christians gathered in a church east of Beirut in solidarity with the victims in Syria and Iraq. Some cried openly.One man held a banner that read: "We will not surrender, we will not be broken." A few young men said they were preparing to go to Syria to fight and help their brethren defend their homes against the Islamic State group.The destruction of artifacts in the Mosul museum is part of a campaign by IS extremists who have destroyed a number of shrines — including Muslim holy sites — to eliminate what they view as heresy. They also are believed to have sold ancient artifacts on the black market in order to finance their bloody campaign in the region.In the video released Thursday, militants used sledgehammers and drills to smash and destroy several large statues, which are then shown chipped and in pieces. The five-minute video also shows a black-clad man at an archaeological site in Mosul, drilling through and destroying a winged-bull — an Assyrian protective deity — that dates to the 7th century B.C.The video was posted on social media accounts affiliated with the Islamic State group. Although it could not be independently verified by The Associated Press, it appeared to be authentic, based on knowledge of the Mosul Museum.A professor at the Archaeology College in Mosul confirmed to the AP that the two sites depicted in the video are the city museum and a location known as Nirgal Gate, one of several gates to the capital of the Assyrian Empire, Ninevah."I'm totally shocked," Amir al-Jumaili said by phone from outside of Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city. "It's a catastrophe. With the destruction of these artifacts, we can no longer be proud of Mosul's civilization."Very few of the museum pieces are not genuine, he said.Irina Bokova, director general of the U.N.'s culture agency UNESCO, said in a statement that she was "deeply shocked" at the video. She said she asked for an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council be convened "on the protection of Iraq's cultural heritage as an integral element for the country's security.""I condemn this as a deliberate attack against Iraq's millennial history and culture, and as an inflammatory incitement to violence and hatred," Bokova said.Mosul and surrounding Nineveh province fell to the militants in June 2014 after Iraqi security forces melted away.In their push, the extremists captured large parts of both Iraq and neighboring Syria. They declared a self-styled caliphate on territories that are under their control, killing members of religious minorities, driving others from their homes, enslaving women and destroying houses of worship.The Iraqi region under the control of the extremists has nearly 1,800 of the country's 12,000 registered archaeological sites, and the militants appear to be out to cleanse it of ideas they consider un-Islamic, including library books, relics and even Islamic sites considered idolatrous."The so-called Assyrians and Akkadians and others looked to gods for war, agriculture and rain to whom they offered sacrifices," said a man in the video, referring to groups that that left their mark on Mesopotamia for more than 5,000 years in what is now Iraq, eastern Syria and southern Turkey.Islamic State militants ransacked the Central Library of Mosul in January, smashing the locks and taking about 2,000 books, while leaving only Islamic texts. Days later, militants broke into University of Mosul's library and built a bonfire out of hundreds of books on science and culture, destroying them in front of students."Is this how Assyrians who gave civilization are rewarded?" asked Edward from his base in Stockholm. "What is all this hate?"Among the most important sites under the militants' control are four ancient cities: Ninevah, Kalhu, Dur Sharrukin and Ashur, which at different times were capitals of the mighty Assyrian Empire. The Assyrians first arose around 2,500 B.C. and once ruled from the Mediterranean coast to what is now Iran.In Syria, fears mounted over the fate of the abducted Christians, with at least 220 now being held captive, according to activists.An Assyrian in Beirut whose parents and sister were among a dozen relatives abducted said he called his father's mobile phone Monday and got a man who said: "This is the Islamic State." The man then briefly put the Assyrian's father on the line, and he said in a terrified voice not to worry, that they were being treated well. His relatives' mobiles have since been shut off. The Beirut resident spoke on condition of anonymity because he feared for his relatives' lives.
The abductions began Monday, when militants attacked a cluster of villages along the Khabur River, sending thousands of people fleeing to safer areas. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the militants picked up dozens more Assyrians from 11 communities near the town of Tal Tamr in the next few days.The province, which borders Turkey and Iraq, has become the latest battleground in the fight against the Islamic State group in Syria. It is predominantly Kurdish but also has populations of Arabs and predominantly Christian Assyrians and Armenians.Younan Talia, a senior official with the Assyrian Democratic Organization, said IS had raided 33 Assyrian villages, seizing as many as 300 people. Edward said his group had documented the names of 255 missing people.It was not possible to reconcile the numbers, and the fate of the hostages remained unclear."We are praying for them and we are fasting," said the Assyrian in Beirut. "I don't care if they burn the villages down, but please let them return safe."Salaheddin reported from Baghdad. Associated Press writer Cara Anna at the United Nations contributed to this report.

Saudi king aims for new Sunni bloc vs Iran and Islamic State-Reuters-By Angus McDowall and Amena Bakr March 5, 2015 1:37 PM-YAHOONEWS

RIYADH/DOHA (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia is pushing for Sunni Muslim Middle East countries to set aside differences over political Islam and focus on what it sees as more urgent threats from Iran and Islamic State.Its new monarch, King Salman, has used summits with leaders of all five Gulf Arab states, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey over the past 10 days to reinforce the need for unity and find a way to work around disagreements over the Muslim Brotherhood.Saudi Arabia's deep-seated mistrust of the Islamist group is unchanged, diplomats say. But King Salman's approach to it is more nuanced than that of his predecessor King Abdullah, who died in January, and may include being more indulgent of allies who allow its members space to operate.Last year Riyadh, along with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, withdrew its ambassador from Qatar over its links to the Brotherhood."The Saudis think maybe, if the Sunnis are on good terms, we can confront this. Salman is trying to consolidate the Sunni world and put differences over the Muslim Brotherhood on the back burner," said an Arab diplomat in the Gulf.Riyadh's bigger concern is Shi'ite Iran. Its fears about the rising influence of its main regional enemy have grown recently as Tehran's Houthi allies seized swathes of Yemen and its commanders have aided Shi'ite militias fighting in Iraq. Prospects are also growing of a deal between world powers and Iran on Tehran's disputed nuclear program, which might lift pressure on the Islamic republic. Saudi Arabia has watched nervously as its key ally, the United States, has reached out to pursue an agreement with Tehran.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry reassured the Saudis on Thursday that he was seeking no "grand bargain" with Iran, but Riyadh's worries over Washington's long-term commitment to the region underpin its desire for more Arab unity.


The second overarching concern for Riyadh is Islamic State. IS has called on Saudis to stage attacks inside the kingdom and some of its sympathizers assaulted a Shi'ite village in November, killing eight.Riyadh fears the group's strong media messaging and appeal to strict Muslim ideology could appeal to disaffected young Saudis and challenge the ruling family's own legitimacy, which partly rests on its religious credentials.But in seeking broader unity across the Arab world on the issue of political Islam, Saudi Arabia must address a deep regional rift. It runs between Sunni states who accept a Muslim Brotherhood presence, such as Qatar and Turkey, and those such as Egypt and the United Arab Emirates who, like Riyadh, describe it as a terrorist organization.Those differences have come in the way of building a coherent response to regional crises, as attempts to address one problem after another have been diverted into arguments over Islamism." Saudi Arabia clearly doesn't want to be open to facing too many battles. IS and Iran are the enemy now, everything else can be put on hold," said a Western diplomat in the Gulf.Salman's whirlwind of meetings was presented as a chance for the new monarch to discuss events with the region's leaders in greater detail than was possible when they went to Riyadh to pay respects after the death of Abdullah.But while Salman did not directly push for a new Sunni bloc or lean on states to be more accommodating with those across the Muslim Brotherhood divide, he still opened the possibility of recalibrating relations to allow greater unity.In his meeting with Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, for instance, he suggested Riyadh might reinvigorate its relations with other countries, an apparent reference to strengthening ties with Turkey, the Arab diplomat said.But he also reassured Sisi, a close ally of the late Abdullah, that any attempts to undermine Egypt's security from elsewhere represented a red line for Saudi Arabia, and that any new moves Riyadh made would not be at Cairo's expense.


Nobody expects big changes to Saudi Arabia's position on the Muslim Brotherhood. The movement represents an ideological threat to Riyadh's dynastic system of rule, and its use of oaths of allegiance and secret meetings are anathema to the Saudis.The Brotherhood was listed by Riyadh as a terrorist organization a year ago, with membership incurring long prison sentences, and both Western and Arab diplomats, and analysts said there was little prospect its status would change.But Salman is less concerned than was Abdullah about the Brotherhood's role in other parts of the Middle East, such as in Yemen's Islah party or among Syrian rebel groups.He is also more willing to allow the Brotherhood a role outside politics, for example by not stopping preachers affiliated to the movement from making public speeches on religious or social issues.One sign of Salman's more pragmatic approach came during a conference in Mecca last week that brought together top Sunni clerics, including the Saudi grand mufti and the head of Egypt's al-Azhar University, to denounce terrorism.Informed Saudis noted it was hosted by the Muslim World League, a body set up by Riyadh in the 1960s to build an Islamic bloc against radical secular ideologies, and used in the 1980s to bolster Sunnis against revolutionary Iran.Under Abdullah, it fell out of favor partly because of its historical relationship with the Brotherhood, but Salman now seems prepared to use it again as an instrument to build Sunni solidarity. One of the delegates it invited was a senior member of a Doha-based group with close ties to the Brotherhood.The change may partly reflect the personality of Salman, who is less uncompromising than was Abdullah, say Gulf insiders, and who is more willing to use any tools at his disposal to counter bigger threats.All the leaders he met appeared to leave Riyadh confident that their relations with the new king would be strong.Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan told reporters after his meeting that ties with Saudi Arabia seemed to be improving, Turkey's Hurriyet daily newspaper reported on Wednesday."My hopes increased that our bilateral relations will reach a much better place," he was quoted as saying.But that did not lead him to be conciliatory towards Egypt, where he said political oppression might cause an explosion - exactly the sort of language that upsets Cairo.(Additional reporting by William Maclean in Dubai and Daren Butler in Istanbul; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)

Promises of love, jobs for foreign recruits in IS 'utopia'-AFP-By Mohamad Ali Harissi-MAR 7,15-YAHOONEWS

Beirut (AFP) - It has become known for horrific images of beheadings and torture, but the Islamic State group is trying to lure foreign recruits to its "caliphate" with promises of adventure, homes, jobs -- even love.Using sophisticated recruitment techniques, the jihadists have attracted hundreds of supporters from Western countries to the swathes of territory they have seized in Syria and Iraq.In the beginning, these efforts focused on luring young men to join the ranks of jihadist fighters.But IS is increasingly targeting young Western women, as dramatically illustrated last month when three British teenaged girls ran away from their London homes to join the jihadists.Experts say many are shocked by what they find in IS territory, but by then it is too late."IS sells its Islamic utopia to these young men and women," said Lina Khatib, head of the Carnegie Endowment's Middle East Centre in Beirut."It tells them that this is the only real Islamic state in the world, and that they can become important figures in it."Experts say the number of Westerners who have travelled to the "caliphate", which is more than twice the size of Jordan and home to about six million people, is about 3,000, including roughly 550 women.In the latest high-profile case, three close friends from London -- a 16-year-old and two 15-year-old girls -- are believed to have crossed into Syria last month after flying to Turkey from London.One of them is believed to have been in contact with Aqsa Mahmood, a woman from Glasgow, Scotland, who reportedly travelled to Syria last year to marry an IS fighter.Mahmood's English-language blog -- "Diary of a Muhajirah" (Diary of a Traveller) -- has become a key source of IS propaganda aimed at women.

- 'Till martyrdom do us part' -

"We don't pay rent here. Houses are given for free. We pay neither electric nor water bills. We are given monthly groceries. Spaghetti, pasta, can foods, rice, eggs," Mahmood wrote in one recent post.Work is available too, she said, for women who want jobs in education and health care.Marriage in IS territory also has its perks, Mahmood has written.IS fighters receive "seven days off" as part of the wedding celebrations and new brides can choose their own dowry -- but instead of requests for jewellery, they ask for Kalashnikovs."Newly married couples are given $700 as a gift," Mahmood wrote. "We don't have fireworks but we celebrate the wedding by gunshots and lots of takbeer," or shouts of "Allahu akbar" (God is greatest).A picture featured on her site of a bearded fighter and his new wife, dressed in a full white veil, was captioned: "Till martyrdom do us part."Responding to a question from a young girl conflicted about leaving her boyfriend and moving to Syria, Mahmood wrote: "I promise, that one day someone will hug you so tightly and fix back all the broken pieces -- Yes, it's your halal husband."The term halal is used to describe things -- from people to food and services -- that comply with Islamic religious requirements.

- 'An empty project' -

Other IS recruitment tools, such as its online English-language magazine Dabiq, also tout the benefits available to arriving foreigners."There are plenty of homes and resources to cover you and your family," the magazine has written. According to Iraqi officials, IS has redistributed to fighters any homes vacated by civilians fleeing the group's takeover.In its own version of classified ads, Dabiq advertised that IS needs "judges, people with military or administrative skills, doctors, and engineers" to travel to its territory. Carnegie's Khatib said it was clear that propagandists like Mahmood were working under the supervision of IS."If she's real, then there's no doubt that the Islamic State group supervises her," she said. "She's one of their recruitment tools.""These girls join this organisation looking for adventure... and some of them live in an imaginary world, dreaming of marrying fighters," Hassan Hassan, author of "ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror", told AFP.But once they have joined the ranks of IS, experts said, young recruits will find that trying to leave may cost them their lives.More than 120 people were killed between October and December for trying to leave IS territory, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group."I conducted interviews with two young men who came back from (IS-held) Raqa and other areas, and it was clear they were resentful and felt like they had been tricked," Khatib said.Instead of the Islamic utopia IS had promised, these young men encountered an area whose governance "was based on oppression and tells them not to think"."They felt like they had been sold an empty project."

Fight extremism, but also injustices that fuel it: UN rights chief-AFP-By Nina Larson March 5, 2015 4:00 PM-YAHOONEWS

Geneva (AFP) - In their battle against "terrorists", countries around the world must root out the injustices that fuel extremism and are used as recruiting tools, the UN human rights chief said Thursday."The struggle to combat extremist violence must tackle the visions of injustice that fuel it," Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.Countries needed to examine the "experiences of humiliation, inequality and discrimination that may drive, though they do not excuse, the urge to destroy," he said.In his annual report to the UN's highest rights body, Zeid decried a "shocking range of violations" carried out by jihadists from the Islamic State group (IS) in Syria, Iraq and Libya."Mass beheadings, burning people alive in cages, seemingly genocidal attacks on ethnic and religious groups... recruitment of children, the destruction of elements of the cultural heritage of humanity, and not least, particularly vicious and comprehensive attacks on the rights of women and girls."In a longer written version of his speech, he also lamented the "bloodbaths" carried out by Boko Haram in Nigeria, including using "young girls as remote-controlled bombs, in explosions that tear apart their bodies as well as those of many others."But while stressing the need to fight such extremism and bring the perpetrators to justice, Zeid warned that countries risked making the situation worse if their counter-terrorism operations were perceived as overzealous and unjust."The fight against terror is a struggle to uphold the values of democracy and human rights, not undermine them," he told the council.

- Propaganda tool -

"Counter-terrorist operations that are non-specific, disproportionate, brutal and inadequately supervised violate the very norms that we seek to defend," he said.Such operations, he added, "risk handing the terrorists a propaganda tool, thus making our societies neither free nor safe."Zeid pointed to the case of the United States, where the orange jumpsuits used at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp have been used as "a recruitment tool for (IS) and other groups."Perhaps the biggest driving force behind the extremist "mind-set" seen in the Middle East and elsewhere is the nearly four year Syrian conflict that has cost the lives of more than 210,000 people."The vengeful actions of the Syrian government, whose campaign of violent repression against what were originally peaceful protestors began four long years ago, have now morphed into wave upon wave of pitiless assaults by all sides," Zeid said.The actions of brutal regimes who trample on the rights of their people and ignore their basic needs fuel violent extremism, he warned, pointing out that the many people joining groups like IS have not been "suddenly and inexplicably hypnotised.""Extremism, however repugnant, is nurtured by ideology and by alienation fed by years of tyranny, corruption, repression, discrimination, deprivation and neglect of the legitimate rights of communities," Zeid said.Many of the recruits to IS, coming from more than 50 countries, are "filled with ill-defined rage at what they perceive as unfair treatment" and "may genuinely feel they are signing up to protect the abused," he warned.

Iraq forces face IS resistance but US says Tikrit will fall-AFP-By Mahmud Saleh-MAR 7,15-YAHOONEWS

Samarra (Iraq) (AFP) - Iraqi forces faced tough resistance from jihadist fighters around Tikrit Saturday, but the top US military officer said ahead of a Baghdad visit that victory was only a matter of time.Iran has actively and visibly supported Baghdad's biggest operation yet against the Islamic State group, but General Martin Dempsey insisted US air strikes north of Tikrit had been key."The Tikrit operation is only possible because of the air campaign we've been running around Baiji," a town further north, he said.The jihadist group's footprint in Iraq has been shrinking steadily since federal and Kurdish troops went on the counter-offensive roughly six months ago, with foreign military backing.The US military announced that a string of 26 air strikes over two weeks had succeeded in forcing IS out of Al-Baghdadi, a small town near a large Iraqi base in western Iraq where US advisers are stationed."Iraqi security forces and tribal fighters from the Anbar region have successfully cleared Al-Baghdadi of ISIL (IS), retaking both the police station and three Euphrates River bridges," it said.An offensive was also launched this week to recapture Gurma, another town in Anbar which is just 10 kilometres (six miles) from the IS stronghold of Fallujah and less than 30 kilometres from Baghdad airport."Gurma will soon be liberated totally, our forces are on the edge of town," a statement from Baghdad operations command said late on Friday.It claimed that 73 militants were killed in the first two days of fighting and a number of bombs defused.

- Convoys of bodies -

Hospital sources told AFP that dozens of wounded government forces had been brought in but that the bodies of those killed were handed back to the families directly or sent to Najaf.An official with the religious authority in the holy city, where many Shiites want to be buried and which has the world's largest cemetery, said the bodies of 64 fighters killed in the Tikrit battle and elsewhere had been brought in since March 4.The government has provided no casualty toll for the much larger operation aimed at retaking Tikrit, which was launched on March 2.Residents living on the road between Samarra, where the operation's command centre is located, and Baghdad further south say convoys bringing back bodies have been passing regularly.IS fighters used several devastating truck bombs in the early hours of the operation, targeting the army, police, Shiite militias and volunteer units.Undated footage surfaced on the Internet Saturday of the bodies of eight men described as pro-government volunteers hanging from a bridge in Hawija, 75 kilometres north of Tikrit.Iraqi forces spent the operation's first days clearing outlying areas and are now closing in on Tikrit itself, as well as the towns of Al-Alam and Ad-Dawr.Tikrit is the home town of executed dictator Saddam Hussein and Ad-Dawr that of Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, the most senior member of his regime still at large.

- Military rush hour -

"There are fierce clashes around Ad-Dawr, with army aircraft providing support against the threat of snipers and car bombs," an army lieutenant colonel told AFP.Dempsey, speaking to reporters aboard his plane en route to Bahrain and Iraq, said it was only a matter of time before IS was defeated in Tikrit."The numbers are overwhelming," he said, adding that "hundreds" of IS fighters were facing an estimated 23,000 government and allied forces.Columns of Iraqi military trucks and armoured vehicles along the main road to Tikrit resembled a rush hour traffic jam in Washington, "bumper to bumper," Dempsey said.He spoke of the role of Iran, which with the United States has been Iraq's other key foreign partner in the fight to reclaim the land lost last summer but is not a member of the 60-nation US-led coalition.Dempsey said he is "trying to get a sense for how our activities and their activities are complementary".The US general arrived in Bahrain Saturday and on Sunday will visit the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, which was recently deployed to contribute to the air campaign against IS.The jihadists have been responding by ramping up what UNESCO has called cultural cleansing, destroying heritage treasures one after the other.A week after releasing a video showing its militants smashing priceless statues inside Mosul museum, IS bulldozed the archaeological site of Nimrud just south of the city on Thursday, the antiquities ministry said.The destruction sparked a fresh round of global outrage, but experts said little could be done to save other heritage sites under IS control short of defeating the jihadists militarily.



JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


1 And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

ISAIAH 41:11
11  Behold, all they that were incensed against thee (ISRAEL) shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing;(DESTROYED) and they that strive with thee shall perish.(ISRAEL HATERS WILL BE TOTALLY DESTROYED)


7 Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble;(ISRAEL) but he shall be saved out of it.

DANIEL 12:1,4
1 And at that time shall Michael(ISRAELS WAR ANGEL) stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people:(ISRAEL) and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation(May 14,48) even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro,(WORLD TRAVEL,IMMIGRATION) and knowledge shall be increased.(COMPUTERS,CHIP IMPLANTS ETC)

U.N. chief worried by planned Palestinian security cut with Israel-Reuters-March 6, 2015 1:13 PM-YAHOONEWS

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed concern on Friday at a decision by Palestinian leaders in the West Bank to halt security coordination with Israel and called for the international community to push for a Middle East peace deal.The Palestinian Central Council, whose votes are usually binding on the Western-backed Palestinian Authority, said on Thursday it made the decision because Israel had breached bilateral agreements, including withholding tax revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinians.An end to the agreement on security coordination, which dates from the Oslo peace accords of the mid-1990s, could have an immediate impact on stability in West Bank cities such as Hebron, Nablus and Jenin, where anti-Israel unrest is common.It was unclear whether the PCC decision would immediately go into effect. An Israeli security official said on Thursday there had been no changes in security cooperation."(Ban) urges both parties to exercise utmost restraint and reverse their unhelpful cycle of actions and counter-actions," said U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric. "The Secretary-General repeats his call on Israel to resume the transfer of tax revenues legally due to the Palestinian Authority."Israel has frozen $127 million of monthly Palestinian tax revenues in protest against President Mahmoud Abbas' decision to apply for membership of the International Criminal Court and pursue war crimes charges against Israel.The tax money covers around two-thirds of the Palestinian budget and is used to pay tens of thousands of public sector employees.Relations between Israel and the Palestinians have grown dangerously brittle since the collapse of U.S.-brokered peace talks in 2014."In the absence of effective international engagement, the situation may further unravel," Dujarric said."The Secretary General urgently calls on the international community, including the Security Council, to exercise leadership and help create conditions for a negotiated final peace agreement," he said.Under the security coordination accord, Palestinian security forces also require Israeli permission to send patrols into some areas of the West Bank to preserve law and order.(Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Alan Crosby)

Israel fires at Gaza boats, kills Palestinian fisherman: hospital officials-Reuters-MAR 7,15- YAHOONEWS

GAZA (Reuters) - The Israeli navy opened fire on boats off the coast of the Gaza Strip on Saturday, killing one Palestinian fisherman, Gaza hospital officials said.Citing security concerns, Israel keeps a naval blockade on Gaza, which is ruled by the Islamist Hamas movement, and has designated a six nautical-mile fishing zone off the enclave's coast.An Israeli military spokeswoman said four vessels had strayed from the fishing zone and that the Israeli army opened fire after the boats did not heed calls to halt.Hamas and other Gaza militant groups fought a 50-day war with Israel last July and August in which more than 2,100 Palestinians, many of them civilians, were killed. On the Israeli side 67 soldiers and six civilians were killed.Gaza hospital officials named the fisherman killed on Saturday as Tawfiq Abu Reyala, 34.The Palestinians say the fishing zone is not big enough to supply the demands of Gaza's 1.8 million people, who are kept under a tight Israeli-Egyptian blockade.(Reporting by Nidal al-Mughrabi and Maayan Lubell; Editing by Pravin Char and Stephen Powell)

Tens of thousands attend anti-Netanyahu rally in Tel Aviv-Associated Press-MAR 7,15- YAHOONEWS

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Tens of thousands of Israelis are gathering at a Tel Aviv square under the banner "Israel wants change" and calling for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be replaced in March 17 national elections.Saturday night's rally at Rabin Square is the highest profile demonstration yet in the run-up to the election. It is organized by a non-profit organization seeking to change Israel's priorities and refocus on health, education, housing and the country's cost of living. Though not officially endorsed by any political party, it drew mostly supporters of leftist and centrist parties.The rally's keynote speaker is former Mossad chief Meir Dagan who recently slammed Netanyahu's conduct and called him "the person who has caused the greatest strategic damage to Israel.