Sunday, December 13, 2015


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

HOSEA 4:1-3
1 Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.
3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

23  And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.
24  The LORD shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed.


ISAIAH 30:26-27
26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold,(7X OR 7-DEGREES HOTTER) as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people,(ISRAEL) and healeth the stroke of their wound.
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire:

7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.


3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.(enviromentalists-(COP 21 CLIMATE KOOKS) and animal rights nutjobs-mentalcases won't like this result)
4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.
6 For they(False World Church and Dictator) have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.




France seeks to form coalition of ambition, carbon price-Reuters – DEC 12,15-YAHOONEWS

PARIS (Reuters) - France will revise its domestic goals for cutting greenhouse gases by 2020 and will seek to build a coalition of nations striving for a global carbon price to accelerate a shift toward greener energy, French President Hollande said on Saturday.He was speaking just after the sealing of a global accord to limit global warming, which the French leaders of the deal said sacrificed some ambition in order to get a universal deal.Hollande, whose presidential term ends in 2017, said he engaged on behalf of France to revise the nation's greenhouse gas goals by 2020 at the latest and to review the amount of money it is giving to help the poorest nations adapt to climate change.He said he would also seek to work with other nations seeking to lead the fight against global warming."I engage with other countries if they want to join us to establish a coalition for a carbon price so that investment can be redirected," Hollande told delegates in Paris.A binding text, agreed by nearly 200 nations, contains loose language on "internationally transferred mitigation outcomes," which could enable countries to offset their own emissions by buying emissions credits from other nations.A political, non-legal part of the Paris Agreement recognizes the importance of "carbon pricing", but does not require nations to seek to develop it.(Reporting by Barbara Lewis and Alister Doyle)

Winnipeg city councillor ready to act following Paris climate talks-CBC – DEC 12,15-YAHOO NEWS

Winnipeg city Coun. Jenny Gerbasi is back from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, where she said she observed a political will to care for the environment that has not existed in years."We didn't have [it] at the federal level and we didn't have it at the city level," she said, referring to previous government leadership."Now, we're seeing it coming together with a lot of political will and that gives me optimism."But, optimism and conversation about change is not enough, the Fort Rouge–East Fort Garry councillor said."We really can't just keep talking.… We have to start planning our communities in a way that reduces greenhouse gas emissions."When it comes to that planning, Gerbasi said it starts with local government representatives being involved in discussions that are traditionally limited to the provincial and federal levels."The local level of government is on the front lines of where climate change is affecting people and we have a lot to do with the solutions for dealing with the problems that we are starting to see all over the world and here in relation to climate change," she said."I think it's time for local government to step up and do our part … I believe that [Winnipeg] Mayor [Brian] Bowman is committed to this."While Gerbasi acknowledged there are "a number of steps" the city can take, she was not able to name them specifically, saying those at city hall are having conversations about how to move forward, and that there is a lot of work to be done.On an international scale, Gerbasi said Canada's participation at the conference was notable, adding Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna was taking an active role in the negotiations."Canada was taking a leadership role and pushing for the rights of indigenous people," she said."People … from Kenya came up to us. [They said], 'We're looking for Canadians to tell you how happy we are with your new prime minister, and what he's saying and that Canada is back on the scene in terms of taking action of the environment."

The French COP21 Presidency has presented a final draft agreement-COP21-DEC 12,15

On Saturday, 12 December at 11:30, a final draft agreement was presented to the representatives of the 195 countries by the French COP21 Presidency, during a plenary session charged with emotion and punctuated by applause.The compromise text is “fair, sustainable, dynamic, balanced and legally binding”, declared the President of COP21, Laurent Fabius, in a trembling voice, on the verge of tears.   “If it is adopted, this text will mark a historic turning point,” continued Fabius, who was applauded several times by delegates who rose from their seats. He thanked them, standing with his hand on his heart. “We are almost at the end of the road, and no doubt at the start of another,” he emphasized, calling on the countries to “not let the unique opportunity that is within our grasp slip through our fingers.” He encouraged them to read the text carefully and to meet at 15:45 to adopt it.“This text, which we have built together, […] is the best balance possible, a balance which is both powerful and fragile, which will enable each delegation, each group of countries, to return home with their heads held high, having gained a lot,” continued the COP21 President.In terms of content, the project confirms the goal of “holding the increase in average temperature to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit this increase to 1.5°C, which would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change”, he noted.   On the thorny issue of finance, the text provides that the $100 billion promised every year by the developed countries to help developing countries fund their climate policies will be a “a floor for post-2020”. “A new quantified target will need to be set by 2025 at the latest,” added the President. “Success is within reach of all our hands working together. Together, in this room, you are going to decide on a historic agreement.The world is waiting with bated breath and is counting on us all,” he concluded.   His call was repeated on the podium by the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, who called upon the countries to “finish the job” by adopting the agreement presented.The President of the French Republic, François Hollande, hammered the point home, calling upon the delegates to “make the decisive step” of adopting this agreement within the day, making this “12 December a day that is not only historic, but a date for humanity.”“France is asking you – France is begging you – to adopt the first universal climate agreement in our history,” appealed Hollande.The text (PDF, English only) was published online at 13:30, while it was being translated into the six UN languages (French, English, Chinese, Arabic, Russian and Spanish). The 196 Parties are set to meet for a plenary session of the Paris Committee at 15:45 before the agreement is hopefully adopted.(with AFP)

EU and 195 countries adopt Paris climate accord By Peter Teffer-dec 12,15-euobserver

Paris, Today, 21:09-For the first time in the history of mankind, the world's countries, on Saturday evening (12 December) in Paris, committed to fighting climate change by adopting a fully global climate treaty.After two weeks of talks in a conference centre in a suburb of the French capital, French foreign minister Laurent Fabius asked the plenary session of the United Nations climate conference if it wished to adopt the Paris Agreement.“I see that the reaction is positive. I see no objection. The Paris Agreement is adopted,” said Fabius.The deal cements a new bottom-up approach, which involves pledges by every country to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as a review mechanism to jack up the ambition of the pledges every five years.The international legal document, which will be signed by 195 countries and by the European Union, says the signatories aim to hold “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.”The reference to the 1.5 degrees is a powerful element, introduced in the text in Paris to accommodate the worries of countries most vulnerable to climate change, and of those which wanted an "ambitious" agreement.The more the earth's global temperature rises, the more chance there is of extreme weather events which cause both economic harm and loss of life.It is the second legally binding climate document since the Kyoto Protocol, adopted in Japan in 1997. But Kyoto required only action from a few dozen developing countries, which, historically speaking, have been the greatest polluters.This time, all countries are expected to act, but the text still allows for different responsibilities.“Developed country parties [to the Paris accord] shall continue taking the lead by undertaking economy-wide absolute emission reduction targets. Developing country parties should continue enhancing their mitigation efforts, and are encouraged to move over time towards economy-wide emission reduction or limitation targets in the light of different national circumstances,” said the text, adopted Saturday.Another important aspect of the text is “climate finance” - aid money to developing countries to help them reduce emissions, as well as take care of the effects of climate change whic have already happened.In addition to the Paris Agreement, the countries also adopted another document, in which developed countries promise to annually provide $100 billion starting in 2020, and, in a last-minute concession to developing countries, to increase this sum from 2025 onwards.Putting the finance chapter in the additional document, rather than in the binding agreement, appeased the wealthier nations’ concerns.The adoption of the Paris document ends a process of years, and puts the traumatic experience of the Copenhagen climate conference 2009, where a similar treaty was expected but not delivered, to rest.“This historic agreement is a manifesto for a better world, for a world that is just and sustainable,” said Carole Dieschbourg, Luxembourg's minister of environment, on behalf of EU ministers.Sitting next to her was the European Commission's climate negotiatior, Miguel Arias Canete, who called it a “strong and robust agreement.” He noted that following the adoption, nations and the EU must next take measures in the spirit of the agreement.“Today we celebrate. Tomorrow we have to act,” said Canete.The adoption also ended a rollercoaster of a day on Saturday, during which the climate talks were finalised, one day later than in the original schedule.Earlier on Saturday, Fabius delivered an emotional speech in which he called on delegates to accept the draft text he presented.He was flanked by French president Francois Hollande, and United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon, who also asked countries to accept the draft.During the day, environmental groups held a press conference. Referring to the draft text, they said that although “disappointing” compromises intruded into the document, it is still a “landmark agreement.”“Paris will be the floor, not the ceiling,” said Oxfam's Tim Gore.Greenpeace's Kumi Naidoo added: “This is the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era.”As is common in international climate negotiations, several key moments in the final days were postponed to accommodate bilateral talks.The final plenary session started one hour and 45 minutes after it was scheduled to, but with several of the delegates visibly discussing in so-called "huddles" on television screens.It is likely that during these huddles, the last of the edges were smoothed, which allowed Fabius to declare the historic document as adopted after no one country objected.

Factbox: World reacts to new climate accord-Reuters – DEC 12,15-YAHOONEWS

(Reuters) - From business leaders to politicians, world figures reacted on Saturday to news that climate negotiators in Paris had approved a breakthrough accord that will for the first time unite rich and poor nations in combating climate change.Below are select comments and quotes:-EUROPEAN COMMISSION PRESIDENT JEAN-CLAUDE JUNCKER-Today the world is united in the fight against climate change. Today the world gets a lifeline, a last chance to hand over to future generations a world that is more stable, a healthier planet, fairer societies and more prosperous economies. This robust agreement will steer the world toward a global clean energy transition.-U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY-This is a tremendous victory for all of our citizen, not for any one country, or any one bloc, but for everybody here who has worked so hard to bring this across the finish line. It is a victory for all of the planet and for future generations.We have set a course here. The world has come together around an agreement that will empower us to chart a new path for our planet, a smart and responsible path, a sustainable path.-HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE-We cannot afford to be slowed by the climate skeptics or deterred by the defeatists who doubt America’s ability to meet this challenge. That’s why as president, I will make combating climate change a top priority from day one, and secure America’s future as the clean energy superpower of the 21st century.-BERNIE SANDERS, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT-While this is a step forward it goes nowhere near far enough. The planet is in crisis. We need bold action in the very near future and this does not provide that.-UK PRIME MINISTER CAMERON-The talks at the COP21 conference in Paris have culminated in a global deal, with the whole world now signed up to play its part in halting climate change. In other words, this generation has taken vital steps to ensure that our children and grandchildren will see that we did our duty in securing the future of our planet. What is so special about this deal is that it puts the onus on every country to play its part.-INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND CHIEF CHRISTINE LAGARDE-Governments must now put words into actions, in particular by implementing policies that make effective progress on the mitigation pledges they have made. That is why my key message is to price carbon right and to do it now.-WORLD BANK GROUP PRESIDENT JIM YONG KIM-We welcome the historic agreement that has just been reached in Paris. The world has come together to forge a deal that finally reflects the aspiration, and the seriousness, to preserve our planet for future generations-We called for strong ambition, for remarkable partnerships, for mobilization of finance, and for implementation of national climate plans. Paris delivered. Now the job becomes our shared responsibility.-INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY-The IEA congratulates all Parties, under the leadership of the French Presidency, for the successful conclusion of the landmark Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement is nothing less than a historic milestone for the global energy sector. It will speed up the transformation of the energy sector by accelerating investments in cleaner technologies and energy efficiency.-PRAKASH JAVADEKAR, INDIAN ENVIRONMENT MINISTER-We have opened a new chapter of hope in the lives of 7 billion people on the planet. We have (the planet) on loan from future generations. We have today reassured these future generations that we will all together … give them a better earth.-GERMAN ENVIRONMENT MINISTER BARBARA HENDRICKS-" For the first time all the countries of the world are together on the path to save the planet ... we fought for a long time and today we've reached a solid agreement. It is a historic turning point."-PAUL POLMAN, CEO, UNILEVER-Today’s agreement demonstrates without question that it is possible for us to come together in common cause to address the greatest challenges we face, preventing tragedy for the many millions of people vulnerable to the effects of climate change and securing the economic prosperity of the world in the 21st century.The result is an unequivocal signal to the business and financial communities, one that will drive real change in the real economy. The billions of dollars pledged by developed countries will be matched with the trillions of dollars that will flow to low carbon investment.-PHILIPPE DEFOSSES, DIRECTOR OF FRENCH PENSION FUND ERAFP-The Paris agreement marks a tipping point. Going forward the world has a shared vision that will lead inexorably to investors moving away from fossil fuels and toward a future powered by low carbon energy. Investors will encourage every country keen to build a sustainable economy to develop a long-term low-emissions development strategy, including carbon pricing schemes, so that investors know ambition levels over the short, medium- and long-term.-JEFFREY SACHS, DIRECTOR OF THE EARTH INSTITUTE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY-The diplomats have done their job: the Paris Agreement points the world in the right direction, and with sophistication and clarity. It does not, however, ensure implementation, which necessarily remains the domain of politicians, businessmen, scientists, engineers, and civil society.-GE SPOKESPERSON-We applaud governments on this important milestone and look forward to reviewing details of agreement. GE will continue to lead business in combating climate change by working across sectors to drive innovation, invest in new technologies and scale new business models.(Reporting by Alister Doyle, Bruce Wallace, Barbara Lewis, Bate Felix and Nina Chestney; Editing by Angus MacSwan)

A 'victory for all of the planet': Nations pledge to slow global warming in historic pact-By Karl Ritter, Seth Borenstein And Sylvie Corbet, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 12,15-YAHOONEWS

LE BOURGET, France - Nearly 200 nations adopted the first global pact to fight climate change on Saturday, calling on the world to collectively cut and then eliminate greenhouse gas pollution but imposing no sanctions on countries that don't.The "Paris agreement" aims to keep global temperatures from rising another degree Celsius (1.8 Fahrenheit) between now and 2100, a key demand of poor countries ravaged by rising sea levels and other effects of climate change.Loud applause erupted in the conference hall after French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius gaveled the agreement. Some delegates wept, others embraced."It's a victory for all of the planet and for future generations," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said, adding that the pact will "prevent the worst most devastating consequences of climate change from ever happening." Brazilian Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira added: "Today, we've proven that it's possible for every country to come together, hand in hand, to do its part to fight climate change."In the pact, the countries pledge to limit the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by human activity to the levels that trees, soil and oceans can absorb naturally, beginning at some point between 2050 and 2100.In practical terms, achieving that goal means the world would have to stop emitting greenhouse gases — most of which come from the burning of oil, coal and gas for energy — altogether in the next half-century, scientists said. That's because the less we pollute, the less pollution nature absorbs.Achieving such a reduction in emissions would involve a complete transformation of how people get energy, and many activists worry that despite the pledges, countries are not ready to make such profound, costly changes.The deal now needs to be ratified by individual governments — at least 55 countries representing at least 55 per cent of global emissions — before taking effect. It is the first pact to ask all countries to join the fight against global warming, representing a sea change in U.N. talks that previously required only wealthy nations to reduce their emissions." History will remember this day," U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said. "The Paris agreement on climate change is a monumental success for the planet and its people."The deal commits countries to keeping the rise in global temperatures by the year 2100 compared with pre-industrial times "well below" 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), and says they will "endeavour to limit" them even more, to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The world has already warmed by about 1 degree Celsius since pre-industrial times.Ben Strauss, a sea level researcher at Climate Central, said limiting warming to 1.5 degrees instead of 2 degrees could potentially cut in half the projected 280 million people whose houses will eventually be submerged by rising seas.More than 180 countries have ready presented plans to limit greenhouse gas emissions— a breakthrough in itself after years of stalemate. But those pledges are not enough to achieve the goals in the accord, meaning countries will need to cut much more to meet the goal."We've agreed to what we ought to be doing, but no one yet has agreed to go do it," said Dennis Clare, a negotiator for the Federated States of Micronesia. "It's a whole lot of pomp, given the circumstances."The agreement sets a goal of getting global greenhouse gas emissions to start falling "as soon as possible"; they have been generally rising since the industrial revolution.It says wealthy nations should continue to provide financial support for poor nations to cope with climate change and encourages other countries to pitch in on a voluntary basis. That reflects Western attempts to expand the donor base to include advanced developing countries such as China.In a victory for small island nations, the agreement includes a section highlighting the losses they expect to incur from climate-related disasters that it's too late to adapt to. However, a footnote specifies that it "does not involve or provide any basis for any liability or compensation" — a key U.S. demand because it would let the Obama administration sign on to the deal without going through the Republican-led Senate.The adoption of the agreement was held up for nearly two hours as the United States pressed successfully to change the wording on emissions targets from saying developed countries "shall" commit to reducing emissions to they "should." Experts said that means the deal probably won't need U.S. congressional approval.Nicaragua said it would not support the pact. Its envoy, Paul Oquist, said the agreement does not go far enough to cut global warming and help the poor countries affected by it.Nicaragua is one of eight participating countries that haven't submitted emissions targets, after Venezuelan envoy Claudia Salerno said her country — which had been holding out — liked the agreement and had submitted its pledge.Thousands of protesters demonstrated across Paris, saying the accord is too weak to save the planet. People held hands beneath the Eiffel Tower and stretched a two-kilometre-long (1.2-mile-long) banner from the Arc de Triomphe to the business district La Defence.Kumi Naidoo of Greenpeace said the accord is a good start but isn't enough."Today the human race has joined in a common cause, but it's what happens after this conference that really matters," he said. "This deal alone won't dig us out the hole we're in, but it makes the sides less steep."The accord does represent a breakthrough in climate negotiations. The U.N. has been working for more than two decades to persuade governments to work together to reduce the man-made emissions that scientists say are warming the planet.The previous emissions treaty, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, included only rich countries and the U.S. never signed on. The last climate summit, in Copenhagen in 2009, ended in failure when countries couldn't agree on a binding emissions pact.The talks were initially scheduled to end Friday but ran over as Western powers, tiny Pacific island nations and everyone in between haggled over wording.The main dispute centred over how to anchor the climate targets in a binding international pact, with China and other major developing countries insisting on different rules for rich and poor nations. The agreement struck a middle ground, removing a strict firewall between rich and poor nations and saying that expectations on countries to take climate action should grow as their capabilities evolve. It does not require them to do so.Some scientists who had criticized earlier drafts as unrealistic praised the final pact for including language that essentially means the world will have to all but stop polluting with greenhouse gases by 2070 to reach the 2-degree goal, or by 2050 to reach the 1.5-degree goal.That's because when emissions fall, nature compensates by absorbing less carbon dioxide — and can even release old pollution once there's less of it in the air, said Princeton University's Michael Oppenheimer. Forests, oceans and soil currently absorb about half the world's man-made carbon dioxide emissions."It means that in the end, you have to phase out carbon dioxide," said John Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany.In addition to the cuts in emissions, the goal could be reached in part by increasing how much carbon dioxide is sucked out of the air by planting forests or with futuristic technology, Oppenheimer said, but added such technology would be expensive.French President Francois Hollande welcomed the world to a "low carbon age," saying France is ready to cut emissions even further and increase aid to poor countries that are affected. He challenged all nations to do more."The 12th of December, 2015, will remain a great date for the planet," Hollande declared. "In Paris, there have been many revolutions over the centuries. Today it is the most beautiful and the most peaceful revolution that has just been accomplished — a revolution for climate change."___Angela Charlton, Andy Drake and Matthew Lee contributed to this report.

The Latest: Obama says climate deal is 'best chance to save the one planet we have'-By The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 12,15-YAHOONEWS

LE BOURGET, France - The latest on the U.N. climate conference outside Paris (all times local):-11:50 p.m.President Barack Obama says the climate agreement reached in Paris on Saturday offers "the best chance to save the one planet we have."In a statement delivered from the Cabinet Room, Obama says we can be more confident the planet is going to be in better shape for the next generation, and that the deal shows the world has the will and ability to take on "this challenge."Obama says no nation could solve the problem of climate change alone, and he warns that even if all the goals are met the world is only on its way to reducing carbon in the atmosphere.He says the Paris agreement establishes an enduring framework that the world needs to tackle the problem.___9:55 p.m.French President Francois Hollande says he is proud of the commitments of nearly 200 countries that have adopted the Paris agreement.The deal calls on the world to collectively cut and then eliminate greenhouse gas pollution but imposes no sanctions on countries that don't. It aims to keep global temperatures from rising another degree Celsius (1.8 Fahrenheit) between now and 2100.Hollande told delegates in Paris on Saturday that "you did it!"The French president says "the 12th of December, 2015, will remain a great date for the planet. In Paris, there have been many revolutions over the centuries. Today it is the most beautiful and the most peaceful revolution that has just been accomplished."___ 9:15 p.m.U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the Paris agreement caps a seven-year effort to get the world to act on climate change.As nations took turns praising the agreement Saturday, Ban says "what was once unthinkable is now unstoppable ... it's a good agreement and you should all be proud.""History will remember this day," Ban said. "The Paris agreement on climate change is a monumental success for the planet and its people."The U.N. chief, who spoke about travelling the globe to hear victims talk about struggling with the effects of climate change, told victims that the world is now listening to them.He added "the world starts from tomorrow."___9:05 p.m.Venezuelan climate envoy Claudia Salerno says her country has submitted an emissions pledge for the new agreement to fight global warming.That makes oil-rich Venezuela the 186th country to present a target. The country's delegates at the Paris talks had been holding out on a pledge, saying they first wanted to see how ambitious the pact would be.A smiling Salerno told delegates on Saturday "we now need to cherish this moment."Salerno had protested fiercely the last time the world tried to adopt a climate agreement six years ago in Copenhagen.___ 8:55 p.m.The White House is calling the Paris accord "the most ambitious climate change agreement in history" and says it establishes "a long-term, durable global framework" to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.President Barack Obama is to make a statement on the climate agreement later Saturday at the White House.___8:40 p.m.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is praising the new accord on global warming as a deal that will save the world for generations to come.He says "it's a victory for all of the planet and for future generations."Kerry told fellow negotiators Saturday in Paris that "it will help the world prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already here and also for those that we already know are on our way inevitably." He added the pact would "prevent the worst most devastating consequences of climate change from ever happening."More than 190 countries had been negotiating the pact for four years after earlier attempts to reach such a deal failed.___8:20 p.m.Paul Oquist, Nicaragua's U.S.-born climate envoy, told climate negotiators that his country is "not able to support the consensus."He said the agreement does not go far enough and leads to twice as much global warming as the stated goals. His country is one of 10 nations that didn't submit plans to reduce emissions.Oquist asked for a compensation fund that would pay poorer countries for damages caused by global warming and complained the accord approved Saturday night in Paris would not let victims sue for compensation.___8:05 p.m.Ministers and delegates are praising the new global climate accord.Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore says "years from now, our grandchildren will reflect on humanity's moral courage to solve the climate crisis. And they will look to December 12, 2015, as the day when the community of nations finally made the decision to act."South African environment minister Edna Molewa calls the pact "the best we can get at this historic moment." She says it "can map a turning point to a better and safer world" but she added that developed countries still have to cut emissions more and help poorer nations to counter the effects of global warming.__7:30 p.m.Governments have adopted a global agreement that for the first time asks all countries to reduce or rein in their greenhouse gas emissions.Loud applause erupted in the conference hall outside of Paris after French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius gaveled the agreement Saturday. Some delegates started crying. Others embraced.More than 190 countries had been negotiating the pact for four years after earlier attempts to reach such a deal failed.___7:28 p.m.Governments have adopted a global climate pact that for the first time asks all countries to limit their greenhouse gas emissions.___7:20 p.m.A Western diplomat tells The Associated Press that Paris climate talks have been held up for nearly two hours because the United States objects to one word in the draft agreement.The diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity Saturday because he was not authorized to comment publicly, said the U.S. wants the word "shall" changed to "should" in a clause on emissions targets out of fears that it might require the Obama administration to seek approval from the Republican-controlled Senate.— By Matt Lee.___5:50 p.m.U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern says the United States will agree to a draft climate change accord at global talks.Stern spoke to reporters Saturday shortly before negotiators from nearly 200 countries were to begin their final meeting at the conference site outside Paris.The unprecedented deal to slow global warming begins by cutting and then eliminating greenhouse gas pollution.In the "Paris agreement," countries would commit to keeping average global temperatures from rising another degree Celsius (1.8 Fahrenheit) between now and 2100, a key demand of poor countries ravaged by rising sea levels and other effects of climate change. Still, the pact doesn't have any mechanism to punish countries that don't or can't contribute toward that goal.___5:10 p.m.Thousands of protesters in Paris, under the close watch of riot police, are holding hands beneath the Eiffel Tower and denouncing a burgeoning Paris climate accord as too weak to save the planet.Paris police authorized Saturday's protest despite continued security fears and a state of emergency declared because of the deadly Nov. 13 attacks. The activists remained cheerful as they demonstrated on the Champ de Mars field that stretches beneath the tower.Danielle Lefait, a retired deaf student teacher, says she is protesting because she is afraid of the environmental risks of proposed shale gas extraction in her town of Arras in northern France. Other protesters are angry the draft climate accord doesn't do more to force governments to give up fossil fuels blamed for warming the planet.Protesters also stretched a two-kilometre (1.2-mile) red banner from the Arc de Triomphe to the La Defence business district in Paris — illustrating the "red line" they say climate negotiators shouldn't cross if they want to protect vulnerable people and the Earth.___4 p.m.Mostapha Zaher head of the Afghan delegation at the Paris climate talks, believes an "overwhelming majority" of the delegates will be satisfied with the final draft of a global climate accord.Zaher says he's "almost absolutely certain" the final draft is going to be formally adopted later on Saturday. He says he has been to such conferences for many years and "I hadn't seen a buildup like today, electricity in the air."He says Afghanistan is being "ravaged" by climate change: "Our glaciers are melting ... erratic weather patterns are having a dire effect on our agriculture."Zaher stressed the Paris agreement would allow "proper transfers of clean technology to Afghanistan." But he also says "we have to — also as a least-developed country — play our role to help ourselves."Afghanistan has promised to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 13.6 per cent below the 2030 business-as-usual scenario.___2:30 p.m.A top climate scientist who was critical of draft negotiation texts on Friday has praised the final draft as being consistent with science.John Schellnhuber, director of Germany's Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, says that "if agreed and implemented, this means bringing down greenhouse-gas emissions to net zero within a few decades."He says the accord presented Saturday "is in line with the scientific evidence we presented of what would have to be done to limit climate risks such as weather extremes and sea-level rise. To stabilize our climate, CO2 emissions have to peak well before 2030 and should be eliminated as soon as possible after 2050."He added that "governments can indeed write history today, so future generations will remember the Paris summit for centuries to come."Delegates are studying the accord, which may be adopted later Saturday.___2:20 p.m.A draft universal climate accord sets a global goal of peaking global greenhouse gas emissions "as soon as possible."It also calls for achieving a balance between man-made emissions and the Earth's ability to absorb them by the second half of this century.The wording removed disputed concepts like "climate neutrality" or "emissions neutrality" which had appeared in earlier drafts but were met with opposition from countries including China.The draft agreement included a section on "loss and damage," an issue pushed by small island nations and other vulnerable countries who wanted the deal to recognize that there are some impacts of climate change that they cannot adapt to.However, an adjoining decision linked to the agreement said the loss and damage article "does not involve or provide a basis for any liability or compensation" — a key demand of the United States.Another article of the draft agreement said wealthy nations should continue to provide financial support for poor nations to cope with climate change.It also said "other parties are encouraged to provide or continue to provide such support voluntarily." That's a new concept in the climate talks, suggesting the most advanced developing countries should also pitch in.___2:10 p.m.Activists gathered near the Eiffel Tower are already denouncing a potential global climate accord as insufficient to protect the planet.As organizers of the Paris climate talks presented what they hope is a final draft of the accord, protesters from environmental and human rights groups gathered in Paris to call attention to populations threatened by rising seas and increasing droughts and floods.Thomas Coutrot of advocacy group Attac said the accord is an optical illusion that "masks" a lack of serious policy changes like abandoning oil altogether." This accord is unacceptable," he said. He called for declaring "a state of climate emergency." Delegates are studying the accord, which may be adopted later Saturday.Guillaume Durin of Alternatiba said, "we are convinced the agreement won't be enough."___1:40 p.m.France has presented what it calls the "final draft" of a potentially historic global agreement to fight climate change to international negotiators.The 31-page draft, called the "Paris Agreement" was released Saturday after two weeks of talks at high-stakes, high-level negotiations outside Paris.The delegates from nearly 200 countries will review the draft in coming hours, and the French organizers are hoping to adopt the accord later Saturday.___1:05 p.m.Tuvalu Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga has not seen the draft agreement, but is ready to support it."What text? We're still waiting," Sopoaga said walking out of the meeting where a draft deal was announced by French officials Saturday.He added he thought the leaders spoke well and that "we need to give them our support."Island nations like Tuvalu are especially vulnerable to rising seas and global warming and have been vocal about the needs for the strongest possible efforts to limit climate change.___12:55 p.m.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says he believes a universal climate pact is "teed up" to be adopted on Saturday.The French hosts of the Paris talks are set to release a draft agreement in the afternoon."It should be good but we'll see. Little things can happen but we think it's teed up," Kerry told reporters.___12:35 p.m.French President Francois Hollande has called on nearly 200 nations to adopt "the first universal agreement on climate."Hollande told delegates at the Paris conference that the deal would be "unprecedented" in the history of international climate talks.French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said a "final" draft of the agreement would be translated and distributed Saturday afternoon.___12:25 p.m.U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has made an impassioned entreaty to world diplomats negotiating a potential accord to fight global warming."The whole world is watching. Billions of people are relying on your wisdom," he said Saturday.He also said that: "The time has come to acknowledge that national interests are best served by acting in the international interest.""We have to do as science dictates. We must protect the planet that sustains us. We need all our hands on deck."He spoke as a new, potentially final draft of the accord was prepared, which would require all countries to take steps to reduce emissions and help each other cope with climate change.___12:05 p.m.French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius says a "final" draft of a global climate pact would be legally binding.Fabius also says the accord would aim to keep the rise in global temperatures "well below" 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) from pre-industrial times to the end of this century and "endeavour to limit" them even farther, to 1.5 degrees Celsius.That was a key demand of small island nations and other poor and vulnerable countries.Fabius' comments came Saturday as delegates neared the end of two weeks of talks aimed at producing the first international pact asking all countries to limit their greenhouse gas emissions.___11:35 a.m.A French official says a new draft climate accord to be presented to negotiators at U.N. talks on Saturday is about "20 pages."That would be about seven pages shorter than a previous draft, suggesting competing options have been deleted.The official spoke condition of anonymity because the draft had not been released yet.Anticipation was building in the conference centre outside Paris after two weeks of talks, culminating a four-year effort to produce the first international pact asking all countries to limit their greenhouse gas emissions.By Angela Charlton at Le Bourget___9:20 a.m.Several environmental and human rights groups are planning protests around Paris on Saturday to call attention to populations threatened by man-made global warming and urge an end to human use of oil, gas and coal.The protests are timed to coincide with the end of two weeks of climate talks outside Paris. Organizers are hoping to reach a final international accord sometime Saturday.The last big climate protests in Paris, on the eve of the talks Nov. 29, ended in tear gas and more than 100 arrests as some activists defied a ban on demonstrations. The ban was linked to France's state of emergency, put in place because of Islamic extremist attacks a month ago.Organizers say their main demonstration Saturday, near the Eiffel Tower, has been authorized by Paris police.___8:00 a.m.French President Francois Hollande will join the Paris climate talks as delegates debate what organizers hope is the final draft of an unprecedented agreement among all countries to fight global warming together.Hollande's office says he will give a speech alongside U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the 11:30 a.m. (1030GMT) meeting to show "the importance of deciding and now adopting the draft text."French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has been leading plenary meetings at the two weeks of U.N. climate talks. Hollande's presence will give extra weight to Saturday's session.French officials say what they hope is the final draft has been completed and is being translated for discussion among delegates.___ 7:25 a.m.A French official says a new, possibly final draft of a landmark global deal to fight climate change has been completed after late-night negotiations and will be presented to world negotiators outside Paris within hours.The official said the text is being translated into other languages before being presented at a special meeting at the Paris climate talks at 11:30 a.m. (1030 GMT). The official, who was not authorized to be publicly named in discussing the negotiations, would not elaborate on the contents of the draft.Negotiators emerged from a late-night meeting with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius with signs that a deal was getting close.The last draft accord, released Thursday night, did not resolve several key issues, including how rich and developing countries would share the burden in fighting global warming.— Angela Charlton, Le Bourget

With landmark climate accord, world marks turn from fossil fuels-By Alister Doyle and Barbara Lewis | Reuters – DEC 12,15-YAHOONEWS

PARIS (Reuters) - The global climate summit in Paris agreed a landmark accord on Saturday, setting the course for a historic transformation of the world's fossil fuel-driven economy within decades in a bid to arrest global warming.After four years of fraught U.N. talks often pitting the interests of rich nations against poor, imperiled island states against rising economic powerhouses, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius declared the pact adopted to the standing applause and whistles of delegates from almost 200 nations."With a small hammer you can achieve great things," Fabius said as he gaveled the agreement, capping two weeks of tense negotiations at the summit on the outskirts of Paris.Hailed as the first truly global climate deal, committing both rich and poor nations to reining in rising emissions blamed for warming the planet, it sets out a sweeping long-term goal of eliminating net man-made greenhouse gas output this century."It is a victory for all of the planet and for future generations," said U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who led the U.S. negotiations in Paris."We have set a course here. The world has come together around an agreement that will empower us to chart a new path for our planet, a smart and responsible path, a sustainable path."It also creates a system to encourage nations to step up voluntary domestic efforts to curb emissions, and provides billions more dollars to help poor nations cope with the transition to a greener economy powered by renewable energy.Calling it "ambitious and balanced", Fabius said the accord would mark a "historic turning point" in efforts to avert the potentially disastrous consequences of an overheated planet.The final agreement was essentially unchanged from a draft unveiled earlier in the day, including a more ambitious objective of restraining the rise in temperatures to "well below" 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, a mark scientists fear could be a tipping point for the climate.Previously, the goal on temperature rise was set at 2 degrees Celsius in 2010.In some ways its success was assured before the summit began: 187 nations have submitted detailed national plans for how they will contain the rise in greenhouse gas emissions, commitments that are the core of the Paris deal.While leaving each country to pursue those measures on its own, the agreement finally sets a common vision and course of action after years of bickering over how to move forward.Officials hope a unified stance will be a powerful symbol for world citizens and a potent signal to the executives and investors they're counting on to spend trillions of dollars to replace coal-fired power with solar panels and windmills."This agreement establishes a clear path to decarbonize the global economy within the lifetimes of many people alive today," said Paul Polman, the CEO of consumer goods maker Unilever and a leading advocate for sustainable business practices.It will "drive real change in the real economy".- TOO MUCH, OR NOT ENOUGH?-While some climate change activists and U.S. Republicans will likely find fault with the accord - either for failing to take sufficiently drastic action, or for overreacting to an uncertain threat - many of the estimated 30,000 officials, academics and campaigners who set up camp on the outskirts of Paris say they see it as a long overdue turning point.Six years after the previous climate summit in Copenhagen ended in failure and acrimony, the Paris pact appears to have rebuilt much of the trust required for a concerted global effort to combat climate change, delegates say."Whereas we left Copenhagen scared of what comes next, we'll leave Paris inspired to keep fighting," said David Turnbull, Director at Oil Change International, a research and advocacy organization opposed to fossil fuel production.Most climate activists reacted positively, encouraged by long-term targets that were more ambitious than they expected, while warning it was only the first step of many."Today we celebrate, tomorrow we have to work," European Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete said.From the outset, some have criticized the deal for setting too low a bar for success. Scientists warn that the envisaged national emissions cuts will not be enough to keep warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit).Unlike the Kyoto Protocol, the last major climate deal agreed in 1997, the Paris pact will also not be a fully legally binding treaty, something that would almost certainly fail to pass the U.S. Congress.In the United States, many Republicans will see the pact as a dangerous endeavor that threatens to trade economic prosperity for an uncertain if greener future.-DESTINIES BOUND-After talks that extended into early morning, the draft text showed how officials had resolved the stickiest points.In a win for vulnerable low-lying nations who had portrayed the summit as the last chance to avoid the existential threat of rising seas, nations would "pursue efforts" to limit the rise in temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as they had hoped."Our head is above water," said Olai Uludong, ambassador on climate change for the Pacific island state of Palau.While scientists say pledges thus far could see global temperatures rise by as much as 3.7 degrees, the agreement also lays out a roadmap for checking up on progress. The first "stocktake" would occur in 2023, with further reviews every five years to steadily increase or "ratchet up" those measures.It softened that requirement for countries with longer-term plans extending to 2030, such as China, which had resisted revisiting its goal before then.And for the first time, the world has agreed on a longer-term aspiration for reaching a peak in greenhouse emissions "as soon as possible" and achieving a balance between output of manmade greenhouse gases and absorption - by forests or the oceans - by the second half of this century.It also requires rich nations to maintain a $100 billion a year funding pledge beyond 2020, and use that figure as a "floor" for further support agreed by 2025, providing greater financial security to developing nations as they wean themselves away from coal-fired power.(Reporting By Emmanuel Jarry, Bate Felix, Lesley Wroughton, Nina Chestney, Richard Valdmanis, Valerie Volcovici, Bruce Wallace and David Stanway; Editing by Jonathan Leff and Clelia Oziel)



JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


EZEKIEL 37:7,11-14
7  So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.(POSSIBLE QUAKE BRINGS ISRAEL BACK TO LIFE-SO NOISE AND SHAKING-QUAKES WILL ALSO DESTROY ISRAELS ENEMIES)
11  Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.
12  Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.
13  And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,
14  And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD.

MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:(ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST ETHNIC GROUP) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places,(DIFFERNT PLACES AT THE SAME TIME) and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

UPDATE-DECEMBER 13, 2015-11:00PM

1 Day, Magnitude 2.5+ Worldwide
27 earthquakes - DownloadUpdated: 2015-12-13 22:28:05 UTCShowing event times using UTC27 earthquakes in map area

    3.0 15km SSE of Volcano, Hawaii 2015-12-13 22:28:05 UTC 8.1 km
    4.5 116km SW of Bengkulu, Indonesia 2015-12-13 20:47:25 UTC 41.6 km
    4.7 92km W of Murghob, Tajikistan 2015-12-13 20:09:24 UTC 43.8 km
    2.8 71km NNE of Vieques, Puerto Rico 2015-12-13 17:50:47 UTC 57.0 km
    2.9 66km W of Anchor Point, Alaska 2015-12-13 17:37:20 UTC 98.1 km
    2.9 66km W of Anchor Point, Alaska 2015-12-13 17:37:20 UTC 98.1 km
    4.7 80km W of Ovalle, Chile 2015-12-13 17:31:07 UTC 10.0 km
    2.5 94km W of Talkeetna, Alaska 2015-12-13 16:43:30 UTC 97.8 km
    2.9 82km NNE of Vieques, Puerto Rico 2015-12-13 15:26:00 UTC 44.0 km
    2.6 89km WNW of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 2015-12-13 15:24:19 UTC 1.7 km
    2.8 99km NNE of Vieques, Puerto Rico 2015-12-13 12:00:33 UTC 43.0 km
    2.5 48km SE of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic 2015-12-13 11:48:21 UTC 110.0 km
    4.8 83km SE of Lata, Solomon Islands 2015-12-13 10:03:23 UTC 86.5 km
    4.6 64km W of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina 2015-12-13 08:31:15 UTC 182.5 km
    5.4 193km NW of Saumlaki, Indonesia 2015-12-13 06:42:11 UTC 97.3 km
    5.1 120km NE of Kurumkan, Russia 2015-12-13 05:53:20 UTC 14.2 km
    3.2 113km N of Dorado, Puerto Rico 2015-12-13 05:20:02 UTC 35.0 km
    3.0 7km NW of Delta, B.C., MX 2015-12-13 04:36:16 UTC 2.9 km
    5.3 Kuril Islands 2015-12-13 01:52:18 UTC 57.9 km
    5.4 200km NNW of Tobelo, Indonesia 2015-12-13 01:47:09 UTC 49.4 km
    5.0 Southeast of Easter Island 2015-12-12 23:32:53 UTC 10.0 km
    4.9 Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2015-12-12 23:30:34 UTC 10.0 km
    4.4 96km SSW of Larsen Bay, Alaska 2015-12-12 22:36:44 UTC 54.4 km
    4.6 101km SSW of Larsen Bay, Alaska 2015-12-12 22:36:42 UTC 100.0 km
    4.5 90km W of Makurazaki, Japan 2015-12-12 22:04:02 UTC 17.7 km
    4.5 17km SE of Ofunato, Japan 2015-12-12 21:05:53 UTC 49.8 km
    4.1 224km SSE of Saparua, Indonesia 2015-12-12 20:56:36 UTC 129.3 km
    3.5 22km NE of Perry, Oklahoma 2015-12-12 17:40:41 UTC 5.0 km
    4.3 68km SW of Corinto, Nicaragua 2015-12-12 16:51:14 UTC 56.2 km
    2.6 59km WNW of Kalaoa, Hawaii 2015-12-12 16:48:52 UTC 0.0 km
    4.4 68km NNE of Taitung, Taiwan 2015-12-12 15:39:43 UTC 15.2 km
    4.8 6km W of Little Sitkin Island, Alaska 2015-12-12 15:13:52 UTC 126.2 km
    5.0 54km NNW of Talca, Chile 2015-12-12 15:08:58 UTC 42.8 km
    2.8 53km NNE of Road Town, British Virgin Islands 2015-12-12 13:42:50 UTC 26.0 km
    2.7 39km WSW of Anchorage, Alaska 2015-12-12 13:25:13 UTC 57.5 km
    2.8 16km W of Perry, Oklahoma 2015-12-12 12:39:57 UTC 4.3 km
    4.8 Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2015-12-12 12:14:39 UTC 10.0 km
    4.5 10km SE of San Vicente Coatlan, Mexico 2015-12-12 11:34:38 UTC 44.8 km
    2.6 23km SE of Mammoth Lakes, California 2015-12-12 11:30:56 UTC 8.4 km
    2.6 7km NW of The Geysers, California 2015-12-12 11:23:44 UTC 2.3 km
    4.5 7km SSW of Ayios Nikolaos, Greece 2015-12-12 08:34:46 UTC 10.0 km
    3.5 82km NW of San Antonio, Puerto Rico 2015-12-12 07:34:20 UTC 55.0 km
    2.6 14km WNW of Cordova, Alaska 2015-12-12 05:29:45 UTC 18.3 km
    2.5 7km NW of The Geysers, California 2015-12-12 04:44:36 UTC 2.4 km
    2.6 18km E of Waukomis, Oklahoma 2015-12-12 02:28:56 UTC 5.0 km
    2.7 24km W of Perry, Oklahoma 2015-12-12 01:36:12 UTC 1.2 km
    4.5 98km WNW of Iquique, Chile 2015-12-12 00:45:35 UTC 15.4 km
    4.4 8km ENE of El Valle, Dominican Republic 2015-12-12 00:32:20 UTC 25.9 km
    4.2 58km SE of Kaikoura, New Zealand 2015-12-11 23:17:15 UTC 24.3 km


Saturday, December 12, 2015


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

5  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;(GOD ORDAINED OR LIVES BEFORE WE WERE EVEN CREATED IN A WOMANS BODY)(GOD NEVER CREATED ANYONE HOMOSEXUAL)(AND THIS TELLS US ABORTION IS MURDER) and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
9 And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?
10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.
11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
JOHN 8:44
44  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
EXODUS 20:13
13 Thou shalt not kill.(Murder)(THAT INCLUDES ABORTION)
6  But whoso shall offend (HURT) one of these little ones (CHILDREN) which believe in me,(JESUS) it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.(THATS THE DEATH PENALTY FOLKS)
EXODUS 21:12
12 He that smiteth (MURDER)a man,(OR BABY) so that he die, shall be surely put to death.(THATS THE DEATH PENALTY PEOPLE)
20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils,(OCCULT) and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries,(DRUG ADDICTIONS) nor of their fornication,(SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE) nor of their thefts.(STEALING)


Terror alert imposed in Geneva-By EUOBSERVER

10. Dec, 18:57-Swiss authorities Thursday raised the terror threat alert, following information of "a precise threat," Swiss media report. Security measures were imposed outside synagogues, the French ambassador's home, train stations, and the UN office. European states continue to hunt multiple fugitives wanted in connection with the Paris murders.

Islamic State can make fake Syrian passports: U.S. report-Reuters – DEC 11,15-YAHOONEWS

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. government agency report has warned that Islamic State has the ability to create fake Syrian passports, a federal official confirmed on Friday.A spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed the contents of a story by CNN on Friday about the report, but declined to provide a copy of the report.The report says Islamic State has access to Syrian government passport printing machines and blank passports, raising the possibility the travel documents could be faked, CNN reported, citing a law enforcement source. ( CNN source added that there was also concern that because the militant group had access to biographical and fingerprint data on Syrian citizens, there was also a possibility of identity theft.ABC News, which first reported the story on Thursday, said the report was released to law enforcement by the Homeland Security Investigations agency last week and raised the possibility that militants could use the documents to travel to the United States. ("Since more than 17 months [have] passed since Raqqa and Deir ez-Zour fell to ISIS, it is possible that individuals from Syria with passports 'issued' in these ISIS-controlled cities or who had passport blanks, may have traveled to the U.S.," ABC News quoted the report as saying.State Department spokesman John Kirby, asked at a briefing on Friday about the ABC report, replied: "We have been aware of reports, not just in the press, that they may have obtained this capability."FBI Director James Comey told a Senate committee hearing on Wednesday: "The intelligence community is concerned that they [Islamic State] have the ability, the capability to manufacture fraudulent passports, which is a concern in any setting."(Reporting by Eric Walsh; Editing by Sandra Maler)

Key U.S. Senate panel chairman opens inquiry into California massacre-By Mark Hosenball and Steve Gorman | Reuters – DEC 11,15-YAHOONEWS

(Reuters) - Nine days after 14 people were shot dead in California by a married couple the FBI says were inspired by Islamic extremism, the Republican chairman of a key U.S. Senate panel demanded the Justice Department on Friday turn over much of the evidence collected so far in the case.In a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, asked her agency to furnish the evidence requested, along with answers to more than a dozen questions he posed about the investigation. A Justice Department spokesman declined comment, except to say, "We have received the letter and will review it."The 10-page letter gives no explicit rationale for the request other than to cite the committee's congressional oversight authority in matters of national security.But the nature of Johnson's queries and scope of the evidence he asked to review indicated his committee was looking for possible intelligence lapses in tracking Islamic extremist activity that might have worked to the killer-' benefit.-"What did you miss and how can we tighten that up," a source close to the senator told Reuters in characterizing the thrust of Johnson's inquiry.Among the materials Johnson requested are any communications unearthed by investigators pointing to the couple's plans for the massacre, how they concealed their intentions from law enforcement and any other attacks they might have contemplated.He also asked for information the department had obtained that would suggest any sponsorship of the couple by "a foreign terrorist organization." U.S. officials have said their investigation has yet to turn up any evidence that Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, or his wife, Tashfeen Malik, 29, were directed by foreign militants when they stormed a holiday gathering of his co-workers on Dec. 2 and opened fire with assault rifles.Fourteen people died and 22 others were injured in the rampage, which the Federal Bureau of Investigation said it is treating as an act of terrorism inspired by Islamic extremism, the most lethal such attack on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001. Farook, the U.S.-born son of Pakistani immigrants, and Malik, a Pakistani native he married last year in Saudi Arabia, were killed in a shootout with police hours after their assault in San Bernardino, 60 miles (100 km) east of Los Angeles.The Senate inquiry came about as new Gallup poll released on Friday showed Americans losing faith in their government's ability to protect them from militant attacks, while a suspicious fire at a Southern California mosque raised new concerns about an anti-Islamic backlash.The fire, which erupted in the lobby of the Islamic Society of Coachella Valley, 75 miles (120 km) east of San Bernardino, caused smoke damage but no injuries, though the Riverside County Sheriff's Department called the blaze a possible arson.MISSED SIGNALS?-Last week's deadly mass shooting has sparked intense debate about how Farook and Malik managed to avoid detection by law enforcement as they planned their attack while amassing a large arsenal of weapons, ammunition and explosives.FBI officials have said the couple were not under investigation at the time of their attack.But federal agents have since learned that the couple had been steeped in radical Islamic ideology for some time, and were discussing jihad and martyrdom online with each other as far back as 2013, a year before they met in person, FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.While the couple is known to have declared they were acting on behalf of the Islamic State, there was no evidence that the militant group controlling vast swaths of Iraq and Syria were even aware of them prior to their attack, Comey said.Investigators believe Malik had tried contacting a number of militant groups overseas in the months before the massacre but was ignored, according to U.S. officials.Neither Johnson nor other lawmakers briefed on the case on Thursday publicly expressed a lack of confidence in the investigation. But some questioned whether in hindsight some warning signs might have been overlooked and whether current surveillance of potential extremists is sufficiently robust.That sentiment came through in questions posed by Johnson's letter. In one, he asked whether Farook, Malik or Enrique Marquez - a former Farook neighbor who bought the rifles used in the mass shooting - had ever "been under any investigation or surveillance by U.S. law enforcement or counter-terrorism officials? Please explain."He also asked which U.S. agencies knew of Malik's alleged connections to a radical cleric at a mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan, and requested information about U.S. security checks conducted on the couple when Malik applied for a visa to enter the United States as Farook's fiancée.Some lawmakers have said Malik used a fake address on her application that went undetected."What, if any, further indicators of threats to national security were missed by the queries of Mr. Farook and Ms. Malik?" the letter asks.(Reporting by Mark Hosenball in Washington and Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Additional reporting by Dan Whitcomb in Los Angeles, Alexandria Sage in San Bernardino; Frank McGurty in New York, Lesley Wroughton in Paris, Megan Cassella in Washington and Edward McAllister in Riverside, California; Writing by Steve Gorman; Editing by Toni Reinhold and Lisa Shumaker)

Syrian refugees arrive in Canada, which one family calls 'paradise'-By Allison Jones, The Canadian Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 11,15-YAHOONEWS

TORONTO - Outfitted in new winter coats and clutching their yawning 16-month-old daughter in the wee hours of Friday morning, a Syrian refugee family on the first large government flight began their new life in Canada — or, as they call it, "paradise.""We really would like to thank you for all this hospitality and the warm welcome and all the staff — we felt ourselves at home and we felt ourselves highly respected," Kevork Jamkossian told Prime Minister Justin Trudeau."You are home," Trudeau said. "Welcome home."His wife held their daughter Madeleine, clutching a teddy bear the little girl took with a shy smile from Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne as the politicians helped find suitable winter clothing for them.The family — the father is a blacksmith and the mother a sales clerk — was the first through processing in the wee hours of Friday morning after the government aircraft landed following a long flight from Beirut.The family fled Syria, spent eight months in Lebanon and now they came to Canada because here, Madeleine will have many opportunities, the family said.Syrian refugees are greeted by Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on their arrival from Beirut at the Toronto Pearson International Airport in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada December 11, 2015. After... more "We suffered a lot," Jamkossian said. "Now, we feel as if we got out of hell and we came to paradise."Trudeau and Wynne were on hand to welcome the first two families from the plane that brought 163 Syrian refugees to Canada. They were joined by the ministers of immigration, health and defence, as well as local mayors and opposition immigration critics.While there would be less fanfare for the arrival of the rest of the families, all were welcomed by a large contingent of staff at Toronto's Pearson International Airport and given winter coats, boots, hats and gloves before resting a few hours in a hotel. Shadr Mardelli struggled to put the day's experience into words."I can't imagine my feelings here, I'm so happy," he said, weary but smiling, minutes after arriving at the hotel with his wife and son. The family fled Syria for Lebanon last year.In Canada, he said, "I'm looking for safety and beautiful future and new future." Starting Friday, 116 of the new arrivals will head to homes in the Toronto area. Another four will go to Windsor, Ont. Sponsors in Kelowna, B.C. will welcome four, three will go to Coquitlam, B.C. and one to New Westminster, B.C. Twenty are bound for Calgary, Alta., and the final 15 to Edmonton, according to statistics released Thursday by the Immigration department.A second flight is set to arrive in Montreal on Saturday.Trudeau told the assembled staff moments before the plane arrived Thursday night that those arriving would step off the plane as refugees but would walk out of the terminal as permanent residents with social insurance numbers, health cards and the opportunity to become full Canadians."This is something that we are able to do in this country because we define a Canadian not by a skin colour or a language or a religion or a background, but by a shared set of values, aspirations, hopes and dreams that not just Canadians but people around the world share," he said."So I thank you deeply for being a part of this because this matters. Tonight matters, not just for Canada but for the world."All of the Syrians on board are sponsored by private groups, many of whom had filed the necessary paperwork months ago in order to bring in some of the estimated 4.3 million Syrians displaced by the ongoing civil war in that country.More than 400 refugees have already arrived on commercial flights since the Liberals took office on Nov. 4.Canadians eager to show their support for the newcomers weren't deterred by the fact that they couldn't do so face to face.A handful of people gathered at the international arrivals gate at Pearson bearing signs and gifts.Stefania Dunlop and Lubna Altaher dropped off dozens of bags brimming with snacks and plush toys for the children, as well as hats and mittens for the adults. The pair said they had made arrangements with airport security to have the items —and several hundreds more bags — brought to the designated terminal where the government flight landed.Andrew Harris, 51, said he wanted to counter the fearful messaging about Muslims that has circulated since the Paris attacks.He held up a large yellow sign that read "Welcome to Canada," saying that even if the arriving refugees don't see it, the positive words won't go unnoticed.— with files from Paola Loriggio-Note to readers: This is a corrected story. The previous version incorrectly referred to Jamkossian as a gynecologist.

Calgary welcomes 20 Syrian refugees-CBC – DEC 11,15-YAHOONEWS

Twenty privately-sponsored Syrian refugees from five families were given a warm welcome at the Calgary airport Friday afternoon, as they leave behind lives of uncertainty.-"We have the determination to start a new life, a new beginning," said father Salem Kallas through an interpreter."We are sure this is the place where we will get equal opportunity, everyone is equal."Along with his wife Rita and four-year-old son Elie, the family had been in Beirut since 2012 after leaving their war torn home of Aleppo.- Syrian refugees get warm welcome in Calgary despite Alberta's economic woes -The refugees arriving Friday are privately-sponsored by Canadian family members, friends and church groups.Fariborz Birjandian is with Calgary Catholic Immigration Society, one of the local groups spearheading the resettlement."They are really very tired but extremely excited to come to Canada, coming from a life of uncertainty for their children, for themselves," Birjandian said."Some of them have lost family members, obviously they have lost livelihoods. They already know they are coming to a great city and great community."Mayor Naheed Nenshi extended a warm welcome to the newcomers."I know we are going to work hard as a community to make sure that they are successful here because that is what we do," Nenshi said.Premier Rachel Notley did the same in a statement." Alberta is chilly but our hearts are warm, and Albertans are renowned for their sense of volunteerism and helping out those in need," Notley said."Refugees enrich our society, making positive contributions to our communities, economy and vibrant cultural fabric. Alberta welcomes you, as we will continue to open our hearts to those who will follow in your footsteps in the coming weeks."Meanwhile, the Kallas family is tired but thankful and optimistic."The trip was successful and we are so happy to be in the place that we dreamed of being, safe and healthy," Salem Kallas said."If you are serious and hardworking you will get what you are looking for."

Syrian refugees get warm welcome at Armenian community centre-CBC – DEC 11,15-YAHOO NEWS

Hugging her father tightly, Cerli Katchadorian said the best thing about Canada is the playground.Soon, the seven-year-old will get to play there every day when she goes to the school attached to the Armenian Cultural Centre in north Toronto. But today, she is one of the 92 Syrian refugees who came to the centre for a joyous welcome on their first day in this country.Cerli's family were among the 163 aboard a Canadian government jet that touched down at Toronto's Pearson International Airport late Thursday. Eventually, Canada will welcome 25,000 Syrian refugees, thousands of whom are expected to settle in the Greater Toronto Area.Like many in attendance, Cerli's life has been touched by tragedy. Hovic Katchadorian, her father, says his wife was killed during a rocket attack near a church in Aleppo. When Cerli asks about her, Hovic said, he tries to distract her with games.After the attack, Katchadorian fled with his daughter and his mother to Lebanon. Two weeks ago he received the news that he would be coming to Canada and was "very, very happy," he said through an interpreter.-Happiness everywhere-That happiness was everywhere at Friday's event where newcomers — most of whom are Armenian-Syrian — were matched up with their private sponsors, who for some were family members while for others complete strangers.Mareina Gebeil, smiling as her daughter held a stuffed bear holding a Canadian flag and her son played in a donated Toronto Maple Leafs jacket, said she considered her sponsors "just like angels."After recounting her joy of finding out she was coming to Canada through a translator, Gebeil tried out a thank you message in English: "God bless Canada and the people."She said coming here after fleeing from Damascus means a "new life."That new life begins after today's event, when many of the newcomers, who are now permanent residents of Canada, are taken to their new homes and begin tasks ranging from learning English to searching for new work."Today was a big day," said organizer Lorig Garboushian-Katerjian, who herself left Syria for Dubai about 20 years ago before coming to Canada in 2010.Over the last four or five years nobody knew when Syrian refugees arrived in Toronto, Garboushian-Katerjian said, and she would go and pick them up from the airport herself.That's completely changed now.-Centre of the country's attention-At the community centre, she managed a team of volunteers looking for apartments for hundreds of new arrivals (a few families were still looking for places to stay on Friday afternoon) and filling out registration sheets that may eventually help families find work or make other key connections.There were plenty of smiles amid prayers and applause as church leaders heaped praise on those who had organized the event.Before that, a priest handed out chocolate Santas to the delight of the children attending a special sermon. Among them was Madeleine Jamkossian, a 16-month-old baby who was one of the first people greeted by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory — not that she'll likely remember it.Kevork Jamkossian, her beaming father who was covered in melted chocolate from Madeleine's partially eaten Santa, said he was so excited last night that he couldn't sleep when the familyarrived at an airport hotel. How will he ever explain these amazing days to his daughter? "I don't know," he said.Even if he can't explain it, Kevork said he's looking forward to trying. Earlier, as he spoke with Trudeau through an interpreter, he and his wife told the prime minister they felt like they had lived through hell and arrived in paradise, and that their daughter's future was the reason they made the trip.

Chinese investors claim they were guaranteed immigration to Canada-CBC – DEC 11,15-YAHOO NEWS

Five Chinese investors are suing a Maple Ridge, B.C. developer for allegedly guaranteeing them immigration to Canada in exchange for an investment in a proposed hotel.In two separate British Columbia Supreme Court lawsuits, the plaintiffs claim they agreed to invest a total of $7 million into the project developed by Seiko Huang.They claim Huang said "he could guarantee the plaintiffs' immigration into Canada." But if their immigration applications should be denied, they say they were told they would be entitled to a return of their investments.Now, all five claim they were denied immigration status and have yet to get their money back. Reached at his home, Huang said he made no representations to anyone and has done nothing wrong." Nobody can promise immigration," he said.Immigration consultants sued-Three of the claimants are also suing the immigration consultants who allegedly introduced them to Huang.Xiaohong Lu, Aihong Cai and Zhen Ye claim they paid the equivalent of $170,000 each to research immigration opportunities and submit their applications.The notice of claim says they were told the hotel "was a good investment as Mr. Huang had a good relationship with the City of Maple Ridge officials."They claim they were told that in addition to their money, Huang and his partner would be investing an additional $5 million. But the lawsuits claim the developer instead used their money for purposes unrelated to the hotel.The claimants say they found out their immigration applications had been rejected in December 2013. But they claim their investment has not been returned.Lu, Cai and Ye also claim the immigration consultants reneged on an agreement to refund 70 per cent of their fees.The proposal the 125-room hotel has been passed a third reading at Maple Ridge city council. The city says the building permit applications have been made, but approval is needed from the transportation ministry.The project would be slated for construction on the Haney Bypass. None of the allegations have been proven in court.Read the notice of civil claim. 


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

HOSEA 4:1-3
1 Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.
3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

23  And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.
24  The LORD shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed.


ISAIAH 30:26-27
26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold,(7X OR 7-DEGREES HOTTER) as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people,(ISRAEL) and healeth the stroke of their wound.
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire:

7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.


3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.(enviromentalists-(COP 21 CLIMATE KOOKS) and animal rights nutjobs-mentalcases won't like this result)
4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.
6 For they(False World Church and Dictator) have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.



Paris climate talks to continue into weekend-By EUOBSERVER

11. Dec, 09:06-French foreign minister Fabius, who chairs the global talks on a climate treaty in Paris, told French media on Friday morning that a deal was not possible on Friday, as planned, but that negotiations will continue into the weekend. He said a new draft text will be ready Saturday morning.

MEP: Polish slow-down on EU climate 'has begun'-By EUOBSERVER

11. Dec, 14:59-In the final phase of climate negotiations in Paris, the Polish delegation has started objecting to possible compromises outside the agreed EU mandate, Green MEP Eickhout said Friday after being briefed by EU climate commissioner Canete. He added French president Hollande started a diplomatic push by calling other European capitals.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris talks; new draft expected Saturday-BY Karl Ritter And Angela Charlton, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 11,15-YAHOO NEWS

LE BOURGET, France - Talks on a global pact to fight global warming appeared to make progress late Friday, with some negotiators telling The Associated Press a deal was close.Negotiators emerged from meetings with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, the host of the talks, amid an air of optimism that had been lacking just hours earlier.Fabius was expected to present a new, potentially final draft of the elusive accord Saturday morning at 9 a.m. (0800 GMT)."We are pretty much there," Egyptian Environment Minister Khaled Fahmy, the chairman of a bloc of African countries, told the AP late Friday. "There have been tremendous developments in the last hours. We are very close."A negotiator from a developed country was equally positive. "I think we got it," said the negotiator, who was not authorized to speak publicly as the talks were not over yet.Negotiators from more than 190 countries in Paris are aiming to create something that's never been done before: an agreement for all countries to reduce man-made emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and help the poorest adapt to rising seas, fiercer weather and other impacts of global warming.This accord is the first time all countries are expected to pitch in — the previous emissions treaty, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, only included rich countries.The talks, originally scheduled to end Friday, dragged into an extra day as the French hosts said they needed more time to overcome disputes.A French official expressed confidence that the draft to be presented Saturday would be the final one. The official was not authorized to speak publicly because the negotiations were ongoing.Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga of the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu was also upbeat."The signals that have come to me give me encouragement that we are going to have a very ... comprehensive and strong agreement in Paris," Sopoaga told the AP.Liu Zhenmin, deputy chief of the Chinese delegation, was more cautious. Asked by the AP whether the draft would be the final one, he said only if "it's more or less acceptable."Earlier Friday, Liu stood firm on his nation's demand that rich countries should assume most responsibility for the costs and argued against an agreement that sets too-tough goals for weaning the world off using oil, gas and coal — the biggest source of carbon emissions.The U.S. and European countries want to move away from so-called "differentiation" among economies and want big emerging countries like China and India to pitch in more in a final climate deal.Liu told reporters that issue is "at the core of our concern for the Paris agreement." He said he wants different rules for different countries "clearly stipulated" in the global warming pact.China is among the more than 180 countries that have submitted emissions targets for the new pact but is resisting Western proposals for robust transparency rules that would require each country to show whether it's on track to meet its target.Liu also argued against sharply limiting the number of degrees the planet warms this century, because that would involve huge lifestyle and economic changes."We need heating. We need air conditioning. You need to drive your car," he said.Indian Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar also said differentiation was the biggest dispute and accused developed countries of not showing enough flexibility in the talks.However, signs of divisions among major developing countries surfaced Friday as Brazil joined an informal coalition of Western countries and some developing ones in a "high-ambition coalition" that is calling for a strong deal.Liu dismissed the coalition as a "performance."U.S. Secretary of State Kerry, on his fifth straight day in France trying to iron out differences with developing countries, said he's "hopeful" for an accord and has been working behind the scenes to reach compromises.U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern declined to comment after a meeting with Fabius late Friday.The talks are the culmination of years of U.N.-led efforts to create a long-term climate deal. U.N. climate conferences often run past their deadlines, given the complexity and sensitivity of each word in an international agreement and the consequences for national economies.Analysts said the delay until Saturday was not necessarily a bad sign."This needs consensus," said Michael Jacobs, an economist with the New Climate Economy project, speaking to reporters. "There's a lot of negotiating to do."A 27-page draft released Thursday said governments would aim to peak the emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases "as soon as possible" and strive to reach "emissions neutrality" by the second half of the century — a vague term generally understood to mean no more emissions than the Earth can naturally absorb. That was weaker language than in previous drafts, which included more specific emissions cuts and timeframes.China's Liu said negotiators don't understand what is meant by "neutrality" and argued for an even softer "low-carbon" goal.The draft didn't resolve how to deal with demands from vulnerable countries to deal with unavoidable damage from rising seas and other climate impacts. One option said such losses would be addressed in a way that doesn't involve liability and compensation — a U.S. demand.Sopoaga, the Tuvalu leader, said he had discussed the issue with Kerry and that he was optimistic that a solution would be found.Fabius said the world would not find a better moment to reach a global climate deal."All the conditions are met to reach a universal, ambitious agreement," he said.___Sylvie Corbet, Seth Borenstein, Matthew Lee and Nicolas Garriga in Le Bourget contributed to this report.

Who speaks for the EU at Paris climate summit? By Peter Teffer-EUOBSERVER

Paris, 11. Dec, 18:34-Fame is a relative concept at an international conference on climate change.The journalist asking a question at a press conference on Friday (11 December) could be forgiven for not knowing that Carole Dieschbourg, Luxembourg's 38-year-old minister for environment, also speaks on behalf of the entire European Union.Even within the EU there will be many people who do not know that Luxembourg currently holds the six-month rotating Council presidency, and that the Green Luxembourgian has been catapulted onto the global stage as one of the faces of the Union.The journalist asked why the EU was “not present now” at a press conference by the so-called High Ambition Coalition, an ad-hoc alliance formed in recent days in Paris.The host of the press conference, foreign minister for the Marshall Islands Tony de Brum, introduced her as “the president of the EU”, which was followed by laughter, and then applause.“Yes, hello, I'm Carole Dieschbourg, minister of environment of Luxembourg, representing the EU. We have [the Council of the EU] presidency at the moment, so I'm present,” she said.The incident reminded of that often-quoted question from former US diplomat Henry Kissinger, who to call when he wanted to “talk to Europe”.But here at the climate conference in Paris the many faces of the EU may prove to be an asset rather than a cause for confusion.-The Canete-Dieschbourg tango-The main negotiator on behalf of the EU is Miguel Arias Canete, European commissioner for climate. He has often shared the podium with Dieschbourg, who this semester chairs the meetings of environment ministers of the EU member states. According to several sources close to the EU delegation, Canete is mainly the man who reaches out to other countries, while Dieschbourg tries to coordinate with the 27 other national ministers, each of which represents an individual party to the treaty they are working on.That doesn't mean that Dieschbourg does not speak to non-EU negotiators, but her focus is intra-EU, said one EU source who asked to remain anonymous. This will become increasingly difficult in the coming hours, as Canete may have to make some compromises that go beyond what EU ministers have agreed in their mandate. That will require a lot of bilateral contact back and forth – especially to keep coal-dependant Poland happy.“[Dieschbourg's] job is to keep EU ministers together,” the contact said, adding that Canete and Dieschbourg also complement each other.“Canete is quite a dominant person, maybe too harsh, while Dieschbourg can calm people down a bit,” said the contact.Gender also plays a role.“She has a lot of good contacts with women,” the source said, adding that personal relations are very important at the climate summit. “A lot is about trust.”For his part, the Spaniard Canete was able to reach out to Latin American countries, noted Green MEP Bas Eickhout.“ Climate talks can be a bit more rough than regular diplomacy, and Canete is in his element here,” noted the parliamentarian, adding that the long hours of talks and little sleep seem only to reinforce Canete's spirit.In Paris, the negotiations are taking place on many different levels, often simultaneously.In that sense it is an asset to have 28 ministers available in addition to lead negotiator Canete, noted Eickhout.-Deploy the Swedes-Those ministers, as well as other representatives of individual member states, are being deployed strategically.“Sweden has a very good relationship with a lot of least developed countries, because Sweden is a big aid donor,” said Helena Hellström Gefwert, spokesperson for the Swedish delegation.“We can more easily than some other EU member states have bilateral meetings with those type of countries,” she added.In the past week, Swedish minister Asa Romson herself has been less available to promote the Swedish and EU positions as she was given a role as mediator.She, together with five other European ministers, was named a “facilitator” (or sometimes “co-facilitator”), a role the French presidency of the summit has bestowed onto 19 officials in order to find consensus on a particular topic.In Romson's case, she was tasked with bridging gaps between parties on the issues “adaption” and “loss & damage”, which refer to ways to adapt to climate change that has already happened, and potential financial recovery money for it, respectively. But Hellström Gefwert said that the appointment as faciliator only helped Sweden's profile.“ Sweden's voice is stronger because of the Swedish minister's work as co-facilitator, because the world sees Sweden has an important role. It makes it easier for the Swedish delegation to arrange meetings,” the spokesperson said.The facilitators were appointed in pairs, with one from a developing country, and one from a developed country. In the latter category, the dominance of European ministers (from Germany, Norway, UK, Sweden, Switzerland, and Poland) somewhat stands out.Partly this is because most of the developed countries are in Europe, said Michael Jacobs, a former climate adviser to the UK government. But he added: “European ministers are quite good at this kind of thing. They have to do so much internal negotiating, they know how to negotiate.”The French presidency-And then there is Laurent Fabius.France's foreign minister has been chairing the 21st Conference of the Parties, as the summit is officially called, and he has been praised throughout the week.“The key players right now are France, full stop. Chairing the COP21 discussions is perhaps the most powerful position a European member state is in. Their influence is great,” MEP Ian Duncan, of the Conservative Party in the UK, told this website on Friday morning.“I think the reason we're on schedule, that much progress has been made, that the outcome is looking much more constructive is primarily due to the drive of the French,” he noted.Of course, as the negotiations continue into the night of Friday to Saturday, the process may still slip from the French' hands. But so far, France's diplomatic tradition seems to pay off.“We need to give credit to the French presidency for their impeccable way of steering this process,” Elina Bardram, head of the EU delegation, told journalists on Thursday.“On Wednesday … it was very, very clear that there was no single party that was protesting the way the French COP presidency has steered this process. It has been inclusive. It has been responsive. It has been transparent,” she noted.At the same time, the anonymous EU source noted, “we should not be too close to the French presidency” to avoid the summit to be seen as a European affair.Meanwhile, EUobserver asked the United States' State Department who its climate envoy Todd Stern would call if he wants to speak to Europe.“Commissioner Miguel Canete,” a senior state department official answered in an e-mail, adding “Special Envoy Stern has strong relationships with other excellent EU counterparts like Amber Rudd (UK), Barbara Hendriks (Germany) etc.”

EU 'optimistic' on climate deal, long night ahead By Peter Teffer-EUOBSERVER

Paris, 10. Dec, 18:51-The European Union's climate chief, Miguel Arias Canete, is optimistic that the world's governments can reach an “ambitious” climate deal in Paris, he told journalists at a press conference on Thursday afternoon (10 December), but he said the agreement should ask commitments from all countries.“We cannot repeat the experience of Kyoto,” the European commissioner said in Paris, referring to the 1997 climate conference in Japan, where only 38 countries signed up to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which cause global warming.Canete said this time around, 185 countries already submitted pledges to reduce emissions in the past year.“In Kyoto, we only covered 12 percent of global emissions. Today … we are covering more than 96 percent of global emissions. This is an astounding story of success.” He added: “The most important thing is that the agreement is inclusive. We need all emitters of the world together in this agreement. We cannot lose China, which is responsible for 23 [percent of emissions]. We cannot lose United States, which is responsible for 12 percent.”However, he also noted several sticking points remain.Referring to a draft version of the treaty, released by the French presidency of the summit on Wednesday, Canete said “more progress is needed.”“[The text] did not reflect either the progress made in the ministerial consultations this week, or the political momentum we’re seeing.”At another press conference, which started at noon on Thursday, the head of the EU delegation echoed Canete, her boss.“The outlook is good,” said Elina Bardram.“There is a lot of hard work, long hours to go, but I remain very confident that the political determination will also be projected in the negotiating rooms and that it will end with a very solid and ground-breaking agreement as we leave Paris,” she said.-Friday, maybe Saturday-Bardram shared the podium with Gao Feng, China's special representative for climate change. He said “success” is possible, but he indicated that the conference may be extended beyond Friday, the last officially scheduled day.“I remain optimistic. Let's see on Friday, or maybe Saturday, we will get there. I think we will get it,” said Gao.“We’re still at the most difficult part of the negotiations. We have still 48 hours, maybe a little bit longer. So it’s not a surprise that we’re still facing all those difficult issues.”Canete said three elements are “essential” for a “robust” agreement: a long-term goal; a review cycle, which allows for ambition to be scaled up over time; and “transparency and accountability.”He’s also being urged to pursue other issues.-Shipping and aviation-Sitting next to him at the press conference, Italian MEP Giovanni La Via said the aviation and shipping sectors should be specifically mentioned.“I want to insist on the necessary inclusion of international aviation and shipping in the Paris deal. So far, no effort is requested from them,” noted La Via, a member of the EU Parliament's largest group, the centre-right EPP.“Those two sectors could represent up to 40 percent of all global emissions by 2050 if they are left unregulated, according to a study published by the European Parliament service. I ask Miguel [Canete] to push for it. We, as members of the parliament, strongly request to reconsider the text.”Canete said aviation and shipping “cannot be off the radar,” but cited a different estimate.“Their emissions are growing significantly, and account for as much, will account for as much, as one third of all global emissions in 2050 if nothing is done,” he said.-Negotiating tactics-The EU Commissioner could not guarantee the two sectors will be in the final deal, amid speculation the EU may trade them in exchange for concessions in other areas.He also wouldn’t say the EU would walk away from an agreement if it doesn’t get the five-year review cycle.“The speeches in the public plenary are one, but when you go to the negotiating table are others. Because the rooms have different moods, you know. In the negotiating tables we are finding compromises,” he noted.“We worked through the night to make substantial improvements to the text. We hope the new version we will receive later today will address the gaps that we’ve identified.”That new version is due Thursday afternoon, but had not been published by 6.51pm.“We have another long day and night ahead of us,” Canete said earlier on Thursday.

House votes to boost enforcement of trade deals, block climate change provisions-By Matthew Daly, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 11,15-YAHOONEWS

WASHINGTON - As negotiators in Paris worked to finalize a global agreement on climate change, the Republican-controlled House on Friday approved a bill that would block trade deals from being used to cut greenhouse gas emissions.The bill was approved on a 256-158 vote. Twenty-four Democrats joined with 232 Republicans to support the bill.Opponents, mostly Democrats, said the bill sends the wrong message as U.S. diplomats meet in Paris with more than 190 nations to finalize an agreement to reduce man-made carbon emissions and adapt to rising seas and increasingly extreme weather.Rep. Sander Levin, a Democrat, said the climate provision was inserted by Republicans who oppose action on climate change. Many Republicans in Congress question whether human activities are contributing to global warming."The Republican Party of the United States may be the only political party anywhere in denial about climate change," Levin said. "That denial is why this provision ... on climate is before us."Supporters said the wide-ranging bill would beef up enforcement of U.S. trade agreements and help prevent counterfeit goods from entering the country. The bill also would make permanent a moratorium that prevents states from taxing access to the Internet.Rep. Kevin Brady, the Republican chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, said the bill "will level the playing field for Americans and also make it easier for them to compete in a global marketplace."The provision on climate change ensures greater oversight of executive-branch negotiators who work on international trade agreements, Brady said."Trade agreements should not include provisions on immigration or greenhouse gas emissions," he said, noting that there are other ways for officials to address immigration and global climate change.House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said the bill ensures that U.S. trade laws are enforced, that trade is streamlined and efficient and that no trade agreement will change U.S. immigration policy or expand access to visas to enter the country.Democrats complained that the bill stripped important protections against currency manipulation and eliminated penalties against countries that engage in human trafficking.