Wednesday, October 10, 2018


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

LUKE 21:28-29
28 And when these things begin to come to pass,(ALL THE PROPHECY SIGNS FROM THE BIBLE) then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption (RAPTURE) draweth nigh.
29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree,(ISRAEL) and all the trees;(ALL INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES)
30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.(ISRAEL LITERALLY BECAME AND INDEPENDENT COUNTRY JUST BEFORE SUMMER IN MAY 14,1948.)

JOEL 2:3,30
3 A fire devoureth (ATOMIC BOMB) before them;(RUSSIAN-ARAB-MUSLIM ARMIES AGAINST ISRAEL) and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.(ATOMIC BOMB AFFECT)

ZECHARIAH 14:12-13
12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their eyes shall consume away in their holes,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB)(BECAUSE NUKES HAVE BEEN USED ON ISRAELS ENEMIES)(GOD PROTECTS ISRAEL AND ALWAYS WILL)
13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.(1/2-3 BILLION DIE IN WW3)(THIS IS AN ATOMIC BOMB EFFECT)

47 And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein.

18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.

1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven;(FROM ATOMIC BOMBS) and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.12 TRIBES INHERIT LAND IN THE FUTURE

Pompeo says progress made with Kim Jong Un on North Korea trip-US secretary of state declines South Korea leader’s request to publicly disclose information about Pyongyang’s denuclearization-By Matthew Lee-OCT 9,18

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that he and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un made unspecified progress Sunday toward an agreement for the North to give up its nuclear weapons, though there was no immediate indication whether Pompeo had managed to arrange a much-anticipated second summit between Kim and US President Donald Trump.Trump, tweeting from Washington, cited progress on agreements he made with Kim at their June meeting and said, “I look forward to seeing Chairman Kim again, in the near future.”Arriving in Seoul after several hours in Pyongyang on his fourth visit to North Korea, Pompeo tweeted that he had a “good trip” and that he and Kim “continue to make progress on agreements made at Singapore summit.” Trump and Kim held a historic summit there in June that resulted in a vague agreement for the North to denuclearize.The top US diplomat offered no details, and, upon landing in South Korea, he briefed White House national security adviser John Bolton and Trump chief of staff John Kelly on his trip, officials said.Pompeo, on the third stop of a four-leg Asian tour that began in Japan and was to end in China on Monday, then met South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in. Moon, who has met twice with Kim, asked Pompeo to make public as much information as he could about the trip.“I dearly hope that your latest visit, as well as the upcoming US-North Korea summit, which I hope will be happening soon, will make irreversible, decisive progress in terms of the denuclearization as well as the peace process,” Moon said. “Since we have the media present here, I would like to ask you to disclose anything that you can open to the public here.”Pompeo declined that opportunity.“I will certainly tell you in private about our conversation, but we had a good, productive conversation,” Pompeo said. “As President Trump said, there are many steps along the way and we took one of them today. It was another step forward. So this is, I think, a good outcome for all of us.”Moon’s office said in a statement later that Pompeo told Moon that the North Korean leader had agreed a second summit with Trump “should be held as soon as possible,” and that talks on the timing and location would continue.In Pyongyang, Pompeo and Kim met for about three-and-a-half hours, first in a business session and then in a 90-minute luncheon that the North Korean leader hosted at a state guesthouse, according to the pool report from the lone US journalist allowed to accompany Pompeo on his Asia trip.“It’s a very nice day that promises a good future for both countries,” Kim told Pompeo through an interpreter as they sat down for the meal.“Yeah, so we had a great, great visit this morning,” Pompeo replied. “Thank you for hosting, President Trump sends his regards. And we had a very successful morning so thank you and I am looking forward to our time here at lunch as well.”On the North Korean side, Kim was joined at the lunch by his sister, Kim Yo Jong, and his former intelligence chief Kim Yong Chol, who has been Pompeo’s chief interlocutor.Aside from Pompeo, the US side included Stephen Biegun, the new US special envoy for North Korea, and Andrew Kim, who heads a Korea working group at the CIA that Pompeo set up while he was running the agency.Pompeo and Kim had exchanged pleasantries and appeared chummy while they walked into the banquet room. “It’s good to see you again,” Pompeo said as they shook hands. Pompeo placed his hand on Kim’s shoulder and they both smiled.“So is everything okay?” Kim asked Pompeo.“Everything is great,” Pompeo replied. “Everything is great. I am very much looking forward to our time together too.”Other members of the two delegations ate their five-course meal, which included delicacies such as foie gras, conch soup, steak, grilled pine mushrooms and chocolate cake, sweet red wine and soju, in a separate room.Pompeo had planned to meet with Kim on Sunday’s trip, but North Korean officials said Kim’s participation in the luncheon had not been expected. Pompeo had not met with Kim on his last visit and Trump had abruptly canceled Pompeo’s plans to travel to North Korea last month, citing a lack of progress in the negotiations-Pompeo earlier held talks in Tokyo with Japan’s prime minister, and pledged that the Trump administration would coordinate and unify its strategy for denuclearization with its allies. Japan has been wary of the initiative, but South Korea has embraced it.Pompeo has repeatedly refused to discuss details of negotiations, including a US position on North Korea’s demand for a declared end to the Korean War and a proposal from Seoul for such a declaration to be accompanied by a shutdown of the North’s main known nuclear facility.The US and Japan have pushed for the North to compile and turn over a detailed list of its nuclear sites to be dismantled as a next step in the process. The North has rejected that.Since the denuclearization effort got underway with a secret visit to the North by then-CIA chief Pompeo in April, there has been only limited progress, even since the June 12 Trump-Kim summit that many had hoped would jump-start the effort.North Korea so far has suspended nuclear and missile tests, freed three American prisoners and dismantled parts of a missile engine facility and tunnel entrances at a nuclear test site. It has not taken any steps to halt nuclear weapons or missile development.The North has accused Washington of making “unilateral and gangster-like” demands on denuclearization and has insisted that sanctions should be lifted before any progress in nuclear talks. US officials have thus far said the penalties will remain in place until the North’s denuclearization is fully verified.

Clearing the rubble in Syria’s Palestinian Yarmouk camp-The built-up residential area was once home to 160,000 residents; today, it is a post-apocalyptic vista of bombed-out buildings-By AP and TOI staff-OCT 9,18

DAMASCUS, Syria — In the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk on the edge of Syria’s capital, bulldozers and trucks are clearing tons of rubble from streets gutted by war.The built-up residential area was once home to 160,000 residents, Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war around Israel’s creation as well as middle-class Syrians. Today, it is a post-apocalyptic vista of bombed out buildings coated in gray dust.Syrian rebels seized the district in 2012, and government forces responded with a crippling siege and near-daily shelling, driving most residents out. Fighting broke out among different armed groups, and Islamic State jihadists seized control in 2015, before being driven out in a government offensive earlier this year.The neighborhood was established after 1948 to house thousands of Palestinians who fled or were driven out of what is now Israel.On Saturday, Associated Press reporters saw bulldozers clearing away mounds of rubble beneath the jagged shells of hollowed-out apartment blocks. The streets are covered with piles of steel rebar, cinder blocks and burnt-out cars.Mahmoud Khaled, an engineer supervising the work, says clearing operations on the main roads began three weeks ago and will continue for another month, before work begins on side streets. Only then can the government start to restore electricity, water and other infrastructure. Khaled says around 50,000 cubic meters of rubble have so far been removed.Syrian officials estimate the country will need up to $400 billion to rebuild from the devastating civil war, which is still underway as insurgents control parts of northern Syria. Western countries have refused to pledge reconstruction aid in the absence of a political transition from President Bashar Assad’s rule, something the government adamantly rejects.It is unclear when or if the Palestinians of Yarmouk will ever return.

300 Palestinian security prisoners to be released due to overcrowding-Jailed terrorists along with another 700 criminals to have their sentences shortened as High Court demands more space for prisoners-By TOI staff-OCT 9,18

A total of 300 prisoners serving time for terrorism and other security-related crimes are to be freed to prevent overcrowding within the prison system.Along with the security prisoners, another 700 criminals are expected to be released when new government legislation is expected to come into effect on December 20, which will allow the prison authority to reduce each sentence automatically.The Israel Prisons Sservice was forced to plan the release of the 1,000 prisoners due to a High Court ruling that requires each prisoner to have at least 4.5 square meters of personal space, an increase of 50 percent over the current three square meters.Among the security prisoners expected to be released are the brother of Ahed Tamimi and an accomplice to the June 2017 terror attack that killed Border Police officer Hadas Malka, the Haaretz daily reported.The government, which begins its winter session next week, is expected to pass legislation allowing the prison service to reduce sentences.Whereas currently the prison service can reduce a sentence by a week for each six months served, according to the proposed legislation a six-month sentence will automatically be cut by two weeks. A one-year sentence will be reduced by a month; someone serving 20 years in jail will be entitled to a seven-month reduction.The law is expected to pass on December 20 after it has been approved by by Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and the Finance Ministry. In August, the measures were approved by the Knesset’s Interior Committee.With these reductions, the prison service will be able to free a total of 1,000 prisoners.

Hundreds attend funeral of Barkan terror victim Kim Levengrond Yehezkel-‘We will raise our son Kai exactly as you would have wanted. You will always remain my best friend,’ says victim’s husband in eulogy-By TOI staff-OCT 9,18

Hundreds of mourners on Sunday night attended the funeral of Kim Levengrond Yehezkel, one of the victims of a terror attack in the West Bank earlier in the day.Levengrond Yehezkel, 28, was buried in her hometown of Rosh Ha’ayin in central Israel.“I promise I’ll never forget you,” said her husband, Guy. “We will raise our son Kai exactly as you would have wanted. You will always remain my best friend.”Levengrond Yehezkel and Ziv Hajbi, 35, were shot dead by a Palestinian terrorist who worked with them at Alon Group, which manufactures waste management systems, at the Barkan Industrial Park near the settlement-city of  Ariel. Levengrond Yehezkel was secretary to the CEO, while Hajbi worked in accounting.“I’m sorry I was not with you. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get there in time,” her father Rafi was quoted by Hebrew media as saying at the funeral. “I promise you that Guy and Kai will receive everything they need. I promise that I will take care of them like I always took care [of you]. You can rest in peace.”“I promised you that I’d always protect you, but today, this morning, I was unable to look after you,” her cousin Sapir said. “Your constant laughter is no more. I always wanted to be like you and to learn from you.”Levengrond Yehezkel was the mother of an 18-month-old child.“In the past few days, her son started to walk, and she was so excited about it,” another family member, who was not named, said at the funeral. “There was nobody happier than her. She was constantly filming him and sending the videos to everyone. Now she is no more. It is impossible to believe it and I can’t grasp that she was murdered.”Communication Minister Ayoub Kara and Likud MK Oren Hazan, both friends of the family, also attended the funeral.“It is a dark day,” said Kara. “I came to represent the government of Israel and to express solidarity with this dear family. I came to tell her husband and her baby who will never again see his mother: I’m sorry. I tried to advance a law to give the death penalty to terrorists but I have not succeeded.”The families of both victims said they would donate their organs.Hajbi’s funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in the southern community of Nir Yisrael.Throughout the day, friends and relatives of Levengrond Yehezkel arrived at her parents’ home in Rosh Ha’ayin. Kim and her husband Guy had lived in Barkan, where the attack took place, up until a year ago, when they moved into an apartment in Rosh Ha’ayin to be near Kim’s parents. Despite the relocation, Kim continued to work at Alon Group. She had studied law and was preparing for her bar exam.The suspect, Ashraf Walid Suleiman Na’alowa, a 23-year-old Palestinian man from the northern West Bank, was employed at Alon Group as an electrician. He arrived at the factory shortly before 8 a.m, armed with a locally produced Carlo-style submachine gun, according to army spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus.Inside, he tied up and shot Yehezkel dead at close range, along with Hajbi, as well as wounding a third victim, according to eyewitnesses.He then fled the scene. Israeli security forces have launched a massive manhunt to apprehend him.The IDF, Shin Bet security service and Israel Police, including special forces units, have deployed additional troops throughout the West Bank to locate the gunman and in order to prevent “copycat” incidents — a common phenomenon after high-profile terror attacks.Na’alowa worked at Alon Group factory and had a legal work permit. He was acquainted with his victims, according to an IDF spokesperson.He had been absent from work in the days before the shooting, but was still employed by the factory, a military spokesperson said, refuting earlier media reports that he had been fired.The army said Na’alowa was from the northern West Bank village of Shuweika, near Tulkarem. According to the IDF, the suspect had no history of terrorist activities and was not tied to any terror groups, though several of them applauded his actions.Earlier in the day, he had posted on his Facebook page that he was “waiting for [Allah].”The businesses in the Barkan Industrial Park, located near Ariel, employ some 8,000 people, approximately half of them Israelis and the other half Palestinians.

Canadian scientists sign statement slamming 'unsound' speech on gender issues-[The Canadian Press]-OCT 9,18-YAHOONEWS

Canadian scientists and professors are among hundreds that have signed a statement condemning what they call a "fundamentally unsound" presentation by an Italian physicist on gender issues, and they say they are concerned about prevailing sexism in science.The statement, posted on the website Particles for Justice, was signed by members of the scientific community from around the world. It said that Alessandro Strumia argued in a recent speech to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) that in the field of physics, women are less capable than men."As particle physicists, we are appalled by Strumia’s actions and his stated views on women in high energy physics," read the statement, adding that the signatories believe "the science case presented by Strumia was fundamentally unsound."CERN, which hosted the seminar "High Energy Theory and Gender" from Sept. 26 to 28, wrote in a statement that it suspended Strumia on Monday because his talk risked "overshadowing" the message of the event, which focused on equal opportunities in physics.A spokesman for the organization wrote in an email that Strumia is a "visiting scientist" and his "presentation, with its attacks on individuals, was unacceptable in any professional context."The organization confirmed to The Associated Press that the presentation included the sentence: "Physics invented and built by men, it's not by invitation."Heather Logan, a physics professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, said she signed the statement condemning Strumia's talk because she found his comments "horrifying," and she wants young people entering the field to know his message is "discriminatory" and not welcome."There are truly excellent women in my field," said Logan. "Without their contributions, we would be impoverished as a field."In a phone interview with The Associated Press, Strumia said he doesn't believe men are better than women in physics and he thinks his suspension wasn't warranted."There is a political group that wants women, and other people, to believe that they are victims,'' he said."They suspended me because it's true ... and it's contrary to the political line. And I hope CERN will at some point understand. I hope this is just the first self-preservation instinct."Somebody had to speak,'' said Strumia, who is also a professor at the University of Pisa in Italy.Logan said she is "astounded" that Strumia could be trusted to teach physics and supervise students in science."It's a betrayal," she said. "It's a betrayal to the integrity of the field."Kristine Spekkens, an astronomer who teaches at Queen's University and the Royal Military College of Canada, said she signed the statement because she believes Strumia's comments were "incorrect and insidious.""He used a platform to communicate a message that is unfounded," said Spekkens, who is also a member of the Canadian Astronomical Society's equity and inclusivity committee.She said his message is also "discouraging" for women in science and those who are just entering the field.Robert Brandenberger, a physics professor at McGill University who was also a signatory, said people of colour continue to be underrepresented in his classes."The history of physics has been dominated by white males," he said."If you're a woman in a mostly male environment of course it's difficult."Spekkens said she hopes that with hundreds signing the statement condemning Strumia's comments, it sends the message that there should be diversity in every industry and field, including science."If the goal of the scientific community is to understand the world and how the universe works, then diversity is a really important aspect of accomplishing that goal," she said.- With files from the Associated Press.Alanna Rizza, The Canadian Press.

Hollywood reacts to Brett Kavanaugh's U.S. Supreme Court confirmation-[CBC]-YAHOONEWS-October 9, 2018

Ellen DeGeneres, Jim Carrey and Time's Up are among those reacting to the U.S. Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday.Time's Up, a movement to help victims of workplace sexual harassment created by women in Hollywood after allegations of misconduct against Harvey Weinstein and others, also posted a statement on Twitter following the decision."This chapter in our history book will not be the story of men who believed men, that's old news," the official Time's Up account posted in a series of tweets. "It will be the story of an avalanche of women who spoke truths and seized our power."Talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres, who rarely gets political on social media, addressed a message to Christine Blasey Ford. Ford testified last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee that she had been sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh when they were teenagers. Kavanaugh denied any wrongdoing."You started a movement and we'll see it through," DeGeneres posted on Twitter Saturday. "If they won't listen to our voices, then they'll listen to our vote."Canadian-born actor Jim Carrey referred to Ford's testimony as "Real American heroism."The 50-48 senate vote marked the end of a bitter, high-profile battle between Democrats and Republicans.White House Down actor James Woods, a Republican known for sharing his right-wing views and staunch support of Donald Trump online, returned to Twitter after being locked out of his account by the social media company for refusing to delete a tweet it had flagged.After expressing support for Kavanaugh, he posted: "Now what Republicans must do is support those still marginalized by a history of oppression and neglect."Debate over the nomination triggered a protest Thursday in Washington, D.C. at the U.S. Senate building. Comedian Amy Schumer and model-actress Emily Ratajkowski were among those who participated.

Service outage fixed after nearly 3 days, says Vancity-[CBC]-YAHOONEWS-October 9, 2018

Vancity says it has fixed issues with its banking system that caused an outage lasting nearly three days during which members were unable to see their account balances or complete online transactions, including paying bills."We have fixed the issues with our banking system and are now beginning to bring the various elements back online," the credit union stated in a release.Although the issues have been fixed, Vancity says it will take more time Saturday to get all its services back online.During the outage, ATMs, debit cards, mobile tap and Vancity credit cards were still working for most members.Wait to bank-Vancity is asking members who have non-urgent banking needs to wait until the credit union posts a message that the system is completely back online before they use the online service.It also says that members may notice that some transanctions they completed since the outage began at midnight Oct. 3, may not appear, but will show up eventually.Tamara Vrooman, the president and CEO of Vancity, said the service outage that hit the credit union was not related to a security breach.Vancity has over 525,000 members in British Columbia.Long weekend extended hours-Vancity extended its branch hours into the weekend to help members work around the outage.Branches are open from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. PT on Oct. 6-8.The member services centre will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on those dates.Cause not found-Vancity has not yet said what caused the problem, but apologized for the outage."To all our members, we again sincerely apologize for the major inconvenience this outage has caused," it said in the release."You have our assurance that we will make it right, and that we will make you whole for any penalties or service charges you've incurred."

Tuesday, October 09, 2018


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)



01-5-7-6-4 W-2.60, S-2.30
02-6-3-5-2 4TH WBP 9.2
03-1-4-5-6 W-4.00, TRI-39.60
04-10-6-9-3 P-9.30 (7-1)
05-4-5-8-1 P-3.40, 4TH WBP 8-1
07-3-5-8-2 P-13.30 (15-1)
08-7-5-3-6 4TH WBP 3-1
09-1-4-3-5 P-5.90 (5-1), S-6.60 (18-1)
10-8-1-7-2-3 EX-29.40
MONEY WON-$116.40 - OATOT $47,430.25

01-5-4-7-6 W-2.60, 4TH WBP 7.2
03-1-4-5-3 W-4.00, 4TH (9-1), TRI-39.60, SUP-66.55
04-1-3-10-8 4TH WBP 13-1 - MY 1 WAS 9-1
05-4-1-5-8 4TH (11-1) - MY 1 WAS 8-1
06-1-6-5-9 4TH WBP 9-1 - MY 1 WAS 6-1
07-3-9-1-8 S-2.90 - MY 9 WAS 28-1, MY 3 WAS 9-1
08-7-5-6-4 S-2.50, 4TH (19-1)
09-2-1-3-4 W-14.70 (6-1), S-6.60 (18-1), 4TH WBP 5-1, SUP-336.65
10-8-1-5-10-2 EX-29.40
MONEY WON-$505.50 - OATOT $46,428.70



01-463-BIG-$15.20 (MAY 24-11TH) (6-1) $13.30 (SEP 29-6TH) (5-1) $13.00 (JUN 28-4TH) (5-1)
02-249-BIG-$13.30 (OCT 09-7TH) (15-1) $12.50 (SEP 03-10TH) (12-1) $9.80 (MAY 14-8TH) (8-1)
03-212-BIG-$9.20 (JUN 18-4TH) (11-1) $8.10 (SEP 29-4TH) (22-1) $7.40 (AUG 13-8TH) (13-1)
04-178-BIG-47-1 (APR 20-9TH) 40-1 (JUN 07-10) 33-1 (AUG 18-3RD) 33-1 (SEP 08-7TH)
04-310-W B P-BIG-46-1 (JUN 16-3RD) 45-1 (JUN 22-8TH) 42-1 (JUL 19-8TH) 39-1 (JUN 02-2ND) 
1DD-20-BIG-$24.80 (JUN 15-2ND)
2DD-19-BIG-$45.30 (AUG 30-10TH)
S EX-132-BIG-$71.40 (MAY 24-11TH)
M EX-102-BIG-$82.40 (JUL 05-1ST)
S TRI-41-BIG-$122.30 (MAY 03-6TH)
M TRI-105-BIG-$512.40 (JUL 19-9TH)
S SUP-11-BIG-$243.25 (JUN 05-2ND)
M SUP-91-BIG-$1,425.25 (AUG 31-11TH)
P3 (1-3)-06-BIG-$23.30 (MAY 12-3RD)
P3 (2-4)-05-BIG-$21.90 (SEP 20-4TH)
P3 (3-5)-01-BIG-$14.15 (SEP 20-5TH)
P3 (4-6)-03-BIG-$41.95 (JUL 24-6TH)
P3 (5-7)-02-BIG-$32.65 (AUG 13-7TH)
P3 (6-8)-03-BIG-$44.70 (AUG 13-8TH)
P3 (7-9)-06-BIG-$22.35 (APR 19-9TH)
P3 (8-10)-11-BIG-$59.65 (AUG 30-10TH)
P4 (4-7)-02-BIG-$65.05 (AUG 13-7TH)
P4 (7-10)-03-BIG-$13.85 (JUL 02-10TH)
P5 (1-5)-01-BIG-$140.75 (SEP 20-5TH)
10TH -P5 (HF)-S-00-BIG-$0.00 (APR 00-10TH)
10TH -P5 (HF)-M-08-BIG-$2,019.05 (JUN 05-10TH)
5-1+ LONG-(07)-494
5-1+ LONG TOT-(18)-1,905-25.9%
LONGEST LONG-33-1 (JUN 02-2ND) 32-1 (MAY 18-4TH) 28-1 (JUN 09-9TH) 26-1 (AUG 06-1ST)
LONGS THIS NIGHT T3-3-5-1, 4-7-1, 6-9-1, 7-15-1, 8-5-1, 9-18-1, 9-5-1,
PICK 4 PLACINGS-(022)-3,270
OA PICK 4 PLACE TOT-(040)-5,240-62.4%
TOTAL RACES-(10)-1,310
TOP 4 PICKS EACH RACE-01-02,02-02,03-03,04-01,05-03,06-01,07-02,08-03,09-03,10-02=22-40-OATOT-3,270-5,240-62.4%


01-436-BIG-$31.00 (JUL 28-2ND) (14-1) $27.00 (SEP 25-2ND) (12-1) $21.20 (JUL 21-8TH) (9-1) 
02-249-BIG-$34.40 (JUL 09-4TH) (53-1) $22.10 (JUN 02-7TH) (31-1) $20.10 (MAY 25-11TH) (14-1)
03-209-BIG-$13.50 (OCT 06-6TH) (34-1) $9.10 (AUG 13-2ND) (26-1) $8.20 (AUG 18-9TH) (21-1)
04-178-BIG-119-1 (JUL 16-3RD) 58-1 (JUL 13-8TH) 52-1 (APR 27-2ND) 50-1 (APR 28-6TH) 
04-284-W B P-BIG-78-1 (JUN 16-5TH) 60-1 (APR 28-5TH) 57-1 (SEP 11-5TH) 54-1 (APR 28-9TH)
1DD-17-BIG-$80.00 (JUL 28-2ND)
2DD-14-BIG-$37.60 (JUL 07-11TH)
S EX-113-BIG-$163.70 (JUL 07-11TH)
M EX-71-BIG-$180.60 (APR 28-11TH)
S TRI-34-BIG-$712.80 (MAY 17-4TH)
M TRI-98-BIG-$1,254.70 (SEP 29-5TH)
S SUP-14-BIG-$2,360.55 (JUL 09-4TH)
M SUP-79-BIG-$1,453.55 (APR 28-11TH)
P3 (1-3)-06-BIG-$18.50 (MAY 25-3RD)
P3 (2-4)-06-BIG-$21.90 (SEP 20-4TH)
P3 (3-5)-02-BIG-$29.20 (OCT 04-5TH)
P3 (4-6)-01-BIG-$36.65 (OCT 04-6TH)
P3 (5-7)-02-BIG-$21.80 (AUG 20-7TH)
P3 (6-8)-04-BIG-$33.80 (OCT 05-8TH)
P3 (7-9)-04-BIG-$23.90 (SEP 20-9TH)
P3 (8-10)-10-BIG-$37.05 (JUL 03-10TH)
P4 (4-7)-00-BIG-$0.00 (APR 00-7TH)
P4 (7-10)-02-BIG-$11..95 (OCT 05-10TH)
P5 (1-5)-00-BIG-$0.00 (APR 00-5TH)
10TH -P5 (HF)-S-00-BIG-$0.00 (APR 00-10TH)
10TH -P5 (HF)-M-04-BIG-$1,901.70 (MAY 12-11TH)
5-1+ LONG-(07)-548
5-1+ LONG TOT-(18)-1,905-28.8%
LONGEST LONG-68-1 (AUG 24-7TH) 59-1 (SEP 14-2ND) 57-1 (JUN 29-7TH) 54-1 (SEP 22-10TH)
LONGS THIS NIGHT T3-3-5-1, 4-9-1, 5-8-1, 6-6-1, 7-28-1, 9-18-1, 9-6-1,
4TH PLACE PICKED CORRECT-3-9-1, 5-11-1, 8-19-1,
4TH PLACE WRONG BUT PICKED 5-1+ ONLY-4-13-1, 6-9-1, 9-5-1,
PICK 4 PLACINGS-(027)-3,202
OA PICK 4 PLAC TOT-(040)-5,240-61.1%
TOTAL RACES-(10)-1,310
TOP 4 PICKS EACH RACE-01-02,02-01,03-04,04-02,05-03,06-02,07-03,08-03,09-04,10-03=27-40-OATOT-3,202-5,240-61.1%


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.(IN 1 HR THE STOCK MARKETS WORLDWIDE WILL CRASH)
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed:(CONFISCATED) their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

LUKE 2:1-3
1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
2  (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
3  And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.

16 And he(THE FALSE POPE WHO DEFECTED FROM THE CHRISTIAN FAITH) causeth all,(IN THE WORLD ) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(MICROCHIP IMPLANT)

1 KINGS 10:13-14
13  And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty. So she turned and went to her own country, she and her servants.
14  Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,

GENESIS 49:16-17
16  Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.(A DAYS WAGES FOR A LOAF OF BREAD)

then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.


UPDATE-OCTOBER 09, 2018-12:00AM

04:00PM-56.21- 26430.57 - S&P -4.09 2880.34 - NASDAQ +2.07 7738.02
HIGH +55 LOW -126
TSX -92.12 15,854.05 - GOLD $+02.90 $1,191.50 - OIL $+0.48 $74.77


EZEKIEL 37:7,11-14
7  So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.(POSSIBLE QUAKE BRINGS ISRAEL BACK TO LIFE-SO NOISE AND SHAKING-QUAKES WILL ALSO DESTROY ISRAELS ENEMIES)
11  Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.
12  Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.
13  And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,
14  And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD.

MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:(ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST ETHNIC GROUP) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places,(DIFFERNT PLACES AT THE SAME TIME) and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

UPDATE-OCTOBER 09, 2018-11:55PM

1 Day, Magnitude 2.5+ U.S.42 of 42 earthquakes in map area.

    5.1-161km W of Neiafu, Tonga-2018-10-09 23:12:32 (UTC)-247.6 km
    3.1-47km ENE of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic-2018-10-09 22:50:18 (UTC)-87.0 km
    2.9-31km SSW of Toppenish, Washington-2018-10-09 22:34:00 (UTC)-17.5 km
    2.9-5km NE of Medford, Oklahoma-2018-10-09 22:32:36 (UTC)-5.3 km
    2.8-42km NNW of San Antonio, Puerto Rico-2018-10-09 22:06:45 (UTC)-23.0 km
    5.0-Vanuatu region-2018-10-09 20:27:02 (UTC)-608.6 km
    4.0-6km ESE of Orkney, South Africa-2018-10-09 20:19:33 (UTC)-5.0 km
    2.7-28km ENE of McGill, Nevada-2018-10-09 20:17:20 (UTC)-7.3 km
    5.4-Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge-2018-10-09 19:05:42 (UTC)-10.0 km
    4.1-63km SE of Tanaga Volcano, Alaska-2018-10-09 18:57:58 (UTC)-40.3 km
    4.9-111km S of Kandrian, Papua New Guinea-2018-10-09 18:10:22 (UTC)-37.5 km
    4.7-29km S of Lakatoro, Vanuatu-2018-10-09 17:39:05 (UTC)-40.3 km
    2.8-67km SSW of Kaktovik, Alaska-2018-10-09 15:39:31 (UTC)-0.0 km
    2.6-22km ENE of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii-2018-10-09 15:12:09 (UTC)-3.0 km
    2.9-7km NNW of Houston, Alaska-2018-10-09 15:06:42 (UTC)-34.0 km
    2.5-21km ENE of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii-2018-10-09 14:56:02 (UTC)-1.8 km
    2.5-36km E of Anchorage, Alaska-2018-10-09 13:10:29 (UTC)-23.8 km
    2.9-7km ENE of Aguanga, CA-2018-10-09 11:15:01 (UTC)-4.6 km
    2.8-47km S of Anchorage, Alaska-2018-10-09 10:47:04 (UTC)-19.8 km
    4.6-113km NE of Kemeduran, Indonesia-2018-10-09 10:13:29 (UTC)-573.4 km
    2.5-21km ENE of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii-2018-10-09 09:35:03 (UTC)-2.5 km
    3.6-24km ENE of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii-2018-10-09 08:54:50 (UTC)-5.8 km
    4.5-137km S of Severo-Kuril'sk, Russia-2018-10-09 08:07:06 (UTC)-35.0 km
    3.8-46km SSW of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska-2018-10-09 08:02:45 (UTC)-124.4 km
    6.0-138km S of Severo-Kuril'sk, Russia-2018-10-09 07:45:14 (UTC)-42.0 km
    4.0-71km SW of Kaktovik, Alaska-2018-10-09 07:11:21 (UTC)-3.4 km
    2.5-78km SW of Larsen Bay, Alaska-2018-10-09 06:12:21 (UTC)-0.0 km
    3.0-105km NNW of San Antonio, Puerto Rico-2018-10-09 05:33:04 (UTC)-98.0 km
    4.5-80km ENE of Misawa, Japan-2018-10-09 04:16:46 (UTC)-58.4 km
    2.5-17km SSW of Kodiak Station, Alaska-2018-10-09 03:48:18 (UTC)-1.4 km
    3.1-0km NE of Pahala, Hawaii-2018-10-09 03:29:57 (UTC)-34.2 km
    4.4-293km NNE of Ndoi Island, Fiji-2018-10-09 03:01:28 (UTC)-577.6 km
    4.9-46km SSE of Quepos, Costa Rica-2018-10-09 01:48:07 (UTC)-10.0 km
    2.9-71km S of Kaktovik, Alaska-2018-10-09 01:39:39 (UTC)-0.0 km



JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

LUKE 21:28-29
28 And when these things begin to come to pass,(ALL THE PROPHECY SIGNS FROM THE BIBLE) then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption (RAPTURE) draweth nigh.
29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree,(ISRAEL) and all the trees;(ALL INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES)
30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.(ISRAEL LITERALLY BECAME AND INDEPENDENT COUNTRY JUST BEFORE SUMMER IN MAY 14,1948.)

JOEL 2:3,30
3 A fire devoureth (ATOMIC BOMB) before them;(RUSSIAN-ARAB-MUSLIM ARMIES AGAINST ISRAEL) and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.(ATOMIC BOMB AFFECT)

ZECHARIAH 14:12-13
12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their eyes shall consume away in their holes,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB)(BECAUSE NUKES HAVE BEEN USED ON ISRAELS ENEMIES)(GOD PROTECTS ISRAEL AND ALWAYS WILL)
13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.(1/2-3 BILLION DIE IN WW3)(THIS IS AN ATOMIC BOMB EFFECT)

47 And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein.

18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.

1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven;(FROM ATOMIC BOMBS) and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.12 TRIBES INHERIT LAND IN THE FUTURE

Turkey probes claims that Saudis killed journalist-Police believe Jamal Khashoggi was murdered while visiting Istanbul consulate, a claim Riyadh denies; Erdogan says he’s awaiting results of investigation-By Ezzedine SAID and Luana Sarmini-Buonaccorsi-OCT 8,18

ISTANBUL (AFP) — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday said he was awaiting the results of an investigation into the disappearance of a Saudi journalist, who a government source said was killed at Riyadh’s consulate in Istanbul.Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi, 59, vanished after an appointment with Saudi officials on Tuesday.A Turkish government source told AFP that police believed Khashoggi was killed at the Istanbul consulate, which Riyadh strongly denied.Khashoggi had gone to the consulate to obtain documents needed to marry his Turkish fiancee.Erdogan said he would wait for the outcome of the current investigation before taking a decision.“I am following the (issue) and we will inform the world whatever the outcome” of the official probe, the president told reporters in Ankara.“God willing, we will not be faced with a situation we do not want.”He said police were examining CCTV footage of entrances and exits at the consulate and Istanbul airport.Police said earlier that around 15 Saudis, including officials, arrived in Istanbul on two flights on Tuesday and were at the consulate at the same time as Khashoggi.“Based on their initial findings, the police believe that the journalist was killed by a team especially sent to Istanbul and who left the same day,” the government source told AFP on Saturday.The journalist went to the building but “did not come back out,” police were quoted as saying by Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news agency.The consulate rejected the claims that the journalist was killed there as “baseless,” in a Twitter message.It said a Saudi team was in Turkey to investigate the disappearance.The journalist’s fiancee, Hatice Cengiz, said on Twitter she was “waiting for an official confirmation from the Turkish government” before she could believe the claims.Khashoggi has been critical of some of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s policies and Riyadh’s intervention in the war in Yemen.His criticisms appeared in both the Arab and Western press.The former government adviser, who turns 60 on October 13, has lived in the United States since last year to avoid possible arrest.Yasin Aktay, an official in Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) who was close to the journalist, said Khashoggi had made an appointment in advance with the consulate and called to check the documents were ready.“His friends had warned him, ‘Don’t go there, it is not safe,’ but he said they could not do anything to him in Turkey,” said Aktay.He added that he still hoped the reports of his friend’s death were untrue.‘Assault on press freedom’Prince Mohammed said in an interview published by Bloomberg on Friday that the journalist had left the consulate and Turkish authorities could search the building, which is Saudi sovereign territory.Turkey’s foreign ministry on Wednesday summoned Saudi Arabia’s ambassador over the issue.Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said on Twitter that if reports of his death were confirmed, “this would constitute a horrific, utterly deplorable, and absolutely unacceptable assault on press freedom.”Fred Hiatt, the director of the Washington Post’s editorial page, said if the reports were true “it is a monstrous and unfathomable act.”“Jamal was — or, as we hope, is — a committed, courageous journalist. He writes out of a sense of love for his country and deep faith in human dignity and freedom,” Hiatt said in a statement on the US newspaper’s website.A European Commission spokesperson said in a statement that Brussels was “closely” following the case, adding it was “awaiting clarifications from the Saudi authorities on the fate of Mr Khashoggi.”Khashoggi fled from Saudi Arabia in September 2017, months after Prince Mohammed was appointed heir to the throne.The journalist said he had been banned from writing in the pan-Arab Al-Hayat newspaper, owned by Saudi prince Khaled bin Sultan al-Saud, over his defense of the Muslim Brotherhood which Riyadh has blacklisted as a terrorist organization.He has also criticized Saudi Arabia’s role in Yemen, where Riyadh leads a military coalition fighting alongside the government in its war with Iran-backed rebels.Saudi Arabia, which ranks 169th out of 180 on RSF’s World Press Freedom Index, has launched a modernization campaign since Prince Mohammed’s appointment as heir to the throne.The ultra-conservative kingdom in June lifted a ban on women driving, but it has drawn heavy criticism for its handling of dissent.Dozens of dissidents have been arrested including intellectuals and Islamic preachers.

Analysis-Settler leaders insist industrial zone shooting won’t sink isle of coexistence-While some right-wing activists respond to Barkan terror attack with calls to halt Palestinian employment at Israeli factories, most local leaders double down on its importance-By Jacob Magid-OCT 8,18

Settler leaders have long touted West Bank industrial zones as beacons of coexistence, where Israelis hire and work alongside Palestinians, providing them with a decent livelihood.But the gunning down of two Israelis by their Palestinian coworker at the Barkan Industrial Park on Sunday morning threatened to chip away at that narrative, forcing supporters of such partnership to defend the practice.“We will not let this break us,” said Samaria Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan, minutes after the terror attack that claimed the lives of 28-year-old Kim Levengrond Yehezkel and 35-year-old Ziv Hajbi.“The blessed coexistence that takes place here every day will continue,” he added.Just last month, Dagan boasted to members of the European Union Parliament in Brussels about Barkan in particular, where roughly half of the 7,200 workers at the site’s 164 factories k are Palestinian, and half are Jewish.“There has never been a terror attack there,” he said at the time. (In 2015, a Palestinian stabbed two Israeli security guards at the gate of a different northern West Bank industrial zone neighboring Barkan).Even after Sunday’s shooting, Dagan’s stance remained firm. Similarly, not a single elected Israeli official in the West Bank took a public position against the hiring of Palestinians at industrial zones.The sites are frequently mentioned by politicians on the right in their rebuttals of peace plans seeking Israeli separation from the West Bank’s roughly 3 million Palestinians.According to the Yesha settlement umbrella council, there are 20 industrial zones throughout the West Bank that employ roughly 28,000 workers, of whom some 18,000 are Palestinian.Supporters of the industrial zones argue that the broad satisfaction of workers there demonstrates that Palestinians are more interested in earning respectable wages than statehood, and that efforts to divide Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank will only leave the latter population without a source of a respectable income.Opponents of the settlement movement counter the claim by arguing that Israeli limits on Palestinian businesses in the West Bank stagnate economic growth to the point where many Palestinian workers are forced to rely on Israeli industrial zones for viable economic wages.In the current government, Dagan and other settler leaders have found a receptive audience to their cause, which has led to the investment of millions of shekels in industrial zones over the Green Line.This was also evident after Sunday’s attack, when Economic Minister Eli Cohen arrived at Barkan and pledged to expand the industrial zone by 150 dunam (37 acres), calling the coexistence that they help instill a “security and economic interest.”-Far-right, left wing activists in rare agreement-But while no elected officials took the more hawkish stance against the hiring of Palestinian workers, a number of far-right settler personalities voiced frustration over the policy, calling for levels of separation that those on the opposite side of the political spectrum have long backed.Former director of the Peace Now settlement watchdog Yariv Oppenheimer tweeted, “There is no coexistence in the settlements. There is an occupier and the occupied. Boss and employees. Whoever thinks this is a recipe for peace is mistaken.”Of all people, Oppenheimer’s words appeared to have resonated with Tzvi Succot, the  director of the far-right Otzma Yehudit organization, who retweeted the left-wing activist’s post, saying that Oppenheimer “is one who gets [it].”Far-right activist-attorney Itamar Ben Gvir, meanwhile, called Dagan’s comments in favor of coexistence following the attack “mistaken and misleading.”“That ‘coexistence’ blew up in Barkan today and only Yossi along with a handful of people in the Eztion Bloc continue to mislead themselves and the public,” Ben Gvir said.He called on settlement heads to conduct a “serious a follow-up” and demand that the Palestinian workers “pronounce their loyalty to the Jewish state.”In a conversation with The Times of Israel, Ben Gvir acknowledged that no other regional or local council chairman in the West Bank was taking a similar stance, but he suggested that their motivations were economic, given that the industrial zones draw in significant cash to their settlements.Moreover, the Hebron resident claimed that many others in the settlement movement held similar views.Yael Ben Yashar, who is running for mayor in the central West Bank settlement of Beit El toed the line set by other settler leaders and defended the employment of Palestinians in the West Bank.“The majority of them are interested in simply making a living,” she said, rejecting the implication that the actions of the Barkan terrorist meant all Palestinians should no banned from Israeli industrial zones.At the same time, she acknowledged that patience for such projects may be running thin.“We would like to live in coexistence, but every time, the other side breaks our trust,” the candidate and former municipal official said.That “trust” that Ben Yashar and other settler leaders have been willing to offer Palestinians at the economic level has never been elevated to the political level.David Ha’ivri, who works with the Samaria Regional to bring hundreds of international groups to the northern West Bank on tours that regularly stop at Barkan, explained that the issue is “not with trusting the Palestinian people but rather their leadership in the corrupt Palestinian Authority.”“There will not be a Palestinian state… and the way to dispel that dream is to allow their economic situation to improve,” argued Beit Aryeh local council chairman Avi Na’im, who suggested that national aspirations and economic ones were inversely connected.‘Palestinian employees are more distraught… than the Israelis’As for those that will most directly impacted by the Barkan attack, there appeared to be widespread consensus among the industrial zone employees — both Jews and Arabs — against altering the status quo there.“We are shocked, but not afraid,” said Yohan Cohen, a Barkan worker and resident of the northern West Bank settlement of Bruchin. “I will continue coming to work here at the industrial zone everyday with my Israeli and Palestinian friends.”Amjad Mughar, who has been working at Barkan for the past three years, expressed concern over what he expected to be an increase in daily security checks of Palestinian workers, as well as the possibility that he might lose his work permit altogether.“I don’t know how I will be able to support my six kids without this job. I really don’t know why someone would do something like this,” Mughar added.According to Moshe Levran, who works as an export manager at Twitto Plus, one of the Barkan factories, “The Palestinian employees are more distraught over the incident than the Israelis ones are.”“I sat them down and explained to them that they might go through an extra security check every day, but that will die down eventually and things will return to normal,” he said.For now, settler leaders are standing behind what has become a go-to talking point in selling Israeli presence in the West Bank.Even before the two victims were pronounced dead, Dagan pointed out that Sunday’s attack had been the first one at Barkan since the site was established in 1982.With defense officials currently under the assumption that the 23-year-old assailant, Ashraf Walid Suleiman Na’alowa, acted as a “lone wolf,” supporters of continued Israeli-Palestinian economic cooperation in the West Bank appear to have little to worry about.But if copy-cats spring up, calls for the type of separation that is seen in West Bank residential areas will likely overpower those calling for coexistence at the workplace.

IDF fires at Gazans launching incendiary balloons at Israel-No word on casualties in strike near Rafah; balloon with bomb affixed lands on kibbutz fence; 5 fires rage in other Israeli communities due to arson attacks-By TOI staff and Judah Ari Gross-OCT 8,18

An Israeli aircraft on Sunday evening carried out an airstrike in the southern Gaza Strip against a group of Palestinians launching incendiary balloons towards Israel, the army said.Palestinians said the strike took place near the city of Rafah. It was not immediately clear if there were casualties.Gazans frequently launch incendiary kites and balloons into Israel, sparking fires that have destroyed forests, burned crops, and killed livestock. Thousands of acres of land have been burned, causing millions of shekels in damages, according to Israeli officials. Some balloons have carried improvised explosive devices.Earlier on Sunday, Channel 10 news reported that a bomb was found attached to a balloon that landed near the fence of a kibbutz in southern Israel. It was defused by sappers.Firefighters have also worked to extinguish five blazes caused by an incendiary balloons near Israeli towns along the Gaza Strip since Sunday morning, a spokesman for the Israeli Fire and Rescue Services said.On Saturday evening, a huge fire erupted at Moshav Ein Habesor in southern Israel, apparently due to an incendiary device launched from Gaza. Farmers, firefighters, and security officers worked together to stop the flames from reaching nearby greenhouses, the Ynet news site reported.A spokesman for the Fire and Rescue Services said that in total on Saturday firefighters extinguished seven blazes near Israeli towns along the border caused by incendiary balloons launched from Gaza.Also Saturday, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman ordered Gaza’s fishing zones restricted, due to the escalation of border violence along the southern frontier. The fishing zone was curtailed from nine to six nautical miles, the Defense Ministry said, following deliberations between Liberman and defense officials.Three Palestinians, including a 14-year-old boy, were reported killed and dozens injured, as some 20,000 Palestinians took part in violent clashes Friday along the Gaza border, throwing hand grenades and trying to breach the barrier. During the riots, the army said Israeli aircraft struck two Hamas positions in the northern Gaza Strip after Palestinians threw grenades and explosive devices at Israeli troops.The large-scale protests came as Israel signaled it was rapidly losing patience and willing to go to war to stop the violence, while Gaza’s Hamas rulers vowed to push on with the riots.Liberman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu both warned that Israel could take more drastic action in response to the riots and attacks, now that the Jewish Holiday period was over.Border riots, dubbed the “Great March of Return,” have increased dramatically in recent weeks. They began as weekly events from late March through the summer, but appeared to slow as Hamas entered indirect talks with Israel aimed at a ceasefire.As these talks have stalled, Hamas has increased the pace of rioting and demonstrations against Israel, and created new units tasked with sustaining tensions along the border fence including during nighttime and early morning hours.Agencies contributed to this report.

Deputy minister lashes EU over response to West Bank terror attack-‘Could it be that the EU agrees with the Palestinian terrorist’s motivations just not his methods?’ suggests Michael Oren after Palestinian fatally shoots two Israelis-By TOI staff-OCT 8,18

Michael Oren, deputy minister of diplomacy, on Sunday slammed the European Union over its response to a deadly terror attack in the West Bank, suggesting European nations back the “motivations” of the Palestinian killer.“EU again condemns terrorist murders of innocent Israelis by saying ‘violence can never be condoned,'” tweeted Oren, a former ambassador to the US and a current Kulanu coalition lawmaker.“The EU never says that when terrorists kill Europeans,” he added. “Could it be that the EU agrees with the Palestinian terrorist’s motivations just not his methods?”Kim Levengrond Yehezkel, 29, a married mother of a baby, and Ziv Hajbi, a 35-year-old father of three, were shot dead by a Palestinian gunman at the Barkan Industrial Park near the settlement-city of Ariel earlier in the day.EU again condemns terrorist murders of innocent Israelis by saying “violence can never be condoned.” The EU never says that when terrorists kill Europeans. Could it be that the EU agrees with the Palestinian terrorist’s motivations just not his methods?— Michael Oren (@DrMichaelOren) October 7, 2018-Oren was reacting to a tweet from Emanuele Giaufret, the EU’s ambassador to Israel.“Following the developing news on the attack in Barkan industrial area in the West Bank this morning,” the EU ambassador wrote. “My condolences to the families of the victims. May the perpetrator be brought to justice. Violence can never be condoned.”The suspect, a 23-year-old Palestinian man from the northern West Bank, entered a factory where he was employed in the Barkan Industrial Park shortly before 8 a.m, armed with a locally produced Carlo-style submachine gun, according to army spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus.Inside, he tied up and shot dead Yehezkel at close range, as well as killing Hajbi and wounding a third victim, according to eyewitnesses.After the attack the suspect fled the scene, still armed with the submachine gun, the military said.The IDF would not release the suspect’s name, but said he was from the northern West Bank village of Shuweika, near Tulkarem. According to the IDF, the suspect had no history of terrorist activities and was not tied to any terror groups, though several of them applauded his actions.Earlier in the day, he had posted on his Facebook page that he was “waiting for [Allah].” A television report said he had left a suicide note with a friend several days ago.The businesses in the Barkan Industrial Park, located near Ariel, employ some 8,000 people, approximately half of them Israelis and the other half Palestinians.

Interpol says it received resignation of missing chief, appoints replacement-China says Meng Hongwei, who disappeared on September 25, is under investigation for possible criminal activity-By Ben Dooley, Daniel Abelous and Pierre Pratabuy-OCT 8,18

BEIJING, China (AFP) — The international police organization Interpol announced Sunday that it has received the resignation of its Chinese chief Meng Hongwei, who has been missing since September 25 and is suspected by Beijing of “violating the law.”Meng has resigned “with immediate effect” and Senior Vice President Kim Jong Yang of South Korea has become acting president, Interpol said in a statement.China said Monday the president of Interpol, who vanished after returning to his homeland, was under investigation for possible criminal activity as his wife voiced concern for his life after he sent her a final text message with a knife emoji.Beijing had remained tight-lipped about the fate of Hongwei, who is also China’s vice minister for public security, since his disappearance was disclosed by French officials on Friday.The National Supervisory Commission, which handles corruption cases involving public servants, broke the official silence early Monday, saying in a one-line statement that Meng “is currently under investigation on suspicion of violating the law.”It is the latest high-profile disappearance in China, where a number of top government officials, billionaire business magnates and even an A-list celebrity have vanished for weeks or months at a time.When — or if — they reappear, it is often in court.Meng, the first Chinese president of Interpol, was last heard from on September 25 as he left Lyon — where the international police organization is based — for China.The agency’s secretary general Juergen Stock, who oversees day-to-day operations, had said Saturday that it was seeking “clarification” on his whereabouts from Chinese authorities.French police had opened an investigation into Meng’s disappearance last week, according to a source close to the inquiry.Meng, 64, had lived with his wife and two children in France since being elected Interpol president in 2016.Speaking to reporters in France on Sunday, Meng’s wife Grace said she had received a message from his phone containing a knife emoji before his disappearance.“This matter belongs to the international community,” she told a press conference.That day, his wife said he sent a message telling her to “wait for my call,” before sending the emoji signifying danger.“I’m not sure what has happened to him,” she told reporters before the anti-graft commission issued its statement.Later, upon learning about the announcement from Chinese authorities, she told AFP that her husband’s case will be under the watch of “international law and international public opinion,” describing the situation as “political ruin.”China’s recently established National Supervisory Commission holds sweeping powers to investigate the country’s public servants with few requirements for transparency.Although the commission did not detail the allegations against Meng, its mandate is to investigate corruption cases as part of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s anti-graft campaign.Some critics of the effort — which has punished more than one million officials — say it also functions as a tool for Xi to eliminate his political rivals.Meng rose up the ranks of the country’s domestic security apparatus when it was under the leadership of Zhou Yongkang, a rival to Xi and the highest-ranking official to be brought down on corruption charges.Zhou — who was sentenced to life in prison in 2014 — was subsequently accused of conspiring to seize state power and authorities have continued working to root out his influence.He appointed Meng vice security minister in 2004.In that role, Meng has been entrusted with a number of sensitive portfolios, including the country’s counter-terrorism division, and he was in charge of the response to several major incidents in China’s fractious western region of Xinjiang.Critics of Meng’s 2016 election to Interpol’s presidency said he would use the position to help China target dissidents abroad under the guise of pursuing corrupt officials.Interpol has downplayed the concerns, saying the president has little influence over the organization’s day-to-day operations, which are handled by secretary general Stock, a German.The Chinese effort to track down corrupt officials abroad, known as Operation Fox Hunt, has led to claims in some countries that Chinese law-enforcement agents have been operating covertly on their soil without the approval or consent of local authorities.China currently has 44 outstanding red notices, mostly related to murder, intentional injury and drug smuggling, according to Interpol’s web site.During Meng’s tenure, Interpol issued a red notice for fugitive Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, who threatened to reveal corruption at the country’s highest levels.Authorities in China and Hong Kong have accused Guo, a real estate tycoon who resides in the United States, of laundering billions of dollars among other crimes.

Palestinian suspect in terror shooting said to have left suicide note-Friend who received the letter has reportedly been arrested as security forces investigate whether deadly Barkan attack could have been prevented-By TOI staff and Judah Ari Gross-OCT 8,18

The suspected Palestinian terrorist in Sunday’s deadly shooting attack at a West Bank industrial park left a suicide letter with a friend three days ago, according to a television report.According to Hadashot television, the friend, who worked at the same factory in the Barkan Industrial Zone, did not report the letter to the authorities. He has been arrested and Israeli security forces are investigating whether advance knowledge of the letter could have prevented the attack, the network reported.The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday declared the fatal shooting in the northern West Bank to be a “severe terror attack” and said large numbers of troops, including special forces, were involved in the search for the suspected gunman, who was still believed to be armed.Shortly before 8 a.m., the suspect, a 23-year-old Palestinian man from the northern West Bank, entered a factory where he was employed in the Barkan Industrial Park, near the Ariel settlement-city, armed with a locally produced Carlo-style submachine gun, according to army spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus.Inside, he tied up and shot dead a woman at close range, according to eyewitnesses, and fatally shot a man. He also shot a second woman, 54, in the stomach. She was moderately wounded and taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.The woman who was killed in the attack was identified as Kim Levengrond Yehezkel, 29, from Rosh Ha’ayin, and the man was named as Ziv Hajbi, 35, from Rishon Lezion.After the attack, the suspect fled the scene of the attack, still armed with the submachine gun, the military said.The IDF would not release the suspect’s name, but said he was from the northern West Bank village of Shuweika, near Tulkarem.According to the IDF, the suspect had no history of terrorist activities and was not tied to any terror groups, though several of the organizations on Sunday applauded the killings.Earlier in the day, he had posted on his Facebook page that he was “waiting for [Allah].”The suspect worked at the Alon Group factory — which manufactures waste management systems — where he committed the attack, and had a legal work permit. He was acquainted with his victims, according to Conricus.He had been absent from work in the days before the shooting, but was still employed by the factory, according to the spokesperson, who refuted earlier media reports that he had been fired.The suspect’s Carlo submachine gun reportedly jammed during his attack, preventing him from firing additional shots. That type of locally produced firearm, which is known to be highly inaccurate and prone to malfunctions, has been tied to a number of terror attacks in recent years, owing to its low price and wide availability in the West Bank.“He has not yet been apprehended. We know that he is still armed and is considered dangerous,” Conricus said. “We do not know if he plans to carry out another terror attack or if he is just fleeing, but we assume he is still dangerous.”The IDF, Shin Bet security service and Israel Police, including special forces units, launched a manhunt for the gunman, and deployed additional troops throughout the West Bank in order to prevent “copycat” incidents — a common phenomenon after high-profile terror attacks.“We know that there were other factors involved, that it wasn’t a pure-and-simple terror attack,” Conricus said, referring to speculation that the attack was the action of a disgruntled worker.“But we know from various sources, which we cannot share today but may in the future, that this was a terror attack,” he said.Palestinian media reported road closures and checkpoints throughout the northern West Bank as security forces searched for the suspect.Security camera video from the scene appeared to show him fleeing after the attack, with the Carlo submachine gun in hand.The businesses in the Barkan Industrial Park, located near Ariel, employ some 8,000 people, approximately half of them Israelis and the other half Palestinians.“This is a very difficult incident. Until now there have not been any security incidents here. For decades, industrial zones have served as a bridge of coexistence,” Samaria Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan said.Shai Amichai, the director general of the industrial zone, also described the location as a good example of Israelis and Palestinians working side by side.“Both in the industrial area and in the community itself, the cooperation is fruitful,” he told the Ynet news site. “We are in a relationship of neighborliness and professional relations at the highest level. The residents feel secure in their workplace, and many forge connections outside of their place of work.“I do not know the security procedures of the zone,” added Amichai. “But there was no decrease in the number of security forces in the region, neither overt nor undercover.”The mayor of the nearby city of Ariel, Eli Shviro, told the Walla news site that “the industrial zones in which Jews and Palestinians work together are the path to coexistence in our region.”In 2015, a Palestinian stabbed and injured two security guards at the same industrial park. ards at the site shot and killed the attacker during that incident.

20 die when limo on way to birthday party blows stop sign-[The Canadian Press]-YAHOONEWS-October 8, 2018

SCHOHARIE, N.Y. — A limousine on its way to a birthday party blew a stop sign at the end of a highway, killing all 18 people in the limo and two pedestrians in the deadliest U.S. transportation accident in almost a decade, officials and a relative of one of the victims said Sunday.The collision turned a relaxed Saturday afternoon into chaos at an upstate New York spot popular with tourists taking in the fall foliage. An aunt of one of the victims in the vehicle said the group had been travelling to a birthday celebration.The 2001 Ford Excursion limousine was travelling southwest on Route 30 in Schoharie, about 170 miles (270 kilometres ) north of New York City around 2 p.m. when it failed to stop at a T-junction with state Route 30A, State Police First Deputy Superintendent Christopher Fiore said at a news conference in Latham, New York.It went across the road and hit an unoccupied SUV parked at the Apple Barrel Country Store, killing the driver and 17 passengers, as well as two people outside the vehicle.The crash "sounded like an explosion," said Linda Riley, of nearby Schenectady, who was on a shopping trip with her sisters and had been in their parked car at the time at the store.When she got out of her vehicle, she saw a body on the ground, she said. People started screaming.The store manager, Jessica Kirby, told The New York Times that the limo was coming down a hill at "probably over 60 mph."Authorities said autopsies were being performed and didn't release names of victims or speculate on what caused the limo to run the stop sign. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating.Speaking through tears, Valerie Abeling, said her 34-year-old niece Erin Vertucci was among the victims, along with her newlywed husband, 30-year-old Shane McGowan. They were on their way to a friend's birthday party, she said; her own daughter had been invited along but couldn't go."She was a beautiful, sweet soul; he was too," Abeling said.The couple was married at a "beautiful wedding" in June at a venue in upstate New York, Abeling said. "They had everything going for them."Vertucci, who grew up in Amsterdam, New York, was an administrative assistant at St. Mary's Healthcare in Amsterdam, Abeling said.At the news conference, Fiore didn't comment on speed, or whether the occupants of the vehicle had been wearing seat belts."This is one of the biggest losses of life that we've seen in a long, long time," NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt said at the news conference.It's the deadliest transportation accident since February 2009, when Colgan Air Flight 3407 crashed in Buffalo, New York, killing 50 people, Sumwalt said.And it appears to be the deadliest land-vehicle accident since a bus ferrying nursing home patients away from Hurricane Rita caught fire in Texas 2005, killing 23.There was no information Sunday on the limousine, its origin or its integrity. But safety issues on such vehicles have arisen before, most notably after a wreck on Long Island in July 2015 in which four women on a winery tour were killed.They were in a Lincoln Town Car that had been cut apart and rebuilt in a stretch configuration to accommodate more passengers. The limousine was trying to make a U-turn and was struck by a pickup.A grand jury found that vehicles converted into stretch limousines often don't have safety measures including side-impact air bags, reinforced rollover protection bars and accessible emergency exits. That grand jury called on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to assemble a task force on limousine safety.Limousines built in factories are already required to meet stringent safety regulations, but when cars are converted into limos, safety features are sometimes removed, leading to gaps in safety protocols, the grand jury wrote.On Sunday, Cuomo released a statement saying, "My heart breaks for the 20 people who lost their lives in this horrific accident on Saturday in Schoharie. I commend the first responders who arrived on the scene and worked through the night to help. State police are working with federal and local authorities to investigate the crash, and I have directed state agencies to provide every resource necessary to aid in this investigation and determine what led to this tragedy."___Salsberg reported from Boston. Associated Press writers John Kekis in Latham, New York, and David Klepper in Providence, Rhode Island, contributed to this report.Michael Hill And Bob Salsberg, The Associated Press.

Romanian constitutional ban on same sex marriage fails on low vote turnout-[Reuters]-By Luiza Ilie-YAHOONEWS-October 8, 2018

BUCHAREST (Reuters) - A referendum to change Romania's constitution to prevent same sex couples from securing the right to marry failed to draw enough voters to validate the result on Sunday, after a campaign that led to a rise in hate speech against the gay community.The vote has also been seen as popularity test of the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) that supported the change and whose attempts to weaken anti-corruption legislation have drawn criticism from the European Union's executive.Data from the national election bureau showed voter turnout stood at 20.4 percent when the polls closed at 1800 GMT, below the 30 percent required for it to be valid.The two-day referendum, which cost $40 million, aimed to change the constitution to define marriage as strictly between a man and a woman from the current gender-neutral "spouses."Religiously conservative Romania, which decriminalized homosexuality in 2001 decades after neighboring countries, bars marriage and civil partnerships for same sex couples.Civil society group Coalition for the Family secured 3 million signatures to trigger the vote aimed at preventing gay couples winning the right to marry in the future.The Coalition received backing from the Orthodox Church and other religions as well as all but one parliamentary parties."Romanians rejected being divided and hating each other, it is a victory for Romanian democracy and moreover, Romanians rejected the involvement of the Orthodox Church in the state’s secular affairs," said Vlad Viski of LGBT rights group MozaiQ."We believe politicians must now legalize civil partnerships for same sex couples," he said at a party to celebrate the outcome.Dozens of human rights groups had said a successful referendum would embolden further attempts to chip away at the rights of minority groups and push Romania onto a populist, authoritarian track.They have encouraged people to boycott the ballot, with several companies and popular musicians and artists following. A library chain even offered a book discount over the weekend for those who wanted to stay in and read rather than vote.In villages across the country, people were quoted saying they had better things to do, such as canning food and making wine."The PSD staked everything on the referendum, by associating with it and trying to capitalize on it," said Sergiu Miscoiu, a political science professor at Babes-Bolyai University."What remains is the fact that many citizens have associated the initiative with the PSD and that is why they boycotted it. Either way, it is a major sanction against the government."Senior PSD member Codrin Stefanescu accused opposition parties and centrist President Klaus Iohannis of misinforming Romanians in the run-up to the vote.PSD leader Liviu Dragnea, whose appeal against a criminal conviction in an abuse of office case starts on Monday, told reporters after voting "Yes" to the change on Saturday that Romanians had to decide the kind of country they wanted."We all know that for years we’ve been told others know what is best for us better than we do. I believe it is time we decide what kind of society and country we want to have and how we want to live in our country," Dragnea said.Days before the vote, the government relaxed anti-fraud monitoring and limited options for challenging the result.Romania ranks 25th out of 28 EU states based on legislation, hate speech and discrimination against LGBT people, an annual study by ILGA-Europe, an umbrella organization advocating equality, showed.(Editing by Edmund Blair)

Cosby lawyers ask court to void conviction, prison sentence-[The Canadian Press]-YAHOONEWS-October 8, 2018

PHILADELPHIA — Bill Cosby's lawyers have asked a Pennsylvania court to overturn the actor's conviction and three- to 10-year prison sentence because of what they call a string of errors in his sex assault case.The defence motion argued that trial Judge Steven O'Neill erred in declaring Cosby a sexually violent predator who must be imprisoned to protect the community. Lawyers called the sentence more punitive than necessary, given the standard two- to three-year guideline range for the crime and the fact Cosby is 81 and blind.They also said the trial evidence never proved the encounter with accuser Andrea Constand took place in 2004, and not 2003, or that Cosby was arrested within the 12-year time limit.Cosby was arrested on Dec. 30, 2015, and was convicted at a second trial this April. He has been in a state prison near Philadelphia since the Sept. 25 sentencing, when the judge refused to let him stay out on $1 million bail pending appeal. Given his fame, wealth and use of drugs to molest the accuser, the judge said, Cosby could remain a threat to other women.The defence motion said O'Neill improperly considered the trial testimony of five other accusers in sentencing Cosby, instead of limiting that "prior bad act" testimony to the question of his guilt or innocence. O'Neill, in explaining the sentence in court, told Cosby he considered "voices from the past, your past," and that he "heard their voices loud and clear," the defence said.The lawyers also challenged the state's sex offender laws, which have been revised several times amid challenges they are unconstitutionally vague. The law requires judges to find that a sexually violent predator has a "mental abnormality," a term they said has no legal or psychological meaning, yet subjects defendants to lifetime counselling and police registration.The defence motion, dated Friday, was posted to a public court docket in the case over the weekend. Kate Delano, a spokeswoman for the Montgomery County District Attorney's Office, said the office will file a response.The motion was filed by lawyer Peter Goldberger, a top appellate lawyer in the region, and Joseph P. Green Jr., who handled Cosby's sentencing after more than a dozen other lawyers on the case had come and gone. A former appellate lawyer on the case is suing Cosby over what he called more than $50,000 in unpaid bills.The defence also complained that an audio recording played to jurors of a 2005 conversation between Cosby and Gianna Constand, the mother of accuser Andrea Constand, was "not authentic." They said they did not make the discovery until an expert review after the trial.District Attorney Kevin Steele has dismissed that as a legitimate appeal issue, saying it's been widely known that Gianna Constand started her recorder after the call began. She had called Cosby to get answers about what happened to her daughter after Andrea Constand disclosed the assault a year later. The family went to police, who suggested they try to record Cosby.During the call, Cosby acknowledged engaging in "digital penetration" after giving her daughter pills he would not identify, and offered money for Andrea to attend graduate school, Gianna Constand testified."If that's what they've got, it's beyond a Hail Mary," Steele said at the sentencing, as Cosby's lawyers sought to keep Cosby free on bail over the tape recording. O'Neill instead had Cosby led out of the courtroom in handcuffs.Maryclaire Dale, The Associated Press.

Monday, October 08, 2018


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)



01-3-1-5-4 W-3.50, 4TH WBP 11-1
02-2-1-6-7 P-3.30
03-4-3-5-1 P-4.40
MONEY WON-$11.20 - OATOT $47,313.85

01-3-1-2-5 W-3.50, S-4.00 (12-1), 4TH (6-1)
02-2-3-8-4 4TH WBP 7-1 - MY 8 WAS 46-1
03-3-4-1-5 4TH WBP 6.5
MONEY WON-$7.50 - OATOT $45,823.20



01-461-BIG-$15.20 (MAY 24-11TH) (6-1) $13.30 (SEP 29-6TH) (5-1) $13.00 (JUN 28-4TH) (5-1)
02-245-BIG-$12.50 (SEP 03-10TH) (12-1) $9.80 (MAY 14-8TH) (8-1) $8.90 (JUL 16-9TH) (8-1)
03-210-BIG-$9.20 (JUN 18-4TH) (11-1) $8.10 (SEP 29-4TH) (22-1) $7.40 (AUG 13-8TH) (13-1)
04-178-BIG-47-1 (APR 20-9TH) 40-1 (JUN 07-10) 33-1 (AUG 18-3RD) 33-1 (SEP 08-7TH)
04-309-W B P-BIG-46-1 (JUN 16-3RD) 45-1 (JUN 22-8TH) 42-1 (JUL 19-8TH) 39-1 (JUN 02-2ND) 
1DD-20-BIG-$24.80 (JUN 15-2ND)
2DD-19-BIG-$45.30 (AUG 30-10TH)
S EX-132-BIG-$71.40 (MAY 24-11TH)
M EX-101-BIG-$82.40 (JUL 05-1ST)
S TRI-41-BIG-$122.30 (MAY 03-6TH)
M TRI-104-BIG-$512.40 (JUL 19-9TH)
S SUP-11-BIG-$243.25 (JUN 05-2ND)
M SUP-91-BIG-$1,425.25 (AUG 31-11TH)
P3 (1-3)-06-BIG-$23.30 (MAY 12-3RD)
P3 (2-4)-05-BIG-$21.90 (SEP 20-4TH)
P3 (3-5)-01-BIG-$14.15 (SEP 20-5TH)
P3 (4-6)-03-BIG-$41.95 (JUL 24-6TH)
P3 (5-7)-02-BIG-$32.65 (AUG 13-7TH)
P3 (6-8)-03-BIG-$44.70 (AUG 13-8TH)
P3 (7-9)-06-BIG-$22.35 (APR 19-9TH)
P3 (8-10)-11-BIG-$59.65 (AUG 30-10TH)
P4 (4-7)-02-BIG-$65.05 (AUG 13-7TH)
P4 (7-10)-03-BIG-$13.85 (JUL 02-10TH)
P5 (1-5)-01-BIG-$140.75 (SEP 20-5TH)
10TH -P5 (HF)-S-00-BIG-$0.00 (APR 00-10TH)
10TH -P5 (HF)-M-08-BIG-$2,019.05 (JUN 05-10TH)
5-1+ LONG-(00)-487
5-1+ LONG TOT-(04)-1,887-25.8%
LONGEST LONG-33-1 (JUN 02-2ND) 32-1 (MAY 18-4TH) 28-1 (JUN 09-9TH) 26-1 (AUG 06-1ST)
PICK 4 PLACINGS-(008)-3,248
OA PICK 4 PLAC TOT-(012)-5,200-62.5%
TOTAL RACES-(03)-1,300
TOP 4 PICKS EACH RACE-01-03,02-02,03-03,04-00,05-00,06-00,07-00,08-00,09-00,10-00=08-12-OATOT-3,248-5,200-62.5%


01-433-BIG-$31.00 (JUL 28-2ND) (14-1) $27.00 (SEP 25-2ND) (12-1) $21.20 (JUL 21-8TH) (9-1) 
02-249-BIG-$34.40 (JUL 09-4TH) (53-1) $22.10 (JUN 02-7TH) (31-1) $20.10 (MAY 25-11TH) (14-1)
03-206-BIG-$13.50 (OCT 06-6TH) (34-1) $9.10 (AUG 13-2ND) (26-1) $8.20 (AUG 18-9TH) (21-1)
04-175-BIG-119-1 (JUL 16-3RD) 58-1 (JUL 13-8TH) 52-1 (APR 27-2ND) 50-1 (APR 28-6TH) 
04-281-W B P-BIG-78-1 (JUN 16-5TH) 60-1 (APR 28-5TH) 57-1 (SEP 11-5TH) 54-1 (APR 28-9TH)
1DD-17-BIG-$80.00 (JUL 28-2ND)
2DD-14-BIG-$37.60 (JUL 07-11TH)
S EX-113-BIG-$163.70 (JUL 07-11TH)
M EX-70-BIG-$180.60 (APR 28-11TH)
S TRI-34-BIG-$712.80 (MAY 17-4TH)
M TRI-97-BIG-$1,254.70 (SEP 29-5TH)
S SUP-14-BIG-$2,360.55 (JUL 09-4TH)
M SUP-77-BIG-$1,453.55 (APR 28-11TH)
P3 (1-3)-06-BIG-$18.50 (MAY 25-3RD)
P3 (2-4)-06-BIG-$21.90 (SEP 20-4TH)
P3 (3-5)-02-BIG-$29.20 (OCT 04-5TH)
P3 (4-6)-01-BIG-$36.65 (OCT 04-6TH)
P3 (5-7)-02-BIG-$21.80 (AUG 20-7TH)
P3 (6-8)-04-BIG-$33.80 (OCT 05-8TH)
P3 (7-9)-04-BIG-$23.90 (SEP 20-9TH)
P3 (8-10)-10-BIG-$37.05 (JUL 03-10TH)
P4 (4-7)-00-BIG-$0.00 (APR 00-7TH)
P4 (7-10)-02-BIG-$11..95 (OCT 05-10TH)
P5 (1-5)-00-BIG-$0.00 (APR 00-5TH)
10TH -P5 (HF)-S-00-BIG-$0.00 (APR 00-10TH)
10TH -P5 (HF)-M-04-BIG-$1,901.70 (MAY 12-11TH)
5-1+ LONG-(01)-541
5-1+ LONG TOT-(04)-1,887-28.7%
LONGEST LONG-68-1 (AUG 24-7TH) 59-1 (SEP 14-2ND) 57-1 (JUN 29-7TH) 54-1 (SEP 22-10TH)
PICK 4 PLACINGS-(008)-3,175
OA PICK 4 PLAC TOT-(012)-5,200-61.1%
TOTAL RACES-(03)-1,300
TOP 4 PICKS EACH RACE-01-03,02-02,03-03,04-00,05-00,06-00,07-00,08-00,09-00,10-00=08-12-OATOT-3,175-5,200-61.1%


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

ROSH CHODESH CHESHVAN-Beginning of new Hebrew month of Cheshvan. Cheshvan is the 8th month of the Hebrew year. Corresponds to October or November on the Gregorian calendar.