Global warming scam run by government and Wall Street while taxpayers foot the bill Jonathan Benson Natural News October 19, 2011
For over 20 years, the dogma of man-made global warming has been trumping sound science and even basic logic. The result has been a global movement of pseudo-scientific alarmism about climate change that seeks to solve it with scams like global carbon taxes.But a simple visual chart put together by Jo Nova shows how governments, industry, and Wall Street have been behind the global warming scam all along, and how they continue to use taxpayer dollars to fund it.Nova calls it The Climate Change Scare Machine, a continuous cycle that bilks taxpayers out of their money in order to fund the man-made global warming agenda. Behind this agenda are Wall Street financial firms, green foundations, and even organizations created specifically to smear those that speak out against global warming. And after receiving rubber stamp approval from the mainstream media, the misinformation created by these groups is peddled to the masses as scientific truth, even though little-to-none of it is actually based in sound science.
You can view the chart for yourself here:
Climate change apologists have a monopoly on science
Many of the formulas, calculations, studies, and other data cited as evidence of man-made climate change have been exposed as seriously flawed over the past several years. But because the problem is systemic rather than conspiratorial, according to Nova, this monopoly on science and scientific thought is strangling any real progress towards discovering the real truth about climate change. As a result, the man-made global warming theory is still considered to be truth, despite a lack of credible evidence.To make matters worse, the few scientists and climate experts that are brave enough to speak out against global warming, using real science to back up their claims, continue to be ignored or ridiculed by the establishment. There simply is no room for alternate theories, or any type of evidence that contradicts the official story, after all.As a result, many others in the scientific industry who feel the same way are intimidated from speaking out themselves, for fear that they will lose funding or even their careers. Many of the major scientific groups that study climate science are funded by the same interests pushing the man-made climate change theory, after all.So unless the system undergoes a massive overhaul, those that have much to gain from pushing the man-made climate change theory will continue to push their agenda, and corner the market on climate science. And with a virtually unlimited supply of taxpayer dollars to maintain this monopoly, any legitimate, independent scientific inquiry into climate change will remain in the shadows.This article was originally post at Natural News.
Israeli Media: Shalit Egyptian TV Interview Borderline Torture-Israel expressed its shock over the interview that Gilad Shalit ws apparently forced to give just minutes after he was handed over to Egypt.By David Lev First Publish: 10/18/2011, 10:31 PM
When rumors that a deal that would Gilad Shalit home to Israel in exchange for over 1,000 terrorists turned into reality, Israel's media outlets – along with several foreign ones – began jockeying for the rights to conduct the first interview with Gilad after he returned home.But they were all trumped by Egypt's state-controlled media – which conducted its own interview with Shalit, minutes after he was handed over to Egypt by his Hamas captors. Israeli officials are up in arms over that interview, with a government spokesperson saying that Israel had expressed its shock to the Egyptian government for forcing Gilad to go through what was clearly a very difficult experience.The interview was conducted by veteran Egyptian TV personality Shahira Amin on behalf of the government-owned Nile TV news station. During the interview, Shalit appeared tired, pale, and even dazed, as he was asked what struck many Israelis as particularly odd questions. Among the questions Amin asked Shalit were whether, after knowing what it was like to be held captive, if he would campaign for the release of terrorists held in Israeli prisons for long periods, and whether the experience had made him stronger.During the interview, it even appeared that Shalit was having difficulty breathing, many viewers said. Adding to the confusion was the fact that the interview was conducted in three languages: Amin asked questions in English, and they were translated into Hebrew for Gilad to answer, and into Arabic for the Egyptian audience. His responses were translated into Arabic and into English.
A senior Israeli official, speaking anonymously in order to avoid setting off further tensions between Israel and Egypt, told the Associated Press Tuesday night that Israelis are all shocked that a so-called interview was forced on (Schalit) before he could even talk to his family or set foot on Israeli soil.The questions were politically loaded, the official said, with Shalit probably coached by Hamas on the questions and appropriate answers. Speaking on Channel 10, anchorwoman Yonit Levy called the interview borderline torture, while foreign affairs correspondent Raviv Drucker said that an interview forced on a prisoner just released is a low thing to do.Amin, for her part, said that she believed she did an adequate job in the interview, and was under the impression that Shalit was speaking voluntarily rather than under compulsion. Speaking to Israeli media Tuesday night, Amin said that if she had felt or known that Shalit was being forced to do the interview, she would have canceled it.If he had refused to speak, I would not have continued the interview. He appeared very tired during the interview so I stopped and gave him some water, and then asked him if he wanted to continue. He answered yes, so I asked him some more questions, Amin said.
Almagor: Time to Prepare for Next War OCT 19,11
Meir Indor, Chairman of the Almagor Terrorist Victims Organization, advised Israel on Tuesday to begin preparing for the next war.As soon as the festivals are finished, Hamas will say to itself that it’s time for the next terror attack, Indor said in a statement.After Israel proved today that its leadership cannot withstand the manipulations and pressures of Hamas, it’s just a matter of time until the next war is started by the other countries observing the Hamas victory and becoming jealous of it, he added. Meanwhile, Hamas has had a tremendous victory that is reflected in the mass receptions for the terrorists, coupled with renewed threats to Israel.
Deliver us from Obama, Occupy Wall Street, Marxism-The Army of Silent Prayer Soldiers - Judi McLeod Tuesday, October 18, 2011 CANADA FREE PRESS
There is one army that Obama and other One World Revolutionaries cannot possibly defeat. Call it the Army of Silent Prayer Soldiers.The Army of Silent Prayer Soldiers can never be hunted down and brought to a halt because, just like Obama, it has no traceable provable identity.Even among the clamour of organized revolution in global public parks, anyone can be a silent soldier with a silent prayer in their heart. Like Satan has never been able to do, Marxists revolutionaries can not effectively fight and conquer prayer.Marxists and their blind followers rail against organized religion, loathe Christians and fear those turning to the Almighty from any faith.Two years ago, Canada Free Press received hundreds of emails for the powerful 4-word prayer: Deliver Us from Obama.More powerful than any proverbial silver bullet, the silent prayers of silent soldiers not only fend off but frustrate the Marxists among us. Marxists can suspect silent prayer but can never ever prove it.The Army of Silent Prayer Soldiers never have to worry about landing on the government’s recent Kill List. They don’t have to call attention to themselves when they silently pray. There are no Silent Prayer Soldiers on any government list.
There will be times when Silent Prayer Soldiers may want to come forward. And in our books, November 11th’s Veteran Defenders and the USA Patriot Union March on DC will be the most crucial time to step forward for the return of the Constitution. But for the most part, silent prayer is the most effective way to fight off the Revolution; the escape hatch from the loud revolutionary chants of the day.
Revolutionaries merely shout and chant their way to getting what they want, though they sometimes smash windows and burn cars. Prayer is a million times more powerful than anything predator progressives fomenting Revolution through Occupy Wall Street (OWS) agents can come up with.Chants are by rote; slogans shouted by cult-like crowds at the order of organizers at the mic; prayers are by heart.Tracing The Revolution’s trajectory is easy because its failures of the past have been documented by history. So we already know that the Revolution’s very next target is Christians. Last week Fargo, North Dakota Bishop Samuel J. Aquila delivered a chilling message to the Vatican: We could see the possibility of it in the United States where it is no longer possible to preach the truth from the pulpit or to present Catholic teaching.(Catholic News Agency, Oct. 11, 2011). With Real Catholic TV adding: It is not unimaginable that if the current party remains in power they could be rounding up Catholics for imprisonment or martyrdom some time in the near future.(RealCatholicTV, Oct. 12, 2011).The best weapon of Marxists in office is manufactured confusion and chaos followed by violence for ultimate control. The best weapon of the believer has always been prayer.Obama’s occupying army in public parks is becoming louder by day. Marxism’s always in a hurry.Moral support for OWS pours in daily from Hollywood celebrities and politicians, who were recently joined by the Nazi’s and Communists.
The evil and darkness they try to spread is based on a plan to frighten and demoralize the masses to get them in line.But there are constants never heard in the mindless chants of the revolutionaries: God lives in the hearts of the masses who are not afraid.Down through the centuries God has been in control, and it is the main reason why good always trumps evil.The Almighty is merciful and gracious.Leader of the OWS pack, Barack Hussein Obama, is self-centered and consummately political.
God is ageless. Obama 50 going on 16.For all of his power, for all of his spread-the-misery style, Obama is a mere mortal and no match for the power that brought Satan to his calloused knees.And the best part of being a Silent Soldier in a Silent Army is that the idea of anonymity it is built on originated from the Marxist cunning of Barry Soetoro.Judi McLeod.
Watchdog Calls on UN Chief to Clarify Remarks Comparing Israel’s Shalit to Hamas Terrorists - Online Tuesday, October 18, 2011 CANADA FREE PRESS
GENEVA, Oct. 18 – A Geneva-based watchdog group called on UN chief Ban Ki-moon to clarify remarks made today that seemed to draw a moral equivalence between the imprisonment of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and Hamas terrorists.I am very encouraged by the prisoner exchange today after many many years of negotiation, Secretary-General Ban told Reuters today. The United Nations has been calling for (an end to) the unacceptable detention of Gilad Shalit and also the release of all Palestinians whose human rights have been abused all the time.Mr. Ban needs to clarify whether, as it appears, he was referring to the Palestinians who committed such gruseome crimes as the bombing of Jerusalem’s Sbarro pizzeria that killed 15, the bombing of a Tel Aviv nightclub that killed 21, and the bombing of Netanya’s Park Hotel that killed 29 people attending a Passover Seder,said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.We call on Mr. Ban to recognize that those who masterminded and carried out terrorist attacks against women and children are despicable criminals, not innocent victims, and that their detention is a moral and security obligation rather than a so-called violation of human rights, said Neuer.
The UN was founded on moral clarity, and its highest officials should know better than to engage in false moral equivalence. They should instead be condeming all of those today who obscenely celebrated cold-blooded murderers as heroes.UN Watch is a Geneva-based human rights organization founded in 1993 to monitor UN compliance with the principles of its Charter. It is accredited as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Special Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and as an Associate NGO to the UN Department of Public Information (DPI).
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -2.43
10:00 AM -23.16
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12:00 PM +35.84
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01:30 PM +46.43
02:00 PM +24.86
02:30 PM -51.08
03:00 PM -52.16
03:30 PM -71.34
04:00 PM -72.43 11,504.62
S&P 500 1209.88 -15.50
NASDAQ 2604.04 -53.39
GOLD 1,642.80 -10.00
OIL 86.06 -2.28
TSE 300 11,849.50 -203.60
CDNX 1525.82 -25.93
S&P/TSX/60 676.02 -12.41
Dow -16 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -27 points at low today.
Dow +39 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,657.10.OIL opens at $88.31 today.
Dow -101 points at low today so far.
Dow +50 points at high today so far.
Dow -101 points at low today.
Dow +50 points at high today.
Eurozone MEPs should have exclusive voting rights, French deputy says 18.10.11 @ 17:09 By Honor Mahony
Deputies from eurozone countries should alone be allowed to vote on issues to do with the single currency in a special committee, a leading MEP has suggested.Will the ins and outs of the eurozone eventually be reflected in the parliament too? (Photo: EUobserver)French Socialist MEP Pervenche Beres, head of the European Parliament's employment committee, believes it is time to set up a sub-committee on the eurozone where only euro members would vote to reflect the general trend in the EU towards a political and policy-making split between euro and non-euro member states.She made the suggestion in an amendment to her own report on European Semesters, a new system that sees member states submit budgetary plans to the European Commission for comment, one of a series of innovations designed to improve economic governance in the eurozone.Beres admits the idea is controversial but says the issue needs raising as parliament otherwise risks getting left behind in the fast-moving discussions on economic governance in the 17-member eurozone.The democratic debate and the public debate on economic policy is the essence of a democracy. And if you only have it at the member states level and behind closed doors in the eurogroup, then you have a lack of democracy.She indicated that if the EU assembly does not seize the initiative, then national parliaments will get there first.Beres, who was previously head of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, also suggested her colleagues should be pragmatic in their approach to the taboo topic.
If you want to fix the eurozone today, you’re not going to ask the Polish or the Brits to take all the measures and the risks that are needed to safeguard the eurozone, she told this website.She also suggests that economic policy requires a new halfway house between intergovernmentalism - where only member states have a say - and the community method, jargon for a process led by Brussels.I am 100 percent in favour of the community method. But I know this method has been tailor-made for internal market purposes. Does it 100 percent fit economic policy? I am not so sure.
Her suggestion reflects the change in the European political landscape since the onset of the sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone.The policies and decisions, which concern millions of euros of taxpayers money, have shifted the emphasis to the member states - rather than the commission - and resulted in a political chasm between those with the euro and the 10 countries that do not have it. This is particularly resented by newer member states not yet in the euro but legally obliged to join it.Under Beres' idea, which she says is mainly to designed to kickstart a debate, the sub-committee would be open to all members of the parliament but only eurozone MEPs would be allowed to vote.She said that while there have not been many complaints yet, she can see that they are coming.UK Liberal MEP Andrew Duff was one of the first off the mark saying the committee idea causes very great concern.There is no precedent for excluding MEPs elected in any one state from participation in all parliamentary activities,he wrote in a letter to Beres.The idea will will get its first public test on Monday when the constitutional affairs committee gives its opinion on the French MEP's report.
Euro crisis to smother growth in eastern Europe
18.10.11 @ 17:34 By Valentina Pop
The current troubles in the eurozone are slowing down growth in eastern European countries, particularly Romania, Albania and Serbia, where Greek banks are an important part of the financial sector, according to a study by the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) published on Tuesday (18 October).Barely out of the recession following the 2009 financial and economic crisis, many countries in eastern Europe will have to cope with slowdown in growth next year compared to what was projected just six months ago.Referring to the 2009 crisis, the report said: increased stress in the eurozone could have an even more severe impact on emerging Europe this time around with recovery in this area thrown off track.Growth forecasts in central Europe and the Baltic states for next year are now projected at 1.7 percent, down from the 3.4 percent in July, with Hungary and Slovakia slowing down the most. Both are EU members, the latter being also a eurozone country.Further to the south-east, Romania, Serbia and Albania are expected to grow only a little over one percent, primarily due to exposure to Greek banks, which face a shaky future as the EU prepares for a partial default of Athens' sovereign debt.Turkey's growth is also slowing down, but is still set to cruise at a comfortable rate of 2.5 percent, according to the EBRD predictions. Russia, meanwhile, seems little affected by the euro-turmoil: output there is expected to grow by 4 percent in 2011 and by 4.2 percent in 2012.Shortly after Germany warned markets on Monday not to expect a comprehensive solution to the eurozone debt crisis at a summit on Sunday, the EBRD notes that lack of a resolution of the eurozone turmoil and a US recession would pose additional risks to growth across the region and increased risks to cross border banking relationships in emerging European countries.
Until the resolution of the eurozone crisis, a period of continued market instability, constrained credit as well as the resulting near standstill in western Europe is expected to seriously affect the outlook for the [eastern European] region.
The London-based bank also predicts that if the crisis is not stopped before spreading to core euro-countries, recession will hit the global economy again. For the eastern European countries, it would also mean that any help to eurozone banks would not go to the subsidiaries in the non-euro region.EU member Romania, for instance, whose growth rate has been slashed from 3.4 to 1.1 percent next year, has most of its banking sector in foreign hands. Austrian banks are the strongest presence and form almost 40 percent of the financial sector, while Greek subsidiaries account for 15.5 percent. The local central bank has urged international banks to inject more capital into their Romanian subsidiaries to weather the fallout of a potential Greek default.
We don’t need to occupy we need to vacate the REAL bad guys By LAURIE ROTH, on October 17th, 2011
What is behind the protests through out America? How real is occupy Wall Street and do we really understand the protestor’s goals? We had better figure it out because this protest movement is being manipulated and used from all sides to create more wars against people and business, while the real culprits aren’t understood and hide, mostly in plain site. Regardless as to the real genesis of the complaints and suffering regarding many who are protesting, the usual, manipulative sea of greedy attention whores have tried to usurp and broaden the blow by throwing their long worn out, Marxist issues and demands in our faces. Real protests are clouded by the Van Jones crowd, Code Pink and sloths who don’t want to work at all but want big money given to them from the Government. That way we are forced to listen to their demands and practically ignore the right on anger and protests of many who have lost or are losing practically everything. Let’s start with what we really know to figure out who the bad guys are, the angry mobs in the street or Wall Street and their like. Which is it?
Here is what we know in the bigger picture
Boldly behind the corruption, greed and money schemes of many mortgage institutions, banks and other money lending companies is the effort by global powers behind these banks to steal vast amounts of wealth from our country, redistribute and control it. These controllers are horrifyingly real and lead back the 1700s with the establishment of the Illuminati.Dr. Adam Weishaupt was the founder of the Illuminati, which simply means Enlightened ones.He was a Bavarian philosopher who pulled together 13 elite, wealthy and highly placed families who wanted control of the money and people in the area of education, entertainment, religion, banking, customs and Government rule. They hid behind the usual madness of creating fairness for everyone, stopping all Government structures because they didn’t care for the people fairly.The Illuminati knew that Christianity had to be controlled if not stopped. The Illuminati goals taught the direct opposite of the Holy Bible. Thus, the big push all over Europe and America from the 1700s on to Deism. This power manipulation was a full on assault to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. The Illuminati manipulative spin was that there was one God, all our same and Fairness and sameness for all was the end point. Naturally this sameness would all be controlled by the elite few who had massive wealth. The people over time would have their contrived, watered down believe in God. They would get thrown dog bones and occasional gifts and diversions from the Illuminati crowd, while everyone else would be attacked and destroyed.
Masonic lodges
You may think this is tin helmet talk now, but it is a fact. The Illuminati, under the leadership of Dr. Weishaupt and the 13 elite families, started a whole host of secret societies they called Masons. You and I have known tons of people who are in a Masonic lodge, believing they are helping sick kids and serving the community. There are tons of different Masonic orders and groups. However, few understand the deeper meaning behind them and the evil, illuminati core.2/3rd of our Presidents have belonged to Masonic lodges. Just some of these include: George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Howard Taft, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford and many more.Just a few of the Illuminati goals peppered through their secret societies and Masons designed to pull in the well meaning masses and money:
Some of their stated goals
* The right to lie in force
* Seize property by any means
* Use of slogans such as equity, liberty, and fraternity delivered into the mouths of the masses in psychological warfare
* Control the press
* Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen and placed in public office who will be obedient to their demands and will be used as pawns in the game behind the scenes. Their advisors will have been reared and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.
* Agents will come forward after fermenting traumatic situations and appear to be the saviors of the masses
* Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food and use this to control the masses or mob and then use the mob to wipe out all those who stand in the way.
*Establish huge monopolies and lean toward world government control
*Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by control of raw materials. Organize agitation among the workers and subsidize their competitors.
Many of our Founders and leaders, some who were Masons at first, saw the evil and destructive goals and spoke out against them. George Washington, at first a Mason turned against the Masons the last 30 years of his life. Alexander Hamilton boldly denounced the illuminati and shunned its principles. Governor Morris, John Adams and Benjamin Rush along with a host of others saw the threat and manipulation of the teaching of Deism, the Marxist and Occult influences behind this push.
32 degrees a Mason goes through
Robert Howard has written a fabulous, in depth article, walking you through the Illuminati and Mason steps. He states:As a Mason goes through the 32 degrees of the Scottish rule, he ends up giving worship to every Egyptian pagan god, the gods of Persia, gods of India, Greek gods, Babylonian gods, ad other. As you come to the 17th degree, the Masons claim that they will give you the password that will give him entrance at the judgment day to the Masonic deity, the great architect of the universe. It is very interesting that this secret password is Abaddon. Revelation 9:11 – They had a kind over them, the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. The angel of the Abyss (Hell) is really the chief demon whose name is Abaddon. Masons claim then, that the deity they worship is Abaddon! Abaddon and Apollyon both mean Destroyer.
Let’s bring it current
We have seen over decades the massive push in the American culture away from the totality of the Holy Bible and message of Jesus Christ to Deism, one God, all Religions the same and fairness this and fairness that. This is a full on assault inspired and pushed by the Illuminati to stop freedom, achievement, uniqueness and American exceptionalism. The Bible gets in the way because it acknowledges the unique worth of each person and calls them to greatness, defining worth and freedom as a gift from God not Government or philosophy.Another huge mistake for America was turning over all of our economy and money to a private corporation The Federal Reserve clear back in 1913. A corporation which hasn’t been audited once from the outside. Can you say a big fat conspiracy folks and cover up of theft? They must be audited from an outside source, not from within.Remember just one of the special goals of the illuminati was the eradication of owned property. The last few years we have seen more housing and mortgage theft than anytime in our nations history. I have interviewed many who have lost their homes who were paying their mortgage, who were responsible folks, desperately trying to adjust a payment after losing their job or seeing their interest rates go up again and again.Then we learned of countless mortgage institutions, selling off the loan to another financial company then another, while betting against the loan. Gambling and betting on the spun off body parts of the original loan became the norm.Its called…..stealing American property and homes, an Illuminati goal. It’s called taking billions from the people, assigning it to the international banking heads and throwing dog bones and rewards out to the compliant and obedient surfs, another Illuminati goal.Remember, behind the banking greed and wall street schemes are the financed and vicious plans of the Illuminati putting controls in place ever since our country was established.
The only way back to real freedom
We must audit if not close the Federal Reserve and have our Treasure control our money.Demand common sense reforms with banking, where banks must keep the home loan in house and not sell it off, while agreeing to work with a customer willing to make modified but real payments.We must refuse to submit to international schemes, regulation, taxation which hide behind, contrived environmental and carbon emissions disasters.Finally, our call to arms, our skeletal core and rule book in our country is our unique Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Holy Bible. Regardless of what a group, politician or banker may call themselves, there should be zero room for allowing anyone to be President of this great nation who ascribes to occult practices, pagan gods or Islam. Our freedom and unique success in this country comes from our believe in the God of the Holy Bible. We get our worth and blessings from God, not the new world order, Illuminati, secret societies, the UN or anyone else.Yes, it is time to march in the streets, but against the Illuminati, Federal Reserve, global banking cartels, billions we give to the UN, while they vote us down and stand against freedom. We must march against the mortgage crisis theft of millions and President Barack Obama who has crushed far more jobs then he has made. Join me each day in the radio firing line at Join up with the Roth Revolution, blog and speak your mind. My new book is out and available at,The People’s President which outlines my passionate ideas for a come back for America.
Russia and Ukraine make nice after EU snub
18.10.11 @ 19:38 By Andrew Rettman
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has told Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovych he can jail his political rivals as far as Moscow is concerned after the EU made him persona non grata.Speaking to press after talks on gas in Yanukovych's home town of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday (18 October), Medvedev said that the decision to jail former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko last week is Ukraine's internal affair.He voiced respect for Ukrainian sovereignty and its independent courts, while indicating that EU criticism of the verdict is bad manners. I was taught at university to try not to comment on court rulings, whether Russian or foreign, until they take effect, he noted.The Russian dignitary did warn his host not to put in question a gas supply contract agreed by Tymoshenko in 2009.But following the Donetsk event, which also involved energy ministers and the CEOs of gas companies Naftogaz and Gazprom, officials from both sides said Moscow and Kiev are close to reaching a new deal on prices.For his part, Yanukovych kept cool after the EU embarrassed him earlier the same day by saying he is not welcome in Brussels on 20 October as planned because of Tymoshenko. We will always do everything that agrees with our national interests, he told press when asked if he is still open to future talks.
His deputy prime minister, Sergiy Tigipko, was more outspoken.If the European Union gives an absolutely clear No, the possibility of reorientation to the Customs Union is very high, he told the Den newspaper, referring to the Belarus-Kazakhstan-Russia alternative to EU integration.The Tigipko scenario is a nightmare for the US and Poland, which have in recent years endeavoured to pull Ukraine out of Russia's old sphere of influence. But diplomats have no illusions about the difficulty of the task.For the time being, the Ukrainian oligarchs have decided to bet on EU integration. They think they will get a bigger share of the cake here than in Russia. But if Russia comes along and makes them a better offer, this could change overnight, a senior EU diplomat stationed in Kiev told this EUobserver.A European Commission spokeswoman said on Tuesday the EU's Jose Manuel Barroso and Herman Van Rompuy will not meet Yanukovych because he has violated the rule of law and because Brussels wants to set an example to other post-Soviet countries.Our relations with eastern partners are based on fundamental values, she explained.She added that technical level talks on an EU-Ukraine trade and association agreement will continue despite the problem. A Ukrainian foreign ministry spokesman said trade minister Andriy Kliuyev will come to the EU capital for negotiations on Wednesday.
Feds Trafficked Guns To Suspected Criminals Under Bush-ATF allowed firearms to walk under previous incarnation of Fast and Furious-Paul Joseph Watson Tuesday, October 18, 2011
During an appearance on CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa acknowledged that an almost identical program to Fast and Furious, in which the federal government trafficked guns directly to suspected criminals, existed under the Bush administration.Issa’s comments about a similar program being operational under the Bush administration appear at the 3:50 mark.We know that, under the Bush administration, there were similar operations, but they were coordinated with Mexico, Issa, R-Calif., said. They made every effort to keep their eyes on the weapons the whole time. So we’re not, per se, saying that tracing weapons is a bad idea.Based out of Arizona, the Bush-era program ran from 2006 to the end of 2007 and was dubbed Operation Wide Receiver. Similarly to Fast and Furious, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allowed firearms to walk to suspected gun traffickers without them being interdicted.Democrats will obviously cite the fact that an almost identical program was up and running during the Bush administration as a way to try and absolve the Obama administration and particularly Attorney General Eric Holder of blame for Fast and Furious.Indeed, Maryland Democrat Elijah Cummings immediately highlighted Issa’s comments to claim that Fast and Furious was a local issue that never got to higher-ups, and that AG Holder was unaware of its existence.
However, contrary to his Congressional testimony, records show that Holder was sent briefings on Fast and Furious by both Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer and the National Drug Intelligence Center in July 2010, almost a year before he told a Judiciary Committee hearing, I’m not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.However, what this really tells us is that there was a continuation of policy and a mere passing of the baton, with the ATF not letting a presidential election get in the way of business as usual.The only real difference under the Obama administration is that prior to the program being publicly exposed, Obama exploited it as a method through which to demonize the second amendment by claiming that Mexican drug lords were sourcing their guns from the United States, while hiding the fact that this was a result of the federal government delivering truck loads to drug gangs directly.This was likely what Obama was referring to during a March 30 meeting between Jim and Sarah Brady and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, at which Obama dropped in, when he told Brady that the administration was working on gun control under the radar.
- DAN 1:1 - DAN 3:30 VBV - 1 JVI
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- DAN 7:1 - DAN 9:27 VBV - 3 JVI
- DAN 10:1 - 12:13 VBV - 4 JVI
- REV 1 - REV 4:6 VBV - 1 JVI
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Video: First Pictures of Shalit Freed
Shalit: I Was Told a Week Ago I Will Be Free-Gilad Shalit told Egyptian media he was told a week ago he would be freed. I was happy to hear it, but I was suspicious, he said.By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu First Publish: 10/18/2011, 11:25 AM
Gilad Shalit told Egyptian media he was told a week ago he would be freed. I was happy to hear it, but I was suspicious, he said. I waited years, but I believed I would find myself free.He said the first thing he wants to do when he gets home is to be with my family and meet my friends and speak with them. I want to tell people about my experience.Despite his having been in captivity without communication with the outside world for more than five years, Egyptian media asked him difficult and loaded questions.Asked if the captivity and release gave him a stronger will, Shalit answered, A deal could have been arranged sooner.Questioned whether he will help campaign for the release of 4,000 more Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli jails, Shalit reפlied:I will be happy if they will be freed and return to their homes if they do not return to terror.He expressed the hope that Israel’s freeing of 1,027 terrorists and security prisoners will help it make peace with the Palestinian Authority.IDF doctors examined Shalit before his return home, and he was confirmed to be in good and stable health.
Netanyahu is at Tel Nof Air Base-Gilad Shalit will be driven through the Kerem Shalom Crossing and taken to Tel Nof where he will meet his family.By Gil Ronen First Publish: 10/18/2011, 11:58 AM
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu arrived Tuesday morning at the Tel Nof Air Base near Rehovot.Netanyahu entered the room in which the Shalit family is waiting for its son and told the family: I am glad that we made it to this day. In a short time, Gilad will return to you.The prime minister told the family members that the process of returning Shalit was going forward without a hitch so far. At about 10:00 a.m. Netanyahu was reportedly in the situation room, along with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the IDF Chief of Staff.Gilad Shalit will be driven through the Kerem Shalom Crossing, close to where he was abducted 5.5 years ago, and taken to Tel Nof, where he will meet his family.
EU to celebrate Shalit swap despite concerns
Today OCT 18,11 @ 08:04 By Andrew Rettman
The EU is set to cheer the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, expected on Tuesday (19 October), despite concerns it could pave the way for military strikes on Hamas and Iran.Hamas poster. The 25-year-old is to be reunited with his family after five years and four months of complete isolation (Photo: Tom Spender)According to plans negotiated by Egyptian, German and Israeli intelligence, Shalit, who was captured by Palestinian militant group Hamas five years ago, will be handed over to the Red Cross in Gaza before noon local time.The NGO will take him via the Rafah crossing point to a secure area in Egypt's Sinai peninsula for 15 to 20 minutes and then to Israel via the Kerem Shalom point. Israel will at each stage of the process release tranches of 477 Palestinian prisoners. A second set of 550 prisoners is to be freed in December.The deal was finalised by Egyptian security chief Murad Muwafi and the new head of Israeli military intelligence Yoram Cohen. But the blueprint for the handover was drawn up by Gerhard Conrad, currently the chief of staff in the German intelligence service, the BND.BND spokesman Dieter Arndt told EUobserver Conrad worked on the plan for the past two and a half years. Almost the whole draft of the contract was done by Conrad. It was a long term involvement, but the final glory belongs to Egypt alone, he said.Arndt noted that Conrad took off his BND hat for the work before returning to the service: It was a personal thing. He was not acting on behalf of the federal government of Germany or the BND, but on behalf of all sides, Israel and Hamas, for the whole time the negotiations were going on. EU governments are banned from negotiating with Hamas because it is on the union's blacklist of terrorist entities.
The EU last week endorsed the deal on humanitarian grounds. I warmly welcome the news that Gilad Shalit will soon be able to return home after five years of captivity, putting an end to the long ordeal that he and his family have endured, foreign relations chief Catherine Ashton said.An EU diplomat earlier told this website Shalit's release could help with EU endorsement of Palestine's bid to upgrade its UN status and reopen the question of delisiting Hamas from the terrorist register.But despite the atmosphere of good will, some commentators believe the Shalit swap spells trouble for the region.Speaking as someone who has been involved in these things [Israel-Hamas prisoner swaps] in the past, I don't think we are moving toward any kind of reconciliation between Israel and Hamas. What usually happens afterwards is that the Israeli government gives Hamas a whack to show that it's still strong. If I was Hamas, I wouldn't leave any of my top leaders out in the open after this, one former EU diplomat said.For his part, Israeli journalist Alex Fishman, reputed to have close ties to Israeli security chiefs, in an op-ed last week said the Shalit deal is designed to clear the desk of the Israeli government for a strike against Iran's alleged nuclear bomb facilities. The Europeans will be applauding us, and no less importantly it will boost the national consensus and the prime minister's image ahead of the next challenge [Iran],he wrote.Some recent developments on the international stage support Fishman's line.US President Barack Obama at the UN general assembly in September gave Israel carte blanche for action against security threats. The US and the EU have upped anti-Iran rhetoric by accusing it of helping Syria to kill protesters and by exposing an alleged plot to assassinate a Saudi diplomat in Washington. They have also backed the rebellion against Syrian leader Bashar Assad, Iran's main ally.Alon Ben-David, a senior Israeli defence journalist, cast doubt on the Shalit-Iran link, however.He said the US and the EU are planning to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran. If these do not stop Tehran's nuclear programme, the next opportunity for military action will come only when the weather improves in spring next year. Iran is an extremely serious issue. Whether Israel launches an operation against Iran has nothing to do with Shalit,he told EUobserver.Ben-David agreed that Israel is likely to strike Hamas after the Shalit swap to show who is boss. But he noted the new Egypt-Hamas-Israel mechanism bodes well: I don't think this will be used for anything political. But all parties have developed more trust. We have a new mechanism for negotiating humanitarian issues if there is a military clash.
Arabs Riot as Terrorists Are Freed-Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs throw rocks at Israeli soldiers as terrorists are freed at a checkpoint. The IDF fired smoke bombs.By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu First Publish: 10/18/2011, 11:59 AM
Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs threw rocks at Israeli soldiers as terrorists were freed at the Betunia checkpoint. The IDF fired stun grenades, tear gas and smoke bombs to disperse the rioters.Most of the rioters carried Hamas and Islamic Jihad banners and arrived at the checkpoint to welcome approximately 100 terrorists and security prisoners who were among those being allowed to return to their homes in Judea and Samaria.The IDF did not anticipate a riot, and soldiers fired a heavy barrage of riot-dispersing weapons. At least one person was wounded.
Israel pardoned and freed 477 terrorists and prisoners early Tuesday in the first phase of the deal in which a total of 1,027 will be released as Gilad Shalit returned home after more than five years in captivity.Of the 477 terrorists released Tuesday, 132 are being allowed to return to Gaza, but one of them, Amna Muna, decided to remain in Egypt after her release rather than face likely revenge in Gaza for her brutal treatment of fellow inmates.Forty terrorists will be deported outside of Israel.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -2.43
10:00 AM -75.30
10:30 AM -45.17
11:00 AM +1.82
11:30 AM +10.75
12:00 PM +63.88
12:30 PM +56.61
01:00 PM +95.55
01:30 PM +65.92
02:00 PM +92.49
02:30 PM +125.25
03:00 PM +99.34
03:30 PM +225.73
04:00 PM +180.05 11,577.05
S&P 500 1225.38 +24.52
NASDAQ 2657.43 +42.51
GOLD 1,662.60 -14.60
OIL 88.56 +2.18
TSE 300 12,053.10 +130.10
CDNX 1551.75 +10.26
S&P/TSX/60 688.43 +6.89
Dow -42 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -98 points at low today.
Dow +125 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,644.10.OIL opens at $86.86 today.
Dow -98 points at low today so far.
Dow +229 points at high today so far.
Dow -98 points at low today.
Dow +229 points at high today.
UPDATE 1-Merkel says EU summit will set Greece plan-sources Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:10am EDT
* Merkel tells her party EU leaders will produce work plan
* Permanent troika mission an option
Oct 18 (Reuters) - Germany's Angela Merkel expects European leaders to produce a work plan for Greece at a summit on Sunday, possibly including a permanent mission of international lenders to monitor its debts, sources from her party quoted her as saying on Tuesday.Euro zone leaders meet on Oct. 23 to discuss further aid for Greece, with countries such as Germany and the Netherlands frustrated by Athens' lack of progress on privatisation and other reforms. Tighter controls are high on the agenda.Merkel told her Christian Democrats (CDU) the summit should find ways to ensure the euro zone rescue fund, the European Financial Stability Facility, is used effectively, but that leveraging it via the European Central Bank had been ruled out, party sources said.CDU sources present at a meeting with the Chancellor said she expected the summit to agree on sending countries that flout EU budget deficit rules to court, a move which could satisfy banks which have urged European policy makers to toughen their stance.Markets rallied last week on high hopes for the summit but Germany's Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble on Monday tempered expectations for the summit saying it would not produce a miracle cure.The euro fell for a second day against the dollar on Tuesday, pressured by weak German investor sentiment data, a warning on France's triple-A credit rating and fading hopes of a comprehensive solution to the debt crisis.
Schaeuble also said European governments would adopt a five-point strategy expected to include a plan to recapitalise banks and reduce Greece's debt mountain by asking private creditors to accept steeper writedowns than the 21 percent losses agreed last July.The head of the Institute of International Finance bank lobby group held a meeting on Monday with Herman Van Rompuy, the EU official who organises summit meetings, to discuss bank recapitalisation and haircuts on Greek debt, an EU diplomat said on Tuesday.Greece's overall debt is forecast to climb to 357 billion euros ($490 billion) this year, or 162 percent of annual economic output -- a level economists agree is unsustainable.To reduce this mountain, euro zone leaders are racing to convince banks to accept voluntary writedowns of up to 50 percent on their sovereign holdings. At the same time, they are trying to agree on a blueprint for recapitalising financial institutions at risk from the deepening crisis.
October 17, 2011, 1:31 PM ET The Summit Expectations Game By Laurence Norman
The euro zone provided a classic example Monday of why it has tasked European Council President Herman Van Rompuy with drawing up new rules for crisis-management communication.As the countdown to this weekend’s EU and euro-zone summits starts, senior European officials pulled markets back and forth with divergent views of what to expect from the upcoming meetings.French finance minister Francois Baroin set the tone, promising decisive results from this week’s meetings.We are acting resolutely to maintain financial stability,he said.Jose Manuel Barroso, the head of the European Commission and the long standing champion of expectations overreach echoed Mr. Baroin’s comments. He told reporters earlier Monday that the European Council of this weekend will be critically important.Enter the Germans. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s adviser, Steffen Seibert, said a package of measures would be agreed.
Nevertheless, the chancellor reminds [everyone] that the dreams that are emerging again, that on Monday everything will be resolved and everything will be over will again not be fulfilled, Mr. Seibert said.What has been achieved so far, Mr. Seibert said, in remarks that sent global stocks falling, are important steps on a long journey, a journey that will certainly continue well into next year.How to explain these irreconcilable messages? There can only be one explanation. For better or worse, there’s not one game being played but several with different goals.The expectations game after all is simple. You win by telling people to be disappointed and surprising them with what you achieve. Do the opposite and you lose. By this definition, there’s only one true player of the expectations game: Germany.Several EU diplomats detect a pattern. Ahead of the July 21 summit and again, before the key euro meetings in March, Berlin tempered expectations, stifled talk of a turning point and downplayed hopes of a breakthrough. The aim of the game: keep markets in check.The German way to play this game is to come up with a line similar to today’s about a week before a summit. I do see a pattern there, said an EU diplomat. Tempering expectations also plays well at home, soothing pre-summit fears among party loyalists that she’s about to bind Germany into yet more big financial commitments.For Mr. Barroso, the goal is different. His tendency to big up events is not just the mark of an ebullient soul or proof of tactical ineptitude. Mr. Barroso’s task is to convince a different audience–European parliamentarians, Europe’s remaining federalists and the EU bureaucracy – that he’s standing up for them, that the community voice matters and that selfish member state interests are not being left unchallenged to dictate the region’s future.
What of France? Surely it must see that setting the bar too high can only further erode the crumbling credibility European leaders lay claim to.Yet France’s interest lies not in tempering market views but using them to pressure German leaders to shed their perennial cautious calculation.French diplomats never tire of saying that if the Euro zone had done 18 months ago everything they have done since then, there would be no crisis.What better to force Berlin’s hand than the threat of a vicious market reaction if euro-zone leaders don’t make big fiscal, political and economic commitments over the next seven days, one EU diplomat said.There’s probably an added motivation for France. If the summit fails, their pre-summit rhetoric will work beautifully in dictating the post-play blame game: Berlin will clearly be the one who failed to deliver.A dangerous game? Perhaps. But as one EU diplomat said, We are in a dangerous situation.
Markets plunge as Germany dampens EU summit expectations Today OCT 18,11 @ 09:24 By Valentina Pop
Brussels - Stocks and the euro plunged on Monday (17 October) after German officials dampened expectations for a comprehensive solution to the sovereign debt crisis at an upcoming EU summit.German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble said EU leaders will adopt a five-point plan at the Sunday meeting, but we won't have a definitive solution this weekend.Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert also stressed that his boss reminds [everyone] that the dreams which are emerging again, that on Monday everything will be resolved and everything will be over, will again not be fulfilled.In Seibert's words, the outcome of the Sunday summit will be important steps on a long journey, a journey that will certainly continue well into next year.Reacting to the news, US shares registered their steepest drop in two weeks and the euro went down 0.8 percent compared to the US dollar. Markets had hoped for a final deal setting out the conditions for a partial Greek default and giving the eurozone bailout fund a green light to stem contagion to Italy and Spain, as well as allowing for a quick recapitalisation of Greece-exposed European banks.
Expectations had been reinforced at a meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors from the world's most industrialised 20 nations last weekend. Coming out of the meeting, Germany and France said they had agreed on the broad outlines of a package.Leaders of EU institutions have also been raising expectations of a bigger deal on Sunday. The organiser of the summit, EU Council chief Herman Van Rompuy, said he is working with the EU commission on a comprehensive package to create more confidence in the financial sector and in the sovereign bonds of countries under pressure.Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso said the summit will be critically important, floating the idea of introducing criminal liability for irresponsible banking behaviour so as to avoid financial institutions of repeating the same mistakes again.And speaking to the EUobserver on Monday, European Parliament chief Jerzy Buzek said: I am confident the European Council will approve a package on Sunday enabling us to contain the crisis and avoid recession.Responding to criticism that the parliament is proceeding too slowly in passing laws designed to prevent the same mistakes from happening again, Buzek said that he is pushing for fast-track procedures, but noted that there should be time for democracy.Meanwhile, the head of the eurozone bail-out fund, Klaus Regling, ruled out that the fund would be allowed to act like a bank, Handelsblatt reports. Regling confirmed that the idea had been discussed a few weeks ago, but was now off the table, due to opposition from Germany and the EU commission.
Trichet: EU treaty change needed to impose decisions on states 17.10.11 @ 09:27 By Leigh Phillips
The outgoing head of the European Central Bank (ECB) has called for a change to the European Union treaty to allow for the outside imposition of economic policy on a member state.ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet told French broadcasters on Sunday (16 October) following a meeting of G20 finance ministers in Paris that such a step is necessary in the wake of the eurozone crisis to guard against any one member state endangering the single currency area.It is necessary to change the treaty to prevent one member state from straying and creating problems for all the others, he said.To do this, one even needs to be able to impose decisions.Trichet, who will soon be leaving the central bank after eight years at the top of the organisation, said that in the absence of a federal state, such external supervision is required.
We don't have a federal budget, we don't have a political federation so we have to fully respect the constraints and the mutual supervision rules that exist in the euro zone, he said.Ministers at the G20 meeting of national economy chiefs from the world's leading economic powers issued a joint statement expressing hope that an EU summit dedicated to the crisis next weekend (23 October) will draw a line under the eurozone's problems, saying they expect the bloc to decisively address the current challenges through a comprehensive plan.The summit - split into two parts between the wider EU bloc as a whole and the smaller 17 nations of the euro area - is to unveil a package of measures including a recapitalisation of Europe's banks, an expansion of the eurozone's rescue mechanisms to convince markets Spain and Italy are safe from contagion and a significant write-down of Greek public debt.France and Germany, for some weeks now at loggerheads over the scale of such a Greek haircut for investors, appear to be closing in on a common position.We have points of agreement that are emerging and we'll have an agreement on this question, French finance chief François Baroin said following the G20 meeting. Heads of state and government, in particular the chancellor and the president to put together the elements of the agreement on 23 October.After months of strong criticism from across the Atlantic, Washington gave its imprimatur to the progress European powers are making in developing a comprehensive plan to put the crisis behind them.They clearly have more work to do on the strategy and the details, but when France and Germany agree on a plan together and decide to act, big things are possible,US treasury secretary Geithner said.I am encouraged by the speed and direction in which they are moving.
Changing tack on austerity would be irresponsible, say EU presidents 17.10.11 @ 18:51 By Leigh Phillips
The EU presidents have declared their sympathies for the widening anti-austerity movement of indignados but said turning away from austerity would be irresponsible.EU Council chief Herman van Rompuy told reporters on Monday:We understand that the measures are not popular, but they are in some ways indispensable to safeguard the future.He said that austerity should be implemented without creating new poverty and with fair and just distribution of efforts.However, if such structural changes to European economies did not take place, the EU would lose out against more competitive regions in the world.But in any case, we have to adjust our policies and in some ways, austerity is needed to restore fundamental equilibriums in the economy, he said.The concerns of young people are totally legitimate, he continued.But our responsibility is to go through this unpopular period to safeguard stability.On Saturday, dozens of protests across the continent inspired by the Arab Spring and Spain’s indignados, or indignant ones movement filled the streets and public squares of the continent’s major cities.Demonstrations ranged from four to five thousand in Berlin and Frankfurt to the hundreds of thousands in Barcelona and Rome, with riots breaking out in the Italian capital.In an expression of the level of anger directed no longer just at national political and economic elites but at the European institutions, young people - the first generation to have always known a single market and who were still in elementary school when the euro was introduced: the Erasmus Generation - in Italy, historically one of the most solidly pro-European states, were seen burning the EU flag.
The commission president was even more forthcoming with his sympathies for the protestors, but he too said there was no other way.I very much understand the frustration and indignation of many people in our society ... To a large extent this is a global movement, he said, attacking the criminal behaviour in the financial sector.In an effort to show that the EU executive’s emphasis extends beyond recommending cuts to social programmes and the lowering of wages, he stressed that Brussels will this week propose new pan-European legislation going after criminal market abuse.We have nothing against the financial sector. At the same time, it has to be understood that they have to reflect a minimum of ethical standards, which has not been seen recently, he continued.The proposal appears to be a direct reaction to citizens at Europe’s austerity doctrine and the banking sector, as he said it will show our people that we’ve got the message.However, the former conservative Portuguese prime minister and one-time Maoist in his youth, said what the demonstrators are proposing is irresponsible.Indignation alone is not a solution, he added. It would be irresponsible not to go forward with fiscal consolidation in the member states.
Social fabric being torn apart
EU Council President Herman van Rompuy and commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso issued their declarations following a frosty annual summit between the major European employers’ associations, representatives of the continents’ workers and the EU Council and Commission presidents.The new president of the European Trades Union Council, frenchwoman Bernadette Segol, struck a combative stance, warning that the EU’s current doctrine could get out of hand, bringing recession, depression and blamed the banks rather than public overspending for the crisis.She said the financial sector had made profits since the last crisis, but instead of investing this ... they have spent it on shareholders and bonuses. This must stop. It is unacceptable.The union leader said her organisation recognises the need for balanced state budgets but that this should be implemented over a longer period of time and that the current strategy it is not working in Greece and in fact is causing problems in the social fabric of the country.We see attacks on collective bargaining, she told reporters. The [EU-ECB-IMF] troika has demanded that Greece to suppress national collective agreements. We see demands to put at negotiations at the lowest level possible, initiatives in Hungary to suppress union rights. This is not the way to construct a social dialogue.The unions would instead prefer to see an EU and state-directed programme of massive public stimulus via green technology and energy infrastructure to jump-start the economy at a time of reluctance on the part of the private sector to commit to new investment.
Instead, austerity is often used as an excuse to liberalise everything and to undo negotiating structures, she said.The basic structures of social relations are under attack.She also warned the leaders against taking undemocratic decisions: Democracy is a very important part of the European Union project ... When we see currently heads of state just acting between themselves and taking decisions, this is not exactly the way we would like to see things implemented at the EU.If this is not done [in a democratic way], citizens will not support the European project.The employers’ association, Business Europe, for its part, felt it necessary to remind the trade unions that both sides had signed a joint declaration earlier in the year on the need for a growth strategy.We are in favour of strong social dialogue. But we must discuss the real issues: How we can manage change, said Philip de Buck, the head of the boss’s association, stressing the need for flexicurity, an easing of job protections in return for a stronger social safety net while people look for new work.De Buck said that the real priority now is to put an end to the governance crisis and confidence crisis.He said employers are advocating further labour market liberalisation and reform of benefit systems as a response to the crisis, along with efforts to improve skills of the population in a way that matches the jobs needed filling in the private sector.
Shalit: I Was Told a Week Ago I Will Be Free-Gilad Shalit told Egyptian media he was told a week ago he would be freed. I was happy to hear it, but I was suspicious, he said.By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu First Publish: 10/18/2011, 11:25 AM
Gilad Shalit told Egyptian media he was told a week ago he would be freed. I was happy to hear it, but I was suspicious, he said. I waited years, but I believed I would find myself free.He said the first thing he wants to do when he gets home is to be with my family and meet my friends and speak with them. I want to tell people about my experience.Despite his having been in captivity without communication with the outside world for more than five years, Egyptian media asked him difficult and loaded questions.Asked if the captivity and release gave him a stronger will, Shalit answered, A deal could have been arranged sooner.Questioned whether he will help campaign for the release of 4,000 more Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli jails, Shalit reפlied:I will be happy if they will be freed and return to their homes if they do not return to terror.He expressed the hope that Israel’s freeing of 1,027 terrorists and security prisoners will help it make peace with the Palestinian Authority.IDF doctors examined Shalit before his return home, and he was confirmed to be in good and stable health.
Netanyahu is at Tel Nof Air Base-Gilad Shalit will be driven through the Kerem Shalom Crossing and taken to Tel Nof where he will meet his family.By Gil Ronen First Publish: 10/18/2011, 11:58 AM
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu arrived Tuesday morning at the Tel Nof Air Base near Rehovot.Netanyahu entered the room in which the Shalit family is waiting for its son and told the family: I am glad that we made it to this day. In a short time, Gilad will return to you.The prime minister told the family members that the process of returning Shalit was going forward without a hitch so far. At about 10:00 a.m. Netanyahu was reportedly in the situation room, along with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the IDF Chief of Staff.Gilad Shalit will be driven through the Kerem Shalom Crossing, close to where he was abducted 5.5 years ago, and taken to Tel Nof, where he will meet his family.
EU to celebrate Shalit swap despite concerns
Today OCT 18,11 @ 08:04 By Andrew Rettman
The EU is set to cheer the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, expected on Tuesday (19 October), despite concerns it could pave the way for military strikes on Hamas and Iran.Hamas poster. The 25-year-old is to be reunited with his family after five years and four months of complete isolation (Photo: Tom Spender)According to plans negotiated by Egyptian, German and Israeli intelligence, Shalit, who was captured by Palestinian militant group Hamas five years ago, will be handed over to the Red Cross in Gaza before noon local time.The NGO will take him via the Rafah crossing point to a secure area in Egypt's Sinai peninsula for 15 to 20 minutes and then to Israel via the Kerem Shalom point. Israel will at each stage of the process release tranches of 477 Palestinian prisoners. A second set of 550 prisoners is to be freed in December.The deal was finalised by Egyptian security chief Murad Muwafi and the new head of Israeli military intelligence Yoram Cohen. But the blueprint for the handover was drawn up by Gerhard Conrad, currently the chief of staff in the German intelligence service, the BND.BND spokesman Dieter Arndt told EUobserver Conrad worked on the plan for the past two and a half years. Almost the whole draft of the contract was done by Conrad. It was a long term involvement, but the final glory belongs to Egypt alone, he said.Arndt noted that Conrad took off his BND hat for the work before returning to the service: It was a personal thing. He was not acting on behalf of the federal government of Germany or the BND, but on behalf of all sides, Israel and Hamas, for the whole time the negotiations were going on. EU governments are banned from negotiating with Hamas because it is on the union's blacklist of terrorist entities.
The EU last week endorsed the deal on humanitarian grounds. I warmly welcome the news that Gilad Shalit will soon be able to return home after five years of captivity, putting an end to the long ordeal that he and his family have endured, foreign relations chief Catherine Ashton said.An EU diplomat earlier told this website Shalit's release could help with EU endorsement of Palestine's bid to upgrade its UN status and reopen the question of delisiting Hamas from the terrorist register.But despite the atmosphere of good will, some commentators believe the Shalit swap spells trouble for the region.Speaking as someone who has been involved in these things [Israel-Hamas prisoner swaps] in the past, I don't think we are moving toward any kind of reconciliation between Israel and Hamas. What usually happens afterwards is that the Israeli government gives Hamas a whack to show that it's still strong. If I was Hamas, I wouldn't leave any of my top leaders out in the open after this, one former EU diplomat said.For his part, Israeli journalist Alex Fishman, reputed to have close ties to Israeli security chiefs, in an op-ed last week said the Shalit deal is designed to clear the desk of the Israeli government for a strike against Iran's alleged nuclear bomb facilities. The Europeans will be applauding us, and no less importantly it will boost the national consensus and the prime minister's image ahead of the next challenge [Iran],he wrote.Some recent developments on the international stage support Fishman's line.US President Barack Obama at the UN general assembly in September gave Israel carte blanche for action against security threats. The US and the EU have upped anti-Iran rhetoric by accusing it of helping Syria to kill protesters and by exposing an alleged plot to assassinate a Saudi diplomat in Washington. They have also backed the rebellion against Syrian leader Bashar Assad, Iran's main ally.Alon Ben-David, a senior Israeli defence journalist, cast doubt on the Shalit-Iran link, however.He said the US and the EU are planning to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran. If these do not stop Tehran's nuclear programme, the next opportunity for military action will come only when the weather improves in spring next year. Iran is an extremely serious issue. Whether Israel launches an operation against Iran has nothing to do with Shalit,he told EUobserver.Ben-David agreed that Israel is likely to strike Hamas after the Shalit swap to show who is boss. But he noted the new Egypt-Hamas-Israel mechanism bodes well: I don't think this will be used for anything political. But all parties have developed more trust. We have a new mechanism for negotiating humanitarian issues if there is a military clash.
Arabs Riot as Terrorists Are Freed-Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs throw rocks at Israeli soldiers as terrorists are freed at a checkpoint. The IDF fired smoke bombs.By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu First Publish: 10/18/2011, 11:59 AM
Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs threw rocks at Israeli soldiers as terrorists were freed at the Betunia checkpoint. The IDF fired stun grenades, tear gas and smoke bombs to disperse the rioters.Most of the rioters carried Hamas and Islamic Jihad banners and arrived at the checkpoint to welcome approximately 100 terrorists and security prisoners who were among those being allowed to return to their homes in Judea and Samaria.The IDF did not anticipate a riot, and soldiers fired a heavy barrage of riot-dispersing weapons. At least one person was wounded.
Israel pardoned and freed 477 terrorists and prisoners early Tuesday in the first phase of the deal in which a total of 1,027 will be released as Gilad Shalit returned home after more than five years in captivity.Of the 477 terrorists released Tuesday, 132 are being allowed to return to Gaza, but one of them, Amna Muna, decided to remain in Egypt after her release rather than face likely revenge in Gaza for her brutal treatment of fellow inmates.Forty terrorists will be deported outside of Israel.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -2.43
10:00 AM -75.30
10:30 AM -45.17
11:00 AM +1.82
11:30 AM +10.75
12:00 PM +63.88
12:30 PM +56.61
01:00 PM +95.55
01:30 PM +65.92
02:00 PM +92.49
02:30 PM +125.25
03:00 PM +99.34
03:30 PM +225.73
04:00 PM +180.05 11,577.05
S&P 500 1225.38 +24.52
NASDAQ 2657.43 +42.51
GOLD 1,662.60 -14.60
OIL 88.56 +2.18
TSE 300 12,053.10 +130.10
CDNX 1551.75 +10.26
S&P/TSX/60 688.43 +6.89
Dow -42 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -98 points at low today.
Dow +125 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,644.10.OIL opens at $86.86 today.
Dow -98 points at low today so far.
Dow +229 points at high today so far.
Dow -98 points at low today.
Dow +229 points at high today.
UPDATE 1-Merkel says EU summit will set Greece plan-sources Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:10am EDT
* Merkel tells her party EU leaders will produce work plan
* Permanent troika mission an option
Oct 18 (Reuters) - Germany's Angela Merkel expects European leaders to produce a work plan for Greece at a summit on Sunday, possibly including a permanent mission of international lenders to monitor its debts, sources from her party quoted her as saying on Tuesday.Euro zone leaders meet on Oct. 23 to discuss further aid for Greece, with countries such as Germany and the Netherlands frustrated by Athens' lack of progress on privatisation and other reforms. Tighter controls are high on the agenda.Merkel told her Christian Democrats (CDU) the summit should find ways to ensure the euro zone rescue fund, the European Financial Stability Facility, is used effectively, but that leveraging it via the European Central Bank had been ruled out, party sources said.CDU sources present at a meeting with the Chancellor said she expected the summit to agree on sending countries that flout EU budget deficit rules to court, a move which could satisfy banks which have urged European policy makers to toughen their stance.Markets rallied last week on high hopes for the summit but Germany's Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble on Monday tempered expectations for the summit saying it would not produce a miracle cure.The euro fell for a second day against the dollar on Tuesday, pressured by weak German investor sentiment data, a warning on France's triple-A credit rating and fading hopes of a comprehensive solution to the debt crisis.
Schaeuble also said European governments would adopt a five-point strategy expected to include a plan to recapitalise banks and reduce Greece's debt mountain by asking private creditors to accept steeper writedowns than the 21 percent losses agreed last July.The head of the Institute of International Finance bank lobby group held a meeting on Monday with Herman Van Rompuy, the EU official who organises summit meetings, to discuss bank recapitalisation and haircuts on Greek debt, an EU diplomat said on Tuesday.Greece's overall debt is forecast to climb to 357 billion euros ($490 billion) this year, or 162 percent of annual economic output -- a level economists agree is unsustainable.To reduce this mountain, euro zone leaders are racing to convince banks to accept voluntary writedowns of up to 50 percent on their sovereign holdings. At the same time, they are trying to agree on a blueprint for recapitalising financial institutions at risk from the deepening crisis.
October 17, 2011, 1:31 PM ET The Summit Expectations Game By Laurence Norman
The euro zone provided a classic example Monday of why it has tasked European Council President Herman Van Rompuy with drawing up new rules for crisis-management communication.As the countdown to this weekend’s EU and euro-zone summits starts, senior European officials pulled markets back and forth with divergent views of what to expect from the upcoming meetings.French finance minister Francois Baroin set the tone, promising decisive results from this week’s meetings.We are acting resolutely to maintain financial stability,he said.Jose Manuel Barroso, the head of the European Commission and the long standing champion of expectations overreach echoed Mr. Baroin’s comments. He told reporters earlier Monday that the European Council of this weekend will be critically important.Enter the Germans. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s adviser, Steffen Seibert, said a package of measures would be agreed.
Nevertheless, the chancellor reminds [everyone] that the dreams that are emerging again, that on Monday everything will be resolved and everything will be over will again not be fulfilled, Mr. Seibert said.What has been achieved so far, Mr. Seibert said, in remarks that sent global stocks falling, are important steps on a long journey, a journey that will certainly continue well into next year.How to explain these irreconcilable messages? There can only be one explanation. For better or worse, there’s not one game being played but several with different goals.The expectations game after all is simple. You win by telling people to be disappointed and surprising them with what you achieve. Do the opposite and you lose. By this definition, there’s only one true player of the expectations game: Germany.Several EU diplomats detect a pattern. Ahead of the July 21 summit and again, before the key euro meetings in March, Berlin tempered expectations, stifled talk of a turning point and downplayed hopes of a breakthrough. The aim of the game: keep markets in check.The German way to play this game is to come up with a line similar to today’s about a week before a summit. I do see a pattern there, said an EU diplomat. Tempering expectations also plays well at home, soothing pre-summit fears among party loyalists that she’s about to bind Germany into yet more big financial commitments.For Mr. Barroso, the goal is different. His tendency to big up events is not just the mark of an ebullient soul or proof of tactical ineptitude. Mr. Barroso’s task is to convince a different audience–European parliamentarians, Europe’s remaining federalists and the EU bureaucracy – that he’s standing up for them, that the community voice matters and that selfish member state interests are not being left unchallenged to dictate the region’s future.
What of France? Surely it must see that setting the bar too high can only further erode the crumbling credibility European leaders lay claim to.Yet France’s interest lies not in tempering market views but using them to pressure German leaders to shed their perennial cautious calculation.French diplomats never tire of saying that if the Euro zone had done 18 months ago everything they have done since then, there would be no crisis.What better to force Berlin’s hand than the threat of a vicious market reaction if euro-zone leaders don’t make big fiscal, political and economic commitments over the next seven days, one EU diplomat said.There’s probably an added motivation for France. If the summit fails, their pre-summit rhetoric will work beautifully in dictating the post-play blame game: Berlin will clearly be the one who failed to deliver.A dangerous game? Perhaps. But as one EU diplomat said, We are in a dangerous situation.
Markets plunge as Germany dampens EU summit expectations Today OCT 18,11 @ 09:24 By Valentina Pop
Brussels - Stocks and the euro plunged on Monday (17 October) after German officials dampened expectations for a comprehensive solution to the sovereign debt crisis at an upcoming EU summit.German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble said EU leaders will adopt a five-point plan at the Sunday meeting, but we won't have a definitive solution this weekend.Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert also stressed that his boss reminds [everyone] that the dreams which are emerging again, that on Monday everything will be resolved and everything will be over, will again not be fulfilled.In Seibert's words, the outcome of the Sunday summit will be important steps on a long journey, a journey that will certainly continue well into next year.Reacting to the news, US shares registered their steepest drop in two weeks and the euro went down 0.8 percent compared to the US dollar. Markets had hoped for a final deal setting out the conditions for a partial Greek default and giving the eurozone bailout fund a green light to stem contagion to Italy and Spain, as well as allowing for a quick recapitalisation of Greece-exposed European banks.
Expectations had been reinforced at a meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors from the world's most industrialised 20 nations last weekend. Coming out of the meeting, Germany and France said they had agreed on the broad outlines of a package.Leaders of EU institutions have also been raising expectations of a bigger deal on Sunday. The organiser of the summit, EU Council chief Herman Van Rompuy, said he is working with the EU commission on a comprehensive package to create more confidence in the financial sector and in the sovereign bonds of countries under pressure.Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso said the summit will be critically important, floating the idea of introducing criminal liability for irresponsible banking behaviour so as to avoid financial institutions of repeating the same mistakes again.And speaking to the EUobserver on Monday, European Parliament chief Jerzy Buzek said: I am confident the European Council will approve a package on Sunday enabling us to contain the crisis and avoid recession.Responding to criticism that the parliament is proceeding too slowly in passing laws designed to prevent the same mistakes from happening again, Buzek said that he is pushing for fast-track procedures, but noted that there should be time for democracy.Meanwhile, the head of the eurozone bail-out fund, Klaus Regling, ruled out that the fund would be allowed to act like a bank, Handelsblatt reports. Regling confirmed that the idea had been discussed a few weeks ago, but was now off the table, due to opposition from Germany and the EU commission.
Trichet: EU treaty change needed to impose decisions on states 17.10.11 @ 09:27 By Leigh Phillips
The outgoing head of the European Central Bank (ECB) has called for a change to the European Union treaty to allow for the outside imposition of economic policy on a member state.ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet told French broadcasters on Sunday (16 October) following a meeting of G20 finance ministers in Paris that such a step is necessary in the wake of the eurozone crisis to guard against any one member state endangering the single currency area.It is necessary to change the treaty to prevent one member state from straying and creating problems for all the others, he said.To do this, one even needs to be able to impose decisions.Trichet, who will soon be leaving the central bank after eight years at the top of the organisation, said that in the absence of a federal state, such external supervision is required.
We don't have a federal budget, we don't have a political federation so we have to fully respect the constraints and the mutual supervision rules that exist in the euro zone, he said.Ministers at the G20 meeting of national economy chiefs from the world's leading economic powers issued a joint statement expressing hope that an EU summit dedicated to the crisis next weekend (23 October) will draw a line under the eurozone's problems, saying they expect the bloc to decisively address the current challenges through a comprehensive plan.The summit - split into two parts between the wider EU bloc as a whole and the smaller 17 nations of the euro area - is to unveil a package of measures including a recapitalisation of Europe's banks, an expansion of the eurozone's rescue mechanisms to convince markets Spain and Italy are safe from contagion and a significant write-down of Greek public debt.France and Germany, for some weeks now at loggerheads over the scale of such a Greek haircut for investors, appear to be closing in on a common position.We have points of agreement that are emerging and we'll have an agreement on this question, French finance chief François Baroin said following the G20 meeting. Heads of state and government, in particular the chancellor and the president to put together the elements of the agreement on 23 October.After months of strong criticism from across the Atlantic, Washington gave its imprimatur to the progress European powers are making in developing a comprehensive plan to put the crisis behind them.They clearly have more work to do on the strategy and the details, but when France and Germany agree on a plan together and decide to act, big things are possible,US treasury secretary Geithner said.I am encouraged by the speed and direction in which they are moving.
Changing tack on austerity would be irresponsible, say EU presidents 17.10.11 @ 18:51 By Leigh Phillips
The EU presidents have declared their sympathies for the widening anti-austerity movement of indignados but said turning away from austerity would be irresponsible.EU Council chief Herman van Rompuy told reporters on Monday:We understand that the measures are not popular, but they are in some ways indispensable to safeguard the future.He said that austerity should be implemented without creating new poverty and with fair and just distribution of efforts.However, if such structural changes to European economies did not take place, the EU would lose out against more competitive regions in the world.But in any case, we have to adjust our policies and in some ways, austerity is needed to restore fundamental equilibriums in the economy, he said.The concerns of young people are totally legitimate, he continued.But our responsibility is to go through this unpopular period to safeguard stability.On Saturday, dozens of protests across the continent inspired by the Arab Spring and Spain’s indignados, or indignant ones movement filled the streets and public squares of the continent’s major cities.Demonstrations ranged from four to five thousand in Berlin and Frankfurt to the hundreds of thousands in Barcelona and Rome, with riots breaking out in the Italian capital.In an expression of the level of anger directed no longer just at national political and economic elites but at the European institutions, young people - the first generation to have always known a single market and who were still in elementary school when the euro was introduced: the Erasmus Generation - in Italy, historically one of the most solidly pro-European states, were seen burning the EU flag.
The commission president was even more forthcoming with his sympathies for the protestors, but he too said there was no other way.I very much understand the frustration and indignation of many people in our society ... To a large extent this is a global movement, he said, attacking the criminal behaviour in the financial sector.In an effort to show that the EU executive’s emphasis extends beyond recommending cuts to social programmes and the lowering of wages, he stressed that Brussels will this week propose new pan-European legislation going after criminal market abuse.We have nothing against the financial sector. At the same time, it has to be understood that they have to reflect a minimum of ethical standards, which has not been seen recently, he continued.The proposal appears to be a direct reaction to citizens at Europe’s austerity doctrine and the banking sector, as he said it will show our people that we’ve got the message.However, the former conservative Portuguese prime minister and one-time Maoist in his youth, said what the demonstrators are proposing is irresponsible.Indignation alone is not a solution, he added. It would be irresponsible not to go forward with fiscal consolidation in the member states.
Social fabric being torn apart
EU Council President Herman van Rompuy and commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso issued their declarations following a frosty annual summit between the major European employers’ associations, representatives of the continents’ workers and the EU Council and Commission presidents.The new president of the European Trades Union Council, frenchwoman Bernadette Segol, struck a combative stance, warning that the EU’s current doctrine could get out of hand, bringing recession, depression and blamed the banks rather than public overspending for the crisis.She said the financial sector had made profits since the last crisis, but instead of investing this ... they have spent it on shareholders and bonuses. This must stop. It is unacceptable.The union leader said her organisation recognises the need for balanced state budgets but that this should be implemented over a longer period of time and that the current strategy it is not working in Greece and in fact is causing problems in the social fabric of the country.We see attacks on collective bargaining, she told reporters. The [EU-ECB-IMF] troika has demanded that Greece to suppress national collective agreements. We see demands to put at negotiations at the lowest level possible, initiatives in Hungary to suppress union rights. This is not the way to construct a social dialogue.The unions would instead prefer to see an EU and state-directed programme of massive public stimulus via green technology and energy infrastructure to jump-start the economy at a time of reluctance on the part of the private sector to commit to new investment.
Instead, austerity is often used as an excuse to liberalise everything and to undo negotiating structures, she said.The basic structures of social relations are under attack.She also warned the leaders against taking undemocratic decisions: Democracy is a very important part of the European Union project ... When we see currently heads of state just acting between themselves and taking decisions, this is not exactly the way we would like to see things implemented at the EU.If this is not done [in a democratic way], citizens will not support the European project.The employers’ association, Business Europe, for its part, felt it necessary to remind the trade unions that both sides had signed a joint declaration earlier in the year on the need for a growth strategy.We are in favour of strong social dialogue. But we must discuss the real issues: How we can manage change, said Philip de Buck, the head of the boss’s association, stressing the need for flexicurity, an easing of job protections in return for a stronger social safety net while people look for new work.De Buck said that the real priority now is to put an end to the governance crisis and confidence crisis.He said employers are advocating further labour market liberalisation and reform of benefit systems as a response to the crisis, along with efforts to improve skills of the population in a way that matches the jobs needed filling in the private sector.
Monday, October 17, 2011
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -2.43
10:00 AM -85.75
10:30 AM -125.71
11:00 AM -132.15
11:30 AM -127.00
12:00 PM -160.68
12:30 PM -170.34
01:00 PM -184.86
01:30 PM -178.81
02:00 PM -210.71
02:30 PM -227.29
03:00 PM -235.23
03:30 PM -215.21
04:00 PM -247.49 11,397.00
S&P 500 1200.86 -23.72
NASDAQ 2614.92 -52.93
GOLD 1,671.20 -11.80
OIL 86.36 -0.44
TSE 300 11,923.00 -158.70
CDNX 1541.49 -16.12
S&P/TSX/60 681.54 -9.08
Dow -70 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -160 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,684.80.OIL opens at $86.32 today.
Dow -251 points at low today so far.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
Dow -251 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today.
Wall Street protests go global; riots in Rome
By Reuters Saturday, October 15, 2011
ROME (Reuters) – Demonstrators rallied Saturday across the world to accuse bankers and politicians of wrecking economies, but only in Rome did the global day of rage erupt into violence.Galvanized by the Occupy Wall Street movement, the protests began in New Zealand, rippled east to Europe and were expected to return to their starting point in New York. Demonstrations touched most European capitals and other cities.They coincided with the Group of 20 meeting in Paris, where finance ministers and central bankers from the major economies were holding crisis talks.While most rallies were small and barely held up traffic, the Rome event drew tens of thousands of people and snaked through the city center for kilometers (miles).Some protesters in masks and helmets set fire to cars, smashed the windows of stores and banks and trashed offices of the defense ministry. Police fired water cannon at demonstrators who were hurling rocks, bottles and fireworks.Smoke bombs set off by the protesters cast a pall over a sea of red flags and banners bearing slogans attacking economic policies the protesters say are hurting the poor most. The violence sent many demonstrators running into hotels for safety.
In contrast, small and peaceful rallies got the ball rolling across the Asia-Pacific region Saturday. In Auckland, New Zealand’s biggest city, 3,000 people chanted and banged drums, denouncing corporate greed.About 200 gathered in the capital Wellington and 50 in a park in the earthquake-hit southern city of Christchurch.In Sydney, about 2,000 people, including representatives of Aboriginal groups, communists and trade unionists, protested outside the central Reserve Bank of Australia.Hundreds marched in Tokyo, including anti-nuclear protesters. In Manila a few dozen marched on the U.S. embassy waving banners reading: Down with U.S. imperialism and Philippines not for sale.More than 100 people gathered at the Taipei stock exchange, chanting we are Taiwan’s 99 percent, and saying economic growth had only benefited companies while middle-class salaries barely covered soaring housing, education and health care costs.They found support from a top businessman, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp (TSMC) Chairman Morris Chang.I’ve been against the gap between rich and poor, Chang said in the northern city of Hsinchu.The wealth of the top one percent has increased very fast in the past 20 or 30 years. Occupy Wall Street is a reaction to that.In Paris protests coincided with the G20 finance chiefs’ meeting there. In the working class neighborhood of Belleville, drummers, trumpeters and a tuba revved up a crowd of a few hundred that began to march to the city hall.This is potentially the start of a strong movement, said Olivier Milleron, a doctor whose group of trumpeters played the classic American folk song This land is your land.Waitress Tiodhilde Fernagu, 26, took a day off work to attend. For the first time in France there is a uniquely citizens’ movement outside party politics, she said.
The Rome protesters, who called themselves the indignant ones, included unemployed, students and pensioners.I am here to show support for those don’t have enough money to make it to the next paycheque while the ECB (European Central Bank) keeps feeding the banks and killing workers and families, said Danila Cucunia, a 43-year-old teacher from northern Italy.At the global level, we can’t carry on any more with public debt that wasn’t created by us but by thieving governments, corrupt banks and speculators who don’t give a damn about us, said Nicla Crippa, 49.They caused this international crisis and are still profiting from it. They should pay for it.In imitation of the occupation of Zuccotti Park near Wall Street in Manhattan, protesters have been camped out across the street from the headquarters of the Bank of Italy for days.The worldwide protests were a response in part to calls by the New York demonstrators for more people to join them. Their example has prompted calls for similar occupations in dozens of U.S. cities from Saturday. [nN1E79D02O]In Madrid, seven marches were planned to merge in Cibeles square at 1600 GMT and then head to the central Puerta de Sol.In Germany, where sympathy for southern Europe’s debt troubles is not widespread, thousands gathered in Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and outside the ECB in Frankfurt, called by the Real Democracy Now movement.
Demonstrators gathered peacefully in Paradeplatz, the main square in the Swiss financial center of Zurich.In London, several hundred people assembled outside London’s St Paul’s Cathedral for a protest dubbed Occupy the London Stock Exchange. Several hundred people protested in Vienna, Sweden and Helsinki.Greek protesters called an anti-austerity rally for Saturday in Athens’ Syntagma Square.What is happening (debt-driven financial meltdown) in Greece now is the nightmare awaiting other countries in the future. Solidarity is the people’s weapon, the Real Democracy group said.(Additional reporting by Catherine Hornby in Rome, Naomi O’Leary and Michael Holden, in London, Natalia Drozdiak in Berlin and Alexandria Sage in Paris; Writing by Andrew Roche; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
Marxist Matrix of Occupy Protesters, Obama & George Soros: The Devil’s Symphony? Author- Kelly O'Connell Sunday, October 16, 2011-CANADA FREE PRESS
Are the Occupy Protests really the inscrutable uprising the mainstream media claims? Or, are they instead the work of mad tycoon George Soros and his rent-a-puppet Barack? We can hardly be blamed to see a connect when we detect a connecting, central motif—Marxism. The Occupy Protests are presented as the organic polar opposite of the Tea Party protests, arising of their own impetus as logically as weeds erupting in an empty field. But the central Marxist anti-capitalist message of Occupy argue against this.Further, when listening to the very weird and cult-like call-and-answer which these groups use, one can only sense the underlying group-think structure driving these idealistic yet confused souls into action. The strange fixation on Marxism of George Soros and Obama, attaching them to Occupy’s anti-capitalist anarchism are the topics of this essay.
I. Outline of Marxism
A. Overview
A brief description of Marxism is offered here to help understand the ideas and actions of Soros, Obama and the Occupy movement. From another article by this author, a thumbnail of the belief:Marxists insist life merely concerns proper distribution of wealth. Only two classes matter: rich and poor. The poor are pure, but the rich devilish, since they effectively steal wealth through Capitalism. The government must redistribute money to the poor, since God doesn’t exist to protect mankind. Workers will eventually rise up to overthrow oppressive bosses.After capitalism collapses, comes then socialism, but only temporarily. Finally communism is established, and all private property abolished. Peace on earth will reign as envy and war disappear when all people have the same status in society. Marx’s Communist Manifesto states, The theory of the Communists may be summed up in a single sentence: Abolition of private property.
B. Presuming Economic Imbalance is a Criminal Act
As an atheistic system, Marxism focuses upon material gods as the chief end of life. Given the notion that all amassing of fortunes presume an act of theft against the poor, Marx taught that all justice resided in addressing this theft. Marx mentions this in Das Kapital:The accumulation of wealth at one pole of society involves a simultaneous accumulation of poverty, labor, torment, slavery, ignorance, brutalization, and moral degradation, at the opposite pole—where dwells the class that produces its own product in the form of capital.
C. Dedication to Revolution
The entire premise of Marxism is revolution is needed so necessary changes can be midwifed into society. In fact, a mystical premise of Marxism is revolution is fated to sweep away capitalism, and therefore cannot be resisted, according to P. H. Vigor, in A Guide To Marxism. Revolution is taught by Marxists as the initial, needed cure to a vast array of societal ills. It’s described by Marx as the abolition of antagonisms between rich and poor. Since there is no locus of traditional morality in Marxism, any precursor to revolution is acceptable, no matter how apparently objectionable.The prerequisite to communist revolution is advanced capitalism, a state which has never actually given birth to such a result. One of the truly fascinating aspects from the period of 20th century when Marxist revolutions were occurring across the globe was how these rebellions were often not uprisings of natives. Writes Robert Tucker in The Marxian Revolutionary Idea,The communist regimes of Mongolia, North Korea, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Poland, East Germany, and Czechoslovakia did not come to power in basically indigenous revolutions. These communist revolutions were imposed from outside.
II. Protest Wall Street: Marxists as Fake Tea Partiers?
Protest Wall Street began as an idea put forward by, an anti-capitalist organization which was funded indirectly by George Soros. He hotly disputes the claim of funding, but admits he understands the protestors.Reuters reports on this connection:Soros has donated at least $3.5 million to an organization called the Tides Center in recent years, earmarking the funds for specific purposes. Tides has given grants to Adbusters, an anti-capitalist group in Canada whose inventive marketing campaign sparked the first demonstrations last month.According to the IRS, Soros’ Open Society gave grants of $3.5 million to Tides, a San Francisco-based group that acts like a clearing house for other donors, directing their contributions to liberal non-profit groups. Tides gave Adbusters grants of $185,000 from 2001-2010, including nearly $26,000 between 2007-2009.The Vancouver-based Adbusters publishes a magazine with a circulation of 120,000…It says it wants to change the way corporations wield power and its goal is to topple existing power structures.Adbusters is an anti-capitalist, anti-consumerist, pro-environmental movement. In other words, they are garden-variety Marxists. But what are the beliefs of the Occupy Wall Street protestors? This question is not difficult to answer. Their general conviction is capitalism has run amok, and they are generally Marxist. We know this because they are critics of capitalism and Wall Street. Further, their demand for wealth redistribution is a sure giveaway that their motivations are socialistic.A typical demand of the mostly student protestors is for government crack down on corporations and the rich, and force them to redistribute wealth, for things like paying off student loans of the protestors.In contrast (or not—depending upon the reader’s views), according to Michelle Malkin, the first Tea Party protest occurred in Seattle against Congress’ bank bailout, organized by Keli Carender, from her Liberty Belle blog. About 100 people showed up.
III. Obama & Democrat Support of Occupy Protests—An Anti-Tea Party
An absurd irony of Barack’s support of the Occupy Protesters is that he, more than any other mortal, is responsible for their currently impoverished state. And when such leftist leading lights as Nancy Toxic Melon Pelosi, Harry Reid, Michael Moore, and George Soros add their approval, one realizes that this spontaneous movement is anything but self-generating.Democrats exult at their own Tea Party, in all its grubby grandeur. The DNC touts the inherent democratic element of the movement. Natural born rebel Barack undoubtedly feels a bred-in-the-bone kinship with the anti-capitalist malcontents.That malignant shrew Pelosi would pour scorn upon the Tea Party as anti-democratic astroturf, then applaud repeatedly the Occupy protestors, revealing this group is truly leftist and undoubtedly as natural as bomb shelter Twinkies.
IV. Immoral World of Wannabe Global-Savior George Soros
The rogue insider-trader of Paris—billionaire Marxist financier George Soros—made a fortune by gambling against weakened currencies of troubled countries. In this sense, soporific Soros, more than any other public money man, harvested billions by leaching off capitalism.Interestingly enough, Soros admits to having a messiah complex which he is now wealthy enough to pursue with rank abandon. Joy Tiz writes in Soros: It’s Not Easy Being God
A passage in his book The Alchemy of Finance, published in 1987, distinguishes Soros from all other financiers, ever. I have always harboured an exaggerated view of my self-importance, he wrote. To put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes, or, even better, like Einstein. My sense of reality was strong enough to make me realise that these expectations were excessive, and I kept them hidden as a guilty secret. This was a source of considerable unhappiness through much of my adult life. As I made my way in the world, reality came close enough to my fantasy to allow me to admit my secret, at least to myself. Needless to say, I feel much happier as a result.
A. Youthful Jewish Soros as Nazi-Helper
Soros’ taste for money and hypocrisy developed young. George’s entrepreneurial spirit and do-anything-for-money moxie materialized as a young Hungarian Jew. During WWII, teenage Soros pretended to be Protestant to escape Nazis while helping confiscate the goods from Jews deported to concentration camps like Dachau and Auschwitz. In fact, amoral Soros admitted the following on the TV program 60 Minutes about his youthful exploits:
KROFT: You’re a Hungarian Jew…
SOROS: Mm-hmm.
KROFT: ...who escaped the Holocaust…
SOROS: Mm-hmm.—by posing as a Christian.
SOROS: Right.
KROFT: And you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps.
SOROS: Right. I was 14 years old. And I would say that that’s when my character was made.
KROFT: In what way?
SOROS: That one should think ahead. One should understand and—and anticipate events and when—when one is threatened. It was a tremendous threat of evil. I mean, it was a—a very personal experience of evil.
KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that’s—that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?
SOROS: Not—not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don’t—you don’t see the connection. But it was—it created no—no problem at all.
KROFT: No feeling of guilt?
B. Soros’ Bona Fide Marxism
In an eye-opening essay penned by Soros in the Atlantic Monthly, he essentially admitted to being a Marxist when he applied George Hegel’s description of history in an article titled The Capitalist Threat. He began the piece by stating,In The Philosophy of History, Hegel discerned a disturbing historical pattern—the crack and fall of civilizations owing to a morbid intensification of their own first principles. Although I have made a fortune in the financial markets, I now fear that the untrammeled intensification of laissez-faire capitalism and the spread of market values into all areas of life is endangering our open and democratic society. The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat.Quoting Hegel is a typical leftist method of bringing Marx into the discussion without raising too many eyebrows. This is because virtually everything Marx wrote was borrowed from Hegel, as one author admits,Marx is often being seen as the successor of Hegel in practical life. His views are often called dialectical materialism, because he transforms Hegel’s dialectic into his materialist views on economics.Further, Soro’s conclusion of that first paragraph, where it claims that free-market, aka laissez-faire capitalism, is the biggest threat to a free society is a quintessential Marxist claim. In other words, the biggest threat to an open society is economic freedom.
C. George’s Marxism in Action
George Soros has described how he helped undermine the communist states in Eastern Europe, which he claimed was tremendous fun. Having had some success, Soros went on to create his Open Society Institute which ironically tries to limit freedoms around the world in the name of open society. The list of various groups that OSI funds is astounding, all of which are meant to tear down the legitimacy of various institutions in western countries—especially America. (a listing of these is attached to the end of this article from Discover the Networks). But Soros supposedly gives away half a billion dollars a year undermining capitalism and democracy.
D. Soros’ Marxist-Styled Capitalism
George Soros has repeatedly made huge fortunes from betting on currency futures. For example, he bet against the UK Pound when it lost 10% of its value. He made a billion pounds sterling off this maneuver. He has done the same thing repeatedly against various countries.In a sense, such money-making activities are quintessential Marxist dealings for several reasons. First, they do not create any capital by creating or distributing products—so he enriches no industrialists. Second, he makes his take off the currency itself, meaning all wealthy persons in the country will suffer loss. Third, such activities destabilize the country itself, making it easier for leftists to take over. Fourth, it increases his own fortune so he may use this to support revolution in other places.
E. George’s Five Steps to Bring Down a Country
Glen Beck, in his riveting and well-researched expose’ of Soros, lists five steps the crafty Hungarian has used to destabilize various countries:After country after country after country, we found that there are five steps to him gaining control. He does it over and over and over again. So, let’s see what the steps are and let’s see if he’s done any of them here.The first one is form a shadow government using humanitarian aid as cover. This is what he just said. It’s kind of funny. It’s kind of fun. The first step he said is subversive activities. OK? Step two: control the airwaves. Fund existing radio and TV outlets and take control over them or start your own outlets. Remember: take control of existing or start your own.Step three: destabilize the state, weaken the government and build an anti-government kind of feeling in this country. You exploit an economic crisis or take advantage of existing crisis—pressure from the top and the bottom. This will allow you to weaken the government and build anti- government public sentiment.Step four: you provoke an election crisis. You wait for an election. And during the election, you cry voter fraud.Step five: take power. You stage massive demonstrations, civil disobedience, sit-ins, general strike, you encourage activism. You promote voter fraud and tell followers what to do through your radio and television stations.
Marxism is the “freedom” that Soros, Obama and the Occupy protesters would like to deliver to America. But we must be aware and not naive when groups suddenly appear, realizing our times are the Age of Propaganda where precious few things are as they seem.The madly destructive Soros, like Thomas Kyd’s Personified Revenge, grows restless and vexed not seeing America laid waste in the gutter before his octogenarian heart gives out. Perhaps Kyd had a Soros-type in mind when he wrote:
The left hand path declining fearfully,Was ready downfall to the deepest hell,Where userers are chok’d with melting gold,And perjur’d wights scalded in boiling lead,And all foul sins with torments overwhelm’d.
Postscript: The following lists some of the many anti-American and subversive-to-democracy groups Soros’ OSI funds, as found at Discover the Networks:
OSI supports a wide array of leftist organizations, including:
the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy;
the Tides Foundation;
the Tides Center;
the National Organization for Women
Feminist Majority;
the American Civil Liberties Union
People for the American Way;
Alliance for Justice;
NARAL Pro-Choice America
America Coming Together;
the Center for American Progress
Campaign for America’s Future
Amnesty International;
the Sentencing Project;
the Center for Community Change;
the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense and Educational Fund;
the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN);
Campus Progress;
Free Exchange on Campus;
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington;
Democracy 21;
Human Rights Watch;
the Prison Moratorium Project;
the Immigrant Funders’ Collaborative;
the Moving Ideas Network;
the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement;
the No Peace Without Justice International Committee;
the National Lawyers Guild;
the Center for Constitutional Rights;
the Coalition for an International Criminal Court;
the Abortion Access Project; People of Color In Crisis; The American Prospect;;
the Gay Straight Alliance Network;
the Youth Law Center; Planned Parenthood;
the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy;
the Institute for Policy Studies;
Joint Victory Campaign 2004;
the Midwest Academy;
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice; Project Syndicate (an international association of newspapers that publish anti-American propaganda);
the Rocky Mountain Peace Center;
the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission; Earth Rights International;
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force;
the Nation Institute;
the Violence Policy Center; Gun Violence Prevention; Critical Resistance - Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex;
the Center for Investigative Reporting;
the Million Mom March; Murder Victims’ Families for Reconciliation;
the Death Penalty Information Center, the Death Penalty Mobilization Fund;
the Drug Policy Alliance;
the Brennan Center for Justice;
the Project On Death in America;
the Death with Dignity National Center;
the Ms. Foundation for Women;
the National Security Archive Fund;
the Pacifica Foundation; Physicians for Human Rights;
the Proteus Fund;
the Public Citizen Foundation;
the Urban Institute;
the American Friends Service Committee;
Catholics for a Free Choice;
Human Rights First;
the Independent Media Institute;
and MADRE.
A key funder of the open borders movement, OSI also supports:
the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund;
the Immigrant Legal Resource Center;
the National Immigration Law Center;
the National Immigration Forum;
the National Council of La Raza;
the American Immigration Law Foundation.
Internal Revenue Service records indicate thatOSImade a September 2002 grant of$20,000to the Lynne Stewart Defense Committee. Stewart was the criminal-defense attorney who was later convicted for abetting her client, the blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, in terrorist activities connected with his Islamic Group.The Capital Research Center has published a list of additional organizations to which OSI has recently donated money, groups that according to CRC advocate higher taxes and more government spending, oppose social security reform, litigate against property rights, oppose the death penalty, oppose tough criminal incarceration policies, oppose Bush judicial nominees, and promote balkanizing racial agendas. These donees include the following:We Interrupt This Message portrays America as a nation rife with racism and economic injustice; seeks to radicalize minority youth; aims to help the disenfranchised and the marginalized to overcome negative media stereotypes; and encourages acts of rebellion against America’s alleged injustices, as evidenced by its characterization of the 1992 Los Angeles riots as a civil uprising.The Independent Media Institute publishes a number of regularly updated websites that offer news and opinion from a far left perspective; its Executive Director Don Hazen is a former publisher of Mother Jones magazine.The Community Rights Counsel provides legal assistance to state and local governments seeking to restrict individual property rights in the name of community interest.Equal Justice Works encourages young people to pursue careers as public interest lawyers—focusing on the areas of workers’ rights, birth control and abortion issues, consumers’ rights, disability issues, children’s rights, the death penalty, and prisoners’ rights—by funding student fellowships and helping students pay back their school loans.The Legal Action Center is a public interest law firm that litigates to force health-care insurers to provide coverage for people with histories of addiction to alcohol and drugs. It also opposes community efforts to block the placement of alcohol- and drug-treatment facilities in or near residential neighborhoods.
Population Services International promotes wider access to birth control and abortion services in more than 60 countries worldwide.The Western States Center aims to build a progressive movement for social, economic, racial and environmental justice in…eight Western states.The Esperanza Center strives to build a political movement drawing on women, people of color, lesbians and gay men, the working class and poor—groups it considers wounded by domination and inequality in American political life.The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy believes that wealthy Americans pay less than their fair share of taxes; it publishes op-eds and studies that urge states to raise taxes on higher income-earners.The Network for a Progressive Texas is a coalition of Texans who are committed toeconomic, social, and environmental justice ...engaging in collective action, and building power to affect progressive change.The Center for Law and Social Policy promotes government welfare entitlements under the heading of economic security;the Center’s Board of Directors includes attorney Peter Edelman, husband of Children’s Defense Fund President Marian Wright Edelman.The Center for Policy Alternatives is a progressive public policy and leadership development center serving state legislators, state policy organizations, and state grassroots leaders.The Economic Policy Institute opposes social security privatization and free trade agreements such as NAFTA; it was founded in 1986 by journalist Robert Kuttner, Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich, and economist Lester Thurow.The State Strategies Fund works to create a coalition of activists to support its agenda of campaign finance reform, progressive tax policy, and government-funded health care.DEMOS believes that America’s social and economic ills stem largely from the values of extreme laissez faire ideology that have deeply permeated our society, and from the fact that [w]e’ve been told that government is the problem, not the solution.
A strong supporter of anti-war and environmentalist organizations, OSI is a member of the Peace and Security Funders Group. It is also a member of the International Human Rights Funders Group, a network of more than six-dozen grant-makers dedicated to bankrolling leftistorganizations and causes.OSI endorsed a 2000 document called the Earth Charter, which blames capitalism for many of the world’s environmental, social, and economic problems. According to the Charter, the dominant patterns of production and consumption are causing environmental devastation, the depletion of resources, and a massive extinction of species.The benefits of development, adds the Charter, are not shared equitably and the gap between rich and poor is widening.In the vanguard of the U.S. drug decriminalization movement, OSI in 1994 pledged $4 million to fund the establishment of the Lindesmith Center, which supports the legalization of marijuana. In 2002 OSI gave $3 million to the Tides Foundation, earmarking the money for a group called Fund for Drug Policy Reform, which opposes the War on Drugs.OSI was a signatory to a November 1, 2001 document characterizing the 9/11 attacks as a legal matter to be addressed by criminal-justice procedures rather than military retribution.Suggesting that the hijackers were motivated chiefly by adesire to point out global injustices perpetrated by the United States, this document explained that similar future calamitiescould be averted only ifAmerica would finally begin to promote fundamental rights around the world.OSIendorsed the Civil Liberties Restoration Act (CLRA) of 2004, which was designed to roll back, in the name of protecting civil liberties,vital national-security policies that had been adopted after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.Numerous OSI funding initiatives reflect the Institute’s view that the American criminal-justice system is infested with racism, and that incarceration is an inappropriate punishment for most lawbreakers. For example: (a) OSI has established a U.S. Justice Fund to diminish the role of prisons ...andto pave the way for the creation of a larger system of public health and social supports.(b) In a related measure,the Institute created an After Prison Initiative focusing on supporting the successful reentry of prisoners to their communities. (c) OSI helps finance the Sentencing Project, which claims that prison sentencing patterns are racially discriminatory, and advocates in favor of granting voting rights to convicted felons. (d) OSI funds the Southern Center for Human Rights, which recruits lawyers to represent death row inmates and aims to reduce America’s alleged over-reliance on incarceration. (e) The Institute supports Critical Resistance,a program that impugns the Prison Industrial Complex for fostering the delusion that caging and controlling people makes us safe.
A strong advocate of gun control, OSI funds the Network on Small Arms,which has lobbied the United Nationsto passa measure outlawingprivate gun ownership and effectively overturning the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.OSI funded the multi-year United Nations Millennium Development Project—commissioned by the UN Secretary-General in 2002 to develop a concrete action plan for the world to…reverse the grinding poverty, hunger and disease affecting billions of people. In 2005 this Projectculminated in a recommendation for a massive wealth-redistribution, foreign-aid program whose provisions, if adopted, would impose more than $150 billion in annual costs on Americans.Each year, OSI sponsors a number of fellowships, among them, the Soros Justice Fellowship which is awarded to “outstanding individuals who will implement projects aimed at reforming the American criminal-justice system. Most notably, OSI seeks to end the over-reliance on incarceration and harsh punishment, and the lack of equal justice—especially for people of color and the poor. One of the more infamous recipients of this fellowship was the radical communist Linda Evans, a former member of the Weather Underground. In the 1970s, Evans and accomplice Susan Rosenberg took part in the deadly Brinks armored-car robbery in Nyack, New York, where two security guards and two police officers were shot, three of them fatally. Three years later, the women were finally apprehended. At the time, they had 740 pounds of explosives (which they admitted were earmarked for bombings) in their possession. Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years in prison, Evans to 40 years. (She was later paroned by President Bill Clinton in January 2001.) According to FBI files, Evans, during a 1969 trip to Hanoi, was shown an anti-aircraft gun, cradled it in her arms, and said,[I wish] an American plane would fly over. Her OSI award was intended to aid her efforts to increase civic participation of former prisoners.On August 16, 2005, OSI (in collaboration with the Center for American Progress, the AFL-CIO, the Service Employees International Union, AFSCME, and the United Steelworkers Union) launched a new organization called the Progressive Legislative Action Network (PLAN). Led by Democratic activists David Sirota and Steve Doherty, PLAN’s mission is to seed state legislatures with prewritten model legislation reflectingleftist visions of justice.
Between 1998 and 2003, OSI received more than $30 million from U.S. government agencies. Various State Department documents indicate that OSI has been paid to run what the Department describes as democratization programs in a number of countries, including Uzbekistan, Burma, and regions of Central Asia.In an effort topresent itself in the most positive light to the American people,OSI uses the services of the public relations firm Fenton Communications.In October 2010, OSI announced that it was donating $1.8 million to National Public Radio, in order to enable NPR to add 100 journalists at its affiliate radio stations across the United States.
Corporate-Fascists Clamor for Iran War-Unelected corporate-funded policy makers constitute the greatest threat to US national security.Tony Cartalucci October 16, 2011
While US politicians grapple over the credibility of using the US DEA’s bomb plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador as a pretext to escalate tensions with Iran, America’s unelected, corporate-funded policy makers have already announced their long, foregone conclusion. The DEA’s entrapment case is decidedly to be used as a pretext for war with Iran.The Foreign Policy Institute (FPI), just one such unelected, corporate-funded think tank, has released two statements calling on President Obama to use force against Iran. FPI director William Kristol states:It’s long since been time for the United States to speak to this regime in the language it understands—force.And now we have an engraved invitation to do so. The plot to kill the Saudi ambassador was a lemon. Statesmanship involves turning lemons into lemonade.So we can stop talking. Instead, we can follow the rat lines in Iraq and Afghanistan back to their sources, and destroy them. We can strike at the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and weaken them. And we can hit the regime’s nuclear weapons program, and set it back.Likewise, FPI’s executive director Jamie Fly claims, in tandem with Kristol’s unqualified, corporate-funded opinion,It is time to take military action against the Iranian government elements that support terrorism and its nuclear program. More diplomacy is not an adequate response.Image: Just a sampling of Wall Street-London corporate-funded think tanks. Those that believe America’s policy is created within the offices of our elected legislatures will be sadly disappointed to know that it is in fact produced by these unelected, nebulous private institutions. Despite the different logos and rhetoric wielded by each of these institutions, they consist of the same members and same corporate-financier sponsors and merely specialize in executing different aspects of the corporate-financier agenda. For more information, please see Naming Names. (click on image to enlarge)
Ironically, Jamie Fly, who believes it is time to take military action against Iran for supporting terrorism, is a signatory of a letter imploring House Republicans to support the US war in Libya where NATO forces are literally handing an entire nation over to rebels led by the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, listed by both the US and British government as a foreign terrorist organization, and is confirmed to have fought and killed US and British troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It should also be noted, that fellow policy makers at the Brookings Institute proposed that the US arm, train, and even go as far as de-list as a terrorist organization, MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq), in covert efforts to wage war against Tehran. MEK is acknowledged by Brookings to not only be a bona fide terrorist organization, but also has American civilian and military blood on its hands.Image: Know your enemy. It is not turban-wearing cave dwellers that threaten America. It is unelected, corporate policy pimps like those found lurking within the halls of the Foreign Policy Initiative. They seek to mislead Americans into supporting an agenda that literally bleeds them to death while they and their corporate-financier sponsors continue to consolidate both wealth and power on a global scale. (click on image to enlarge).It is safe to say that Jamie Fly, William Kristol, and the rest of the policy wonks populating FPI and similar corporate-funded think tanks harbor less than genuine concerns regarding terrorism, – concerns which are voiced purely for public consumption.As reported previously, the official, though rarely spoken about policy toward Iran is one of purposefully provoking the regime into a war it desperately wants to avoid. The Brookings Institution, like FPI, is a corporate-funded think tank full of unelected policy makers who literally steer America’s destiny. In its report Which Path to Persia? it is clearly stated that not only does Iran want to avoid war, but any potential aspirations to acquire nuclear weapons are driven only by a desire to defend its sovereignty, not use unilaterally against its neighbors nor to proliferate such weapons into the hands of non-state actors.Despite this admission, the Brookings Institution claims that American extraterritorial ambitions across the Middle East cannot be impeded by strong, independent nation-states and spells out a criminal conspiracy to remove such impediments. Such tactic include funding terrorist organizations to wage a covert war against Tehran, funding opposition groups to rise up against the Iranian government, sanctions, and even provoking a war through covert means.
Masking this criminal conspiracy is a narrative repeated ad naseum by the corporate media, literally sponsored and steered by the same corporations and banks that fund the above mentioned think tanks. The American people are presented with a belligerent, irrational enemy, so entirely fictitious it challenges the archetypes produced by Hollywood. Should Americans know the truth about America’s real policy regarding Iran, war not only would not take place – those who have pushed so hard to shed American treasure and blood in Iran would be ferreted out as criminals and permanetnly removed from society.US foreign and domestic policy is not produced by our legislatures as we are meant to believe. John Kerry and John McCain don’t sit behind their desks twelve hours a day penning the 1,000 page policy papers they present to Congress to be rubber stamped. President Obama is not sitting in the Oval Office churning out reams of policy papers either. It is the unelected, corporate-funded policy think tanks and their army of policy makers, lawyers, scribes, and media personalities the produce, promote, and ram through an agenda that serves not the American people, but the corporate-financier interests that fund their work.
While many Americans scratch their heads at what appears to be a profound mystery – a Democratic president carrying the torch of a Neo-Conservative Republican’s global war, not only maintaining all previous wars, but expanding the battlefront – in reality this linear, continuous policy that is being executed piecemeal by both sides of the American political aisle is the direct result of these corporate-funded think tanks successfully commandeering both political parties.John Kerry and John McCain’s love for sending Americans to their deaths in foreign nations and spending American tax money to destabilize countries around the world is not an anomalous convergence of some political ideal, but rather the result of absolute, naked corporate fascism overrunning America’s political institutions and co-opting politicians of inferior human character. As in Nazi Germany, this unchecked power, not foreign enemies, presents the gravest risk to national security imaginable. Those that serve this system and fail to speak out against it, and worse yet, willingly collaborate with it, are America’s true enemies and a self-evident threat the American people can no longer afford to tolerate.
Vote out of office any and all public servants that promote extraterritorial meddling, including wars, funding foreign opposition movements, arming foreign militants, and funding foreign propaganda networks. Vote out of office all representatives that peddle 1,000 page pieces of legislation produced by corporate lawyers and their vast array of “think tanks.” And above all,identify and expose the actual corporate-financier interests driving this destructive agenda, then boycott and replace them. The vast influence and unwarranted power these corporate fascist monopoly men have garnered is a direct result of our apathy, ignorance, and decades of paying into their system with our money, time, energy, and attention.America is being brought to the precipice of a war neither the American nor the Iranian people want by a cartel of corporate-financier interests that admit the nation of Iran poses to threat to the United States. This is purely a war to enhance US hegemony in the Middle East, not protect the American people and our way of life at home. It is a war that the American people will pay for in both trillions of dollars in public funds, as well as the blood of our soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen. It is up to the American people to end this cycle of parasitic exploitation before it ends America.
then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.
JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM
09:30 AM -2.43
10:00 AM -85.75
10:30 AM -125.71
11:00 AM -132.15
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12:00 PM -160.68
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02:00 PM -210.71
02:30 PM -227.29
03:00 PM -235.23
03:30 PM -215.21
04:00 PM -247.49 11,397.00
S&P 500 1200.86 -23.72
NASDAQ 2614.92 -52.93
GOLD 1,671.20 -11.80
OIL 86.36 -0.44
TSE 300 11,923.00 -158.70
CDNX 1541.49 -16.12
S&P/TSX/60 681.54 -9.08
Dow -70 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -160 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,684.80.OIL opens at $86.32 today.
Dow -251 points at low today so far.
Dow -1 points at high today so far.
Dow -251 points at low today.
Dow -1 points at high today.
Wall Street protests go global; riots in Rome
By Reuters Saturday, October 15, 2011
ROME (Reuters) – Demonstrators rallied Saturday across the world to accuse bankers and politicians of wrecking economies, but only in Rome did the global day of rage erupt into violence.Galvanized by the Occupy Wall Street movement, the protests began in New Zealand, rippled east to Europe and were expected to return to their starting point in New York. Demonstrations touched most European capitals and other cities.They coincided with the Group of 20 meeting in Paris, where finance ministers and central bankers from the major economies were holding crisis talks.While most rallies were small and barely held up traffic, the Rome event drew tens of thousands of people and snaked through the city center for kilometers (miles).Some protesters in masks and helmets set fire to cars, smashed the windows of stores and banks and trashed offices of the defense ministry. Police fired water cannon at demonstrators who were hurling rocks, bottles and fireworks.Smoke bombs set off by the protesters cast a pall over a sea of red flags and banners bearing slogans attacking economic policies the protesters say are hurting the poor most. The violence sent many demonstrators running into hotels for safety.
In contrast, small and peaceful rallies got the ball rolling across the Asia-Pacific region Saturday. In Auckland, New Zealand’s biggest city, 3,000 people chanted and banged drums, denouncing corporate greed.About 200 gathered in the capital Wellington and 50 in a park in the earthquake-hit southern city of Christchurch.In Sydney, about 2,000 people, including representatives of Aboriginal groups, communists and trade unionists, protested outside the central Reserve Bank of Australia.Hundreds marched in Tokyo, including anti-nuclear protesters. In Manila a few dozen marched on the U.S. embassy waving banners reading: Down with U.S. imperialism and Philippines not for sale.More than 100 people gathered at the Taipei stock exchange, chanting we are Taiwan’s 99 percent, and saying economic growth had only benefited companies while middle-class salaries barely covered soaring housing, education and health care costs.They found support from a top businessman, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp (TSMC) Chairman Morris Chang.I’ve been against the gap between rich and poor, Chang said in the northern city of Hsinchu.The wealth of the top one percent has increased very fast in the past 20 or 30 years. Occupy Wall Street is a reaction to that.In Paris protests coincided with the G20 finance chiefs’ meeting there. In the working class neighborhood of Belleville, drummers, trumpeters and a tuba revved up a crowd of a few hundred that began to march to the city hall.This is potentially the start of a strong movement, said Olivier Milleron, a doctor whose group of trumpeters played the classic American folk song This land is your land.Waitress Tiodhilde Fernagu, 26, took a day off work to attend. For the first time in France there is a uniquely citizens’ movement outside party politics, she said.
The Rome protesters, who called themselves the indignant ones, included unemployed, students and pensioners.I am here to show support for those don’t have enough money to make it to the next paycheque while the ECB (European Central Bank) keeps feeding the banks and killing workers and families, said Danila Cucunia, a 43-year-old teacher from northern Italy.At the global level, we can’t carry on any more with public debt that wasn’t created by us but by thieving governments, corrupt banks and speculators who don’t give a damn about us, said Nicla Crippa, 49.They caused this international crisis and are still profiting from it. They should pay for it.In imitation of the occupation of Zuccotti Park near Wall Street in Manhattan, protesters have been camped out across the street from the headquarters of the Bank of Italy for days.The worldwide protests were a response in part to calls by the New York demonstrators for more people to join them. Their example has prompted calls for similar occupations in dozens of U.S. cities from Saturday. [nN1E79D02O]In Madrid, seven marches were planned to merge in Cibeles square at 1600 GMT and then head to the central Puerta de Sol.In Germany, where sympathy for southern Europe’s debt troubles is not widespread, thousands gathered in Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and outside the ECB in Frankfurt, called by the Real Democracy Now movement.
Demonstrators gathered peacefully in Paradeplatz, the main square in the Swiss financial center of Zurich.In London, several hundred people assembled outside London’s St Paul’s Cathedral for a protest dubbed Occupy the London Stock Exchange. Several hundred people protested in Vienna, Sweden and Helsinki.Greek protesters called an anti-austerity rally for Saturday in Athens’ Syntagma Square.What is happening (debt-driven financial meltdown) in Greece now is the nightmare awaiting other countries in the future. Solidarity is the people’s weapon, the Real Democracy group said.(Additional reporting by Catherine Hornby in Rome, Naomi O’Leary and Michael Holden, in London, Natalia Drozdiak in Berlin and Alexandria Sage in Paris; Writing by Andrew Roche; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
Marxist Matrix of Occupy Protesters, Obama & George Soros: The Devil’s Symphony? Author- Kelly O'Connell Sunday, October 16, 2011-CANADA FREE PRESS
Are the Occupy Protests really the inscrutable uprising the mainstream media claims? Or, are they instead the work of mad tycoon George Soros and his rent-a-puppet Barack? We can hardly be blamed to see a connect when we detect a connecting, central motif—Marxism. The Occupy Protests are presented as the organic polar opposite of the Tea Party protests, arising of their own impetus as logically as weeds erupting in an empty field. But the central Marxist anti-capitalist message of Occupy argue against this.Further, when listening to the very weird and cult-like call-and-answer which these groups use, one can only sense the underlying group-think structure driving these idealistic yet confused souls into action. The strange fixation on Marxism of George Soros and Obama, attaching them to Occupy’s anti-capitalist anarchism are the topics of this essay.
I. Outline of Marxism
A. Overview
A brief description of Marxism is offered here to help understand the ideas and actions of Soros, Obama and the Occupy movement. From another article by this author, a thumbnail of the belief:Marxists insist life merely concerns proper distribution of wealth. Only two classes matter: rich and poor. The poor are pure, but the rich devilish, since they effectively steal wealth through Capitalism. The government must redistribute money to the poor, since God doesn’t exist to protect mankind. Workers will eventually rise up to overthrow oppressive bosses.After capitalism collapses, comes then socialism, but only temporarily. Finally communism is established, and all private property abolished. Peace on earth will reign as envy and war disappear when all people have the same status in society. Marx’s Communist Manifesto states, The theory of the Communists may be summed up in a single sentence: Abolition of private property.
B. Presuming Economic Imbalance is a Criminal Act
As an atheistic system, Marxism focuses upon material gods as the chief end of life. Given the notion that all amassing of fortunes presume an act of theft against the poor, Marx taught that all justice resided in addressing this theft. Marx mentions this in Das Kapital:The accumulation of wealth at one pole of society involves a simultaneous accumulation of poverty, labor, torment, slavery, ignorance, brutalization, and moral degradation, at the opposite pole—where dwells the class that produces its own product in the form of capital.
C. Dedication to Revolution
The entire premise of Marxism is revolution is needed so necessary changes can be midwifed into society. In fact, a mystical premise of Marxism is revolution is fated to sweep away capitalism, and therefore cannot be resisted, according to P. H. Vigor, in A Guide To Marxism. Revolution is taught by Marxists as the initial, needed cure to a vast array of societal ills. It’s described by Marx as the abolition of antagonisms between rich and poor. Since there is no locus of traditional morality in Marxism, any precursor to revolution is acceptable, no matter how apparently objectionable.The prerequisite to communist revolution is advanced capitalism, a state which has never actually given birth to such a result. One of the truly fascinating aspects from the period of 20th century when Marxist revolutions were occurring across the globe was how these rebellions were often not uprisings of natives. Writes Robert Tucker in The Marxian Revolutionary Idea,The communist regimes of Mongolia, North Korea, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Poland, East Germany, and Czechoslovakia did not come to power in basically indigenous revolutions. These communist revolutions were imposed from outside.
II. Protest Wall Street: Marxists as Fake Tea Partiers?
Protest Wall Street began as an idea put forward by, an anti-capitalist organization which was funded indirectly by George Soros. He hotly disputes the claim of funding, but admits he understands the protestors.Reuters reports on this connection:Soros has donated at least $3.5 million to an organization called the Tides Center in recent years, earmarking the funds for specific purposes. Tides has given grants to Adbusters, an anti-capitalist group in Canada whose inventive marketing campaign sparked the first demonstrations last month.According to the IRS, Soros’ Open Society gave grants of $3.5 million to Tides, a San Francisco-based group that acts like a clearing house for other donors, directing their contributions to liberal non-profit groups. Tides gave Adbusters grants of $185,000 from 2001-2010, including nearly $26,000 between 2007-2009.The Vancouver-based Adbusters publishes a magazine with a circulation of 120,000…It says it wants to change the way corporations wield power and its goal is to topple existing power structures.Adbusters is an anti-capitalist, anti-consumerist, pro-environmental movement. In other words, they are garden-variety Marxists. But what are the beliefs of the Occupy Wall Street protestors? This question is not difficult to answer. Their general conviction is capitalism has run amok, and they are generally Marxist. We know this because they are critics of capitalism and Wall Street. Further, their demand for wealth redistribution is a sure giveaway that their motivations are socialistic.A typical demand of the mostly student protestors is for government crack down on corporations and the rich, and force them to redistribute wealth, for things like paying off student loans of the protestors.In contrast (or not—depending upon the reader’s views), according to Michelle Malkin, the first Tea Party protest occurred in Seattle against Congress’ bank bailout, organized by Keli Carender, from her Liberty Belle blog. About 100 people showed up.
III. Obama & Democrat Support of Occupy Protests—An Anti-Tea Party
An absurd irony of Barack’s support of the Occupy Protesters is that he, more than any other mortal, is responsible for their currently impoverished state. And when such leftist leading lights as Nancy Toxic Melon Pelosi, Harry Reid, Michael Moore, and George Soros add their approval, one realizes that this spontaneous movement is anything but self-generating.Democrats exult at their own Tea Party, in all its grubby grandeur. The DNC touts the inherent democratic element of the movement. Natural born rebel Barack undoubtedly feels a bred-in-the-bone kinship with the anti-capitalist malcontents.That malignant shrew Pelosi would pour scorn upon the Tea Party as anti-democratic astroturf, then applaud repeatedly the Occupy protestors, revealing this group is truly leftist and undoubtedly as natural as bomb shelter Twinkies.
IV. Immoral World of Wannabe Global-Savior George Soros
The rogue insider-trader of Paris—billionaire Marxist financier George Soros—made a fortune by gambling against weakened currencies of troubled countries. In this sense, soporific Soros, more than any other public money man, harvested billions by leaching off capitalism.Interestingly enough, Soros admits to having a messiah complex which he is now wealthy enough to pursue with rank abandon. Joy Tiz writes in Soros: It’s Not Easy Being God
A passage in his book The Alchemy of Finance, published in 1987, distinguishes Soros from all other financiers, ever. I have always harboured an exaggerated view of my self-importance, he wrote. To put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes, or, even better, like Einstein. My sense of reality was strong enough to make me realise that these expectations were excessive, and I kept them hidden as a guilty secret. This was a source of considerable unhappiness through much of my adult life. As I made my way in the world, reality came close enough to my fantasy to allow me to admit my secret, at least to myself. Needless to say, I feel much happier as a result.
A. Youthful Jewish Soros as Nazi-Helper
Soros’ taste for money and hypocrisy developed young. George’s entrepreneurial spirit and do-anything-for-money moxie materialized as a young Hungarian Jew. During WWII, teenage Soros pretended to be Protestant to escape Nazis while helping confiscate the goods from Jews deported to concentration camps like Dachau and Auschwitz. In fact, amoral Soros admitted the following on the TV program 60 Minutes about his youthful exploits:
KROFT: You’re a Hungarian Jew…
SOROS: Mm-hmm.
KROFT: ...who escaped the Holocaust…
SOROS: Mm-hmm.—by posing as a Christian.
SOROS: Right.
KROFT: And you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps.
SOROS: Right. I was 14 years old. And I would say that that’s when my character was made.
KROFT: In what way?
SOROS: That one should think ahead. One should understand and—and anticipate events and when—when one is threatened. It was a tremendous threat of evil. I mean, it was a—a very personal experience of evil.
KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that’s—that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?
SOROS: Not—not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don’t—you don’t see the connection. But it was—it created no—no problem at all.
KROFT: No feeling of guilt?
B. Soros’ Bona Fide Marxism
In an eye-opening essay penned by Soros in the Atlantic Monthly, he essentially admitted to being a Marxist when he applied George Hegel’s description of history in an article titled The Capitalist Threat. He began the piece by stating,In The Philosophy of History, Hegel discerned a disturbing historical pattern—the crack and fall of civilizations owing to a morbid intensification of their own first principles. Although I have made a fortune in the financial markets, I now fear that the untrammeled intensification of laissez-faire capitalism and the spread of market values into all areas of life is endangering our open and democratic society. The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat.Quoting Hegel is a typical leftist method of bringing Marx into the discussion without raising too many eyebrows. This is because virtually everything Marx wrote was borrowed from Hegel, as one author admits,Marx is often being seen as the successor of Hegel in practical life. His views are often called dialectical materialism, because he transforms Hegel’s dialectic into his materialist views on economics.Further, Soro’s conclusion of that first paragraph, where it claims that free-market, aka laissez-faire capitalism, is the biggest threat to a free society is a quintessential Marxist claim. In other words, the biggest threat to an open society is economic freedom.
C. George’s Marxism in Action
George Soros has described how he helped undermine the communist states in Eastern Europe, which he claimed was tremendous fun. Having had some success, Soros went on to create his Open Society Institute which ironically tries to limit freedoms around the world in the name of open society. The list of various groups that OSI funds is astounding, all of which are meant to tear down the legitimacy of various institutions in western countries—especially America. (a listing of these is attached to the end of this article from Discover the Networks). But Soros supposedly gives away half a billion dollars a year undermining capitalism and democracy.
D. Soros’ Marxist-Styled Capitalism
George Soros has repeatedly made huge fortunes from betting on currency futures. For example, he bet against the UK Pound when it lost 10% of its value. He made a billion pounds sterling off this maneuver. He has done the same thing repeatedly against various countries.In a sense, such money-making activities are quintessential Marxist dealings for several reasons. First, they do not create any capital by creating or distributing products—so he enriches no industrialists. Second, he makes his take off the currency itself, meaning all wealthy persons in the country will suffer loss. Third, such activities destabilize the country itself, making it easier for leftists to take over. Fourth, it increases his own fortune so he may use this to support revolution in other places.
E. George’s Five Steps to Bring Down a Country
Glen Beck, in his riveting and well-researched expose’ of Soros, lists five steps the crafty Hungarian has used to destabilize various countries:After country after country after country, we found that there are five steps to him gaining control. He does it over and over and over again. So, let’s see what the steps are and let’s see if he’s done any of them here.The first one is form a shadow government using humanitarian aid as cover. This is what he just said. It’s kind of funny. It’s kind of fun. The first step he said is subversive activities. OK? Step two: control the airwaves. Fund existing radio and TV outlets and take control over them or start your own outlets. Remember: take control of existing or start your own.Step three: destabilize the state, weaken the government and build an anti-government kind of feeling in this country. You exploit an economic crisis or take advantage of existing crisis—pressure from the top and the bottom. This will allow you to weaken the government and build anti- government public sentiment.Step four: you provoke an election crisis. You wait for an election. And during the election, you cry voter fraud.Step five: take power. You stage massive demonstrations, civil disobedience, sit-ins, general strike, you encourage activism. You promote voter fraud and tell followers what to do through your radio and television stations.
Marxism is the “freedom” that Soros, Obama and the Occupy protesters would like to deliver to America. But we must be aware and not naive when groups suddenly appear, realizing our times are the Age of Propaganda where precious few things are as they seem.The madly destructive Soros, like Thomas Kyd’s Personified Revenge, grows restless and vexed not seeing America laid waste in the gutter before his octogenarian heart gives out. Perhaps Kyd had a Soros-type in mind when he wrote:
The left hand path declining fearfully,Was ready downfall to the deepest hell,Where userers are chok’d with melting gold,And perjur’d wights scalded in boiling lead,And all foul sins with torments overwhelm’d.
Postscript: The following lists some of the many anti-American and subversive-to-democracy groups Soros’ OSI funds, as found at Discover the Networks:
OSI supports a wide array of leftist organizations, including:
the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy;
the Tides Foundation;
the Tides Center;
the National Organization for Women
Feminist Majority;
the American Civil Liberties Union
People for the American Way;
Alliance for Justice;
NARAL Pro-Choice America
America Coming Together;
the Center for American Progress
Campaign for America’s Future
Amnesty International;
the Sentencing Project;
the Center for Community Change;
the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense and Educational Fund;
the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN);
Campus Progress;
Free Exchange on Campus;
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington;
Democracy 21;
Human Rights Watch;
the Prison Moratorium Project;
the Immigrant Funders’ Collaborative;
the Moving Ideas Network;
the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement;
the No Peace Without Justice International Committee;
the National Lawyers Guild;
the Center for Constitutional Rights;
the Coalition for an International Criminal Court;
the Abortion Access Project; People of Color In Crisis; The American Prospect;;
the Gay Straight Alliance Network;
the Youth Law Center; Planned Parenthood;
the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy;
the Institute for Policy Studies;
Joint Victory Campaign 2004;
the Midwest Academy;
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice; Project Syndicate (an international association of newspapers that publish anti-American propaganda);
the Rocky Mountain Peace Center;
the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission; Earth Rights International;
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force;
the Nation Institute;
the Violence Policy Center; Gun Violence Prevention; Critical Resistance - Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex;
the Center for Investigative Reporting;
the Million Mom March; Murder Victims’ Families for Reconciliation;
the Death Penalty Information Center, the Death Penalty Mobilization Fund;
the Drug Policy Alliance;
the Brennan Center for Justice;
the Project On Death in America;
the Death with Dignity National Center;
the Ms. Foundation for Women;
the National Security Archive Fund;
the Pacifica Foundation; Physicians for Human Rights;
the Proteus Fund;
the Public Citizen Foundation;
the Urban Institute;
the American Friends Service Committee;
Catholics for a Free Choice;
Human Rights First;
the Independent Media Institute;
and MADRE.
A key funder of the open borders movement, OSI also supports:
the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund;
the Immigrant Legal Resource Center;
the National Immigration Law Center;
the National Immigration Forum;
the National Council of La Raza;
the American Immigration Law Foundation.
Internal Revenue Service records indicate thatOSImade a September 2002 grant of$20,000to the Lynne Stewart Defense Committee. Stewart was the criminal-defense attorney who was later convicted for abetting her client, the blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, in terrorist activities connected with his Islamic Group.The Capital Research Center has published a list of additional organizations to which OSI has recently donated money, groups that according to CRC advocate higher taxes and more government spending, oppose social security reform, litigate against property rights, oppose the death penalty, oppose tough criminal incarceration policies, oppose Bush judicial nominees, and promote balkanizing racial agendas. These donees include the following:We Interrupt This Message portrays America as a nation rife with racism and economic injustice; seeks to radicalize minority youth; aims to help the disenfranchised and the marginalized to overcome negative media stereotypes; and encourages acts of rebellion against America’s alleged injustices, as evidenced by its characterization of the 1992 Los Angeles riots as a civil uprising.The Independent Media Institute publishes a number of regularly updated websites that offer news and opinion from a far left perspective; its Executive Director Don Hazen is a former publisher of Mother Jones magazine.The Community Rights Counsel provides legal assistance to state and local governments seeking to restrict individual property rights in the name of community interest.Equal Justice Works encourages young people to pursue careers as public interest lawyers—focusing on the areas of workers’ rights, birth control and abortion issues, consumers’ rights, disability issues, children’s rights, the death penalty, and prisoners’ rights—by funding student fellowships and helping students pay back their school loans.The Legal Action Center is a public interest law firm that litigates to force health-care insurers to provide coverage for people with histories of addiction to alcohol and drugs. It also opposes community efforts to block the placement of alcohol- and drug-treatment facilities in or near residential neighborhoods.
Population Services International promotes wider access to birth control and abortion services in more than 60 countries worldwide.The Western States Center aims to build a progressive movement for social, economic, racial and environmental justice in…eight Western states.The Esperanza Center strives to build a political movement drawing on women, people of color, lesbians and gay men, the working class and poor—groups it considers wounded by domination and inequality in American political life.The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy believes that wealthy Americans pay less than their fair share of taxes; it publishes op-eds and studies that urge states to raise taxes on higher income-earners.The Network for a Progressive Texas is a coalition of Texans who are committed toeconomic, social, and environmental justice ...engaging in collective action, and building power to affect progressive change.The Center for Law and Social Policy promotes government welfare entitlements under the heading of economic security;the Center’s Board of Directors includes attorney Peter Edelman, husband of Children’s Defense Fund President Marian Wright Edelman.The Center for Policy Alternatives is a progressive public policy and leadership development center serving state legislators, state policy organizations, and state grassroots leaders.The Economic Policy Institute opposes social security privatization and free trade agreements such as NAFTA; it was founded in 1986 by journalist Robert Kuttner, Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich, and economist Lester Thurow.The State Strategies Fund works to create a coalition of activists to support its agenda of campaign finance reform, progressive tax policy, and government-funded health care.DEMOS believes that America’s social and economic ills stem largely from the values of extreme laissez faire ideology that have deeply permeated our society, and from the fact that [w]e’ve been told that government is the problem, not the solution.
A strong supporter of anti-war and environmentalist organizations, OSI is a member of the Peace and Security Funders Group. It is also a member of the International Human Rights Funders Group, a network of more than six-dozen grant-makers dedicated to bankrolling leftistorganizations and causes.OSI endorsed a 2000 document called the Earth Charter, which blames capitalism for many of the world’s environmental, social, and economic problems. According to the Charter, the dominant patterns of production and consumption are causing environmental devastation, the depletion of resources, and a massive extinction of species.The benefits of development, adds the Charter, are not shared equitably and the gap between rich and poor is widening.In the vanguard of the U.S. drug decriminalization movement, OSI in 1994 pledged $4 million to fund the establishment of the Lindesmith Center, which supports the legalization of marijuana. In 2002 OSI gave $3 million to the Tides Foundation, earmarking the money for a group called Fund for Drug Policy Reform, which opposes the War on Drugs.OSI was a signatory to a November 1, 2001 document characterizing the 9/11 attacks as a legal matter to be addressed by criminal-justice procedures rather than military retribution.Suggesting that the hijackers were motivated chiefly by adesire to point out global injustices perpetrated by the United States, this document explained that similar future calamitiescould be averted only ifAmerica would finally begin to promote fundamental rights around the world.OSIendorsed the Civil Liberties Restoration Act (CLRA) of 2004, which was designed to roll back, in the name of protecting civil liberties,vital national-security policies that had been adopted after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.Numerous OSI funding initiatives reflect the Institute’s view that the American criminal-justice system is infested with racism, and that incarceration is an inappropriate punishment for most lawbreakers. For example: (a) OSI has established a U.S. Justice Fund to diminish the role of prisons ...andto pave the way for the creation of a larger system of public health and social supports.(b) In a related measure,the Institute created an After Prison Initiative focusing on supporting the successful reentry of prisoners to their communities. (c) OSI helps finance the Sentencing Project, which claims that prison sentencing patterns are racially discriminatory, and advocates in favor of granting voting rights to convicted felons. (d) OSI funds the Southern Center for Human Rights, which recruits lawyers to represent death row inmates and aims to reduce America’s alleged over-reliance on incarceration. (e) The Institute supports Critical Resistance,a program that impugns the Prison Industrial Complex for fostering the delusion that caging and controlling people makes us safe.
A strong advocate of gun control, OSI funds the Network on Small Arms,which has lobbied the United Nationsto passa measure outlawingprivate gun ownership and effectively overturning the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.OSI funded the multi-year United Nations Millennium Development Project—commissioned by the UN Secretary-General in 2002 to develop a concrete action plan for the world to…reverse the grinding poverty, hunger and disease affecting billions of people. In 2005 this Projectculminated in a recommendation for a massive wealth-redistribution, foreign-aid program whose provisions, if adopted, would impose more than $150 billion in annual costs on Americans.Each year, OSI sponsors a number of fellowships, among them, the Soros Justice Fellowship which is awarded to “outstanding individuals who will implement projects aimed at reforming the American criminal-justice system. Most notably, OSI seeks to end the over-reliance on incarceration and harsh punishment, and the lack of equal justice—especially for people of color and the poor. One of the more infamous recipients of this fellowship was the radical communist Linda Evans, a former member of the Weather Underground. In the 1970s, Evans and accomplice Susan Rosenberg took part in the deadly Brinks armored-car robbery in Nyack, New York, where two security guards and two police officers were shot, three of them fatally. Three years later, the women were finally apprehended. At the time, they had 740 pounds of explosives (which they admitted were earmarked for bombings) in their possession. Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years in prison, Evans to 40 years. (She was later paroned by President Bill Clinton in January 2001.) According to FBI files, Evans, during a 1969 trip to Hanoi, was shown an anti-aircraft gun, cradled it in her arms, and said,[I wish] an American plane would fly over. Her OSI award was intended to aid her efforts to increase civic participation of former prisoners.On August 16, 2005, OSI (in collaboration with the Center for American Progress, the AFL-CIO, the Service Employees International Union, AFSCME, and the United Steelworkers Union) launched a new organization called the Progressive Legislative Action Network (PLAN). Led by Democratic activists David Sirota and Steve Doherty, PLAN’s mission is to seed state legislatures with prewritten model legislation reflectingleftist visions of justice.
Between 1998 and 2003, OSI received more than $30 million from U.S. government agencies. Various State Department documents indicate that OSI has been paid to run what the Department describes as democratization programs in a number of countries, including Uzbekistan, Burma, and regions of Central Asia.In an effort topresent itself in the most positive light to the American people,OSI uses the services of the public relations firm Fenton Communications.In October 2010, OSI announced that it was donating $1.8 million to National Public Radio, in order to enable NPR to add 100 journalists at its affiliate radio stations across the United States.
Corporate-Fascists Clamor for Iran War-Unelected corporate-funded policy makers constitute the greatest threat to US national security.Tony Cartalucci October 16, 2011
While US politicians grapple over the credibility of using the US DEA’s bomb plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador as a pretext to escalate tensions with Iran, America’s unelected, corporate-funded policy makers have already announced their long, foregone conclusion. The DEA’s entrapment case is decidedly to be used as a pretext for war with Iran.The Foreign Policy Institute (FPI), just one such unelected, corporate-funded think tank, has released two statements calling on President Obama to use force against Iran. FPI director William Kristol states:It’s long since been time for the United States to speak to this regime in the language it understands—force.And now we have an engraved invitation to do so. The plot to kill the Saudi ambassador was a lemon. Statesmanship involves turning lemons into lemonade.So we can stop talking. Instead, we can follow the rat lines in Iraq and Afghanistan back to their sources, and destroy them. We can strike at the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and weaken them. And we can hit the regime’s nuclear weapons program, and set it back.Likewise, FPI’s executive director Jamie Fly claims, in tandem with Kristol’s unqualified, corporate-funded opinion,It is time to take military action against the Iranian government elements that support terrorism and its nuclear program. More diplomacy is not an adequate response.Image: Just a sampling of Wall Street-London corporate-funded think tanks. Those that believe America’s policy is created within the offices of our elected legislatures will be sadly disappointed to know that it is in fact produced by these unelected, nebulous private institutions. Despite the different logos and rhetoric wielded by each of these institutions, they consist of the same members and same corporate-financier sponsors and merely specialize in executing different aspects of the corporate-financier agenda. For more information, please see Naming Names. (click on image to enlarge)
Ironically, Jamie Fly, who believes it is time to take military action against Iran for supporting terrorism, is a signatory of a letter imploring House Republicans to support the US war in Libya where NATO forces are literally handing an entire nation over to rebels led by the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, listed by both the US and British government as a foreign terrorist organization, and is confirmed to have fought and killed US and British troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It should also be noted, that fellow policy makers at the Brookings Institute proposed that the US arm, train, and even go as far as de-list as a terrorist organization, MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq), in covert efforts to wage war against Tehran. MEK is acknowledged by Brookings to not only be a bona fide terrorist organization, but also has American civilian and military blood on its hands.Image: Know your enemy. It is not turban-wearing cave dwellers that threaten America. It is unelected, corporate policy pimps like those found lurking within the halls of the Foreign Policy Initiative. They seek to mislead Americans into supporting an agenda that literally bleeds them to death while they and their corporate-financier sponsors continue to consolidate both wealth and power on a global scale. (click on image to enlarge).It is safe to say that Jamie Fly, William Kristol, and the rest of the policy wonks populating FPI and similar corporate-funded think tanks harbor less than genuine concerns regarding terrorism, – concerns which are voiced purely for public consumption.As reported previously, the official, though rarely spoken about policy toward Iran is one of purposefully provoking the regime into a war it desperately wants to avoid. The Brookings Institution, like FPI, is a corporate-funded think tank full of unelected policy makers who literally steer America’s destiny. In its report Which Path to Persia? it is clearly stated that not only does Iran want to avoid war, but any potential aspirations to acquire nuclear weapons are driven only by a desire to defend its sovereignty, not use unilaterally against its neighbors nor to proliferate such weapons into the hands of non-state actors.Despite this admission, the Brookings Institution claims that American extraterritorial ambitions across the Middle East cannot be impeded by strong, independent nation-states and spells out a criminal conspiracy to remove such impediments. Such tactic include funding terrorist organizations to wage a covert war against Tehran, funding opposition groups to rise up against the Iranian government, sanctions, and even provoking a war through covert means.
Masking this criminal conspiracy is a narrative repeated ad naseum by the corporate media, literally sponsored and steered by the same corporations and banks that fund the above mentioned think tanks. The American people are presented with a belligerent, irrational enemy, so entirely fictitious it challenges the archetypes produced by Hollywood. Should Americans know the truth about America’s real policy regarding Iran, war not only would not take place – those who have pushed so hard to shed American treasure and blood in Iran would be ferreted out as criminals and permanetnly removed from society.US foreign and domestic policy is not produced by our legislatures as we are meant to believe. John Kerry and John McCain don’t sit behind their desks twelve hours a day penning the 1,000 page policy papers they present to Congress to be rubber stamped. President Obama is not sitting in the Oval Office churning out reams of policy papers either. It is the unelected, corporate-funded policy think tanks and their army of policy makers, lawyers, scribes, and media personalities the produce, promote, and ram through an agenda that serves not the American people, but the corporate-financier interests that fund their work.
While many Americans scratch their heads at what appears to be a profound mystery – a Democratic president carrying the torch of a Neo-Conservative Republican’s global war, not only maintaining all previous wars, but expanding the battlefront – in reality this linear, continuous policy that is being executed piecemeal by both sides of the American political aisle is the direct result of these corporate-funded think tanks successfully commandeering both political parties.John Kerry and John McCain’s love for sending Americans to their deaths in foreign nations and spending American tax money to destabilize countries around the world is not an anomalous convergence of some political ideal, but rather the result of absolute, naked corporate fascism overrunning America’s political institutions and co-opting politicians of inferior human character. As in Nazi Germany, this unchecked power, not foreign enemies, presents the gravest risk to national security imaginable. Those that serve this system and fail to speak out against it, and worse yet, willingly collaborate with it, are America’s true enemies and a self-evident threat the American people can no longer afford to tolerate.
Vote out of office any and all public servants that promote extraterritorial meddling, including wars, funding foreign opposition movements, arming foreign militants, and funding foreign propaganda networks. Vote out of office all representatives that peddle 1,000 page pieces of legislation produced by corporate lawyers and their vast array of “think tanks.” And above all,identify and expose the actual corporate-financier interests driving this destructive agenda, then boycott and replace them. The vast influence and unwarranted power these corporate fascist monopoly men have garnered is a direct result of our apathy, ignorance, and decades of paying into their system with our money, time, energy, and attention.America is being brought to the precipice of a war neither the American nor the Iranian people want by a cartel of corporate-financier interests that admit the nation of Iran poses to threat to the United States. This is purely a war to enhance US hegemony in the Middle East, not protect the American people and our way of life at home. It is a war that the American people will pay for in both trillions of dollars in public funds, as well as the blood of our soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen. It is up to the American people to end this cycle of parasitic exploitation before it ends America.
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