Sunday, June 11, 2006


I wish I could understand why the WORLD condems ISRAEL for everything, yet the Arabs have blown up thousands upon thousands of ISRAELI Children, Women and Men. Why the USA and western countries stick up for the Arabs and not Israel is beyond me. When the Bible clearly says its Israels land given to them by GOD, and who ever blesses ISRAEL will be blessed, whoever curses ISRAEL will be cursed and destroyed.

This just tells me theres not a whole lot of Christian people in the West. We claim to be Christian Nations in the West, but we sure don't go by what GOD says or everyone who calls themselves Christians would be sticking up for ISRAEL and not the Arabs on the Mideast Land Issue.

Now we know why the Bible says if you do my saying not just talk my sayings you are of GOD. Christians we better start believing the Bible and stick up for ISRAEL and help them with this Arab situation. We must demand its ISRAELS land givin them by the creator of everything thats been created GOD, not Politicians, not the European Union, not the United Nations. We must stick up for Israel and help them get the Arabs off their GOD givin land. The Bible clearly says the ISRAELIS and ARABS will live side by side in the future but ISRAEL will control the MIDEAST and JERUSALEM will be the WORLD CAPITAL.

The bounderies of the state of Israel are recorded in scripture. (see Numbers 34:2-15; Joshua 11:16-23; 13:11-22.) The bounderies are futhur described in Ezekiel 47:13-28 and all of chapter 48. Here is the Land Abraham, Isaac and Jacobs (Israels) decendants inherit forever.

Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.

Unfortunately the Bible does say it will be through GOD and WAR not peace that ISRAEL gets their land. So the Bible will all come to pass (since GOD can not lie), everything the Bible says is and will come to pass literally just like JESUS' BIRTH, DEATH and RESURRECTION was literal, the Prophecies from the ISRAELI Prophets will come to pass literally not Spiritually like some Churches teach (FALSE TEACHING).

Of course if you believe this false teaching that ISRAEL is the Church and JERUSALEM is heaven you can eliminate ISRAEL and JERUSALEM from the Prophecies and believe anything in your Imagination. SMARTIN UP WORLD, THE WORLD WILL BE TEMPORARILY DESTROYED TO GIVE PEOPLE HINTS THAT THE GOD OF ISRAEL IS IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING, NO MAN.

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

Kassam rain falls on Negev townsMore than 30 fired in 24 hours by terrorists of Hamas-led PA
By Stan GoodenoughJune 11, 2006

“Palestinians” taking full advantage of an explosion that killed seven Arabs on Friday – and an incident that led Israel to suspend retaliatory shelling – unleashed a barrage of Kassam rockets at Israeli towns in the Negev over the weekend.Terrorist members of Hamas, the organization controlling the Palestinian Authority, have been behind the attacks, which have seen at least 32 rockets fired in a 36 hour period.Hamas, which has purportedly been observing a “ceasefire” against Israel, announced its intention to “resume” attacks after the incident on Friday.

Its intention, said an official, is to render the population center of S’derot into a ghost town. At least one person was critically wounded, and a number lightly injured, when four out of 13 rockets fired Sunday morning hit the S’derot area. One landed near a first grade classroom.The town ordered all schools closed and instructed parents to keep their children off the street to protect them from attacks.As the rockets were falling, S’derot mayor Eli Moyal was meeting with officials in the Prime Minister’s Office, where he complained at the lack of adequate security precautions being taken on behalf of his townspeople. Moyal was told to convey to his citizens that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert supported them in their situation.

Because of the ban on artillery retaliation, it took most of Sunday morning before Israeli Air Force planes began targeting Kassam cells with rocket fire. At least one two-man Kassam firing cell was blown apart in an IAF missile strike.

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