by David Basch 8.6.10
Did our synagogue membership need to convene for an Israeli government
presentation that echoed the soothing voice of the liberal media urging support
for Obama policies for further surrenders by Israel of its strategic territories
for the sake of peace? Truly, the Israeli speaker sounded like he was campaigning for Obama, the guy that has been stabbing Israel in the back ever since he came into office....Caroline Glick has reported on the new competence of the Arab armies facing Israel,a competence made possible by the US and, ironically, by misplaced trust in the US that leads Israel to wink at the threats these armies pose for the security of Israel,if not to actually abet these anti-Israel military efforts.The picture that emerges is of an Israel that is gradually being surrounded by powerful
Arab armies helped by the US that will face Israel with the choice of surrender and capitulation or going down to destruction in a fruitless war of impossible self-defense. This is hardly a reassuring situation. .Past experience with fighting wars tells that a besieged nation that is having war thrust upon it should respond vigorously in such a way that leads not only to stopping the aggression but decisively defeating it so that it cannot recur. It wouldn't because the conditions that brought it on would be forever changed and the enemy would no longer have the ability to pose the former menace. This is a policy that Israel has not had
for decades. Instead, Israel has each time it nipped an attack had followed it up
by surrendering its victory by allowing the enemy to regroup and recoup. Each
time Israel has expected the enemy to learn a new way of behavior -- as though
a jackal curbed could change its nature and turn vegetarian.
Anyone who has watched Israel over the past decades has note that for all the
concessions, appeasements, and surrenders that Israel has made, this has not led
to promoting peace but always in promoting the strength of the enemy and the
legitimacy of its aggression against Israel. The enemy, thanks to active policies of
Israeli governments, has become freedom fighters for the historic Arab lands
stolen from them by the Jews,the Jews now organized as an oppressing, illegal
Israeli government. Everyone knows this, including the vast majority of Jewish
youth in the US and even large numbers of Jewish youth in Israel itself.Such things don't happen overnight. It took Israeli governments many years to foster such thinking as they sought to show the implacable Arab enemy what good guys Israelis are and how wrong Arabs are to fight such nice Jews just because these nice people are robbing the Arab lands of Palestine.Will the Arab knife menacing the Jewish neck lead Israel's leaders -- the threat has long ago succeeded in alarming normal, average Jews -- to recognize that Israel is in mortal danger and needs expert strategy, strong deployments, and tactics to confront the menace, not the usual ideological approach that imagines away the threat of determined Arab enemies.A recent pitch by an Israel speaker from the New York Israeli Consulate at our
local synagogue sought to paint a rosy picture of Arabs like Abu Abbas that were
working for peace with Israel in order to benefit by their improving economic
condition in the territories. Imagine, our audience was dumbfounded to learn that
because of such progress the Arabs would surrender their cherished Islamic beliefs
that lands once ruled over by Arab authorities should forever maintain such status.
The way the speaker told it, these Arabs were like Israelis, ready to throw away
their religious heritage for refrigerators, Nike sneakers, and other material
comforts and that, when they strengthened themselves sufficiently, they would
forgo the coup de gras of recapturing and absorbing the lands they think stolen
from them.You could hardly tell the Israeli speaker about this side of the problem in the delirium he fostered in his talk of the good economic times current in Israel and how close Israel was to the the thinking of the Obama administration. Truly, the speaker sounded like he was campaigning for Obama, the guy that has been stabbing Israel in the back ever since he came into office, continuing such back-stabbing that had begun in the last years of the Bush administration.Needless to say that there was nary a thought mentioned by the speaker of the inescapable problem that Israel faces concerning the ever-present feeling of humiliation that Arabs feel that a Dhimmi population of Jews had succeeded in reversing an Islamic conquest of the land of Israel; that this was a continuing background threat to the existence
of Israel that needed to be considered in developing defense policies, not wished away in imagining happy Arabs visiting their new shopping malls.Did our synagogue membership need to convene for an Israeli government presentation that echoed the soothing voice of the liberal media urging further surrenders by Israel
of its strategic territories for the sake of peace? Hopefully, reality will intrude into the Leftist ideological realm of the Israeli leadership before it is too late. I long to see signs of this.
Are you aware that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF TAX-PAYER DOLLARS are going toward training armies that don't hide their goal of destroying Israel?
By Caroline B. Glick AUG 6,10
Posed photo of Obama and Abbas under potrait of Arafat. Was notPhotoshop-ed
What you need to know about Israel's American-made foes | It wasn't a US Army sniper who killed IDF Lt. Col. Dov Harari and seriously wounded Capt. Ezra Lakia on Tuesday. But the Lebanese Armed Forces sniper who shot them owes a great deal to the generous support the LAF has received from America.For the past five years, the LAF has been the second largest recipient of US military assistance per capita after Israel. A State Department press release from late 2008 noted that between 2006 and 2008, the LAF received ten million rounds of ammunition, Humvees, spare parts for Lebanese attack helicopters, vehicles for its internal security forces and the same frontline weapons that US military troops are currently using, including assault rifles, automatic grenade launchers, advanced sniper systems, anti-tank weapons, and the most modern urban warfare bunker weapons.Since 2006 the US has provided Lebanon some $500 million in military assistance. And there is no end in sight. After US President Barack Obama's meeting with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri in June, the White House proclaimed Obama's determination to continue US efforts to support and strengthen Lebanese institutions such as the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Internal Security Forces.And indeed, in late June, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates informed Congress that the Pentagon intends to provide the LAF with 24 120mm mortars, 24 M2 .50 caliber machine guns, one million rounds of ammunition, and 24 humvees and trailers. The latest orders should be delivered by the end of 2011.According to the Los Angeles Times, the administration has already allocated $100 million in foreign military assistance to Lebanon for 2011. According to Lebanon's Al Safir, in written testimony to Congress, last week Obama's nominee to command US Central Command, General James Matthis claimed that relations between US Central Command and the LAF focus on building the LAF's capabilities to preserve internal stability and protect borders.
And how is that border protection going?
Tuesday's unprovoked LAF ambush of Lt. Col. Harari's battalion within Israeli territory showed that the LAF is fully prepared to go to war against the US's closest ally in the region in order to deter IDF forces from crossing the border. Indeed, they are willing to commit unprovoked acts of illegal aggression to harm Israel.As the Jerusalem Post reported on Wednesday, there is no reason to be surprised by what happened. Since 2009, LAF forces have frequently pointed their rifles at IDF forces operating along the border. In recent months they have also cocked their rifles at IDF forces. It was just a matter of time before they started shooting.The same aggressive border protection is completely absent however along Lebanon's border with Syria. Since 2006, the LAF has taken no actions to seal off that border from weapons transfers to Hizbullah. It has taken no steps to protect Lebanese sovereignty from the likes of Syria and Iran that are arming Hizbullah's army with tens of thousands of missiles.Then there's Centcom's internal stability.For the past four years, in open breach of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 which set the terms for the ceasefire that ended the Second Lebanon War, the LAF has done nothing to block Hizbullah from remilitarizing and reasserting control over southern Lebanon.Moreover, the institution that the State Department views as the anchor of a multiethnic, independent Lebanon did not lift a finger against Hizbullah when Hizbullah staged a coup against the Siniora government in 2008. In a sense, by effectively collaborating with Hizbullah, the LAF did ensure internal stability. But it is hard to see how such internal stability advances US interests.
In stark contrast, as the Los Angeles Times reported last week, the US-supported Lebanese Internal Security Forces have used US signals equipment to help Hizbullah ferret out Israeli agents. According to the Times, A strengthening Lebanese government is helping Hizbullah bust alleged spy cells, sometimes using tools and tradecraft acquired from Western nations eager to build up Lebanon's security forces as a counterweight to the Shiite group [Hizbullah].
To date the US has refused to reckon with the consequences of its actions. As the Times reports, last week US Assistant Secretary of Defense Alexander Vershbow visited Beirut and said that continued US aid and training to the LAF would allow the Lebanese army to prevent militias and other nongovernmental organizations from undermining the government.It bears recalling that Hizbullah has been a partner in the Lebanese government since 2005. Since its successful coup in 2008, Hizbullah has held veto power over all the decisions of the Lebanese government.It also bears recalling that during the 2006 war, the LAF provided Hizbullah commanders with targeting data for their missiles and rockets. The LAF also announced on its official website that it would pensions to families of Hizbullah fighters killed in the war.Unfortunately, the LAF is not the only military organization aligned with Israel's enemies that the US is arming and training. There is also the US-trained Palestinian army.As Israel Radio's Arab Affairs commentator Yoni Ben Menachem reported last month, the IDF is deeply concerned about the US-trained Palestinian force. Ben Menachem recalled that since 1996, Palestinians security forces have repeatedly taken leading roles in organizing and carrying out terrorist attacks against Israel. Hundreds of Israelis have been murdered and maimed in these attacks.
The Palestinian force being trained by the US army represents a disturbing, qualitative upgrade in Palestinian military capabilities.OC Central Command Maj. Gen. Avi Mizrachi warned IDF ground forces about the new US-Palestinian threat in May. As Mizrachi put it in a speech at Tze'elim training base cited by Ben Menachem, This is a well trained force, better equipped than its predecessors and trained by the US. The significance of this is that at the start of a new battle [between the Palestinians and the IDF] the price that we will pay will be higher. A force like this one can shut down a built up area with four snipers. This is deadly. These aren't the fighters we faced in Jenin [in 2002]. This is an infantry force that will be fighting us and we need to take this into account. They have offensive capabilities and we aren't expecting them to give up.
The IDF assesses that the US-trained force will be capable of overrunning small IDF outposts and isolated Israeli communities.To date, the US has spent $400 million on the Palestinian army. The Obama administration has allocated an additional $100 million for the next year. And the US is demanding that Israel support its efforts. In a General Accounting Office report issue in May, Israel was excoriated for hampering US efforts to build the Palestinian forces. The GAO railed against Israel's refusal to permit the transfer of a thousand AK-47 assault rifles to the Palestinian forces. It criticized Israel's rejection of US plans to train a Palestinian counter-terror force. It complained that Israel does not give freedom of movement to US military advisors to the Palestinian forces in Judea and Samaria.
The US claims that what it is doing cultivates stability. It argues that the Palestinian and Lebanese failure to date to prevent terror armies from attacking Israel is due to their lack of institutional capacity to rein in terrorism rather than the absence of institutional will to do so. The US claims that pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into these Lebanese and Palestinian armies will enable them to become stabilizing forces in the region that will engender peace. What the administration ignores however is the fact that the members and commanders of these US-trained forces share the terrorists' dedication to Israel's destruction.To its undying shame, Israel has publically supported or, at best failed to oppose these American initiatives. By doing so, Israel has provided political cover for these US initiatives that endanger its security. Although it is crucial to call the US out for its sponsorship of terror-aligned armies, it is also important to understand Israel's role in these nefarious enterprises.
Israel has gone along with these US programs for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it has been due to domestic politics. Sometimes it owed to Israel's desire to be a team player with the US government. But generally the Israeli rationale for not loudly and vociferously objecting to US assistance to enemy armies has been the same as Israel's rationale for embracing Yassir Arafat and the PLO in 1993 and for every other Israeli act of appeasement towards its enemies and allies alike.Successive Israeli governments have claimed that by supporting actions that strengthen Israel's enemies, they gain leverage for Israel or, at a minimum, they mitigate the opprobrium directed against Israel when it takes actions to defend itself. In Lebanon for instance, Israel agreed to the US plan to support the Hizbullah-dominated Siniora government in the hopes that by agreeing to give the Lebanese government immunity from IDF attack, the US would support Israel's moves to defeat Hizbullah.But this did not happen. Indeed, it could not happen. The pro-Western Lebanese government ministers are beholden to Hizbullah. Whether they wish to or not, former prime minister Fuad Siniora and his successor Hariri both act as Hizbullah's defenders to the US. And once the US committed itself to the falsehood that the Sinioras and Hariris of Lebanon are independent actors, it inevitably became Hizbullah's advocate against Israel as well. The logic of appeasement moves in one direction only - towards one's enemies.The same holds for the Palestinians. Israel believed that once it capitulated to international pressure to recognize the PLO the US, the EU and the UN would hold the PLO to account if it turned out that Arafat and his minions had not changed their ways. But when Arafat ordered his lieutenants to wage a terror war against Israel rather than accept statehood, the US, the EU and the UN did not rally to Israel's side. They had become so invested in their delusion of Palestinian peacefulness that they refused to abandon it. Instead, at most, they pinned the full blame on Arafat and demanded that Israel support their efforts to strengthen the moderates. And so, in this demented logic, it made sense for the US to build a Palestinian army after the Palestinians elected Hamas to lead them.And so on and so forth. In every single instance, Israel's willingness to embrace lies about the nature of its enemies has come back to haunt it. Never has Israel gained any ground by turning a blind eye to the hostility of the likes of Salam Fayyad and Sa'ad Hariri.It is true; the US is abetting and aiding the war against Israel by supporting the LAF and the Palestinian military. But it is also true that the US will not stop until Israel demands that it stop. And Israel will not demand that the US stop building armies for its enemies until Israel abandons the notion that by accepting a lie told by a friend, it will gain that friend's loyalty.JWR contributor Caroline B. Glick is the senior Middle East Fellow at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC and the deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post.
Bloomberg is a Disgrace
Laura: Mayor Bloomberg was on a local radio show and said that those who oppose the ground zero mosque should be ashamed of themselves. He also said that he spoke to families of victims who he claimed said they support the mosque. While there may be some families who feel that way, the overwhelming majority of 9/11 families oppose the mosque. He then said our troops are fighting for religious freedom. But our troops are fighting against the jihadists that imam rauf represents. Rauf has advocated for sharia law which is the antithesis of what America stands for. This proposed mosque does not represent religious freedom, but rather an islamic triumph over America. And most astonishingly of all, Bloomberg said HE DOESN’T CARE WHERE THE MONEY IS COMING FROM! Unbelievable! In other words, it can be coming directly from al qaeda and it wouldn’t matter to Bloomberg apparently. How sickening that we are losing soldiers abroad fighting islamic jihadis while we give the islamic jihadis a victory shrine here at home, near where they attacked us.
[Editor’s note: Alan Dershowitz submitted an article to criticizing the Anti-Defamation League’s opposition to the plans for a mosque to be built at Ground Zero. We decided to run the piece with a rebuttal by Victor Davis Hanson. An extra round between the two follows.]
Anti-Defamation League Should Not Oppose Mosques At Ground Zero
By Alan M. Dershowitz AUG 7,10
The ADL’s decision to oppose the building of a 13 story Muslim center two blocks from Ground Zero is inconsistent with its mission. The ADL has a long and distinguished history of opposing bigotry, supporting multiculturalism and advocating tolerance. Though it began as an organization dedicated to combating anti-Semitism, it has become one of the most potent forces against all forms of religious, ethnic and racial bigotry.Following the mass murders perpetrated on 9/11 by Islamic extremists, the ADL was in the forefront of standing up against those who would use this hateful attack to generalize hatred against all Muslims or all Arabs.
In light of this history, I would have expected the ADL to support the building of this Muslim community center, which would include a mosque, a performing arts center, a pool and a restaurant. At the very least I would have expected it to remain silent and not to lend its powerful and distinguished voice to an opposition that includes many bigots along with many decent people who have expressed legitimate concerns about the structure.Reasonable people can disagree about the merits of building a Muslim center so close to the sight of a horrendous crime committed in the name of Islam by extremists who do not represent their religion. Many Jews were deeply offended when a Roman Catholic covenant was built adjacent to Auschwitz.Supporters argue that the proximity of the mosque to the site of this crime sends a powerful message that there are many Muslims in the world who identify with the victims rather than the perpetrators. The most influential opposition comes from families of many of the victims who were killed at Ground Zero, though some families favor the project while others have remained silent.
Let the debate continue, but let the ADL not lend its imprimatur of tolerance to those who stand in opposition. Inevitably, this has become a political debate with rightwing republicans such as Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich leading the political campaign against it, while Mayor Michael Bloomberg has strongly supported the project on grounds of religious freedom, arguing that government should have no role in dictating where a mosque can be situated. As Bloomberg put it, what is great about America, and particularly New York, is we welcome everybody, and if we are so afraid of something like this, what does that say about us? Democracy is stronger than this…The ADL’s decision to join this debate on the side of those who oppose the mosque was exacerbated by the reason given by Abe Foxman, a friend and a man who I admire, for why the opposition of some families was an important part of why the ADL came down against the project. Mr. Foxman, who himself survived the Holocaust, was quoted in The New York Times saying: ”Survivors of the Holocaust are entitled to feelings that are irrational.Referring to the loved ones of the 9/11 victims, he added, Their anguish entitles them to a position that others would categorize as irrational or bigoted.This is a dangerous argument that has implications totally inconsistent with the mission of the ADL. Bigotry is often a result of victimization, perceived or real. Many Germans felt victimized following World War I, and some blamed the Jews. Although their position was irrational or bigoted, they were not entitled to act on it. Nor are Palestinians who feel victimized by Israel entitled to be bigoted against Jews. There is simply is no excuse for bigotry, and the ADL ought to know that better than any other organization.The ADL was founded as the result of irrational bigotry directed against a Jew named Leo Frank by a Ku Klux Klan type organization calling itself the Knights of Mary Phagan. They lynched Leo Frank in the name of an alleged victim of rape and murder. The fact that Frank was totally innocent didn’t matter to them. Their anguish over her victimization did not entitle them to their irrationality and bigotry. The ADL should know better than to provide an “abuse excuse” to bigots based on perceived victimization.
The vast majority of those who oppose the mosque at Ground Zero are neither bigoted nor irrational. Some are. So are some who favor it. That is not the issue. The issue is whether a great human rights organization should oppose the building of a Muslim center near Ground Zero. I have heard no rational reason from the ADL why it should stand in opposition to this project.I hope that Abe Foxman was misquoted or misspoke and that he will withdraw both his opposition to the mosque and most especially the argument he offered for it. The ADL should continue with its noble mission of siding with the victims of bigotry rather than making excuses for those who engage in bigotry.Alan Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. He is the author of more than 20 works of fiction and non-fiction, including Blasphemy: How the Religious Right is Hijacking the Declaration of Independence (2007) and The Case for Israel (2003).
What the World Isn’t Being Told about the Israeli-Lebanese Border Incident - The worst kind of liar is the one who lies to himself. On a national level that could be catastrophic. Yamit - Israel blames U.S., France for arming Lebanon United States has given Lebanon approximately $400 million over the past year to purchase arms, despite Israel’s objections.By Barak Ravid and Shlomo Shamir
Don’t look to the MSM to give you the truth about this week’s ambush of IDF Richard Landes. Pajama Media
Despite the careful he said … she said approach of the mainstream news media about the clash along the Lebanese-Israeli border this week, events are quite clear: Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were deliberately ambushed by Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF).In an outdoor press conference held at a lookout point above the Lebanese border where the incident occurred, Ilan Diksteyn, the deputy commander of the Israeli brigade, explained what happened. The IDF had notified the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) of its intentions and complied with multiple requests to delay a routine job that should have started early in the morning and didn’t get going till midday.According to Diksteyn, he had personally walked the border with the UNIFIL commander and identified all the trees and shrubs they intended to cut down, all approved of as being located on the Israeli side of the border by the UNIFIL commander. The key tree was some 200 meters from the Blue Line, so there was not the most remote possibility that Israel trespassed on Lebanese territory. The IDF even set out the crane without a man in it, just to demonstrate their intentions beforehand.But no sooner did they put a man in the unit and lift him over the fence than a sniper shot and killed the commanding officer of the unit who was away from the border and observing from a distance. Despite claiming they fired first in the air, and that Israel initiated the hostilities, an LAF spokesman eventually asserted their right to defend Lebanon’s sovereignty.
The Israelis claim this was an ambush by units of the Lebanese Armed Forces. And as such, this was an unprecedented new level of aggression. Even the normally cautious UNIFIL, which the previous day had restricted itself to calling for calm and announcing its intention to investigate, eventually — and exceptionally — sided with Israel’s claim that the tree was on their side of the border. Even the Lebanese admit they carried out an ambush.Of course, for UNIFIL to do so means that Israel had to be unquestionably and irrefutably in the right — 2-300 meters away, the Israeli officer claimed. Otherwise the UN troops, which operate on the Lebanese side of the border and are subject to constant harassment by Hezbollah, would have found some way to equivocate if not prevaricate. After all, in violation of UN Resolution 1701, which the UNIFIL forces have been deployed to enforce, Hezbollah has managed to rearm and reoccupy the southern border. Indeed, pictures of UNIFIL troops standing side by side with heavily armed LAF troops suggest that the efforts to prevent a clash consisted primarily in getting the Israelis not to do what they had a right to do, rather than preventing the Lebanese from doing what they had no right to do.From here on out, however, the story gets fuzzy. While some newspapers acknowledged UNIFIL’s confirmation of the Israeli narrative, few bothered to draw out the implications, and some, like France2, continued to insist the tree was on the Lebanese side. The New York Times, for example, in a remarkably uninformed article, acknowledged the correction, but ended up repeating the he said … she said dance by quoting Lebanese officials rather than questioning them about the problems. The Wall Street Journal emphasized the efforts of UNIFIL to prevent an incident, without even addressing the disturbing evidence that they collaborated in the ambush, and then took a day to state what they knew from the beginning — that Israel was on its own turf.
On the contrary, everyone, including the Israelis, is backing off drawing the disturbing conclusions. The intelligence officer who briefed reporters off-record refused to draw even the most elemental conclusions from the incident, even negating claims by major Israeli public figures that the incident was an ambush. He admitted that the Lebanese army had an increasing number of Shiites rising up to the rank of officer, and that even if they were not Hezbollah, many of them had family in Hezbollah. Israel so wants this arrangement with UNIFIL and the LAF to work that they play down their own case.The intelligence officer even tried to suggest, without dotting the i’s, that this was a rogue incident. He characterized it as an escalation of the spirit of the commander, a belligerence that has grown in the past weeks, especially since a Shiite commander took over the brigade that patrols this section of the south. He alluded to a Levantine attitude (by which I assume he meant macho behavior), leading Lebanese soldiers to make often imaginative hand gestures at the Israelis (do you bite your thumb at me sir?).Of course sniper fire aimed at a commanding officer in the background (first shot) and RPGs (after a lull) hardly seems constant with escalating the kind of chest-thumping described by the Israeli officer. And the most recent remarks from the Lebanese officer present at last night’s parlay with UNIFIL and an Israeli general make it clear that this came from the top. But theories on just what set of interests set in motion the aggression remain speculative.In the end we have a grave incident which illustrates more clearly than anything that the Lebanese, and Hezbollah in particular, can begin a war any time they want. And that one of the main forces intended to hinder Hezbollah’s belligerence has been deeply compromised from below, from above, from both directions.Indeed, the most widespread speculation is that Hezbollah, via sympathetic members of the LAF, provoked the incident to distract from approaching revelations by the Special UN Tribunal for Lebanon — perhaps even arrests — that would reveal major Hezbollah involvement in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri in 2005.
Nothing better illustrates the cultural differences between Lebanon, the closest thing to a democracy Arab political culture has so far produced, and Israel, the only Western democratic element in the Middle East since the end of World War II. Lebanon, with a thick web of religious, clan, and political solidarities and hostilities, takes war as the norm. Even public statements reflect the kind of tribal us-them rhetoric that fosters conflict. Said the commander of the Lebanese army of the incident: Your brave stand in the face of the treacherous enemy … proved to this enemy that any aggression on our people and land will not pass without a price.He told this to soldiers in the south.So Hezbollah, one of the most religious and most powerful of the factions in Lebanon, risks a war with a more powerful neighbor, in order to distract attention from embarrassing, potentially explosive, revelations about its Machiavellian deeds. They can do so because Israel, rather than explode at the slightest attack, has a high tipping point for violence.This would, on some level, represent a fairly common initial relationship between democracies and strong horse political cultures: they provoke, the democracy shows restraint. What’s so unusual about this conflict is the way the media at best enable and at worst stoke the most bellicose elements by serving as the mouthpiece for their propaganda. It apparently teems with people East and West, for whom journalistic standards are sacrificed in an inexplicable rush to present the warmongers as oppressed underdogs.Richard Landes is a Professor of History at Boston University. He blogs at The Augean Stables, and maintains The Second Draft as an archival site for all matters pertaining to Pallywood and al Durah. The Second Draft has recently been reorganized and relaunched with new features.
August 7, 2010
Is His REAL Agenda To Strangle Oil and Gas Producers?
Here's my theory on Obama's REAL agenda for his drilling Moratorium in the Gulf. In a recent video interview (YouTube), Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal can't seem to fathom Obama's utter indifference to wrecking the offshore oil and gas industry in Louisiana with his dictatorial Moratorium. He can't understand Obama's seemingly utter contempt and indifference to the tens of thousands of Louisiana workers who work for or depend on the oil industry in the Gulf, who will lose their jobs if the Moratorium continues. Governor Jindal is a good but, in this case, somewhat naive man who does not understand that this Moratorium could be a deliberate and ruthless act of political calculation by radical socialists in the Obama administration. Mr. Obama and his cohorts do not like to waste a crisis to promote their radical-socialist agenda. I believe the oil spill presented a perfect opportunity for Obama to take control of and/or strangle the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico, a major source of energy for America. Now why would Obama, President of the United States, want to deliberately strangle oil and gas drilling in the Gulf that would throw thousands of Louisiana oil and gas workers out of a job? Consider this. Obama is a radical socialist. Obama is a student and admirer of the marxist radical community organizer,Saul Alinsky.
As a radical socialist, Obama believes that the end justifies the means. As a radical socialist, he wants to totally control and regulate the American free market. Why? Power. Power to control your life, which is the lust of every elitist radical socialist who believes that HE knows best how we should lead our lives and spend our money. Radical-socialist control of our economy and your life requires having total control over every aspect of our economy (banks, health care, etc.). The oil and gas industry is a crucial sector of our economy.So along comes this oil spill, which, I believe, Obama sees as a perfect opportunity to promote his radical-socialist Agenda by shutting down oil and gas drilling in the Gulf. He hides his secret agenda by claiming that he imposed the Moratorium to prevent other devastating oil spills at other drilling rigs in the Gulf. He needs six months or more to inspect these other drilling rigs for safety. Do we really believe the six months might not turn into a permanent Moratorium to protect the environment? Major oil companies have drilled hundreds of wells in the Gulf over the last 30 years with very few accidents or oil spills, an excellent safety record. When accidents have occurred, the oil companies have paid compensation to the fishermen or other residents who were financially harmed by the spill. End of story.But if your secret agenda is to shut down a major oil-producing sector of our economy, what better cover for your agenda than to pretend that you are concerned about the environment? Then you seem like the good guy who is only trying to protect the pelicans and salt marshes. But it gets worse. Here's another reason Obama might want to deliberately strangle our oil and gas industry. Notice that he is also pushing for cap and trade legislation that would tighten the regulatory noose around our oil and gas industry's neck. What would that accomplish? If oil and gas production in America sharply decreased because of his Moratorium and environmental regulations, then we would have to adopt green energy alternatives that save the environment. Obama promotes the fraudulent notion of global warming to push his radical-left Agenda. If oil and gas production sharply decreased because of his Moratorium and strangling environmental regulations, Obama and his eco-radical cohorts in Congress can then say, See, we don't have enough oil and gas production. We need billions of dollars more in stimulus money to subsidize solar and wind-power systems, which are expensive and inefficient substitutes for oil and gas.
But more important, the oil spill has allowed Obama, through his Moratorium and proposed cap and trade environmental regulations, a perfect excuse to push for total government control over our energy industries, just as he has taken over General Motors, our banking system, our health care system, and more to come. Governor Jindal was rightfully upset and confused about the Moratorium on Gulf oil drilling. His fatal error was in assuming that Obama and his minions have good intentions. But what if they don't? What if their intentions are a deliberate attempt to impose their radical-socialist Agenda on America? Then Obama's actions make perfect sense.
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Saturday, August 07, 2010
Friday, August 06, 2010
Mosque at 9/11 site is International Muslim trophy AUG 5,10 By Laurie Roth
The syndromes and denial on this issue are endless! We are Islamaphobic and simply intolerant to Religious freedom if we don’t support the right for folks to build a multi story, massive, Islamic mosque at ground zero. We all have mental illness and racist/hate genes to Muslims and their rights. After all, the talking heads on this say it will be multi faith don’t they??? Oh….for a minute I forgot that incredible openness by the folks behind this. I REALLY look forward then to visiting the Christian church and Synagogue, proudly displayed also within this huge structure of Religious openness, but of course, that isn’t the plan and never was.Let me cut past all the rubbish on this. The plan of building the mosque at ground zero has nothing at all to do with Religious tolerance. It ONLY has to do with Muslims wanting an international trophy, celebrating the successful and vicious attack on evil America. No matter what the Islamic fundamentalists, politically correct media and confused masses say, the truth and money behind this madness is nothing but a betrayal, sell out and national insult to the American people.It is not Islamaphobia for me to say that Muslim radicals, funded and supported by Al Kae Da and other Muslim relatives, worldwide, in and out of Mosques, schools and Government structures, murdered US citizens. Why did they do that? They had and they still have one motive……USaphobia, Christianaphobia and Jewaphobia! They want control of Western nations, an international caliphate to return again and the complete destruction of America and Israel or our enslavement. Along with the mental and moral illness of Islamic fundamentalism here and abroad, we have even worse with New York officials and decision makers who would dare even allow the discussion of building such a traitorous insult as a Muslim mosque at ground zero…..all because of political correctness and submission to endless manipulation and name calling from the left and Muslim groups. They wouldn’t dream of being Islamaphobic or intolerant,therefore they speed run into stupidville and complete, moronic denial.
It is time if the masses of Muslims in this country are peace loving and decent, to protest putting this mosque at ground zero, period! Open your mouth to sanity and real loyalty to the issues at hand or once again put another stake in the heart of your lying statements of pursuing peace and tolerance. It is obvious for even an immoral, bird brain that the only appropriate thing to put at ground zero is a respectful memorial, honoring the heroism, sacrifice and loss of this horrific attack. The last thing our nation needs is to be mocked by the triumphant and arrogant display of the Islamic trophy, built on our dead body residue at ground zero.We are not an Islamic nation and Sharia law DOES conflict with our constitution, Judeo/Christian values and traditions. Those who want to build something SO COMPLETELY inappropriate are acting only as a mirror reflecting the guts of the enemy to our country. They can all line up and kiss my Islamaphobic grits!!!!
Ex-CIAers to Obama: Israel Might Attack Iran This Month
by Hillel Fendel AUG 5,10
A group of former CIA officials warns U.S. President Obama that Israel might attack Iran even within a month, and that Obama bears responsibility for having praised Netanyahu.We write to alert you to the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran as early as this month, the open letter to Obama begins. This would likely lead to a wider war.The letter, issued on Tuesday by the anti-Iraqi-war VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity), continues: Israel’s leaders would calculate that once the battle is joined, it will be politically untenable for you to give anything less than unstinting support to Israel, no matter how the war started, and that U.S. troops and weaponry would flow freely. Wider war could eventually result in the destruction of the state of Israel.This can be stopped, but only if you move quickly to pre-empt an Israeli attack by publicly condemning such a move before it happens.[emphasis in the original] This is only the second memo VIPS has issued. In February 2003, it released a document criticizing then-U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's famous speech before the United Nations, in which he made the case for war against Iraq by presenting the evidence of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.
Jerusalem Building Projects and the Iran Problem
The letter is distinctly anti-Israel. Its writers - W. Patrick Lang, Larry Johnson, and Ray McGovern, among others – mock Obama for having expressed confidence that Netanyahu would not try to surprise the United States. You may wish to ask Vice President Biden to remind you of the kind of surprises he has encountered in Israel, the letter states – implying that the announcement of progress in a Jerusalem housing project without informing the visiting Biden beforehand is equivalent to a surprise attack on Iraq. Blindsiding has long been an arrow in Israel’s quiver, the CIA veterans write, going back to 1967 to accuse Israel of feign[ing] fear of an imminent Arab attack as justification for starting [the Six Day War] war to seize and occupy Arab territories.Then-Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s closure of the Straits of Tiran, his frequent calls to throw Israel into the sea, and his amassing of 1,000 tanks and nearly 100,000 soldiers on the Israeli border are overlooked in the memorandum, as are the signing of a Jordanian-Egyptian defense pact and Iraqi deployment in Jordan of troops and tanks at Jordan’s invitation a week before war broke out. Forgotten, as well, was the Egyptian Army’s Order of the Day two days before the war plugging Holy War and the re-conquest of the plundered soil of Palestine.The letter notes that Congress has implied support of Israel in case of an Israeli attack, but that a strong public statement by you [Obama], personally warning Israel not to attack Iran would most probably head off such an Israeli move.
Regime Change
The memorandum states that Israel is motivated not by fear of Iranian nuclear power, which it actually has reason to believe that it need not fear, but simply by the desire for regime change in Iran.It accuses Netanyahu of having a contemptuous attitude toward the United States, and at having learned this from Menachem Begin and Ariel Sharon.One would be well advised,the VIPS letter states, to greet with appropriate skepticism any private assurances Netanyahu may have given you that Israel would not surprise you with an attack on Iran.(
BORN IN THE USA? Oops! Obama mama passport destroyed State Dept. claims records gone for Stanley Ann Dunham prior to 1968 August 01, 2010 6:28 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi 2010 WorldNetDaily
Photo from Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro's 1972 passport records
Responding to a Freedom of Information Act request, the State Department has released passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham, President Obama's mother – but records for the years surrounding Obama's 1961 birth are missing. The State Department claims a 1980s General Services Administration directive resulted in the destruction of many passport applications and other nonvital passport records, including Dunham's 1965 passport application and any other passports she may have applied for or held prior to 1965. Destroyed, then, would also be any records shedding light on whether Dunham did or did not travel out of the country around the time of Barack Obama's birth. The claim made in the Freedom of Information response letter that many passport records were destroyed during the 1980s comes despite a statement on the State Department website that Passport Services maintains U.S. passport records for passports issued from 1925 to the present.The records released, however, contain interesting tidbits of new information about Obama's mother, including the odd listing of two different dates and locations for her marriage to Obama's Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.In the released documents Dunham listed both March 15, 1965, in Molokai, Hawaii, and March 5, 1964, in Maui, Hawaii, as the dates and places of her marriage.
Dunham later divorced Lolo Soetoro in Hawaii. The divorce decree took effect Nov. 5, 1980, but the divorce papers do not list the date of the marriage. No marriage certificate between Dunham and Soetoro has yet publicly surfaced, but a released application to amend Dunham's 1965 passport to her married name Stanley Ann Soetoro includes a checked box indicating a passport officer had seen the marriage certificate. The released records also document that on Aug. 13, 1968, Dunham applied to have her 1965-issued passport renewed for two years, until July 18, 1970.
Under 22 USC Sec. 217a, from 1959 through 1968, passports were initially issued for three years, but they could be renewed for an additional two years.
Obama, by any other name
Also revealed by the released records is a heretofore unknown, alternative name for Barack Obama.In the 1968 application to renew her 1965 passport, Dunham listed as her son Barack Hussein Obama, including in parenthesis below the name, Soebarkah, in what appears to be a variation of an Indonesian surname not previously associated in the public record with the president.For some unexplained reason, the designation of Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah)is crossed off the 1968 application by five handwritten, diagonal hash marks.
S. Ann Dunham in Indonesia
Dunham also appears to have used two different variations of her name in obtaining and amending passports while married to Lolo Soetoro: Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro and, without her maiden name, Stanley Ann Soetoro.On April 27, 1981, Dunham applied from Jakarta, Indonesia, for a U.S. passport, indicating that she was in Indonesia working on a two-year contract from the Ford Foundation, from January 1981 through December 1982.At that time, Dunham was working on a microfinance program for the Ford Foundation, which was overseen by Peter Geithner, the father of Timothy Geithner, the current U.S. secretary of the treasury.Ann Dunham's occupation in the 1981 passport application was listed as Program Officer, Ford Foundation.No passport records subsequent to 1986 for Ann Dunham were released, though presumably a passport was issued following her 1986 application, such that the 10-year period prior to expiration would have extended one year past her death. Dunham died Nov. 7, 1995, and was known to have been in Indonesia in 1994 when an Indonesian doctor first misdiagnosed as indigestion the first signs of the ovarian cancer that was the cause of her death the following year.The released documents shed no light on proving or disproving whether Dunham might have held a passport prior to Barack Obama's birth that she could have used to travel to Kenya for his birth, as has been speculated in the absence of the release of Obama's long-form birth certificate from Hawaii.The State Department released the Dunham passport documents July 29, responding to a Freedom of Information request submitted by Christopher Strunk, a New York resident who has actively pursued obtaining documents regarding Obama's birth and his eligibility to be president under the natural born citizen requirement of Section 1, Article 2 of the United States Constitution. The Dunham documents have been archived on the Internet.
The controversy continues
A prominent array of commentators, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, Lou Dobbs, Peter Boyles and WND's Chuck Norris and Pat Boone have all said unequivocally and publicly that the Obama eligibility issue continues to be legitimate and worthy.Longtime New York radio talker Lynn Samuels did the same.We don't even know where he was born,she said.I absolutely believe he was not born in this country.WND has reported on multiple legal challenges to Obama's status as a natural born citizen.The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.Some of the lawsuits question whether Obama was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time. Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born.Further, others question his citizenship by virtue of his attendance in Indonesian schools during his childhood and question on what passport did he travel to Pakistan three decades ago.Adding fuel to the fire is Obama's persistent refusal to release documents that could provide answers and his appointment of lawyers to defend against all requests for his documentation.While his supporters cite an online version of a Certification of Live Birth from Hawaii as his birth verification, critics point out such documents actually were issued for children not born in the state.
Russia fires pose nuclear threat
MATEJ HRUSKA Today AUG 6,10 @ 09:25 CET
The Russian government warned on Thursday (6 August) that raging wildfires could pose a nuclear threat to neighbouring countries, with the natural disaster already spilling across Russian borders in terms of food markets.Russian emergencies minister Sergei Shoigu said heat from fires in the Bryansk region near the frontier with Belarus and Ukraine, which was contaminated following the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, could release harmful radioactive particles into the atmosphere.
Chernobyl - Heat from fires near the frontier with Belarus and Ukraine, which was contaminated following the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, could release harmful radioactive particles i (Photo: Ratcliff, Trey)In the event of a fire there, radionuclides could rise [into the air] together with combustion particles, resulting in a new pollution zone, he explained on national television.Russia earlier this week removed radioactive material from the Sarov nuclear weapons research centre in the Nizhny Novgorod region as a precaution. It also shifted conventional artillery rockets from a garrison near Naro-Fominsk, southwest of Moscow.The fires, which have already killed 50 people, have also destroyed millions of hectares of crops, leaving Russians in doubt on food security as wheat prices continue to rise.Russia wants to tame domestic prices by banning grain sales abroad from 15 August to 31 December, in what is the international grain market's fourth largest exporter. The ban is to apply to exports of maslin, rye, corn, barley, wheat and rye flour.We shouldn't allow domestic prices in Russia to rise, and we need to preserve our cattle and build up supplies for next year, Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Thursday while announcing the ban.Mr Putin also proposed that Kazakhstan and Belarus, Russia's partners in a tentative customs union, should join the ban. The announcement sent wheat prices to a two-year high on the international commodities market.
The Russian agriculture ministry has recently lowered the country's 2010 grain harvest forecast to between 70 million and 75 million tonnes. The previous forecasts were between 85 million and 90 million tonnes.The zone of high pressure above Russia which has caused the fires is also affecting weather in central Europe and is responsible for high rainfall in other parts of the region since early May, the Financial Times reported.The rainfall has caused flooding in Hungary, Slovakia and Romania, leaving more than 300 homes damaged beyond repair in Hungary and at least 20dead in Romania.Floods are also affecting the local agricultural industry. Hungary's wheat harvest is reportedly 20 percent down on last year. Slovakia's farmers also expect below average yields.
Report: UN Teaches Jihad in Jerusalem
by Maayana Miskin AUG 6,10
The Palestinian Authority continues to incite young schoolchildren to armed struggle against Israel in its textbooks – textbooks that are used by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) to teach incitement in Israel's capital city, says investigative reporter David Bedein, who spoke in an interview with Arutz Sheva's Hebrew-language news service.The books in question include passages praising terrorists killed while attacking Israel as martyrs. They also teach children that Arabs descended from those who fled Israel during the War of Independence have a right to return to Israel.Bedein's finding that the textbooks in Arab schools in Jerusalem are as problematic as those used in PA schools elsewhere is backed by a frank interview with PA Minister of Education Lamis al-Alami, who spoke with a member of Bedein's investigative team and told her that the textbooks provided by the PA for UNRWA schools are the precisely the same in Jerusalem as in Ramallah, Shechem and Gaza.These books discuss war against Israel, martyrs, the right of return. It's the first education system since the Third Reich which prepares its pupils to demonize Jews and to wage war against the Jews Bedein said.He invited listeners to verify his story for themselves, saying, Go to book stores on Salah a-Din street [a major road in eastern Jerusalem – ed.] and compare the books you see there to those sold in Ramallah and Gaza. It's the same thing, books engaged in racist incitement against the Jewish people.
Arab schools in Jerusalem receive funding from the Jerusalem municipality. UNRWA schools in Jerusalem and elsewhere receive much of their funding from 38 nations, primarily from the United States and the European Union. Two UNRWA facilities are located inside Jerusalem - in the neighborhoods of Shuafat and Kalandia.Bedein first raised the issue of incitement in Jerusalem schools 10 years ago. Among those he spoke to was former prime minister Ehud Olmert, then mayor of Jerusalem, who responded at a news conference to Bedein's question with little concern.They can teach what they want, and we'll teach what we want,Olmert said about incitement in the PA school books being used by Arab schools with funding from the Jerusalem municipality and the Israel Ministry of Education.Bedein expressed hope that current Israeli leaders will now eact differently. Three officials have the power to change the situation, he said – Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, Education Minister Gidon Saar and Education Committee head Zevulun Orlev.A new film, For the Sake of Nakba, details the connection between the UNRWA and PA incitement. Bedein and the research agency that he heads, the Center For Near East Policy Research,, produced the new movie in response to a challenge to prove the reports of incitement in UNRWA schools. The video was recently screened on Capitol Hill. It is based on first-hand testimony from PA leaders and teachers and students in UN schools. It will also be shown at the Orthodox Union's Israel Center in Jerusalem Tuesday August 10th at 11:30 a.m., followed by For the Sake of Allah, Bedein's film about what Hamas prisoners say they would do if released.
Samaria Warns Central Israel: Don't be the Next Sderot
by Maayana Miskin AUG 6,10
The Samaria Residents' Council is reaching out to central Israel to warn residents of the dangers they could face in case of a withdrawal from Samaria. On the anniversary of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, council activists traveled to Petach Tikva, Raanana, Hadera, Netanya, Herziliya and Kfar Saba to remind those living there of the fate suffered by those living near Gaza when Israeli civilians and soldiers were no longer present in the area.After the Disengagement from Gaza, terrorists in the area increased the scope and frequency of their attacks on Israeli towns nearby. A short time later Hamas was victorious in the PA elections, and in 2007 the terrorist group seized control of Gaza, eventually waging war on all of southern Israel during the Cast Lead battle in early 2009.The Samaria Residents' Council handed out flyers and set up information booths to spread its message: by saving Samaria, residents of central Israel will be saving themselves as well. The flyers included contact information and an invitation to call to learn more.Council member Benny Katzover, a longtime Land of Israel activist, said response to the campaign has been positive. We see a lot of support on the street,he said. Residents of central Israel have grown to understand that the Jewish towns on the hills of Samaria protect them, he explained.
Many residents of central Israel have been convinced to come see Samaria first hand, Katzover reported. Others have joined in the campaign and taken an active role in fighting to preserve Jewish life in the region.Those who decided to see Samaria for themselves were taken on the same tour given to ministers, MKs, and journalists who have agreed to visit Samaria in recent months. Among other things, they saw the award-winning Hararei Kedem vineyard in Yitzhar, and learned about the production of goat cheese at a farm in Itamar.They were also taken to Mitzpeh Shloshet Hayamim, which overlooks the Dead Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee).The tours given to MKs and journalists have been proven a success. A popular broadcaster who took one of the tours described the experience as an awareness revolution,while another participant, a columnist for Maariv newspaper, decided to move to the Samaria town of Nofim.(
US Report on Terror Says Israel's Cast Lead Was a Success
by Maayana Miskin AUG 6,10
The United States State Department has released its annual report on worldwide terrorism. The report found that the number of terrorist attacks worldwide, and the number of people killed in such attacks was much lower in 2009 than just three years earlier. However, threats remain, said the document, which mentioned Al-Qaeda and Iran as central figures in the global terror threat.There were 10,999 terrorist attacks worldwide in 2009, down from 14,443 in 2006. Terror attacks claimed 14,971 victims in 2009, down from 23,000 in 2006.The report cited Israel as a success story, pointing out that four Israelis were killed by terrorists in 2009, down from 27 in 2008. Israel's Cast Lead counterterrorism operation in Gaza in the beginning of 2009 led to a dramatic decrease in the frequency of attacks from the area.The report gave Lebanon mixed reviews. The Lebanese government took steps to curb terrorism within its borders including stronger monitoring in and around Palestinian refugee camps,the report found. However, its border with Syria remained a problem related to arms smuggling,and Hizbullah continued its acquisition of smuggled arms... in violation of UN resolution 1701.The Lebanese government continued to recognize Hizbullah, a US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, as a legitimate resistance group and political party,the report stated.Egypt was praised for its active opposition to terrorism.However, the report noted that Egypt's Sinai region has become a hotbed for terrorism and criminal activity. The area was a base for the smuggling of arms and explosives into Gaza... [Smuggling] has created criminal networks that may be associated with terrorist groups in the region.
Al-Qaeda: Biggest Threat
The Al-Qaeda terrorist organization poses the biggest threat to the United States, according to the State Department. The group's Iraq branch suffered several losses in Iraq, and lost support among Iraqi civilians, but its branches in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen remain strong. Its leaders continue to plot attacks on the US and on American interests worldwide.The group has proved itself to be adaptable and resilient, the report said, and its core in Pakistan remained the most formidable terrorist organization targeting the US homeland.Al-Qaeda has lost some support in Iraq and in the Muslim world as a whole, the report said, in particular in response to terrorist attacks that kill local Muslims. However, the organization has increased its attempts to recruit members in Europe and North America, with some success.
Iran: Biggest Terror Sponsor
Iran remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism in 2009, the report said. Iran's financial, material and logistic support for terrorist and militant groups throughout the Middle East and Central Asia had a direct impact on international efforts to promote peace, threatened economic stability in the Gulf, and undermined the growth of democracy, it stated.Among the terrorist groups receiving funding, weapons, and training from Iran are Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, Hizbullah, Shiite Muslim groups in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Iran has also refused to put senior members of Al-Qaeda on trial.Another major sponsor of terrorism is Syria, which publicly condemns terrorism but insists that many organizations that target civilians are actually national liberation movements and not terrorist groups. Syria provides a safe haven for members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PFLP, and provides material support to Hizbullah.(
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -2.52
10:00 AM -31.33
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12:00 PM -129.64
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01:30 PM -139.94
02:00 PM -132.37
02:30 PM -123.02
03:00 PM -71.47
03:30 PM -35.60
04:00 PM -21.42 10,653.56
S&P 500 1121.64 -4.17
NASDAQ 2288.47 -4.59
GOLD 1,206.70 +7.40
OIL 80.90 +1.11
TSE 300 11,800.00 +25.20
CDNX 1465.48 +6.41
S&P/TSX/60 689.08 +1.86
Dow -89 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -157 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,208.60.OIL opens at $81.20 today.
Dow -157 points at low today so far.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
Dow -157 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today.
Marmara Returns to Turkey
by Elad Benari AUG 5,10
The Mavi Marmara, the Turkish passenger ship that participated in the Gaza aid flotilla and on which the IDF raid which left nine Turkish citizens dead took place on May 31, was towed out of the Haifa port on Thursday. The ship was towed a large Turkish tug boat which had been sent to collect it.The return of the Marmara was enabled following an agreement that was reached between Turkey and Israel.The ship was transferred a few days ago from a pier which docks ships that had been seized, to another pier reserved for civilian ships. There, the Marmara underwent renovations and final preparations in order to be returned to Turkey.Two additional boats from the flotilla which were seized by the navy during the raid were also due to be towed out of the southern port of Ashdod and returned to Turkey. In a statement released on Thursday, Israel’s Defense Ministry said: Three Turkish towing ships will arrive in Israel today. Their crews will receive three vessels anchored in Israel along with the personal equipment that was aboard them.The statement added that the ships were transferred to the Turkish delegates following a decision by Israel’s political leadership and by the request of Turkish authorities. It emphasized that the ships tried to break the naval blockade on the Hamas government in Gaza.
Israel’s Foreign Ministry sent a letter to Turkish officials, in which it expressed expectations that Ankara will prevent any more ships from attempting to breach the naval blockade on the Strip, and added that Israel regularly transfers goods into Gaza via land crossings.Earlier this week, Israel agreed to participate in a United Nations inquiry into the flotilla. The Inner Cabinet of seven ministers voted to allow the panel access to material gathered by two Israeli committees, one which has completed a report on the IDF and the other being the Turkel committee, which is examining the incident from military and political perspectives.The United Nations inquiry committee will be headed by former New Zealand Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer and will include representatives from Israel, Turkey and the United States.
IDF: Hamas Constantly Trying to Abduct Jews in Judea, Samaria
by Gil Ronen AUG 5,10
Terror organizations in Judea and Samaria – first and foremost Hamas – are constantly trying to carry out abductions of Jewish soldiers or civilians, IDF sources said Thursday.The IDF has learned that Hamas elements in Judea and Samaria are stepping up attempts to carry out a kidnapping in order to assist the general Palestinian struggle.They are being encouraged by Hamas's headquarters in Damascus.
Military experts estimate that the abduction planned for Judea and Samaria will not be modeled on the Gilad Shalit abduction in 2006, in that the terrorists will not seek to hold a live hostage. Instead, they would rather abduct their victim, kill him, and then negotiate for his return, while creating uncertainty regarding the hostage's condition.The IDF has identified concrete attempts at kidnapping, but military sources said that until now, whenever an infrastructure for abducting soldiers was established, Israeli security forces foiled the plot immediately.Recent cases in which Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria reported attempted abductions were not carried out by terror groups, the sources said, but criminally motivated carjackings.(
Israeli Tourist Presence in Turkey: 10% of What it was in 2009
by Maayana Miskin AUG 5,10
Israeli tourism to Turkey has dropped by 90% compared to the summer of 2009, officials at the Turkish Tourism Ministry have reported. Israeli tourism to Turkey was considered unusually low in 2009. 2,600 Israeli citizens visited Turkey in June of 2010, compared to 27,000 in June of 2009. The drop in Israeli tourism has had a negative impact on the Turkish economy, which has lost an estimated $400 million.In 2008, a record year for Israeli Turkey tourism, a total of 500,000 Israelis visited Turkey.Tourism dropped sharply in 2009 after Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan harshly condemned Israel over the Cast Lead counterterrorism operation in Gaza, and canceled a joint air exercise. According to official statistics, there was a 33% drop in the number of air travelers from Israel to Turkey in 2009. Tensions only increased in 2010 when Turkey sent a boat manned by members of the IHH terrorist group as part of a flotilla aimed at breaking Israel's naval closure against Hamas-led Gaza. The Turkish activists attacked IDF soldiers who boarded the boat, leading to a clash in which nine Turkish citizens were killed and two IDF soldiers badly wounded.While the National Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Bureau has approved civilian travel to Turkey, IDF officers and soldiers are forbidden to visit the country.(
Dayan: Israel Must Fight to Win
by Hillel Fendel AUG 5,10
Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan, former head of the National Security Council, says that the recent skirmish in Lebanon that exacted the price of one dead officer and another seriously wounded one must serve as a general warning bell: Wars have to be fought in order to win.Our immediate response of firing back at the Lebanese forces who attacked us on Monday was correct, Dayan told Arutz-7’s Benny Tucker. But there must be a more comprehensive military response as well. Over the course of just a few days, we had rockets from Gaza at Sderot, rockets into Eilat, and now the incident in Lebanon. It’s clear that this was not just a coincidence - and our response must be carried out accordingly.Dayan: You can’t solve everything with force – but you have to know how to use your force. Clearly, our deterrence is still strong, and that’s why Hamas sends others to do their work [such as with the rockets to Eilat], and the like... The same in Lebanon: I don't believe that the incident there was the result of one anonymous Lebanese officer. I’m certain it was part of a wider initiative – and that’s why our response must be across-the-board.Our response need not be immediate,Dayan said. We must wait for the right time, and then strike back hard.
Ceasefire is not Good Enough
Dayan is critical of UN Resolution 1701 – the ceasefire that ended the Second Lebanon War in 2006. 1701 has not produced the goods for us, he said. He added that Israel's leaders at the time (Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, whom he did not mention by name) very much wanted to show that we had won the war, and 1701 was their proof. But the fact is that it has not succeeded, and certainly does nothing to solve the open borders between Syria and Lebanon… We may have thought that the Lebanese was not our enemy [and that our only enemy was Hizbullah], but that's not true.You can’t solve everything with force – but you have to know how to use your force. I hope that next time, we will make sure to complete the job, and in Gaza as well. In war, you have to go all the way; limited results are not good enough. You can’t waste time like we did in the Lebanon War, when we waited a few weeks and then ran a strong ground offensive which we didn’t even get to finish; you have to do that at the beginning.In addition,Dayan added, we have to go after the leadership of Hamas and Hizbullah, and destroy them. In Lebanon, not a single Hizbullah leader was hurt.It’s true that [if we fight hard] there is likely to be an investigative committee and the like, but that will happen in any event. The world likes those who win – and then there will also be less diplomatic activity against us.(
Monkeys on Cocaine! National emergency and Stimulus money AUG 3,10 By Laurie Roth
Frankly it sounds like large chunk of congress and the White House is on cocaine. We have had it preached to us until we have gagged that the hundreds of billions being spent on stimulus money the last few years would create jobs, stimulate the ailing economy and was not waste. Right along side with this national emergency, spending orgy were the promises of Obama from the beginning that taxes wouldn’t rise.Now, Republican Senators have released a report which shows more of the moronic priorities of this congress and administration. Let us look at a few of these non waste national emergencies that had to have tax payer funds to stimulate.
$71, 623 was awarded to study cocaine and its affects on monkeys. Gee, I can save them money on this one. My Ph.D. is in alcohol and Drugs/counseling. There is 100% probability that the monkeys will act high if given Cocaine. Now, can we take the $71,623 to invest in a small business to actually create a few jobs? Researchers who received the grant say this will help public health to look more closely at cocaine addiction and relapse. Dr. Roth must weigh in again. Not only will the monkeys get high with cocaine it is safe to say they would want to take it again if it felt good. That doesn’t take a Ph.D. Masters, B.A. or high school diploma to figure that out. Apparently if you are a progressive, democrat, and politician it is 100% impossible to figure this out. You must first spend massive money (excuse me….other people’s money) to tell you the obvious.There was $300.000 to study if yoga can reduce hot flashes with breast cancer survivors. Can’t the therapist or Doctor just try yoga or another physical activity to see if it helps? Why does this have to be a study with tax payer funds?One of my favorites, along with the San Francisco Bay Mouse getting millions and the underground Turtle tunnel in Florida priority was the California Academy of Sciences getting $1 million to capture, photograph and study tons of exotic ants. This would be done in Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and East Africa. Once again, this is a national emergency….NO….international emergency that U.S. tax payers have to fund. BP also got a truck load of $308 million to help build a California power plant that they won’t start building for two years. So, eventually a few jobs would be made several years from now.
There are more dimensions of endless waste.
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) has overspent for summer employment programs over $56 million over the past two years. This is just in D.C. alone, where the SYEP continues to overspend and get more and more money from the Government as accountability looks the other way.It is most clear with this congress and the Obama administration that progressive liberal goals will always be a funded, redistribution of wealth’ priority for America. As long as they are spending money on Turtle tunnels, mice, bridges to nowhere, ants in Africa, environmental plants and monkeys doing drugs, they are happy. They are even happier if millions more can be spent on pushing gay marriage, more abortions and assisted suicide.
My small suggestion for research projects would include:
1.Find a shaver that will remove leg stubble for more than a few hours. This would improve marriage and intimacy.
2.See if parachuting men in drag in Muslim war zones would shock the enemy into surrendering.
3.Have congress replaced by Dogs, where they would bite the bad guys, mark their corners, unclog the courts and stop spending. Wouldn’t this get our country out of debt in 4 years?
Judging from just a few of the chosen projects and spending priorities in the face of severe recessions, we would do better with an Alzheimer’s ward in congress. Certainly one wonders if many are on cocaine. We must vote most of them out at the mid terms and hire a new President year 4.
The proof is everywhere from statements and affidavits from Government parliament sources and Obama’s own Grandmother who says she saw him born in a hospital in Mombassa Kenya. The former ambassador to Kenya says Obama was born in Mombassa Kenya, so do others. Check out the affidavits at and join Phil Berg and other concerned citizens for a huge eligibility protest march May 29th 12-4pm.
OBAMA WATCH CENTRAL-Kenya gives Obama abortion, Islamic courts-President's administration spent $23 million getting yes vote on new constitution Posted: August 05, 2010 1:00 am Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi 2010 WorldNetDaily
Sen. Barack Obama with Raila Odinga
Kenya today gave President Obama a much-wanted birthday present, voting overwhelmingly to pass a constitutional referendum that would legitimize for the first time abortions and Islamic courts in the nation. With 63 percent of the provincial vote counted as of 5:45 p.m. ET, the Yes vote appeared to be a runaway winner, gaining 66 percent of the 5 million votes counted, with the No vote totaling only 34 percent. WND previously reported the Obama administration spent $23 million of U.S. Aid funds to support the Yes vote in the referendum, despite congressional protests. In response to inquiries from Reps. Chris Smith, R-N.J.; Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Florida; and Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the U.S. Agency for International Development admitted to spending more than $23 million of U.S. taxpayer money to influence voters in Kenya to pass the highly controversial constitution. Despite denials, the Obama administration's funding to support passage of the controversial Kenyan proposed constitution is clear,Jeff Sagnip, spokesman for Rep. Smith, told WND in an e-mail over the weekend. It constitutes U.S. monetary interference in a sovereign nation's voting process. If passed the constitution would dramatically alter existing pro-life laws.
Sagnip pointed out that the proposed constitution would water down existing constitutional prohibitions on abortion except to save life. The new plan would permit abortion when in the opinion of a trained health professional, there is need for emergency treatment or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law.Sagnip characterized the language as obviously vague and riddled with blatant loopholes.The New York Times quoted Johnnie Carson, the assistant secretary of state for African affairs, as claiming that a very small percentage of the civic education grants made by the U.S. Agency for International Development in Kenya have gone to groups advocating for a Yes vote, but that this was an accident and an error.Yet, according to Rep. Smith's office, the Inspector General of the U.S. Agency for International Development had 10 programs with direct ties to supporting the Yes vote that the Obama administration had funded in Kenya, including the following:$94,133 to the Provincial Peace Forum in Rift Valley to build on previous activities in the North Rift as an entry point for a YES campaign on the constitution.
$91,106.66 to the Central Organization of Trade Unions to marshal a coalition of pro-Constitution individuals, institutions, and organizations to drum up political support for the Proposed Constitution by organizing a public rally at the historic Kamukunji Grounds, Nairobi.Kenyan constitutional referendum would establish official Islamic courts The proposed constitution also would give legal status to what are known as Kadhi Courts, constituting an Islamic judicial structure within the overall structure of the Kenyan legal structure, to resolve disputes between Muslims under Shariah law. Critics have charged that the constitutional provision to codify Kadhi Courts would violate the separation of state and religion by allowing Islamic law to have official legal status within a special category of Islamic courts that bear constitutionally specified legal authority. WND previously has reported that in the 2007 presidential campaign in Kenya, Raila Odinga, the presidential candidate of the Orange Democratic Party, and, like Obama a fellow Luo tribesman, had signed an undisclosed memorandum of understanding with radical Muslims in Kenya to expand Shariah law within Kenya in exchange for Muslim support of his presidential candidacy. As reported by Ecumenical News International in the U.K., many Kenyans believe the provision in the proposed Kenyan constitution referendum designed to establish constitutional status for Kadhi courts is a fulfillment of that agreement that Odinga made with Shiek Abdullah Abdi, the chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, or NAMLEF, in Kenya.
Obama's links to Odinga
The Obama administration's funding of Kenyan internal politics appears to follow a pattern then-Sen. Barack Obama first set on his 2006 Senate-funded visit to Kenya.
During that trip in 2006, Obama campaigned so openly for Odinga that Kenyan government spokesman Alfred Mutua went on Kenyan television on behalf of Kenyan President Kibaki to object that Obama was meddling inappropriately in Kenyan politics, as WND previously reported. WND reported in 2008 that then-Sen. Barack Obama raised almost $1 million for Odinga during the run-up to Kenya's 2007 presidential election. Also as WND previously reported, Odinga called for protests over alleged voter fraud during the December 2007 Kenyan presidential election, with the resulting protest violence leaving an estimated 1,000 members of the dominant Kikuyu tribe in Kenya dead and an estimated 500,000 displaced from their homes. In a horrifying incident following the election, at least 50 people, including women and children, were killed when an angry mob forced Kikuyu Christians into an Assembly of God Pentecostal church in the village of Eldoret, about 185 miles northwest of Nairobi, and set fire to the church, hacking with machetes any of the Christians who attempted to escape the flames.
In the final days of the New Hampshire Democratic primary, after the post-election violence in Kenya, Obama told reporters he continued to remain in contact with Odinga by telephone. Obama did not object to Odinga's continued push to share the head of state with President Mwai Kibaki despite his electoral defeat in the Kenyan 2007 presidential election. Instead, then-Sen. Obama worked with former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan to end the violence in Kenya by creating for Odinga the position of prime minister, a position that was not defined in the Kenyan constitution, in order for Odinga to become co-head of state alongside Kibaki. As recently as this May, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the top prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, was in Kenya to investigate the possibility of bringing criminal charges against both Kenyan Kibaki and Odinga for their roles in the post-election violence.
Batching it on Barry’s Home Alone Birthday
By Judi McLeod Thursday, August 5, 2010 CANADA FREE PRESS
It was Barry’s Birthday yesterday. It had to be Barry’s birthday because there is no such thing as Barack, save for the Manchurian candidate knockoff designed by a couple of autobiographies and the fill-in-the-blank entity designed by the Global Elite.The closest thing we have in knowing there really was a Barack before Barack Obama, President is because he was the Chicago senator who voted present 129 times before stepping into the light from the dark when he ran as POTUS. For this year’s birthday, Barry wanted you to think he was batching it in Chicago without the wife and girls. Mainstream media who wrote that he was Home Alone should have more correctly written Home Alone in His Lair. A little more than 1.2 million people of the more than 69 million who voted him in purportedly wished Barack a Happy Birthday.Thank you for the Birthday Card and the well wishes. It means so much to receive kind words from so many people, were the words on Barack’s FaceBook page last night.
Someone should move in quickly to market those one point 2 million people as they would buy anything.So why were Michelle and her youngest daughter in Spain while the elder daughter was away at summer camp during Daddy’s Big Day? Because you were with your Dad on his Birthday, and it’s always fun to throw a slap in the face on tradition, particularly when it’s not your birthday anyway.Like so many of the global elite who like symbolism, the passive aggressive Barry likes to play the numbers game.World Net Daily’s commenter Joe Kovacs noted that this year there was no smiley face like last year’s WND birthday screen shot on Obama’s official Myspace page. (CFP calls Joe a commenter because that’s what WND calls CFP columnists whose columns they are referring to). The smiley face is MySpace’s way of noting a hopeful mood.It’s not just MySpace where a smiley face is missing. There are few smiley faces these days in Obama’s America.There were, however, lots of smirks going around yesterday when Missouri said a collective No! to ObamaCare.As Kovacs points out, According to Barack Obama’s official MySpace page, he’s not getting older, he’s actually getting younger by a total of four years.Watch for Michelle to be a decade younger when her birthday rolls round again.So until yesterday the MySpace page had Obama as 52 until he returned on Barry’s Birthday to a younger sounding 48.Mind you, he can’t be the first Metrosexual to make himself 49 instead of 53.Here are the numbers that matter most. At 1 minute after 12 midnight on Barry’s Birthday, CFP’s countdown until Obama leaves office showed 900 days, 11 hours and 59 minutes.Today we’re down to 899 and still counting.As it the Countdown Clock started off on November 4, 2008 with 1,460 days, that’s real Hope & Change in real time.Whether 52 or 48, in the words of someone close to us WHATEVER!, some day soon Barry will go down in history as the President Who Never Was.
Gradualism: Creeping Corruption of Climate Science and Society?
By Dr. Tim Ball Thursday, August 5, 2010 CANADA FREE PRESS
It is simplistically said that change occurs by evolution or revolution. This put President Obama on the spot because he was planning revolution but anything faster than evolution raised red flags for a majority of people. Obama was forced to challenge the cardinal rule of stealth politics. Don’t do anything too extreme or too quickly. It appears the genius of the US Constitution is that there are sufficient elections to put a stop to legislative revolution. Drift too far and too fast from the will of the people and the next election will allow them to express their concern.It is another reason for term limits, especially for the President. Given anything beyond a two-term stretch and Obama could rely on gradualism to achieve an evolutionary change. Of course, the Founding Fathers also assumed the Media would fulfill their role using the First Amendment that prevented any legislation to inhibit free speech or freedom of the press. They have failed and many are going out of business because of their failure. Meanwhile Internet blogs have replaced them and like the pamphlets in early times bring ideas and exposure to the people. It is why China controls the Internet. All this forced him to bypass the legislative process and use executive orders and other techniques to achieve his revolution. Given more time Obama could have relied on gradualism, the process by which a group of people can slowly drift into bizarre patterns of behavior. (Source, and Source)Beyond the political machinations of Maurice Strong and the formation of the IPCC, how did so many scientists at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) become embroiled in the shameful and willful perversion of climate science that was exposed in Climategate? Groupthink is one explanation, but that only reinforces the process. How did they read and send emails that discussed personal attacks, non-disclosure of data, and most destructively, corruption of the quality control process of peer review? Who was the whistleblower and why has the person not been exposed? Since the emails were first sent to Paul Hudson, former Met Office employee working at the BBC, surely a quick search of his emails would reveal the source. Surely, this cries out for somebody doing some good investigative journalism. The fact it is not happening suggests the guilt by inaction of the mainstream media.
What is Gradualism?
Many years ago my wife and I were introduced to a woman who in conversation over the next half hour told us her adult life history. It was an amazing tale and at the end the woman looked at us and said, I know what you are thinking. Without waiting for a reply she said, You are thinking, you silly woman, how did you get yourself in such a mess? Which was entirely accurate. Again without waiting for a response she said something that has made me rethink history and many other events. You have to realize that what I am telling you in 30 minutes took 20 years to occur. I call the process gradualism.Historical events are learned about in minutes or at most hours, but actually evolve over months and years, even centuries. For example, English students learn that Henry VIII declared England Protestant, so in their minds all England became Protestant overnight. Truth is there are still Catholic holdouts and some are now advocating making the country officially Catholic again.A similar situation occurs in families. An event occurs that one or other partner thinks about but decides is not worth mentioning or confronting. This sets in motion a pattern as similar events occur but are bypassed. Later someone examining the situation from outside is stunned by what has become a normal pattern of behavior to the family .
Gradualism at the CRU
Hubert Lamb founder of the CRU apparently identified the point at which the corrupt direction of the group began. in his autobiography, Through all the Changing Scenes of Life he wrote that, The research project which I had put forward to the Rockefeller Foundation was awarded a handsome grant, but it sadly came to grief over an understandable difference of scientific judgment between me and the scientist, Dr. Tom Wigley, whom we appointed to take charge of the research. Wigley became Director of CRU in 1978 and began the process that led to the connections with the IPCC and the machinations that culminated in the final disclosure in the leaked emails. He surrounded himself with acolytes and involved them in the process, for example he took Phil Jones with him to the formation meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1985. His cemented his pivotal role by obtaining the funding as he explained in his 1990 appearance in the movie The Greenhouse Conspiracy. As we now know, that came in large amounts and undoubtedly cemented people to the group and bought silence. How often does money become the tying issue in a family situation? The pattern of the emails shows a few questions about what is happening, but gradualism is now operating as they are brushed aside. They also show Wigley continuing as the centre even though he has moved to America. The party held for Wigley on June 19th 2009 in Colorado showed the degree of connection.Climategate: It took someone with a conscience to expose the corruption
It appears that concern about what was happening did bother somebody and my view is, it was Keith Briffa.
He was the one who seemed to step aside and look at what was going on. An attempt at whitewash has failed because once exposed the pattern of behavior is so illogical that it is seen for what it is by all but the narcissists who function effectively in such environments.Obama’s pattern of behavior will not be seen as insidious by ideologues and narcissists within his group. Because he has limited time his haste and methods have made more people than usual aware of what is happening. Imagine what would have happened if the climate scientists at the CRU were forced to publicly explain what they were doing. Instead the system allowed them to avoid normal standards of scientific behavior and courtesy by refusing to disclose data and methods, to avoid Freedom of Information requests. It took someone with a conscience to expose the corruption, but they are not always around or are easily intimidated. It’s why we need a whistleblower law in a supposedly open society.
Obama Stimulus Didn’t End Our Economic Misery, It Merely Postponed It
By Fred Dardick Thursday, August 5, 2010 CANADA FREE PRESS
Democrats insist their nearly trillion dollar stimulus package was successful in preventing the nation from sliding into another Great Depression. While that is overstating the matter a bit, I would agree the economy required a much needed boost that only the federal government could provide, especially considering the Dow hit rock bottom at 6,547 in March 2009. Something big was needed, if for no other reason than to convince investors that the world wasn’t going to end with Obama’s election –investors are, after all, a forward looking group and I highly doubt many believed Obama would be good for business.What could have been a beneficial investment in our nation’s future, turned bad when Democrats in Washington chose for themselves who would get the money. Not surprisingly, instead of businesses and investors receiving tax breaks to spur private sector job creation, the majority of stimulus funds were directed to state and local governments, politically connected unions and pork projects that only a politician could love.Because of the Democrat’s poor choices, the $787 billion in borrowed Chinese money hasn’t ended our economic misery, but merely postponed it.
Did Joe Biden Reveal a Secret White House Plan to Socialize America?
We are already seeing the consequences of the Democrats reckless spending in the elevated unemployment rate. What was unimaginable not so long ago, economists now predict unemployment in the 10% range for years to come, if not permanently. Vice President Joe Biden’s comment that he did not expect the 5 million jobs lost during the recession to return is particularly illuminating. To believe the $14.3 trillion U.S. economy would be unable to create a measly 5 mil jobs seems ludicrous at first glance.There is only one reason for anyone to expect unemployment to remain permanently elevated, namely the socialization of America along the lines of Europe, where 10% unemployment is the norm. I can think of no other explanation. It is as though Biden’s admission regarding the lost jobs means Obama’s secret plan to socialize America isn’t so secret in the White House.
Obama Saved the Wrong 3 Million Jobs
The bad economic news starts with the so-called 3 million saved or created jobs that Obama often mentions. In some respects, he is correct… millions of jobs were saved, but unfortunately for us, they were the wrong jobs. What Obama is referring to is the millions of overpaid public sector employees that get to keep their position at the public trough, while the rest of us in private industry don’t seem to matter.
Over the past couple of years while the private sector has been cutting jobs to survive, the federal government, flush with stimulus cash, has added 300,000 to the payroll. The same can be said of state and local governments. Rather than face up to economic reality by making budget cuts, many have used federal stimulus funds to keep their bloated workforce in place while some have even hired on additional personnel.Approximately 8 million private sector jobs have been lost in the recession, not to mention the millions who have experienced lost income and work hours. Considering that 20% of the American workforce is in the public sector, just to maintain economic balance there should have been around 1.25 – 1.75 million government jobs lost during the recession. It is these workers that account for much of Obama’s highly touted saved or created jobs statistic.And we’re not talking about $10 per hour work here either. Government employees make on average 70% more than their private sector counterparts with benefit packages that are off the charts. While the rest of us have to wait until we’re 65 or older to collect Social Security, public sector employees often retire at 55 or younger.
Not only are their pay scales astronomical in comparison, it appears that many public sector employees have been giving themselves hefty pay raises since the recession began. The number of federal civil servants making six figures has climbed from 14% to 19% of the workforce since 2007. That’s 750,000 federal employees making $100,000 or more. An extreme example can be found in the Transportation Department where in 2007 only one employee made $170,000… now 1,690 make that much.How Can the Wealthiest Nation in the History of the World Be Going Broke? The U.S. is the wealthiest nation in the history of the world and yet we’re going broke because of our obscenely overpaid government workforce. Unfortunately for them, the stimulus party can’t last forever and we are starting to see signs of things to come.The police union in East St. Louis was given the option to accept a one year, 20% pay cut that would allow the city to keep most of the officers on staff. Rather than working with the city to decrease costs, as many private sector employees have done over the past couple of years to save their jobs, the union refused compromise giving the city no choice but to lay off almost half the police department leaving the streets in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country unprotected.
The original purpose of the stimulus funds was to create jobs, or more accurately, private sector employment. However, rather than invest in job creators, businesses, investors, entrepreneurs, etc… the Democrats decision to hand over the stimulus money to the public sector has merely postponed the inevitable federal, state and local government budget cuts that by a couple of years.Basically the economy is at exactly the same place as when this whole mess started, with trillions more added to our national debt no less.
What Would Ronald Reagan Do?
Just imagine where unemployment would be now if Republicans had doled out the stimulus funds in accordance with Ronald Reagan’s proven trickle down economics model. If Congress had implemented tax cuts for businesses and lowered tax rates for the wealthiest Americans, we would be well on our way to economic recovery. While this might not sound like a great idea to class warfare proponents, I doubt we would be looking down the barrel at a 9.5% unemployment rate.You can see the difference in the effects between the TARP fund created under the Bush administration and the stimulus monstrosity put forward by Obama. While TARP may not be popular, even in some conservative circles, most of the money was given to job creating banks that know how to create and maintain wealth. In other words, TARP wasn’t a handout; it was an investment in successful American businesses that has since been repaid to the government with interest.Obama stimulus was the exact opposite. Rather than investing a trillion dollars in job creating businesses and individuals, it was a handout to state and local governments that wasted the money on keeping their bloated payrolls intact when they should have been ridding themselves of many thousands of overpaid and unnecessary employees.
A Better Way Forward
I agree with Sen. McCain that politicians should be banned from earmark spending, but I would take his idea it a step further. I am convinced that government agencies should never spend money on businesses outside of their immediate suppliers. For example, rather than handing out $130 million to a car battery company in Michigan like Obama did last month, if the government feels it necessary to give back money to the public, then it should be done with across the board tax cuts. Any other way and we’re just begging for politicians to engage in financial mismanagement.
While I don’t have all the answers, I do have 5 suggestions on how to get our nation moving in the right economic direction:
1.Get rid of all government jobs created since 2006; an additional 5% cut in the workforce from there couldn’t hurt.
2.Return government pay scales and benefits back to what they were in 2006.
3.Return government spending back to what it was in 2006, before the Democrat controlled Congress increased federal spending by over 30% in 3 years.
4.Raise the retirement age of all government workers to 65.
5.Use the proceeds from steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 in tax breaks for private businesses.
And then let’s see if we can’t get America back to work.
Thu Aug 5, 6:43 pm ET
First lady under fire for her glitzy Spanish vacation
By Holly Bailey
As her husband celebrated his 49th birthday in Chicago with Oprah, first lady Michelle Obama was halfway around the world, on vacation with her 9-year-old daughter, Sasha, in Spain. The two are traveling on what the White House has described as a four-day private trip with several Obama family friends along the country's ritzy southern coast.Of course, no first lady's life is truly ever private, and already plenty of drama is swirling around Michelle Obama's foreign jaunt. Some critics have laid into the trip's price, while others are highlighting an apparent diplomatic gaffe between the United States and Spain.Fox News reports that prior to the first lady's arrival, the State Department had issued a travel warning to Americans advising that racist prejudices could lead to the arrest of Afro-Americans who travel to Spain. The wording was reportedly removed from the State Department website Monday, ahead of Michelle Obama's arrival in the country Wednesday.
Yet the bigger public furor concerns the cost and appearance of the trip. In a scathing editorial published Thursday, New York Daily News writer Andrea Tantaros trashed Michelle Obama as a modern day Marie Antoinette for taking such a glitzy vacation while most of the country is struggling to make ends meet.The Obama entourage is staying at the luxury Hotel Villa Padierna, a Ritz-Carlton property often described as one of the world's top 10 hotels. Rates range between $500 and $2,500 a night. It's not clear that the Obama delegation picked this hotel specifically, or if the Secret Service — which often gets final say over where a protectee stays — made the accommodations call.Either way, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters that the first lady will pay her personal expenses — as will the friends who are traveling with her. But that only covers a small part of the ultimate expense, given that she has full-time Secret Service protection and has to travel with an entourage of staff. That cost, as well as her travel on board an official Air Force charter plane, is covered by taxpayers.As the Chicago Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet reports, by the end of the summer, the first lady will have taken eight vacations. That includes a June trip to Los Angeles, where she and her daughters attended the NBA Finals, as well as an upcoming trip to the Florida Gulf Coast next weekend and a 10-day visit to Martha's Vineyard later this month with the president.Michelle Obama is hardly the only first lady to travel overseas without her husband. Laura Bush and her daughters, Barbara and Jenna, traveled to Africa in 2007, where they went on safari. Yet her trip was regarded as an official visit and included several public events. According to the White House, this trip is entirely private, save for a photo-op with the Spanish royal family, who has invited the first lady and her daughter for an official visit.
US, nuclear powers join Hiroshima memorial By ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press Writer - AUG 5,10
HIROSHIMA, Japan – The site of the world's worst atomic bomb attack echoed with choirs of schoolchildren and the solemn ringing of bells Friday as Hiroshima marked its biggest memorial yet and the first to be attended by the U.S. and other major nuclear powers.Washington's decision to send U.S. Ambassador John Roos to the 65th anniversary of the bombing was seen by many as potentially paving the way for President Barack Obama to visit Hiroshima — which would be unprecedented for a sitting U.S. leader.Along with the U.S., Britain and France also made their first official appearance at the memorial, as well as U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Altogether, 74 nations were represented.China, which sent a low-ranking official in 2008, was not participating. Officials said it did not give a reason.Hiroshima was careful to ensure that the memorial — while honoring the 140,000 who died on or soon after the attack on Aug. 6, 1945 — emphasized a look-forward approach, focusing not on whether the bombing was justified, a point which many Japanese dispute, but on averting a future nuclear attack.
Roos said the memorial was a chance to show resolve toward nuclear disarmament.For the sake of future generations, we must continue to work together to realize a world without nuclear weapons, he said in a statement.Ban, who presented flowers at the Eternal Flame in Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park, said this year's memorial will send a strong signal to the world that nuclear weapons must be destroyed.Life is short, but memory is long, Ban said. For many of you, that day endures ... as vivid as the white light that seared the sky, as dark as the black rains that followed.Ban added that the time has come to move from Ground Zero, to Global Zero — a world without any nuclear arms.Washington's decision to attend the anniversary has been welcomed by Japan's government, but has generated complex feelings among some Japanese who see the bombing as unjustified and want the United States to apologize.
Americans think that the bombing was reasonable because it speeded up the end of the war. They try to see it in a positive way, Naomi Sawa, a 69-year-old former teacher, said after paying her respects to the dead. But we were devastated.About 140,000 people were killed or died within months when the American B-29 Enola Gay bombed Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945. Three days later, about 80,000 people died after the United States attacked Nagasaki.The United States decided to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it believed that would speed up Japan's surrender and avoid the tough battles expected to take Japan's mainland. Fears of bloody battles were heightened by Japan's intense defenses of outlying islands — such as Iwo Jima and Okinawa.
Japan surrendered on Aug. 15, ending World War II.Concerns that attending the ceremony — an emotional event beginning with the offering of water to the dead and a moment of silence to soothe their souls — would reopen old wounds had kept the U.S. away until this year.Former President Jimmy Carter visited Hiroshima's Peace Museum in 1984, years after he was out of office. The highest-ranking American to visit while in office is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who went in 2008. Roos also visited Hiroshima soon after assuming his post last year.None went for the annual memorial, however. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters in Washington on Thursday that Obama believed it would be appropriate to recognize this anniversary by sending Roos. The State Department deemed the time was right to do so, and it was a chance to push Obama's goal of nuclear disarmament.
Hiroshima's mayor praised that position.
We are encouraged that our voice is being heard,Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba said in a speech at the ceremony. It is the wish of the survivors of the bombing that the voices of peace will be heard.Akiba called on the Japanese government to take a leadership role in nuclear disarmament toward turning a new page in human history.I offer my prayers to those who died — we will not make you be patient much longer.
Hiroshima has invited Obama to visit the city, and he has expressed interest in doing so at some point while he is in office. But such a visit would be highly controversial. At Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park, where Friday's ceremony was held, some visitors expressed concerns that Japan's view of the bombing — seen by many as excessive use of deadly force — conflicts with America's view. Katsuko Nishibe, a 61-year-old peace activist, said she welcomed the decision to send Roos, but added that she thought it was dangerous to think that the bombing of Hiroshima was justified. I don't think it was necessary,she said. We have a very different interpretation of history. But we can disagree about history and still agree that peace is what is important. That is the real lesson of Hiroshima.The number of survivors able to attend the ceremony is steadily falling as more die of old age. According to Japan's Kyodo news agency, the average age of the survivors is over 76 years, and the number of certified survivors has fallen to 227,565 from a peak of 370,000.
Russia moves rockets as wildfires spread By Jim Heintz, Associated Press Writer – Thu Aug 5, 2:16 pm ET
MOSCOW – A Russian military garrison near Moscow moved all its artillery rockets to a safer location as wildfires advanced in the region, the government said Thursday.
Col. Alexei Kuznetsov, a Defense Ministry spokesman, told The Associated Press that the garrison near Naro-Fominsk, 70 kilometers (45 miles) southwest of Moscow, was not in immediate danger. But the decision to move the explosive materiel underlined the challenges posed by the hundreds of fires raging in Russia after weeks of intense heat and drought.A wildfire leapt into a Russian naval air base outside Moscow last week, causing substantial damage; Russian media reported as many as 200 planes may have been destroyed. Kuznetsov did not give details of where the rockets were moved to, or when the operation occurred.In neighboring Ukraine, also suffering from heat and lack of rain, a wildfire on Thursday was within three kilometers (two miles) of a military base in the Dnirpropetrovsk region, local news reports said. The regional emergencies ministry said only that a 300-hectare (750-acre) fire was close to being extinguished. In all, wildfires in eastern Ukraine have destroyed about 1,000 hectares (2,500 acres).Almost 600 fires were reported burning in Russia on Thursday, mostly in the western stretches of the country. The death toll from the fires stands at 50.Earlier, a shelter with some 1,800 animals near Moscow reported that it had been threatened by fires and that one had approached within 150 meters (yards) before being extinguished. But shelter director Daria Taraskina said late Thursday that there were no blazes nearby, though concern remained high for the dogs, cats and retired circus animals at the facility in Khoteichi, 40 miles (64 kilometers) east of Moscow.
Thick smog that had blanketed Moscow partially lifted early Thursday but could return with no end in sight to a record heat wave, officials warned.Temperatures up to 100 F (38 C) have exacerbated forest and peat bog fires across Russia's central and western regions, destroying close to 2,000 homes. Officials have suggested the 10,000 firefighters battling the blazes aren't enough. The forecast for the week ahead shows little change in the capital and surrounding regions, where the average summer temperature is around 23 (75).In the blaze-ravaged village of Plotava, 35 miles (60 kilometers) east of Moscow, local official Viktor Sorokin lamented that the number of fire wardens in woodland and peat bog areas had halved to 150 in the last few years under new rules.There used to be more of them, now there aren't enough, he said.Some locals are taking the initiative to make up the shortfall in firefighters.We woke up several days ago and we couldn't breathe, said Alexander Babayev, a 27-year-old owner of a drive-in theater, before taking a hose to low rising flames flickering above the smoldering ground.Babayev assembled a motley team of volunteers using a social networking website and, after a few instructions from professionals, they began tending to fires.Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has promised to build new, better homes before winter, and vowed each victim would receive $6,600 in compensation. The sum is huge in a country whose average monthly wage is around $800, and Russian media say some residents may have deliberately torched their dwellings to qualify.To the east, firefighters focused on beating flames back from a top-secret nuclear research facility in the city of Sarov. A Sarov news website on Thursday cited local officials as saying a wall of fire had been broken down into several smaller blazes. On Wednesday, officials said the closest blaze was still several miles (kilometers) from the main facilities at the Russian Federal Nuclear Research Center and as a precaution all hazardous materials had been evacuated.In the capital, President Dmitry Medvedev fired several high-ranking military officials Wednesday over what he called criminal negligence in fires that ravaged a military base.Russia has been sent helicopters and planes to help douse the flames from Ukraine, Armenia, Italy, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, Emergencies Minister Sergei Shoigu said in televised comments.Associated Press writers Mansur Mirovalev in Plotava, Khristina Narizhnaya and David Nowak in Moscow and Anna Menichuk in Kiev, Ukraine, contributed to this report. (This version CORRECTS Leads with 5 grafs to correct translation and show that only rockets moved, add reported fire in vicinity of base in Ukraine, amend contributor line. AP Video.) (VIDEO & LINKS)
DOCTOR'S ORDERS-Obamacare could actually kill Constitution-Virginia AG warns: We lose this case, it's the end of federalism August 04, 2010 8:46 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh 2010 WorldNetDaily
Ken Cuccinelli
Virginia's attorney general, who recently won a preliminary round over the Obama administration in his state's fight over Obamacare, warns if the federal government can order citizens to purchase health insurance, they can order you to do anything.If the insurance mandate is upheld, according to Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, it will be the end of the American way of life and government. An interesting thing for people to think about is, if this is activity that can be regulated under the Commerce Clause [of the U.S. Constitution], then the federal government can reach anything,he said in a recent interview with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren. This is where you get to the massive expansion of federal power, he warned. If they can say that ordering you to do something is economic activity, ordering you into the economy, then they can order you to do anything, and we don't any longer have a government of limited powers. That's a major concern. We lose this case, it's the end of federalism, he said.Virginia's lawsuit over Obamacare is one among many challenging the law's demand that everyone buy government-approved health insurance or pay a special tax penalty. Earlier this week, U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson ruled the lawsuit could continue because no court ever has decided whether it's constitutional to order Americans to buy a product selected by the government.
Sign the petition opposing Obamacare.While this case raises a host of complex constitutional issues, all seem to distill to the single question of whether or not Congress has the power to regulate – and tax – a citizen's decision not to participate in interstate commerce, Hudson said. The Obama administration argues the Commerce Clause allows it to regulate economic activity, but Virginia's claim – shared by other cases – is that it is not economic activity when someone decides not to purchase a product. Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh called it a huge decision.
Now, you've got to imagine the momentum that this … first preliminary ruling is gonna give to other attorneys general and legislative branches,he said. The Obama line of reasoning was recently proclaimed by Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif., who, responding to questions about Obamacare, said the federal government pretty much has no limits on its authority to manage individuals' lives.I think that there are very few constitutional limits that would prevent the federal government from rules that could affect your private life,he said, adding, The federal government, yes, can do most anything in this country.Cuccinelli also confirmed that should his state be victorious, the many thousands of pages of rules, regulations, limits, restrictions, taxes, penalties, fees and federal authority under Obamacare will collapse. If the individual mandate is found to be unconstitutional, as Virginia says it is, the whole bill falls,he told Fox. The whole thing.That's because the law was written without a clause that allows other portions to remain in effect if one part is found to be illegal, officials said. The Virginia focal point is the federal demand that everyone buy the health insurance mandated by the government. Virginia's position is that ordering the purchase of health insurance is not regulating economic activity, explained Cuccinelli. What are you regulating? You're regulating somebody doing nothing. That's inactivity. Repose is the word he used in the opinion, a state of repose.The judge noted the importance of the arguments over the mandatory purchase of insurance.In the secretary's view, without full market participation the financial foundation supporting the health care system will fail, in effect causing the health care regime to implode, he wrote in his decision. But he noted that never before has the Commerce Clause and associated necessary and proper clause been extended this far.He said while Congress has great authority to tax, the law appears to seek to compel activity beyond the reach of Congress.WND has reported that more than three-quarters of the needed members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed onto a measure to have a new vote on Obamacare that essentially would allow the chamber to withdraw its approval of the law and begin the process of banishing it from American shores. The plan is a discharge petition offered by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, which is being supported by a petition drive that urges members of Congress to repeal Obamacare because of several problems:Under the provisions of the discharge procedures in the House, such a move is required to have the support of 218 members, a majority, of the 435-member chamber before moving forward.But since it requires a majority, it is virtually assured of approval once it reaches the point of being advanced.
The proposal states: Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XV, I, Steve King of Iowa, move to discharge the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Education and Labor, the Judiciary, Natural Resources, Rules, House Administration and Appropriations from the consideration of the bill (H.R. 4972) to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which was referred to said committees on March 25, 2010, in support of which motion the undersigned Members of the House of Representatives affix their signatures.Its target is the $940 billion, or greater, bill adopted by the Democrat-controlled Congress in March. Advocates say constituents need to call their representatives to tell them to get on board right away so that the petition is positioned to move forward whether or not the GOP becomes the majority in the House after the 2010 fall elections.Sign the petition opposing Obamacare.
The syndromes and denial on this issue are endless! We are Islamaphobic and simply intolerant to Religious freedom if we don’t support the right for folks to build a multi story, massive, Islamic mosque at ground zero. We all have mental illness and racist/hate genes to Muslims and their rights. After all, the talking heads on this say it will be multi faith don’t they??? Oh….for a minute I forgot that incredible openness by the folks behind this. I REALLY look forward then to visiting the Christian church and Synagogue, proudly displayed also within this huge structure of Religious openness, but of course, that isn’t the plan and never was.Let me cut past all the rubbish on this. The plan of building the mosque at ground zero has nothing at all to do with Religious tolerance. It ONLY has to do with Muslims wanting an international trophy, celebrating the successful and vicious attack on evil America. No matter what the Islamic fundamentalists, politically correct media and confused masses say, the truth and money behind this madness is nothing but a betrayal, sell out and national insult to the American people.It is not Islamaphobia for me to say that Muslim radicals, funded and supported by Al Kae Da and other Muslim relatives, worldwide, in and out of Mosques, schools and Government structures, murdered US citizens. Why did they do that? They had and they still have one motive……USaphobia, Christianaphobia and Jewaphobia! They want control of Western nations, an international caliphate to return again and the complete destruction of America and Israel or our enslavement. Along with the mental and moral illness of Islamic fundamentalism here and abroad, we have even worse with New York officials and decision makers who would dare even allow the discussion of building such a traitorous insult as a Muslim mosque at ground zero…..all because of political correctness and submission to endless manipulation and name calling from the left and Muslim groups. They wouldn’t dream of being Islamaphobic or intolerant,therefore they speed run into stupidville and complete, moronic denial.
It is time if the masses of Muslims in this country are peace loving and decent, to protest putting this mosque at ground zero, period! Open your mouth to sanity and real loyalty to the issues at hand or once again put another stake in the heart of your lying statements of pursuing peace and tolerance. It is obvious for even an immoral, bird brain that the only appropriate thing to put at ground zero is a respectful memorial, honoring the heroism, sacrifice and loss of this horrific attack. The last thing our nation needs is to be mocked by the triumphant and arrogant display of the Islamic trophy, built on our dead body residue at ground zero.We are not an Islamic nation and Sharia law DOES conflict with our constitution, Judeo/Christian values and traditions. Those who want to build something SO COMPLETELY inappropriate are acting only as a mirror reflecting the guts of the enemy to our country. They can all line up and kiss my Islamaphobic grits!!!!
Ex-CIAers to Obama: Israel Might Attack Iran This Month
by Hillel Fendel AUG 5,10
A group of former CIA officials warns U.S. President Obama that Israel might attack Iran even within a month, and that Obama bears responsibility for having praised Netanyahu.We write to alert you to the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran as early as this month, the open letter to Obama begins. This would likely lead to a wider war.The letter, issued on Tuesday by the anti-Iraqi-war VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity), continues: Israel’s leaders would calculate that once the battle is joined, it will be politically untenable for you to give anything less than unstinting support to Israel, no matter how the war started, and that U.S. troops and weaponry would flow freely. Wider war could eventually result in the destruction of the state of Israel.This can be stopped, but only if you move quickly to pre-empt an Israeli attack by publicly condemning such a move before it happens.[emphasis in the original] This is only the second memo VIPS has issued. In February 2003, it released a document criticizing then-U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's famous speech before the United Nations, in which he made the case for war against Iraq by presenting the evidence of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.
Jerusalem Building Projects and the Iran Problem
The letter is distinctly anti-Israel. Its writers - W. Patrick Lang, Larry Johnson, and Ray McGovern, among others – mock Obama for having expressed confidence that Netanyahu would not try to surprise the United States. You may wish to ask Vice President Biden to remind you of the kind of surprises he has encountered in Israel, the letter states – implying that the announcement of progress in a Jerusalem housing project without informing the visiting Biden beforehand is equivalent to a surprise attack on Iraq. Blindsiding has long been an arrow in Israel’s quiver, the CIA veterans write, going back to 1967 to accuse Israel of feign[ing] fear of an imminent Arab attack as justification for starting [the Six Day War] war to seize and occupy Arab territories.Then-Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s closure of the Straits of Tiran, his frequent calls to throw Israel into the sea, and his amassing of 1,000 tanks and nearly 100,000 soldiers on the Israeli border are overlooked in the memorandum, as are the signing of a Jordanian-Egyptian defense pact and Iraqi deployment in Jordan of troops and tanks at Jordan’s invitation a week before war broke out. Forgotten, as well, was the Egyptian Army’s Order of the Day two days before the war plugging Holy War and the re-conquest of the plundered soil of Palestine.The letter notes that Congress has implied support of Israel in case of an Israeli attack, but that a strong public statement by you [Obama], personally warning Israel not to attack Iran would most probably head off such an Israeli move.
Regime Change
The memorandum states that Israel is motivated not by fear of Iranian nuclear power, which it actually has reason to believe that it need not fear, but simply by the desire for regime change in Iran.It accuses Netanyahu of having a contemptuous attitude toward the United States, and at having learned this from Menachem Begin and Ariel Sharon.One would be well advised,the VIPS letter states, to greet with appropriate skepticism any private assurances Netanyahu may have given you that Israel would not surprise you with an attack on Iran.(
BORN IN THE USA? Oops! Obama mama passport destroyed State Dept. claims records gone for Stanley Ann Dunham prior to 1968 August 01, 2010 6:28 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi 2010 WorldNetDaily
Photo from Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro's 1972 passport records
Responding to a Freedom of Information Act request, the State Department has released passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham, President Obama's mother – but records for the years surrounding Obama's 1961 birth are missing. The State Department claims a 1980s General Services Administration directive resulted in the destruction of many passport applications and other nonvital passport records, including Dunham's 1965 passport application and any other passports she may have applied for or held prior to 1965. Destroyed, then, would also be any records shedding light on whether Dunham did or did not travel out of the country around the time of Barack Obama's birth. The claim made in the Freedom of Information response letter that many passport records were destroyed during the 1980s comes despite a statement on the State Department website that Passport Services maintains U.S. passport records for passports issued from 1925 to the present.The records released, however, contain interesting tidbits of new information about Obama's mother, including the odd listing of two different dates and locations for her marriage to Obama's Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.In the released documents Dunham listed both March 15, 1965, in Molokai, Hawaii, and March 5, 1964, in Maui, Hawaii, as the dates and places of her marriage.
Dunham later divorced Lolo Soetoro in Hawaii. The divorce decree took effect Nov. 5, 1980, but the divorce papers do not list the date of the marriage. No marriage certificate between Dunham and Soetoro has yet publicly surfaced, but a released application to amend Dunham's 1965 passport to her married name Stanley Ann Soetoro includes a checked box indicating a passport officer had seen the marriage certificate. The released records also document that on Aug. 13, 1968, Dunham applied to have her 1965-issued passport renewed for two years, until July 18, 1970.
Under 22 USC Sec. 217a, from 1959 through 1968, passports were initially issued for three years, but they could be renewed for an additional two years.
Obama, by any other name
Also revealed by the released records is a heretofore unknown, alternative name for Barack Obama.In the 1968 application to renew her 1965 passport, Dunham listed as her son Barack Hussein Obama, including in parenthesis below the name, Soebarkah, in what appears to be a variation of an Indonesian surname not previously associated in the public record with the president.For some unexplained reason, the designation of Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah)is crossed off the 1968 application by five handwritten, diagonal hash marks.
S. Ann Dunham in Indonesia
Dunham also appears to have used two different variations of her name in obtaining and amending passports while married to Lolo Soetoro: Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro and, without her maiden name, Stanley Ann Soetoro.On April 27, 1981, Dunham applied from Jakarta, Indonesia, for a U.S. passport, indicating that she was in Indonesia working on a two-year contract from the Ford Foundation, from January 1981 through December 1982.At that time, Dunham was working on a microfinance program for the Ford Foundation, which was overseen by Peter Geithner, the father of Timothy Geithner, the current U.S. secretary of the treasury.Ann Dunham's occupation in the 1981 passport application was listed as Program Officer, Ford Foundation.No passport records subsequent to 1986 for Ann Dunham were released, though presumably a passport was issued following her 1986 application, such that the 10-year period prior to expiration would have extended one year past her death. Dunham died Nov. 7, 1995, and was known to have been in Indonesia in 1994 when an Indonesian doctor first misdiagnosed as indigestion the first signs of the ovarian cancer that was the cause of her death the following year.The released documents shed no light on proving or disproving whether Dunham might have held a passport prior to Barack Obama's birth that she could have used to travel to Kenya for his birth, as has been speculated in the absence of the release of Obama's long-form birth certificate from Hawaii.The State Department released the Dunham passport documents July 29, responding to a Freedom of Information request submitted by Christopher Strunk, a New York resident who has actively pursued obtaining documents regarding Obama's birth and his eligibility to be president under the natural born citizen requirement of Section 1, Article 2 of the United States Constitution. The Dunham documents have been archived on the Internet.
The controversy continues
A prominent array of commentators, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, Lou Dobbs, Peter Boyles and WND's Chuck Norris and Pat Boone have all said unequivocally and publicly that the Obama eligibility issue continues to be legitimate and worthy.Longtime New York radio talker Lynn Samuels did the same.We don't even know where he was born,she said.I absolutely believe he was not born in this country.WND has reported on multiple legal challenges to Obama's status as a natural born citizen.The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.Some of the lawsuits question whether Obama was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time. Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born.Further, others question his citizenship by virtue of his attendance in Indonesian schools during his childhood and question on what passport did he travel to Pakistan three decades ago.Adding fuel to the fire is Obama's persistent refusal to release documents that could provide answers and his appointment of lawyers to defend against all requests for his documentation.While his supporters cite an online version of a Certification of Live Birth from Hawaii as his birth verification, critics point out such documents actually were issued for children not born in the state.
Russia fires pose nuclear threat
MATEJ HRUSKA Today AUG 6,10 @ 09:25 CET
The Russian government warned on Thursday (6 August) that raging wildfires could pose a nuclear threat to neighbouring countries, with the natural disaster already spilling across Russian borders in terms of food markets.Russian emergencies minister Sergei Shoigu said heat from fires in the Bryansk region near the frontier with Belarus and Ukraine, which was contaminated following the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, could release harmful radioactive particles into the atmosphere.
Chernobyl - Heat from fires near the frontier with Belarus and Ukraine, which was contaminated following the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, could release harmful radioactive particles i (Photo: Ratcliff, Trey)In the event of a fire there, radionuclides could rise [into the air] together with combustion particles, resulting in a new pollution zone, he explained on national television.Russia earlier this week removed radioactive material from the Sarov nuclear weapons research centre in the Nizhny Novgorod region as a precaution. It also shifted conventional artillery rockets from a garrison near Naro-Fominsk, southwest of Moscow.The fires, which have already killed 50 people, have also destroyed millions of hectares of crops, leaving Russians in doubt on food security as wheat prices continue to rise.Russia wants to tame domestic prices by banning grain sales abroad from 15 August to 31 December, in what is the international grain market's fourth largest exporter. The ban is to apply to exports of maslin, rye, corn, barley, wheat and rye flour.We shouldn't allow domestic prices in Russia to rise, and we need to preserve our cattle and build up supplies for next year, Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Thursday while announcing the ban.Mr Putin also proposed that Kazakhstan and Belarus, Russia's partners in a tentative customs union, should join the ban. The announcement sent wheat prices to a two-year high on the international commodities market.
The Russian agriculture ministry has recently lowered the country's 2010 grain harvest forecast to between 70 million and 75 million tonnes. The previous forecasts were between 85 million and 90 million tonnes.The zone of high pressure above Russia which has caused the fires is also affecting weather in central Europe and is responsible for high rainfall in other parts of the region since early May, the Financial Times reported.The rainfall has caused flooding in Hungary, Slovakia and Romania, leaving more than 300 homes damaged beyond repair in Hungary and at least 20dead in Romania.Floods are also affecting the local agricultural industry. Hungary's wheat harvest is reportedly 20 percent down on last year. Slovakia's farmers also expect below average yields.
Report: UN Teaches Jihad in Jerusalem
by Maayana Miskin AUG 6,10
The Palestinian Authority continues to incite young schoolchildren to armed struggle against Israel in its textbooks – textbooks that are used by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) to teach incitement in Israel's capital city, says investigative reporter David Bedein, who spoke in an interview with Arutz Sheva's Hebrew-language news service.The books in question include passages praising terrorists killed while attacking Israel as martyrs. They also teach children that Arabs descended from those who fled Israel during the War of Independence have a right to return to Israel.Bedein's finding that the textbooks in Arab schools in Jerusalem are as problematic as those used in PA schools elsewhere is backed by a frank interview with PA Minister of Education Lamis al-Alami, who spoke with a member of Bedein's investigative team and told her that the textbooks provided by the PA for UNRWA schools are the precisely the same in Jerusalem as in Ramallah, Shechem and Gaza.These books discuss war against Israel, martyrs, the right of return. It's the first education system since the Third Reich which prepares its pupils to demonize Jews and to wage war against the Jews Bedein said.He invited listeners to verify his story for themselves, saying, Go to book stores on Salah a-Din street [a major road in eastern Jerusalem – ed.] and compare the books you see there to those sold in Ramallah and Gaza. It's the same thing, books engaged in racist incitement against the Jewish people.
Arab schools in Jerusalem receive funding from the Jerusalem municipality. UNRWA schools in Jerusalem and elsewhere receive much of their funding from 38 nations, primarily from the United States and the European Union. Two UNRWA facilities are located inside Jerusalem - in the neighborhoods of Shuafat and Kalandia.Bedein first raised the issue of incitement in Jerusalem schools 10 years ago. Among those he spoke to was former prime minister Ehud Olmert, then mayor of Jerusalem, who responded at a news conference to Bedein's question with little concern.They can teach what they want, and we'll teach what we want,Olmert said about incitement in the PA school books being used by Arab schools with funding from the Jerusalem municipality and the Israel Ministry of Education.Bedein expressed hope that current Israeli leaders will now eact differently. Three officials have the power to change the situation, he said – Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, Education Minister Gidon Saar and Education Committee head Zevulun Orlev.A new film, For the Sake of Nakba, details the connection between the UNRWA and PA incitement. Bedein and the research agency that he heads, the Center For Near East Policy Research,, produced the new movie in response to a challenge to prove the reports of incitement in UNRWA schools. The video was recently screened on Capitol Hill. It is based on first-hand testimony from PA leaders and teachers and students in UN schools. It will also be shown at the Orthodox Union's Israel Center in Jerusalem Tuesday August 10th at 11:30 a.m., followed by For the Sake of Allah, Bedein's film about what Hamas prisoners say they would do if released.
Samaria Warns Central Israel: Don't be the Next Sderot
by Maayana Miskin AUG 6,10
The Samaria Residents' Council is reaching out to central Israel to warn residents of the dangers they could face in case of a withdrawal from Samaria. On the anniversary of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, council activists traveled to Petach Tikva, Raanana, Hadera, Netanya, Herziliya and Kfar Saba to remind those living there of the fate suffered by those living near Gaza when Israeli civilians and soldiers were no longer present in the area.After the Disengagement from Gaza, terrorists in the area increased the scope and frequency of their attacks on Israeli towns nearby. A short time later Hamas was victorious in the PA elections, and in 2007 the terrorist group seized control of Gaza, eventually waging war on all of southern Israel during the Cast Lead battle in early 2009.The Samaria Residents' Council handed out flyers and set up information booths to spread its message: by saving Samaria, residents of central Israel will be saving themselves as well. The flyers included contact information and an invitation to call to learn more.Council member Benny Katzover, a longtime Land of Israel activist, said response to the campaign has been positive. We see a lot of support on the street,he said. Residents of central Israel have grown to understand that the Jewish towns on the hills of Samaria protect them, he explained.
Many residents of central Israel have been convinced to come see Samaria first hand, Katzover reported. Others have joined in the campaign and taken an active role in fighting to preserve Jewish life in the region.Those who decided to see Samaria for themselves were taken on the same tour given to ministers, MKs, and journalists who have agreed to visit Samaria in recent months. Among other things, they saw the award-winning Hararei Kedem vineyard in Yitzhar, and learned about the production of goat cheese at a farm in Itamar.They were also taken to Mitzpeh Shloshet Hayamim, which overlooks the Dead Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee).The tours given to MKs and journalists have been proven a success. A popular broadcaster who took one of the tours described the experience as an awareness revolution,while another participant, a columnist for Maariv newspaper, decided to move to the Samaria town of Nofim.(
US Report on Terror Says Israel's Cast Lead Was a Success
by Maayana Miskin AUG 6,10
The United States State Department has released its annual report on worldwide terrorism. The report found that the number of terrorist attacks worldwide, and the number of people killed in such attacks was much lower in 2009 than just three years earlier. However, threats remain, said the document, which mentioned Al-Qaeda and Iran as central figures in the global terror threat.There were 10,999 terrorist attacks worldwide in 2009, down from 14,443 in 2006. Terror attacks claimed 14,971 victims in 2009, down from 23,000 in 2006.The report cited Israel as a success story, pointing out that four Israelis were killed by terrorists in 2009, down from 27 in 2008. Israel's Cast Lead counterterrorism operation in Gaza in the beginning of 2009 led to a dramatic decrease in the frequency of attacks from the area.The report gave Lebanon mixed reviews. The Lebanese government took steps to curb terrorism within its borders including stronger monitoring in and around Palestinian refugee camps,the report found. However, its border with Syria remained a problem related to arms smuggling,and Hizbullah continued its acquisition of smuggled arms... in violation of UN resolution 1701.The Lebanese government continued to recognize Hizbullah, a US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, as a legitimate resistance group and political party,the report stated.Egypt was praised for its active opposition to terrorism.However, the report noted that Egypt's Sinai region has become a hotbed for terrorism and criminal activity. The area was a base for the smuggling of arms and explosives into Gaza... [Smuggling] has created criminal networks that may be associated with terrorist groups in the region.
Al-Qaeda: Biggest Threat
The Al-Qaeda terrorist organization poses the biggest threat to the United States, according to the State Department. The group's Iraq branch suffered several losses in Iraq, and lost support among Iraqi civilians, but its branches in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen remain strong. Its leaders continue to plot attacks on the US and on American interests worldwide.The group has proved itself to be adaptable and resilient, the report said, and its core in Pakistan remained the most formidable terrorist organization targeting the US homeland.Al-Qaeda has lost some support in Iraq and in the Muslim world as a whole, the report said, in particular in response to terrorist attacks that kill local Muslims. However, the organization has increased its attempts to recruit members in Europe and North America, with some success.
Iran: Biggest Terror Sponsor
Iran remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism in 2009, the report said. Iran's financial, material and logistic support for terrorist and militant groups throughout the Middle East and Central Asia had a direct impact on international efforts to promote peace, threatened economic stability in the Gulf, and undermined the growth of democracy, it stated.Among the terrorist groups receiving funding, weapons, and training from Iran are Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, Hizbullah, Shiite Muslim groups in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Iran has also refused to put senior members of Al-Qaeda on trial.Another major sponsor of terrorism is Syria, which publicly condemns terrorism but insists that many organizations that target civilians are actually national liberation movements and not terrorist groups. Syria provides a safe haven for members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PFLP, and provides material support to Hizbullah.(
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -2.52
10:00 AM -31.33
10:30 AM -57.29
11:00 AM -137.50
11:30 AM -135.09
12:00 PM -129.64
12:30 PM -148.57
01:00 PM -134.11
01:30 PM -139.94
02:00 PM -132.37
02:30 PM -123.02
03:00 PM -71.47
03:30 PM -35.60
04:00 PM -21.42 10,653.56
S&P 500 1121.64 -4.17
NASDAQ 2288.47 -4.59
GOLD 1,206.70 +7.40
OIL 80.90 +1.11
TSE 300 11,800.00 +25.20
CDNX 1465.48 +6.41
S&P/TSX/60 689.08 +1.86
Dow -89 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -157 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,208.60.OIL opens at $81.20 today.
Dow -157 points at low today so far.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
Dow -157 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today.
Marmara Returns to Turkey
by Elad Benari AUG 5,10
The Mavi Marmara, the Turkish passenger ship that participated in the Gaza aid flotilla and on which the IDF raid which left nine Turkish citizens dead took place on May 31, was towed out of the Haifa port on Thursday. The ship was towed a large Turkish tug boat which had been sent to collect it.The return of the Marmara was enabled following an agreement that was reached between Turkey and Israel.The ship was transferred a few days ago from a pier which docks ships that had been seized, to another pier reserved for civilian ships. There, the Marmara underwent renovations and final preparations in order to be returned to Turkey.Two additional boats from the flotilla which were seized by the navy during the raid were also due to be towed out of the southern port of Ashdod and returned to Turkey. In a statement released on Thursday, Israel’s Defense Ministry said: Three Turkish towing ships will arrive in Israel today. Their crews will receive three vessels anchored in Israel along with the personal equipment that was aboard them.The statement added that the ships were transferred to the Turkish delegates following a decision by Israel’s political leadership and by the request of Turkish authorities. It emphasized that the ships tried to break the naval blockade on the Hamas government in Gaza.
Israel’s Foreign Ministry sent a letter to Turkish officials, in which it expressed expectations that Ankara will prevent any more ships from attempting to breach the naval blockade on the Strip, and added that Israel regularly transfers goods into Gaza via land crossings.Earlier this week, Israel agreed to participate in a United Nations inquiry into the flotilla. The Inner Cabinet of seven ministers voted to allow the panel access to material gathered by two Israeli committees, one which has completed a report on the IDF and the other being the Turkel committee, which is examining the incident from military and political perspectives.The United Nations inquiry committee will be headed by former New Zealand Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer and will include representatives from Israel, Turkey and the United States.
IDF: Hamas Constantly Trying to Abduct Jews in Judea, Samaria
by Gil Ronen AUG 5,10
Terror organizations in Judea and Samaria – first and foremost Hamas – are constantly trying to carry out abductions of Jewish soldiers or civilians, IDF sources said Thursday.The IDF has learned that Hamas elements in Judea and Samaria are stepping up attempts to carry out a kidnapping in order to assist the general Palestinian struggle.They are being encouraged by Hamas's headquarters in Damascus.
Military experts estimate that the abduction planned for Judea and Samaria will not be modeled on the Gilad Shalit abduction in 2006, in that the terrorists will not seek to hold a live hostage. Instead, they would rather abduct their victim, kill him, and then negotiate for his return, while creating uncertainty regarding the hostage's condition.The IDF has identified concrete attempts at kidnapping, but military sources said that until now, whenever an infrastructure for abducting soldiers was established, Israeli security forces foiled the plot immediately.Recent cases in which Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria reported attempted abductions were not carried out by terror groups, the sources said, but criminally motivated carjackings.(
Israeli Tourist Presence in Turkey: 10% of What it was in 2009
by Maayana Miskin AUG 5,10
Israeli tourism to Turkey has dropped by 90% compared to the summer of 2009, officials at the Turkish Tourism Ministry have reported. Israeli tourism to Turkey was considered unusually low in 2009. 2,600 Israeli citizens visited Turkey in June of 2010, compared to 27,000 in June of 2009. The drop in Israeli tourism has had a negative impact on the Turkish economy, which has lost an estimated $400 million.In 2008, a record year for Israeli Turkey tourism, a total of 500,000 Israelis visited Turkey.Tourism dropped sharply in 2009 after Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan harshly condemned Israel over the Cast Lead counterterrorism operation in Gaza, and canceled a joint air exercise. According to official statistics, there was a 33% drop in the number of air travelers from Israel to Turkey in 2009. Tensions only increased in 2010 when Turkey sent a boat manned by members of the IHH terrorist group as part of a flotilla aimed at breaking Israel's naval closure against Hamas-led Gaza. The Turkish activists attacked IDF soldiers who boarded the boat, leading to a clash in which nine Turkish citizens were killed and two IDF soldiers badly wounded.While the National Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Bureau has approved civilian travel to Turkey, IDF officers and soldiers are forbidden to visit the country.(
Dayan: Israel Must Fight to Win
by Hillel Fendel AUG 5,10
Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan, former head of the National Security Council, says that the recent skirmish in Lebanon that exacted the price of one dead officer and another seriously wounded one must serve as a general warning bell: Wars have to be fought in order to win.Our immediate response of firing back at the Lebanese forces who attacked us on Monday was correct, Dayan told Arutz-7’s Benny Tucker. But there must be a more comprehensive military response as well. Over the course of just a few days, we had rockets from Gaza at Sderot, rockets into Eilat, and now the incident in Lebanon. It’s clear that this was not just a coincidence - and our response must be carried out accordingly.Dayan: You can’t solve everything with force – but you have to know how to use your force. Clearly, our deterrence is still strong, and that’s why Hamas sends others to do their work [such as with the rockets to Eilat], and the like... The same in Lebanon: I don't believe that the incident there was the result of one anonymous Lebanese officer. I’m certain it was part of a wider initiative – and that’s why our response must be across-the-board.Our response need not be immediate,Dayan said. We must wait for the right time, and then strike back hard.
Ceasefire is not Good Enough
Dayan is critical of UN Resolution 1701 – the ceasefire that ended the Second Lebanon War in 2006. 1701 has not produced the goods for us, he said. He added that Israel's leaders at the time (Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, whom he did not mention by name) very much wanted to show that we had won the war, and 1701 was their proof. But the fact is that it has not succeeded, and certainly does nothing to solve the open borders between Syria and Lebanon… We may have thought that the Lebanese was not our enemy [and that our only enemy was Hizbullah], but that's not true.You can’t solve everything with force – but you have to know how to use your force. I hope that next time, we will make sure to complete the job, and in Gaza as well. In war, you have to go all the way; limited results are not good enough. You can’t waste time like we did in the Lebanon War, when we waited a few weeks and then ran a strong ground offensive which we didn’t even get to finish; you have to do that at the beginning.In addition,Dayan added, we have to go after the leadership of Hamas and Hizbullah, and destroy them. In Lebanon, not a single Hizbullah leader was hurt.It’s true that [if we fight hard] there is likely to be an investigative committee and the like, but that will happen in any event. The world likes those who win – and then there will also be less diplomatic activity against us.(
Monkeys on Cocaine! National emergency and Stimulus money AUG 3,10 By Laurie Roth
Frankly it sounds like large chunk of congress and the White House is on cocaine. We have had it preached to us until we have gagged that the hundreds of billions being spent on stimulus money the last few years would create jobs, stimulate the ailing economy and was not waste. Right along side with this national emergency, spending orgy were the promises of Obama from the beginning that taxes wouldn’t rise.Now, Republican Senators have released a report which shows more of the moronic priorities of this congress and administration. Let us look at a few of these non waste national emergencies that had to have tax payer funds to stimulate.
$71, 623 was awarded to study cocaine and its affects on monkeys. Gee, I can save them money on this one. My Ph.D. is in alcohol and Drugs/counseling. There is 100% probability that the monkeys will act high if given Cocaine. Now, can we take the $71,623 to invest in a small business to actually create a few jobs? Researchers who received the grant say this will help public health to look more closely at cocaine addiction and relapse. Dr. Roth must weigh in again. Not only will the monkeys get high with cocaine it is safe to say they would want to take it again if it felt good. That doesn’t take a Ph.D. Masters, B.A. or high school diploma to figure that out. Apparently if you are a progressive, democrat, and politician it is 100% impossible to figure this out. You must first spend massive money (excuse me….other people’s money) to tell you the obvious.There was $300.000 to study if yoga can reduce hot flashes with breast cancer survivors. Can’t the therapist or Doctor just try yoga or another physical activity to see if it helps? Why does this have to be a study with tax payer funds?One of my favorites, along with the San Francisco Bay Mouse getting millions and the underground Turtle tunnel in Florida priority was the California Academy of Sciences getting $1 million to capture, photograph and study tons of exotic ants. This would be done in Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and East Africa. Once again, this is a national emergency….NO….international emergency that U.S. tax payers have to fund. BP also got a truck load of $308 million to help build a California power plant that they won’t start building for two years. So, eventually a few jobs would be made several years from now.
There are more dimensions of endless waste.
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) has overspent for summer employment programs over $56 million over the past two years. This is just in D.C. alone, where the SYEP continues to overspend and get more and more money from the Government as accountability looks the other way.It is most clear with this congress and the Obama administration that progressive liberal goals will always be a funded, redistribution of wealth’ priority for America. As long as they are spending money on Turtle tunnels, mice, bridges to nowhere, ants in Africa, environmental plants and monkeys doing drugs, they are happy. They are even happier if millions more can be spent on pushing gay marriage, more abortions and assisted suicide.
My small suggestion for research projects would include:
1.Find a shaver that will remove leg stubble for more than a few hours. This would improve marriage and intimacy.
2.See if parachuting men in drag in Muslim war zones would shock the enemy into surrendering.
3.Have congress replaced by Dogs, where they would bite the bad guys, mark their corners, unclog the courts and stop spending. Wouldn’t this get our country out of debt in 4 years?
Judging from just a few of the chosen projects and spending priorities in the face of severe recessions, we would do better with an Alzheimer’s ward in congress. Certainly one wonders if many are on cocaine. We must vote most of them out at the mid terms and hire a new President year 4.
The proof is everywhere from statements and affidavits from Government parliament sources and Obama’s own Grandmother who says she saw him born in a hospital in Mombassa Kenya. The former ambassador to Kenya says Obama was born in Mombassa Kenya, so do others. Check out the affidavits at and join Phil Berg and other concerned citizens for a huge eligibility protest march May 29th 12-4pm.
OBAMA WATCH CENTRAL-Kenya gives Obama abortion, Islamic courts-President's administration spent $23 million getting yes vote on new constitution Posted: August 05, 2010 1:00 am Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi 2010 WorldNetDaily
Sen. Barack Obama with Raila Odinga
Kenya today gave President Obama a much-wanted birthday present, voting overwhelmingly to pass a constitutional referendum that would legitimize for the first time abortions and Islamic courts in the nation. With 63 percent of the provincial vote counted as of 5:45 p.m. ET, the Yes vote appeared to be a runaway winner, gaining 66 percent of the 5 million votes counted, with the No vote totaling only 34 percent. WND previously reported the Obama administration spent $23 million of U.S. Aid funds to support the Yes vote in the referendum, despite congressional protests. In response to inquiries from Reps. Chris Smith, R-N.J.; Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Florida; and Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the U.S. Agency for International Development admitted to spending more than $23 million of U.S. taxpayer money to influence voters in Kenya to pass the highly controversial constitution. Despite denials, the Obama administration's funding to support passage of the controversial Kenyan proposed constitution is clear,Jeff Sagnip, spokesman for Rep. Smith, told WND in an e-mail over the weekend. It constitutes U.S. monetary interference in a sovereign nation's voting process. If passed the constitution would dramatically alter existing pro-life laws.
Sagnip pointed out that the proposed constitution would water down existing constitutional prohibitions on abortion except to save life. The new plan would permit abortion when in the opinion of a trained health professional, there is need for emergency treatment or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law.Sagnip characterized the language as obviously vague and riddled with blatant loopholes.The New York Times quoted Johnnie Carson, the assistant secretary of state for African affairs, as claiming that a very small percentage of the civic education grants made by the U.S. Agency for International Development in Kenya have gone to groups advocating for a Yes vote, but that this was an accident and an error.Yet, according to Rep. Smith's office, the Inspector General of the U.S. Agency for International Development had 10 programs with direct ties to supporting the Yes vote that the Obama administration had funded in Kenya, including the following:$94,133 to the Provincial Peace Forum in Rift Valley to build on previous activities in the North Rift as an entry point for a YES campaign on the constitution.
$91,106.66 to the Central Organization of Trade Unions to marshal a coalition of pro-Constitution individuals, institutions, and organizations to drum up political support for the Proposed Constitution by organizing a public rally at the historic Kamukunji Grounds, Nairobi.Kenyan constitutional referendum would establish official Islamic courts The proposed constitution also would give legal status to what are known as Kadhi Courts, constituting an Islamic judicial structure within the overall structure of the Kenyan legal structure, to resolve disputes between Muslims under Shariah law. Critics have charged that the constitutional provision to codify Kadhi Courts would violate the separation of state and religion by allowing Islamic law to have official legal status within a special category of Islamic courts that bear constitutionally specified legal authority. WND previously has reported that in the 2007 presidential campaign in Kenya, Raila Odinga, the presidential candidate of the Orange Democratic Party, and, like Obama a fellow Luo tribesman, had signed an undisclosed memorandum of understanding with radical Muslims in Kenya to expand Shariah law within Kenya in exchange for Muslim support of his presidential candidacy. As reported by Ecumenical News International in the U.K., many Kenyans believe the provision in the proposed Kenyan constitution referendum designed to establish constitutional status for Kadhi courts is a fulfillment of that agreement that Odinga made with Shiek Abdullah Abdi, the chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, or NAMLEF, in Kenya.
Obama's links to Odinga
The Obama administration's funding of Kenyan internal politics appears to follow a pattern then-Sen. Barack Obama first set on his 2006 Senate-funded visit to Kenya.
During that trip in 2006, Obama campaigned so openly for Odinga that Kenyan government spokesman Alfred Mutua went on Kenyan television on behalf of Kenyan President Kibaki to object that Obama was meddling inappropriately in Kenyan politics, as WND previously reported. WND reported in 2008 that then-Sen. Barack Obama raised almost $1 million for Odinga during the run-up to Kenya's 2007 presidential election. Also as WND previously reported, Odinga called for protests over alleged voter fraud during the December 2007 Kenyan presidential election, with the resulting protest violence leaving an estimated 1,000 members of the dominant Kikuyu tribe in Kenya dead and an estimated 500,000 displaced from their homes. In a horrifying incident following the election, at least 50 people, including women and children, were killed when an angry mob forced Kikuyu Christians into an Assembly of God Pentecostal church in the village of Eldoret, about 185 miles northwest of Nairobi, and set fire to the church, hacking with machetes any of the Christians who attempted to escape the flames.
In the final days of the New Hampshire Democratic primary, after the post-election violence in Kenya, Obama told reporters he continued to remain in contact with Odinga by telephone. Obama did not object to Odinga's continued push to share the head of state with President Mwai Kibaki despite his electoral defeat in the Kenyan 2007 presidential election. Instead, then-Sen. Obama worked with former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan to end the violence in Kenya by creating for Odinga the position of prime minister, a position that was not defined in the Kenyan constitution, in order for Odinga to become co-head of state alongside Kibaki. As recently as this May, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the top prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, was in Kenya to investigate the possibility of bringing criminal charges against both Kenyan Kibaki and Odinga for their roles in the post-election violence.
Batching it on Barry’s Home Alone Birthday
By Judi McLeod Thursday, August 5, 2010 CANADA FREE PRESS
It was Barry’s Birthday yesterday. It had to be Barry’s birthday because there is no such thing as Barack, save for the Manchurian candidate knockoff designed by a couple of autobiographies and the fill-in-the-blank entity designed by the Global Elite.The closest thing we have in knowing there really was a Barack before Barack Obama, President is because he was the Chicago senator who voted present 129 times before stepping into the light from the dark when he ran as POTUS. For this year’s birthday, Barry wanted you to think he was batching it in Chicago without the wife and girls. Mainstream media who wrote that he was Home Alone should have more correctly written Home Alone in His Lair. A little more than 1.2 million people of the more than 69 million who voted him in purportedly wished Barack a Happy Birthday.Thank you for the Birthday Card and the well wishes. It means so much to receive kind words from so many people, were the words on Barack’s FaceBook page last night.
Someone should move in quickly to market those one point 2 million people as they would buy anything.So why were Michelle and her youngest daughter in Spain while the elder daughter was away at summer camp during Daddy’s Big Day? Because you were with your Dad on his Birthday, and it’s always fun to throw a slap in the face on tradition, particularly when it’s not your birthday anyway.Like so many of the global elite who like symbolism, the passive aggressive Barry likes to play the numbers game.World Net Daily’s commenter Joe Kovacs noted that this year there was no smiley face like last year’s WND birthday screen shot on Obama’s official Myspace page. (CFP calls Joe a commenter because that’s what WND calls CFP columnists whose columns they are referring to). The smiley face is MySpace’s way of noting a hopeful mood.It’s not just MySpace where a smiley face is missing. There are few smiley faces these days in Obama’s America.There were, however, lots of smirks going around yesterday when Missouri said a collective No! to ObamaCare.As Kovacs points out, According to Barack Obama’s official MySpace page, he’s not getting older, he’s actually getting younger by a total of four years.Watch for Michelle to be a decade younger when her birthday rolls round again.So until yesterday the MySpace page had Obama as 52 until he returned on Barry’s Birthday to a younger sounding 48.Mind you, he can’t be the first Metrosexual to make himself 49 instead of 53.Here are the numbers that matter most. At 1 minute after 12 midnight on Barry’s Birthday, CFP’s countdown until Obama leaves office showed 900 days, 11 hours and 59 minutes.Today we’re down to 899 and still counting.As it the Countdown Clock started off on November 4, 2008 with 1,460 days, that’s real Hope & Change in real time.Whether 52 or 48, in the words of someone close to us WHATEVER!, some day soon Barry will go down in history as the President Who Never Was.
Gradualism: Creeping Corruption of Climate Science and Society?
By Dr. Tim Ball Thursday, August 5, 2010 CANADA FREE PRESS
It is simplistically said that change occurs by evolution or revolution. This put President Obama on the spot because he was planning revolution but anything faster than evolution raised red flags for a majority of people. Obama was forced to challenge the cardinal rule of stealth politics. Don’t do anything too extreme or too quickly. It appears the genius of the US Constitution is that there are sufficient elections to put a stop to legislative revolution. Drift too far and too fast from the will of the people and the next election will allow them to express their concern.It is another reason for term limits, especially for the President. Given anything beyond a two-term stretch and Obama could rely on gradualism to achieve an evolutionary change. Of course, the Founding Fathers also assumed the Media would fulfill their role using the First Amendment that prevented any legislation to inhibit free speech or freedom of the press. They have failed and many are going out of business because of their failure. Meanwhile Internet blogs have replaced them and like the pamphlets in early times bring ideas and exposure to the people. It is why China controls the Internet. All this forced him to bypass the legislative process and use executive orders and other techniques to achieve his revolution. Given more time Obama could have relied on gradualism, the process by which a group of people can slowly drift into bizarre patterns of behavior. (Source, and Source)Beyond the political machinations of Maurice Strong and the formation of the IPCC, how did so many scientists at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) become embroiled in the shameful and willful perversion of climate science that was exposed in Climategate? Groupthink is one explanation, but that only reinforces the process. How did they read and send emails that discussed personal attacks, non-disclosure of data, and most destructively, corruption of the quality control process of peer review? Who was the whistleblower and why has the person not been exposed? Since the emails were first sent to Paul Hudson, former Met Office employee working at the BBC, surely a quick search of his emails would reveal the source. Surely, this cries out for somebody doing some good investigative journalism. The fact it is not happening suggests the guilt by inaction of the mainstream media.
What is Gradualism?
Many years ago my wife and I were introduced to a woman who in conversation over the next half hour told us her adult life history. It was an amazing tale and at the end the woman looked at us and said, I know what you are thinking. Without waiting for a reply she said, You are thinking, you silly woman, how did you get yourself in such a mess? Which was entirely accurate. Again without waiting for a response she said something that has made me rethink history and many other events. You have to realize that what I am telling you in 30 minutes took 20 years to occur. I call the process gradualism.Historical events are learned about in minutes or at most hours, but actually evolve over months and years, even centuries. For example, English students learn that Henry VIII declared England Protestant, so in their minds all England became Protestant overnight. Truth is there are still Catholic holdouts and some are now advocating making the country officially Catholic again.A similar situation occurs in families. An event occurs that one or other partner thinks about but decides is not worth mentioning or confronting. This sets in motion a pattern as similar events occur but are bypassed. Later someone examining the situation from outside is stunned by what has become a normal pattern of behavior to the family .
Gradualism at the CRU
Hubert Lamb founder of the CRU apparently identified the point at which the corrupt direction of the group began. in his autobiography, Through all the Changing Scenes of Life he wrote that, The research project which I had put forward to the Rockefeller Foundation was awarded a handsome grant, but it sadly came to grief over an understandable difference of scientific judgment between me and the scientist, Dr. Tom Wigley, whom we appointed to take charge of the research. Wigley became Director of CRU in 1978 and began the process that led to the connections with the IPCC and the machinations that culminated in the final disclosure in the leaked emails. He surrounded himself with acolytes and involved them in the process, for example he took Phil Jones with him to the formation meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1985. His cemented his pivotal role by obtaining the funding as he explained in his 1990 appearance in the movie The Greenhouse Conspiracy. As we now know, that came in large amounts and undoubtedly cemented people to the group and bought silence. How often does money become the tying issue in a family situation? The pattern of the emails shows a few questions about what is happening, but gradualism is now operating as they are brushed aside. They also show Wigley continuing as the centre even though he has moved to America. The party held for Wigley on June 19th 2009 in Colorado showed the degree of connection.Climategate: It took someone with a conscience to expose the corruption
It appears that concern about what was happening did bother somebody and my view is, it was Keith Briffa.
He was the one who seemed to step aside and look at what was going on. An attempt at whitewash has failed because once exposed the pattern of behavior is so illogical that it is seen for what it is by all but the narcissists who function effectively in such environments.Obama’s pattern of behavior will not be seen as insidious by ideologues and narcissists within his group. Because he has limited time his haste and methods have made more people than usual aware of what is happening. Imagine what would have happened if the climate scientists at the CRU were forced to publicly explain what they were doing. Instead the system allowed them to avoid normal standards of scientific behavior and courtesy by refusing to disclose data and methods, to avoid Freedom of Information requests. It took someone with a conscience to expose the corruption, but they are not always around or are easily intimidated. It’s why we need a whistleblower law in a supposedly open society.
Obama Stimulus Didn’t End Our Economic Misery, It Merely Postponed It
By Fred Dardick Thursday, August 5, 2010 CANADA FREE PRESS
Democrats insist their nearly trillion dollar stimulus package was successful in preventing the nation from sliding into another Great Depression. While that is overstating the matter a bit, I would agree the economy required a much needed boost that only the federal government could provide, especially considering the Dow hit rock bottom at 6,547 in March 2009. Something big was needed, if for no other reason than to convince investors that the world wasn’t going to end with Obama’s election –investors are, after all, a forward looking group and I highly doubt many believed Obama would be good for business.What could have been a beneficial investment in our nation’s future, turned bad when Democrats in Washington chose for themselves who would get the money. Not surprisingly, instead of businesses and investors receiving tax breaks to spur private sector job creation, the majority of stimulus funds were directed to state and local governments, politically connected unions and pork projects that only a politician could love.Because of the Democrat’s poor choices, the $787 billion in borrowed Chinese money hasn’t ended our economic misery, but merely postponed it.
Did Joe Biden Reveal a Secret White House Plan to Socialize America?
We are already seeing the consequences of the Democrats reckless spending in the elevated unemployment rate. What was unimaginable not so long ago, economists now predict unemployment in the 10% range for years to come, if not permanently. Vice President Joe Biden’s comment that he did not expect the 5 million jobs lost during the recession to return is particularly illuminating. To believe the $14.3 trillion U.S. economy would be unable to create a measly 5 mil jobs seems ludicrous at first glance.There is only one reason for anyone to expect unemployment to remain permanently elevated, namely the socialization of America along the lines of Europe, where 10% unemployment is the norm. I can think of no other explanation. It is as though Biden’s admission regarding the lost jobs means Obama’s secret plan to socialize America isn’t so secret in the White House.
Obama Saved the Wrong 3 Million Jobs
The bad economic news starts with the so-called 3 million saved or created jobs that Obama often mentions. In some respects, he is correct… millions of jobs were saved, but unfortunately for us, they were the wrong jobs. What Obama is referring to is the millions of overpaid public sector employees that get to keep their position at the public trough, while the rest of us in private industry don’t seem to matter.
Over the past couple of years while the private sector has been cutting jobs to survive, the federal government, flush with stimulus cash, has added 300,000 to the payroll. The same can be said of state and local governments. Rather than face up to economic reality by making budget cuts, many have used federal stimulus funds to keep their bloated workforce in place while some have even hired on additional personnel.Approximately 8 million private sector jobs have been lost in the recession, not to mention the millions who have experienced lost income and work hours. Considering that 20% of the American workforce is in the public sector, just to maintain economic balance there should have been around 1.25 – 1.75 million government jobs lost during the recession. It is these workers that account for much of Obama’s highly touted saved or created jobs statistic.And we’re not talking about $10 per hour work here either. Government employees make on average 70% more than their private sector counterparts with benefit packages that are off the charts. While the rest of us have to wait until we’re 65 or older to collect Social Security, public sector employees often retire at 55 or younger.
Not only are their pay scales astronomical in comparison, it appears that many public sector employees have been giving themselves hefty pay raises since the recession began. The number of federal civil servants making six figures has climbed from 14% to 19% of the workforce since 2007. That’s 750,000 federal employees making $100,000 or more. An extreme example can be found in the Transportation Department where in 2007 only one employee made $170,000… now 1,690 make that much.How Can the Wealthiest Nation in the History of the World Be Going Broke? The U.S. is the wealthiest nation in the history of the world and yet we’re going broke because of our obscenely overpaid government workforce. Unfortunately for them, the stimulus party can’t last forever and we are starting to see signs of things to come.The police union in East St. Louis was given the option to accept a one year, 20% pay cut that would allow the city to keep most of the officers on staff. Rather than working with the city to decrease costs, as many private sector employees have done over the past couple of years to save their jobs, the union refused compromise giving the city no choice but to lay off almost half the police department leaving the streets in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country unprotected.
The original purpose of the stimulus funds was to create jobs, or more accurately, private sector employment. However, rather than invest in job creators, businesses, investors, entrepreneurs, etc… the Democrats decision to hand over the stimulus money to the public sector has merely postponed the inevitable federal, state and local government budget cuts that by a couple of years.Basically the economy is at exactly the same place as when this whole mess started, with trillions more added to our national debt no less.
What Would Ronald Reagan Do?
Just imagine where unemployment would be now if Republicans had doled out the stimulus funds in accordance with Ronald Reagan’s proven trickle down economics model. If Congress had implemented tax cuts for businesses and lowered tax rates for the wealthiest Americans, we would be well on our way to economic recovery. While this might not sound like a great idea to class warfare proponents, I doubt we would be looking down the barrel at a 9.5% unemployment rate.You can see the difference in the effects between the TARP fund created under the Bush administration and the stimulus monstrosity put forward by Obama. While TARP may not be popular, even in some conservative circles, most of the money was given to job creating banks that know how to create and maintain wealth. In other words, TARP wasn’t a handout; it was an investment in successful American businesses that has since been repaid to the government with interest.Obama stimulus was the exact opposite. Rather than investing a trillion dollars in job creating businesses and individuals, it was a handout to state and local governments that wasted the money on keeping their bloated payrolls intact when they should have been ridding themselves of many thousands of overpaid and unnecessary employees.
A Better Way Forward
I agree with Sen. McCain that politicians should be banned from earmark spending, but I would take his idea it a step further. I am convinced that government agencies should never spend money on businesses outside of their immediate suppliers. For example, rather than handing out $130 million to a car battery company in Michigan like Obama did last month, if the government feels it necessary to give back money to the public, then it should be done with across the board tax cuts. Any other way and we’re just begging for politicians to engage in financial mismanagement.
While I don’t have all the answers, I do have 5 suggestions on how to get our nation moving in the right economic direction:
1.Get rid of all government jobs created since 2006; an additional 5% cut in the workforce from there couldn’t hurt.
2.Return government pay scales and benefits back to what they were in 2006.
3.Return government spending back to what it was in 2006, before the Democrat controlled Congress increased federal spending by over 30% in 3 years.
4.Raise the retirement age of all government workers to 65.
5.Use the proceeds from steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 in tax breaks for private businesses.
And then let’s see if we can’t get America back to work.
Thu Aug 5, 6:43 pm ET
First lady under fire for her glitzy Spanish vacation
By Holly Bailey
As her husband celebrated his 49th birthday in Chicago with Oprah, first lady Michelle Obama was halfway around the world, on vacation with her 9-year-old daughter, Sasha, in Spain. The two are traveling on what the White House has described as a four-day private trip with several Obama family friends along the country's ritzy southern coast.Of course, no first lady's life is truly ever private, and already plenty of drama is swirling around Michelle Obama's foreign jaunt. Some critics have laid into the trip's price, while others are highlighting an apparent diplomatic gaffe between the United States and Spain.Fox News reports that prior to the first lady's arrival, the State Department had issued a travel warning to Americans advising that racist prejudices could lead to the arrest of Afro-Americans who travel to Spain. The wording was reportedly removed from the State Department website Monday, ahead of Michelle Obama's arrival in the country Wednesday.
Yet the bigger public furor concerns the cost and appearance of the trip. In a scathing editorial published Thursday, New York Daily News writer Andrea Tantaros trashed Michelle Obama as a modern day Marie Antoinette for taking such a glitzy vacation while most of the country is struggling to make ends meet.The Obama entourage is staying at the luxury Hotel Villa Padierna, a Ritz-Carlton property often described as one of the world's top 10 hotels. Rates range between $500 and $2,500 a night. It's not clear that the Obama delegation picked this hotel specifically, or if the Secret Service — which often gets final say over where a protectee stays — made the accommodations call.Either way, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters that the first lady will pay her personal expenses — as will the friends who are traveling with her. But that only covers a small part of the ultimate expense, given that she has full-time Secret Service protection and has to travel with an entourage of staff. That cost, as well as her travel on board an official Air Force charter plane, is covered by taxpayers.As the Chicago Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet reports, by the end of the summer, the first lady will have taken eight vacations. That includes a June trip to Los Angeles, where she and her daughters attended the NBA Finals, as well as an upcoming trip to the Florida Gulf Coast next weekend and a 10-day visit to Martha's Vineyard later this month with the president.Michelle Obama is hardly the only first lady to travel overseas without her husband. Laura Bush and her daughters, Barbara and Jenna, traveled to Africa in 2007, where they went on safari. Yet her trip was regarded as an official visit and included several public events. According to the White House, this trip is entirely private, save for a photo-op with the Spanish royal family, who has invited the first lady and her daughter for an official visit.
US, nuclear powers join Hiroshima memorial By ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press Writer - AUG 5,10
HIROSHIMA, Japan – The site of the world's worst atomic bomb attack echoed with choirs of schoolchildren and the solemn ringing of bells Friday as Hiroshima marked its biggest memorial yet and the first to be attended by the U.S. and other major nuclear powers.Washington's decision to send U.S. Ambassador John Roos to the 65th anniversary of the bombing was seen by many as potentially paving the way for President Barack Obama to visit Hiroshima — which would be unprecedented for a sitting U.S. leader.Along with the U.S., Britain and France also made their first official appearance at the memorial, as well as U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Altogether, 74 nations were represented.China, which sent a low-ranking official in 2008, was not participating. Officials said it did not give a reason.Hiroshima was careful to ensure that the memorial — while honoring the 140,000 who died on or soon after the attack on Aug. 6, 1945 — emphasized a look-forward approach, focusing not on whether the bombing was justified, a point which many Japanese dispute, but on averting a future nuclear attack.
Roos said the memorial was a chance to show resolve toward nuclear disarmament.For the sake of future generations, we must continue to work together to realize a world without nuclear weapons, he said in a statement.Ban, who presented flowers at the Eternal Flame in Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park, said this year's memorial will send a strong signal to the world that nuclear weapons must be destroyed.Life is short, but memory is long, Ban said. For many of you, that day endures ... as vivid as the white light that seared the sky, as dark as the black rains that followed.Ban added that the time has come to move from Ground Zero, to Global Zero — a world without any nuclear arms.Washington's decision to attend the anniversary has been welcomed by Japan's government, but has generated complex feelings among some Japanese who see the bombing as unjustified and want the United States to apologize.
Americans think that the bombing was reasonable because it speeded up the end of the war. They try to see it in a positive way, Naomi Sawa, a 69-year-old former teacher, said after paying her respects to the dead. But we were devastated.About 140,000 people were killed or died within months when the American B-29 Enola Gay bombed Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945. Three days later, about 80,000 people died after the United States attacked Nagasaki.The United States decided to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it believed that would speed up Japan's surrender and avoid the tough battles expected to take Japan's mainland. Fears of bloody battles were heightened by Japan's intense defenses of outlying islands — such as Iwo Jima and Okinawa.
Japan surrendered on Aug. 15, ending World War II.Concerns that attending the ceremony — an emotional event beginning with the offering of water to the dead and a moment of silence to soothe their souls — would reopen old wounds had kept the U.S. away until this year.Former President Jimmy Carter visited Hiroshima's Peace Museum in 1984, years after he was out of office. The highest-ranking American to visit while in office is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who went in 2008. Roos also visited Hiroshima soon after assuming his post last year.None went for the annual memorial, however. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters in Washington on Thursday that Obama believed it would be appropriate to recognize this anniversary by sending Roos. The State Department deemed the time was right to do so, and it was a chance to push Obama's goal of nuclear disarmament.
Hiroshima's mayor praised that position.
We are encouraged that our voice is being heard,Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba said in a speech at the ceremony. It is the wish of the survivors of the bombing that the voices of peace will be heard.Akiba called on the Japanese government to take a leadership role in nuclear disarmament toward turning a new page in human history.I offer my prayers to those who died — we will not make you be patient much longer.
Hiroshima has invited Obama to visit the city, and he has expressed interest in doing so at some point while he is in office. But such a visit would be highly controversial. At Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park, where Friday's ceremony was held, some visitors expressed concerns that Japan's view of the bombing — seen by many as excessive use of deadly force — conflicts with America's view. Katsuko Nishibe, a 61-year-old peace activist, said she welcomed the decision to send Roos, but added that she thought it was dangerous to think that the bombing of Hiroshima was justified. I don't think it was necessary,she said. We have a very different interpretation of history. But we can disagree about history and still agree that peace is what is important. That is the real lesson of Hiroshima.The number of survivors able to attend the ceremony is steadily falling as more die of old age. According to Japan's Kyodo news agency, the average age of the survivors is over 76 years, and the number of certified survivors has fallen to 227,565 from a peak of 370,000.
Russia moves rockets as wildfires spread By Jim Heintz, Associated Press Writer – Thu Aug 5, 2:16 pm ET
MOSCOW – A Russian military garrison near Moscow moved all its artillery rockets to a safer location as wildfires advanced in the region, the government said Thursday.
Col. Alexei Kuznetsov, a Defense Ministry spokesman, told The Associated Press that the garrison near Naro-Fominsk, 70 kilometers (45 miles) southwest of Moscow, was not in immediate danger. But the decision to move the explosive materiel underlined the challenges posed by the hundreds of fires raging in Russia after weeks of intense heat and drought.A wildfire leapt into a Russian naval air base outside Moscow last week, causing substantial damage; Russian media reported as many as 200 planes may have been destroyed. Kuznetsov did not give details of where the rockets were moved to, or when the operation occurred.In neighboring Ukraine, also suffering from heat and lack of rain, a wildfire on Thursday was within three kilometers (two miles) of a military base in the Dnirpropetrovsk region, local news reports said. The regional emergencies ministry said only that a 300-hectare (750-acre) fire was close to being extinguished. In all, wildfires in eastern Ukraine have destroyed about 1,000 hectares (2,500 acres).Almost 600 fires were reported burning in Russia on Thursday, mostly in the western stretches of the country. The death toll from the fires stands at 50.Earlier, a shelter with some 1,800 animals near Moscow reported that it had been threatened by fires and that one had approached within 150 meters (yards) before being extinguished. But shelter director Daria Taraskina said late Thursday that there were no blazes nearby, though concern remained high for the dogs, cats and retired circus animals at the facility in Khoteichi, 40 miles (64 kilometers) east of Moscow.
Thick smog that had blanketed Moscow partially lifted early Thursday but could return with no end in sight to a record heat wave, officials warned.Temperatures up to 100 F (38 C) have exacerbated forest and peat bog fires across Russia's central and western regions, destroying close to 2,000 homes. Officials have suggested the 10,000 firefighters battling the blazes aren't enough. The forecast for the week ahead shows little change in the capital and surrounding regions, where the average summer temperature is around 23 (75).In the blaze-ravaged village of Plotava, 35 miles (60 kilometers) east of Moscow, local official Viktor Sorokin lamented that the number of fire wardens in woodland and peat bog areas had halved to 150 in the last few years under new rules.There used to be more of them, now there aren't enough, he said.Some locals are taking the initiative to make up the shortfall in firefighters.We woke up several days ago and we couldn't breathe, said Alexander Babayev, a 27-year-old owner of a drive-in theater, before taking a hose to low rising flames flickering above the smoldering ground.Babayev assembled a motley team of volunteers using a social networking website and, after a few instructions from professionals, they began tending to fires.Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has promised to build new, better homes before winter, and vowed each victim would receive $6,600 in compensation. The sum is huge in a country whose average monthly wage is around $800, and Russian media say some residents may have deliberately torched their dwellings to qualify.To the east, firefighters focused on beating flames back from a top-secret nuclear research facility in the city of Sarov. A Sarov news website on Thursday cited local officials as saying a wall of fire had been broken down into several smaller blazes. On Wednesday, officials said the closest blaze was still several miles (kilometers) from the main facilities at the Russian Federal Nuclear Research Center and as a precaution all hazardous materials had been evacuated.In the capital, President Dmitry Medvedev fired several high-ranking military officials Wednesday over what he called criminal negligence in fires that ravaged a military base.Russia has been sent helicopters and planes to help douse the flames from Ukraine, Armenia, Italy, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, Emergencies Minister Sergei Shoigu said in televised comments.Associated Press writers Mansur Mirovalev in Plotava, Khristina Narizhnaya and David Nowak in Moscow and Anna Menichuk in Kiev, Ukraine, contributed to this report. (This version CORRECTS Leads with 5 grafs to correct translation and show that only rockets moved, add reported fire in vicinity of base in Ukraine, amend contributor line. AP Video.) (VIDEO & LINKS)
DOCTOR'S ORDERS-Obamacare could actually kill Constitution-Virginia AG warns: We lose this case, it's the end of federalism August 04, 2010 8:46 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh 2010 WorldNetDaily
Ken Cuccinelli
Virginia's attorney general, who recently won a preliminary round over the Obama administration in his state's fight over Obamacare, warns if the federal government can order citizens to purchase health insurance, they can order you to do anything.If the insurance mandate is upheld, according to Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, it will be the end of the American way of life and government. An interesting thing for people to think about is, if this is activity that can be regulated under the Commerce Clause [of the U.S. Constitution], then the federal government can reach anything,he said in a recent interview with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren. This is where you get to the massive expansion of federal power, he warned. If they can say that ordering you to do something is economic activity, ordering you into the economy, then they can order you to do anything, and we don't any longer have a government of limited powers. That's a major concern. We lose this case, it's the end of federalism, he said.Virginia's lawsuit over Obamacare is one among many challenging the law's demand that everyone buy government-approved health insurance or pay a special tax penalty. Earlier this week, U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson ruled the lawsuit could continue because no court ever has decided whether it's constitutional to order Americans to buy a product selected by the government.
Sign the petition opposing Obamacare.While this case raises a host of complex constitutional issues, all seem to distill to the single question of whether or not Congress has the power to regulate – and tax – a citizen's decision not to participate in interstate commerce, Hudson said. The Obama administration argues the Commerce Clause allows it to regulate economic activity, but Virginia's claim – shared by other cases – is that it is not economic activity when someone decides not to purchase a product. Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh called it a huge decision.
Now, you've got to imagine the momentum that this … first preliminary ruling is gonna give to other attorneys general and legislative branches,he said. The Obama line of reasoning was recently proclaimed by Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif., who, responding to questions about Obamacare, said the federal government pretty much has no limits on its authority to manage individuals' lives.I think that there are very few constitutional limits that would prevent the federal government from rules that could affect your private life,he said, adding, The federal government, yes, can do most anything in this country.Cuccinelli also confirmed that should his state be victorious, the many thousands of pages of rules, regulations, limits, restrictions, taxes, penalties, fees and federal authority under Obamacare will collapse. If the individual mandate is found to be unconstitutional, as Virginia says it is, the whole bill falls,he told Fox. The whole thing.That's because the law was written without a clause that allows other portions to remain in effect if one part is found to be illegal, officials said. The Virginia focal point is the federal demand that everyone buy the health insurance mandated by the government. Virginia's position is that ordering the purchase of health insurance is not regulating economic activity, explained Cuccinelli. What are you regulating? You're regulating somebody doing nothing. That's inactivity. Repose is the word he used in the opinion, a state of repose.The judge noted the importance of the arguments over the mandatory purchase of insurance.In the secretary's view, without full market participation the financial foundation supporting the health care system will fail, in effect causing the health care regime to implode, he wrote in his decision. But he noted that never before has the Commerce Clause and associated necessary and proper clause been extended this far.He said while Congress has great authority to tax, the law appears to seek to compel activity beyond the reach of Congress.WND has reported that more than three-quarters of the needed members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed onto a measure to have a new vote on Obamacare that essentially would allow the chamber to withdraw its approval of the law and begin the process of banishing it from American shores. The plan is a discharge petition offered by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, which is being supported by a petition drive that urges members of Congress to repeal Obamacare because of several problems:Under the provisions of the discharge procedures in the House, such a move is required to have the support of 218 members, a majority, of the 435-member chamber before moving forward.But since it requires a majority, it is virtually assured of approval once it reaches the point of being advanced.
The proposal states: Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XV, I, Steve King of Iowa, move to discharge the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Education and Labor, the Judiciary, Natural Resources, Rules, House Administration and Appropriations from the consideration of the bill (H.R. 4972) to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which was referred to said committees on March 25, 2010, in support of which motion the undersigned Members of the House of Representatives affix their signatures.Its target is the $940 billion, or greater, bill adopted by the Democrat-controlled Congress in March. Advocates say constituents need to call their representatives to tell them to get on board right away so that the petition is positioned to move forward whether or not the GOP becomes the majority in the House after the 2010 fall elections.Sign the petition opposing Obamacare.
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