S&P Futures, MS CDS, And MS Bonds Tyler Durden's picture Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/05/2011 08:44 -0400
Via Peter Tchir of TF Market Advisors-ZEROHEDGE
What do MS CDS and S&P Futures have in common? Everything AND Nothing.MS CDS and ES (E-mini S&P Futures) are clearly correlated. As MS CDS tightens, S&P futures rally, and vice versa. That is pretty clear. They are also the two most talked about things all day long lately. That is where the differences become blatantly obvious.
ES trades from 6 pm on Sunday until 4:15 Friday virtually continuously. It is global and the price is constantly known, and you can see the depth of the market at any given time. ES has been trading about 3.1 million contracts a day. Each contract represents an exposure of $56,112.50. That is a notional volume of about $175 billion. Yesterday, ES hit a low of 1068 and a high of 1119, about a 4.5% range. With volumes of $175 billion and huge swings, there must have been massive demand for counterparty protection? As far as I know, CDS on CME does not trade. I’m not sure anyone has ever asked for CME CDS and it isn’t in the DTCC list of top 1000 Reference Entities.Now look at MS CDS? No one even knows how much traded yesterday. No one knows what the volumes were on the way up or on the way down. I am guessing that about 50-100 trades occurred in the entire market yesterday. It is just a guess from a couple of volume numbers I did get. Given the volatility, a bunch of the trades were probably for $5 million instead of the standard $10 million. At the low end of the range, 50 trades at $5 million, volumes would have been $250 million. At the other end it could have been as high as $1 billion. Realistically the number was probably right around $500 million. Yesterday, in one of the busiest days ever, MS stock had volumes of 76 million shares. Assuming the average trade price was 12.50 that is a volume of $950 million. So for all the talk about how illiquid or thinly traded the CDS market is, the volumes are meaningful compared to stock volumes. It would be nice to know the exact numbers, and it would probably be helpful, but that is something the regulators have decided isn’t necessary for functioning markets. Until the regulators get their act together, we will have to just work on best guesses, and yesterday the volumes were probably about 3:1 stocks vs CDS, which I don’t think that is a particularly abnormal ratio.
For all the complaints about how such a low volume market like CDS can push the stocks, it is worth comparing to the bonds. It looks like MS has about $187 billion of debt outstanding. According to TRACE data, there were 201 trades totaling $687 million. Not bad until you examine how TRACE reporting works. The most active bond was the MS 5.5% of 2021, the benchmark 10 year. If a dealer buys from a client, sells to another dealer in the street through an intra-dealer broker, who finds a client to sell to, that counts as 4 trades. So one real trade, where the bond goes from one client to another generates 4 trades, each with a little bit of P&L if all is working correctly for the banks. Since every buy and sell is accounted no matter what, and the interdealer trades add even more, the right volume number is somewhere between 50% and 25% of the stated volume. That gets real volumes to around $300 million as a good estimate. At the lower end of the range of estimated CDS volumes. But at least with the bonds, you could download all the data and filter out the D trades, which are dealer to dealer, and adjust for double counting of B and S trades. Again, why isn’t that available for CDS? TRACE even lets you see what price bonds traded at. If anything, it only confirms that bonds were moving similarly to CDS and that they have similar volumes. Why have regulators been so insistent on making some transparency in the bond markets available but have done nothing to push CDS into the public domain in spite of the obvious impact on individual stocks and bonds, and even broader markets? I don’t know. It cannot be that they believe that CDS shouldn’t be available, and it shouldn’t be because it is too complicated – it isn’t much more complicated than stock or treasury futures, all of which are extremely liquid and transparent.
The other big talking point is that CDS is being driven by investors hedging counterparty risk. That I am willing to believe plays a role in this whole move. I have written repeatedly that the financials and counterparty risk are extremely correlated and can create negative feedback loops. As CDS widens, clients who have bought protection are in the money. If the spread widening that they are profiting from is name specific and non systematic, then they don’t really care much about the counterparty risk since the bank they are facing is fine. They do care when they are profiting from a move wider in financial spreads, and the counterparty that owes them more money by the day is seeing its spread widen as well. That creates the need to hedge the counterparty risk. Either that, or accept collateral from the bank. The collateral idea doesn’t work because most hedge funds aren’t set up to manage collateral, and banks are extremely reluctant to provide collateral to a hedge fund.So we are left with the status quo, that as bank spreads widen, systematic risk fears increase. Investors start talking about the possibility of a daisy chain of defaults. Clients rush to hedge counterparty risk. Traders short banks in expectation that someone will come in to hedge counterparty risk. The banks have fought clearing and exchanges, so it really does serve them right. So greedy to keep the market opaque and keep boutiques away from this revenue stream that they have once again set up the potential for bear runs. After Bear Stearns this should have been fixed, but wasn’t. After Lehman it should have been fixed, but wasn’t. If we make it through this crisis, it likely won’t be fixed. For the safety of the system, and to reduce systematic risk, and to eliminate inane talk of daisy chain counterparty defaults, these trades need to be cleared. It works for stock futures which are more volatile, it should work for CDS. The ironic thing is that the best dealers would figure out how to make money in the new system. It wouldn’t exactly be the same way they make money today, but they would adapt and be successful.I have to admit that I am sick of listening to talk about MS CDS when so much of the conversation addresses issues like volumes, liquidity, transparency, depth, counterparty risk, etc., when all of those issues could be, and should have been, addressed by regulators. The focus should be on whether or not there is value in MS credit at these prices/spreads not whether the prices/spreads are merely an illusion. I suspect that if we had all the same transparency that exists for stocks, MS CDS and bond spreads would be exactly the same as they are now, but at least we could be focused on the real problems and issues at MS.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -3.43
10:00 AM -50.31
10:30 AM -12.00
11:00 AM +50.41
11:30 AM +63.65
12:00 PM +53.89
12:30 PM +1.10
01:00 PM +17.41
01:30 PM +40.27
02:00 PM +86.74
02:30 PM +95.25
03:00 PM +86.59
03:30 PM +68.34
04:00 PM +131.24 10,939.95
S&P 500 1144.04 +20.09
NASDAQ 2460.51 +55.83
GOLD 1,640.30 +34.20
OIL 79.64 +4.12
TSE 300 11,457.20 +279.34
CDNX 1413.65 +80.31
S&P/TSX/60 658.86 +16.52
Dow -31 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -52 points at low today.
Dow +7 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,623.00.OIL opens at $77.55 today.
Dow -52 points at low today so far.
Dow +87 points at high today so far.
Dow -52 points at low today.
Dow +131 points at high today.
Eurozone chiefs: Greece can wait till November
Today SEPT 5,11 @ 09:28 By Leigh Phillips
Eurozone finance ministers have kicked down a decision on the delivery of Greece’s latest tranche of bail-out cash, saying that the country can wait until November.At the end of a seven-hour meeting in Luxembourg that bled into early Tuesday (4 October), the economy chiefs stressed that they will not let Greece default, but that the country must work further on its structural adjustment and privatisations.
We had no one advocating a default for Greece. Everything will be done to avoid that and it will be avoided,Jean-Claude Juncker, the chair of the eurogroup of states, said after the meeting.The countries that employ the single currency will make a decision on handing over €8 billion in eurozone and IMF cash some time in October, he said, while the Belgian finance minister said that Athens has until mid-November before it runs out of cash.Greece told us that the funds will have to be made available during the second week of November. We reviewed the Greek plan and we will now wait for the final report from the troika since we have time to decide,Belgian finance minister Didier Reynders told reporters.Until now, Greece has maintained that it would begin to be unable to pay its bills around the middle of October.
Juncker also hinted that private sector investors may have to up their expected haircut on the Greek debt they hold, in line with the demands of Germany but opposed by France out of fears for its banks, which are highly exposed to debt from the Hellenic Republic.In July, eurozone leaders backed 21 percent write-downs on Greek bonds as part of a plan cobbled together by the International Institute for Finance, the global association of financial institutions. Berlin however has come round to the notion that Greece is simply unable to pay off the scale of its debts and that a more substantial haircut is necessary to prevent a disorderly default.The ministers for the first time also moved into discussions over a possible massive expansion of the firepower of the European Financial Stability Fund. It is understood that options on the table include leveraging the rescue fund via the European Central Bank in a way that would not require endorsement by the parliaments of all 17 eurozone member states, an arduous process not in keeping with the schedule demanded by markets for crisis response.We need a more flexible and powerful EFSF as a financial firewall to contain contagion,said Rehn, although none of the economy officials at the meeting would offer any further details than what is already the subject of speculation in the media.However, in one major breakthrough, the eurozone chiefs finally managed to resolve the issue of Finland’s demand for collateral from Greece in return for its participation in the bail-out.The ministers found a solution that still allows the country its collateral, but makes the terms so onerous that it is highly unlikely any other eurozone state will go down the same path.Finland must make a payment of €1.4 billion to the permanent eurozone rescue fund to be set up in 2013, the European Stability Mechanism, while other states only need to deliver their sums over the course of five years. Helsinki will also receive a lower interest rate on its loans compared to the other states.
Unrest spreads to military as retired Greek officers storm defence ministry 04.10.11 @ 16:55 By Leigh Phillips
The Greek armed forces now appear to be entering the political and street-level debate in the country over EU- and IMF-imposed austerity, with a group of retired Greek officers storming the defence ministry and the armed forces’ professional organisation issuing a stern warning to the government that the military’s confidence in the intentions of the state regarding their pensions has been shaken.
The Greek military professional association has warned the government its confidence has been shaken (Photo: EUobserver)Hundreds of retired Greek officers furious at EU-IMF-imposed cuts to their pensions invaded the Ministry of Defence on Friday (30 September), breaking doors and dismantling machinery.Amid a wider protest of some 2000 officers, around 300 stormed the building as the crowd shouted down with the Pasok junta - referring to the governing social democratic party.Defence minister Panos Beglitis denounced the officers’ actions as anti-democratic bullying by the state within the state and instructed the prosecutor of the Athens Military Court to conduct a preliminary investigation over whether the group had perpetrated any criminal offences against military institutions.Such bullying and anti-democratic behaviour that goes against the democratic government of the country are an insult that will be immediately repressed,said the minister.The retired military cannot act as a state within a state and they don't have the right to act anti-democratically, he declared.The officers removed doors and the dismantled security equipment that scans for the presence of weapons.After the chief of the general staff came down to speak to the crowd and asked them to leave, the officers abandoned their action at around four o’clock.On Sunday in a measured but pointed open letter to the government, the Association of Support and Cooperation of the State Armed Forces, the professional association of full-time staff, warned that the Greek Armed Forces are monitoring the government’s moves with increased concern and that their confidence in the intentions of the state have been shaken.
The executives of the Greek Armed Forces are monitoring with increased concern the latest developments regarding issues related to their needs after retirement, the letter reads.While condemning the behaviour of those who stormed the building, the association attacked the minister for his threat of repressive violence.After the rally of demobilised personnel of the armed forces - regardless of the conduct not consistent with status of retired men - and the known statements of the minister of national defence regarding the use of repressive violence against them, the confidence of the uniformed personnel of the armed forces has been shaken regarding the intentions of the state to assist them,the letter continues, after the rapid accumulation of subsistence problems, which hinder their undistracted devotion to the execution of their duties' Targeted escalating contempt and exclusion, denial of any dialogue and ultimately the threat of repressive violence is a serious blow to the morale of senior staff. This blow is extremely critical in the present geopolitical developments in our region,the letter continues.The military has every moral and legal basis to defend itself, and it will do so by any legal means, the letter, signed by the president and general secretary of the armed forces association, concludes.The defence ministry invasion comes atop angry protests last week by other elements of the Greek security forces, in this case, sections of the police, who demonstrated outside the European Commission offices and German and French embassies in the capital.The officers, upset at having their pay docked along with other civil servants as part of austerity imposed by international lenders, dropped a massive banner from Mount Lycabettus in Athens and denounced the EU and IMF.Last month, on a visit by Belgitis to Military Hospital 424 in Thessaloniki, employees blockaded the entrance and booed the minister. The cabinet member and his entourage were forced to exit their cars and enter the hospital on foot.
Road of internal conflict open
The incident also comes two weeks after Beglitis issued an ominous warning declaring: The road of internal conflict is open.On 19 September, in an interview with Ta Nea newspaper, the minister said: Recent days define the end of an epoch for Europe and for Greece. If we do not move immediately on orderly and conscious sacrifices, the road of internal conflict is open.Repeated efforts by EUobserver to extract a comment from the Ministry of Defence were unsuccessful.The minister has regularly insisted that the government will not go so far as to deploy the army to maintain order.However, on 4 February this year, according to the Athens News Agency, the Hellenic Army staged a mock battle with anti-austerity protesters. The Defence Ministry would not respond to requests for further detail on the military exercises.Code-named Callimachus after a commander of the Athenian army during the Battle of Marathon, the war games took place at the Koromila base in Argyroupolis, a village near Kilkis in northern Greece.The army’s 71st airborne brigade, which participates in EU peace-keeping operations in an EU battlegroup together with units from Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania, practiced feuding parties control, conflict deterrence and crowd evacuation, according to the newswire, quoting military sources.
According to Diktio Spartakos, a network of trade-unionist conscripts in the army, a captain recently warned his troops to be on alert in case of the need to intervene against social disorder.Trade unionism by draftees is forbidden in the Greek military, so the group does not operate openly or use their real names or ranks.
State of alert order
On 17 September, in a military camp near Heraklion, the capital of the island of Crete and the country’s fourth biggest city, a Captain S informed his unit of a top secret state of alert order, according to soldiers from the trade-unionist network.
According to the group, Captain S., who was in charge of the unit, informed the guard about the existence of top secret state of alert order and said that all units should be on guard and apply increased security measures.The captain then allegedly went on to say that the order is linked to the announcement of new austerity measures, the laying off of tens of thousands of civil servants and new property taxes that may provoke social disorder for which the army should be ready.While a military junta known as the Regime of the Colonels ruled the country from 1967 to 1973, the Greek armed forces have for more than a generation been normalised under civilian command and few analysts expect the military to autonomously intervene against civil unrest.
Greek crisis close to claiming first victim in EU banking sector Today OCT 5,11 @ 09:37 By Andrew Rettman
Franco-Belgian bank Dexia has said it might restructure its operations in response to a run on shares caused by exposure to bad Greek debt.The Atomium monument in Brussels: The Franco-Belgian bank risks being split into tiny pieces in order to protect high-street savers (Photo: o palsson)The bank in a statement issued after an emergency meeting in the small hours of Tuesday (3 October) said the board has asked the CEO to prepare ... the necessay measures to solve structural problems which hamper its operational activities, citing the size of the portfolio of non-strategic assets [which] structurally weighs down on the group.Options for what would amount to a break-up of the company include getting rid of Dexia Credit Local, a unit which lends money to local authorities in Europe and the US, Dexia Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, its private fund-management branch, and Denizbank, its retail banking business in Turkey.Belgium and France, large shareholders in Dexia, might also create a 'bad bank' on the model of Ireland's Nama, which would take over Dexia's riskiest assets in a bid to protect its core activities.Rating's agency Moody's warned on Monday it is getting ready to downgrade Dexia, an announcement that wiped out 10 percent of the value of its shares in one day atop losses of 30 percent in the past three months. It said Dexia has experienced further tightening in its access to market funding - the day-to-day loans provided by markets which banks need to fund normal activity, like providing cash and loans to high-street savers.The loss of confidence comes due to Dexia's exposure to Greek and Italian debt. If the private sector is forced to write off 50 percent of Greek bonds, Dexia stands to lose around €2 billion, equivalent to 80 percent of its value as a company.
Belgian finance minister Didier Reynders tried to reassure Dexia's high-street customers on Monday. The French and Belgian governments are behind their banks, whether that is Dexia or another. To help banks and to help, for example French and Belgian savers, the first thing to do is to help Greece, he said at a meeting of EU finance ministers in Luxembourg.Dexia is a medium-sized bank by EU standards. But its larger cousins face similar problems. Major French banks BNP Paribas, Societe Generale and Credit Agricole also lost between four percent and five percent of their value this week due to exposure to Greece, on top of 40 percent to 56 percent losses in recent months.All four banks, including Dexia, were given a clean bill of health by EU stress tests in July.Fresh EU statistics on bank lending to small and medium-sized business show how the crisis in high finance is having a direct impact on the ground.Unsuccessful loan applications between 2007 and 2010 rose in 19 out of 20 EU countries for which data is available, the European Commission noted on Monday. Bulgaria is the worst hit, with the proportion of unsuccesful applications climbing from three percent to 36 percent. In Ireland, the numbers went from one percent to 27 percent.
EZEKIEL 38:1-12
1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog,(RULER) the land of Magog,(RUSSIA) the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW)and Tubal,(TOBOLSK) and prophesy against him,
3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW) and Tubal:
4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws,(GOD FORCES THE RUSSIA-MUSLIMS TO MARCH) and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
5 Persia,(IRAN,IRAQ) Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
6 Gomer,(GERMANY) and all his bands; the house of Togarmah (TURKEY)of the north quarters, and all his bands:(SUDAN,AFRICA) and many people with thee.
7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.
8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.(RUSSIA-EGYPT AND MUSLIMS)
10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:
11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
PSALMS 83:3-7
3 They (ARABS,MUSLIMS) have taken crafty counsel against thy people,(ISRAEL) and consulted against thy hidden ones.
4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
5 For they (MUSLIMS) have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:(TREATIES)
6 The tabernacles of Edom,(JORDAN) and the Ishmaelites;(ARABS) of Moab, PALESTINIANS,JORDAN) and the Hagarenes;(EGYPT)
7 Gebal,(HEZZBALLOH,LEBANON) and Ammon,(JORDAN) and Amalek;(SYRIA,ARABS,SINAI) the Philistines (PALESTINIANS) with the inhabitants of Tyre;(LEBANON)
DANIEL 11:40-43
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south( EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR IN ISRAEL) and the king of the north (RUSSIA AND MUSLIM HORDES OF EZEK 38+39) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.(JORDAN)
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
EZEKIEL 39:1-8
1 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog,(LEADER OF RUSSIA) and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech (MOSCOW) and Tubal: (TUBOLSK)
2 And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts,(RUSSIA) and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:
3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands,( ARABS) and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
5 Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.
6 And I will send a fire on Magog,(NUCLEAR BOMB) and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.
7 So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.
8 Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I have spoken.
JOEL 2:3,20,30-31
3 A fire(NUCLEAR BOMB) devoureth before them;(RUSSIA-ARABS) and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army,(RUSSIA,MUSLIMS) and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things.(SIBERIAN DESERT)
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.(NUCLEAR BOMB)
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
Putin unveils counter-EU option for post-Soviet states 04.10.11 @ 16:09 By Andrew Rettman
With EU-Ukraine association talks on the rocks, Russian leader Vladimir Putin has unveiled a new plan to pull former Soviet countries into a Eurasian Union instead.
Putin. Many post-Soviet leaders feel more comfortable on visits in Moscow than in Brussels, in terms of language and protocol (Photo: outlined his ideas in an op-ed in Russian daily Izvestia on Tuesday (4 October). Noting that Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are already pressing ahead with plans to form a Customs Union and a Single Economic Space, he said the bloc will in future become a fully-fledged Eurasian Union with joint economic governance, common institutions and passport-free travel on the EU model.We propose a model of a powerful supranational union capable of becoming one of the poles of the modern world and of playing the role of effectively 'binding' Europe and the dynamic Asia-Pacific region,he said.In a signal to other post-Soviet nations in the region - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan - he added: The Eurasian Union is an open project. We welcome the accession of other partners, notably the [former Soviet] commonwealth countries. This does not mean pushing anyone or rushing them into something. It should be a sovereign decision of the state dictated by its own long-term national interests.Putin noted the plan sounds like an attempt to rebuild the Soviet Union.He said the group of 12 countries have spiritual threads that unite [their] peoples and that the 70-year-long period of Soviet domination in the last century left the inheritance of a joint infrastructure and manufacturing base.But he added:We are not talking about recreating the Soviet Union. It would be naive to try to restore or copy what is already past ... The Eurasian alliance will be based on universal principles of integration, as an integral part of greater Europe, united by common values of freedom, democracy and market laws.Moscow's gambit comes at a sensitive time in EU-Ukraine relations.
The EU is in December planning to finalise a trade and association pact with Ukraine, by far the largest and most populous of its eastern neighbours. The treaty aims to pull Ukraine out of Russia's sphere of influence and put it on a path to EU membership 10 to 20 years down the line.The pact is in jeopardy on two fronts, however. The EU is angry at what it calls Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's persecution of his political rivals. And Ukraine is angry over the EU's refusal to promise future accession in the preamble to the treaty, while at the same time asking it to make pro-EU reforms set to cost tens of billions of euros.The Ukrainian foreign ministry is considering confronting the EU with a make-or-break decision by submitting a formal application for EU membership early next year.But with anti-enlargement countries such as France, Germany and the Netherlands highly unlikely to endorse the move, the confrontation could end in Ukraine turning towards Putin's union instead.It's a dangerous situation. It [an EU refusal] would give pro-Russian elements in Ukraine all the excuse they need to abandon the European project. At the same time, with Putin becoming president [of Russia] again next year, he will be in a powerful position to exert influence on Kiev and other capitals in the region,an EU diplomatic source told EUobserver.Georgia and Moldova are the most pro-EU in the group. But powerful pro-Russian opposition forces exist in both countries, with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili's popularity waning after the 2008 Russia-Georgia war and with Moldova facing zero prospect of EU membership so long as more than 1,000 Russian troops remain parked on its territory in the frozen conflict over Transniestria.
- DAN 1:1 - DAN 3:30 VBV - 1 JVI
- DAN 4:1 - DAN 6:28 VBV - 2 JVI
- DAN 7:1 - DAN 9:27 VBV - 3 JVI
- DAN 10:1 - 12:13 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 1 - REV 4:6 VBV - 1 JVI
- REV 4:9 - REV 9:21 VBV - 2 JVI
- REV 10:1 - REV 14:1 VBV - 3 JVI
- REV 14:2 - REV 18:24 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 19:1 - REV 22:21 VBV - 5 JVI
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Democrats and Establishment Unions Plan to Hijack OWS This Week Kurt Nimmo October 3, 2011
Despite the sincerity of most Occupy Wall Street protesters and their desire to close down Wall Street and even the Federal Reserve, the movement is quickly becoming a catch-all for socialists and large unions determined to tax millionaires out of existence.On Sunday, Crain’s wrote that the ragtag collection of no-name protesters will be joined this week by experienced agitators and a coalition of labor and community groups. The United Federation of Teachers, SEIU, Workers United, Transport Workers Union Local 100 and the Communications Workers of America are all expected to exploit Occupy Wall Street this week to push their agenda.In 2009, SEIU thugs beat a Tea Party activist in St. Louis. SEIU president Andy Stern was appointed to Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.Unions are working to direct the energy of the anti-banker protests into their leftist agenda. The challenge is, how do you transfer protest into power? asked Robert Master, legislative and political director of the Communications Workers of America and a co-chair of the Working Families Party. At the end of the day, you have to figure out a way to take this energy and turn it into legislation that really changes people’s lives.
The Working Families Party is an ACORN front. ACORN enthusiastically supported the election of Obama, although this is supposedly not allowed under its non-profit 501(c)(3) tax status.In addition to establishment unions, self-described progressive community groups and other foundation dependent organizations plan to exploit Occupy Wall Street’s momentum. In addition to Make the Road New York, the Coalition for the Homeless, the Alliance for Quality Education, Community Voices Heard, United New York and Strong Economy For All, Paul Joseph Watson reports today that the Soros funded group plans to attend the endorsed Obama in 2008. It fundraised and organized for his campaign and has become perhaps the lead lobby organization for his policies in 2009, apart from Obama’s own Organizing for America, according to SourceWatch. It teamed up with the unions SEIU and AFSCME to pressure Republicans to vote for Obama’s pro-Wall Street policies. It spent $30 million during the 2008 election cycle to get establishment Democrats elected.Most of the so-called community groups listed above support the Millionaire’s Tax, an idea cooked up by the Obama administration after Warren Buffett declared the rich do not pay enough taxes and urged the government to steal more money from millionaires. As I noted yesterday, such taxation schemes invariably trickle down to the middle and working classes and usually result in unemployment as businesses either cut back or close down.After the foundation funded and Democrat supported unions and so-called community groups dilute or takeover the Occupy Wall Street movement, calls for reforming Wall Street and eliminating the Federal Reserve – at present a minority voice in the movement – will be overwhelmed by the same old progressive Democrat agenda.Like the Libertarians behind the original Tea Party movement, the Occupy Wall Street activists who sincerely demand change on Wall Street and in the dominant financial sector will be driven from the movement and replaced by socialist apparatchiks and Democrats funded by Soros and establishment foundations.
Unions and progressives have no intention of reforming Wall Street, as a quick glance at the Obama administration dominated by Goldman Sachs, the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission reveals what the Democrat version of change is all about.Michael Moore admitted that far left socialists and Democrats are working to eliminate capitalism and turn America into another third-world cesspool. Not surprisingly, he said ending the Federal Reserve is irrelevant.Of course he would say that. Moore is a tool of the bankers who will now work tirelessly behind the scenes to dilute the OWS movement and turn it into another irrelevancy and circus sideshow demanding implementation of the same old tired socialist palliatives that only allow the global elite to centralize and consolidate their grip on humanity.
Obama Machine Prepares To Hijack Occupy Wall Street-Backer of Wall Street puppet Obama – – wants to support the effort Paul Joseph Watson Monday, October 3, 2011
The leftist juggernaut, a Democratic Party front which vehemently backed Obama’s 2008 election campaign, is set to hijack the Occupy Wall Street protests this week, which is pretty ironic given the fact that the Obama administration is a creature of Wall Street itself.
After largely staying out of the protests thus far, is expected to mobilize its extensive online regional networks to drum up support for the effort, reports Crain’s New York Business.The Obama front organization has supported the demonstrators by way of its website coverage, but this marks the first time that MoveOn will actively engage to organize Occupy Wall Street events which its members will attend.The hypocrisy of seizing control of a protest movement dubbed Occupy Wall Street is staggering. endorsed Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic Party primaries, fundraised and organized for him, and has become perhaps the lead lobby organization for his policies,reports SourceWatch.The organization is also strongly supported by billionaire George Soros, with Soros having donated around $5 million dollars to the group in recent years.So we have a Soros-backed organization which has aggressively lobbied for Obama, whose 2008 campaign was bankrolled by Wall Street (almost $2 million donated by Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase), whose 2012 run is being bankrolled by Wall Street, and whose cabinet is filled with Wall Street operatives, now announcing its involvement in protests against Wall Street.Liberals really need to wake up and smell the coffee on this one.
People with diverse beliefs have thus far taken part in the demonstrations which have now spread across the country, from marxists to End the Fed populists. However, as we documented yesterday, the movement is quickly being consumed by the leftist machine that activated millions of Obamanoids to vote for the ultimate Wall Street puppet back in 2008.
A story which was linked prominently on the Drudge Report yesterday betrays the fact that many of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are actually Obama supporters and advocates of a totalitarian form of statist tyranny – big government communists posing as anarchists and progressives.This is the army that will attempt to rouse to completely hijack the whole movement and silence the voices who are actively trying to steer the narrative of the protest towards concentrating on the genuine oligarchs of the US financial system.Here at Infowars we are not simply disregarding the Occupy Wall Street protest as a creation of the leftist machine and cynically abandoning the energy that thousands of young people are bringing to the streets.We are pointing out that the usual suspects are hard at work to subvert and divert the impact of the protest by steering it away from the real cause of our economic fallout – the Federal Reserve – an institution which Occupy Wall Street ideologues like Michael Moore have protected by their failure to acknowledge that it represents a far bigger threat than Wall Street.In addition, Alex Jones has announced the campaign to Occupy the Fed, details to follow, in a bid to focus the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement on the real enemies of the American people, the Federal Reserve, and not let the protest be manipulated by Democratic Party front groups who are an integral part of the Wall Street establishment.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -3.43
10:00 AM -208.20
10:30 AM -205.16
11:00 AM -112.72
11:30 AM -133.05
12:00 PM -127.41
12:30 PM -118.14
01:00 PM -66.60
01:30 PM -108.82
02:00 PM -118.44
02:30 PM -151.21
03:00 PM -179.33
03:30 PM -102.34
04:00 PM +153.41 10,808.71
S&P 500 1123.95 +24.72
NASDAQ 2404.82 +68.99
GOLD 1,611.70 -46.00
OIL 76.19 -1.42
TSE 300 11,177.90 -73.90
CDNX 1333.34 -56.06
S&P/TSX/60 642.34 -3.23
Dow -120 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -208 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,655.50.OIL opens at $76.06 today.
Dow -208 points at low today so far.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
Dow -208 points at low today.
Dow +153 points at high today.
Rehn: Rescue fund leveraging on the table
03.10.11 @ 17:39 By Leigh Phillips
EU economy commissioner Olli Rehn said on Monday (3 October) that European finance chiefs are considering different options on how to leverage the eurozone’s multi-billion-euro rescue fund to give it further firepower.We are reviewing options on optimising the use of the [European Financial Stability Fund] in order to get more out of it and make it more effective as a financial firewall to contain contagion. Leveraging is one of the options, he said speaking to reporters in Luxembourg.
Finance ministers are meeting in Luxembourg to assess the heavily indebted Greek government’s latest announced efforts to deliver on its promises of austerity and structural adjustment made to international lenders.There are growing fears that were Spain and Italy to be cut off from market funding, the existing €440 billion rescue fund would be insufficient to bail out such large economies and even an expansion of the war-chest to €780 billion agreed by eurozone leaders in July may not be enough.As a result even more radical options, such as the leveraging of the fund were understood to be a topic of discussion, but this is the first time that a senior EU leader has officially mentioned the subject.We will discuss this with the ministers, he said. There are options including the [European Central Bank] and options not including the ECB. This is something we will discuss today.
One possibility is that the EFSF could issue triple-A-rated bonds that could then be placed with the ECB as collateral against loans that could then be distributed to indebted eurozone states.The attraction of this option is that this could be performed without having to return once again to eurozone member countries for further guarantees at a time when citizens and some political forces are growing increasingly resistant to the idea of what appear to them as ever-expanding bail-outs.The commissioner also gave his blessing to the latest round of cuts and structural adjustments announced by the Greek government, despite an acknowledgement that Athens will not be able to meet its deficit reduction targets for this year or next. With an economy in free-fall, government revenues have fallen well below projections.Greece has taken important decisions in the past weeks, also including yesterday, Rehn said.On Sunday, Athens said that it will slash a further €6.6 billion from spending in an attempt to chase after budget shortfalls. The country’s finance minister also offered further details on a plan to put some 30,000 public-sector workers into a so-called labour reserve where wages are to be reduced by 40 percent ahead of presumptive lay-offs within a year.The next day, the government presented the draft budget for 2012 to parliament. MPs are expected to vote on the bill by the end of the month.We are currently assessing whether Greece will meet its fiscal targets with the current measures, he added. Officials from the so-called EU-ECB-IMF troika have returned to the Greek capital to continue their assessment of the government’s austerity efforts.So long as the troika give the all-clear, eurozone finance ministers and the IMF board are expected to rapidly approve the dispersal of the sixth tranche of bail-out cash to the country, a sum amounting to €8 billion.Without the funds, the country will likely run out of money to pay public servants and pensions by the middle of the month.
We're reviewing figures and assessing measures. It seems Greece is likely to miss its target this year. Next year, the concrete measures agreed so far go a long way to meet the fiscal targets. We will assess the measures, he continued.The commissioner also said that ministers would have to confront not one but three major dangers.We have a very important meeting at a critical juncture today. We are facing three main challenges: stalling growth, stressed sovereigns and still vulnerable banks,he said.
Greece will not meet deficit targets this year or in 2012 Today OCT 4,11 @ 09:17 By Leigh Phillips
The Greek finance ministry on Sunday (2 October) conceded that the government will not be able to meet the deficit reduction targets imposed by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund for this year or next.Ancient Greek vase painting of Apollo. The finance ministry has conceded it cannot meet its deficit targets (Photo: Fingalo)The shortfall between spending and revenues will amount to 8.5 percent of GDP in 2011, considerably wider than the 7.6 target set by international lenders.In 2012, the government will be able to reduce the deficit to 6.8 percent of GDP, but this figure still comes short of the 6.5 percent demanded by Brussels and Washington.
The news comes as Athens unveiled further details on its plan to trim the public-sector wage bill by placing 30,000 workers into a so-called labour reserve pool. These workers will see their salaries slashed by 40 percent ahead of a presumed dismissal within a year.Officials from the EU-ECB-IMF troika accepted a plan from finance minister Evangelos Venizelos that the bulk of the workers placed in the scheme be over 60 years old and due to retire within two years, while others will come from a number of state agencies scheduled for merger or shut-down.The troika inspectors have returned to the Greek capital to complete their assessment of the government’s efforts to meet agreed austerity and structural adjustment targets. If the troika gives the all-clear, eurozone finance ministers and the IMF are expected to release the sixth, €8 billiion tranche of bail-out cash to the country.EU finance ministers are to gather in Luxembourg on Monday to discuss the eurozone crisis and specifically consider the Greek situation, but it is not expected that any decision on the release of the latest tranche of cash will be taken at the meeting.Resistance to the austerity measures has widened in recent days, with rolling strikes by transport workers and occupations by staff at seven government ministries. The blockades have made it difficult for the troika inspectors to meet with Greek government officials.Transport minister Yannis Ragoussis’ meeting with the inspectors had to be delayed and held at a secret location, according to Ana, the Greek press agency, where the minister said the government must not make concessions to those that are protesting.
First EU country imposes sanctions on Russian officials Today OCT 4,11 @ 09:21 By Andrew Rettman
The UK has become the first EU country to impose sanctions on Russian officials implicated in the murder of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, a British daily reports.
Policewoman in Russia. Browder says around 10 EU countries are considering taking action (Photo: Boris SV)Opposition MP Chris Bryant told The Guardian on Saturday (1 October) that UK immigration minister, Damian Green, from the ruling Conservative party, has confirmed they were quietly put on a visa blacklist.From conversations with Damian Green, I took it that these people would not be welcomed. It seems now as if there is a secret ban on these people, he said.America and countries in the EU are moving towards a full, open public ban on these people. If people are not welcome, they should make it clear they are not welcome, not just privately to the individual, but publicly, because it would make it absolutely clear to anybody else that if you are engaged in corruption and criminality in Russia, you are not coming to Britain,he added.The British move follows similar action by the US in August and a freeze on related bank accounts by Switzerland in April.The UK ban means the officials can still enter other EU countries.But Dutch foreign minister Uri Rosenthal has promised parliament he will look into action at EU level in November if a Russian investigation into the case comes up with nothing. The EU's foreign relations service has also said it cannot exclude EU-level steps if the Russian probe is a whitewash.US authorities have compiled a list of 60 Russian men and women said to have embezzled $230 million in Russian tax money and killed Magnitsky in 2009 when he exposed the scam.Reacting to the news, Magnitsky's former employer, UK-based venture capitalist Bill Browder told EUobserver: This [the UK ban] is a very significant development in the whole EU debate about this policy. It seems to me that it will be much harder for the EU to be inactive on EU-wide Magnitsky sanctions now that the US and UK governments have already acted.
Report: Israel, U.S. to Release Prisoners for Grapel-New details on the deal for Ilan Grapel's release: Both Israel and the U.S. will release Egyptian security prisoners.By Elad Benari First Publish: 10/4/2011, 5:43 AM
After Sunday’s report that Egypt is set to release dual U.S.-Israeli citizen Ilan Grapel after nearly four months, another report released on Monday sheds some more light on the deal that was reached to secure his release.According to the Israeli Ma’ariv newspaper, Israel has agreed to release 25 Egyptian security prisoners currently serving sentences in Israeli jails in exchange for Grapel.The report, which is based on comments made by a senior Egyptian television commentator, the United States will also release prisoners. Among the prisoners to be released are also ones classified by Egypt as high profile.The commentator added that the main part of the deal that was reached includes an American agreement to sell advanced weapons to the Egyptian Army, which until now the U.S. has refrained from doing due to Israeli pressure.Grapel, 27, was arrested on charges of being an Israeli spy by Egyptian transitional government authorities. He was accused of spying for Israel, and inciting riots following the toppling of former President Hosni Mubarak in the Tahrir Square Revolution.
Family and friends called the charges absurd, given that he was in Egypt to study Arabic culture, for which he has had long abiding passion. A number of Egyptians considered the charges to be bogus as well.According to Sunday’s report in the official Egyptian MENA news agency, the decision to release Grapel was reversed after the Obama administration agreed to increase its political and financial support to Egypt if he were to be released.Both Sunday and Monday’s reports said Grapel will return to the United States with Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who will make an official visit to Cairo starting on Tuesday.
Panetta in Jerusalem: U.S. is Committed to Israel's Security-PM Netanyahu meets with United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in Jerusalem.By Elad Benari First Publish: 10/4/2011, 2:14 AM
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met on Monday with United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in Jerusalem.Netanyahu thanked Panetta for coming to Jerusalem and told him, You’re coming to the Middle East at a time when it’s undergoing a tremendous convulsion. Probably nothing on this scale happened since the end of World War I, and during this time it’s particularly important to strengthen the security alliance between Israel and the United States.I have to commend you and of course, President Obama, for strengthening that alliance and our cooperation,added Netanyahu. I look forward to discussing with you in this meeting ways to do that. I think that’s important for our security and that’s important for peace.Netanyahu reiterated that peace has to be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties. Yesterday, Israel welcomed the Quartet statement that called for direct negotiation without preconditions.He told Panetta that when he meets Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas maybe you can tell him, encourage him to enter direct negotiations without preconditions. That’s our hope and I think it should be our common goal.Panetta thanked Netanyahu for the welcome, adding that he looked forward to the ability to discuss some of the difficult challenges that face not only Israel but the United States as well.
Panetta stressed his country’s commitment to Israel’s security.We have been strong allies, we have been strong partners,he said.We have always made a commitment to do everything we can to support the security of Israel and as the Secretary of Defense, I intend to continue that commitment. I think it’s important for us to say to this region that when it comes to the difficult issues we face we stand together to try to confront our difficult and common challenges.Prior to his arrival in Israel, Panetta warned that Israel is becoming increasingly isolated in the Middle East.
Speaking to reporters who were traveling with him, Panetta said Israel must restart negotiations with the Palestinian Authority and work to restore relations with Egypt and Turkey.
Report: Egypt, Qatar Agree to Halt Gas Supplies to Israel-Egypt reportedly made a commitment in Tehran to stop providing natural gas to Israel. So did Qatar and dozens of other countries.By Chana Ya'ar First Publish: 10/4/2011, 3:16 AM
Egypt, which currently provides about 40 percent of Israel's natural gas through its Sinai Peninsula pipeline, has reportedly agreed to halt sales to the Jewish State during a conference in Tehran, according to the Iranian FARS news agency. So has Qatar, which in the past has expressed its willingness to sell gas to Israel if the Egyptian supply were to vanish.If true, gas prices in Israel could skyrocket until the Jewish State secures another source. Due to at least six terrorist attacks and sabotage this year alone, the amount of diesel fuel used to generate electricity rose by 103 percent since January, as compared with the same period a year ago.The delegation from Cairo was among dozens of others at the 5th International Conference on the Palestinian Intifada, where participants announced the agreement to cut the supply of natural gas to Israel from their countries in a final statement issued by the Political Groups and Parties' Commission.The two-day conference was reportedly attended by more than 50 parliamentary delegations, state officials and others from Muslim and non-Muslim nations. Among the countries in attendance were Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Oman, Afghanistan, Mexico, Hungary, Bolivia, Paraguay, Cuba, and Colombia.
The statement also included support for the Palestinian Intifada and regional uprisings and revolutions, and stressed the need to increase pressure on international courts which shrug off pursuing the crimes of the Zionist regime.In addition, a statement issued by the delegations at the conference called on Muslim countries to impose a strict ban on Israeli goods and activities of all companies and institutions with direct or indirect ties or affiliation with Israel, reported FARS.All Islamic states are required to pay serious attention to this issue and adopt the necessary measures to prevent the import of Israeli commodities, said a statement by the parliamentary commission at the conference.
Report: Shvut Rachel Nearing Final State Approval-The Jewish community of Shvut Rachel is nearing completion of the process to receive clearance for official state status.By Chana Ya'ar First Publish: 10/4/2011, 5:15 AM
The Jewish community of Shvut Rachel, located 30 miles north of Jerusalem, will reportedly receive final state approval.The State told the High Court of Justice in a brief that the 15-year-old community is nearing completion of the process to regulate its zoning status and construction. The brief was filed in response to a March 2011 petition by the leftist Peace Now movement, which pointedly asked the court to order the community destroyed.Peace Now noted the 2005 Sasson Report that designated Shvut Rachel to be an illegal outpost, and said the community was continuing to build, in violation of a state-ordered freeze on construction.The State had ordered the destruction of 29 homes following a freeze on construction in the community issued in late 2010.The petition... mentioned construction performed on State lands which [already] been inspected by a Blue Line team, noted the State brief, the group of Civil Administration inspectors tasked with reviewing land appropriations in Judea and Samaria since 1999.The political echelon now wishes to regulate construction on the premises and has therefore instructed... to promote the [community's] zoning status,said the brief.Since the matter... is pending resolution as evident in the actions taken to regulate [the construction and zoning] the requests brought forward in the petition – in particular the motion to demolish buildings – should not be granted,the brief added.
Peace Now director Yariv Oppenheimer told the Hebrew-language Yediot Acharanot newspaper in response, The Netanyahu government seeks to sanction one of the most isolated outposts in the territories... and it continues to expand the smaller, more isolated outposts.As far as [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu is concerned, the world, the rule of law and Israel's political interests are null and void when it comes to the settlers' desire to create facts on the ground and ruin any chance for separating from the Palestinians. Netanyahu was and is the settlers' lackey, and they are calling the shots.Shvut Rachel currently numbers 110 families, and is located on Highway 60 in the Shiloh area in the Binyamin region of Samaria, about a 35 minute drive from Jerusalem. The community was founded in memory of Rachela Druk, a resident of Shiloh and mother of seven who together with bus driver Isaac Rofe was killed in November 1991 when terrorists fired on their bus. Shvut Rachel was established by a group of students from the Shiloh Yeshiva in the name of the victims on the night of their funerals.Comprised mostly of young, idealistic Zionists, the oldest children are just now celebrating their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. The community's single synagogue under the supervision of Rabbi Ben Tzion Amar, the rabbi of Shvut Rachel, alternates between several different prayer styles in order to accommodate everyone's needs.The community is especially known for its sales of organic strawberries to select outlets around the country.
Ashton Vows Aid for PA Amid US Cuts-EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton vowed to keep Ramallah on the dole as the US Congress blocks $200 million in aid payments.
By Gavriel Queenann First Publish: 10/3/2011, 6:35 PM
European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton raced to assure Palestinian Authority officials they were still on the EU dole.Ashton informed Abbas that the EU projects to the PA and the Palestinians which are carried out in the Palestinian Territories, won’t be frozen due to the PA Leader move at the UN, the Arabic-language Al-Quds newspaper reported, citing sources close to PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas.Ashton's assurances come on the heels of reports the United States Congress was blocking the transfer of $200 million to cash-strapped officials in Ramallah due to Abbas' statehood gambit at the United Nations.The Congressional freeze for the latest block of US aid dollars - which total an average $600 million per annum - was first reported on Saturday by the UK-daily The Independent.The report remained unconfirmed until Monday, when US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta criticized the Congressional move during a Tel Aviv press conference with Israeli counterpart Ehud Barak.
The administration opposes holding these funds from the Palestinians, Panetta said, insisting the funds have helped improve Israel's security.This is a critical time and it is not a time to withhold those funds, he said.PA Minister of Planning Ali Jirbawi told the PA-run WAFA news agency that the US Congress's decision to halt US aid to Ramallah has not yet been issued to Palestinian officials, but played down the significance of such a move.The Palestinian Authority is fully ready to embody the reality of a state, Jirbawi said, insisting there was a difference between financial crisis the PA faces and its readiness for statehood.However, Jihad al-Wazir, the PA's top monetary official, warned last month that a cessation of foreign aid from the United States could lead to fiscal ruin and collapse for RamallahThe Arab League on Sunday asked its member states to increase financial help to the Palestinians after the reported US block on the transfer of funds, AFP reported.The Arab League's chief called the bolstering of financial aid necessary for the Palestinians to face this threat.
Despite the sincerity of most Occupy Wall Street protesters and their desire to close down Wall Street and even the Federal Reserve, the movement is quickly becoming a catch-all for socialists and large unions determined to tax millionaires out of existence.On Sunday, Crain’s wrote that the ragtag collection of no-name protesters will be joined this week by experienced agitators and a coalition of labor and community groups. The United Federation of Teachers, SEIU, Workers United, Transport Workers Union Local 100 and the Communications Workers of America are all expected to exploit Occupy Wall Street this week to push their agenda.In 2009, SEIU thugs beat a Tea Party activist in St. Louis. SEIU president Andy Stern was appointed to Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.Unions are working to direct the energy of the anti-banker protests into their leftist agenda. The challenge is, how do you transfer protest into power? asked Robert Master, legislative and political director of the Communications Workers of America and a co-chair of the Working Families Party. At the end of the day, you have to figure out a way to take this energy and turn it into legislation that really changes people’s lives.
The Working Families Party is an ACORN front. ACORN enthusiastically supported the election of Obama, although this is supposedly not allowed under its non-profit 501(c)(3) tax status.In addition to establishment unions, self-described progressive community groups and other foundation dependent organizations plan to exploit Occupy Wall Street’s momentum. In addition to Make the Road New York, the Coalition for the Homeless, the Alliance for Quality Education, Community Voices Heard, United New York and Strong Economy For All, Paul Joseph Watson reports today that the Soros funded group plans to attend the endorsed Obama in 2008. It fundraised and organized for his campaign and has become perhaps the lead lobby organization for his policies in 2009, apart from Obama’s own Organizing for America, according to SourceWatch. It teamed up with the unions SEIU and AFSCME to pressure Republicans to vote for Obama’s pro-Wall Street policies. It spent $30 million during the 2008 election cycle to get establishment Democrats elected.Most of the so-called community groups listed above support the Millionaire’s Tax, an idea cooked up by the Obama administration after Warren Buffett declared the rich do not pay enough taxes and urged the government to steal more money from millionaires. As I noted yesterday, such taxation schemes invariably trickle down to the middle and working classes and usually result in unemployment as businesses either cut back or close down.After the foundation funded and Democrat supported unions and so-called community groups dilute or takeover the Occupy Wall Street movement, calls for reforming Wall Street and eliminating the Federal Reserve – at present a minority voice in the movement – will be overwhelmed by the same old progressive Democrat agenda.Like the Libertarians behind the original Tea Party movement, the Occupy Wall Street activists who sincerely demand change on Wall Street and in the dominant financial sector will be driven from the movement and replaced by socialist apparatchiks and Democrats funded by Soros and establishment foundations.
Unions and progressives have no intention of reforming Wall Street, as a quick glance at the Obama administration dominated by Goldman Sachs, the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission reveals what the Democrat version of change is all about.Michael Moore admitted that far left socialists and Democrats are working to eliminate capitalism and turn America into another third-world cesspool. Not surprisingly, he said ending the Federal Reserve is irrelevant.Of course he would say that. Moore is a tool of the bankers who will now work tirelessly behind the scenes to dilute the OWS movement and turn it into another irrelevancy and circus sideshow demanding implementation of the same old tired socialist palliatives that only allow the global elite to centralize and consolidate their grip on humanity.
Obama Machine Prepares To Hijack Occupy Wall Street-Backer of Wall Street puppet Obama – – wants to support the effort Paul Joseph Watson Monday, October 3, 2011
The leftist juggernaut, a Democratic Party front which vehemently backed Obama’s 2008 election campaign, is set to hijack the Occupy Wall Street protests this week, which is pretty ironic given the fact that the Obama administration is a creature of Wall Street itself.
After largely staying out of the protests thus far, is expected to mobilize its extensive online regional networks to drum up support for the effort, reports Crain’s New York Business.The Obama front organization has supported the demonstrators by way of its website coverage, but this marks the first time that MoveOn will actively engage to organize Occupy Wall Street events which its members will attend.The hypocrisy of seizing control of a protest movement dubbed Occupy Wall Street is staggering. endorsed Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic Party primaries, fundraised and organized for him, and has become perhaps the lead lobby organization for his policies,reports SourceWatch.The organization is also strongly supported by billionaire George Soros, with Soros having donated around $5 million dollars to the group in recent years.So we have a Soros-backed organization which has aggressively lobbied for Obama, whose 2008 campaign was bankrolled by Wall Street (almost $2 million donated by Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase), whose 2012 run is being bankrolled by Wall Street, and whose cabinet is filled with Wall Street operatives, now announcing its involvement in protests against Wall Street.Liberals really need to wake up and smell the coffee on this one.
People with diverse beliefs have thus far taken part in the demonstrations which have now spread across the country, from marxists to End the Fed populists. However, as we documented yesterday, the movement is quickly being consumed by the leftist machine that activated millions of Obamanoids to vote for the ultimate Wall Street puppet back in 2008.
A story which was linked prominently on the Drudge Report yesterday betrays the fact that many of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are actually Obama supporters and advocates of a totalitarian form of statist tyranny – big government communists posing as anarchists and progressives.This is the army that will attempt to rouse to completely hijack the whole movement and silence the voices who are actively trying to steer the narrative of the protest towards concentrating on the genuine oligarchs of the US financial system.Here at Infowars we are not simply disregarding the Occupy Wall Street protest as a creation of the leftist machine and cynically abandoning the energy that thousands of young people are bringing to the streets.We are pointing out that the usual suspects are hard at work to subvert and divert the impact of the protest by steering it away from the real cause of our economic fallout – the Federal Reserve – an institution which Occupy Wall Street ideologues like Michael Moore have protected by their failure to acknowledge that it represents a far bigger threat than Wall Street.In addition, Alex Jones has announced the campaign to Occupy the Fed, details to follow, in a bid to focus the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement on the real enemies of the American people, the Federal Reserve, and not let the protest be manipulated by Democratic Party front groups who are an integral part of the Wall Street establishment.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -3.43
10:00 AM -208.20
10:30 AM -205.16
11:00 AM -112.72
11:30 AM -133.05
12:00 PM -127.41
12:30 PM -118.14
01:00 PM -66.60
01:30 PM -108.82
02:00 PM -118.44
02:30 PM -151.21
03:00 PM -179.33
03:30 PM -102.34
04:00 PM +153.41 10,808.71
S&P 500 1123.95 +24.72
NASDAQ 2404.82 +68.99
GOLD 1,611.70 -46.00
OIL 76.19 -1.42
TSE 300 11,177.90 -73.90
CDNX 1333.34 -56.06
S&P/TSX/60 642.34 -3.23
Dow -120 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -208 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,655.50.OIL opens at $76.06 today.
Dow -208 points at low today so far.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
Dow -208 points at low today.
Dow +153 points at high today.
Rehn: Rescue fund leveraging on the table
03.10.11 @ 17:39 By Leigh Phillips
EU economy commissioner Olli Rehn said on Monday (3 October) that European finance chiefs are considering different options on how to leverage the eurozone’s multi-billion-euro rescue fund to give it further firepower.We are reviewing options on optimising the use of the [European Financial Stability Fund] in order to get more out of it and make it more effective as a financial firewall to contain contagion. Leveraging is one of the options, he said speaking to reporters in Luxembourg.
Finance ministers are meeting in Luxembourg to assess the heavily indebted Greek government’s latest announced efforts to deliver on its promises of austerity and structural adjustment made to international lenders.There are growing fears that were Spain and Italy to be cut off from market funding, the existing €440 billion rescue fund would be insufficient to bail out such large economies and even an expansion of the war-chest to €780 billion agreed by eurozone leaders in July may not be enough.As a result even more radical options, such as the leveraging of the fund were understood to be a topic of discussion, but this is the first time that a senior EU leader has officially mentioned the subject.We will discuss this with the ministers, he said. There are options including the [European Central Bank] and options not including the ECB. This is something we will discuss today.
One possibility is that the EFSF could issue triple-A-rated bonds that could then be placed with the ECB as collateral against loans that could then be distributed to indebted eurozone states.The attraction of this option is that this could be performed without having to return once again to eurozone member countries for further guarantees at a time when citizens and some political forces are growing increasingly resistant to the idea of what appear to them as ever-expanding bail-outs.The commissioner also gave his blessing to the latest round of cuts and structural adjustments announced by the Greek government, despite an acknowledgement that Athens will not be able to meet its deficit reduction targets for this year or next. With an economy in free-fall, government revenues have fallen well below projections.Greece has taken important decisions in the past weeks, also including yesterday, Rehn said.On Sunday, Athens said that it will slash a further €6.6 billion from spending in an attempt to chase after budget shortfalls. The country’s finance minister also offered further details on a plan to put some 30,000 public-sector workers into a so-called labour reserve where wages are to be reduced by 40 percent ahead of presumptive lay-offs within a year.The next day, the government presented the draft budget for 2012 to parliament. MPs are expected to vote on the bill by the end of the month.We are currently assessing whether Greece will meet its fiscal targets with the current measures, he added. Officials from the so-called EU-ECB-IMF troika have returned to the Greek capital to continue their assessment of the government’s austerity efforts.So long as the troika give the all-clear, eurozone finance ministers and the IMF board are expected to rapidly approve the dispersal of the sixth tranche of bail-out cash to the country, a sum amounting to €8 billion.Without the funds, the country will likely run out of money to pay public servants and pensions by the middle of the month.
We're reviewing figures and assessing measures. It seems Greece is likely to miss its target this year. Next year, the concrete measures agreed so far go a long way to meet the fiscal targets. We will assess the measures, he continued.The commissioner also said that ministers would have to confront not one but three major dangers.We have a very important meeting at a critical juncture today. We are facing three main challenges: stalling growth, stressed sovereigns and still vulnerable banks,he said.
Greece will not meet deficit targets this year or in 2012 Today OCT 4,11 @ 09:17 By Leigh Phillips
The Greek finance ministry on Sunday (2 October) conceded that the government will not be able to meet the deficit reduction targets imposed by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund for this year or next.Ancient Greek vase painting of Apollo. The finance ministry has conceded it cannot meet its deficit targets (Photo: Fingalo)The shortfall between spending and revenues will amount to 8.5 percent of GDP in 2011, considerably wider than the 7.6 target set by international lenders.In 2012, the government will be able to reduce the deficit to 6.8 percent of GDP, but this figure still comes short of the 6.5 percent demanded by Brussels and Washington.
The news comes as Athens unveiled further details on its plan to trim the public-sector wage bill by placing 30,000 workers into a so-called labour reserve pool. These workers will see their salaries slashed by 40 percent ahead of a presumed dismissal within a year.Officials from the EU-ECB-IMF troika accepted a plan from finance minister Evangelos Venizelos that the bulk of the workers placed in the scheme be over 60 years old and due to retire within two years, while others will come from a number of state agencies scheduled for merger or shut-down.The troika inspectors have returned to the Greek capital to complete their assessment of the government’s efforts to meet agreed austerity and structural adjustment targets. If the troika gives the all-clear, eurozone finance ministers and the IMF are expected to release the sixth, €8 billiion tranche of bail-out cash to the country.EU finance ministers are to gather in Luxembourg on Monday to discuss the eurozone crisis and specifically consider the Greek situation, but it is not expected that any decision on the release of the latest tranche of cash will be taken at the meeting.Resistance to the austerity measures has widened in recent days, with rolling strikes by transport workers and occupations by staff at seven government ministries. The blockades have made it difficult for the troika inspectors to meet with Greek government officials.Transport minister Yannis Ragoussis’ meeting with the inspectors had to be delayed and held at a secret location, according to Ana, the Greek press agency, where the minister said the government must not make concessions to those that are protesting.
First EU country imposes sanctions on Russian officials Today OCT 4,11 @ 09:21 By Andrew Rettman
The UK has become the first EU country to impose sanctions on Russian officials implicated in the murder of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, a British daily reports.
Policewoman in Russia. Browder says around 10 EU countries are considering taking action (Photo: Boris SV)Opposition MP Chris Bryant told The Guardian on Saturday (1 October) that UK immigration minister, Damian Green, from the ruling Conservative party, has confirmed they were quietly put on a visa blacklist.From conversations with Damian Green, I took it that these people would not be welcomed. It seems now as if there is a secret ban on these people, he said.America and countries in the EU are moving towards a full, open public ban on these people. If people are not welcome, they should make it clear they are not welcome, not just privately to the individual, but publicly, because it would make it absolutely clear to anybody else that if you are engaged in corruption and criminality in Russia, you are not coming to Britain,he added.The British move follows similar action by the US in August and a freeze on related bank accounts by Switzerland in April.The UK ban means the officials can still enter other EU countries.But Dutch foreign minister Uri Rosenthal has promised parliament he will look into action at EU level in November if a Russian investigation into the case comes up with nothing. The EU's foreign relations service has also said it cannot exclude EU-level steps if the Russian probe is a whitewash.US authorities have compiled a list of 60 Russian men and women said to have embezzled $230 million in Russian tax money and killed Magnitsky in 2009 when he exposed the scam.Reacting to the news, Magnitsky's former employer, UK-based venture capitalist Bill Browder told EUobserver: This [the UK ban] is a very significant development in the whole EU debate about this policy. It seems to me that it will be much harder for the EU to be inactive on EU-wide Magnitsky sanctions now that the US and UK governments have already acted.
Report: Israel, U.S. to Release Prisoners for Grapel-New details on the deal for Ilan Grapel's release: Both Israel and the U.S. will release Egyptian security prisoners.By Elad Benari First Publish: 10/4/2011, 5:43 AM
After Sunday’s report that Egypt is set to release dual U.S.-Israeli citizen Ilan Grapel after nearly four months, another report released on Monday sheds some more light on the deal that was reached to secure his release.According to the Israeli Ma’ariv newspaper, Israel has agreed to release 25 Egyptian security prisoners currently serving sentences in Israeli jails in exchange for Grapel.The report, which is based on comments made by a senior Egyptian television commentator, the United States will also release prisoners. Among the prisoners to be released are also ones classified by Egypt as high profile.The commentator added that the main part of the deal that was reached includes an American agreement to sell advanced weapons to the Egyptian Army, which until now the U.S. has refrained from doing due to Israeli pressure.Grapel, 27, was arrested on charges of being an Israeli spy by Egyptian transitional government authorities. He was accused of spying for Israel, and inciting riots following the toppling of former President Hosni Mubarak in the Tahrir Square Revolution.
Family and friends called the charges absurd, given that he was in Egypt to study Arabic culture, for which he has had long abiding passion. A number of Egyptians considered the charges to be bogus as well.According to Sunday’s report in the official Egyptian MENA news agency, the decision to release Grapel was reversed after the Obama administration agreed to increase its political and financial support to Egypt if he were to be released.Both Sunday and Monday’s reports said Grapel will return to the United States with Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who will make an official visit to Cairo starting on Tuesday.
Panetta in Jerusalem: U.S. is Committed to Israel's Security-PM Netanyahu meets with United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in Jerusalem.By Elad Benari First Publish: 10/4/2011, 2:14 AM
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met on Monday with United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in Jerusalem.Netanyahu thanked Panetta for coming to Jerusalem and told him, You’re coming to the Middle East at a time when it’s undergoing a tremendous convulsion. Probably nothing on this scale happened since the end of World War I, and during this time it’s particularly important to strengthen the security alliance between Israel and the United States.I have to commend you and of course, President Obama, for strengthening that alliance and our cooperation,added Netanyahu. I look forward to discussing with you in this meeting ways to do that. I think that’s important for our security and that’s important for peace.Netanyahu reiterated that peace has to be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties. Yesterday, Israel welcomed the Quartet statement that called for direct negotiation without preconditions.He told Panetta that when he meets Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas maybe you can tell him, encourage him to enter direct negotiations without preconditions. That’s our hope and I think it should be our common goal.Panetta thanked Netanyahu for the welcome, adding that he looked forward to the ability to discuss some of the difficult challenges that face not only Israel but the United States as well.
Panetta stressed his country’s commitment to Israel’s security.We have been strong allies, we have been strong partners,he said.We have always made a commitment to do everything we can to support the security of Israel and as the Secretary of Defense, I intend to continue that commitment. I think it’s important for us to say to this region that when it comes to the difficult issues we face we stand together to try to confront our difficult and common challenges.Prior to his arrival in Israel, Panetta warned that Israel is becoming increasingly isolated in the Middle East.
Speaking to reporters who were traveling with him, Panetta said Israel must restart negotiations with the Palestinian Authority and work to restore relations with Egypt and Turkey.
Report: Egypt, Qatar Agree to Halt Gas Supplies to Israel-Egypt reportedly made a commitment in Tehran to stop providing natural gas to Israel. So did Qatar and dozens of other countries.By Chana Ya'ar First Publish: 10/4/2011, 3:16 AM
Egypt, which currently provides about 40 percent of Israel's natural gas through its Sinai Peninsula pipeline, has reportedly agreed to halt sales to the Jewish State during a conference in Tehran, according to the Iranian FARS news agency. So has Qatar, which in the past has expressed its willingness to sell gas to Israel if the Egyptian supply were to vanish.If true, gas prices in Israel could skyrocket until the Jewish State secures another source. Due to at least six terrorist attacks and sabotage this year alone, the amount of diesel fuel used to generate electricity rose by 103 percent since January, as compared with the same period a year ago.The delegation from Cairo was among dozens of others at the 5th International Conference on the Palestinian Intifada, where participants announced the agreement to cut the supply of natural gas to Israel from their countries in a final statement issued by the Political Groups and Parties' Commission.The two-day conference was reportedly attended by more than 50 parliamentary delegations, state officials and others from Muslim and non-Muslim nations. Among the countries in attendance were Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Oman, Afghanistan, Mexico, Hungary, Bolivia, Paraguay, Cuba, and Colombia.
The statement also included support for the Palestinian Intifada and regional uprisings and revolutions, and stressed the need to increase pressure on international courts which shrug off pursuing the crimes of the Zionist regime.In addition, a statement issued by the delegations at the conference called on Muslim countries to impose a strict ban on Israeli goods and activities of all companies and institutions with direct or indirect ties or affiliation with Israel, reported FARS.All Islamic states are required to pay serious attention to this issue and adopt the necessary measures to prevent the import of Israeli commodities, said a statement by the parliamentary commission at the conference.
Report: Shvut Rachel Nearing Final State Approval-The Jewish community of Shvut Rachel is nearing completion of the process to receive clearance for official state status.By Chana Ya'ar First Publish: 10/4/2011, 5:15 AM
The Jewish community of Shvut Rachel, located 30 miles north of Jerusalem, will reportedly receive final state approval.The State told the High Court of Justice in a brief that the 15-year-old community is nearing completion of the process to regulate its zoning status and construction. The brief was filed in response to a March 2011 petition by the leftist Peace Now movement, which pointedly asked the court to order the community destroyed.Peace Now noted the 2005 Sasson Report that designated Shvut Rachel to be an illegal outpost, and said the community was continuing to build, in violation of a state-ordered freeze on construction.The State had ordered the destruction of 29 homes following a freeze on construction in the community issued in late 2010.The petition... mentioned construction performed on State lands which [already] been inspected by a Blue Line team, noted the State brief, the group of Civil Administration inspectors tasked with reviewing land appropriations in Judea and Samaria since 1999.The political echelon now wishes to regulate construction on the premises and has therefore instructed... to promote the [community's] zoning status,said the brief.Since the matter... is pending resolution as evident in the actions taken to regulate [the construction and zoning] the requests brought forward in the petition – in particular the motion to demolish buildings – should not be granted,the brief added.
Peace Now director Yariv Oppenheimer told the Hebrew-language Yediot Acharanot newspaper in response, The Netanyahu government seeks to sanction one of the most isolated outposts in the territories... and it continues to expand the smaller, more isolated outposts.As far as [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu is concerned, the world, the rule of law and Israel's political interests are null and void when it comes to the settlers' desire to create facts on the ground and ruin any chance for separating from the Palestinians. Netanyahu was and is the settlers' lackey, and they are calling the shots.Shvut Rachel currently numbers 110 families, and is located on Highway 60 in the Shiloh area in the Binyamin region of Samaria, about a 35 minute drive from Jerusalem. The community was founded in memory of Rachela Druk, a resident of Shiloh and mother of seven who together with bus driver Isaac Rofe was killed in November 1991 when terrorists fired on their bus. Shvut Rachel was established by a group of students from the Shiloh Yeshiva in the name of the victims on the night of their funerals.Comprised mostly of young, idealistic Zionists, the oldest children are just now celebrating their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. The community's single synagogue under the supervision of Rabbi Ben Tzion Amar, the rabbi of Shvut Rachel, alternates between several different prayer styles in order to accommodate everyone's needs.The community is especially known for its sales of organic strawberries to select outlets around the country.
Ashton Vows Aid for PA Amid US Cuts-EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton vowed to keep Ramallah on the dole as the US Congress blocks $200 million in aid payments.
By Gavriel Queenann First Publish: 10/3/2011, 6:35 PM
European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton raced to assure Palestinian Authority officials they were still on the EU dole.Ashton informed Abbas that the EU projects to the PA and the Palestinians which are carried out in the Palestinian Territories, won’t be frozen due to the PA Leader move at the UN, the Arabic-language Al-Quds newspaper reported, citing sources close to PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas.Ashton's assurances come on the heels of reports the United States Congress was blocking the transfer of $200 million to cash-strapped officials in Ramallah due to Abbas' statehood gambit at the United Nations.The Congressional freeze for the latest block of US aid dollars - which total an average $600 million per annum - was first reported on Saturday by the UK-daily The Independent.The report remained unconfirmed until Monday, when US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta criticized the Congressional move during a Tel Aviv press conference with Israeli counterpart Ehud Barak.
The administration opposes holding these funds from the Palestinians, Panetta said, insisting the funds have helped improve Israel's security.This is a critical time and it is not a time to withhold those funds, he said.PA Minister of Planning Ali Jirbawi told the PA-run WAFA news agency that the US Congress's decision to halt US aid to Ramallah has not yet been issued to Palestinian officials, but played down the significance of such a move.The Palestinian Authority is fully ready to embody the reality of a state, Jirbawi said, insisting there was a difference between financial crisis the PA faces and its readiness for statehood.However, Jihad al-Wazir, the PA's top monetary official, warned last month that a cessation of foreign aid from the United States could lead to fiscal ruin and collapse for RamallahThe Arab League on Sunday asked its member states to increase financial help to the Palestinians after the reported US block on the transfer of funds, AFP reported.The Arab League's chief called the bolstering of financial aid necessary for the Palestinians to face this threat.
Monday, October 03, 2011
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -3.43
10:00 AM -91.04
10:30 AM -40.55
11:00 AM -80.22
11:30 AM -40.70
12:00 PM -12.94
12:30 PM -80.25
01:00 PM -125.33
01:30 PM -173.34
02:00 PM -164.83
02:30 PM -182.62
03:00 PM -200.02
03:30 PM -212.89
04:00 PM -258.08 10,655.23
S&P 500 1099.23 -32.19
NASDAQ 2335.83 -79.57
GOLD 1,655.10 +32.40
OIL 76.85 -2.35
TSE 300 11,251.80 -372.00
CDNX 1389.40 -77.77
S&P/TSX/60 645.57 -21.51
Dow -36 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -130 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,656.70.OIL opens at $77.52 today.
Dow -130 points at low today so far.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
Dow -260 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today.
Europe, China woes fuel earnings worries
ReutersBy Caroline Valetkevitch | Reuters – OCT 2,11
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Investors are worried U.S. earnings growth may finally fall back to earth as turmoil in Europe and signs of a less robust Chinese economy hurt foreign support.The euro zone's debt crisis and weakness in China have fueled investor concern that the global economy could tip back into recession, possibly dampening U.S. earnings growth at a time when the U.S. economy is still struggling to gain ground.Overseas sales have helped U.S. companies beat earnings expectations in the last couple of years, with foreign sales totaling 30 percent on average for Standard & Poor's 500 companies.If the euro region is crumbling, that's going to have a tremendous negative impact on companies like McDonald's, said Todd Schoenberger, managing director at LandColt Trading in Wilmington, Delaware.I'm not expecting a big earnings quarter, he said. We've been getting the clues already.The most recent company to trouble investors about the earnings outlook is Ingersoll Rand Plc, whose shares tumbled 12.1 percent to $28.09 on Friday after the industrial conglomerate cut its third-quarter and full-year earnings forecast to below market estimates.Investor pessimism is already high.The S&P 500 finished the quarter with its worst performance since 2008, and many strategists have slashed their forecasts for year's end.The S&P 500 dropped 14.3 percent in the third quarter, losing about $1.7 trillion in market capitalization.A disappointing third-quarter earnings period, which begins the second week of October, could only trigger more losses, analysts said. Stronger-than-expected earnings helped stocks claw back from 12-year lows in 2009.This week, investors also will be bracing for data on the U.S. job market, among the weakest parts of the economy. The government's September employment report is due Friday, while U.S. manufacturing data from the Institute for Supply Management is due Monday. The ISM services-sector index is set for release on Wednesday.
Companies reporting earnings have benefited for the last decade from weakness in the dollar, which helped overseas revenue figures.With the euro down 7.4 percent this quarter, the biggest quarterly loss by percentage since mid-2010, companies could lose some of that currency cushion.I think you'll see a lot of companies blaming problems on Europe, said Justin Walters, co-founder of Bespoke Investment Group in Harrison, New York.Walters said excluding companies that report no international sales, the average percentage of overseas revenue for the S&P 500 is 41 percent.The euro-zone debt crisis has investors worried about a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis.In China, which has been a major engine of growth for the global economy, data has shown some weakness. On Friday, figures showed the country's manufacturing shrank for the third month in a row and had the longest contractional streak since 2009.Analysts have slowly been reducing earnings forecasts for the quarter.Third-quarter earnings are expected to have risen 13.3 percent from a year ago, according to Thomson Reuters data. The forecast was for 17 percent growth on July 1.If there's a very drastic downturn in the European economic zone, that portion of U.S. earnings will be impacted, said Natalie Trunow, chief investment officer of equities at Calvert Investment Management in Bethesda, Maryland, which manages about $14.8 billion.But she and other strategists are optimistic that the earnings period will not disappoint, and could even present a buying opportunity.U.S. multinationals don't necessarily derive all of their additional earnings (from Europe), and in China, data seems to be showing a slowdown but not in hard-landing territory, Trunow said.Other strategists said the dramatic cost-cutting that U.S. companies started in the 2008 financial crisis will help to keep bottom-line earnings numbers relatively healthy.In our view, corporate America has learned to make money in this environment, said Hank Smith, chief investment officer at Haverford Trust Co in Philadelphia.(Reporting by Caroline Valetkevitch; Editing by Jan Paschal)
Asian markets sharply down on recession fears
APAP – OCT 2,11
BANGKOK (AP) — Asian markets tumbled sharply in early trading Monday, hurt by data suggesting debt-strapped Greece's attempts at austerity were not yielding results and a weakening economic picture in Europe.Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 2.3 percent to 8,503.88, with a government survey showing an improvement in business confidence among Japanese manufacturers doing little to nudge markets back to life.Markets in mainland China and South Korea were closed for national holidays.A deeper-than-expected recession prevented Greece from meeting this year's deficit target of 7.8 percent, the government said over the weekend.Greece's deficit for 2011-2012 is expected to reach 8.5 percent of gross domestic product, or euro18.69 billion ($25.2 billion).Meanwhile, inflation jumped to a startling 3 percent in September in the 17 countries that use the euro. The increase was a surprise that makes it less likely the European Central Bank will cut interest rates this week to head off a possible recession.The rate reported Friday from the European Union's statistics agency was the highest since October 2008 and represented a big increase from August's 2.5 percent.The ECB, the chief monetary authority for the euro countries, has come under pressure to cut interest rates soon to ward off mounting signs of recession in the eurozone economy.
Occupy Wall Street: A Globalist Op Designed to Destroy Efforts to End the Fed Kurt Nimmo October 2, 2011
A couple days after the initial launch of the Occupy Wall Street protests, received an email taking us to task for attributing the movement to Anonymous, the activist hacker group.How can a movement originated and funded by globalists end the globalist scheme to enslave the world? There is one major inaccuracy in all the coverage that has been bothering me, and that is the focus on Anonymous as the architects and organizers of the event, an email received September 23 states. The initial call for the protest was put out by the magazine Adbusters.The person, who shall remain nameless at this point – since I have not gained his permission to quote the private email he sent to me – is not merely a bystander or an outsider making an observation. He claims to be intimately connected to the movement through the General Assembly of New York, described as the central planning and organizing committee for the protest. His Facebook page reveals he is indeed connected to Occupy Wall Street.The Adbusters Media Foundation describes itself as a non-profit anti-consumerist organization that functions as a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age.Like many so-called leftist non-profits, Adbusters is a creature of globalist foundations. According to research conducted by, Adbusters takes money from a number of supposedly progressive foundations, including the big Kahuna of leftish foundations – the Tides Foundation and Tides Center. Between 1996 and 2003, Tides doled out $334,217.00 to Adbusters, by far the largest amount of eight foundations donating.
Steve Baldwin claims Tides received over $7 million from George Soros. Although the monetary connection between Tides’ founder Drummond Pike and the arch globalist Soros is somewhat murky, researcher Ron Arnold has mapped out numerous connections between the two so-called philanthropists. Under IRS rules, Drummond is not obliged to reveal who he receives money from to fund a large number of supposedly progressive organizations.The Tides Foundation is a pass-through for other foundations’ money,writes Arnold.Tides Foundation is a public charity, not a private foundation. Tides Foundation passes other foundations’ money to a spectrum of left-wing organizations which the original donors would not or could not support on their own… Because none of the more than 260 projects under the Tides umbrella files its own Form 990 with the IRS, their finances are totally secret and not available for public inspection, an issue that requires congressional remedy.The Dj Osiris blog adds further detail: It would seem George Soros is connected to the U.S. Day of Rage aka Occupy Wall Street through The Ruckus Society. On the U.S. Day of Rage website. The Ruckus Society receives funding from the Tides Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Institute provides grants to Tides, including a mere $4.2 Million in 2008, the last year figures are available.As the filmmaker Michael Moore admitted to We Are Change activist and journalist Luke Rudkowski last week, the goal of the movement funded in large part with globalist lucre is to attack and dismantle capitalism. Moore discounted out of hand any effort to end the Federal Reserve and return the nation to sound and honest money controlled by the American people, not a cartel of bankers and oligarchs from the financial class, including George Soros.
Instead of addressing issues that will solve the serious social and political problems created by fractional reserve banking and other scams run by the ruling elite, the Soros lubricated anti-capitalist movement will steer popular outrage and political reaction into fireproof channels that can be controlled by globalist forces behind the curtain.On the so-called right side of the political spectrum, a similar operation was carried out against the Libertarian Tea Party movement, now largely a cheering section and amen choir for the establishment Republican Party that is dominated by neocon personalities such as Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and the political cameleon and former Gore operative Rick Perry.The Occupy Wall Street movement, funded by globalist foundations – and increasingly receiving sympathetic coverage by the corporate media, at least its liberal wing – is now describing itself as a gathering of descamisados (impoverished, landless) arrayed against the estancieros (land owners), a class warfare reference made popular in Argentina.In reality, it is another consolidation of wealth program designed by the elite. Warren Buffet may take to the pages of the New York Times and call for taxing the rich, but what he is advocating is in essence a wealth consolidation program.The ruling elite, their banks and transnational corporations do not pay taxes, the little people do, as Leona Helmsely arrogantly noted. Increasing taxes on the 1 percent, as the movement demands, to save the 99 percent, will result in a further erosion of the middle class, as the elite know.
The higher taxes may very well cause the smaller businesses to go out of business, notes the Collateral Damage blog. They won’t have the economies of scale to compete with the bigger corporations, so what ends up happening is that the small business assets eventually get sold to the big corporations, usually for a fraction of what the assets are worth. So in effect, it ends up being a wealth transfer from the middle class to the super elite rich.If we look beyond the facile socialist rhetoric and examine who is funding and essentially running the Occupy Wall Street movement – the liberal foundations with the same globalist goal as their supposed ideological enemies on the so-called right (who defused the real Tea Party movement) – we realize that the movement is essentially another effort to colonize political opposition and render it ineffective and politically impotent.The real movement, and the one posing a serious threat to the 1 percent, the global elite, is calling for an end to the Federal Reserve, a return to the core principles of our once proud constitutional republic, and sound, honest money not controlled by the elite and the financial sector now tasked with taking down the economy and reducing America to a third-world wasteland.
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
DANIEL 11:21-23
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.
Ahmadinejad offers simple solution for Palestinians
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday proposed a simple solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict under which everyone should go home.If the backers of the Zionist regime want to solve the issue... the solution is simple ... everyone should go home, he told an international conference, as the United Nations mulls a Palestinian statehood bid.Some poor people were brought to Palestine on the promise of security and jobs while they made Palestinian people into refugees... So now Palestinians should go home and those brought here should go to theirs,he said.
Tehran's two-day International Conference on Palestine was attended by parliamentarians from some 20 nations and figures including Khaled Meshaal, exiled chief of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.At the opening on Saturday, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reiterated the Islamic republic's opposition to the division of Palestinian lands.Any plan which would lead to the division of Palestine is unacceptable, Khamenei said. Any plan that would create two states ... would be accepting a Zionist state in the land of Palestine.
Ahmadinejad, who is known for making fiery anti-Israeli speeches, on Sunday dubbed the Jewish state a cancerous tumor which had to be removed to save the region and the world.Iran has not recognised Israel since its 1979 Islamic revolution and backs Palestinian and Lebanese militant groups fighting against the Jewish state.On September 23, the UN Security Council took up a request for full recognition of a Palestinian state over the vehement opposition of Israel and the United States.
Panetta warns Israel getting more isolated
APBy LOLITA C. BALDOR - Associated Press | AP – OCT 2,11
ON BOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT (AP) — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned Sunday that Israel is becoming increasingly isolated in the Middle East, and said Israeli leaders must restart negotiations with the Palestinians and work to restore relations with Egypt and Turkey.In a blunt assessment made as he was traveling to Israel, Panetta said the ongoing upheaval in the Middle East makes it critical for the Israelis to find ways to communicate with other nations in the region in order to have stability.There's not much question in my mind that they maintain that (military) edge, Panetta told reporters traveling with him. But the question you have to ask: Is it enough to maintain a military edge if you're isolating yourself in the diplomatic arena? Real security can only be achieved by both a strong diplomatic effort as well as a strong effort to project your military strength.Panetta is scheduled to meet this week with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, and then travel to a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels. His visit comes as Mideast negotiators push for a peace deal by the end of next year, amping up pressure for the resumption of long-stalled talks.The Pentagon chief said Israel risks eroding its own security if it does not reach out to its neighbors.It's pretty clear that at this dramatic time in the Middle East, when there have been so many changes, that it is not a good situation for Israel to become increasingly isolated. And that's what's happening,he said.Panetta said the most important thing now is for Israel and its neighbors to try to develop better relationships so in the very least they can communicate with each other rather than taking these issues to the streets.His visit comes at a particularly critical and fragile time.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has asked the U.N. Security Council to recognize an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza Strip, areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. The United States opposed the U.N. bid, saying there is no substitute for direct peace negotiations. But with Israel continuing to build settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, Abbas says there is no point in talking.Some 500,000 Jewish settlers now live in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005.The United States, Britain, France and other council members are likely to try to hold up consideration of the application while they press for a resumption of long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, diplomats said.Negotiators, known as the Quartet, are asking both the Israelis and the Palestinians to produce comprehensive proposals on territory and security within three months.Israeli officials have welcomed parts of the proposal, but have also expressed concerns about the timetable for some discussions. They also have refused to endorse the 1967 prewar borders as a basis for the future Palestinian state — something President Barack Obama has endorsed.The Palestinians, meanwhile, have said they won't return to talks unless Israel freezes settlement building and accepts the pre-1967 war frontier as a baseline for talks.The Quartet — the U.S., European Union, United Nations and Russia — is urging both sides to avoid provocative actions. Just last week, Israel approved the construction of 1,100 new housing units in an area of Jerusalem built on land captured in 1967, a move that drew widespread international condemnation.
Panetta said he wants to stress to both sides that instead of setting conditions or pursuing other approaches,the most important thing they can do is go to the negotiating table. That would be a tremendous signal to the world that both the Israelis and the Palestinians want to try to find a solution to these problems. I don't think they really lose anything by getting into negotiations.Panetta is scheduled to meet with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.His visit to Israel comes six months after his predecessor, Robert Gates, traveled to the region to meet with Israeli leaders and make the first journey to the West Bank to talk with Fayyad.The U.S. has said it would veto the Palestinians' U.N. request, despite the high political cost in the Arab world. However, Washington would not need to use its veto if the Palestinians fail to get the support of at least nine of 15 council members. Palestinian officials have said they believe they have eight yes votes, and are lobbying for more support.
Israel backs Mideast talks plan, with reservations
APBy AMY TEIBEL - Associated Press | AP – OCT 2,11
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's government welcomed on Sunday parts of an international proposal to resume long-stalled peace talks with the Palestinians but said it had concerns about the plan.The plan by Mideast mediators, known as the Quartet, calls for a peace deal in a year and asks both sides to produce comprehensive proposals on territory and security within three months.The Quartet presented the latest timetable after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas asked the U.N. late last month to recognize a state of Palestine in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, territories Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast War.The Palestinian request has put the U.S. and other countries in a diplomatically awkward position, forcing them to take sides for or against, and has stepped up pressure on the international community to chart out a resolution of the conflict.The Israeli government would not say Sunday what its concerns were, saying only that it would raise them at the appropriate time. However, Israeli officials have expressed reservations about the Quartet's timetable for the discussion of specific issues.A senior Palestinian official, Saeb Erekat, dismissed the Israeli government's statement as disingenuous, noting that Israel has previously rejected key provisions of the Quartet proposal, including a freeze of Israeli settlement building on occupied land.Last week, the Palestinians said the Quartet's plan contained encouraging elements but that they would not return to talks unless Israel freezes settlement building and accepts the pre-1967 war frontier as a baseline for talks.The Palestinians, like the Israelis, seem wary of being perceived as the party blocking any resumption of negotiations.
The Quartet plan calls for a speedy resumption of peace talks, with the goal of reaching a comprehensive agreement by the end of 2012. In the meantime, it urges both sides to avoid provocative actions.On Sunday, senior Israeli Cabinet ministers discussed the Quartet's proposal. In a statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said Israel welcomes the Quartet's call for direct negotiations between the parties without preconditions but said it would raise its concerns in the future.Israeli officials have previously questioned the one-year timetable, as well as the Quartet's call to produce comprehensive proposals on territory and security within three months.Israel believes these matters should not be broken away from a wider array of issues dividing Israel and the Palestinians, like the conflicting claims to east Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees displaced during Israel's establishment 63 years ago.The Quartet — the U.S., European Union, United Nations and Russia — did not include any new ideas for bridging the gaps that have kept negotiations deadlocked for the past three years, chiefly the Palestinian demand for a settlement freeze.But it reaffirmed its commitment to several older documents and proposals, including the U.S.-backed road map, which calls for a complete settlement freeze.Israel has refused to endorse the 1967 lines as a basis for the future Palestinian state , despite President Barack Obama's calls to do so. It says talks should immediately resume with no preconditions.Just last week, Israel approved the construction of 1,100 new housing units in an area of Jerusalem built on land captured in 1967 in a move that drew widespread international condemnation.
In Cairo, Erekat questioned Netanyahu's seriousness toward the Quartet proposal, since the Israeli leader has rejected the Quartet's previous calls for a settlement freeze and its endorsement of the 1967 lines.Mr. Netanyahu should put his money where his mouth is and announce he will stop settlements and accept a two-state solution based on 1967, Erekat said. If he doesn't accept this, it means he's playing a game of deception and public relations. No one is going to swallow it.
Fatah Official: Shhh! 1949 Lines would be Israel's Doom-Senior Fatah man calls Obama, Netanyahu dirtbags, explains how Israel would come to an end if exits Judea and Samaria.By Chana Ya'ar First Publish: 10/2/2011, 5:41 PM
A senior member of the Fatah Central Committee led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in an interview referred to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and U.S. President Barack Obama, as dirtbags, and explained how causing Israel to leave Judea and Samaria would spell its doom.Abbas Zaki told the interviewer that any final status agreement between Israel and the PA should be based upon the borders of June 4, 1967... everybody knows that the greater goal cannot be accomplished in one go.Israel claims that Abbas and numerous other PA Arab officials have made it clear in many ways that the greater and ultimate goal has been and continues to be the elimination of the State of Israel altogether, but this was an outright statement to that effect. Zaki made his remarks during an interview on the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera satellite television channel, which reaches millions of Arabs worldwide.
A video clip of Zaki's remarks was translated by MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, a media watchdog organization that monitors Arabic-language media. If Israel withdraws from Jerusalem, evacuates the 650,000 settlers, and dismantles the wall, what will become of Israel? It will come to an end, Zaki predicted.Who is nervous, upset and angry now? Netanyahu, Lieberman, and Obama... All those dirtbags, he said scornfully. Why even get into this? We should be happy to see Israel upset.He noted that reaching the greater goal would be impossible initially, and that revealing it would not be smart: If we say that we want to wipe Israel out... C'mon, it's too difficult. It's not [acceptable] policy to say so. Don't say these things to the world,he warned. Keep it to yourself.For public consumption, Zaki advised Arabs to stick to the party line: I want the resolutions that everybody agrees upon. I say to the world, to the Quartet, and to America: You promised, and you turned out to be liars.In his recent speech to the 66th United Nations General Assembly, Abbas referred to Israel as the land of Jesus and Mohammed, with no mention whatsoever of the ancient history of the Jews who dwelled therein, preceding both, and who have maintained a continuous presence in the land to this day.MEMRI has translated recent remarks by Fatah officials, in which they are heard slamming Obama's speech of support for Israel at the United Nations General Assembly.
Dep. Foreign Minister: Zaki's Remarks Prove Us Right-Ayalon after Fatah man's gaffe: This is less about the creation of a PA state than it is about the destruction of the one Jewish State.By Gil Ronen First Publish: 10/2/2011, 8:51 PM
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon reacted Sunday to the statement by a senior Fatah man that exposes the organization's plan to destroy Israel in stages, while pretending to seek a peaceful compromise. As I have said on many occasions, said Ayalon, here is further proof that the conflict is not about territory. The Palestinians have been offered a state repeatedly for several decades and have rejected each and every offer. This is less about the creation of a Palestinian state than it is about the destruction of the one Jewish State.The statement by Abbas Zaki, a senior member of the Fatah Central Committee led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, is one of the most damning statements ever made by an Arab official regarding Fatah's stages plan.The interview was aired on Al Jazeera on September 23, at about the same time that Abbas was presenting the case for independent statehood in the United Nations. Possibly the hype around Abbas's speech gave Zaki confidence that his statement would go by unnoticed – as it largely has.
If Israel withdraws from Jerusalem, evacuates the 650,000 settlers, and dismantles the wall, what will become of Israel? It will come to an end,Zaki predicted.
He noted that reaching the greater goal would be impossible initially, and that revealing it would not be smart: If we say that we want to wipe Israel out... C'mon, it's too difficult. It's not [acceptable] policy to say so. Don't say these things to the world,he warned. Keep it to yourself.
When Will Israel's Foreign Ministry Stop Supporting UNRWA? Historian Moshe Dann points out that the West will continue to fund UNRWA as long as Israel's own Foreign Ministry continues to support it.By Chana Ya'ar First Publish: 10/2/2011, 8:56 AM
As long as Israel's own Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to support the United Nations agency that aids Palestinian Authority Arabs, the U.S. and Canada are not going to cease funding UNRWA's activities.So writes historian and journalist Moshe Dann, who advocated in a blog posted Sunday for FrontPage Mag that Israel end its own support for the U.N. agency.Supporters of Palestinian statehood prominently display 194 next to their flag, Dann pointed out in his article. That number refers not only to its proposed place in the U.N. next-in-line, but their goal. Citing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) as guarantor of the right to leave and return to one's country, they use that to justify the 'Palestinian right of return.
But there is no such right,Dann continued. UNGA Resolution 1943 (1948) refers to all refugees, Jewish as well as Arab, and does not confer automatic rights to return. Repatriation (or return) was suggested as one option, but this is based on conditions that Arabs have never fulfilled.UNRWA, Dann contends, is at the core of the thorny problem of the so-called Palestinian Arab right of return, due to its anti-Israel agenda, holding the Jewish State solely responsible for the plight of those who left their homes during Israel's defensive wars.The countries to which they fled, and which have forever refused to accept them as citizens, have never been held accountable in the same way Israel is expected to absorb its own refugees.
Jordan is the only one of all the Arab nations who granted the original refugees citizenship. Most Palestinian refugees in other Arab countries are blocked from getting a decent education, going to college, or applying for skilled jobs. It is a built-in system to create human weapons to aim at the State of Israel, one that has been inordinately effective over the decades, aided and abetted by UNRWA.
But why?
A recent example of the double standard applied to Israel is the world's expectation that the Jewish State absorb and care for thousands of Sudanese and Eritrean infiltrators that have illegally crossed the country's southern border with Egypt. They are doing it even now, in fact – a swelling population of irrelevant immigrants Israel can ill afford.A great hue and cry is raised whenever the subject of repatriation is considered for these illegal infiltrators, which Israel with its meager resources is not equipped to care for.Still, the country has somehow managed to wrestle with the problem, despite the overwhelming objections of most of the communities in which the refugees are eventually settled.What then of the millions of so-called Palestinian refugees – actually the descendants of the original refugees, those who were encouraged to leave their homes, by the very Arab nations to whom they fled? The question, according to Dann, is why Israel's own Foreign Ministry supports UNRWA, an agency whose humanitarian work he contends can be assumed by the U.N. High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR), which assists all other refugees. Why continue to support a separate organization only for those who claim to be Palestinian refugees and their descendants? Israel's support for UNRWA, writes Dann, prevents donor countries from insisting on changing this picture – thus enabling one of the most anti-Israel organizations to flourish.The agency, he points out, works with the members of terrorist groups such as Hamas, Fatah, PFLP and the Army of Islam, a group linked to the global jihadist Al Qaeda terrorist organization.
UNRWA provides free education, medical services, food and social and cultural centers through 60 refugee camps – actually towns, and in some cases some cities – throughout the region.Half of UNRWA's annual budget, which totals nearly one billion dollars, is provided by the U.S., the rest by Canada and European nations.What then is the incentive for PA Arabs in these areas, the terror gangs who recruit them, and the government who nurtures them, to change?
Arabs urged to help Palestinians beat US aid cut
The Arab League appealed to member states Sunday to bolster financial help to the Palestinian territories after US lawmakers froze about $200 million in aid in response to Palestinians' UN statehood bid.It is necessary for the member countries of the League to increase their financial aid to the Palestinian people so they can face this threat, said Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi after talks in Cairo with chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat.Members of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have frozen the funding to the Palestinians until the Palestinian statehood issue is sorted out, one of the aides told AFP on Saturday.The economic package is separate from security aid, which the US lawmakers say would be counterproductive to block. They fear that withholding those funds would weaken the ability of Palestinian security forces to quell anti-Israel violence.A coalition of Israel-backing Democrats and conservative Republican lawmakers are angered by the Palestinian bid for United Nations membership. Both the United States and Israel insist that only direct negotiations can produce an accord leading to Palestinian statehood.It is the right of the Palestinians to have their state, a full member of the United Nations, like other peoples of the world, Arabi said.Erakat for his part declared that the Palestinian people refuse to allow economic aid to become an instrument of blackmail regarding its rights to membership of the United Nations.We appreciate the American aid but we won't allow it to become an instrument of blackmail,he said.Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas made a historic bid for UN membership on September 23. But the United States has vowed to veto the application if it comes to a Security Council vote.The diplomatic Quartet on the Middle East -- the United States, Russia, European Union and United Nations -- has launched a new bid to get direct talks resumed with a firm timetable for an accord.
EU Can't Entice Eastern Partnership States without Membership-Donald Tusk may benefit electorally from the EU Warsaw Summit but in terms of tangibles it produced little.By Amiel Ungar First Publish: 10/2/2011, 8:53 PM
The European Union summit in Warsaw over the weekend featured a dialogue between the EU and the former Soviet states of the Ukraine, Belarus Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia . This forum is called the Eastern Partnership and was originally conceived in 2009 by Poland and Sweden before the European Union became preoccupied with its own economic difficulties.Its objective is to draw these states closer to the EU and help them grow economically and democratically.Poland, the country hosting the gathering as rotating president of the EU, has a vested interest in the partnership's success. Despite improved relations between Warsaw and Moscow, Poland still casts a wary eye on its historic enemy. Democratic buffer states between Poland and Russia who are firmly out of Russia's orbit represent a strategic objective of Polish foreign policy.With the possible exception of the Ukraine, which may yet get an association agreement by the end of the year, the Eastern Partnership appears to be dead.One of the major enticements of the EU in the past for new applicants was the prospect of generous economic assistance. Currently, the European Union is being pressed by the member countries to cut rather than increase its budget.Secondly, members of the European Union who are cultivating ties with Russia for the sake of energy security and increased trade, are not interested in stirring up trouble with the old-new master of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin. A further EU encroachment on what used to be the Soviet Union would be frowned upon by Putin, who regards the dissolution of the Soviet state as a tragedy.
The EU can hold out little prospect for future membership – a membership earned by greater democracy and diminished corruption. Ukraine may be the exception due to the country's size and strategic location, but in Brussels and Kiev nobody is talking about imminent membership.Belarus boycotted the meeting because President Alexander Lukashenko was barred from attending due to his violations of democratic and human rights, and also because the conclave was openly critical of the regime. Despite the EU's economic problems it still dangled the carrot of substantial economic assistance if the Belarus regime freed political prisoners and conducted free elections.Brussels is counting on the difficult economic situation in Belarus. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk told a news conference For the first time we see a situation in which the EU, very decisively and in a spirit of solidarity, makes help for Belarus conditional on tangible changes. These are not radical changes. This is the bare minimum that any European person expects.Lukashenko has turned down the assistance, because he is not likely to survive a free election. He accused the EU of grandstanding on Belarus to deflect attention away from its own problems.More embarrassing for the EU was the fact that the other guests refused to sign a declaration condemning repression in Belarus.Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was told that the EU would look badly if the trial of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko ends up with a guilty verdict and imprisonment, but the Ukrainian president was also invited to Brussels for talks this month.The summit, however, was a useful backdrop for Prime Minister Tusk in the run-up to the Polish elections scheduled for next Sunday. Tusk's Civic Platform Party is strongly pro-Brussels while the opposition Law and Justice Party is Euroskeptic.
Senior Doctor: Entire Hospital Departments about to Shut Down-As the resignation of medical residents is about to take effect, hospital officials are warning of a medical catastrophe.By Yoni Kempinski & Gil Ronen First Publish: 10/2/2011, 8:18 PM
Resignations of hundreds of residents in Israel's hospitals are about to take effect in the next few days, and a senior physician warns that his hospital may have to close down most of its wards.Prof. Ehud Grossman, Director of the Departement of Internal Medicine, Sheba Medical Center, told Arutz Sheva: We don’t see a way that we can manage without the residents. I believe that we will need to close some of the departments, and out of six departments maybe we will be remaining with two. We will be able just to save lives and that's it.Grossman recommended that patients go to other hospitals, where fewer residents have resigned.He said that he understands the residents' anger because the agreement signed by their representatives and the State is a catastrophic one.
IDF Hits Gaza Terror Cell-The IDF hit Gaza terrorists Saturday as they prepared to fire rockets at southern Israel.By Maayana Miskin First Publish: 10/1/2011, 11:27 PM
The IDF successfully hit a Gaza terrorist cell on Saturday night as the cell prepared to launch rockets at southern Israel. Reports from Gaza stated that the incident took place near Beit Hanun.Gaza sources stated that three terrorists were wounded in the incident. At least one is in serious condition.IDF sources said the same cell had carried out attacks on multiple occasions, and was responsible for an attack Thursday.The IDF will not tolerate any effort to harm the citizens of the state of Israel, and will act against any source that uses terrorism against the state of Israel,the army said in a statement released Saturday night. The IDF considers Hamas responsible for all attacks from Gaza, it added.
Egypt Fears Israel Plans to Seize Control of Sinai-Egyptian officials are expressing fears that Israel plans to seize control of the Sinai Peninsula. By Chana Ya'ar First Publish: 10/2/2011, 3:57 PM
Egyptian officials are expressing fears that Israel may seize control over the Sinai Peninsula.The warning came from Egyptian Ambassador Yasser Othman, Cairo's representative to Ramallah, who told the Bethlehem-based Ma'an news agency that recent remarks by Jerusalem officials indicate the presence of an Israeli plan aimed at controlling the Sinai.Othman added, We should be ready for the Israeli plan to take Sinai in the coming period.The Egyptian envoy's remarks followed interviews by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak on the eve of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, in which both characterized the situation in Sinai as troubling. Both men expressed concern over the security threats that have escalated since the fall of former President Hosni Mubarak in the Tahrir Square Revolution in February.There are those seeking to use Sinai not merely as a staging area for attacks from Gaza, but who are seeking to use Gaza as a staging area for attacks from Sinai,Netanyahu told reporters. This is obviously a very troubling development. He added at the time that while both Cairo and Washington D.C. shared Jerusalem's concerns, Israel is taking action on its side of the border to stymie any threat.
Increased Egyptian tanks and troops in the region were approved by Israel in mid-August for the first time in decades – a strong indicator of just how deep the concern is on both sides. That concern was dramatically increased following an August 18 multi-pronged terrorist attack along the border on Route 12, slightly north of Eilat. The 20-member cell killed eight Israelis and wounded at least 40 others; in the melee, six Egyptian security officers were also killed by Israeli forces as they fired on terrorists.Othman told Ma'an that the increased Egyptian military presence would prove more than sufficient to maintain control without Israel's intervention. But Israel's defense minister noted, although the region is an important asset for every Egyptian leadership... I don't think that the leadership is in full control.He added that the protesters who toppled Mubarak's government are now also engaged in a power struggle with the military council that currently leads the country.Israel's Counter Terrorism Bureau has repeatedly warned citizens to stay out of Sinai, noting that forces hostile to Israel, and to the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty are currently exploiting a security vacuum in the area.
The Egyptian-Israeli natural gas pipeline that originates from northern Sinai was attacked last week for the sixth time since February. Three men opened fire at a pumping station near el-Arish, damaging the pipeline and sending flames shooting some 15 meters (45 feet) into the air, according to an eyewitness quoted by the Reuters news agency. El-Arish is located just 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the border with Israel.
3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:
ISAIAH 13:9-11
9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.
11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
2 KINGS 23:5
5 And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.
EU urges roadmap this year on climate action
The European Union urged all nations Sunday to make clear how they will tackle climate change, saying the world needs a roadmap this year on future action even if a treaty appears out of reach.Negotiators from around the world are meeting through Friday in Panama, hoping to find common ground on the thorniest issues before a closely watched UN climate conference in Durban, South Africa opens on November 28.
The Kyoto Protocol's obligations for wealthy nations to cut carbon emissions run out at the end of 2012, leading the European Union to propose a temporary new round of commitments under the landmark treaty to avoid any gap.But chief EU climate negotiator Artur Runge-Metzger said that any new commitments by the Europeans needed to be part of a broader package, noting that the bloc accounted for only 11 percent of global emissions.I think we need to know... what is this other 89 percent going to commit itself to? This is something where we need to have an answer, Runge-Metzger told reporters at the talks in Panama City.We know of course that Durban is not going to deliver a new legal outcome, a legal treaty. Time is just too short for that, he said.But what we need to produce in Durban is a roadmap towards a global legal framework, he said.UN-backed scientists have warned that carbon emissions need to peak by mid-decade to avoid irreversible damage from climate change, with the growing incidence of extreme weather around the world likely to worsen.Small island states have also lobbied hard for tough decisions on climate change, fearing that melting ice will lead to rising water levels that could literally destroy low-lying civilizations.
But China and the United States, the two biggest carbon emitters, are both out of the Kyoto Protocol. The treaty requires no action by emerging economies, leading former US president George W. Bush to reject the treaty as unfair.China -- along with fellow emerging economies such as India -- has welcomed EU calls for another round under the Kyoto Protocol and urged wealthy nations to follow up on promises to provide climate aid to the poorest countries.US President Barack Obama's administration has actively taken part in the negotiations, but he faces intense opposition from the rival Republican Party in which prominent members have questioned the science behind climate change.Canada, Japan and Russia are part of the Kyoto Protocol but have made clear that they will not join another round of the treaty as it does not include emerging economies.Australia and Norway have jointly proposed to set a 2015 deadline for a new treaty, with all countries -- wealthy and developing -- listing their actions and gradually making them more ambitious and binding.UN climate chief Christiana Figueres told reporters that the written proposal by Australia and Norway was very helpful but said it was too soon to say if governments would rally around it.I have been very gratified to see that over the past few months,she said, governments are really beginning to think very seriously about how they would like to advance action on climate change.Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, voiced hope that the Panama talks would start finding possible outcomes for Durban.From the UN leadership's view, the intent here in Panama is not to come out of Panama with a long, accordion-type text that puts everybody's positions one behind the other, but rather to begin to work on possible draft texts,she said.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).
For Listeria victims, sudden turns for the worse
APBy DAN ELLIOTT - Associated Press | AP – Sat, Oct 1, 2011
DENVER (AP) — Charles Palmer is a hardy 71-year-old former Marine and Vietnam veteran who trains cockatiels to say Semper Fi and Whatcha doin, man? He also loves fruit — and especially melon for lunch.He's never one to get sick, said his wife, Tammie.The Colorado Springs man ate a cantaloupe that was purchased in mid-August, his wife said. Within several days, he was overcome by an excruciating headache. The next morning he was extremely weak and gripped by dry heaves, his wife recalled.I started slapping his face and saying, You've got to talk to me, but he couldn't, she said.She called 911. At the hospital, she said, he was diagnosed with the strain of Listeria blamed for a 19-state outbreak that has killed at least 15 and sickened at least 84.Palmer's story is shared by many who one day led normal lives and the next suffered agonizing symptoms, even death, from a pathogen that particularly afflicts the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. It can incubate for as long as two months before sickness sets in.Symptoms can include fever, muscle aches, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.Health officials don't identify victims by name, but The Associated Press has reached five families who have filed lawsuits saying a loved one was sickened by the strain of Listeria cited in the outbreak.
William Thomas Beach of Mustang, Okla., was a feisty, funny man who once got thrown out of a community center because he got into a fight over politics while playing dominoes, one of his six daughters said.Daddy hit him, Debbie Frederick recalled with a chuckle. He took his politics very, very seriously.During a doctor's visit on June 8, his 87th birthday, Beach announced: Today is my birthday, and I want a sucker, Frederick said. The doctor's staff presented him with three suckers bound with a ribbon.In late August, Beach fell and couldn't get up. His face was red and swollen and he had trouble breathing. He was hospitalized and sent home the next day when his breathing was under control, Frederick said.He was dancing in little circles with the nurse because he was so happy to be going home, she said.On Sept. 1, his 85-year-old wife, Monette, found him unresponsive on the floor; he was taken back to the hospital and died that day. A few days later, Oklahoma and federal health officials linked his illness to the Listeria outbreak, Frederick said. He had been eating cantaloupe for weeks.Herbert Stevens of the Denver suburb of Littleton, Colo., is a retired engineer for the U.S. Geological Survey. At 84, he could walk unassisted and get out with his wife to enjoy a concert, despite having had heart surgery 21 years ago and being on oxygen.On Aug. 22, about 10 days after eating cantaloupe from a local grocery store, Stevens got weak and nauseous. He had tremors and chills, said his daughter, Jeni Exley. At the hospital, his temperature was 102.7 and he was immediately put on antibiotics.
A month later, he's in a skilled nursing center. His spirits are good, although he's weak and sleeps a lot, Exley said.It's too early to say what his prognosis is, his daughter said, but he may need a walker to get around and could lose much of his independence.How much can an 84-year-old man's strength come back after having a serious infection? Exley said.Clarence Douglas Wells of Catonsville, Md., was a retired Defense Department printer who liked to use pistachio nuts for poker chips when he played cards.And he was terrible at playing poker, his daughter Donna Wells Lloyd said with a laugh.He didn't have a poker face.Wells, an 87-year-old widower, lived with Lloyd and her husband in Catonsville, outside Baltimore. He was a quiet man with a wry sense of humor, his daughter said.He was hospitalized Aug. 25 after he retained so much fluid that he gained about nine pounds in three days, Lloyd said. When she visited him, he didn't complain of discomfort, but she suspects he may have been holding back.He hated to be a burden on anybody,she said.On Aug. 31, he took a turn for the worse. By the time Lloyd reached his room, he was intubated, and although he was sedated, he was tugging on the tube, trying to remove it. When he grew calmer, Lloyd dashed home to change clothes. Before she could leave her house, hospital staff called to say his heart had stopped and doctors were trying to revive him. He died that day.State and local health officials told the family about two weeks later that Wells had died from the Listeria strain in the national outbreak, Lloyd said.I was horrified, she said, especially when she started calculating the odds. I just couldn't believe that we could have gotten one out of, what, a million and a half cantaloupes? She said health officials haven't identified how her father contracted Listeria. He had bought a cantaloupe at a produce stand, she said.Wells was a news junkie who kept on top of food safety issues, his daughter said, and he wouldn't have eaten cantaloupe if he had read about the outbreak.He dropped stuff from his diet right and left. He knew about everything, she said.
Sixty-five-year-old Juanita Gomez of Angleton, Texas, was shaking, vomiting and sweating when her daughter, Rosa, arrived at her parents' home the morning of Aug. 20, summoned by a phone call from her worried father.She looked like she was probably going to die, the daughter said. She wouldn't respond to us. She looked right through us.The family took her to a hospital, but she was sent home that day with instructions to take Motrin and Tylenol, Rosa said. The next night, someone from the hospital called Rosa and told her to bring her mother back if she had not improved.Juanita Gomez, who already suffered from diabetes and is in the early stages of dementia, spent the next three days in the hospital, the daughter said. She was released Aug. 24, the day before her 66th birthday.Over the next few days, public health officials told the family Juanita had the same strain of Listeria as the national outbreak.She is back home, although she suffered from diarrhea for several weeks and lost 10 pounds from her 4-foot-9 frame, family member said. The experience has unnerved the family, Rosa Gomez said.We make sure we wash everything but Listeria is not something you can look at and see. It's really nerve-wracking, she said.In Colorado Springs, Charles Palmer is still hospitalized, and though he can speak again, he's weak and sometimes confused.He thought we were in Arizona a day or two ago, his wife, Tammie, said.She can still let loose a throaty, rumbling laugh when she relates her husband's quirks. But a month into the ordeal, doctors still can't tell her what the outcome will be, and she sometimes feels overwhelmed.
I'm worn out, she said.It's been a long haul. He's got a long way to go.Palmer loved fruit, and some days his entire lunch might be melon, grapes or apples. About two weeks before he got sick, he ate half a cantaloupe. It was so juicy and sweet, his wife said, he ate the other half, too.We'll never eat cantaloupe again, she said. Ever.Associated Press writer Linda Stewart Ball contributed to this report from Dallas.Dan Elliott is available at
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
GENESIS 7:6-12
6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.
7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.
10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Typhoons leave 55 dead, Filipinos trapped on roofs
APBy JIM GOMEZ - Associated Press | AP – OCT 2,11
MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Back-to-back typhoons left at least 55 people dead and rescuers scrambling on Sunday to deliver food and water to hundreds of villagers stuck on rooftops for four days because of flooding in the northern Philippines.
Typhoon Nalgae slammed ashore in northeastern Isabela province Saturday then barreled across the main Luzon Island's mountainous north and agricultural plains that were still sodden from fierce rain and wind unleashed by a howler just days earlier. Nalgae left at least three people dead Saturday while Typhoon Nesat killed 52 others in the same region before blowing out Friday.Nalgae was whirling 124 miles (200 kilometers) over the South China Sea from the country's northeast toward southern China early Sunday with sustained winds of 81 miles (130 kilometers) per hour and gusts of 99 mph (160 kph), according to the government weather agency.Its ferocious wind set off a rockslide in northern Bontoc province Saturday, causing boulders to roll down a mountainside and smash on a passing van, where a passenger was pinned to death and another was injured, police said.In northern Tarlac province's Camiling town, an uncle sought safety with his two young nephews as flooding rose in their village Saturday. But one of the children was swept away by rampaging waters and drowned while his uncle and brother remained missing. A drunk man drowned in flooding in a nearby village, provincial disaster officer Marvin Guiang said.
Nalgae roared through a similar path across areas on Luzon saturated by Typhoon Nesat, which trapped thousands on rooftops and sent huge waves that breached a seawall in Manila Bay. Nesat also pummeled southern China and was downgraded to a tropical storm just before churning into northern Vietnam on Friday afternoon, where flood warnings were issued and 20,000 people evacuated.In the rice-growing province of Bulacan north of Manila, hundreds of residents in flooded Calumpit town remained trapped on rooftops in four villages for the fourth day, many of them desperately waving for help. Rescuers aboard rubber boats could not reach them because of narrow alleyways. Two air force helicopters would be deployed Sunday to drop water and food packs to the marooned villagers, officials said.Calumpit Mayor James de Jesus pleaded for more help from the national government.The ones waving for help are the ones who need to be rescued first because they have elderly people and children with them, de Jesus told ABS-CBN TV network. We have a very big problem here ... we're facing a long flooding.Benito Ramos, a retired army general who heads the Office Civil Defense, said floodwater was receding in many areas but freshly-dumped rains by Nalgae may flow down from the mountainous north to the central Luzon provinces of Bulacan and Pampanga, which act like a catch basin. Some officials said water released from nearby dams have exacerbated the flood.Ramos said he and many rescuers have not slept for days but were elated to see help from many private groups and provinces unaffected by the typhoons.Their resiliency is being tested but many people are still smiling and waving, Ramos told The Associated Press by telephone from Calumpit, where he was overseeing rescue work.It's grace under pressure.In the last four months, prolonged monsoon flooding, typhoons and storms across Southeast Asia, China, Japan and South Asia has left more than 600 people dead or missing.
In India alone, the damage is estimated to be worth $1 billion, with the worst-hit state of Orissa accounting for $726 million.
Several studies suggest an intensification of the Asian summer monsoon rainfall with increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, the state-run Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology said. Still, it is not clear that this is entirely because of climate change, it said.The damage from the earlier typhoon in the Philippines was estimated at $91 million.Nalgae was the 17th weather disturbance this year to batter the disaster-prone Philippines, which is lashed by about 20 storms and typhoons annually. A low pressure area has been monitored 435 miles (700 kilometers) off the archipelago and could either dissipate or strengthen into another storm in the next few days, forecaster Gener Quitlong said.Associated Press writers Oliver Teves in Manila, Philippines, and Margie Mason in Hanoi, Vietnam, contributed to this report.
Algeria floods kill 10; homes damaged
APAP – OCT 2,11
ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — Authorities in Algeria say torrential downpours have killed at least 10 people and ruined hundreds of homes. A mother and her infant daughter are also missing.The country's meteorological service had warned about strong thunderstorms across the country from Saturday into Sunday.The civil protection authority said in a statement that on Sunday it recovered eight bodies from one town, El Bayadh, 435 miles (700 kilometers) southwest of the capital. Rescuers are still looking for a woman and her 9-month-old baby there.Two other bodies were found in towns to the north of El Bayadh. Hundreds of families were affected when the waters either tore down or inundated their homes.Algeria often sees heavy rain and flooding in October.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -3.43
10:00 AM -91.04
10:30 AM -40.55
11:00 AM -80.22
11:30 AM -40.70
12:00 PM -12.94
12:30 PM -80.25
01:00 PM -125.33
01:30 PM -173.34
02:00 PM -164.83
02:30 PM -182.62
03:00 PM -200.02
03:30 PM -212.89
04:00 PM -258.08 10,655.23
S&P 500 1099.23 -32.19
NASDAQ 2335.83 -79.57
GOLD 1,655.10 +32.40
OIL 76.85 -2.35
TSE 300 11,251.80 -372.00
CDNX 1389.40 -77.77
S&P/TSX/60 645.57 -21.51
Dow -36 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -130 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,656.70.OIL opens at $77.52 today.
Dow -130 points at low today so far.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
Dow -260 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today.
Europe, China woes fuel earnings worries
ReutersBy Caroline Valetkevitch | Reuters – OCT 2,11
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Investors are worried U.S. earnings growth may finally fall back to earth as turmoil in Europe and signs of a less robust Chinese economy hurt foreign support.The euro zone's debt crisis and weakness in China have fueled investor concern that the global economy could tip back into recession, possibly dampening U.S. earnings growth at a time when the U.S. economy is still struggling to gain ground.Overseas sales have helped U.S. companies beat earnings expectations in the last couple of years, with foreign sales totaling 30 percent on average for Standard & Poor's 500 companies.If the euro region is crumbling, that's going to have a tremendous negative impact on companies like McDonald's, said Todd Schoenberger, managing director at LandColt Trading in Wilmington, Delaware.I'm not expecting a big earnings quarter, he said. We've been getting the clues already.The most recent company to trouble investors about the earnings outlook is Ingersoll Rand Plc, whose shares tumbled 12.1 percent to $28.09 on Friday after the industrial conglomerate cut its third-quarter and full-year earnings forecast to below market estimates.Investor pessimism is already high.The S&P 500 finished the quarter with its worst performance since 2008, and many strategists have slashed their forecasts for year's end.The S&P 500 dropped 14.3 percent in the third quarter, losing about $1.7 trillion in market capitalization.A disappointing third-quarter earnings period, which begins the second week of October, could only trigger more losses, analysts said. Stronger-than-expected earnings helped stocks claw back from 12-year lows in 2009.This week, investors also will be bracing for data on the U.S. job market, among the weakest parts of the economy. The government's September employment report is due Friday, while U.S. manufacturing data from the Institute for Supply Management is due Monday. The ISM services-sector index is set for release on Wednesday.
Companies reporting earnings have benefited for the last decade from weakness in the dollar, which helped overseas revenue figures.With the euro down 7.4 percent this quarter, the biggest quarterly loss by percentage since mid-2010, companies could lose some of that currency cushion.I think you'll see a lot of companies blaming problems on Europe, said Justin Walters, co-founder of Bespoke Investment Group in Harrison, New York.Walters said excluding companies that report no international sales, the average percentage of overseas revenue for the S&P 500 is 41 percent.The euro-zone debt crisis has investors worried about a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis.In China, which has been a major engine of growth for the global economy, data has shown some weakness. On Friday, figures showed the country's manufacturing shrank for the third month in a row and had the longest contractional streak since 2009.Analysts have slowly been reducing earnings forecasts for the quarter.Third-quarter earnings are expected to have risen 13.3 percent from a year ago, according to Thomson Reuters data. The forecast was for 17 percent growth on July 1.If there's a very drastic downturn in the European economic zone, that portion of U.S. earnings will be impacted, said Natalie Trunow, chief investment officer of equities at Calvert Investment Management in Bethesda, Maryland, which manages about $14.8 billion.But she and other strategists are optimistic that the earnings period will not disappoint, and could even present a buying opportunity.U.S. multinationals don't necessarily derive all of their additional earnings (from Europe), and in China, data seems to be showing a slowdown but not in hard-landing territory, Trunow said.Other strategists said the dramatic cost-cutting that U.S. companies started in the 2008 financial crisis will help to keep bottom-line earnings numbers relatively healthy.In our view, corporate America has learned to make money in this environment, said Hank Smith, chief investment officer at Haverford Trust Co in Philadelphia.(Reporting by Caroline Valetkevitch; Editing by Jan Paschal)
Asian markets sharply down on recession fears
APAP – OCT 2,11
BANGKOK (AP) — Asian markets tumbled sharply in early trading Monday, hurt by data suggesting debt-strapped Greece's attempts at austerity were not yielding results and a weakening economic picture in Europe.Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 2.3 percent to 8,503.88, with a government survey showing an improvement in business confidence among Japanese manufacturers doing little to nudge markets back to life.Markets in mainland China and South Korea were closed for national holidays.A deeper-than-expected recession prevented Greece from meeting this year's deficit target of 7.8 percent, the government said over the weekend.Greece's deficit for 2011-2012 is expected to reach 8.5 percent of gross domestic product, or euro18.69 billion ($25.2 billion).Meanwhile, inflation jumped to a startling 3 percent in September in the 17 countries that use the euro. The increase was a surprise that makes it less likely the European Central Bank will cut interest rates this week to head off a possible recession.The rate reported Friday from the European Union's statistics agency was the highest since October 2008 and represented a big increase from August's 2.5 percent.The ECB, the chief monetary authority for the euro countries, has come under pressure to cut interest rates soon to ward off mounting signs of recession in the eurozone economy.
Occupy Wall Street: A Globalist Op Designed to Destroy Efforts to End the Fed Kurt Nimmo October 2, 2011
A couple days after the initial launch of the Occupy Wall Street protests, received an email taking us to task for attributing the movement to Anonymous, the activist hacker group.How can a movement originated and funded by globalists end the globalist scheme to enslave the world? There is one major inaccuracy in all the coverage that has been bothering me, and that is the focus on Anonymous as the architects and organizers of the event, an email received September 23 states. The initial call for the protest was put out by the magazine Adbusters.The person, who shall remain nameless at this point – since I have not gained his permission to quote the private email he sent to me – is not merely a bystander or an outsider making an observation. He claims to be intimately connected to the movement through the General Assembly of New York, described as the central planning and organizing committee for the protest. His Facebook page reveals he is indeed connected to Occupy Wall Street.The Adbusters Media Foundation describes itself as a non-profit anti-consumerist organization that functions as a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age.Like many so-called leftist non-profits, Adbusters is a creature of globalist foundations. According to research conducted by, Adbusters takes money from a number of supposedly progressive foundations, including the big Kahuna of leftish foundations – the Tides Foundation and Tides Center. Between 1996 and 2003, Tides doled out $334,217.00 to Adbusters, by far the largest amount of eight foundations donating.
Steve Baldwin claims Tides received over $7 million from George Soros. Although the monetary connection between Tides’ founder Drummond Pike and the arch globalist Soros is somewhat murky, researcher Ron Arnold has mapped out numerous connections between the two so-called philanthropists. Under IRS rules, Drummond is not obliged to reveal who he receives money from to fund a large number of supposedly progressive organizations.The Tides Foundation is a pass-through for other foundations’ money,writes Arnold.Tides Foundation is a public charity, not a private foundation. Tides Foundation passes other foundations’ money to a spectrum of left-wing organizations which the original donors would not or could not support on their own… Because none of the more than 260 projects under the Tides umbrella files its own Form 990 with the IRS, their finances are totally secret and not available for public inspection, an issue that requires congressional remedy.The Dj Osiris blog adds further detail: It would seem George Soros is connected to the U.S. Day of Rage aka Occupy Wall Street through The Ruckus Society. On the U.S. Day of Rage website. The Ruckus Society receives funding from the Tides Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Institute provides grants to Tides, including a mere $4.2 Million in 2008, the last year figures are available.As the filmmaker Michael Moore admitted to We Are Change activist and journalist Luke Rudkowski last week, the goal of the movement funded in large part with globalist lucre is to attack and dismantle capitalism. Moore discounted out of hand any effort to end the Federal Reserve and return the nation to sound and honest money controlled by the American people, not a cartel of bankers and oligarchs from the financial class, including George Soros.
Instead of addressing issues that will solve the serious social and political problems created by fractional reserve banking and other scams run by the ruling elite, the Soros lubricated anti-capitalist movement will steer popular outrage and political reaction into fireproof channels that can be controlled by globalist forces behind the curtain.On the so-called right side of the political spectrum, a similar operation was carried out against the Libertarian Tea Party movement, now largely a cheering section and amen choir for the establishment Republican Party that is dominated by neocon personalities such as Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and the political cameleon and former Gore operative Rick Perry.The Occupy Wall Street movement, funded by globalist foundations – and increasingly receiving sympathetic coverage by the corporate media, at least its liberal wing – is now describing itself as a gathering of descamisados (impoverished, landless) arrayed against the estancieros (land owners), a class warfare reference made popular in Argentina.In reality, it is another consolidation of wealth program designed by the elite. Warren Buffet may take to the pages of the New York Times and call for taxing the rich, but what he is advocating is in essence a wealth consolidation program.The ruling elite, their banks and transnational corporations do not pay taxes, the little people do, as Leona Helmsely arrogantly noted. Increasing taxes on the 1 percent, as the movement demands, to save the 99 percent, will result in a further erosion of the middle class, as the elite know.
The higher taxes may very well cause the smaller businesses to go out of business, notes the Collateral Damage blog. They won’t have the economies of scale to compete with the bigger corporations, so what ends up happening is that the small business assets eventually get sold to the big corporations, usually for a fraction of what the assets are worth. So in effect, it ends up being a wealth transfer from the middle class to the super elite rich.If we look beyond the facile socialist rhetoric and examine who is funding and essentially running the Occupy Wall Street movement – the liberal foundations with the same globalist goal as their supposed ideological enemies on the so-called right (who defused the real Tea Party movement) – we realize that the movement is essentially another effort to colonize political opposition and render it ineffective and politically impotent.The real movement, and the one posing a serious threat to the 1 percent, the global elite, is calling for an end to the Federal Reserve, a return to the core principles of our once proud constitutional republic, and sound, honest money not controlled by the elite and the financial sector now tasked with taking down the economy and reducing America to a third-world wasteland.
JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.
DANIEL 11:21-23
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.
Ahmadinejad offers simple solution for Palestinians
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday proposed a simple solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict under which everyone should go home.If the backers of the Zionist regime want to solve the issue... the solution is simple ... everyone should go home, he told an international conference, as the United Nations mulls a Palestinian statehood bid.Some poor people were brought to Palestine on the promise of security and jobs while they made Palestinian people into refugees... So now Palestinians should go home and those brought here should go to theirs,he said.
Tehran's two-day International Conference on Palestine was attended by parliamentarians from some 20 nations and figures including Khaled Meshaal, exiled chief of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.At the opening on Saturday, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reiterated the Islamic republic's opposition to the division of Palestinian lands.Any plan which would lead to the division of Palestine is unacceptable, Khamenei said. Any plan that would create two states ... would be accepting a Zionist state in the land of Palestine.
Ahmadinejad, who is known for making fiery anti-Israeli speeches, on Sunday dubbed the Jewish state a cancerous tumor which had to be removed to save the region and the world.Iran has not recognised Israel since its 1979 Islamic revolution and backs Palestinian and Lebanese militant groups fighting against the Jewish state.On September 23, the UN Security Council took up a request for full recognition of a Palestinian state over the vehement opposition of Israel and the United States.
Panetta warns Israel getting more isolated
APBy LOLITA C. BALDOR - Associated Press | AP – OCT 2,11
ON BOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT (AP) — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned Sunday that Israel is becoming increasingly isolated in the Middle East, and said Israeli leaders must restart negotiations with the Palestinians and work to restore relations with Egypt and Turkey.In a blunt assessment made as he was traveling to Israel, Panetta said the ongoing upheaval in the Middle East makes it critical for the Israelis to find ways to communicate with other nations in the region in order to have stability.There's not much question in my mind that they maintain that (military) edge, Panetta told reporters traveling with him. But the question you have to ask: Is it enough to maintain a military edge if you're isolating yourself in the diplomatic arena? Real security can only be achieved by both a strong diplomatic effort as well as a strong effort to project your military strength.Panetta is scheduled to meet this week with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, and then travel to a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels. His visit comes as Mideast negotiators push for a peace deal by the end of next year, amping up pressure for the resumption of long-stalled talks.The Pentagon chief said Israel risks eroding its own security if it does not reach out to its neighbors.It's pretty clear that at this dramatic time in the Middle East, when there have been so many changes, that it is not a good situation for Israel to become increasingly isolated. And that's what's happening,he said.Panetta said the most important thing now is for Israel and its neighbors to try to develop better relationships so in the very least they can communicate with each other rather than taking these issues to the streets.His visit comes at a particularly critical and fragile time.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has asked the U.N. Security Council to recognize an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza Strip, areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. The United States opposed the U.N. bid, saying there is no substitute for direct peace negotiations. But with Israel continuing to build settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, Abbas says there is no point in talking.Some 500,000 Jewish settlers now live in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005.The United States, Britain, France and other council members are likely to try to hold up consideration of the application while they press for a resumption of long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, diplomats said.Negotiators, known as the Quartet, are asking both the Israelis and the Palestinians to produce comprehensive proposals on territory and security within three months.Israeli officials have welcomed parts of the proposal, but have also expressed concerns about the timetable for some discussions. They also have refused to endorse the 1967 prewar borders as a basis for the future Palestinian state — something President Barack Obama has endorsed.The Palestinians, meanwhile, have said they won't return to talks unless Israel freezes settlement building and accepts the pre-1967 war frontier as a baseline for talks.The Quartet — the U.S., European Union, United Nations and Russia — is urging both sides to avoid provocative actions. Just last week, Israel approved the construction of 1,100 new housing units in an area of Jerusalem built on land captured in 1967, a move that drew widespread international condemnation.
Panetta said he wants to stress to both sides that instead of setting conditions or pursuing other approaches,the most important thing they can do is go to the negotiating table. That would be a tremendous signal to the world that both the Israelis and the Palestinians want to try to find a solution to these problems. I don't think they really lose anything by getting into negotiations.Panetta is scheduled to meet with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.His visit to Israel comes six months after his predecessor, Robert Gates, traveled to the region to meet with Israeli leaders and make the first journey to the West Bank to talk with Fayyad.The U.S. has said it would veto the Palestinians' U.N. request, despite the high political cost in the Arab world. However, Washington would not need to use its veto if the Palestinians fail to get the support of at least nine of 15 council members. Palestinian officials have said they believe they have eight yes votes, and are lobbying for more support.
Israel backs Mideast talks plan, with reservations
APBy AMY TEIBEL - Associated Press | AP – OCT 2,11
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's government welcomed on Sunday parts of an international proposal to resume long-stalled peace talks with the Palestinians but said it had concerns about the plan.The plan by Mideast mediators, known as the Quartet, calls for a peace deal in a year and asks both sides to produce comprehensive proposals on territory and security within three months.The Quartet presented the latest timetable after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas asked the U.N. late last month to recognize a state of Palestine in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, territories Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast War.The Palestinian request has put the U.S. and other countries in a diplomatically awkward position, forcing them to take sides for or against, and has stepped up pressure on the international community to chart out a resolution of the conflict.The Israeli government would not say Sunday what its concerns were, saying only that it would raise them at the appropriate time. However, Israeli officials have expressed reservations about the Quartet's timetable for the discussion of specific issues.A senior Palestinian official, Saeb Erekat, dismissed the Israeli government's statement as disingenuous, noting that Israel has previously rejected key provisions of the Quartet proposal, including a freeze of Israeli settlement building on occupied land.Last week, the Palestinians said the Quartet's plan contained encouraging elements but that they would not return to talks unless Israel freezes settlement building and accepts the pre-1967 war frontier as a baseline for talks.The Palestinians, like the Israelis, seem wary of being perceived as the party blocking any resumption of negotiations.
The Quartet plan calls for a speedy resumption of peace talks, with the goal of reaching a comprehensive agreement by the end of 2012. In the meantime, it urges both sides to avoid provocative actions.On Sunday, senior Israeli Cabinet ministers discussed the Quartet's proposal. In a statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said Israel welcomes the Quartet's call for direct negotiations between the parties without preconditions but said it would raise its concerns in the future.Israeli officials have previously questioned the one-year timetable, as well as the Quartet's call to produce comprehensive proposals on territory and security within three months.Israel believes these matters should not be broken away from a wider array of issues dividing Israel and the Palestinians, like the conflicting claims to east Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees displaced during Israel's establishment 63 years ago.The Quartet — the U.S., European Union, United Nations and Russia — did not include any new ideas for bridging the gaps that have kept negotiations deadlocked for the past three years, chiefly the Palestinian demand for a settlement freeze.But it reaffirmed its commitment to several older documents and proposals, including the U.S.-backed road map, which calls for a complete settlement freeze.Israel has refused to endorse the 1967 lines as a basis for the future Palestinian state , despite President Barack Obama's calls to do so. It says talks should immediately resume with no preconditions.Just last week, Israel approved the construction of 1,100 new housing units in an area of Jerusalem built on land captured in 1967 in a move that drew widespread international condemnation.
In Cairo, Erekat questioned Netanyahu's seriousness toward the Quartet proposal, since the Israeli leader has rejected the Quartet's previous calls for a settlement freeze and its endorsement of the 1967 lines.Mr. Netanyahu should put his money where his mouth is and announce he will stop settlements and accept a two-state solution based on 1967, Erekat said. If he doesn't accept this, it means he's playing a game of deception and public relations. No one is going to swallow it.
Fatah Official: Shhh! 1949 Lines would be Israel's Doom-Senior Fatah man calls Obama, Netanyahu dirtbags, explains how Israel would come to an end if exits Judea and Samaria.By Chana Ya'ar First Publish: 10/2/2011, 5:41 PM
A senior member of the Fatah Central Committee led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in an interview referred to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and U.S. President Barack Obama, as dirtbags, and explained how causing Israel to leave Judea and Samaria would spell its doom.Abbas Zaki told the interviewer that any final status agreement between Israel and the PA should be based upon the borders of June 4, 1967... everybody knows that the greater goal cannot be accomplished in one go.Israel claims that Abbas and numerous other PA Arab officials have made it clear in many ways that the greater and ultimate goal has been and continues to be the elimination of the State of Israel altogether, but this was an outright statement to that effect. Zaki made his remarks during an interview on the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera satellite television channel, which reaches millions of Arabs worldwide.
A video clip of Zaki's remarks was translated by MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, a media watchdog organization that monitors Arabic-language media. If Israel withdraws from Jerusalem, evacuates the 650,000 settlers, and dismantles the wall, what will become of Israel? It will come to an end, Zaki predicted.Who is nervous, upset and angry now? Netanyahu, Lieberman, and Obama... All those dirtbags, he said scornfully. Why even get into this? We should be happy to see Israel upset.He noted that reaching the greater goal would be impossible initially, and that revealing it would not be smart: If we say that we want to wipe Israel out... C'mon, it's too difficult. It's not [acceptable] policy to say so. Don't say these things to the world,he warned. Keep it to yourself.For public consumption, Zaki advised Arabs to stick to the party line: I want the resolutions that everybody agrees upon. I say to the world, to the Quartet, and to America: You promised, and you turned out to be liars.In his recent speech to the 66th United Nations General Assembly, Abbas referred to Israel as the land of Jesus and Mohammed, with no mention whatsoever of the ancient history of the Jews who dwelled therein, preceding both, and who have maintained a continuous presence in the land to this day.MEMRI has translated recent remarks by Fatah officials, in which they are heard slamming Obama's speech of support for Israel at the United Nations General Assembly.
Dep. Foreign Minister: Zaki's Remarks Prove Us Right-Ayalon after Fatah man's gaffe: This is less about the creation of a PA state than it is about the destruction of the one Jewish State.By Gil Ronen First Publish: 10/2/2011, 8:51 PM
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon reacted Sunday to the statement by a senior Fatah man that exposes the organization's plan to destroy Israel in stages, while pretending to seek a peaceful compromise. As I have said on many occasions, said Ayalon, here is further proof that the conflict is not about territory. The Palestinians have been offered a state repeatedly for several decades and have rejected each and every offer. This is less about the creation of a Palestinian state than it is about the destruction of the one Jewish State.The statement by Abbas Zaki, a senior member of the Fatah Central Committee led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, is one of the most damning statements ever made by an Arab official regarding Fatah's stages plan.The interview was aired on Al Jazeera on September 23, at about the same time that Abbas was presenting the case for independent statehood in the United Nations. Possibly the hype around Abbas's speech gave Zaki confidence that his statement would go by unnoticed – as it largely has.
If Israel withdraws from Jerusalem, evacuates the 650,000 settlers, and dismantles the wall, what will become of Israel? It will come to an end,Zaki predicted.
He noted that reaching the greater goal would be impossible initially, and that revealing it would not be smart: If we say that we want to wipe Israel out... C'mon, it's too difficult. It's not [acceptable] policy to say so. Don't say these things to the world,he warned. Keep it to yourself.
When Will Israel's Foreign Ministry Stop Supporting UNRWA? Historian Moshe Dann points out that the West will continue to fund UNRWA as long as Israel's own Foreign Ministry continues to support it.By Chana Ya'ar First Publish: 10/2/2011, 8:56 AM
As long as Israel's own Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to support the United Nations agency that aids Palestinian Authority Arabs, the U.S. and Canada are not going to cease funding UNRWA's activities.So writes historian and journalist Moshe Dann, who advocated in a blog posted Sunday for FrontPage Mag that Israel end its own support for the U.N. agency.Supporters of Palestinian statehood prominently display 194 next to their flag, Dann pointed out in his article. That number refers not only to its proposed place in the U.N. next-in-line, but their goal. Citing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) as guarantor of the right to leave and return to one's country, they use that to justify the 'Palestinian right of return.
But there is no such right,Dann continued. UNGA Resolution 1943 (1948) refers to all refugees, Jewish as well as Arab, and does not confer automatic rights to return. Repatriation (or return) was suggested as one option, but this is based on conditions that Arabs have never fulfilled.UNRWA, Dann contends, is at the core of the thorny problem of the so-called Palestinian Arab right of return, due to its anti-Israel agenda, holding the Jewish State solely responsible for the plight of those who left their homes during Israel's defensive wars.The countries to which they fled, and which have forever refused to accept them as citizens, have never been held accountable in the same way Israel is expected to absorb its own refugees.
Jordan is the only one of all the Arab nations who granted the original refugees citizenship. Most Palestinian refugees in other Arab countries are blocked from getting a decent education, going to college, or applying for skilled jobs. It is a built-in system to create human weapons to aim at the State of Israel, one that has been inordinately effective over the decades, aided and abetted by UNRWA.
But why?
A recent example of the double standard applied to Israel is the world's expectation that the Jewish State absorb and care for thousands of Sudanese and Eritrean infiltrators that have illegally crossed the country's southern border with Egypt. They are doing it even now, in fact – a swelling population of irrelevant immigrants Israel can ill afford.A great hue and cry is raised whenever the subject of repatriation is considered for these illegal infiltrators, which Israel with its meager resources is not equipped to care for.Still, the country has somehow managed to wrestle with the problem, despite the overwhelming objections of most of the communities in which the refugees are eventually settled.What then of the millions of so-called Palestinian refugees – actually the descendants of the original refugees, those who were encouraged to leave their homes, by the very Arab nations to whom they fled? The question, according to Dann, is why Israel's own Foreign Ministry supports UNRWA, an agency whose humanitarian work he contends can be assumed by the U.N. High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR), which assists all other refugees. Why continue to support a separate organization only for those who claim to be Palestinian refugees and their descendants? Israel's support for UNRWA, writes Dann, prevents donor countries from insisting on changing this picture – thus enabling one of the most anti-Israel organizations to flourish.The agency, he points out, works with the members of terrorist groups such as Hamas, Fatah, PFLP and the Army of Islam, a group linked to the global jihadist Al Qaeda terrorist organization.
UNRWA provides free education, medical services, food and social and cultural centers through 60 refugee camps – actually towns, and in some cases some cities – throughout the region.Half of UNRWA's annual budget, which totals nearly one billion dollars, is provided by the U.S., the rest by Canada and European nations.What then is the incentive for PA Arabs in these areas, the terror gangs who recruit them, and the government who nurtures them, to change?
Arabs urged to help Palestinians beat US aid cut
The Arab League appealed to member states Sunday to bolster financial help to the Palestinian territories after US lawmakers froze about $200 million in aid in response to Palestinians' UN statehood bid.It is necessary for the member countries of the League to increase their financial aid to the Palestinian people so they can face this threat, said Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi after talks in Cairo with chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat.Members of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have frozen the funding to the Palestinians until the Palestinian statehood issue is sorted out, one of the aides told AFP on Saturday.The economic package is separate from security aid, which the US lawmakers say would be counterproductive to block. They fear that withholding those funds would weaken the ability of Palestinian security forces to quell anti-Israel violence.A coalition of Israel-backing Democrats and conservative Republican lawmakers are angered by the Palestinian bid for United Nations membership. Both the United States and Israel insist that only direct negotiations can produce an accord leading to Palestinian statehood.It is the right of the Palestinians to have their state, a full member of the United Nations, like other peoples of the world, Arabi said.Erakat for his part declared that the Palestinian people refuse to allow economic aid to become an instrument of blackmail regarding its rights to membership of the United Nations.We appreciate the American aid but we won't allow it to become an instrument of blackmail,he said.Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas made a historic bid for UN membership on September 23. But the United States has vowed to veto the application if it comes to a Security Council vote.The diplomatic Quartet on the Middle East -- the United States, Russia, European Union and United Nations -- has launched a new bid to get direct talks resumed with a firm timetable for an accord.
EU Can't Entice Eastern Partnership States without Membership-Donald Tusk may benefit electorally from the EU Warsaw Summit but in terms of tangibles it produced little.By Amiel Ungar First Publish: 10/2/2011, 8:53 PM
The European Union summit in Warsaw over the weekend featured a dialogue between the EU and the former Soviet states of the Ukraine, Belarus Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia . This forum is called the Eastern Partnership and was originally conceived in 2009 by Poland and Sweden before the European Union became preoccupied with its own economic difficulties.Its objective is to draw these states closer to the EU and help them grow economically and democratically.Poland, the country hosting the gathering as rotating president of the EU, has a vested interest in the partnership's success. Despite improved relations between Warsaw and Moscow, Poland still casts a wary eye on its historic enemy. Democratic buffer states between Poland and Russia who are firmly out of Russia's orbit represent a strategic objective of Polish foreign policy.With the possible exception of the Ukraine, which may yet get an association agreement by the end of the year, the Eastern Partnership appears to be dead.One of the major enticements of the EU in the past for new applicants was the prospect of generous economic assistance. Currently, the European Union is being pressed by the member countries to cut rather than increase its budget.Secondly, members of the European Union who are cultivating ties with Russia for the sake of energy security and increased trade, are not interested in stirring up trouble with the old-new master of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin. A further EU encroachment on what used to be the Soviet Union would be frowned upon by Putin, who regards the dissolution of the Soviet state as a tragedy.
The EU can hold out little prospect for future membership – a membership earned by greater democracy and diminished corruption. Ukraine may be the exception due to the country's size and strategic location, but in Brussels and Kiev nobody is talking about imminent membership.Belarus boycotted the meeting because President Alexander Lukashenko was barred from attending due to his violations of democratic and human rights, and also because the conclave was openly critical of the regime. Despite the EU's economic problems it still dangled the carrot of substantial economic assistance if the Belarus regime freed political prisoners and conducted free elections.Brussels is counting on the difficult economic situation in Belarus. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk told a news conference For the first time we see a situation in which the EU, very decisively and in a spirit of solidarity, makes help for Belarus conditional on tangible changes. These are not radical changes. This is the bare minimum that any European person expects.Lukashenko has turned down the assistance, because he is not likely to survive a free election. He accused the EU of grandstanding on Belarus to deflect attention away from its own problems.More embarrassing for the EU was the fact that the other guests refused to sign a declaration condemning repression in Belarus.Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was told that the EU would look badly if the trial of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko ends up with a guilty verdict and imprisonment, but the Ukrainian president was also invited to Brussels for talks this month.The summit, however, was a useful backdrop for Prime Minister Tusk in the run-up to the Polish elections scheduled for next Sunday. Tusk's Civic Platform Party is strongly pro-Brussels while the opposition Law and Justice Party is Euroskeptic.
Senior Doctor: Entire Hospital Departments about to Shut Down-As the resignation of medical residents is about to take effect, hospital officials are warning of a medical catastrophe.By Yoni Kempinski & Gil Ronen First Publish: 10/2/2011, 8:18 PM
Resignations of hundreds of residents in Israel's hospitals are about to take effect in the next few days, and a senior physician warns that his hospital may have to close down most of its wards.Prof. Ehud Grossman, Director of the Departement of Internal Medicine, Sheba Medical Center, told Arutz Sheva: We don’t see a way that we can manage without the residents. I believe that we will need to close some of the departments, and out of six departments maybe we will be remaining with two. We will be able just to save lives and that's it.Grossman recommended that patients go to other hospitals, where fewer residents have resigned.He said that he understands the residents' anger because the agreement signed by their representatives and the State is a catastrophic one.
IDF Hits Gaza Terror Cell-The IDF hit Gaza terrorists Saturday as they prepared to fire rockets at southern Israel.By Maayana Miskin First Publish: 10/1/2011, 11:27 PM
The IDF successfully hit a Gaza terrorist cell on Saturday night as the cell prepared to launch rockets at southern Israel. Reports from Gaza stated that the incident took place near Beit Hanun.Gaza sources stated that three terrorists were wounded in the incident. At least one is in serious condition.IDF sources said the same cell had carried out attacks on multiple occasions, and was responsible for an attack Thursday.The IDF will not tolerate any effort to harm the citizens of the state of Israel, and will act against any source that uses terrorism against the state of Israel,the army said in a statement released Saturday night. The IDF considers Hamas responsible for all attacks from Gaza, it added.
Egypt Fears Israel Plans to Seize Control of Sinai-Egyptian officials are expressing fears that Israel plans to seize control of the Sinai Peninsula. By Chana Ya'ar First Publish: 10/2/2011, 3:57 PM
Egyptian officials are expressing fears that Israel may seize control over the Sinai Peninsula.The warning came from Egyptian Ambassador Yasser Othman, Cairo's representative to Ramallah, who told the Bethlehem-based Ma'an news agency that recent remarks by Jerusalem officials indicate the presence of an Israeli plan aimed at controlling the Sinai.Othman added, We should be ready for the Israeli plan to take Sinai in the coming period.The Egyptian envoy's remarks followed interviews by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak on the eve of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, in which both characterized the situation in Sinai as troubling. Both men expressed concern over the security threats that have escalated since the fall of former President Hosni Mubarak in the Tahrir Square Revolution in February.There are those seeking to use Sinai not merely as a staging area for attacks from Gaza, but who are seeking to use Gaza as a staging area for attacks from Sinai,Netanyahu told reporters. This is obviously a very troubling development. He added at the time that while both Cairo and Washington D.C. shared Jerusalem's concerns, Israel is taking action on its side of the border to stymie any threat.
Increased Egyptian tanks and troops in the region were approved by Israel in mid-August for the first time in decades – a strong indicator of just how deep the concern is on both sides. That concern was dramatically increased following an August 18 multi-pronged terrorist attack along the border on Route 12, slightly north of Eilat. The 20-member cell killed eight Israelis and wounded at least 40 others; in the melee, six Egyptian security officers were also killed by Israeli forces as they fired on terrorists.Othman told Ma'an that the increased Egyptian military presence would prove more than sufficient to maintain control without Israel's intervention. But Israel's defense minister noted, although the region is an important asset for every Egyptian leadership... I don't think that the leadership is in full control.He added that the protesters who toppled Mubarak's government are now also engaged in a power struggle with the military council that currently leads the country.Israel's Counter Terrorism Bureau has repeatedly warned citizens to stay out of Sinai, noting that forces hostile to Israel, and to the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty are currently exploiting a security vacuum in the area.
The Egyptian-Israeli natural gas pipeline that originates from northern Sinai was attacked last week for the sixth time since February. Three men opened fire at a pumping station near el-Arish, damaging the pipeline and sending flames shooting some 15 meters (45 feet) into the air, according to an eyewitness quoted by the Reuters news agency. El-Arish is located just 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the border with Israel.
3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:
ISAIAH 13:9-11
9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.
11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
2 KINGS 23:5
5 And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.
EU urges roadmap this year on climate action
The European Union urged all nations Sunday to make clear how they will tackle climate change, saying the world needs a roadmap this year on future action even if a treaty appears out of reach.Negotiators from around the world are meeting through Friday in Panama, hoping to find common ground on the thorniest issues before a closely watched UN climate conference in Durban, South Africa opens on November 28.
The Kyoto Protocol's obligations for wealthy nations to cut carbon emissions run out at the end of 2012, leading the European Union to propose a temporary new round of commitments under the landmark treaty to avoid any gap.But chief EU climate negotiator Artur Runge-Metzger said that any new commitments by the Europeans needed to be part of a broader package, noting that the bloc accounted for only 11 percent of global emissions.I think we need to know... what is this other 89 percent going to commit itself to? This is something where we need to have an answer, Runge-Metzger told reporters at the talks in Panama City.We know of course that Durban is not going to deliver a new legal outcome, a legal treaty. Time is just too short for that, he said.But what we need to produce in Durban is a roadmap towards a global legal framework, he said.UN-backed scientists have warned that carbon emissions need to peak by mid-decade to avoid irreversible damage from climate change, with the growing incidence of extreme weather around the world likely to worsen.Small island states have also lobbied hard for tough decisions on climate change, fearing that melting ice will lead to rising water levels that could literally destroy low-lying civilizations.
But China and the United States, the two biggest carbon emitters, are both out of the Kyoto Protocol. The treaty requires no action by emerging economies, leading former US president George W. Bush to reject the treaty as unfair.China -- along with fellow emerging economies such as India -- has welcomed EU calls for another round under the Kyoto Protocol and urged wealthy nations to follow up on promises to provide climate aid to the poorest countries.US President Barack Obama's administration has actively taken part in the negotiations, but he faces intense opposition from the rival Republican Party in which prominent members have questioned the science behind climate change.Canada, Japan and Russia are part of the Kyoto Protocol but have made clear that they will not join another round of the treaty as it does not include emerging economies.Australia and Norway have jointly proposed to set a 2015 deadline for a new treaty, with all countries -- wealthy and developing -- listing their actions and gradually making them more ambitious and binding.UN climate chief Christiana Figueres told reporters that the written proposal by Australia and Norway was very helpful but said it was too soon to say if governments would rally around it.I have been very gratified to see that over the past few months,she said, governments are really beginning to think very seriously about how they would like to advance action on climate change.Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, voiced hope that the Panama talks would start finding possible outcomes for Durban.From the UN leadership's view, the intent here in Panama is not to come out of Panama with a long, accordion-type text that puts everybody's positions one behind the other, but rather to begin to work on possible draft texts,she said.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).
For Listeria victims, sudden turns for the worse
APBy DAN ELLIOTT - Associated Press | AP – Sat, Oct 1, 2011
DENVER (AP) — Charles Palmer is a hardy 71-year-old former Marine and Vietnam veteran who trains cockatiels to say Semper Fi and Whatcha doin, man? He also loves fruit — and especially melon for lunch.He's never one to get sick, said his wife, Tammie.The Colorado Springs man ate a cantaloupe that was purchased in mid-August, his wife said. Within several days, he was overcome by an excruciating headache. The next morning he was extremely weak and gripped by dry heaves, his wife recalled.I started slapping his face and saying, You've got to talk to me, but he couldn't, she said.She called 911. At the hospital, she said, he was diagnosed with the strain of Listeria blamed for a 19-state outbreak that has killed at least 15 and sickened at least 84.Palmer's story is shared by many who one day led normal lives and the next suffered agonizing symptoms, even death, from a pathogen that particularly afflicts the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. It can incubate for as long as two months before sickness sets in.Symptoms can include fever, muscle aches, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.Health officials don't identify victims by name, but The Associated Press has reached five families who have filed lawsuits saying a loved one was sickened by the strain of Listeria cited in the outbreak.
William Thomas Beach of Mustang, Okla., was a feisty, funny man who once got thrown out of a community center because he got into a fight over politics while playing dominoes, one of his six daughters said.Daddy hit him, Debbie Frederick recalled with a chuckle. He took his politics very, very seriously.During a doctor's visit on June 8, his 87th birthday, Beach announced: Today is my birthday, and I want a sucker, Frederick said. The doctor's staff presented him with three suckers bound with a ribbon.In late August, Beach fell and couldn't get up. His face was red and swollen and he had trouble breathing. He was hospitalized and sent home the next day when his breathing was under control, Frederick said.He was dancing in little circles with the nurse because he was so happy to be going home, she said.On Sept. 1, his 85-year-old wife, Monette, found him unresponsive on the floor; he was taken back to the hospital and died that day. A few days later, Oklahoma and federal health officials linked his illness to the Listeria outbreak, Frederick said. He had been eating cantaloupe for weeks.Herbert Stevens of the Denver suburb of Littleton, Colo., is a retired engineer for the U.S. Geological Survey. At 84, he could walk unassisted and get out with his wife to enjoy a concert, despite having had heart surgery 21 years ago and being on oxygen.On Aug. 22, about 10 days after eating cantaloupe from a local grocery store, Stevens got weak and nauseous. He had tremors and chills, said his daughter, Jeni Exley. At the hospital, his temperature was 102.7 and he was immediately put on antibiotics.
A month later, he's in a skilled nursing center. His spirits are good, although he's weak and sleeps a lot, Exley said.It's too early to say what his prognosis is, his daughter said, but he may need a walker to get around and could lose much of his independence.How much can an 84-year-old man's strength come back after having a serious infection? Exley said.Clarence Douglas Wells of Catonsville, Md., was a retired Defense Department printer who liked to use pistachio nuts for poker chips when he played cards.And he was terrible at playing poker, his daughter Donna Wells Lloyd said with a laugh.He didn't have a poker face.Wells, an 87-year-old widower, lived with Lloyd and her husband in Catonsville, outside Baltimore. He was a quiet man with a wry sense of humor, his daughter said.He was hospitalized Aug. 25 after he retained so much fluid that he gained about nine pounds in three days, Lloyd said. When she visited him, he didn't complain of discomfort, but she suspects he may have been holding back.He hated to be a burden on anybody,she said.On Aug. 31, he took a turn for the worse. By the time Lloyd reached his room, he was intubated, and although he was sedated, he was tugging on the tube, trying to remove it. When he grew calmer, Lloyd dashed home to change clothes. Before she could leave her house, hospital staff called to say his heart had stopped and doctors were trying to revive him. He died that day.State and local health officials told the family about two weeks later that Wells had died from the Listeria strain in the national outbreak, Lloyd said.I was horrified, she said, especially when she started calculating the odds. I just couldn't believe that we could have gotten one out of, what, a million and a half cantaloupes? She said health officials haven't identified how her father contracted Listeria. He had bought a cantaloupe at a produce stand, she said.Wells was a news junkie who kept on top of food safety issues, his daughter said, and he wouldn't have eaten cantaloupe if he had read about the outbreak.He dropped stuff from his diet right and left. He knew about everything, she said.
Sixty-five-year-old Juanita Gomez of Angleton, Texas, was shaking, vomiting and sweating when her daughter, Rosa, arrived at her parents' home the morning of Aug. 20, summoned by a phone call from her worried father.She looked like she was probably going to die, the daughter said. She wouldn't respond to us. She looked right through us.The family took her to a hospital, but she was sent home that day with instructions to take Motrin and Tylenol, Rosa said. The next night, someone from the hospital called Rosa and told her to bring her mother back if she had not improved.Juanita Gomez, who already suffered from diabetes and is in the early stages of dementia, spent the next three days in the hospital, the daughter said. She was released Aug. 24, the day before her 66th birthday.Over the next few days, public health officials told the family Juanita had the same strain of Listeria as the national outbreak.She is back home, although she suffered from diarrhea for several weeks and lost 10 pounds from her 4-foot-9 frame, family member said. The experience has unnerved the family, Rosa Gomez said.We make sure we wash everything but Listeria is not something you can look at and see. It's really nerve-wracking, she said.In Colorado Springs, Charles Palmer is still hospitalized, and though he can speak again, he's weak and sometimes confused.He thought we were in Arizona a day or two ago, his wife, Tammie, said.She can still let loose a throaty, rumbling laugh when she relates her husband's quirks. But a month into the ordeal, doctors still can't tell her what the outcome will be, and she sometimes feels overwhelmed.
I'm worn out, she said.It's been a long haul. He's got a long way to go.Palmer loved fruit, and some days his entire lunch might be melon, grapes or apples. About two weeks before he got sick, he ate half a cantaloupe. It was so juicy and sweet, his wife said, he ate the other half, too.We'll never eat cantaloupe again, she said. Ever.Associated Press writer Linda Stewart Ball contributed to this report from Dallas.Dan Elliott is available at
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
GENESIS 7:6-12
6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.
7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.
10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Typhoons leave 55 dead, Filipinos trapped on roofs
APBy JIM GOMEZ - Associated Press | AP – OCT 2,11
MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Back-to-back typhoons left at least 55 people dead and rescuers scrambling on Sunday to deliver food and water to hundreds of villagers stuck on rooftops for four days because of flooding in the northern Philippines.
Typhoon Nalgae slammed ashore in northeastern Isabela province Saturday then barreled across the main Luzon Island's mountainous north and agricultural plains that were still sodden from fierce rain and wind unleashed by a howler just days earlier. Nalgae left at least three people dead Saturday while Typhoon Nesat killed 52 others in the same region before blowing out Friday.Nalgae was whirling 124 miles (200 kilometers) over the South China Sea from the country's northeast toward southern China early Sunday with sustained winds of 81 miles (130 kilometers) per hour and gusts of 99 mph (160 kph), according to the government weather agency.Its ferocious wind set off a rockslide in northern Bontoc province Saturday, causing boulders to roll down a mountainside and smash on a passing van, where a passenger was pinned to death and another was injured, police said.In northern Tarlac province's Camiling town, an uncle sought safety with his two young nephews as flooding rose in their village Saturday. But one of the children was swept away by rampaging waters and drowned while his uncle and brother remained missing. A drunk man drowned in flooding in a nearby village, provincial disaster officer Marvin Guiang said.
Nalgae roared through a similar path across areas on Luzon saturated by Typhoon Nesat, which trapped thousands on rooftops and sent huge waves that breached a seawall in Manila Bay. Nesat also pummeled southern China and was downgraded to a tropical storm just before churning into northern Vietnam on Friday afternoon, where flood warnings were issued and 20,000 people evacuated.In the rice-growing province of Bulacan north of Manila, hundreds of residents in flooded Calumpit town remained trapped on rooftops in four villages for the fourth day, many of them desperately waving for help. Rescuers aboard rubber boats could not reach them because of narrow alleyways. Two air force helicopters would be deployed Sunday to drop water and food packs to the marooned villagers, officials said.Calumpit Mayor James de Jesus pleaded for more help from the national government.The ones waving for help are the ones who need to be rescued first because they have elderly people and children with them, de Jesus told ABS-CBN TV network. We have a very big problem here ... we're facing a long flooding.Benito Ramos, a retired army general who heads the Office Civil Defense, said floodwater was receding in many areas but freshly-dumped rains by Nalgae may flow down from the mountainous north to the central Luzon provinces of Bulacan and Pampanga, which act like a catch basin. Some officials said water released from nearby dams have exacerbated the flood.Ramos said he and many rescuers have not slept for days but were elated to see help from many private groups and provinces unaffected by the typhoons.Their resiliency is being tested but many people are still smiling and waving, Ramos told The Associated Press by telephone from Calumpit, where he was overseeing rescue work.It's grace under pressure.In the last four months, prolonged monsoon flooding, typhoons and storms across Southeast Asia, China, Japan and South Asia has left more than 600 people dead or missing.
In India alone, the damage is estimated to be worth $1 billion, with the worst-hit state of Orissa accounting for $726 million.
Several studies suggest an intensification of the Asian summer monsoon rainfall with increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, the state-run Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology said. Still, it is not clear that this is entirely because of climate change, it said.The damage from the earlier typhoon in the Philippines was estimated at $91 million.Nalgae was the 17th weather disturbance this year to batter the disaster-prone Philippines, which is lashed by about 20 storms and typhoons annually. A low pressure area has been monitored 435 miles (700 kilometers) off the archipelago and could either dissipate or strengthen into another storm in the next few days, forecaster Gener Quitlong said.Associated Press writers Oliver Teves in Manila, Philippines, and Margie Mason in Hanoi, Vietnam, contributed to this report.
Algeria floods kill 10; homes damaged
APAP – OCT 2,11
ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — Authorities in Algeria say torrential downpours have killed at least 10 people and ruined hundreds of homes. A mother and her infant daughter are also missing.The country's meteorological service had warned about strong thunderstorms across the country from Saturday into Sunday.The civil protection authority said in a statement that on Sunday it recovered eight bodies from one town, El Bayadh, 435 miles (700 kilometers) southwest of the capital. Rescuers are still looking for a woman and her 9-month-old baby there.Two other bodies were found in towns to the north of El Bayadh. Hundreds of families were affected when the waters either tore down or inundated their homes.Algeria often sees heavy rain and flooding in October.
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