1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
34 But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils.
JOHN 8:41
41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
JOHN 10:20
20 And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.(JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST AND FOR SINNERS, THE GREAT WHITE THRONE FINAL JUDGEMENT).
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous (DANGEROUS) times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
MATTHEW 5:10-12
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
JOHN 15:18-20
18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me (JESUS) before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain(BEHEADED) for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
A Message to the Muslim World
by Tawfik Hamid SAT MAR 27,10
Many in the Muslim world repeatedly express anger when Islam and its founder are criticized. This anger could be fully understandable, especially when we take into consideration the sensitivity of talking about religious issues. However, it is vital that the Muslim world realize that most-if not all- the criticism of Islam and of the prophet is based on what traditional and mainstream Islamic books teach. In other words, it is unfair to say that criticism of Islam was merely based on or motivated by bias against the religion, especially when we see thousands of Mosques and Islamic schools built in and sometimes supported by Western countries. We have actually seen much more limitations placed on the rights of minorities to build their religious temples or to practice their religion freely in Muslim countries than in the West. For example, Christians are not permitted to have their bibles with them in Saudi Arabia while Muslims have complete freedom to have the Quran in the US and European countries. Muslims MUST ask themselves who actually discriminates against the other, is it the West who is discriminating against Islam or is it that the Muslim world is discriminating against people of other faiths? Who needs to change and show more tolerance for religious minorities, the West or the Muslim world? In addition, when the Taliban destroyed the historical Buddha statues the Muslim world was virtually silent, which may indicate a form of acceptance for this barbaric act. The Muslims MUST ask themselves, what would they have felt if the Buddhists- for example- destroyed the Muslim Holy mosque in Mecca?
Furthermore, Muslims enjoy full freedom in the West to preach to non-Muslims and to convert them to Islam. On the contrary, Muslims-in general- become very furious if they discover that non-Muslims are proselytizing to Muslims to convert them to other faiths. In fact, proselytizing to Muslims is illegal in many Islamic countries. The Muslim world needs to question itself. Again, is it the West discriminating against them, or is it the Muslims discriminating against the others.The Muslim world needs to realize that the negative image of Islam in the West has been created by the Muslims themselves.When mainstream Islamic books of Sira (Biography of Prophet Mohamed that was essentially written by Muslims) teach that prophet Mohamed took a woman as booty in the war after forcing her to see her father and brother decapitated (1)....Do Muslims expect the world to tell them that.... Wow, this is a wonderful model for tolerance!
When we teach in several Islamic books including Sahih (accurate) Hadith that prophet Mohamed said that he was ordered by Allah to fight the entire world until they subjugate to Islam (2) and when we teach in current approved Sharia books that Muslims have to wage wars against Non-Muslims and offer them to choose one of the following options: to convert to Islam, to pay humiliating tax (Jizzia), or to be killed........Do we expect others to tell us that Islam is the religion of peace? I wonder if non -Muslims declared war against Muslims to spread their religion and offered Muslims to convert out of Islam (to the new religion), to pay a humiliating tax to the invaders, or to be killed.......Will Muslims consider this to be a peaceful act? When our traditional Islamic books mention that prophet Mohamed ordered his followers to torture other human beings (3).....Does the Muslim world expect that the world will tell us that the prophet of Islam was sent as a mercy for mankind? When we teach in Al-Buchary [mainstream Hadith book for Sunni Muslims] that prophet Mohamed married and had sex with a 9 year old child (4) and used to bring dolls for her so that she can play with them (5) or that the prophet used to have sex with his 9 wives in one night (6), Do we expect the world to tell us that the prophet was a role model for mankind? If mentioning these stories is considered an insult to Islam then Al-Buchary -not the West-should take responsibility for insulting the religion.When non-Muslims realize that Muslims who convert away from Islam must be killed by Redda Law (killing the apostates) and that this law is approved by ALL schools of Islamic jurisprudence based on Hadith of prophet Mohamed (7)....Shall we expect them after this to sing praises for how Islam respects the value of religious freedom? When non-Muslims read in our mainstream books that stoning of adulterous women is acceptable in our modern times (8), and that it is permissible for a man to beat his wife to discipline her (9), and that polygamy is permissible for men up to four wives ........Do we expect that the world will tell us that Islam is the religion that gave women their rights?
When non-Muslims read in some Hadith books (sayings of prophet Mohamed) that prophet have said that if the wife licked a wound pouring pus from her husband she would (still) not have fulfilled his right (as a husband) (10) and when they hear Fatwas from some of our leading scholars that drinking the urine of the prophet was a blessing for the disciples of Mohamed (11)..........What do we expect their reaction to this form of teaching? Shall we expect words of admiration or criticism?
When we teach in our approved Islamic books that early Muslims army invaded many countries to spread Islam and that the agreement between the second Caliphate and non Muslim minorities in these countries (Al-Uhda Al-Umareia) did not allow non-Muslims to sit while Muslims were standing and did not allow non-Muslims to raise their voices while crying when following their dead, do we expect that others to be speaking loudly about the tolerance of Islam? It is important that the Muslim world realize that that they need to stop discrimination against its non-Muslim minorities and that the negative image of Islam was not created by the West but by Muslims themselves. Denying that the above teachings exist just makes things worse as such teachings do exist in our Islamic books. The best way to stop criticism of Islam is to admit that violent teachings exist and that Islamic scholars must work on providing modern ways for interpreting and understanding their religion instead of accusing those who expose the problem and raise valid questions of being Islamophobes.
1-Tabari IX:137 Allah granted Rayhanah of the [Jewish] Qurayza to His Messenger as booty [but only after she had been forced to watch him decapitate her father and brother, seen her mother hauled off to be raped, and her sisters sold into slavery].
3-Tabari VIII:122 Ishaq:515-The Prophet gave orders concerning Kinanah to Zubayr, saying, Torture him until you root out and extract what he has. So Zubayr kindled a fire on Kinanah's chest, twirling it with his firestick until Kinanah was near death. Then the Messenger gave him to Maslamah, who beheaded him.
4- Sahih Al-Buchary Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64: Narrated Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (Note: according to Islamic books, Mohammed was above 50 years old when he married this young child).
5- #Sahih Al-Buchary Volume 8, Book 73, Number 151: Narrated Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13)
6- Narrated Anas: The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives. (Hadith Sahih; Sahih Albuchary Volume 7, Book 62, Number 14: Chapter of Marriage or Allnikah).
7 - Sahih Al-Bukhari (52:260) - ...The Prophet said, If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.
8- See Minhaj Al-Muslim by Al Jaja'iry (Lecture at the Nobel prophetic Masjid) Part 2 Page 505 -Published by Darussalam Publications First Edition May 2001
9- Quran {4:34}: Men are superior to women because Allah has given them more preference to women, and because they financially support them. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part you fear that they do not obey you, admonish them, avoid making sex with them (as a form of punishment), and beat them; but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).
10- Reported by Ahmad (3/159) and others. It's of narration is declared to be good by al-Mundhiree in at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb (3/75): The Messanger of Allaah (S.A.W.) said, It is not right that any human being should prostrate to another human being I would have ordered the woman to prostrate to her husband due to the greatness of his rights upon her. By Him in whose Hand is my soul, if from his foot to the crown of his head there was a wound pouring forth pus, and she (the wife) came and licked that, then she would (still) not have fulfilled his right.
Supporting terrorism: Islamist infiltration from colleges to government offices By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
23 March 2010: On 13 February 2010, Lee Kaplan, communications director for the Northeast Intelligence Network and veteran undercover operative, covertly obtained significant video and audio documentation that clearly identifies a well organized and well funded network that supports Islamic terrorists operating within our nation’s colleges and universities. The comprehensive investigative report featured here provides valuable, authenticated documentation into their agenda: destroy America from within using our own democratic process as the means to do so, while cultivating hatred for the Jews and preaching for the extermination of the nation of Israel.Under the guise of supporting the rights of Palestinians, this network of Islamists has accelerated and refined their efforts since the 9/11 attacks on America. Either though abject ignorance by college administrators and city officials or with their contemptible complicity, the colleges, universities and public locations, subsidized by our tax dollars, are providing the venue for this vile campaign of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism. Those courageous enough to make an open attempt to find out what is being promoted by these Islamist thugs are openly harassed and intimidated. You can read one woman’s account of her experience when she attempted to enter the very same seminar infiltrated by Mr. Kaplan in an e-mail published by Dara Dale-Bailey here.
Their objective of grooming the current and future generations of college students to hate America and Israel, revise history and praise Islamic terrorists as revolutionaries is insidiously effective in its simplicity. As exposed in this undercover operation, al Awda, (a/k/a The Palestine Right of Return Coalition), is one part of a larger network known as the International Solidarity Movement. Bankrolled by Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries, they enroll age-appropriate pro-Palestinian agents as students into colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada with assignments to engage in anti-Israel and anti-American propaganda. Some of these students enroll in only one class to maintain campus eligibility, while using their student status to professionally advance the objectives of these Islamic terrorist supporting organizations.They are also very effective at using the Internet and social media sites such as Face Book to organize throughout North America. Teaming up with the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) from the San Diego State University chapter, (co-sponsors of the February conference), the SJP at SDSU actually paid tribute on the club’s Face Book page to Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled, who murdered 24 year-old US Navy diver Robert Stethem in an airplane hijacking in Beirut in 1970. More recently, the SJP and Al Awda held a fundraiser on campus for George Galloway that openly raised money for the terrorist group Hamas. These subversive activities are currently taking place on American soil and within our campuses, directly under the noses of college administrators.
This video and audio documentation obtained by Mr. Kaplan also provides tangible evidence of the plans and objectives of al Awda, the SJP and other related groups. It is their objective to collectively overtake the entire UC college system, campus by campus, in order to promote war on Israel and support totalitarian regimes overseas. The documentation also illustrates the level of infiltration of not only the colleges and universities, but within our own government.Boasting about how Islamists have successfully infiltrated our political system through the use of interns and aides, it was disclosed that Congressman Dennis Kucinich will openly voice his support for al Awda at their next international conference, scheduled for next April. Kucinich employs one of the students from this network as a congressional aide.Considering this level of infiltration, it should be of little wonder how al Awda, the SJP and similar groups are permitted to openly promote BDS, or the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel and Jews in America in a unified campaign targeting Jewish businesses in the U.S. Boycott and divestment was the first tactic of the Nazis against the Jews in Germany in 1933 and is illegal by US law. Weighed against the infusion of Saudi petrodollars and the influence exerted through Islamist infiltration, such violations of the RICO statute are being overlooked at the highest levels of our government.The overt animus against Israel currently emanating from the Obama administration is a product of infiltration and the tactics of Islamist organizations at work within our college campuses and our political system, just as Obama is the product of these universities. It is imperative that the anti-American, anti-Semitic and arguably racist agenda be exposed and stopped now.Read the investigative report and carefully watch and listen to the videos and audio documentation (links below). They are exhortations to violence, religious intolerance, and overt support of our enemies overseas. The Northeast Intelligence Network will continue to bring you many more such more undercover exposes in the future. Stay tuned.
The coming of an American Reichstag?
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
25 March 2010: A federal intelligence source reported in an interview last evening that the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have been called in to actively investigate incidents of violence and threats made to at least ten Democrats and one Republican lawmaker since Sunday. Their involvement was reportedly requested by top House leadership and one unnamed, high-level White House official. According to this source, who agreed to speak to this writer under the strict condition of anonymity, a watch list has already been created that specifically names and turns their focus on various pro-life and tea-party organizations and individuals who are considered a threat to domestic security, continuity of government operations, and to the lives of lawmakers and their families.While published reports confirm that Capitol Police have been contacted and are addressing security concerns of lawmakers and the incidents of vandalism, the involvement of federal agencies has not been publicly disclosed, nor will it likely be on any official level. The reason, according to this source, is that high-level discussions between top lawmakers and agency heads are exploring the application of the Patriot Act against any right-wing individual or group that poses a danger to government operations.He added that threat assessments and security measures for public assemblies at the Capitol, specifically focusing on conservative groups are being re-evaluated at the request of the White House and Democratic lawmakers.Dissemination of the list is obviously limited to avoid another MIAC episode, referring to the release of a document leaked from the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC).
According to this federal official, lawmakers and White House officials were stunned by the strong response against the health care bill, citing the protests at the Capitol. Based on what I’ve heard, I don’t think they were expecting the type of response seen in not only the demonstrations, but in poll numbers and by conservative talk radio and television. They have been monitoring all aspects of this situation, not just the physical assemblies,he stated. Watch lists are being created and updated to include anyone who appears to be organizing or acting as a galvanizing force behind the actual protesters.The media outlets have also been reporting the allegations of racial slurs and anti-gay remarks shouted at Representatives John Lewis, Andre Carson, and Barney Frank this weekend, supposedly during the protests of members of the Tea Party. According to this source, there does not appear to be any direct evidence of such behavior beyond the allegations themselves.On Saturday, Capitol Police reportedly reviewed at least two videos – one from a cellular telephone and another from a video camera – that supposedly captured the event. There was a contemporaneous review of audio and video at the site of the protest when they [Capitol Police] created a physical barrier for the lawmakers and when the comments were allegedly made. The officers were even instructed to make arrests, but could not find anything that supported the allegations rising to the level of disorderly conduct,stated this source.
The Health care bill was signed into law on March 23rd, 2010; Something else was also signed into law on March 23rd, 1933 By Laurie Roth MAR 25,10
President Hitler signed a shockingly similar bill with similar tactics used to get it signed….threats, harassment, false promises, intimidation, invented crises. Gee….did Obama take lessons from Hitler? He certainly proudly taught ACORN workers from Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, so why not go back to the original power whore, crowd manipulator and evil visionary? On that fateful day, March 23rd Hitler signed into law the National Law for Removing the Distress of the People bill. It was also called Hitler’s Enabling Act. I talked with Steve Eichler of this week on air about these two dates and the horrifying similarities of the two events in history. Steve and I probed whether we were indeed reliving history. We both studied the events of 1933 and 2010 and said a big fat yes!
It is horrifying how similar both acts are.First of all, understand Hitler was a brilliant, charismatic speaker who said things in style, lied through his teeth and manipulated whatever he had to, to get a vote and power. His big dagger in the heart of the German people and constitution was to somehow get the vote by Parliament to pass his Enabling Act, which, due to contrived crises and manipulated need would give him total power, full power without the need of any more votes or Parliament. Obama also seduced 60% of the nation, congress and most the media into not asking real questions and just believing his countless lies.
What did Hitler do? He first manufactured the need and crises.
Hitler promised Health care for everyone, jobs for 100% of the German people and protection from what he called the beginning of a widespread uprising. This was the mythological uprising he and his Nazi party created by burning down the German government building, causing huge panic and rage in the people. Hitler at the time blamed the horrific burning on the communists, thus he needed a vote for his Enabling Act to stop this out of control terror in Germany. Nepalitono, Homeland Security and Obama have called conservative Americans domestic terrorists, even returning Vets. We saw the other leaked report from the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) that listed Rev. Chuck Baldwin and Ron Paul and their followers of even being potential domestic terrorists. In 1933 it was Jews and Communists. In 2010 not only does this growing enemy list seem anti Semitic and anti Israel but Obama has new enemies to add. These include Christians, gun owners, pro lifers, Vets, Tea Party people, Republicans. Talk radio hosts and conservatives in general.
Doug Hagmann of North East Intelligence Network confirmed these growing controls by our Government even more with a recent conversation he had with an intelligence source, who talked of Homeland Security actively investigating incidents and threats of violence made to at least ten Democrats. Of course you would want and expect them to investigate if there were real threats but Doug said more lists were being made with their focus and suspicions on tea-party organizations and pro-life groups. How did the Nazis get the votes for Hitler for the Enabling Act?
The Nazis chanted loudly around the opera house Parliament was voting in,Full powers – or else! We want the bill or fire and murder!! They also lined the halls and aisles, glaring and intimidating Parliament members to vote Hitler’s way….or else.
False promises
Hitler needed 31 non-Nazi votes to pass his draconian bill and shred his country’s constitution. He got those by promising a limited use of his power…only using it for critical reasons, he promised no more unemployment, peace with France, Great Britain and the Soviet Union and to sucker the Center Party to give him the votes he needed, he promised to give back some basic rights that had already been taken away from the them.
Hitler spoke; Hitler lied; Hitler intimidated; Hitler promised jobs, health care and safety; and Hitler won the vote 441 to 84.
March 23, 1933 everything changed for Germany. After that vote, their constitution was shredded. The most evil dictator of our time would rise to power, shockingly by the vote of the people in Parliament. Massive controls, mass murders targeting, Jews, Communists, non supporters of Hitler and World war followed. The Germans believed the speeches….promises of health care, economic revival and jobs for all. No one thought in German Parliament that voting for Hitler’s Enabling Act would lead to the murder of millions of innocent people, destroy their freedom and bring WW11, but it did.
Look at the similarities:
Obama shockingly also signed the constitution shredding, freedom stealing Health care bill into law March 23, 2010 – 77 years later to the day. He also gave speech after speech on America’s crisis of health care and need for massive Government intervention and correction. This Health care bill, like Hitler’s Enabling Act, forces many things on the American people. For the first time in U.S. history it forces all Americans to have health insurance or face huge fines or even jail time. This is forced health insurance that the Government says is acceptable. Forcing the public to buy a product or service has never been done by our Government. Obama and Pelosi are currently distorting and hiding behind the commerce clause. I have interviewed two constitutional attorneys on my national radio show. They confirmed that the commerce argument trying to validate this mandate was 100% false and taken completely out of context. Obama couldn’t find a more intimidating, powerful and menacing control of Health care than the dreaded and huge IRS. It is almost as if he put the military in control of tracking us with the potential intimidation and enforcement plans attached. It will be frightening enough with the IRS breathing down our throats. Has plan of control kind of makes you think of the Nazi party.
Obama and the Democrats used the same intimation, bribes, and harassment and pay offs as Hitler did getting the votes to line up. We saw the Louisiana Purchase, Corn Husker pay offs and pay offs to Stupack Airports. All this and more suckered the pro life Democrats to sell out on the abortion issue. They shamefully caved in when our manipulative and lying President, Obama offered the executive order to stop tax payer money from paying for abortions. In talking with several constitutional attorneys on this, they all said that issuing an executive order was pure theatre since NO EXECUTIVE ORDER CAN TRUMP A LAW JUST PASSED BY THE CONGRESS AND SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT. We will never know the amount of pay offs, bribes and intimidation that really happened to set up the vote for Obama. We saw an example of how Obama’s goon Rahm Emanuel works, when he poked Rep. Eric Massa in the chest when they were showering. He intimidated and harassed him, even physically poking him while naked to vote for Obama’s bill. This was the Nazi like response from Emanuel to one of their own who had dared to vote no the first time. Never mind that Massa was resigning largely due to his fighting cancer. Remember, Hitler and the Nazi party started with promises of health care, environmentalism/green issues, promise of creating jobs and protecting the country from threats like the communists and Jews. Obama, has also started his first 15 months with false promises regarding jobs and the economy and health care. Soon he will push amnesty to secure illegal votes from illegal aliens then cap and trade to shred, regulate and control American business.
He is pushing on several fronts for Health ID cards, forced worker cards, as was spoken about this month in the Wall Street Journal and smart grid technology to track all the energy and electricity used in our homes. Think of it. As Hitler quickly did, Obama is boldly attempting to collect, control on line, all our medical and mental health records, tracked through the IRS. He is also planning to know who we all are, where we work, hiding behind the immigration issue. We would have to have and show our worker card to have a job. He even wants to control energy and the utility use in our own homes with the smart grid use and push. The Nazi party was proudly Green and environmentally obsessed. That was just one of their many attacks on the Jews….they were too capitalistic, they were mean to animals and the environment….lie lie lie. Obama is also obsessed with passing the draconian and controlling, Cap and Trade bill that is based on fraudulent, global warming science. This would micromanage, regulate and control American business right into the ground or simply turn them into obedient, surfs that forcibly serve Obama and the Government, or go bankrupt.Violence followed the manipulated votes in Hitler’s direction after his health care, environmental, economic/job and national protection push in Germany.What will the American people do now with another unconstitutional bill designed to control us and shred our constitutional rights as Hitler did 77 years ago on the same day?
So far the Attorney General suits are flying regarding the violation of 10th amendment rights and forced mandates. Other law suits are lining up due to the multi layer, constitutional breaches. The Tea Party groups are growing through the roof. Faxes, emails and phone calls are flying to congress like never before and mental health centers and retirement services are hiring new staff just to absorb the amount of congress people who will be out of work after the Mid terms.We must march, scream, yell, write, call, vote, organize and pray. Together we will get this nightmare regime out of congress and our White house back. Violence is not what is needed but clear thinking and action is needed NOW. We cannot allow what happened in 1933 to happen in 2010. Wake up and focus America! Check out this history yourself at
Dems need your $5 to save them from crazy-eyed Conservatives By Judi McLeod Friday, March 26, 2010
If you are a Republican, or one of their supporters you already know you are being painted by members of the Obama administration as a redneck, extremist, yada, yada, yada.But in the latest Dem diatribe, you have eyes that get, well, all..crazy like.
Democrats extend health care to 32 million people, and how do Republicans react? Their eyes get all crazy-like. They throw fits. They vow repeal. And they will track down every Democratic member of Congress like bloodhounds on the chase.So writes Paul Begala of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). Can’t you almost hear the baying of the bloodhounds chasing Dem Senators and their media puff pastry buds down to the nearest Starbucks for another relaxing latte? Look,writes Begala in his latest diatribe, we didn’t fight all these years for health care reform to see it dismantled by a radio blowhard, a bunch of regressive Republicans and an angry mob of right wingers. But their rhetoric will only grow more dangerous and threaten President Obama’s accomplishments and future agenda. So when that FEC deadline comes Wednesday at midnight, we as Democrats need to show our post-healthcare strength.Take that, you serfs! Because name calling seems to be the best post-healthcare strength of the Dems.Their singsong cross-the-schoolyard na-na-nas, may be aimed at the Repubs, but it is your $5 they need to keep the bully fight going. Their goal is $117,260 on a deadline of March 31—one sawbuck at a time.
Back to crazy-like eyes, Begala.On the Senate floor, Judd Gregg compared health care reform to not only a huge asteroid, but a huge asteroid that will land on our children’s heads.Rep. John Boehner ranted at the top of his lungs until his face turned beet red. Glenn Beck cried. And tyranny and socialism are hot new topics on Twitter. I’ve gotta ask: What is WRONG with these people? And we’ve gotta answer: These people are feeling swindled, raped, used and thrown away with their Constitution, Mr. Begala.But the Dems, masters at name calling names then turning the tables around to give themselves victim status, don’t hear anything but what they want to hear.
Rants Begala: I haven’t heard such claptrap from the Republicans since they said President Clinton’s economic plan would be a one-way ticket to a recession.They were wrong about Clintonomics, which balanced the budget while creating 23 million new jobs and lifting millions out of poverty.And they’re just as wrong about Obamacare, which, at its heart, just means a family doctor for every family.Make that a family doctor roped and chained, dispatched to do the government’s bidding whenever it chooses. That is if there are enough sawbones left to round up for forced slave labour.All of this seems to be giving Paul Begala and his comrades sleepless nights. In his own words: And if you think it couldn’t possibly get any worse, just wait. The lies will only get more airplay now that corporations can spend unlimited money for candidates. (emphasis Paulie’s). “Special interests are already spending more than $800,000 per day to kill President Obama’s agenda. This number will only grow.
At least he got that right.It might be laughable—if it weren’t so dangerous. This election will determine the future of everything we’ve accomplished. Do we stand with President Obama and his progressive vision? Or do we let crazy conservatives destroy everything? Do we stand with President Obama and his progressive vision?
The answer is simple: Yes, because if you don’t, Rahm Emanuel will get you in the curtain-less congress shower! Begala concludes by accusing Republicans of wanting to drag this country kicking and screaming into the 19th century.Better there than into the darkness and repression of Socialism.
DANIEL 7:23-24
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast(THE EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADE BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:(10 NATIONS) and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.(BE HEAD OF 3 KINGS OR NATIONS).
EU worried about G20 backsliding on financial reform
ANDREW WILLIS 26.03.2010 @ 16:46 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - EU leaders signaled their concern over what they perceive as waning global enthusiasm for financial regulatory reform on Friday (March 26), and said they will push ahead with European plans before a G20 meeting in Toronto this June. Presenting leaders with his preparations for the G20 meeting, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said he wanted agreement first on a number of key European financial files, including plans to force banks to hold higher levels of capital and the bloc's draft hedge fund directive, delayed earlier this month due to upcoming elections in the UK.I think it's very important that Europe concludes its own work so that we can go to Toronto and show to our partners what we really have already done,Mr Barroso told a press conference after the summit. It is very important that the leaders in the G20 do not water down their ambitions. In fact there are some worrying signals, he added. Earlier this month, US treasury secretary Timothy Geithner sent a letter to the EU financial services commissioner, Michel Barnier, complaining that the bloc's draft hedge fund rules would disadvantage American firms. In final conclusions published after the summit's ending, the 27 leaders also say progress is needed on developing financing instruments for crisis management. The commission is set to come forward with a report on possible innovative sources of financing in the coming weeks, with the list of ideas likely to include a global levy on financial transactions. However, Washington has vehemently opposed the measure in the past, and experts say it could not work without worldwide support.
Reluctance on 2020 poverty target
EU leaders also discussed a new 10-year economic plan for the region, known as the EU 2020 agenda. A commission proposal to reduce the number of EU citizens at risk from poverty by 20 million, one of five headline targets put forward by the EU executive body in a communication earlier this month, ran into member state opposition. We feel that the poverty criteria doesn't make any sense, said Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, explaining that under the current EU definition of poverty, lower average incomes in eastern European states could give the impression they had lower poverty levels than some richer European states. Further work is needed on the appropriate indicators,the 27 leaders said in the meeting's final conclusions, with broad agreement reached on the other four EU headline targets, including a 75 percent employment rate by 2020 and reaching the EU's environmental goals by the same date. Figures on higher rates of education were left out of Friday's document however, following German and other federal state concerns that this was a regional competence and therefore needed more time to be agreed on. The goal to spend three percent of EU GDP on research and development was left in, despite some reservations. In a move that analysts say distinguishes the EU 2020 plan from its failed former version, the Lisbon Strategy, EU targets are set to be broken down into differentiated national targets in a bid to achieve greater implementation levels. Also attending Friday's final press conference, Spanish Prime Minister José Luis RodrÃguez Zapatero said leaders would discuss these national targets amongst themselves at the next leader's summit in June. Diplomats suggested however that this date was ambitious.
Iron-lady Merkel
With much of the summit dominated by Greece's current debt difficulties, German media on Friday welcome their Chancellor Angela Merkel's hard bargaining as a huge success. A final accord between eurozone leaders, struck late on Thursday night on how to provide funding to Greece, should it be necessary, was almost a carbon copy of an earlier Franco-German text. That text in turn was dominated by German ideas, said summit insiders, with Ms Merkel winning eurozone acceptance for a joint IMF role, despite widespread earlier opposition.Merkel has won against all odds - against Sarkozy, the European Commission and a large part of the chattering classes at home, which insisted that Germany remain the good Europayer,said Josef Joffe, publisher-editor of respected German weekly Die Zeit.On Friday Ms Merkel said the agreed mechanism should be viewed only a temporary solution, and should be replaced by a purely European mechanism in the medium-to-long-term, adding that EU treaty changes would almost certainly be needed.German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble's floated a plan for a IMF-sytle European Monetary Fund earlier this month.
EU-US summits to take place only when necessary VALENTINA POP
Today MAR 27,10 @ 10:51 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – EU-US summits will no longer be organised automatically every year, but only when there are particular issues to be decided, foreign policy officials from Washington and Brussels said Friday (26 March).The EU is our equal partner and we have an ongoing working relationship. I simply reject the idea that we need summits to get things done, as it may be the case with other countries, Anne-Marie Slaughter, policy director within the US state department said during the Brussels Forum, a transatlantic conference organised by the German Marshall Fund, an American think-tank.Ms Slaughter said she was baffled to read the news about the attempts earlier this year to put something on the agenda of a planned EU-US summit in Madrid, which was cancelled after US President Barack Obama declined to participate. She stressed that the ties with Europe were so strong that the EU should not have to feel the need to attract the US to come to its events.Initially scheduled to take place in May, the EU-US summit was widely seen as little more than a photo-opportunity between Spanish Prime Minister Jose Rodriguez Zapatero and Mr Obama, as there was nothing of substance on the agenda.Speaking at the same event, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said that while summits were important to strengthen relations that needed it or to decide particular matters, they will now no longer take place automatically.We will have a summit when we both feel the need for one. Meanwhile, the relationship goes on, Ms Ashton said.US-EU summits have been held once or twice a year since 1991, with the venue usually alternating between the continents. The most recent meeting took place in Washington on 3 November last year, with Mr Obama devoting three hours to the meeting itself and sending vice-president Joe Biden to have lunch with EU officials.
In an interview with the EUobserver earlier this month, US ambassador to the EU William E. Kennard suggested that the meeting was a diplomatic nicety rather than a venue for pressing decisions. All of our political leaders have incredible demands on their time, we have to be careful in deploying their time to make sure there are defined outcomes,he said.When declining the invitation, the US also pointed to the EU's new legal framework – the Lisbon Treaty – and the fact that it no longer should be the rotating presidency, currently held by Spain, chairing these events.The Madrid summit was seen as a concession to the Spanish government, who started preparing this six-month programme long before it was clear that the new treaty was going to come into force. The treaty came into being on 1 December.A summit with Morocco was meanwhile chaired by the standing president of the EU council, Herman van Rompuy.
France, Germany want Europe-wide bank tax: Schaeuble
MAR 27,10
BERLIN (AFP) – France and Germany are seeking to extend across Europe a planned levy on banks to pay for potential future bailouts, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Saturday.My French colleague Christine Lagarde and I have agreed that we want to fit such a solution into a European structure, he told the daily Die Welt.The centre-right and liberal parties making up Germany's coalition government agreed last Sunday to levy the tax on financial institutions to pay for possible dismantling or restructuring of troubled banks in the future.Business daily Handelsblatt said the tax could raise a billion euros (1.35 billion dollars) per year.The country shelled out tens of billions of euros in 2008 to rescue banks hit by the global financial crisis, and wants to ensure that taxpayers will not bear such a heavy burden next time around.Lagarde is to attend a German cabinet meeting on Wednesday to discuss the idea of setting up a fund with contributions from taxing banks.
Schaeuble acknowledged that he could not totally prevent banks passing on the tax to their customers by raising charges and interest rates, but he expected market forces to come into play.We want to apply the tax in accordance with the size of the banks and their risk categories, he said.Schaeuble said the chances of implementing the tax across Europe were good, pointing to the success of France and Germany last week in persuading the European Union to agree measures to aid debt-stricken Greece.
ISAIAH 30:26-27
26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire:
MATTHEW 24:21-22,29
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake (ISRAELS SAKE) those days shall be shortened (Daylight hours shortened)
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
EU leaders look outside UN process to push forward climate talks
LEIGH PHILLIPS 26.03.2010 @ 16:45 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - European Union leaders have for the first time officially endorsed moving beyond the United Nations in order to push forward the international climate negotiations process.At the EU's spring summit, the bloc's premiers and presidents embraced the G20 as a possible forum more amenable to climate discussions than the UN process, long bogged down by mistrust between rich and poor countries, while at the same time not completely abandoning the UN as some in the US have called for.While stressing that the European Council remains firmly committed to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the conclusions of the EU summit also say: It supports ongoing efforts to make it more effective.It is it is now necessary to bring a new dynamic to the international negotiation process.Given the short time available before Cancun, this process could usefully be complemented and supported by discussions in other settings and on specific issues.The EU will address climate change at all regional and bilateral meetings, including at summit level as well as other fora such as the G20.UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown told reporters after the summit that such a configuration could involve a somewhat expanded G20: I believe we need to find a new way, perhaps with a larger group of the G20 to bring the talks together.The UN process has been the site of an extended and often extremely bitter battle.
Many poor countries, notably the G77 group of developing nations, have consistently argued that it is not the process that is ineffective, but rather rich countries' reluctance to commit to stronger emissions reductions and deliver substantial finance to help the global south move toward a low-carbon development path that is frustrating the negotiation process.Wealthy nations for their part complain that the conflict is instead an unnecessary quarrel over procedure and accuse their opponents, particularly left-wing governments in Latin America and some African nations, of attempting to hijack the UN process for their own alleged anti-capitalist agenda.Ever since the Copenhagen meeting in December failed to deliver a binding international agreement, but instead the Copenhagen Accord, a controversial document cobbled together in back-rooms outside the UN process, analysts have predicted that the wealthy nations would start to look toward other fora where the developing countries that are closer to Northern perspectives are welcomed alongside the major emitters of the Global South, notably China and India, but where presence of the awkward squad of countries is avoided.Both Jonathan Pershing, America's chief negotiator, and US climate envoy Todd Stern have said explicitly that the UN should be sidelined.The EU summit is the first time the bloc has formally announced its stance on the UN process, a two-track undertaking that involves on the one hand a second commitment period to the Kyoto Protocol and on the other work towards a framework that would ultimately replace the protocol involving all the countries of the world.In a more diplomatic nuance on the US position, the EU is saying that it backs the UN process at the same time as looking to other fora.At the end of February, the UN announced further talks will take place in Bonn from 9-11 April. Ahead of the talks, a number of countries issued submissions to the UN regarding what they expected the work plan for 2010 would be, a series of documents that kicked off the whole process debate all over again.The US said it was looking toward binding reductions from all major economies, a demand that runs counter to the language of the Kyoto Protocol, and that it viewed the Copenhagen Accord as the basis of an agreed outcome.The American submission makes no mention of the two-track UN process.
China and India's submissions meanwhile downplayed the importance of the Copenhagen Accord, even while they were two of the original drafters of the document. China said the political agreement in the Copenhagen Accord may be considered and where appropriate, be translated into texts that can be incorporated, while India said it views the accord simply as a way to facilitate the two-track process.Washington responded sharply by saying: Those involved in the development of the accord negotiated in good faith with the intention that it would result in an agreed outcome in Copenhagen, and understood it to be a package.Beneath the diplomatic language of the EU summit conclusions, European leaders are trying to perform a perhaps impossible balancing act that tries to win the US to a stronger emissions reduction pledge, regains the trust of developing countries and pushes the major emitters of the south to embrace binding emissions reductions.
Here come the climate change refugees - more social justice By John Burtis Thursday, March 25, 2010
Like clockwork, they have emerged from the wood: the first of what promises to be an ever increasing wave of Third World climate change refugees seeking asylum in the First World. The inhabitants of some islands in east Papua New Guinea have appealed for funds to enable them to flee, find housing, receive job training, and to enable them to find the final home of their choice and have expressed the hope that decisions made by leaders at the forthcoming climate change negotiations in Copenhagen will offer them hope, according to the Environment Times news outlet.The implication of the appeal is that the industrialized world is responsible for global warming and that these nations are therefore obliged to take in yet another wave of refugees under the excuse of man made climate change and industrialized pollutants and their climate impact.According to the Environment Times, the relocation effort is headed by Ursula Rakova, a Papua New Guinea islander who quit an executive position with Oxfam in Bougainville three years ago to set up Tulele Peisa, an organization that raises money and campaigns for social justice on behalf of her people.Ms Rakova told an audience in Melbourne, Australia: We have a feeling of anxiety, a feeling of uncertainty because we know that we will be losing our homes. It is our identity. It is our whole culture at stake.There is however no firm evidence that the land to which she refers, the Carteret Islands, are being affected by climate change.At the best of times, these islands are no more than four or five feet above sea level and are thus always prone to tidal movements, rogue waves, storms, tsunamis, and typhoons.
Even the Environment Times, which is slavishly pro-climate change,is forced to admit in its coverage of the asylum claim that Probably (sic) due to climate change, the Carteret Islands in north east Papua New Guinea are being submerged by the sea. However, another suggestion is that tectonic movement may be causing the gradual subsidence of the atoll, or that nearby volcanic activity may also cause the islands’ settling.Historically other populated islands, for example Tuanaki in the Cook Islands, are known to have sunk entirely and relatively suddenly from causes that might be unrelated to rising sea levels.Nonetheless, the Environment Times continues to say that, As a result, the people that live on these tiny atoll islands have unwillingly found themselves on the front line of climate change and dependent upon the success or failure of the UN’s climate negotiations in Copenhagen.The article goes on to point out that one problem making their plight all the more pressing is the fact the 1951 Geneva Convention, does not protect environmental refugees, such as those displaced by climate change.Sadly, this technicality means that communities such as the Carteret’s cannot, as yet, be granted refugee status under the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and they have subsequently found themselves excluded from the international community’s social welfare, protection and asylum systems.
In other words, the push will now be on to create a new category of climate change refugees” which will be yet another channel through which the overpopulated Third World will be able to invade America, Europe and other First World nations.As the Environment Times article concludes: With many millions predicted to be displaced by climate change, supporters of the Islanders have highlighted that the world needs to establish fair, realistic and funded policies which recognize that many of those most affected by climate change include those least able to fund adaptation and those least responsible for humanity’s production of greenhouse gases. Tulele Peisa believe they should not need to sail the waves alone and calls on the leaders of the world to provide moral and political leadership in Copenhagen.Sadly, no mention is made of the Pacific Islanders who have lost their homes as a result of atomic testing by the Americans and the French. In many cases, the islands in these tests were completely obliterated. Perhaps these islanders may at some point also seek some form of delayed, but nevertheless, important social justice.
Audit the Federal Reserve: HR 1207 and S 604 1180 Responses
The Federal Reserve is the chief culprit behind the economic crisis. Its unlimited power to create money out of thin air brought us the boom and bust cycle and causes one financial bubble after another. By recklessly inflating the money supply the Fed intentionally distorts interest rates and erodes the value of the dollar.For the past 30 years, Ron Paul has worked tirelessly to bring much-needed transparency and accountability to the secretive bank. And in 2009 his unfaltering dedication showed astonishing results: HR 1207, the bill to audit the Federal Reserve, swept the country and made the central bankers shudder at their desks. The bill passed as an amendment both in the House Financial Services Committee and in the House itself.
But the usurpers of America’s future won’t take it lying down. They don’t want their secrets exposed and at this very moment, they are working frantically behind the scenes to quietly derail all efforts to open up the Federal Reserve to independent scrutiny.A handful of Fed-loving U.S. senators are currently rewriting the Financial Reform Bill to strip out Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed amendment and actually expand the Fed’s power over banks, lending and money.
Action Alert: Call your senators today and demand that they…
1.Stand with the nearly 80% of Americans who support a FULL audit of the Federal Reserve.
2.Withdraw their support for ANY effort to strip the bill of the Audit,
3.Oppose all efforts to grant the Fed more power under the guise of so-called reform.
GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:(ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST ETHNIC GROUP) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Chile tsunami costs Japanese fisheries $68 mln
Sat Mar 27, 1:08 am ET
TOKYO (AFP) – The Pacific-wide tsunami generated by the massive undersea earthquake off Chile's coast last month caused 68 million dollars of damage to Japan's fishing industry, a report said Saturday.Scallop, oyster and seaweed farms off the northeast coast of Japan were hit when waves up to 1.45 metres high smashed into Japan following the quake thousands of kilometres (miles) away.More than six billion yen of damage was caused to the facilities, Kyodo News reported, citing fisheries industry officials.Local authorities were asking the central government to provide a package of support measures to help businesses to recover, Kyodo said.Japanese authorities ordered more than half a million people to evacuate seaside areas as the wave bore down on Japan. However, no deaths or injuries were reported from the tsunamis.The 8.8-magnitude quake, one of the most powerful on record, struck along the coast south of Santiago on February 27, causing widespread death and destruction.
Strong earthquake shakes northern Chile
Fri Mar 26, 3:56 pm ET
SANTIAGO, Chile – A strong earthquake shook northern Chile on Friday, worrying a nation still rattled by last month's megaquake. There were no victims or major damage, the national emergency agency said.The 6.2-magnitude temblor struck just before noon and prompted some people to evacuate buildings. Emergency officials said some roads were affected by land and rock slides.The U.S. Geological Survey reported the epicenter of Friday's quake was 380 miles (600 kilometers) away from the capital, Santiago.It was also far north of the region where the Feb. 27 quake toppled buildings, cracked roads and sent a tsunami roaring ashore, causing at least 342 confirmed deaths and leaving many more missing.Rodolfo Saragoni, a professor of seismic engineering at the University of Chile, said the northern part of the country has not experienced a major earthquake since 1868 and can likely expect one in the next decade or two.
USGS geophysicist Walter Mooney said recent earthquakes in Chile have not lowered the odds of a major seismic event.It's a drop in the bucket, he said.It doesn't help to release energy.Chile's state-run copper company said its operations were not affected Friday.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Some flooding along Miss., Mo. rivers in Midwest By JIM SALTER, Associated Press Writer – Thu Mar 25, 4:40 pm ET
ST. LOUIS – Minor to moderate flooding was reported Thursday along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and their tributaries, and more rain wasn't helping.The National Weather Service for weeks has been issuing flood warnings because of heavy snow melt to the north, saturated ground and rivers that have remained higher than normal through the winter. Parts of the Midwest were expected to get an inch or more of rain Thursday, and another batch of precipitation was forecast for the weekend.But barring an unforeseen downpour, major flooding was not in the forecast, weather service hydrologist Mark Fuchs said. Mostly minor flooding was occurring from southern Iowa through southern Missouri along the Mississippi River, but few homes or businesses were affected.The Mississippi's going to go up maybe a foot, some places a foot-and-a-half, but that's about the worst of it we see in the near term, Fuchs said.Still, the added rainfall wasn't good news for northwest Missouri towns including St. Joseph, where water was at or near about six homes, said city spokeswoman Mary Robertson. City officials thought the Missouri River crested Thursday until rain pushed it to nearly 22 feet by afternoon — only 2 feet shy of levels that can cause significant flooding downtown and in industrial areas.Who knows what kind of spring rain we'll have, and who knows what will happen north of us, Robertson said. We do have to be concerned about now and the next couple of months.The state Department of Transportation closed sections of a few state highways parts of western Missouri as floodwaters crept up to the roadways.
The Mississippi River was still rising in other parts of Missouri, from St. Louis south to Cape Girardeau. No problems were expected in St. Louis, where the river was expected to crest Monday about 1.2 feet about flood stage. But the river was expected to crest at 37.5 feet — 5.5 feet above flood stage — in Cape Girardeau, though its downtown is protected by a flood wall and buyouts have removed virtually all homes from the flood plain.Meanwhile, other states already hit hard by spring flooding were getting a reprieve.In North Dakota, officials in Grand Forks on Thursday were reopening one of the two closed Red River bridges, which connect the city to East Grand Forks, Minn. The Mississippi River was dropping in St. Paul, Minn., after cresting Wednesday at the eighth-highest ever recorded there. City crews built temporary levees, though no damage to homes or businesses had been reported.The Mississippi has also crested over the past few days in Burlington, Iowa; Quincy, Ill.; and Hannibal, Mo.
Stocks give up early gains for 2nd straight day By STEPHEN BERNARD and TIM PARADIS, AP Business Writers – Fri Mar 26, 6:03 pm ET
NEW YORK – The stock market looks tired.Stocks closed mixed for a second day after investors grew pessimistic about the market's ability to keep its rally going.The Dow Jones industrial average rose 9 points Friday. It had been up as much as 68 after European leaders announced a plan to help Greece with its debts. A similar advance and retreat occurred Thursday.There wasn't a clear reason for stocks' retrenchment Friday. But analysts said the market does need a break from a climb that has now gone on for two months with few interruptions. The Dow has advanced 17 of the last 21 days.The market is extremely vulnerable to a pullback,said Christian Bendixen, director of technical research at Bay Crest Partners in New York.Even with the mixed finish Friday, major stock indexes still managed to rise for a fourth straight week.The early gain in stocks came after the European Union and International Monetary Fund created a bailout program that will help Greece and other European nations facing rising debt. The deal reached late Thursday will not make money immediately available to Greece, but instead act more as a safety net.It reinforces there will be a rescue and support for Greece, said Oliver Pursche, executive vice president at Gary Goldberg Financial Services. It lays the groundwork for future rescue packages.Investors have worried that mounting debt problems in places like Greece, Portugal and Spain would spread to other countries and hamper a global economic rebound.
The reassurance that Greece will get aid, if necessary, helped the euro rise against the dollar. The euro hit 10-month lows during the week.But the gains faded as traders became uneasy after the extended string of advances, which have come on light volume. When trading volume is weak, investors often worry that only a small number of buyers are driving the market higher.Investors may be trigger-happy to lock in gains at any sign of selling, said Michael Sheldon, chief market strategist at RDM Financial Group.The Dow rose 9.15, or 0.1 percent, to 10,850.36. The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 0.86, or 0.1 percent, to 1,166.59, while the Nasdaq composite index fell 2.28, or 0.1 percent, to 2,395.13.For the week, the Dow is up 1 percent. It hasn't risen for four straight weeks since August.The S&P 500 index rose 0.6 percent and the Nasdaq gained 0.9 percent.Bond prices rose, pushing down yields. Weak demand at the government's latest auctions for Treasury notes sent prices tumbling and interest rates sharply higher during the week.The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note fell to 3.85 percent from 3.89 percent late Thursday. The 10-year note is often used as a benchmark for interest rates on consumer loans.The coming week is a short one for investors. Markets will be closed for Good Friday. But there will be plenty of economic data to digest, including consumer confidence figures on Tuesday and a manufacturing report on Thursday. The government will release its March employment report on Friday, but investors will have to wait to Monday to trade on the news. Investors brushed aside Friday's final update to the gross domestic product report that showed the U.S. economy grew at a 5.6 percent pace in the fourth quarter, just below the 5.9 percent forecast by economists polled by Thomson Reuters. Much of the growth was tied to a surge in spending from government stimulus measures and manufacturing as businesses restocked exceptionally low inventories. Those gains are seen as temporary, so GDP likely has slowed sharply in the first quarter.
Consumer spending also remains weak and has not been able to replace the slack from a slowdown in government measures. Consumers are cautious because unemployment remains high, analysts say. The Reuters/University of Michigan consumer sentiment index for March was revised to 73.6 from a previous estimate of 72.5. The revised number was better than the 73 reading economists had forecast, but only even with February's figure. Daniel Egan, president of the Massachusetts Credit Union League, said the sentiment reading is likely to remain in its current range until there are signs of jobs growth. Consumers are frozen right now because they are still unsure about their jobs, Egan said. The updated GDP report showed consumer spending was even slower at the end of 2009 than previously estimated. High unemployment has made consumers cautious, which has been reflected in mixed consumer confidence surveys in recent months. The Labor Department's employment report next Friday is expected to show that employers added jobs in March for only the second month since the recession began in December 2007. Economists predict employers added 168,000 jobs in March after shedding 36,000 in February. Advancing stocks narrowly outpaced those that rose on the New York Stock Exchange, where consolidated volume came to 4.7 billion shares, compared with 5.7 billion Thursday. The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies fell 0.13, or less than 0.1 percent, to 678.97. Overseas, Britain's FTSE 100 fell 0.4 percent, Germany's DAX index dropped 0.2 percent, and France's CAC-40 fell 0.3 percent. Japan's Nikkei stock average rose 1.6 percent. The Dow Jones industrial average closed the week up 108.38 points, or 1 percent, at 10,850.36. The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 6.69, or 0.6 percent, to 1,166.59. The Nasdaq composite index rose 20.72, or 0.9 percent, to 2,395.13. The Russell 2000 index, which tracks the performance of small company stocks, rose 5.08, or 0.8 percent, for the week to 678.97. The Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index — which measures nearly all U.S.-based companies — ended at 12,003.94, up 70.27, or 0.6 percent.
Big Oil seeks natural gas deal in U.S. climate bill By Timothy Gardner and Richard Cowan – Thu Mar 25, 8:39 pm ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Major oil companies were calling on three U.S. senators struggling over a compromise climate bill to provide new breaks for natural gas drilling as the lawmakers said the legislation might not be unveiled until at least the end of April.For the second time in a week the senators crafting the compromise, John Kerry, a Democrat, Lindsey Graham, a Republican, and Joe Lieberman, an independent, met with industry groups and oil companies in hopes of advancing ideas on the long-delayed legislation.Within a couple weeks after the Easter break we hope to unveil a bill, Graham told reporters after the meetings on Thursday. Congress is scheduled to return on April 12 from its recess.Lieberman indicated he would like to have the bill introduced on April 22, the 40th anniversary of Earth Day.If it takes longer, it would mark yet another in a string of delays for a bill that proponents originally had hoped the Senate would have passed by last October.Lieberman said there had been no alteration of their goal to reduce U.S. carbon emissions by 17 percent by 2020, from 2005 levels, which is in the range President Barack Obama favors.
But thorny issues remained unresolved, such as putting fees on motor fuels during tough economic times, and regulating the drilling of vast supplies of natural gas from shale.Lieberman said it was not clear yet where an oil industry fee would be applied. Graham on the other hand said it would be applied at the refinery level.The longer we've talked about it, the more momentum we've gotten, but that won't last forever, so we need to bring this thing to a conclusion,Graham said about crafting a bill.
ConocoPhillips, BP and Shell Oil Co have submitted a document to the three senators calling for states, not the federal government, to regulate shale gas drilling methods that could double U.S. supplies of the relatively low-carbon fuel.States have historically have been less stringent in regulating hydraulic fracturing, or fracking which injects water, sand and chemical fluids into rock formations to get to the fuel.Exploitation of natural gas from shale could allow the United States to slash greenhouse gas emissions and cut its dependence on coal.But as critics say fracking pollutes water, the Environmental Protection Agency will begin to study if human health is impacted by fracking fluids.Senator Robert Casey, a Democrat, said he would work hard to defeat any move to keep states as the regulators.If that kind of provision were in it, that would be an area where I would want to spend a good deal of time either altering it or removing it, Casey told Reuters.Kerry, the lead proponent of the bill, needs every vote he can get as it will likely face opposition from lawmakers in states whose economies depend heavily on fossil fuels.The oil companies want states to disclose the chemical composition of fracking fluids to doctors or agencies only when needed to protect human health but to keep "the confidentiality of trade secrets information, on the chemicals, the document said.
The companies would not comment on the document. In addition, the wider oil industry would like to see expansions in offshore drilling in the bill. Bruce Josten, a vice president at the Chamber of Commerce, told reporters he understood that the offshore oil part of the bill would set up two levels for states to say whether they want to participate in expanded oil drilling. The first would give states the opportunity to say whether they wanted to have new offshore oil drilling from their coasts up to 35 miles out.A second level would let them veto drilling from 35 to 75 miles out, but Josten said this was still in discussion stages and he has not seen specific legislative language on any proposals.(Reporting by Timothy Gardner)
UAE: head of largest sovereign wealth fund missing
MAR 27,10
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – The United Arab Emirates state news agency says the head of Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth fund — the world's largest — is missing after his glider crashed in Morocco.The official Emirates News Agency said that Ahmed bin Zayed Al Nahyan's glider went down in a lake in Morocco on Friday. The pilot of the aircraft was rescued in good condition, but authorities continued the search for Al Nahyan.Al Nahyan is the managing director of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. He is also the younger brother of Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the leader of the United Arab Emirates.The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority could not be immediately reached for comment.
Iceland's premier pressing IMF on bailout review By SYLVIA HUI and GUDJON HELGASON, Associated Press Writers – Fri Mar 26, 6:02 pm ET
REYKJAVIK, Iceland – Iceland's prime minister said Friday she was pressing the International Monetary Fund to hasten a review to determine the next batch of bailout funding for the nation's struggling economy.The IMF had been putting off a decision on whether to release the second tranche of its $2.1 billion bailout funds since last year. Iceland is worried that the money could be held up until it settles wrangling with Britain and the Netherlands over a dispute about debt repayments, but the IMF has insisted this wasn't the case.Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir said she wrote IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn to demand that a review on Iceland's economy take place as soon as possible.It is highly unusual that the Icesave dispute and the review of the IMF be tied together, and that two nations (the U.K. and the Netherlands) can prevent it from taking place, Sigurdardottir told national broadcaster RUV.Iceland has not resolved a dispute with Britain and the Netherlands over the repayment of $5.3 billion to the two countries to pay off debts spawned by the collapse of Icesave, an Icelandic Internet bank that collapsed during the international financial crisis.Talks between the three sides broke down earlier this month, and Sigurdardottir said the British and Dutch governments have not answered calls for new negotiations on Icesave to commence.
The IMF has disbursed about $1 billion to Iceland and said discussions on a second review are ongoing.Although the body has never explicitly linked delivery of the funds to the reaching of an Icesave deal, it is committed to Iceland repaying its international debt — the months taken to reach the original Icesave deal were responsible for holding up the first tranche of IMF funds last year.Finland, Norway and Denmark agreed to provide a further $2.5 billion to help the country recover from a deep recession.Iceland's Finance Minister Steingrimur J. Sigfusson and Gylfi Magnusson, minister for business and economic affairs, were in Washington on Friday for talks with Strauss-Kahn. Their offices did not immediately respond to calls seeking comment on the progress of the discussions.Iceland was an early victim of the credit crunch, which sent its debt-fueled economy into free fall. The value of Iceland's currency collapsed, growth dropped dramatically and unemployment shot up.
Sylvia Hui reported from London.
10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.
Landmarks go dark, millions unplug for Earth Hour By ROHAN SULLIVAN, Associated Press Writer – Sat Mar 27, 9:06 am ET
SYDNEY – The white-shelled roof of the Sydney Opera House fell dark Saturday night, one of the first landmarks to turn out the lights in an hour-long gesture to be repeated by millions of people around the world who are calling for a binding pact to cut greenhouse gas emissions.Asian cities followed Australia and New Zealand as the fourth annual Earth Hour cranked up. Buildings in some 4,000 cities in more than 120 countries were expected to unplug to reduce energy consumption and draw attention to the dangers of climate change, according to organizers.The event will roll across the world, with participants turning off the lights when the clock strikes 8:30 p.m. local time. From a shopping mall in Manila to the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Empire State Building in New York, landmarks and skylines will dim.We have everyone from Casablanca to the safari camps of Namibia and Tanzania taking part, said Greg Bourne, CEO of World Wildlife Fund in Australia, the environmental group that came up with the idea that started in Sydney in 2007 and has since grown to every continent.
The shutdown is completely voluntary and street lights, traffic lights and other safety measures are unaffected.Andy Ridley, a WWF worker in Sydney who cooked up the idea of Earth Hour in a pub with friends, said he hoped this year's event would inspire world leaders to strive for a much stronger climate agreement than that struck at December's Copenhagen climate change summit, which failed to come up with binding rules on reducing pollution blamed for global warming.What we're still looking for in this coming year is a global deal that encourages all countries to lower their emissions, Ridley said Saturday. China is going to have to be a big part of that but so is every other major economy.China first took part in the campaign last year, and this year more than 30 cities were to switch off their lights, including those at the landmark Forbidden City in downtown Beijing.A U.S.-born giant panda, Mei Lan, who lives at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Center in the southwestern province of Sichuan, will kick off China's participation: When she walks onto a platform in her enclosure, the lights at the breeding center will go out, said Chris Chaplin, communications officer for WWF in China.Some 88 cities took part in last year's Earth Hour, which has the backing of the United Nations as well as global corporations, nonprofit groups, schools, scientists and celebrities — including Oscar-winning actress Cate Blanchett and retired Cape Town Archbishop Desmond Tutu.Earth Hour organizers say there's no uniform way to measure how much energy is saved worldwide, but that the simple fact that so many places have signed up to take part should send a message to leaders that global warming is a topic of great concern to people worldwide.In the Philippines, Roman Catholic bishops said they would urge the faithful to preserve natural resources during special prayers to be read on church-run radio for an hour starting at 8:30 p.m.Failure of today's people to care for the earth's resources is akin to stealing the future of the coming generations, said Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales.
Residents in 1,000 towns and municipalities were expected to switch off their lights in the Philippines, with the main event taking place at a Manila Bay mall complex, including a rock concert and street party, according to WWF-Philippines.In Taiwan, the Presidential Palace along with at least 20 skyscrapers — including the world's second-tallest building — in the capital of Taipei switched off their lights. Hundreds of Taiwanese placed candles beside a Taiwan map formed by energy-saving LED lights at a square outside the city hall. Also dimmed for an hour were large advertising billboards in a nearby commercial district.Associated Press writers Cara Anna in Beijing and Annie Huang in Tapei, Taiwan, contributed to this report.
DANIEL 7:23-25
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast (EU,REVIVED ROME) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,(7TH WORLD EMPIRE) which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.(TRADING BLOCKS)
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings(10 NATIONS) that shall arise: and another shall rise after them;(#11 SPAIN) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.( BE HEAD OF 3 NATIONS)
25 And he (EU PRESIDENT) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.(3 1/2 YRS)
DANIEL 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king (EU DICTATOR) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,(FROM THE OCCULT) shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power:(SATANS POWER) and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;(JESUS) but he shall be broken without hand.
DANIEL 11:36-39
36 And the king (EU DICTATOR) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS JEWISH) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.(CLAIM TO BE GOD)
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(WAR) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god,(DESTROY TERROR GROUPS) whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
19 And I saw the beast,(EU LEADER) and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse,(JESUS) and against his army.(THE RAPTURED CHRISTIANS)
NATO: Europe must upgrade defenses By SLOBODAN LEKIC, Associated Press Writer – Sat Mar 27, 7:59 am ET
BRUSSELS – Europe will be a paper tiger in military terms unless it reverses the decline in its defensive capabilities, NATO's chief warned Saturday.The alliance's secretary-general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, emphasized that the European allies are pulling their weight in the war in Afghanistan, where they account for 40 percent of NATO's 120,000-strong expeditionary force.But shrinking defense budgets during the economic downturn are causing a growing discrepancy in military capabilities between the United States and Europe's NATO members, he said. Most European nations are not even meeting the minimal requirement of devoting 2 percent of their GDP to defense.
America's latest defense budget of over $710 billion dwarfs the combined military annual expenditures of its European allies, which total about $280 billion. Despite the added expenses of the Afghan war, many European capitals are planning further cuts or freezing their current outlays.Analysts have noted that the discrepancies could cause falling public support for the alliance in the United States.The Europeans should not take this strong relationship for granted, Fogh Rasmussen told a conference on trans-Atlantic security in Brussels.The Lisbon Treaty provides the EU with a stronger defense capability ... but this will remain a paper tiger if it is not followed by concrete contributions when we need concrete military contributions, he said.Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who is leading a group of experts drafting NATO's new mission statement, said that despite the gap in defense spending the Europeans have done their share in missions such as Afghanistan.When we look into defense spending, then obviously there's a gap. ... But when it comes to political commitment I think we are witnessing a very strong European determination to share the burden,she said.
Fogh Rasmussen said another way the Europeans could demonstrate their commitment to defense was to develop and deploy an anti-missile system for the continent. He cited the growing threat of Iranian medium-range missiles, which he said can already reach Europe and parts of Russia.The U.S. has a missile defense system in North America, and it is planning one for NATO allies based on the Patriot air defense missile.
Missile defense may be one specific area where Europeans can demonstrate that commitment and to demonstrate to the American public that NATO is indeed relevant, Fogh Rasmussen said. He said a decision on missile defense needed to be taken at NATO's next summit in November.
And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.
Israeli soldiers leave Gaza after fierce clash By IAN DEITCH, Associated Press Writer – Sat Mar 27, 9:03 am ET
JERUSALEM – Israel withdrew its troops from the Gaza Strip Saturday after some of the fiercest gunbattles with Palestinian militants in the Hamas-run territory since last year's military offensive.Israeli troops used bulldozers to remove infrastructure used by terrorists to attack soldiers before the early morning withdrawal, a military spokeswoman said.The violence began Friday when soldiers patrolling the border crossed into Gaza after spotting Palestinians planting explosives near the fence with Israel.Two Israeli soldiers and two Palestinian militants were killed in the gunbattle, the military said. Palestinian medics said one civilian was killed and seven were wounded in the fighting. Militants reported one wounded and one missing.Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules Gaza, confirmed their gunmen were involved in Friday's violence — marking a shift from the group's tendency over the past year to avoid confrontation with Israeli forces.
The military said it holds Hamas responsible for the latest violence.We will not tolerate any attempt to harm the citizens of the state of Israel and we will continue to operate firmly against anyone who uses terror against it, a military statement said.The fighting followed a string of recent Palestinian rocket attacks on southern Israel that have ratcheted up tensions along the Israel-Gaza border.
Palestinians fired another rocket into Israel after troops left Saturday. It exploded in an open field and nobody was injured.The violence underscored some of the challenges the U.S. faces as it tries to get Israeli-Palestinian peace talks back on track.Also Friday, Egyptian police said they arrested 45 suspected smugglers over the past three days in an intensified crackdown on the supply line to Gaza by way of hundreds of cross-border tunnels. Among the suspects was a man accused of trying to deliver $242,000 in Egyptian pounds and U.S. dollars to Hamas in Gaza, police said.Israel and Egypt sealed their borders with Gaza in 2007 after Hamas militants took over the coastal territory in bloody street battles with the more moderate Palestinian Fatah party.Since then, Gaza's Hamas rulers have depended on the smuggling of cash and goods to keep their government afloat.Egypt is building an underground barrier of metal sheets along its border with Gaza in an attempt to block the tunnels used to smuggle weapons, contraband goods and cash into Gaza.
Associated Press writer Ashraf Sweilam contributed to this report from Rafah, Egypt.
Arabs close ranks on Jerusalem at Libya summit by Hala Boncompagni – MAR 27,10
SIRTE, Libya (AFP) – Arab leaders opened a summit on Saturday determined to send a clear warning that the Middle East peace process is doomed unless Israel freezes Jewish settlements in annexed east Jerusalem.Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas set the tone when he ruled out US-brokered peace talks with Israel unless the Jewish state backs down on settlements and pleaded with Arab leaders to rescue Jerusalem.We cannot resume indirect negotiations as long as Israel maintains its settlement policy and the status quo, Abbas said in a speech at the start of the two-day summit in the Libyan coastal city of Sirte.Abbas, who was speaking after UN chief Ban Ki-moon urged Arab leaders to help facilitate the US-brokered talks, accused Israel of working to alter the Arab identity of Jerusalem with ethnic cleansing.We have always said that Jerusalem is the jewel in the crown and the gate to peace, Abbas said, who insisted that Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem must be the capital of a future Palestinian state.The UN chief, also addressing the summit, appealed for Arab backing for the proximity indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinians, saying our common goal should be to resolve all final-status issues within 24 months.
Ban also reiterated that Israel's settlement activity in east Jerusalem was illegal and stressed Jerusalem?s significance to all must be respected, and it should emerge from negotiations as the capital of two states.Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, another guest speaker, blasted Israel's policy of considering and treating with the whole of Jerusalem as its united capital as madness.Jerusalem is the apple of the eye of each and every Muslim ... and we cannot at all accept any Israeli violation in Jerusalem or in Muslim sites, Erdogan said.If Jerusalem burns, all of Palestine will burn, and if Palestine burns then all of the Middle East will be afire, Erdogan warned.Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who was likewise invited by Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi to address the summit, said now is the time to give peace a chance.We have the possibility, we have the responsibility and we feel the urgency, Berlusconi said.He hoped that hardline Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will respond to the call made by the international community to improve the living conditions of Palestinians, especially in the Gaza Strip. Related article:US standing firm in row with Israel
Fresh US efforts to broker indirect Israeli-Palestinian peace talks earlier this month were still-born when Israel announced its plan to build 1,600 new homes for Jewish settlers in mainly Arab east Jerusalem.The announcement, made during a visit to Israel by US Vice President Joe Biden, enraged Washington and infuriated the Palestinians, who just days earlier had agreed to enter indirect talks with the Israelis.The two-day gathering in Sirte follows the worst violence in Gaza in 14 months, set against the background of Netanyahu's rejection of demands to stop settlement building in east Jerusalem.A Palestinian was killed and seven others were wounded during an overnight incursion by Israeli tanks into the blockaded Gaza Strip, Palestinian medics said early on Saturday.The incursion followed a clash late Friday on the border between the Gaza Strip and the Jewish state in which two Israeli soldiers and at least two Palestinians were killed, according to the Israeli army. The Sirte gathering is the first annual summit to be hosted by the maverick Kadhafi, who considers Israel an implacable enemy of the Arabs. Arab League chief Amr Mussa, who said before the summit that peace talks with Israel had become pointless,asked the leaders on Saturday to examine the chances of failure of the peace process due to Israel's policies.
Arab leaders from both the pro-Western and radical camps have also been angered by the opening of a restored 17th-century synagogue near east Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque compound, the third-holiest site in Islam. Jordan's King Abdullah II warned ahead of the summit that Israel was playing with fire in Jerusalem, while Syrian President Bashar al-Assad also attending the summit said Damascus stands ready if war is imposed by Israel. The thirteen Arab leaders along with Kadhafi attending the summit are expected to adopt a resolution to raise 500 million dollars in aid to improve living conditions for Jerusalem Palestinians as part of a rescue plan.
EZEKIEL 38:1-12
1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog,(RULER) the land of Magog,(RUSSIA) the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW)and Tubal,(TOBOLSK) and prophesy against him,
3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW) and Tubal:
4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws,(GOD FORCES THE RUSSIA-MUSLIMS TO MARCH) and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
5 Persia,(IRAN,IRAQ) Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
6 Gomer,(GERMANY) and all his bands; the house of Togarmah (TURKEY)of the north quarters, and all his bands:(SUDAN,AFRICA) and many people with thee.
7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.
8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.(RUSSIA-EGYPT AND MUSLIMS)
10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:
11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
PSALMS 83:3-7
3 They (ARABS,MUSLIMS) have taken crafty counsel against thy people,(ISRAEL) and consulted against thy hidden ones.
4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
5 For they (MUSLIMS) have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:(TREATIES)
6 The tabernacles of Edom,(JORDAN) and the Ishmaelites;(ARABS) of Moab, PALESTINIANS,JORDAN) and the Hagarenes;(EGYPT)
7 Gebal,(HEZZBALLOH,LEBANON) and Ammon,(JORDAN) and Amalek;(SYRIA,ARABS,SINAI) the Philistines (PALESTINIANS) with the inhabitants of Tyre;(LEBANON)
DANIEL 11:40-43
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south( EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) and the king of the north (RUSSIA AND MUSLIM HORDES OF EZEK 38+39) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.(JORDAN)
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
EZEKIEL 39:1-8
1 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog,(LEADER OF RUSSIA) and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech (MOSCOW) and Tubal: (TUBOLSK)
2 And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts,(RUSSIA) and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:
3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands,( ARABS) and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
5 Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.
6 And I will send a fire on Magog,(NUCLEAR BOMB) and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.
7 So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.
8 Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I have spoken.
JOEL 2:3,20,30-31
3 A fire(NUCLEAR BOMB) devoureth before them;(RUSSIA-ARABS) and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army,(RUSSIA,MUSLIMS) and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things.(SIBERIAN DESERT)
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.(NUCLEAR BOMB)
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
Arab League chief urges closer ties with Iran By KHALED AL-DEEB, Associated Press Writer - MAR 27,10
SIRTE, Libya – The head of the Arab League urged the 22-nation bloc on Saturday to engage Iran directly over concerns about its growing influence in the region and its disputed nuclear program.Amr Moussa also warned in his opening statement at a two-day Arab League summit in Sirte, Libya, that Israeli construction on land claimed by Palestinians could scuttle the Mideast peace process for good.Moussa outlined his plan for closer ties with Iran, saying it would involve a forum for regional cooperation and conflict resolution that would include Iran and Turkey — both non-Arab nations.But the proposal could undermine U.S. and Israeli efforts to isolate Tehran amid concerns that its nuclear program aims to develop atomic weapons. It also comes as the U.S. and other Western powers push for a fresh round of sanctions over Iran's nuclear defiance. Tehran insists its program is for peaceful purposes.
I realize that some are worried about Iran but that is precisely why we need the dialogue, Moussa said.The push to engage Tehran seems to be at least partly fueled by Arab frustration over Washington's failure to get Israel to back down on plans for more Jewish settlements on land the Palestinians want for a future state.It also suggests that Arab nations are increasingly less likely to align with the U.S. strategy on Iran if they feel they are getting nothing in return in Mideast peace efforts.Arab countries have grown increasingly skeptical that President Barack Obama will be able to forge a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians to end a conflict that has fueled anti-American sentiment in the region.Moussa urged Arab leaders to create a new strategy to pressure Israel, and stressed the peace process cannot be open ended.Earlier this month, Arab nations opened the door for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to enter four months of indirect, American-brokered peace talks with Israel. But they later threatened to withdraw support for the negotiations after Israel announced plans for new Jewish homes in east Jerusalem, the part of the city Palestinians claim as the capital of a future state.
Speaking at the summit Saturday, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas also urged Mideast peace brokers to push Israel to stop settlement construction, and vowed that the Palestinians will not sign any peace deal with Israel without the Jewish state ending its occupation of east Jerusalem.He accused Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu's government of trying to create a de facto situation in Jerusalem that would torpedo any future peace settlement.The Palestinians are seeking strong Arab backing at the summit in the face of Israel's construction plans. They are also asking for millions of dollars in funding for Palestinians living in east Jerusalem.
The summit registered a higher than usual number of no-shows from Arab leaders. Eight heads of state stayed away, including Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
Iran reaches out to neighbors in new year summit By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer - MAR 27,10
TEHRAN, Iran – Iran used an ancient new year celebration to reach out to Afghanistan, Iraq and other neighbors on Saturday, hosting them at a summit meeting that projected Iranian leadership in the strategic region straddling the Middle East and Central Asia.President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said it was the first of what he hoped would be yearly gatherings to mark the Nowruz celebrations and promote closer ties with the six neighboring nations where the holiday is celebrated by Farsi-speaking communities.That Nowruz promotes affection and social contacts among the people is one of many characteristics of this festival, Ahmadinejad said in a speech broadcast on state TV.In particular, the president has looked recently to come closer to Afghanistan, where Iran is wary of a long-term U.S. military presence.
Earlier this month, Ahmadinejad made his second visit to Afghanistan as president. During the visit, Ahmadinejad criticized Washington's policies in the country, arguing that the United States was playing a double game in fighting militants it had supported decades earlier in their battle against the Soviets.Afghan President Hamid Karzai was among those attending Saturday's events in Tehran. The other nations were Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iraq, Turkey and Azerbaijan.President Jalal Talabani represented Iraq, where full parliamentary election results released Friday gave a leading edge to a Shiite candidate who has been less friendly toward Tehran than some of Iraq's other top political figures.Ayad Allawi, who was an interim prime minister after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, leads a secular, anti-Iranian coalition that won the most seats in the March 7 election.Nowruz, which means new day in Farsi, is a spring festival of Persian origin that began on March 21 and continues until early April.Nowruz, the day of the vernal equinox, is celebrated by more than 300 million people worldwide as the beginning of the new year. The celebration predates Islam, going back thousands of years to the time when Zoroastrianism — with its central theme of the struggle between good and evil spirits — was the predominant religion of ancient Persia.
Under the Achamenid dynasty, which ruled about 2,500 years ago, Persia stretched from the Indus River to Egypt, to central Asia, forming the largest empire on earth until that date.Tajik President Emomali Rahmon suggested that the Nowruz gathering be held next year at Persepolis in southern Iran, the spring capital of the Achamenid kingdom, where the kings hosted Nowruz celebrations.Nowruz, with a history of 6,000 years, promotes the message of unity, honesty and happiness, he told the meeting.Hard-line Iranian clerics have discouraged some elements of Nowruz that they consider pagan festivals, but their guidance is not heeded.
Struggling Ontario delays balanced budget goal By Claire Sibonney – Thu Mar 25, 6:37 pm ET
TORONTO (Reuters) – Ontario's government said on Thursday it would run budget deficits most of this decade and plans to increase spending on infrastructure, healthcare and education to help offset the recent recession's impact on its export-oriented economy.Canada's most populous province, hit hard by the global economic slowdown, said it will run a deficit of C$19.7 billion ($19.3 billion) for the 2010-11 fiscal year. The Liberal government plans to reduce that each year before balancing the budget by 2017-18, two years later than what the government projected last fall.We will not put job creation and economic growth at risk by cutting too soon, nor will we spend as if there is no deficit. Eliminating the deficit is important if we are going to open Ontario to new jobs and growth.Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan told reporters.Ontario's governing Liberal party, reelected with a majority in 2007, has sought to resuscitate the province's battered economy partly through spending on initiatives like green power.Duncan said the province will spend C$13.2 billion on infrastructure in the coming fiscal year. It expects the spending on roads, transit, hospitals and schools will help contribute to job growth. The province forecast 200,000 new jobs overall will be created over the next two years.
New initiatives included more post-secondary school placements and boosting jobs and growth in Northern Ontario.The province said its total expenses will be C$125.9 billion in the coming fiscal year, up from C$117.7 billion in 2009-10. Total program spending will rise 6.5 percent. It forecast spending will dip to C$124.1 billion in 2011-12 before resuming a steady rise.To help contain some costs, Ontario said it is proposing reforms that would facilitate lower generic drug prices.There are not a lot of big ticket items in today's budget. It's very much a stay-the-course budget, said Derek Burleton, a senior economist at Toronto-Dominion Bank.The province will freeze some internal operating expenses, including MPP salaries from one to three years, and slow the pace of some capital projects such as new transit initiatives once the stimulus funding has ended.Revenues are expected to rise to C$106.9 billion in 2010-11 from C$96.4 billion in the current fiscal year. The current year's figures were hurt as tax revenues came in at C$65.8 billion, 12.2 percent below their level two years ago.Overall revenues are projected to increase at an average annual rate of 5.1 percent between 2009-10 and 2012-13, but not recover to their 2007-08 level until the next fiscal year.The province, which relies heavily on manufacturing and the export of autos and auto parts to the United States, predicted its economy would grow 2.7 percent this year, slightly below private-sector predictions.
The province said it will have a deficit of C$17.3 billion in 2011-12, a figure it expects to steadily decline to C$4.2 billion in 2016-17 before returning to balance in the following fiscal year.This is by far the longest and deepest stretch of projected deficits among the Canadian provinces, Bank of Montreal economist Robert Kavcic said in a research note.He added that provinces are having to choose this budget season between immediate spending restraint or letting the economic recovery to take firmer root.Ontario is leaning toward the latter, despite being the least able among the provinces to do so.Ontario said its net debt would rise to C$220 billion in 2010-11 and C$245 billion in 2011-12 from C$193.2 billion in 2009-10. By 2013-14, Ontario's debt to GDP ratio is seen peaking more than 40 percent. The province said its long-term public borrowing need for the current fiscal year was C$43.8 billion, down about C$1.2 billion from its fall forecast. It said this figure will decline to C$39.7 billion in 2010-11 and C$38.8 billion in 2011-12. Bond investors may have some concerns about the longer term trend for borrowing, the debt-to-GDP ratio, the sharp upticks, so it's mixed, said TD's Burleton.
Ontario government debt prices were little changed following the budget. The yield on the province's 10-year benchmark bond was 54.4 basis points above the Canadian government yield curve. It was about 56.2 basis points above its Canadian government counterpart earlier in the session. The Ontario 10-year yield traded about 130 basis points above the Canadian government curve when Ontario presented its last budget in March 2009.(Reporting by Claire Sibonney; editing by Jeffrey Hodgson)
21 And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them.
ISAIAH 18:1-2
1 Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia:
2 That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!
JEREMIAH 50:11,37,12
11 Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of mine heritage, because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls;(BACKSLIDERS)
37 A sword is upon their horses, and upon their chariots, and upon all the mingled people that are in the midst of her; and they shall become as women: a sword is upon her treasures; and they shall be robbed.(A NATION OF MINGLED PEOPLE)
12 Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed:(MOTHER ENGLAND) behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert.
JEREMIAH 51:13,7,53
13 O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness.
7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD's hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.
53 Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the LORD.
3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
JEREMIAH 50:3,24
3 For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the LORD. (RUSSIA A SNEAK ATTACK ON AMERICA)
REVELATION 18:9-11,15-21
9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,(NUKE ATTACK I BELIEVE)
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
Former Cold War foes US, Russia to slash nukes By TOM RAUM and ROBERT BURNS, Associated Press Writers – Sat Mar 27, 4:29 am ET
WASHINGTON – The U.S. and Russia sealed the first major nuclear weapons treaty in nearly two decades Friday, agreeing to slash the former Cold War rivals' warhead arsenals by nearly one-third and talking hopefully of eventually ridding a fearful world of nuclear arms altogether.President Barack Obama said the pact was part of an effort to reset relations with Russia that have been badly frayed. And at home the agreement gave him the biggest foreign policy achievement of his presidency, just days after he signed the landmark health care overhaul that has been his domestic priority.Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will sign the agreement April 8 in Prague, where Obama gave a major speech on doing away with nuclear arms one year ago. The city is the capital of the Czech Republic, a former Soviet satellite and now a NATO member.If ratified by the Senate and by Russia's legislature, the reductions still would leave both countries, by far the world's largest nuclear powers, with immense arsenals — and the ability to easily annihilate each other. Together, the United States and Russia possess about 95 percent of the world's nuclear weapons, according to the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.
Still, Obama called the pact a step toward the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.He said nuclear weapons represent both the darkest days of the Cold War, and the most troubling threats of our time.Agreed Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov,Both parties see the ultimate goal in building a nuclear-free world.No one sees that any time soon. But U.S. leaders noted that the agreement came shortly before Obama was to host an international conference on nuclear proliferation in Washington.U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the treaty an important milestone and said he believed it would add a significant impetus to a U.N. conference in May to review the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.We have turned words into action,Obama said at the White House after completing the agreement in a morning phone call with Medvedev. The White House said it was their 14th meeting or phone call on the issue.The United States hopes the 10-year agreement will lead to better cooperation on other issues, such as a unified U.S.-Russian stance against the development of nuclear weapons by Iran.Ratification in the Senate will require 67 votes, two-thirds of the senators, meaning Obama will need support from Republicans, something he's found hard to come by on other issues.Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, a leading Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, welcomed Friday's announcement. Lugar, who is influential among fellow GOP senators as an arms control expert, said he looked forward to receiving the treaty so that the committee could hold hearings and work quickly to achieve ratification.
Under the agreement, which would replace and expand on a landmark 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty that expired in December, the two former Cold War foes would cut their arsenals of nuclear warheads to 1,550 — from the 2,200 previously permitted — over seven years. It would also trim the number of allowable missiles and bombers capable of carrying the warheads to targets.With this agreement, the United States and Russia — the two largest nuclear powers in the world — also send a clear signal that we intend to lead, Obama said.In Moscow, the Kremlin hailed the agreement. Medvedev's spokeswoman, Natalya Timakova, said, This treaty reflects the balance of interests of both nations.
There are still disagreements.
According to U.S. officials, the accord won't restrict moving ahead on deployment of an American missile defense system — long a touchy subject between the two nations. And Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov suggested Russia reserves the right to walk away from the treaty if it sees it can no longer protect its security because of a U.S. missile-defense buildup.The existence of strategic defensive systems capable of neutralizing strategic offensive weapons will be taken into account, Lavrov told reporters. Sealing the deal gave Obama a badly needed foreign policy victory. His advisers hoped it would help lend momentum to his overall agenda by demonstrating strength on both the international and domestic fronts. It came soon after Congress approved his top domestic priority, the health care overhaul. Yet, given the highly charged partisan atmosphere in Washington, Republican support for the treaty is not a foregone conclusion. Obama will need at least eight Republican votes in the Senate. And despite supportive statements by more moderate Republicans such as Lugar, some conservative GOP senators have voiced concerns that too many concessions to Moscow could limit the flexibility of future presidents. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl have voiced concerns about the treaty's impact on missile defenses and have proposed linking ratification with modernization of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. McConnell said Friday that GOP senators will attempt to determine whether the treaty's provisions would be verifiable and would maintain America's full ability to defend itself.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, standing with Defense Secretary Robert Gates alongside Obama, said, National security has always produced large bipartisan majorities, and I see no reason why this should be any different. I believe that a vast majority of the Senate, at the end of the day, will see that this is in America's interest.Clinton also jestingly offered the Russian government help in getting the treaty through the Duma. President Obama has said he will send Rahm Emanuel to Moscow if necessary, she joked, referring to Obama's blunt-speaking chief of staff. We all endorsed that offer.Because the earlier START treaty expired in December, Russia and the United States will not have an agreement for inspecting each other's arsenals until a replacement treaty comes into effect. Clinton emphasized the verification mechanism in the treaty — a key demand of the U.S. that was resisted by Russia and was one of the sticking points that delayed completion of the deal. It will reduce the chance for misunderstandings and miscalculations, she told reporters. She noted that the U.S. and Russia still possess the lion's share of the world's nuclear weapons. We do not need such large arsenals to protect our nation, she said. Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said U.S. commanders around the world stand solidly behind the treaty.Gates cautioned that the treaty — and an accompanying review of nuclear posture — will require more spending to modernize America's nuclear arsenal. At the same time, the defense secretary called it an important milestone in consigning Cold War nightmares to the past. Gates recalled serving as an Air Force officer in the 1960s at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., then home to 150 Minuteman nuclear missiles. The new treaty, he said, is testimony to just how much the world has changed.
The agreement was hailed internationally. In Brussels, European Union Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said the EU strongly supports nonproliferation efforts and there could not be a more positive signal to our efforts than the news today.
Associated Press writers Mark S. Smith, Desmond Butler and Jennifer Loven in Washington and Douglas Birch in Moscow contributed to this report.
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (DRUGS) were all nations deceived.
21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (DRUGS), nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
Police chief decapitated in northern Mexico town By MARK WALSH, Associated Press Writer – Sat Mar 27, 4:29 am ET
MONTERREY, Mexico – The decapitated body of the police chief of a northern Mexico town and the body of his brother were found inside the chief's patrol truck Friday, authorities said. Hours earlier, gunmen killed a deputy police chief and his bodyguard in another part of Mexico's north.The body of Heriberto Cerda, the police chief in Agualeguas, was found on the bed of a patrol pickup truck, which was left on a dirt road in the nearby town of General Trevino. His head was on his lap, said a spokesman for Nuevo Leon state prosecutors who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case.The body of the chief's brother, Jesus Cerda, was found inside the truck, the official said. He didn't say how Jesus Cerda was killed.Nuevo Leon state secretary general Javier Trevino told reporters that Cerda and his brother had been reported missing Thursday.The windshield and driver's door of the patrol car had C.D.G., an acronym for the Gulf drug cartel, written in blood, photos showed.
The border state of Nuevo Leon, where Agualeguas and General Trevino are located, has seen an upsurge in violence that authorities say is the result of a turf battle between the Gulf cartel and the Zetas, the cartel's former hit men.The slayings came a day after Mexican marines on patrol in the Nuevo Leon town of Cerralvo came under fire after ordering a convoy of gunmen traveling in six vehicles to stop. Six of the assailants were killed.Nearly 18,000 people have died in drug-related violence since President Felipe Calderon launched an assault on cartels after taking office in December 2006.In the northern state of Sonora, gunmen in a pickup truck fatally shot the deputy police chief and his bodyguard in the city of Nogales, which sits across the border from the Arizona city of the same name, authorities said Friday.Sonora state police said gunmen opened fire on the victims with Kalashnikov rifles Thursday night.Late Friday, gunmen opened fired on a hotel in downtown Ciudad Juarez where federal agents stay, killing one and wounding two, authorities said.Enrique Torres, a spokesman for Chihuahua state police, said the assailants shot into the hotel's restaurant. Hours earlier, a state investigator was shot to death in a residential area, Torres said.Ciudad Juarez, which is across the border from El Paso, Texas, is the most violent city in Mexico.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).
Cuba to vaccinate more than 1.1M against swine flu
Fri Mar 26, 4:46 pm ET
HAVANA – Cuba will begin vaccinating nearly 10 percent of its citizens against swine flu next week, reversing its previous skepticism about the high cost and effectiveness of immunization to combat the virus.Communist Party newspaper Granma said Friday that the vaccinations will come in two waves, the first beginning April 1. More than 1.1 million Cubans deemed particularly vulnerable to swine flu will get them in a country of about 11.4 million.
The vaccinations come from stocks donated by the World Health Organization.
Granma said about 80,000 of those to receive the vaccine are pregnant women. The list also includes health and education workers; airport employees and others who come into contact with foreigners; and islanders 6 months and older who suffer from specific health problems that swine flu can exacerbate.President Raul Castro said in late December that 41 Cubans had died of swine flu. Officials have released no additional statistics.Most of those killed by the virus suffered from chronic ailments and came into contact with visitors from the U.S., Mexico or other countries hit especially hard by the flu outbreak, the government says.Health officials said last summer that Cuba preferred to rely on the army sealing off areas where the virus was spreading and mass quarantines to fight swine flu — rather than using imported vaccines that would be expensive and potentially only minimally effective.Authorities softened that stance dramatically, however, after WHO Secretary-General Margaret Chan said during a visit to Havana in October that the organization would distribute 200 million doses of swine flu vaccine to 100 developing countries, including Cuba.(This version CORRECTS the number of pregnant woman receiving vaccine to 80,000, not 800,000.)
5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
ROMANS 1:18-32
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:(HOMOSEXUALITY,AND ALL SEX SINS)
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:(LESBIENS)
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly,(SODOMITES) and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.(AIDS ETC)
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
3 Without natural affection,(HOMOSEXUALS) trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,(HARDENED SODOMITE RAINBOW GROUPERRS) nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
Tsvangirai backs Mugabe in rejection of gay rights
Fri Mar 26, 9:42 am ET
HARARE (AFP) – Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has backed President Robert Mugabe's stance against including gay rights in a new constitution, state media reported Friday.The two were speaking at a belated celebration in a Harare suburb Thursday of International Women's Day, which was on March 8.Mugabe reiterated his opposition to rights for gays, whom he has described as worse than pigs and dogs.I heard the issue was being raised at the constitution making process, Mugabe said. Those who do it, we will say, they are wayward. It is just madness, insanity.That is not what we can allow, Mugabe said, according to the state-run news agency New Ziana.
Tsvangirai said he agreed with the president's stance.Why should a man seek to have a relationship with another man when women make up 52 percent of the population? In fact, men are fewer than women, he said.Homosexuality is illegal in Zimbabwe, where Mugabe has railed against the gay community for more than a decade, although the group Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe is allowed to operate.Neighbouring South Africa is the only nation on the continent that gives equal rights to gays.In nearby Malawi, a couple has been jailed since December after holding the country's first same-sex wedding.Kenyan police last month arrested five people who were apparently guests at a planned gay wedding.In Uganda a lawmaker has proposed a bill that would impose tough penalties for homosexuality, including the death sentence in certain cases.Zimbabwe is meant to write a new constitution this year to pave the way for new elections, after disputed polls in 2008 that led to the creation of the unity government between rivals Mugabe and Tsvangirai.But the constitution-making process has made little headway since it began last year.
Myanmar orders CNN correspondent deported
Fri Mar 26, 1:00 pm ET
NAYPYITAW, Myanmar – A reporter for the U.S. television network CNN has been ordered deported from Myanmar for the second time in two years.Dan Rivers, who was in the capital city Naypyitaw to cover Armed Forces Day — one of the few events which the ruling junta invites foreign journalists to cover — will be deported because he is on a blacklist for illicitly reporting from the country in May 2008, an Information Ministry official said Friday.Rivers was one of the few Western journalists to openly report on the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis — which left 138,000 people dead or missing — and was kicked out after several days.The official, who spoke on connection of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press, said Rivers was accidentally allowed in again this month because of a mistake by Myanmar's embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, where the CNN correspondent is based.The official said Rivers was sent from Naypyitaw, to Yangon, the country's commercial hub, from where he would be expelled. He was unsure when the deportation would be carried out.A CNN spokesman in Hong Kong declined to comment.
Florida realtors welcome Canadian dollar's rally By Kristina Cooke – Thu Mar 25, 3:25 pm ET
BONITA SPRINGS, Fla (Reuters) – Canadians are taking their strengthened currency and fleeing the cold.Hard-hit realtors in Florida are welcoming a side-effect of the Canadian dollar's recent rally: more Canadians buying houses in the Sunshine State.
Now their currency is around parity with the dollar and their money is worth something, more have decided it's time to buy, said Bill Sontag, a realtor at Florida Realty in Naples.So-called snowbird Canadians who migrate to the sun during the winter months as well as those simply looking for a holiday home are lending support to the decimated housing market in Southwest Florida, realtors there say.
House prices in the seaside town of Naples have dropped more than 64 percent from their peak in the second quarter of 2006, according to the Federal Reserve. But realtors say they are beginning to see signs of stabilization, thanks in part to Canadian buyers.We've seen a lot of activity from Canadians, said Brett Brown, chair of the Naples Area Board of Realtors' Global Business Committee.It's the exchange rate and also the fact that house prices have dropped so much. It's very affordable for them.Michael Mackenzie, research officer at the Canadian Snowbird Association, an advocacy group, says that while statistics won't be available for another six months, he sees strong anecdotal evidence of this trend across Florida.The Canadian Snowbird Assocation's annual event in Lakeland, Florida, this January was attended by around 40,000 of its members, about 20 percent more than the average over the past few years, Mackenzie said.According to the National Association of Realtors, Canada was the top country of origin for foreign buyers in the United States last year, and more than a third of those Canadians bought real estate in Florida.
Scott Samuel, 54, a lawyer and investment banker from Toronto bought his holiday home in Naples in October.Samuel said his decision to buy was driven mainly by the bargain prices available and that his sons studied in the United States. His wife, Julie, has been coming to Florida with friends for the past 17 years, he added.The strength of the Canadian dollar, perhaps to some extent assisted in the decision, he said. It was good timing.We like that there are a lot of active things to do here in the sun, he said. You can golf, boat, go to the beach, play tennis, all in the development we're in.Samuel said the price of a similar property in Canada would cost 50 percent or event double as much as he paid.In another sign that Canadians are flocking to Florida, Canadian airlines are increasing their direct flights to Southwest Florida.Low-cost Canadian airline WestJet will fly direct to Fort Myers three times a week in the low-season summer months, compared with just one flight a week last summer, according to South West Florida International Airport spokeswoman Victoria Moreland.Even Florida's coldest winter in more than a decade didn't put off the hardy Canadians.One Canadian woman came in the dog days of winter and when I mentioned the weather, she just laughed and said This isn't cold! said Justin Smith, a realtor with Sellstate Select Realty in Fort Myers. All Canadians that he has dealt with, he said, have mentioned the exchange rate.They're very cognizant of that ratio.(Editing by Frank McGurty)
TSX ends flat as Korea news spooks investors By Claire Sibonney – Fri Mar 26, 5:10 pm ET
TORONTO (Reuters) – The TSX ended little changed on Friday as the sinking of a South Korea naval vessel stoked worries about geopolitical tensions in Asia, offsetting growing confidence over a deal for debt-ridden Greece.News of the ship sinking with more than 100 people on board stirred fears of the possibility of a military confrontation, even though Seoul said it was not clear if North Korea was involved.
The incident stymied the market just as positive sentiment was building around an agreement that would provide a safety net for Athens as it struggles to cut a giant budget deficit.Gold stocks like Barrick Gold Corp rose along prices for the safe-haven metal, while financial issues such as Royal Bank of Canada slipped.There's always something in the world that is going to spook the markets, no matter if the markets are expecting it or not, said Ian Nakamoto, director of research at MacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier.The Toronto Stock Exchange's S&P/TSX composite index finished 0.74 of a point, or 0.01 percent, lower to 11,957.37. The index ended the week flat at 0.1 percent higher.It just seems to me as if investors are looking for excuses to take some of their profits, said Elvis Picardo, an analyst and strategist at Global Securities in Vancouver.The underlying tone is still quite healthy, but given that we've come up quite substantially from last month's lows, I think investors are a little trigger happy, he added.
The heavily weighted financial sector was hit as Royal Bank, the country's biggest lender, retreated 0.9 percent to C$59.82, after hitting its highest point since 2007 earlier in the day at C$60.55.Bank of Nova Scotia was down 1.5 percent to C$51.05. and Toronto-Dominion Bank lost 0.7 percent to C$76.00.The powerhouse energy sector was down 0.2 percent, with Suncor Energy Inc, the country's largest oil company, down 0.1 percent to C$30.85, and natural gas major Encana Corp off 0.7 percent to C$30.35.Oil prices fell below $80 after data showed the U.S. economy grew less than expected last quarter, and the plan to bail out Greece failed to quell concern over fragile economic recovery.Eight of the 10 sectors were lower, but materials issues rose 1.6 percent, reflecting firmer gold prices and copper at a two-week high.
Barrick, the world's biggest gold producer, gained 2.1 percent to C$38.42, while base metals miner First Quantum Minerals added 1 percent to C$90.72.
Mr Shuffles elephant calf trumpets new name
Thu Mar 25, 2:44 am ET
SYDNEY (AFP) – Australia's elephant calf Mr Shuffles, whose successful birth after being pronounced dead during labour caused a nationwide sensation, was renamed Pathi Harn, meaning miracle in Thai, on Thursday.The elephant, whose nickname came from his unsteady walk, was blessed in a Thai naming ceremony at Sydney's Taronga Zoo just two weeks after cheating death. Pathi Harn was the top choice out of seven names put to the public.Pathi Harn's story has really captured the public's imagination and they have chosen a name that reflects this, said New South Wales state environment minister Frank Sartor.However he admitted that the elephant would be unlikely to outgrow his nickname, which has won widespread public affection.
Pathi Harn will of course be the name that will replace Mr Shuffles, which I suppose will remain the nickname, Sartor said.Pathi Harn was declared dead on March 8 after about a week of labour. But zoo staff noticed he was moving after finally being born two days later.He is the third calf born in Australia since last July under a conservation breeding programme using adult elephants from Thailand.
AP Exclusive: Smart meters have security holes By JORDAN ROBERTSON, AP Technology Writer – Fri Mar 26, 2:19 pm ET
SAN FRANCISCO – Computer-security researchers say new smart meters that are designed to help deliver electricity more efficiently also have flaws that could let hackers tamper with the power grid in previously impossible ways.At the very least, the vulnerabilities open the door for attackers to jack up strangers' power bills. These flaws also could get hackers a key step closer to exploiting one of the most dangerous capabilities of the new technology, which is the ability to remotely turn someone else's power on and off.The attacks could be pulled off by stealing meters — which can be situated outside of a home — and reprogramming them. Or an attacker could sit near a home or business and wirelessly hack the meter from a laptop, according to Joshua Wright, a senior security analyst with InGuardians Inc. The firm was hired by three utilities to study their smart meters' resistance to attack.
These utilities, which he would not name, have already done small deployments of smart meters and plan to roll the technology out to hundreds of thousands of power customers, Wright told The Associated Press.There is no evidence the security flaws have been exploited, although Wright said a utility could have been hacked without knowing it. InGuardians said it is working with the utilities to fix the problems.
Power companies are aggressively rolling out the new meters. In the U.S. alone, more than 8 million smart meters have been deployed by electric utilities and nearly 60 million should be in place by 2020, according to a list of publicly announced projects kept by The Edison Foundation, an organization focused on the electric industry.Unlike traditional electric meters that merely record power use — and then must be read in person once a month by a meter reader — smart meters measure consumption in real time. By being networked to computers in electric utilities, the new meters can signal people or their appliances to take certain actions, such as reducing power usage when electricity prices spike.But the very interactivity that makes smart meters so attractive also makes them vulnerable to hackers, because each meter essentially is a computer connected to a vast network.There are few public studies on the meters' resistance to attack, in part because the technology is new. However, last summer, Mike Davis, a researcher from IOActive Inc., showed how a computer worm could hop between meters in a power grid with smart meters, giving criminals control over those meters.Alan Paller, director of research for the SANS Institute, a security research and training organization that was not involved in Wright's work with InGuardians, said it proved that hacking smart meters is a serious concern.We weren't sure it was possible, Paller said.He actually verified it's possible. ... If the Department of Energy is going to make sure the meters are safe, then Josh's work is really important.SANS has invited Wright to present his research Tuesday at a conference it is sponsoring on the security of utilities and other critical infrastructure.Industry representatives say utilities are doing rigorous security testing that will make new power grids more secure than the patchwork system we have now, which is already under hacking attacks from adversaries believed to be working overseas.
We know that automation will bring new vulnerabilities, and our task — which we tackle on a daily basis — is making sure the system is secure, said Ed Legge, spokesman for Edison Electric Institute, a trade organization for shareholder-owned electric companies.But many security researchers say the technology is being deployed without enough security probing.Wright said his firm found egregious errors, such as flaws in the meters and the technologies that utilities use to manage data from meters. Even though these protocols were designed recently, they exhibit security failures we've known about for the past 10 years,Wright said.He said InGuardians found vulnerabilities in products from all five of the meter makers the firm studied. He would not disclose those manufacturers.One of the most alarming findings involved a weakness in a communications standard used by the new meters to talk to utilities' computers. Wright found that hackers could exploit the weakness to break into meters remotely, which would be a key step for shutting down someone's power. Or someone could impersonate meters to the power company, to inflate victims' bills or lower his own. A criminal could even sneak into the utilities' computer networks to steal data or stage bigger attacks on the grid. Wright said similar vulnerabilities used to be common in wireless Internet networking equipment, but have vanished with an emphasis on better security. For instance, the meters encrypt their data — scrambling the information to hide it from outsiders. But the digital keys needed to unlock the encryption were stored on data-routing equipment known as access points that many meters relay data to. Stealing the keys lets an attacker eavesdrop on all communication between meters and that access point, so the keys instead should be kept on computers deep inside the utilities' networks, where they would be safer. That lesson seems to be lost on these meter vendors,he said. That speaks to the relative immaturity of the meter technology, Wright added.
Verizon Blasts Outdated FCC Broadband Plan-NEWSFACTOR NETWORK Patricia Resende, – MAR 27,10
Verizon Communications is denouncing the Federal Communications Commission's National Broadband Plan, saying it was created with old services such as telephone, radio and cable in mind. The NBP, rolled out by the FCC last week, aims to provide at least 100 million homes in the U.S. affordable Internet access at download speeds of 100 megabits per second and upload speeds of 50 megabits per second. Verizon Vice President Thomas Tauke said the FCC didn't take enough time to write the rules and moved too quickly to use those rules to regulate the Internet. The rules are confusing and obscure, Tauke said at an event sponsored by the New Democrat Network.
We want order, but we also don't want to hinder innovation and investment in this dynamic broadband and Internet marketplace, Tauke said. His comments come just a week after Verizon released a statement saying it commended FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and the NBP Task Force for developing a coherent plan and addressing the array of broadband issues.
Verizon's Vision
After dissecting the 300-plus-page plan, Verizon made a few suggestions. Consumers should be in charge by being able to choose the devices, software, applications and access they want, according to Tauke. Because companies are facing a slew of challenges, including five billion cyberattack threats monitored each day, privacy and security are a concern. The FCC needs to consider the privacy and security of U.S. Internet users utilizing social networking, online banking, and e-commerce, Verizon said. But Verizon's biggest complaint is with subsidies. While the company said the FCC's plan to address facility-based deployment in high-cost areas is heading in the right direction, the plan needs a new approach to address providing low-income homes with Internet access. Verizon suggested the FCC follow the same government subsidy programs currently in place such as fuel assistance and food stamps, where consumers receive direct support from the government.
Republican Opposition
The carrier's comments come after the FCC's plan was criticized by several Republican legislators in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Republicans objected Thursday to portions of the FCC's plan, saying it leaves broadband providers open to new regulations. The plan would free 500 megahertz of airwaves for mobile broadband services over 10 years, and the FCC wants congressional authority to conduct auctions of the spectrum for both consumer and commercial purposes.
Open Internet
On Friday the FCC announced it will host a public workshop for its open-Internet proceedings. The workshop is April 28 in Seattle and will address how the Internet's openness can be preserved. While the FCC hasn't announced an agenda for the workshop, the agency said it will look at historical and continued efforts to protect the open Internet in the U.S. and other countries. Attendees will also discuss the technological, economic and legal issues facing the FCC's proposed open-Internet policies.
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