Thursday, May 19, 2011







The proof is everywhere from statements and affidavits from Government parliament sources and Obama’s own Grandmother who says she saw him born in a hospital in Mombassa Kenya. The former ambassador to Kenya says Obama was born in Mombassa Kenya, so do others.



Birther Bombshell: Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, May 18, 2011

During an interview with a Denver radio station this morning, author Jerome Corsi said he was about to release bombshell evidence that proved the alleged Obama birth certificate released last month was a composite of three different birth certificates from other individuals born at the same hospital.I’m going to be telling the entire world about this scandal over the next few weeks, Corsi said in a separate interview.This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.As the video below explains, another aspect of the birth certificate pointing to forgery is the fact that the electronic PDF document released by the White House clearly shows evidence of kerning – where parts of letters overlap each other for a pleasing visual effect – this is produced by modern computers and was not possible on 1960′s typewriters.As Corsi explains in the interview, the amateur nature of the botched birth certificate is likely because Obama had to use people within his inner circle to produce the document, he could not hire a professional company to do so because of the danger that someone would blow the whistle.In a related development, Joseph Farah, the publisher of Corsi’s book, Where’s the Birth Certificate?, is considering suing Esquire Magazine for putting out a hoax article claiming that he ordered the book be recalled and was refunding customers who had purchased it.Obviously if it was intended as a parody, it was not very well executed, and quite honestly I can tell you that I believe there’s some very real damage done by this article, and I’m exploring our legal options right now, Farah said. I think there are potentially some issues like restraint of trade and possibly libel, I think most people looked at that article and believed I actually said those words, that is a real problem for Esquire.The fact that the establishment is putting out fake reports in an effort to derail the popularity of the book is another indication about how scared the system is of this information getting to a wider audience. This is an obvious ploy to sabotage the book by fooling retailers and disrupting the supply chain.

Like Corsi, Farah says that he is 100 percent certain that the long form birth certificate released by Obama last month is a fraudulent, bogus document.We feel like Woodward and Bernstein in the early days of Watergate when nobody was reporting the story, and finally the New York Times came along, Farah told Talking Points Memo.
FLASHBACK: New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery

Corsi Mugged-Where’s the Birth Certificate becomes Why would Obama publicly mock man asking - Judi McLeod Wednesday, May 18, 2011 CANADA FREE PRESS has just done for author Jerome Corsi what Corsi did for John Kerry. Obama’s campaign skyrocketed Corsi to immediate and certain fame.Let me introduce you to Jerome Corsi, Julianna Smoot, Deputy Campaign Manager, Obama for America wrote today in an email, subject line of which was You’ll like this one.
Stating that called Corsi’s work a mishmash of unsupported conjecture, half-truths, logical fallacies and outright falsehoods, Smoot added that There’s really no way to make this stuff completely go away. The only thing we can do is laugh at it—and make sure as many other people as possible are in on the joke.Smoot calls the longtime controversy over President Barack Obama’s eligibility stuff. Average people wondering why Obama didn’t release his birth certificate some two and a half years after the controversy began call it foul play and an outrage.States Smoot: Last year, the President said,I can’t spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead.So instead they plastered the back of a “Made in the USA coffee mug with the said birth certificate, advising people if a coffee cup’s not your style, T shirts are available too.If the facts can’t make these ridiculous smears go away, we can at least have a little fun with it.Marxists liking to mock their enemies is no guarantee folk will buy Obama’s silly coffee mugs. There are too many out there worried they won’t be able to come up with the scratch for the coffee to pour into them.Wonder if Obama and company will find the way to mock those dissenters? Readers will remember that Corsi made Kerry famous for having served in Nam.Writing in American Thinker, Jack Cashill makes a strong stand for the Corsi book.

Unlike every other candidate in modern presidential history, Obama did not choose to share any of his essential documents, and the media happily obliged him. As Corsi details, Obama has shielded those records involved with his adoption, his kindergarten, Punahou School, Occidental College, his passport and travel, Columbia University (including his senior thesis), Harvard Law School, his medical history, his Chicago law practice, his State senate career, as well as his SAT and LSAT scores, and, until recently, his very birth certificate.If the money pours into this tacky 2012 latest shill for money, there may be a whole series of coffee mugs for sale online covering all of the above.(Collect the entire set, folks, if you still have the money.)Meanwhile, the big question Where’s the Birth Certificate? just got replaced with Why would the President of the USA publicly mock the man who asked? on a coffee mug? Editor’s Note: The Esquire Magazine article originally referenced is satire.You’ll like this one

Subject: You’ll like this one
Date: May 18, 2011 11:43:48 AM EDT

Friend—Let me introduce you to Jerome Corsi.This week he released a new book that the publisher says will be a bestseller of historic proportions.The title is Where’s the Birth Certificate?—yes, really.Corsi’s work is a greatest-hits reel of delusions, ranging from 9/11 conspiracies to claiming that there is an infinite supply of oil in the Earth’s core. In 2008, he published a book about Barack Obama claiming, among other things, that he (a) is a secret Muslim; (b) is secretly anti-military; (c) secretly dealt drugs; and (d) secretly supported terrorist actions when he was eight years old. So many secrets! called Corsi’s work a mishmash of unsupported conjecture, half-truths, logical fallacies and outright falsehoods.There’s really no way to make this stuff completely go away. The only thing we can do is laugh at it—and make sure as many other people as possible are in on the joke.So let’s just do this—get your Obama birth certificate mug here:
Last year, the President said, I can’t spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead.This is about as close as we can get.If the facts can’t make these ridiculous smears go away, we can at least have a little fun with it.And then we’ll get back to the important work of supporting the President as he tackles real problems like high gas prices, the deficit, and unemployment.Thanks,
Julianna-Julianna Smoot Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America-P.S.—Mug not your thing? How about a T-shirt? By Judi McLeod CANADA FREE PRESS

A QUESTION OF ELIGIBILITY-White House panic: Corsi book targeted-Fight the Smears' 2.0 launched, mocks No. 1 best-seller as delusional joke Posted: May 18, 2011 4:41 pm Eastern 2011 WND

Why is the White House in full defense mode against a book by a small publisher contending Barack Obama is not legally eligible to be president? Today, the Obama re-election campaign launched an all-out attack on a brand new book critical of Obama, Where's the Birth Certificate, by bestselling author Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., calling it delusional, laughable and a joke... even as it climbed to No. 17 overall, No. 3 in non-fiction and No. 10 in the Kindle version at this sounds like major déjà vu, it's because the Obama election campaign did exactly the same thing in 2008 when it mobilized a major assault on Corsi's previous book about Obama, the No. 1 New York Times bestseller The Obama Nation. And that was a response to the impact of his previous No. 1 New York Times bestseller,Unfit for Command.
Jerome Corsi's new book, Where's the Birth Certificate?, is now available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore

Today's attack by the Obama machine on Corsi's latest and most controversial book was introduced as an offering to sell Obama supporters a T-shirt or coffee mug with an image of the Obama Certificate of Live Birth released several weeks ago as well as a portrait of Obama, stamped Made in America.In an e-mail dispatched from this morning, Julianna Smoot proclaims, You'll like this one.Let me introduce you to Jerome Corsi, she says.This week he released a new book that the publisher says will be a bestseller of historic proportions.The title is Where's the Birth Certificate? – yes, really.Corsi's work is a greatest-hits reel of delusions, ranging from 9/11 conspiracies to claiming that there is an infinite supply of oil in the Earth's core. In 2008, he published a book about Barack Obama claiming, among other things, that he (a) is a secret Muslim; (b) is secretly anti-military; (c) secretly dealt drugs; and (d) secretly supported terrorist actions when he was eight years old. So many secrets.The email tells recipients,The only thing we can do is laugh at it – and make sure as many other people as possible are in on the joke.

Then it asks supporters to donate $30 or more to Obama in exchange for a limited edition shirt.The Obama email, and purchase offer:This is not the first White House reaction to Corsi's latest book. The president himself confirmed that he ordered the release of the certificate right after the bestselling Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President was profiled on the Drudge Report and reached No. 1 on Amazon.So, why the Obama organization's attack against this particular book, when there are so many other hot-selling books that are also very critical of Obama? If what Barack Obama released is really a valid birth certificate that answers all the questions about this controversy, why is the Obama campaign in attack mode on Jerome Corsi's bestselling book? asks Joseph Farah, CEO of and WND Books, publisher of Where's the Birth Certificate?
Because he fears it is his undoing. Do you really think the $1 billion Obama campaign cares about selling a few coffee mugs? Give me a break. This is an effort to derail media attention from a successful book and media tour that is focusing renewed attention on his ineligibility for office.Just an hour earlier, Esquire, the Hearst Corporation-owned 79-year-old national magazine, published a fabricated report attacking the Corsi book.Esquire, which endorsed Obama for president in 2008, claimed falsely in the story that Where's the Birth Certificate? was being pulled from [bookstore] shelves, was being disavowed by the publisher who was offering refunds to customers, and that all copies were being destroyed.The magazine later claimed it had committed satire but not until after a number of major news organizations apparently accepted the report as genuine and contacted WND Books for reaction.At the Political Punch blog on the ABC News website, Jake Tapper reported that Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt characterized the new effort as a mobile version of Obama's 2008 online fight the smears effort, which attempted to mute criticisms about his candidacy.

Fight the Smears 2.0

About that déjà vu: In June 2008, Obama launched a website called Fight the Smears to stop ideologues from spreading a pack of lies about Barack. As WND reported, the site disappeared in July 2009.Whenever challenged with these lies we will aggressively push back with the truth and help our supporters debunk the false rumors floating around the Internet, Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor told the New York Times.Some of the smears they intended to smack down included assertions that Obama's campaign was funded by foreigners,Obama sought endorsement from the (socialist) New Party,Obama has connections to Bill Ayers and Obama is a Muslim.The website reserved a special section for its counter-attack on Corsi's 2008 New York Times No. 1 bestseller, The Obama Nation, featuring a 40-page rebuttal.However, many of the so-called smears of 2008 have turned out to be widely recognized as factual. Moreover, many charges made against Corsi by the Obama campaign were themselves fabricated. For instance, not only did Corsi not state in The Obama Nation that the president is a secret Muslim, he said the opposite. In advice to John McCain's campaign, Corsi offered that it would be unwise to make that claim, because one can't read another person's soul.Obama's father was a convert to Islam and his stepfather was a Muslim. During the 2008 presidential campaign, the Associated Press published an image of a document that showed Obama's religion as Islam and his citizenship Indonesian when he lived in the Muslim-majority nation with his mother and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.Indonesian school registration for Barry Soetoro (AP photo)

Corsi also endured a fierce backlash to his previous No. 1 New York Times bestseller, co-authored with John O'Neill, Unfit for Command, which charged that Democratic Sen. John Kerry fabricated his image as a Vietnam war hero. The book also recounted his radical anti-war effort that followed his deployment. Many political analysts believe Unfit for Command and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign that accompanied it was a decisive factor in Kerry's loss to President George W. Bush in 2004.Media, including the Associated Press, typically call the book's claims unsubstantiated or debunked, usually without evidence. Those who offered evidence contended the military's records supported Kerry's version of events, without mentioning the group's assertion that it was Kerry himself who wrote the official record in many instances, in after-action reports.When the Kerry campaign did respond to specific claims in Unfit for Command,it was to backtrack, such as in the case of Kerry's long-held assertion – which he later was forced to recant – that he was in Cambodia illegally Christmas Eve 1968.Instead of addressing the Swift Boat Veterans' specific claims, the Kerry campaign threatened lawsuits against the television stations that aired the group's ads, demanded publisher Regnery pull Unfit for Command, accused the group of being run by the Republican Party and attacked the character of co-authors O'Neill and Corsi.But the lesson the Kerry campaign's ineffectual response to the devastating Swift Boat campaign was this: When Corsi writes a book, counter-attack swiftly and with all barrels. That was the strategy followed by the Obama campaign in 2008 with The Obama Nation, and again now with Where's the Birth Certificate? Of course, sometimes publicity – even bad publicity – is a good thing.Obama's campaign skyrocketed Corsi to immediate and certain fame, wrote commentator Judi McLeod at Canada Free Press.Marxists liking to mock their enemies is no guarantee folks will buy Obama's silly coffee mugs, she wrote. There are too many out there worried they won't be able to come up with the scratch for the coffee to pour into them.Meanwhile, the big question Where's the Birth Certificate? just got replaced with Why would the president of the USA publicly mock the man who asked? on a coffee mug? At the Chicago Sun-Times, Lynn Sweet wrote,If the birthers will never believe Obama was born in the U.S., the Obama re-election campaign figures it may as well make some money off of them.

Half of Americans still doubt Obama's birth story

On April 27, with great fanfare, Obama finally released his birth certificate after years of stonewalling, spending a fortune on attorneys to block its release and defend against dozens of lawsuits brought by citizens wanting to see it, claiming he had already released it and ridiculing everybody who said he had not released it.Yet a stunning Gallup Poll taken more than a week later (May 5-8) shows more than half of all Americans remain unconvinced Obama was born in the U.S.Perhaps that's because, while the establishment press continues to ridicule birthers as conspiracy nuts, the White House's April 27 document release has generated vexing new questions and outright contradictions regarding the president's birth certificate.For instance, two weeks before Obama finally released his long-form birth certificate, Hawaii's former Health Department chief Chiyome Fukino – the one official who claimed to have examined Obama's original birth document under lock and key in Hawaii – was interviewed by NBC News' national investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, who reported that Fukino told him she had seen the original birth certificate and that it was half typed and half handwritten.However, the document released by the White House was entirely typed. Only the signatures and two dates at the very bottom were handwritten. What Fukino described is apparently a different document from what Obama released to the public.Since the document's late-April release, a flood of expert analyses, some by Obama voters, has cast serious doubt on the legitimacy of the president's belatedly produced birth certificate.Moreover, despite the book's controversial title, discussion of the birth certificate is actually only a small component of the book's argument regarding Obama's eligibility for the presidency.Among topics dealt with in Where's the Birth Certificate?:

• The mainstream media feverishly investigated the presidential eligibility story – that is, when it focused on Obama's Republican opponent, John McCain.

• Obama was born a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States, a circumstance the Constitution’s framers considered an iron-clad roadblock to the presidency. The book documents the clear, original intent of the Constitution's founders, which was that no one with dual loyalties would ever be president and commander in chief.

• As a boy, Obama was officially registered in school as a Muslim and Indonesian citizen, another barrier to U.S. natural-born citizenship.

• The press and blogosphere widely reported Obama was born at Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu – before deciding he was born across town at Kapi’olani Women’s and Children’s Hospital. To this day, Kapi'olani is bizarrely secretive about Obama's alleged birth there.

• The Congressional Research Service, a public policy arm of Congress, officially admits no one in the government ever vetted Obama’s constitutional eligibility.

• In preparation for the 2012 election, more than a dozen states are considering legislation to force all presidential candidates to prove they are constitutionally qualified before they can be placed on that state’s ballot

• Going far beyond the issue of birth certificates, Corsi not only documents inconsistencies, blackouts and outright fabrications in Obama's life narrative that have generated widespread doubts, but lays out a compelling body of evidence that Obama is not a natural-born citizen as is required of all presidents by Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

One of the biggest disputes that remains unaddressed is why Barack Obama, who lived in Hawaii as a teen, has a Social Security number that indicates he had a Connecticut address.The controversy over Obama's Social Security number traces back to a WND story May 11, 2010, when it was reported that two private investigators working independently were asking why Obama was using a number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.The records indicate the number was issued between 1977 and 1979, when Obama was between 16 and 18 years old and living in Hawaii.The Social Security website confirms that the first three digits in Obama's Social Security number are reserved for applicants with Connecticut addresses, 040-049.Since 1973, Social Security numbers have been issued by one central office, and the first three digits of a person's Social Security number have been determined by the Zip code of the mailing address on the application.Read more: White House panic: Corsi book targeted



JOEL 3:2
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.


Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29
27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.

DANIEL 11:21-23
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.

DANIEL 9:26-27
26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.

11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.

DANIEL 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king (EU DICTATOR) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,(FROM THE OCCULT) shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power:(SATANS POWER) and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;(JESUS) but he shall be broken without hand.

DANIEL 11:36-40
36 And the king shall do according to his will;(EU PRESIDENT) and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS A EUROPEAN JEW) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(HES A MILITARY GINIUS) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds (CONTROL HEZBOLLAH,AL-QUAIDA MURDERERS ETC) with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south(EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR PROTECTING ISRAELS SECURITY) and the king of the north(RUSSIA) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.

ISAIAH 26:21
21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.(WW3,1/2 earths population die).

ISAIAH 13:6-13 KJV
6 Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt:(FROM FRIGHT)
8 And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames.
9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.
11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.
13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.

ISAIAH 24:17-23 KJV
17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.
18 And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.
19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.
20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.
21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.
22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.




Netanyahu: Blocs Are Defined by Context
by Gavriel Queenann MAY 18,11

On the eve of his departure to the United States where he will meet with President Barak Obama and address the Congress, Prime Minister Netanyahu promised to not exceed the Likud principles for a peace accord with the Palestinian Authority and assured nationalist MKs his use of the term settlement blocs did not expressely exclude settlements outside the major blocs.In his Monday speech to the Knesset Netanyahu said settlement blocs would remain under Israeli control, which created a stir and led some to raise questions about the future status of the Jordan Valley, which Netanyahu had previously said Israel must retain for security purposes, and settlements not in the major blocs.Netanyahu met with ministers and Knesset members from Likud, saying the word blocs means different things in different contexts.

Netanyahu's reassurances Wednesday were consistent with comments made immediately after his speech Monday night when Likud MK Tzipi Hotovely approached Netanyahu and said, The rule that you set implies the exception to the rule, meaning that his insistence on retaining the settlement blocs means that the other towns are expendable.Netanyahu responded, That is not the intention.Netanyahu, who implied a willingness to cede some settlements outside the major settlement blocs under an agreement with the PA, clarified the purpose of his speech in the Knesset, one week before he addresses Congress in Washington, was not to make specific decisions about individual settlements, but to to formulate a broad national consensus on the blocs.

Maybe for the Knesset that did not work, Netanyahu said,But I feel for the public, for public relations, it worked. What I said is that everything is based on the conditions: Recognition of Israel, a united Jerusalem, and no right of return. Netanyahu actually outlined five conditions (as opposed to three) for a peace accord with the PA,
1-The PA must recognize Israel as the Jewish nation’s state.
2-The treaty must be an end to the conflict.
3-The Arab refugee problem must be solved outside of Israel’s borders.
4-A PA state must be demilitarized and a peace treaty must safeguard Israel’s security.
5-The settlement blocs will remain within the state of Israel and Jerusalem will remain its united capital.

Hamas, expected to become the majority party in the next PA elections, has said it will never negotiate Israel – or recognize Israel's right to exist.Also today, Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas hosted a confab with an American delegation seeking clarification on the political realities of the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation, saying he was ready to talk to Israel on the condition it renew its building freeze in Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem.Abbas refused to come to the table during the 10 month freeze Israel agreed to in order to bring him to the table previously.

Egyptian FM Says Hamas a True Partner for Peace
by Gavriel Queenann MAY 18,11

Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabeel Arabi told Italian newspaper La Republica on Wednesday he had brokered the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation deal in the hopes of creating a true partner for peace.With this united Palestinian [government] Israel can negotiate for real, can carry through the implementation of UN Resolution 181 of 1947 which called for an Israeli and a Palestinian state, Arabi said in the interview.During the interview Arabi dismissed concerns that Hamas, being a terrorist organization, would actually hurt the peace process. Even George Washington was considered a terrorist, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, as well, he said.Arabi, scheduled to become secretary-general of the Arab League in July, said Hamas would agree to negotiate with Israel, despite the fact that some of the organization's members called for violence against the Jewish State.Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar said Wednesday he rejected peace talks with Israel and that Hamas would not allow Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to pursue them. Last week al-Zahar said any peace agreement with Israel would be a prelude to war.

Egypt is ready to organize negotiations together with the United States and do what Clinton, Bush and Obama have asked, to create an Israeli and a Palestinian State, Arabi said.Arabi is scheduled to meet on Thursday with members of the left-wing Israeli Peace Initiative, which includes former senior Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and Mossad officials, Israel Radio reported on Wednesday. Former Shin Bet chief Yaakov Perry, former Mossad chief Danny Yatom, and former envoy to the US Danny Gillerman are expected to meet with Arabi on Thursday.The Israeli Peace Initiative maintains Israel's government should kick-start the peace process by adopting a framework for a peace settlement based on the 2002 Arab peace initiative, which calls for Arab states to normalize relations with Israel in exchange for an Israeli withdrawal to the 1948 armistice lines and compromise on the so-called right of return.Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ruled out such a move during his Tuesday address in the Knesset plenum when he said Israel would retain settlement blocs and that the Arab refugee problem would have to be solved outside Israel's borders.Israel's left-wing peace camp has a long tradition of undermining the policies of sitting Israeli Prime Ministers by negotiating on their own authority. In 1993 then-defense minister Shimon Peres negotiated the disasterous Oslo Accords behind Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin's back.(

Jordan Valley Chief Unfazed by PM's Speech
by Gil Ronen MAY 18,11

The head of the Jordan Valley local authority, David Elhayani, says he is not worried by the speech Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered in the Knesset Tuesday. In the speech, Netanyahu said that any peace treaty with the Arabs would have to allow the IDF to maintain a long-term military presence along the Jordan River. Coupled with the term painful concessions - a euphemism for withdrawal from land and the tearing down of Jewish communities - the speech was seen by some as an indication that Netanyahu would tear down Jewish communities along the Jordan.
Speaking with Arutz Sheva's Hebrew-language service, Elhayani made it clear he does not share this view. A continued IDF presence along the Jordan does not mean there will not be Jewish communities there as well, he said. I trust that the Prime Minister knows how important the Jordan Valley is to the State of Israel. Eighty-four percent of Israeli Jews want continued Israel sovereignty in the Jordan Valley.Elhayani hinted that Netanyahu speaks differently in face-to-face meetings, and explained that the Prime Minister chose his words carefully because of the public nature of the speech. When the Prime Minister spoke of a military presence, he was just being responsible. After all, I know the true opinion of the Prime Minister and of ministers who support a continued presence along the Jordan Valley. Security was simply the most trivial thing to talk about.(

IDF Must Remain in Jordan Valley, Vows Netanyahu
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu MAR 9,11

The IDF will remain in the Jordan Valley to defend Israel, regardless of any future Palestinian Authority state, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Tuesday during a tour of military posts and bases in the area. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas responded by demanding sovereignty of the area, along with all of Judera and Samaria.In remarks that may have been a warm-up for his expected new policy statement on PA demands, the Prime Minister told reporters, Our security border is here on the Jordan and our defense line begins here. If that line is breached they will be able to infiltrate terrorists, rockets and missiles all the way to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Be'er Sheva and throughout the country.There is no alternative to the IDF's line of defense. Therefore, in any future situation, and I say in any future arrangement as well, the IDF must stay here, i.e. along the Jordan River. This is the State of Israel's insurance policy. If this was true before the major unrest now shaking the Middle East and the entire region, it is doubly true today. The IDF must remain along the Jordan River.The Israeli part of the Jordan Valley is a long and narrow strip of land that is bordered by the Jordan River on the east, with Jordan on its other bank, and by a range of hills on the west, running from the Lebanese border in the north to the eastern hills of Samaria and the Judean Hills in the south.Its sparse population, relatively flat terrain and proximity to Jordan make it strategic territory. Before the 1967 Six Day War, terrorists from Jordan staged hundreds of attacks, hiding in the adjoining hills and caves that Israeli reservists called the Land of the Chase [after terrorists, ed.]. The IDF would regularly sand the dirt roads along the Jordan River to enable it to trace terrorist tracks, before the area was restored to Israel in the war.

Citing the Muslim uprisings in Arab countries, the Prime Minister said, “We live in a world that is undergoing a very major shake-up. As I have said, the entire region around us is in a state of instability, and is undergoing a political and security earthquake of which we have not seen the end. In this situation, more than ever, we need to ensure that we have solid security foundations upon which to defend the State of Israel.(

The White House-Office of the Press Secretary-For Immediate Release May 19, 2011 Remarks by the President on the Middle East and North Africa State Department, Washington, DC 12:15 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Please, have a seat. Thank you very much. I want to begin by thanking Hillary Clinton, who has traveled so much these last six months that she is approaching a new landmark -- one million frequent flyer miles. (Laughter.) I count on Hillary every single day, and I believe that she will go down as one of the finest Secretaries of State in our nation’s history.The State Department is a fitting venue to mark a new chapter in American diplomacy. For six months, we have witnessed an extraordinary change taking place in the Middle East and North Africa. Square by square, town by town, country by country, the people have risen up to demand their basic human rights. Two leaders have stepped aside. More may follow. And though these countries may be a great distance from our shores, we know that our own future is bound to this region by the forces of economics and security, by history and by faith.Today, I want to talk about this change -- the forces that are driving it and how we can respond in a way that advances our values and strengthens our security.Now, already, we’ve done much to shift our foreign policy following a decade defined by two costly conflicts. After years of war in Iraq, we’ve removed 100,000 American troops and ended our combat mission there. In Afghanistan, we’ve broken the Taliban’s momentum, and this July we will begin to bring our troops home and continue a transition to Afghan lead. And after years of war against al Qaeda and its affiliates, we have dealt al Qaeda a huge blow by killing its leader, Osama bin Laden.

Bin Laden was no martyr. He was a mass murderer who offered a message of hate –- an insistence that Muslims had to take up arms against the West, and that violence against men, women and children was the only path to change. He rejected democracy and individual rights for Muslims in favor of violent extremism; his agenda focused on what he could destroy -– not what he could build.Bin Laden and his murderous vision won some adherents. But even before his death, al Qaeda was losing its struggle for relevance, as the overwhelming majority of people saw that the slaughter of innocents did not answer their cries for a better life. By the time we found bin Laden, al Qaeda’s agenda had come to be seen by the vast majority of the region as a dead end, and the people of the Middle East and North Africa had taken their future into their own hands.That story of self-determination began six months ago in Tunisia. On December 17th, a young vendor named Mohammed Bouazizi was devastated when a police officer confiscated his cart. This was not unique. It’s the same kind of humiliation that takes place every day in many parts of the world -– the relentless tyranny of governments that deny their citizens dignity. Only this time, something different happened. After local officials refused to hear his complaints, this young man, who had never been particularly active in politics, went to the headquarters of the provincial government, doused himself in fuel, and lit himself on fire.There are times in the course of history when the actions of ordinary citizens spark movements for change because they speak to a longing for freedom that has been building up for years. In America, think of the defiance of those patriots in Boston who refused to pay taxes to a King, or the dignity of Rosa Parks as she sat courageously in her seat. So it was in Tunisia, as that vendor’s act of desperation tapped into the frustration felt throughout the country. Hundreds of protesters took to the streets, then thousands. And in the face of batons and sometimes bullets, they refused to go home –- day after day, week after week -- until a dictator of more than two decades finally left power.

The story of this revolution, and the ones that followed, should not have come as a surprise. The nations of the Middle East and North Africa won their independence long ago, but in too many places their people did not. In too many countries, power has been concentrated in the hands of a few. In too many countries, a citizen like that young vendor had nowhere to turn -– no honest judiciary to hear his case; no independent media to give him voice; no credible political party to represent his views; no free and fair election where he could choose his leader.And this lack of self-determination –- the chance to make your life what you will –- has applied to the region’s economy as well. Yes, some nations are blessed with wealth in oil and gas, and that has led to pockets of prosperity. But in a global economy based on knowledge, based on innovation, no development strategy can be based solely upon what comes out of the ground. Nor can people reach their potential when you cannot start a business without paying a bribe.In the face of these challenges, too many leaders in the region tried to direct their people’s grievances elsewhere. The West was blamed as the source of all ills, a half-century after the end of colonialism. Antagonism toward Israel became the only acceptable outlet for political expression. Divisions of tribe, ethnicity and religious sect were manipulated as a means of holding on to power, or taking it away from somebody else.But the events of the past six months show us that strategies of repression and strategies of diversion will not work anymore. Satellite television and the Internet provide a window into the wider world -– a world of astonishing progress in places like India and Indonesia and Brazil. Cell phones and social networks allow young people to connect and organize like never before. And so a new generation has emerged. And their voices tell us that change cannot be denied.In Cairo, we heard the voice of the young mother who said, It’s like I can finally breathe fresh air for the first time.In Sanaa, we heard the students who chanted, The night must come to an end.

In Benghazi, we heard the engineer who said, Our words are free now. It’s a feeling you can’t explain.In Damascus, we heard the young man who said, After the first yelling, the first shout, you feel dignity.Those shouts of human dignity are being heard across the region. And through the moral force of nonviolence, the people of the region have achieved more change in six months than terrorists have accomplished in decades.Of course, change of this magnitude does not come easily. In our day and age -– a time of 24-hour news cycles and constant communication –- people expect the transformation of the region to be resolved in a matter of weeks. But it will be years before this story reaches its end. Along the way, there will be good days and there will bad days. In some places, change will be swift; in others, gradual. And as we’ve already seen, calls for change may give way, in some cases, to fierce contests for power.The question before us is what role America will play as this story unfolds. For decades, the United States has pursued a set of core interests in the region: countering terrorism and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons; securing the free flow of commerce and safe-guarding the security of the region; standing up for Israel’s security and pursuing Arab-Israeli peace.We will continue to do these things, with the firm belief that America’s interests are not hostile to people’s hopes; they’re essential to them. We believe that no one benefits from a nuclear arms race in the region, or al Qaeda’s brutal attacks. We believe people everywhere would see their economies crippled by a cut-off in energy supplies. As we did in the Gulf War, we will not tolerate aggression across borders, and we will keep our commitments to friends and partners.Yet we must acknowledge that a strategy based solely upon the narrow pursuit of these interests will not fill an empty stomach or allow someone to speak their mind. Moreover, failure to speak to the broader aspirations of ordinary people will only feed the suspicion that has festered for years that the United States pursues our interests at their expense. Given that this mistrust runs both ways –- as Americans have been seared by hostage-taking and violent rhetoric and terrorist attacks that have killed thousands of our citizens -– a failure to change our approach threatens a deepening spiral of division between the United States and the Arab world.

And that’s why, two years ago in Cairo, I began to broaden our engagement based upon mutual interests and mutual respect. I believed then -– and I believe now -– that we have a stake not just in the stability of nations, but in the self-determination of individuals. The status quo is not sustainable. Societies held together by fear and repression may offer the illusion of stability for a time, but they are built upon fault lines that will eventually tear asunder.So we face a historic opportunity. We have the chance to show that America values the dignity of the street vendor in Tunisia more than the raw power of the dictator. There must be no doubt that the United States of America welcomes change that advances self-determination and opportunity. Yes, there will be perils that accompany this moment of promise. But after decades of accepting the world as it is in the region, we have a chance to pursue the world as it should be.Of course, as we do, we must proceed with a sense of humility. It’s not America that put people into the streets of Tunis or Cairo -– it was the people themselves who launched these movements, and it’s the people themselves that must ultimately determine their outcome. Not every country will follow our particular form of representative democracy, and there will be times when our short-term interests don’t align perfectly with our long-term vision for the region. But we can, and we will, speak out for a set of core principles –- principles that have guided our response to the events over the past six months:The United States opposes the use of violence and repression against the people of the region. (Applause.)

The United States supports a set of universal rights. And these rights include free speech, the freedom of peaceful assembly, the freedom of religion, equality for men and women under the rule of law, and the right to choose your own leaders -– whether you live in Baghdad or Damascus, Sanaa or Tehran.And we support political and economic reform in the Middle East and North Africa that can meet the legitimate aspirations of ordinary people throughout the region.Our support for these principles is not a secondary interest. Today I want to make it clear that it is a top priority that must be translated into concrete actions, and supported by all of the diplomatic, economic and strategic tools at our disposal.Let me be specific. First, it will be the policy of the United States to promote reform across the region, and to support transitions to democracy. That effort begins in Egypt and Tunisia, where the stakes are high -– as Tunisia was at the vanguard of this democratic wave, and Egypt is both a longstanding partner and the Arab world’s largest nation. Both nations can set a strong example through free and fair elections, a vibrant civil society, accountable and effective democratic institutions, and responsible regional leadership. But our support must also extend to nations where transitions have yet to take place.Unfortunately, in too many countries, calls for change have thus far been answered by violence. The most extreme example is Libya, where Muammar Qaddafi launched a war against his own people, promising to hunt them down like rats. As I said when the United States joined an international coalition to intervene, we cannot prevent every injustice perpetrated by a regime against its people, and we have learned from our experience in Iraq just how costly and difficult it is to try to impose regime change by force -– no matter how well-intentioned it may be.But in Libya, we saw the prospect of imminent massacre, we had a mandate for action, and heard the Libyan people’s call for help. Had we not acted along with our NATO allies and regional coalition partners, thousands would have been killed. The message would have been clear: Keep power by killing as many people as it takes. Now, time is working against Qaddafi. He does not have control over his country. The opposition has organized a legitimate and credible Interim Council. And when Qaddafi inevitably leaves or is forced from power, decades of provocation will come to an end, and the transition to a democratic Libya can proceed.

While Libya has faced violence on the greatest scale, it’s not the only place where leaders have turned to repression to remain in power. Most recently, the Syrian regime has chosen the path of murder and the mass arrests of its citizens. The United States has condemned these actions, and working with the international community we have stepped up our sanctions on the Syrian regime –- including sanctions announced yesterday on President Assad and those around him.The Syrian people have shown their courage in demanding a transition to democracy. President Assad now has a choice: He can lead that transition, or get out of the way. The Syrian government must stop shooting demonstrators and allow peaceful protests. It must release political prisoners and stop unjust arrests. It must allow human rights monitors to have access to cities like Dara’a; and start a serious dialogue to advance a democratic transition. Otherwise, President Assad and his regime will continue to be challenged from within and will continue to be isolated abroad.So far, Syria has followed its Iranian ally, seeking assistance from Tehran in the tactics of suppression. And this speaks to the hypocrisy of the Iranian regime, which says it stand for the rights of protesters abroad, yet represses its own people at home. Let’s remember that the first peaceful protests in the region were in the streets of Tehran, where the government brutalized women and men, and threw innocent people into jail. We still hear the chants echo from the rooftops of Tehran. The image of a young woman dying in the streets is still seared in our memory. And we will continue to insist that the Iranian people deserve their universal rights, and a government that does not smother their aspirations.Now, our opposition to Iran’s intolerance and Iran’s repressive measures, as well as its illicit nuclear program and its support of terror, is well known. But if America is to be credible, we must acknowledge that at times our friends in the region have not all reacted to the demands for consistent change -- with change that’s consistent with the principles that I’ve outlined today. That’s true in Yemen, where President Saleh needs to follow through on his commitment to transfer power. And that’s true today in Bahrain.

Bahrain is a longstanding partner, and we are committed to its security. We recognize that Iran has tried to take advantage of the turmoil there, and that the Bahraini government has a legitimate interest in the rule of law. Nevertheless, we have insisted both publicly and privately that mass arrests and brute force are at odds with the universal rights of Bahrain’s citizens, and we will -- and such steps will not make legitimate calls for reform go away. The only way forward is for the government and opposition to engage in a dialogue, and you can’t have a real dialogue when parts of the peaceful opposition are in jail. (Applause.) The government must create the conditions for dialogue, and the opposition must participate to forge a just future for all Bahrainis.Indeed, one of the broader lessons to be drawn from this period is that sectarian divides need not lead to conflict. In Iraq, we see the promise of a multiethnic, multisectarian democracy. The Iraqi people have rejected the perils of political violence in favor of a democratic process, even as they’ve taken full responsibility for their own security. Of course, like all new democracies, they will face setbacks. But Iraq is poised to play a key role in the region if it continues its peaceful progress. And as they do, we will be proud to stand with them as a steadfast partner.So in the months ahead, America must use all our influence to encourage reform in the region. Even as we acknowledge that each country is different, we need to speak honestly about the principles that we believe in, with friend and foe alike. Our message is simple: If you take the risks that reform entails, you will have the full support of the United States. We must also build on our efforts to broaden our engagement beyond elites, so that we reach the people who will shape the future -– particularly young people. We will continue to make good on the commitments that I made in Cairo -– to build networks of entrepreneurs and expand exchanges in education, to foster cooperation in science and technology, and combat disease. Across the region, we intend to provide assistance to civil society, including those that may not be officially sanctioned, and who speak uncomfortable truths. And we will use the technology to connect with -– and listen to –- the voices of the people.

For the fact is, real reform does not come at the ballot box alone. Through our efforts we must support those basic rights to speak your mind and access information. We will support open access to the Internet, and the right of journalists to be heard -– whether it’s a big news organization or a lone blogger. In the 21st century, information is power, the truth cannot be hidden, and the legitimacy of governments will ultimately depend on active and informed citizens.Such open discourse is important even if what is said does not square with our worldview. Let me be clear, America respects the right of all peaceful and law-abiding voices to be heard, even if we disagree with them. And sometimes we profoundly disagree with them.We look forward to working with all who embrace genuine and inclusive democracy. What we will oppose is an attempt by any group to restrict the rights of others, and to hold power through coercion and not consent. Because democracy depends not only on elections, but also strong and accountable institutions, and the respect for the rights of minorities.Such tolerance is particularly important when it comes to religion. In Tahrir Square, we heard Egyptians from all walks of life chant, Muslims, Christians, we are one. America will work to see that this spirit prevails -– that all faiths are respected, and that bridges are built among them. In a region that was the birthplace of three world religions, intolerance can lead only to suffering and stagnation. And for this season of change to succeed, Coptic Christians must have the right to worship freely in Cairo, just as Shia must never have their mosques destroyed in Bahrain.

What is true for religious minorities is also true when it comes to the rights of women. History shows that countries are more prosperous and more peaceful when women are empowered. And that’s why we will continue to insist that universal rights apply to women as well as men -– by focusing assistance on child and maternal health; by helping women to teach, or start a business; by standing up for the right of women to have their voices heard, and to run for office. The region will never reach its full potential when more than half of its population is prevented from achieving their full potential. (Applause.)Now, even as we promote political reform, even as we promote human rights in the region, our efforts can’t stop there. So the second way that we must support positive change in the region is through our efforts to advance economic development for nations that are transitioning to democracy. After all, politics alone has not put protesters into the streets. The tipping point for so many people is the more constant concern of putting food on the table and providing for a family. Too many people in the region wake up with few expectations other than making it through the day, perhaps hoping that their luck will change. Throughout the region, many young people have a solid education, but closed economies leave them unable to find a job. Entrepreneurs are brimming with ideas, but corruption leaves them unable to profit from those ideas.

The greatest untapped resource in the Middle East and North Africa is the talent of its people. In the recent protests, we see that talent on display, as people harness technology to move the world. It’s no coincidence that one of the leaders of Tahrir Square was an executive for Google. That energy now needs to be channeled, in country after country, so that economic growth can solidify the accomplishments of the street. For just as democratic revolutions can be triggered by a lack of individual opportunity, successful democratic transitions depend upon an expansion of growth and broad-based prosperity.So, drawing from what we’ve learned around the world, we think it’s important to focus on trade, not just aid; on investment, not just assistance. The goal must be a model in which protectionism gives way to openness, the reigns of commerce pass from the few to the many, and the economy generates jobs for the young. America’s support for democracy will therefore be based on ensuring financial stability, promoting reform, and integrating competitive markets with each other and the global economy. And we’re going to start with Tunisia and Egypt.First, we’ve asked the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to present a plan at next week’s G8 summit for what needs to be done to stabilize and modernize the economies of Tunisia and Egypt. Together, we must help them recover from the disruptions of their democratic upheaval, and support the governments that will be elected later this year. And we are urging other countries to help Egypt and Tunisia meet its near-term financial needs.Second, we do not want a democratic Egypt to be saddled by the debts of its past. So we will relieve a democratic Egypt of up to $1 billion in debt, and work with our Egyptian partners to invest these resources to foster growth and entrepreneurship. We will help Egypt regain access to markets by guaranteeing $1 billion in borrowing that is needed to finance infrastructure and job creation. And we will help newly democratic governments recover assets that were stolen.Third, we’re working with Congress to create Enterprise Funds to invest in Tunisia and Egypt. And these will be modeled on funds that supported the transitions in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall. OPIC will soon launch a $2 billion facility to support private investment across the region. And we will work with the allies to refocus the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development so that it provides the same support for democratic transitions and economic modernization in the Middle East and North Africa as it has in Europe.

Fourth, the United States will launch a comprehensive Trade and Investment Partnership Initiative in the Middle East and North Africa. If you take out oil exports, this entire region of over 400 million people exports roughly the same amount as Switzerland. So we will work with the EU to facilitate more trade within the region, build on existing agreements to promote integration with U.S. and European markets, and open the door for those countries who adopt high standards of reform and trade liberalization to construct a regional trade arrangement. And just as EU membership served as an incentive for reform in Europe, so should the vision of a modern and prosperous economy create a powerful force for reform in the Middle East and North Africa.Prosperity also requires tearing down walls that stand in the way of progress -– the corruption of elites who steal from their people; the red tape that stops an idea from becoming a business; the patronage that distributes wealth based on tribe or sect. We will help governments meet international obligations, and invest efforts at anti-corruption -- by working with parliamentarians who are developing reforms, and activists who use technology to increase transparency and hold government accountable. Politics and human rights; economic reform.Let me conclude by talking about another cornerstone of our approach to the region, and that relates to the pursuit of peace.For decades, the conflict between Israelis and Arabs has cast a shadow over the region. For Israelis, it has meant living with the fear that their children could be blown up on a bus or by rockets fired at their homes, as well as the pain of knowing that other children in the region are taught to hate them. For Palestinians, it has meant suffering the humiliation of occupation, and never living in a nation of their own. Moreover, this conflict has come with a larger cost to the Middle East, as it impedes partnerships that could bring greater security and prosperity and empowerment to ordinary people.For over two years, my administration has worked with the parties and the international community to end this conflict, building on decades of work by previous administrations. Yet expectations have gone unmet. Israeli settlement activity continues. Palestinians have walked away from talks. The world looks at a conflict that has grinded on and on and on, and sees nothing but stalemate. Indeed, there are those who argue that with all the change and uncertainty in the region, it is simply not possible to move forward now.I disagree. At a time when the people of the Middle East and North Africa are casting off the burdens of the past, the drive for a lasting peace that ends the conflict and resolves all claims is more urgent than ever. That’s certainly true for the two parties involved.

For the Palestinians, efforts to delegitimize Israel will end in failure. Symbolic actions to isolate Israel at the United Nations in September won’t create an independent state. Palestinian leaders will not achieve peace or prosperity if Hamas insists on a path of terror and rejection. And Palestinians will never realize their independence by denying the right of Israel to exist.As for Israel, our friendship is rooted deeply in a shared history and shared values. Our commitment to Israel’s security is unshakeable. And we will stand against attempts to single it out for criticism in international forums. But precisely because of our friendship, it’s important that we tell the truth: The status quo is unsustainable, and Israel too must act boldly to advance a lasting peace.The fact is, a growing number of Palestinians live west of the Jordan River. Technology will make it harder for Israel to defend itself. A region undergoing profound change will lead to populism in which millions of people -– not just one or two leaders -- must believe peace is possible. The international community is tired of an endless process that never produces an outcome. The dream of a Jewish and democratic state cannot be fulfilled with permanent occupation.Now, ultimately, it is up to the Israelis and Palestinians to take action. No peace can be imposed upon them -- not by the United States; not by anybody else. But endless delay won’t make the problem go away. What America and the international community can do is to state frankly what everyone knows -- a lasting peace will involve two states for two peoples: Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland for the Jewish people, and the state of Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people, each state enjoying self-determination, mutual recognition, and peace.So while the core issues of the conflict must be negotiated, the basis of those negotiations is clear: a viable Palestine, a secure Israel. The United States believes that negotiations should result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states. The Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their full potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state.

As for security, every state has the right to self-defense, and Israel must be able to defend itself -– by itself -– against any threat. Provisions must also be robust enough to prevent a resurgence of terrorism, to stop the infiltration of weapons, and to provide effective border security. The full and phased withdrawal of Israeli military forces should be coordinated with the assumption of Palestinian security responsibility in a sovereign, non-militarized state. And the duration of this transition period must be agreed, and the effectiveness of security arrangements must be demonstrated.These principles provide a foundation for negotiations. Palestinians should know the territorial outlines of their state; Israelis should know that their basic security concerns will be met. I’m aware that these steps alone will not resolve the conflict, because two wrenching and emotional issues will remain: the future of Jerusalem, and the fate of Palestinian refugees. But moving forward now on the basis of territory and security provides a foundation to resolve those two issues in a way that is just and fair, and that respects the rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians. Now, let me say this: Recognizing that negotiations need to begin with the issues of territory and security does not mean that it will be easy to come back to the table. In particular, the recent announcement of an agreement between Fatah and Hamas raises profound and legitimate questions for Israel: How can one negotiate with a party that has shown itself unwilling to recognize your right to exist? And in the weeks and months to come, Palestinian leaders will have to provide a credible answer to that question. Meanwhile, the United States, our Quartet partners, and the Arab states will need to continue every effort to get beyond the current impasse.I recognize how hard this will be. Suspicion and hostility has been passed on for generations, and at times it has hardened. But I’m convinced that the majority of Israelis and Palestinians would rather look to the future than be trapped in the past. We see that spirit in the Israeli father whose son was killed by Hamas, who helped start an organization that brought together Israelis and Palestinians who had lost loved ones. That father said, I gradually realized that the only hope for progress was to recognize the face of the conflict. We see it in the actions of a Palestinian who lost three daughters to Israeli shells in Gaza.I have the right to feel angry, he said.So many people were expecting me to hate. My answer to them is I shall not hate. Let us hope,he said,for tomorrow.That is the choice that must be made -– not simply in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but across the entire region -– a choice between hate and hope; between the shackles of the past and the promise of the future. It’s a choice that must be made by leaders and by the people, and it’s a choice that will define the future of a region that served as the cradle of civilization and a crucible of strife.

For all the challenges that lie ahead, we see many reasons to be hopeful. In Egypt, we see it in the efforts of young people who led protests. In Syria, we see it in the courage of those who brave bullets while chanting, peaceful, peaceful. In Benghazi, a city threatened with destruction, we see it in the courthouse square where people gather to celebrate the freedoms that they had never known. Across the region, those rights that we take for granted are being claimed with joy by those who are prying lose the grip of an iron fist.For the American people, the scenes of upheaval in the region may be unsettling, but the forces driving it are not unfamiliar. Our own nation was founded through a rebellion against an empire. Our people fought a painful Civil War that extended freedom and dignity to those who were enslaved. And I would not be standing here today unless past generations turned to the moral force of nonviolence as a way to perfect our union –- organizing, marching, protesting peacefully together to make real those words that declared our nation: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.Those words must guide our response to the change that is transforming the Middle East and North Africa -– words which tell us that repression will fail, and that tyrants will fall, and that every man and woman is endowed with certain inalienable rights. It will not be easy. There’s no straight line to progress, and hardship always accompanies a season of hope. But the United States of America was founded on the belief that people should govern themselves. And now we cannot hesitate to stand squarely on the side of those who are reaching for their rights, knowing that their success will bring about a world that is more peaceful, more stable, and more just.Thank you very much, everybody. (Applause.) Thank you.
END 1:00 P.M. EDT

then the angel said, Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world.

JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all,(WORLD SOCIALISM) both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM



09:30 AM +2.25
10:00 AM +59.41
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11:30 AM -4.36
12:00 PM -9.95
12:30 PM +38.60
01:00 PM +36.14
01:30 PM +44.27
02:00 PM +60.24
02:30 PM +19.71
03:00 PM +23.42
03:30 PM +37.58
04:00 PM +45.14 12,605.32

S&P 500 1343.60 +2.92

NASDAQ 2823.31 +8.31

GOLD 1,492.90 -2.90

OIL 98.48 -1.62

TSE 300 13,625.10 +17.80

CDNX 2002.22 +10.11

S&P/TSX/60 780.98 +0.66


Dow +49 points at 4 minutes of trading today.
Dow -24 points at low today.
Dow +76 points at high today so far.
GOLD opens at $1,488.90.OIL opens at $99.68 today.

Dow -24 points at low today so far.
Dow +76 points at high today so far.

Dow -24 points at low today.
Dow +76 points at high today.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011



MARK 7:6
6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.

LUKE 16:15
15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

TITUS 1:16
16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

MATTHEW 24:4-5,11,24-25
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.

1 TIMOTHY 4:1-2
1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

MARK 13:22-23
22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.

2 TIMOTHY 3:13
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

JUDE 10-13
10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.
11 Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.
12 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;
13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.

MATTHEW 10:32-33
32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me(JESUS) before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
33 But whosoever shall deny me (JESUS) before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.



Beliefs/Worship of Crislam

Chrislam uses both the Bible and Qur’an and sees them both as holy texts. During the worship service, verses are read from both the Bible and the Qur'an. According to Ebenezer Edohasim, a man who worshipped with the Chrislamic people, there was no friction between the two religions and both texts were accepted by the congregation as true. The people of the congregation are also free to shout out to Allah or God in worship. The Chrislamic people believe that Muhammad, Moses, and Jesus were all great prophets and we need to love them all.[4] Worship services include singing of Christian and Islamic hymns to praise God and attract his presence.[5] During the times of Christmas, Easter, Ramadan, and other Christian and Islamic religions celebrations, both are accepted and celebrated without judgment or hostility. Inside their place of worship there is an altar similar to those built by Abraham where the worshippers pray and seek the face of God. There are prayers going on here most of the day.[5] Like other religions they believe in evangelism and try to convert new members every day. In the Oke-Tude organization of Chrislam there are three different sessions or services that take place on Sunday. The first is a Muslim session, then there is a Christian session, and finally there is a joint session that Saka leads. During this he stresses the similarities between Christianity and Islamic beliefs.[4] In the other organization of Ifeoluwa, they worship on Saturday because when they worshipped on Sunday the congregation claimed that Tela Tella was showing favoritism since Christians worship on Sundays and Muslims worship on Fridays. The worship sessions on Saturday are held three times a day. Tela Tella believes in both the Qur’an and the Bible but says they are incomplete, and that is why he is writing his own book called the Ifeoluwa Book.[4] In Ifeoluwa there is an to annual pilgrimage to The Mount of Authority, where the people pray for three days, and other annual festivals put on by Tela Tella. Tella also leads the singing of hymns during the Saturday service. Tella claims that these hymns were revealed to him by angels Gabriel and Michael.[4]

Criticisms of Chrislam

Many people criticize this new religion because Christianity and Islam are different, and it is hard to understand how these two religions can become one. According to Stephen Ellis, who wrote the book, Movers and Shakers: Social Movements in Africa, the fusion of Christianity and Islam is rather exceptional and increasingly so.According to Sidney M. Greenfield, who wrote the book, Reinventing Religions: Syncretism and Transformation in Africa and the Americas, Chrislam is a logical product of the Yoruba people because they want to be able to work out their own destiny. Because the people of Nigeria are struggling in all areas of life and Chrislam offers miracles and deliverance they see this as a good spiritual way to help them get through every day living. Others disagree with the religion because of the fact that Christianity and Islam are such different religions with different beliefs.[4] The people who practice Chrislam see no fault with mixing the two religions, because they say that God loves all people and wants us to love all people. Prophet Saka says that when people criticize Chrislam he takes solace in what his Lord Jesus Christ says about loving others in all religions.[5] Ifeoluwa seems to have fewer followers than Oke-Tude because Ifeoluwa has very strict regulations, that Tella calls commandments. These commandments deal with behavior, morality, discipline, how to dress, what and what not to eat and how to eat it, and hygiene and purity. Tella says that these commandments were given to him when he was on the Mount of Authority.[4


This weekend, the Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston along with Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit will initiate a series of sermons that have been designed to produce an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam.In addition to the sermons, the Sunday school lessons will center on the inspired teachings of the Prophet Mohammad.Qurans will be placed in the pews next to the Bibles.The concept of Chrislam, now embraced by such preachers as Rick Warren and Robert Schuller, appears to have emerged from a program on the meaning of love your neighbor at Grace Fellowship Church in Atlanta, Georgia.In 2001, like most Americans, we were pretty awakened to the true Islamic presence in the world and in the United States, says Jon Stallsmith, the outreach minister at Grace Fellowship. Jesus says we should love our neighbors. We can’t do that without having a relationship with them.Stallsmith maintains that a rapprochement between Muslims and Christians can be achieved by the fact that Jesus is mentioned twenty-five times in the Quran.The Chrislam movement has gained impetus by statements from President George W. Bush and that Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God and by Rick Warren’s reference to Isa (the Muslim name for Jesus) in his prayer at the inauguration of President Barack Obama.Only 30 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Muslims, according to a Pew Forum poll. At the same time, more than half the country says they know not very much or nothing at all about the Islamic faith.

The recent political developments and the fact that we’re fighting two wars in Muslim countries should sharpen that need to know how to talk to these guys, Stallsmith insists We want to find peace, reconciliation around a scriptural understanding of Jesus.Jesus in the Quran is neither the only-begotten Son of God nor the Messiah who was divinely appointed to restore the House of David. He is rather viewed as a prophet who was appointed by Allah to prepare mankind for the coming of Mohammad.In the Quran, Jesus neither suffers nor dies on the cross but is rather raised alive into heaven:That they said (in boast), We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of God;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:- Nay, God raised him up unto the himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise (4: 157-158)The victim at Calvary, Islam teaches, was either Simon of Cyrene or Judas Iscariot.The Quran mentions that Jesus was born of the virgin Maryam – - not by an immaculate conception but rather the will of Allah and that He performed miracles to show the Jewish people that He was a maseh in the manner of Moses and Ibrahim (Abraham):In blasphemy indeed are those that say that God is Christ the son of Mary. Say: Who then hath the least power against God, if His will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and all every – one that is on the earth? For to God belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between. He createth what He pleaseth. For God hath power over all things (5:17).Belief in the divinity of Jesus is condemned in Islam as shirk (filth).

February 07, 2011

We have discussed before the pathetic direction many of our Christian churches and denominations are headed. Liberalism, humanism, political correctness are spreading like an epidemic. Even worse, if possible, is the spread of acceptance for Islam, to the point of inviting and folding the religion into Christianity. Chrislam. We have an overabundance of Muslim faculty and teaching in our institutions of higher learning, also in our military academies, in our government and political organizations. Now our churches.Chrislam in Protestant churches, via Christians Under Attack:A Protestant renewal organization is concerned about the recent efforts of some mainline Protestant churches to produce an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam.According to a recent blog post from The Last Crusade, congregations in several metropolitan areas -- Houston, Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit -- preached sermons and held Sunday school lessons recently on the founder of Islam, Mohammad, whom Muslims consider a prophet. Qurans were also placed in the pews next to Bibles.Proponents of the movement, which has been dubbed Chrislam, claim that Christians cannot love their neighbors without having a relationship with them. Alan Wisdom, director of the Presbyterian Action committee and vice president for research and programs at The Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD), contends that Islam should never be viewed as an equal to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Moreover, Qurans should never be placed next to God's Holy Word. (continue)It becomes the responsibility of every Christian to make sure this is not happening in their local churches. Shine a light on what is happening. Publicize it in your local papers, write letters to the editor, inform your fellow Christians and all other groups.

Chrislam’ – Core Values Without a Core-Posted by D.L. Adams Feb 8th 2011 at 4:13 pm in Europe, Islam, Islamic extremism

Two great challenges facing the West in our nasty and brutish post 9 -11 world are how to interact with Muslim states and if it is possible to integrate Muslim citizens into our open, too often self-destructive, hyper-tolerant cultures. The European model of unfettered Muslim immigration to foster further multicultural deconstructions of the character of the host societies has now been shown to be a misguided and disastrous error.The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and rub the Right’s nose in diversity, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett. (The Telegraph, 10/23/2009)Angela Merkel’s comments several months ago that multiculturalism in Germany is an utter failure illustrate the point clearly. Upheavals across Europe centered around Islamic violence and Muslim demands for the host culture to submit to Islam, in Britain, Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark, etc., are illustrative.

An extraordinary speech by David Cameron at the Munich Security Conference on February 5th, (which may or may not have purposely coincided in timing with an English Defence League rally), suggest that even in Britain the Utopian multicultural edifice, pushed to breaking by Islamic demands, violence, and failure to integrate, is beginning to finally crack.Let’s properly judge these organisations: Do they believe in universal human rights – including for women and people of other faiths? Do they believe in equality of all before the law? Do they believe in democracy and the right of people to elect their own government? Do they encourage integration or separatism? These are the sorts of questions we need to ask. Fail these tests and the presumption should be not to engage with (those) organisations,he added. (BBC, 02/05/2011)Europe must stamp out intolerance of Western values within its own Muslim communities and far-right groups if it is to defeat the roots of terrorism, British Prime Minister David Cameron said Saturday. (AP)If we are to defeat this threat, I believe it’s time to turn the page on the failed policies of the past, Cameron said.Instead of ignoring this extremist ideology, we – as governments and societies – have got to confront it, in all its forms.(AP, 02/05/2011, see above for link)

The great conundrum appears to be how can we in the West best get along with the followers of a cruel, brutal, misogynist and intolerant ideology of submission and supremacism. Those of good will refer to their Muslim friends who are kind and gentle and forswear violence and, most importantly, would never do jihad as illustrations and even proof of the true Islam. Such inevitably unhappy and frustrated folk reference the now failed assertion that Islam has been hijacked (by terrorists and killers) and that true Islam is the religion of peace. How much easier things would be if only they were right. But, they’re not.The kind Muslim friend, a friend of kafirs/non-Muslims, may well be a good person and forswear jihad, but this is not what being a good Muslim is about. Allah and Mohammed both command that all adherents of Islam (slaves of Allah); all those who have submitted must participate in jihad and/or support those who do. To abjure this obligation for jihad is considered a grave sin with serious consequences.And what is jihad but war against non-Muslims everywhere forever until the entire world is under Islamic rule and Allah’s religion is the only religion on the planet. After all, Mohammed’s mission was to convert the earth to Islam.

Narrated Abu Huraira:Allah ’s Apostle said,I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,’ and whoever says, None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, his life and property will be saved by me except for Islamic law, and his accounts will be with Allah, (either to punish him or to forgive him.)(Bukhari, Hadith, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 196)

There seems to be a terrible disconnect and ignorance where Islamic doctrine is concerned. Allah and Mohammed are found only in the doctrine. The doctrine can be read and understood by anyone, Muslim or kafir (non-Muslim). A good/moderate Muslim according to Islamic doctrine is someone like Osama Bin Laden because he actively fights against the kafir to advance the cause of Islam as per the commands of Allah and Mohammed.Our deep confusion about moderate Islam and extremist/hijacked Islam versus the true Islam originates in our mistaken use of terminology. We have taken the term moderate out of its proper context – a context which can only be found in the doctrine of Islam – Koran, Sira, and Hadith.Those kind Muslims who are friends to kafirs, while such friendships are strictly forbidden in the Islamic doctrine, are extremistsbecause they are ignoring the commands of Allah and Mohammed. The moderateMuslims are those who blow up our aircraft and kill our innocent civilians and scream Islamist slogans as they shoot their unarmed fellow soldiers at US Army posts. Our misuse of terms is one of our greatest errors as it confuses the issue and prevents us from understanding and responding effectively, or at all.Americans are tolerant people. We live in an open society. When newcomers arrive in the United States it is assumed across the cultural spectrum that they are here to be American and to partake of the freedoms that we enjoy here. We also hate war, though our long history of warfare would suggest that when we do fight – we are very serious about it and mainly successful.Our military history means that we have a strong martial spirit and heritage. Our Civil War in particular showed the world the kind of hardy stuff of which Americans are made. The western democracies are lucky that this is so as the outcomes of WW1 and WW2 would have been different if it were not so.

Since the end of WW2 and certainly through the 60s and to the present time we seem to have forgotten much of this heritage of certitude and definitiveness -and what it means. Our desire as a society to be open, welcoming and even enlightened has brought us now to a point where we refuse to be discriminating. Everyone is welcome in America – even those whose doctrine tells them that our laws and government are illegitimate and must be replaced with Islamic Sharia and a new caliphate.
Fundamentally, our now-broken culture of multiculturalism, post-modern denialism and guilt would have us believe that ours is a culture no better than any other and that, as a rule, no culture is any better than another. A radical form of equivalence has overtaken us so that we find it difficult if not impossible to make any value judgment (that is, a discrimination) based upon comparisons between ideologies, foundational concepts, and beliefs.What this means is that we have abandoned our core beliefs in favor of multiculturalism, post-modernism, guilt and despair which has brought us the now ubiquitous fraud of radical equivalence.This silliness without doubt also brought us the nightmare at Fort Hood and similar horrors. After all, the ridiculous protectors of multiculturalism in our institutions must have said to one another, just because Hasan declared himself a jihadist and expressed anger and hatred toward the country he served in uniform didn’t necessarily mean that he was a potential threat. Obviously, they could not have been more wrong.We know the bloody results of this absurd non-thinking which continues to keep us mired in Iraq and Afghanistan – both countries having Sharia law and Islam as the foundations of their new states. We helped them write their Constitutions. These documents are foundationally in opposition to our own core concepts of freedom, tolerance, and decency that have always characterized American society. This is all a national nightmare of ignorance, wishful thinking, confusion and despair from which we must awaken quickly.

If one is observant one can see the famous COEXIST bumper-sticker on vehicles in most every state. Each of the letters in the word COEXIST is a symbol; the Islamic crescent is there, the Jewish star, the Christian cross, the peace sign, etc., – but it is all a multicultural dream/fraud, and a lie. Coexistence requires that all parties share in the desire for it, and actively work toward it. Peaceful coexistence absolutely must be a two-way street.There is a great deal of outreach, bridge building and interfaith dialoguing from the Jewish and Christian communities, but mainly silence from those who have submitted to Allah and Mohammed, (unless the proposed mosque at Ground Zero is considered a bridge rather than a cruel, tone deaf affront). The new self-defeating absurdist Chrislam movement is perhaps the most egregious of all.In the same wishful thinking/ignorance mode of the coexist bumper sticker marketing program, Chrislam appears to be gaining traction in some Christian churches. This profoundly confused new Christian movement of appeasement/surrender to Islam, masquerading as dialogue and bridge building, should be the cause of great alarm. Bill Muehlenberg, a theologian, describes it succinctly:Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground withMuslims. Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. It is a syncretistic movement that speaks about spirituality without boundaries.Whenever you hear that sort of talk, you should start heading for the hills.Much like the surge in conversions to Islam after 9/11 this extreme denial of the core tenets of both religions in order to seek a pleasant (but altogether fictional) middle ground of understanding is nothing more than a bizarre extension of the coexistence theme that entirely denies a conflict exists at all between Islam and every other religion on the planet. The process works like this:
1-Remove context.
2-Deny the fundamental values and concepts of Christian doctrine.
3-Deny the fundamental values and obligations of Islam (including hatred of Christians and Jews, denial of the divinity of Jesus, and the universal requirement of jihad).
4-Ignore context, history, and common sense.
5-Create movement of surrender and pretend that it is a boon and a way to peace and coexistence.

While Winston Churchill’s bust was unceremoniously returned to England when the current administration took power and old alliances and friendships were cracked and denied, Churchill’s insight will forever give us a boost to whit.An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.This new denialist movement is important because it might someday lead to a kind of peace. However, the peace between Islam and Christians that is understood by Muslims is not the same as that understood by Christians. There is likely no sign on the door of these Chrislam churches that says, Surrender hope and your Christianity all ye who enter.It is understood that Jesus appears in the Koran; Muslims make much of this when trying to convert kafirs to Islam – that is, when they do dawah. But Jesus is not divine in the Koran, in fact he did not die on the cross – this means that Islam denies the two core concepts of Christianity – Christ’s divinity and the resurrection.And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger – they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.Koran: 4:157

Disturbingly, the central concepts of Christianity are denied in Islamic doctrine. According to the Koran, there is no Trinity, and Allah never had a son. This begs the question that all Chrislam proponents must ask themselves: Is the god of Islam the same god of Christianity? The answer is no. The concept that Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all co-believers in a kind of unified Abrahamic tradition is the foundation of interfaith dialogue – unfortunately, it is not so.O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor utter aught concerning Allah save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and say not Three – Cease! (it is) better for you! – Allah is only One God. Far is it removed from His Transcendent Majesty that He should have a son. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is sufficient as Defender.Koran: 4:171

Those who suggest (Christians) that Jesus Christ was the Son of God are committing a great blasphemy according to the Koran.And they say: The Beneficent hath taken unto Himself a son. Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous! Whereby almost the heavens are torn, and the earth is split asunder and the mountains fall in ruins, that they should invoke a son for ((Allah)) Most Gracious.Koran, 19:88-91

Where is the middle ground between these diametrically opposed ideologies? What can be the tolerance and understanding basis for theological discussions within the walls of a church or synagogue during Chrislam events or bridge building meetings or interfaith dialogues? Does it give comfort or confusion to Christians (and Jews) who participate in these denialist dawa facades that according to Islamic doctrine Christ returns to earth following the Islamic messiah – but then proceeds to destroy crosses, end Christianity, and kill Jews? Jesus will descend from heaven and espouse the cause of the Mahdi (Islamic Messiah). The Christians and Jews will see him and recognize his true status. The Christians will abandon their faith in his godhead (sic).(Al-Sadr and Mutahhari The Awaited Savior, as quoted in The Islamic Antichrist by Joel Richardson, p.55)Narrated Abu Huraira:Allah’s Apostle said, The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts).Hadith: Bukhari: Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656

Jesus , the son of Mary will soon descend among the Muslims as a just judge… Jesus will, therefore, judge according to the law of Islam… all people will be required to embrace Islam and there will be no other alternative.(Valiankode, Doomsday Portents and Prophecies, 358, as quoted in The Islamic Antichrist by Joel Richardson, p. 56, (see above).Sophie Scholl and her friends of the White Rose are among the few great German heroes of WW2. All freedom loving people, all those who love justice and revere bravery, selflessness, and goodness consider Sophie Scholland her friends true heroes. With few exceptions (e.g., Colonel Stauffenberg), they are among the very few of their countrymen to whom Germans can forever refer back with pride for having actively opposed the Nazi regime.Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl, Chrisoph Probst - The White Rose, 1942 Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl, Christoph Probst - The White Rose, 1942

Susanne Zeller-Hirzel is one of two surviving members of the White Rose group. She spent 6 months in a gestapo jail for her White Rose activities. (Image above courtesy of Spartacus Educational.)Zeller-Hirzel, now an opponent of jihadism, believes that defending our cultures and countries against a rising Islam requires the active participation of the church. In an October, 2009 interview, she said,I think something terrible needs to happen before Germans awaken. 9/11 was too far away from the German people. The churches fail miserably in the task of informing people about Islamic ideology. That can only happen through grassroots activism, education and instruction. Even if in Europe the churches play an increasingly smaller social role, the people ought to be agitating in church institutions, in the parishes and so forth.There are core principles that make a Christian a Christian; there are core principles that make an American. Understanding and re-embracing our core principles will make us able once again to be discriminating (in a healthy, self-supporting way) so that our cultures and way of life will not be overrun by an intractable, violent, supremacist ideology that views our tolerance, our silly denialism, our coexistence bumper stickers and institutional appeasements as nothing more than societal decline and weakness.We cannot acknowledge and understand (nor defend ourselves against) an oppositional and hostile ideology if we pretend that it is something that it is not. As the saying goes,It is what it is and Islam is nothing if not about Islam itself.Denialism and our failure to discern and discriminate, the inability to make value judgments based upon our understanding of ourselves and what we stand for and believe make us ripe fodder for the aggressive cultural, ideological, and terror war that is being waged against us. Those people and institutions that pretend an enemy isn’t, and that refuse to discriminate between survival and political correctness and cannot appreciate the quality of their own values versus those of others are the foundations of the deconstruction and ultimate fall of our culture.We should take the message of Zeller-Hirzel and ignore the dawa and accusations of those whose purpose is our destruction. We always have a choice, and denial of the truth should not be one of them. By way of encouragement Zeller-Hirzel, once of the White Rose, said, Strive for unity. It makes resistance powerful and courageous.