Thursday, April 18, 2019


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

LUKE 21:28-29
28 And when these things begin to come to pass,(ALL THE PROPHECY SIGNS FROM THE BIBLE) then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption (RAPTURE) draweth nigh.
29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree,(ISRAEL) and all the trees;(ALL INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES)
30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.(ISRAEL LITERALLY BECAME AND INDEPENDENT COUNTRY JUST BEFORE SUMMER IN MAY 14,1948.)

JOEL 2:3,30
3 A fire devoureth (ATOMIC BOMB) before them;(RUSSIAN-ARAB-MUSLIM ARMIES AGAINST ISRAEL) and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.(ATOMIC BOMB AFFECT)

ZECHARIAH 14:12-13
12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their eyes shall consume away in their holes,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB)(BECAUSE NUKES HAVE BEEN USED ON ISRAELS ENEMIES)(GOD PROTECTS ISRAEL AND ALWAYS WILL)
13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.(1/2-3 BILLION DIE IN WW3)(THIS IS AN ATOMIC BOMB EFFECT)

47 And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein.

18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.

1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven;(FROM ATOMIC BOMBS) and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.12 TRIBES INHERIT LAND IN THE FUTURE

US starts scouting site for permanent Jerusalem embassy-Despite Trump boasting of cost-saving move to former consulate, diplomats said to eye forsaken plot in city’s Arnona neighborhood, which Palestinians consider ‘stolen property’-By Raphael Ahren-TOI-APR 17,19

The US administration has started to scout sites for a new “permanent” embassy in Jerusalem, a spokesperson for the embassy said Wednesday.According to a Channel 12 report, American diplomats are looking at an empty plot of land adjacent to two busy thoroughfares in the city’s Arnona neighborhood, which had been designated as the home of the US embassy years before President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in 2017.Due to its storied history, the site is not uncontroversial.Citing anonymous sources, Channel 12 on Tuesday evening reported that Trump intends to move the US embassy into a new, permanent building during his second term, provided he wins the 2020 presidential race. He may even travel to Jerusalem for the laying of the cornerstone during the election campaign, according to the report.To that end, the embassy in Jerusalem submitted a request to the relevant Israeli authorities to “begin preparing the site,” and even to append additional plots to enlarge the total area required for an embassy compound.In addition, embassy staff are exploring the possibility of establishing a “diplomatic neighborhood” in Jerusalem for diplomats from US and possibly other countries, according to the report.The Foreign Ministry and the Jerusalem municipality did not respond to requests for comment.“We have started the process of site selection for a permanent US embassy to Israel in Jerusalem,” an embassy spokesperson confirmed to The Times of Israel on Wednesday. “We are looking at all sites we currently lease or own, including the Arnona property.”The plot in question is less than 20 minutes’ walk away from the site of the current embassy on 14 David Flusser Street.Presently lying barren on the corner of Hebron Road and Daniel Yanovsky Street, the plot has a rich history. In the British Mandate era, it housed the so-called Allenby Barracks, named after the UK’s General Edmund Allenby, who operated an army base there.Later, the State of Israel maintained a border police station there. Since the 1980s, Palestinian activists have claimed that the plot belongs at least partially to them and that it would be “unbecoming” for the US to establish an embassy “on land that is stolen property.”On May 14, 2018, the US embassy in Jerusalem was opened on David Flusser Street, in the building that until that point served as the US consulate.“Since that date… our American presence in Jerusalem has done nothing but grow,” US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said last month in a speech. “If you’ve been recently to the embassy building in the Jerusalem suburb of Arnona, you’ve noticed how it is a very large construction site. By the summer, it will have more than doubled in size.”On March 4, the US merged its consulate on Jerusalem’s Agron street — which served Palestinians — into the embassy. The US embassy now “includes 10 interconnected diplomatic facilities,” Friedman said.Trump has often boasted that transforming the Flusser Street consulate into an embassy cost the American taxpayer much less than had been estimated.“They thought it was going to take a billion-one. I got it built for $490,000,” he told a group of businessmen in Minnesota earlier this week.“And they said, ‘How do you do that?’ Well, we had a better location… We ended up that we wanted to buy a very expensive piece of land that was in a bad location, and I said, ‘Don’t we have something better than this?’ And our ambassador, David Friedman, did a great job. He said, ‘Sir, we actually have a building that’s in a much better location. Why don’t we renovate it and make that the embassy?'”Starting in the late 1960s, the US embassy had been located on Tel Aviv’s Hayarkon Street.In the 1980s, American politicians, led by Republican Senator Jesse Helms, urged the administration to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move its embassy to the city. In 1988, a law was passed calling for two “diplomatic facilities” to be built in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.In the last days of the Reagan presidency, on January 18, 1989, US ambassador to Israel William Brown and Israel Lands Authority deputy director Moshe Gatt signed an agreement according to which a plot of land in Jerusalem would be leased from Israel to the US for 99 years, for $1 per year.“The fifteen-page ‘Land Lease and Purchase Agreement’ referred only to ‘the Jerusalem property,’ but almost immediately reports surfaced — later confirmed — that the land in question was located in what was known as the Allenby Barracks, the site of the British army’s Jerusalem garrison during the Mandate,” Palestinian scholar Walid Khalidi wrote in a 2000 article for the Journal of Palestine Studies.According to Khalidi, the plot is 31,250 square meters (7.7 acres) in size.“Ever since the signature of the 1989 lease agreement and the insistent reports linking the site to the Allenby Barracks, Palestinian circles have questioned the lease’s legality on the grounds that the site of the envisaged embassy was Palestinian refugee property confiscated by the Israeli authorities, along with other refugee properties, since 1948,” Khalidi wrote.“More particularly, it was alleged that the site was part of an Islamic Waqf,” the Muslim trust active in Jerusalem.A few years later, in 1995, the Jerusalem Embassy Act was passed, calling on the administration to recognize the city as Israel’s capital and relocate the embassy there.However, the law allowed for the president to waive the move if he or she deemed it detrimental to American national security interests. Since its passing, every US president — Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — has signed the waiver every six months, despite Bush and Clinton having promised to move the embassy during their respective campaigns.On December 6, 2017, Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and vowed to move the embassy there. He fulfilled that promise half a year later, though until recently continued signing the waiver because the ambassador’s official residence had not yet been relocated to the capital, as stipulated by the 1995 law.But since Friedman recently took up official residence in the Agron Street facility,  Trump’s December 7, 2018, waiver may have been the last one.The US sent its first consul to Jerusalem in 1844, more than a century before the State of Israel was founded. Some 13 years later, the administration established a permanent consular presence in the Old City.The mission on Agron Street was declared a Consulate General in 1928, representing the US in Jerusalem (East and West), the West Bank and Gaza “as an independent mission,” since until last year the US did not recognize Israeli sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem.The former Allenby Barracks, situated in pre-1967 Israel but very close to the pre-1967 Green Line, may be most controversial due to its disputed ownership.According to an article in a 2000 publication from the Badil Resource Center for Palestine Residency and Refugee Rights, 19 Palestinian families from Jerusalem “have been traced as owners of the property.”A small part of the property was requisitioned by Britain during the Mandate period, the article stated. The rest is composed of five parcels: One belonged to the Waqf and four were rented from private owners until May 1948, when the State of Israel was founded.Khalidi, the Palestinian scholar, wrote that activists — himself included — challenged the Land Lease and Purchase Agreement mere months after it was signed in 1989.Critics argued that the lease not only constituted a dramatic change in US policy — which did not recognize anyone’s sovereignty over Jerusalem before a final-status peace agreement is concluded — but also implied an American admission that Israel owned that piece of land.In June 1989, the State Department replied to the complaints by stating that it was “aware of claims that Islamic Trust (Waqf) holds an interest in a portion of the agreed site in Jerusalem” but had not been able “to locate any record of or support for this claim during a thorough title search completed by us.”A possible relocation of the embassy would be addressed “only in the context of a negotiated settlement of the West Bank and Gaza,” it said.Ten years later, in 1999, a senior State Department official acknowledged that the Land Lease and Purchase Agreement “identified particular property” for the purpose of an embassy that “might be leased to the US by the government of Israel under certain conditions,” according to the article in the Badil journal.“As of today, however, the US has not entered into a lease for this or any other property under the Agreement.” According to paragraph 2.1 entitled “Principle Terms of the Lease and Purchase … the Government of Israel will immediately initiate all measures required for obtaining the sole and lawful ownership of the properties, free from any encumbrances or third party claims.”But Khalidi argued that the position that the 1989 lease had not gone into effect “flies in the face of the wording of the lease itself.”Khalidi, who has taught at Oxford, Harvard and the American University of Beirut and founded the Institute for Palestine Studies, did extensive research into the most minute details of the question over the ownership. Concluding his 8,000-word article on the matter, he argued that the plot of the Allenby Barracks is “confiscated refugee land” that the UK had no claims to, and that Israel had thus no right to lease it to the US.“With all that Jerusalem connotes, it is, to say the least, unbecoming for the United States’s future embassy in that city to be built on land that is stolen property,” Khalidi wrote.

US publishes first map showing Golan as Israeli territory-Move comes 3 weeks after Trump recognizes Israeli sovereignty over Heights; Mideast envoy Greenblatt tweets picture of the map that also refers to West Bank as Israeli-occupied-By TOI staff-APR 17,19

The US has for the first time published a map showing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, three weeks after President Donald Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the strategic plateau.US Mideast envoy Jason Greenblatt tweeted a picture of the map on Tuesday, saying: “Welcome to the newest addition of our international maps system.”The map shows the 1974 ceasefire line between Israel and Syria as a permanent border, whereas the border with Lebanon continues to be demarcated as the 1949 armistice line.The map also notes that the West Bank is Israeli-occupied, with its final status to be determined in peace talks.And it notes that while the US recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in 2017, it does not take a position on the boundaries of the holy city, which is also claimed by the Palestinians as the capital of a future state.Welcome to the newest addition of our international maps system after @POTUS issued a proclamation recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights— Jason D. Greenblatt (@jdgreenblatt45) April 16, 2019-However, while the map was updated, text attached to the Israel entry in the latest CIA world factbook, which included the map, continued to call East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights “Israeli occupied.”Trump’s formal recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan sparked widespread international condemnation. The announcement in late March was a major shift in American policy and gave Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a needed political boost ahead of April elections.Israel captured the strategic plateau from Syria in the 1967 Six Day War and in 1981 effectively annexed the area, in a move never recognized by the rest of international community, which considers the Golan Heights to be occupied Syrian territory.The map was published with the US indicating it may also be on board with Israel annexing West Bank settlements.US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday said he did not believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s pre-election talk of extending Israeli sovereignty to all West Bank settlements would hurt the Trump administration’s long-gestating peace plan.His comments would appear to indicate that the US plan does not provide for Palestinian statehood, or even for Palestinian control of substantive contiguous territory in the West Bank.Asked during a CNN interview by anchor Jake Tapper whether he thought Netanyahu “vowing to annex the West Bank” could hurt the US proposal, Pompeo answered “I don’t.”“I think that the vision that we’ll lay out is going to represent a significant change from the model that’s been used,” he added.“We’ve had a lot of ideas for 40 years. They did not deliver peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians,” Pompeo said. “Our idea is to put forward a vision that has ideas that are new, that are different, that are unique, that tries to reframe and reshape what’s been an intractable problem.”He said the Trump administration wanted “a better life” for both Israelis and Palestinians.In interviews days before the elections, Netanyahu said he intended to gradually apply Israeli law to all settlements, and that he hoped he could do so with the agreement of the United States.On Tuesday, a coalition of more than a dozen conservative groups, most of them Jewish, sent a letter to Trump tacitly asking him to respect a potential Israeli annexation of West Bank settlements.The letter comes in response to a coalition of centrist and liberal groups who last week urged Trump not to recognize a potential Israeli West Bank annexation.

Macron vows fire-ravaged Notre Dame will be rebuilt within 5 years-French president says iconic cathedral will be renovated ‘even more beautifully,’ as experts caution reconstruction could take decades-By Stuart Williams and Clare BYRNE-TOI-17 April 2019

PARIS, France (AFP) — French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday vowed to rebuild Notre Dame cathedral “even more beautifully” within five years, as France reeled with shock from the fire that gutted the great Paris landmark.Macron announced the fast timescale — for a process some experts said would take decades — in an address to the nation where he hailed how the disaster had shown the capacity of France to mobilize and unite.Pledges worth around 700 million euros ($790 million) have already been made Tuesday from French billionaires and businesses to restore the Gothic masterpiece.Most of the roof has been destroyed, its steeple has collapsed and an unknown number of artifacts and paintings have been lost. The main organ, which had close to 8,000 pipes, has also suffered damage.But the cathedral’s walls, bell towers and the most famous circular stained-glass windows at France’s most visited tourist attraction remain intact.Macron’s defiant comments indicated he wants the reconstruction of the cathedral to be completed by the time Paris hosts the Olympic Games in 2024.“We will rebuild the cathedral even more beautifully and I want it to be finished within five years,” Macron said from the Elysee Palace. “And we can do it.”Macron said that the dramatic fire had brought out the best in a country riven by divisions and since November shaken by sometimes violent protests against his rule.“What we saw last night in Paris was our capacity to mobilize and to unite,” Macron said, hailing France as a nation of “builders.”“Our history never stops and that we will always have trials to overcome,” he said.Images from inside the cathedral Tuesday showed its immense walls standing proud, with statues still in place and a gleaming golden cross above the altar.However, the floor was covered in charred rubble from the fallen roof and water while parts of the vaulting at the top of the cathedral had collapsed.Junior interior minister Laurent Nunez told reporters at the scene that work to secure the structure would continue into Thursday, allowing firefighters access to remove remaining artifacts and artworks.He said the building had been saved within a critical time window of 15-30 minutes by a team of 400 firefighters who worked flat out throughout the night.Though “some weaknesses” in the 850-year-old structure had been identified, overall it is “holding up OK,” he added.US President Donald Trump relayed Americans’ “condolences” to Macron over the fire, the White House said.French fire chiefs had earlier dismissed as “risible” comments by Trump that the fire should be tackled with water bombers, saying this risked destroying the entire edifice of the cathedral.The Paris fire service said that the last remnants of the blaze were extinguished Tuesday, 15 hours after the fire broke out.Renovation work on the steeple, where workers were replacing its lead covering, is widely suspected to have caused the inferno after the blaze broke out in an area under scaffolding.Investigators interviewed witnesses overnight and began speaking with employees of five different construction companies that were working on the monument, said public prosecutor Remy Heitz.“Nothing indicates this was a deliberate act,” Heitz told reporters, adding that 50 investigators had been assigned to what he expected to be a “long and complex” case.A public appeal for funds drew immediate support from French billionaires and other private donors, as well as from countries including Germany, Italy and Russia, which offered expertise.French billionaire Bernard Arnault and his LVMH luxury conglomerate, rival high-end designer goods group Kering, Total oil company and cosmetics giant L’Oreal each pledged 100 million euros or more.Support came from outside France as well, with Apple chief Tim Cook announcing the tech giant would give an unspecified amount to help restore a “precious heritage for future generations.”But experts had warned a full restoration will take many years. “I’d say decades,” said Eric Fischer, head of the foundation in charge of restoring the 1,000-year-old Strasbourg cathedral.Thousands of Parisians and tourists watched in horror Monday as flames engulfed the building and rescuers tried to save as much as they could of the cathedral’s treasures.Many more came Tuesday to the banks of the river Seine to gaze at where the roof and steeple once stood.A firefighter suffered injuries during the blaze, which at one point threatened to bring down one of the two monumental towers on the western facade of the cathedral that is visited by 13 million tourists each year.The Holy Crown of Thorns, believed to have been worn by Jesus at his crucifixion, was saved by firefighters, as was a sacred tunic worn by 13th-century French king Louis IX.Rescuers formed a human chain at the site of the disaster to evacuate as many artifacts as possible, which were then stocked temporarily at the Paris town hall.


ISAIAH 66:15-16
15 For, behold, the LORD will come with fire,(NUKES) and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.
16 For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many.

ISAIAH 26:21
21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity:(GOD/ISRAEL HATE AND BRAKING OF HIS COMMANDMENTS) the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.(WW3,1/2 earths population die - 4 BILLION).

ISAIAH 13:6-13 KJV
6 Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt:(FROM FRIGHT)
8 And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames.
9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 BILLION) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).

15 And the four(DEMONIC WAR) angels were loosed,
18 By these three was the third part of men killed,(2 BILLION) by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.(NUCLEAR ATOMIC BOMBS)


34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other shall be left.(half earths population 4 billion die in the 7 yr trib)
35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.
36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.
37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.(Christians have new bodies,this is the people against Jerusalem during the 7 yr treaty)(Christians bodies are not being eaten by the birds).THESE ARE JUDGEMENT SCRIPTURES-NOT RAPTURE SCRIPTURES.BECAUSE NOT HALF OF PEOPLE ON EARTH ARE CHRISTIANS.AND THE CONTEXT IN LUKE 17 IS THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION OR 7 YR TREATY PERIOD.WHICH IS JUDGEMENT ON THE EARTH.NOT 50% RAPTURED TO HEAVEN.

37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.
42 Watch therefore:(FOR THE LAST DAYS SIGNS HAPPENING) for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

President officially taps Netanyahu to form next government-Handing him appointment, Reuven Rivlin urges PM to soothe divides after tumultuous election campaign, says the time of ‘us versus them is over, and now it’s just us’-By TOI staff-APR 17,19

President Reuven Rivlin on Wednesday officially tasked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with assembling a coalition to govern the 21st Knesset with a plea to Israel’s leader to soothe social divides after a combative election campaign.“In democracies, the majority decides. And in these elections, the majority spoke its part,” Rivlin said at a press conference alongside Netanyahu, after officially handing him the appointment.Netanyahu, who will be serving as prime minister for an unprecedented fifth term, is expected to cobble together a coalition of right-wing and ultra-Orthodox parties after talks kick off Thursday.Last week’s election saw him defeat challenger Benny Gantz, a former IDF chief who leads the Blue and White party, and who is expected to head the Knesset opposition.“We’ve been through a difficult election campaign. A lot of things were said that shouldn’t have been said — from all sides — not in a Jewish state, and not in a democratic state,” Rivlin said.“Us versus them is over, and now it’s just us,” added the president. “Now is the time to stop fighting ‘them’ and to regain faith in ‘us.'”Netanyahu, in his remarks after Rivlin, vowed to represent all Israelis, “those that voted for me, and those that didn’t.”The prime minister said he was as excited “as the first time” and perhaps more.The two held closed talks before the public remarks.The president’s decision to tap Netanyahu comes after senior members of parties representing 65 of the 120 Knesset members recommended Netanyahu for prime minister in consultations with Rivlin over the past two days.Though Netanyahu’s Likud party tied with Blue and White at 35 seats apiece, the prime minister is the only one with enough potential partners to cobble together a coalition.Netanyahu is likely to build a coalition of 65 seats comprising Likud (35 seats), Shas (8), United Torah Judaism (8), Union of Right-Wing Parties (5), Yisrael Beytenu (5) and Kulanu (4).The opposition is expected to comprise Blue and White (35), Labor (6), Hadash-Ta’al (6), Meretz (4) and Ra’am-Balad (4).After Rivlin’s selection, Netanyahu will have 28 days to form a government, with the possibility of a two-week extension at the discretion of the president.Rivlin held meetings on Monday and Tuesday with representatives of the political parties voted into parliament for consultations ahead of the appointment.Netanyahu and Rivlin have long been reported to be at loggerheads, with the prime minister saying ahead of last week’s Knesset elections that the president was looking for an “excuse” to task political rival Benny Gantz with assembling a coalition.Rivlin strongly denounced Netanyahu’s comment, with his office saying it was a “despicable attempt” to undermine the public’s trust in his choice of who should get the first go at cobbling together a ruling majority.Likud is expected to start coalition negotiations on Thursday with representatives of right-wing and Haredi factions.Avigdor Liberman, whose secularist right-wing Yisrael Beytenu party won five seats in the election, said Monday he would recommend Netanyahu, likely cementing the Likud-led coalition, though Liberman said he would hold his ground on religious and state issues in a coalition likely to be dominated by the religious right.The clash between religious and secular right-wing parties will likely complicate negotiations going forward.The Knesset announced Tuesday that the newly elected members will be sworn in on April 30 at 4 p.m. (Israel time). The law dictates the swearing-in ceremony should take place 14 days after the elections, but the Knesset speaker delayed the ceremony due to the Jewish festival of Passover and the Christian holiday of Easter.

Turkey criticizes US for designating Iran’s Revolution Guard a terror group-Speaking alongside Iranian counterpart Zarif, Foreign Minister Cavusoglu says blacklisting of entire army undermines international law-By AP-TOI-APR 17,19

ANKARA, Turkey — The US decision to designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization is a dangerous development that could lead to chaos, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Wednesday.Speaking at a joint news conference with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Turkish minister also said that US sanctions were harming the people of Iran.The United States reimposed sanctions on Iran, including on its energy sector, last November, after President Donald Trump pulled out of the landmark 2015 Iran nuclear deal.Trump and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the designation against the Revolutionary Guard with great fanfare last week.“When we start adding other countries’ armies to terror lists, then serious cracks will occur in the system of international law,” Cavusoglu said. “Trust in the global system will decline and total chaos will ensue.”“Our conscience does not accept that the brotherly Iranian people be punished,” Cavusoglu said of US sanctions on Iran. “Such steps put regional stability, peace, calm and economic development under risk.”Zarif arrived in Turkey after visiting Syria, where he met President Bashar Assad. Russia, Iran and Turkey, which back rival groups in Syria’s conflict, have been sponsoring talks in Kazakhstan to try to end the war.Zarif said he would tell Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about his talks with Assad, adding that Iran wants to help Turkey and Syria establish “good relations.”The US designation — the first-ever for an entire division of another government — adds another layer of sanctions to the powerful paramilitary Iranian force and makes it a crime under US jurisdiction to provide it with material support.


EZEKIEL 39:11-12,18
11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog (RUSSIA/ARAB/MUSLIMS) a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers (EAST OF THE DEAD SEA IN JORDAN VALLEY) on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog (RUSSIAN) and all his multitude:(ARAB/MUSLIM HORDE) and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog.(BURIEL SITE OF THE 300 MILLION,RUSSIAN/ARAB/MUSLIMS)
12 And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.(OF ISRAEL)
16 And also the name of the city shall be Hamonah. Thus shall they cleanse the land.(OF THE ISRAEL-GOD HATERS)

EZEKIEL 39:17-21
17  And, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD; Speak unto every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field, Assemble yourselves, and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you, even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel, that ye may eat flesh, and drink blood.(OF RUSSIAN/ISLAMIC HORDES AGAINST ISRAEL)
18  Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bullocks, all of them fatlings of Bashan.
19  And ye shall eat fat till ye be full, and drink blood till ye be drunken, of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you.
20  Thus ye shall be filled at my table with horses and chariots, with mighty men, and with all men of war, saith the Lord GOD.
21  And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them.
22  So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward.

17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;(AGAINST ALL NATIONS ARMIES THAT COME AGAINST JERUSALEM AND ISRAEL)
18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.

EZEKIEL 38:1-7
1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog,(RULER) the land of Magog,(RUSSIA) the chief prince of Meshech (MOSCOW) and Tubal,(TOBOLSK) and prophesy against him,
3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog,(LEADER OF RUSSIA) the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW) and Tubal:TOBOLSK)
4 And I (GOD) will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws,(GOD FORCES THE RUSSIA-MUSLIMS TO MARCH) and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
5 Persia,(IRAN,IRAQ) Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
6 Gomer,(GERMANY) and all his bands; the house of Togarmah (TURKEY) of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.(AFRICAN MUSLIMS,SUDAN,TUNESIA ETC)
7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.

EZEKIEL 39:1-8
1 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog,(LEADER OF RUSSIA) and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech (MOSCOW) and Tubal: (TUBOLSK)
2 And I will turn thee back,(RUSSIA-ARAB MUSLIM ISRAEL HATERS) and leave but the sixth part of thee,(5/6TH OR 300 MILLION DEAD RUSSIAN/ARAB/MUSLIMS I BELIEVE) and will cause thee to come up from the north parts,(RUSSIA) and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:
3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands,( ARABS) and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
5 Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.
6 And I will send a fire on Magog,(NUCLEAR ATOMIC BOMB) and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.
7 So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.
8 Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I have spoken.

ISAIAH 17:1,11-14
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.(DAMASCUS FRYED TO A PULP)
11  In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.
12  Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations,(USELESS U.N) that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!
13  The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.
14  And behold at evening tide trouble; and before the morning he is not.(ASSAD KILLED IN OVERNIGHT RAID) This is the portion of them that spoil us,(ISRAEL) and the lot of them that rob us.

Israeli defense exports down to $7.5 billion in 2018, ministry says-Figures show a decline compared to 2017 due to that year’s $2.5 billion missile deal with India and 2018’s cancelled contract to sell F-16 jets to Croatia-By TOI staff-APR 17,19

The Defense Ministry said Wednesday that defense exports in 2018 were worth around $7.5 billion, down almost $2 billion from a year earlier.According to the ministry’s exports department, about a quarter of the sales were for missiles and missile defense systems.Around 15 percent of defense exports were of unmanned aircraft, 14% were of radar systems and electronic warfare systems, 14% were upgrades and avionics and 12% were weapons stations.In addition there were exports of optronics systems, satellite and space systems as well as cyber products.The figures were down from 2017, which saw $9.2 billion in sales, boosted by Israel’s $2.5 billion deal with India for the Barak 8 missile system that year.The figures for 2018 were also depressed by the Croatia’s canceled deal to buy 12 F-16 fighter jets from Israel after the US objected to the sale, and India canceling a deal to buy Spike missiles for $500 million, but still beat the figures for 2016 by $1 billion.“This is further proof of the desire of many countries to cooperate with the State of Israel and express confidence in the excellent capabilities of our defense industry,” said Michel Ben-Baruch, head of the ministry’s export department.According to the figures, 46% of Israeli defense exports in 2018 were to Asia and the Pacific, 26% to Europe, 20% to North America, 6% to Latin America and 2% to Africa.Israel is the world’s eighth-largest weapons exporter, with India, Azerbaijan and Vietnam its three largest clients in 2014-2018, according to a report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute released last month.Israel was responsible for 3.1% of global arms exports in the period surveyed, a 60% increase in volume over previous years.Israel sees the defense exports as key to driving upgraded ties with countries around the world, but it has come under scrutiny for sales of weapons, drones and cyberspying technology to regimes accused of having spotty human rights records.Israel’s defense exports are regulated according to a 2007 law that requires defense contractors to consider what and where the Israeli weapons will be used for. The law is designed to prevent companies from knowingly selling weapons to countries that intend to use them to commit atrocities.While the contractors are legally required to take potential human rights violations into consideration under the law, this requirement can be overruled out of diplomatic or security concerns.Currently, Israeli law only prevents the sale of weapons to countries that are under an official embargo from the UN Security Council. However, such embargoes rarely happen, generally because of vetoes by China and Russia.Most recently, Israel has been accused of supplying Myanmar with “advanced weapons” during the country’s ethnic cleansing campaign against its Rohingya Muslims, and of selling guns and other systems to South Sudan, where a civil war has raged for years.The ministry has also been criticized for allowing Herzliya-based NSO Group to sell phone-tracking technology to regimes accused of using it against activists.In 2018, controversial Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte told President Reuven Rivlin that his country would henceforth only buy weapons from Israel due to its lack of restrictions.He has said in the past that he sees Israel as an alternative supplier of weapons after the US and other countries refused to sell him arms over human rights violations.


EUROPEAN UNION-KING OF WEST-DAN 9:26-27,DAN 7:23-24,DAN 11:40,REV 13:1-10



GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

GENESIS 16:11-12
11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her,(HAGAR) Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael;(FATHER OF THE ARAB/MUSLIMS) because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.
12 And he (ISHMAEL-FATHER OF THE ARAB-MUSLIMS) will be a wild (DONKEY-JACKASS) man;(ISLAM IS A FAKE AND DANGEROUS SEX FOR MURDER CULT) his hand will be against every man,(ISLAM HATES EVERYONE) and every man's hand against him;(PROTECTING THEMSELVES FROM BEING BEHEADED) and he (ISHMAEL ARAB/MUSLIM) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.(LITERAL-THE ARABS LIVE WITH THEIR BRETHERN JEWS)

ISAIAH 14:12-14
12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,(SATAN) son of the morning!(HEBREW-CRECENT MOON-ISLAM) how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14  I (SATAN HAS EYE TROUBLES) will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.(AND 1/3RD OF THE ANGELS OF HEAVEN FELL WITH SATAN AND BECAME DEMONS)

JOHN 16:2
2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.(ISLAM MURDERS IN THE NAME OF MOON GOD ALLAH OF ISLAM)

Students for Justice in Palestine says NYU is giving it an award-University won’t confirm BDS-supporting group’s claim that it’s being honored for ‘extraordinary and positive impact on the University community’By Josefin Dolsten-TOI-APR 17,19

NEW YORK (JTA) — The New York University chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine has said it is receiving an award from the US university.Earlier this month, the group posted a photo on Facebook of an email saying it would receive the 2019 award “for your exemplary contributions to the NYU community.”The awards “are given to students or student organizations that have had an extraordinary and positive impact on the University community,” according to the NYU website and are to be given at an awards ceremony on Wednesday.NYU would not confirm that the pro-Palestinian group was receiving the award. Gabriella Sanes, program administrator at the Office of the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs, referred the Jewish Telegraphic Agency to university spokesman John Beckman.Beckman would not confirm whether SJP is receiving the award. Instead he sent a statement that said that more than 150 clubs and individuals receive the awards annually and that “recipients are selected by a group of volunteer staffers and a student representative.”SJP’s claim drew the ire of Judea Pearl, a prominent Israeli-American computer scientist, who sent a letter to the university’s president, Andrew Hamilton, renouncing his 2013 Distinguished Alumnus Award. In a statement, Pearl said his decision to renounce the award “is in response the university’s honoring of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) with a Presidential Service award” and called the student group “one of the nation’s leading voices delegitimizing and demonizing Israel.”SJP chapters across the country promote the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel on college campuses. The Anti-Defamation League says that chapters “regularly demonize Jewish students who identify as Zionists or proud supporters of the State of Israel.”

IDF troops raze West Bank home of accused Ofra attack terrorist-Salih Barghouti was shot dead a week after December attack that injured 7, including pregnant woman whose baby later died-By TOI staff-APR 17,19

In a predawn operation, Israeli security forces entered the West Bank town of Kobar, near Ramallah, and demolished the apartment of Salih Barghouti.Barghouti was killed by Israeli troops during his attempted arrest on December 12.Seven people were injured in the Ofra attack, including a seven-months-pregnant woman who was seriously wounded and whose baby died several days later, after doctors were forced to deliver it prematurely due to her injuries.A day after Barghouti was killed, his brother Asem, who had assisted him in the attack, carried out a second shooting attack at a bus stop near the outpost of Givat Assaf.Two soldiers, Sgt. Yosef Cohen and Staff Sgt. Yovel Mor Yosef, were killed in the Givat Assaf attack.Another soldier, Israeli-American Netanel Felber, was seriously injured and Shira Sabag, a civilian woman, was also hurt in the shooting.Asem Barghouti was arrested in January following a nearly month-long manhunt.His home, also in Kobar, was destroyed by the IDF last month, despite an appeal to the High Court of Justice.Though controversial, Israeli authorities defend home demolitions as a deterrent against future terror attacks.Critics say the move amounts to collective punishment and is ineffective.

Senior PA official said to warn Hamas plotting coup against Abbas in West Bank-Gaza-based terror group planning to exploit salary cuts for Palestinian Authority party members and security forces, high-ranking party member reportedly says-By TOI staff-17 April 2019

A senior Palestinian Authority official reportedly warned that Hamas means to exploit the economic situation in the West Bank and pay off PA officers and security forces to take control of the territory.The effort will resemble Hamas’s takeover of Gaza in 2007, the official said, according to a Tuesday report in Channel 12 news. Hamas ousted Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction from Gaza to take control of the territory two years after Israel withdrew unilaterally, and the terror group has ruled the Strip ever since.“We fear that Hamas will exploit the deteriorating economic situation of our officers and members of the security forces, and pay money to buy them off,” the official reportedly said at a closed meeting this week.“That’s how Hamas took control of Gaza in the coup in 2007, with bribes paid under the table,” he said.The Palestinian finance minister in February announced salary cuts for civil servants, days after Israel said it would withhold tens of millions of dollars in tax transfers to the PA.Israel’s security cabinet had approved the freezing of $138 million over the PA’s payments to Palestinians jailed by Israel for terrorism and violence, and to the families of dead terrorists.In protest, PA President Abbas said he would not accept any funds from Israel unless it provided the full tax sums it owed the PA.Israel, which collects taxes on behalf of the PA, says the payments encourage further violence.The PA claims the payments are a form of welfare to families who have lost their main breadwinner.

Columbine-infatuated teen found dead in Colorado after hunt-[Reuters]-YAHOONEWS-By Keith Coffman-April 17, 2019

DENVER (Reuters) - A Florida teenager who authorities said was armed, dangerous and "infatuated" with the Columbine massacre was found dead in Colorado after she traveled to the state days before the 20th anniversary of the school attack, officials said on Wednesday.After a daylong search, Sol Pais, an 18-year-old student from Surfside, Florida, was found about 40 miles (64 km) west of Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, where two teenaged male students shot and killed 12 classmates and a teacher on April 20, 1999, before committing suicide.Pais appeared to have been killed by a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Jefferson County Sheriff Jeff Shrader said during a news conference with school officials.Denver area schools were closed on Wednesday as FBI agents, Jefferson County deputies and Colorado state troopers searched for Pais.Since the massacre at Columbine, there has been a decades-long string of U.S. school shootings, some inspired by copycats who have expressed fascination with the massacre.Columbine was the second deadliest shooting at a school in U.S. history at the time. Now it stands fifth, surpassed by the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida in 2018, the shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012 and a 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech.With the rash of school shootings across the nation, security alerts and safety drills have become commonplace. In Denver public schools alone, there have been 22 lockdowns and 294 lockouts over the past two academic years, according to school data cited by the Denver Post.NAKED WOMAN WITH A GUN-Pais flew from Miami to Denver on Monday, where she bought a pump-action shotgun and ammunition, FBI Special Agent in Charge Dean Phillips said at a news conference on Tuesday. Denver is adjacent to Jefferson County.Some 20 to 30 officers were searching for her near the Echo Lake Campground in the Arapaho National Forest on Wednesday morning, after authorities received reports of a naked woman with a gun running through the woods, CBS4 in Denver reported.No shots were fired by authorities as they closed in on Pais, the station reported, citing law enforcement sources.A spokeswoman for the Miami-Dade County Public Schools said Pais was student at Miami Beach Senior High School and that there was no threat to schools within the district.On Tuesday, an FBI bulletin said authorities lacked probable cause for a formal arrest but that law enforcement should detain Pais for a mental-health evaluation.The sheriff's Twitter post, which included two photos of Pais, said she was dressed in a black T-shirt, camouflage pants and black boots.An online journal written by a woman who identified herself as "Sol Pais" contains numerous handwritten entries of despair and anger, peppered with images of weapons."Being alive is overrated," one entry reads, punctuated with an expletive, above a drawing of a handgun going off with the word "ready?" underneath. "I don't feel at home in this reality," another page says.A user on the National Gun Forum used the same screen name as the author of the blog in a series of posts starting in late March seeking advice on how an 18-year-old Florida resident could buy a shotgun in Colorado-"I am planning a trip to Colorado in the next month or so and wanna buy a shotgun while I'm there and I was wondering what restrictions apply for me?" the first post read.(Reporting by Keith Coffman in Denver, additional reporting by Rich McKay in Atlanta and Brendan O'Brien in Milwaukee, and additional writing by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; editing by Larry King and Bill Berkrot)


GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

HOSEA 4:1-3
1 Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.
3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

22  The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.
23  And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.
24  The LORD shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed.


LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun,(HEATING UP-SOLAR ECLIPSES) and in the moon,(MAN ON MOON-LUNAR ECLIPSES) and in the stars;(ASTEROIDS ETC) and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear,(TORNADOES,HURRICANES,STORMS) and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:(DESTRUCTION) for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.(FROM QUAKES,NUKES ETC)

GENESIS 7:6-12
6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.
7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.
10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.


7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

Second wave of tornadoes, thunderstorms to pummel the U.S. South and Midwest-[Reuters]-YAHOONEWS-April 17, 2019

(Reuters) - Tornadoes and thunderstorms will hit the U.S. South and Midwest for a second time this week, starting Wednesday afternoon and pushing eastward, forecasters said.At least five people, including three children, were killed over the weekend in a storm system that drove more than three dozen tornadoes across the U.S. South.Communities in central Texas and western Louisiana, already hit by flash floods and twisters in the first round, will be hit once more by high winds, twisters and intense rain, according to AccuWeather and the NWS."This is a dangerous, vigorous storm," Jim Hayes, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service's Weather Prediction Center in Maryland, said early Wednesday.The storm is expected to stretch from Iowa and Missouri in the north through Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas to the south, said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist John Feerick."Dallas and Oklahoma City, from there on eastward is probably at greatest threat from damaging winds, flooding downpours and tornadoes," said Feerick.Northern Oklahoma could be pelted with hail 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter, or larger, on Wednesday, the NWS tweeted.NWS forecaster Hayes said the storm gets its initial fuel from warm, moist air over the Gulf of Mexico."It'll kick-up this afternoon over southern Kansas and about all of Oklahoma, with rain, wind gusts of 65 mph, hail and tornadoes.""The worst will hit before midnight," he added. "By early Thursday it'll push into Kentucky and Alabama."As the storm tracks eastward, it will extend from Indiana south to Florida by late Thursday, hitting the Atlanta area that night and the Atlantic coast the next day.Picking up moisture from the ocean, the system is likely to produce intense thunderstorms up the eastern seaboard as far north as New York state.New York City, Philadelphia and Washington may face travel delays from the rain and possibly property damage from high winds, AccuWeather warned.Flash flooding could remain a threat in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts on Saturday, the weather service said.(Reporting Andrew Hay in Taos, New Mexico and Rich McKay in Atlanta; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky)


JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people(ISRAEL) and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.(UPROOTED ISRAELIS AND DIVIDED JERUSALEM)(THIS BRINGS ON WW3 BECAUSE JERUSALEM IS DIVIDED,WARNING TO ARABS-MUSLIMS AND THE WORLD).


Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week:(7 YEARS) and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.

DANIEL 11:21-23
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.

DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he ( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant (PEACE TREATY) with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE ANIMAL SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.

11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

8  The highways lie waste, the wayfaring man ceaseth: he hath broken the covenant,(7 YR TREATY) he hath despised the cities, he regardeth no man.(THE WORLD LEADER-WAR MONGER CALLS HIMSELF GOD)


GENESIS 25:20-26
20  And Isaac was forty years old (A BIBLE GENERATION NUMBER=1967 + 40=2007+) when he took Rebekah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padanaram, the sister to Laban the Syrian.
21  And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.
22  And the children (2 NATIONS IN HER-ISRAEL-ARABS) struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD.
23  And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels;(ISRAEL AND THE ARABS) and the one people shall be stronger than the other people;(ISRAEL STRONGER THAN ARABS) and the elder shall serve the younger.(LITERALLY ISRAEL THE YOUNGER RULES (ISSAC)(JACOB-LATER NAME CHANGED TO ISRAEL) OVER THE OLDER ARABS (ISHMAEL)(ESAU)
24  And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.
25  And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.(THE OLDER AN ARAB)

ZECHARIAH 12:1-5 King James Bible
1 The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.
2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
4 In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness.

14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.

Trump peace plan to be unveiled after Ramadan in early June, Kushner says-US president’s senior adviser tells diplomats in Washington to keep ‘open mind’ over long-awaited, much-maligned proposal-By TOI staff-APR 17,19

The US administration’s peace plan will not be unveiled until June at the earliest, US President Donald Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner said Wednesday.Kushner told some 100 foreign diplomats the plan will be rolled out after the new Israeli government is sworn in and following the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends June 5.He urged them to keep an “open mind,” according to a source cited by the Reuters news service.“He said the plan will require concessions from both sides but won’t jeopardize the security of Israel,” Reuters quoted the source as saying.“We will all have to look for reasonable compromises that will make peace achievable,” Kushner said.Trump administration peace envoy Jason Greenblatt confirmed the report as “accurate.”Today Jared Kushner addressed Ambassadors at the Blair House— Avi Berkowitz (@aviberkow45) April 17, 2019-Kushner made the comments in a speech to diplomats at Blair House in Washington, near the White House.Little is known about the long-awaited plan, though recent reports in the Washington Post and Guardian suggested it would not include full Palestinian statehood.That is a likely deal-breaker for Palestinians, who were already not cooperating with Trump’s Middle East team following the US president’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017 and moving of the US embassy there in May 2018.New Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said Tuesday the plan will be “born dead.”“There are no partners in Palestine for Trump. There are no Arab partners for Trump and there are no European partners for Trump,” Shtayyeh said during a wide-ranging, hour-long interview with The Associated Press.At a pre-Passover White House event for conservative Jewish groups on Tuesday night, Israel’s ambassador to the US said he was confident the plan, whose details are not yet known, will “take Israel’s vital concerns into account.”“I know a lot of people are concerned that the peace plan is going to be coming out soon,” Ron Dermer said, according to the Jewish Insider website.“But I have to say, as Israel’s ambassador, I am confident that this administration — given its support for Israel — will take Israel’s vital concerns into account in any plan they will put forward.”On Friday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, said the peace plan that the White House is expected to roll out will “represent a significant change from the model that’s been used.”

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.(IN 1 HR THE STOCK MARKETS WORLDWIDE WILL CRASH)
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed:(CONFISCATED) their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

LUKE 2:1-3
1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
2  (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
3  And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.

16 And he(THE FALSE POPE WHO DEFECTED FROM THE CHRISTIAN FAITH) causeth all,(IN THE WORLD ) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(MICROCHIP IMPLANT)

1 KINGS 10:13-14
13  And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty. So she turned and went to her own country, she and her servants.
14  Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,

GENESIS 49:16-17
16  Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.(A DAYS WAGES FOR A LOAF OF BREAD)

then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.


UPDATE-APRIL 17, 2019-12:00AM

04:00PM-03.12- 26449.54 - S&P -06.61 2900.45 - NASDAQ -04.15 7996.08
HIGH +15 LOW -56
TSX +45.17 16,547.37 - GOLD $-00.70 $1,276.50 - OIL $-00.07 $63.98


EZEKIEL 37:7,11-14
7  So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.(POSSIBLE QUAKE BRINGS ISRAEL BACK TO LIFE-SO NOISE AND SHAKING-QUAKES WILL ALSO DESTROY ISRAELS ENEMIES)
11  Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.
12  Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.
13  And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,
14  And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD.

MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:(ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST ETHNIC GROUP) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places,(DIFFERNT PLACES AT THE SAME TIME) and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

UPDATE-APRIL 17, 2019-11:55PM

1 Day, Magnitude 2.5+ U.S.20 of 26 earthquakes in map area.

    2.7-84km W of Petrolia, CA-2019-04-17 21:57:19 (UTC)-23.4 km
    2.5-7km ENE of Wilkerson, CA-2019-04-17 21:51:28 (UTC)-12.5 km
    4.5-72km SSE of Nemuro, Japan-2019-04-17 21:07:59 (UTC)-36.9 km
    4.2-24km WSW of Ashkasham, Afghanistan-2019-04-17 18:35:20 (UTC)-147.5 km
    2.7-6km NW of The Geysers, CA-2019-04-17 18:26:13 (UTC)-2.9 km
    2.6-42km NW of San Antonio, Puerto Rico-2019-04-17 15:26:59 (UTC)-23.0 km
    5.0-70km NE of La Peca, Peru-2019-04-17 15:01:01 (UTC)-62.0 km
    4.3-221km WNW of Saumlaki, Indonesia-2019-04-17 13:36:40 (UTC)-167.5 km
    2.8-3km W of San Juan Bautista, CA-2019-04-17 12:08:06 (UTC)-5.0 km
    2.7-4km WSW of Volcano, Hawaii-2019-04-17 12:05:58 (UTC)--0.4 km
    2.6-5km WSW of Volcano, Hawaii-2019-04-17 12:04:19 (UTC)--0.8 km
    5.1-South of Panama-2019-04-17 09:55:48 (UTC)-10.0 km
    4.4-3km WNW of Salinas, Ecuador-2019-04-17 09:13:29 (UTC)-10.0 km
    3.1-70km N of Brenas, Puerto Rico-2019-04-17 09:06:10 (UTC)-9.0 km
    2.8-51km NW of San Antonio, Puerto Rico-2019-04-17 06:03:13 (UTC)-12.0 km
    2.5-55km NW of San Antonio, Puerto Rico-2019-04-17 05:57:52 (UTC)-7.0 km
    5.0-133km WSW of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand-2019-04-17 05:03:42 (UTC)-330.5 km
    2.8-71km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-17 05:03:35 (UTC)-8.8 km
    3.2-41km NNE of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic-2019-04-17 04:17:43 (UTC)-111.0 km
    4.5-83km N of Namuac, Philippines-2019-04-17 02:19:05 (UTC)-50.8 km
    3.5-9km SW of Salvaleon de Higuey, Dominican Republic-2019-04-17 01:43:04 (UTC)-136.0 km
    2.7-69km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-17 01:33:02 (UTC)-0.0 km
    3.1-68km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-17 00:41:23 (UTC)-15.7 km
    3.0-69km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 23:55:25 (UTC)-0.0 km



JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

LUKE 21:28-29
28 And when these things begin to come to pass,(ALL THE PROPHECY SIGNS FROM THE BIBLE) then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption (RAPTURE) draweth nigh.
29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree,(ISRAEL) and all the trees;(ALL INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES)
30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.(ISRAEL LITERALLY BECAME AND INDEPENDENT COUNTRY JUST BEFORE SUMMER IN MAY 14,1948.)

JOEL 2:3,30
3 A fire devoureth (ATOMIC BOMB) before them;(RUSSIAN-ARAB-MUSLIM ARMIES AGAINST ISRAEL) and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.(ATOMIC BOMB AFFECT)

ZECHARIAH 14:12-13
12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their eyes shall consume away in their holes,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB)(BECAUSE NUKES HAVE BEEN USED ON ISRAELS ENEMIES)(GOD PROTECTS ISRAEL AND ALWAYS WILL)
13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.(1/2-3 BILLION DIE IN WW3)(THIS IS AN ATOMIC BOMB EFFECT)

47 And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein.

18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.

1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven;(FROM ATOMIC BOMBS) and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.12 TRIBES INHERIT LAND IN THE FUTURE

Brexhaustion’: Long, grinding Brexit is stressing people out-The fatigue and worry caused by three years of conflict has spawned new terms to describe the mental wellbeing of worn-out Brits-By DANICA KIRKA-TOI-APR 16,19

LONDON (AP) — Elly Wright can’t sleep through the night.The Dutch native, who has lived in Britain for 51 years, keeps thinking about the black boots of Nazi soldiers marching by her basement window as they brought Jews to a nearby camp in her homeland. The flashbacks have been triggered by Britain’s heated debate over leaving the European Union, which has brought division, strife and fear of foreigners. The 77-year-old painter says it has shattered her sense of belonging.“[Britain] is my home,” Wright said quietly. “That is being taken away from me.”Wright isn’t alone in her angst. The acrimony over Brexit, which has reached fever pitch as deadlines come and go while politicians squabble, is affecting the mental wellbeing of people from Belfast to Brighton.Job uncertainty. Visa worries. Confrontational conversations between family members or friends with opposing views on Brexit. The fatigue and stress caused by three years of conflict has spawned new terms: Brexhaustion or Strexit.“It’s a civil war,” said Cary Cooper, a professor of organizational psychology at Manchester Business School. “What the country is going through is not a war with Europe. It’s not us against them. It’s internal.”Just when some thought a conclusion could be drawn, Britain’s departure was delayed by six months at an emergency EU summit this week. Whether in favor of exit or hoping to stay, the long argument just got longer, and, for many, more stressful.Some have taken note of the trend. Online meditation provider Headspace has added bespoke meditations to help people manage Brexit stress, addressing issues such as having difficult conversations and what to do when you feel overwhelmed. Mike Ward, a London-based therapist who specializes in treating anxiety, estimates that some 40% of his patients now bring up Brexit-related issues, while cognitive-behavioral clinical hypnotherapist Becca Teers says many of her clients struggle with their lack of control over how Brexit might affect them.Researchers at the London School of Economics’ Centre for Economic Performance, found that the “subjective well-being,” or happiness, of Britons has declined since the 2016 referendum — regardless of a person’s position on Brexit. The researchers believe this is because those in favor of remaining in the EU are upset with the outcome, and those who want to leave are unhappy with how politicians are handling the process.The study was based on an analysis of the Eurobarometer surveys conducted every year that ask 1,000 people in each EU country about the economic outlook, their job prospects and issues ranging from terrorism to immigration and climate change.Business consultant BritainThinks asked focus groups to name a song that encapsulated their emotions about Brexit. Their answer: the theme song from the classic horror movie “The Exorcist.” And that question was asked before the EU stretched the deadline to October 31, Halloween.“People consistently tell us how worried [Brexit] makes them feel,” said Tom Clarkson, research director at BritainThinks. “It’s just pessimistic mood music in the background.”Brexit has been a major story in Britain since before the June 2016 referendum, as the country tries to unpick the legal and economic ties that have bound it to the EU for over 40 years. Things have ramped up since December as Parliament repeatedly rejected a withdrawal agreement negotiated by Prime Minister Theresa May, raising the prospect of a chaotic no-deal exit that could have devastating effects on the economy.Television news broadcasts are dominated by Brexit, with pundits dissecting daily developments and politicians trading insults. Some people are glued to live parliamentary debates with a dedication normally reserved for soccer, but others have tuned out, unable to bear news of the latest incremental development that seems to resolve nothing. Meanwhile, issues like a surge in knife crime, homelessness and rising childhood poverty get scant coverage.Wright, for example, is watching the debates in Parliament, trying to make sense of all the arcane procedures and motions, knowing that the decision has implications for her life.“I try to curtail [my viewing], but I get sucked in,” she said. “I want to understand.”Members of Parliament aren’t immune to the stress. Lawmakers say they regularly receive death threats because of their positions on Brexit and some have publicly broken down in tears.Andrew Percy, an MP from the governing Conservative Party, said recently that he had found a cupboard inside the House of Commons where he occasionally retreats for a few moments of calm between debates.“It feels as if we are under siege,” Labour Party lawmaker Chris Bryant told the Times. “I know three MPs who have partners who are dying. They daily have to make the decision of whether to go home to see them or hang out for a vote that may never happen.”Beyond Westminster, uncertainty is pervasive as companies try to prepare for the future without knowing what the economic rules will be.Autoworkers are already getting bad news, as companies like Honda and Nissan curtail investment to focus on countries where there is less insecurity. Bankers, farmworkers, even doctors and nurses in the National Health Service are wondering what the future holds.“Going on for three years, people look around them and see that people are losing jobs, companies planning to move staff. It’s been three years of constant instability,” said Cooper, an expert on workplace issues.That frustration recently spilled into the streets, with hundreds of thousands marching on Parliament to demand that the government give the people a second vote on leaving the EU.Less than a week later, after Parliament forced May to delay Britain’s departure, Brexit supporters held a smaller but equally animated protest to decry politicians they said were ignoring the will of 17.4 million people who voted to leave.In the middle of this morass sit people like Elena Remigi, who runs the In Limbo Project, a Facebook forum for EU citizens living in the UK.One recent post tries to explain what Brexit means for many expatriates by using imagery from Dante’s medieval poem “Inferno,” where “the straight path has been lost” in a dark forest.“The dark forest truly represents our limbo: a place of uncertainty, sadness, confusion, fragility, anger and many other painful feelings,” she wrote.“The human cost is huge and it has been hugely underestimated,” Remigi later told The Associated Press. “I find that as more time goes by the more stressed people are.”

Israel okays medical school at West Bank university-Sheldon Adelson donated $20 million to Ariel University in 2017 to expand, including building the medical school-By JTA-TOI-15 April 2019

The third vote was the charm for a medical school at a West Bank university.Israel’s Council for Higher Education approved the establishment of the school at Ariel University on Thursday in a 13-5 vote.In February, the council voted against opening the school after initially approving it in July. Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit ordered the second vote after discovering that one of the voting members had a conflict of interest.The mirror Council for Higher Education in Judea and Samaria voted in February to approve the school. The two councils have since combined.The Ariel school is planning an October launch with 70 students. Without government accreditation, its students would not have been able to train at hospitals in Israel.There are five other medical schools in Israel, an insufficient number to train the number of doctors needed in the country.Ariel had fought for many years to be considered a full-fledged university, and faced opposition from Israel’s other public universities, which feared splitting government funds more ways, and an increase in calls for academic boycotts of all Israeli professors because of its West Bank location.American casino magnate and philanthropist Sheldon Adelson donated $20 million to the university in 2017 for expansion purposes, including building the medical school that is to be named for him and his wife, Miriam, a physician who was born in Israel. The couple attended the inauguration ceremony for the school in August.Education Minister Naftali Bennett, the chairman of the Council for Higher Education, brought the recommendation to the council. He called the vote a “great victory” in a post on Facebook.“This is a triumph of common sense over narrow interest, and I am proud of it,” Bennett said in a statement.


EZEKIEL 39:11-12,18
11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog (RUSSIA/ARAB/MUSLIMS) a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers (EAST OF THE DEAD SEA IN JORDAN VALLEY) on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog (RUSSIAN) and all his multitude:(ARAB/MUSLIM HORDE) and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog.(BURIEL SITE OF THE 300 MILLION,RUSSIAN/ARAB/MUSLIMS)
12 And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.(OF ISRAEL)
16 And also the name of the city shall be Hamonah. Thus shall they cleanse the land.(OF THE ISRAEL-GOD HATERS)

EZEKIEL 39:17-21
17  And, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD; Speak unto every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field, Assemble yourselves, and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you, even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel, that ye may eat flesh, and drink blood.(OF RUSSIAN/ISLAMIC HORDES AGAINST ISRAEL)
18  Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bullocks, all of them fatlings of Bashan.
19  And ye shall eat fat till ye be full, and drink blood till ye be drunken, of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you.
20  Thus ye shall be filled at my table with horses and chariots, with mighty men, and with all men of war, saith the Lord GOD.
21  And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them.
22  So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward.

17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;(AGAINST ALL NATIONS ARMIES THAT COME AGAINST JERUSALEM AND ISRAEL)
18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.

EZEKIEL 38:1-7
1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog,(RULER) the land of Magog,(RUSSIA) the chief prince of Meshech (MOSCOW) and Tubal,(TOBOLSK) and prophesy against him,
3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog,(LEADER OF RUSSIA) the chief prince of Meshech(MOSCOW) and Tubal:TOBOLSK)
4 And I (GOD) will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws,(GOD FORCES THE RUSSIA-MUSLIMS TO MARCH) and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
5 Persia,(IRAN,IRAQ) Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
6 Gomer,(GERMANY) and all his bands; the house of Togarmah (TURKEY) of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.(AFRICAN MUSLIMS,SUDAN,TUNESIA ETC)
7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.

EZEKIEL 39:1-8
1 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog,(LEADER OF RUSSIA) and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech (MOSCOW) and Tubal: (TUBOLSK)
2 And I will turn thee back,(RUSSIA-ARAB MUSLIM ISRAEL HATERS) and leave but the sixth part of thee,(5/6TH OR 300 MILLION DEAD RUSSIAN/ARAB/MUSLIMS I BELIEVE) and will cause thee to come up from the north parts,(RUSSIA) and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:
3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands,( ARABS) and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
5 Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.
6 And I will send a fire on Magog,(NUCLEAR ATOMIC BOMB) and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.
7 So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.
8 Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I have spoken.

ISAIAH 17:1,11-14
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.(DAMASCUS FRYED TO A PULP)
11  In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.
12  Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations,(USELESS U.N) that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!
13  The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.
14  And behold at evening tide trouble; and before the morning he is not.(ASSAD KILLED IN OVERNIGHT RAID) This is the portion of them that spoil us,(ISRAEL) and the lot of them that rob us.

Birding in Israel-Birds of Israel

Israel is well known as being one of the best sites in the world to enjoy migration. Millions of migrants from hundreds of species pass throughIsraeltwice a year, making it one of the world's busiest and most impressive flyways. Besides being a terrestrial bridge between the African continent and the Eurasian landmass,Israelis characterized by a wide range of habitats and as a result presents a rich biodiversity all year round.Discover Israel's Birds online: - Year Round Birding -Southern Israel is mostly arid and its interesting deserts are the northern tip of the breeding range of many African and near eastern bird species. Northern Israel with its high mountains and fertile green areas is the southern tip for many birds of European and Asian origin. Mt. Hermon in Israel's extreme north is the tip of the vast Syrian mountain range and as such hosts some regional specialties that are hard to find anywhere else.Israel's mild winter hosts over 150 species of northern breeders, that choose to pass the winter months here, including some very rare species.Israel offers excellent birding year round with every season hosting its own specialties - Israel hosts a wide range of interesting breeding and non-breeding resident species. Common birds like Yellow-vented Bulbul, Palestine Sunbird, Laughing Dove, Hoopoe and Syrian Woodpecker can be found in metropolitan areas year round.Highly coveted near-eastern species like Black francolin, Long-billed Pipit, Syrian Serin, Graceful Prinia and Clamorous Reed Warbler are easy to find most of the year in the right habitats.Israel's diverse desert regions are home to regional specialties like: Macqueen's Bustard, Spotted, Black-bellied, Crowned and Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse, Western Reef Heron, White-eyed Gull, Nubian Nightjar, the enigmatic Hume's Tawny Owl, Namaqua Dove, 3 species of Wheatears, Blackstart, Streaked Scrub Warbler, Desert, bar-tailed and Hoopoe Larks, Arabian Warbler, Desert and Trumpeter finch and many more. Most of these species can all be found year round if you know where to go. Birding Tourism -The Israel Ornithological Center (IOC) is a leading research institution at the forefront of field studies in bird biology, behavior and habitats. The IOC hosts two birding festivals each year during the migration seasons to bring bird lovers one of the best birding tourism experiences available. Tour unique landscapes with outstanding professionals in the field.The Eilat Bird Festival is hosted each Spring at the peak of the migration period in Eilat, on the Red Sea, with tours throughout Israel's southern regions, including the Arava, the Eilat Mountains, the Negev and the Dead Sea.Join the Eilat Bird Festival.he Hula Valley Bird Festival is hosted each year during the Autumn migration. The festival features premiere birding experiences throughout Israel's northern regions, and in the marshy terrain of the Hula Valley.

Israel seeing early flocks of migrating storks amid hot European summer-After heading south from Poland, stork seen nesting in Beit She’an Valley, the only known nesting site below sea level-By AP and Michael Bachner-24 August 2018

White storks that have nested in Poland are heading south for the winter earlier than usual after an especially hot, dry summer — a development experts are linking to climate change — and some have already been observed in Israel, which is a major migration route on the birds’ route to Africa.In a rare case that has stoked Israeli ornithologists’ excitement, a stork has been observed over the last month nesting at the Beit She’an Valley, the only known nesting site in the world for storks located below sea level.The valley is the one of the hottest areas in Israel, with temperatures regularly reaching 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer — another unusual feature for a stork nesting site.“White storks normally just fly through Israel,” ornithologist Nadav Israeli of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel told the Walla news site. “About 500,000 storks pass Israel in every migration season. However, a small nesting population has in recent decades established itself in the Golan Heights, where some 15 couples nest annually.”The stork seen at the Beit She’an Valley is a single parent, another rare characteristic for the normally monogamous species. It originally hatched in the Golan six years ago.The first stork was observed nesting at the Beit She’an Valley in 2007, when the mother was seen dealing with the heat by carrying water in its beak to the nest. It also took straw once every 15 minutes, dipped it in the water, and dropped it next to its chicks.Israel, located at the meeting point of three continents, on the Syrian-African Rift Valley, constitutes a main migration route for 500 million birds that fly (in the autumn) from Europe and western Asia to Africa, and back (in the spring). Despite its relatively small size, Israel attracts approximately 540 species of birds.Poland has a large population of white storks that arrive from Africa every spring and nest all summer before returning south by the end of August.Gabriela Kulakowska, an ornithologist with the Polish Society for Bird Protection, said storks in many cases have departed about two weeks earlier than usual this year.“The nests in the villages are already empty,” Kulakowska said Tuesday. “Ornithologists say they have never seen anything like this.”She said that if the weather this summer is a result of climate change, “then this year’s early journey is also an effect of climate change.”There is some disagreement about why exactly they are leaving early.Because summer also came early, Kulakowska said the birds have had good conditions for breeding, feeding, and growing their chicks, and gathered the energy stores early to begin their long flight back to southern Africa.Monika Klimowicz, with the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds, noted that this summer’s dry spell has meant there have been fewer insects, snakes, lizards, frogs, and small mammals for the storks to feed on.Klimowicz said her organization has also observed the birds departing early and said that “most of the nests are already empty now.”There are some 50,000 white storks that visit Poland every summer, making up some 20 percent of the world’s population. The numbers, however, are declining.The birds are much-loved in Poland and a key element in folk beliefs and iconography.People believed that if storks nested on their homes, it brought them good luck — and children. That idea was rooted in the fact that storks often arrived in spring, when human births were also at a peak, caused by the fact that women in the past were more likely to conceive at times of improved nutrition, Kulakowska said.

Iranian forces said killed in reported Israel airstrike on Syria missile factory-London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 17 people injured in raid near city of Masyaf as jets target missile development center, training camp-By TOI staff and AFP-APR 16,19

A number of Iranian forces were reportedly killed in an airstrike on a Syrian military position near the city of Masyaf in western Hama province overnight Friday-Saturday. Syrian state media said Israeli jets carried out the raid in the middle of the night, firing missiles while flying in Lebanese airspace.Syria’s official state news agency SANA said Israel targeted a military site in the area, but that Syrian air defenses intercepted the attack, downing some of the missiles fired. The regime mouthpiece said the interception resulted in the destruction of several buildings and the wounding of three “fighters.” The area is known to house Iranian forces and their Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah.According to a report by the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in Arabic, Iranian “elements” and pro-Iranian militants were killed in the alleged attack, and 17 people were injured.Israel does not regularly comment on alleged strikes in Syria, though it has acknowledged some operations.The Observatory said Saturday that the strike targeted a Syrian military college in the town and two buildings used by Iranian forces in nearby villages — a development center for medium-range missiles in Zawi and a training camp in Sheikh Ghadban.Iran has been one of the top military backers of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime in the over nine-year-long civil war in the country, as has been its Lebanese proxy, the Hezbollah terror group.SANA quoted a military source as saying on Saturday, “Around 2:30 am (2330 GMT Friday)… the Israeli air force carried out a strike targeting one of our military positions in the town of Masyaf,” adding that Syrian air defenses intercepted some of the missiles.Israeli airstrike reported overnight in Masyaf, Hama countryside #Israel #Syria— Michael A. Horowitz (@michaelh992) April 13, 2019-“The enemy missiles were dealt with and some of them were shot down before reaching their target, resulting in the damage of a few buildings and the injury of three fighters,” SANA said, according to a Reuters report.Earlier, SANA had reported explosions in the area’s countryside.Israel is said to have previously struck the area near Masyaf, home to a Syrian scientific research center. Western officials have long associated the Scientific Studies and Research Center near Masyaf, known as CERS, with the manufacture of chemical arms.In July last year, Israeli jets reportedly targeted a missile production facility in Masyaf, where a leading Syrian chemical weapons and missile scientist was killed earlier that month in a car bombing attributed to Israel.In September 2018, satellite photos published by an Israeli intelligence firm purported to show the establishment of an Iranian surface-to-surface missile factory in the area of Wadi al-Uyun, near Masyaf. The photos, which were shared by ImageSat International, were said to show a facility resembling Iran’s Parchin facility, which has been linked to the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile and nuclear programs.The site was likely not targeted due to its close proximity to a Russian S-400 anti-aircraft battery, which is considered to be one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world.In February, ImageSat International said Syria’s powerful S-300 air defense system was “probably operational” in the area of Masyaf. The system would pose a potential threat to Israel’s aerial campaign against Iran in the country.The firm based this assessment on multiple images of the anti-aircraft battery, which showed three of its four launchers in a raised position, signaling that they are likely ready to be used by the Syrian military.Israel has threatened to destroy the S-300 system if it is used against its fighter jets, regardless of the potential blowback Jerusalem would face from Russia, which provided Syria with the powerful air defense battery.Last month, Israel allegedly attacked Iranian targets near the northern city of Aleppo. SANA said at the time that the airstrike targeted several bases near an industrial zone by the airport and that air defenses had managed to intercept several incoming missiles.Acting Foreign Minister Israel Katz appeared to confirm last month’s attack, saying in an interview with Israel Radio late last month that “as far as Iran knows, it’s Israel” that carried out the strike, and went on to say that it was a “challenging” operation.The strikes come at a time of heightened tensions between Israel and Syria, following last month’s decision by the US administration to recognize Israel’s control over the Golan Heights it captured from Syria in 1967. The decision sparked condemnation and protests in Syria.Israel in recent years has carried out hundreds of airstrikes in Syria against targets linked to Iran and Hezbollah.Israel has accused Iran of seeking to establish a military presence in Syria that could threaten Israeli security, and attempting to transfer advanced weaponry to Hezbollah.


EUROPEAN UNION-KING OF WEST-DAN 9:26-27,DAN 7:23-24,DAN 11:40,REV 13:1-10



GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

GENESIS 16:11-12
11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her,(HAGAR) Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael;(FATHER OF THE ARAB/MUSLIMS) because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.
12 And he (ISHMAEL-FATHER OF THE ARAB-MUSLIMS) will be a wild (DONKEY-JACKASS) man;(ISLAM IS A FAKE AND DANGEROUS SEX FOR MURDER CULT) his hand will be against every man,(ISLAM HATES EVERYONE) and every man's hand against him;(PROTECTING THEMSELVES FROM BEING BEHEADED) and he (ISHMAEL ARAB/MUSLIM) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.(LITERAL-THE ARABS LIVE WITH THEIR BRETHERN JEWS)

ISAIAH 14:12-14
12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,(SATAN) son of the morning!(HEBREW-CRECENT MOON-ISLAM) how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14  I (SATAN HAS EYE TROUBLES) will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.(AND 1/3RD OF THE ANGELS OF HEAVEN FELL WITH SATAN AND BECAME DEMONS)

JOHN 16:2
2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.(ISLAM MURDERS IN THE NAME OF MOON GOD ALLAH OF ISLAM)

Abbas swears in new PA government led by his Fatah ally, Mohammad Shtayyeh-Veteran peace negotiator and ex-minister takes over as PM in move seen as further sidelining Hamas-By TOI staff and Agencies-APR 16,19

A new Palestinian Authority government was sworn in by PA President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday, a month after he tapped longtime ally Mohammad Shtayyeh, a member of his Fatah party, as the next premier.The 61-year-old Shtayyeh is replacing Rami Hamdallah, who served as prime minister of the Palestinian government since 2013. He is seen as being critical of the Gaza Strip’s Hamas rulers, as well as a proponent of continuing peace talks with Israel.The new 21-member cabinet includes some fresh faces, but senior officials, such as Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki and Finance Minister Shukri Bishara, are keeping their positions.Novelist Atef Abu Seif of Gaza, who was recently badly beaten during Hamas’s crackdown on protesters in the Strip, will become culture minister.Shtayyeh’s government replaces a technocratic administration, which had the nominal backing of Hamas and all other Palestinian factions.The government includes many of Abbas’s longtime allies and is mostly comprised of members of Fatah, though several smaller factions are also represented. It does not include anyone from Hamas, the terror group that has been at loggerheads with Fatah since it took over Gaza from the PA in a near civil war in 2007.Palestinian politics have been effectively frozen since, and multiple reconciliation attempts have faltered.Other parties, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, refused to take part in the new government, calling for a unity government of all factions, including Hamas.Analysts say 83-year-old Abbas, in power since 2005, retains the real decision-making authority.Nickolay Mladenov, the United Nations envoy for Middle East peace, congratulated Shtayyeh and said he looked forward to working with his government.“At a time of significant financial and political challenges to the Palestinian national project, all must support the government’s efforts and work to overcome internal divisions. Unity is essential to advancing the goal of a lasting peace,” he said in a statement.Mladenov said “elections, conducted in line with national laws and established international democratic standards,” could contribute toward reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas.“The United Nations remains fully committed to working with the Palestinian leadership and people in ending the occupation and advancing their legitimate national aspirations for statehood based on UN resolutions,” he added.Since returning from Britain in the 1980s after completing a PhD, Shtayyeh has spent much of his time working alongside Abbas, with whom he has a close relationship. He was part of the Palestinian team in US-brokered negotiations with Israel in 1991, and again in 2013-14.Shtayyeh, a political moderate, is a strong supporter of the two-state solution, which advocates the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel.He has served as a minister twice in previous Palestinian governments, and has held major roles in economic development initiatives, including the Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction.Unlike his two predecessors, Hamdallah and Salam Fayyad, who were ostensibly politically independent, Shtayyeh comes from Fatah.Analysts see the new government as being more homogeneous because it is dominated by Fatah, while its predecessor drew support from all parties.In particular, its formation will further sideline Hamas. The group has criticized the formation of the new government, accusing Fatah of a power grab.Hugh Lovatt, Israel-Palestine analyst at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said the new administration appeared to be “a continuation, rather than a radical break, from the outgoing Hamdallah government.”“Despite the inclusion of technocrats and political figures from smaller left-wing factions, the new Palestinian government remains heavily stacked with supporters of President Abbas,” he said.That raises questions about how much power and independence Shtayyeh will have, he added.

Egyptian inmates dread noose as executions rise under Sissi-Egypt’s leader defends the use of the death penalty, which UN rapporteur says is designed to crush dissent-By AFP-TOI-APR 16,19

CAIRO — After years of anxiously waiting in cramped prison cells, appointments with the noose can come fast to the many on Egypt’s death row.Leila’s brother Amr was hanged in February.The news of his impending execution — one of many carried out under incumbent President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi — shook her.“I found out at night that he would be hanged the next day,” Leila told AFP, which has used pseudonyms in this story to protect families’ identities.“We were all in shock. My mother was hysterical,” Leila said. “It was a very tough night. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”Amr was accused, along with eight others, of assassinating former prosecutor general Hisham Barakat, who was killed in a car bomb in June 2015.Leila said Amr was preparing to get married — buying suits and readying a new home — when he was arrested in February 2016, in the family residence in a major southern Egyptian town.She alleges he disappeared for two weeks, and that the family only found out where he was thanks to lawyers, and relatives of other prisoners.Amr said she saw signs of torture, including scars, on her brother’s body during jail visits.Executions — always by hanging — have risen sharply under Sissi, who won a second term in March last year.So far this year, fifteen people have been executed in two separate trials, calculations by AFP show.And between early 2017 and late 2018, Egypt executed 92 people, according to a recent report by local rights groups Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights and Adalah for Rights and Freedoms.These numbers are far higher than for previous governments, including that of former dictator Hosni Mubarak, who was deposed in the 2011 Arab Spring protests.A total of 11 people were executed in the last three full years of Mubarak’s rule, according to Amnesty International.-‘Arbitrary killings’-At a February summit with European Union leaders in the resort town of Sharm el Sheikh, Sissi vehemently defended use of the death penalty.“You are not going to teach us about our humanity… respect our humanity… as we respect yours,” he said.The United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on executions Agnes Callamard told AFP the increased “use of the death penalty … [constitutes] arbitrary killings” that are designed to crush dissent.AFP spoke to families of men executed, and others who are on death row.After the Sissi-led military ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, experts note Egyptian judges have been more authoritarian, in line with an ongoing government crackdown which has incarcerated thousands.“We are witnessing a rise in death sentences from tens per year before 2011 to hundreds per year after 2013,” Sahar Aziz, a law professor at Rutgers University, told AFP.London-based rights group Reprieve estimates that at least 2,159 individuals were provisionally sentenced to death between 2014 and 2018.Hundreds of sentences have subsequently been commuted, but many remain on death row.In March 2014 — just prior to Sissi’s elevation to the presidency in June that year — the UN said Egypt’s mass death sentences contravened international law.The Egyptian legal system is based on Islamic sharia law, which legitimizes capital punishment.A high level Egyptian judicial source with knowledge of the death sentences handed down said “there is no politicization of these cases whatsoever.”“We are implementing Islam according to its laws and you’re getting upset? If you are a terrorist who killed, then you must also be killed,” he told AFP.He preferred not to be named as he was not authorized to speak to the media.An Amnesty report this week ranks Egypt sixth globally in the number of people executed in 2018 behind China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam and Iraq.Many of the death sentences were handed down at mass trials involving hundreds of defendants and lasting just days.-‘Taste of injustice’-“How many court sessions are needed to ensure that every prisoner is given a fair trial to explain their side of the story?” said Osama.His father Abbas Al Minyawi is on death row (names have again been changed to protect identities).He was one of 183 defendants accused of storming a Cairo police station and killing 11 policemen and two civilians.Minyawi and 19 others in the ‘Kerdasa massacre’ case do not know when they will be executed.“My dad was sentenced to death — and also my mother in a way was also condemned to die with this news,” Osama told AFP.“The taste of injustice is bitter,” he added.The “troubling speed” at which the death penalty has been used indicates that Egypt’s legal process has been politicized as part of the authorities’ crackdown, law professor Aziz contended.UN special rapporteur Callamard said “the circumstances leading to the imposition of these sentences and their execution are a great matter of concern.”She also blamed international powers for failing to hold Egypt accountable over its flagrant use of capital punishment.“This [international] deafening silence has become an integral part to the spiraling human rights violations in Egypt.”For the relatives of those executed, such as Leila, painful memories endure.“He wasn’t the same person I remember when I saw him in the morgue,” Leila said of her brother.“He was so beautiful. He was sleeping peacefully.”

3 Gazans caught entering Israel; one of them armed with a knife-Israeli troops detain trio of Palestinians after they cross border fence, take them in for questioning-By TOI staff-APR 16,19

Israeli forces on Saturday arrested three Palestinians who crossed over the border fence with the Gaza Strip, the army said.One of the Palestinians was found to be carrying a knife, according to the Israel Defense Forces, who said the suspects were taken for questioning.The incident came a day after deadly clashes on the Gaza border as part of the weekly “March of Return” demonstrations.Palestinians said a 15-year-old was shot and killed during Friday’s protests. Rioters threw rocks and fire bombs at IDF troops during the rallies, and soldiers responded with tear gas and live fire.The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry said the youth, identified as Maysara Abu Shaloof, was hit in the stomach by live fire. It said 66 other Palestinians were wounded; it was not clear how many of them were hit by live fire.The army did not comment on the death, but said that troops had apprehended a Palestinian armed with a gun “near the fence in the northern Gaza Strip.” He was taken for questioning by security services, the IDF said.The army put the number of protesters at 7,400, saying that it had also identified several attempts to approach the border. “The army responded with riot dispersal means and live fire in accordance with the rules of engagement.”Nickolay Mladenov, the United Nations envoy for Middle East peace, offered his condolences on Saturday over Abu Shaloof’s death and called on Israel to refrain from using lethal force “except as last resort.”I extend my condolences to the family of the #Palestinian child, Maysara, who was shot dead yesterday by #Israeli gunfire in #Gaza protests. #Israel must calibrate its use of force, to not use lethal force, except as last resort, under imminent death threat or serious injury. #UN— Nickolay E. MLADENOV (@nmladenov) April 13, 2019-Numbers at the protest were down from last week, when 10,000 Palestinians participated, and the week before, the one-year anniversary of the start of the marches, which drew over 40,000.Friday’s protests were the first since the elections in Israel and came weeks after understandings were reportedly reached between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and Hamas.Egypt, the United Nations and Qatar have recently worked to broker ceasefire understandings between Israel and Hamas, which, if finalized, would provide for an end to violence emanating from the Strip in exchange for the Jewish state easing some of its restrictions on the movement of people and goods into and out of the coastal enclave.Israel says limitations on movement aim to prevent Hamas and other terror groups from transferring into Gaza weapons and materials used to construct tunnels and fortifications.There appeared to be a breakthrough in the ceasefire efforts at the anniversary protests, when Palestinians in Gaza maintained relative calm along the border during large demonstrations.Israel, in turn, reopened its two crossings with Gaza and significantly expanded the permitted fishing area around the coastal enclave.Agencies contributed to this report.

Palestinian driver hits policeman in West Bank while fleeing traffic stop-Officer lightly injured after trying to stop vehicle for routine check and hit by side mirror; incident does not appear to be an intentional attack-By TOI staff-APR 16,19

An Israeli police officer was lightly injured near the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba while attempting to conduct a traffic stop on a Palestinian vehicle.According to reports in Hebrew media, officers identified the vehicle’s license plate as out of order and instructed the driver to stop. Instead, he accelerated, hit an officer with his side mirror and sped off toward a nearby village. The officer fired his weapon at the vehicle.The incident did not appear to be an intentional attack.Police were investigating. The injured officer received treatment.


GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

HOSEA 4:1-3
1 Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.
3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

22  The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.
23  And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.
24  The LORD shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed.


LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun,(HEATING UP-SOLAR ECLIPSES) and in the moon,(MAN ON MOON-LUNAR ECLIPSES) and in the stars;(ASTEROIDS ETC) and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear,(TORNADOES,HURRICANES,STORMS) and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:(DESTRUCTION) for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.(FROM QUAKES,NUKES ETC)

GENESIS 7:6-12
6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.
7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.
10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.


7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

NASA astronaut twins study reveals effects of long-term space travel-Researchers study Scott Kelly, who spent a year on the International Space Station, and his identical twin Mark Kelly, also a former NASA astronaut, who stayed on the ground-By Chris Lefkow-TOI-16 April 2019
AFP — A NASA study of a US astronaut who spent a year in space while his twin brother remained on Earth is providing valuable insights into the effects of extended spaceflight on the human body, a key to planning a future manned mission to Mars, researchers said Thursday.US astronaut Scott Kelly spent a year on the International Space Station while his identical twin Mark Kelly, also a former NASA astronaut, stayed on the ground.The researchers who carried out the “NASA Twins Study” found that most of the changes to Scott’s body during his time in space returned to normal within months of his return to Earth — although not all of them.The findings, published in the journal Science, were encouraging to scientists and engineers envisioning interplanetary travel such as an eventual trip to Mars, a mission that could last two to three years.“The Twins Study is the most comprehensive review of the response of the human body to spaceflight ever conducted,” said Dr Susan Bailey of Colorado State University.Dr Steven Platts, deputy chief scientist of NASA’s Human Research Program, said it will “guide future biomedical space research and allow us to have a safer journey to and from Mars.”Using Mark as a baseline, 84 researchers at 12 universities documented the molecular, cognitive and physiological effects of Scott’s year in space.Scott, a 50-year-old veteran of two US Space Shuttle missions, spent 340 consecutive days on the ISS — from March 27, 2015 to March 1, 2016.He was monitored pre-flight and post-flight and during his time on the ISS. Blood, urine and stool samples were sent back to Earth on resupply vessels.At the same time, scientists monitored Mark — a veteran himself of four Space Shuttle missions — on Earth as what they called a “genetically matched ground control.”-‘Nauseous, dizzy’-Bailey said the uniqueness of using twins was because the scientists could “attribute any kind of differences that we saw in spaceflight to spaceflight.“It wasn’t because of any genetic differences,” she said.Dr Michael Snyder of Stanford University said there are “thousands of gene and molecular changes that occur as someone goes in space.”“Virtually all of those returned to normal (in Scott) by six months,” Snyder said. “It’s reassuring to know that when you come back things will largely be back to the same.”Scott Kelly said he was extremely fatigued after coming back from the ISS and attributed it mostly to the adaptation to gravity.“I felt like I had the flu,” he said.“I was nauseous. I was dizzy,” he said, and suffered from joint and muscle pain and rashes.Dr Stuart Lee of NASA’s Johnson Space Center said measurements were taken of the thickness in both Scott and Mark of the carotid artery wall, which can be a predictor of cardiovascular disease or stroke risk.“Our main findings in Scott were that the carotid artery wall became thicker early in flight and remained so throughout the mission,” Lee said.Mark did not have any such thickening.Thickening of the carotid artery wall has been observed in astronauts previously.So has weight loss due to poorer nutrition in space and a lack of exercise.Scott lost seven percent of his body mass during his time on the ISS while Mark gained about four percent during the course of the study.In one test, both Scott and Mark were administered a flu vaccination. It delivered a similar immune response.The twins also performed a battery of cognitive tests before, during and after the flight and found that Scott’s cognitive performance declined post-flight in terms of speed and accuracy.Telomere length-Chris Mason, a geneticist at Weill Cornell Medicine, looked at how the unique environment of space impacts genes.“We cataloged basically what is the landscape of all these genes that have gone up and gone down at different stages during the mission,” Mason said.“We saw that the vast majority, over 90 percent of all these changes, all returned back to baseline coming back to Earth,” Mason said.Some of the most interesting research was done by Bailey’s team at Colorado State University which looked at telomeres, the ends of chromosomes that typically shorten as people get older.Telomeres are considered a biomarker of aging or health risks from cardiovascular disease or cancer.Bailey’s team evaluated Scott and Mark’s telomere lengths before the flight and found that they were very similar.What surprised her team was that Scott experienced a “specific elongation of telomeres” during his time on the ISS.Bailey cautioned that the finding “can’t really be viewed as the fountain of youth and that people might expect to live longer because they’re in space.”She said there was a “very rapid decrease” in telomere length upon Scott’s return to Earth and he also experienced some unexplained telomere loss.Bailey said her team has not come up with a reason for the telomere lengthening but was looking at whether the higher radiation exposure in space, inflammation or stress may be responsible.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.(IN 1 HR THE STOCK MARKETS WORLDWIDE WILL CRASH)
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed:(CONFISCATED) their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

LUKE 2:1-3
1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
2  (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
3  And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.

16 And he(THE FALSE POPE WHO DEFECTED FROM THE CHRISTIAN FAITH) causeth all,(IN THE WORLD ) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(MICROCHIP IMPLANT)

1 KINGS 10:13-14
13  And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty. So she turned and went to her own country, she and her servants.
14  Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,

GENESIS 49:16-17
16  Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.(A DAYS WAGES FOR A LOAF OF BREAD)

then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.


UPDATE-APRIL 16, 2019-12:00AM

04:00PM-67.89+ 26452.66 - S&P +01.48 2907.06 - NASDAQ +24.21 8000.23
HIGH +85 LOW -05
TSX -13.26 16,502.20 - GOLD $-14.10 $1,277.20 - OIL $+00.33 $63.73


EZEKIEL 37:7,11-14
7  So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.(POSSIBLE QUAKE BRINGS ISRAEL BACK TO LIFE-SO NOISE AND SHAKING-QUAKES WILL ALSO DESTROY ISRAELS ENEMIES)
11  Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.
12  Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.
13  And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,
14  And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD.

MATTHEW 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

MARK 13:8
8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:(ETHNIC GROUP AGAINST ETHNIC GROUP) and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places,(DIFFERNT PLACES AT THE SAME TIME) and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

UPDATE-APRIL 16, 2019-11:55PM

1 Day, Magnitude 2.5+ U.S.50 of 54 earthquakes in map area.

    3.0-69km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 23:55:25 (UTC)-0.0 km
    4.6-13km SW of Ogotua, Indonesia-2019-04-16 23:12:44 (UTC)-27.9 km
    4.5-21km NW of Nahrin, Afghanistan-2019-04-16 22:17:14 (UTC)-33.0 km
    4.5-82km N of Dobo, Indonesia-2019-04-16 21:59:24 (UTC)-10.0 km
    4.2-40km SSW of Amatignak Island, Alaska-2019-04-16 21:31:02 (UTC)-35.0 km
    2.9-15km NE of Enid, Oklahoma-2019-04-16 21:25:16 (UTC)-5.0 km
    2.9-14km SE of Volcano, Hawaii-2019-04-16 19:59:06 (UTC)-6.4 km
    3.6-69km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 18:36:35 (UTC)-13.3 km
    2.8-90km NW of San Antonio, Puerto Rico-2019-04-16 18:28:52 (UTC)-46.0 km
    3.1-106km NE of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic-2019-04-16 18:12:36 (UTC)-62.0 km
    5.1-37km NW of Anatuya, Argentina-2019-04-16 17:01:00 (UTC)-598.0 km
    5.4-171km E of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands-2019-04-16 16:59:16 (UTC)-10.0 km
    3.3-67km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 16:33:32 (UTC)-15.9 km
    5.5-121km SSW of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand-2019-04-16 16:01:16 (UTC)-10.5 km
    4.6-65km SSE of Tilamuta, Indonesia-2019-04-16 15:44:24 (UTC)-259.7 km
    2.7-15km SW of Ellensburg, Washington-2019-04-16 15:40:31 (UTC)-2.9 km
    4.5-61km NNW of Finschhafen, Papua New Guinea-2019-04-16 15:02:06 (UTC)-75.9 km
    2.5-75km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 14:49:34 (UTC)-1.0 km
    2.6-16km NW of Grapevine, CA-2019-04-16 13:26:57 (UTC)-8.4 km
    2.5-11km ENE of Townsend, Montana-2019-04-16 12:59:16 (UTC)-8.7 km
    2.5-75km S of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 12:11:29 (UTC)-0.0 km
    2.8-1km SSW of Ridgely, Tennessee-2019-04-16 11:23:58 (UTC)-9.3 km
    2.5-6km SSE of Ridgely, Tennessee-2019-04-16 11:09:22 (UTC)-8.1 km
    2.6-1km WNW of Manhattan, Montana-2019-04-16 10:34:27 (UTC)--2.9 km
    4.4-155km NE of Stoney Ground, Anguilla-2019-04-16 10:29:05 (UTC)-10.0 km
    5.7-45km N of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand-2019-04-16 09:39:37 (UTC)-10.0 km
    2.5-67km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 09:32:51 (UTC)-0.0 km
    5.8-33km NNW of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand-2019-04-16 09:22:32 (UTC)-10.0 km
    2.5-6km NW of The Geysers, CA-2019-04-16 08:26:10 (UTC)-0.1 km
    3.7-73km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 08:15:35 (UTC)-6.1 km
    3.5-72km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 08:14:50 (UTC)-0.0 km
    3.3-71km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 08:01:47 (UTC)-13.9 km
    5.7-Tristan da Cunha region-2019-04-16 07:30:38 (UTC)-10.0 km
    2.9-69km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 07:16:59 (UTC)-11.3 km
    2.6-8km S of Big Lake, Alaska-2019-04-16 06:33:37 (UTC)-19.8 km
    2.6-208km ESE of Nikolski, Alaska-2019-04-16 06:29:47 (UTC)-5.0 km
    2.9-68km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 06:22:14 (UTC)-12.7 km
    2.6-69km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 06:21:51 (UTC)-11.4 km
    2.8-67km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 06:08:42 (UTC)-14.8 km
    2.9-74km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 05:35:46 (UTC)-12.5 km
    3.1-68km S of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 05:18:10 (UTC)-0.0 km
    4.7-68km SSW of Kobuk, Alaska-2019-04-16 05:07:46 (UTC)-9.0 km
    4.5-2km NNW of Santa Catarina Pinula, Guatemala-2019-04-16 04:04:51 (UTC)-10.0 km
    4.7-100km W of Tarauaca, Brazil-2019-04-16 03:19:30 (UTC)-584.0 km
    2.7-28km NW of Rincon, Puerto Rico-2019-04-16 02:21:23 (UTC)-11.0 km
    2.7-6km SE of Round Valley, CA-2019-04-16 01:09:44 (UTC)-9.2 km
    4.3-22km SSW of Mouzaki, Greece-2019-04-16 01:04:55 (UTC)-12.3 km
    4.6-107km NW of Vallenar, Chile-2019-04-16 00:54:13 (UTC)-34.9 km
    4.7-Off the coast of Central America-2019-04-16 00:47:48 (UTC)-10.0 km
    2.7-112km SSW of Kaktovik, Alaska-2019-04-16 00:27:07 (UTC)-2.3 km
    3.0-109km S of Larsen Bay, Alaska-2019-04-16 00:08:11 (UTC)-16.8 km
    3.3-92km ESE of Chirikof Island, Alaska-2019-04-16 00:07:55 (UTC)-6.1 km