Monday, November 05, 2007





Short Overview.

The authors demonstrate how the Mayan Holy Number 1,366,560 days, known as the birth of Venus and the basis of their calendar, indicates ancient knowledge of sun spot cycles and their effect on the human race. They explore the popular myth of Quetzalcoatl and its origins in Maya ideas concerning the sun cycle.

They show the links between the pre-Columbian civilizations of Central America and the Old World, in particular Egypt. Examining the archaeological record, they find further evidence for linking the origins of Mayan civilization with the mythical lost continent of Atlantis, which according to Plato was destroyed in a series of catastrophes. They reveal that the Mayan calendar prophesies the end of our own Age of the Jaguar, the fifth and final sun in 2012 AD. This, according to Cotterell's sun-spot theories, will be brought about by a sudden reversal in the earth's magnetic field. The book is lavishly illustrated with 40 colour plates as well as many black and white pictures and diagrams. It is a book full of startling discoveries not only about the past and the seemingly remote civilization of the Maya but ourselves and the destiny of the human race.


Mexico is a strange country that contains many secrets. On March 4 1519 Hernan Cortes, with 11 ships, 600 foot soldiers, 16 horses and some artillery landed on the coast near what was to become Vera Cruz. By August 13 1521 he had conquered the Aztec Empire, the most powerful state in all of the Americas. Part of the reason for his success was a case of mistaken identities, the Indians believing that he was a god named Quetzalcoatl whose return had long been prophesied. The Spanish for their part were both fascinated and appalled by what they found in this New World. To them the indigenous religion, which included human sacrifice on a grand scale, was both barbarous and satanic. Accordingly they set about destroying it without trace.

Whole libraries of colourful bark-books were burnt and those natives who did not die from disease, hunger and over-work were forcibly converted to Catholicism. Fortunately not all the Spanish were as unsympathetic towards the Indians as Cortes. A few, such a friar named Bernadino Sahagun, made friends with the natives and attempted to record for posterity their traditional beliefs and ideas. He discovered that central to their philosophy was a belief in the cyclical nature of time and an awesome fear that one day, possibly sooner rather than later, their world would come to an end. It seems that they believed that the sun, which they nourished with their sacrifices, would one day no longer send its life force, thereby bringing to an end the fifth and last age of man. They counted the days according to two calendars, one a vague year of 365 days and the other a shorter cycle of 260 days. Every day had two names, one according to each calendar so that the same combination of names would not recur for 52 years. When one of these 52 year time periods, known as an Aztec century, came to an end they would leave their cities and, going up into the surrounding hills, anxiously watch the stars.

The sign they were looking for was the Pleiades star-group, symbolising for them a cosmic snake's rattle, crossing the southern meridian at midnight. This, they believed, meant that the heavens had not stopped turning and the sun would rise again. The Aztecs celebrated the birth of this new 'century' with rejoicing and the lighting of fires, symbolising the rebirth of the world. Most native Meso-American documents were destroyed in the early years of the Spanish occupation but a few priceless books and relics did survive the destruction, either having been hidden by the Indians or exported back to Europe as presents for the King. The most important of these was what is now called the Dresden Codex, named after the town in whose library it was lodged. This strange book, inscribed with unknown hieroglyphs, was written by Maya Indians who once ruled over much of Central America, the ruins of their once grand civilization littering the jungle. In 1880 a brilliant, German scholar, who was working as a librarian in Dresden, turned his attention to this codex. By a process of extraordinary detective work he cracked the code of the Mayan calendar making it possible for other scholars and explorers to translate the many dated inscriptions to be found on buildings, stelae and other ancient Mayan artefacts. He discovered that the Dresden Codex itself was concerned with astronomy providing detailed tables of lunar eclipses and other phenomenon.

These were so accurate that they put our own calendar to shame. He also found evidence for a curious magic number- 1,366,560 days, which could be factorised in a number of ways and which harmonised the cycles of Venus and Mars with two yearly cycles also used by the Maya: the sacred tzolkin of 260 days and the Haab of 365 days. However, he also found that they had another system of counting the days relative to a starting date, called the Birth of Venus and now known to be 13 August 3114 BC. This calendar was divided into months or uinals of twenty days, years or tuns of 360 days and longer periods of 7200 days, the katun and 144,000 days, the baktun. The number 13 was magically important to them and they believed that, starting from the Birth of Venus, after 13 of these longest periods, or baktuns, the world would come to an end. Working from their start date this Mayan Prophecy points to a date in our own time, 22 December 2012.

In 1986 Maurice Cotterell put forward a revolutionary theory concerning astrology and sun cycles. He had for some years suspected that the sun's variable magnetic field had consequences for life on earth. The sun has a complex field which loops and twists itself into knots. It has long been suspected that these loops give rise to sunspots, which are dark blemishes on the sun's skin. The number, size and location of sunspots are constantly changing and as a former Radio Officer, Cotterell was well aware that they have profound effects upon the earth's magnetic envelope, the magnetosphere. Whilst working as Head of Electrical and Communications Engineering (Estates) at Cranfield Institute of Technology, he devised a program that would compute the relationship between the sun's magnetic field and the Earth. As expected his model predicted that there should be a sunspot cycle of roughly eleven and a half years, closely corresponding to what has been observed over several centuries.

However, he also found graphic evidence for longer cycles including a period of 1,366,040 days. His work took a new turn when he read about the Mayan super number from the Dresden Codex: 1,366,560 days. This was exactly two 260 day cycles larger than his theoretical sunspot period. He therefore proposed that the two were related. As his earlier work on what he called Astrogenetics indicated that human fertility was dependent on the presence of sunspots, he now had evidence that the Mayan calendar was not arbitrary but was based on a knowledge of the effects of sunspots. This explained the near obsession they had for long cycles of time and their belief in the rise and fall of four previous ages of man. Travelling in Mexico, Cotterell extended his ideas and gave them a public airing on television. After giving a lecture at the Voluntary Cultural society, he was awarded a medal by the wife of the President. By now his work included some very esoteric investigations into the 'Lid of Palenque', a mysterious sarcophagus cover made famous in the 1960s by Eric von Däniken, who believed it showed the picture of an ancient astronaut. Cotterell now identified the lid as a graphic representation of Mayan philosophy and as containing many hidden messages and codes. In 1994 he met up with Adrian Gilbert, who had recently co-authored a book on the Egyptian pyramids called The Orion Mystery.

Gilbert too went to Mexico and was fascinated to discover the extent to which the ancient Mexicans venerated the rattlesnake. He discovered some curious cultural similarities between the early Maya and the ancient Egyptians, even though their civilizations are separated by millennia. Whereas the Egyptians studied the movements of the Hyades, Orion and its companion star Sirius, the Maya were more interested in the nearby Pleiades star-cluster. They viewed it as the warning rattle of a great cosmic serpent, which seems to have corresponded to the ecliptic. The head of this serpent was the sun and they believed that it was the source of all life on earth. The Maya, like the Aztecs, believed there had been four ages prior to our own. Gilbert was able to relate the first of these to Atlantis and investigated certain prophecies relating to this fabled civilization. It seems that the serpent religion, which the early Spanish conquistadors attempted to eradicate, may well owe its origins to survivors of this lost race, some of whom went to Egypt and some to Central America. The original Quetzalcoatl, whose name means plumed serpent and who was identified with the planet Venus, probably lived at the start of the fourth age, around 3114 BC and initiated a highly ethical religion of penance. This later degenerated into human sacrifice: physical hearts instead of emotions being offered to the sun.

Other prophets of the same name lived later and Cortes was mistaken for his reincarnation. The Mayan calendar points to 22 December 2012 as being the end of our present age. Changes around that time to the sun's magnetic field could have consequences for us all. Perhaps we are already witnesing the beginnings of this change with the desertification of more and more land. This seems to have happened in a more localised way at the time of another sun spot minima, leading to the collapse of the Mayan civilization. Their ruined, jungle cities are a warning to us all.


I don't know much about the Mayan Calandar but I will try to get imformation to help us all out so we can understand it.

Intro here from Montel Williams Show. What would you do if you knew you only had 5 more years to live. Well to this I must say the World goes on forever never ends to Montels Question. 2012 - According to ancient Prophecy, Planitary formation and even internet based data, Doomsday is close at hand. Montel oviously does not read the Bible or he'd know the World goes on forever. 1500 years ago the Mayans from central America devised an amazingly accurate calendar perdicting the perfect alignment of the Earth, Sun and a black hole in our galaxy. This event which appearently happens every 26,000 years was only recently discovered by the worlds scientists. Midevil Occultists, Native American Tribes and now an internet site called the Web-bot, which has already predicted international disasters. All tell the doomsday in our time. Are these just coincidences, or could Dec 21, 2012 be the last day for all of us. Once again I must stress to Montel the World goes on forever only half of Earths population die in WW3 not this alignment of planets.

Author of the Book Apocalyse 2012 Larry Joseph was on the Show. Heres whay Larry said! Im the Chairman of a small Plasma Physics Company, and Plasma is Energy is Gases form. And the Principal Scientists said to me that the Sun which is a big ball of Energy in Gasish form is misbehaving. Is making mayonais is the way he put it. Montel adds : in the last year and a half 40 to 50,000 Scientists who now recognize there's a big problem, have all gotten together collectively to study this issue to find out whether or not there will be any ramifications from whats going on with the Sun. Larry Adds: absolutely, 2012 is called the International helio-physical year. And its a major collaboration, you have not heard much about it, but its goin on. There's six sattalite missions goin on around the Sun right now examining whats happening. And the one thing every one can agree on is that the next climax of Solar activity, the next period of the most fearsome storms and explosions, which will pummel the Earth will come in 2012. Montel adds: But in the last 5 years has there not been more Solar flares, more Solar Sun spots, more activity that science is associating with things like, The Indonesian Tsunami. Larry adds: to understand the Earths connection to the Sun is like trying to understand your tv without plugging it in. We are plugged into the Sun for our dear life. Talking about storms on the Earth, with all the coverage of Katrina and Rita and Willam and the fall of New Orleans thereafter. One of the Stormyest periods ever recorded on the Earth. Did you ever hear it was also one of the stormyest periods ever recorded on the Sun.

These Scientists are right on by what the Bible says. Lets look at the scipture before we go any futher.


ISAIAH 30:26-27
26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire:

MATTHEW 24:21-22,29
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened (Daylight hours shortened)
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

Montel adds : Has anyone heard of the Mayan Calendar. In the last 100 years almost every single Solar, Enviromental phenomina from the Tsunamis to Hurricanes have almost been predicted on this Calendar, correct, eciplipses of the Sun. Larry says: there uncanny. Montel: almost predicted to the, in some cases 1/10th of 100% of a percentage point to what we have been able to predict with computers. Larry: They predicted it 1500 years ago without Teloscopes, Computers, Space craft, nothin. Montel: and they predicted that the Calendar ends Dec 21, 2012. They predicted that that would be the fourth faze of the Earth, they predicted this 1500 years ago. What will this be folks, its not like a Meteor is going to hit the planet. Well Montel yes a Meteor will hit the Earth but later on my comment. Montel: But what could happen because of all the Solar Flare and Solar activity, because Solar energy is energy it affects metal. The mantel of the Earth is metal. If the Sun goes haywire on crack and starts blasting the Earth, one prediction is that the Earth's entire Polar Axis will tilt 45 to 50 degrees. When that happens all the Volanoes on the Earth could erupt. Stan: hes right on there lots of Volcanic activity during the 7 year tribulation period. Montel: the seas could boil over. Were all sitting here and in 5 to 10 days you could be in total darkness. Stan: this is predicted for the end of the 7 yr tibulation, these guys are right on. By the Bible these prophecies from the Mayan Calendar will come to pass.

Dr Doctorian from Angel 1
Earthquakes will take place all over Asia and the sea will cover the earth. The earth will fall into the sea, I heard the angel say.

I shall control the weather - scorching and burning of the sun in some parts. In other parts, flooding. Foundations shall be shaken. So many earthquakes shall happen that rivers shall flow different directions in the continent, flooding many villages. I saw great pieces falling from the sky over different parts of Africa (Meteorites I think). The final day has come. Judgment day is here. My love has been refused now, and the end has come.

The whole world was shaking. The earth shall be burned and destroyed. As the angel began to pour from the bowl in his hand, I saw tremendous icebergs melting. I saw the angel pouring over Mexico and two oceans joining together- the Atlantic and the Pacific.


Conscousness - The awarness of being aware. Whenever you notice something there is your consciouness.

What is a Calendar? A calendar is the absolute center of any civilisations consciousness.

Time and place are the orientation of consciousness. Time is a consideration, Time is flexible. Time is only an idea, but it is also an agreement in our Calendar. Time is an agreement of consideration between people.

Place is an agreement. And every place holds different kinds of conscousness. Different Cities have different orientations to their conscousnesses just as time has different orientations of conscousnesses. Time and place are piviotal to our whole existance.

Conscousness is your viewpoint of time and place. It is your decisions you make.



It is a 260 day Calendar. This was the Mayas personal calendar and astrological calendar also.

When a person was born on a certain date their first name was that date. This is how personal the Mayan calendar was to Mayans. The reason why the calendar was made up of energies. The 260 days is made up of 13 intentions that run 1-13 and repeat itself. The Mayan calendar also has 20 aspects of creation that run 1-20 and repeat itself. 20 TIMES 13 = 260 DAYS. So there is a complete set of 13 intentions repeated 20 times. The Mayan person born on a certain day was givin the name of the intention and the aspect that they represent. So a Mayan new his life would be a cetain aspect being born on that cetain day. For 5000 years Mayans ran their life by this calendar. The Mayans celebrated every single day of their calendar as a sacred event. Every single day has an intention and every single day has an aspect of Creation. Why not align your own lives, decisions and activities to the flow of creation.


This is the Mayan 360 day calendar. These two combined were so accurate over thousands of years and today. Those Prophecies were based on the two calendar with the intentions and aspects of the Tzolkin calendar.

The Tzolkin calendar of 260 days makes the Tun calendar move like wheels with grooves side by side. As the Tzolkin calendar moves it imparts the 13 intentions and the 20 aspects of creation into the 360 day Tun calendar. Every 52 rounds of the Tun 360 day calendar the links match up. When the calendars matched up all started over again. The Tzolkin Calendar was the Sun and the Tun Calendar was the Earth. Every 52 rotations of the Tzolkin Calendar the Tun Calendar and the Tzolkin Calendar would match up. So 260 X 52 = 13,520 Days for the Sun to Equal rotation of the Earth.


A 9 level pyramid. All Mayan pyramids are 5 or 9 levels only for a reason. They were cerimonial centers for the aspects of creation.


What this calendar says is there will be 9 levels of creation or consconess that will exist.

1-Starting 16.4 Billion years ago. This Universe began the Mayans believe. This first cycle is called Celular. In fact all the cycles are named for there product. What that cycle produced. The first Celular cycle is when life started. There are 7 letters at the bottom of the pyramid representing To each level of this conscouness there are 7 periods of Day and 6 periods of night. This Mayan Idea came right from the Bible the 7 days of creation. The Mayans believed there were 7 days to each creation level and 6 nights. Each one of the days and the nights has a particular intention. 1st-day, 1st-night, 2nd-day, 2nd-night, 3rd-day, 3rd-night, 4th-day, 4th-night, fifth-day, fifth night, sixth-day, sixth-night, seventh-day, seventh-night, eighth-day, eighth-night, nineth-day, nineth-night, tenth-day, tenth-night, eleventh-day, eleventh-night, twelth-day, twelth-night, and thirteenth-day, thirteenth-night.


7 days to each level of creation and 6 days. The Mayans started at creation and calculated the 13 levels from there. For days they calculated 16.4 billion divided by 13 = 1.26 billion years for each day and each night.


The Mayans believed 16.4 billion years ago was the first celular life. Each day and night lasted 1.26 billion years.


Started 820 million years ago. This cycle was called the malmillion cycle because it dealt with mammals. The Mayans Divided 820 million by 13 which = 63.4 million years ago. Each day and night lasted 63.4 million years.


Started 41 million years ago. This cycle was called the Family cycle. 41 million divided by 13 = 3.2 million years. Each day and night lasted 3.2 million years.


Started 2 million years ago. This cycle was called the Tribal cycle. 2 mllion divided by 13 = 160 thousand years. Each day and night lasted 160 thousand years.


Started 102 thousand years ago. This cycle was called the cultural cycle. 102 thousand divided by 13 = 8 thousand years. Each day and night lasted 8 thousand years.


Started in 3115 BC. This cycle was called the National Conscouness. King Minus of Egypt married the upper and lower nile cultures into the first Nation. Each day and night was 400 years.


Started in 1755 AD. This cycle was called the Planitary cycle. Each day and night lasted 19.7 years. This was the beggining of the Industrial revolution.


Started on Jan 5, 1999. This cycle was called the Galactic cycle. Each day and night is 360 days.


Starts Feb 10, 2011. This cycle is called the Universal cycle. This whole cycle will be 260 days long. This cycle ends Oct 28, 2011. This is when the 9 layers of the pyramid come to an end. From the 16.4 billion years to Oct 28, 2011. Each day and night is 20 days.


5th day of Celular cycle was 6.5 Billion yrs ago the birthday of the Solar system. And the 5th night about 5-4.5 Billion yrs ago was a delivering. This night there was 250 million Meteor years of bombardments on all the planets.
5th day of the mamillion cycle was 315 million yrs ago life moved out of the Oceans to the land. The night period 97% of all life died.
5th day of the Family cycle Scientists believe when organisms developed eyes etc. The 5th night scientist no nothing about.
5th day of the tribal cycle 800 thousand yrs ago Fire was discovered. This night was the Ice age.
5th day of the Cultural cycle was 40 thousand yrs ago. Art was discovered. Futurist was born. This night neandrothol disappeared for lack of conscience.
5th day of the National cycle was 3110AD writting was discovered. In 40 AD Paul brought forward the message of Christ. During the fifth night Rome fell apart.
5th day of the Planitary cycle 1913 was the publication of E=Mc2. The Hubble telescope was discovered were everything is possible. 1932 was night and WW2 occured.
5th day of the Galactic cycle . Ethic. Morals - are a blanket soulution to spontaneous situations. Ethics - shine from within yourself. Are spontaneous solutions to spontaneous situations.
5th day of the Universal cycle. CONSCIOUS CO-CREATION.



Galactic Consciousness Cycle timing

1st day - Jan 5,99 - Dec 30,99 (seeds of consciousness planted)

1st night - Dec 31,99 - Dec 24,00 (Consciousness is activated)

2nd day - Dec 25,00 - Dec 19,01 (Polarity is displayed)

2nd night - Dec 20,01 - Dec 14,02 (Old and New consciouness collide)

3rd day - Dec 15,02 - Dec 09,03 (The truth rolls out - Like it or not)

3rd night - Dec 10,03 - Dec 03,04 (Adjustments to the truth - Don't hold on but flow)

4th day - Dec 4,04 - Nov 28,05 (New foundations of Human relations)

4th night - Nov 29,05 - Nov 23,06 (Ethical procedures are implemented)

5th day - Nov 24,06 - Nov 18,07 (We meet our Galactic Neighbours)

5th night - Nov 19,07 - Nov 12,08 (The end of manufactured lack)

6th day - Nov 13,08 - Nov 07,09 (Consciousness surpasses technology)

6th night - Nov 08,09 - Nov 02,10 (Bliss, we will need the practice)

7th day - Nov 3,10 - Oct 28,11 (We evolve to conscious co-creation of existence and experience)

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